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Noise in a communication system is basically undesirable or unwanted signals that get
randomly added to the actual information carrying signal. Resultantly, causes disturbances in
the original signal being transmitted from an end to another.
The presence of noise in the system causes interference in the signal being transmitted and
this ultimately causes errors in the communication system.
Practically, the addition of noise over the information carrying signal is an unavoidable
phenomenon. And this interference automatically hinders the quality of the signal being
Due to the reduction in the quality of signal the receiver experiences difficulty in demodulating
the transmitted signal. This eventually reduces system efficiency.
Now, the question arises how can we distinguish the various types of noise signals. So let us
move further to understand the types of noise.
Types of Noise in Communication System
Noise in the communication system is mainly classified on the basis of the source that
generates that noise.
So, on the basis of source noise in the communication channel are of 2 types:

1. External noise includes natural noise and man-made noise.

Natural Noise
Natural noise gets generated due to either natural phenomenon or atmospheric actions like
solar flares, radiation in space, electronic storms etc.
It is further classified into atmospheric and extraterrestrial noise.
Atmospheric Noise
The atmospheric actions produce false or spurious signals that get added with the original
signal thereby causing interference in the information signal. These spurious signals propagate
in the same manner as the original signal.
Hence the receiver at the other end collects both message as well as spurious signals.

Extraterrestrial Noise
This type of noise is generated by either the sun or the outer space. This type of noise is
classified into two categories:
 Solar Noise
Solar noise is generated by the sun. As Sun is a large body with extremely high temperature
thus it emits or releases high electrical energy in noise form over a broad frequency range.
However, the intensity of the produced noise signal changes timely. This is so because the
temperature change of the sun follows 11 years of the life cycle. Hence large electrical
disturbances occur after the period of every 11 years. While at other years the noise level is
comparatively low.
 Cosmic Noise
This noise originates from the stars present in the outer space. As distant stars are also very
high-temperature bodies and are also termed as the sun. The noise generated from the star is
similar to that generated from the sun. Cosmic noise is also known as black body noise.
Not only the stars but the galaxies and other virtual point sources like quasars and pulsars in
the outer space produces cosmic noise.

Man-made noise
This type of extrinsic noise is also known as industrial noise. These are basically the electrical
noise that gets produced by the wear and tear of the circuit being used. The source of man-
made noise is electric motors, high current circuits, florescent lights switch gears etc.
When these machines operate, arc discharge takes place and this discharge generates noise
signals in the communication system.
The frequency spectrum of man-made noise lies between 1 MHz to 600 MHz.

Internal Noise
-is the fundamental noise that gets generated by the electronic equipment involved in the
system itself. They are called so because these are nothing but an integral part of the system.
Proper designing of the communication system can reduce or overcome noise due to internal
Internal Noise is classified as follows:
Thermal Noise
As we already know that an electrical signal is transmitted through a channel by the help of
conductors. So, the electrons present in the conductors move randomly.
The random motion of the electrons is the reason for the thermal energy received by the
conductor. However, these free electrons are non-uniformly distributed within the conductor.
Due to this a possibility also exist that at one end the number of free electrons will be
comparatively higher than at the other end.
This non-uniform distribution of electrons provides the average voltage to be zero, however, the
average power is not zero in this case.
So, this non zero power is nothing but the noise. And as it is the outcome of thermal action.
Hence also known as thermal noise power. Thermal noise is sometimes referred as Johnson
noise or white noise.

Shot Noise
Shot noise in a communication channel is the result of random variation in the appearance of
electrons and holes at the output side of the device. These random movements are the result of
discontinuities in the device which is being used by the system.
The shot noise generates sound like several lead shots are striking over a metal plate or tube.
It also occurs in pn junction diodes, as though movement of carriers within the diode is due to
the action of an external potential. But, sometimes their random movement generates shot
Thus we can say non-linearity or discontinuity in the system generates shot noise.

Partition Noise
Here the name itself is indicating the cause for generation of this type of noise.
As it gets generated when the system is composed of multiple paths, and during the flow, the
current gets divided in these paths. These are nothing but the result of random variation in the
divisions. Due to this reason some devices offer low partition noise while some offers, high.

Flicker Noise
It is also known as low-frequency noise and it occurs because of the variation in the carrier
density. Due to this variation or fluctuation, the conductivity of the material gets varied.
So, when a direct current is allowed to flow through the conductor then fluctuating voltage drop
across in the conductor results in flicker noise voltage.
It is to be noteworthy here that, the mean square of flicker noise voltage is directly
proportional to the square of the current flowing through the device.

Transit Time Noise

It is also known as high-frequency noise. It arises when the charge carriers require
comparatively more time to travel from one end to another within the conductor. This effect is
called transit time effect.
For low-frequency applications, this effect is avoidable but for high-frequency applications the
effect is unavoidable. Due to this transit time effect, random noise gets generated inside the
device and is known as transit time noise.

Miscellaneous noise
Noises in recorded audio can arise from a variety of sources, including TVs, music, and
adjacent individuals. Before submitting the audio to be processed, Voci applies noise detection
algorithms to remove disturbances from the signal.

Avalanche Noise
Reverse-biased junctions are connected with avalanche noise. For large reverse junction
voltages, the leakage current is increased by the avalanche phenomena and is a type of noise
produced when the avalanche fails. It may be used to make noise.

Partition Noise
When a circuit is to divide in between two or more paths then the noise generated is known as
Partition noise. The reason for the generation is random fluctuation in the division.

Burst Noise
Burst noise, or as it is sometimes called, popcorn noise, or random telegraph signal, RTS,
consists of sudden step-like transitions between two or more levels. The burst noise steps may
be as high as several hundred microvolts, at random and unpredictable times. Each shift in
offset voltage or current can last for several milliseconds, and the intervals between pulses tend
to be in the low audio range - typically less than about 100 Hz.

System Noise
System noise is the sum total of the noise generated by all the components in the chain, it may
be that you'll find the noise level increases slightly with each component you add to the mix. If
this is the case, there is no simple way of reducing noise levels, short of changing equipment.

Equivalent Noise Resistance

A quantitative representation in resistance units of the spectral density of a noise-voltage
generator, given by R n = (W n)/(kT 0), where W n is the spectral density, k is Boltzmann's
constant, T 0 is the standard noise temperature (290 K), and kT 0 = 4.00 × 10-21 watt-seconds.
Note: The equivalent noise resistance in terms of the mean-square noise-generator voltage, e 2,
within a frequency increment, f , is given by R n = e 2/(4kT 0f ).
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
-is a measure of how much noise is present in the communication system relative to the desired
signal. It is usually expressed in decibels (dB), which is a logarithmic scale that compares the
power of two signals. A higher SNR means that the signal is stronger than the noise, and a
lower SNR means that the noise is stronger than the signal. SNR is an important factor that
determines the quality and performance of the communication system, as it affects the bit error
rate (BER), the data rate, and the bandwidth.

Equivalent Noise Resistance (ENR) Continued

Definition: Equivalent Noise Resistance (ENR) is a concept used in electronics to quantify the
amount of noise contributed by a particular component in a circuit. It represents the resistance
that would produce the same amount of noise power as the actual noise source, if the noise
source were replaced by a purely resistive component.

Formula: 𝐸𝑁𝑅=𝑉2/4𝑘𝑇𝑅ENR=4kTRV2

 𝐸𝑁𝑅ENR is the equivalent noise resistance (in ohms).

 V2 is the noise voltage spectral density (in volts squared per hertz).
 k is Boltzmann's constant (1.38×10−231.38×10−23 joules per kelvin).
 T is the temperature in Kelvin.
 R is the resistance (in ohms).
Usage: ENR is particularly useful in the analysis and design of amplifier circuits. By knowing the
ENR of individual components such as resistors, transistors, or amplifiers, engineers can predict
the overall noise performance of the circuit and make design decisions to minimize noise.
Example: If you're designing a low-noise amplifier, you would want to choose components with
low ENR values to minimize the contribution of noise to the output signal. Conversely, in high-
noise environments, you might prioritize components with higher ENR values to ensure that the
signal isn't dominated by external noise sources.

Noise Factor/Noise Ratio and Noise Figure

Definition: Noise Factor (NF), Noise Ratio (NR), and Noise Figure (NF) are parameters used to
quantify the amount of noise added by an electronic component or system. They describe how
much the signal-to-noise ratio deteriorates as the signal passes through the component or

1. Noise Factor (NF): 𝑁𝐹=Output SNR/Input Where:

 Output SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the component or system.
 Input SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio at the input of the component or system.

2. Noise Ratio (NR): 𝑁𝑅=10log10(𝑁𝐹) Where:

 𝑁𝐹 is the noise factor.

3. Noise Figure (NF): NF=10log10(NF) Where:

 𝑁𝐹is the noise factor.

Usage: Noise Factor, Noise Ratio, and Noise Figure are critical parameters in the design of
communication systems, especially in scenarios where signal quality is paramount. Engineers
use these parameters to select components and design circuits that minimize the degradation of
the signal-to-noise ratio.
Example: In a receiver system, a low noise figure is desirable to ensure that the received signal
remains clear even in the presence of noise. Engineers might choose components with lower
noise figures to improve the overall performance of the receiver system.

The Noise Figure is the parameter that is widely used to represent the noise level in RF systems
and devices. Since it is represented in a logarithmic scale it is easier to use than the Noise
The term "noise temperature" refers to the amount of thermal noise created by active or passive
devices in the receiving system. The noise power Pn is expressed as noise temperature: k =
Bolzmann's constant = 1.38 1023 J/K = 228.6 dBW/K/Hz Tn = noise temperature (K)

There are two distinct definitions of noise-figure in general use: the original Friis definition and
the IEEE definition. By Friis's definition, noise figure (NF) and noise factor (F) are
measurements of deterioration of the signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR), between the input and output
of a component or an entire signal chain. F is the input-to-output SNR ratio. The number of
decibels (dB) by which the SNR has fallen is denoted by NF. According to the IEEE, F and NF
are not SNR measurements, but rather metrics that are nonlinearly proportional to the noise
temperature of a device's port.
The Friis transmission equation, sometimes referred to as the Friis transmission formula or
simply Friis formula, is used to calculate the power received by an antenna system. It's
particularly useful in telecommunications and RF (radio frequency) engineering. However, it
doesn't directly calculate noise but rather accounts for signal power loss in transmission.

The Friis formula is given by:

To consider noise in the system, you would typically include noise figures or noise temperatures
of the components (antennas, amplifiers, etc.) in the system along with other factors like the
bandwidth of the signal and any losses in the transmission medium. The Friis formula is more
about signal power transmission, while noise considerations would require additional
calculations or analysis.

When you use a sound level meter to measure noise levels, you are measuring the strength of
the noise in decibel units (dB). A sound meter employs a display with a decibel range and
resolution to simulate the dynamic range of the ear, which is normally the upper range rather
than the quiet area. It would be quite difficult to create a sound level meter with linear
performance, especially given the variety of noise sources to be detected in a workplace. To
convey sound levels meaningfully in numbers that are more approachable, a logarithmic scale
with 10 as the base is utilized rather than a linear scale. The decibel scale is the name given to
this scale.
Decibels (dB) and Sound Level Meters:
1. Measurement of Noise Levels: When you're measuring noise levels, whether it's in a
workplace, a concert venue, or any other environment, you're essentially quantifying the
strength or intensity of the noise. This measurement is typically done using a sound level
2. Decibel Scale: The decibel scale is a logarithmic scale used to express the intensity of
a sound relative to a reference level. It's based on powers of 10, and it's used because
the human perception of sound intensity is also roughly logarithmic. This means that a
change in sound level of 10 dB is perceived as approximately a doubling (or halving) of
3. Logarithmic Nature: The reason for using a logarithmic scale rather than a linear scale
is that the range of sound intensities that humans can perceive is vast. Linear scales
would require an impractical amount of range to represent this variation effectively. The
logarithmic scale condenses this range into a more manageable form.
4. Decibel Range: Sound level meters typically have a range of decibels they can
measure, often covering a wide span from very quiet sounds (like a whisper) to very loud
sounds (like a jet engine). This range is designed to simulate the dynamic range of
human hearing.
Practical Implications:
1. Approachability: Decibel units provide a more approachable way to convey sound
levels because they compress the range of possible values into a scale that is easier to
understand and work with.
2. Dynamic Range Simulation: By using a logarithmic scale with 10 as the base, sound
level meters can effectively simulate the dynamic range of the human ear. This means
they can capture both very quiet and very loud sounds without losing precision or
requiring excessively large displays.
3. Noise Sources: In workplaces or industrial settings, there can be a wide variety of noise
sources, each with its own intensity and frequency characteristics. Using decibels allows
these different sources to be measured and compared on a standardized scale.
In summary, decibels provide a practical and meaningful way to measure and communicate
noise levels, using a scale that reflects the logarithmic nature of human perception of sound
intensity. This makes them indispensable tools for monitoring and managing noise in various

How loud are some common sounds in decibel measurements?

1. Whisper: Around 30 dB - A soft whisper at close range.
2. Quiet Library: Around 40 dB - A quiet library or a quiet residential area at night.
3. Normal Conversation: Around 60 dB - A typical conversation between two people at a
normal volume.
4. City Traffic: Around 70-80 dB - Traffic noise from cars, trucks, and buses on a busy city
5. Vacuum Cleaner: Around 70-80 dB - The sound produced by a typical household
vacuum cleaner.
6. Lawnmower: Around 90 dB - The noise from a lawnmower when it's running nearby.
7. Concert or Nightclub: Around 100 dB+ - The loud music and crowd noise at a concert
or nightclub.
8. Jackhammer: Around 110 dB - The loud, continuous noise produced by a jackhammer
during construction work.
9. Jet Engine: Around 120-140 dB - The intense noise produced by a jet engine during
takeoff or landing.
10. Fireworks: Around 150 dB+ - The explosive sounds produced by fireworks during a
Remember that prolonged exposure to sounds above 85 dB can cause hearing damage, and
exposure to very loud sounds for even short durations can lead to temporary or permanent
hearing loss. It's important to use hearing protection in noisy environments and to be mindful of
sound levels to protect your hearing health.

Doubling of Sound Energy

The ear can distinguish the rise in level between one or two pins dropping, it cannot distinguish
between 10,000,000,000,000 pins and 10,000,000,000,001 pins or even 10,100,000,000,000
because it is not a linear device. It can, however, distinguish the significant multiplying of the
energy of the sound.

How to add decibels together?

Because sound pressure levels in decibels (dB) use a logarithmic scale we can't just add two dB
readings together. For instance, in a factory, if one machine's noise level is measured at 90
dB(A) and then we start up a second machine also measuring 90 dB(A), the resulting noise is
not 180 dB(A), instead, because we know that 3dB represents a doubling of the noise, 90dB +
90dB = 93dB.
Environmental Noise
Refers to undesirable or damaging outdoor sound caused by human activities, such as noise
released by modes of transportation, road traffic, rail traffic, air traffic, and industrial activity
Acoustic Noise
Acoustic noise refers to unwanted sound that is typically considered disruptive or annoying in a
particular environment. It's essentially any sound that interferes with normal activities,
communication, or comfort levels. Acoustic noise can come from various sources, both natural
and human-made, and can occur in indoor or outdoor settings. Here are some key points about
acoustic noise:
Industrial Noise
Noise associated with industrial operations that, owing to its high decibel level, can cause
hearing damage, particularly in persons who are exposed to it on a daily basis, such as those
on the factory floor. To protect employees, industrial noise control techniques are essential.
Radio noise
Defined as undesired random radio frequency electrical impulses, fluctuating voltages that are
constantly present in addition to the intended radio signal in a radio receiver.
Video Noise
In analog video and television, video noise is a random dot-pixel pattern of static exhibited when
the antenna receiver of television sets and other display devices does not receive a broadcast
White Noise
True white noise is a combination of all the frequencies that humans can hear, ranging from
around 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, all of which are present at the same amplitude at the same time.
Pink Noise
Colors other than white noise are similar to white noise but have greater energy at one end of
the sound spectrum or another.
Brown Noise
Brown noise is an abbreviation for Brownian noise, which is named after the pattern of random
movement of particles in a liquid known as Brownian motion.
Blue Noise
Blue noise is the polar opposite of Brown noise.
Black Noise
The hue of quiet is known as black noise.
Green Noise
With a long-term power spectrum, green noise is considered the world's background noise.
Red Noise
Brown Noise is another name for Red Noise. It generally refers to a drop in power density with
increased frequency.
Orange Noise
The term "orange noise" refers to "quasi-stationary noise with a limited power spectrum."

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