Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Lecture Plan Class: B.Tech (CSE), 8th Sem Subject: Internet of Things (IoT) -CSE 455 S.No. Topic(s) Lecture No. 1 Introduction to IoT: 1-2 1. Definition, Characteristics, Applications 2. Connectivity Layers, Addressing, Networking 2 Sensing & Actuation: 3-4 1. Sensors and Transducers, Sensor Classes, Sensor Types 2. Actuator Basics, Actuator Types 3 Connectivity Technologies: 5-6 1. IEEE 802.15.4, ZigBee 2. 6LoWPAN, RFID 3. HART, NFC 4. Bluetooth 5. Zwave, ISA100.11a 4 Basics of IoT Networking: 7-9 1. IoT Components, Inter-dependencies, SoA, Wireless Networks 2. Protocol Classification, MQTT, Secure MQTT 3. CoAP, XMPP 4. AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) 5 Introduction to Arduino: 9-12 1. Basic Concepts of Arduino Platform, Examples of Arduino Programming 2. Integration with various sensors in thinker cad 3. Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino 6 Sensor Networks: 13-14 1. Basic Concepts, Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensor Nodes 2. Node Behaviour, Social Sensing, Application Examples 3. Target Tracking, Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks 4. Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks and their Applications 7 Project activity of each group of 4 students with hardware 15 8 UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Networks 16 9 Machine to Machine Communication 17 10 Interoperability in Internet of Things 18 11 Introduction to Python Programming, and Data Handling and Analytics, 19-21 12 Introduction to Raspberry Pi: 22-24 1. Introduction to Raspberry Pi, 2. Implementation of IoT with Raspberry Pi 13 Project activity of each group of 4 students with hardware 25 14 Cloud Computing: Fundamentals, Service Models, Service Management and 26-28 Security, Cloud Computing: Case Studies, Cloud Computing: Open Source Platform. 15 Sensor Cloud 29 16 Fog Computing & Edge Computing 30 17 Smart Cities: Need for Smart Cities, Challenges in Building Smart Cities, Some 31-32 Technical Issues behind Enabling Smart Cities. 18 Smart Homes: Home Area Networks (HANs) 33 19 Connected Vehicles 34 20 Smart Grid, Industrial Internet of Things 35 21 1. Case Study: Agriculture 36-37 2. Case Study: Healthcare 3. Case Study: Activity Monitoring,
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