PAW Talk
University of Connecticut
March 8, 2024
Traditional Definition
: A historical change where content morphemes (e.g., noun, verb, adjective) in
specific contexts turn gradually (over 10s to 100s of years) into functional
morphemes (e.g., preposition, determiner, pronoun) (Meillet, 1912)
Bridge construction
: ambiguous between two meanings
: speakers use the bridge construction a lot when transition starts to occur
Traditional Definition
: A historical change where content morphemes (e.g., noun, verb, adjective) in
specific contexts turn gradually (over 10s to 100s of years) into functional
morphemes (e.g., preposition, determiner, pronoun) (Meillet, 1912)
be going to
(a) I am going to school. [Original: a content morpheme referencing motion]
(b) It is going to rain. [Modern: a marker of future tense]
(c) “The kings and princes are going to see the queen’s picture.” (Shakespeare)
[Bridge Construction: Ambiguous (motion/future)]
(a) “Don’t mind me tho’–For all my fun and jokes.” (1751, OED) [Original:
(b) The picnic is very fun. [Modern: Adjective (first in early 1800s, OED)]
(c) This is fun. [Bridge Construction: Ambiguous (Noun/Adjective)]
Det N’[count] V NP
great fun
1.00 Root → S EndP 0.29 N’[count] → 0.55 bear, 0.27 picnic, 0.18 mouse
0.67 NP → Det N’[count] 0.29 AdjP → 0.55 great, 0.27 quiet, 0.18 sweet
0.33 NP → N’[mass]
0.44 AAdvP → 0.55 very, 0.27 really, 0.18 somewhat
0.33 N’[count] → AdjP N’[count]
0.29 AdvP → 0.55 soon, 0.27 quickly, 0.18 slowly
0.33 N’[mass] → AdjP N’[mass]
0.19 VP → 0.55 sleeps, 0.27 eats, 0.18 pauses
0.33 AdjP → AAdv AdjP
0.44 Vtans → 0.55 has, 0.27 lieks, 0.18 chases
0.33 AdvP → AAdv AdvP
0.55 Det → 0.55 the, 0.27 a, 0.18 some
0.67 VP → Vtrans NP
0.33 VP → BE AdjP 0.55 BE → 0.55 is, 0.27 seems, 0.18 appears
0.67 VP → BE N’[mass]
0.33 VP → Adv VP 1.00 EndP → .
Example sentences
θi+1 = θi + Ω + 2π
sin(2πθi+1 )
Arnold Tongue
In the parameter space (K, Ω) of the circle map,
different parameter settings are associated with
different rhythmic patterns
Sticky medium
: given environment that is able to
reflect the external force not
disappearing over time
: external (world) force
Visual structure/ion
: structure at the moment
PAW Talk University of Connecticut Marc
Whitney Tabor, Hyosun Lee A Dynamical Systems Approach to Language Change
16 / 34: The Nature of Grammatical Stability
S EndP
Det N’[count] BE NP
Det “seems”
“is” “soon”
NbarCount NbarMass AdjP
“sweet” “very”
“mouse” “water” “quiet”
great fun “really”
(In a standard PCFG tree, these are the same entity, but in
a Metric Grammar Tree (MG tree), they are separate
The separation of mothers-below from daughters-above provides the
opening for self-organization
PCFG = Probabilistic Context Free Grammar
Thus we define the degree of context freeness of a metric grammar as the total
variance of its clusters.
PAW Talk University of Connecticut Marc
Whitney Tabor, Hyosun Lee A Dynamical Systems Approach to Language Change
21 / 34: The Nature of Grammatical Stability
Metric Grammar Processing: Parsing
Let pi be the point associated with the mother of the i’th treelet of the
metric grammar. Let dij be the distance between pi and pj . Consider
the following iterated map dynamical system:
pi (t + 1) = d−α
ij (t) pj (t) (3)
Matlab Demo
(a) What fun! (Noun—18th cent.)
(b) It is fun. (Ambiguous—18th cent.)
(c) The dinner was rather fun. (Predicate Adjective—19th century)
(d) We had a fun time. (Attributive Adjective)
• Distort
the position of some instances of the treelet, N → fun to
decrease the frequency of unambiguous noun occurrences
and increase the frequency of ambiguous cases.
• Compute the mother position
induced by the neural network for the phrase, BE + fun
• Measure the distance
between this mother location and MEAN(AdjP).
be going to (V to Aux)
sort/kind of (N+P to AdvP)
fun (N to Adj)
wegen (N to P)
keun-dae (sentence-initial/medial position to sentence-final position)
Hendrik De Smet.
The course of actualization.
Language, 88:601 – 633, 2012.
Antoine Meillet.
L’evolution des formes grammaticales.
In Linguistique Historique et Linguistic Generale, pages 13–48. Champion,
Paris, 1912.
Ian G. Roberts and Anna Rousseau.
Syntactic change : a minimalist approach to grammaticalization.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2003.