e.g. Teak (Tectona grandis) wood is the best for making furniture. Some other woods from
Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), Shimul (Bombax ceiba), Sundari, Jackfruit (Artocarpus
heterophyllus), Mango trees are used in south Asia for making different types of furniture.
● Shipbuilding:Ships and rural fishing boats were made from wood. For constructing boats
and ships wood is one of the most important construction material. Hardwood and
softwood were used in the past for the shipping industry.
e.g. Teak, shal (Shorea robusta), mango, Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) were frequently used in
the past. Now Cypress (Cupressaceae sp), redwood (Sequoioideaesp), white oak (Quercus
alba) are water resistant and used for shipbuilding and boat building. Woods like kauri
(Agathis australis) is used for making the frames of ships.
● Fuel:Wood is an age-old source of energy all over the world. Before the exploration of gas,
fuel was the main source we can also define as only one source of energy that people
used by burning as woods were available in the forest easily. Generally, sticks, pellets,
sawdust, and charcoal are used as an energy source from wood. Usually, woods from
cheap plants are used in this sector.
● Stationary:Some stationaries like paper pencil are made of wood. Wood pulp is used for
making paper. Wood is used for making pencils too.
e.g. in the past Cyper papyrus trees were used to make paper. In Bangladesh woods from
Keora (Sonneratia apetala), Bine (Avicennia alba), Sundari (Heritiera fomes), Kakra
(Bruguiera gymnorhyza), Geoa (Excoecaria agallocha) are used for making pulp of paper.
Dhundal wood (Xylocarpusgranatum) is used for pencil production.