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Fleet RMM Ver. 1.

User’s Guide
Table of contents
1 Introduction
1.1 About this product .......................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Trademarks and registered trademarks ....................................................................................... 1-2
Trademark acknowledgements...........................................................................................................1-2
Dialog boxes .......................................................................................................................................1-2

2 Overview
2.1 Overview of System ........................................................................................................................ 2-2
2.2 System environment requirements ............................................................................................... 2-4
2.2.1 Client ...................................................................................................................................................2-4

3 How to Use
3.1 Login................................................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.2 Common Operations ...................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.1 Main page ...........................................................................................................................................3-3
Search by device tag ..........................................................................................................................3-4
Switching a list page...........................................................................................................................3-4
3.2.2 Password mask display ......................................................................................................................3-5
3.2.3 Specifying how to search for multiple keywords ................................................................................3-5
3.2.4 Other common items ..........................................................................................................................3-5
3.3 Account Setting............................................................................................................................... 3-6
[Account Settings] page......................................................................................................................3-6
Changing the password ......................................................................................................................3-6
3.4 Logout .............................................................................................................................................. 3-7
3.5 Preparation for Use......................................................................................................................... 3-8

4 Dashboard
4.1 How to Use Dashboard .................................................................................................................. 4-2
[Dashboard] page................................................................................................................................4-2
Moving a content ................................................................................................................................4-3
Adding a content.................................................................................................................................4-3
4.2 Contents........................................................................................................................................... 4-4
[Quicklist] ............................................................................................................................................4-4
[Device Count].....................................................................................................................................4-4
[New Device Count] ............................................................................................................................4-4
[Devices with Errors] ...........................................................................................................................4-4
[Devices with Warnings]......................................................................................................................4-4
[Toner Level]........................................................................................................................................4-4
[Paper Level] .......................................................................................................................................4-5
[Device Certificate Status]...................................................................................................................4-5
[Top 10 Output Devices] .....................................................................................................................4-5
[Template Distribution Result].............................................................................................................4-5
[Device Settings Audit Result].............................................................................................................4-5
[Edge Operation Status]......................................................................................................................4-6

5 Device
5.1 Device List ....................................................................................................................................... 5-2
[Device List] page................................................................................................................................5-2
5.1.1 Filtering the list....................................................................................................................................5-4

Fleet RMM Contents-1

5.1.2 Device Tag Multi-setting .....................................................................................................................5-4
Exporting the device tag setting list....................................................................................................5-5
Importing the device tag setting list....................................................................................................5-5
About the device tag setting list file....................................................................................................5-6
5.1.3 Setting the list display items ...............................................................................................................5-6
5.1.4 Creating a new quick list.....................................................................................................................5-7
[New Quicklist] page ...........................................................................................................................5-7
[Filter] page .........................................................................................................................................5-8
[Display Items Collection] page ..........................................................................................................5-9
5.2 Device Status Notification Setting .............................................................................................. 5-10
[Status Notification Settings] page ...................................................................................................5-10
5.3 Counter List ................................................................................................................................... 5-11
[Counter List] page............................................................................................................................5-11
5.4 Counter Notification Setting ........................................................................................................ 5-13
[Counter Notification Settings] page.................................................................................................5-13
5.5 Device Management Settings ...................................................................................................... 5-14
[Managed Device List] page .............................................................................................................5-14
5.5.1 Targeting the Device for Management..............................................................................................5-15
5.5.2 Excluding the Device from Management Target...............................................................................5-15
5.5.3 Definitively registering the temporarily registered device .................................................................5-15
5.5.4 Editing a device tag ..........................................................................................................................5-16
[Tag List] page ..................................................................................................................................5-16
5.5.5 Assigning a device tag ......................................................................................................................5-17
5.5.6 Creating a new device group ............................................................................................................5-18
[New Device Group] page .................................................................................................................5-18
5.5.7 Changing the Group to which the Selected Device Belongs............................................................5-19
5.5.8 Editing device information ................................................................................................................5-20
[Device Details Settings] page ..........................................................................................................5-20
Acquiring the registered name by the naming convention ...............................................................5-21
5.5.9 Checking the communication with the device ..................................................................................5-22
[Test Connection] page.....................................................................................................................5-22

6 Template
Operation flow.....................................................................................................................................6-2
6.1 Template List ................................................................................................................................... 6-3
[Template List] page............................................................................................................................6-3
Uploading a template..........................................................................................................................6-4
6.2 Registering a template ................................................................................................................... 6-5
[Template Information] page ...............................................................................................................6-5
Template formats ................................................................................................................................6-6
Function information setting items supported for each model type ...................................................6-7
6.2.1 SSL setting..........................................................................................................................................6-8
[Device Certificate Setting] tab ...........................................................................................................6-8
[Communication Setting] tab ............................................................................................................6-10
[External Certificate Setting] tab .......................................................................................................6-11
Registering the External Certificate ..................................................................................................6-11
6.2.2 Device general settings.....................................................................................................................6-12
[Device Generic Settings] page (Basic format template) ..................................................................6-12
[Device Generic Setting] page (Extended format template)..............................................................6-13
Editing values in the Device Generic Setting ....................................................................................6-14
6.2.3 Registering User and Account ..........................................................................................................6-15
[User List] tab ....................................................................................................................................6-15
Registering user information (Basic format template).......................................................................6-16
Registering user information (Extended format template) ................................................................6-16
[Account List] tab ..............................................................................................................................6-17
Registering account information (Basic format template).................................................................6-18
Registering account information (Extended format template) ..........................................................6-18

Fleet RMM Contents-2

6.2.4 Address Book and Group Address Registration...............................................................................6-18
[Address Book List] tab.....................................................................................................................6-19
Registering address book (Basic format template)...........................................................................6-20
Registering address book (Extended format template) ....................................................................6-20
[Group List] tab .................................................................................................................................6-20
Registering a group address (Basic format template) ......................................................................6-21
Registering a group address (Extended format template) ................................................................6-21
6.3 Importing Device Setting Values to Create a Template ............................................................ 6-22
[Get Device Settings] page ...............................................................................................................6-22
Target data acquired from the device and corresponding template setting items...........................6-23
6.3.1 Registering a scan program..............................................................................................................6-23
6.4 Selecting destination devices ...................................................................................................... 6-24
[Select Device] tab ............................................................................................................................6-24
[Specify Device] tab ..........................................................................................................................6-25
[Specify Device Group] tab ...............................................................................................................6-26
6.5 Checking the communication with the device ........................................................................... 6-27
[Test Connection] page.....................................................................................................................6-27
Types of communication check results ............................................................................................6-27
6.6 Checking the Prohibition of the Template Setting..................................................................... 6-28
[Check Forbidden Combination] page..............................................................................................6-28
Types of prohibition check results....................................................................................................6-29
Prohibition types ...............................................................................................................................6-29
6.7 Registering the template distribution schedule......................................................................... 6-30
[Schedule Task] page........................................................................................................................6-30
6.8 Executing the template distribution ............................................................................................ 6-31
[Template Distribution Result] page..................................................................................................6-31
Types of template distribution results...............................................................................................6-32
6.9 Checking the distribution result details...................................................................................... 6-33
[Template Distribution Result Details] page......................................................................................6-33
6.10 Template Distribution History ...................................................................................................... 6-34
[Template Distribution History] page ................................................................................................6-34

7 Device Setting Audit

Operation flow.....................................................................................................................................7-2
Terminology ........................................................................................................................................7-2
7.1 Setting Audit List............................................................................................................................. 7-2
[Settings Audit List] page ....................................................................................................................7-3
7.2 Registering a setting audit ............................................................................................................. 7-4
[New Settings Audit] page ..................................................................................................................7-4
7.3 Checking the communication with the device ............................................................................. 7-5
[Test Connection] page.......................................................................................................................7-5
7.4 Registering the Setting Value Audit Schedule ............................................................................. 7-6
[Schedule Task] page..........................................................................................................................7-6
7.5 Scanning Setting Values................................................................................................................. 7-7
Scanning setting values ......................................................................................................................7-7
Executing the setting value scan and the setting value reset in succession......................................7-7
[Settings Audit Result] page................................................................................................................7-7
Types of setting audit results..............................................................................................................7-8
Types of scan statuses .......................................................................................................................7-8
7.6 Checking the audit result details................................................................................................... 7-9
[Device Audit Result Details] page......................................................................................................7-9
7.7 Resetting Setting Values .............................................................................................................. 7-10
7.8 Setting Audit History..................................................................................................................... 7-11
[Settings Audit History] page ............................................................................................................7-11

Fleet RMM Contents-3

8 Device Certificate Audit
Operation flow.....................................................................................................................................8-2
8.1 Certificate Audit List ....................................................................................................................... 8-2
[Certificate Audit List] page.................................................................................................................8-3
8.2 Registering a Certificate Audit....................................................................................................... 8-4
[New Certificate Audit] page ...............................................................................................................8-4
8.3 Checking the communication with the device ............................................................................. 8-5
[Test Connection] page.......................................................................................................................8-5
8.4 Registering a Certificate Audit Schedule...................................................................................... 8-6
[Schedule Task] page..........................................................................................................................8-6
8.5 Executing a Certificate Audit ......................................................................................................... 8-7
[Certificate Audit Result] page ............................................................................................................8-7
Types of certificate audit results.........................................................................................................8-8
8.6 Certificate Audit History ................................................................................................................. 8-9
[Certificate Audit History] page ...........................................................................................................8-9

9 Task
9.1 Schedule .......................................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.1.1 Schedule List ......................................................................................................................................9-2
[Schedule Tasks] page........................................................................................................................9-2
9.1.2 Detailed Information of Task ...............................................................................................................9-3
[Task Information] page ......................................................................................................................9-3
9.1.3 Editing a task ......................................................................................................................................9-4
[Edit Task] page ..................................................................................................................................9-4
9.2 History by task................................................................................................................................. 9-5
9.2.1 History list by task...............................................................................................................................9-5
[History List by Task] page..................................................................................................................9-5
9.3 Template Distribution History by Device ...................................................................................... 9-6
9.3.1 Template Distribution History List by Device......................................................................................9-6
[Template Distribution History List by Device] page ...........................................................................9-6

10 System Management
10.1 Mail Server Settings...................................................................................................................... 10-2
[Mail Server Settings] page ...............................................................................................................10-2
10.2 Certificate Authority Settings ...................................................................................................... 10-3
[Certificate Authority Settings] page .................................................................................................10-3
10.3 Active Directory Setting ............................................................................................................... 10-4
[Active Directory Settings] page........................................................................................................10-4
10.4 Other settings................................................................................................................................ 10-5
[Others] page ....................................................................................................................................10-5
10.5 Edge Management ........................................................................................................................ 10-6
[Edge List] page ................................................................................................................................10-6
[Basic Information] tab ......................................................................................................................10-7
[Device Discovery] tab ......................................................................................................................10-8
[Add SNMP Broadcast Discovery Address] page...........................................................................10-10
[Add SNMP Unicast Discovery Address] page ...............................................................................10-11
[Add SNMPv1 Setting] page ...........................................................................................................10-11
[Add SNMPv3 Setting] page ...........................................................................................................10-12
[Device Registration] tab .................................................................................................................10-13
[Device Import] tab..........................................................................................................................10-14
Registering a device by importing the device information list ........................................................10-15
[Discovery Result] tab .....................................................................................................................10-15
[Polling Configuration] tab...............................................................................................................10-16
[Device List] tab ..............................................................................................................................10-17
10.5.1 Registering an Edge........................................................................................................................10-18
[Add a new edge] page ...................................................................................................................10-18

Fleet RMM Contents-4

10.5.2 Edge general settings .....................................................................................................................10-19
[Common Settings] page ................................................................................................................10-19
10.5.3 Auto Assignment Setting for Device Group ....................................................................................10-20
[Build Device Group Assignment Rule] page..................................................................................10-20
[Add Condition] page ......................................................................................................................10-21
10.5.4 Bulk Setting of Device Search Address Ranges.............................................................................10-22
Exporting the search address range setting list .............................................................................10-22
Importing the search address range setting list .............................................................................10-22
About the search address range setting list file..............................................................................10-23
10.6 Role Management....................................................................................................................... 10-24
[Role List] page ...............................................................................................................................10-24
10.6.1 Copying a role.................................................................................................................................10-25
10.7 User Management....................................................................................................................... 10-26
[User List] page ...............................................................................................................................10-26
10.7.1 Creating a new user ........................................................................................................................10-27
[Add User] page ..............................................................................................................................10-27
10.8 Referencing the Active Directory User ..................................................................................... 10-28
[AD Attribute Combinations] page ..................................................................................................10-28
[Add AD Attribute] page ..................................................................................................................10-29
10.9 Checking the Supported Models ............................................................................................... 10-30
10.10 Checking Version Information ................................................................................................... 10-31

11 Management Console
11.1 Start and Login.............................................................................................................................. 11-3
11.2 Start and Stop of Server ............................................................................................................... 11-4
11.3 Database Settings......................................................................................................................... 11-5
11.4 Changing the Account .................................................................................................................. 11-6
In Local Authentication mode ...........................................................................................................11-6
In Domain Authentication mode .......................................................................................................11-6
11.5 Backup ........................................................................................................................................... 11-7
11.6 Restore........................................................................................................................................... 11-8
11.6.1 Migrating Fleet RMM to another computer.......................................................................................11-9
11.7 Changing the Password ............................................................................................................. 11-10
11.8 Configuring the Function Enhancement ................................................................................... 11-11

Fleet RMM Contents-5

1 Introduction
1.1 About this product

1 Introduction

1.1 About this product

Fleet RMM is an on-premise web application for monitoring devices such as MFPs, batch settings, and sta-
tus notification.

1.2 Trademarks and registered trademarks

Trademark acknowledgements
KONICA MINOLTA and the KONICA MINOLTA logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of
Microsoft, Windows, Active Directory, SQL Server, and Microsoft Edge are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Google Chrome is registered trademarks or trademarks of Google LLC.
All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Dialog boxes
Please note that the contents of the dialog boxes described in this manual may differ from the actual ones
depending on the device, settings, and computer you are using.

Unauthorized reproduction, translation or duplication of this document, whether in its entirety or in part, is
strictly prohibited.
The contents of this document are subject to change without notice.
Copyright © 2021 KONICA MINOLTA, INC. All rights reserved.

Fleet RMM 1-2

2 Overview
2.1 Overview of System

2 Overview

2.1 Overview of System

Fleet RMM is an application for centralized management of devices installed on the intranet. It collects status
information for each device on a regular basis and organizes the information to display on the dashboard.
The settings common to multiple devices can be rewritten at once by distributing a template that stores set-
ting data.
Fleet RMM consists of the following components so that the system can flexibly respond to an increase in
the number of devices to be managed.
- Fleet RMM application
The main body of the Fleet RMM server application. This is responsible for providing the user interface
of the Web client and managing the device information obtained from Edge in the database.
- Edge
The module that communicates with multiple devices. This is responsible for acquiring information from
the device and distributing configuration data to the device in response to instructions received from
the Fleet RMM application.
The Fleet RMM application and Edge can be installed on the same computer. If the number of devices to be
managed is relatively small, you can reduce the number of servers to be installed by this configuration.

Fleet RMM Application


Fleet RMM 2-2

2.1 Overview of System
When you install Edge by adding multiple computers in addition to the computer that has the Fleet RMM ap-
plication installed, you can expand the number of devices you want to manage. Each Edge performs up to
the maximum number of processes in parallel without being affected by other Edges.

Fleet RMM Application

Edge Edge

Fleet RMM 2-3

2.2 System environment requirements
2.2 System environment requirements

2.2.1 Client
The environment required to access Fleet RMM is as follows.

Environment Details
Web browser Google Chrome (latest version)
Microsoft Edge (latest version)

Fleet RMM 2-4

3 How to Use
3.1 Login

3 How to Use

3.1 Login
1 Enter the following URL in the Web browser to access Fleet RMM.
% https://<IP address or DNS name of Fleet RMM server>/FleetRMM
The [Login] page is displayed.

2 Enter each item and click [Login].

% In [Language], select the language to display on the screen.

% Enter [User ID] and [Password].
% To store the user ID used at the last login, select the [Remember me] check box.

Fleet RMM 3-2

3.2 Common Operations
3.2 Common Operations
This section describes the common operations on each page.

3.2.1 Main page

1 2

3 5

No. Item Description

1 Main menu Calls the main function.
• [Dashboard]: Refer to "Dashboard" (p.4-2).
• [Device]: Refer to "Device" (p.5-2).
• [Policy]: Refer to "Template" (p.6-2), "Device Setting Audit" (p.7-2),
and "Device Certificate Audit" (p.8-2).
• [Task]: Refer to "Task" (p.9-2).
• [Administration]: Refer to "System Management" (p.10-2).
2 User menu Displays the name of the user who is currently logged in.
Specify the account, and log out.
3 Search box Enter the keyword to search for an item in the list.
Each time you enter text, the contents of the list are narrowed down to
the items that match the conditions.
4 [Filter by tags] Narrows down the device list by the tag assigned to the device. Refer to
"Search by device tag" (p.3-4).
5 Export button Writes the contents of the list to a file.
6 Page Navigation Switches pages when the list has multiple pages. Refer to "Switching a
list page" (p.3-4).

Fleet RMM 3-3

3.2 Common Operations
Search by device tag
1 Click [Filter by tags].
The tag list is displayed.

2 Select a tag.
Each time you check a tag, the contents of the list are narrowed down to the items that match the tag.

Switching a list page

1 2 3 4 5

No. Description
1 Specify the maximum number of items to display on one page of the list.
2 Displays the top page.
3 Displays the previous page.
4 Display the next page.
5 Displays the end page.

Fleet RMM 3-4

3.2 Common Operations
3.2.2 Password mask display
Apply or cancel the string mask display in the password entry item.

Icon Description
Masks the password string.
Click this icon to cancel the mask.
Displays the password string.
Click this icon to apply the mask.

3.2.3 Specifying how to search for multiple keywords

If the button is displayed on the right of the search box, you can specify the search method using multiple

1 Enter multiple keywords in the search box, separated by spaces.

2 Click the button to select a search method.

Item Description
[Partial match search] Searches for items that contain the contents of the search box as a string.
[AND search] Searches for items that contain all of the specified keywords.
[OR search] Searches for items that contain any of multiple specified keywords.

3.2.4 Other common items

The items indicated with an asterisk "*" are required on each setting page.

Fleet RMM 3-5

3.3 Account Setting
3.3 Account Setting
Set account information.

1 Click [Account] in the user menu.

The [Account Settings] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[Account Settings] page

Item Description
[Profile] Enter [Email], [Name], and [Description] for the account.
[Change Password] Change the password. Refer to "Changing the password" (p.3-6).

Changing the password

1 Enter [Current password].

2 Enter a new password in [New password] and [Reenter new password].

3 Click [Change].

Fleet RMM 3-6

3.4 Logout
3.4 Logout
% Click [Logout] in the user menu.
The [Login] page is displayed.

Fleet RMM 3-7

3.5 Preparation for Use
3.5 Preparation for Use
To use Fleet RMM, the administrator first has to configure the following settings.

1 Set up the system.

% Mail Server Settings: Configure settings when using E-mail to notify of the device status and counter
information. Refer to "Mail Server Settings" (p.10-2).
% Certificate Authority Settings: Configure settings when installing the certificate in the device. Refer
to "Certificate Authority Settings" (p.10-3).

2 Set a role.
% Refer to "Role Management" (p.10-24).

3 Register the user.

% Creating a user with Fleet RMM: Refer to "User Management" (p.10-26).
% Referencing the users registered in Active Directory: Refer to "Referencing the Active Directory Us-
er" (p.10-28).

4 Register Edge and search for the device.

% To manage a device on the network with Fleet RMM, you need to register it in Fleet RMM. On the
[Edge list] page, search for the target device or directly specify the target device to register it. Refer
to "Edge Management" (p.10-6).

5 Configure settings for managing the device.

% Set the registered device to the management target on the [Managed Device List] page. Refer to
"Device Management Settings" (p.5-14).
% If a device group is created, multiple devices can be handled collectively.

Fleet RMM 3-8

4 Dashboard
4.1 How to Use Dashboard

4 Dashboard
Contents that express various information items in a visually easy-to-understand manner are arranged in
Dashboard. You can grasp the status of the devices managed by Fleet RMM and the status of the tasks ex-
ecuted for the devices at a glance.
The contents and positional information of Dashboard are stored for each user.
Each content item only shows the information about devices and Edges to which the user is authorized.

4.1 How to Use Dashboard

% Click [Dashboard] in the main menu.
The [Dashboard] page is displayed.

[Dashboard] page

Item Description
[+ More visuals] Add a content to the dashboard. Refer to "Adding a content" (p.4-3).
Contents Displays visual contents of various information items.

menu item of content

Item Description
[Full Screen] Expands the content display area to the entire dashboard.
To cancel the full screen, click [Return to Dashboard] in the menu of
the content.
Displayed based on the contents of [Quicklist].
[Resize] Changes the content size to [Medium] or [Small].
[Large] can be selected in the contents of [Quicklist].
[Close] Deletes the content from the dashboard.

Fleet RMM 4-2

4.1 How to Use Dashboard
Moving a content
Move a content to any position on the dashboard.

% Press the title bar of the content with the mouse, and drag & drop it to the desired position.

Adding a content
Add a content to the dashboard.

1 Click [+ More visuals].

2 Select a content from the expanded menu.

Fleet RMM 4-3

4.2 Contents
4.2 Contents

Lists the devices that are narrowed down based on the conditions of the quick list.
The quick list name is displayed on the title bar.
Click the list to display the [Device List] page while the quick list is applied. Refer to "[Device List] page"

[Device Count]
Displays the number of devices managed by Fleet RMM.
- Number of managed devices: Click this to display a list of managed devices on the [Managed Device
List] page. Refer to "[Managed Device List] page" (p.5-14).
- [Unmanaged Device]: Displays the number of unmanaged devices. Click this to display a list of unman-
aged devices on the [Managed Device List] page.
- Pie chart: Shows the ratio of the number of color machines and monochrome machines, and the ratio
of the number of A3 machines, A4 machines, and PP machines. Click each area to list the correspond-
ing devices on the [Device List] page. Refer to "[Device List] page" (p.5-2).

[New Device Count]

Displays the number of devices that are newly detected by Edge Device Search.
- [Period]: Select the most recent period you want to display.
- [Number of new device]: Displays the number of devices detected in the specified period.
- [Managed]: Displays the number of managed devices among the detected devices. Click this to list the
managed devices, which are detected in the specified period, on the [Managed Device List] page. Refer
to "[Managed Device List] page" (p.5-14).
- [Unmanaged]: Displays the number of unmanaged devices among the detected devices. Click this to
list the unmanaged devices, which are detected in the specified period, on the [Managed Device List]

[Devices with Errors]

Displays the number of devices on which an error occurs.
Click the number of devices to list the devices with an error detected on the [Device List] page. Refer to "[De-
vice List] page" (p.5-2).

[Devices with Warnings]

Displays the number of devices on which a warning occurs.
Click the number of devices to display a list of devices with a warning detected on the [Device List] page.
Refer to "[Device List] page" (p.5-2).

[Toner Level]
Displays the number of devices according to the remaining amount of toner.
- [Toner-empty devices]: Device with no remaining toner
- [Toner-low devices]: Device with low amount of toner remaining
Click the number of devices to list the devices with the corresponding remaining amount of toner on the [De-
vice List] page. Refer to "[Device List] page" (p.5-2).

Fleet RMM 4-4

4.2 Contents
[Paper Level]
Displays the number of devices according to the remaining amount of paper.
- [Paper-empty devices]: Device with no paper
- [Paper-low devices]: Device with low amount of paper remaining
Click the number of devices to list the devices with the corresponding remaining amount of paper on the [De-
vice List] page. Refer to "[Device List] page" (p.5-2).

[Device Certificate Status]

Displays the ratio of the number of devices according to whether or not the certificate is provided, and the
status of the expiration date.
- [Days to expiration]: Select the time period until the certificate expires.
- [No certificate]: Device with no certificate installed
- [Expired]: Device with an expired certificate
- [Expire soon]: Device of which the certificate has expired in the period specified in [Days to expiration].
- [OK]: Device of which the certificate status is other than the above.
Click each area in the pie chart to list the devices with the corresponding certificate status on the [Device List]
page. Refer to "[Device List] page" (p.5-2).

[Top 10 Output Devices]

Displays the counter values of the top 10 devices with the highest number of output sheets in the specified
Hover the mouse pointer over the graph to display device information.
- [Period]: Select the most recent period you want to display.

[Template Distribution Result]

Displays the result of template distribution to the device.
- [Period]: Select the most recent period you want to display.
- [Number of Distributions]: Displays the number of distributions made during the specified period.
- [Success]: Displays the number of times the distribution has succeeded.
- [Partially failed]: Displays the number of times the distribution has partially failed.
- [Failed]: Displays the number of times the distribution has failed.
- [Verification failed]: Displays the number of times the verification has failed after distribution.
- [Canceled]: Displays the number of times the distribution has been canceled.
Click the count of each result to list the corresponding tasks on the [History List by Task] page. Refer to "[His-
tory List by Task] page" (p.9-5).

[Device Settings Audit Result]

Displays the device setting audit result.
- [Period]: Select the most recent period you want to display.
- [Number of Audits Performed]: Displays the number of audits made during the specified period.
- [Success]: Displays the number of times the audit has succeeded.
- [Partially failed]: Displays the number of times the audit has partially failed.
- [Failed]: Displays the number of times the audit has failed.
- [Canceled]: Displays the number of times the audit has been canceled.
Click the count of each result to list the corresponding tasks on the [History List by Task] page. Refer to "[His-
tory List by Task] page" (p.9-5).

Fleet RMM 4-5

4.2 Contents
[Edge Operation Status]
Displays the number of Edges by operation status.
- [Normal]: Edge in normal state
- [Error]: Edge in abnormal state
Click the number of Edges to display the [Edge List] page. Refer to "[Edge List] page" (p.10-6).

Fleet RMM 4-6

5 Device
5.1 Device List

5 Device
By registering the device as a management target of Fleet RMM, you can check its status and counter, and
select the device as the setting update processing target.
Some methods for organizing device information are provided to efficiently manage the registered devices.
- Devices can be grouped for management. Groups can be hierarchized by setting the parent-child rela-
- You can tag the device to mark the category. Multiple tags can be assigned to one device.
- It is possible to create a quick list that defines the combination of device filtering conditions and display
item selection. The device display conditions can be switched immediately by selecting the quick list.

5.1 Device List

Check the status of the managed device.

% From the main menu, click [Device] - [Status] - [Device List].

The [Device List] page is displayed.

[Device List] page

Item Description
List of quick lists Lists quick lists.
Select a quick list to narrow down the items in the device list according
to the specified conditions.
• [+ New Quicklist]: Create a new quick list. Refer to "Creating a new
quick list" (p.5-7).
Device group list Displays device groups in a tree view.
If you select a device group, the devices included in the group are dis-
played in the device list.
Manages the device tag. Refer to "Editing a device tag" (p.5-16).
Specify the conditions to narrow down the list. Refer to "Filtering the list"
Assigns or unassigns a tag to or from the selected device. Refer to "As-
signing a device tag" (p.5-17).
Imports the device tag setting list (CSV file) and sets the device tags all at
once. Also, this function exports the device tag setting list. Refer to "De-
vice Tag Multi-setting" (p.5-4).
Re-acquires the information of the selected device.

Fleet RMM 5-2

5.1 Device List
Item Description
Re-acquires the IEEE802.1X certification status of the checked device.
Displayed when the IEEE802.1X authentication status acquisition func-
tion is enabled in the Fleet RMM server settings. Refer to "Configuring
the Function Enhancement" (p.11-11).
Exports the device list to a CSV file.
Specify the items shown in the list. Refer to "Setting the list display items"
Device list Lists devices.
Device information area Displays information on the selected device.
• [Overview]: Overview information of the device.
• [Paper Tray]: Information about the paper tray.
• [Counter]: Counter information of the device.
• [Counter Chart]: Counter transition of the device.
• [FW Version]: Firmware version of the device.
Hides the device information area.

menu item of list of quick lists:

Item Description
[Edit] Edits the quick list. Refer to "[New Quicklist] page" (p.5-7).
[Delete] Deletes the quick list.

menu item of device list:

Item Description
[Web Connection] Displays the Web setting page (Web Connection) of the device.
[Refresh] Re-acquires the information of the device.
[Refresh IEEE802.1X au- Re-acquires the IEEE802.1X certification status of the device. Displayed
thentication status] when the IEEE802.1X authentication status acquisition function is ena-
bled in the Fleet RMM server settings and the selected device supports
this function. Refer to "Configuring the Function Enhancement" (p.11-11).
[Restart NIC] Restarts the network interface of the device.
[Reboot device] Restarts the device.
[Tag device] Assigns or unassigns a tag to or from the device. Refer to "Assigning a
device tag" (p.5-17).

Fleet RMM 5-3

5.1 Device List
5.1.1 Filtering the list
1 Click .
The [Filter] page is displayed.

2 Specify filter conditions, and click [OK].

% Select the check boxes of the items to apply as filter conditions, and specify the condition values.

5.1.2 Device Tag Multi-setting

Imports the device tag setting list (CSV file) and sets the device tags all at once.
To prepare a file for import, export the CSV file of the setting list in advance and edit it as necessary.

When editing the CSV file, the contents must be written according to the specifications of the device tag set-
ting list file. Refer to "About the device tag setting list file" (p.5-6).

Fleet RMM 5-4

5.1 Device List
Exporting the device tag setting list
Save the list (CSV file) of tags set for the selected device on your computer.

1 In the device list, select the check box of the device for which you want to export tags.

2 Click .
The [Bulk Change of Tags] page is displayed.

3 Click [Export].

Importing the device tag setting list

When you import the device tag setting list, the tags of the device that match the device ID listed in the im-
ported file are changed. It does not matter whether the check box of the device is selected in the device list
or not.

1 Click .
The [Bulk Change of Tags] page is displayed.

2 Click [Choose File].

% Select the CSV file to import.

3 Click [Run].
The device tag setting list is imported and the tags set for the device are changed.

If the contents of the CSV file to be imported are not written correctly, an error list is displayed. Check the
contents of the errors and correct the CSV file.

Fleet RMM 5-5

5.1 Device List
About the device tag setting list file
When editing the CSV file of the device tag setting list, write according to the following specifications.
- Set the text encoding to "UTF-8, no BOM".
- Delimit columns with "," (comma).
- Start a comment line with a "#" sign.

- When editing the CSV file of the setting list exported from Fleet RMM, do not change the description
of the device ID. When importing, the tags of unintended devices may be changed.
- When editing a CSV file with a text editor, if a column contains a comma (,), enclose the column con-
tents within double quotation marks ("). (When editing with Excel, double quotation marks are automat-
ically added when the CSV file is saved).

Record line contents:

Column Item Description Required

1 Device ID o
2 Registered name
3 Model name
4 IP address/
DNS host name
5 Serial number
6 Device tag Max. 9,999 characters.
Max. 50 characters per tag.
Max. 100 tags.
When specifying multiple tags, delimit the tags with ",".

5.1.3 Setting the list display items

1 Click .
The [Configure Display Item] page is displayed.

Fleet RMM 5-6

5.1 Device List
2 Set the desired items to show, and click [OK].
% To show an item, drag & drop the item in [Hide Items] to [Show Items].
% To hide an item, drag & drop the item in [Show Items] to [Hide Items].
% To change the item sort order, drag & drop the items in [Show Items] up or down.

5.1.4 Creating a new quick list

1 Click [+ New Quicklist] on the [Device List] page.
The [New Quicklist] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[New Quicklist] page

Item Description
[Quicklist name] Enter the registered name of the quick list.
[Select a filter] Select the filter to narrow down the list.
You can click to add or edit a filter. Refer to "[Filter] page" (p.5-8).
[Select a Display Items Col- Select a setting of the items displayed in the list.
lection] You can click to add or edit a display item setting. Refer to "[Display
Items Collection] page" (p.5-9).
Device list Lists the devices that match the filter conditions.

Fleet RMM 5-7

5.1 Device List
[Filter] page

Item Description
Filter list Lists the filters.
[+ New filter]: Create a new filter.
[Filter name] Enter the registered name of the filter.
Condition setting Select the check boxes of the items to apply as filter conditions, and
specify the condition values.

menu item of filter list:

Item Description
[Delete] Deletes the filter.

Fleet RMM 5-8

5.1 Device List
[Display Items Collection] page

Item Description
Display item setting list Lists the display item settings.
[+ New Collection]: Create a new display item setting.
[Display Items Collection Enter the registered name of the display item setting.
Item list Set the desired items to show.
• To show an item, drag & drop the item in [Hide Items] to [Show Items].
• To hide an item, drag & drop the item in [Show Items] to [Hide Items].
• To change the item sort order, drag & drop the items in [Show Items]
up or down.

menu item of display item setting list:

Item Description
[Delete] Deletes the display item setting.

Fleet RMM 5-9

5.2 Device Status Notification Setting
5.2 Device Status Notification Setting
Configure settings to notify by E-mail when there is a change in the device status, such as the occurrence of
an error on the device or recovery from the error.

1 From the main menu, click [Device] - [Status] - [Status Notification Settings].
The [Status Notification Settings] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[Status Notification Settings] page

Item Description
[Enable device status notifi- Select this check box to notify the device status.
[Notification Email Settings] Configure the E-mail notification setting.
• [Sent to me]: Sends a notification to the current login user.
• [Other recipients]: Sends a notification to the specified E-mail ad-
• [Language]: Select the E-mail language.
• [Device group]: Select the device group targeted for notification.
When [Auto select sub-groups] is set to ON, if the group check status
is changed, it is also applied to the offspring groups under the
changed group.
[Status to be notified] Notifies that the selected status occurs in the device.
[Recovered status to be no- Issues a notification to you when the device returns from the selected sta-
tified] tus.

- The mail server setting is required to set an E-mail notification. Refer to "Mail Server Settings" (p.10-2).
- The device status E-mail notification is issued when a change in the status is detected by polling Edge.
Refer to "[Polling Configuration] tab" (p.10-16).

Fleet RMM 5-10

5.3 Counter List
5.3 Counter List
Manage counter information of the device.

% From the main menu, click [Device] - [Counter] - [Counter List].

The [Counter List] page is displayed.

[Counter List] page

Item Description
List of quick lists Lists quick lists.
Select a quick list to narrow down the items in the device list according
to the specified conditions.
• [+ New Quicklist]: Create a new quick list. Refer to "Creating a new
quick list" (p.5-7).
Device group list Displays device groups in a tree view.
Select a device group to display the devices included in the group in the
device list.
Manages the device tag. Refer to "Editing a device tag" (p.5-16).
Specify the conditions to narrow down the list. Refer to "Filtering the list"
Assigns or unassigns a tag to or from the selected device. Refer to "As-
signing a device tag" (p.5-17).
Re-acquires the information of the selected device.
Exports the counter list to a CSV file.
Specify the items shown in the list. Refer to "Setting the list display items"
Counter list Lists counter information of each device.

menu item of list of quick lists:

Item Description
[Edit] Edits the quick list. Refer to "[New Quicklist] page" (p.5-7).
[Delete] Deletes the quick list.

Fleet RMM 5-11

5.3 Counter List
menu item of counter list:

Item Description
[Web Connection] Displays the Web setting page (Web Connection) of the device.
[Refresh] Re-acquires counter information.
[Tag device] Assigns or unassigns a tag to or from the device. Refer to "Assigning a
device tag" (p.5-17).

Fleet RMM 5-12

5.4 Counter Notification Setting
5.4 Counter Notification Setting
Configure a setting to notify by E-mail when counter information is acquired from the device. Store the coun-
ter information in a CSV file, attach it to an E-mail, and send it.

1 From the main menu, click [Device] - [Counter] - [Counter Notification Settings].
The [Counter Notification Settings] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[Counter Notification Settings] page

Item Description
[Enable device counter noti- Select this check box to notify the counter.
[Notification Email Settings] Configure the E-mail notification setting.
• [Sent to me]: Sends a notification to the current login user.
• [Other recipients]: Sends a notification to the specified E-mail ad-
• [File name]: Specify the name of the attachment file to store counter
• [Language]: Select the E-mail language.
• [Device group]: Select the device group targeted for notification.
When [Auto select sub-groups] is set to ON, if the group check status
is changed, it is also applied to the offspring groups under the
changed group.

- The mail server setting is required to set an E-mail notification. Refer to "Mail Server Settings" (p.10-2).
- The E-mail notification of the counter is issued when counter information is acquired by polling to the
Edge. Refer to "[Polling Configuration] tab" (p.10-16).

Fleet RMM 5-13

5.5 Device Management Settings
5.5 Device Management Settings
Configure settings for managing the device.

% From the main menu, click [Device] - [Device Management].

The [Managed Device List] page is displayed.

[Managed Device List] page

Item Description
[Tentative Registration De- Displays the list of temporarily registered devices.
vices] To set a device as a management target, you need to perform definitive
[Unmanaged Devices] Lists the unmanaged devices. This list shows the devices that are detect-
ed by device search, device registration, or device import on the [Edge
List] screen and are not set as management targets.
Unmanaged devices are not displayed on the [Device List] page.
[Managed Devices] Lists the devices that are not included in the device group among the
managed devices.
Device group list Manages device groups.
If you select a device group, the devices included in the group are dis-
played in the device list.
• [+ New device group]: Create a new device group. Refer to "Creating
a new device group" (p.5-18).
Manages the device tag. Refer to "Editing a device tag" (p.5-16).
Specify the conditions to narrow down the list. Refer to "Filtering the list"
Assigns or unassigns a tag to or from the selected device. Refer to "As-
signing a device tag" (p.5-17).
Changes the group to which the selected device belongs. Refer to
"Changing the Group to which the Selected Device Belongs" (p.5-19).
Edits the information of the selected device. Refer to "Editing device in-
formation" (p.5-20).
To configure the administrator setting for a device, you need to specify
the administrator password and other information on the [Device Details
Settings] page.
Deletes the information of the selected device.
Device list Lists devices.
To change the group to which the device belongs, select the target device
in the list, and drag & drop it to the group in the device group list.
Multiple devices can be selected. To deselect, click the device selected
in the list again.

Fleet RMM 5-14

5.5 Device Management Settings
Item Description
[Test Connection] Check with the selected device whether a communication for acquiring
and setting device information can be performed correctly. Refer to
"Checking the communication with the device" (p.5-22).
[Run Definitive Registration] Definitively registers the temporarily registered device selected in the list.
Refer to "Definitively registering the temporarily registered device"
Available when the [Tentative Registration Devices] is selected.

menu item of device group list:

Item Description
[Edit] Edits a device group. Refer to "[New Device Group] page" (p.5-18).
[Delete] Deletes a device group.

menu item of device list:

Item Description
[Web Connection] Displays the Web setting page (Web Connection) of the device.
[Edit] Edits device information. Refer to "Editing device information" (p.5-20).
[Tag device] Assigns or unassigns a tag to or from the device. Refer to "Assigning a
device tag" (p.5-17).

Of the devices imported to the Edge, devices that are not detected on the network are temporarily registered.
Refer to "[Device Import] tab" (p.10-14).

5.5.1 Targeting the Device for Management

1 Click [Unmanaged Devices].

2 Click and select the target device in the device list.

The selected device is highlighted.

3 Drag & drop the selected device in the desired group in [Managed Devices] or the device group list.

5.5.2 Excluding the Device from Management Target

1 Click the target group in [Managed Devices] or in the device group list.

2 Click and select the target device in the device list.

The selected device is highlighted.

3 Drag & drop the selected device in [Unmanaged Devices].

5.5.3 Definitively registering the temporarily registered device

1 Click [Tentative Registration Devices].

2 Click and select the target device in the device list.

The selected device is highlighted.

3 Click [Run Definitive Registration].

Fleet RMM 5-15

5.5 Device Management Settings
If the device is offline, it is not definitively registered.

5.5.4 Editing a device tag

Manage the tag assigned to the device.

[Tag List] page

Item Description
[+] Create a new tag. Enter the tag name.
Deletes the selected tag.
Device tag list Lists tags.

menu item of device tag list:

Item Description
[Edit] Edits the tag name.
[Delete] Deletes the tag.

Fleet RMM 5-16

5.5 Device Management Settings
5.5.5 Assigning a device tag
1 Select the check box of the device in the device list, and click .
The [Select tag for the device] page is displayed.

2 Select the assigned tag, and click [OK].

Fleet RMM 5-17

5.5 Device Management Settings
5.5.6 Creating a new device group
1 Click [+ New device group] in the device group list.
% To set the parent-child relationship of the group, select the parent device group in the list, and click
[+ New device group].
The [New Device Group] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Create].

[New Device Group] page

Item Description
[Device group name] Enter the registered name of the group.
[Description] Enter the description of the group.
[Parent device group] Displays the parent device group.
To change the parent device group, click the , and select the desired
device group.
[Role] Select the role to assign the device group to.
Device list Select the check boxes of the devices included in the group.

Fleet RMM 5-18

5.5 Device Management Settings
5.5.7 Changing the Group to which the Selected Device Belongs
1 Select the check box of the device in the device list, and click .
The [Select a device group] page is displayed.

2 Select the destination group, and click [OK].

Fleet RMM 5-19

5.5 Device Management Settings
5.5.8 Editing device information
1 On the [Managed Device List] page, click [Edit] from the menu of the device list.
The [Device Details Settings] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[Device Details Settings] page

Item Description
[Basic Information] Set the basic information of the device. When one device is selected, the
following items are displayed.
• [Registered name]: Enter the registered name of the device. Click [Get
registeren name] to acquire the registered name according to the
specified naming convention. Refer to "Acquiring the registered name
by the naming convention" (p.5-21).
• [Model name]: Displays the model name of the device.
• [Serial number]: Type the serial number of the device.
• [IP address/DNS hostname]: Enter the IP address or host name of the
If multiple devices are selected, the following items are displayed.
• [Naming convention of registered name]: Select a naming rule that
combines the model name and the serial number to acquire the reg-
istered name of the device.
[Administrator Authority] Enter the administrator password of the device.
[OpenAPI Settings] Enter [Access ID] (login name) and [Password] to access the device using
[Security Settings] Enter login information to access the device.
• [Login Method]: Select the login method. Enter [User Name], [Pass-
word], and [PIN] depending on the selected login method.
[HTTP Communication Set- Select the protocol used for HTTP communications with the device.
tings] If you use SSL, select [HTTPS (Port:443)].

Fleet RMM 5-20

5.5 Device Management Settings
Item Description
[SNMP Settings] Enter information to access the device using SNMP.
[SNMP port number] Enter the port number for communications.
[SNMP read settings] Configure read access settings.
If you select [Use SNMP v1], specify [Community name].
If you select [Use SNMP v3], specify [Read user name], [Context name],
and [Security level].
• [Authentication protocol], [Authentication password]: Specify these
items when you select [Auth/No Priv] or [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
• [Privacy protocol], [Privacy password]: Specify these items when you
select [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
[SNMP write settings] Configure write access settings.
If you select [Use SNMP v1], specify [Community Name].
If you select [Use SNMP v3], specify [Write user name], [Context name],
and [Security level].
• [Authentication protocol], [Authentication password]: Specify these
items when you select [Auth/No Priv] or [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
• [Privacy protocol], [Privacy password]: Specify these items when you
select [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
[Test Connection] Check with the device whether a communication for acquiring and setting
device information can be performed correctly. Refer to "[Test Connec-
tion] page" (p.5-22).
Click [Apply] to execute processing with the updated settings.
[Run Definitive Registration] Definitively registers the selected temporarily registered device. Available
when a temporarily registered device is selected.
Click [Apply] to execute processing with the updated settings.

The items displayed on the [Device Details Settings] page vary depending on the model type.

Acquiring the registered name by the naming convention

Acquire the registered name using the naming convention that combines the model name and the serial num-
ber of the device.

1 Click [Get registered name].

The [Get registered name] page is displayed.

2 From [Auto device naming convention], select a naming convention for the registered name.

3 Click [OK].
The registered name that is acquired based on the selected naming convention is set.

Fleet RMM 5-21

5.5 Device Management Settings
5.5.9 Checking the communication with the device
Check with the device whether a communication for acquiring and setting device information can be per-
formed correctly.

% On the [Managed Device List] page, select the check boxes of the target devices, and click [Test Con-
The communication check results are displayed on the [Test Connection] page.

[Test Connection] page

Item Description
Progress Displays the progress of the communication check process. To cancel
the communication check, click .
Specify conditions to filter the communication check result list. Refer to
"Filtering the list" (p.5-4).
Exports the communication check result list to a CSV file. This item is dis-
played after the communication confirmation is completed.
Communication check result Lists the check results of the communication with the device.
list The communication check results are displayed in the [Result] column.
Refer to "Types of communication check results" (p.6-27).

Fleet RMM 5-22

6 Template

6 Template
Register a template that describes the settings, and distribute it to multiple devices at once to apply the set-

Operation flow
1 Create a template.
% When creating a template using Fleet RMM Template Editor: Refer to "Registering a template"
% When importing setting values from the device to create a template: Refer to "Importing Device Set-
ting Values to Create a Template" (p.6-22).

2 Select destination devices.

% Refer to "Selecting destination devices" (p.6-24).

3 Check communications with the devices.

% Refer to "Checking the communication with the device" (p.6-27).

4 Check the prohibition of the template settings.

% Refer to "Checking the Prohibition of the Template Setting" (p.6-28).

5 Register the execution schedule.

% Refer to "Registering the template distribution schedule" (p.6-30).

6 Check the execution result.

% Refer to "Template List" (p.6-3).

Fleet RMM 6-2

6.1 Template List
6.1 Template List
Manage templates.

% From the main menu, click [Policy] - [Template].

The [Template List] page is displayed.

[Template List] page

Item Description
[+] Registers a template. Refer to "Registering a template" (p.6-5).
Imports the device settings and registers the template. Refer to "Import-
ing Device Setting Values to Create a Template" (p.6-22).
Updates the contents displayed in the template list.
Imports a template from a file. Refer to "Uploading a template" (p.6-4).
Template list Lists the registered templates.
[History] Displays the execution history of the selected template. Refer to "Tem-
plate Distribution History" (p.6-34).
[Run Template] Select devices to distribute the selected template. Refer to "Selecting
destination devices" (p.6-24).
Hides [Template Password] or the execution result list area.
[Template Password] Displayed when the selected template is password-protected. Enter the
password and click [OK] to display the template execution result.
Execution result list Displays the distribution result of the template selected in the template
You can use [Filter by tags] to narrow down devices by tag. Refer to
"Search by device tag" (p.3-4).
Click of the [Details] column to display the detail of distribution result.
Refer to "Checking the distribution result details" (p.6-33).
Manages the device tag. Refer to "Editing a device tag" (p.5-16).
Specify conditions to narrow down the list. Refer to "Filtering the list"
Assigns or unassigns a tag to or from the selected device. Refer to "As-
signing a device tag" (p.5-17).

Fleet RMM 6-3

6.1 Template List
menu item of template list:

Item Description
[Browse] Displays the template settings. Refer to "[Template Information] page"
[Edit] Edits the template. Refer to "[Template Information] page" (p.6-5).
[Copy] Copies the template.
[Export] Exports the template to a file.
[Delete] Deletes the template.

Uploading a template
Import a template from a file.

1 Click on the Template List page.

The [Upload Template] page is displayed.

2 Click [Choose File] to select a template file.

3 Click [Upload].

Fleet RMM 6-4

6.2 Registering a template
6.2 Registering a template
1 Click [+] on the [Template List] page.
This displays the [Template Information] page of Fleet RMM Template Editor.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[Template Information] page

[Basic Information]:

Item Description
[Template Name] Enter the registered name of the template.
[Author] Displays the name of the user who registered the template.
[Description] Enter a description of the template.
[Password] Enter the password when password-protecting the template.
Enter the same password in [Password re-enter].
Select the [Show Password] check box to unmask the password.

Fleet RMM 6-5

6.2 Registering a template
[Function Information]:

Item Description
[Model Type] Select the type of template compatible model.
Click to list the model codes compatible with the currently selected
model type.
[Basic] This is displayed when the model type is the "C360i/C4050i/306i Series".
Select this when creating a basic format template.
[Extended] This is displayed when the model type is the "C360i/C4050i/306i Series".
Select this when creating an extended format template.
[SSL Setting] Select this check box to configure the SSL setting. Refer to "SSL setting"
[Administrator Password] Select this check box to specify the administrator password of the de-
vice. Enter a new password in [Password] and [Password re-enter]. Se-
lect the [Show Password] check box to unmask the password.
When the model type is "4700PSeries/4020_3320", set the personal
identification number (PIN) of the control panel in [Panel PIN]. Also, spec-
ify the password of the Web setting page in [Web Page Protection].
[Device Generic Settings] Select this check box to set common information for multiple devices.
Refer to "Device general settings" (p.6-12).
[Device Settings] Select this check box to set common information for multiple devices.
Refer to "Device general settings" (p.6-12).
[Scan Program] Check this to register a scan program.
Click [Show] to display a list of scan programs included in the template.
This item is displayed when you select a template that is created by im-
porting setting values including a scan program from a device. Refer to
"Registering a scan program" (p.6-23).

- Only the contents of either the basic format or the extended format can be set to one template. When
the [Extended] tab is selected, the contents set on the [Basic] tab are reset. When the [Basic] tab is se-
lected, the contents set on the [Extended] tab are reset. Refer to "Template formats" (p.6-6).
- The templates created in the extended format for the model type "C360i/C4050i/306i Series" can only
be applied to devices of this model type with function version "2.3" or later.

Template formats
Templates are provided in the following formats depending on the data structure.
- Basic format
This template has the standard data structure in Fleet RMM. Templates are usually created in this for-
- Extended format
This template has a data structure in the JSON format. Data is displayed in a hierarchy based on the
device settings menu, making it easier to understand the configuration of the settings.

Fleet RMM 6-6

6.2 Registering a template
Function information setting items supported for each model type

Item C360i/C4050i/306i C759/C658/ C754e/C554e/ 4702PSeries/

Series C368/C287/ C364e/754e/ 4422_3622
C3851/958/ 554e Series
[Basic] [Extended] 658e/558/287/
4752 Series
[SSL Setting] / - / / -
[Administrator Password] / - / / -
[Device Generic Settings] / - / / /
[Device Settings] - / - - -
[Scan Program] / - / - -

Item 4700PSeries/ C3850/4750 C3110/C3100P 5020i/5000i/

4020_3320 Series 4020i/4000i
[SSL Setting] - / / -
[Administrator Password] / / / /
[Device Generic Settings] / / / /
[Device Settings] - - - -
[Scan Program] - - - -

Fleet RMM 6-7

6.2 Registering a template
6.2.1 SSL setting
Set device information related to SSL.

% Click [SSL Setting] - [Setting] on the [Template Information] page.

The [SSL Setting] page is displayed.

[Device Certificate Setting] tab

Configure settings to register the device certificate.

Item Description
[Delete all registered certifi- Select this check box to delete all the certificates registered in the device
cates in the device, then reg- before registering the certificate specified by the template.
ister the certificate.] This item is available when the [Self-creation of the certificate] or [Import
of the certificate] check box is selected.

Fleet RMM 6-8

6.2 Registering a template
[Device certificate]:

Item Description
[Self-creation of the certifi- Select this check box to create a certificate by yourself.
[Organization] Enter the organization name or group name.
[Organization Unit] Enter the organizational unit name.
[Locality] Enter the municipality name.
[State/Province] Enter the state or province name.
[Country] Enter the country code.
[Admin. E-mail Address] Enter the administrator's E-mail address of the device.
[Validity Start Date] Enter the starting date of the certificate validity period. Click [Current
Date] to enter the current date/time.
[Validity Period] Enter the validity period of the certificate with the number of days that
have elapsed since the starting date.
[Encryption Key Type] Select the algorithm of the encryption key.
[Import of the certificate] Select this check box to import a certificate from a file.
Multiple certificate files can be imported.
If the certificate is password-protected, enter the password.
[Default Certificate] Select this check box to set the default certificate of the device. Select
the one used as the default certificate from the registered device certifi-

[Protocol Setting]:

Item Description
[Protocol 1], [Protocol 2] Select the check box for the protocol with which to use the certificate.
[Certificate Type] Select the certificate used for the protocol.

- Up to 10 certificates can be registered, including self-created certificates and certificates imported from
- To delete the imported certificate, right-click the certificate in the device certificate list, and select [De-
lete] from the menu.

Fleet RMM 6-9

6.2 Registering a template
[Communication Setting] tab
Configure an SSL communication setting.

[SSL Setting]:

Item Description
[SSL/TLS Mode] Select a login mode to establish SSL communications.
• [Admin. Mode]: Establishes SSL communications in the administrator
mode only.
• [Admin. Mode and User Mode]: Establishes SSL communications in
both the administrator mode and user mode.
• [None]: Does not establish SSL communications.
[Encryption Strength] Select the encryption algorithm.

[OpenAPI Setting]:

Item Description
[Use SSL/TLS] Select the combination of whether to use SSL communication.
[Port Number] Enter the port number for non-SSL communication.
[Port Number (SSL)] Enter the port number for SSL communication.

[TCP Socket Setting]:

Item Description
[TCP Socket] Select this check box when using the TCP socket communication.
[Port Number] Enter the port number for non-SSL communication.
[Use SSL/TLS] Select this check box when using SSL via the TCP socket communica-
[Port Number (SSL)] Enter the port number for SSL communication.

Fleet RMM 6-10

6.2 Registering a template
[External Certificate Setting] tab
Set an external certificate to authenticate the communication partner.

Item Description
[Select All]/[Cancel All] Selects or clears all the check boxes of the certificates shown in the ex-
ternal certificate list.
[Delete Selected] Deletes the certificates selected in the external certificate list from the list.
External certificate list Set the external certificate to be registered on the device. Refer to "Reg-
istering the External Certificate" (p.6-11).

Registering the External Certificate

Add the external certificate to be registered in the device.

1 Click the [External Certificate Setting] tab in the [SSL Setting] page.

2 Select the blank line at the bottom in the external certificate list.

3 Select the certificate type in [Certificate Type] of the selected row.

4 Click [Browse] to select certificate files.

To delete a certificate in the external certificates list, right-click the certificate, and select [Delete] from the

Fleet RMM 6-11

6.2 Registering a template
6.2.2 Device general settings
Set common information for multiple devices.

% Click [Device Generic Settings] - [Setting] on the [Template Information] page.

- For the extended format template, click [Device Settings] - [Setting].
The [Device Generic Settings] page ([Device Settings] page for the extended format template) is dis-

[Device Generic Settings] page (Basic format template)

Item Description
Display mode • [Show Item checked]: Narrows down and displays only the rows that
are selected in the device information setting panel. To cancel nar-
row-down, click this button while it is ON.
• [Show Item changed]: Narrows down and displays only the rows
where the contents of the [Template value] column are different from
the [Default value] column. To cancel narrow-down, click this button
while it is ON.
[Show Password] Select this check box to unmask the password item.
[Admin Mode] Configure setting items in administrator mode.
• [Administrator Setting]: Administrator setting items
• [Network Settings]: Network setting items
• [User Authentication/Account Track]: User authentication and ac-
count track setting items. Refer to "Registering User and Account"
• [One Touch Registration]: Address book and group address setting
items. Refer to "Address Book and Group Address Registration"
• [All]: All the categories above
[User Mode] Set user mode items.
• [Utility]: Utility setting items
• [All]: All the categories above

Fleet RMM 6-12

6.2 Registering a template
Item Description
Device information setting Lists device setting items by category. Refer to "Editing values in the De-
panel vice Generic Setting" (p.6-14).
The [Category2], [Category3], and [LowerCategory] columns display the
first item in the same category in bold.
You can narrow down the items to show in the list.
• Search box: Enter the keyword to narrow down items.
• Drop-down list: Click near each column title to display a list of items
included in the column. Select the items to be displayed from the list.
• Text box: Enter the keyword in the text box under each column title to
filter items on a column basis. Clicking allows you to specify de-
tailed conditions.
• Page Navigation: Switches pages when the list has multiple pages.
[Tips] Displays the tips about the selected setting items.

The items displayed on the [Device Generic Settings] page vary depending on the model type.

[Device Generic Setting] page (Extended format template)

For the extended format template, click [Device Generic Setting] on the [Device Settings] page.

Item Description
[Device Generic Setting] Displays the page to edit the device generic settings.
[Address Setting] Displays the page to edit the registered destination. Refer to "Address
Book and Group Address Registration" (p.6-18).
[Authentication Setting] Displays the page to edit user authentication and account track. Refer to
"Registering User and Account" (p.6-15).

Fleet RMM 6-13

6.2 Registering a template
Item Description
Display mode • [Show Item Checked]: Narrows down and displays only the rows that
are selected in the device information setting panel. To cancel nar-
row-down, click this button while it is ON.
• [Show Item Changed]: Narrows down and displays only the rows
where the contents of the [Template Value] column are different from
the [Default Value] column.To cancel narrow-down, click this button
while it is ON.
[Show Password] Select this check box to unmask the password item.
Category switching tab Select the upper level category of the device setting items.
Device information setting Lists device setting items by category. Refer to "Editing values in the De-
panel vice Generic Setting" (p.6-14).
The [Category 2], [Category 3], and [Lower Category] columns display the
first item in the same category in bold.
You can narrow down the items to show in the list.
• Search box: Enter the keyword to narrow down items.
• Drop-down list: Click near each column title to display a list of
items included in the column. Select the items to be displayed from
the list.
• Text box: Enter the keyword in the text box under each column title to
filter items on a column basis. Clicking allows you to specify de-
tailed conditions.
• Page Navigation: Switches pages when the list has multiple pages.

Editing values in the Device Generic Setting

1 Edit the values to write to the device in the [Template value] column.
% If the entered value differs from the value of [Default value], an asterisk "*" will appear in the right-
most column.

2 Select the appropriate check boxes of the items applied to the device.
% If you select the check box on the header, the check boxes of all the currently displayed rows are
selected. When narrow-down is specified, only the check boxes of the displayed rows are selected.

Fleet RMM 6-14

6.2 Registering a template
6.2.3 Registering User and Account
Configure settings for user information and account information of the device.

% On the [Device Generic Settings] page, select [Admin Mode] - [User Authentication/Account Track] tab,
and click [Edit User/Account].
- For the extended format template, click [Authentication Setting] on the [Device Settings] page.
The [User/Account Registration] page is displayed.

[User List] tab

Configure settings for user information of the device.

Item Description
[Show Password] Select this check box to unmask the password setting item.
[Register by deleting and Select this check box to delete all the user information registered in the
overwriting user information device and then register new user information.
inside the device.]
[Auth Data Registration] Select this check box when registering authentication data.
[Card Type] Select the card type that is common to all users. When you want to indi-
vidually specify the card type, select [Set by each user].
This item is displayed when [Auth Data Registration] is selected.
User List Lists the users registered in the device.
You can click of the [Operation] column to narrow down the list by op-
eration type.
[Hide Details]/[Show Details] Toggles the modes to show and hide the details panel.
[Add] Click this button to initialize setting items on the details panel in order to
add user information.
This item is displayed for basic format templates.
Details panel Enter setting items on user information.
Setting items are classified into tabs by category.

Fleet RMM 6-15

6.2 Registering a template
Context menu items in user list:

Item Description
[Add] Adds user information to the device.
[Edit] Edits the existing user information of the device.
[Delete] Deletes the existing user information of the device.
[Ignore] Does not apply setting items in the user list to the device.
[Delete From List] Discards setting items in the user list.

Registering user information (Basic format template)

1 To add user information to the device, clear the [Register by deleting and overwriting user information
inside the device.] check box.
% To delete all the user information registered in the device before registering new user information,
select the [Register by deleting and overwriting user information inside the device.] check box.

2 Click [Add].

3 To set authentication data items, select the [Register Authentication Data] check box.
% Select the card type common to all the user information in the [Card Type] drop-down list. If you
select [Set by each user], you can individually specify the card type in the [Basic Information] tab on
the Details panel.
% Enter the card ID in the [Basic Information] tab on the Details panel.

4 Enter the value for each item in the details panel.

5 Click [Apply].
The entered contents are applied to the user list.

6 Click [OK].

Registering user information (Extended format template)

1 To add user information to the device, clear the [Register by deleting and overwriting user information
inside the device.] check box.
% To delete all the user information registered in the device before registering new user information,
select the [Register by deleting and overwriting user information inside the device.] check box.

2 To set authentication data items, select the [Auth Data Registration] check box.
% Select the card type common to all the user information in the [Card Type] drop-down list. If you
select [Set by each user], you can individually specify the card type in the [Basic Information] tab on
the Details panel.
% Enter the card ID in the [Basic Information] tab on the Details panel.

3 Enter the value for each item in the details panel.

4 Click [Add].
The entered contents are applied to the user list.

Fleet RMM 6-16

6.2 Registering a template
[Account List] tab
Configure settings for account information of the device.

Item Description
[Show Password] Select this check box to unmask the password setting item.
[Register by deleting and Select this check box to delete all the account information registered in
overwriting account infor- the device and then register new account information.
mation inside the device.]
Account List Displays account information to be registered on the device in list view.
You can click of the [Operation] column to narrow down the list by op-
eration type.
[Hide Details]/[Show Details] Toggles the modes to show and hide the details panel.
This item is displayed for basic format templates.
[Add] Click this button to initialize setting items on the details panel in order to
add account information.
This item is displayed for basic format templates.
Details panel Enter setting items on account information.
Setting items are classified into tabs by category.

Context menu items in account list:

Item Description
[Add] Adds account information to the device.
[Edit] Edits the existing account information of the device.
[Delete] Deletes the existing account information of the device.
[Ignore] Does not apply setting items in the account list to the device.
[Delete From List] Discards setting items in the account list.

Fleet RMM 6-17

6.2 Registering a template
Registering account information (Basic format template)
1 To add account information to the device, clear the [Register by deleting and overwriting account infor-
mation inside the device.] check box.
% To delete all the account information registered in the device before registering new account infor-
mation, select the [Register by deleting and overwriting account information inside the device.]
check box.

2 Click [Add].

3 Enter the value for each item in the details panel.

4 Click [Apply].
The entered contents are applied to the account list.

5 Click [OK].

Registering account information (Extended format template)

1 To add account information to the device, clear the [Register by deleting and overwriting account infor-
mation inside the device.] check box.
% To delete all the account information registered in the device before registering new account infor-
mation, select the [Register by deleting and overwriting account information inside the device.]
check box.

2 Enter the value for each item in the details panel.

3 Click [Add].
The entered contents are applied to the account list.

6.2.4 Address Book and Group Address Registration

Specify the address book and group address of the device.

% On the [Device Generic Settings] page, select [Admin Mode] - [One Touch Registration] tab, and click
[Edit Address].
- For the extended format template, click [Address Setting] on the [Device Settings] page.
The [Address Book/Group Registration] page is displayed.

Fleet RMM 6-18

6.2 Registering a template
[Address Book List] tab
Specify the address book of the device.

Item Description
[Show Password] Select this check box to unmask the password setting item.
[Register by deleting and Select this check box to delete all the address books registered in the de-
overwriting addresses inside vice and register a new one.
the device.]
Address Book List Displays address books to be registered on the device in list view.
You can click of the [Operation] column to narrow down the list by op-
eration type.
[Hide Details]/[Show Details] Toggles the modes to show and hide the details panel.
[Add] Click this button to initialize setting items on the details panel in order to
add an address book.
This item is displayed for basic format templates.
Details panel Enter setting items of the address book.
Setting items are classified into tabs by category.

Context menu items in address book list:

Item Description
[Add] Adds an address book to the device.
[Edit] Edits the existing address book of the device.
[Delete] Deletes the existing address book of the device.
[Ignore] Does not apply setting items in the address book list to the device.
[Delete From List] Discards setting items in the address book list.

Fleet RMM 6-19

6.2 Registering a template
Registering address book (Basic format template)
1 To add an address book to the device, clear the [Register by deleting and overwriting addresses inside
the device.] check box.
% To delete all the address books registered in the device before registering a new address book, se-
lect the [Register by deleting and overwriting addresses inside the device.] check box.

2 Click [Add].

3 Enter the value for each item in the details panel.

4 Click [Apply].
The entered contents are applied to the address book list.

5 Click [OK].

Registering address book (Extended format template)

1 To add an address book to the device, clear the [Register by deleting and overwriting addresses inside
the device.] check box.
% To delete all the address books registered in the device before registering a new address book, se-
lect the [Register by deleting and overwriting addresses inside the device.] check box.

2 Enter the value for each item in the details panel.

3 Click [Add].
The entered contents are applied to the address book list.

[Group List] tab

Specify the group address of the device.

Fleet RMM 6-20

6.2 Registering a template
Item Description
[Show Password] Select this check box to unmask the password setting item.
[Register by deleting and Select this check box to delete all the group addresses registered in the
overwriting addresses inside device before registering a new one.
the device.]
Group Address List Displays group addresses to be registered on the device in list view.
You can click of the [Operation] column to narrow down the list by op-
eration type.
[Hide Details]/[Show Details] Toggles the modes to show and hide the details panel.
This item is displayed for basic format templates.
[Add] Click this button to initialize setting items on the details panel in order to
add a group address.
This item is displayed for basic format templates.
Details panel Enter setting items of the group address.
Setting items are classified into tabs by category.

Context menu items in group address list:

Item Description
[Add] Adds a group address to the device.
[Edit] Edits the existing group address of the device.
[Delete] Deletes the existing group address of the device.
[Ignore] Does not apply setting items in the group address list to the device.
[Delete From List] Discards setting items in the group address list.

Registering a group address (Basic format template)

1 To add a group address to the device, clear the [Register by deleting and overwriting addresses inside
the device.] check box.
% To delete all the group addresses registered in the device before registering a new group address,
select the [Register by deleting and overwriting addresses inside the device.] check box.

2 Click [Add].

3 Enter the value for each item in the details panel.

4 Click [Apply].
The entered contents are applied to the group address list.

5 Click [OK].

Registering a group address (Extended format template)

1 To add a group address to the device, clear the [Register by deleting and overwriting addresses inside
the device.] check box.
% To delete all the group addresses registered in the device before registering a new group address,
select the [Register by deleting and overwriting addresses inside the device.] check box.

2 Enter the value for each item in the details panel.

3 Click [Add].
The entered contents are applied to the group address list.

Fleet RMM 6-21

6.3 Importing Device Setting Values to Create a Template
6.3 Importing Device Setting Values to Create a Template
Acquire the setting values from the device and create a template.

1 Click on the [Template List] page.

The [Get Device Settings] page is displayed.

2 Enter the information for the template to be created and select the device to import the setting values

3 In [Target Data], select the data to import into the template.

4 Click [Get Settings].

This registers a template you import the device setting values to.

- Some setting values, such as passwords, cannot be imported from the device to the template.
- If there is a large amount of data to be imported from the device, it may take several tens of minutes
from importing the device setting values to registering them in the template.
- The extended format templates cannot be created by importing setting values from the device.

[Get Device Settings] page

Item Description
[Template name] Enter the registered name of the template.
[Description] Enter a description of the template.
[Password], [Confirm pass- Enter the password when password-protecting the template.
Device List Select the device to import the setting values from.
If you enter multiple keywords in the [Find device] box, you can specify
the search method. Refer to "Specifying how to search for multiple key-
words" (p.3-5).
You can use [Filter by tags] to narrow down devices by tag. Refer to
"Search by device tag" (p.3-4).
Specify conditions to narrow down the list. Refer to "Filtering the list"
[Target Data] Select the data to be imported into the template.
Displayed when a device is selected in the device list.

Fleet RMM 6-22

6.3 Importing Device Setting Values to Create a Template
Target data acquired from the device and corresponding template setting
The [Target Data] items on the [Get Device Settings] page correspond to the items set on the [Template In-
formation] page as shown below. Refer to "[Template Information] page" (p.6-5).

Target data Template setting items

[Administrator Settings] [Device Generic Settings] - [Admin Mode] - [Administrator Setting]
[Network] [Device Generic Settings] - [Admin Mode] - [Network Settings]
[User Authentication/Ac- [Device Generic Settings] - [Admin Mode] - [User Authentication/Account
count Track] Track]
[Address Book] [Device Generic Settings] - [Admin Mode] - [One Touch Registration]
[Utility] [Device Generic Settings] - [User Mode] - [Utility]
[Scan Program] [Scan Program]

6.3.1 Registering a scan program

Import scan program information into a template from a device on which a scan program is already regis-
tered, and register it on the device to distribute templates to.

1 Click on the [Template List] page.

The [Get Device Settings] page is displayed.

2 Enter the information for the template to be created and select the device to import the setting values

3 In [Target Data], select [Scan Program].

4 Click [Get Settings].

This registers a template that you import the scan program of the device to.

5 On the [Template List] page, select [Edit] from the menu of the registered template.

6 Select the check box of [Scan Program] on the [Template Information] page.

7 Set each item as necessary and click [Apply].

If the model or option configuration does not match between the device from which the scan program was
imported into the template and the device to which the template is distributed, the destination information of
the template's scan program is only registered in the device for which no scan setting information has been

Fleet RMM 6-23

6.4 Selecting destination devices
6.4 Selecting destination devices
Select devices to distribute the template.

% Select a template on the [Template List] page, and click [Run Template].
The [Template Distribution] page is displayed.

[Select Device] tab

Select devices to distribute the template from the device list.

Item Description
Device list Select the check box of the devices to distribute the template.
If you enter multiple keywords in the [Find device] box, you can specify
the search method. Refer to "Specifying how to search for multiple key-
words" (p.3-5).
You can use [Filter by tags] to narrow down devices by tag. Refer to
"Search by device tag" (p.3-4).
Manages the device tag. Refer to "Editing a device tag" (p.5-16).
Specify conditions to narrow down the list. Refer to "Filtering the list"
Assigns or unassigns a tag to or from the selected device. Refer to "As-
signing a device tag" (p.5-17).
[Test Connection] Check with the selected device whether a communication for template
distribution can be performed correctly. Refer to "Checking the commu-
nication with the device" (p.6-27).
[Check Forbidden Combina- Check the prohibition of the template setting for the selected device. Re-
tion] fer to "Checking the Prohibition of the Template Setting" (p.6-28).
[Schedule Task] Register the execution schedule to distribute the template. Refer to "Reg-
istering the template distribution schedule" (p.6-30).
[Distribute Now] Immediately executes template distribution. Refer to "Executing the tem-
plate distribution" (p.6-31).

Fleet RMM 6-24

6.4 Selecting destination devices
[Specify Device] tab
Directly specify the device to distribute the template by entering device information.

Item Description
[Target Devices] Enter the IP addresses or host names of the devices to distribute the tem-
plate. When entering multiple devices, delimit them using line breaks.
[Administrator Authority] Enter the administrator password of the device.
[Security] Enter login information to access the device.
• [Login Method]: Select the login method. Enter [User Name], [Pass-
word], and [PIN] depending on the selected login method.
[OpenAPI Settings] Enter [Access ID] (login name) and [Password] to access the device using
[HTTP Communication Set- Select the protocol used for HTTP communications with the device.
tings] If you use SSL, select [HTTPS (Port:443)].
[SNMP Settings] Enter information to access the device using SNMP.
[SNMP port number] Enter the port number for communications.
[SNMP read settings] Configure read access settings.
If you select [SNMPv1], specify [Community name].
If you select [SNMPv3], specify [Read user name], [Context name], and
[Security level].
• [Authentication protocol], [Authentication password]: Specify these
items when you select [Auth/NoPriv] or [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
• [Privacy protocol], [Privacy password]: Specify these items when you
select [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
[SNMP write settings] Configure write access settings.
If you select [SNMPv1], specify [Community name].
If you select [SNMPv3], specify [Write user name], [Context name], and
[Security level].
• [Authentication protocol], [Authentication password]: Specify these
items when you select [Auth/NoPriv] or [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
• [Privacy protocol], [Privacy password]: Specify these items when you
select [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
[Test Connection] Check with the device whether a communication for template distribution
can be performed correctly. Refer to "Checking the communication with
the device" (p.6-27).

Fleet RMM 6-25

6.4 Selecting destination devices
Item Description
[Check Forbidden Combina- Check the prohibition of the template setting for the device. Refer to
tion] "Checking the Prohibition of the Template Setting" (p.6-28).
[Distribute Now] Immediately executes template distribution for the device. Refer to "Exe-
cuting the template distribution" (p.6-31).

The items displayed in the [Specify Device] tab vary depending on the model type.

[Specify Device Group] tab

Specify the devices to distribute templates by device group.

Item Description
Device group list Check the device groups to distribute templates to.
When [Auto select sub-groups] is set to ON, if the group check status is
changed, it is also applied to the offspring groups under the changed
Device List Displays a list of devices that belong to the selected device group.
[Test Connection] Check whether a communication for template distribution can be per-
formed correctly for the devices that belong to the selected device group.
Refer to "Checking the communication with the device" (p.6-27).
[Check Forbidden Combina- Check the restrictions of template settings for the devices that belong to
tion] the selected device group. Refer to "Checking the Prohibition of the Tem-
plate Setting" (p.6-28).
[Schedule Task] Register the execution schedule to distribute the template. Refer to "Reg-
istering the template distribution schedule" (p.6-30).
[Distribute Now] Immediately executes template distribution. Refer to "Executing the tem-
plate distribution" (p.6-31).

Fleet RMM 6-26

6.5 Checking the communication with the device
6.5 Checking the communication with the device
Check with the device whether a communication for template distribution can be performed correctly.

1 Specify the device in the [Select Device] tab or the [Specify Device] tab on the [Template Distribution]

2 Click [Test Connection].

The communication check results are displayed on the [Test Connection] page.

[Test Connection] page

Item Description
Progress Displays the progress of the communication check process. To cancel
the communication check, click .
Communication check result Lists the communication check results of each protocol and the device.
list The communication check results of the device are displayed in the [Re-
sult] column. Refer to "Types of communication check results" (p.6-27).
[Check Forbidden Combina- Check the prohibition of the setting for the selected device. Refer to
tion] "[Check Forbidden Combination] page" (p.6-28).
[Schedule Task] Register the template distribution execution schedule for the selected de-
vice. Refer to "[Schedule Task] page" (p.6-30).
[Distribute Now] Executes template distribution for the selected device. Refer to "[Tem-
plate Distribution Result] page" (p.6-31).

Types of communication check results

Result Description
[Testing] Communication check is currently being executed.
[Success] The check result has succeeded for all the protocols.
[Failed] The check result has failed for all the protocols.
[Canceled] Execution has been canceled.
[Not supported] The device is not subject to the template model type.

Fleet RMM 6-27

6.6 Checking the Prohibition of the Template Setting
6.6 Checking the Prohibition of the Template Setting
Check the prohibition of the template setting for the destination device.
Verify whether or not the template contains settings that cannot be combined. This prevents a template set-
ting error before distribution.

1 Specify the device in the [Select Device] tab or the [Specify Device] tab on the [Template Distribution]

2 Click [Check Forbidden Combination].

The prohibition check results are displayed on the [Check Forbidden Combination] page.

[Check Forbidden Combination] page

Item Description
Progress Displays the progress of the prohibition check process. To cancel the
prohibition check, click .
Prohibition check result list Lists the prohibition check results of the device.
The check results are displayed in the [Result] column. Refer to "Types of
prohibition check results" (p.6-29).
[Test Connection] Check with the selected device whether a communication for template
distribution can be performed correctly. Refer to "[Test Connection]
page" (p.6-27).
[Schedule Task] Register the template distribution execution schedule for the selected de-
vice. Refer to "[Schedule Task] page" (p.6-30).
[Distribute Now] Executes template distribution for the selected device. Refer to "[Tem-
plate Distribution Result] page" (p.6-31).
Hides the prohibition item list and prohibition conditions list.
Prohibition item list Lists prohibition items of the device selected in the prohibition check re-
sult list.
The prohibition processing is displayed in the [Process method] column.
Refer to "Prohibition types" (p.6-29).
Prohibition condition list Lists prohibition conditions of the item selected in the prohibition item list.
You can check the conditions to judge the prohibition for each setting
item as well as the setting items in the template.

Fleet RMM 6-28

6.6 Checking the Prohibition of the Template Setting
Types of prohibition check results

Result Description
[Waiting] Execution was requested, but not yet implemented.
[Checking] Prohibition check is currently being executed.
[Failed] Check has failed. The error message and error code are displayed.*1
[OK] Check has succeeded. No prohibition is provided.
[Has forbidden items] Check has succeeded. Prohibition is provided.
[Canceled] Execution has been canceled.
[Not supported] Device that is not targeted for a prohibition check.
[Timeout] Timeout has occurred.

*1 Click to display error details in a message box.

Prohibition types

Result Description
[Not set] Rejects or ignores template settings.
[Rounded] Changes the setting item values in the template to the specified values.

Fleet RMM 6-29

6.7 Registering the template distribution schedule
6.7 Registering the template distribution schedule
Register the execution schedule to distribute the template.

1 Select the [Select Device] tab on the [Template Distribution] page, and click [Schedule Task].
The [Schedule Task] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [OK].

[Schedule Task] page

Item Description
[Schedule name] Enter the registered name of the schedule.
[Schedule] Specify the timing to execute the template distribution.
• [Once]: Executes processing only once at the specified date and time.
• [Monthly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every month.
• [Weekly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every week.
• [Daily]: Executes processing at the specified time every day.
[Notification Email Settings] Configure a setting to notify the user of the template distribution comple-
tion by E-mail.
• [Sent to me]: Sends a notification to the current login user.
• [Other recipients]: Sends a notification to the specified E-mail ad-
• [Language]: Select the E-mail language.

The mail server setting is required to set an E-mail notification. Refer to "Mail Server Settings" (p.10-2).

Fleet RMM 6-30

6.8 Executing the template distribution
6.8 Executing the template distribution
Write the template settings to the device.

1 Specify the device in the [Select Device] tab or the [Specify Device] tab on the [Template Distribution]

2 Click [Distribute Now].

The template distribution result is displayed on the [Template Distribution Result] page.

[Template Distribution Result] page

Item Description
[Basic Information] Displays the basic information of the template.
[Status] Displays the starting date/time and ending date/time of template distribu-
[Device List] Lists the template distribution results for the device.
The [Result] column shows the execution result. Refer to "Types of tem-
plate distribution results" (p.6-32).
You can use [Filter by tags] to narrow down devices by tag. Refer to
"Search by device tag" (p.3-4).
Click of the [Details] column to display the detail of distribution result.
Refer to "Checking the distribution result details" (p.6-33).
Manages the device tag. Refer to "Editing a device tag" (p.5-16).
Specify conditions to narrow down the list. Refer to "Filtering the list"
Assigns or unassigns a tag to or from the selected device. Refer to "As-
signing a device tag" (p.5-17).
Click this to stop the execution of template distribution for the device for
which write processing is not yet performed. This item is displayed while
template distribution is being executed.
Exports the execution result to a ZIP file. This item is displayed after tem-
plate distribution is complete.

Two result icons are displayed in the [Device generic setting] column of the [Device List].
- 1st icon: Result to distribute the device common settings.
- 2nd icon: Result to verify whether the distributed settings are reflected in the device.

Fleet RMM 6-31

6.8 Executing the template distribution
Types of template distribution results

Result Description
[Waiting] Execution was requested, but not yet implemented.
[Running] Template processing is currently being executed.
[Success] Execution has succeeded.
[Failed] Execution has failed. The error message and error code are displayed.*1
[Partially failed] Execution has failed partially. The error message and error code are dis-
[Verification failed] There are items in which the setting values of the template obtained when
executing do not match those obtained from the device after execution.
The error message and error code are displayed.*1
[Canceled] Execution has been canceled.

*1 Click to display error details in a message box.

Fleet RMM 6-32

6.9 Checking the distribution result details
6.9 Checking the distribution result details
Check the details of the template distribution result.

[Template Distribution Result Details] page

Item Description
Exports the execution result for each function and the update result of the
device generic setting to CSV files, and stores them as a ZIP file.
[Device Information] Displays the information of the target device for distribution.
• [Registered name]: Registered name of the device.
• [Model name]: Model name of the device.
• [Serial number]: Serial number of the device.
• [IP address/DNS hostname]: IP address or host name of the device.
[Result] Displays the execution result for each function.
[Version information] shows the versions of the firmware, loadable device
driver, and option files that are applied to the device.
[Log Content] Displays distribution logs.
• [Machine auto update log]: Logs that are output when settings are
written by the automatic device update function.
• [Application log]: Logs that are output by Fleet RMM.
[Device Generic Settings De- Displays the update result of the device generic setting.

Two results are displayed separated by "/" in [Result] - [Device generic setting].
Example: [Success / Success]
- 1st icon: Result to distribute the device common settings.
- 2nd icon: Result to verify whether the distributed settings are reflected in the device.

Fleet RMM 6-33

6.10 Template Distribution History
6.10 Template Distribution History
Check the template distribution execution history.

% Select a template on the [Template List] page, and click [History].

The execution history is displayed on the [Template Distribution History] page.

[Template Distribution History] page

Item Description
History list Lists template distribution execution histories.
(History list) Exports the execution history list to a CSV file.
Execution result list Displays the execution result for each device concerning the history se-
lected in the history list.
You can use [Filter by tags] to narrow down devices by tag. Refer to
"Search by device tag" (p.3-4).
Click of the [Details] column to display the detail of distribution result.
Refer to "[Template Distribution Result Details] page" (p.6-33).
Manages the device tag. Refer to "Editing a device tag" (p.5-16).
Specify conditions to narrow down the list. Refer to "Filtering the list"
Assigns or unassigns a tag to or from the selected device. Refer to "As-
signing a device tag" (p.5-17).
(Execution result list) Exports the execution result list of the history selected in the history list
to a ZIP file.
Hides the execution result list.

Two result icons are displayed in the [Device generic setting] column of the execution result list.
- 1st icon: Result to distribute the device common settings.
- 2nd icon: Result to verify whether the distributed settings are reflected in the device.

Fleet RMM 6-34

7 Device Setting Audit
7.1 Setting Audit List

7 Device Setting Audit

Read the device settings, and check whether the read settings match the template used as the base of the
setting values. If the setting values are different, rewrite the device settings in accordance with the template.

Operation flow
1 Register device setting audits.
% Refer to "Registering a setting audit" (p.7-4).

2 Check communications with the devices.

% Refer to "Checking the communication with the device" (p.7-5).

3 Register the execution schedule to scan setting values.

% Refer to "Registering the Setting Value Audit Schedule" (p.7-6).

4 Check the scan result.

% Refer to "Setting Audit List" (p.7-2).

5 Reset the device of which the settings are different from the template, using the template.
% Refer to "Resetting Setting Values" (p.7-10).

This section describes the terms related to device setting value audits.
- Scan
To read the device settings and compare them with the template settings.
- Reset
To update the device settings to the template settings.
- Verify
To read the device settings after performing a reset and check whether they match the template set-

7.1 Setting Audit List

Manage the setting audit processing unit.

% From the main menu, click [Policy] - [Device Settings Audit].

The [Settings Audit List] page is displayed.

Fleet RMM 7-2

7.1 Setting Audit List
[Settings Audit List] page

Item Description
[+] Register a device setting audit. Refer to "Registering a setting audit"
Audit list Lists the registered setting audits.
[Test Connection] Check whether a communication for auditing the setting values can be
performed correctly for the selected audit target device. Refer to "Check-
ing the communication with the device" (p.7-5).
[History] Displays the execution history of the selected audit. Refer to "Setting Au-
dit History" (p.7-11).
[Schedule Task] Registers a schedule to execute the selected audit. Refer to "Registering
the Setting Value Audit Schedule" (p.7-6).
[Scan] Immediately executes setting value scanning for the selected audit. Refer
to "Scanning setting values" (p.7-7).
[Scan & Reset] Scans setting values, and then resets them regarding the selected audit.
Refer to "Executing the setting value scan and the setting value reset in
succession" (p.7-7).
Audit result list Lists the result of the audit selected in the audit list.
Click of the [Details] column to display the detail of audit result. Refer
to "Checking the audit result details" (p.7-9).
Hides the audit result list.
Immediately executes setting value resetting for the selected audit result.
Refer to "Resetting Setting Values" (p.7-10).

menu item of audit list:

Item Description
[Details] Displays the processing contents of setting audit. Refer to "[New Settings
Audit] page" (p.7-4).
[Edit] Edits the processing contents of setting audit. Refer to "[New Settings
Audit] page" (p.7-4).
[Delete] Deletes a setting audit.

Fleet RMM 7-3

7.2 Registering a setting audit
7.2 Registering a setting audit
1 Click [+] on the [Settings Audit List] page.
The [New Settings Audit] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[New Settings Audit] page

Item Description
[Settings audit name] Enter the registered name of the audit.
[Select a template] Select a template.
Click to display the template settings. Refer to "[Template Information]
page" (p.6-5).
Device list Select the check box of the device that performs an audit.
If you enter multiple keywords in the [Find device] box, you can specify
the search method. Refer to "Specifying how to search for multiple key-
words" (p.3-5).
You can use [Filter by tags] to narrow down devices by tag. Refer to
"Search by device tag" (p.3-4).

The extended format templates cannot be used for setting value audits.

Fleet RMM 7-4

7.3 Checking the communication with the device
7.3 Checking the communication with the device
Check whether a communication for auditing the setting values can be performed correctly for the device.

% Select an audit on the [Settings Audit List] page, and click [Test Connection].
The communication check results are displayed on the [Test Connection] page.

[Test Connection] page

Item Description
Progress Displays the progress of the communication check process. To cancel
the communication check, click .
Communication check result Lists the check results of the communication with the device.
list The communication check results are displayed in the [Result] column.
Refer to "Types of communication check results" (p.6-27).
[Schedule Task] Registers the schedule to execute setting value audits for the devices on
which you selected the check box. Refer to "[Schedule Task] page"
[Scan] Executes setting value scanning for the selected device. Refer to "[Set-
tings Audit Result] page" (p.7-7).
[Scan & Reset] Scans setting values, and then resets setting values regarding the device
with the check box selected. Refer to "[Settings Audit Result] page"

Fleet RMM 7-5

7.4 Registering the Setting Value Audit Schedule
7.4 Registering the Setting Value Audit Schedule
Register the execution schedule for setting value audits.

1 Select an audit on the [Settings Audit List] page, and click [Schedule Task].
The [Schedule Task] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [OK].

[Schedule Task] page

Item Description
[Schedule name] Enter the registered name of the schedule.
[Operation] Select the function to execute the schedule. You can select Scan or
Scan & Reset.
[Schedule] Specify the timing to execute audit.
• [Once]: Executes processing only once at the specified date and time.
• [Monthly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every month.
• [Weekly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every week.
• [Daily]: Executes processing at the specified time every day.
[Notification Email Settings] Configure a setting to notify the user of the audit completion by E-mail.
• [Sent to me]: Sends a notification to the current login user.
• [Other recipients]: Sends a notification to the specified E-mail ad-
• [Language]: Select the E-mail language.

The mail server setting is required to set an E-mail notification. Refer to "Mail Server Settings" (p.10-2).

Fleet RMM 7-6

7.5 Scanning Setting Values
7.5 Scanning Setting Values
Read the device settings, and compare them with the setting values of the template.

Scanning setting values

% Select an audit on the [Settings Audit List] page, and click [Scan].
The scan result is displayed on the [Settings Audit Result] page.

Executing the setting value scan and the setting value reset in succession
% Select an audit on the [Settings Audit List] page, and click [Scan & Reset].
The scan and reset results are displayed on the [Settings Audit Result] screen.

[Settings Audit Result] page

Item Description
[Basic Information] Displays the basic information of the audit.
[Status] Displays the starting date/time and ending date/time of the audit.
[Device List] Lists the audit results for the device.
The [Result] column shows the execution result. Refer to "Types of set-
ting audit results" (p.7-8).
The [Status] column shows the results of comparing the settings between
the template and the device. Refer to "Types of scan statuses" (p.7-8).
Click of the [Details] column to display the detail of audit result. Refer
to "Checking the audit result details" (p.7-9).
Stops a setting value audit that has not been executed. This item is dis-
played while an audit is being executed.
Immediately executes setting value resetting for the selected audit result.
The reset result is displayed on the [Settings Audit Result] page.
Exports the execution result to a ZIP file. This item is displayed after an
audit ends.

Fleet RMM 7-7

7.5 Scanning Setting Values
Types of setting audit results

Result Description
[Scan success] Scanning has succeeded.
[Scan failed] Scanning has failed. The error message and error code are displayed.*1
[Scan partially failed] Scanning has failed partially. The error message and error code are dis-
[Reset success] Reset has succeeded.
[Reset failed] Reset has failed. The error message and error code are displayed.*1
[Reset partially failed] Reset has failed partially. The error message and error code are dis-
[Verification failed] Verify processing (re-acquirement of device setting values and compari-
son with template) has failed.
[Canceled] Execution has been canceled.

*1 Click to display error details in a message box.

Types of scan statuses

Status Description
[Not scanned] Scan processing is incomplete.
[Not reset] Reset processing is incomplete.
[Scan failed] The system failed to acquire the setting values of the device. The error
message and error code are displayed.*1
When some items cannot be compared because the values cannot be
obtained from the device, they are indicated with an asterisk "*".
[Reset failed] Failed to reset setting values of the device. The error message and error
code are displayed.*1
When some items cannot be compared because the values cannot be
obtained from the device, they are indicated with an asterisk "*".
[Verification failed] Failed to acquire setting values of the device in verify processing. The er-
ror message and error code are displayed.*1
When some items cannot be compared because the values cannot be
obtained from the device, they are indicated with an asterisk "*".
[Matched] The setting value is identical between the device and the template.
When some items cannot be compared because the values cannot be
obtained from the device, they are indicated with an asterisk "*".
[Unmatched] The setting value is different between the device and the template.
When some items cannot be compared because the values cannot be
obtained from the device, they are indicated with an asterisk "*".
[No data] The corresponding setting item is not assigned to the data acquired from
the device.

*1 Click to display error details in a message box.

Fleet RMM 7-8

7.6 Checking the audit result details
7.6 Checking the audit result details
Check the details of the setting audit result.

[Device Audit Result Details] page

Item Description
Exports the execution result for each function and the update result of the
device generic setting to CSV files, and stores them as a ZIP file.
[Basic Information] Displays the basic information of the audit.
[Operation] shows the distinction between scan and reset.
[Device Information] Displays the information of the target device for distribution.
• [Registered name]: Registered name of the device.
• [Model name]: Model name of the device.
• [Serial number]: Serial number of the device.
• [IP address/DNS hostname]: IP address or host name of the device.
[Result] Displays the audit result and the scan status.
• [Result]: Refer to "Types of setting audit results" (p.7-8).
• [Status]: Refer to "Types of scan statuses" (p.7-8).
[Log Content] Displays audit logs.
• [Application log]: Logs that are output by Fleet RMM.
[Device Generic Settings De- Displays the update result of the device generic setting.
The setting values are reset for the currently displayed audit results.

Fleet RMM 7-9

7.7 Resetting Setting Values
7.7 Resetting Setting Values
Reset the settings of the device to the setting values of the template.

% Select an audit result in the audit result list on the [Settings Audit List] page, and click .
The reset result is displayed on the [Settings Audit Result] page. Refer to "[Settings Audit Result] page"

Fleet RMM 7-10

7.8 Setting Audit History
7.8 Setting Audit History
Check the setting audit execution history.

% Select an audit on the [Settings Audit List] page, and click [History].
The execution history is displayed on the [Settings Audit History] page.

[Settings Audit History] page

Item Description
(History list) Exports the execution history to a CSV file.
History list Lists the execution history of the audit.
(Execution result list) Exports the execution result list of the history selected in the history list
to a ZIP file.
Hides the execution result list.
Execution result list Displays the execution result for each device concerning the selected his-
Click of the [Details] column to display the detail of audit result. Refer
to "[Device Audit Result Details] page" (p.7-9).

Fleet RMM 7-11

8 Device Certificate Audit
8.1 Certificate Audit List

8 Device Certificate Audit

Periodically check the necessity of the device certificate and the expiration date. If it is judged that it is nec-
essary to update the certificate, the certificate authority is asked to issue it, and the updated certificate is
automatically installed in the device.

- This function is only available for the default device certificate.
- To use this function, you need to set a certificate authority. Refer to "Certificate Authority Settings"
- When a new device certificate is installed while the SSL communication of the device is set to Disable,
the old device certificate to be updated is deleted. (The old device certificate may not be deleted de-
pending on the device status.)

Operation flow
1 Register a certificate audit.
% Refer to "Registering a Certificate Audit" (p.8-4).

2 Check communications with the devices.

% Refer to "Checking the communication with the device" (p.8-5).

3 Register the execution schedule.

% Refer to "Registering a Certificate Audit Schedule" (p.8-6).

4 Check the execution result.

% Refer to "Certificate Audit List" (p.8-2).

8.1 Certificate Audit List

Manage the certificate audit processing unit.

% From the main menu, click [Policy] - [Device Certificate Audit].

The [Certificate Audit List] page is displayed.

Fleet RMM 8-2

8.1 Certificate Audit List
[Certificate Audit List] page

Item Description
[+] Register a certificate audit. Refer to "Registering a Certificate Audit"
Audit list Lists the registered certificate audits.
[Test Connection] Check whether a communication for auditing the certificate can be per-
formed correctly for the selected audit target device. Refer to "Checking
the communication with the device" (p.8-5).
[History] Displays the execution history of the selected audit. Refer to "Certificate
Audit History" (p.8-9).
[Schedule Task] Register the execution schedule of the selected audit. Refer to "Register-
ing a Certificate Audit Schedule" (p.8-6).
[Run] Immediately executes the selected audit. Refer to "Executing a Certifi-
cate Audit" (p.8-7).
Audit result list Lists the result of the selected audit.
The [Result] column shows the execution result. Refer to "Types of certif-
icate audit results" (p.8-8).
Hides the audit result list.

menu item of audit list:

Item Description
[Edit] Edits the processing contents of certificate audit. Refer to "[New Certifi-
cate Audit] page" (p.8-4).
[Delete] Deletes a certificate audit.

Fleet RMM 8-3

8.2 Registering a Certificate Audit
8.2 Registering a Certificate Audit
1 Click [+] on the [Certificate Audit List] page.
The [New Certificate Audit] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[New Certificate Audit] page

Item Description
[Certificate audit name] Enter the registered name of the audit.
[Update trigger] Specify conditions to update the certificate.
• [No certificate]: Installs the certificate when no certificate is installed
in the device.
• [Certificate expired]: Updates the certificate when the remaining peri-
od until the expiration date of the certificate is less than the specified
number of days.
[Option] [Delete unused certificates]: Select this check box to delete certificates
that are not used as default certificates or protocol certificates from the
device's certificate store.
[Device Selection] Select the check box of the device that performs an audit.
If you enter multiple keywords in the [Find device] box, you can specify
the search method. Refer to "Specifying how to search for multiple key-
words" (p.3-5).
You can use [Filter by tags] to narrow down devices by tag. Refer to
"Search by device tag" (p.3-4).

Fleet RMM 8-4

8.3 Checking the communication with the device
8.3 Checking the communication with the device
Check whether a communication for auditing the certificate can be performed correctly for the device.

% Select an audit on the [Certificate Audit List] page, and click [Test Connection].
The communication check results are displayed on the [Test Connection] page.

[Test Connection] page

Item Description
Progress Displays the progress of the communication check process. To cancel
the communication check, click .
Communication check result Lists the check results of the communication with the device.
list The communication check results are displayed in the [Result] column.
Refer to "Types of communication check results" (p.6-27).
[Schedule Task] Register the certificate audit execution schedule for the selected device.
Refer to "[Schedule Task] page" (p.8-6).
[Run] Executes certificate audit for the selected device. Refer to "[Certificate
Audit Result] page" (p.8-7).

Fleet RMM 8-5

8.4 Registering a Certificate Audit Schedule
8.4 Registering a Certificate Audit Schedule
Register the certificate audit execution schedule for the device.

1 Select an audit on the [Certificate Audit List] page, and click [Schedule Task].
The [Schedule Task] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [OK].

[Schedule Task] page

Item Description
[Schedule name] Enter the registered name of the schedule.
[Schedule] Specify the timing to execute audit.
• [Once]: Executes processing only once at the specified date and time.
• [Monthly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every month.
• [Weekly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every week.
• [Daily]: Executes processing at the specified time every day.
[Notification Email Settings] Configure a setting to notify the user of the audit completion by E-mail.
• [Sent to me]: Sends a notification to the current login user.
• [Other recipients]: Sends a notification to the specified E-mail ad-
• [Language]: Select the E-mail language.

The mail server setting is required to set an E-mail notification. Refer to "Mail Server Settings" (p.10-2).

Fleet RMM 8-6

8.5 Executing a Certificate Audit
8.5 Executing a Certificate Audit
Immediately execute the device certificate audit.

% Select an audit on the [Certificate Audit List] page, and click [Run].
The audit result is displayed on the [Certificate Audit Result] page.

[Certificate Audit Result] page

Item Description
[Basic Information] Displays the basic information of the audit.
[Status] Displays the starting date/time and ending date/time of the audit.
[Device List] Lists the audit results for the device.
The [Result] column shows the execution result. Refer to "Types of certif-
icate audit results" (p.8-8).
Stops a certificate audit that is not executed. This item is displayed while
an audit is being executed.
Exports the execution result to a CSV file. This item is displayed after an
audit ends.

Fleet RMM 8-7

8.5 Executing a Certificate Audit
Types of certificate audit results

Result Description
[Update not needed] Update is not required.
[Success] Update has succeeded.
[Audit failed] Audit has failed. The error message and error code are displayed.*1
[Update failed] Update has failed. The error message and error code are displayed.*1
[Update failed (certificates Update failed because the number of device certificates on the device
full)] has reached the limit. The error message and error code are displayed.*1
[Certificate creation failed] Certificate creation has failed. The error message and error code are dis-
[Failed] Processing has failed for other reasons. The error message and error
code are displayed.*1
[Canceled] Execution has been canceled.
(Blank field) Not executed.

*1 Click to display error details in a message box.

Fleet RMM 8-8

8.6 Certificate Audit History
8.6 Certificate Audit History
Check the certificate audit execution history.

% Select an audit on the [Certificate Audit List] page, and click [History].
The execution history is displayed on the [Certificate Audit History] page.

[Certificate Audit History] page

Item Description
(History list) Exports the execution history list to a CSV file.
History list Lists the execution history of the audit.
(Execution result list) Exports the execution result list of the history selected in the history list
to a CSV file.
Hides the execution result list.
Execution result list Displays the execution result for each device concerning the history se-
lected in the history list.

Fleet RMM 8-9

9 Task
9.1 Schedule

9 Task
Manage tasks such as template distribution and device setting audits that are instructed to execute immedi-
ately or based on the schedule.

9.1 Schedule
Manage the task execution status.

9.1.1 Schedule List

% Click [Task] - [Schedule] in the main menu.
The [Schedule Tasks] page is displayed.

[Schedule Tasks] page

Item Description
Task list Lists the scheduled tasks and the immediately executed tasks.
Click [Running] or [Waiting] of the [Status] column to display the task ex-
ecution result page.

menu item of task list:

Item Description
[Details] Displays the contents of the task. This item is displayed when task editing
privileges are not provided. Refer to "Detailed Information of Task"
[Edit] Edits the contents of the task. This item is displayed when task editing
privileges are provided. Refer to "Editing a task" (p.9-4).
[Delete] Deletes the task.

Fleet RMM 9-2

9.1 Schedule
9.1.2 Detailed Information of Task
Check the contents of the task.

% If the contents are displayed in edit mode, specify each item, and click [OK].

[Task Information] page

Item Description
[Basic Information] Displays the basic information of the task.
[Schedule] Displays the timing to execute the task. This item is displayed for the
scheduled tasks.
[Notification Email Settings] Displays a setting to notify the user of the task completion by E-mail. This
item is displayed for the scheduled tasks.

Fleet RMM 9-3

9.1 Schedule
9.1.3 Editing a task
Edits the contents of the task.

% On the [Schedule Tasks] page, click [Edit] from the menu of the task.
% If the task type is [Template Distribution] and the execution type is [Scheduled], refer to "[Edit Task]
page" (p.9-4).
% For cases other than the above, refer to "Detailed Information of Task" (p.9-3).

[Edit Task] page

Edit the scheduled template distribution task.

Item Description
[Basic information] Set the basic information of the task.
[Schedule] Specify the timing for when to execute the task.
[Notification Email Settings] Configure a setting to notify the user of the task completion by E-mail.
[Template Information] Set template information.
[Target device(s)] Specify the device to distribute templates to.
• [Select device] tab: Select devices to distribute the template from the
device list.
• [Specify device group] tab: Select the device group to distribute tem-
plates to.

You cannot change the contents depending on certain setting items.

Fleet RMM 9-4

9.2 History by task
9.2 History by task
Manage the task execution history.

9.2.1 History list by task

% Click [Task] - [History by Task] in the main menu.
The [History List by Task] page is displayed.

[History List by Task] page

Item Description
Specify conditions to narrow down the history list. Refer to "Filtering the
list" (p.5-4).
Exports the history to a CSV file.
Updates the contents shown in the list.
History list Lists task histories.
Click of the [Details] column to display the task execution result page.

Fleet RMM 9-5

9.3 Template Distribution History by Device
9.3 Template Distribution History by Device
Manage the template distribution history for each device.

9.3.1 Template Distribution History List by Device

% Click [Task] - [Template Distribution History by Device] in the main menu.
The [Template Distribution History List by Device] page is displayed.

[Template Distribution History List by Device] page

Item Description
Device list Select the device for which you want to display the template distribution
Manages the device tag. Refer to "Editing a device tag" (p.5-16).
Specify conditions to narrow down the list. Refer to "Filtering the list"
Assigns or unassigns a tag to or from the selected device. Refer to "As-
signing a device tag" (p.5-17).
History list Displays the template distribution history for the device selected in the
device list.
You can use [Filter by tags] to narrow down devices by tag. Refer to
"Search by device tag" (p.3-4).
Click of the [Details] column to display the detail of distribution result.
Refer to "[Template Distribution Result Details] page" (p.6-33).
Exports the currently displayed template distribution history list to a CSV
Hides the history list.

Fleet RMM 9-6

10 System Management
10.1 Mail Server Settings

10 System Management

10.1 Mail Server Settings

Set up the mail server for E-mail notification.

1 From the main menu, click [Administration] - [System Settings] - [Mail Server Settings].
The [Mail Server Settings] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[Mail Server Settings] page

Item Description
[Server name] Enter the IP address or host name of the SMTP server used for E-mail
[Server port] Enter the port number for communications.
[Sender's email (From)] Enter the address used in the From header of an E-mail.
[Encryption method] Select an encryption method for sending E-mails.
[Use SMTP authentication] Select this check box to use the SMTP authentication when sending
• [User name]: Enter the account name to authenticate with the SMTP
• [Password]: Enter the password of the account. When entering the
password, select the [Change password] check box.
[Send Test Email] Sends a test E-mail to the current login user to confirm the settings.
The login user's E-mail address must be set. Refer to "Account Setting"

Fleet RMM 10-2

10.2 Certificate Authority Settings
10.2 Certificate Authority Settings
Configure settings to have the certificate authority issue the certificate to be installed on the device.

1 From the main menu, click [Administration] - [System Settings] - [Certificate Authority Settings].
The [Certificate Authority Settings] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

The certificate authority to be set must satisfy the following requirements.

- The certificate authority is a private certificate authority in which the Windows Server 's Active Directory
certificate service is installed.
- The type of certificate authority is the enterprise certificate authority.
- The Fleet RMM server is joined to the Active Directory domain to which the certificate authority be-

[Certificate Authority Settings] page

Item Description
[Certificate Signing Request Enter the certificate's owner information. Specify the location of your or-
(CSR) Settings] ganization and the E-mail address of the administrator.
[Certificate Authority (CA) Specify the server from which to obtain the certificate.
[Use AD CS] Select this item to obtain the certificate from the CA server.
• [Type]: Displays the CA type.
• [CA server]: Enter the IP address or the host name of the CA server.
• [CA name]: Enter the certificate authority name.
• [Certificate template name]: Enter the name of the certificate template
[Use NDES] Select this item to obtain the certificate via NDES (Network Device Enroll-
ment Service).
• [NDES server]: Enter the IP address or the host name of the NDES
• [Challenge password]: Enter the challenge password issued by the
NDES server. When entering the password, select the [Change pass-
word] check box.
• [Port number]: Enter the port number used for NDES.
• [Use SSL]: Select this check box when using SSL communication.
[Test Connection] Check a connection with the specified certificate authority.

Fleet RMM 10-3

10.3 Active Directory Setting
10.3 Active Directory Setting
Configure settings to access Active Directory.

1 From the main menu, click [Administration] - [System Settings] - [Active Directory Settings].
The [Active Directory Settings] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[Active Directory Settings] page

Item Description
[Use Active Directory func- Select this check box when using Active Directory.
[Domain name] Enter the domain name or IP address of the Active Directory server.
[Account] Enter the logon name of the Active Directory account.
[Password] Enter the password of the Active Directory account. When entering the
password, select the [Change password] check box.
[Search base] Enter the identification name of the base entry used as the starting point
for searching a directory.
Entry example: "OU=users,DC=example,DC=com"
[Search scope] Select the directory search range.
• [Subtree]: Searches for the base entry and all the levels under it.
• [OneLevel]: Searches for one level directly under the base entry. The
base entry itself is not searched.
[Use LDAP]/[Use LDAPS] Select the protocol used to access Active Directory. Then, enter [Port
number] and [Global Catalog port number].
To establish SSL communication, select [Use LDAPS].
[Test Connection] Check a connection with the specified server.

Fleet RMM 10-4

10.4 Other settings
10.4 Other settings
1 From the main menu, click [Administration] - [System Settings] - [Others].
The [Others] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[Others] page

Item Description
[Inactive timeout] Select the timeout period when the application is no longer in operation.
After the timeout period lapses, you will be logged out when you perform
the first screen operation.

Fleet RMM 10-5

10.5 Edge Management
10.5 Edge Management
Manage Edges. Also, register the devices connected to the network in Edges.

% From the main menu, click [Administration] - [Edge Management].

The [Edge List] page is displayed.

[Edge List] page

Item Description
Edge list Lists Edges.
• [+ New edge]: Register an Edge. Refer to "Registering an Edge"
[Common Settings] Configure general settings to apply to each Edge. Refer to "Edge general
settings" (p.10-19).
[Basic Information] Set the basic information of Edge. Refer to "[Basic Information] tab"
[Device Discovery] Configure settings for Edge to search for devices periodically. Refer to
"[Device Discovery] tab" (p.10-8).
[Device Registration] Directly specify the device, and register it in Edge. Refer to "[Device Reg-
istration] tab" (p.10-13).
[Device Import] Reads the device import information list and registers or temporarily reg-
isters the device. Refer to "[Device Import] tab" (p.10-14).
[Discovery Result] Displays the result of searching for devices by Edge. Refer to "[Discovery
Result] tab" (p.10-15).
[Polling Configuration] Set the inquiry to collect the information of the devices that belong to
Edge. Refer to "[Polling Configuration] tab" (p.10-16).
[Device List] Displays the devices that belong to the selected Edge. Refer to "[Device
List] tab" (p.10-17).

menu item of Edge list:

Item Description
[Delete] Deletes Edge.
[Disable] Disables Edge activation.

Fleet RMM 10-6

10.5 Edge Management
Activation is required to use the disabled Edge again. For details, refer to the "Fleet RMM Installation Guide".

[Basic Information] tab

Set the basic information of Edge.

Item Description
[ID] Displays the Edge ID. The Edge ID is generated automatically.
[Name] Enter the registered name of Edge.
[Description] Enter the description of Edge.
[IP address/DNS hostname] Enter the IP address or host name of Edge.
[Role] Select a role that manages Edge.
[Device count] Displays the number of devices managed by Edge.
[Date added] Displays the date/time when Edge was registered.
[Status] Displays the activation status of Edge.
[Last communication] Displays the date/time of the last communication with Edge.
[Version] Displays the software version of Edge.
[Test Connection] Checks the communication with Edge, and displays the check result.
[Edge Health Check] Configure a setting to check the periodical communications with Edge.
• [Notify on connection error]: Select this check box to notify by
E-mail when a communication error occurs.
• [Recipients]: Sends a notification to the specified E-mail address.
• [Language]: Select the E-mail language.

- The mail server setting is required to set an E-mail notification. Refer to "Mail Server Settings" (p.10-2).
- [IP address/DNS hostname] must be entered even if you installed the Fleet RMM application and Edge
on the same computer using the quick install. Also, "localhost" cannot be used as the host name.

Fleet RMM 10-7

10.5 Edge Management
[Device Discovery] tab
Configure settings for Edge to search for devices periodically.

If a temporarily registered device is detected on the network, it is definitively registered.

Item Description
[Discovery Schedule] Set the schedule to search for the device.
• [Last discovery]: Displays the date/time when the previous search
was complete.
• [Number of devices found]: Displays the number of devices that were
detected newly at the previous search.
• [Search now]: Click [Start] to immediately start a search. When you
click [Stop] during searching, the search is stopped.
• [Don't search]: Disables the schedule.
• [Monthly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every month.
• [Weekly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every week.
• [Daily]: Executes processing at the specified time every day.
[SNMP Broadcast (IPv4)] Select this check box to search for devices using IPv4 broadcast. The
broadcast addresses to be searched are listed.
• To add a broadcast address, click [+]. Refer to "[Add SNMP Broad-
cast Discovery Address] page" (p.10-10).
• To delete a broadcast address, select the check box of the target ad-
dress in the list, and click .
• To include a registered broadcast address in the search target, select
the check box of the target address in the list, and click .
• To exclude a registered broadcast address from the search target, se-
lect the check box of the target address in the list, and click .
• To export the list of broadcast addresses to a CSV file, click . Refer
to "Exporting the search address range setting list" (p.10-22).
• To import the list of broadcast addresses from a CSV file, click .
Refer to "Importing the search address range setting list" (p.10-22).

Fleet RMM 10-8

10.5 Edge Management
Item Description
[SNMP Unicast (IPv4)] Select this check box to search for devices using IPv4 unicast. The rang-
es of unicast addresses to be searched are listed.
• To add a unicast address range, click [+]. Refer to "[Add SNMP Uni-
cast Discovery Address] page" (p.10-11).
• To delete a unicast address range, select the check box of the target
address range in the list, and click .
• To include the registered address range in the search target, select
the check box of the target address range in the list and click .
• To exclude a registered address range from the search target, select
the check box of the target address range in the list and click .
• To export the address range list to a CSV file, click . Refer to "Ex-
porting the search address range setting list" (p.10-22).
• To import the address range list from a CSV file, click . Refer to
"Importing the search address range setting list" (p.10-22).
[SNMP Settings] Set the SNMP communication to search for the device.
• [Use common settings]: Select this check box to apply [SNMP Set-
tings for communication] in [Common Settings].
• [SNMPv1 Setting]: Lists SNMPv1 communication settings. This item
is available when [Use common settings] is set to OFF.
To add a setting, click [+]. Refer to "[Add SNMPv1 Setting] page"
To delete a setting, select the check box of the target setting in the
list, and click .
• [SNMPv3 Setting]: Lists SNMPv3 communication settings. This item
is available when [Use common settings] is set to OFF.
To add a setting, click [+]. Refer to "[Add SNMPv3 Setting] page"
To delete a setting, select the check box of the target setting in the
list, and click .
[Auto Device Group Assign- To automatically assign the searched device to a device group, select the
ment] [Apply auto device group assignment rules during discovery] check box.
The automatic assignment is performed based on the rules of [Auto De-
vice Group Assignment] in [Common Settings].

Fleet RMM 10-9

10.5 Edge Management
[Add SNMP Broadcast Discovery Address] page
Register the address used when Edge searches for the device via IPv4 broadcast.

Item Description
[Direct broadcast address Select this radio button when directly specifying the broadcast address.
[Calculate broadcast ad- Select this radio button when specifying the network address and subnet
dress using subnet mask] mask to automatically calculate the broadcast address.

Fleet RMM 10-10

10.5 Edge Management
[Add SNMP Unicast Discovery Address] page
Register the address range used when Edge searches for the device via IPv4 unicast.

Item Description
[Specify by network class] Select this radio button when specifying the unicast address range using
the starting and ending IP addresses.
[Specify by CIDR] Select this radio button when specifying the starting IP address and
CIDR-format prefix to automatically calculate the unicast address range.

[Add SNMPv1 Setting] page

Register the setting for Edge to search for the device via SNMPv1 communication.

Item Description
[Community name] Enter the Read community name.
[Port number] Enter the port number for communications.

Fleet RMM 10-11

10.5 Edge Management
[Add SNMPv3 Setting] page
Register the setting for Edge to search for the device via SNMPv3 communication.

Item Description
[Read user name] Enter the Read user name.
[Context name] Enter the context name.
[Port number] Enter the port number for communications.
[Security level] Select the security level for communication.
• [NoAuth/NoPriv]: Does not perform authentication and encryption.
• [Auth/NoPriv]: Performs only the authentication.
• [Auth/Priv]: Performs authentication and encryption.
[Authentication protocol] Select the authentication protocol.
Set this item when you select [Auth/NoPriv] or [Auth/Priv] in [Security lev-
[Authentication password] Enter the authentication password.
Set this item when you select [Auth/NoPriv] or [Auth/Priv] in [Security lev-
[Privacy protocol] Select the encryption protocol.
Set this item when you select [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
[Privacy password] Enter the encryption password.
Set this item when you select [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].

Fleet RMM 10-12

10.5 Edge Management
[Device Registration] tab
Directly specify the device, and register it in Edge.

If a temporarily registered device is detected on the network, it is definitively registered.

Item Description
[Registration Settings] Specify the registered device.
• [Last registration]: Displays the date/time when the previous device
registration was complete.
• [Number of registered devices]: Displays the number of devices that
were registered last time.
• [IP address/DNS hostname]: Enter the IP address or host name of the
registered device. When entering multiple devices, delimit them using
line breaks.
[SNMP Settings for Commu- Enter information to access the device using SNMP.
nication] • [SNMP port number]: Enter the port number for communication.
• If you select [Use SNMP v1], specify [Community name].
• If you select [Use SNMP v3], specify [Read user name], [Context
name], and [Security level].
• [Authentication protocol], [Authentication password]: Specify these
items when you select [Auth/NoPriv] or [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
• [Privacy protocol], [Privacy password]: Specify these items when you
select [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
[Device Group Setting] To automatically assign the registered device to a device group, select
the [Apply auto device group assignment rules during registration] check
box. The automatic assignment is performed based on the rules of [Auto
Device Group Assignment] in [Common Settings].
[Register] Executes device registration.

Fleet RMM 10-13

10.5 Edge Management
[Device Import] tab
Read the device information list and register devices detected on the network.
Devices that are not detected on the network are temporarily registered.

Item Description
[Import Settings] Make settings for importing device information.
• [Last import]: Displays the date and time the import was last complet-
• [Number of import devices]: Displays the number of devices that were
imported when the import was performed the last time.
• [Import file]: Select the CSV file of the device information list to be im-
• [CSV file template]: Download the CSV file to be used as a template
for the device information list.
[SNMP Settings for Commu- Enter information to access the device using SNMP.
nication] • [SNMP port number]: Enter the port number for communication.
• If you select [Use SNMP v1], specify [Community name].
• If you select [Use SNMP v3], specify [Read user name], [Context
name], and [Security level].
• [Authentication protocol], [Authentication password]: Specify these
items when you select [Auth/NoPriv] or [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
• [Privacy protocol], [Privacy password]: Specify these items when you
select [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
[Device Group Setting] When registering a device detected on the network, if you want to auto-
matically assign it to a device group, select the [Apply auto device group
assignment rules during registration] check box. The automatic assign-
ment is performed based on the rules of [Auto Device Group Assignment]
in [Common Settings].
[Import] Imports the device information.

Fleet RMM 10-14

10.5 Edge Management
Registering a device by importing the device information list
1 Display the [Device Import] tab on the [Edge List] screen.

2 Click [Download] of [CSV file template].

The CSV file to be used as a template for the device information list is downloaded.

3 Enter the device information to be registered in the CSV file.

% For the items to be entered, refer to the comments (lines starting with "#") in the CSV file.

4 Click [Choose File] of [Import file], and specify the CSV file for the device information list.

5 Set the necessary information for [SNMP Settings for Communication] and [Device Group Setting].

6 Click [Import].

[Discovery Result] tab

Displays the results of searching for devices by Edge.

Item Description
History list Lists device search histories.
The [Result] column shows the result of registering the detected device.
Device list Displays the detected devices concerning the search history selected in
the history list.
The [Result] column shows the result of registering the device.
Hides the device list.

Fleet RMM 10-15

10.5 Edge Management
[Polling Configuration] tab
Set the inquiry to collect the information of the devices that belong to Edge.

Item Description
[Get Device Status] [Polling interval (Minutes)]: Enter the interval to acquire the device status.
[Get Device Counter] Set the schedule to acquire counter information of the device.
• [Off]: Disables the schedule.
• [Monthly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every month.
• [Weekly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every week.
• [Daily]: Executes processing at the specified time every day.
[Get IEEE802.1X Authentica- Set a schedule to acquire the IEEE802.1X certification status of the de-
tion Status] vice. Displayed when the IEEE802.1X authentication status acquisition
function is enabled in the Fleet RMM server settings. Refer to "Configur-
ing the Function Enhancement" (p.11-11).
• [Off]: Disables the schedule.
• [Monthly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every month.
• [Weekly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every week.
• [Daily]: Executes processing at the specified time every day.

Fleet RMM 10-16

10.5 Edge Management
[Device List] tab
Displays the devices that belong to Edge.

Item Description
Device list Lists the devices that belong to Edge.
To change the Edge to which the device belongs, select the target device
in the list, and drag & drop it to Edge in the Edge list.
Multiple devices can be selected. To deselect, click the device selected
in the list again.
The management status of the device ([Managed], [Unmanaged], or [Ten-
tative registration]) is displayed in the [Managed/Unmanaged] column.
Refer to "[Managed Device List] page" (p.5-14).

Fleet RMM 10-17

10.5 Edge Management
10.5.1 Registering an Edge
1 Click [+ New edge] on the [Edge List] page.
The [Add a new edge] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [OK].

Activation is required to use the registered Edge. For details, refer to the "Fleet RMM Installation Guide".

[Add a new edge] page

Item Description
[Name] Enter the registered name of Edge.
[IP address/DNS hostname] Enter the IP address or host name of Edge.

Fleet RMM 10-18

10.5 Edge Management
10.5.2 Edge general settings
Configure general settings to apply to each Edge.

1 Click [Common Settings] on the [Edge List] page.

The [Common Settings] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[Common Settings] page

Item Description
[Auto Device Group Assign- Lists settings to automatically assign a device to a device group when
ment] registering the device to an Edge.
To add a setting, click [+]. Refer to "Auto Assignment Setting for Device
Group" (p.10-20).
To edit a setting, click [Edit] in the menu of the list.
To delete a setting, select the check box of the target setting in the list,
and click .
[Auto Device Naming Con- Select the naming rule to automatically set the registered name when reg-
vention] istering the device detected by Device Search.
[SNMP Settings for Commu- Enter information to access the device using SNMP.
nication] • [SNMP port number]: Enter the port number for communication.
• If you select [Use SNMP v1], specify [Community name].
• If you select [Use SNMP v3], specify [Read user name], [Context
name], and [Security level].
• [Authentication protocol], [Authentication password]: Specify these
items when you select [Auth/NoPriv] or [Auth/Priv] in [Security level].
When entering the password, select the [change password] check
• [Privacy protocol], [Privacy password]: Specify these items when you
select [Auth/Priv] in [Security level]. When entering the password, se-
lect the [change password] check box.

Fleet RMM 10-19

10.5 Edge Management
10.5.3 Auto Assignment Setting for Device Group
Configure settings to automatically assign a device to a device group when registering the device to an Edge.

1 Click [+] in [Auto Device Group Assignment] on the [Common Settings] page.
The [Build Device Group Assignment Rule] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

[Build Device Group Assignment Rule] page

Item Description
[Enable rule] Select [Enable] to automatically assign a device to a device group when
registering the device to an Edge.
[Target Device Group] Specify which device group to assign the devices that meet the condi-
• [Device group]: Select the assigned device group.
• [Rule description]: Enter a description to distinguish the settings in the
auto assignment setting list.
[Conditions for this Assign- Lists auto assignment conditions.
ment Rule] To add a condition, click [+]. Refer to "[Add Condition] page" (p.10-21).
To edit a condition, click [Edit] in the menu of the list.
To delete a condition, click [Delete] in the menu of the list.

Fleet RMM 10-20

10.5 Edge Management
[Add Condition] page

Item Description
[Operator] Specify the method to merge conditions.
• [AND]: Evaluates whether both the conditions of the previous row(s)
and the conditions of the current row are satisfied.
• [OR]: Evaluates whether either the conditions of the previous row(s) or
the conditions of the current row are satisfied.
[Device property] Select an item to set the automatic assignment condition.
[Condition] Select item judgment conditions.
The selectable conditions vary depending on the selected item.
• [equal to]: The [Device property] value is equal to the value specified
in [Value].
• [not equal]: The [Device property] value is not equal to the value spec-
ified in [Value].
• [include]: The [Device property] value includes the value specified in
• [exclude]: The [Device property] value does not include the value
specified in [Value].
• [Start]: The [Device property] value starts with the value specified in
• [End]: The [Device property] value ends with the value specified in
[Value] Enter the value to judge the item.
The following regular expressions are available.
• *: Any character string.
• ?: Any one character.
• |: Matches either one of the previous and next attribute values.

If you want to handle the characters used for regular expressions as a normal character string in the value to
be entered in [Value], enclose them in brackets [ ].
Example: If you type "abc[*]def", it matches the character string, "abc*def".

Fleet RMM 10-21

10.5 Edge Management
10.5.4 Bulk Setting of Device Search Address Ranges
Import the address range list for searching for devices with SNMP broadcast or SNMP unicast from a CSV
Export the address ranges already registered to a CSV file, then edit and import the CSV file.

When editing the CSV file, you need to write the content according to the CSV file specifications of the search
address range. Refer to "About the search address range setting list file" (p.10-23).

Exporting the search address range setting list

When exporting the search address ranges for SNMP broadcast or SNMP unicast to a CSV file, all the reg-
istered search address ranges are exported regardless of which check box is selected in the list.

% Click in one of the following locations.

- For SNMP broadcast: [Device Discovery] tab - [Discovery Protocol] - [SNMP Broadcast (IPv4)]
- For SNMP unicast: [Device Discovery] tab - [Discovery Protocol] - [SNMP Unicast (IPv4)]
The CSV file for the search address range is exported.

Importing the search address range setting list

When importing the search address ranges for SNMP broadcast or SNMP unicast from a CSV file, all the pre-
viously registered search address ranges are deleted, and then the address ranges listed in the CSV file are

1 Click in one of the following locations.

% For SNMP broadcast: [Device Discovery] tab - [Discovery Protocol] - [SNMP Broadcast (IPv4)]
% For SNMP unicast: [Device Discovery] tab - [Discovery Protocol] - [SNMP Unicast (IPv4)]
The [Import SNMP Broadcast Discovery Address] page or [Import SNMP Unicast Discovery Address]
page is displayed.

2 Click [Choose File] and, select the CSV file to import.

3 Click [Run].

If the contents of the CSV file to be imported are not written correctly, an error list is displayed. Check the
contents of the errors and correct the CSV file.

Fleet RMM 10-22

10.5 Edge Management
About the search address range setting list file
When editing the CSV file of the search address ranges for SNMP broadcast or SNMP unicast, write accord-
ing to the following specifications.
- Set the text encoding to "UTF-8, with BOM".
- Delimit columns with "," (comma).
- Start a comment line with a "#" sign.
- The maximum number of rows for a record is 2,000 (excluding comment rows).

Contents described on the record rows for the SNMP broadcast search address range

Column Item Description Required

1 [Enabled/Disabled] Specify whether to enable or disable the o
search range to be registered.
0: Disable
1: Enable
2 [Specified type] Specify the address of the search range as o
shown below.
0: Broadcast address specification
1: Subnet specification
3 [Broadcast address] Broadcast address of the search range for Required when the
the broadcast address specification. "Specified type" item
is "0".
4 [Network address] Network address of the search range for Required when the
the subnet specification. "Specified type" item
is "1".
5 [Subnet mask] Subnet mask of the search range for the Required when the
subnet specification. "Specified type" item
is "1".

Contents described on the record rows for the SNMP unicast search address range

Column Item Description Required

1 [Enabled/Disabled] Specify whether to enable or disable the o
search range to be registered.
0: Disable
1: Enable
2 [Specified type] Specify the address of the search range as o
shown below.
0: Class specification
1: CIDR specification
3 [Start IP address] Start IP address of the search range for Required when the
the class specification. "Specified type" item
is "0".
4 [End IP address] End IP address of the search range for the Required when the
class specification. "Specified type" item
is "0".
5 [IP address] Start IP address of the search range for Required when the
the CIDR specification. "Specified type" item
is "1".
6 [Prefix] Prefix of the search range for the CIDR Required when the
specification. "Specified type" item
is "1".

Fleet RMM 10-23

10.6 Role Management
10.6 Role Management
Set the privileges of the user's available functions or the combination of device groups and Edges managed
by the user, as roles.

% From the main menu, click [Administration] - [Role Management].

The [Role List] page is displayed.

[Role List] page

Item Description
Role list Lists roles.
[Basic Information] Set the basic information of the role.
• [Name]: Specify the role name.
• [Description of this role]: Enter the description of the role.
• [Role administrators]: Select the role administrator.
[Function Permissions] Select function privileges to be assigned to the role.
[Edges] Select Edge managed by the role.
[Device Groups] Select the device group managed by the role.
When [Auto select sub-groups] is set to ON, if the group check status is
changed, it is also applied to the offspring groups under the changed
[Fleet RMM Users] Select the user to assign the role to.
[AD Users] Select the attribute combination of the Active Directory user to assign the
role to.

menu item of role list:

Item Description
[Duplicate] Creates a role copy. Refer to "Copying a role" (p.10-25).
[Delete] Deletes a role.

Fleet RMM 10-24

10.6 Role Management
10.6.1 Copying a role
Creates a copy of a role. You can delegate the appropriate range of privileges from the existing role to the
new role by editing the settings of the created role.

1 On the [Role List] page, click [Duplicate] from the menu of the role.

2 Edit the role name or setting as needed.

- You can only copy the role that the user currently logged in belongs to.
- The user who executed a copy is automatically set as the administrator and affiliated user of the created
- The roles created by copying cannot be set beyond the range of function privileges, managed device
groups, and managed Edges that are specified by the copy source role.

Fleet RMM 10-25

10.7 User Management
10.7 User Management
% From the main menu, click [Administration] - [User Management].
The [User List] page is displayed.

[User List] page

Item Description
[+] Creates a new user. Refer to "Creating a new user" (p.10-27).
Deletes the selected user.
User List Lists the registered users.

menu item of user list:

Item Description
[Edit] Edits the user. Refer to "[Add User] page" (p.10-27).
[Delete] Deletes the user.

Fleet RMM 10-26

10.7 User Management
10.7.1 Creating a new user
1 Click [+] on the [User List] page.
The [Add User] page is displayed.

2 Specify each item, and click [OK].

[Add User] page

Item Description
[User ID] Specify the user ID.
[Password] Specify the user's password.
Enter the same password in [Confirm password].
[Email] Enter the user's E-mail address.
[User name] Specify the user name.
[Description] Enter the description of the user.
[Role] Select the role to assign to the user.

Fleet RMM 10-27

10.8 Referencing the Active Directory User
10.8 Referencing the Active Directory User
To log in to Fleet RMM, you can perform authentication using the user information registered in Active Di-
rectory. Specify the attribute combination conditions of the Active Directory user to narrow down the users
who are allowed access.

% From the main menu, click [Administration] - [AD Attribute Combinations].

The [AD Attribute Combinations] page is displayed.

The setting for accessing Active Directory is required to set the Active Directory attribute combination. Refer
to "Active Directory Setting" (p.10-4).

[AD Attribute Combinations] page

Item Description
Combination list Lists attribute combinations.
• [+ New combination]: Create a new attribute combination.
• [Check combination]: Check whether the user that matches the regis-
tered attribute combination exists in the Active Directory server.
[Combination name] Enter the registered name of the attribute combination.
[Description] Enter the description of the attribute combination.
[AD Attributes] Lists attribute combination conditions.
To add a condition, click [+]. Refer to "[Add AD Attribute] page" (p.10-29).
To edit a condition, click [Edit] in the menu of the list.
To delete a condition, click [Delete] in the menu of the list.
[Role] Select the role assigned to the Active Directory user that matches the at-
tribute combination condition.

menu item of combination list:

Item Description
[Delete] Deletes an attribute combination.

Fleet RMM 10-28

10.8 Referencing the Active Directory User
[Add AD Attribute] page
Specify the attribute conditions of the Active Directory user who is allowed access.

Item Description
[Combination operator] Specify the method to merge conditions.
• [AND]: Evaluates whether both the conditions of the previous row(s)
and the conditions of the current row are satisfied.
• [OR]: Evaluates whether either the conditions of the previous row(s) or
the conditions of the current row are satisfied.
[Attribute type] Select the type of the Active Directory object used as the attribute target.
The organizational unit (OU), group, and user object are targeted.
[Attribute name] Specify the attribute name.
[Attribute value] Specify the attribute value.
If you separate the attribute values with "|", it matches one of the preced-
ing and following attribute values.
To handle "|" as a normal character, enclose it in brackets [ ].

Fleet RMM 10-29

10.9 Checking the Supported Models
10.9 Checking the Supported Models
% From the main menu, click [Administration] - [Information] - [Support Models].
The [Support Models] page is displayed.

The models that are not displayed in [List of Supported Models] are not detected by Device Discovery or De-
vice Registration performed on the [Edge List] page.

Fleet RMM 10-30

10.10 Checking Version Information
10.10 Checking Version Information
% From the main menu, click [Administration] - [Information] - [Version].
The [Version] page is displayed.

Fleet RMM 10-31

11 Management Console

11 Management Console
Fleet RMM Management Console (hereinafter referred to as Management Console) is an application that
operates and configures the Fleet RMM server. Perform operations on the computer that has the Fleet RMM
application installed.

Fleet RMM 11-2

11.1 Start and Login
11.1 Start and Login
1 Click [KONICA MINOLTA] - [Fleet RMM] - [Fleet RMM Management Console] from the Start menu.
The Login page is displayed.

2 Enter the required information, and click [Login].

% [Language]: Select the language to display on the screen.
% [Password]: Enter the login password.
The main page is displayed.

- The default login password is "admin@Console1234".
- The login password can be changed after logging in. Refer to "Changing the Password" (p.11-10).

Fleet RMM 11-3

11.2 Start and Stop of Server
11.2 Start and Stop of Server
Start or stop the Fleet RMM server.

% Click the [Server Start and Stop] tab.

Item Description
[Start] Starts the server when it is stopped.
[Stop] Stops the server if it is running.

Fleet RMM 11-4

11.3 Database Settings
11.3 Database Settings
Configure settings to connect Fleet RMM to the database.
0 For this operation, you need to stop the Fleet RMM server.

1 Click the [Database Settings] tab.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

% To discard unapplied changes, click [Clear].

Item Description
[Database Installation Loca- If the database is installed on the same computer as Fleet RMM, select
tion] [Local computer].
If the database is located on a different computer from Fleet RMM, select
[Computers on the network], and enter the IP address or host name of the
computer where the database is located as well as the SQL Server port
[Connection Setting of Da- Set the database connection information.
tabse] Enter the instance name of the database.
In Local Authentication mode, enter the account name and password.
Select the [Show password] check box to unmask the password.
If you select [Computers on the network] as the [Database Installation Lo-
cation], select whether to use SSL for communication with the database
in [SSL Authentication].

Fleet RMM 11-5

11.4 Changing the Account
11.4 Changing the Account
Set the account that the Fleet RMM program uses to connect to SQL Server.
0 For this operation, you need to stop the Fleet RMM server.

1 Click the [Change Account] tab.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

% To discard unapplied changes, click [Clear].

In Local Authentication mode

Register the application account, which is used to access the database with SQL Server authentication, in
the database.

Item Description
[Connection Setting of Data- Set the database connection information to register the application ac-
base] count in.
Enter the instance name of the database as well as the name and pass-
word of the administrator account. Select the [Show password] check
box to unmask the password.
[Application account] Specify the name and password of the application account.
Select the [Show password] check box to unmask the password.

In Domain Authentication mode

Set the domain user account for accessing the database with Windows authentication.

Item Description
[Domain user account] Enter the Active Directory domain, account name, and password of the
domain user account. To cancel the password mask display, select the
[Show Password] check box.
[Communication Setting] Configure communication settings to access Active Directory.
In [SSL Authentication], select the desired protocol. Then, enter the port
number in [Port] and the global catalog port number in [Global Catalog
To establish SSL communication, select [Use LDAPS].

If you change the domain user account setting, change the Edge executing user. To change the Edge exe-
cuting user, use Fleet RMM Edge Executing User Update Tool on the computer on which Edge is installed.
For details, refer to the "Fleet RMM Installation Guide".

Fleet RMM 11-6

11.5 Backup
11.5 Backup
Backup the Fleet RMM database.
0 SQL Server must be authorized to write to the folder where you want to save the backup file.
0 The backup account must have backup operations or owner privileges for the Fleet RMM database.

1 Click the [Backup] tab.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

% To discard unapplied changes, click [Clear].

Item Description
[Backup Settings] Set the location to store the backup file in.
• [Backup folder]: Specify the folder to store the backup file in. If the da-
tabase is installed on the same computer as Fleet RMM, you can
click [Browse] to select the folder. If the database is installed on a dif-
ferent computer from Fleet RMM, enter the local path on the comput-
er that has the database installed.
• [File Name]: Enter the file name of the storage location.
• [Account for Database Backup], [Password]: Enter the name and
password of the account to connect to the database. Select the
[Show password] check box to unmask the password. This item is
displayed in Local Authentication mode.
[Backup Interval] Set the backup schedule.
• [Never backup]: Disables the schedule.
• [Monthly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every month.
• [Weekly]: Executes processing at the specified time on the specified
day every week.
• [Daily]: Executes processing at the specified time every day.
[Backup Now] Immediately backs up the database.

Only the database installed by Fleet RMM is targeted for backup. The template file (actual file saved in the
storage) is not backed up.

Fleet RMM 11-7

11.6 Restore
11.6 Restore
Restores the Fleet RMM database from the backup file.
0 For this operation, you need to stop the Fleet RMM server.
0 The restoration account must have SQL Server's database creation privileges and the owner privileges
for the Fleet RMM database.

1 Click the [Restore] tab.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

% To discard unapplied changes, click [Clear].

Item Description
[Restoration Setting] Configure a setting to load the backup file.
• [Backup File]: Specify the folder that contains the backup file. If the
database is installed on the same computer as Fleet RMM, you can
click [Browse] to select the folder. If the database is installed on a dif-
ferent computer from Fleet RMM, enter the local path on the comput-
er that has the database installed.
• [Account for Database Restore], [Password]: Enter the name and
password of the account to connect to the database. Select the
[Show Password] check box to unmask the password. This item is
displayed in Local Authentication mode.
[Restore now] Restores the database.

Fleet RMM 11-8

11.6 Restore
11.6.1 Migrating Fleet RMM to another computer
When replacing a computer due to its age or to improve specifications, you can reconstruct Fleet RMM on
the new computer by backing up and restoring the data.
The procedure described here assumes the following conditions.
0 On the destination computer, the Fleet RMM installation has been completed using the simple instal-
lation (the Fleet RMM application and Edge are installed on one computer).
0 The source and destination computers have the same version of Fleet RMM.
0 The source and destination computers have the same settings for Authentication mode and various
passwords for Fleet RMM.

1 On the source computer, export the template.

% On the [Template List] page, export the template as necessary. Refer to "[Template List] page"

2 On the source computer, back up the database.

% Use Management Console to back up the database. Refer to "Backup" (p.11-7).

3 Upload the template on the destination computer.

% On the [Template List] page, upload the template file exported from the source computer. Refer to
"Uploading a template" (p.6-4).

4 On the destination computer, restore the database.

% Stop the Fleet RMM server in Management Console (this operation is not necessary if the server
is already stopped).
% Use Management Console to restore the database that you backed up on the source computer.
Refer to "Restore" (p.11-8).
% In Management Console, start the Fleet RMM server.

5 Activate Edge on the destination computer.

% For details, refer to the "Fleet RMM Installation Guide".

- If you manually changed the Fleet RMM configuration file on the source computer, the setting changes
are not reflected on the destination computer. Manually change the configuration file on the destination
computer as well.
- Before activating an Edge, check that the status of the desired Edge is [To be enabled]. Refer to "[Basic
Information] tab" (p.10-7).

Fleet RMM 11-9

11.7 Changing the Password
11.7 Changing the Password
Specify the Management Console login password.

1 Click the [Change Password] tab.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

% To discard unapplied changes, click [Clear].

Item Description
[Current password] Enter the current password.
[New password], [Reenter Enter a new password.
[Show password] Select this check box to unmask the password.

Fleet RMM 11-10

11.8 Configuring the Function Enhancement
11.8 Configuring the Function Enhancement
Configure the function enhancement.

1 Click the [Extension function] tab.

2 Specify each item, and click [Apply].

% To discard unapplied changes, click [Clear].

Item Description
[Monitoring IEEE802.1X au- Select whether to enable the function you want to acquire the IEEE802.1X
thentication status] authentication status from the device.

Fleet RMM 11-11


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