Replaces: 08.2016
Features Contents
▶ Robust motor with long service life Type code 2
▶ Approved for high rotational speeds Hydraulic fluids 4
▶ High control range (can be swiveled to zero) Bearing5
▶ High torque Shaft seal 5
▶ Large variety of controls Working pressure range 6
▶ Optionally with mounted flushing and boost-pressure Technical data 8
valve HD – Proportional control, hydraulic 10
▶ Bent-axis design EP – Proportional control, electric 14
HZ – Two-point control, hydraulic 17
EZ – Two-point control, electric 18
HA – Automatic control, high-pressure related 19
DA – Automatic control, speed related 22
Dimensions, size 250 23
Connector for solenoids 26
Flushing and boost-pressure valve 27
Swivel angle indicator 28
Speed sensor 29
Installation instructions 30
Project planning notes 33
Safety instructions 34
Related documentation 35
Type code
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
AA6V M / 63 W – V –
Axial piston unit 250
01 Bent-axis design, variable ● AA6V
Size (NG)
04 Geometric displacement, see page 8 250
08 Series 6, index 3 63
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
AA6V M / 63 W – V –
Sealing material 250
11 FKM (fluoroelastomer) ● V
▶ Note the project planning notes on page 33.
▶ In addition to the type code, please specify the
relevant technical data when placing your order.
Hydraulic fluids
The variable motor AA6VM is designed for operation with Selection of hydraulic fluid
HLP mineral oil according to DIN 51524. Bosch Rexroth evaluates hydraulic fluids on the basis of
Application instructions and requirements for the Fluid Rating according to the technical
hydraulic fluid selection, behavior during operation as well data sheet 90235.
as disposal and environmental protection should be taken Hydraulic fluids with positive evaluation in the Fluid Rating
from the following data sheets before the start of project are listed in the following data sheet:
planning: ▶ 90245: Bosch Rexroth Fluid Rating List for Rexroth
▶ 90220: Hydraulic fluids based on mineral oils and hydraulic components (pumps and motors)
related hydrocarbons
The hydraulic fluid should be selected so that the
▶ 90221: Environmentally acceptable hydraulic fluids
operating viscosity in the operating temperature range is
within the optimum range (νopt; see selection diagram).
▼ Selection diagram
Maximum permissible viscosity on cold start
Warm-up phase 1000
VG 68
VG 46
VG 32
VG 2
Viscosity ν [cSt]
operating range 60
1) This corresponds, for example on the VG 46, to a temperature 3) Please contact us.
range of +39 °F to +185 °F (+4 °C to +85 °C) 4) If the temperature at extreme operating parameters cannot be
(see selection diagram) adhered to, please contact us.
2) Special version, please contact us
45 (3)
pressure will have no effect on the beginning of control:
30 (2)
▶ HA
15 (1)
The factory setting for the beginning of control is made at
pabs = 15 psi (1 bar) case pressure. 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Rotational speed n [rpm]
Flow direction
The FKM shaft seal ring may be used for leakage
Direction of rotation, viewed on drive shaft temperatures from -13 °F to + 239 °F (-25°C to +115°C). In
Clockwise Counter-clockwise application cases below -13 °F(-25 °C), an NBR shaft seal
A to B B to A is required (permissible temperature range: -40 °F to
+194 °F (-40 °C to +90 °C).
Bearing ▶ For the permitted temperature range for axial piston
variable motor A6VM, see "Viscosity and temperature of
Long-life bearing hydraulic fluids" on page 4.
For long service life. Identical external dimensions as
motor with standard bearing. Subsequent conversion to
long-life bearing is possible.
Rate of pressure change RA max Maximum permissible speed of pressure build-up and reduction during a pressure
with integrated pressure 130530 psi/s change across the entire pressure range.
relief valve (9000 bar/s)
without pressure relief valve 232060 psi/s
(16000 bar/s)
Case pressure at port T
Continuous differential 30 psi (2 bar) Maximum, averaged differential pressure at the shaft seal (case pressure to ambient
pressure ∆pT cont pressure)
Maximum differential see diagram Permissible differential pressure at the shaft seal (case pressure to ambient
pressure ∆pT max on page 5 pressure)
Pressure peaks pT peak 145 psi (10 bar) t < 0.1 s
pnom Single operating period t1 tn
Pressure p
Time t
▶ Working pressure range applies when using hydraulic
fluids based on mineral oils. Please contact us for Total operating period = t1 + t2 + ... + tn
values for other hydraulic fluids.
▶ The case pressure must be greater than the external
pressure (ambient pressure) at the shaft seal.
230 (16)
200 (14)
Inlet pressure pabs [psi (bar)]
145 (10) Vg x
115 (8)
90 (6)
0.3 Vg max
60 (4)
30 (2)
15 (1)
0 0.2 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.4
Rotational speed n / nnom
Technical data
Displacement Vg / Vg max
cm 3
Vg x inch3 12.51 0.6
cm 3
Maximum ro- At Vg max nnom rpm 2700 0.4
tational At Vg < Vg x (see nmax rpm 3300
speed2) (com- diagram below) 0.2
plying with
At Vg 0 nmax rpm 3300
the maximum 0
permissible 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.22
inlet flow) Rotational speed n / nnom
Inlet flow3) At nnom and Vg max qv max gpm 178
Determination of the operating characteristics
l/min 675
Vg × n
Torque4) At Vg max and M lb-ft 1026 Inlet flow qv = [gpm]
231 × ηv
Δp = 5100 psi Nm 1391
(350 bar) Rotational qv × 231 × ηv
n = [rpm]
Rotary stiff- Vg max to Vg/2 cmin lb-ft/rad 44254 speed Vg
ness kNm/rad 60 Vg × Δp × ηhm
Torque M = [lb-ft]
Vg/2 to 0 (interpo- cmin lb-ft/rad 133499 24 × π
lated) kNm/rad 181 2π×M×n qv × Δp × ηt
Power P = = [HP]
Moment of inertia of the rotary JTW lb-ft2 1.448 33000 1714
group kgm2 0.061
Determination of the operating characteristics
Maximum angular acceleration α rad/s² 10000
Vg × n
Case volume V gal 0.79 Inlet flow qv = [l/min]
1000 × ηv
l 3.00
Rotational qv × 1000 × ηv
Weight approx. m lbs 220 n = [rpm]
speed Vg
kg 100
Vg × Δp × ηhm
Torque M = [Nm]
20 × π
Speed range
2π×M×n qv × Δp × ηt
The minimum rotational speed nmin is not limited. For Power P = = [kW]
60000 600
applications with requirements on the evenness of the
rotation at low rotational speeds, please contact us. Key
Vg Displacement per revolution [inch3 (cm3)]
Δp Differential pressure [psi (bar)]
▶ Theoretical values, without efficiency and tolerances;
n Rotational speed [rpm]
values rounded
ηv Volumetric efficiency
▶ Operation above the maximum values or below ηhm Hydraulic-mechanical efficiency
the minimum values may result in a loss of function, ηt Total efficiency (ηt = ηv × ηhm)
a reduced service life or in the destruction of the
axial piston unit. Other permissible limit values,
such as speed variation, reduced angular acceleration 1) The minimum and maximum displacement can be steplessly
varied, see type code on page 2. (Standard setting if ordering
as a function of the frequency and the permissible code is missing: Vg min = 0.2 × Vg max, Vg max = Vg max).
angular acceleration at start (lower than 2) The values are applicable:
the maximum angular acceleration) can be found in – for the optimum viscosity range from νopt = 36 to 16 mm2/s
data sheet 90261. – with hydraulic fluid based on mineral oils
3) Observe the limitation of displacement due to the
counterbalance valve.
4) Torque without radial force, with radial force see page 9.
Nm 2)
° φopt
= 45 =4
φ op
t 5°
1 2
▶ The values given are maximum values and do not
apply to continuous operation.
▶ The permissible axial force in direction −Fax is to be
avoided as the bearing service life is reduced.
▶ Special requirements apply in the case of belt output
drives. Please contact us. 1) When at standstill or when axial piston unit working in
depressurized conditions. Higher forces are permissible under
pressure, please contact us.
2) Please contact us.
(< 30 bar), an auxiliary pressure of at least 435 psi
350 (24)
(30 bar) must be applied at port G using an external
check valve. For lower pressures, please contact us. 290 (20)
Beginning of control
Please note that at port G up to 5800 psi (400 bar) can
230 (16)
setting range
▶ Specify the desired beginning of control in plain text 175 (12)
HD2, pilot pressure increase ΔpSt = 365 psi (25 bar) HD3, pilot pressure increase ΔpSt = 510 psi (35 bar)
A pilot pressure increase of 365 psi (25 bar) at port X A pilot pressure increase of 510 psi (35 bar) at port X
results in a decrease in displacement from Vg max to results in a decrease in displacement from Vg max to
0.2 Vg max. 0.2 Vg max.
▶ Beginning of control, setting range 75 to 510 psi ▶ Beginning of control, setting range 100 to 725 psi (7 to
(5 to 35 bar) 50 bar)
Beginning of control at 145 psi (10 bar) (end of control Beginning of control at 145 psi (10 bar) (end of control
at 510 psi (35 bar)) at 650 psi (45 bar))
870 (60) 1000 (70)
Vg min
Vg max
T1 T2 MA A
Vg min
Vg max
T1 T2 MA A
Vg min
Vg max
T1 T2 MA A
The electric control with proportional valve provides Stroking time damping
infinite adjustment of the displacement. Control is The stroking time damping impacts the swivel behavior of
proportional to the electric control current applied to the motor and consequently the machine response speed.
the solenoid. EP1, EP2 with nozzle (DIA 0.047 inch (⌀1.2 mm))
An external control fluid supply is connected to port P EP.D, EP.G with adjustable stroking time limiting valve
with a pressure of pmin = 435psi (30 bar) is required Technical data, EP1 EP2
(pmax = 1450 psi (100 bar)). proportional valve
▶ Beginning of control at Vg max (maximum torque, Voltage 12 V (±20%) 24 V (±20%)
minimum rotational speed at minimum control current) Control current
▶ End of control at Vg min (minimum torque, maximum Start of control at Vg max 900 mA 450 mA
permissible rotational speed at maximum control End of control at 0.2 Vg max Approx. 1360 mA Approx. 680 mA
current) Current limit 2.2 A 1.0 A
Nominal resistance 2.4 Ω 12 Ω
▼ Characteristic curve EP (at 68 °F (20°C))
Duty cycle 100% 100%
1600 800
max max Type of protection: see connector version page 26
1200 600
Control current I [mA]
800 400
600 300 P
pressure reducing G
400 200 valve DRE 4K
(see data sheet 29281)
200 100
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 EP1 EP2
Vg min Vg max (12 V) (24 V)
pressure reducing G1
valve DRE 4K
(see data sheet 29281)
Vg min
Vg max
T1 T2 MA A
pressure reducing G1
valve DRE 4K
(see data sheet 29282)
Vg min
Vg max
T1 T2 MA A
The hydraulic two-point control allows the displacement Stroking time damping
to be set to either Vg min or Vg max by switching the pilot The stroking time damping impacts the swivel behavior of
pressure at port X on or off. the motor and consequently the machine response speed.
▶ Position at Vg max (without pilot pressure, maximum Standard with nozzle (DIA 0.047 inch (⌀1.2 mm))
torque, minimum rotational speed)
▶ Position at Vg min (with pilot pressure > 145 psi (10 bar) ▼ HZ circuit diagram
▼ Characteristic curve HZ
Pilot pressure ΔpS [psi (bar)]
Vg min
Vg max
30 (2)
Vg min displacementVg max
T1 T2 MA A M
Please note
▶ Maximum permissible pilot pressure: 1450 psi
(100 bar)
▶ The control fluid is internally taken out of the
high-pressure passage of the motor (A or B).
For reliable control, a working pressure of at least
435 psi (30 bar) is required in A (B). If a control
operation is performed at a working pressure
< 435 psi (30 bar), an auxiliary pressure of at least
435 psi (30 bar) must be applied at port G using an
external check valve. For lower pressures, please
contact us.
Please note that at port G up to 5800 psi (400 bar)
can occur.
▶ A leakage flow of maximum 0.08 gpm (0.3 l/min) can
occur at port X due to internal leakage (working
pressure > pilot pressure). The external control is to
be suitably configured to avoid an independent
build-up of pilot pressure.
The electric two-point control with enables the Technical data, on/off valve EZ2
displacement to be adjusted to Vg min or Vg max by applying Voltage 24 V (±20%)
or canceling the electric current at the on/off valve. Position Vg max de-energized
Position Vg min Current
Please note switched on
▶ The control fluid is internally taken out of the high- Nominal resistance (at 68°F (20°C)) 23 Ω
pressure passage of the motor (A or B). For reliable Nominal power 26 W
control, a working pressure of at least 435 psi (30 bar) Minimum active current required 1.04 A
is required in A (B). If a control operation is performed Duty cycle 100%
at a working pressure < 435 psi (30 bar), an auxiliary Type of protection: see connector version page 26
pressure of at least 435 psi (30 bar) must be applied at
port G using an external check valve. For lower
▼ Circuit diagram EZ2
pressures, please contact us.
Please note that at port G up to 5800 psi (400 bar) can
Vg min
Vg max
T1 T2 MA A M
The automatic high-pressure related control adjusts the (10 bar) results in an increase in displacement from Vg min
displacement automatically depending on the working to Vg max. Setting range of the pressure control valve
pressure. 1150 to 4950 psi (80 to 340 bar), specify the desired
The displacement of the A6VM motor with HA control is beginning of control in plain text when ordering, e.g.
Vg min (maximum rotational speed and minimum torque). beginning of control at 4350 psi (300 bar).
The control device measures internally the working ▼ Characteristic curve HA1
Beginning of control
▶ Beginning of control at Vg min 3600 (250)
setting range
(minimum torque, maximum rotational speed)
Pressure increase
▶ End of control at Vg max
2900 (200)
(maximum torque, minimum rotational speed)
Please note
2200 (150)
▶ For safety reasons, lifting winch drives are not
permissible with beginning of control at Vg min
1450 (100)
(standard for HA). 1150 (80)
▶ The control fluid is internally taken out of the
725 (50)
high-pressure passage of the motor (A or B).
For reliable control, a working pressure of at least
435 psi (30 bar) is required in A (B). If a control 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
operation is performed at a working pressure < 435 psi Vg min Displacement [Vg / Vg max] Vg max
(30 bar), an auxiliary pressure of at least 435 psi ▼ Circuit diagram HA1
(30 bar) must be applied at port G using an external
check valve. For lower pressures, please contact us. G
Please note that at port G up to 5800 psi (400 bar) can
▶ The beginning of control and the HA characteristic
curve are influenced by the case pressure. An increase
in case pressure causes an increase in the beginning of U MB B
control (see page 5) and thus a parallel shift of the
characteristic curve. Only for HA.T control.
▶ A leakage flow of maximum 0.08 gpm (0.3 l/min)
Vg max
occurs at port X (working pressure > pilot pressure). To
avoid a build-up of pilot pressure, pressure must be
Vg min
relieved from port X to the reservoir. Only for HA.T
5800 (400)
4350 (300)
Working pressure p [psi (bar)]
Pressure increase
3600 (250)
Beginning of control
2900 (200)
setting range
2200 (150)
1450 (100)
1150 (80)
725 (50)
0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Vg max
Vg min
T1 T2 MA A
Bosch Rexroth Corp., RE-A 91604/2024-04-16
Axial piston variable motor | AA6VM series 63 (Americas) 21
HA – Automatic control, high-pressure related
Please note T1 T2 MA A
Maximum permissible pilot pressure 1450 psi (100 bar).
Vg max
Vg min
T1 T2 MA A
The variable motor A6VM with automatic speed-related DA hydraulic travel direction valve,
control is intended for use in hydrostatic travel drives in Depending on the direction of rotation (travel direction),
combination with the variable pump A4VG with the travel direction valve is switched by using pilot
DA control. pressure ports X1 or X2. The maximum permissible pilot
A drive speed-related pilot pressure signal is generated by pressure is pst = 365 psi (25 bar). Momentary (t < 0.1 s)
the A4VG variable pump, and that signal, together with the pressure peaks of up to 580 psi (40 bar) are permitted.
working pressure, regulates the swivel angle of the Direction of rotation Working pressure in Pilot pressure in
hydraulic motor. Clockwise A X1
Increasing drive speed, i.e. increasing pilot pressure, Counter-clockwise B X2
causes the motor to swivel to a smaller displacement
(lower torque, higher rotational speed), depending on the
▼ Circuit diagram DA
working pressure.
If the working pressure exceeds the pressure command X2
value of the controller, the variable motor swivels to
a larger displacement (higher torque, lower rotational X1
speed). G
▶ Pressure ratio pSt/pHD = 3/100 MST
Please note
The beginning of control and the DA characteristic curve
are influenced by case pressure. An increase in case T1 T2 MA A
14.49 (368)
4.88 (124) X
U T1
(max. 188)
max. 7.40
7. 0
4.84 (123)
31 2. 5
0.79 (20)
1.73 (44)
8.84 (224.5)
(ø IA1
DIA0.81 (⌀20.6)
10.31 (262)
(ø165.1 -0.05)
2.24 (57)1)
9.76 (248)
0.62 0.98 (25) Y
6.69 (170)
M Detail Y 8.84 (224.5)
12.95 (329) 10.31 (262)
15.12 (384)1)
Center of gravity
52 SAE working ports A and B 51 SAE working ports A and B 65 SAE working ports A and B
at side, opposite at rear at side, opposite, A1 and B1
at rear
B A B A B B 1 A1 A
8.82 (224) 2.2 2.2
2.20 2.20
(56) (56)
(56) (56)
8.82 (224)
9.29 (236)
S ‒ 15T 8/16DP1)
2.64 (67)
DIA 5.51 (⌀140)
DIA 2.36
2.09 (53)
2.93 (74.5)
▼ EP1, EP2 – Proportional control, electric ▼ EP.D, EP.G – Proportional control, electric, with fixed
pressure control setting; remote controlled (EP.G)
max. 7.40
U T1
5.98 (152)
max. 7.40
5.98 (152)
10.08 (256)
10.71 (272)
9.76 (248)
M M G2
X1 M
1.38 11.54 (293)
M (35) G2 ,X3
▼ HD.D, HD.G – Proportional control, hydraulic, with fixed ▼ EZ1, EZ2 – Two-point control, electric
pressure control setting; remote controlled (HD.G)
6.69 (170)
max. 7.40
10.08 (256)
10.71 (272)
9.76 (248)
T2 T2
G2 M
X3 1.38 11.54 (293)
(35) G2; X3 M
▼ HA1, HA2 / HA1T, HA2T – Automatic control, high-pressure ▼ DA – Automatic control, speed related, with hydraulic travel
related, with override, hydraulic, remote controlled, proportional direction valve
16.77 (426)
16.77 (426)
M 13.74 (349)
X1 X2 MST X1 G
U T1
6.69 (170)
U T1
(max. 188)
max. 7.40
8.27 (210)
max. 10.83
(max. 275)
4.92 (125)
9.76 (248)
X T2
1.91 M
(48.5) 11.42 (290)
▶ If necessary, you can change the position of the
connector by turning the solenoid body.
▶ The procedure is defined in the instruction manual
▼ Circuit diagram
Flushing orifice
Vg min
Vg max
T1 T2 MA A
Flushing spool
Pressure retention valve
Vg min
▼ Example: Beginning of control at Vg min
U Vg max MB B
α U MB B
Vg min α
Vg max
Vg max
Vg min
T1 T2 MA A
T1 T2 MA A
A5 A1 A1 A5
Beginning of con-
trol Vg max
Beginning of
control Vg min
Beginning of Beginning of
control Vg max control Vg min A1 A1 A42)
Speed sensor
i.e. without sensor) includes a spline on the rotary group. Version "C" with DSA/20 sensor (NG250)
On deliveries without sensor, the port is plugged with
a pressure-resistant cover.
The motor speed can be recorded by the mounted speed
sensor DSA/20. The proportional frequency signal required
is generated by splines at the rotary group.
In addition to the rotational speed, DSA/20 sensor detects
the direction of rotation of the motor and the temperature
at the installation location.
Type code, technical data, dimensions and details on the
connector, plus safety instructions about the sensor can
be found in the relevant data sheet 95126 (DSA/20).
The sensor is mounted on the port provided for this
NG 250
purpose with one (DSA/20) mounting bolt.
Speed sensor DSA/20
We recommend ordering the A6VM variable motor
Number of teeth 78
complete with mounted sensor.
A Installation depth (tolerance ±0.004 (±0.1))
▼ Circuit diagram
B Contact surface
T1 (110.5)
Installation instructions
General Key
The axial piston unit must be filled with hydraulic fluid F Filling/air bleeding
and air bled during commissioning and operation. U Bearing flushing / air bleed port
This must also be observed following a longer standstill as T1, T2 Drain port
the axial piston unit may empty via the hydraulic lines. SB Baffle (baffle plate)
Particularly with the "drive shaft up/down" installation ht min Minimum required immersion depth (7.87 inch
position, filling and air bleeding must be carried out (200 mm))
completely as there is, for example, a danger of dry hmin Minimum required distance to reservoir bottom (3.94 inch
running. (100 mm))
In certain installation positions, an influence on the
adjustment or control can be expected. Gravity,
dead weight and case pressure can cause minor
characteristic shifts and changes in actuating time.
▼ Installation position 2
ht min
T1 U
▼ Installation position 3
ht min
1) Because complete air bleeding and filling are not possible in this
position, the motor should be air bled and filled in a horizontal
position before installation.
▼ Installation position 5
ht min
T2 hmin
ht min
▼ Installation position 8
Air bleed Filling
U (F) T1 (F)
▼ Installation position 6
0.5 bar
T1 U
SB ht min
ht min
To prevent the axial piston unit from draining, a height
difference hES min of at least 0.98 inch (25 mm) to the
mounting flange is required in installation position 8
Alternatively, a check valve (cracking pressure 7.5 psi
(0.5 bar)) can be installed in the drain line to prevent
the housing area from emptying.
1) Because complete air bleeding and filling are not possible in this
position, the motor should be air bled and filled in a horizontal
position before installation.
▶ The motor A6VM is designed to be used in open and ▶ The pressure control (hydraulic or electronic) is not an
closed circuits. adequate safeguard against pressure overload.
▶ The project planning, installation and commissioning of Therefore, a pressure relief valve must be provided in
the axial piston unit requires the involvement of skilled the hydraulic system (integrated into the pump or
personnel. externally in the system). In this connection, observe
▶ Before using the axial piston unit, please read the the technical limits of the pressure relief valve.
corresponding instruction manual completely and ▶ Please note that a hydraulic system is an oscillating
thoroughly. If necessary, this can be requested from system. This can lead, for example, to the stimulation
Bosch Rexroth. the natural frequency within the hydraulic system
▶ Before finalizing your design, please request a binding during operation at constant rotational speed over
installation drawing. a long period of time. The frequency of the motor to be
▶ The specified data and notes contained herein must be observed is 7 times the rotational speed frequency.
observed. This can be prevented, for example, with suitably
▶ For safety reasons, controls with beginning of control designed hydraulic lines.
at Vg min (e.g., HA) are not permissible for winch drives, ▶ Please note the details regarding the tightening torques
e.g. anchor winches! of port threads and other screw connections in the
▶ Depending on the operating conditions of the axial instruction manual.
piston unit (working pressure, fluid temperature), the ▶ The ports and fastening threads are designed
characteristic curve may shift. for the pmax permissible pressures of the respective
▶ Preservation: Our axial piston units are supplied as ports, see the connection tables. The machine or
standard with preservation protection for a maximum system manufacturer must ensure that the connecting
of 12 months. If longer preservation protection is elements and lines correspond to the specified
required (maximum 24 months), please specify this in application conditions (pressure, flow, hydraulic fluid,
plain text when placing your order. The preservation temperature) with the necessary safety factors.
periods apply under optimal storage conditions, ▶ The service ports and function ports are only intended
details of which can be found in the data sheet 90312 to accommodate hydraulic lines.
or the instruction manual. ▶ Please note that the series connection of motors and
▶ Not all configuration variants of the product are the operation under summation pressure affect the
approved for use in safety functions according to efficiency of the units.
ISO 13849. Please consult the proper contact at ▶ The control behavior of the motor can change slightly
Bosch Rexroth if you require reliability parameters due to natural influences such as running-in or setting
(e.g., MTTFd) for functional safety. behavior over time. Calibration may be required.
▶ Depending on the type of control used,
electromagnetic effects can be produced when using
solenoids. When a direct current is applied, solenoids
do not cause electromagnetic interference nor is their
operation impaired by electromagnetic interference.
Other behavior can result when a modulated direct
current (e.g. PWM signal) is applied. Appropriate
testing and measures should be taken by the machine
manufacturer to ensure other components or operators
(e.g. with pacemaker) are not affected by this potential.
▶ Please note the details regarding the tightening torques
of port threads and other screw connections in the
instruction manual.
Safety instructions
Related documentation
Product-specific documentation
Document type Title Document number
Data sheet Speed sensor DSA, series 20 95126
Technical Data for Torsional Vibration Calculation 90261
Pressure relief valve, direct operated 25402
Proportional pressure reducing valve 29281
Storage and preservation of axial piston units 90312
Instruction manual Axial piston plug-in motor A6VM series 63 91604-01-B
Bosch Rexroth Corporation © Bosch Rexroth AG 1997. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal,
8 Southchase Court exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of
Fountain Inn, SC 29644-9018 applications for industrial property rights. The data specified within only
USA serve to describe the product. As our products are constantly being further
Telephone (864) 967-2777 developed, no statements concerning a certain condition or suitability for a
Facsimile (864) 962-5338 certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgment and
verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a
natural process of wear and aging.