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NIeT No. WBREDA/NIeT/22/2024 Dated: 26.09.2024

National Competitive Bidding

Site Survey, Design , Engineering, Manufacture / Procurement, Testing, Supply, Installation and
Commissioning, five (5) years Comprehensive Maintenance for 02 nos of Grid Connected Rooftop
Solar PV Power Plants each of array capacity 05 kWp on turnkey basis at Government Building in
West Bengal

Bidding Document

NIeT No. WBREDA/NIeT/22/2024 Dated: 26.09.2024

West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency (WBREDA)

Department of NRES, Government of West Bengal
Bikalpa Shakti Bhavan,J1/10, EP&GP Block,
Sector– V, Salt Lake, Electronics Complex, Kolkata– 700091 Email:

These documents are meant for the exclusive purpose of bidding against this NIeT and shall
not be transferred, reproduced or otherwise used for purposes other than that for which they
are specially issued.

Sl No Section Section Heading

01. Section –I Notice Inviting Tender

02. Section-II Instruction to Bidders

03. Section –III General Condition of Contract

04. Section –IV Special Condition of Contract

05. Section –V-A Forms

06. Section –V-B Annexure

07. Section- VI Technical Specification

08. Section – VII BOQ

West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency
Department of Non-Conventional & Renewable Energy Sources, Government of West Bengal
BIKALPA SHAKTI BHAVAN, Plot – J1/10, Block – EP & GP,
Sector – V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700 091


Domestic Competitive Bidding

NIeT No. WBREDA/NIeT/22/2024 Dated: 26.09.2024

WBREDA invites e-tender from resourceful, reputed, eligible, competent and established Site Survey,
Design , Engineering, Manufacture / Procurement, Testing, Supply, Installation and Commissioning, five
(5) years Comprehensive Maintenance for 02 nos of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV Power Plants
each of array capacity 05 kWp on turnkey basis at Government Building in West Bengal

Interested bidders may obtain bidding documents by registering themselves to the e-tendering
portal and thereby downloading the bidding documents from 02 P.M.
on 26.09.2024.The last date of submission of Bid is 21.10.2024 upto 04 PM

Divisional Engineer-II
Department of Non-conventional& Renewable Energy Sources, Govt.
of West Bengal
Bikalpa Shakti Bhavan, J1/10, EP & GP Block,
Sector-V, Salt Lake Electronics Complex, Kolkata-700091

NIeT No. WBREDA/NIeT/22/2024 Dated: 26.09.2024

National Competitive Bidding

Detailed Notice Inviting e- Tender:

Site Survey, Design , Engineering, Manufacture / Procurement, Testing, Supply, Installation and Commissioning,
five (5) years Comprehensive Maintenance for 02 nos of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV Power Plants each of
array capacity 05 kWp on turnkey basis at Government Building in West Bengal

Interested bidders may obtain bidding documents by registering themselves to the e-tendering portal and thereby downloading the bidding documents from 02 P.M. on 26.09.2024.The last
date of submission of Bid is 21.10.2024 upto 04 PM

NIeT No. WBREDA/NIeT/22/2024 Dated: 26.09.2024

1.0 West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency herein referred to as WBREDA
invites e-tender (Submission of Bid through online) through National Competitive Bidding
(NCB) from eligible bidders for following work:-

Name of the Work:

Site Survey, Design , Engineering, Manufacture / Procurement, Testing, Supply, Installation and Commissioning,
five (5) years Comprehensive Maintenance for 02 nos of Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV Power Plants each of
array capacity 05 kWp on turnkey basis at Government Building in West Bengal

Estimated Cost of the Project: Total Rs.682000 (Rupees Six Lakh Eighty Two Thousand Only).

3.0 Cost of Tender document is Rs.1000.00 /- (Rupees One thousand only). The cost of tender document
is non-refundable. The tender fee may be remitted online through portal.

4.0 Bid Security( Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) ) :

The Bid Security / EMD amount is Rs. 13,656/-(Rupees Thirteen Thousand Six
Hundred Fifty Six Only). Necessary Earnest Money (EMD) may be remitted online through portal.
5.0 Variation, Additions and Omissions
WBREDA reserves the right to alter, amend, omit or otherwise vary the allotment
quantities of power plant as may be necessary but such variation will be limited to +/- 25%
(plus or minus twenty five percent) of the original order. The decision of the
controlling officer/ Engineer-in-Charge will be final in this regard. Payment shall
however be made as per actual execution of work

6.0 Schedule of Dates for e-Tendering:


1. Date of uploading of N.I.T. Documents 26.09.2024
2. Documents download start date (Online) 26.09.2024 from 2.00 P.M
3. Last date of uploading Pre-bid Query 01/10/2024 up to 2.00 P.M.
4. Pre- bid Meeting(Physical) 03/10/2024 at 3.00 PM
5. Last date for uploading of reply of pre-bid 04/10/2023 at 4PM
6. Bid proposal submission start date (Online) 04/10/2023 at 4:30 P.M
7. Bid proposal Submission end date (Online) 21/10/2023 up to 5.00P.M
8. Bid opening date for Technical proposal 22/10/2023 at 12 noon
9. Date of Opening of financial bid Will be intimated later

7.0 In the event of e-filling, intending bidder may download the tender documents from the
website directly with the help of Digital Signature Certificate.
Necessary cost of tender documents (tender fees) amounting to Rs.1000.00 /- (Rupees One
thousand only) may be remitted online mode through portal.

8.0 : The Bid Security / EMD is Rs.13,656/-(Rupees Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred Fifty
Six Only). Necessary Earnest Money (EMD) may be remitted online through portal.

9.0 The successful bidder have to be submit Additional Performance Security @ 10% of
the tendered value, if the bid value stands 80% or less of the estimated cost put to the
Qualifying Requirement for Bidders:
The Bidder must have to meet the following conditions for participation of bidding:

The Bidder, who intends to participate in the Bid, must have to meet the following:
 The Bidder shall be a Registered Company/Firm/Proprietorship incorporated in India under the
Companies Act, 1956 or 2013/Indian Partnership Act, 1932/LLP Act, 2008 including any amendment

 Bidder must meet the eligibility criteria independently as Bidding Company Financial Capability:
The Bidder, who intends to participate in the Bid, must have to meet the following criteria:

1. Minimum Average Annual Turnover (MAAT) of the Bidder for best 3 (three)
financial years out of the last 5(five) financial years shall at least Rs. 2.04 Lakh
(Rupees Two Lakh Four Thousand Only).(30% of the Estimated Cost) during any 03
(three) financial year out of last seven (07) consecutive year ending on 31st March
2. Liquid Asset ** of the Bidder shall be at least Rs. 0.68 Lakh (Rupees Sixty eight
Thousand Only). Bidder shall have liquid assets or/and evidence of access to or
availability of credit facilities to make good the shortfall in liquid asset, if any.

3. Net Worth for last five (5) should be positive.

4. If 70 % or more LD is imposed on any bidder in any govt job within the last five years, that
bidder will not be considered as eligible bidder in participation in the tender. A declaration in non-
judicial stamp paper is to be submitted along with the bid document.

Technical Capability

The Bidder, who intends to participate in the Bid, must have to meet the following criteria:
The Bidder shall have experience in Similar nature of work having cumulative capacity of not
less than 8 KWp (for one number of job) or 6 Kwp( for two no of job each) or 4 Kwp (for three
no of job each) which should have been commissioned before the date of issuance of this NIeT
(Solar PV HLS, SLS, High Mast will not be considered). Order copy and completion certificates
are to be furnished in this regard. WBREDA may verify the authentication of such installation
through RMS or site verification at its own cost. The Eligibility Criteria, as mentioned here is
final and if any other point anywhere in the Tender Document will be have any verification
/differences in this respect, those are to be ignored.
11.0 Completion time:
Completion period for the project are as follows:

Work Volume Completion Time ( site survey to completion of

installation in all respect.) from the date of placement of
LoA along with list of sites
Cumulative Capacity [02 nos 60
* 5 Kwp each) =10Kwp Days

For other quantities, if it will be allotted, completion time will be in proportion of above. In
case of providing new list of sites after LoA (with first list of sites), Zero Date for new set of
sites will be calculated from that date of providing new set of sites.

12.0 Validity of offer:

Validity of the offer shall be 180 days from the date of opening of the financial bid.
However, it may be extended with consent from the successful bidder(s).

13.0 WBREDA is not bound to accept the lowest tender. WBREDA reserves the right to accept
or reject any bid partly or fully or cancel the bidding without assigning any reason thereof
and in such case no bidder/ intending bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.

** Liquid Asset(LA) : ‘ Liquid Asset ‘ shall mean cash and bank balances and fixed deposits in the name of the
bidder as certified by a Chartered Accountant on a date not more than one month before the bid submission date.

14.0 If the offer is submitted without or inadequate Earnest Money (Bid Security),the bid will
not be opened. Incomplete offer will be liable for rejection.
15.0 A prospective bidder requiring any clarification on bidding documents may notify the
WBREDA by uploading the same in the e-tendering portal, which shall be available to all
the participant bidders, as per Standard Format. The soft copy of the same must be sent in
Excel format at the mail address: ,
16.0 Any evidence of unfair Trade Practices including overcharging, price fixing, cartel etc. as
defined in various statutes, will automatically disqualify the bidders.
17.0 The Tender Inviting Authority reserves the right to modify, amend or supplement the
Tender Document. Any corrigendum, notification concerned to this tender will be
published in the e- tender portal only and it will be part &
parcel of the tender. The bidders are therefore advised to follow the website for such
corrigendum, notification etc.
18.0 Technical Specification: All the Technical Specifications are as per the Technical
Specification ofthis NIeT (Section VI).

19.0 Other information as well as terms and conditions, which are not covered in the NIeT,
have been incorporated in Instructions to Bidders (Section II), General Condition of
Contract (Section III) and Special Conditions of Contract (Section IV), Technical
specification (Section-VI) of this tender.

Address for Communication

The Divisional Engineer-II, WBREDA
Bikalpa Shakti Bhavan, J1/10, EP&GP Block,
Sector– V, Salt Lake Electronics Complex, Kolkata–
E-mail :,

Divisional Engineer-II, WBREDA

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