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Design and Development of IoT Applications 5-Aug-24

Design and Development of IoT

Dr. –Ing. Vo Que Son

Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 1

Design and Development of IoT Applications 5-Aug-24

 Credit: 3
 Grading Policy:
 Project: 40%
 Final Exam: 60%

 References:
[1] Z. Shelby, C. Bormann, 6LoWPAN: the Wireless Embedded Internet, Willey Publisher, 2009
[2] J.P. Vasseur, A. Dunkels, Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP, Morgann Kaufmann Publishers
[3] Antonio Liñán Colina, IoT in Five days, IoT Summer School
[4] Agus Kurniawan, Practical Contiki-NG Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks, Apress 2018
[5] Contiki OS:

Acknowledgement: The course slides are also prepared in combination with the use of other
- WEI, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- NSWLAN, ComNets, University of Bremen, Germany
- Some content and figures on these slides are taken from under the
Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 2

Design and Development of IoT Applications 5-Aug-24

Course Outcomes
Students will be able to demonstrate
understanding of the following concepts:
 WPAN and IEEE 802.15.4 Standard
 Technology and Hardware Architectures in WSNs
 Embedded Operating Systems for devices
 MAC protocols in WSNs
 Routing Protocols in WSNs
 Industrial standards for IoT applications
 Wireless Embedded Internet
 Rich experiences in designing live IoT applications

Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 3

Design and Development of IoT Applications 5-Aug-24

Chapter 1: Introduction to WSNs
Wireless Sensor Networks
Chapter 2: Technologies and Hardware Architecture
Node architecture and HW platforms
RF Technologies and IEEE 802.15.4
Embedded processing and Sensing
Hardware reference designs

Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 4

Design and Development of IoT Applications 5-Aug-24

Chapter 3: Embedded OS for end-devices
Intro to Contiki-OS
Programming using Contiki
I/O interfaces
Networking stack
Cooja Emulator
Chapter 4: MAC protocols for WSNs
Low-power link
Robust communication
Radio Duty Cycling
Synchronized and Asynchronized Protocols

Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 5

Design and Development of IoT Applications 5-Aug-24

Chapter 5: Routing in WSNs
Multi-hop communication
Link characteristics
Collection Tree Protocol/DCP
Trickle algorithm
Chapter 6: 6LoWPAN and IPv6
Challenges in WSNs and IP
IPv6 addressing
6LoWPAN Header compression
Border Router

Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 6

Design and Development of IoT Applications 5-Aug-24

Chapter 7: Wireless Embedded Internet
Auto-configuration & Neighbor Discovery
IP routing in WSNs: RPL
Embedded web – REST/CoAP
Human Machine Interface
Chapter 8: Industrial IoT standards
ZigBee Technology
Dynamic Network protocols
Backhaul networks for Home Automation
Sub-1GHz technology
Thread protocol stack
Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 7
Design and Development of IoT Applications 5-Aug-24

Chapter 9: 802.15.4 Link-Layer Security
Access Control
Message Integrity and Confidentiality
802.15.4 Stack and Protocol
Security suites
LLSEC in Contiki OS

Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 8

Design and Development of IoT Applications 5-Aug-24

Chapter 10: Labs/Demos and Assignments
• Hello world, LED Blinking
• RDC and MAC protocols
• Routing in WSNs: CTP, RPL
• IPv6/6LoWPAN UDP Echo server
• IPv6/6LoWPAN Web Server
• Communication with 6LoWPAN network
• CoAP and MQTT
• Security of IEEE 802.15.4

Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 9

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