This chapter presented the studies and literature reviewed that bear significance and
relevance to the problem under study.
Related Studies
Addressing the individual needs of youth offenders is crucial for effective rehabilitation.
(Dillard et al., 2019) advocate for a community-based approach to juvenile justice that
emphasizes balanced and restorative justice. This perspective aligns with the principles of
positive youth development (PYD), suggesting that fostering competencies in young offenders
can lead to better rehabilitation outcomes (Dillard et al., 2019). Public attitudes towards
community safety and the treatment of youth offenders also influence rehabilitation efforts.
(McArdle et al., 2018) examine the relationship between perceived community safety and
attitudes towards youth offenders, noting that communities that feel unsafe are likely to support
more punitive measures. However, this stance often overlooks the long-term benefits of
rehabilitation-focused approaches, which aim to address the underlying causes of criminal
behavior rather than simply punishing the act (McArdle et al., 2018). The role of social inequality
in determining the outcomes of alternative sanctions is another critical factor to consider.
(Sandøy et al., 2021) explore how adolescent drug offenders in Norway are affected by social
inequality, even within alternative sanction systems designed to be more rehabilitative than
punitive. Their research underscores the need for a more equitable approach to rehabilitation
that considers the socio-economic backgrounds of youth offenders (Sandøy et al., 2021).
Related Literature
Bandura’s Social Learning Theory emphasizes that individuals learn behaviors through
observation and imitation of role models. This theory is foundational to juvenile rehabilitation, as
it suggests that positive role models and a structured, supportive environment are crucial in
helping juveniles adopt new, socially acceptable behaviors. This theory is often applied in
therapeutic communities and behavioral modification programs. According to (McCord 2021),
family support plays a critical role in the success of juvenile rehabilitation programs. Strong
family involvement has been linked to lower rates of recidivism as it provides emotional and
social support, helping juveniles reintegrate into their communities.
According to (Kuptsevych-Timmer et al., 2018) examined the associated risks and the
relationship between general strain and juvenile delinquency. The outcomes showed fear of
sanctions and level of social control in relationships between general strain and juvenile
delinquency at different degrees, depending on the types and frequencies of exposure to the
sanctions imposed by punishment or the level of social control imposed by societal rules. The
study produced mixed results regarding parental guidance, which may affect the linkage
between strain and delinquency. It did not specify any aftercare programs or tailored treatments
and determined that further research was required (Kuptsevych-Timmer et al., 2018).
Limited resources have been challenged based on the results of recidivism programs
and their effects on reducing delinquency rates among juveniles over punitive punishment
techniques. Study analyses are based on before, during, and after the era of criminal justice
reform, raising considerable questions about the effectiveness of reform strategies (Sankofa et
al., 2018). By identifying and predicting these behavior characteristics in young offenders,
specific treatment strategies can be applied for remarkable results toward reducing recidivism
based on strain theory. For example, group environments in treatment and aftercare programs
may lead to a willingness among young adults to conform to social norms associated with the
strain theory (Van den et al., 2018).
Theoretical Framework
This study is based on Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura (1977), which
suggests that individuals, especially juveniles, learn behaviors through observation, imitation,
and modeling. This theory is highly relevant to rehabilitation programs for juvenile offenders, as
it emphasizes the importance of observing others within a social environment and suggests that
positive role models and reinforcement can lead to behavior modification. The effectiveness of
the rehabilitation programs, measured by the reduction in juvenile recidivism or improvement in
behavior, is the dependent variable, while the specific rehabilitation programs provided serve as
the independent variables. According to Social Learning Theory, these programs are effective to
the extent that they provide positive behavioral models, reinforcement mechanisms, and
opportunities for social interaction in a controlled environment.
Conceptual Framework
This diagram shows the relationship between the level of effectiveness of rehabilitation
programs (objective 1) and the factors affecting the juveniles behavior as a result of participating
in the rehabilitation programs, as perceived by the local social welfare development personnel.
(objective 2).
Statement of Null Hypotheses
Ho: There is no significant relationship between the rehabilitation programs and its level of
effectiveness in terms of reducing recidivism repeat offenses among juveniles.