MOHR'S SALT (1) (2)
MOHR'S SALT (1) (2)
MOHR'S SALT (1) (2)
Roll.No.:- 12
Session :- 2024-25
S.No. Content Page No.
1 Acknowledgments 04
2 Introduction 05
3 Aim 06
4 Theory 07
5 Apparatus and Chemical 08
6 Preparation of Mohr’s Salt 09-10
7 Results 11
8 Precautions 11
9 Health Risks 11
10 Bibliography 12
Teacher-in-Charge Principal
I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not
have been possible without the kind support and help of
many individuals.
Mohr's salt
Mohr's salt is an example of a ‘double salt’, i.e. itcontains
the same ions as in (FeSO4·7H2O) and(NH4)2SO4. It is
simple to prepare because it is less soluble than either of its
constituent salts. A double salt in solution displays the
chemistries of its component ions because of no new
chemical bonds are formed. The salt is named after the
German chemist Karl Friedrich Mohr, who made many
important advances in the methodology of titration in the
19th century. It is preferred over iron(II) sulphate for
titrations as it is less prone to oxidation by air. The oxidation
of iron(II) to iron(III) occurs more rapidly at higher pH
Mohr’s Salt lowers the pH of solutions slightly. Ferrous
Ammonium Sulphate is also called Mohr’s salt a light green
colour sand like crystalline solid. It is a hazardous substance
and preparation of ferrous ammonium sulphate is carried
out from equimolar mixture of hydrated ferrous sulphate
and ammonium sulphate in water containing a little of
sulphuric acid.
To prepare Mohr’s
salt: Ferrous
sulphate from
ferrous sulphate
and ammonium
sulphate in the
presence of acid.
The formula for ferrous ammonium sulphate is
FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O. It is prepared by dissolving equimolar mixture
of hydrated ferrous sulphate and ammonium sulphate in water
containing a little sulfuric acid. The solution is subjected to crystallization,
ferrous ammonium sulphate separates out from the solution.
The chemical reaction is given below.
FeSO4 + (NH4)2SO4 + 6H2O → FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O (Mohr’s salt)
Top-pan Balance
Stirrer Hotplate
Magnetic Follower
Light Green crystals of Mohr's salt
Shape of the crystals: Monoclinic
Allow slow cooling and do not disturb the solution during cooling
in order to get good quality crystals.
During the process heating of the solution should be done in a
short time only. Because prolonged heating forms ferric ions along
with ferrous ammonium sulphate.