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Theoretical low frequency acoustic resonances of various "Rife-Bare" plasma

device antennas upon the destruction of blepharisma and paramecium micro-

Conference Paper · September 2008

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4 authors, including:

Gérard Dubost James Bare

University of Rennes Plasma Sonics Ltd. Co,


Anthony Holland
Novobiotronics Inc.


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Pr emerite Gérard DUBOST

Institut d’Electronique et de Télécommunications de Rennes
UMR CNRS 6164, Université de Rennes 1

Faculté de Médecine – Université de Rennes 1

Dr James BARE
Plasma Sonics
8005 Marble Avenue NE – Albuquerque NM87110 - USA

Dr Anthony G. HOLLAND
Skidmore College
Saratoga Springs – New York - USA
Associate Professor of Music

ABSTRACT dispersive waves are called "pseudo sonorous" owing

to the slow speed of the ions. The soliton's theoretical
magnitude and the ion density used to generate it,
We have given a cellular architecture to explain have been expressed in terms of the Landau length,
resonances of biological cells at audible frequencies the mean distance between two ions and the Debye
[2]. From experiments we deduced the acoustic ion screen length of the plasma. The radiation is effective
pressures inside the antenna tube of the RIFE-BARE because the plasma ionic discharge column is
plasma device in terms of the frequency modulation equivalent to a very small dipole antenna in the field
[1]. Now to explain numerous experimental results, area. In effect the discharge length related to the
obtained upon the destruction of micro-organisms, we solitary wavelength is comprised between 0.1 and 4
introduce the theoretical resonance frequencies of when the modulation frequency varies between 0.5
various antenna tubes which are excited by the inside and 20 KHz. In that case the used gas was argon.
modulated pressure. The tube resonances are much With a spectrum analyzer, associated to a magnetic
more high-pitched than the cells one's. For a given loop, we measured the magnetic induction field of the
tube (cylindrical or spherical) the resonance transversal magnetic wave around the ionic discharge
frequencies depend on the gas kind and its original and in air medium.
From the deduced electric field we find the ion
INTRODUCTION density used to generate the whole solitons in one
pulse, and the ion acoustic pressure W f applied on
The creation of solitary electromagnetic waves or the internal surface of the plasma antenna tube [1].
solitons is explained by the non linear effects
This pressure can be expressed by the formula (1)
produced inside a confined plasma tube excited by a
deduced from [1] :
low frequency square pulsed signal [1]. These non
Ti P 3.10 5 Ti = 300 K we obtain from (1) :
Wf = (1)
2h Vt f 2 1,18.1012 P
Wf = (2)
Ti is the argon ion temperature, P the power Ρ is in watts and f in Hertz.
measured by the spectrum analyzer, 2h and Vt are the The next table 1 shows the ion pressure W f in terms
length and volume of the cylindrical antenna tube of of the frequency modulation.
the Rife-Bare device. With
2h = 0.45m , Vt = 0,17.10 −3 m 3 and

f (Hz) 150 200 300 500 800 103 104

Ρ (W) 10-10 0.810-9 1.210-9 1.610-9 0.810-9 10-9 0.810-9
W f (pascals) 524 834 454 189 52 37 0,3

Table 1 : Valid for an argon cylindrical tube with initial pressure : P0 = 6,65.103 Pascals
resonator [2] and photo 1. This spherical opened
The acoustic ion pressure applied upon the inside resonator has its resonance frequency f r equal to :
surface of the antenna tube is decreasing from 834 to
37 Pascals when the modulation frequency is f r = (1 / 2π ) V s (U u ) −1 / 2 (3)
increasing from 200 to 1000 Hz. It creates strong
outside acoustic waves thanks to the equalization of V is the sound speed, s = π r 2 is the right section
the modulation frequency with the resonance antenna of the cylindrical ajutage of length L and volume
tube one's. u = Ls , R is the radius of the opened resonator and
The Reference Sound Pressure (RSP) equal to 2.10-5
U its volume : U = (4 / 3) π R 3 .
Pascal at f=1KHz is equal to a sound level (SL) of
0 dB, which corresponds to a power density (PD) of The formula (3) is valid if : r << L < R (4).
10-13 Mw/cm2. This RSP=2.10-5 Pascal is the
sensitivity limit of a good ear. The mean threshold of For the sea water at 15°c we have : V = 1504 m / s .
pain given by several authors is a SL equal to
Then from (3) we deduced :
137.5 dB let us be 150 Pascal .
For us at f=1KHz a RSP=37 Pascal corresponds to a r = f r R 3 / 2 L1 / 2 / 207 (5)
SL =125.3 dB and a PD=0.34 mW/cm2.It is a strong
level inside the tube which does not take the glass r , R and L are in meters and f r in Hz.
thickness into account. Outside the tube the drop with
the distance is, for instance, equal to 46 dB when The spherical cell of radius R , with a membrane
passing from 0.01 to 2 meters. The large attenuation thickness equal to L and a pore of 2r diameter, is
by the tube itself depends on its mechanical vibrations assimilated to the Helmholtz opened resonator. The
which has not been studied. justification has been done firstly thanks to
experiments of cell explosions due to acoustic
When a living medium is taken into account ([2] [3]) resonance [4]. The author only gaves for each
we can calculate the orthogonal component of the Paramecium specimen R , L and the explosion
electric field amplitude in vivo, which is reduced by
frequency f .
the square modulus of its complex index of refraction.
For low modulation frequencies the electric and We have determined the theoretical radius r (5)
magnetic induction field amplitudes are high and the
spectral density is very low. So we can neglect any equalizing f with f r (see table 2).
thermic effects, being in a quasi stationary state. The validity for our proposed model is insured by the
We studied the biological cell fragility due to acoustic double condition (4).
waves when it is assimilated to a Helmholtz opened The small values obtained for r are in good
agreement with the cell pore sizes.
R (µm ) L (µm ) r (nm )
Specimen f = f r (KHz)
Exp. [4] Exp. [4] (5)
Caudatum 71.4 8.60 1.2 10.3
Bursaria 41.6 4.24 1.7 4.5
Calkensi 45.4 7.32 1.9 7.6
Aurelia G's 39.8 5.77 3.3 9.6
Aurelia 51 38.2 5.62 3.5 9.5
Aurelia 81a 34.0 6.80 4.1 10.2
Tritium 29.2 5.81 7.2 13.3

Table 2 : Various Paramecium

much tougher than the big one's. The results of

Ackerman [4] has shown that the breakdown
measurements of the relative mechanical fragility K
parameter K is a mechanical fragility of the
of various cells are shown in table 3 (after [4]).
particular organisms traited with sonic vibrations. The
larger K is, the more rapidly the organism breaks
down under the sonic pressure. The smaller cells are

Approximate average diameter

Cell species Mechanical fragility K
Paramecium Aurelia G's 16 80
Paramecium Caudatum 4 150
Human red blood cell 1 6
T-2 bacteriophage 0.2 0.01
Staph. Albus 0.07 1
E. coli 0.15 1
Baker's yeast <3.10-4 5
K = 1 is related to the human red blood cells.

Table 3

For instance, the T-2 bacteriophage of 0.01 microns
diameter is 80 times tougher than the Paramecium The wave propagation speed VS inside the gas is
Aurelia G's of 80 µm diameter.
given by the Laplace formula :
Related to the sea water the wavelength of sound is 1/ 2
equal to 1.25 m, that is 104 times the Paramecium ⎛ γ P0 ⎞
size. We concluded that this optimum breakdown rate Vs = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (6)
is not due directly to the sound wave. Thus the K ⎝ p0 ⎠
appears to be due to a resonance of the cellular
architecture that we have shown [2] and hereby P0 is the initial gas pressure, p0 its specific mass
recalled by the Helmholtz opened resonator. and γ the ratio of its two compressibilities equal to
Now to explain numerous experiments results 1,402 for perfect gases.
obtained with the Rife-Bare device [5,6,7] upon the So for a dry air at 20°C, at a normal pressure of
destruction of micro-organisms, we introduce the
theoretical resonance frequencies of various antenna
P0 = 1.013 10 5 Pascals with p 0 = 1,293 kg/m3 we
tubes which are excited by the inside modulated ion obtain from (6) : VS = 331,4 m/s.
pressure. The tube resonances are much more high-
pitched than the cell one's. For a given tube, For the argon gas at 20°C with p 0 = 3.587 kg/m3 we
equivalent to a closed resonator, these resonance
frequencies depend on the gas kind and its initial obtain from (6), for P0 = 6650 Pascals (ou 50 mm de
Hg) : VS = 51 m/s. The successive frequencies of resonance are given by:

For the helium gas at 20°C, with p 0 = 0.359 kg/m3 ( f r )1 = 0.71515 Vs , ( f r )2 = 1.22951 Vs ,
we obtain for P0 = 6650 Pascals : VS = 161 m/s.
(fr )3 =1.73545 Vs/R ( f r )4 = 2.23870 ,
1. Resonance frequencies for a
closed spherical cavity ( f r )5 = 2.74077 Vs and so on…
For a spherical cavity of radius R , the various The table 4 shows the various resonance frequencies
resonance frequencies, which are not harmonics one related to a "phanotron" tube (photo 2 ) assimilated to
another, are solution of the following equation : a sphere of R = 0.05 m , filled with helium gas in
terms of initial pressure P0 .
⎛ R ⎞ R
tg ⎜⎜ 2π f r ⎟⎟ = 2π fr (7)
⎝ Vs ⎠ Vs

P0 (mm) 10 20 30 50
P0 (Pascals) 1330 2660 3990 6650
VS (m/s) (6) 71 101 124 161
( f r )1 (KHz) 1.016 1.445 1.774 2.303
( f r )2 (KHz) 1.746 2.484 3.049 3.959
( f r )3 (KHz) 2.464 3.507 4.304 5.589
( f r )4 (KHz) 3.179 4.523 5.552 7.209
( f r )5 (KHz) 3.892 5.538 6.797 8.825

Table 4 : "Phanotron" (Photo 2) : theoretical resonance frequencies (helium)

amplitude is decreasing when the harmonic order n is

One experiment [5] upon paramecium caudatum
(January 2008) with the Rife-Bare plasma device, has
given two destroy frequencies equal to 1.168 and
1.170 KHz (Ackerman had obtained 1.2 KHz, see
table 2).
Upon Blepharisma several destroy experimental
frequencies has been found : 0.930, 0.926, 0.931,
0.927 KHz.
Taking into account the helium pressure unknown, we
can say that the destruction of the micro-organisms
frequency is involved with the tube resonance one's.
The more likely theoretical resonance frequency is
( f r )1 .
The table 5 shows the theoretical results for a similar
phanotron tube filled with the argon gas. The
frequencies are much lower. The max explosion
efficiency is obtained when one of the gas resonance
frequencies is confused or near the cell one’s and that
for a small value of n. In effect the resonance
n Vs n γ P0
( f r )n = = (8)
2. Resonance frequencies for a 2L 2L p0
closed cylindrical cavity n is the whole number : 1, 2…
For a cylindrical cavity of the discharge length L , The table 6 shows the various successive frequencies
the various resonance frequencies, which are of resonance ( f r )n in KHz for P0 = 50 mm = 6650
harmonics one another, are solution of the following
equations : Pascals, related to two gas argon (with L=34 cm) and
helium (with L=20.5 cm).

P0 (mm) 10 20 30 50
P0 (Pascals) 1330 2660 3990 6650
VS (m/s) (6) 23 32 39 51
( f r )1 (KHz) 0.33 0.47 0.55 0.73
( f r )2 (KHz) 0.57 0.78 0.96 1.26
( f r )3 (KHz) 0.80 1.11 1.35 1.77
( f r )4 (KHz) 1.04 1.44 1.74 2.28
( f r )5 (KHz) 1.26 1.75 2.14 2.79

Table 5 : "Phanotron" theoretical resonance frequencies (argon) (R=0.05 m)

p0 VS (m/s) ( f r )1 ( f r )2 ( f r )3 ( f r )4 ( f r )5
Ar 3.587 51 0,074 0,148 0,222 0,296 0,370
He 0.359 161 0.393 0.785 1.179 1.572 1.965

Table 6 : Cylindrical resonance frequencies in KHz ( P0 = 50 mm)

The choice of : L =20.5 cm , not far from the to have a resonance frequency (n=3) near the
measured discharge length for helium gas (see table measured frequency.
7),has been done

Gas kind P0 ( mm) f (KHz) L (cm)

Helium 50 1.178 18
Helium 50 O.804 15
Helium 50 0.670 18
Helium 50 0.536 18
Helium 20 1.178 32
Argon 50 1.178 34

Table 7 : Measured discharge length

pressure(50 mm),with an exposure duration of 373

During the experiments only a sine-wave is used [6].
seconds at f=1178 Hz after searching at
The efficiency in the destruction of the paramecium f = 1178,1177,1176,1175 each for 5 minutes. For
caudatum is the best for helium gas at high lowest frequency such as: 268, 402, 536, 670, 804,
938 Hz no explosion but morphological modifications inside the "closed" resonator can be more 30 or
appear: at f=536 Hz (242 seconds exposure) and at 40 times the pressure of the excitation wave. The
f=804 Hz (199 seconds exposure) after a total plasma tube acoustic resonances are much more high-
exposure of 35 minutes. For argon gas (50 mm) and a pitched than the cell’s one.
total plasma exposure of 25 minutes at 1175 Hz, it
4°) The experiments done with the phanotron closed
appears some morphological transformations but no
resonator [5], show that the mortal modulation
frequency used to destroy the paramecium
The efficiency is the worst for argon gas at low caudatum is the fundamental resonance
pressure (20 mm) which caused no clear effects on frequency ( f r )1 in spite of the ignorance of the
organisms. For that pure modulation frequency (sine-
wave) of the Rife-Bare device with a 100 watts initial pressure P0 . It is important to note that
amplifier, the mean time necessary to destroy the the resonance selectivity in frequency is much
micro-organism is higher than the usual time when a more high for the cavity than for the micro-
pulsed modulation is used. Indeed, the probability to organism one's.
destroy organisms , with a spectrum full of rays
around a pure frequency obtained with a pulsed 5°) The experiments realized with 4 cylindrical
square wave with harmonics possibly, is the best closed resonator [6] show that the more
compared with a sine-wave one’s. The reason is due efficiency, related to the total destruction of the
to the dispersion of the size of the organism of a paramecium caudatum, is obtained with the
given kind. helium gas at high pressure.

That experimental trend is conform to our theoretical 6°) We can conclude that the explosion of micro-
results, expressed in our table, which shows that the organisms of kind blepharisma and paramecium,
easier destruction is obtained when one of the is due to low frequency acoustic resonances of
numerous acoustic resonance frequency is concerned. the Rife-Bare plasma device antenna. The
The plasma did not light along the entire tube length. electric and induction magnetic fields effects are
It is true for a visible wavelength comprised between excluded, may be except to explain some
0.4 and 0.7 micrometers, but uncertainly for an morphological transformations ?
acoustic wavelength equal to 0.2 meters ! However 7°) The future research will be to express the
we have calculated the acoustic resonance frequencies influence of the mechanical frequency vibrations
for the four tubes with the measured plasma light of the cylindrical glass tube upon the attenuation
discharge length. In that case the paramecium of the acoustic effect through its thickness.
caudatum resonance frequency is near or equal to the
cell resonance one's for a smallest index n.
SUMMARY The authors thanks Fabienne Jegousse and Danielle
Lemoine for their clever secretarial carrying out.
1°) We have given a cell physical model, which is the
opened acoustic resonator, called "Helmholtz
resonator", to explain the experimental results References
obtained by Ackermann [4]. In effect the cell
breakdown rate was not due directly to the [1] G. Dubost, A. Bellossi, "Rayonnement
sound-wave but to a resonance of the cellular électromagnétique de solitons d'une antenne à
architecture unknown at that time. plasma confiné", CEM'08, 14e colloque
2°) We have shown, studying the behavior of the international (session C4, Bio-
plasma produced inside the antenna cavity of the Electromagnétisme 1), 20-23 mai 2008, Paris.
Rife-Bare device, the noticeable alternative [2] G. Dubost, A. Bellossi, "Interprétation des effets
pressure applied against its wall, especially for 'in vitro' et 'in vivo' du rayonnement
low modulation frequencies (see table 1). électromagnétique d'une antenne à plasma
3°) The cavity (spherical or cylindrical) which confiné", CEM'08, 14e colloque international
contains the gas (helium or argon) has numerous (session C4, Bio-Electromagnétisme 1), 20-23
acoustic resonances. When the modulation mai 2008, Paris.
frequency is equal or near to a resonance [3] G. Dubost, A. Bellossi, "Experimental approach
frequency, the variation of the pressure amplitude of the electromagnetic effects 'in vivo' due to the
solitary-wave radiated by a confined plasma
antenna", TU2.11.6, the second European [6] A.G. Holland
Conference on Antennas and Propagation EICC, collablink/d 16288108/7f9caa1b4d6681b
November 2007, Edinburgh (UK).
[7] A.G.Holland ,"Morphological Transformation of
[4] E. Ackerman, "Resonances of biological cells at
the Protozoa Blepharisma by Frequency
audible frequencies", Bull. Math. Biophysics,
Specific Amplitude Modulated RF Pulsed
13.93 (1951).
Plasmas"Abstracts for the 30th
[5] A.G. Holland, "Spectrum and wave form Bioelectromagnetics Society Annual Meeting
analysis of a Rife-Bare plasma device. June 8-12, 2008, San Diego California, pages
Experiment destroys micro-organisms", sept.- 359-361
oct. 2007 (on line :
Cell fragility due to acoustic
• HePplmholtz resonator.

Model photo 1 Cell

U=(4/3)πR3 : Cell volume.

u= L.π.r2 =L.s : ajutage volume.
L:cell membrane and ajutage thicknesses

Photo 2

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