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West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited
(A Government of West Bengal Enterprise)
Solar Power Generation Department
Data Centre Complex (3rd Floor), Action Area -I, AF Block, Street no. 41, New Town,
e-mail: cesolar@wbsedcl.in
CIN: U40109WB2007SGC113473
NIeT No.: WBSEDCL/ SPGD/ RTS/ Empanelment/ 2023-24/ NIT-48 Date- 24.08.2023
The Chief Engineer, Solar Power Generation Department, WBSEDCL, Data Centre Complex (3 rd Floor),
Action Area -I, AF Block, Street no. 41, New Town, Kolkata-700163 invites e-tender (online Bid
submission) from experienced, eligible and resourceful bidders for Empanelment of Agency and fixing
of testing & supervision fees for issuance of fitness certificate of Solar Power Generation System (SPGS)
at the consumer premises as per clause no 8.3(b) of Procedure-C of WBSEDCL as detailed below:
(Payment to be made by the consumer to the enlisted agency as per actual rate obtained by tendering
which will be available at WBSEDCL’s website)
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Terms & Conditions of the Tender Notice:
1. Registration of Bidder: Intending eligible bidders desirous of participating in the tender will
have to be enrolled and registered with the Government e-Procurement System and may like
to log on to the website https://wbtenders.gov.in for the above tender.
2. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC): Bidders willing to take part in the process of e-tendering
are required to obtain Class 2 or Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in the name of person
who will sign the tender, from any authorized Certifying Authority (CA) under the Controller of
Certification Agencies (CCA), Govt of India. The bidders are required to register the fact of
possessing the Digital Signature Certificates through the Registration System available in the
website. Tenders shall be submitted online and intending bidders should download the tender
documents from the website stated above, directly with the help of the DSC. This is the only
mode of collection of tender documents. Details of submission procedure are given in
“Instructions to Bidders (ITB)”.
3. Tender Fee: No fee is applicable for purchasing this tender document for the e-tender.
5. Bid Validity: The Tender and Offer shall remain valid for a minimum period of 180 days from
the date of opening of the Technical Bid. However, WBSEDCL, on the merit of the case, may
request extension of validity of the offer for a further suitable period without any change in
terms & conditions of the offer.
6. The bidder or their duly authorized representative should attend the Pre-bid Meeting at the
stipulated date and time as mentioned in the Key date’s schedule.
7. Any evidence of unfair Trade Practices including over charging, price fixing, cartelization etc.
as defined in various statutes, will automatically disqualify the bidders.
8. WBSEDCL is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to cancel any or all
the tenders unilaterally without assigning any reason what-so-ever.
9. Other information as well as terms and conditions, which are not covered above, will be
available in Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of
10. The Tender Inviting Authority reserves the right to modify, amend or supplement the Tender
Document. Any corrigendum, notification concerned to this tender will be published in the e-
tender portal https://wbtenders.gov.in and it will be treated as part and parcel of the
tender. The bidders are, therefore, advised to follow the website for such corrigendum,
notification etc.
11. All the important correspondence must be done through declared authorized email-id with
scanned copy of documents/letter in company’s letter head/pad.
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12. Intending bidder should not quote more that estimated value. If intending bidder
quotes more than estimated value, his/her bid will be cancelled without any reason
thereof. Intending bidder also should not quote 80% below of estimated value. If
intending bidder quotes 80% below of estimated value, in such case also, his/her
bid will be cancelled without any reason thereof.
13. Any further information related to this tender may be had from the following office:
Office of the Chief Engineer
Solar Power Generation Department,
West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) 3rd Floor, Data Centre
Complex, Street No. 41, Action Area-I, New Town, Kolkata – 700 163.
Website : www.wbsedcl.in
Tel. Nos.: +91 8900793309/10/29
Email id : cesolar@wbsedcl.in
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1. Name of the Work:
Empanelment of Agency and fixing of testing & supervision fees for issuance of fitness certificate of Solar Power
Generation System (SPGS) at the consumer premises as per clause no 8.3(b) of Procedure-C of WBSEDCL
2. Scope of Work:
A. To issue fitness certificate for Solar Power Generation System following tests to be done at site ( As per -
01. Harmonic reports
02. Voltage fluctuation and flicker
03. DC current injection
04. Fault current contribution
05. Voltage and Frequency protection: As per CEA guidelines
06. Reconnection time settings: As per CEA guidelines
07. Reactive support test (At 240 volt (Nominal Voltage) to 245 Volt it should operate at unity power factor.
However, grid voltage reduces, inverter should operate in leading power factor with linearly increasing
trend up to 230 Volt, and then it becomes fixed with 0.95 lead (i.e. 30% capacitive). Similarly, for voltage
range from 245 to 255 Volt the Inverter should absorb reactive power gradually with maximum power
factor 0.95 (i.e. Inductive 30%).
B. Equipment required for the aforesaid tests-
Necessary equipment should be available with the successful vendor (if empaneled) for testing of the
Solar Power Generation System at consumer premises.
3.1 General:
WBSEDCL’s enlisted contractor
Other agency who have executed any solar plant directly / as sub-vendor in
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4. General guidance for e-Tendering:
Instructions/Guidelines for electronic submission of the tenders have been mentioned below
for assisting the bidders to participate in e-Tendering.
5. Pre-Bid Meeting
The Pre-bid meeting will be held on scheduled date and time as mentioned NIeT at the office
of the Chief Engineer Solar Power Generation Department (SPGD), 3rd Floor, Data Centre
Complex, Street No. 41, Action Area-I, New Town, Kolkata – 700 163.
6. Submission of Bid:
6.1 General procedure of submission of Bids
Tenders are to be submitted online through the website https://wbtenders.gov.in. All the
documents uploaded by the Tender Inviting Authority form an integral part of the contract.
Bidders are required to upload all the tender documents along with the other documents, as
asked for in the tender, through the above website within the stipulated date and time as
given in the Tender.
Tenders are to be submitted in two folders –
a) one is Technical Proposal and
b) the other is Financial Proposal.
The bidder shall carefully go through the documents and prepare the required documents
and upload the scanned documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) to the portal in the
designated locations of Technical Bid.
The bidder needs to download the Forms / Annexure, fill up the particulars in the designated
Cell and upload the same in the designated location of Technical Bid. The bidder needs to
download the BOQ, fill up the rates in the BOQ in the designated Cell and upload the same in
the designated location of Financial Bid.
All the documents uploaded shall be virus scanned and digitally signed using the Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC). The bidders shall take note of all the addendum/ corrigendum
related to the tender and upload the latest documents as part of the tender.
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i. To be submitted in “Annexure” folder
a) Application for Tender (Vide Annexure – I)
b) Brief of vendor profile (Vide Annexure – II)
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last three financial years, certified by the Auditor. In case the bidder is not a company,
certificate of Tax Auditor may be submitted.
v. Credential:
Declaration is to be submitted.
Failure of submission of any one of the above- m e n t i o n e d documents
will render the tender liable to summary rejection.
The documents uploaded should be digitally signed using the Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC).
7. Submission of documents:
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10. Conditional and Incomplete Tender:
Conditional and/or incomplete tenders are not acceptable in any case.
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viii. Where there is discrepancy between the unit rate and the total amount derived from the
multiplication of the unit rate and the quantity, the unit rate as quoted shall be considered.
13.4 Revision/withdrawal of Financial Proposal by the bidder after opening of Technical
Proposal of the tender will not be allowed if it is not sought for by the Tender Inviting
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1. Testing Equipment
Empaneled agency should arrange all testing equipment at his own cost for conducting the test.
After getting order form the intending consumer, the awarded agency will conduct the test in
presence of WBSEDCL’s representative.
If the empaneled agency fails to start the work within seven (07) days’ time from the date of
issue of order from consumer and upon getting complain from consumer, WBSEDCL shall have
the right to cancel the empanelment with forfeiture of security money.
In that case, WBSEDCL shall engage other agency for testing. Extra cost, if incurred, to get the
work done through other agency, will be realized from his security money.
3. Approval
After completion of testing, the awarded agency will submit the test report alongwith calibration
report of testing instrument to WBSEDCL
4. Insurance
All Risk Execution Insurance: It is desired that the empaneled agency shall arrange for
insurance coverage for the testing equipment including man power etc. required for successful
completion of the testing.
5. Warranty
If any defect of installed plant arises due the faulty testing, the same will be rectified by awarded
agency within thirty (30) days from the date of defect at their own cost and responsibility.
6. Price
Estimated Price is exclusive of GST. Intending bidder should not quote more that estimated value.
If intending bidder quotes more than estimated value, his/her bid will be cancelled without any
reason thereof. Quoted rate will be fixed for the entire empanelment validity period.
7. Payment
WBSEDCL may exclude the agency from the empanelment list if any adverse report is received
against him /her from the consumer / CCC of WBSEDCL.
WBSEDCL may further include suitable agency if required time to time during this contract period.
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1. Calibration
All testing equipment will be duly calibrated.
2. Safety
All tests shall be done under the supervision of qualified persons.
First aid arrangements shall be maintained throughout the whole of working hours.
Reporting of Accident:
All accidents, major or minor, must be reported immediately to WBSEDCL/Consumer and the
empaneled agency will provide first aid to the injured person immediately. The injured person
shall report to the First Aid Station along with the ‘Injured on work’ form as per appropriate
Pro-forma, duly filled in quintuplicate and submit to the Medical Officer of the First Aid Station.
Serious Injuries:
In case of serious injuries, the following procedure shall be adopted by the contractor.
Failure to observe the Safety Rules will make the contractor liable to penalty by way of
suspension of work/termination of contract.
Adequate arrangement for proper lighting & guarding shall be made at the work site.
4. Accident Risk
WBSEDCL/Consumer shall not be responsible in connection with any sort of accident either
fatal or non- fatal which may occur during transportation of materials/equipment, testing of
the PV Power Plant. The Contractor shall have to provide safety precautionary arrangement
for his workmen to avoid any such incident/accident as per prevalent safety rules and
5. Road Permits
The contractor shall arrange the waybills wherever required for this testing if required.
6. Legal Jurisdictional
All litigation matters between the parties if any shall be held in any Court in Kolkata under the
superintendence of High Court Calcutta.
7. Accommodation
The accommodation of the contractor’s personnel at the work site is to be arranged by the
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Form – I
List of Documents
Sl. Name of To be submitted in Submitted
No. (Scanned Copy of Documents to be folder cover (Y/N)
uploaded by main bidder only)
Statutory cover
1 Earnest Money Deposit (Scanned copy) Drafts
Statutory cover
2 Application for Tender (Annexure – I) Annexure
Statutory cover
3 Brief Vendor Profile (Annexure II) Annexure
Statutory cover
4 Notice Inviting Tender / Tender NIT
Addenda / corrigenda / Pre-bid minutes, Statutory cover
if published (Technical
Statutory cover
6 Check List (Form – I) Forms
Statutory cover
7 Format of Letter of Bid (Form – II) Forms
Statutory cover
8 Deviation Sheet (Form – VI) Forms
Pro-forma for undertaking to be Statutory cover
9 Forms
submitted by the Bidders (Form – III) (Technical
Proof of Company Incorporation / Trade Company Non-Statutory
10 cover
License Details
Power of Attorney Company Non-Statutory
11 cover
PAN Card details Non-Statutory
12 Certificates cover
Current Professional Tax clearance Non-Statutory
13 Certificates cover
certificate and GST registration
certificate (Technical
Statement of orders executed (Form – Technical Non-Statutory
IV) info cover (Technical
Income Tax return for the last 03 (three) Non-Statutory
15 Financial
Assessment Years and Income Tax cover (Technical
Clearance Certificate for the last proposal)
Assessment year
Summary statement of average annual Non-Statutory
16 Financial
turnover (Form – V) cover (Technical
17 Declaration Credential
cover (Technical
Declaration Non-Statutory
18 List of Orders in hand
cover (Technical
Others: Any other documents found Non-Statutory
19 Declaration
necessary cover (Technical
20 BOQ vide Annexure –III (Pro-forma
Bill of
PRICE BID) Financial Proposal
Form – II
The Chief Engineer,
Solar Power Generation Department,
West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) 3rd Floor, Data Centre
Complex, Street No. 41, Action Area-I, New Town, Kolkata – 700 163.
Dear Sir,
We offer to execute the work as per terms & conditions of the TENDER document as available in
the website.
This Bid and your subsequent empanelment Order shall constitute a binding contract between us.
We hereby confirm our acceptance of all terms and conditions of the NIT document
Form – III
(For genuineness of the information furnished on-line and authenticity of the documents
produced before Tender Committee for verification in support of his eligibility)
2. None of the Partners of our firm/JV/Consortium is relative of employee of West Bengal State
Electricity Distribution Company Limited.
4. All documents/ credentials submitted along with this Tender are genuine, authentic, true and
5. If any information and document submitted is found to be false / incorrect any time,
department may cancel my Tender and action as deemed fit may be taken against us,
including termination of the contract, forfeiture of all dues including EMD BG/Performance BG
and banning / delisting of our firm and all partners of the firm etc.
Form – IV
Form – V
This is to certify that the following statement is the summary of the audited Balance Sheet
arrived in favour of for the three consecutive financial years or for such period since
inception of the Firm, if it was set in less than such three year's period.
Form – VI
1. If the proposal has got any deviation from the Technical Specification, the Bidder
shall tabulate those deviations here clause by clause.
2. If the proposal has got any deviation from the Commercial terms specified, the
Bidder shall tabulate those deviations here clause by clause.
Note: 1. When there is no deviation, this sheet is to be submitted with the offer duly
signed with an endorsement indicating "No Deviation".
2. Deviations not indicated here will not be taken into consideration
The Chief Engineer
Solar Power Generation
West Bengal State Electricity
Distribution Company Limited
(WBSEDCL) 3rd Floor, Data
Centre Complex, Street
No. 41, Action Area-I,
New Town, Kolkata – 700 163.
NIT No: -
Dear Sir,
Having examined the Statutory, Non-statutory & NIT documents, I/we hereby like to
state that I/we willfully accept all your conditions and offer to take up the work as per NIT
No. stated above. I/We also agree to guarantee to replace or repair any defect, whenever it
is detected, in the equipment/materials to the satisfaction of the consumer in conformity with
the conditions of contract and addenda.
Office address:
Telephone no(s) (office):
Mobile No:
Fax No: _
E mail ID:
2. Year Established
3. Address of Office
4. Telephone No.
5. Fax No.
6. E-mail Address
7. Website
8. Sectors’ in which the company/firm has successfully commission SPV power plant against the
work order of Govt. / PSU/ Agencies in India
Authorized Signatory (Company Seal)
(To be completed & submitted online only by the vendor with the Financial Proposal)
For Three Phase Testing & supervision charges both To be quoted in BOQ
** Intending bidder should not quote more that estimated value. If intending bidder
quotes more than estimated value, his/her bid will be cancelled without any reason
1. GST shall be allowable over and above the quoted price/Rate at the prevailing rate.
2. Price quoted for testing charges shall be fixed and firm in all respect and inclusive of all
taxes duties and levies but excluding GST.
(To be executed on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/-)
Articles of agreement made on this.................... day of ..................... in the year ...... between
West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (A Government of West Bengal Enterprise)
having its head office at Vidyut Bhavan, Block–DJ, Sector–II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata–700091
hereinafter referred as 'WBSEDCL' (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the
context be deemed to include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART,
....................................................................................... hereinafter referred to as the
(Which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to include his
heirs, executors, administrators, representatives and assigns) of the OTHER PART.
WHEREAS the WBSEDCL invited tenders vide Tender Notice No
...........................................................dated............................... (annexed hereto) for Design
& engineering,
manufacturing & procurement, supply, installation, testing and commissioning including warranty
obligation with 5 (five) years comprehensive maintenance of
ct name).
AND WHEREAS in pursuance of such invitation for tenders, the contractor submitted a tender vide no
............................................dated .......................... (annexed hereto).The Techno-commercial
part of which was opened on……………………….. and the Price bid was opened on ……………………….
(the tender offer is in custody of the Company at present).
AND WHEREAS AFTER consideration of the tender submitted by the contractor with clarification(s), if
any, the WBSEDCL accepted the said tender submitted by the contractor and placed Letter of Award
no .................................................. dated ........................................(annexed hereto).
NOW, THEREFORE, the WBSEDCL and the contractor agree as follows:
1. The Contractor agrees to undertake the work of
“............................................................................” as
per Letter of Award no ....................................................dated .......... referred to above.
2. The WBSEDCL agrees to pay the Contractor as per order no
dated ......................... referred to above.
1. Both the Contractor and the Company agree that for the purpose of jurisdiction of court in regard to
any dispute arising out of this agreement, this agreement shall be deemed to have been
executed within the jurisdiction of the original side of the High Court, Kolkata.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have hereunder affixed their signature on the day, month and
year written as above.
................................................... ...........................................
Contractor WBSEDCL
1)............................................ 1) .........................................
Witness Witness
2)............................................. 2) ........................................
Witness Witness
Now this indenture witnesses that I/we the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS do hereby undertake:
1. THAT the OBLIGEE shall not be held responsible for any type of accident which
may take place during the course of work undertaken by the
2. THAT the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS will take/adopt all safety norms in respect of
each and every workmen labour personnel according to the rules or to the
satisfaction of the OBLIGREE IN ALL CASES.
3. That the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS undertakes/undertake to engage only those
labour worker or any other personnel whether skilled or unskilled or any other
person whether in technical management or non-managerial or any other
capacity in the area covered under Employee’ State Insurance Act, 1948 who
has/have insurance coverage within the meaning of Employees’ State
Insurance Act and further undertakes NOT to engage any person in the area
covered under Employees State Insurance Act., who does/do not has/have
insurance coverage within the meaning of Employees’ State Insurance
4. That the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS further undertakes/undertake to engage only
those labour, worker, or any other personnel, whether skilled or unskilled,
whether in technical, managerial or non-managerial or any other capacity in
the area NOT covered under Employees’ State Insurance Act 1948, who has life
insurance for the sum assured equivalent to the amount of Compensation
under the Employees Compensation Act in case of accidental death or inquiry
and such insurance has been effected by the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS.
5. THAT the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS undertakes/undertake to indemnify and keep
harmless the OBLIGEE from all claims, action, proceedings and of risk, damage,
danger to any person whether belonging to/or not belonging to
6. THAT the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS shall keep harmless the OBLIGEE from all
claims, compensation, damages, any proceedings in respect of any of its
employee/workmen under the Employee Compensation Act or any other laws
for the time being in force.
7. THAT, if during the course of execution of work as stated in the letter mentioned
hereinabove issued by the OBLIGEE, it is found that the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS
has/have not complied with guidelines/formalities within the meaning of
Employees’ State Insurance Act or Employee Compensation Act or any other
laws relating to the Labour Welfare for the time being in force, and also has not
observed the safety norms in accordance with the law to the satisfaction of the
OBLIGEE, the OBLIGEE shall have the right to stop the execution of work/job
and the period of such stoppage shall continue till adequate safety and other
compliance mentioned hereinabove under the labour welfare legislation have
been observed and such period of stoppage shall not be taken into account for
the calculation of the total period of completion of work for which the
OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS is responsible to complete the work/job and it will be
deemed that discontinuance was due to default of OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS.
8. THAT, if at any time, due to exigency, the OBLIGEE i.e. the West Bengal State
Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) as the Principal Employer,
becomes liable to pay any such compensation mentioned hereinabove, whether
on failure of the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS or for any other reason, the OBLIGEE
shall have the right to recover the said amount from any amount receivable by
OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS or any bank guarantee deposited or anything payable
whether in connection with this contract or other contract by the OBLIGEE to
9. THAT the OBLIGOR/OBLIGATOR is/are aware and accept that for the persistent
or repeated violation of any condition mentioned in this Indemnity Bond, the
OBLIGEE shall have right to terminate the contract of work issued by the
Signature ................................................................
1) Name & Designation ................................................................
Signature ................................................................
Basic Details
Tender Reference
WBSEDCL/ SPGD/ RTS/ Empanelment/ 2023-24/ NIT48
Tender ID 2023_WBSED_559861_1 Withdrawal Allowed Yes
Tender Type Open Tender Form of contract Item Wise
Tender Category Services No. of Covers 2
General Technical ItemWise Technical
No Yes
Evaluation Allowed Evaluation Allowed
Is Multi Currency Allowed
Payment Mode Not Applicable No
Is Multi Currency
No Allow Two Stage Bidding No
Allowed For Fee
https://wbtenders.gov.in/nicgep/app?component=%24DirectLink&page=TenderInfo&s... 16-Sep-23
eProcurement System of Government of West Bengal Page 2 of 2
Work /Item(s)
Title Empanelment of Agency and fixing of testing and supervision...
Work Description Empanelment of Agency and fixing of testing and supervision fees for issuance of fitness certificate of
Solar Power Generation System at the consumer premises as per clause no 8.3b of Procedure C of
Pre Qualification Please refer Tender documents.
Independent NA
Tender Value in ₹ NA Product Category Support/Maintenance Sub category RTS Testing
Service and
Contract Type Empanelment Bid Validity(Days) 180 Period Of Work 1095
Location SPGD, Newtown Pincode 700163 Pre Bid Meeting SPGD,
Place Newtown
Pre Bid Meeting Data Centre Complex, 3rd Pre Bid Meeting 08-Sep-2023 11:00 Bid Opening SPGD,
Address Floor, Action Area I, AF Date AM Place Newtown
Block, Street no. 41, New
Town, Kolkata 700163
Should Allow NDA No Allow Preferential No
Tender Bidder
Critical Dates
Publish Date 31-Aug-2023 10:00 AM Bid Opening Date 20-Sep-2023 02:00 PM
Document Download / Sale 31-Aug-2023 11:00 AM Document Download / Sale End 18-Sep-2023 02:00 PM
Start Date Date
Clarification Start Date NA Clarification End Date NA
Bid Submission Start Date 11-Sep-2023 10:00 AM Bid Submission End Date 18-Sep-2023 02:00 PM
Tender Documents
NIT Document
Document S.No Document Name Description
Size (in KB)
1 Tendernotice_1.pdf Please refer NIT 986.43
PreBid Document
Meeting S.No Document Name Document Type Description
Size (in KB)
1 tech_prebid_1166353.pdf PreBid Meeting Document Please refer attachment 341.72
https://wbtenders.gov.in/nicgep/app?component=%24DirectLink&page=TenderInfo&s... 16-Sep-23
Application for Tender
The Chief Engineer,
Solar Power Generation Department,
West Bengal State Electricity
Distribution Company Limited,
(WBSEDCL) 3rd Floor,
Data Centre Complex, Street No. 41,
Action Area-I, New Town, Kolkata – 700 163.
Dear Sir,
Having examined the Statutory, Non-statutory & NIT documents, I/we hereby like to state
that I/we willfully accept all your conditions and offer to take up the work as per NIT No. stated above.
I/We also agree to guarantee to replace or repair any defect, whenever it is detected, in the
equipment/materials to the satisfaction of the consumer in conformity with the conditions of contract
and addenda.
In the capacity of: AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY
Duly authorized to sign bids
(In block capitals or typed)
Signature of the Tenderer with Office Seal
Annexure- II
Brief Vendor Profile
1. Name of the Firm / Company : M/s Mega Calibre Enterprises Private Limited
2. Year Established : 1995
3. Address of Office : 06/315 Action Area I, New Town, Rajarhat, Kolkata-700160
4. Telephone No. : 7003152692
5. Fax No. : Not Applicable
6. Email Address : anindya@megacalibre.com
7. Website : www.megacalibre.com
8. Sector in which Company/Firm has successfully commission SPV power plant
against the work order of Govt./PSU/Agencies in India.
Authorized Signatory (Company Seal)
** Intending bidder should not quote more that estimated value. If intending bidder
quotes more than estimated value, his/her bid will be cancelled without any reason
1. GST shall be allowable over and above the quoted price/Rate at the prevailing rate.
2. Price quoted for testing charges shall be fixed and firm in all respect and inclusive of all taxes
duties and levies but excluding GST.
Articles of agreement made on this.................... day of ..................... in the year ...... between West
Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (A Government of West Bengal Enterprise) having
its head office at Vidyut Bhavan, Block–DJ, Sector–II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata–700091 hereinafter referred
as 'WBSEDCL' (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to
include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART,
M/s Mega Calibre Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. hereinafter referred to as the 'CONTRACTOR' (Which expression
shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to include his heirs, executors,
administrators, representatives and assigns) of the OTHER PART.
WHEREAS the WBSEDCL invited tenders vide Tender Notice No WBSEDCL/ SPGD/ RTS/ Empanelment/
2023-24/ NIT48 dated............................... (annexed hereto) for Design & engineering, manufacturing &
procurement, supply, installation, testing and commissioning including warranty obligation with 5 (five)
years comprehensive maintenance of Empanelment of Agency and fixing of testing and supervision
fees for issuance of fitness certificate of Solar Power Generation System at the consumer premises as
per clause no 8.3b of Procedure C of WBSEDCL (project name).
AND WHEREAS in pursuance of such invitation for tenders, the contractor submitted a tender vide no
............................................dated .......................... (annexed hereto). The Techno-commercial part of
which was opened on……………………….. and the Price bid was opened on ………………………. (the tender
offer is in custody of the Company at present).
AND WHEREAS AFTER consideration of the tender submitted by the contractor with clarification(s), if
any, the WBSEDCL accepted the said tender submitted by the contractor and placed Letter of Award no
.................................................. dated ........................................(annexed hereto).
NOW, THEREFORE, the WBSEDCL and the contractor agree as follows:
Whereas OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS has/have been awarded to execute the job/works under letter
no…………………………………………………. dated ………………………. issued by the OBLIGEE after having observing
necessary formalities, the details of which is described in the schedule given here under as per letter
mentioned herein-above and whereas the said job/works will be/likely to be done in places covered under
Employees’ State Insurance Act (ESI) and/or the Employee Compensation Act, 1923 (W.C. Act) and/or
other laws relating to the Labour Management and Welfare.
And whereas according to the condition of the contract the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS is/are under obligation
to execute this Indemnity Bond before the commencement of actual execution and OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS
is/are aware that unless this Indemnity Bond is executed in accordance with the condition of contract
before the actual execution in accordance with law the OBLIGEE shall have the power to deem that actual
work has been stated within the meaning of the contract before the execution of this Indemnity Bond.
Now this indenture witnesses that I/we the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS do hereby undertake:
1. THAT the OBLIGEE shall not be held responsible for any type of accident which may take place
during the course of work undertaken by the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS.
2. THAT the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS will take/adopt all safety norms in respect of each and every
workmen labour personnel according to the rules or to the satisfaction of the OBLIGREE IN ALL
3. That the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS undertakes/undertake to engage only those labour worker or any
other personnel whether skilled or unskilled or any other person whether in technical
management or non-managerial or any other capacity in the area covered under Employee’ State
4. Insurance Act, 1948 who has/have insurance coverage within the meaning of Employees’ State
Insurance Act and further undertakes NOT to engage any person in the area covered under
Employees State Insurance Act., who does/do not has/have insurance coverage within the
meaning of Employees’ State Insurance Act,1948.
5. That the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS further undertakes/undertake to engage only those labour, worker,
or any other personnel, whether skilled or unskilled, whether in technical, managerial or non-
managerial or any other capacity in the area NOT covered under Employees’ State Insurance Act
1948, who has life insurance for the sum assured equivalent to the amount of Compensation
under the Employees Compensation Act in case of accidental death or inquiry and such insurance
has been effected by the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS.
7. THAT the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS shall keep harmless the OBLIGEE from all claims, compensation,
damages, any proceedings in respect of any of its employee/workmen under the Employee
Compensation Act or any other laws for the time being in force.
8. THAT, if during the course of execution of work as stated in the letter mentioned hereinabove
issued by the OBLIGEE, it is found that the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS has/have not complied with
guidelines/formalities within the meaning of Employees’ State Insurance Act or Employee
Compensation Act or any other laws relating to the Labour Welfare for the time being in force,
and also has not observed the safety norms in accordance with the law to the satisfaction of the
OBLIGEE, the OBLIGEE shall have the right to stop the execution of work/job and the period of
such stoppage shall continue till adequate safety and other compliance mentioned hereinabove
under the labour welfare legislation have been observed and such period of stoppage shall not be
taken into account for the calculation of the total period of completion of work for which the
OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS is responsible to complete the work/job and it will be deemed that
discontinuance was due to default of OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS.
9. THAT, if at any time, due to exigency, the OBLIGEE i.e. the West Bengal State Electricity
Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) as the Principal Employer, becomes liable to pay any
such compensation mentioned hereinabove, whether on failure of the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS or for
any other reason, the OBLIGEE shall have the right to recover the said amount from any amount
receivable by OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS or any bank guarantee deposited or anything payable whether
in connection with this contract or other contract by the OBLIGEE to the OBLIGOR/OBLIGORS.
10. THAT the OBLIGOR/OBLIGATOR is/are aware and accept that for the persistent or repeated
violation of any condition mentioned in this Indemnity Bond, the OBLIGEE shall have right to
terminate the contract of work issued by the OBLIGEE to OBLIGOR/OBLIGATOR.
Signature ……………………………………………………………….
1. Name & Designation …………………………………………
Signature ……………………………………….
Signature ……………………………………………………..
Check List
No. List of Documents (Scanned Copy of Documents to To be submitted in Submitted
be uploaded by main bidder only) Name of folder cover (Y/N)
1 Statutory cover
Earnest Money Deposit (Scanned copy) Drafts (Technical proposal) Y
2 Statutory cover
Application for Tender (Annexure – I) Annexure (Technical proposal) Y
3 Statutory cover
Brief Vendor Profile (Annexure II) Annexure (Technical proposal) Y
4 Statutory cover
Notice Inviting Tender / Tender Documents NIT (Technical proposal) Y
6 Statutory cover
Check List (Form – I) Forms (Technical proposal) Y
7 Statutory cover
Format of Letter of Bid (Form – II) Forms (Technical proposal) Y
8 Statutory cover
Deviation Sheet (Form – VI) Forms (Technical proposal) Y
10 Non-Statutory cover
Proof of Company Incorporation / Trade License Company Details (Technical proposal) Y
11 Non-Statutory cover
Power of Attorney Company Details (Technical proposal) Y
12 Non-Statutory cover
PAN Card details Certificates (Technical proposal) Y
17 Non-Statutory cover
Declaration Credential (Technical proposal) Y
18 Non-Statutory cover
List of Orders in hand Declaration (Technical proposal) Y
19 Non-Statutory cover
Others: Any other documents found necessary Declaration (Technical proposal) Y
20 Bill of Quantities
BOQ vide Annexure –III (Pro-forma PRICE BID) (BOQ) Financial Proposal Y
The Chief Engineer,
Solar Power Generation Department,
West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) 3rd Floor, Data Centre
Complex, Street No. 41, Action Area-I, New Town, Kolkata – 700 163.
Dear Sir,
We offer to execute the work as per terms & conditions of the TENDER document as available in
the website. This Bid and your subsequent empanelment Order shall constitute a binding
contract between us.
We hereby confirm our acceptance of all terms and conditions of the NIT document
Dated ……………………………………..
Signature of the Tenderer with Seal
I Mr. Shib Shankar Dey, Legal Attorney of M/s Mega Calibre Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Lead
Member solemnly declare that:
1. We are submitting Tender for the Work Empanelment of Agency and fixing of testing and
supervision fees for issuance of fitness certificate of Solar Power Generation System at the
consumer premises as per clause no 8.3b of Procedure C of WBSEDCL against Tender Notice No.
WBSEDCL/ SPGD/ RTS/ Empanelment/ 2023-24/ NIT48 Dated 31/08/2023.
2. None of the Partners of our firm/JV/Consortium is relative of employee of West Bengal State
Electricity Distribution Company Limited.
4. All documents/ credentials submitted along with this Tender are genuine, authentic, true and
5. If any information and document submitted is found to be false / incorrect any time, department
may cancel my Tender and action as deemed fit may be taken against us, including termination
of the contract, forfeiture of all dues including EMD BG/Performance BG and banning / delisting
of our firm and all partners of the firm etc.
Name report of
of the Name installed
Install of Quant Quant systems
Sl. Finan (extende
ed Order no. and Owner ity ity (scanned Rema
N cial d
Plants Date /order order install copy of rks
o. Year time, if
/ issuing ed ed certificat
any) of
Proje authority e
ct to be
Subsi Successf
2023- 57K 25,89,76 53K
1 dy LOI NO-69 SBPDCL ully NA
24 W 4.00 W
Proje Running
2023- 31K 11,34,28 27K ully
24 W 9.00 W Running
3 dy NA NA NA NA
24 TS/406 PGD) W
Form – V
This is to certify that the following statement is the summary of the audited Balance Sheet
arrived in favour of for the three consecutive financial years or for such period since inception
of the Firm, if it was set in less than such three year's period.
Signature of the Tenderer with Office Seal
Deviation Sheet
1. If the proposal has got any deviation from the Technical Specification, the Bidder shall
tabulate those deviations here clause by clause.
No. Clause No. Description Deviation Offered Remarks
2. If the proposal has got any deviation from the Commercial terms specified, the Bidder
shall tabulate those deviations here clause by clause.
No. Clause No. Description Deviation Offered Remarks
When there is no deviation, this sheet is to be submitted with the offer duly signed with
an endorsement indicating "No Deviation".
Deviations not indicated here will not be taken into consideration.