> Revenue for FY2023 is estimated to be US$31 billion, with a growth of 20% in
constant currency. The total employee count is approaching 75,000. Whilst revenue is still
dominated by large enterprises and North America, the steps to globalise Salesforce has
been successful in recent years.
> In recent years Salesforce has spent considerable capital on investments, most
notably Slack, Mulesoft and, from a services perspective, Acumen Solutions, which was
included in previous Capture Share reports. The challenge for Salesforce and the overall
ecosystem is getting the most value from the acquisitions.
> Mulesoft has been the most successful of the three most strategically and capital-
intensive acquisitions, broadly focusing on integration central to enterprise applications
alongside Salesforce.
> The value generation from Slack is still a little challenged, partly because the
changing post-COVID work ecosystem has yet to link with the Slack value proposition
ideally. Furthermore, with the strength of teams and the integration of communication and
video platforms, the market for Slack is challenging.
> Dreamforce in 2022 was a celebration as the event had returned to being face-to-
face. Approximately 50,000 attendees enjoyed the unique Dreamforce experience; little
changed from pre-Covid days in energy and value generated, and a speaker and
entertainment list the envy of any other conference.
> In terms of Dreamforce content, the critical launch was, of course, Genie. Genie is
designed to integrate and optimise the application of data across the customer experience
spectrum. Execution of the strategy has to be the number one priority for Salesforce in 2023,
as it is ambitious but essential for the platform's evolution.
> Salesforce enters 2023 with some uncertainty and potential headwinds. Salesforce
has rarely in its history faced this, so the response is hypercritical. In late 2022, Co-CEO
Brett Taylor resigned, leaving Marc Benioff again as sole CEO. This may or not work, there
is no perfect leadership model, but there is some uncertainty in the senior leadership.
> At the same time, the economic outlook is concerning on multiple levels, from
interest rate corrections, inflation, geopolitical instability, lingering supply chain and COVID-
related challenges. More broadly, Salesforce and the technology industry should be able to
focus on the essential nature of technology for business growth, but there are headwinds.
Unpredictable business, consumer, and government decisions can increase or decrease
the magnitude of the challenges.
© capioIT 2023 2
substantial improvement to the deficit. The challenge is that the ecosystem is growing faster
and with increased scale compared to any other SaaS platform and that the demand for
skills from the PaaS and IaaS Hyperscalers, AWS, Azure and GCP is distorting the market.
It is important to remember that skills shortages are paramount; automation isn't everything;
it will not solve the problem, just help manage it.
> It is worth reinforcing the importance of the Trailhead ecosystem and Salesforce's
AppExchange. They are both strong contributors to the growth in skills and the ISV and SI
ecosystems. In 2023, whilst Genie is the priority, increased focus on the marketplace and
engagement portals will help facilitate ecosystem growth and manage the TCO of
investment in Salesforce.
> From the System Integrator (SI) perspective, the Salesforce ecosystem is the largest
and fastest-growing pure SaaS provider. Most major SI's investment in the Salesforce
ecosystem, organically or through acquisition, is a crucial priority alongside the AWS and
Azure ecosystems. Combined, they represent the most significant growth opportunities and
have accelerated business relevancy and measurable outcomes.
> The customer's customer is the critical user that has to be optimised by solution
providers in Salesforce. Vendors who can understand their customer's customers directly
enable success in the application of Salesforce. This requires feet on the street. SI's need
to be on the shop floor with clients and understand how the technology is used. This
requirement equally applies to Salesforce itself. One concern a Salesforce client can have
is that it needs to be closer to its clients and the overall market.
> Accenture continues to enjoy overall leadership in the market. Fortunately, it is not
a static environment. Deloitte and PwC maintain their leading capabilities to challenge
Accenture, and Infosys have successfully leveraged substantial acquisitions to be a key
provider. The other leading providers in the 2023 capioIT Capture Share report include IBM,
Wipro, Capgemini and Cognizant, all enjoying a differentiated and robust provision of
solutions for clients. There is also an increasingly long tail of vendors looking to challenge
the leadership and remove the status quo.
> capioIT included 19 vendors in the study. The growth in vendors from 14 in the
previous version of the report is a positive reflection of the development and increased
maturity of the Salesforce ecosystem. Newly included vendors included TechMahindra,
Globant, Publicis Sapient, Dentsu and LTIMindree.
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A Capture Share report is the established methodology used by capioIT to rank providers
in global and other geographic markets across a range of technology and business services
sectors. The Capture Share report output is an objective, market-based analysis of 17 key
capabilities and attributes of selected service providers.
These attributes are focused on two key areas, Transform and Leverage. In simple terms,
transform is a vendor's ability to engage and create processes and more substantial
measurable business outcomes for clients. Leverage is focused on working in a broad,
integrated ecosystem and providing scale to creating and measuring client outcomes.
To ensure the integrity of the analysis and data, the individual attributes are weighted in
percentage terms based on the overall influence of the Transform and Leverage capabilities.
Data and process integrity are critical components of a report of this type. Fundamentally,
the data be valid and untarnished. Ensuring integrity, all information for measuring and
assessing these attributes comes from various accurate sources. Sources of information
include buyers of Salesforce services solutions globally, vendor briefings and meetings,
media sources, the Salesforce ecosystem and specific end-user feedback from a range of
customer sizes, use cases and attributes.
The following table defines each of the attributes. These tables also provide the weighting
of each attribute in the analysis.
© capioIT 2023 4
Leverage Attribute Definition Weighting
Customer Satisfaction sourced from
customer discussions and Salesforce
Customer Satisfaction AppExchange etc. 20%
Depth of offerings across customer
Solution Portfolio Depth requirements for Salesforce 15%
Dedicated Certified Salesforce
Certified Salesforce Professionals professionals globally 15%
Depth, maturity and capability of
Country Strength country subsidiary 12%
Quality, depth of sales team and
Sales Team Strength engagement 8%
Partnerships to deliver to client
Delivery Partnerships requirements globally 10%
Breadth of country based geographic
In Country Geographic Reach capabilities 8%
Offerings designed for the local
Country localisation market 8%
Total 100%
© capioIT 2023 5
The following section highlights the leadership in each of the 17 attributes included in the
report. The vendor/s next to the attribute represents the highest-ranked vendor for that
attribute. It highlights that for some factors, the leadership is spread across multiple
vendors, e.g. Leverage Salesforce R&D, whereas for other factors, such as Internal R&D,
leadership rests with one vendor.
Consolidation now is much more pointed based on filling specific geographic or solution
capabilities. For example, in 2021, IBM acquired 7 Summits and Waeg to fulfil particular
requirements for the overall IBM strategy from a consulting perspective around AI and the
• Accenture
• Capgemini
• Cognizant
• Deloitte
• Dentsu
• Fujitsu
© capioIT 2023 6
• Globant
• Infosys
• LTIMindtree
• Persistent
• Publicis Sapient
• PwC
• Slalom
• TechMahindra
• Wipro
The chart below highlights the Capture Share results. Accenture has maintained
leadership on leverage-based metrics of scale and reach and scored strongly in the
transformation category.
The top three vendors, Accenture, Deloitte and PwC, provide genuine business outcomes
for clients. They differentiate based on the depth of their relationship, the broad industry
© capioIT 2023 7
and, of course, engagement with Salesforce and the overall ecosystem. It is more than
capacity; it is the ability to transform client-customer experiences. In short, their key
differentiation is more than the scale of their capacity. It is the depth of their relationship
with client executives to provide digital transformation based on cloud platforms. Deloitte
and PwC continue to provide the most substantial competition and positioning to
Accenture. These three vendors stand out in their depth of relationships globally. They
have a consistent approach and relationships at the highest level of leadership, enabling
outcomes for clients.
In the leadership market maker quadrant, following these three are, Infosys, IBM, Wipro,
Capgemini and Cognizant. All these leaders have strong capabilities and provide solutions
across a range of enterprises, geography and offerings. As mentioned, IBM and Infosys
have been aggressive from an acquisition perspective, and all have built stronger
relationships with Salesforce to ensure they remain relevant in the market. It is important
to reinforce that all vendors included in the study have strong capabilities and are investing
in the platform. That is part of the capioIT approach and selection criteria. If you make the
Capture Share shortlist, you are capable and have a genuine role in developing the
salesforce ecosystem.
As the chart highlights, there are four positions on the Capture Share. The axis of the
Capture Share indicates the average ranking. For example, a vendor ranked as a Market
Maker has scored above average on both the transform and leverage attributes. A
Leverage Focus vendor is above average for the leverage attribute and so on.
• Accenture
• Capgemini
• Cognizant
• Deloitte
• Infosys
• PwC
• Wipro
• Dentsu
• Publicis Sapient
• Slalom
• Fujitsu
© capioIT 2023 8
• Globant
• LTIMindtree
• Persistent Systems
• TechMahindra
Accenture leads from a certification perspective. It has over 700,000 employees, and as a
result, it has scale. The certification delta multiple over competitors has reduced
substantially in the past 24 months but still exists. The increased focus on training, both by
Salesforce and others, has ensured that the likes of Deloitte, IBM and Infosys are
accelerating their certifications. The number of certified consultants highlights the ability to
provide solutions at scale and is a very significant determinant of the leaders from the
Market Developer vendors.
In terms of leadership in the Capture Share report, Accenture is the outright leader in four
attributes and joint leader in eight others. It has leadership in 12 of the 17 attributes and
has been ranked as the leader in all previous analysis versions from 2014. Accenture is
the partner of the year for various crucial cloud-based platforms, such as AWS. It does this
because of its capabilities to clients, of course, but the scale it provides cannot be
matched. Seven hundred thousand employees offer a scale that is simply impossible to
Deloitte continues to rise from a broad consulting and overall integration capability for
Salesforce and platforms. It can draw on increasingly globalised skill sets and resources
and align this with the deep business capacity of the broader Deloitte group.
PwC is the third-ranked provider in the Market Maker category. Deep industry and
transformation experience is at the centre of what it offers clients. It is also increasingly
leveraging the PwC portfolio to provide innovative and creative client solutions by
leveraging audit and tax capabilities. Indian capabilities have been accelerated by the
acquisition of Venerate in mid 2022.
The acquisition-based approach Infosys took to become a leader in the ecosystem has
been well leveraged to ensure that it continues to be a leader. The increased scale and
capabilities have meant that it can build deeper relationships with Salesforce, further
reinforcing positioning in the upper tier of the market.
In particular, IBM made key acquisitions in 2021 to reinforce capabilities with Waeg,
boosting European capacity. The key has been the revitalisation of IBM Consulting, which
with a return to growth, has enabled investment in the essential Salesforce ecosystem and
subsequent acceleration in capability and capacity.
Wipro has built out capabilities across the Salesforce ecosystem. It consistently offers
services across most major markets and, from an industry point of view, is particularly
strong in Financial Services. It is also well placed as Managed Services for Salesforce
starts to accelerate.
© capioIT 2023 9
Capgemini provides a high level of transformative capabilities in Salesforce solutions, and
the capacity is powerful from a geographic perspective in the Asia Pacific and Europe. It
is increasing investments in accelerators and is expected to play a vital role in the rollout
of Genie.
Cognizant is the newest entrant to the market maker level of capability. It has one of the
largest pools of certified Salesforce talent and is leveraging this globally. It also has
increasingly focused capabilities on industry-specific solutions for clients.
Three vendors are scored as Transform-focused. Dentsu, Publicis Sapient and Slalom.
They all have a business outcome-focused capability with an emphasis on transformation.
Publicis Sapient is also key to driving business-related digital outcomes for clients. It
focuses on client outcomes with a strong industry alignment for industries such as retail,
health and the automotive sector.
Slalom is one of the strongest growing SI's across many technology platforms. It is a key
player that will look to build a broader scale to increase capabilities in the market; it uses a
more locally based resource model than most SI's, which provides differentiation in the
The remaining vendors are Market Developers. Whilst they have had varying stages of
maturity in Salesforce solutions, all are investing. Some, such as Globant, have risen as
critical providers in both mature and emerging markets in recent years. The essential
requirement for these vendors is to continue to grow and invest in the platform with a
resultant global capability. The other key factor is to work on strengthening the relationship
with Salesforce, particularly for vendors with moderate relationships with a range of
platform providers across the IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS space.
The following charts highlight the rankings and average scores for the two Transform and
Leverage attributes.
© capioIT 2023 10
Average Transform
Vendor Score
Accenture 8.6
Deloitte 8.4
PwC 8.3
Infosys 7.9
Dentsu 7.8
Wipro 7.7
Capgemini 7.7
Cognizant 7.7
Publicis Sapient 7.6
IBM 7.5
Slalom 7.5
TCS 7.2
Globant 7.2
NTT 7.1
HCL 6.8
Fujitsu 6.7
TechMahindra 6.3
Persistent 6.1
LTIMindtree 5.8
For the Transform capabilities, 11 of 19 vendors were ranked above average, with the
remainder below average. From a transformation viewpoint, the three highest-rated
providers are Accenture, Deloitte and PwC. They are the only three to be ranked with an
average transform score over 8. Other leaders in the transform category include Infosys,
Dentsu, Wipro, Capgemini and Cognizant.
The rest have ground to make up in the Transform capability. Transforming client
outcomes and success has to be the priority if vendors can convince prospects that they
have differentiated capabilities in Salesforce. Salesforce is not just about scale; clients
must achieve digital business outcomes led by a transformative and differentiated
© capioIT 2023 11
Average Leverage
Vendor Score
Accenture 8.8
Infosys 8.6
Deloitte 8.6
IBM 8.5
PwC 8.3
Capgemini 8.1
Wipro 8.0
TCS 7.9
Cognizant 7.7
Slalom 7.5
NTT 7.4
Persistent 7.4
Dentsu 7.3
HCL 7.2
Globant 7.1
TechMahindra 7.0
Publicis Sapient 6.8
LTIMindtree 6.8
Fujitsu 6.6
For the leverage characteristics, eight of the 19 vendors scored above the average and 11
below. The new entrants to the market generally need more leverage or scale capabilities
in the market. The long-term investment is required to meet the likes of Infosys, Accenture
and Deloitte, whom all lead in this market. Success in the leverage components requires
increased scale in industry, geography, and the portfolio of Salesforce. Achieving this
takes work.
The average rating for each of the attributes is in the following table. There is increased
differentiation in this analysis compared to prior editions of the report. The most pointed is
the ability to influence and lead the market. This is increasingly but not surprisingly,
disproportionately dominated by the likes of Accenture, PwC and Infosys.
Further investment is also required in country-based solutions. Each market and each
industry gains value from Salesforce differently. Country based solutions need to be
accommodated by clients focusing on specific solutions for a country, be that India, France
or small markets such as New Zealand and Mexico.
Research and Development (R&D) remains well invested in the ecosystem, and that does
not mean that there can be any complacency. The tighter the relationship between SI and
Salesforce, the stronger the leverage of Salesforce R&D is enmeshed with internal R&D,
which drives more substantial client outcomes and success from investments in
© capioIT 2023 12
Average Transform Attribute Score Score
Internal R&D 7.7
Leverage R&D 7.6 Ecosystem Partnership 7.6
Global Solution Development 7.7
Industry Solution Development 7.8
Country Solution Development 7.2 Platform Implementation 7.2
Strength of Brand 7.1
Ability to influence external market 6.3
Transform 7.4
Not surprisingly, Accenture leads the way in 11 of the 17 attributes. For five of these
attributes, it stands alone at the top of the rankings. The scale and breadth of Accenture
have resulted in this being a consistent result across several editions of this report.
Following Accenture, Deloitte, PwC and Infosys are the leaders in individual attributes. It is
concerning that the number of leaders has reduced in recent years as the most substantial
providers accelerate their leadership positions. Optimistically, this is an identification of a
market with the potential for disruption, particularly if the leaders become complacent
about their positioning, however unlikely.
Note - Multiple vendors can share leadership in the market due to the measurement of
leadership in the market. Where there is one vendor named, that vendor is the highest
© capioIT 2023 13
ranked vendor, with no other vendor having an equivalent score. Where there are multiple
vendors, all were ranked as equal leaders in the market.
© capioIT 2023 14
Leaders in the Global Salesforce Systems Integration and Services Providers marketplace
share core attributes
Top Three Capgemini Capabilities
• Solution Portfolio Depth
• Internal R&D
• Global Solution Development
Top Three Cognizant Capabilities
• Internal R&D
• Industry Solution Development
• Certified Salesforce skills
© capioIT 2023 15
Top Three Deloitte Capabilities
• Sales team strength
• Global Solution Development
• In country geographic reach
Top Three IBM Capabilities
• Solution Portfolio Depth
• Industry Solution Development
• Customer Satisfaction
Top Three Infosys Capabilities
• Customer Satisfaction
• Solution Portfolio Depth
• Country Solution Development
Top Three PwC Capabilities
• Solution Portfolio Depth
• Country Solution Development
• Salesforce Ecosystem Partnership
Top Three Wipro Capabilities
• Country Localisation
• Country Strength
• Global Solution Development
To undertake the appropriate level of analysis and data integrity, the individual attributes are
weighted in percentage terms based on the overall influence of the Transform and Leverage
Data and process integrity are critical components of a report of this type. Fundamentally,
the data be valid and untarnished. To help ensure this, all information for the measurement
and assessment of these attributes comes from a range of sources. Sources of information
© capioIT 2023 16
include Salesforce, Salesforce users, vendor briefings and meetings, media sources, the IT
solutions ecosystem and specific end-user feedback.
2023 capioIT. All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced or distributed in any form
without capioIT’s prior written permission. The information contained in this publication has been
obtained from sources believed to be accurate. capioIT disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy,
completeness or adequacy of such information and shall have no liability for errors, omissions or
inadequacies in such information. The opinions expressed herein are subject to change without
capioIT was founded in 2010. It is focused on helping a range of organisations capture and
understand emerging digital technology in emerging markets of the global economy. CEO
Phil Hassey has over 20 years' experience in corporate strategy, consulting and market
intelligence, gained in a diverse range of organisations and industries.
© capioIT 2023 17
business culture, use of social media and relationships.
© capioIT 2023 18