_Professional Elective-IV-Image Processing s2023
_Professional Elective-IV-Image Processing s2023
_Professional Elective-IV-Image Processing s2023
) Summet 2023
Profesgional Elective-IV - Image Processing - 7 KS 05 l7 KE 05
P. Pages: 2 AD - 32ls
ilillilililtiltililililllll Max. Marks: 80
Time : Tltree trIours *O2O9*
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2. a) Explain various applications of image processing. 6
,i, '1.: .. '
b) Give the conditions under which the two points p & q is equal to the 8
shortdst -pathbetween these points e? Justiff your answer.
a) Using Fourier-transform show that the complicated convolution operation inspatial domain 9
is equivalent to simple multiplication operation in frequency domain.
AD - 32t5 P.T.O
8. a) Explain sharpening frequency domain filters. 8
tr *:'r tr * ?k ?k * *:ktr*:k *
AD - 3215