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50 Journal Prompts for Anxiety and


1. What are the top 5-10 stressors causing you anxiety and depression?
2. For each stressor, write out some words associated with the feelings of
anxiety and depression. Is fear, shame, guilt, or other emotions hiding
behind the anxiety or depression?
3. When did your anxiety and depression begin? How far back can you trace
these feelings?
4. How did your upbringing affect your mental health?
5. Describe how your family, friends, and social environment affects your
mental health.
6. How does your job affect your mental health?
7. Note any changes can you make to improve your work environment, social
circle, and create a more positive support network.
8. What can you give to others?
9. How can you improve your physical health to feel better? For example:
sleep more, cut back on alcohol, eat more organic greens.
10.What do you love about yourself the most?
11.Describe some skills you have or would like to develop.
12.Journal some actions would help boost your self-esteem? Would improving
self-esteem help your anxiety and depression?
13.In what ways do you need to forgive yourself?
14.Who has hurt you that you need to forgive or let go of the pain they have
caused you?
15.How does your spirituality affect your mental health? What is your belief
system like and how does it help you?
16.Write down all that you are grateful for.
17.What changes do you know you need to make, and which are most
18.Are you too hard on yourself? Or too lackadaisical?
19.List 10 places you can pull strength from. For example: nature, art, reading,
God, friendships, etc.
20.What are your dominant thought patterns like? What phrases and self-talk
occupy your mind, and where do they originate?
21.Can you dispute your negative thoughts, and find proof they may not be
true? Try refuting your negative beliefs with as much critical thinking as
possible in your journal.
22.What secrets do you hold? How can you heal from them? For example, can
you talk about them with a friend or therapist? Can you write or sing about
23.What would you tell your younger self if you could go back in time?
24.Now imagine you are forward in time. What would your future, happy and
balanced self say to you?
25.What physical activities help release your depression and anxiety? Does
walking, swimming, or meditating help you feel better? What new physical
activities can you try?
26.How do you view yourself? How do you view others and the world? Are
you optimistic or pessimistic?
27.Journal what your best life looks like. What do you think is possible for
28.Can you see beyond your best life into an even better future? Can you dream
even bigger, and how does dreaming big make you feel?
29.What matters most to you in life? Do you think you have your priorities
30.How can you use the following to improve your life: Family, friends, nature,
art, reading, technology, deep thinking, helping others, speaking truthfully,
being kind, self- love, empathy, open-mindedness, peacefulness, curiosity,
quiet, spirituality.
31.What small changes can you make to your daily routine to improve it? What
commitments can you make to care for yourself?
32.Describe the happiest moments of your life. Who was there? Were you
laughing? Relaxing quietly? Dancing?
33.What qualities in other people do you love? Can you see these qualities as a
reflection of you?
34.And what qualities do you dislike?
35.List some new positive self-talk to try when you’re feeling down.
36.What do you think your anxiety and depression is teaching you?
37.Where is the silver lining within the hard lessons you’ve learned?
38.Do you believe that life can be consistently peaceful, happy and fun? Why
or why not?
39.List some times you worried over nothing.
40.Describe your identity- who are you and how do you see yourself? What
labels do you give yourself?
41.What identities or labels have your family, friends, or community given you
that you have accepted as truth?
42.How can you shift your identity to see yourself in a more loving way?
43.Who do you admire, or what qualities do you admire in a person?
44.Journal 10 resources for improving your mental health and/or for personal
development; specific books you plan on reading, or inspirational
podcasters, for example.
45.What does love mean to you?
46.What does success mean to you?
47.How does money improve your life, and how might it not improve your life?
48.List 5 things that make you the happiest.
49.Write down 10 goals for the future.
50.Journal 5 inspirational quotes that make you feel hopeful.

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