GIAO AN anh 10 TUAN 1+2-2024
GIAO AN anh 10 TUAN 1+2-2024
GIAO AN anh 10 TUAN 1+2-2024
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: During and by the end of the lesson, students will:
- know the content of the textbook Global Success 10.
- know some effective ways to learn English.
2. Skills: During and by the end of the lesson, students can develop the following ability and skills: listening and writing.
3. Qualites: have better understanding about the content of the textbook and some ways to learn English effectively.
II. Teaching aids and materials: textbooks, board, computer.
III. Procedure:
1. Activity 1 LEAD-IN (7’)
a. Aim: To inform the class of the lesson objectives and main content.
b. Content: Focus Ss on what they will learn in this lesson.
c. Outcome: In this lesson Ss will:
- study the content of the textbook Global Success 10.
- discuss some effective ways to learn English.
d. Organization:
- T asks Ss have a quick look at the text book to see what will to learn in this school-year.
- Ss work individually.
- T calls on some Ss to give the answers.
- T summarizes the main points and lead in the new lesson.
2. Activity 2 PRESENTATION (20’)
2.1. Activity 2.1 PRESENTATION 1
a. Aim: To help Ss study the content of the textbook Global Success 10.
b. Content: Study the content of the textbook .
c. Outcome:
Content of the Global Success textbook: 10 Units
Unit 1: Family life Unit 6: Gender equality
Unit 2: Humans and the evironment Unit 7: Vietnam and international organisations
Unit 3: Music Unit 8: New ways to learn
Unit 4: For the better community Unit 9: Protecting the environment
Unit 5: Inventions Unit 10: Ecotourism
d. Organization:
- T asks Ss to study the content of the textbook .
- Ss talk about the content of the textbook .
- T calls on some Ss to present the answers.
- T listens, summarizes the Ss’ ideas.
2.2. Activity 2.2 PRESENTATION 2
a. Aim: To help Ss discuss some ways to learn English effectively.
b. Content: Discuss some ways to learn English effectively.
c. Outcome:
1. Make sure you get lots of speaking practice. Research shows that you acquire language by using it and
trying to communicate.
2. Practice reading and listening every day. This helps your reading and listening skills and means that
you are meeting new vocabulary all the time. It is fine to read and listen to things that are easy. After
reading and listening to something, tell someone about it.
3. Try out new language and experiment with words.
4. Don’t worry if “it doesn’t all make sense.” If you are worried, you will not learn effectively. Go with the
flow – it will make sense later.
5. Keep your learning interesting. If it is not interesting, do something else or get some advice.
6. Make sure your learning is relevant and you know why you are learning this language and how you can
use it in your life.
7. Connect what you are learning to the real world. Spend your time doing real, meaningful activities.
8. Use your resources well. How will you use your time? Who (other learners, teachers, home stay, flat
mates) can help you? What learning materials do you have available?
9. Planning: plan your learning. Action: do something. Reflection: Think about how it went. Was it useful?
What changes do you need to make? What help do you need?
10. Have fun.
d. Organization:
- T asks Ss to discuss some ways to learn English effectively.
- Ss talk about some ways to learn English.
- T calls on some Ss to present the answers.
- T listens, summarizes the Ss’ ideas.
3. Activity 3 PRACTICE (10’)
a. Aim: To help Ss have a chance to practise speaking about some ways to English effectively.
b. Content: Practise speaking about some ways to English effectively.
c. Outcome: Ss’ answers.
d. Organization:
- T asks Ss to work in pairs and practise talking about some ways to learn English effectively.
- Ss practise talking about some ways to learn English.
- T calls on some Ss to present the answers.
- T listens, and feedbacks.
4. Activity 4 APPLICATION (8’)
a. Aim: To help Ss have a chance to use the knowledge they have learnt to practise speaking.
b. Content: Re-practise speaking about some ways to learn English effectively.
c. Outcome: Ss’ answers may vary.
d. Organization:
- T assigns this task as homework.
- Ss practise this task at home.
- T asks Ss to send their record to the class’s Zalo group to check in later.
Date of writing: 27/8/2024
Lesson 1: Getting started – Household chores
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to gain:
1. Knowledge
- an overview about the topic Family life;
- vocabulary to talk about household chores.
2. Core competence
- develop communication skills;
- be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork;
- actively join in class activities.
3. Personal qualities
- be aware of responsibilities towards family
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 1, Getting started
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 1, Language
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector/ TV/ pictures and cards
1. does 2. is not/isn’t doing
3. is watching 4. are doing
5. is tidying up 6. is trying
EXTRA ACTIVITY To help students GAME: 20 questions 4 mins
further practise the * T explains the rules of the game. T-S
present tenses forms. * Ss do as instructed S-S
**** T praises Ss for interesting ideas and having a good memory T-S
and decides the winner.
1. Ss are given a list of words related to the topic: Family life.
2. Ss ask each other using Present Simple and Present
Continuous Yes/No questions until they guess which of the
words their partner chose.
*Possible questions include “Are you doing this now?”, “Is
anyone in this class doing this now?”, “Are many people in this
city doing this now?”, “Do you do this every day?” and “Do you
do this more than twice a week?”
CONSOLIDATION To help students WRAP-UP T-S 2 mins
memorise the target * T asks: What have you learnt today?
language and skills - consonant blends /br/, /kr/, and /tr/
that they have learnt - some lexical items about household chores;
- present simple vs. present continuous
- Exercises in the workbook
- Prepare for lesson 3 Unit 1.
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 1, Reading
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector
- PowerPoint
Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time
WARM-UP - To arouse the GAME: Who’s in charge? 7 mins
classroom’s * T divides the class into groups of four, has Ss discuss in groups and T-S
atmosphere list down (as much as possible) the housework that they think mom, dad
- To lead in the and kids usually do in 3 minutes. T explains that after Ss finish their
lesson discussion, one representative from each group comes and writes their
lists on the board. T reminds Ss that the 1st group to finish will say
“STOP THE BUS” and the others have to stop writing. S-T-S
** Ss discuss in their teams and list down the housework. One
representative from each group comes and writes on the board. T-S
**** T confirms, checks the answers on the board, decides the winner
and leads in the lesson.
Suggested answers:
Mom: cook, do laundry, wash dishes, clean the house, …
Dad: do heavy lifting, fix the roof, cook, wash dishes, …
Kids: take out trash, tidy their room, fold the clothes, …
PRE-READING To introduce the Task 1. LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND 5 mins
topic of the reading ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. (p.11) T-S
and get students * T sets the context for the reading tasks, asks
involved in the some questions about the picture and has Ss
lesson call out the answers as a class.
Suggested questions:
Is this a family?
Who do you think they are?
Where do you think they are?
T asks Ss to work in pairs, look at the picture
and answer the questions. S
T tells Ss that there are no right or wrong T
answers and they should feel free to make any guesses.
** Ss answer the questions.
**** Teacher confirms, shows the answers on the screen.
Suggested answers:
1. The mother is cooking; the father is laying the table; the son is
(vacuuming) cleaning the floor; the daughter is washing vegetables.
2. The people are happy because they are doing housework together,
and all the family members are sharing the household chores.
the meanings of * Teacher: T-S
words in context - asks Ss to read the whole text once to get an overall idea; asks Ss to go
through the two options for each word and check understanding; has Ss
read the text again; tells them to pay attention to the context of each
highlighted word, and look for context clues conveying the meaning of
the word.
- asks Ss to work in groups to discuss the clues for each correct option
and compare their answers. S-S
** Ss discuss in groups to find out the answers and raise their hands to
give the answers. T-S
*** T confirms, shows the answers on the screen and asks Ss to make
corrections if they choose the wrong answers.
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b
To help students VOCABULARY 5 mins
understand the * T has Ss read the text again, and pay attention to the highlighted T-S
lexical items in the words. T asks Ss to define the word based on the context and give the
text Vietnamese meaning of each word.
** Ss read the text again and try to define the highlighted words. (Ss can S-S
do this activity in pairs)
** Ss explain the words in front of the class. T asks other Ss to give S-T-S
comments. T-S
*** T confirms, shows the items and their meanings on the screen; asks
Ss to note down the vocabulary.
To help students TASK 3: READ THE TEXT AGAIN AND ANSWER THE 10 mins
practise reading for QUESTIONS. (p.11) T-S
specific * T asks Ss to read the questions and underline the key words in each of S-T-S
information them.
** Ss underline the key words in each question. T checks which words T
Ss have underlined.
* T tells Ss to go through the text to find the answers and has Ss work in S-T-S
pairs to compare their answers.
** Ss discuss in pairs to find out the answer. T checks answers by asking T-S
pairs or groups to give their answers and provide reason for their
*** T confirms, shows the answers on the screen and asks Ss to make
corrections if they are wrong.
1. Most people think that housework is boring and is the responsibility
of wives and mothers only.
2. They want to give their children more time to play or study.
3. These are doing the laundry, cleaning the house, and taking care of
4. They learn that they have to try to finish their tasks even though they
do not enjoy doing them.
5. Because children learn to appreciate all the hard work their parents
do around the house for them.
They also start treating doing household chores as special moments
shared with their parents.
use the ideas and What benefits do you think you can get from sharing housework?
language in the * Teacher: T-S
reading to talk - asks Ss to read the text again and underline the benefits of doing
about themselves housework.
- has Ss work in pairs to make a mind map of the benefits and use it to
talk about which of the benefits of doing housework they can get. S-T-S
** Ss discuss in pairs and prepare for their presentation. T invites Ss
from different pairs to present a summary of their discussion to the T-S
whole class.
**** T gives feedback
CONSOLIDATIO - To consolidate WRAP-UP T-S 2 mins
N what students have T asks: What have you learnt today?
learnt in the lesson - The benefits of doing housework for children
- To prepare for the - Review the vocabulary by asking their meanings
next lesson HOMEWORK
- Do the reading exercises in the Workbook
- Prepare for the Speaking lesson
Date of writing: 01/9/2024
Lesson 4: Speaking
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Explain why children should or shouldn’t do housework;
- Discuss and express their opinions about why children should or shouldn’t do the housework.
2. Core competence
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work;
- Develop presentation skills;
- Actively join in class activities;
- Be critical thinking.
3. Personal qualities
- Recognise the benefits of doing housework for children;
- Understand why children should or shouldn’t do housework;
- Sharing housework with their families.
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 1, Speaking
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector
2 c. do the laundry
3 a. do the washing-up
reading text why COLUMN. ADD SOME MORE IF YOU CAN. (p.12)
people think children *Teacher: T-S
should or shouldn’t do - recalls lexical items from previous lessons by asking Ss to call out the
housework and meaning of some words
provide them with - has Ss work in pairs / groups
some more ideas. - asks Ss if they can think of any reasons why children shouldn’t do S-T
housework. T
** Ss brainstorm in group and raise their ideas
* T asks Ss to read the task carefully and discuss in which column each S-T–S
sentence from task 1 should go. T-S
** Ss do the task in groups and then write their answers on the board. Others
Ss check their friends’ answer
*** Teacher:
- check Ss’ answers with the whole class
- encourages Ss to add their own reasons
1. Doing housework helps them 3. Kids should be given plenty
develop life skills. of playtime when they are
2. Doing housework teaches 4. They may break or damage
them to take responsibility. things when doing housework.
5. Doing housework helps 6. They need more time to study
strengthen family bonds. and do homework.
To provide students TASK 2: LISTEN AND COMPLETE THE CONVERSATION. (p.12) 10
with an example *Teacher: T-S mins
conversation in which - has Ss read through the conversation once to get some general ideas about it
people express their Suggested questions:
opinions about How many people are talking?
whether children What are they talking about?
should or shouldn't do - divides Ss into pairs; has Ss read the conversation again, this time more T-S
housework. carefully and think of a suitable phrase / sentence to fill in each gap in the
conversation. S-S
** Ss do the task in pairs and discuss the answers together. T-S
* T plays the recording for Ss to listen T-S
*** T plays the recording again and checks Ss’ answers; confirms the correct
1. Doing housework helps them develop life skills.
2. They should be given plenty of playtime when they are young.
* T asks Ss to read the conversation in groups of three, each taking turns to be T-S
Anna, Nam, and Minh.
** Ss practise the conversation in groups and present in front of the class.
Audio script – Track 5:
Anna: Nam, why do you think children should do housework?
Nam: Because doing housework helps them develop life skills.
Anna: It’s true. Life skills such as cooking, cleaning or taking care of others
are really necessary
for kids when they grow up.
Nam: Yes, we should all have these basic life skills to be adults.
Anna: Now Minh, why do you think children shouldn’t do housework?
Minh: I think kids are kids. They should be given plenty of playtime when
they are young.
Nam: I don’t agree with you. I’m afraid too much playtime is not good for
Anna: Well, thank you both for sharing your ideas. They are very useful for
my project.
SPEAKING practise having TASK 2. (p.12) T-S mins
conversations in * Teacher:
which they can - has students work in groups of three.
express their opinions - reminds Ss to swap roles and role-play their conversations two more times
about why children to make sure each student has the opportunity to play the three roles.
should or shouldn’t do - asks some groups to act them out in front of the class after 6-7 minutes of
housework. preparation S-T-S
*** Ss practise making their own conversation in groups of three.
T goes round the class to offer help when necessary while noting down Ss’
participation in the activity and any difficulties they may have.
Some groups act out their conversation in front of the whole class. T-S
**** T asks other Ss to give comments and then give feedback to Ss’
CONSOLID - To consolidate what WRAP-UP T-S 2 mins
ATION students have learnt in Teacher asks: What have you learnt today?
the lesson. - How to explain why children should or shouldn’t do housework
- To prepare for the HOMEWORK
next lesson. - Practice discussing the topic with your friends
- Prepare for the Listening lesson
- Grade 10 textbook, Unit 1, Listening
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector
- PowerPoint
Suggested answers:
PRE- To introduce the TASK 1: LOOK AT THE 5 mins
listening extract THE QUESTIONS. T-S
and activate (p. 13)
students’ prior * Teacher:
knowledge. - has Ss look at the picture and
describe it.
Suggested questions:
Who are the people?
Where are they?
What is in the background?
What are they doing?
What’s the boy wearing around his neck?
A student and the host of a talk show
In a studio T-S
Name of the show: Family Life
Talking; The host is interviewing the student.
A gold medal S
- asks Ss to work in pairs, look at the picture and answer the questions. T
- tells Ss that there are no right or wrong answers and they should feel free to
make any guesses.
** Ss answer the questions.
*** T confirms, shows the answers on the screen.
for specific CORRECT OR NOT. (p.13) T-S
information in an * Teachers:
extract of a talk - tells Ss that they are going to listen to part of the talk show and decide whether
show and their guesses are correct. T-S
comparing their ** T plays the recording. Ss listen and check their answer. T-S
predictions with *** T confirms, shows the answers on the screen and asks Ss to make correction
what they hear if they made a wrong answer.
He’s talking about his family life and how his family have helped him achieve
success in his studies.
Audio script – Track 6:
Welcome to our talk show. Tonight, our topic is Family Life and our guest
speaker is Le Minh Hieu. Hieu is a twelfth-grader. He’s just won a gold medal
at the International Physics Olympiad. He’ll tell us about his family life and how
his family have helped him achieve success in his studies.
To help students TASK 3: TRUE OR FALSE. (p.13) 6 mins
practise listening * Teacher T-S
for details. - asks Ss to read through the statements once and underline the key words in
- checks Ss’ understanding.
- asks Ss to listen and then compare their answers in pairs before listen to the
recording the second time.
- asks Ss to correct the false statements. S-T-S
** T plays the recording twice. Ss do the task and correct the false statements. T-S
*** T checks answers.
Key: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T
To help students TASK 4: LISTEN AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. (p.13) 10
practise listening * Teacher T-S mins
for keywords. - explains the task and asks Ss to read the sentences before they listen to the
recording again.
- checks comprehension of words / phrases that may be new to them
- tells Ss to underline the key words while they read the sentences
** T plays the recording twice. T-S
Ss do the task. Ss can compare their answers in pairs before listening to the S
recording the second time.
*** T checks answers as a class. T
Key: 1. difficulties 2. love 3. sad
Audio script – Tracks 7:
Hieu: Good evening. Well, I live with my parents and my brother. And I must
say that all my achievements are the result of their support.
Host: Do your parents help you with your studies?
Hieu: My parents are farmers. They know little about physics. But they believe
in me.
They always listen to me and cheer me up whenever I have difficulties.
Host: So they encourage you to try harder?
Hieu: That’s right. Their love and trust give me strength to carry on.
Host: How about your brother?
Hieu: My brother is my best friend. He shares his happy and sad moments with
me, and is always there for me when I need help.
Host: You’re so lucky to have a supportive family. Do you spend a lot of time
Hieu: Yes. My parents have created some family routines so that every week we
can spend some time together although we’re all very busy.
Host: Family routines? Can you tell us more about that?
Hieu: Well, family routines are ...
POST- To help students TASK 5: DISCUSSION (p.13) 10
LISTENING apply the Work in groups. Discuss the following question. mins
language they “How can parents help their children achieve success in their studies?”
have learnt in the * Teacher: T-S
listening in a - has Ss work in groups of three and tells them to think about their own family to
speaking task answer the question.
about their own ** Ss prepare their presentation in groups. Each group chooses a representative S-T-S
experiences. to share the group’s ideas with the class.
*** T gives feedback. T-S
CONSOLIDATI - To consolidate WRAP-UP T-S 2 mins
ON what students Teacher asks: What have you learnt today?
have learnt in the - How can parents help their children achieve success in their studies
- To prepare for - Do the Listening exercises in the Workbook
the next lessons - Prepare for the Writing lesson