Table- Biomolecules - Ludmila Lamas

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Fundamentals of Life

Name: Ludmila Belen Lamas Del Medico ID number: A01288562

Which are the main chemical components of living beings?

Instructions: Answer the following questions and fill in the table according to the information
provided. Use either blue, green or red for the font color of your answers, keep information organized.

1. How can you describe the term Biomolecules?

A biomolecule is a chemical compound found in living organisms.
2. Which Biomolecules will you be able to find in any given Cell?
The biomolecules that you would be able to find in any given cell are Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids,
and Nucleic acids.
3. Use the information provided during the lecture and complete Table 1.

Biomolecule Unit
Organs/Tissues/Structures Examples of Food
(Name of the (Name of the Biological Functions
Mainly Related Source
Polymer) Monomer)
The monosaccharides are
stored in the liver

Monosaccha Monosaccharides: Glucose,
rides The function is to store Potato, carrot, bread,
Fructose, Galactose
(glucose), or produce short term rice, pasta, etc
fructose, and energy. Disaccharides: Maltose,
galactose) Lactose, Sucrose


Polysaccharides: Starch,
Fiber, Glycogen

Fundamentals of Life

Biomolecule Unit
Organs/Tissues/Structures Examples of Food
(Name of the (Name of the Biological Functions
Mainly Related Source
Polymer) Monomer)
Triglycerides: Energy storage
(from food)

Phospholipids: Cell
Steroids: Sex
acids(saturat The function is to store hormones/Cholesterol
ed fatty or produce long term Avocado, butter, lard,
Lipids acids,unsatur energy. Type of lipids: oil, etc
ated fatty
acids,trans Oils: Plants origin
fatty acids)
Fats: Animal origin

Saturated fat: (From animals)

Unsaturated fat: (From


Amino group (-NH2)

Primary protein structure

(Amino acid + Amino acid =
Protein), Bigger primary
Amino acids protein structure transforms
Building structure on the into the secondary protein Meat, fish, eggs (only
(Amino acid
Proteins body and contraction on structure (it is like the baby), with part), milk,
+ Amino acid
the muscle. then the tertiary protein chicken, pork, nuts, etc
= Protein)
structure (it is when the
protein starts working),
quaternary protein structure
(it is when the muscle

Nucleotide Types of nucleic acids:

(Nucleotide +
DNA (deoxyribose): It stores
Nucleotide =
genetic information in every
Nucleic Enables living organisms
single cell and in organisms.
acids) to reproduce their
complex components RNA (ribose): Is a helper to We don't get nucleic
The from one generation to acids from food, we
Nucleic acids make proteins, it´s involved in
nucleotide is the next. make them ourselves.
protein synthesis.
made of
phosphate ATP: Is in charge of the energy
group, sugar inside the body. Source of
and organic energy that powers cellular
base work, such as mitochondria

Table 1. Characteristics, functions and localization of the four major biomolecules of living beings.

Fundamentals of Life

1. Biomolecules Recipe:

Select a meal that includes the first three Biomolecules.

Write the recipe and identify the biomolecules in all ingredients.

Quinoa-Based Prawn, Shrimp, And Avocado Salad

You can stay full and fed with egg salad with avocado, prawn, fish, and quinoa. Any time of year is a
great opportunity to enjoy this meal.



● Shrimp - 100g
● Eggs - 2


● Quinoa - 30 g
● Tomato - 1, medium
● Iceberg lettuce - 2–3, medium
● Onion - ¼ cup

Lipids (Fats):

● Olive oil - 1 tbsp

● Avocado - ½ cup

Additional Ingredients

● Pepper and salt - to taste

● Fresh lime juice - 2 tsp
● Cilantro leaves - according to your taste


● Avocado: is a unique ingredient as it contains both healthy fats (lipids) and some
● Eggs: contribute primarily to protein, but also contain a significant amount of fat.
● Quinoa: is a rich source of carbohydrates but also contains a good amount of protein.

Fundamentals of Life

Process of Preparation:

- Mix olive oil, lemon juice, and finely sliced onion in a big bowl. Gently combine, then set aside
for five minutes.
- Add 1 teaspoon of oil to a pan, add the shrimp,and quinoa, season it with salt and pepper, and
cook for 2 to 3 minutes over medium heat.
- Toss the tomatoes and onion in oil. Add lettuce and cilantro to it. Mix thoroughly, then add
seasoned quinoa,and shrimp to a bowl.

Make a TikTok/Reel video or Instagram Stories that include:

1. Full list of ingredients labeled as Biomolecules,
2. Preparation process (simplified)
3. Final product presentation.
Had you chosen to make a video, upload it to your Google Drive and share the link in the
activity document; or, if you chose a set of pictures, insert them in the document.



● Biomolecule - ArticleWorld. (n.d.).

● Toneop Health and Nutrition. (2023, January 3). Recipes loaded with healthy fats, protein, and
carbs. Medium.

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