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Dr. Ravi Agrahari
Ex-Scientist IIT Delhi, Author of
Mc Graw Hill
National Hydrogen Mission

National Hydrogen Mission Energy transition is underway at an exceptional level

and several countries are betting on hydrogen to emerge as the top clean fuel with
its high energy density and versatility. Government of India’s (GOI) National
Hydrogen Energy Mission (NHM) initiative will capitalise on this.

Efforts in this Regard

•• Recently, the Finance Minister in the Union budget for 2020–21 formally
announced the NHM, which aims for generation of hydrogen from green power

•• The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has also disclosed that the
draft regulations for NHM were to be finalised by the end of February 2021 and
thereafter would proceed for approval of the Union Cabinet.

Dr. Ravi P. Agrahari

Challenges for India

1. One of the colossal challenges faced by the industry for using hydrogen
commercially is the economic sustainability of extracting green or blue hydrogen.

2. The technology used in production and use of hydrogen like carbon capture
and storage (CCS) and hydrogen fuel cell technology are at nascent stage and is
expensive which in turn increases the cost of production of hydrogen.

3. The maintenance costs for fuel cells post-completion of a plant can be costly, like in South

4. The commercial usage of hydrogen as a fuel and in industries requires mammoth

investment in R&D of such technology and infrastructure for production, storage,
transportation and demand creation for hydrogen.

Dr. Ravi P. Agrahari

What is green hydrogen?

Green Hydrogen: It is produced by splitting water by electrolysis. We can store or

use the hydrogen and vent the oxygen (which is the byproduct) to the atmosphere with
no negative impact.

This process is powered by renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar (either
solely or combination of such power sources) which makes it the cleanest option
without CO2 as a by-product.

• It has no carbon footprint.

• The hydrogen that is in use today is produced through fossil fuels and biomass
through chemical processes and emits no carbon to the atmosphere.

Dr. Ravi P. Agrahari

Significance of Green Hydrogen

• Green hydrogen energy is essential for India to meet its Intended

Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) Targets (33-35%
reduction till 2030 of 2005 level) that ensures regional and national
energy security, accessibility and availability.
• Green Hydrogen can be used in railways, large ships, buses or trucks, etc.

Applications of green hydrogen

Green Hydrogen blending up to 10% may be adopted in City Gas

Distribution (CGD) networks to gain widespread acceptance.

Dr. Ravi P. Agrahari

Benefit of using Green Hydrogen

• It is a clean-burning molecule, which can decarbonize a range of sectors

including iron and steel, chemicals, and transportation.

• Renewable energy that cannot be stored or used by the grid can be

channelled to produce hydrogen.

Different types of Hydrogen

Based on the process of production, hydrogen can be classified into Green

Hydrogen, Blue Hydrogen, Pink Hydrogen, Grey Hydrogen and Yellow Hydrogen.

Green Hydrogen: Discussed earlier

Pink Hydrogen: Similar to green hydrogen, pink hydrogen is also made by splitting
water by electrolysis, but using nuclear energy as its source of power.
Dr. Ravi P. Agrahari
Blue Hydrogen
It is produced by splitting natural gas into hydrogen and CO2 either by
Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) or Auto Thermal Reforming (ATR), but
the CO2 is captured and then stored.

SMR or ATR is use that how heat is provided to activate the endothermic
steam reforming reaction.

The ‘capturing’ is done through a process called Carbon Capture Usage and
Storage (CCUS). As the greenhouse gasses are captured, this mitigates the
environmental impacts on the planet.

Dr. Ravi P. Agrahari

Grey Hydrogen: This process is almost similar to that of blue hydrogen –
SMR or ATR are used to split natural gas into Hydrogen and CO2. But the CO2
is not being captured and is released into the atmosphere. This has
been in practice for many years.

Yellow Hydrogen: Similar to green hydrogen, yellow hydrogen is also made

by splitting water by electrolysis achieved solely through solar power.

Dr. Ravi P. Agrahari


Dr. Ravi P. Agrahari

Steps taken by Government to emphasize on Green Hydrogen
During the budget speech, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced
the launch of the Hydrogen Energy Mission to produce hydrogen from
renewable sources.

Indian Oil Corporation has signed an agreement with Greenstat Norway

for setting up a Centre of Excellence on Hydrogen (CoE-H) which will
promote R&D projects for the production of green and blue hydrogen between
Norwegian and Indian R&D institutions/universities.

Recently, India and the US have set up a task force under the aegis of the
Strategic Clean Energy Partnership (SCEP) to mobilise finance and speed
up green energy development.

Dr. Ravi P. Agrahari

Steps taken by Private Sector

Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) is investing Rs 75,000 crore in its

new business focused on clean energy, which includes solar and green

The company will build four giga factories focusing on solar,

storage battery, green hydrogen and a fuel cell factory, which can
convert hydrogen into mobile and stationary power.

Dr. Ravi P. Agrahari


Dr. Ravi P. Agrahari

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