CTE Spotlight - January 2022
CTE Spotlight - January 2022
CTE Spotlight - January 2022
If you have questions regarding the field of transportation, the following high school teacher can be extremely helpful:
Pete McCue, Automotive Technology 1 and 2 Instructor
If you have questions regarding the field of Engineering, the following high school and middle school teachers can be extremely helpful:
If you need additional information regarding colleges that specialize in the field of transportation or engineering, please contact your
College and Career Advisor directly. They have a great deal of valuable information to share with you.
Lisa Hansen, Bellevue – hansenl@bsd405.org
Vanessa Lopez-Kopp – Sammamish – lopezk@bsd405.org
Fabian Rios – Newport – riosf@bsd405.org
Jose Valdez – Interlake – valdezj@bsd405.org
Professional Certifications Available and Washington Occupational Growth in Transportation:
Length/Credit: 1 year - 3 periods; 3.0 CTE credits
Location: Bellevue – WANIC Skills Center (Available to all schools)
Other Info: 2.0 CTE credit and 1.0 Lab Science credit available
This is a 3-period Skill Center class (3 high school credits). This STEM course provides the foundation for entry into the automotive industry as
a technician, service writer/manager, or future engineer building cars. By the end of the first year, they will complete 4 of the 8 ASE content.
This is a nationally certified program through the ASE Education Foundation. Students will take the ASE certification test at the beginning and
end of the course to measure growth. Students will learn in a state-of-the art automotive shop and classroom. Leadership through Skills USA
Auto Club is expected. Students will work on customer, shop owned and student scheduled vehicles. Students who successfully complete Year
1 may be eligible to apply for Year 2. High School credits earned: CTE (2.0) Lab Science (1.0) Program fees may apply. Financial assistance
may be available for qualifying students. NOTE: Block schedules affect actual class times daily.
Length/Credit: 1 year - 3 periods; 3.0 CTE credits
Location: Bellevue – WANIC Skills Center (Available to all schools)
Other Info: 2.0 CTE credit and 1.0 Lab Science credit available
This is a 3-period Skill Center class (3 high school credits). At this advanced level of STEM training, students will focus on the intricacies of automotive professionalism.
Successful completion of this class requires a high level of maturity, self-motivation, and a desire to succeed. This course has a strong
STEM correlation with math, science and physics along with dexterity building and meter usage. Students can earn up to 15 college
credits through Pacific NW College Credit and Lab Science Equivalency credits at Bellevue High School. Leadership opportunities
are provided through Skills USA Auto Club and job shadowing at local shops/dealerships. Topics studied revolve around the 8
nationally recognized Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) content areas. Students will study 4 ASE topics each year. Students will
also take the ASE Certification test at the beginning and end of the course to show growth. Students will work on customer, shop
owned and student scheduled vehicles. High School credits earned: CTE (2.0) Lab Science (1.0) Program fees may apply. Financial
assistance may be available for qualifying students. NOTE: Block schedules affect actual class times daily.
Professional Certifications Available and Washington Occupational Growth in Engineering:
Career Pathway in Engineering:
Location: Sammamish
This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to explore the basics of robotics and build skills necessary for success in STEM careers. Students will
complete a variety of hands-on challenges that will require the design, construction, and programming of robots, and learn the basics of robots including hardware,
motors, controls, and sensors. Students will also be introduced to the basics of programming with ROBOTC. In addition, this course will provide opportunities for
students to develop collaboration, problem-solving, and communication skills.
September - Lights, Cameras, Action! Careers in Visual & Performing Arts
Link to view recorded session: https://youtu.be/sp8IuncJCus
October - Health Career Awareness-Pulse on Health Care – Careers that Save Lives
Link to view recorded session:
October 6 - https://youtu.be/Up0dDgaMpf8
October 20 – https://youtu.be/_TwDyQLcEQc
*The list below is continuously being evaluated by the colleges. Some changes can occur!
ADVANCED MARKETING & ENTREPRENEURSHIP (One Bellevue College MKTG 299: Individual Studies in Marketing 5
AP COMPUTER SCIENCE (One year) Bellevue College CS 210: Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 5
Edmonds CC CIS 199: CIS Special Topics 5
AP COMPUTER SCIENCE PRINCIPLES (One year) Bellevue College PROG 110: Introduction to Programming 5
Edmonds CC CIS 125: Network Workstation 5
AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 1 or 2 (One year) LW Tech AUTO 210: Engines, Cylinder Blocks & Cooling Systems 10
BUILDING INDUSTRY TECHNOLOGIES - CORE PLUS Renton Tech CONST 160: Materials, Methods and Equipment 3
BUSINESS LAW Bellevue College BUS&201: Business Law 5
HEALTH SCIENCE CAREERS Bellevue College NAC 106: Nursing Assistant Foundations 22
NAC 107: Basic Technical Skills
NAC 108: Nursing Assistant Clinical Practicum
AHE 110: Medical Terminology
AHE 120: Safety for Healthcare
AHE 130: Human Systems
LW Tech IFAD 162: First Aid/CPR for Health Care Providers 13
IFAD 216: HIV/AIDS training
NURS 107: Nursing Assistant Theory
NURS 108: Nursing Assistant Lab
NURS 109: Nursing Assistant Practicum
IB BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Bellevue College MKTG 131: Principles of Professional Selling 5
Shoreline CC BUS 120: Principles of Marketing 5
INTERIOR DESIGN AND HOUSING Bellevue College INDES 140: Intro to Interior Design 5
RETAIL MANAGEMENT—STUDENT STORE Bellevue College MKTG 299: Individual Studies in Marketing 5
*Students should check with individual teachers about the dual college credit offered in their class.
**Students must register with PNWCC the year they take the class; credits cannot be awarded retroactively.
CULINARY ARTS and ADVANCED CULINARY Culinary Food Safety (ServSafe) 1.5
ARTS (2 years) Institute of Mathematics (challenge test required) 1.5
If you are having problems registering for classes, payments, transcripts, or other questions, please contact Tanya or Amy, who are listed
below. Bellevue School District does not have access to these systems and these issues can only be solved by Pacific NW College.
Website: https://www.pnwcollegecredit.org/
Tanya Rettinger, Director
(425) 564-2774
Amy West, Program Specialist V
(425) 564-6158
Directions for registering for PNNCC will be available in late January. Information will come out once we receive this
For any CTE dual credit questions at RTC please have students contact Faye Watanabe, fwatanabe@rtc.edu
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our CTE office:
Nondiscrimination statement:
English | Cambodian | Chinese | Korean | Punjabi | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese
Bellevue School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity,
disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged
The Bellevue School District is also committed to providing a safe and civil educational environment that is free from harassment, intimidation or bullying.
The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged harassment, intimidation and bullying:
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Compliance Officer
Name and/or Title: Patty Siegwarth
Address: 12111 NE 1st St., Bellevue, WA 98005
Telephone Number: 425.456.4109
Email: siegwarthp@bsd405.org