lab 8
lab 8
lab 8
Name: Malik Muhammad Farhan
CMS ID: 389829
1. Flow Control Module.
2. Digital multi-meter.
3. Connecting Wires.
1. Begin by first connecting the SETPOINT 1 (variable voltage) to the input pin of the ON-OFF
CONTROLLER (SETPOINT 1 to SETPOINT 4), on the trainer.
2. Connect the pins on the flow sensor together (PIN 1 TO PIN 1), using the flow sensor
3. Connect the output of the flow sensor interface to the input pin of the ON-OFF
4. Connect the output of the ON-OFF CONTROLLER to the input of the motorized valve driver
(PIN 8 TO 8).
5. Connect SETPOINT 2 to the WATER PUMP DRIVER (SETPOINT 2 TO PIN 8), and turn
the knob to the maximum value.
6. Shuffle between connecting the positive lead of the DMM to the output of the flow sensor to
check for the feedback voltage, and the SETPOINT 1 to check the user input. Connect the
black lead to the ground terminal pin. Turn the DMM on.
7. Turn on the trainer by turning the Main Power switch to the ON position.
8. Then, slowly increase the voltage in increments using SETPOINT 1 and check the consequent
voltage and flowrate values through the DMM and the rotameter, respectively.
9. Once done, using the same voltage increments, check for the voltage and flowrate values after
applying hysteresis.
The readings obtained from the experiment are as follows:
Hysteresis: 0%
Set Point 2 4 6
Flow 2 4 5.5
Voltage 1.84 4.28 6
Hysteresis: 12.5%
Set Point 2 4 6
Flow 1.5 3 3 4.2 5 6.5
Voltage 1.8 3.2 3.5 5 5.2 7
Mean Voltage 2.5 4.25 6.1
Hysteresis: 25%
Set Point 2 4 6
Flow 0.4 3.2 2.5 4.5 3.5 6.8
Voltage 0.9 3.6 2.5 5.4 4.4 7.5
Mean Voltage 2.25 3.95 5.95
The ON/OFF controller kept maintaining the flowrate according to the setpoint voltage. When hysteresis
was given, a little time delay was introduced in the system while bringing the flowrate to the setpoint.