Bhattacharya - FinFETs From Devices to Architectures
Bhattacharya - FinFETs From Devices to Architectures
Bhattacharya - FinFETs From Devices to Architectures
Advances in Electronics
Volume 2014, Article ID 365689, 21 pages
Review Article
FinFETs: From Devices to Architectures
Copyright © 2014 D. Bhattacharya and N. K. Jha. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Since Moore’s law driven scaling of planar MOSFETs faces formidable challenges in the nanometer regime, FinFETs and Trigate
FETs have emerged as their successors. Owing to the presence of multiple (two/three) gates, FinFETs/Trigate FETs are able to
tackle short-channel effects (SCEs) better than conventional planar MOSFETs at deeply scaled technology nodes and thus enable
continued transistor scaling. In this paper, we review research on FinFETs from the bottommost device level to the topmost
architecture level. We survey different types of FinFETs, various possible FinFET asymmetries and their impact, and novel logic-
level and architecture-level tradeoffs offered by FinFETs. We also review analysis and optimization tools that are available for
characterizing FinFET devices, circuits, and architectures.
easy alignment of gates and compatibility with the standard 400 120
CMOS fabrication process. In Trigate FETs, an additional
advantages like reduced fringe capacitances and additional
transistor width [28–30]. 200 60
FinFET/Trigate devices have been explored thoroughly 150 Single-gate/bulk
in the past decade. A large number of research articles have 40
been published that demonstrate the improved short-channel 100
behavior of these devices over conventional bulk MOSFETs 20
[19–22, 31–33]. Many researchers have presented novel circuit
design styles that exploit different kinds of FinFETs [34– 0 0
15 25 35 45 55
48]. Researchers have also explored various symmetric and LEFF (nm)
asymmetric FinFET styles and used them in hybrid FinFET
logic gates and memories [49–66]. Newer architectures for Figure 1: DIBL and subthreshold swing (𝑆) versus effective channel
caches, networks-on-chip (NoCs), and processors based on length for double-gate (DG) and bulk-silicon nFETs. The DG device
such logic gates and memories have also been explored [67– is designed with an undoped body and a near-mid-gap gate material
74]. In spite of these advancements in FinFET research, [12].
articles that provide a global view of FinFETs from the
device level to the topmost architecture level are scarce.
Mishra et al. provided such a view at the circuit level [75]. of the channel (𝐻FIN ) determines the width (𝑊) of the
However, FinFETs are not covered at other levels of the design FinFET. This leads to a special property of FinFETs known
hierarchy. Also, at the circuit level, much progress has been as width quantization. This property says that the FinFET
made since the publication of that book chapter. Our article width must be a multiple of 𝐻FIN , that is, widths can be
is aimed at a wide range of readers: device engineers, circuit increased by using multiple fins. Thus, arbitrary FinFET
designers, and hardware architects. Our goal is to provide a widths are not possible. Although smaller fin heights offer
global view of FinFET concepts spanning the entire IC design more flexibility, they lead to multiple fins, which in turn
hierarchy. leads to more silicon area. On the other hand, taller fins
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we lead to less silicon footprint, but may also result in structural
review the different types of FinFETs and possible asym- instability. Typically, the fin height is determined by the
metries that can be designed into their structures. We also process engineers and is kept below four times the fin
discuss the sources of process variations in FinFETs and thickness [77, 78].
their impact on FinFET performance. We discuss FinFET Although FinFETs implemented on SOI wafers are very
process simulation, device simulation, and compact models popular, FinFETs have also been implemented on con-
in Section 3. We describe novel FinFET inverter (INV) ventional bulk wafers extensively [79–81]. Figure 3 shows
and NAND gates, flip-flops, latches, static random-access FinFETs implemented on bulk and SOI wafers. Unlike bulk
memory (SRAM), and dynamic random-access memory FinFETs, where all fins share a common Si substrate (also
(DRAM) cells in Section 4. In Section 5, we discuss circuit- known as the bulk), fins in SOI FinFETs are physically
level analysis and optimization methodologies and a novel isolated. Some companies prefer the bulk technology because
interconnect scheme that leverages FinFETs. We then present it is easier to migrate to bulk FinFETs from conventional bulk
a survey of process-voltage-temperature (PVT) variation- MOSFETs. However, FinFETs on both types of wafers are
aware architecture-level simulation tools in Section 6 and quite comparable in terms of cost, performance, and yield,
conclude in Section 7. and it is premature to pick a winner. From this point on, our
discussion will be limited to SOI FinFETs unless otherwise
2. FinFETs Trigate FETs, referred to interchangeably as FinFETs, in
this paper so far, are a variant of FinFETs, with a third gate
In 1989, Hisamato et al. fabricated a double-gate SOI structure on top of the fin. Intel introduced Trigate FETs at the 22 nm
which they called a fully-depleted lean channel transistor node in the Ivy-Bridge processor in 2012 [28, 82]. Figure 4
(DELTA) [76]. This was the first reported fabrication of shows a Trigate FET along with a FinFET. The thickness of
a FinFET-like structure. FinFETs have attracted increasing the dielectric on top of the fin is reduced in Trigate FETs in
attention over the past decade because of the degrading order to create the third gate. Due to the presence of the third
short-channel behavior of planar MOSFETs [19–24]. Figure 1 gate, the thickness of the fin also adds to the channel width.
demonstrates the superior short-channel performance of Hence, Trigate FETs enjoy a slight width advantage over
FinFETs over planar MOSFETs with the same channel length. FinFETs. Trigate FETs also have less gate-source capacitance
Figure 2 shows a conventional planar MOSFET and a FinFET. compared to FinFETs due to additional current conduction at
While the planar MOSFET channel is horizontal, the FinFET the top surface, but this advantage is diminished by increased
channel (also known as the fin) is vertical. Hence, the height parasitic resistance [29].
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Advances in Electronics 3
Drain Drain
Gate 1
Source Gate 2
Gate dielectric Gate dielectric
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Structural comparison between (a) planar MOSFET and (b) FinFET.
Drain Drain
Source Source
Gate 2 Gate 2
Gate 1 Gate 1
Buried oxide
Silicon substrate
Silicon substrate
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Structural comparison between (a) bulk and (b) SOI FinFETs.
Yang and Fossum compared Trigate FETs and FinFETs FinFETs are also known as three-terminal (3T) FinFETs and
and argued that FinFETs are superior to Trigate FETs in IG FinFETs as four-terminal (4T) FinFETs. In SG FinFETs,
the long run [83]. They showed that although undoped both the front and back gates are physically shorted, whereas
Trigate FETs may enjoy more relaxed body thickness, they in IG FinFETs, the gates are physically isolated (Figure 5).
are not competitive with FinFETs in SCE metrics. When Thus, in SG FinFETs, both gates are jointly used to control
trying to achieve comparable SCE metrics, Trigate FETs lose the electrostatics of the channel. Hence, SG FinFETs show
the scaling advantage and suffer from significant layout area higher on-current (𝐼on ) and also higher off-current (𝐼off or
disadvantage. However, like the bulk versus SOI debate, it is the subthreshold current) compared to those of IG FinFETs.
also premature to declare a clear winner between FinFETs IG FinFETs offer the flexibility of applying different signals
and Trigate FETs. From this point onwards, we will consider or voltages to their two gates. This enables the use of the
FinFETs only unless stated otherwise. back-gate bias to modulate the 𝑉th of the front gate linearly.
FinFETs can be fabricated with their channel along However, IG FinFETs incur a high area penalty due to the
different directions in a single die. Fabrication of planar need for placing two separate gate contacts.
MOSFET channels along any crystal plane other than ⟨100⟩ SG FinFETs can be further categorized based on asymme-
is difficult due to process variations and interface traps [36, tries in their device parameters. Normally, the workfunctions
84]. However, FinFETs can be fabricated along the ⟨110⟩ (Φ) of both the front and back gates of a FinFET are the
plane as well. This results in enhanced hole mobility. ⟨110⟩- same. However, the workfunctions can also be made different.
oriented FinFETs can be fabricated by simply rotating the This leads to an asymmetric gate-workfunction SG FinFET
transistor layout by 45∘ in the plane of a ⟨100⟩ wafer [85]. or ASG FinFET (Figure 6) [86, 87]. ASG FinFETs can be
Thus, nFinFETs implemented along ⟨100⟩ and pFinFETs fabricated with selective doping of the two gate-stacks. They
along ⟨110⟩ lead to faster logic gates since this gives designers have very promising short-channel characteristics and have
an opportunity to combat the inherent mobility difference two orders of magnitude lower 𝐼off compared to that of
between electrons and holes. However, this multiorientation an SG FinFET, with 𝐼on only somewhat lower than that of
scheme has an obvious drawback of increased silicon area an SG FinFET [49]. Figures 7 and 8 show comparisons of
[85]. In the following sections, we discuss FinFET classifica- the drain current 𝐼DS versus front-gate voltage 𝑉GFS curves
tions and process variations in detail. for SG, IG, and ASG nFinFETs and pFinFETs, respectively,
demonstrating the advantages of ASG FinFETs.
Apart from gate-workfunction asymmetry, other asym-
2.1. FinFET Classification. There are two main types of metries have also been explored in FinFETs. Goel et al.
FinFETs: shorted-gate (SG) and independent-gate (IG). SG [57] show that asymmetric drain-spacer-extended (ADSE)
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4 Advances in Electronics
Drain Drain
Gate 3
Gate 1
Dielectric thickness
of third gate Dielectric thickness
Gate 1 of third gate
Gate 2
Gate 2
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Structural comparison between (a) FinFET and (b) Trigate FET.
Gate 1
Gate 2 Gate 2
Gate 1
Drain Drain
Gate 1 Gate 1
Source Source
Gate 2 Gate 2
Figure 6: Structural comparison between (a) SG and (b) ASG FinFET; shaded gate implies different workfunctions.
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Advances in Electronics 5
10−2 z
68% Ion reduction w.r.t SG
x Increased gate
sidewall spacer
10 −4 y
Front gate
10−6 L OV L CH TSI
Source L UN Drain
26% Ion reduction w.r.t SG
10−8 Back gate
15x (a)
10−12 ISD
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Gate IDS Gate
Source Drain Source Drain
IG (VGBS = −0.2 V)
SG (VGBS = VGFS ) DrainLunConf SourceLunConf
Vdrain > Vsource Vdrain < Vsource
Figure 7: Drain current (𝐼DS ) versus front-gate voltage (𝑉GFS ) for
three nFinFETs [49].
Figure 9: Asymmetric drain spacer extension (ADSE) FinFET [57].
88% Ion reduction w.r.t SG
10−6 L CH
Source L OV L OVD TSI Drain
10−8 Back gate
10−10 175x
5x Gate Gate
−1 −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0
Source Drain Source Drain
IG (VGBS = 0.2 V)
Figure 8: Drain current (𝐼DS ) versus front-gate voltage (𝑉GFS ) for Figure 10: Asymmetric drain-source doped (AD) FinFET [58].
three pFinFETs [49].
FinFETs (Figure 9) can lead to improved short-channel char- This also destroys the conventional symmetry in 𝐼DS and
acteristics because of an indirect increase in channel length. 𝐼SD , which again leads to asymmetric FinFET pass transistor
However, this improvement comes at the cost of an increased performance. SCEs are improved in AD FinFETs because of
layout area. This asymmetry also destroys the conventional lower electric fields in the lower-doped drain. FinFETs with
interchangeable source-drain concept in CMOS. An asym- asymmetric oxide thickness (ATox) (Figure 11) have also been
metry is created in the drain-to-source current 𝐼DS and proposed [88, 89]. Such FinFETs have good subthreshold
source-to-drain current 𝐼SD because of the extra underlap. slopes. Use of IG FinFET (or 4T FinFET) in this context
This asymmetry affects FinFET pass transistor performance. also enables variable 𝑉th ’s. This asymmetry can be achieved
Asymmetric drain-source doped (AD) FinFETs (Figure 10), using a ion-bombardment-enhanced etching process. Finally,
with an order of magnitude difference in the drain and asymmetric fin-height FinFETs have also been explored [61,
source doping concentrations, have been exploited in [58]. 90]. Since the channel width of a FinFET is proportional to
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6 Advances in Electronics
Drive gate Drive gate
3T-FinFET (TOX1 = TOX2 ) 4T-FinFET (TOX1 = TOX2 ) 4T-FinFET (TOX1 < TOX2 )
Ideal S-slope Flexible Vth Flexible Vth
but fixed Vth but bad S-slope and good S-slope
𝐿 GF , 𝐿 GB (nm) 24
Effective 𝑇OXF , 𝑇OXB (nm) 1 HGF
𝑇SI (nm) 10
𝐻FIN (nm) 40
𝐻GF , 𝐻GB (nm) 10 TSI
𝐿 SPF , 𝐿 SPB (nm) 12
𝐿 UN (nm) 4 TOXB
𝑁BODY (cm−3 ) 1015 HGB
𝑁S/D (cm−3 ) 1020
ΦGF , ΦGB (eV) 4.4(𝑛), 4.8(𝑝) L SPB L UN (L OV )
FP (nm) 50
GP (nm) 92 Figure 12: A 2D cross-section of a 3D nFinFET with extended
source and drain [49].
its fin height, pFinFETs with taller fins can compensate for In planar MOSFETs, a sufficient number of dopants must
the inherent mobility mismatch between electrons and holes. be inserted into the channel in order to tackle SCEs. However,
Figure 12 shows a two-dimensional (2D) cross-section of this means that RDF may lead to a significant variation in
a three-dimensional (3D) FinFET, illustrating various device 𝑉th . For example, at deeply scaled nodes, the 3(𝜎/𝜇) variation
parameters of interest. Typical values for these parameters in 𝑉th caused by discrete impurity fluctuation can be greater
are given in Table 1. 𝐿 GF , 𝐿 GB , 𝑇OXF , 𝑇OXB , 𝑇SI , 𝐻FIN , 𝐻GF , than 100% [91]. Since FinFETs enable better SCE performance
𝐻GB , 𝐿 SPF , 𝐿 SPB , 𝐿 UN , 𝑁BODY , 𝑁𝑆/𝐷, ΦGF , ΦGB , FP, and GP due to the presence of the second gate, they do not need a
refer to the physical front- and back-gate lengths, front- high channel doping to ensure a high 𝑉th . Hence, designers
and back-gate effective oxide thicknesses, fin thickness, fin can keep the thin channel (fin) at nearly intrinsic levels
height, front- and back-gate thicknesses, front- and back-gate
(1015 cm−3 ). This reduces the statistical impact of RDF on 𝑉th .
spacer thicknesses, gate-drain/source underlap, body doping,
The desired 𝑉th is obtained by engineering the workfunction
source/drain doping, front- and back-gate workfunctions, fin
of the gate material instead. Low channel doping also ensures
pitch, and gate pitch, respectively.
better mobility of the carriers inside the channel. Thus,
FinFETs emerge superior to planar MOSFETs by overcoming
2.2. Process Variations. Reduced feature size and limited a major source of process variation.
photolithographic resolution cause statistical fluctuations in FinFETs do suffer from other process variations. Due to
nanoscale device parameters. These fluctuations cause varia- their small dimensions and lithographic limitations, FinFETs
tions in electrical device parameters, such as 𝑉th , 𝐼on , 𝐼off , and are subjected to several important physical fluctuations,
so forth, known as process variations. These variations can be such as variations in gate length (𝐿 GF , 𝐿 GB ), fin-thickness
inter-die or intra-die, correlated or uncorrelated, depending (𝑇SI ), gate-oxide thickness (𝑇OXF , 𝑇OXB ), and gate underlap
on the fabrication process. They lead to mismatched device (𝐿 UN ) [91–97]. For example, gate oxide is on the etched
strengths and degrade the yield of the entire die. This is sidewall of the fin, and may suffer from nonuniformity. The
why continued scaling of planar MOSFETs has become so degree of nonuniformity depends on the line-edge roughness
difficult. (LER) of the fin. LER also causes variations in fin thickness.
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Advances in Electronics 7
0.25 L UN 25
0.2 TOX 20
Probability of occurrence
0.15 IG
0.05 TSI
0 −13 −12 −11 −10 −9 −8 −7 −6
−9.4 −9.3 −9.2 −9.1 −9.0 −8.9 −8.8 −8.7 −8.6 Log10 (Ioff /1A)
Log10 (Ioff /1A)
Figure 15: Distributions of 𝐼off under process variations for three
L UN LG nFinFETs [49].
3. FinFET Device Characterization
In this section, we discuss various ways of characterizing Fin-
−11 FET devices through simulation. Process simulation followed
by device simulation constitutes a technology computer-
18x aided design (TCAD) characterization flow of nanoscale
10−12 devices, such as FinFETs. Compact models, on the other
280 300 320 340 360 380 400 hand, have been another very popular way of characterizing
Temperature (K) CMOS devices for decades.
SG 3.1. Process Simulation. Real devices undergo several process-
IG (VGBS = −0.2 V) ing steps. The functionality and performance of the fabricated
devices depend on how optimized the process flow is. TCAD
Figure 14: 𝐼off versus temperature for three nFinFETs [49]. process simulation is, therefore, an important step in FinFET
device optimization. Process simulation is followed by device
simulation. These two simulation steps form an optimization
Figure 13 shows the impact of parametric variations on the loop in which small changes in the process flow (e.g., time,
subthreshold current (𝐼off ) of an nFinFET. Xiong and Bokor temperature, doses, etc.) can lead to desirable electrical
have studied the sensitivity of electrical parameters to various characteristics of the device. Thus, process simulation helps
physical variations in devices designed with a nearly intrinsic device engineers explore the parameter space of the process,
channel [91]. obviating the need for actual device fabrication. Although 3D
Choi et al. have studied temperature variations in FinFET process simulation is computationally very expensive, it not
circuits under above-mentioned physical parameters varia- only gives good insights into device physics but also provides
tions [98]. They showed that even under moderate process a cost-effective pre-fabrication process optimization flow.
variations (3(𝜎/𝜇) = 10%) in gate length (𝐿 GF , 𝐿 GB ) and The Sentaurus process and device simulator from Syn-
body thickness (𝑇SI ), thermal runaway is possible in more opsys is a widely used tool for process simulation [99].
than 15% of ICs when primary input switching activity is Its 3D process simulation framework is compatible with
0.4. The effect of temperature variation is more severe in the mainstream 2D TCAD framework TSUPREM4/MEDICI
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8 Advances in Electronics
(also from Synopsys). The 2D framework has been used by ΦGF = ΦGB = 4.4 eV ΦGF = ΦGB = 4.8 eV
designers over the past decade and has been well-calibrated
with advanced CMOS libraries. Nawaz et al. have imple-
mented a complete FinFET process flow as a commercially-
available process and device simulation environment [100].
As in real devices, all important geometrical features, such as
corner roundings and 3D facets, have been implemented in
their setup.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Process simulations of large layouts that consist of multi-
ple devices incur extremely high computational costs. A novel Figure 16: Schematic diagrams of (a) SG nFinFET, (b) IG nFinFET,
layout/process/device-independent TCAD methodology was (c) SG pFinFET, and (d) IG pFinFET. Their gate workfunctions are
proposed in [54] in order to overcome the process simulation also shown [49].
barrier for accurate 3D TCAD structure synthesis. In it, Bhoj
et al. adopt an automated structure synthesis approach that
obviates the need for repetitive 3D process simulations for
4. FinFET Standard Cells
different layouts. In this approach, process-simulated unit
devices are placed at the device locations in the layout, After the characterization of individual n/pFinFET devices,
eliminating the need for process simulation of the entire we move one level up to characterization of FinFET logic
layout, thereby reducing computational costs significantly. gates, latches, flip-flops, and memory cells, which are the
This structure synthesis approach, followed by transport building blocks of any digital integrated circuit [49–51].
analysis based capacitance extraction methodology, has been IG and ASG FinFETs offer new leakage-delay tradeoffs in
shown to capture accurate parasitic capacitances in FinFET FinFET logic gates that can be exploited in low-power or
SRAMs and ring oscillators in a practical timeframe [54, 55, high-performance applications. The schematic diagrams of
63, 66]. Accurate extraction of parasitic capacitances has led SG and IG FinFETs are shown in Figure 16. Schematic
to a comprehensive evaluation of transient metrics of various diagrams of ASG FinFETs are shown in Figure 17. Bhoj and
FinFET SRAM bitcells [55]. Jha have performed an in-depth analysis and comparison of
SG, IG, and ASG FinFET based INV and NAND2 (two-input
3.2. Device Simulation. After process simulation generates NAND) gates [49]. These two gates are the most essential
a meshed device structure, device simulation is performed building blocks of any logic library because any logic network
on the structure by invoking appropriate transport models. can be built with just these two gates.
The conventional drift-diffusion transport model is not ade-
quate for capturing SCEs in nanometer MOSFETs and Fin- 4.1. SG/IG INV. There are four possible configurations of
FETs. The hydrodynamic model, with quantum corrections an INV based on how SG and IG FinFETs are combined
(such as density gradient models), has been popular among to implement them. They are called SG, low-power (LP),
researchers for FinFET device simulation [101]. Other more IGn, and IGp INV. Their schematic diagrams are shown in
accurate models, such as Green’s function based solution Figure 18. As suggested by its name, an SG INV has SG
to Boltzmann’s transport equation, impose a drastic com- n/pFinFETs. It has a highly compact layout. The other three
putational burden [101]. In order to simulate circuits with configurations use at least one IG FinFET. The back-gate of
multiple devices, Sentaurus device (Synopsys) allows mixed- an IG pFinFET (nFinFET) is tied to a 𝑉HIGH (𝑉LOW ) signal.
mode device simulation. Here, individual FinFET devices are When these signals are reverse-biased, for example, when
connected externally using wires or other circuit elements to 𝑉HIGH is 0.2 V above 𝑉DD and 𝑉LOW is 0.2 V below ground,
form a netlist and coupled transport equations are solved on there is a significant reduction in 𝐼off . The presence of an IG
the entire netlist. This feature enables device engineers to see FinFET also leads to a more complex layout, resulting in 36%
how the device behaves when used in a circuit. area overhead relative to that of an ×2 SG INV (that is double
the size of a minimum-sized SG INV). Table 2 compares
3.3. Compact Models. Physics based compact models of the normalized area, delay, and leakage of the various INVs.
FinFETs have been a very useful tool for designers. Berke- Clearly, SG INV is the best in area and propagation delay
ley short-channel IGFET model (BSIM) and University of (𝑇𝑝 ), but incurs much higher leakage current than LP INV.
Florida double-gate model (UFDG) for SOI multigate MOS- However, LP INV performs poorly in area and propagation
FETs and FinFETs were built using TCAD and calibrated delay. IGn INV, however, looks promising based on its
using fabricated hardware [102–105]. These models are com- intermediate area, delay, and leakage.
patible with commercial circuit simulators, such as simu-
lation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE). 4.2. SG/IG NAND2. Similar to INVs, NAND2 gates also
Hence, large netlists can be simulated with these models as have SG (LP) configurations in which all transistors are SG
long as the solution space is within their range. However, (IG) FinFETs. Since there are more transistors in a NAND2
device simulation precedes derivation of compact models and gate than in an INV, there are more opportunities available
is more accurate. Thus, all results presented in this article are for combining SG and IG FinFETs. This leads to various
based on mixed-mode device simulations. other configurations: MT, IG, IG2, XT, and XT2. Schematic
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Advances in Electronics 9
(a) (b)
Figure 17: Schematic diagrams of ASG: (a) nFinFET and (b) pFinFET. Their gate workfunctions are also shown [49].
Vhigh Vhigh
Out Out Out Out
Vlow Vlow
Figure 18: Schematic diagrams of (a) SG INV, (b) LP INV, (c) IGn INV, and (d) IGp INV [49].
Table 2: Comparison of FinFET INVs [49]. NAND2 outperforms others in area and propagation delay,
but consumes significantly more leakage current than LP
Topology SG LP IGn IGp
NAND2. Out of all the variants, XT2 NAND2 stands out as a
Area 1 1.36 1.36 1.36 reasonable compromise.
Avg. 𝐼off 20.92 1 2.75 19.25
𝑇𝑝 1 3.67 1.67 2.92
4.3. ASG Logic Gates. Bhoj and Jha investigated INV and
NAND2 gates with a mix of SG and ASG FinFETs [49].
Table 3: Comparison of FinFET NAND2 gates [49]. Schematics/layouts of any SG-FinFET logic gate can be
converted to those of an ASG-FinFET logic gate, as shown
Topology SG LP MT IG IG2 XT XT2 in Figure 21, without any area overhead. Hence, introduction
Area 1 1.27 1.27 1 1 1.27 1 of ASG FinFETs only impacts leakage and propagation delay.
Avg. 𝐼off 18.40 1 7.00 18.40 7.73 18.13 7.73 Preserving some of the SG FinFETs in the NAND2S gate
𝑇𝑝 (Toggle A) 1 4.13 3.80 1.60 2.08 3.20 1.47 (Figure 21(c)) enables leakage-delay tradeoffs, as evident from
𝑇𝑝 (Toggle B) 1 4.50 3.88 1.69 2.02 3.58 1.38 the leakage-delay spectrum shown in Figure 22 for various
𝑇𝑝 (Toggle AB) 1 3.48 3.09 1 1.55 2.38 1.55 logic gates. The pure ASG gates lie in the left half of the
spectrum, indicating low leakage, while pure SG gates lie in
the bottom half of the spectrum, indicating less delay.
diagrams of SG, LP, and MT NAND2 gates are shown in
Figure 19. Schematic diagrams for IG, IG2, XT, and XT2 4.4. SG/IG/ASG Latches and Flip-Flops. Brute-force trans-
NAND2 gates are shown in Figure 20. Table 3 shows the mission gate (TG) and half-swing (HS) latches and flip-flops
normalized area, delay, and leakage of all these NAND2 (as shown in Figures 23 and 24) implemented with SG, IG,
gates. Again, all comparisons in Table 3 are made relative to and ASG FinFETs have also been investigated [49, 50]. Tawfik
×2 SG NAND2 gate, because it is the largest SG NAND2 gate et al. proposed an IG latch by introducing IG FinFETs in the
that can be accommodated in the standard cell height. SG feedback inverter (I3) of the all-SG TG latch in Figure 23(a).
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10 Advances in Electronics
PB Vhigh Vhigh
Figure 19: Schematic diagrams of NAND2 gates: (a) SG, (b) LP, and (c) MT [49].
Out Out Out
Vlow NA
Figure 20: Schematic diagrams of NAND2 gates: (a) IG, (b) IG2, (c) XT, and (d) XT2 [49].
With appropriate reverse-biasing of the back gates, the IG area improvements are obtained for IG flip-flops relative to
FinFETs in I3 are made weaker compared to the drive inverter TG flip-flops (Figure 24(a)). Bhoj and Jha introduced ASG
(I1). As a result, the drive inverter need not be oversized, FinFETs in the TG and HS latches and observed similar
as conventionally done, ensuring a safe write operation at tradeoffs. Introducing ASG FinFETs in all the latch inverters
the same time. At nominal process corners, the IG latch (I1, I2, and I3) results in a minimum-leakage and maximum-
leads to 33% less leakage power and 20% less area compared delay configuration. Introducing ASG FinFETs in only I3
to the conventional SG latch with almost no degradation leads to a configuration similar to the IG latch. The new
in propagation delay and setup time. Similar power and configuration reduces leakage power by approximately 50%,
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Advances in Electronics 11
Out Out
Figure 21: Schematic diagrams of ASG FinFET logic gates: (a) INV, (b) NAND2, and (c) NAND2S [49].
×10−12 to SRAMs [106]. Since SRAMs are built with the smallest
14 transistors possible at a technology node (in order to increase
the memory density), statistical fluctuations are extremely
12 detrimental to SRAM performance. Deeply scaled SRAMs,
built atop planar MOSFETs, suffer from mismatches in
transistor strengths and 𝑉th caused by RDF and other sources
Average FO4 delay (s)
10 XT2 NAND2
of process variations. SRAMs also consume most of the chip’s
ASG NAND2S total leakage power because of very long idle periods in
large memory arrays. Six-transistor (6T) FinFET SRAMs (as
SG NAND2 shown in Figure 25) have been explored quite thoroughly in
6 the past decade from the point of view of suppressing leakage
power and tackling increased variability among bitcells [52–
4 60, 64, 65]. Figure 26 shows the butterfly curves, under
SG INV process variations, for MOSFET and FinFET based SRAMs.
2 The curves clearly demonstrate that FinFET SRAMs have a
10−11 10−10 10−9 10−8 superior static noise margin (SNM) because they do not suffer
Average Ioff (A) from RDF.
Figure 22: The leakage-delay spectrum of various logic gates [49]. New SRAM bitcell structures have been proposed using
a mix of SG, IG, and ASG FinFETs [55, 56, 60, 62]. In
[55], FinFET SRAMs have been classified into the following
categories: (i) vanilla shorted-gate configurations (VSCs) in
but the propagation delay increases by roughly 30%. This which all FinFETs are SG, (ii) independent-gate configura-
configuration also results in area savings as I1 can be sized tions (IGCs) in which one or more SG FinFETs are replaced
down, maintaining the desired write stability. Similar results with IG FinFETs, and (iii) multiple workfunction shorted-
are obtained for ASG flip-flops as well. gate configurations (MSCs) in which one or more SG FinFETs
As in the case of TG latches and flip-flops, combina- are replaced with ASG FinFETs. Table 4 shows the best bitcells
tions of SG, IG, and ASG FinFETs in inverters (I1 and from the perspectives of different metrics. RPNM, WTP,
I2) and nFinFETs (N1 to N4) generate various HS latches 𝐼READ , 𝐼off , 𝑇𝑅 , and 𝑇𝑊 refer to the read power noise margin,
(Figure 23(b)) and flip-flops (Figure 24(b)). As expected, write-trip power, read current, leakage current, read access
the leakage power of the all-ASG configuration is reduced time, and write access time of the bitcell, respectively. Out
by almost 65%, however, at the expense of doubling of of these, 𝑇𝑅 and 𝑇𝑊 represent transient metrics whereas the
its propagation delay. Using ASG FinFETs in N2/N4 only remaining metrics are DC. In Table 4, 𝑉 (𝑚𝑛𝑝) and 𝐴 (𝑚𝑛𝑝)
makes an interesting configuration that results in around 20% refer to VSC and MSC bitcells that have 𝑚, 𝑛, and 𝑝 fins
improvement in leakage, but only at a negligible cost (less in the pull-up (PU), pass-gate (PG), and pull-down (PD)
than 5%) in propagation delay. Similar results were obtained FinFETs, respectively. Pass-gate feedback (PGFB) [59], pull-
for HS flip-flops. up write gating (PUWG) [60], split pull-up (SPU) [65], and
row-based back-gate bias (RBB) [64] are some popular IGC
4.5. SRAM. SRAM is a key component of on-chip caches FinFET SRAM bitcells, as shown in Figure 27. Table 4 also
of state-of-the-art microprocessors. In today’s multicore pro- indicates that there is no single SRAM cell that is the best in
cessors, typically more than half of the die area is dedicated all the metrics, but it is possible to find a cell that is ahead of
5719, 2014, 1, Downloaded from by MPI 350 Physics (Werner Heisenberg Institute), Wiley Online Library on [08/07/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
12 Advances in Electronics
N1 N3
I1 N2
(a) (b)
Figure 23: Schematic diagrams of FinFET latches: (a) transmission-gate and (b) half-swing [49].
I1 I3
I2 I4
I2 D D N6
T1 T2 I6 Vdd /2
D Q N4
IN N2 N7
CLK I3 I5 I5
(a) (b)
Figure 24: Schematic diagrams of FinFET flip-flops: (a) transmission-gate and (b) half-swing [49].
1.0 1.0
𝛽 ratio = 2 𝛽 ratio = 2
0.8 0.8
Vout (V)
Vout (V)
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
(a) (b)
Figure 26: Butterfly curves for SRAMs implemented with 20 nm gate-length (a) bulk planar MOSFET and (b) FinFET. The FinFET SRAM
exhibits a superior SNM because of smaller 𝑉th variation due to the use of an undoped channel [95].
Vdd Vdd
(a) (b)
Vdd Vdd
PD1 PD2 PD1 PD2 Vbias
Gnd Gnd
(c) (d)
Figure 27: Schematic diagrams of FinFET SRAM bitcells: (a) PGFB, (b) PGFB-PUWG, (c) PGFB-SPU, and (d) RBB.
Using multiple fin heights enables better control over the off-chip main memory and on-chip caches due to their
strengths of PU, PG, and PD transistors, leading to a better significant area advantage over SRAMs. With the advent of
noise margin, without incurring any area penalty. The draw- partially depleted-SOI (PDSOI) technology, a capacitorless
backs of this scheme are increased leakage power and process 1T-DRAM, also known as floating-body cell (FBC), was
complexity. proposed. This DRAM leads to a smaller area and a less com-
plicated fabrication process than conventional embedded
4.6. DRAM. One-transistor dynamic random-access mem- DRAMs [107–109]. Its functionality is based on the 𝑉th shift
ories (1T-DRAMs) have traditionally been used both in produced by majority carrier accumulation in the floating
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14 Advances in Electronics
The TCMS principle can also be applied to logic synthesis architecture for a given process. In the following subsections,
[35]. In this case, a FinFET logic gate can take advantage of we discuss PVT-aware simulation tools for various FinFET
the TCMS principle if its input arrives from a gate supplied based architectural components.
with the 𝑉dd set and its supply voltage belongs to the 𝑉dd set.
Since the opposite scenario leads to a high leakage current,
6.1. FinFET Based Caches. An integrated PVT variation-
it is avoided. Based on the combinations of supply voltage
𝐿 𝐻 𝐿 𝐻 aware power-delay simulation framework, called
(𝑉dd or 𝑉dd ), input voltage (𝑉dd or 𝑉dd ), and threshold voltage FinCANON [69], has been developed for FinFET based
(high-𝑉th or low-𝑉th ), INV and NAND2 have seven and 25 caches and NoCs. It has two components: CACTI-PVT
variants, respectively. As in the case of the interconnects, for caches and ORION-PVT for NoCs. CACTI-PVT is
use of high-𝑉th FinFETs in 𝑉dd gates that need to be driven an extension of CACT-FinFET [67]. CACTI-PVT can
by a 𝑉dd input voltage obviates the need for a voltage-level be used to obtain the delay and leakage distributions of
converter between the 𝑉dd and 𝑉dd gates. With the use of FinFET based caches with varying sizes, SRAM cell types,
a linear programming based optimization algorithm, TCMS and back-gate biases. The block diagram of CACTI-PVT
leads to an overall power reduction of 3× under relaxed delay is shown in Figure 30. It uses a FinFET design library
constraints. consisting of FinFET logic gates of various sizes and types
and different types of FinFET SRAM cells. This library is
characterized using accurate device simulation. The process
6. Architecture-Level Analysis variation models used in CACTI-PVT are calibrated using
QMC simulations, along with the rectangular grid-based
Next, we ascend the design hierarchy to the architecture level.
method to model spatial correlations. Peripheral components
Due to shrinking feature sizes and severe process variations,
implemented with SG FinFETs and SRAM cells implemented
the delay and power consumption at the chip level are not
with some IG FinFETs or ASG FinFETs provide the best
easy to predict any more [114]. Because of their inherent
balance between delay and leakage of the FinFET caches.
statistical nature, a yield analysis of an integrated circuit
(under a design constraint) has become very important. This
analysis estimates the percentage of chips that will meet the 6.2. FinFET Based NoCs. With increasing number of cores
given power and delay constraints for the particular chip in chip multiprocessors (CMPs), NoCs have emerged as an
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16 Advances in Electronics
Router Clock/link
delay/power delay/power
profile profile
effective communication mechanism among the cores. Fin- variation-aware integrated power-delay simulation tool for
CANON also includes a performance/power simulation tool, FinFET based multicore processors [71]. Figure 32 shows the
called ORION-PVT, aimed at FinFET NoCs [69]. ORION- block diagram of McPAT-PVT. It has two key components:
PVT, whose block diagram is shown in Figure 31, is an processor model and yield analyzer. The processor model
extension of ORION-FinFET [68]. Here, an SSTA technique contains power/delay macromodels of various functional
and a macromodel based methodology are used to model the units (e.g., arithmetic-logic unit, floating-point unit, memory
PVT variations in delay and leakage. It also provides a power management unit, etc.) of the processor core. The yield
breakdown of an on-chip router. Leakage power is found to analyzer can predict the yield of a specified processor con-
dominate the total power of the router at higher temperatures. figuration under PVT variations. Figure 33 zooms into the
A FinFET based implementation of a variable-pipeline- components of the processor model. The efficacy of this
stage router (VPSR) is proposed in [70]. VPSR enables tool has been demonstrated on an alpha-like processor core
dynamic adjustment of the number of pipeline stages in and multicore simulations based on Princeton Application
the router based on incoming network traffic. As a result, Repository for Shared-Memory Computer (PARSEC) bench-
different flow control digits (flits) may traverse pipeline marks.
stages of varying lengths while passing through the router.
This leads to enhanced router performance because VPSR
adapts its throughput to the network traffic requirement at
runtime. VPSR also enables significant savings in leakage 7. Conclusion
power through reverse-biasing (called adaptive back-gate In this paper, we have explored the impact of FinFETs
biasing) of the back gates of IG FinFETs in infrequently from the device to architecture level. We learnt about the
accessed components of the router. shortcomings of planar MOSFETs in today’s deeply scaled
technologies and the advantages of FinFETs as suitable
6.3. FinFET Based Multicore Processors. In the computer replacements for planar MOSFETs. We looked into FinFET
architecture domain, the trend has shifted in recent years device characteristics and evaluated tradeoffs among SG, IG,
from uniprocessors to CMPs and multicore systems in order and ASG FinFETs, along with other FinFET asymmetries,
to serve the ever-increasing performance demand. Tools like such as drain-spacer extension, source/drain doping, gate-
FinCANON have paved the way for a more powerful tool for oxide thickness, and fin height. We learnt about the detrimen-
characterizing multicore processors. McPAT-PVT is a PVT tal impact of PVT variations on FinFET chip performance
5719, 2014, 1, Downloaded from by MPI 350 Physics (Werner Heisenberg Institute), Wiley Online Library on [08/07/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Advances in Electronics 17
Design Processor
constraints configuration
This work was supported by NSF under Grant nos. CCF-
1217076 and CCF-1318603.
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