Ferrous Steel
Speaker: John Ho
Iron steel
pure oxygen
Pigiron + steel scrap + lime FeO
Hypoeutectoid Pearlite Eutectoid
Heat treatment
D. Rapid quenching - Formation of Fe-C martensite
1. Steel heat to form austenite.
2. Rapid cooled to room temperature with water to
form martensite (metastable phase containing a
supersaturated interstitial solid solution of
Heat treatment
Lead Pb
Alloy Steel
Some elements lower the eutectoid temperature
e.g. Mn & Ni, they are called austenite
stabilising element
Stainless steel
• C, S, Si, P, Mn, Ni, Cr and Mo
• Methods include wet chemistry (C-S analyzer,
AAS, UV/Vis and ICP-OES); spectrometric
(Electric arc OES spectrometer, X-ray
fluorescence analyzer)
Chemical analysis of Steel
A. Wet chemistry analysis
• Carbon content (ASTM E350)
Sample reacts with pure oxygen to form
carbon dioxide which is determined by
volumetric method or infrared detector.
Chemical analysis of Steel
• Sulfur content (ASTM E350)
Sample reacts with pure oxygen to form
sulfur dioxide which is determined by
titrimetric method or infrared detector.
• Silicon content (ASTM E350)
Sample is dissolved in acid, silicic acid is
dehydrated by perchloric acid. The separated
impure silica reacts with HF. The weight loss
represent the silicon content.
Chemical analysis of Steel
• Phosphorus content (ASTM E350)
Sample is dissolved and fumed with
perchloric acid. Phosphorus forms complex
with ammonium molybdate and determined
by UV/Vis spectrometer.
Chemical analysis of Steel
• Mo, Mn, Cr and Ni content (ASTM E350)
Sample is dissolved and the individual metal
content is determined by AAS or ICP-OES.
Chemical analysis of Steel
B. Electric arc OES spectrometer
• Polished metal surface material is evaporated
by high voltage electric arc under Argon
atmosphere. The excited elements emits their
characteristic wavelength light.
Chemical analysis of Steel
C. X-ray Fluorescence analyzer
• Sample material is excited by bombarding
high energy X-ray and then emit their
characteristic “secondary” (or fluorescence) X-
ray. The concentration of individual elements
is proportional to the intensity of the emitted
Comparison of methods
Method Pros Cons
Y 250
Carbon 0.24
Phosphorus 0.055
Sulfur 0.055
Copper 0.85
Nitrogen 0.014
Chemical analysis of Steel
Carbon Equivalent Value
• convert other alloy element to carbon equivalent content
since Fe/C steel system is better understood. CE value is
commonly used in welding.
Chemical analysis of Steel
Up to 0.35 Excellent