unit3 drives complete ppt-modified

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• Electrical Drives

1. They have flexible control Characteristics
2. Available in wide range of Torque , speed , power
3. High efficiency for electric motors,
- low no load loss, short time overloading capacity,
Long life , low noise , low maintenance , cleaner
4. Adaptable to any operating Conditions
- Explosive, Radio active, Liquids, Vertical Mountings
5.Do not pollute environment
6.Can operate in any four Quadrant of speed torque plane
7.No need of refuel and warm up the motor
8.They are powered by electrical energy which has number of
advantages over any other form of energy
• Electric drives are environment friendly as they do not produce smoke, fumes, ash, etc.
Therefore, electric drives are most suited for the underground and tube railways.

• Electric drives are flexible because their performance can be controlled effectively by
using electronic devices such as SCRs, IGBTs and microcontrollers.

• Available in wide range of torque, speed and power.

• Compact in size; electric drives occupy less space.

• Do not require warm-up time; they can be started immediately.

• Electric drives can be remote controlled.

• A reliable source of drive.

• Powered by electrical energy which has a number of advantages over other sources of
• Adaptable to different operating conditions such as submerged in
liquid, explosive chemical or mining environment, radioactive
environment, etc.

• Electric drives have high schedule speed, high traffic handling capacity
and hence require less terminal space.

• Require less maintenance cost and less maintenance time. Electric

drives are economical.
• The capital cost of installing an electric drive is high.
• Electric drives are suitable only on electrified tracks.
• Electric drives require additional control circuitry.
• Sometimes, electric drives can cause noise pollution.
• Electric drives have poor dynamic response.
• Power failure can completely disable an electric drive.
• The output power obtained from an electric drive is low.

• Paper mills
• Cement Mills
• Textile mills
• Sugar Mills
• Steel Mills
• Electric Traction
• Petrochemical Industries
• Electrical Vehicles
Steel rolling mills
Driving motor is required to withstand severe and rapid
torque and speed change
SCR controlled DC shunt motor is used
Punches, Cranes, Hoists and Shears
This loads taken intermitted loads
Started, stopped and frequent starting and stopping,
High starting torque
nearly 3 times of full load
High slip Induction motors and
dc series motors are used
High starting Torque is required
Smooth uniform acceleration, quiet running
Frequent start and stopes
DC shunt motors, AC Slip ring induction motor or
high starting toque squirrel cage induction motors
are used
Paper mill Drives
Accurate speed control
SCR powered DC shunt motors, for clutches induction
motors are used.
Pumps Blowers and compressors
Starting torque, constant speed
and good speed regulation
Induction motors with speed
controlled mechanism is used
Reciprocating pumps, crushers and ball mills
2 or 3 time of full load torque is required for starting
High inertia
Friction at stand still
Induction motors are used
Electric traction
DC series motors are used
House hold applications
Single phase induction motors are used
Synchronous or Slip ring
motors for large ships
Squirrel cage for small ships
Printing Machines
Squirrel cage motor,dc compound,ac slip ring motors
Textile machinery
Three phase induction motors
3 phase squirrel cage motor
with star delta auto transformer starters used
For high starting torque Slip
ring or dc motors are used
Flame proof construction

Source Motors Load

Control Sensing
Unit Unit

Input Command
Electrical Sources
Very low power drives are generally fed from single phase
sources. Rest of the drives is powered from a 3 phase source.
Low and medium power motors are fed from a 400v supply. For
higher ratings, motors may be rated at 3.3KV, 6.6KV and 11 KV.
Some drives are powered from battery.
A modern variable speed electrical drive system has the following components
✓ Electrical machines and loads
✓ Power Modulator
✓ Sources
✓ Control unit
✓ Sensing unit
Electrical Machines
• Most commonly used electrical machines for speed control applications are the

DC Machines
• Shunt, series, compound, separately excited DC motors and switched reluctance

AC Machines

• Induction, wound rotor, synchronous, PM synchronous and synchronous reluctance

Special Machines

• Brush less DC motors, stepper motors, switched reluctance motors are used.
Power Modulators
• Modulates flow of power from the source to the motor in such a
manner that motor is imparted speed-torque characteristics required
by the load .

• During transient operation, such as starting, braking and speed

reversal, it restricts source and motor currents with in permissible

• It converts electrical energy of the source in the form of suitable to

the motor .

• Selects the mode of operation of the motor (i.e.) Motoring and

Types of Power Modulators
In the electric drive system, the power modulators
can be any one of the following
✓Controlled rectifiers (ac to dc converters)
✓Inverters (dc to ac converters)
✓ AC voltage controllers (AC to AC converters)
✓DC choppers (DC to DC converters)
✓Cyclo converters (Frequency conversion)
Sensing Unit
• Speed Sensing (From Motor)
• Torque Sensing
• Position Sensing
• Current sensing and Voltage Sensing from
Lines or from motor terminals
From Load
• Torque sensing
• Temperature Sensing
Factors affecting Selection of Motors
• The basic elements of the electric drive are the electric motor, the transmission and the
electrical control system.
• Electric drive is becoming more and more popular for its simplicity, easy and smooth
control, reliability and long life.
• Here the electric motor is very important one in the drive equipment. Nowadays there
are different types of motors available with different features. So we have to select the
motor as per our requirements.
• Some factors are to be considered while selecting the motor in the drives. Those factors
are as follows:
1. Nature of the drive
• Whether the particular motor is going to drive individual machine or a group of
2. Steady State Operating conditions requirements
• Nature of speed torque characteristics, speed regulation, speed range, efficiency,
duty cycle, quadrants of operation, speed fluctuations if any, ratings etc. Cont….
Factors affecting Selection of Motors
3. Transient operation requirements
• Values of acceleration and deceleration, starting, braking and reversing
4. Requirements related to the source
• Types of source (AC or DC source) and its capacity, magnitude of voltage,
voltage fluctuations, power factor, harmonics and their effect on other loads,
ability to accept regenerative power
5. Nature of load
• Whether the load requires light or heavy starting torque
• Whether load torque increases with speed remain constant
• Whether the load has heavy inertia which may require longer straight time
6. Electrical characteristics of motor
• Starting characteristics,
• Running characteristics,
• speed control and
• Braking characteristics Cont….
Factors affecting Selection of Motors
7. Size, rating and duty cycle of motors
• Whether the motor is going to the operator for a short time or whether it has
to run continuously intermittently or on a variable load cycle
8. Mechanical considerations
• Type of enclosures, type of bearings, transmission of drive and Noise level.
• Due to practical difficulties, it may not possible to satisfy all the above
• In such circumstances, it is the experience and knowledge background which
plays a vital role in the selection of the suitable drive.
9. Capital and running cost
10. Maintenance requirements
11. Space and weight restrictions
12. Environment and location
13. Reliability
Factors affecting Selection of Motors
The following points must be given utmost important for the selection of motor. The
factors are:
• Nature of the mechanical load driven
• Matching of the speed torque characteristics of the motor with that of the load
• Starting conditions of the load.
Nature of the Electric Supply
• The electric supply available may be 3-phase a.c. or single phase a.c. or d.c.
• In case of three phase a.c. supply is available, polyphase induction motors, squirrel cage
type for small ratings and slip ring type for higher ratings may be used.
• In case where speed variation is required these can not be used, so pole changing motors
or motors with stepped pulleys may be used.
• Where accurate control of speed is required, Scharge motors may be used.
• Use of single phase motors is limited to small loads only because of their limited outputs.
• D.C. motors are not used so widely as a.c. motors. There are several reasons for this, some
of those reasons are given below:
1. Additional equipment is required for converting existing a.c. supply into d.c. supply.
2. D.C. motors have commutators that are subject to trouble and resulting in sparking,
brush wear, arc over and the presence of moisture and destructive fumes in the
surrounding air.
3. D.C. motors are generally more expensive than a.c. machines for similar working
• In some cases, such as in electric excavators, steel mills and cranes, the speed control is
important so dc supply is used by converting a.c. supply in to d.c. supply.
Classification of Electric Drives
According to Mode of Operation
✓ Continuous duty drives
✓ Short time duty drives
✓ Intermittent duty drives
According to Means of Control
✓ Manual
✓ Semi automatic
✓ Automatic
According to Number of machines
✓ Individual drive
✓ Group drive
✓ Multi-motor drive
According to Dynamics and Transients
✓ Uncontrolled transient period
✓ Controlled transient period
According to Methods of Speed Control
✓ Reversible and non-reversible
✓ uncontrolled constant speed.
✓ Reversible and non-reversible step speed control.
✓ Variable position control.
✓ Reversible and non-reversible smooth speed control
Types of Electric Drives
• The various types of electric drives used in industry may be divided into three types.
They are
1. Group drive
2. Individual drive
3. Multi-motor drive
1. Group Drive:
• The group drive is a drive in which a single electric motor drives a group of working
• It comprises of a single lengthy shaft, to the shaft the different working machines
are attached by means of pulleys and conveyor belts. Sometimes group drive is
also known as LINE SHAFT DRIVE.
• Group drive is often used in industries where successive operations are required like
car manufacturing industries etc..
Types of Electric Drives

1. In group drive we require one machine with high capacity for to control the group
of machines. i.e. here the cost of the one machine with high capacity is less than
the number of machines. i.e. cost of a single 10HP motor is very less compared to
10 number of 1HP motors.
2. Different speeds can be obtained by providing pulleys of different diameters.
Group Electric drives
Group Electric drives
✓Consists of single motor, which drives one or
more line shafts supported on bearings
✓Line shafts may be fitted with either pulleys
and belts or gears ie a group of machines may
be operated
• Also called a shaft drives
Group Electric drives
Group Electric drives
1.Single large motor can be used instead of
number of small motors
2.Rating of single motor can be reduced due to
increased efficiency and power factor
3.Less maintenance
4. Number machines can be increased
5.Less floor pace is required
Types of Electric Drives
1. In group drive speed control of individual machine is difficult using stepped
pulleys, belts etc..
2. Owing to the use of line shafting pulleys and belts group drive does not give good
appearance and is also less safe to operate.
3. The possibility of installation of additional machines to the existing system in group
drive is limited.
4. If at a certain instance all the machines are not in operation , then the motor will
at low capacity and therefore operation efficiency will be low.
5. If a fault occurs in the main machine then all the operations will be effected.
• Grain processing industries
• Food grinding mills
• Paper mills
• Textile mills, Workshops, etc.
Types of Electric Drives
Individual drive:
• In individual drive a single electric motor is used to drive one individual machine.
i.e. In individual drive each working machine has the individual main machine.
Example: single-spindle drilling machines and various types of electrical hand tools
and simple types of metal working tools. Applications: Drill machines, Lathe machines,
1. Installation of individual drive is easy.
2. If a fault is occurred in one main machine then the whole operations are not
effected because it has individual main machines.
3. Each main machine can be effectively utilized at rated capacity.
4. Full control and desired operation of each machine is obtained because of
different machines are driven with their respective individual drive.
5. Machines can be located at convenient places
Individual Electric drives
• Each individual machine is driven by separated
• Eg. Single spindle machines and lathe
Individual Electric drives
• Advantages
• 1.Economy of power
• 2.Less maintenance
• 3.Can be operated independently
• 4.Large variation of speed can be attained
• 5.Transmission losses are less
• 6.If one motor is fails it does not affect other
• 7.Flaxebilitty in layout workshop is possible
• Disadvantages
• 1.Initial cost is more
• 2.More space is required
Types of Electric Drives
1. Cost is high because in this type of drive the number of machines
required is high.
2. More space is required because of each working machine has its
individual main machine.
Types of Electric Drives
Multimotor drive:
• A mechanism in which separate motors are used for operating different
parts of the same machine is known as a multi-motor electric drive.
• Multi-motor drives means the number of operations are required to perform a
task. Example: The operation of CRANE.
Types of Electric Drives
• Multimotor drives provide better control of process.
• With the help of multimotor drives, a complicated process can be automated.
• In a multimotor drive, each machine is driven by a separate motor. Hence it can be
individually started and stopped as desired.
• In multimotor drives, the absence of belts and line shafts greatly reduces the
power loss and risk of accidents.
• The layout of multimotor drive is flexible in the installation of different machines.
Types of Electric Drives
• Multimotor drives involve high initial cost.
• The maintenance of one motor causes disturbance to the entire process.
• Hoists
• Lifts
• Cranes
• Long travel motion applications
• Cross travel motion applications, etc.
Multi motor Electric drives
Multi motor Electric drives
✓There are several drives, each of which to
actuate one of the working parts of the driven
✓Complicated machine tools, paper making
machines, rolling mills etc.
✓Three drives- vertical movement, horizontal
movement and forward movements of load
✓Traction drive of electric motor drive- 4 to 8
Comparison between DC and AC drives

The power circuit and control circuit is The power circuit and control circuit
simple and inexpensive are complex

It requires frequent maintenance Less Maintenance

The commutator makes the motor These problems are not there in these
bulky, costly and heavy motors and are inexpensive,
particularly squirrel cage induction

Fast response and wide speed range In solid state control the speed range
of control, can be achieved smoothly is wide and conventional method is
by conventional and solid state control stepped and limited

Speed and design ratings are limited Speed and design ratings have upper
due to commutations limits
Types of Loads
1. Based on influence of gravity, compression on tension
(a) Active loads (gravity) example: lifts and hoisters
(b) Passive loads (friction) example: mills
2. Based upon time of operation
(a) Continuous and constant loads example: centrifugal pumps
(b) Continuous and variable loads example: conveyors, hoisters
(c) Pulsating example: reciprocating pumps and textile loams
(d) Impact loads example: rolling mills, shearing mills
(e) Intermitted loads example: cranes and hoisters
3. Based upon the speed of the motor
(a) Constant load torque example: hoisters and cranes
(b) Torque 𝛼 speed example: fluid friction
(c) Torque 𝛼 speed2 example: fans
(d) Torque 𝛼 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑2 example: grinding
Characteristics of Different types of Loads
• One of the essential requirements in the section of a particular type of motor for
driving a machine is the matching of speed-torque characteristics of the given drive
unit and that of the motor.

• Therefore the knowledge of how the load torque varies with speed of the driven
machine is necessary. Different types of loads exhibit different speed torque

• However, most of the industrial loads can be classified into the following four

✓ Constant torque type load

✓ Torque proportional to speed (Generator Type load)

✓ Torque proportional to square of the speed (Fan type load)

✓ Torque inversely proportional to speed (Constant power type load)

Constant Torque characteristics:
• Most of the working machines that have mechanical nature of work like
shaping, cutting, grinding or shearing, require constant torque irrespective of
speed. Similarly cranes during the hoisting and conveyors handling constant
weight of material per unit time also exhibit this type of characteristics.
Torque Proportional to speed:
• Separately excited dc generators connected to a constant resistance load,
eddy current brakes have speed torque characteristics given by T=kω
𝑻 = 𝑲𝒘𝟐
Torque Inversely proportional to speed:
Certain types of lathes, boring machines, milling machines, steel mill coiler and
electric traction load exhibit hyperbolic speed-torque characteristics
Four Quadrant Operation of Drives
• Four Quadrant Operation of any drives or DC Motor means that the machine
operates in four quadrants. They are Forward Braking, Forward motoring, Reverse
motoring and Reverse braking.
• A motor operates in two modes – Motoring and Braking. A motor drive capable of
operating in both directions of rotation and of producing both motoring and
regeneration is called a Four Quadrant variable speed drive.
• In motoring mode, the machine works as a motor and converts the electrical
energy into mechanical energy, supporting its motion.
• In braking mode, the machine works as a generator and converts mechanical
energy into electrical energy and as a result, it opposes the motion.
• The Motor can work in both, forward and reverse directions, i.e., in motoring and
braking operations.
• The product of angular speed and torque is equal to the power developed by a
Four Quadrant Operation of Drives
• For the multi-quadrant operation of drives, the following conventions about the
signs of torque and speed are used.
Four Quadrant Operation of Drives
• When the motor is rotated in the forward direction the speed of the motor is
considered positive.
• The drives which operate only in one direction, forward speed will be their normal
• In loads involving up and down motions, the speed of the motor which causes
upward motion is considered to be in forward motion. For reversible drives,
forward speed is chosen arbitrarily.
• The rotation in the opposite direction gives reverse speed which is denoted by a
negative sign.
• In the I quadrant, power developed is positive and the machine is working as a
motor supplying mechanical energy. The I (first) quadrant operation is called
Forward Motoring.
Four Quadrant Operation of Drives
• II (second) quadrant operation is known as Braking. In this quadrant, the direction
of rotation is positive, and the torque is negative, and thus, the machine operates
as a generator developing a negative torque, which opposes the motion.
• The kinetic energy of the rotating parts is available as electrical energy which may
be supplied back to the mains. In dynamic braking, the energy is dissipated in the
• The III (third) quadrant operation is known as the reverse motoring. The motor
works, in the reverse direction. Both the speed and the torque have negative
values while the power is positive.
• In the IV (fourth) quadrant, the torque is positive, and the speed is negative. This
quadrant corresponds to the braking in the reverse motoring mode.
Operation of hoist in Four Quadrants
• Direction of motor & load torques and direction of speed are marked by arrows.
Operation of hoist in Four Quadrants
• A hoist consists of a rope wound on a drum coupled to a motor shaft. One end of a
rope is tied to a cage which is used for transporting material. Other end of the rope
has a counter weight.
• Weight of the counter weight chosen higher than the weight of an empty case but
lower than a fully loaded cage.
• Load torque TL in quadrants I & IV represent speed torque characteristics of the
loaded hoist. This torque is the difference of torques due to loaded hoist & counter
• Load torque TL in quadrants II & III is the speed-torque characteristics of an empty
hoist. This torque is due to the difference in torque of counter weight & empty
hoist. This is negative because the counter weight is always higher than the empty
Operation of hoist in Four Quadrants
• The quadrant I operation – hoist requires the movement of the cage upward, which
corresponds to the +ve motor speed which is in CCW (counter clockwise) direction.
• It will be obtained if motor produce +ve torque in CCW direction equal to TL. Since
developed power is +ve, this is forward motoring operation.
• Quadrant IV operation is obtained when a loaded cage is lowered. Since the weight
of the loaded cage is > the counter weight.
• In order to limit the speed of the cage within a safe value, motor must produce a
+ve torque T = TL in anti clockwise direction. Both power & speed are –ve, drive is
in reverse braking.
• Quadrant II is obtained when an empty cage is moved up since a counter weight is
heavier than a empty cage, it is able to pull it up.
• In order to limit the speed to safety value, motor must produce braking torque = TL
in clockwise direction. Since speed is +ve, developed power is, negative. It is
forward breaking operation.
Operation of hoist in Four Quadrants
• Quadrant III : empty cage is lowered since empty cage weight is < counter weight
motor produce a torque in clockwise direction. Since speed is –ve & developed
power is +ve, this is reverse motoring operation.
Applications of Four Quadrant Operation
• Compressor, pump and fan type load requires operation in the I quadrant only. As
their operation is unidirectional, they are called one quadrant drive systems.
• Transportation drives require operation in both directions.
• If regeneration is necessary, application in all four quadrants may be required. If
not, then the operation is restricted to quadrants I and III, and thus dynamic
braking or mechanical braking may be required.
• In hoist drives, a four-quadrant operation is needed.
Constant Torque and Constant Power Operation
• The equilibrium point will be
termed as stable state when the
operation will be restored to it
after a small departure from it
due to disturbance in the motor
or load.
• Due to disturbance a reduction
of speed at new speed,
electrical motor torque is
greater than the load torque,
consequently motor will
accelerate and operation will be
restores to point A.
• similarly an increase in speed
caused by a disturbance will
make load torque greater than
the motor torque, resulting into
deceleration and restoring of
operation to point A.
• Now consider equilibrium point B
which is obtained when the same
motor drives another load as
shown in the figure.
• A decrease in speed causes the
load torque to become greater
than the motor torque, electric
drive decelerates and operating
point moves away from point B.
• Similarly when working at point B
and increase in speed will make
motor torque greater than the
load torque, which will move the
operating point away from point B
Transient Stability Concept
• In a synchronous motor drive, the steady-state speed and torque of the motor
and load may be such that the steady-state stability criterion does not provide
any reliable information regarding its stability. Therefore it is necessary to study
its Transient stability in Electrical Drives.
• It is well known that a synchronous motor is very sensitive to sudden changes of
load and prone to what is called hunting.
• The oscillatory behaviour of a rotor about a mean torque angle position is called
• The power developed by synchronous motor, neglecting armature resistance is
𝑷= 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜹

• Let the machine be operating at a power angle equal to δ, giving a power of P.

The torque balance equation may be replaced by the power balance equation
due to the constancy of speed.
Transient Stability Concept
• When a load is suddenly applied to the shaft of a synchronous motor there is a
momentary slowing down of the motor.
• This causes the rotor to fall back from its old position in order to develop the
required torque. Till the rotor attains its new position, the rotor releases the
kinetic energy to drive the increased load during retardation.
• The rotor angle increases to a value where sufficient torque is developed to drive
the load.
• At this position, rotor speed is less than synchronous speed. The rotor does not
remain at this new equilibrium position.
• It has to be brought back to its synchronous speed by replenishing the kinetic
energy released by the rotating mass. Therefore the torque angle increases
further. The torque developed is more than the load torque.
• Excess torque accelerates the rotor and eventually reduces the torque angle. The
rotor may overshoot the equilibrium position.
Transient Stability Concept
• The rotor thus oscillates like a torsional pendulum about the equilibrium position
corresponding to new torque. The motor operation is stable when the torque
angle changes within π/2.
• However, during oscillations or hunting of the motor, there is a possibility that the
motor has a torque angle greater than π/2.
• The motor may be stable or may lose its stability. In such cases the stability of the
drive can be estimated using equal area criterion.
• As shown in Fig. in an unstable system, δ increases indefinitely with time and
machine looses synchronism.
• In a stable system, δ undergoes oscillations, which eventually die out due to
Transient Stability Concept

A1 – Acceleration area
A2 – Deceleration area
Transient Stability Concept

A1 – Acceleration area
A2 – Deceleration area
Transient Stability Concept

Does the synchronous motor is stable or unstable for below Equal Area Criterion?
Load Equalisation in Electrical Drives
• In some drive applications, load torque fluctuates widely within short intervals of

• For example, in pressing machines a large torque of short duration is required during
pressing operation, otherwise the torque is nearly zero.

• Other examples are electric hammer, steel rolling mills and reciprocating pumps. In
such drives, if motor is required to supply peak torque demanded by load, first
motor rating has to be high. Secondly, motor will draw a pulsed current from the

• When amplitude of pulsed current forms an appreciable proportion of supply line

capacity, it gives rise to line voltage fluctuations, which adversely affect other loads
connected to the line.

• In some applications, peak load demanded may form major proportion of the source
capacity itself, as in blooming mills, then load fluctuations may also adversely affect
the stability of source.
Load Equalisation in Electrical Drives
Load Equalisation in Electrical Drives
• Above mentioned problems of fluctuating loads are overcome by
mounting a flywheel on the motor shaft in non-reversible drives. Motor
speed-torque characteristic is made drooping. Alternatively, by closed loop
current control torque is prevented from exceeding a permissible value.
• During high load period, load torque will be much larger compared to the
motor torque. Deceleration occurs producing a large dynamic torque
component (J dωm/dt).
• Dynamic torque and motor torque together are able to produce torque
required by the load Because of Fig. Shapes of motor speed torque curves
for deceleration, the motor speed falls.
• During light load period, the motor torque exceeds the load torque
causing acceleration Speed is brought back to original value before the
next high load period.
Load Equalisation in Electrical Drives
• Variation of motor and load torques, and speed for a periodic load
and for a drooping motor speed-torque curve are shown in Fig.
• It shows that peak torque required from the motor has much
smaller value than the peak load torque.
• Hence, a motor with much smaller rating than peak load can be
used and peak current drawn by motor from the source is reduced
by a large amount.

• Fluctuations in motor torque and speed are also reduced.

Since power drawn from the source fluctuates very little, this is
called load equalisation.
Method of Load Equalization in Electrical Drives
• In electrical drives, load equalization is achieved with the help of a
flywheel. A flywheel is a wheel of heavyweight. This flywheel is
attached to the shaft of the electric drive, and it acts as a reservoir
of energy.

• During the period of light loads, the flywheel

stores extra energy received from the supply.
• During periods of heavy loads, the speed of the
electrical drive decreases. Under this condition,
the flywheel redistributes the stored energy to
meet the load demand.
• Hence, the electric power drawn from the supply
remains constant throughout the operation of
the drive.
𝒘𝒎𝟎 − 𝒘𝒎𝒓
𝒘𝒎 = 𝒘𝒎𝟎 − 𝑻
Load Equalisation in Electrical Drives
Load Equalisation in Electrical Drives
• In variable speed and reversible drives, a flywheel cannot be mounted on the
motor shaft, as it will increase transient time of the drive by a large amount.
• If motor is fed from a motor-generator set (Ward-Leonard Drive), then
flywheel can be mounted on the shaft of the motor-generator set.
• This arrangement of Load Equalisation in Electrical Drives on the source, but
not the load on motor. Consequently, a motor capable of supplying peak-
load-torque is required.
• Moment of inertia of the flywheel required for Load Equalisation in Electrical
Drives is calculated as follows: Assuming a linear motor-speed-torque curve
in the region of interest.
𝑱 = 𝑾𝑹𝟐 Kg-m2

Where J is moment of inertia of the flywheel and W is weight of the flywheel and R is
radius of the flywheel
Size of Motor
From the classes of duty the motor rating is selected. A
motor can be selected for a given class of duty based on
its thermal rating with due consideration to pull out
torque i.e. the overload must be within the pull out
torque. The various classes of duties are

1.Continuous duty
2 . Intermittent duty
3.Short time duty

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