Week15 DLP _COT3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
A Lesson Plan in Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
School Bukidnon National High Grade Level 11
Teacher MHOUERRA P. MELENDEZ Learning Area Introduction to the
Philosophy of the
Human Person
Teaching April 29, 2024 Quarter 2nd Semester
Date and 7:55 - 8:45 AM (G11- 4th Quarter
Time Pavlov)
I. A. Content The learner demonstrate an understanding of
OBJECTIVES Standard intersubjective human relations.
B. The learners performs activities that demonstrate an
Performance appreciation for the talents of persons with disabilities and
Standard those from the underprivileged sectors of society.
C. Learning Performs activities that demonstrate an appreciation for
Competency the talents of persons with disabilities and those from the
and MELCS underprivileged sectors of society. (PPT11/12-lld-6.3)
At the end of 50-minute class, 85% of the learners will be
able to;
a. Define intersubjectivity;
b. Explain how intersubjectivity shapes our interactions with other people
with disabilities, different culture, ethnicity and backgrounds; and
c. Appreciate the unique perspectives and strengths of people from
different backgrounds.
II. CONTENT A. Subject Intersubjectivity
Matter How intersubjectivity define our interactions with other
III. A. Curriculum MELCs for K-12 : Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human
LEARNING Guide Person P. 515
B. A. References:
Instructional 1. Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human
Materials Person Textbook by Roberto D. Abella, M.Div., D.Min
C. Other 1. Quipper.com
Additional 2. Google.com
Materials from
Resource (LR)
D. Learning Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation, TV, ChalkBoard
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s
5 minutes A. Introductory Activities
Preliminaries 1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Review
The learners will give
6. Introduction of learning objectives.

Address: Sayre Hi-way, Purok 6, Casisang, Malaybalay City

Telefax No.: 088-314-0094; Telephone No.: 088-813-1246
Email Address: malaybalay.city@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
A Lesson Plan in Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
short recap of the
previous lesson.
10 minutes B. Activity Activity: Inspirational Ratios
1. Introduce the activity by briefly
The learners will
explaining what is ratio? (ratio is a way participate actively.
of comparing two numbers). Give
examples like comparing number of
teacher vs students.
2. Presenting successful people : show
pictures of people who overcame
challenges growing up in underprivileged
communities. Briefly share 1-2 sentences
about these people.
1. JACK MA - founder of Alibaba. Chinese
business magnate. Failed in college
exams. Got rejected when applied for
waiter because he was "too skinny, too
short, and in general, protruded a bad
physical appearance that may damage
image of the restaurant." Inspired many

2. Hon. Atty Hollis Monsanto - Board

Member, 2nd District of Bukidnon.
Lawyer and is a PWD. Despite his
inability, he was able to help many
people having various charities and
programs aiding PWD , granting
educational assistance/scholarship and
many more.

3. Estimating Education Gap :

> Process Question: Imagine all the
children in the world. How many do you
think have access to proper education
compared to those who don't?
> Ask the students to have their Sample Answer:
estimation and call few students to share > yes! Because me and
my partner has mutual
their estimates and reasoning. awareness and
4. Discuss the Importance of Education: understanding of our
 Highlight the Challenge: Briefly actions.
explain that millions of children > No. Because it is not
easy to communicate
around the world lack access to
without saying a word.
education due to poverty, war, or Note: Student's answers

Address: Sayre Hi-way, Purok 6, Casisang, Malaybalay City

Telefax No.: 088-314-0094; Telephone No.: 088-813-1246
Email Address: malaybalay.city@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
A Lesson Plan in Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
other factors. may vary.
 The Power of Ratios: Explain how the
estimated ratio you discussed earlier
highlights this global challenge.
 Making a Difference: Discuss how
even small efforts, like raising
awareness or donating resources(old
uniforms,etc), can make a big
difference in closing the education
 Connect to Success Stories: Briefly
revisit the pictures of successful
people and emphasize how
education played a role in their
 Wrap-up : ratios help compare
numbers, education is important for
everyone, and we can all play a role
in supporting underprivileged
10 minutes C. Analysis 1. Relating to Intersubjectivity: The learners will actively
> Write the word "understanding" on the participate in the activity
(5 mins - group
discussion, board. Ask students: "What are some Sample answers:
5mins- ways we come to understand each > Communication,
presentation) other?" listening, empathy,
> Introduce the term "intersubjectivity" shared experiences
by soliciting ideas/concepts, and explain
that it refers to the shared > dialogue, mutual
understanding that arises from understanding, pwoplw
interaction between people. Person as
a being with others.
2. Connecting to the Activity:
Connect the "inspirational ratios"
experience to intersubjectivity.
Discuss how this activity, the class
developed a shared understanding of
a global educational challenge. ex.
Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA) result. Philippines
is 77/81.
 Teacher might revisit the
estimates learners wrote down and
discuss how, even though
individual answers might have
varied, the class discussion helped
create a more informed
3. Aspect of meaningful and genuine
human relationships : Emphasize
that through discussion and sharing
perspectives, we can create
intersubjectivity – a deeper, shared
understanding of the world around us.
Briefly explain intersubjectivity with
an analogy.

Address: Sayre Hi-way, Purok 6, Casisang, Malaybalay City

Telefax No.: 088-314-0094; Telephone No.: 088-813-1246
Email Address: malaybalay.city@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
A Lesson Plan in Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
For example, "Imagine two people
looking at the same painting. They might
have different interpretations, but by
discussing it, they can develop a shared
understanding of the artwork."

Discuss different aspects of Students may answer:

intersubjectivity: (teacher will use > makiramay if naay
Inquiry-based learning) mamatay, ma sad, etc.
 Empathy - the ability to share

> Being able to be there

when someone is in

> Helping those in need

emotions. ex. PWD, Senior Citizens,
 Availability - the willingness of a Pregnant Women, etc.
person to be present and be at the
disposal of another.
 Ethics of care - ethical theory that
emphasizes the moral dimension of
relationships and interactions. This
moral perspective encourages
individuals to help other people, most

> Ma discriminate, ma

especially the vulnerable.

 Alienation - refers to the feeling of
estrangement or disconnection from
oneself, others, or the surrounding
(Video Presentation of non-contingent
LUMADs during the KAAMULAN 2024
street dancing not given respect by
20 minutes D. Abstraction Class Discussion through FGD :
1. Case Analysis:
Presenting Persons with
disabilities who have successfully
risen above their physical limitations
to live a productive lives via video

Address: Sayre Hi-way, Purok 6, Casisang, Malaybalay City

Telefax No.: 088-314-0094; Telephone No.: 088-813-1246
Email Address: malaybalay.city@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
A Lesson Plan in Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
o Helen Keller - American Author,
political activist, & 1st deaf &
blind(infant-due to illness) person
who earn a bachelor's degree.
o Nicholas James "Nick" Vujicic -
Australian evangelist and
motivational speaker who was
born with phocomelia ( a condition
in which a person is born with no
arms and legs)
o Roselle Ambubuyog - 1st visually
impaired(at age 6 due to illness)
Filipino to graduate as summa cum
laude(BS Mathematics) from ADMU
in 2001. She works as IT company
where she worked as a product &
support manager.
2. Class Discussion:
Discuss how these individuals
overcame challenges and what
talents or strengths they possess.
Encourage students to analyze how
appreciating differences can lead to
a more inclusive and understanding
5 minutes E. Application 3. Guide Questions: Students will share their
1. Have you had an opportunity to ideas.
Sample answers:
apply the ethics of care in your 1. Yes! By giving assistance
everyday life? Describe your to people with special needs
or helping those in need
experience. especially the senior citizens
2. Do you believe that people who and PWDs.
are disabled and underprivilege are 2. Yes! Because many PWDs
and other underprivileged
still able to contribute to society? individuals excel in different
Explain your answer. fields and gave a big impact
3. How will you be able to show to humanity.
3. By giving importance and
appreciation for the skills and talents attention. Not laughing at
of persons with disabilities and their disabilities because
they did not wish for it to
underprivileged? happen to them.
5 minutes F. Assessment Short Quiz: Paper-Pen Test
Formative T/F 1. Man has the natural tendency to ANSWERS:
Assessment establish relationships with other people. 1. True
2. False
T/F 2. We are primarily aware of people 3. False
as objects and not as persons. 4. False
T/F 3. Ethics of care believes that 5. refers to shared
persons help one another because of awareness and
their selfish interests. understanding
T/F 4. Empathy does not require an among people.
individual to accept the other as a
thinking, feeling person.
5. What is intersubjectivity?
"Never give up! Today is hard, tomorrow
will be worse, but the day after tomorrow
will be sunshine" - Jack Ma

Address: Sayre Hi-way, Purok 6, Casisang, Malaybalay City

Telefax No.: 088-314-0094; Telephone No.: 088-813-1246
Email Address: malaybalay.city@deped.gov.ph
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
A Lesson Plan in Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
that my principal or Supervisor can
help me solve?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher HUMSS Subject Head

Address: Sayre Hi-way, Purok 6, Casisang, Malaybalay City

Telefax No.: 088-314-0094; Telephone No.: 088-813-1246
Email Address: malaybalay.city@deped.gov.ph

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