Reducing EMI from a Rectangular Enclosure
Reducing EMI from a Rectangular Enclosure
Reducing EMI from a Rectangular Enclosure
Sana Iqbal, Muhammad Amin Kashif Nadeem, Irfan Majid Muhammad Inam Abbasi
SUPARCO- Lahore, Pakistan AERO- Hassan Abdaal, Pakistan Univerisiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia , Johor, Malaysia
Abstract- In this paper, it has been shown that by loading the electromagnetic radiations. There are many design strategies
slots in enclosure with metal wires, the radiated emissions from which if followed minimizes the radiations and makes the
the cavity can be significantly reduced. Loading slots with equipment less susceptible such as distance between signal
multiple wires eliminate slot cavity resonances and emissions at lines, symmetry in signal and ground lines, multilayer PCBs,
cavity mode resonance frequencies can be reduced by as much as
proper routing of conducting paths and wires etc. However,
80dBµV/m on average. The technique is useful at post fabrication
stage of enclosure to eliminate the peaks at resonant frequencies for general signal Integrity and safety from interference, a
and bring down the level of radiated emission below threshold metallic housing is used, usually aluminum, which is light
values as defined by various standards. weight.
A metallic enclosure with no holes, slots, apertures & vents
Keywords-component; Electromagnetic Interference (EMI); provides almost perfect shielding by attenuating the E-field
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC); Cavity mode resonance escaping from the enclosure to extremely low level (Figure 1).
This however is not strictly applicable for quasi static low
frequency (where electric and magnetic fields are not strongly
I. INTRODUCTION coupled) magnetic fields. This is because metallic walls do not
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) & EMC (Electromagnetic provide very effective shielding against the magnetic fields.
Compatibility) standards are increasingly becoming applicable Magnetic field requires high permeability materials which are
to more and more commercial electronic products. Besides also known as mu- metals. In this paper we only discuss
commercial products there are military standards defined for shielding of electric fields or electromagnetic radiations (high
military equipment. These standards are also applicable to frequency fields, when electric and magnetic fields are
satellite subsystems. The stringent standards [1] restrict the strongly coupled). Shielding from electric fields or
equipment/ product not to emit radiations greater than a electromagnetic energy can best be done by using a metallic
threshold value [2] and ensure its proper functioning without enclosure as described above but shielding enclosures require
significant performance degradation if there are radiations slots, apertures, vents and/or holes due to various reasons such
equal to or less than the threshold value. The noise may enter as heat dissipation, I/O connector ports including unused or
from one equipment (which may be called source) to another open ports, for weight reduction [3], [4], facilitating control
equipment (which may be called victim) either through panels, dials, visual access windows [5], and to prevent
wireless medium (through radiations), in which case it is outgassing issues in outer-space environment. Loading slot
called Radiated Emission (RE), or via wires & cables, in with wires, to reduce radiated emission level is useful to avoid
which case it is called Conducted Emission (CE). For source emission at sensitive receiver frequencies where various
equipment thresholds are defined so that it should not radiated standards such as FCC & MIL-STD461E define stringent E-
electromagnetic energy greater than this. For victim field threshold values [6], [7].
equipment minimum and maximum values of outputs are One significant advantage of loading the slots with wires is
defined such that if these outputs remain within these values, that this technique can be adopted without making any design
it is assumed it is functioning properly. If the outputs are less change in the housing or enclosure. Design of the housing
than the minimum or greater than the maximum value, the takes place at early stages. These mechanical structures
equipment is said not to be functioning properly. Description require a lot of machining and the process is time consuming.
of allowable values for these outputs is also called EMI/EMC tests are carried out at later stages once the
performance matrix. If the victim equipment, when exposed to enclosure is completely ready. If non-compliance is found, the
specified levels of emission conforms to the performance change in housing design may be one solution, however its
matrix, it is said that the equipment is not susceptible to EMI. implementation at such a later stage might not be possible.
However if during the exposure to electromagnetic radiations Therefore loading slot with wires is a very useful alternative
the outputs are out of range as defined in performance matrix to reduced levels of undesired emission.
it is concluded that the equipment is susceptible to
Presence of these slots and holes significantly contribute to geometry of the enclosure is shown in Figure 2. The thickness
increased EMI levels and hence besides cavity resonance of the walls is taken to be 0.1mm, albeit thickness does not
modes, slot and slot-cavity modes are also introduced [3]. have any significant effects on the results as long as inner
Peaks in Figure1 represent cavity, slot and cavity-slot modes. dimensions of the cavity are same as in [3], [4] and the
In general slot dimensions can be varied but if standard thickness is neither less than a few skin depths (for the
connectors such as DB/D-sub are to be used, their dimensions penetration of electromagnetic energy) nor comparable to
are fixed depending on the number of connecting pins. wavelength (i.e. slot does not behave as waveguide).
Presence of slot in a metallic enclosure has two effects [2].
Firstly emission levels from enclosure become significant.
Secondly, new resonance peaks appear due to slot resonance
and slot–cavity resonance. In the former case if emission
levels are greater than the threshold levels it requires
mitigation and in the later case if radiation sources inside the
enclosure or those present in the vicinity of the EUT or their
harmonics are close to the resonant frequencies, this will
generate worst conditions as far as EMI/EMC is concerned [8]
and thus again would require some remedial measures to
reduce these emissions or shift those to some non-critical