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Field Technician - Other Home Appliances



Student Lab
Manual Book


Student Lab Manual Book
(Class 10; NSQF Level 2)

Course: Electronics&Hardware

Field Technician -Other Home


( QP Ref.Id:ELE/Q3104)




1 Identifing the All Hardware tools

2 Identifing the different parts of a relay and Practical experiment of

relay working on breadboard

3 Identify the circuit breaker and fuse and draw the neat diagrams

Draw the magnetic filed bars and Experiment on Electromagnetic

Perform the basic tests on power supply, Volt amper test for 20v DC
Demonstract the mixer/Jucier working and disassemble the mixer and
jucier and reassemble each part
Demonstract Process for disassemble the grinder

8 Demonstract the cleaning procedures of mixer /Juicer/Grinder

9 Demonstract the repair of the Grinder or Food Processer

Demonstract to take safty precautions to be taken while

installation,repair and maintenance of of appliances


Identifing the Hardware Tools & Electronic Tools

Aim: Identifing the Hardware Tools

Hardware Tools:

1. Cutting plier & Nose plier

2. wirestripper

3. Screwdriver

4. Adjustable wrench

5. Tube bender

6. Ball Pin Hammer

7. Phase tester

8. Multimeter and Clampmeter

9. Resistors , Inductors, Capacitor

10. LEDs and Diodes

11. Battery

12. Wrench Set

13. Crimping Tool

14. High Pressure Regulator

15. TDS Meter

16. Infrared Thermometer

17.Drill Machine and Bits

18. Insulation Tape

19.Allen Key set

20.Brazing troch.
Explaination about all the tools:
1. Cutting Plier: It is a Device made of various shapes and sizes and for many uses.
Some are used for gripping something round like a pipe or rod,some are used for
twisting wires and others are designed to be used for combination of tasks
including cutting wires.

Cutting Plier

They are Pliers

1. Slip Joint Pliers
2. Hose Clamp Pliers
3. Needle Nose Pliers
4. Tongue and Groove Pliers
5. Bent Nose Pliers
6. Brake Spring Pliers
7. Fencing Pliers
8. Flat Nose Pliers
9. Grommet Pliers
10. Locking Pliers
11. Oil Filter Pliers
Nose Pliers: It is the device used for both cutting and holding Pliers used by
artisans,Jewellery designers,Electricians and Network Engineers and other tradesmen To

2. Wire Stripper: A wire stripper is a small hand-held device used to strip the
electrical insulation from electrical wires.
3. Screw Driver: It is a tool,manual tool,manual or powered for screwing and
unscrewing screws

4. Adjustable wrench: An adjustable wrench, also called an adjustable spanner or

an adjustable crescent is a tool, which can be used to loosen or tighten a nut or bolt.
It has a"jaw" (the part where the nut or bolt fits), which is of adjustable size.

5. Tube Bender: A pipe bender is a tool used to bend piping of different materials, such
as copper and stainless steel, to form various angles and curves.

6. Ball Pin Hammer: Sometimes called a machinist's hammer, a ball peen is a good
choice for working with metal. Its steel head is harder than that of a claw hammer, so is
less likely to chip on impact.Ball peen hammers are commonly used to drive cold
chisels, set rivets, and bend and shape metal.
7. Phase Tester: The tip of the tester is touched to the conductor being tested (for
instance, it can be used on a wire in a switch, or inserted into a hole of an electric

8. Multimeter & Clamp meter:

a. Multimeter: A multimeter or a multitester, also known as a VOM (volt-ohm-
milliammeter), is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement
functions in one unit. A typical multimetercan measure voltage, current, and resistance.

b. Clampmeter: Clamps measure current. Probes measure voltage. Having a hinged

“clamp” jaw integrated into an electrical meter allows users to simply clamp around
wire, cables and other conductors at any point in the electrical system and measure its
current, without disconnecting it.

9. Resistors,Inductor and Capacitor:

a. Resistors: A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements

electrical resistance as a circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors areused to
reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and
terminate transmission lines, among other uses.

b. Inductor: They are used to block AC while allowing DC to pass;inductors designed for
this purpose are called chokes. They are also used in electronic filters to separate
signals of different frequencies, and in combination with capacitors to make tuned
circuits, used to tune radio and TV receivers.
c. Capacitor: The most common use for capacitors is energy storage. Additional uses
include power conditioning, signal coupling or decoupling, electronic noise filtering, and
remote sensing. Because of its varied applications, capacitors are used in a wide range
of industries and have become a vital part of everyday life.

10. Led’s and Diodes: LEDs are simply diodes that are designed to give off light. When
a diode is forward-biased so that electrons and holes are zipping back and forth across the
junction, they're constantly combining and wiping one another out.

11. Battery: Common examples are the alkaline battery used for flashlights and a multitude of portable
electronic devices. Secondary (rechargeable) batteries can be discharged and recharged multiple
times using an applied electric current; the original composition of the electrodes can be restored by
reverse current.

12. Wrench sets: A wrench or spanner is a tool used to provide grip and mechanical advantage in
applying torque to turn objects—usually rotary fasteners, such as nuts and bolts—or keep them from
13. Crimping Tool: crimping tool is a device used to conjoin two pieces of metal by deforming one or
both of them in a way that causes them to hold each other. The result of the tool'swork is called a crimp.
A good example of crimping is the process of affixing a connector to the end of a cable.

14. High pressure regulator: Regulators are also used to allow high-pressure fluid supply tanks or
lines to be reduced to a usable and safepressure for different applications. Pressure regulatorsare
found in many common home and industrialapplications, including heating furnaces, gas grills and even
medical and dental equipment.

15. TDS meter: A TDS meter indicates the total dissolved solids (TDS) of a solution, i.e. the
concentration of dissolved solid particles. Dissolved ionized solids, such as salts and minerals, increase
the electrical conductivity (EC) of a solution. Because it is a volume measure of ionized solids, EC can be
used to estimate TDS.

16. Infarared Thermometer: object to be measured. A non-contact infrared thermometer is useful

for measuring temperature under circumstances where thermocouples or other probe-type sensors
cannot be used or do not produce accurate data for a variety of reasons.
17. Drill Machine and Bits: Dill Machines are commonly used to drill through various materials to fasten
them together, boreholes in tough concrete walls and used by woodworkers while making furniture.
Cordless Drill Machines powered by lithium-ion batteries are one of the most popular drilling
machines today.

18. Insulation Tape: Electrical tape is a type of pressure-sensitive tape used to insulate
electrical wires and other materials that conduct electricity. It can be made of many plastics,
but vinyl is most popular, as it stretches well and gives an effective and long lasting

19. Allen Key set: When you need to use the Allen wrench, stick the short end of the L shape into the bolt
head and press down on the longer side of the L to turn the bolt. Of course, theAllen wrench will only fit
in a hex bolt (a bolt with six sides), so don't try using theAllen wrench to screw in any other type of

20. Brazing troch: Torch brazing of copper can be done without the useof flux if it is brazed with
a torch using oxygen and hydrogen gas, rather than oxygen and other flammable gases.
Identifing the different parts of a relay and practical
experiment of relay working using breadboard

Aim: To identify the different parts of a relay and equipment using relay circuit production.

Apparatus: Apparatus required for making simple relay circuit by using breadboard

1. One breadboard
2. One 5v/6v Relay
3. Two Led’s different colours
4. 10K ohm resistor
5. 9v battery/battery clip and 6v battery
6. Switch where two terminals are soldering two wires

Circuit diagram:

1. Take A Bread Board And Take A 5v Relay And Insert It On The Bread Board
2. Take 4 Led’s With Different Color And Insert 2 Leds On The One Side Of The Bread
Board And Other 2 Leds On The Other Side
3. Then Take Two 1k Resistors And Connect The One Of The Resistor To The Nc Part Of
The Relay And Other Side The Anode Of The One Led And Cathod Of That Led To The
Anode Of The Another Led.
4. Then Take Other 1k Resistor And Connect To The No Point Of The Relay And From That
Point Connect The Resistor To The Anode Of The Led And Cathod Of That Led To The
Anode Of The Another Led
5. On The Both Sides Of The Leds Of Cathode Connect To The Battery-Ve And +Ve
6. Take 3connecting Wires And Solder 1wire To The –Ve Of The Battery And Other Side To
The Coil Terminal Of The 5v Relay
7. And Common Of The Relay To The 9v Battery And Common Terminal To The Battery
8. Make Sure That The Connections Are Given As Per The Circuit Diagram.

Observed: In this circuit realy acted as an electrical device that allows the current flowing in
one circuit to control the current in another circuit.

1. Make sure that all the connections are given as per circuit diagram
2. Make sure that proper connecting wires for connections
3. No loose connections should not be
4. Use good quality battery for the experiment

Result: Hence the indentifing the parts of realy and simple circuit by using realy of two LEDS
ON and OFF on breadboard has been verified.

Identify the circuit breaker and fuse and draw the neat

Aim : Identify the different parts of a circuit breaker and fuse and draw the neat

Apparatus: Apparatus required seeing the parts of the circuit breaker and fusing

1. One circuit breaker (MCB)

2. Different types of Fuses like 5Amps, 16Amp, 32Amp, 64Amp, 100Amp.

Circuit diagram:

 Circuit of Circuit breaker:


Theory :

CIRCUIT BREAKER: Electrical circuit breaker is

a switching device which can be operated
automatically or manually for protecting and controlling of electrical power system.


 Air Circuit Breaker

 SF6 Circuit Breaker
 Vacuum Circuit Breaker
 Oil Circuit Breaker

Fuse: In the field of electronics or electrical, a fuse is an essential device used in various
electrical circuits which gives the protection from the overcurrent. It comprises a strip or a
metal wire that dissolves when the heavy flow of current supplies through it. Once this device
has functioned in an open circuit, it ought to rewire or changed based on the type of fuse. A
fuse is an automatic disconnection of supply which is frequently shortened to ADS.

Why do we require Fuse?

These are used to prevent the home appliances from the high current or overload damage.

Result: Hence we observed the why we use circuit breaker and fuses

Draw the magnetic filed bars and Experiment Circuit on

Automatic street light on and off

Aim: Draw the magnetic filed bars and Experiment circuit on automatic street light on and off.




The strongest external magnetic fields are near the poles. Amagnetic north pole will attract
the south pole of another magnet, and repel a north pole. The magnetic field lines of a bar
magnet can be traced out with the use of a compass.


1. Take Two 2222a Transisters Connect Collecter Of The One Terminal To The Emitter Of
Another Transister
2. Take Two 1k Resistors And Connect And Solder To The Base And Emitter Of One
3. Take A Small Wire And Short The Base Of 1st Transister To The Emitter Of The 2nd
4. Then Take One Ldr And Connect Solder Two Wires Positive(+Ve) And Negetive(-Ve) Of
5. Then Two Another Ends Of The Same Wire Connect To The Resistor
6. Take A Battery Clip And Positive Of The Battery Clip Two One Resistor And Negetive Of
The Battery Clip Connect To The Common Point Of The Collecter And Other To Emitter
7. Take Another Two Wires And Connect One Wire To The Emitter Collecter Of 1st
Transistor And Another Wire To The One End Of The 1k Resister And This Is Procedure
For The Circuit.


1. Please Check That Circuit Connections Is Given Properly As Per The Circuit Diagram
2. Avoid Loose Connections
3. Make Sure Be Carefull While We Solder The Terminals.

RESULT: Hence The Circuit Diagram Of Automatic Light On And Off Sucessfully Completed.

Perform the basic tests on power supply by using Volt amper test and
earth test power supply for 20 v DC Adapatar

Aim: Perform the basic tests on power supply, Volt amper test and earth test power supply for
20 V DC Adapatar


1. Tester
2. Voltmeter & Ammeter
3. Extension box
1. Take a 20 volt DC adapater and put in the socket of the extension box by checking with
the tester weither the power is there are not
2. The by the help of the volt and ammeter setting 20 amps are volts and put the patch cards
+ve and –ve cards near to the pin of the adapter
3. Then we can observe that current flowing in the meter.

Result: Hence Demonstrating the Perform the basic tests on power supply by using Volt amper
test for 20 v DC Adapatar has completed
Demonstract the mixer/Jucier working and disassemble the mixer and
jucier and reassemble

AIM: Demonstract the mixer/Jucier working and dismantle the mixer and jucier and reassemble


1. Screw Driver Kit

2. Mixer/Juicer

 Disassemble a mixer or a juice extractor (standard models)

1. Unplug the power cord.

2. Remove any parts that come off without tools.

3. Remove the base using screwdrivers or wrenches.

4. Remove the electrical cord.

5. Remove screws holding the motor and switch to the housing and carefully remove the motor from the

6. Remove the gears.

7. Inspect, test with a multimeter, and replace worn or damaged parts as needed. Refer to the owner’s
manual for part numbers and resources.

 Assemble a mixer or a juice extractor (standard models)

1. After the test with a multimeter and replacing the damaged parts and after changing them you can fix
the at the same palces

2. fix the gears

3. fix screws holding the motor and switch to the housing and carefully remove the motor from the
housing. .

4. fix the electrical cord.

5. fix the base using screwdrivers or wrenches

6. fix parts that come off without tools.

7. Plug the Power cord

Result: Hence the mixer/Jucier working and disassemble the mixer and jucier and reassemble
Demonstract Process for disassemble the grinder
AIM: Demonstract the Ginder working and dismantle the grinder and reassemble the grinder.


1. Grinder
2. Screw Drivers
3. Tester


What Do I Need for Food Processor Repair?

Motors, drives, gears, and belts should be replaced with parts from the manufacturer or an authorized
aftermarket supplier. Common tools for disassembling and repairing food processors include these:
• Screwdrivers
• Pliers
• Wrenches
• Lubricant
• Multimeter

What Are the Steps to Food Processor Repair? Disassemble a food processor:

1. Remove the control knob and remove any screws that hold the body together.
2. Remove plugs as needed to disconnect the circuit board from the electrical source. Remove other
components that restrict access to the internal parts.
3. Turn the processor upside down and remove the base. In some cases you’ll first need to pry off some
4. Remove the drive belt and/or the drive gear.
5. Remove the motor. Typically, this means disconnecting the cord and removing any motor mounting

Service a food processor gear:

1. Remove the processor’s housing and components as needed to access the gears (see motor).
2. Clean the gears with a toothbrush and inspect them for wear or damage.
3. Replace any damaged gears. If the gears are in good condition, lubricate them and reassemble.

Adjust or replace a food processor drive belt:

1. Remove the housing as needed to access the drive belt.

2. Move the drive belt by hand to determine if the belt is too loose or too snug.
3. Loosen the adjustment wheel setscrew or nut and adjust the belt tension as needed.
4. If necessary, replace the belt with one of the exact same dimensions.
5. Make sure the adjustment screw or nut is tightened so it does not work loose.

Service a food processor drive shaft:

1. Disassemble the unit to expose the drive shaft.

2. Turn the drive shaft by hand; if it turns easily, it is probably worn and requires replacement.
3. Remove the drive shaft following instructions in the owner’s manual. Some units pry off while others
are held in place with standard fasteners.
4. Inspect the old drive shaft for the cause of the problem. Repair or replace as needed.
Demonstract the cleaning procedures of mixer /Juicer/Grinder

Aim: Demonstract the cleaning procedures of mixer /Juicer/Grinder

Cleaning procedure for mixer/juicer/grinder
1. You can clean the appliance by wiping the basic unit with a dump cloth and non-abrasive
liquid cleaner.
2. To clean the jars follow the instructions given below.
a. Fill the jar with soapy water
b. Assemble the jar on the basic unit
c. Use the WHIP button 5-6 times
d. Wash the jar with clean water
e. Make sure that you dry the jar and lid completely using a towel before you store it.
3. You can clean the other attachments like the spatula and removable blades with you
dishes using sopay water.
4. To clean the inner parts of the mixer/juicer/grinder we use Oli sprays.

Result: The above said procedure we use for cleaning of mixer /juicer/Grinder
Demonstract to repair a Grinder or Food Processer switch

Aim: Demonstract to repair a Grinder or Food Processer switch

1. Grinder
2. Screw driver
3. Wrench
4. Tester

Circuit Diagram:
How to Repair a Food Mixer Easy repairs to food mixers include servicing a switch, repairing speed
controls, and servicing gears.

Servicing a Switch: Switches are simple components that can easily stop the operation of a small
appliance. If your mixer doesn't operate and you've checked the plug and cord, test the switch next. To
test and replace a switch:

° Step 1: Carefully remove the housing around the switch to expose the back side of the switch.

° Step 2: Check the terminals on the switch to ensure that the wires from the appliance are fully attached
to the switch.
Step 3: Mark the terminal wires for position and disconnect them.

° Step 4: Use a continuity tester or multitester to determine if the switch is faulty. If it is, replace it and
reconnect the terminal wires.

These are the steps for repair of the Grinder or Food Processer

Result: Hence Demonstract to repair a Grinder or Food Processer switch.

Demonstract to take safty precautions to be taken while
installation,repair and maintenance of of appliances

Aim: Demonstract to take safty precautions to be taken while installation,repair and

maintenance of of appliances.

1. Always were gloves
2. Be sure to were safety boots
3. Refrain from wearing loose clothing
4. Were safty glasses
5. Be care full while un packing the devices
6. Use correct tools and make sure they are in good condition
7. Keep your work area well it
8. Check no leakage currents near the tools
9. If any leakage currents are there apply insulation tape
10. Avoid loose connections
11. Don’t allow small kids near to the tools
12. Don’t use wet hands
13. Use approx ratings of the equipment.
14. Don’t overload the appliances
15. Don’t operate the appliances when power cut.

RESULT: These are the some of the safty precautions to be taken while installation and repair
and maintenance of home appliance.

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