VRE Impact Study - World Bank
VRE Impact Study - World Bank
VRE Impact Study - World Bank
Copyright © 2013
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
The World Bank Group
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20433, USA
All rights reserved
First printing: May 2013
Cover photo credits: Clockwise from top left—Megastocker; Cyberjade; Lianem; Chatchawin Jampapha
This document is a product of the staff of the World Bank Group.
The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this report are entirely those of the authors and
should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, or its affiliated organizations, or to members of its
board of executive directors or the countries they represent.The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy
of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence of their
use. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this volume do not
imply on the part of the World Bank Group any judgment on the legal status of any territory or the endorse-
ment or acceptance of such boundaries.
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Australian
Agency for International Development (AusAID).
The financial and technical support by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) is
gratefully acknowledged. ESMAP—a global knowledge and technical assistance trust fund program admin-
istered by the World Bank and assists low- and middle-income countries to increase know-how and institu-
tional capacity to achieve environmentally sustainable energy solutions for poverty reduction and economic
growth. ESMAP is governed and funded by a Consultative Group (CG) comprised of official bilateral donors
and multilateral institutions, representing Australia, Austria, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Iceland,
Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the World Bank Group.
Acknowledgments .......................................................................................................................................vi
Summary ....................................................................................................................................................vii
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Conclusions ..........................................................................................................................................33
A Definition of Balancing and Reserves ................................................................................................................. 37
B Summary of International Experience ................................................................................................................. 39
C VRE Potential and Wind Contracts in the Philippines.......................................................................................... 46
References ..................................................................................................................................................53
iv Contents
1 Issues Assessed in VRE Integration Studies Around the World.......................................................................... viii
2 Issues that Can Set Limits for VRE Penetration for the Philippines..................................................................... viii
2.1 Issues Assessed in VRE Integration Studies around the World............................................................................ 3
2.2 Map of Interconnected Regions of the Philippines, with Energy Mix and Demand Centers................................ 4
2.3 Installed Generation Capacity Mix in 2010 for the Philippines.............................................................................. 5
2.4 Demand-Supply Projections for Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, Assuming Only Committed
Projects are Built Between 2011–30...................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Installed Wind and Solar PV Generation Capacity at End of 2010 (MW)............................................................... 7
2.6 Types of Reserves Defined by the Philippine Grid Code...................................................................................... 10
2.7 Flow Chart for High Priority Issues....................................................................................................................... 11
2.8 Flow Chart for Medium Priority Issues................................................................................................................. 11
2.9 Flow Chart for Low Priority Issues....................................................................................................................... 12
2.10 Priority Issues to be Investigated in the Philippines............................................................................................ 13
3.1 Issues that Can Set Limits for VRE Penetration................................................................................................... 15
3.2 Example of Transmission Planning for VRE Integration in Spain......................................................................... 17
3.3 Map of Minnesota Electric Transmission Planning Zones with Final Distributed Renewable Generation.......... 18
3.4 Example of Voltage Profile Improvement Due to Implementation of an Operating Measure in Spain............... 19
3.5 Stable and Unstable System Frequency Response Following the Sudden Loss of Generation......................... 23
3.6 Example of Different Wind Power Penetration Levels (0, 25%, 50%, 75% 100%) on the
Three-Phase Faults at Selected Bus Bars in Ireland (Around Each Average Value the Minimum
and Maximum Short Circuit Currents Over 63 Load Cases are Indicated by the Error Bar)................................ 26
A1 Time Scale for Different Operation Mechanisms and Reserves......................................................................... 37
B1 Issues investigated in VRE integration studies.................................................................................................... 40
B2 Modeling Tools for Different Studies................................................................................................................... 43
C1 Map of Interconnected Regions of the Philippines, Marked with Location of Demand Centers and
Potential for Wind Power Development............................................................................................................... 47
C2 Map of Interconnected Regions of the Philippines, Marked with Location of Demand Centers and
Potential for Solar Power Development............................................................................................................... 48
C3 Map of Ocean Power Development..................................................................................................................... 49
2.1 Generation Capacity and Peak Demand in MW for the Philippines in 2010.......................................................... 5
2.2 Comparisons of Percentage of Wind Power to Total Installed Generation Capacity and Percentage of
Wind Power Production to Total Electricity Production for Philippines and Top 10 Countries in 2010................. 7
2.3 Renewable Energy Capacity Addition in the Philippines....................................................................................... 8
2.4 Installed VRE capacity and penetration With and Without Interconnectors for the Philippines
in 2010 and 2030.................................................................................................................................................... 8
A1 Reserve Categories.............................................................................................................................................. 38
B1 Objectives of Various International VRE Integration Studies............................................................................... 39
B2 Common Methodologies and Models for Various Studies on Impact of VRE Integration.................................. 44
C1 Wind Contracts in the Philippines........................................................................................................................ 50
DoE Department of Energy NREP National Renewable Energy Program
ERCOT Electric Reliability Council of Texas P&Q Real and Reactive Power
FRT fault ride-through capability PV photovoltaic
HVAC High Voltage Alternating Current RE renewable energy
HVDC high voltage, direct current RES-E renewable energy sources for electricity
MW Megawatt VRE variable renewable energy
NEM National Electricity Market (Australia) WPP wind power plant
NGCP National Grid Corporation of the Philippines WTG wind turbine generator
NREB National Renewable Energy Board
This paper is part of a World Bank program to sup- and feedback provided by Philippines energy sector
port renewable energy development in the Philippines, stakeholders during a technical workshop held in Manila.
funded by a grant provided by the Australian Agency for Participants in the workshop included the Department
International Development (AusAID). The team leading of Energy, the Energy Regulatory Commission, the
the program comprised Alan Townsend and Beatriz Arizu Philippine Electricity Market Corporation, the National
de Jablonski, energy specialists from the World Bank East Grid Corporation of the Philippines, and various renew-
Asia and Pacific region, and Marcelino Madrigal from the able energy developers and operators.
World Bank Sustainable Energy Department Energy Unit. The team would like to recognize editor Sherrie Brown
The team’s efforts also benefited from contributions from and graphic designer Laura Johnson for their contributions
Defne Gencer (East Asia and Pacific Region Water and to the production of this publication. Last, the team thanks
Energy Unit) and logistics and coordination support from AusAID for providing the resources to make this activ-
the World Bank office in Manila. ity and its final product possible. The team would like to
This paper was contracted to EnergyNautics Consulting acknowledge Aldo Baietti and Hye-Yon Kim for their con-
GMBH of Germany. EnergyNautic’s team was led by tributions and for their role in facilitating cooperation with
Thomas Ackermann with support from Rena Kuwahata, AusAID counterparts.
the main authors of this publication. The paper relies on None of those who have been so generous with their
documentation, background reports, and analyses under- help are answerable for any errors, all of which are the
taken by the consultants and feedback and recommenda- responsibility of the team.
tion from the World Bank, as well as information, insights,
This document serves as a guide for those wishing to inves- approaches, data requirements, and scenarios that need
tigate the impacts of variable renewable energy1 (VRE) to be analyzed to assess different types of impacts are
on the operation of power systems, particularly in the described, and are supported by summaries of relevant
Philippines. international experience and key reference studies.
The work was commissioned by the World Bank in
2011 to enhance the understanding of power system oper- Issues Relevant to the Philippines
ation issues most affected by the integration of VRE, based Based on international experience, it was found that,
on international experience. The objective is to build capac- although the issues most relevant to a power system
ity in the Philippines for determining the important issues depend on its unique characteristics (such as its size, the
for the national grid and to enable the Philippines to design, geographical distribution and expected installed capacities
carry out, and interpret the results of appropriate and effec- of the variable renewable resources, the system’s operation
tive studies. scheme and market structure, the size of the balancing area,
The approaches presented in this guide are based on and interconnection capacity), certain issues receive more
state-of-the-art international practices, adapted to suit attention than others, as can be seen in figure 1. In particular,
local conditions in the Philippines. The guide was devel- with higher amounts of VRE in a system, the complexity of
oped through a survey of international VRE integration balancing supply and demand, maintaining power system
studies, charting the relevance to the Philippines of key stability, and planning for long-term reliability is increased.
elements such as the physical structure of the power sys- However, these issues can be studied with existing power
tem, the energy mix, expected level of VRE penetration, system analysis tools, and VRE growth can be managed
market structure, and operation practices and standards. simultaneously with integration studies, even to such high
These elements were then consolidated through discus- instantaneous penetration levels as 50–80 percent, as seen
sions at a stakeholder workshop in Manila, which included in Spain, Denmark, and Ireland. A critical precondition for
the National Renewable Energy Board (NREB) and the the smooth transition into a high renewable energy future
National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP). is effective planning based on robust system design, espe-
cially for market design, operational procedures, grid infra-
The Step-by-Step Study Guide structure, and regulatory performance requirements.
The study guide shows how to estimate the amount of For small, weakly interconnected, island systems like
VRE that can be integrated into the power system if no those in the Philippines, certain issues are apt to be more
changes are made to its present configuration; however, relevant than others, particularly those issues relating to
more important, it shows how to determine the potential system voltage stability and frequency control. However,
operational impacts if a certain percentage of renewable because the amount of variable renewables currently
energy resources are to be integrated. The main modeling installed in the Philippines is low (less than 1 percent
1.Variable renewable energy includes wind, solar, run of river hydro, and
ocean energy.
viii A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
system wide
scheduling following, reserve
(Long-term (Outage balancing) (AGC &
reliability) & hydro storage regulation) Primary
planning) reserve
Market dispatch (Governor) &
S Inertia
stability response
Grid adequacy oscillation)
(N-5 contingency & congestion)
Island Areas with VRE response
(Rotor angle & interaction
High VRE penetration
(DE, DK, ES & PT, NL) Fault
l el
Academic studies Voltage control Power Quality
current) (Flicker & Harmonics)
High VRE penetration
(USA, UK, Scandinavia)
Time-constant/Period time
Source: Authors.
system and information available in the public domain, the • Island systems require a minimum level of system
issues listed in figure 2 were identified as being particularly • Inappropriate fault level for inter-island HVDC cables
Medium • Insufficient short-term operating reserves for the
relevant. They are ranked as: expected wind power forecast errors
• Insufficient short-term operating reserves for
extreme ramps
• High: items that are relevant now and should be
assessed promptly; • Capacity contribution of wind power
• Medium: items that could be an issue for island sys- on long-term reliability
• Electromechanical impacts
tems and should be considered in the future when
higher penetration of VRE is expected: and
Source: Authors.
Summary ix
Detailed step-by-step procedures for evaluating the The grid is unique in that it consists of a number of inter-
issues ranked as high and medium are presented in this linked small islands, rather than being on a single island like
report; general guidelines are provided for those items Luzon and Mindanao. As with Luzon, the impact of new
ranked as low. generation on transmission capacity adequacy and voltage
It must be noted that the analysis is based on a litera- limits would need to be analyzed, as would be the impact
ture survey; therefore, to gain a thorough understanding of on fault levels, particularly at the terminals of the HVDC
the issues and their implications, actual system operators interconnector, to ensure that levels remain adequate for
should be consulted. correct operation.
Although its plans for wind power development are
Key Messages modest, the Mindanao grid is currently a self-contained
The future penetration level of VRE in the Philippines will island system with limited reserve capacity, and is in need
depend largely on the feed-in tariff and Renewable Portfolio of additional generation capacity. The construction of
Standard policies currently being developed by the govern- an interconnector to Visayas is being considered, which
ment. However, given the decreasing capital costs of wind would alleviate some of the stress on Mindanao’s system.
power and solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies, and the However, the details are yet to have been worked out, and
short lead time required to build these generation assets, it is unclear to what extent such an interconnection might
rapid expansion is a possibility, and the pace of growth of contribute to the reserve requirement.
these technologies may vary among the islands. Despite studies showing adequate reserves in the Luzon
The question that then arises is, how can the possible and Visayas grids until about 2020, the operational reality
impacts on the electric power system be investigated if in the Philippines suggests there could be much less flex-
maximum VRE penetration depends on the power sys- ibility as a result of contract conditions on the provision of
tem itself ? International experience shows that the VRE regulating reserves. Therefore, it is urgently recommended
penetration level depends not only on the physical system that contractual agreements impeding regulation capability
design but also on its operational procedures. Both of these of the power system be revised.
factors have large degrees of freedom, and by redesigning An analysis by the Philippine Department of Energy
the system or changing the detailed operational strategy, (DoE 2011) estimates that approximately 50 percent of
penetration levels can be significantly increased. Hence, the additional generation capacity needed to meet future
the grid integration study methods in this report do not reserve requirements in the Philippines must be mid-range
determine system limits but will lead to recommendations and peaking generation. Modern wind turbines and solar
for upgrading the power system or changing its operations. PV inverters can provide some of the features of these types
Much of the wind power development is expected to of generation, indicating that growth in flexible wind and
occur in Luzon; therefore, higher VRE penetration levels solar PV power would be highly desirable.
will be experienced there before in the other two grids. Thus, it is imperative that the responsible parties in the
This indicates that studies focusing on Luzon should be Philippines adopt a forward-looking planning approach
conducted more thoroughly, and more immediate solu- and explore the possibilities for integrating variable renew-
tions may need to be implemented. For instance, most able energy. The issues to be examined in determining the
wind power developments are planned for the north of the best development path for the Philippines include the level
island, and energy will have to be transferred via transmis- of VRE that can be managed with existing operational
sion lines to the demand center in Manila. Thus, the trans- capabilities, the changes that may be required to accom-
mission capacity of the system would need to be analyzed modate higher penetration levels, and the associated costs.2
to ensure that thermal and voltage limits are respected.
Visayas is connected to Luzon with a high-voltage, direct
current (HVDC) interconnector and is expected to have 2. Note that this report does not provide guidance for determining the
the second largest development of wind and solar power. economic impact of technical solutions.
1. Introduction
The Philippines is facing energy challenges similar to those system is upgraded or operational procedures are amended
in many other countries. The main challenges are the need to take into account higher shares of VRE.
to build energy infrastructure to deal with growing power As with other countries, the concern in the Philippines
demand; maintaining adequate reserves for droughts and is that high levels of RE could cause additional complexities
their impact on hydro resources for power generation; due to its variable nature. These concerns mainly revolve
developing strategies to deal with climate change and meet- around balancing operations, power system stability, and
ing international expectations to reduce greenhouse gas reliability. However, the findings from many VRE integra-
emissions; coping with rising fossil fuel prices; and enhanc- tion studies from the European Union and the United
ing energy security by making better use of indigenous States are that
renewable resources.
These factors have led the Philippine government • VRE impacts can be studied with existing modeling
to issue policies that promote the development of local tools;
renewable energy (RE) for power generation. In 2008, the • VRE growth can be promoted while integration studies
Congress of the Philippines enacted the Renewable Energy are conducted;
Act (RA 9513, in this report referred to as the RE Act), • high penetration of VRE can be managed (as proven by
which aims to accelerate the exploration and development experiences in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and Denmark);
of RE use in the Philippines, including biomass, solar, wind, • a robust transmission design and grid code procedures
tidal, wave, and geothermal, in on-grid and off-grid systems. and VRE technical requirements are vitally important;
As established in the RE Act, incentives such as feed-in tar- and
iffs and a Renewable Portfolio Standard are under devel- • the most suitable solutions for VRE integration issues
opment, and are expected to encourage the growth of all can vary depending on power system characteristics.
eligible RE sources, including variable renewable energy
(VRE).3 This report thus attempts to provide information to
Exactly how much VRE can be integrated into the aid the Philippines in determining how to study the opera-
Philippine power system, and whether a maximum limit tional impacts of VRE so that a maximum penetration
needs to be imposed to ensure the security and reliability limit, if any, can be found.
of supply, are overarching issues. The National Renewable The results are presented as a “how to” guide, which
Energy Board (NREB), the National Grid Company of the recommends a series of necessary steps for assessing the
Philippines (NGCP), and other stakeholders are inves- impacts of VRE on the Philippine power system and deter-
tigating ways to assess the impacts that the system may mining the maximum penetration level of VRE, where
experience in dealing with growing amounts of VRE, and possible.
whether certain maximum limits need to be set until the
2 A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
The guide first identifies and describes the types of The step-by-step study guide in section 3 describes the
issues often considered relevant for VRE integration, main modeling approaches, data requirements, and scenar-
based on a broad review of VRE integration studies across ios to analyze to identify the impacts of different levels of
the globe (section 2.1 and appendix B). The relevance of VRE penetration. It also indicates the results that should be
these issues to the Philippine power system is then assessed expected and how to interpret them, and provides recom-
through a review of publicly available information about mendations on which stakeholders to engage in the study.
its characteristics (section 2.2). Based on this assessment, Key references are also provided.
suggestions are made about which issues might be most Although best efforts have gone into the analysis, it is
relevant for the Philippines (section 2.3). Finally, recom- based on a literature survey. Therefore, to gain a thorough
mendations are given for studying the issues identified as understanding of the issues and their implications, actual
having potentially high impacts, as well as for interpreting system operators and relevant industry stakeholders should
the results (section 3). be consulted.
2. VRE
2.1. Issues Examined in International • when the share of power delivered by wind in the gen-
Variable Renewable Energy Impact eration mix is relatively high; and
Studies • when wind power is added to systems that are weakly
With the use of wind power for electricity generation grow- interconnected.
ing around the world, the impact of wind variability on
power system operation has been a popular topic of study For this report, studies from leading nations in wind
(see figure 2.1). Experience thus far shows that more chal- power integration, such as Denmark, Germany, Spain, and
lenges arise under the following conditions: Portugal, were reviewed, as were studies from countries
Figure 2.1. Issues Assessed in VRE Integration Studies around the World
system wide
scheduling following, reserve
(Long-term (Outage balancing) (AGC &
reliability) & hydro storage regulation) Primary
planning) reserve
Market dispatch (Governor) &
S Inertia
stability response
Grid adequacy oscillation)
(N-1 contingency & congestion)
Island Areas with VRE response
(Rotor angle & interaction
High VRE penetration
(DE, DK, ES & PT, NL) Fault
l el
Academic studies Voltage control Power Quality
current) (Flicker & Harmonics)
High VRE penetration
(USA, UK, Scandinavia)
Time-constant/Period time
Source: Authors.
4 A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
Figure 2.2. Map of Interconnected Regions of the Philippines, with Energy Mix and Demand Centers
showing strong growth and significant research activities, • relatively small and islanded systems, such as those in
such as Ireland, the Scandinavian countries, the United New Zealand and Tasmania;
Kingdom, and the United States. In addition, power sys- • systems with a generation mix or other important fac-
tems with the following characteristics similar to those in tors for managing variability with some similarities to
the Philippines were reviewed: the Philippines, such as in New Zealand, the National
Energy Market in Australia, the New York Independent
• systems that are already short in reserves, such as that System Operator, and ERCOT; and
operated by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas • small island systems such as those in the Caribbean and
(ERCOT); Hawaii.
2. VRE Integration Studies 5
Figure 2.3. Installed Generation Capacity Mix in 2010 for the Philippines
Geothermal 50.8% Hydro
17.5% 53.6%
2.2. Characteristics of the Philippine The installed generation capacity, dependable capacity,4
Power System and peak demand of the three main grids in 2010 are
The power system in the Philippines consists of three grids: shown in table 2.1.
Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao (figure 2.2). Electricity pro- Based on the Department of Energy (DoE) informa-
duction in each region varies somewhat, with coal-, oil-, and tion, the currently installed generation capacity appears to
natural-gas-fired generation in Luzon; geothermal, coal, be sufficient to meet peak demand, even without transfers
and oil in Visayas; and mainly hydro and oil in Mindanao
(figure 2.3). A high-voltage, direct current (HVDC) inter- 4. For long term planning purposes, the DoE defines dependable capac-
ity as the maximum capacity a power plant can sustain over a specified
connector links the Luzon and Visayas grids; Mindanao is period modified for seasonal limitation less the capacity required for
a self-contained island system. station service and auxiliaries (NGCP 2011).
Table 2.1. Generation Capacity and Peak Demand in MW for the Philippines in 2010
between the grids. However, projections (figure 2.4) sug- These figures clearly indicate that additional invest-
gest that a tight demand-supply situation could develop ments, on top of the generation capacity currently under
during the next decade unless new generation enters construction and committed, are required to meet demand
the system to supply the growing demand. In Luzon and by 2020 and beyond. Furthermore, despite indications
Visayas, supply may be insufficient to cover the required of adequate reserves in the Luzon and Visayas grids until
reserves in about 2020, whereas in Mindanao, supply about 2020, the operational reality in the Philippines
appears insufficient to secure reserves even now. requires ensuring flexibility through adequate ancillary ser-
vices arrangements.
Figure 2.4. Demand-Supply Projections for The Department of Energy (DoE 2011) projects that
Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, additional generation capacity of about 1,500 MW will
Assuming Only Committed Projects be required in Luzon by 2020, and by 2030, an additional
are Built Between 2011–30
10,450 MW. Similarly, Visayas will require an additional
Luzon 450 MW by 2020 and 2,000 MW by 2030; and Mindanao
Existing capacity Required reserve margin will require a further 750 MW by 2020 and 1,950 MW by
Committed capacity Peak demand 2030. Moreover, approximately 50 percent of the capacity
should be mid-range and peaking generation (DoE 2009);
15,000 therefore, growth in wind and solar photovoltaic (PV)
power would be highly desirable.
VRE in the Philippines
0 As defined in RE Act, variable renewable energy (VRE)
sources include wind power, solar PV power, ocean power,
5. There are also run-of-river hydro schemes but no data specific to this
technology were available to the authors.
Source: [1] slides 6, 8, and 10. 6. Cepalco’s 1 MWp photovoltaic power plant (http://www.cepalco.
2. VRE Integration Studies 7
Figure 2.5. Installed Wind and Solar PV Generation Capacity at End of 2010 (MW)
Source: GWEC for wind data and BP [4] for solar data.
are marked in figure C1 (wind), figure C2 (solar), and figure to the 2011 Transmission Development Plan published by
C3 (ocean) in appendix C. Substantial plans for expansion NGCP (2011). The National Renewable Energy Program
exist for wind power generation at the moment (appendix (NREP) for 2011–30 produced by the Philippine DoE is
C). The government plans are to triple the existing installed extracted from this document and summarized in table 2.3.
renewable energy capacity of 5,438 MW by 2030 according Table 2.4 shows the potential VRE power penetration
for each grid in the Philippines. This metric more accu-
rately portraits the potential challenge for power system
Table 2.2. Comparisons of Percentage of operators to maintain balance between demand and gen-
Wind Power to Total Installed Generation
eration. In a conventional power system, power balance is
Capacity and Percentage of Wind Power
Production to Total Electricity Production for
normally maintained by tracking a variable demand with a
Philippines and Top 10 Countries in 2010 predictable and dispatchable generation supply. However,
when the energy source itself is fluctuating, managing sup-
% wind power/total % wind power/ ply becomes difficult, especially without accurate forecast-
installed generation total electricity
ing of the VRE. The higher the component of uncertainty,
capacity production
the higher the complexity and resources required to deal
Ranking Country % Country %
with the dispatch process. Therefore, for system operators
1 Denmark 28.9 Denmark 21.3 and reliable supply, the penetration rate of VRE relative
2 Portugal 20.7 Portugal 18.0 to demand is most important. The worst case scenario is
3 Spain 18.4 Spain 15.3 when demand is at its minimum and wind farms are gener-
4 Germany 16.9 Ireland 10.5 ating at maximum installed capacity).
5 Ireland 13.4 Germany 6.5 Table 2.4 shows that the expected amount of wind
Philippines Rank 42 0.2 Rank 36 0.1 power development in the Philippines could lead at certain
hours to penetration rates of 15–25 percent, specifically
8 A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
Table 2.4. Installed VRE capacity and penetration With and Without Interconnectors for the
Philippines in 2010 and 2030
in the Luzon and Visayas grids. These levels are moderate associated with energy exchanges and sharing ancillary ser-
compared with other power systems in low demand–high vices across inter-island connections. The following guide-
wind conditions, such as in Texas (about 45 percent), lines provide a broad view of the issues significant for island
Ireland ( about 70 percent), and the Iberian Peninsula systems at various penetration levels (Bayem 2011).
(about 100 percent). However, the operators of small,
weakly connected island power systems like that in the Operation and Reserve Requirements
Philippines should consider investigating some operational The grid operating criteria in the Philippine Grid Code
issues earlier, similar to those studied in Tasmania (15–30 (approved by the Energy Regulatory Commission, 2011)
percent), New Zealand (about 20 percent), and the islands states that the grid shall be operated so that it remains in
of Hawaii (20–35 percent) because of the challenges the “normal state,” even after the loss of one generation unit,
2. VRE Integration Studies 9
Source: Graphic created by energynautics based on information in Grid Code [12] and WESM [13].
7. Currently, one HVDC link connects Luzon and Visayas. It has been in
operation since 1998 and uses current sourced converter technology. An
additional HVDC link is expected to be installed between Visayas and Mindanao grids in the future.
2. VRE Integration Studies 11
Note: Connection studies for generators other than wind farms must cover the following aspects [45]: thermal assessment; voltage assessment; stability analysis (transient); fault current assessment;
operational assessment (if necessary); protection assessment
Source: Authors.
Source: Authors.
12 A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
Long-term Electromechanical
Possible limiting factors reliability impacts
Source: Authors.
2. VRE Integration Studies 13
t Tertiary reserve
Generation term (Load
adequacy Secondary
system wide
scheduling following,
llowing, reserve
(Long-term (Outage balancing)) (AGC &
reliability) & hydro storage re
regulation) Primary
planning) reserve
Market dispatch
atch (Governor) &
S Inertia
lity respons
e nse
Grid adequacy
acy oscillation)
(N-5 contingency & congestion)
Rotor ang
(Rotor angle & interaction
& Fault
F ault
Voltage control Power Quality
(Sh -c
current) (Flicker & Harmonics)
Time-constant/Period time
Source: Authors
3. Study Guide
This section gives step-by-step instructions for investigat- 3.1. Grid Adequacy for Steady-State
ing the various impacts to determine whether limits to Operation
variable renewable energy (VRE) integration need to be The grid adequacy study investigates whether the addition
set. The approaches introduced are based on international of new generation assets causes power flow characteristics
experience. and active and reactive power (P&Q) loading on network
The issues that may become limiting factors for the elements to change outside static thermal and voltage lim-
Philippines are shown in figure 3.1. They are ranked as its. This is a standard study that should be conducted for
High: items that are relevant now and should be assessed any type of generation, not just renewables, and can be used
promptly; Medium: items that could be an issue for island to determine the maximum amount of VRE that could be
systems and should be considered in the future when integrated without breaching these limits. The report by
higher penetration of VRE is expected: and Low: items Minnesota Transmission Owners (2008)8 is a good exam-
unlikely to be immediate issues but that could be incor- ple of such a study.
porated into long-term planning when higher penetration Most studies assess areas of the network that require
levels are expected. Detailed step-by-step procedures for reinforcement or augmentation to accommodate a cer-
evaluating the issues ranked as high and medium are pre- tain amount of VRE (figure 3.2), rather than attempting
sented in this report; general guidelines are provided for to determine limits to the amount of integration. Because
those items ranked as low. wind power plants (WPPs) are often located far from load
centers and at the margins of the grid, and because less
Figure 3.1. Issues that Can Set Limits time is required to build wind and solar photovoltaic (PV)
for VRE Penetration power capacity than to build transmission capacity, it is vital
that this study be performed well ahead of time as part of
• Geographically concentrated VRE development long-term grid planning. This advance work will enable a
causing network thermal limits to be reached
• Weakly interconnected system susceptible to
robust power system to be designed and built, one that can
voltage issues adapt to a variety of potential renewable energy develop-
• Island systems require a minimum level of system ment scenarios.
• Inappropriate fault level for inter-island HVDC cables
Medium • Insufficient short-term operating reserves for the
expected wind power forecast errors
• Insufficient short-term operating reserves for
extreme ramps
Source: Authors. 8. For more information, see pp. 39–41 of that study.
16 A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
Reference Study: Minnesota “Dispersed of wind power. For the purpose of the study, the criteria for
Renewable Generation Transmission Study” an overloaded transmission facility was 100 percent of its
This study was conducted to assess the possibility of continuous rating limit for both system intact and N–1
accommodating 600 MW of dispersed renewable genera- contingency conditions. In addition to the base case (no
tion in the state of Minnesota. The state was divided into wind power), 42 single sites were examined. The genera-
42 sites across the five planning zones. The maximum tion output at each site was initially set to 40 MW before
amount of wind power that could be connected at each site system intact and contingency analysis was performed.
with minimal impact to the transmission system was deter- The results were compared with the base case, and when an
mined (see figure 3.3). overload resulted, the case was rerun at 35 MW and decre-
Step 1: Alternating current (A/C) steady-state analysis mented in 5 MW steps until an output level was reached at
was conducted at each site for summer peak and summer which no overloads occurred.
off-peak models. The analysis was performed under the Step 2: Sites within a zone were aggregated and studied
assumption that generation capacity would be added to again for overloads. In each zone, the aggregated capacity
only one site in the state and all other sites would be held was 225 MW. In a process similar to Step 1, the total wind
to 0 MW. A comparison of two cases, with and without the power in a zone was decremented by 25 MW until no over-
wind power installations, allows identification of transmis- loads resulted.
sion facilities that are significantly affected by the addition
18 A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
Step 3: Finally, a statewide analysis was conducted. All Step 4: The 20 selected locations were tested for tran-
statewide facility outages were considered, as were those sient stability after critical regional faults. The impacts on
of facilities immediately adjoining Minnesota. From the the overall system and interconnectors were observed to
steady-state analysis, 20 locations were chosen for wind see if faults affected regional system stability.
power installation, and areas where grid augmentations
might be required were identified.
Figure 3.3. Map of Minnesota Electric Transmission Planning Zones with Final Distributed
Renewable Generation
3.2. Grid Adequacy for Transient voltage support capabilities, installing external reactive
Voltage Response power support devices, and setting operating limits.
This second grid adequacy study investigates whether the The amount of VRE that can be integrated is highly
system can prevent voltage collapse upon the addition of dependent on the fault ride-through capability (FRT)
new generation. This is a standard study that should be con- and reactive power support capability offered by the VRE
ducted for any type of generation, not just renewables, and power plants. Thus, it is important that the grid code
can be used to determine the maximum amount of VRE require the new and existing VRE generation comply with
that could be integrated without violating voltage limits. requirements for supplying voltage support capabilities,
The Minnesota Transmission Owners report (2008)9 is a and be accurately represented in the study.
good example of such a study. Because of the resources it takes to perform voltage
Most studies assess the implementation of solutions to stability simulations, it is recommended that this study be
accommodate a certain amount of VRE, such as improv- performed after the reference study (3.1) to see if these
ing the grid code, using VRE power plants with improved voltage studies result in even more stringent requirements
(see figure 3.4).
9. For more information, see Minnesota Transmission Owners (2008,
Figure 3.4. Example of Voltage Profile Improvement Due to Implementation of an Operating Measure in Spain
How to If the simulation results in a voltage collapse or voltage limit violation, maximum VRE penetration limits may need to be
interpret imposed unless further measures are taken (such as adding dynamic volt-amps reactive [DVar] systems).
results and The most common solution for preventing voltage collapse is to require low voltage ride-through capabilities from the VRE
the expected power plants in the grid code. Low voltage ride-through capabilities can be supplied by modern wind turbines and solar PV
output inverters, but can also be supplied by external reactive power devices like DVars.
For voltage regulation, dynamic reactive power support capabilities can also be demanded from the VRE plants or provided by
external reactive power devices like static reactive compensators (SVCs).
Because performance requirements are likely to vary among locations, the requirement may be determined on a location-by-
location basis, as is done in the Australia National Electricity Market (in which each plant must meet its own unique technical
standard). Alternatively, a standardized approach could be used as in Europe, where the minimum performance requirement
from a power plant is stipulated in the grid code.
Voltage issues are expected to be prevalent in areas that are weakly interconnected. Because no FRT requirement is applied at
present, a hard limit on VRE that can be installed in certain regions or connection points is likely to exist. However, rather than
limiting the amount of VRE that can be integrated based on the current grid code (with no FRT requirement), it would be
better to set a reactive power support capability requirement in the grid code to eliminate these types of problems.
For grid planning studies to generate robust solutions and solar power, consultation with industry is strongly rec-
that are widely supported by both industry and govern- ommended to ensure wide acceptance of the study find-
ment, relevant stakeholders must be involved in the project ings. Also, support from the government and regulatory
preparation phase. Stakeholder input will be valuable dur- authority will aid with gaining credibility and maybe even
ing discussion of the variety of assumptions that can affect policy-backed support to drive the development of key
the diversity of future scenarios. Particularly with regard to transmission augmentations.
the anticipated geographic areas of development for wind
Stakeholders National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP), National Renewable Energy Board (NREB), renewable energy
required advocates, generation project developers, Department of Energy (DOE), Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC)
Key reference Power flow and stability studies:
studies All Island Grid Study WS3, Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources in the Republic of Ireland and the
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment in Northern Ireland (TNEI), 2007–12.
EWI, E.ON Grid, EWI, RWE Transport Grid Electricity, VE Transmission. 2005. “Energy Management Planning for
Integration of Wind Energy into the Grid in Germany, Onshore and Offshore by 2020,” Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH
(dena), Cologne.
Southwest Power Pool Wind Integration Study, WITF Final Report, SPP (Charles River Associates), 2010–01.
Integration of Renewable Resources: Transmission and Operating Issues and Recommendations for Integrating Renewable
Resources on the California ISO-controlled Grid, California ISO, 2007–11.
Growing Wind: Final Report of the NYISO 2010 Wind Generation Study, NYISO, 2010–09.
CREZ Reactive Power Compensation Study, ERCOT (ABB), 2010–12.
Market-coupled studies:
TradeWind, EC (EWEA, Risoe, et al.), 2009–05.
ENTSO-E and European Commission. 2010. “European Wind Integration Study (EWIS): Towards A Successful Integration of
Large Scale Wind Power into European Electricity Grids,” Brussels.
Large grid augmentations and EHV overlay studies:
EnerNex Corporation. 2011. “Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study,” National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
Golden Colorado.
SSP EHV Overlay Project, SPP (InfraSource, PowerWorld), 2007-06.
Strategic Midwest Area Renewable Transmission (SMARTransmission) Study, Quanta Technology, 2010.
Transmission Planning for Wind Energy: Status and Prospects, C. Smith, et al., 2010–10.
The Cost of Transmission for Wind Energy: A Review of Transmission Planning Studies, A. Mills, et al., Berkley National
Laboratory, 2009–02.
22 A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
3.3. Inertia and Frequency Response as demonstrated by the Irish “All Island TSO Facilitation
of Island Systems of Renewables” study (Bömer and others 2010). Because
The inertia and frequency response study investigates the Philippine power system is a series of island systems
whether the power system has adequate inertia to prevent interconnected by weak links, a hard technical limit to
frequency excursions that cannot be controlled by primary VRE penetration may be required. This study may reveal
reserve. the maximum limit of “inertia-less” generation that can be
As identified by the IEA Wind Task 25 report, fre- integrated in relation to total power production. The Irish
quency control and inertial response are not considered “All Island TSO Facilitation of Renewables” study commis-
crucial problems for wind power integration at the present sioned by Eirgrid, resulted in a 60–80 percent “inertia-less”
levels of penetration seen around the world. However, it penetration limit.
can be a challenge for small (particularly island) systems,
Objective To determine whether a limit exists for the penetration of “inertia-less” generation in each of the regional grid systems (Luzon,
Visayas, and Mindanao).
Methodology The system frequency response can be studied by performing dynamic simulations of the sudden loss of generation and
observing the resulting frequency nadir. If the frequency nadir falls below the limit for under-frequency load shedding in the
first few seconds, it can be concluded that there is insufficient inertia in the system to control the frequency excursion within the
stipulated limits (see figure 3.5).
To determine whether there is a maximum limit for the penetration of “inertia-less” generation, a series of simulations need to
be performed, starting with 100 percent penetration, then decreasing penetration levels gradually until the observed frequency
nadir ceases to fall below the minimum allowable frequency. To assess the adequacy of the existing primary reserves, determine
whether the system frequency can be brought back up to within the stipulated range by a certain time.
Scenarios Luzon: Maximum import via high voltage, direct current (HVDC) link and high VRE power generation supplying low
Visayas: Maximum import via HVDC link and high VRE power generation supplying low demand.
Mindanao: High VRE power generation supplying low demand.
Other: Other regions with particularly low cross-island interconnection capacity (high voltage alternating current) may also be
studied assuming island mode operation.
Model Philippine transmission grid: Acquire full dynamic system models of the region studied. Generator governor models should
requirements be included as should be an appropriate dynamic model for the HVDC converters.
Wind power generation: Determine aggregated P&Q output of WPP based on fixed wind speed. Wind turbine modelling
requirements depend on the assumptions made about the capabilities of the turbines.
Option A: No inertia or primary reserve contribution—model new wind generation as doubly fed induction generator
(DFIG) turbines with appropriate voltage support capability.
Option B: Virtual inertia or primary reserve contribution—appropriate modeling of the offered capability is required.
Option C: Inertia contribution caused by direct-coupled wind turbine model—model inertia contribution of existing wind
generation as appropriate.
Solar PV models: Aggregated P&Q output of solar PV power plant based on fixed irradiance. Assume no inertia contribution.
Data Demand: Projected future off-peak demand for all nodes in the network model (maximum and minimum demand in MW).
requirements Generation: Projected future installed generation capacity and corresponding availability during off-peak periods (in MW).
How to If the simulation results in uncontrollable frequency excursion and load shedding, maximum VRE penetration limits may need
interpret to be applied unless further measures are taken.
results and This limit, however, is expected to be at quite a high penetration rate. For instance, for the Irish grid it was 60–80 percent.
the expected Therefore, a limit might be found, but it is unlikely to be a short-term issue. Therefore, this study could be delayed—keeping in
output mind, however, that specific island systems could end up with higher penetration rates than others.
At present, the solution to such a problem would be to impose a maximum “inertia-less” generation penetration limit, to ensure
that enough synchronous generators are online at all times. However, new developments in wind turbine technologies have
been made that offer “virtual inertia” capabilities. Therefore, when higher future penetration rates are expected, virtual inertia
capability may be incorporated as a grid code requirement.
3. Study Guide 23
Figure 3.5. Stable and Unstable System Frequency Response Following the Sudden Loss of Generation
Nominal frequency
System frequency (Hz)
0 5 10 15 20
Time (s)
Nominal frequency
System frequency (Hz)
Insufficient inertia
to maintain stability
0 5 10 15 20
Time (s)
Nominal frequency
System frequency (Hz)
0 5 10 15 20
Time (s)
Source: Authors.
24 A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
To obtain accurate models of the regional networks that the system operator of each grid be involved in the
for performing frequency stability studies, it is important study.
Stakeholders NGCP, generator owners, wind and solar PV project developers, NREB, DOE, ERC
Key reference Bömer, J., K. Burges, C. Nabe, and M. Pöller. 2010. “All Island TSO Facilitation of Renewables Studies: Final Report for Work
studies Package 3,” EirGrid, Dublin.
Transpower New Zealand. 2007. “Wind Generation Investigation Project 5: Effect of Wind Generation Capability on
Management of Frequency Excursions.” Transpower New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
Fast Simulation of Wind Generation for Frequency Stability Analysis in Island Power Systems, James Conroy, 2010-10.
Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three US Interconnection with Increased Wind Generation,
Berkley National Laboratory, 2010-12.
Roam Consulting. 2010. “Assessment of FCS and Technical Rules,” Independent Market Operator,Perth, Australia.
3.4. Fault Level Adequacy for HVDC Link malfunction could be calculated. However, the resources
Operation (and Protection Relays) required to perform a full short-circuit study are extensive.
The fault level adequacy study investigates whether the Therefore, it is recommended that a general impact study
addition of new generation changes the general system be performed first. If the general study indicates that a
fault level in such a way that proper HVDC operation is severe impact is likely, then a detailed study should be per-
inhibited. This could potentially be an issue if the amount formed to determine the absolute maximum amount of
of VRE in Luzon or Visayas causes the general fault level to penetration.
fall—the two regions are interconnected with an HVDC The fault current contribution of VRE power plants is
link, and this link has been critical for supplying enough highly dependent on their FRT capability. Therefore, the
power to meet demand in Luzon. grid code must establish requirements for new and existing
The maximum amount of VRE that can be integrated VRE generation for fault ride-through, and must be accu-
without causing the HVDC and protection equipment to rately represented in the study.
Scenarios High wind and solar PV development. Series of interconnector capacity levels.
Short-circuit current is normally provided by conventional synchronous generators. Therefore, the worst case scenario is a low
load situation in which most conventional generation is displaced by wind generation.
HVDC-LUZON: High wind power generation supplying low demand.
HVDC-VISAYAS: High wind power generation supplying low demand.
Model A) Indicative study
requirements Luzon and Visayas transmission grid: AC power flow model with the existing topology and typical operating scheme
(open breakers and the like).
Wind power generation: Aggregated P&Q output of WPPs based on fixed wind speed for high and low wind power
Solar PV power generation: Aggregated P&Q output of solar PV power plant based on fixed solar irradiation for high
and low solar PV power output.
Other generation: P&Q model with full availability corresponding to the time point analyzed, including external reactive
power devices.
B) Maximum VRE penetration study
Electromagnetic model of WPP and connection point with equivalent grid representation.
Data Demand: Projected future off-peak demand for all nodes in network model (maximum and minimum demand in MW).
requirements Generation: Projected future installed generation capacity and corresponding availability during off-peak periods (in MW).
How to If the simulation results show that the short-circuit ratio at HVDC terminals will fall below minimum operating requirements,
interpret maximum VRE penetration limits may need to be imposed unless further measures are taken. This outcome is highly
results and dependent on the FRT capability and short circuit current contribution characteristics of the VRE. This situation is known
the expected in general to lower the fault level (Bömer and others 2005; Transpower New Zealand 2008), but in some cases it may even
output increase the fault level (figure 3.6). Therefore, careful observation is required using accurate models of the type of VRE that will
be installed.
The most common solution for preventing fault level reduction from affecting HVDC operation is to implement an operation
limitation such as a minimum-must-run generation unit.
The protection equipment might need to be redesigned so that it functions properly with the new fault level.
The system operator of each region, as well as the opera- study to ensure that accurate models of the regional grids
tors of WPPs and the HVDC link, must be involved in the are obtained for performing fault level studies.
Stakeholders NGCP and its system operators, WPP owner, HVDC link operator
Key reference Bömer, J., K. Burges, C. Nabe, and M. Pöller. 2010. “All Island TSO Facilitation of Renewables Studies: Final Report for Work
studies Package 3,” EirGrid, Dublin.
Transpower New Zealand. 2008. “Wind Generation Investigation Project 9: Effect of Wind Generationon Reactive Power
Contribution and Dynamic Voltage Responses.” Transpower New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
Wind Power Plant Short Circuit Current Contribution for Different Fault and Wind Turbine Topologies, V. Gevorgian, et al.,
NREL, 2010–10.
26 A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
Figure 3.6. Example of Different Wind Power Penetration Levels (0, 25%, 50%, 75% 100%) on the
Three-Phase Faults at Selected Bus Bars in Ireland (Around Each Average Value the Minimum
and Maximum Short Circuit Currents Over 63 Load Cases are Indicated by the Error Bar)
50 limit W0 W25 W50 W75 W100
40 limit 220 kV
limit 110 kV
5 /”5’1”/”6
1”/”6’==;’MN 1”/”6’AA;’MN
10. Impacts from “expected forecast errors” are part of normal operation,
that is, non-event cases. Impacts from unexpected events (contingency
and event reserve) are assessed in the study in the next section.
3. Study Guide 27
(Philippine Wholesale Electricity Spot Market 2004). variance of the net load.11 The additional reserves required
However, because the addition of VRE will compound the to cover the integration of VRE can then be calculated as
level of uncertainty, the reserve requirement should also the difference between the standard deviations of the net
take into account the variance of the VRE output. load and the load, multiplied by some factor to achieve the
Two methods are commonly used to evaluate the required confidence level.
reserve requirement—the statistical method and the con- The convolution method involves evaluation of prob-
volution method. ability density distributions for VRE and load variability
The statistical method involves the evaluation of load and associated uncertainties. These are then superimposed
and generation output variability and forecast errors. The by convolution to find the magnitude and frequency of all
variances of these components are summed to find the potential imbalances.
To model the outputs of wind and solar PV power developers, organizations that have extensive weather data,
plants accurately, a good understanding of the planned loca- such as the bureau of meteorology, should be consulted, as
tions of the power plants is required, along with detailed should be renewable energy advocates.
wind speed and irradiance. In addition to the generation
Stakeholders NGCP, NREB, renewable energy advocates, renewable generation project developers, wind speed measurement providers,
required solar irradiation measurement providers
Key reference General:
studies Holttinen, H., M. Milligan, E. Ela, N. Menemenlis, B. Rawn, R. Bessa, D. Flynn, E. Gomez-Lazaro, J. Dobschinski, and N.
Detlefsen. 2012. “Methodologies to Determine Operating Reserves due to Increased Wind Power.” IEEE Transactions on
Sustainable Energy, no. Special Issue: Wind Energy.
Holttinen, H., P. Meibom, A. Orths, F. van Hulle, B. Lange, M. O. O’Malley, J. Pierik, B. Ummels, J. O. Tande, A. Estanqueiro, M.
Matos, E. Gomez, L. Söder, G. Strbac, A. Shakoor, J. Ricardo, C. J. Smith, M. Milligan, and E. Ela. 2009. “Design and Operation
of Power Systems with Large Amounts of Wind Power.” Final report, IEA WIND Task 25, Phase one 2006-2008. VTT
Tiedotteita, Helsinki.
Milligan, M., P. Donohoo, D. Lew, E. Ela, B. Kirby, H. Holttinen, E. Lannoye, D. Flynn, M. O’Malley, N. Miller, P. Børre Eriksen,
A. Gøttig, B. Rawn, M. Gibescu, E. Gómez Lázaro, A. Robitaille and I. Kamwa. 2010. “Operating Reserves and Wind Power
Integration: An International Comparison.” National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, Colorado.
EnerNex Corporation. 2011. “Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study,” National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
Golden Colorado.
GE Energy. 2010. “Western Wind and Solar Integration Study,” National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden,
GE Energy. 2008. “Analysis of Wind Generation Impact on ERCOT Ancillary Services Requirements.” GE Energy, New York.
Dernbach, M., D. Bagusche, and S. Schrader. 2010. “Frequency Control in Quebec with DFIG Wind Turbines,” in 9th
International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Windpower into Power Systems/Transmission Networks for Offshore
Wind Power Plants, Quebec City.
Kamwa, I., A. Heniche, and M. de Montigny. 2009. “Assessment of AGC and Load-Following Definitions for Wind Integration
Studies in Quebec.” energynautics, Langen, Germany.
de Montigny, M., A. Heniche, I. Kamwa, R. Sauriol, R. Mailhot, and D. Lefebvre. 2010. “A New Simulation Approach for the
Assessment of Wind Integration Impacts on System Operations,” 9th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of
Wind Power and on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms, pp. 460–67, Quebec City, October 16–17.
Miller, N., D. Manz, H. Johal, S. Achilles, L. Roos, and J. P. Griffin. 2010. “Integrating High Levels of Wind in Island Systems:
Lessons from Hawaii,” in International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, pp. 1–8, December.
Sustainable Energy Ireland. 2004. “Operating Reserve Requirements as Wind Power Penetration Increases in the Irish
Electricity System.” Sustainable Energy Ireland, Dublin.
Western Australia:
Roam Consulting. 2010. “Assessment of FCS and Technical Rules,” Independent Market Operator, Perth, Australia
New Zealand:
Transpower New Zealand. 2007. “Wind Generation Investigation Project 5: Effect of Wind Generation Capability on
Management of Frequency Excursions.” Transpower New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
3. Study Guide 29
3.6. Reserve Adequacy for According to the presentation by DoE, however, for
Extreme Ramps Visayas and Mindanao, the largest units are about 100
This reserve adequacy study investigates whether there are MW, whereas the largest proposed WPP is 122 MW (in
enough primary and tertiary event reserves (correspond- Visayas). Therefore, the primary reserve requirement for
ing to contingency spinning and backup reserves in the these regions will possibly need to be changed.
Philippines) for supply to meet the expected load when More challenging is the tertiary reserve. According to
VRE is added to the system. Event reserve refers to spinning Holttinen, Milligan, and others (2012), compensating for
reserves for contingency response and backup reserves large but slow events, corresponding to forecast errors for
replacing other reserves, as well as reserves to deal with 10 minutes to some hours ahead, is the most challeng-
slow contingency events (such as weather-induced ramps) ing based on international studies. Furthermore, extreme
(refer to figure 2.6 and table A1 in appendix A for defini- ramping caused by weather or market events may be caused
tions). These reserves are often determined and acquired specifically by the introduction of VRE.
through the ancillary services market, or through direct Currently, the only tertiary reserve in the Philippines
instruction (must-offer); however, markets with short dis- is for replacement of the contingency reserve, called
patch times such as the Australian NEM (5 minute) han- the “backup reserve.” There are no reserves that can be
dle tertiary reserves in the dispatch market, and are not as deployed between regulating reserves (25 seconds to 30
concerned. minutes) and market dispatch (1 hour).
In the Philippines, contingency reserve is defined as For a slow contingency event that becomes apparent
reserve equivalent to the largest loss of supply that could be in advance, such as the approach of a storm front, a loss of
caused by disconnection of the largest online generation power in less than 1 hour12 could potentially be a problem
unit or by the outage of a circuit. because neither regulation reserve nor primary contin-
Presently, the largest unit in Luzon is a gas unit of about gency reserve is designed to cover for this additional loss.
1,200 MW, while the largest expected VRE plant is a WPP Rather than adding this potential loss to costly spinning
of less than 150 MW. Thus, integration of the WPP will not reserve, whether regulating reserves would be adequate to
require an increase in primary reserve. Even in the worst cover this kind of event should be examined, and creation
case—for example, none of the WPPs are equipped with of a new reserve category might even be considered.
FRT capability and trip off in the event of a voltage dip— To find the maximum VRE level that does not cause
the largest aggregation of VRE in one region (northern such a situation, historical weather events should be stud-
Luzon) is expected to be less than 350 MW. Therefore, ied and the maximum ramp rate should be compared with
it is unlikely that the reserve requirement will need to be existing reserve requirements.
12. Dispatch is one hour, and regulating reserve has the capability to
come online in 30 minutes.
30 A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
Objective To determine the maximum amount of VRE that could be integrated without the need to increase regulating reserves.
Methodology Review historical weather data and determine probable “worst case” scenario that results in maximum ramping of wind power
output in northern Luzon, and solar PV power wherever large installations are planned.
Estimate the maximum wind (or solar) generation change event in the high VRE penetration scenario based on the weather
For dispatch and short-term capacity reserves, perform market dispatch simulations.
Scenarios The reserve requirements for at least two scenarios should be evaluated for comparison for each island.
Base Case: without VRE development.
VRE Integration Case: with VRE. If desired, a number of scenarios could be developed, with varying degrees of VRE
integration. (Start with maximum and reduce until the limit is found.)
On- and off-peak demand scenarios with high VRE penetration, in which the minimum number of units providing reserves are
Model Philippine transmission grid: Dispatch model
requirements Wind and solar PV power generation: WPP and solar PV power plant output model that can estimate the active power
output based on wind speed and solar radiation data. Models may include advanced capabilities such as active power reduction
and delta control.
Capability of conventional units: Ramp rates, start-up, shut down, fuel costs, and so forth.
Data Data based on a real event: 5-minute wind power and solar PV output corresponding to wind speed and solar irradiation
requirements during the actual extreme weather event identified. Corresponding load data and generation availability at the time of the event.
Demand: Historical demand for a period that includes extreme weather events on a 1-minute or 5-minute basis, scaled to
future demand level.
Wind and solar PV generation: Generation output on a 1-minute or 5-minute basis, calculated from historical wind speed
and solar radiation time series data synchronized with demand at the expected installation locations.
How to If the reserve requirement with VRE exceeds the requirement for load only, maximum VRE penetration limits may need to be
interpret imposed unless further measures are taken.
results and It is expected that a slow ramp event in Luzon will have an impact on regulating reserve. However, rather than limiting VRE, it
the expected may be advisable to revise the regulating reserve requirement definition or create a new type of ancillary service. The benefit of
output allocating interconnector capacity for transfer of reserves may also be explored.
To model the weather impact on power plant outputs Furthermore, to represent the services offered by gener-
accurately, a good understanding of the planned location ators and their operation capabilities accurately, it is impor-
of WPPs and solar PV plants is required , along with the tant to involve both renewable and conventional power
characteristics of the generation technology employed, generators. For example, for some studies in the United
and the type of weather events experienced in that region. States, industry representatives have complained that the
In addition to the generation project developers, organiza- operational capability of conventional generators has been
tions that have extensive weather data, such as the bureau overestimated and costs underestimated, so that the results
of meteorology, should be consulted. Renewable energy do not adequately reflect the true effort required to inte-
advocates such as the Clean Energy Council should also be grate VRE generation. By the same token, the frequency
consulted. regulation capabilities that can be offered by WPPs and
solar PV inverters must also be taken into consideration.
Stakeholders NGCP, NREB, renewable energy advocates, renewable generation project developers, conventional generator owners, weather
required bureau, wind speed measurement providers, solar irradiation measurement providers, VRE output forecasters, DOE, ERC
Key reference GE Energy. 2008. “Analysis of Wind Generation Impact on ERCOTAncillary Services Requirements.” GE Energy, New York.
studies Piwko, R., X. Bai, K. Clark, G. Jordan, N. Miller, and J. Zimberlin. 2005. “The Effects of Integrating Wind Power on Transmission
System Planning, Reliability, and Operations,” GE Energy, New York.
3. Study Guide 31
3.7. Treatment of Wind Power in Long- locations in which WPPs and solar PV plants still do not
Term Reliability Assessment exist, the outputs will have to be estimated based on wind
When VRE power begins to replace retiring conventional speed and solar irradiance data. Therefore, such data must
generation instead of being added to existing capacity, be collected early on, and providers of such data must be
VRE’s capacity contribution to reliability must be assessed made part of the study.
so that long-term reliability standards are not breached. It is also important to consider the impact of hydro
Reliability metrics are the best tool for accurately calculat- generation, particularly in systems with significant shares
ing the capacity credit (dependable capacity) of wind and of hydro power, as in the Philippines. Generation adequacy
solar PV power. must be assessed for both reliability and power, and must
For such a study, extensive load, wind power, and solar take into consideration dry periods, not limiting the study
power output data on an hourly basis are required. In to high and peak demand periods.
Stakeholders NGCP, NREB, wind speed measurement providers, solar irradiation measurement providers, generator owners, DOE, ERC
Key reference Holttinen, H., P. Meibom, A. Orths, F. van Hulle, B. Lange, M. O. O’Malley, J. Pierik, B. Ummels, J. O. Tande, A. Estanqueiro, M.
studies Matos, E. Gomez, L. Söder, G. Strbac, A. Shakoor, J. Ricardo, C. J. Smith, M. Milligan, and E. Ela. 2009. “Design and Operation
of Power Systems with Large Amounts of Wind Power.” Final report, IEA WIND Task 25, Phase one 2006-2008. VTT
Tiedotteita, Helsinki.
A Review of Different Methodologies Used for Calculation of Wind Power Capacity Credit, L. Söder, et al., KTH, 2008.
Milligan, M., and K. Porter. 2008. “Determining the Capacity Value of Wind: An Updated Survey of Methods and
Implementation.” NREL, Golden, Colorado.
Valuing the Capacity of Intermittent Generation in the South-west Interconnected System of Western Australia, REWG WP2,
IMO (MMA) 2010-01.
Supplementary Analysis of Capacity Valuation, REWG WP2, IMO (MMA) 2010–04.
Analysis of Procedures for Assessing the Capacity Value of Intermittent Generation in the Wholesale Electricity Market,
REWG WP2, IMO (MMA) 2010-08.
3.8. Electromechanical Impact Another potential concern occurs if the VRE power
When VRE power begins to displace synchronous gen- plants are expected to be connected by series-compensated
eration in significant proportions (above 80 percent) to lines or HVDC devices because of their remote location
supply load (as in Spain, Portugal, and Ireland today), it is (that is, offshore). Subsynchronous interaction with certain
possible that the electromechanical characteristics of the types of wind turbine generators and converter electron-
system will change. This may cause the system oscillatory ics has been discovered to potentially interact with series
mode to change, rendering inadequate the system damp- compensation and HVDC electronics resulting in sig-
ing and power system stabilizer settings. To investigate nificant damage, as demonstrated by the event in ERCOT.
this possibility, modal analysis by eigenvalue calculation Therefore if such situations are foreseen, investigation may
of small-signal stability with and without VRE would need be warranted.
to be evaluated and compared. This analysis was done in VRE impact on transient stability has been studied in
the studies by Transpower, ENTSO-E and the European DENA and some others, but no significant impact has
Commission (2010), and the “All Island Facilitation of been observed. VRE generation is normally connected via
Renewables”, but all of them reported that no significant inverters, which do not interfere with the electromechanics
impact was observed for the particular renewable scenarios of the system directly, so no impact is expected.
32 A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
34 A Guide to Operational Impact Analysis of Variable Renewables: Application to the Philippines
• When high penetration is anticipated, investigations The current level of VRE in the Philippines is very low
into electromechanical stability may need to be car- compared with many other systems around the world,
ried out in addition to thermal, voltage, and frequency and international experience has shown that the observed
impact studies. This includes studies of small-signal impacts of VRE are minor up to about 20–30 percent pen-
impact and subsynchronous interactions. etration. Thus, the Philippines will be able to prepare and
• When particular configurations result in certain wind carry out the types of studies recommended in this report
turbines being connected via series-compensated lines, in parallel with installation of VRE power plants, and can
there is a need to check for SSI. start applying changes to the grid structure, grid code, mar-
ket structure, and policy framework to be able to cope with
higher VRE penetration in the future.
Appendix A. Definition of Balancing and Reserves
The goal of power system operation is to balance supply can be broken down into broad categories of a few seconds
and demand at all times while maintaining reliability and (governor), 1–5 minutes (automatic generation control
system security standards. Given the few options for stor- and regulation), 5–30 minutes (dispatch or load follow-
ing electricity in a modern power system, the objective is to ing), and 30 minutes to some hours (replacement and
produce energy at the instant that it is consumed (or shed supplementary reserve). These categories are highlighted
load when necessary). To facilitate this process in the most in orange in figure A1, and these terms are described in
efficient manner possible, the system operator optimizes table A1
the use of available resources (where electricity markets are The definitions of different types of reserves vary
in operation, often through markets), under a set of trans- depending on the power system. Some of the common
mission constraints, to meet the electricity consumption terms used are shown in table A1. For the purposes of this
forecasted at a certain point ahead of time. The time lag report, the terms primary, secondary, and tertiary reserves
between the forecast schedules and delivery in this process are used.
Figure A1. Time Scale for Different Operation Mechanisms and Reserves
Source: Authors.
38 Appendixes
A multitude of studies are available in the international up wind and solar PV energies promoted by government
domain that assess the impact of variable renewable energy policies to meet national or state renewable energy (RE)
(VRE) integration from a purely technical standpoint, an targets. To achieve RE targets set by governments, systems
economic standpoint, and anywhere in between. To ensure must adapt; therefore, most studies assess the impact that
the reliability and security of the power system, these stud- a certain percentage of VRE integration is likely to have on
ies may propose technical solutions such as either hard the system. See table B1.
limits or soft limits, depending on the operation regime, Based on such studies, measures to accommodate VRE
and may outline possibilities for increasing the limits by are developed and decisions are made about how best
enhancing the capability of the system and its components. (most efficiently) to implement those decision. The deci-
The decision about the limit to impose and to what degree sions are based on the ability of the system to implement
the existing system should be modified to accommodate the solutions and allocate the associated costs, as well as the
VRE will most certainly depend on economic priorities ability of the grid operators and renewable energy develop-
and on the capabilities of the stakeholders involved. ers to adjust to new operational practices.
40 Appendixes
system wide
scheduling following, reserve
(Long-term (Outage balancing) (AGC & Balancing
reliability) & hydro storage regulation) Primary
planning) reserve
Market dispatch (Governor) &
S Inertia
stability response
Grid adequacy oscillation)
(N-5 contingency & congestion)
Planning Stability response
(Rotor angle & interaction
& Fault
F ault
Voltage control Power Quality
current) (Flicker & Harmonics)
Time-constant/Period time
Source: Authors.
However, because of the nature of VRE power, its interconnector—whichever causes the largest discrepancy
impact on particular system issues is higher than on others. between supply and demand as a transient event.
The characteristics of the power system under consider- Based on international experience, the conclusion is
ation also affect the issues that would be more susceptible that the impact of VRE on primary reserve requirements
to impacts from VRE. Thus, certain types of studies are is negligible because the introduction of new VRE power
more relevant for VRE integration. The results of these plants generally does not change the size of the single larg-
studies are summarized in the following pages. est contingency,14 assuming a fault ride-through (FRT)
capability is available from the VRE power plants. If the
Balancing13 VRE plants are not equipped with FRT capability, a volt-
age dip may cause a group of plants in one area to trip and
Primary Response and Contingency Reserve become the largest contingency.
Primary response contingency reserves are gener- Wind power outputs do not change fast enough to con-
ally designed to cover the largest single contingency stitute a contingency event in normal operation because of
event in a system, typically caused by the sudden dis- the mechanical structure of wind power plants (Holttinen
connection of a generating unit, a load block, or an
Milligan, and others 2012). However, solar PV power out- it is crucial that reserve adequacy be assessed based on the
put is a more direct energy conversion technology and can type of forecast errors likely to be experienced.
experience higher ramp rates. Furthermore, the impact At high VRE penetration levels, the aggregated variabil-
of certain weather events, such as a storm front hitting a ity and forecast error can potentially result in large but slow
cluster of wind power plants, may need to be considered contingency events. For example, a large cloud or storm
depending on the system characteristics. front could be expected to sweep across a solar PV plant
or a wind power plant, respectively, causing a large discrep-
IMPORTANT FOR: ancy in expected supply and demand, but there could still
• Systems with large VRE plants in concentrated be time to secure reserves. Therefore, it is important to
areas identify these types of contingency situations based on the
power system and assess the adequacy of corresponding
• Portugal: Discovery that group of wind power
plants tripped when there was a voltage dip led to
the review of FRT in grid code IMPORTANT FOR:
• Systems with high VRE penetration displacing
synchronous generation
Secondary Response for Frequency Regulation • Isolated systems with weak interconnection to
VRE power’s most significant impacts on balancing affect neighboring systems (i.e. island systems)
“non-event” reserves, that is, regulation reserves (1–3 min- • Systems with wind turbine generators connected
utes) and load-following or market dispatch reserves (10– via series compensated lines
30 minutes). The impact on regulation reserves is lower
compared with the impact on load-following reserves,
• Ireland: Minimum system inertia requirement has
however, because VRE power output forecasts improve the
been implemented
closer they are to real-time dispatch.
• ERCOT: SSI has been observed on series com-
Therefore, the impact on secondary reserves is highly
pensated line
dependent on forecast accuracy and on how forecasts are
considered in the scheduling and dispatch of regulation
resources. Stability
Ramp rates for wind power are still typically much
lower than demand ramping rates (Holttinen, Milligan, IMPORTANT FOR:
and others 2012); therefore, a system that can adequately • Systems with high VRE penetration and weakly
deal with demand ramping should also be able to accom- interconnected for frequency support
modate VRE ramping.15 STUDIED IN:
• ERCOT: every 1 minute; every 5 minutes
Tertiary Reserves for Balancing and “Slow
Contingency” Events Electromechanical Stability
Systems that balance supply and demand between gate Assess the impact on system inertia, transient response
closure time for market dispatch and regulation with some rotor-angle stability, small-signal oscillatory stability, and
form of tertiary reserve16 experience the largest impacts subsynchronous interaction.
from VRE power output forecast errors. For such systems, The direct electromechanical impact of VRE is likely to
be low (especially at low penetration) because most VRE
power generators are connected via converters and are
15. No studies into system-wide solar PV ramp rates have been found. decoupled from the power system. The impact on system
Based on data from large plants on individual sites, solar PV ramp rates
are much faster than wind ramp rates. Solar ramp rate characteristics inertia is also likely to be low, except when VRE penetration
would need to be studied separately.
16. As in the United States, where there is unit commitment reserves.
42 Appendixes
support Balancing
Inertia Generation
Electromechanical response AGC
impact regulation
Operating reserves dispatch
Generation Adequacy VRE could cause oversizing of the required reserves which
Assess dependable capacity (capacity credit) or Effective is economically inefficient.18
Load Carrying Capacity (ELCC) impact on reliability
The long-term reliability of the power system, that is, its
• Systems with high VRE penetration
ability to meet demand, can be compromised if the capac-
ity contribution of VRE power is assessed inadequately in STUDIED IN:
generation planning. Because VRE sources such as wind • IEA Task 25: Summary of methodologies used
and solar irradiance are intermittent and difficult to predict, to assess VRE impact on generation adequacy
the quantity of energy that can be relied upon to be pro- based on review of prominent VRE integration
duced when needed is much lower than in conventional studies
power plants. The uncertainty in production availability • Xcel Colorado40: Full reliability calculation based
can be reduced somewhat by aggregating VRE sources on +10 years of data
across a wide geographic area, and by improving forecast • Germany: ELCC estimated based on duration
accuracy. The dependable capacity contribution from curves
VRE resources must be assessed as accurately as possible, • NYISO: Approximate method used based on
particularly when high amounts of VRE are expected to assessment of VRE contribution during peak
replace retiring conventional power plants, so that supply demand periods
security can be maintained at the required reliability level.
Furthermore, underestimating the capacity contribution of
18. http://www.nrel.gov/wind/systemsintegration/pdfs/colorado_public_
44 Appendixes
Table B2. Common Methodologies and Models for Various Studies on Impact of VRE Integration
Data requirements
Element to be
Assessed Method Demand Wind Power Generation Nonwind generation
Generation Assess whether the a) Historical demand a) High/medium/low a) Available generation
Adequacy system can meet reliability (10+ years) wind development capacity considering
standards with the addition Hourly or quarter- scenarios (different scheduled and forced
of the estimated amount hourly historical distribution of wind outages. In areas with
of VRE. To include VRE demand profiles power plants may be high hydro power
in the calculation process, b) Defined high demand considered) penetration, reliable
use either capacity credit, period based on Hourly or quarter- and firm energy
or Effective Load Carrying analysis of historical hourly historical wind availability of hydro
Capacity (ELCC). demand power generation resources must be
The capacity credit or (may be developed taken into account.
ELCC of VRE power can from wind speed b) Not considered
be estimated by either the measurements, time-
reliability method or the synchronized with
approximate method. demand)
Reliability method: b) Wind power
Calculate reliability metrics generation
such as Loss of Load corresponding to high
Expectation (LOLE), demand periods
Loss of Load Probability
(LOLP), and so forth, and
compare reference case
with VRE power integration
Approximate method:
Calculate average capacity
factor corresponding to
high demand periods.
Note: The Reliability
Method is preferred.
Appendix B. Summary of International Experience 45
Table B2. Common Methodologies and Models for Various Studies on Impact of VRE Integration (continued)
Data requirements
Element to be
Assessed Method Demand Wind Power Generation Nonwind generation
Grid Planning a) Steady-state power a) Peak and off-peak Aggregated P&Q output of a) P&Q output model
flow simulations demand wind power plant based on with full availability
for (N) and (N−1) b) Forecast demand fixed wind speed: corresponding to the
situations. (historical demand a) For high and low wind point in time analyzed,
b) Time-synchronized scaled to future) power outputs and external reactive
dispatch (market) power devices
b) Corresponding to the
simulation (analyses point in time analyzed b) Available generation
of inter-area flows and capacity considering
often compromised scheduled and forced
grid model). outages
Electromechanical a) Transient: Dynamic a) Peak and off-peak a) High wind power a) Dynamic models of
stability power flow simulations demand output for aggregated generators, external
following a 3-phase b) Appropriate static and WPP model, P&Q reactive power devices,
fault or sudden loss of a dynamic load modeling output based on and protection
generating unit fixed wind speed. equipment
c) Appropriate static and
b) Small-signal: Modal Model must include b) Dynamic models
dynamic load modeling
analysis by eigenvalue corresponding low- of synchronous
calculation of small- voltage ride-through generators including
signal stability with and and reactive power excitation, speed
without wind power support capability of governors, and power
WPP. system stabilizers.
c) Subsynchronous:
Electromagnetic time b) Dynamic WPP models External equipment for
domain simulations with voltage control oscillation damping.
to evaluate the mechanism, or assume c) Electromagnetic time
subsynchronous constant mechanical model or HVDC link
control interaction torque. or series-compensated
between the wind c) Electromagnetic system and external
turbine converter and time models of wind devices providing
the HVDC link or turbine generators. An reactive power support.
series-compensated aggregated model can
system be used.
Fault level Steady-state short Off-peak demand Aggregated P&Q output P&Q output model
circuit calculations based on fixed wind speed. with full availability
(Electromagnetic transient corresponding to the point
simulations are performed in time analyzed, including
for detailed connection external reactive power
studies) devices.
Inertia and Dynamic frequency Off-peak demand P&Q output based on fixed Dynamic models of
frequency response simulations following the wind speed (high output generators, excitation, and
sudden loss of generation level) speed governors
Wind power plant
features such as low
voltage ride-through,
reactive power support,
and virtual inertia may be
considered if expected to be
Table B2. Common Methodologies and Models for Various Studies on Impact of VRE Integration (continued)
Data requirements
Element to be
Assessed Method Demand Wind Power Generation Nonwind generation
Balancing Statistical method: a) Historical demand on a a) Per minute wind power a) Not considered
(regulation, Estimation of regulation minute basis (> 1 year) generation (time- b) Available generation
dispatch, and short- reserve requirements based scaled to future level synchronized with capacity considering
term capacity) on the standard deviation of b) Historical demand on demand) based on scheduled and forced
net load variability 5–30 minute basis (> historical wind speed outages. Conventional
Dispatch simulation: 1 year) scaled to future measurements reserve availability
Estimation of tertiary level b) 5–30 minute wind characteristics (ramp
reserve requirements power generation and rates, unit start-up and
by time-synchronized output forecast values shut-down times, and
simulation of the dispatch (time-synchronized so forth)
process with demand) based
The performance can also on historical wind
be evaluated according to speed measurements
the resulting carbon dioxide
emissions, utilization rate
of major interconnectors
(if modeled), and curtailed
amount of wind energy.
Voltage stability Steady-state PV and QV Various load levels, Model the behavior of Various generation and
limits analysis representative data on the WPP at the point of dispatch scenarios.
voltage dependency connection considered. P&Q model with full
(For example in the case of availability corresponding
New Zealand, WTGs must to the point in time
meet certain requirements analyzed, including external
with respect to minimum reactive power devices.
power factor, therefore
WTGs were modeled as
P&Q loads with unity
power factor)
Note: P&Q = active and reactive power; PV = photovoltaic; WPP = wind power plant; WTG = wind turbine generator.
Appendix C. VRE Potential and Wind Contracts in the Philippines
Figure C1. Map of Interconnected Regions of the Philippines, Marked with Location of Demand Centers
and Potential for Wind Power Development
Wind electric potential:
Very high (3,000–5,200 MW)
Demand centres
40 MW 400 MW
100 MW 200 MW
100 MW
200 MW
48 Appendixes
Figure C2. Map of Interconnected Regions of the Philippines, Marked with Location of
Demand Centers and Potential for Solar Power Development
Solar Power Potential–Annual:
5.0–5.5 kWh/m2/day
4.5–5.0 kWh/m2/day
Demand centres
40 MW 400 MW
100 MW 200 MW
100 MW
200 MW
Ocean Power Projects
Demand centres
VISAYAS Interconnections
440 MW (HVDC)
40 MW 400 MW
100 MW 200 MW
100 MW
200 MW
54 Appendixes
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