unit3 drives complete ppt-modified
unit3 drives complete ppt-modified
unit3 drives complete ppt-modified
1. They have flexible control Characteristics
2. Available in wide range of Torque , speed , power
3. High efficiency for electric motors,
- low no load loss, short time overloading capacity,
Long life , low noise , low maintenance , cleaner
4. Adaptable to any operating Conditions
- Explosive, Radio active, Liquids, Vertical Mountings
5.Do not pollute environment
6.Can operate in any four Quadrant of speed torque plane
7.No need of refuel and warm up the motor
8.They are powered by electrical energy which has number of
advantages over any other form of energy
• Electric drives are environment friendly as they do not produce smoke, fumes, ash, etc.
Therefore, electric drives are most suited for the underground and tube railways.
• Electric drives are flexible because their performance can be controlled effectively by
using electronic devices such as SCRs, IGBTs and microcontrollers.
• Powered by electrical energy which has a number of advantages over other sources of
• Adaptable to different operating conditions such as submerged in
liquid, explosive chemical or mining environment, radioactive
environment, etc.
• Electric drives have high schedule speed, high traffic handling capacity
and hence require less terminal space.
• Paper mills
• Cement Mills
• Textile mills
• Sugar Mills
• Steel Mills
• Electric Traction
• Petrochemical Industries
• Electrical Vehicles
Steel rolling mills
Driving motor is required to withstand severe and rapid
torque and speed change
SCR controlled DC shunt motor is used
Punches, Cranes, Hoists and Shears
This loads taken intermitted loads
Started, stopped and frequent starting and stopping,
High starting torque
nearly 3 times of full load
High slip Induction motors and
dc series motors are used
High starting Torque is required
Smooth uniform acceleration, quiet running
Frequent start and stopes
DC shunt motors, AC Slip ring induction motor or
high starting toque squirrel cage induction motors
are used
Paper mill Drives
Accurate speed control
SCR powered DC shunt motors, for clutches induction
motors are used.
Pumps Blowers and compressors
Starting torque, constant speed
and good speed regulation
Induction motors with speed
controlled mechanism is used
Reciprocating pumps, crushers and ball mills
2 or 3 time of full load torque is required for starting
High inertia
Friction at stand still
Induction motors are used
Electric traction
DC series motors are used
House hold applications
Single phase induction motors are used
Synchronous or Slip ring
motors for large ships
Squirrel cage for small ships
Printing Machines
Squirrel cage motor,dc compound,ac slip ring motors
Textile machinery
Three phase induction motors
3 phase squirrel cage motor
with star delta auto transformer starters used
For high starting torque Slip
ring or dc motors are used
Flame proof construction
Source Motors Load
Control Sensing
Unit Unit
Input Command
Electrical Sources
Very low power drives are generally fed from single phase
sources. Rest of the drives is powered from a 3 phase source.
Low and medium power motors are fed from a 400v supply. For
higher ratings, motors may be rated at 3.3KV, 6.6KV and 11 KV.
Some drives are powered from battery.
A modern variable speed electrical drive system has the following components
✓ Electrical machines and loads
✓ Power Modulator
✓ Sources
✓ Control unit
✓ Sensing unit
Electrical Machines
• Most commonly used electrical machines for speed control applications are the
DC Machines
• Shunt, series, compound, separately excited DC motors and switched reluctance
AC Machines
• Brush less DC motors, stepper motors, switched reluctance motors are used.
Power Modulators
• Modulates flow of power from the source to the motor in such a
manner that motor is imparted speed-torque characteristics required
by the load .
1. In group drive we require one machine with high capacity for to control the group
of machines. i.e. here the cost of the one machine with high capacity is less than
the number of machines. i.e. cost of a single 10HP motor is very less compared to
10 number of 1HP motors.
2. Different speeds can be obtained by providing pulleys of different diameters.
Group Electric drives
Group Electric drives
✓Consists of single motor, which drives one or
more line shafts supported on bearings
✓Line shafts may be fitted with either pulleys
and belts or gears ie a group of machines may
be operated
• Also called a shaft drives
Group Electric drives
Group Electric drives
1.Single large motor can be used instead of
number of small motors
2.Rating of single motor can be reduced due to
increased efficiency and power factor
3.Less maintenance
4. Number machines can be increased
5.Less floor pace is required
Types of Electric Drives
1. In group drive speed control of individual machine is difficult using stepped
pulleys, belts etc..
2. Owing to the use of line shafting pulleys and belts group drive does not give good
appearance and is also less safe to operate.
3. The possibility of installation of additional machines to the existing system in group
drive is limited.
4. If at a certain instance all the machines are not in operation , then the motor will
at low capacity and therefore operation efficiency will be low.
5. If a fault occurs in the main machine then all the operations will be effected.
• Grain processing industries
• Food grinding mills
• Paper mills
• Textile mills, Workshops, etc.
Types of Electric Drives
Individual drive:
• In individual drive a single electric motor is used to drive one individual machine.
i.e. In individual drive each working machine has the individual main machine.
Example: single-spindle drilling machines and various types of electrical hand tools
and simple types of metal working tools. Applications: Drill machines, Lathe machines,
1. Installation of individual drive is easy.
2. If a fault is occurred in one main machine then the whole operations are not
effected because it has individual main machines.
3. Each main machine can be effectively utilized at rated capacity.
4. Full control and desired operation of each machine is obtained because of
different machines are driven with their respective individual drive.
5. Machines can be located at convenient places
Individual Electric drives
• Each individual machine is driven by separated
• Eg. Single spindle machines and lathe
Individual Electric drives
• Advantages
• 1.Economy of power
• 2.Less maintenance
• 3.Can be operated independently
• 4.Large variation of speed can be attained
• 5.Transmission losses are less
• 6.If one motor is fails it does not affect other
• 7.Flaxebilitty in layout workshop is possible
• Disadvantages
• 1.Initial cost is more
• 2.More space is required
Types of Electric Drives
1. Cost is high because in this type of drive the number of machines
required is high.
2. More space is required because of each working machine has its
individual main machine.
Types of Electric Drives
Multimotor drive:
• A mechanism in which separate motors are used for operating different
parts of the same machine is known as a multi-motor electric drive.
• Multi-motor drives means the number of operations are required to perform a
task. Example: The operation of CRANE.
Types of Electric Drives
• Multimotor drives provide better control of process.
• With the help of multimotor drives, a complicated process can be automated.
• In a multimotor drive, each machine is driven by a separate motor. Hence it can be
individually started and stopped as desired.
• In multimotor drives, the absence of belts and line shafts greatly reduces the
power loss and risk of accidents.
• The layout of multimotor drive is flexible in the installation of different machines.
Types of Electric Drives
• Multimotor drives involve high initial cost.
• The maintenance of one motor causes disturbance to the entire process.
• Hoists
• Lifts
• Cranes
• Long travel motion applications
• Cross travel motion applications, etc.
Multi motor Electric drives
Multi motor Electric drives
✓There are several drives, each of which to
actuate one of the working parts of the driven
✓Complicated machine tools, paper making
machines, rolling mills etc.
✓Three drives- vertical movement, horizontal
movement and forward movements of load
✓Traction drive of electric motor drive- 4 to 8
Comparison between DC and AC drives
The power circuit and control circuit is The power circuit and control circuit
simple and inexpensive are complex
Fast response and wide speed range In solid state control the speed range
of control, can be achieved smoothly is wide and conventional method is
by conventional and solid state control stepped and limited
Speed and design ratings are limited Speed and design ratings have upper
due to commutations limits
Types of Loads
1. Based on influence of gravity, compression on tension
(a) Active loads (gravity) example: lifts and hoisters
(b) Passive loads (friction) example: mills
2. Based upon time of operation
(a) Continuous and constant loads example: centrifugal pumps
(b) Continuous and variable loads example: conveyors, hoisters
(c) Pulsating example: reciprocating pumps and textile loams
(d) Impact loads example: rolling mills, shearing mills
(e) Intermitted loads example: cranes and hoisters
3. Based upon the speed of the motor
(a) Constant load torque example: hoisters and cranes
(b) Torque 𝛼 speed example: fluid friction
(c) Torque 𝛼 speed2 example: fans
(d) Torque 𝛼 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑2 example: grinding
Characteristics of Different types of Loads
• One of the essential requirements in the section of a particular type of motor for
driving a machine is the matching of speed-torque characteristics of the given drive
unit and that of the motor.
• Therefore the knowledge of how the load torque varies with speed of the driven
machine is necessary. Different types of loads exhibit different speed torque
• However, most of the industrial loads can be classified into the following four
A1 – Acceleration area
A2 – Deceleration area
Transient Stability Concept
A1 – Acceleration area
A2 – Deceleration area
Transient Stability Concept
Does the synchronous motor is stable or unstable for below Equal Area Criterion?
Load Equalisation in Electrical Drives
• In some drive applications, load torque fluctuates widely within short intervals of
• For example, in pressing machines a large torque of short duration is required during
pressing operation, otherwise the torque is nearly zero.
• Other examples are electric hammer, steel rolling mills and reciprocating pumps. In
such drives, if motor is required to supply peak torque demanded by load, first
motor rating has to be high. Secondly, motor will draw a pulsed current from the
• In some applications, peak load demanded may form major proportion of the source
capacity itself, as in blooming mills, then load fluctuations may also adversely affect
the stability of source.
Load Equalisation in Electrical Drives
Load Equalisation in Electrical Drives
• Above mentioned problems of fluctuating loads are overcome by
mounting a flywheel on the motor shaft in non-reversible drives. Motor
speed-torque characteristic is made drooping. Alternatively, by closed loop
current control torque is prevented from exceeding a permissible value.
• During high load period, load torque will be much larger compared to the
motor torque. Deceleration occurs producing a large dynamic torque
component (J dωm/dt).
• Dynamic torque and motor torque together are able to produce torque
required by the load Because of Fig. Shapes of motor speed torque curves
for deceleration, the motor speed falls.
• During light load period, the motor torque exceeds the load torque
causing acceleration Speed is brought back to original value before the
next high load period.
Load Equalisation in Electrical Drives
• Variation of motor and load torques, and speed for a periodic load
and for a drooping motor speed-torque curve are shown in Fig.
• It shows that peak torque required from the motor has much
smaller value than the peak load torque.
• Hence, a motor with much smaller rating than peak load can be
used and peak current drawn by motor from the source is reduced
by a large amount.
Where J is moment of inertia of the flywheel and W is weight of the flywheel and R is
radius of the flywheel
Size of Motor
From the classes of duty the motor rating is selected. A
motor can be selected for a given class of duty based on
its thermal rating with due consideration to pull out
torque i.e. the overload must be within the pull out
torque. The various classes of duties are
1.Continuous duty
2 . Intermittent duty
3.Short time duty