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State report on

Groundwater Quality in
Tamilnadu & U. T. of

Government of India
Ministry of Jal Shakti
Department of Water Resources, RD & GR
Central Ground Water Board
South Eastern Coastal Region, Chennai
OCTOBER - 2023


Prepared by

Dr. K. Ravichandran, Scientist – D

Smt. K. Padmavathi, Scientist-C
Mr.T. Dinesh Kumar, Scientist-B &
Mr. K. Venkatesh, STA(Chem)

Supervision by

Regional Director

Government of India
Ministry of Jal Shakti
Department of Water Resources, River Development
& Ganga Rejuvenation
Central Ground Water Board
South Eastern Coastal Region, Chennai


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 2

1.0 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………..….................1
1.1 Purpose and Scope .......................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Location and Extent ........................................................................................................ 5
1.3 Physiography ................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Drainage .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Climate and Rainfall........................................................................................................ 6
1.6 Industries ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.0 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS IN TAMIL NADU AND ............................................ 9
2.0 Hydrogeology .................................................................................................................. 9
3.0 HYDROCHEMISTRY ...................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Chemistry of Rainwater ..................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Chemistry of Surface Water............................................................................................... 14
3.3 Chemistry of Ground Water............................................................................................... 14
4.0 WATER QUALITY CRITERIA ....................................................................................... 15
4.1 WATER QUALITY CRITERIA FOR DRINKING PURPOSE ....................................... 16
4.2 WATER QUALITY CRITERIA FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSE ................................... 14
(RSC) ....................................................................................................................................... 15
DISTRIBUTION FOR VARIOUS USERS .......................................................................... 16
5.0 GROUND WATER QUALITY MONITORING .............................................................. 20
5.1 Data Validation / Data Quality Control ............................................................................. 20
PUDUCHERRY ...................................................................................................................... 21
TAMILNADU AND UT OF PUDUCHERRY ....................................................................... 23
7.1 ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY .................................................................................... 23
7.1.1 TREND ON ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY ............................................................ 31
7.2 CHLORIDE ....................................................................................................................... 33
7.3 FLUORIDE ........................................................................................................................ 37
7.3.1 TREND ON FLUORIDE ................................................................................................ 43
7.4 NITRATE .......................................................................................................................... 45
7.4.1 TREND ON NITRATE .................................................................................................. 58
7.5 IRON .................................................................................................................................. 60
7.6 ARSENIC .......................................................................................................................... 62
7.7 URANIUM ........................................................................................................................ 65
9.0 GROUNDWATER TREATMENT OPTIONS ................................................................. 71
10.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................................................... 76
Annexure I Analytical Results of samples collected from National Groundwater Monitoring
Wells (May 2022) .....................................................................................................................iii


The quality of groundwater is a very sensitive issue. Groundwater is never pure and
contains varying amounts of dissolved solids, the type and concentration depends on its
source, surface and sub-surface environment, rate of groundwater movement, the
residence time, the solubility of minerals present and the amount of dissolved carbon
dioxide. In addition to the natural changes, anthropogenic activities such as sewage
disposal, agricultural practices, industrial pollution etc. also contribute significantly to
changes in groundwater quality. Once the contaminants have entered to the sub-surface
geological environment, they may remain concealed for many years and may get
dispersed over wide areas. Weathering of rock and mineral solubility controls the major
ion composition of groundwaters. With increasing anthropogenic activities, a substantial
amount of dissolved matter is added to groundwater.

In the chemical lab of SECR, Chennai, a total of 4630 samples were analyzed for basic
parameters and heavy metals involving 33134 constituents under National Hydrograph
Network station, Aquifer mapping, Exploration, Reappraisal, Pollution studies and others
for the period of April 2022 to March 2023 and this report has been prepared based on
analytical data of 1199 samples collected from National Hydrograph Network stations/
Groundwater Monitoring wells.

In general, the groundwater quality in the state is fresh in about 16.5 % of the
Groundwater Monitoring wells as indicated by the EC value less than 750 µS/cm at 25oC.
In about 59.4 % of the Groundwater Monitoring wells, the EC varies between 751 -
2250 µS /cm at 25o C and 11.7 % of Groundwater Monitoring wells are between 2251
and 3000 µS /cm at 25o C indicating that the groundwater is slightly mineralized and
about 12.4 % of Groundwater Monitoring wells the EC is more than 3000 µS /cm at 25oC
indicating that the groundwater is highly mineralized. The highest value 19,850 µS /cm
at 25o C was observed in Nenmeni1, Virudhunagar districts.

The chloride content is less than 250 mg/L in about 57 % of the sample analyzed and
39 % of the sample are between 251 – 1000 mg/L and 4% shows more than 1000mg/L
which are from Kancheepuram, Thiruvallur, Karur, Namakkal, Perambalur, Salem,
Tirupur, Thiruvarur Ramanathapuram, Pudukotai, Tuticorin and Virudhunagar the

The Fluoride content is less than 1.5 mg/L in about 90 % of the sample analyzed and
about 10 % of the sample shows more than 1.5 mg/L, which are from Coimbatore,
Dharmapuri, Dindigul, Erode, madurai, Namakkal, Perambalur, Pudukottai,
Ramanathapuram, Salem, Tirunelveli, Sivaganga, Theni, Tuticorin and Virudhunagar
the districts.
The Nitrate content is less than 45mg/L in about 62 % of the sample analyzed and 38 %
of sample shows more than 45 mg/L which are from all the districts except Nilgiris
A baseline study was carried out in the year 2019 for Uranium with other heavy metals
like iron, arsenic etc in shallow groundwater in the state of Tamil Nadu and UT of
Puducherry to assess the heay metal contamination. A total of 1208 samples were
collected and analysed for Iron and found that iron concentration was morethan the
permissible limit of 0.3 mg/L was noticed in 57 wells (4.7%). Arsenic concentration was
morethan the permissible limit of 0.01 mg/L was noticed in 16 wells (1.3%) which are
mostly from the Coastal district of Chennai, Tiruvallur, Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, a n d
Ramanathapuram. Uranium concentration was morethan the permissible limit of 0.03
mg/L was noticed in 33 wells (2.7%) which are mainly from Chennai, Cuddalore, Erode,
Krishnagiri, Perambalur, Pudukottai, Salem Sivaganga, Tiruvallur, Trichy, Tuticorin and
The groundwater suitability for irrigation has been evaluated based on salinity, Sodium
Adsorption Ratio (SAR), and Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC). It is observed that it can
be seen that in Tamil Nadu and UT of Puducherry 91.8% collected water samples are
associated with RSC values less than 1.25 and are safe for use in irrigation practices. Only
3.8% water samples are associated with RSC values more than 2.5 and are unsuitable for
irrigation which are from Coimbatore, Dharmapuri, Kancheepuram, Madurai, Pudukottai,
Sivagangai, Tiruvannamalai, Tiruvallur, Tuticorin and Virudhunagar districts. The overall
probable causes of groundwater quality deterioration in Tamil Nadu are due to natural
hydrogeological conditions, over exploitation of groundwater, improper disposal of
domestic and industrial waste and lack of public awareness.

The water treatment options may involve physical, chemical, and biological processes.
The specific treatment processes for treatment of selective constituents including
defluoridation, removal of nitrate, iron and heavy metals can be used as “Groundwater
treatment options”. Recommendations based on the groundwater surveys have been
presented at the end of the report.



Evaluation of groundwater quality is as important as its quantity for assessment of

groundwater resources. Groundwater is never pure and contains varying amounts of
dissolved solids, the type and concentration of which depends on its source, surface and
sub-surface environment and rate of groundwater movement. The chemical quality of
groundwater is a function of the quality of the recharge water and the reactions that occur
along its flow path, particularly between the moving fluid and the geologic materials.
The concentrations of various chemical constituents in groundwater depend on the
solubility of minerals present, the residence time and the amount of dissolved carbon
dioxide. In addition to the natural changes, anthropogenic activities such as sewage
disposal, agricultural practices, industrial pollution etc. also contribute significantly to
changes in groundwater quality.

Groundwater has unique features, which render it particularly suitable for public water
supply. It has excellent natural quality and is usually free from pathogens, colour and
turbidity. Hence, it can be consumed directly without treatment. Due to frequent failure
of monsoon, surface water resources cannot be relied as a sustainable source of water
supply. This adds a greater demand on groundwater in different sectors. Groundwater
is widely distributed and can be frequently developed incrementally at points near the
water demand, thus avoiding the need for large scale storage, treatment and distribution
system. Groundwater is particularly important as it accounts for about 88%safe drinking
water in rural areas, where population is widely dispersed and the infrastructure needed
for treatment and transportation of surface water does not exist. Groundwater plays an
important role in agriculture and it is estimated that about 45%of irrigation water
requirement is met from groundwater sources. Industrial demands for groundwater are
also high, as many of its qualities (low salinity, low turbidity, lack of pathogens) makes
it suitable for use either as raw water or after treatment. Unfortunately, the availability
of groundwater is not unlimited nor is it protected from deterioration. In most of the
instances, the extraction of excessive quantities of groundwater has resulted in drying
up of wells, damaged ecosystems, land subsidence,

salt-water intrusion, and depletion of the resource. Groundwater quality is being
increasingly threatened by agricultural, urban and industrial wastes, which leach or are
injected into underlying aquifers.

With the increasing pace of industrialization and urbanization, groundwater

contamination has become a growing global concern. People contaminate groundwater
and it needs to be protected by the people to ensure that clean and safe groundwater is
available to the society now and in future. Once it is contaminated, it is very difficult
to remediate. Contamination in groundwater will last for a very long time because of
slow movement of groundwater. Furthermore, the time lag between introduction of a
contaminant into the hydrologic cycle and its appearance in groundwater may deceive
the public regarding its real threat to the groundwater quality. In order to meet the
demands of the growing population, there is an urgent need for proper study of changing
groundwater quality including groundwater pollution. Pollution of water may be
defined as “any undesirable change in physical, chemical, physiological or biological
characteristics of natural water, directly or indirectly as the result of the activities of man
so that they become less useful or will harmfully affect human life or that of any other
desirable species, or industrial processes, living conditions or cultural assets or that may
or will waste or deteriorate our water resources” (Handa, 1975- As quoted in CGWB
1996). The pollution can be point pollution or non-point pollution and in former, the
pollution is caused at a point whereas in the latter, it is difficult to specify single point of
entrance of pollutants.

Generally, shallow aquifers (Phreatic zone) are vulnerable for contamination thandeeper
or fractured zones. Municipal and industrial wastes, chemical fertilizers, herbicides and
pesticides enter the soil, infiltrate into the aquifer and degrade groundwater quality.
Other pollution sources include sewer leakage, faulty septic tank operation and landfill
leachates. In some coastal areas, intensive pumping of fresh groundwater has caused salt-
water intrusion into fresh water aquifers. Groundwater is less susceptible to bacterial
pollution than surface water because the soil and rocks through which groundwater
flows, screen out most of the bacteria. Bacteria, however, occasionally find their way
into groundwater, sometimes in seriously high concentrations.

Mode and Mechanism of Groundwater Pollution
The movement of pollutants downward towards saturated zone through the zone of
aeration follows the same laws that control groundwater movement. The pollutants can
enter the aquifer by the process of infiltration and through percolation it migrates into
zone of saturation. Its entry and movement, however, is influenced by a large number
of geological conditions prevailing in the affected area. The topography of land surface
has an important influence. Sedimentary formations which exhibit gradational changes
both in horizontal and vertical directions, in the size and character of material deposited
determine the permeability which affects the occurrence and movement of water through
the media. Hence, under favourable conditions shallow aquifers are most susceptible to
contamination since these are directly in contact with the surface sourcesof pollution.

The sewage and fluid material enter the ground both intentionally and unintentionally.
Septic tanks, cesspools, and systems where sewage water is applied to land for crop
irrigation, groundwater recharge, or simply disposal come under pollution sources,
created by man. Induced recharge generated in the tube wells while pumping is also
responsible for the percolation of contaminated surface water to the aquifers. The
unintentional entry of sewage into groundwater environment includes leakage from
sewers and seepage from sewage lagoons.

Reactions in the top soil, vadose and saturated zones are certain factors which control
groundwater pollution. During the movement, pollutants may undergo changes due to
various physical and chemical processes. The physical processes that cause changes
are dilution, dispersion and filtration whereas the chemical processes are complexation,
acid-base reaction, oxidation-reduction, precipitation-dissolution, adsorption-desorption
etc and the biochemical processes are respiration, photosynthesis, humus decay etc.

These processes may cause attenuation of pollutants to some extent depending on extent
of reaction that takes place and the local conditions prevailing in the area.

It may take considerable time to reach saturated zone depending upon the above existing
factors in the area. On reaching the saturated zone the pollutants may undergo various
changes. The factors affecting movement of pollutants in the saturated zone are
1) hydraulic conductivity, 2) moisture content of the soil, 3) relative proportion of

active pore spaces to inactive space 4) degree of heterogeneity of the soil 5) boundary
conditions of the unsaturated zone 6) recharge due to rainfall in the area.

During the movement of the solute through unsaturated zone with the percolating
water, it spreads out due to dispersion. This takes considerable time to reach the saturated
zone. On reaching the saturated zone, the pollutants spread out laterally and moves in
the direction of groundwater flow. The pollutants on reaching the top of the aquifer at
the water table either move into the aquifer or remain immiscible due to density
difference. The important factors which affect the movement of contaminants in
saturated zone are as follows.

Transfer of pollutants by water moving with the same velocity and direction as the
contaminants is convection. The convection motion of pollutant depends ongroundwater
flow field, which is a function of head distribution, hydraulic conductivity and the

The mixing of pollutant with groundwater in the aquifer is not only due to density effect
but also as a result of dispersion. Molecular diffusion takes place to a small extent as a
result of mixing of two adjacent miscible liquids even if there is no flow. Mechanical
dispersion results in spreading caused by velocity variations and are more predominant
than molecular dispersion.

The sources, which are responsible for groundwater pollution, are:

Urban Pollution
• Municipal Dumps and sanitary landfills
• Septic tanks and soak pits
• Municipal liquid wastes
Industrial Pollution
• Industrial solids and liquid waste disposal
• Dumping of solid wastes as landfill
• Petroleum products
• Metal wastes – the seepage of plating wastes containing Cadmium (Cd) and
hexavalent Chromium (Cr(VI))
• Disposal of oil filed brines

• Fly ash from thermal power plants
Agricultural Pollution
• Agricultural wastes – plant residues
• Animal wastes – manures
• Fertilizers, Pesticides and Herbicides
Salt-Water Intrusion
• Uncontrolled pumping of groundwater in coastal areas
Pollution due to Radioactive Substances
• Physical pollutants discharged from atomic reactors, mining and milling of
radioactive ores, chemical reprocessing etc.
1.1 Purpose and Scope
Tamil Nadu is one of the water scarce States and it is one of States having water quality
problem especially the natural occurrence of fluoride in groundwater. In this context, an
attempt has been made in this report to compile and processes the data related to
groundwater quality of Tamil Nadu, collected during various investigations carried out
by officers of Central Groundwater Board, South Eastern Coastal Region, Chennai over
the years. Efforts have also been made to arrive at inferences regarding the spatial and
temporal variations in the concentration of various contaminants in groundwater. This
report is intended to be of use as a reference and guide for administrators, planners and
scientists working in the field of sustainable groundwater management in Tamil Nadu.
1.2 Location and Extent
Tamil Nadu State lies between Latitudes 080 00‟ and 130 30‟ and Longitudes 760 15‟
and 800 18‟. The State is bounded by Bay of Bengal in the east, the Indian Ocean in the south,
Western Ghats in the west and the States of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka in the north.
The total geographical area of State is 1,30,058 Sq. km.
1.3 Physiography
Tamil Nadu State can be divided into four physiographic divisions viz., (i) the Coastal
Plains, (ii) the Eastern Ghats, (iii) the Central Plateau and (iv) the Western Ghats.

The coastal plains stretch over a distance of 998 km from Pulicat lake in the north to
Kanyakumari in the south with an elevation of 2 to 30 m above MSL. The plains consist
of Coromandal Coast in the north, alluvial plains of Cauvery delta in the center and
southern plains in Pudukkottai - Kanyakumari belt.

The chain of flat-topped hills of Javadis, the Shevroy; the Kalrayan and Pachamalai hills,
which join Cardomom hills in the south form the Eastern Ghats. These hills rise steeply
above plateau level to 1160 m above MSL in the Javadi hills to 1645 m above MSL in
the Shevroy hills.

The Central plateau located between Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats has an undulating
topography with an average elevation of 150 m to 160 m above MSL. Westof this region
lies the broad Palghat Gap between the Nilgris and Anaimalai hills. Between Cauvery
and the Palghat Gap lies an extensive low plateau rising gradually from 120 to 180 m
above MSL.
1.4 Drainage
Tamil Nadu is drained by a number of major and minor rivers, mostly originating in the
Western Ghats and flow eastwards. The main rivers are the Palar, Ponnaiyar, Vellar,
Cauvery, Vaigai, Tambraparni, Gundar, Vaippar and Nambiyar. Cauvery and
Tambraparni are perennial rivers and the rest are ephemeral. The Cheyyar, Bhavani,
Korattalaiyar, Amaravati, Noyil, Aliyar, Sholiyar and Parambikulam are the othersmall
rivers in the State. Pulicat lake and Kaluveli tank are important lagoons.

1.5 Climate and Rainfall

Tamil Nadu, basically, has a tropical climate. The maximum temperature in summer is
often higher than 430C and the minimum is a little lower than 180C.

There are four rainfall seasons in the state viz (i) Winter season (Jan-February), (ii) Hot
weather season (March-May), (iii) South-west monsoon (June-September) and (iv)
North-east monsoon (October-December).

The annual rainfall of the state is 1020 mm and co-efficient of variation is 20 to 30 per
cent increasing from west to east and is about 40 per cent in the extreme south-eastern
part. The number of rainy days varies from 53 over the State to less than 40 days in
the southwestern part. 75 percent of the area falls in rain shadow region where the annual
rainfall ranges from 508 to 1016 mm with an average of 842.2 mm and thus constitutes
a semiarid region.
1.6 Industries
There are different types of industrial activities being carried out by 24,130 working
factories in Tamil Nadu. Major industrial activities are grouped and given in Table -
1.1. About 30 major activities are being carried out all over Tamil Nadu. However,

certain groups of activities are prominent in certain districts only due to variousfactors,
which determine economics of industrial activities such as availability of raw materials,
labour, transport, communication and access to shipment/air and other infrastructure
facilities. The industries, which are prominent in particular districts are given in Table –

Table - 1.1. Group of Major Industrial Activities

S. No. Description of Industry
1 Agriculture, hunting and related Service Activities
2 Manufacture of Food Products and Beverages
3 Manufacture of Tobacco Products
4 Manufacture of Textiles
5 Manufacture of Wearing Apparel Dressing and Dyeing of Fur
6 Tanning and Dressing of Leather, Manufacture of Luggage, Handbags,
Saddlery, Harness and Footwear
7 Manufacture of Wood and of products of wood and Cork except Furniture,
Manufacture of Articles of Straw and Plating Materials
8 Manufacture of paper and paper products
9 Publishing, Printing and Reproduction of Recorded Media
10 Manufacture of Coke, Refined Petroleum Products and Nuclear Fuel
11 Manufacture of Chemical and Chemical Products
12 Manufacture of Rubber and Plastics Products
13 Manufacture of other Non-metallic Mineral Products
14 Manufacture of Basic Metals
15 Manufacture of Fabricated Metal Products except Machinery and Equipments
16 Manufacture of Machinery and Equipment NEC
17 Manufacture of Office, Accounting and Computing Machinery
18 Manufacture of Electrical Machinery and Apparatus NEC
19 Manufacture of Radio, Television and Communication Equipment
20 Manufacture of Medical, Precision and Optical Instruments
21 Manufacture of Motor Vehicles, Trailers and Semi-Trailers
22 Manufacture of Other Transport Equipment
23 Manufacture of Furniture, Manufacturing of NEC
24 Electricity, Gas, Steam and Hot Water supply
25 Collection, Purification and Distribution of Water
26 Sale, Maintenance and Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motor
27 Retail Trade except of Motor Vehicles and Motor Cycles, Repairs of Personal
and Household Goods
28 Supporting and Auxiliary Transport activities of Travel agencies
(Source: Dept. of Economics and Statistics, Chennai)

Table – 1.2. District–wise Major Industrial Activities in Tamil Nadu

S. No. District Major Industrial Activities

1 Tiruvallur Petro Chemical based Industries (Manali Area)
2 Kancheepuram Leather Products (Chrompet Area)
3 Cuddalore Manufacture of Chemical and Chemical Products
4 Dharmapuri Automobile industries (Hosur)
5 Coimbatore Manufacture of Textiles
6 Vellore Tanneries
7 Dindigul Tanneries
8 Erode Textile Industries (Dyeing & Bleaching)
9 Trichy Distilleries, Chemical and Tanneries
10 Salem Sago Industries
11 Namakkal Sago Industries
12 Karur Textile Industries (Dyeing & Bleaching)


Tamil Nadu State has a diversified geological, climatological and topographic set up,
giving rise to divergent groundwater situations in different parts of the state. The
prevalent rock formations ranging in age from Archaean to the Recent, which control
occurrence and movement of groundwater, are widely varied in composition and
structure. Similarly, not too insignificant are the variations of landforms, from the rugged
mountainous terrains of the Eastern and part of Western Ghats to the flat alluvial plains
of the river valleys and coastal tracts. The rainfall pattern too shows similar region-wise
variations. The topography and rainfall control run off and groundwater recharge.
Groundwater occurs under water table to confined conditionsin fractured and porous
media. The Aquifer Map of Tamil Nadu depicts the salient features of the
hydrogeological environment and aquifer potentials ( Fig. 2.1). The high relief areas
of the western and northwestern regions occupied by the EasternGhats with steep
topographic slope and characteristic geological setup offer high run- off and little scope
for rainwater infiltrations. The groundwater potential in these terrains is limited to
intermontane valleys.

Nearly 73 per cent of the total geographical area of the state is occupied by a variety of
hard and fissured crystalline rocks of the Archaean age viz., Charnockites, Gneisses
and Granites. Rugged and undulating topography, compact and fissured nature of the
rock formations combine to give rise to discontinuous aquifers, with limited to moderate
yield potentials. The near surface weathered mantle forms the all important groundwater
reservoir and the source for circulation of groundwater through the underling fracture
systems. In the hard rock terrain, deep weathered residuum, low lying valleys and
abandoned river channels generally contain adequate thickness of porous material to
sustain groundwater development under favorable hydrogeological conditions. The
aquifer geometry and the fracture pattern as well as fracture conductivity and yield of
bore wells are highly variable from place to place. Presence of potential fractures down
to 300 m has been identified in the western part of the state comprising Salem,
Coimbatore and Dharmapuri districts. However, the deeper fractures are limited to the
contact areas of hillocks and are presumably associated with large-scale orogenic
activity. Groundwater exploration in the southern part of the

state, comprising Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Kanyakumari, Madurai, Virudhunagar districts,
has revealed the presence of deep fractures down to 200 m along select lineaments and
disturbed zones having yields up to 15 liters per second (lps).

The coastal sedimentary tract of the Tamil Nadu forms a part of the Coromandal coast
of India. Sedimentary deposits, comprising the semi-consolidated and unconsolidated
formations can be broadly grouped into three groups (i.e.) Mesozoic, Tertiary and
Quaternary consisting of sandstones, clays, pebbles, gravels, limestones and shales. The
fluviatile upper Gondwanas sediments of Jurassic age and the marine beds of Cretaceous
age represent the Mesozoic group of rocks in the state. Due to the low transmissivity and
compact nature of these formations, they do not contribute much to the groundwater
potentialities of the state.

Tertiary formations consisting of porous and permeable Cuddalore sandstones are the
most potential sources of groundwater in the state. The aquifers in these formations are
highly productive and groundwater generally occurs under confined conditions.
Depending upon the topography and thickness of overburden, the piezometric heads vary
widely. Auto flowing zones are not uncommon in these formations.

Quaternary sediments in the state are represented by laterite, older alluvium of

Pleistocene age and Recent alluvium, „Teris‟ and coastal sands. The eastern coastal and
deltaic tracts of the state are the receptacles of thick alluvial sediments. Major rivers such
as Palar, Ponnaiyar, Cauvery and Vaigai have deposited rich alluvium in their deltaic
regions. Cauvery alluvium, occupying a major part of the Thanjavur district includes
potential alluvial aquifers. Other important alluvial aquifers occur in Kancheepuram,
Tiruvallur, Vellore, Pudukkottai and Ramanathapuram districts.

Though highly productive aquifers occur in these tracts, salinity hazards impose quality
constraints for groundwater development. In this terrain, the groundwater withdrawal
requires to be regulated so as not to exceed annual recharge and not to disturb
hydrochemical balance leading to seawater ingress. However, in some cases, excess
withdrawal of groundwater to the industrial and urban domestic requirement, seawater
ingress has already occurred e.g., North Chennai – Minjur area.

Fig. 2.1. Aquifer Map of Tamil Nadu and U. T. of Puducherry (Puducherry and
Karaikal Regions)

The groundwater occurrence in the state may be broadly summarised as:

• Consolidated and fissured formations – Aquifers are heterogeneous and

discontinuous with limited yield potentials.
• Sedimentary formations comprising unconsolidated and semi-consolidated
sediments - Aquifers homogenous, inter-connected, often extensive, both
continuous and discontinuous, moderate to very high yield potentials.
The distribution and potential of the major hydrogeological units are presented in
Table – 2.1.

Table – 2.1 Distributions and Potential of Major Hydrogeological Units (CGWB 1996 B)

Geological Rock
Districts / Hydrogeological Characters
Age Formation
Unconsolidat Soils, Beach Occur in the eastern part of the coastal districts of Tamil
ed formations sands Nadu. Laterite capping is exposed in the high altitudes of
Alluvium Palani, Nilgris, Shevaroy and Kolli hills. Patches of laterite
(newer)- are seen at the contact of upper Gondwana and Cretaceous
sands, clays, formations in Tiruchchirappalli, Tuticorin and
gravels, silt & Ramanathapuram districts. Recent wind blown sands (Teri
calcareous sands) are seen in Ramanathapuram and Tuticorin districts.
concretions Recent alluvium comprising clay, sand, gravel and pebble
are seen in the deltaic regions and coastal plains. Older
alluvium is relatively compact.

Pleistocene Boulder The alluvia of the major rivers comprising a thick sequence
Conglomerat of sand form potential aquifers. The Cauvery alluvium
es Alluvium occupying a major part of Thanjavur district has potential
(older, sands, alluvial aquifers. Other important alluvial aquifers occur in
clays & Kancheepuram, Vellore, Pudukkottai, Ramanathapuram
laterite. and Madurai districts. The aquifers are of highly variable
nature in thickness from place to place. Groundwater
occurs under both water table and confined conditions.
Important and potential granular zones occur between the
depth ranges of 7 to 70m bgl. The yield depends on the
potentiality of the aquifer and in general, ranges from 15
to 50m3/hr. The transmissivity of the
aquifer varies from 4,800-10,000 m2/day. Groundwater

potential is limited by salinity hazards

Semi Karaikkal Sandstones of Upper Cretaceous occur in Vanur area of

consolidated Beds-Sands Cuddalore & Ariyalur area of Perambalur districts and
Formations and clays possess promising granular zones worthy of groundwater

Tertiary with fossils development. Groundwater occurs both under water table
& confined conditions. The yields of the shallow tube
wells are moderate (25 m to 40m3/hr for a draw down of 5
to 8m). The transmissivity & permeability of the aquifers
sand stones-
of the Vanur sandstones vary from 1.6 to 829m2/day &
Mottled &
0.038 to 12.6m/day respectively. Yields of tube wells with
friable sand
depths ranging from 60 to 180m, in parts of Ariyalur,
stones, buff
Perambalur districts vary between 45 & 65m3/hr for draw
colored clays
downs of 2 to 3 m.
& gravel.
Tertiary formations are potential source of groundwater in
the State. The Cuddalore Sandstones of Miocene age
Cretaceous- contain highly permeable aquifers. Primary porosity and
Arenaceous hydraulic conductivity are moderate to high.
limestones & Groundwater generally occurs under confined conditions.
sandstones, It is under high pressure and Free flowing conditions
clays shell occur notably in Cuddalore district, Cauvery delta of
limestones Thanjavur district, eastern part of Pudukkottai district and
Basal northeastern part of Ramanathapuram district with free
limestones & flow of up to 4.5m3/min. (270 m3/hr). Water levels of
Coral rags. wells tapping non-flowing confined aquifers vary widely
depending upon the topography, thickness of over burden
and piezometric head difference. In general it is up to 44m
bgl and at places is as deep as 53m bgl. The discharges
vary from 27 to 212m3/hr. The transmissivity varies
between 150 and 4000m2/day. The Storativity ranges from
5.0 X10-6 to 5.5X10-5. The groundwater in Cuddalore
sandstones in the eastern part of the coastal tract of
Thanjavur, Pudukkottai and Ramanathapuram districts are
generally saline.

Hydrochemistry is an interdisciplinary science that deals with the chemistry of water in the
natural environment. Professional fields such as chemical hydrology, aqueous chemistry,
hydrochemistry, water chemistry and hydro-geochemistry are all more or less synonyms. The
classical use of chemical characteristics in chemical hydrology is to provide information about
the regional distribution of water qualities. At the same time, hydrochemistry has a potential use
for tracing the origin and history of water. The hydrochemistry can also be of immense help in
yielding information about the environment through which water has circulated.
Hydrochemistry can be helpful in knowing about residence times, flow paths and aquifer
characteristics as the chemical reactions are time and space dependent. It is essential to study
the entire system like atmospheric water (rainwater), surface water and ground water
simultaneously in evaluating their hydrochemistry and pollution effect.
3.1 Chemistry of Rainwater
The atmosphere is composed of water vapors, dust particles and various gaseous components
such as N2, O2, CO2, CH4, CO, SOx, NOx etc. Pollutants in the atmosphere can be transported
long distances by the wind. These pollutants are mostly washed down by precipitation and partly
as dry fall out. Composition of rainwater is determined by the source of water vapors and by the
ion, which are taken up during transport through the atmosphere. In general, chemical
composition of rainwater shows that rainwater is only slightly mineralized with specific
electrical conductance (EC) generally below 50 S/cm, chloride below 5 mg/l and HCO3 below
10 mg/l. Among the cations, concentration of Ca, Mg, Na & K vary considerably but the total
cations content is generally below 15 mg/l except in samples contaminated with dust. The
concentration of sulphates and nitrates in rainwater may be high in areas near industrial hubs.

3.2 Chemistry of Surface Water

Surface water is found extremely variable in its chemical composition due to variations in
relative contributions of ground water and surface water sources. The mineral content in river
water usually bears an inverse relationship to discharge. The mineral content of river water tends
to increase from source to mouth, although the increase may not be continuous or uniform. Other
factors like discharge of city wastewater, industrial waste and mixing of waters can also affect
the nature and concentration of minerals in surface water. Among anions, bicarbonates are the
most important and constitute over 50% of the total anions in terms of milli equivalent per liter
(meq/l). In case of cations, alkaline earths or normally calcium predominates but with increasing
salinity the hydrochemical facies tends to change to mixed cations or even to Na-HCO3 type.

3.3 Chemistry of Ground Water

The downward percolating water is not inactive, and it is enriched in CO2. It can also act as a
strong weathering agent apart from general solution effect. Consequently, the chemical
composition of ground water will vary depending upon several factors like frequency of rain,
which will leach out the salts, time of stay of rain water in the root-zone and intermediate zone,
presence of organic matter etc. It may also be pointed out that the water front does not move in
a uniform manner as the soil strata are generally quite heterogeneous. The movement of
percolating water through larger pores is much more rapid than through the finer pores. The
overall effect of all these factors is that the composition of ground water varies from time to
time and from place to place.

Before reaching the saturated zone, percolating water is charged with oxygen and carbon
dioxide and is most aggressive in the initial stages. This water gradually loses its aggressiveness,

as free CO2 associated with the percolating water gets gradually exhausted through interaction
of water with minerals.

CO2 + H2O H2CO3 H+ + HCO3-

H+ + Feldspar + H2O Clay + H4SiO4 + Cation

The oxygen present in this water is used for the oxidation of organic matter that subsequently
generates CO2 to form H2CO3. This process goes on until oxygen is fully consumed.

CH2O + O2 = CO2 + H2O

(Organic matter)

Apart from these reactions, there are several other reactions including microbiological mediated
reactions, which tend to alter the chemical composition of the percolating water. For example,
the bicarbonate present in most waters is derived mostly from CO2 that has been extracted from
the air and liberated in the soil through biochemical activity. Some rocks serve as sources of
chloride and sulphate through direct solution. The circulation of sulphur, however, may be
greatly influenced by biologically mediated oxidation and reduction reactions. Chloride
circulation may be a significant factor influencing the anion content in natural water.


The available quality of groundwater is the resultant of all the processes and reactions, which
taken place since the condensation of water in the atmosphere to the time it is retrieved in the
form of groundwater from its source. The water has excellent capability to accumulate
substances in soluble form as it moves over and into the land resource, from the biological
processes and from human activities. Urbanization, agricultural development and discharges
of municipal and industrial residues significantly alter characteristics of groundwater
resource. The prevailing climatic conditions, topography, geological formations and use and
abuse of this vital resource have significant effect on the characteristics of the water, because
of which its quality varies with locations.
The definition of criteria and standards for water quality vary with the type of use. The
characteristic of water required for human consumption, livestock, irrigation, industries etc
have different water quality requirements. The term water quality criteria may be defined as
the “Scientific data evaluated to derive recommendations for characteristics of water for
specific use’. The term standard applies to any definite rule, principle or measure established
by any statutory Authority. The distinction between criteria andstandards is important, as the
two are neither interchangeable nor they become synonyms for the objective or goal. Realistic
standards are dependent on criteria, designated uses and implementation as well as
identification and monitoringprocedure. The changes in all these factors may provide a basis
for alteration instandards. In formulation of water quality criteria, the selection of water
quality parameters depends on its use. Sayers, et. al. (1976 as quoted in CGWB &
CPCB2000) identified the key water quality parameters according to its various uses (Table

Table 4.0: Water quality criteria parameters for various uses (Sayers et.al., 1976)

Aquatic life &

Public Water Industrial Agricultural Recreation
wild life water
supply Water supply water supply and Aesthetics
Coliform bacteria Processing Farmstead Temp, DO, pH, Recreations
Turbidity colour, pH, Turbidity Alkalinity, Tem, Turbidity,
Taste, Odour TDS, Colour, Same as for Acidity, TDS Colour, Odour,
CI, F, SO4 NO3, Alkalinity, public supply Salinity, pH, Floating
CN, Trace Metals, Acidity, TDS, DCOs, Materials,
Trace Organics Suspended Turbidity Settable
Radioactive solids, Trace Colour, Materials
substances metals, Trace Live-stock Settleable Nutrients,
Organics materials, Coliforms
Cooling Same as for Toxic
PH, Temp, public supply substances, Aesthetics
Silica, AI, Fe, Nutrients, Same as for
Mg, Total Irrigation Floating Recreation and
hardness, materials Substances
Alkalinity / TDS, EC, Na, Ca, adversely
Acidity Mg, K, B, CI and affecting wild
Suspended Trace metals life
solids, Salinity


With the objective of safeguarding water from degradation and to establish a basis for improvement in
water quality, standards / guide lines / regulations have been laid down by various national and
international organizations such as; Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), World Health Organization
(WHO), European Economic Community (EEC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), United
States, and Inland Waters Directorate, Canada. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) earlier known as
Indian Standards Institutions (ISI) has laid down the standard specification for drinking water during
1983, which have been revised and updated from time to time. In order to enable the users, to exercise
their discretion towards water quality criteria, the maximum permissible limit has been prescribed
especially where no alternative sources are available. The national water quality standards describe
essential and desirable characteristics required to be evaluated to assess suitability of water for drinking
purposes. The important water quality characteristics as laid down in BIS standard (IS 10500: 2012)
are summarized in Table - 4.1

Table 4.1: Drinking Water Characteristics (IS 10500: 2012)

Desirable Limits Permissible limits

S. No. Parameters
(mg/L) (mg/L)

Essential Characteristics

1 Colour Hazen Unit 5 15

2 Odour Unobjectionable -
3 Taste Agreeable -
4 Turbidity (NTU) 1 5
5 pH 6.5-8.5 No relaxation
6 Total Hardness, CaCO3 200 600
7 Iron (Fe) 1.0 No relaxation
8 Chloride (Cl) 250 1000
9 Residual Free Chlorine 0.2 -
10 Fluoride (F) 1.0 1.5

Desirable Characteristics

11 Dissolved Solids 500 2000

12 Calcium (Ca) 75 200
13 Magnesium (Mg) 30 100
14 Copper (Cu) 0.5 1.5
15 Manganese (Mn) 0.1 0.3
16 Sulphate (SO4) 200 400
17 Nitrate (NO3) 45 No relaxation
18 Phenolic Compounds 0.001 0.002
19 Mercury (Hg) 0.001 No relaxation
20 Cadmium (Cd) 0.003 No relaxation
21 Selenium (Se) 0.01 No relaxation
22 Arsenic (As) 0.01 No relaxation
23 Cyanide (CN) 0.05 No relaxation
24 Lead (Pb) 0.01 No relaxation
25 (Zn) 5.0 15
26 Hexavalent Chromium 0.05 No relaxation
27 Alkalinity 200 600
28 Aluminum (Al) 0.03 0.2
29 Boron (B) 1.0 5.0
30 Pesticides Absent 0.001
31 Uranium 0.03 No relaxation

NTU- Nephelometric Turbidity Unit.

N.B. The fluoride limits vary with average annual temperature of the areas. Similarly, the limits for
magnesium are based on sulphate contents of water. When sulphate content is 250 mg/L or above, the
magnesium should be between 30 and 50 mg/L but ifsulphate is lower, higher content of magnesium
is permissible.
Water quality plays a significant role in irrigated agriculture. Many problems originate due to
inefficient management of water for agriculture use, especially when it carries high salt loads. The
effect of total dissolved salts in irrigation water (measured in terms of electrical conductance) on crop
growth is extremely important. Soil water passes in to the plant through the root zone due to osmotic
pressure and the plants root able to assimilate water and nutrients. Thus, the dissolved solid contents
of the residual water in the root zone also have to be maintained within limits by proper
leaching. These effects are visible in plants by their stunted growth, low yield, discoloration and even
leaf burns at margin or top. The safe limits of electrical conductivity for crops of different degrees of

salt tolerances under varying soil textures and drainage conditions are presented in Table - 4.2.

Table 4.2: Safe Limits for electrical conductivity for irrigation water (IS:11624-1986)

Upper permissible safe

S. Nature of soil Crop limit of electrical
No. Growth conductivity in water
µs/cm at 25°C
1 Deep black soil and alluvial soils having Semi-
clay content more than 30%; soils that are tolerant
fairly to moderately well Tolerant 2000
2 Textured soils having clay contents of 20- Semi- 2000
30%; soils that are well drained internally tolerant
and have good surface Tolerant 4000
drainage system
3 Medium textured soils having clay 10- Semi- 4000
20%; internally very well drained and tolerant
having good surface drainage system Tolerant 6000
4 Light textured soils having clay lessthan Semi- 6000
10%; soils that have excellent tolerant
internal and surface drainage system. Tolerant 8000

In addition to problems caused by total amount of salts, some of the specific ions like sodium, boron
and trace elements, if present in water in excess, also render it unsuitable for agricultural use.



The clay minerals in the soil adsorb divalent cations like calcium and magnesium ions from irrigation
water. Whenever the exchange sites in clay are filled by divalent cations, the soil texture is conducive
for plant growth. Sodium reacts with soil to reduce its permeability. In case the irrigation water is
sodium dominant, the clay lattice is filled with sodium ions due to ion exchange. Such soils become
impermeable and sticky and as such the cultivation becomes difficult to support plant growth.
However, the cation exchange process is reversible and can be controlled either by adjusting the
composition of water or by soil amendment by application of gypsum, which releases cations
(Calcium) to occupy the exchange position. The tendency of water to replace adsorbed calcium and
magnesium with sodium can be expressed by the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), where all the ion
concentrations are in milli-equivalents per litre (meq/L).

√(𝐂𝐚 + 𝐌𝐠)/𝟐
When, water having high bicarbonates and low calcium and magnesium is used for irrigation
purpose, precipitation of calcium and magnesium as carbonate takes place, changing the residual
water to high sodium water with sodium bicarbonate in solution. It is termed as Residual Sodium
Carbonate (RSC) which is expressed as;

𝐑𝐒𝐂 = (𝐇𝐂𝐎𝟑 + 𝐂𝐎𝟑) − (𝐂𝐚 + 𝐌𝐠)
(Where all the ions’ concentrations are in milli equivalents / litre).

Percentage sodium (%Na):

Percentage sodium (%Na) is an indication of the soluble sodium content of the groundwater and also
used to evaluate sodium hazard. In all natural waters, %Na is a common parameter to assess its suitability
for irrigation purposes since sodium reacts with the soil to reduce permeability.

(𝐍𝐚 + 𝐊)
%𝐍𝐚 = ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎
(𝐂𝐚 + 𝐌𝐠 + 𝐍𝐚 + 𝐊)

The quality of water is commonly expressed by classes of relative suitability for irrigation with
reference to salinity levels. The recommended classification with respect to Electrical Conductivity,
Sodium content, Sodium Adsorption Ratio, and Residual Sodium Carbonate, under customary
irrigation conditions has been depicted in Table - 4.2.1

Table 4.2.1: Guidelines for evaluation of quality of irrigation water

Alkalinity hazards
Water Class
SAR RSC (meq/L) %Na
Low < 10 < 1.25 < 20
Medium >10 – 18 >1.25 – 2.5 20 - 60
High >18 – 26 >2.5 > 60
Very High > 26



It is essential to ensure that various constituents are within prescribed limits in drinkingwater supplies
to avoid impact on human health (Table – 4.2.3). Man, life forms and domestic animals are affected
by alteration in water quality due to natural or anthropogenic reasons. The effect of these substances
depends on the quantity of water consumed per day and their concentration in water.

Table 4.2.3: Effects of water quality parameters on human health when used for drinking

Prescribed limits
S. Parameters IS:10500, 2012 Probable Effects
Desirable Permissible
Limit Limit
1 Colour 5 15 Makes water aesthetically undesirable
(Hazen unit)
2 Odour Essentially free from Makes water aesthetically undesirable
objectionable odour

3 Taste Agreeable Makes water aesthetically undesirable

Prescribed limits
S. Parameters IS:10500, 2012 Probable Effects
Desirable Permissible
Limit Limit
4 Turbidity 1 5 High turbidity indicates contamination /
(NTU) Pollution.
5 pH 6.5 Indicative of acidic or alkalinewaters,
8.5 affects taste, corrosivity and the water
supply system
6 Hardness 200 600 Affects water supply system (Scaling),
asCaCO3 Excessive soap consumption, and
(mg/L) calcification of arteries. There is no
conclusive proof but it may cause
urinary concretions, diseases of kidney
or bladder and stomach disorder.
7 Iron (mg/L) 1.0 Gives bitter sweet astringent
No relaxation taste, causes staining of laundry and
porcelain. In traces it isessential for
8 Chlorid 250 1000 May be injurious to some people
e(mg/L) suffering from diseases of heart or
kidneys. Taste, indigestion, corrosion
and palatability are affected.
9 Residual 0.20 Excessive chlorination of drinking water
Chlorine may cause asthma,colitis and eczema.
(mg/L) Only -
when water
10 Total 500 2000 Palatability decreases and may cause
Dissolved gastro intestinal irritation inhuman, may
Solids- have laxative effect particularly upon
TDS transits and corrosion, may damage
(mg/L) water system.
11 Calcium 75 200 Causes encrustation in water supply
(Ca)(mg/L) system. While in sufficiency causes a
severe type of rickets, excess causes
concretions in the body such as kidney or
bladder stones and
irritation in urinary passages.

12 Magnesium Its salts are cathartics and diuretic. High

(mg) 30 100 concentration may have laxative effect
(mg/L) particularly on new users. Magnesium
deficiency is associated with structural
and functional changes.It is essential as
an activator of many enzyme systems.

Prescribed limits
S. Parameters IS:10500, 2012 Probable Effects
Desirable Permissible
Limit Limit
13 Copper 1.50 Astringent taste but essential and
(Cu)(mg/L) 0.5 beneficial element in humanmetabolism.
Deficiency results in nutritional anemia
in infants. Large amount may result in
liver damage, cause central nervous
system irritation and depression. In
water supply it enhancecorrosion of
aluminum in particular

14 Sulphate 200 400 Causes gastro intestinal irritation along

(SO4) with Mg or Na, can have a cathartic effect
(mg/L) on users, concentration more than 750
mg/L may have laxative effect along
with Magnesium.

15 Nitrate 45 No Cause infant methaemoglobinaemia (blue

(NO3)(mg/L) relaxation babies) at very high concentration, causes
gastriccancer and affects adversely
central nervous system and
cardiovascular system.

16 Fluoride 1.0 1.50 Reduce dental carries, very high

(F)(mg/L) oncentration may cause crippling
skeletal fluorosis.
17 Cadmium 0.003 No Acute toxicity may be associated with
(Cd) relaxation renal, arterial hypertension, itai-itai
(mg/L) disease, ( a bone disease).Cadmium salt
causes cramps,
nausea, vomiting and diarhoea.
18 Lead Toxic in both acute and chronic
(Pb) No exposures. Burning in the mouth, severe
(mg/L) 0.01 relaxation inflammation of the gastro-intestinal tract
with vomiting and diarrhoea, chronic
toxicity produces nausea, severe
abdominal pain, paralysis, mental
confusion, visual disturbances,
anaemia etc.

19 Zinc An essential and beneficial element in

(Zn) human metabolism. Taste threshold for
(mg/L) 5 15 Zn occurs at about 5 mg/L imparts
taste to water.

Prescribed limits
S. Parameters IS:10500, 2012 Probable Effects
Desirable Permissible
Limit Limit
20 Chromium Hexavalent state of Chromium produces
(Cr6) No lung tumors can produce cutaneous and
(mg/L) 0.05 relaxation nasal mucous membrane ulcers and

21 Boron Affects central nervous system itssalt

(B) 0.5 1.00 may cause nausea, cramps, convulsions,
(mg/L) coma etc.
22 Alkalinity Impart distinctly unpleasant taste
200 600
(mg/L) as may be deleterious to human being
CaCO3 in presence of high pH, hardness and
total dissolved solids.
23 Pesticides Imparts toxicity and accumulated in
:(m g/l) different organs of human body affecting
Absent 0.001 immune and nervous systems may be

24 Phosphate High concentration may causevomiting

(PO4) No guideline and diarrhea, stimulate secondary
(mg/L) hyperthyroidism andbone loss
25 Sodium Harmful to persons suffering
(Na)(mg/L) No guidelines From cardiac, renal andcirculatory
26 Potassium An essential nutritional elementbut its
(K) (mg/L) No guidelines excessive amounts is cathartic

27 Silica (SiO2) -
No guidelines
28 Nickel Non-toxic element but may be
(Ni) 0.02 carcinogenic in animals, can react
(mg/L) with DNA resulting in DNAdamage in
29 Pathogens Cause water borne diseases like coliform
(a)Total nil Jaundice, Typhoid, Cholera etc. produce
coliform infections involving skin mucous
(per100ml) membraneof eyes, ears and throat.
(b) Faecal
30 Arsenic No Various skin diseases, Carcinogenic
0.01 relaxation
31 Uranium No Kidney disease, Carcinogenic
0.03 relaxation


The International Standard Organization (ISO) has defined monitoring as,” The programmed process of
samplings, measurements and subsequent recording or signaling or both, of various water characteristics,
often with the aim of assessing, conformity to specified objectives”. A systematic plan for conducting
water quality monitoring is called Monitoring Programme, which includes monitoring network design,
preliminary survey, resource estimation, sampling, analysis, data management & reporting.

Monitoring of ground water quality is an effort to obtain information on chemical quality through
representative sampling in different hydrogeological units. Ground Water is commonly tapped from
phreatic aquifers through dugwells in a major part of the country and through springs and hand pumps in
hilly areas. The main objective of ground water quality monitoring programme is to get information on
the distribution of water quality on a regional scale as well as lattice is to create a background data bank
of different chemical constituents in ground water.

One of the main objectives of the ground water quality monitoring is to assess the suitability of ground
water for drinking purpose. The quality of drinking water is a powerful environmental determinant of the
health of a community. The problem of the quality of water resources in general, and groundwater
resources in particular, is becoming increasingly important in both industrialized and developing nation.
In developing countries like India, the essential concerns as regards water resources are their quantity,
availability, sustainability and suitability. Groundwater plays a leading role because it has of fundamental
importance to all living beings.

Even though water is the most frequently occurring substance on earth, lack of safe drinking water is
more prominent in the developing countries. Due to increasing world population, extraction of
groundwater is also increasing for irrigations, industries, municipalities and urban and rural households’
day by day. During dry season extensive withdrawal of groundwater for irrigation purpose is lowering
the water table in the aquifer and also changing the chemical composition of water.

The physical and chemical quality of ground water is important in deciding its suitability for drinking
purposes. Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) formally known as Indian Standard Institute (ISI) vide its
document IS: 10500:2012, Edition 3.2 (2012-15) has recommended the quality standards for drinking
water. On this basis of classification, the natural ground water of India has been categorized as desirable,
permissible and unfit for human consumption.

From the analytical results, it is seen that majority of water samples collected from observation /
monitoring wells of CGWB in a major part of the state fall under desirable or permissible category and
hence are suitable for drinking purposes. However, a small percentage of well waters are found to have
concentrations of some constituents beyond the permissible limits. Such waters are not fit for human
consumption and are likely to be harmful to health on continuous use.
5.1 Data Validation / Data Quality Control
Groundwater quality data validation is an essential step in ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the
data. Here are some of the main steps for groundwater quality data validation.

a. Checking of Data Consistency: Checking of the data for consistency by comparing the
measurements of a particular parameter over time. This will help identify any changes in the
groundwater quality due to measurement methodology or equipment
b. Checking the correlation between EC and TDS:
a. The relationship between the two parameters is often described by a constant (commonly
between 0.55 and 0.95 for freshwaters).
b. Thus: TDS (mg/l) ~ (0.55 to 0.95) x EC (mS/cm).
c. The value of the constant varies according to the chemical composition of the water. For
freshwaters, the normal range of TDS can be calculated from the following relationship:
d. 0.55 conductivity (mS/cm) < TDS (mg/l) < 0.95 conductivity (mS/cm).
e. Typically the constant is high for chloride rich waters and low for sulphate rich waters.

c. Checking the cation-anion balance

When a water quality sample has been analysed for the major ionic species, one of the most
important validation tests can be conducted: the cation-anion balance.

Sum of cations = sum of anions

cations = positively charged species in solution (meq/l)
anions = negatively charged species in solution (meq/l)

The Electronic charge balance is expressed as follows:

[∑ cations - ∑ anions]
Electronic Charge Balance (ECB %) = ------------------------------ × 100
[∑ cations + ∑ anions]

All concentrations should be in epm. Error charge balance has been computed for the chemical
results of 2022-23 and analysis showing more than 10% ECB has not been accepted as it indicates
that there has been an error made in at least one of the major cation/anion analyses.


The quality of shallow ground water in the state of Tamil Nadu and UT of Puducherry has been
evaluated by sampling and analysis of water sample collected from Ground Water Monitoring
wells. About 1199 Ground Water Monitoring wells were monitored for water quality during May
2022 representing pre-monsoon water quality (1180 wells from Tamil Nadu and 19 wells from
UT of Puducherry). The district wise chemical analysis data are given in the Annexure-I. The
summarized results of ground water quality ranges are given in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 Ground water quality of SECR, during May-2022

S. Parameters Range No. of Percentage

No sample
1 Electrical Fresh < 750 198 16.5
Coductivity Moderate 751- 2250 712 59.4
s/cm at 25oc Slightly mineralized 2251- 3000 140 11.7
Highly mineralized > 3000 149 12.4
2 Chloride Desirable limit < 250 759 63.3
mg/l Permissible limit 251-1000 399 33.2
Beyond permissible > 1000 41 3.5
3 Fluoride mg/l Desirable limit < 1.0 832 69.5
Permissible limit 1.1- 1.5 246 20.5
Beyond permissible >1.5 121 10.0
4 Nitrate Permissible limit <45 749 62.5
mg/l Beyond permissible > 45 450 37.5
pH is the measure of hydrogen or hydroxyl ion concentration in water. The pH scale isused
to predict whether the water is acidic or basic in nature. The pH scale rangesfrom 0 to
14, the midpoint 7 is taken as neutral and waters having pH < 7 is called acidic, and having
pH > 7 is called basic. pH is an important parameter in water chemistry, because
geochemical reactions such as oxidation-reduction, dissolution- precipitation are pH
dependent. For example, mineral solubility is enhanced under acidic pH, whereas high pH
leads to precipitation of minerals such as calcite. Consequently, water having acidic pH
would be more corrosive and alkaline pH would lead to the deposition of minerals
(encrustation). Due to the solubility of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the rainwater pH would
be around 5.6. In industrial areas, where there are more oxides of sulphur and nitrogen
emission, the rainwater pH would be even less because the dissolution of these gases forms
strong acids such as nitric (HNO3) and sulphuric acids (H2SO4), resulting acid rain. As
rainwater percolates, the pH may further be lowered, due to the dissolution of soil carbon
dioxide liberated by plants and other microbial reactions. In groundwater, pH increases the
solubility of minerals and other anthropogenic pollutants. Therefore, pH plays a major role
in the mineralization of groundwater and it is expected to increase along groundwater flow
path. The pH of groundwater is normally controlled by the equilibrium between the
dissolved carbon dioxide – bicarbonate – carbonate species.

In the shallow groundwater of the state, the pH ranged between 3.78 and 8.50. Based on
the NHS 2022 data, in about 96% of the area the groundwater pH is between 7 and
8.5. 4% samples showed pH <7.00. Analysis of the data shows that occurrence of pH <7 is
sporadic and is insignificant. No pattern of spatial variation is observed with respect to the
distribution of pH. In recharge areas, where fresh rainwater gets recharged, groundwater
without much dissolution is characterizedby low EC values. It increases along groundwater
flow path, because of the utilization of H+ ions for mineral dissolution leading to the
formation of bicarbonate ions with increase of alkalinity. In conformity with the above
hypothesis, the samples with the EC values <500 µS/cm are all have pH <7. Several
samples are from wells located in hilly terrains where the contact time of groundwater and
the aquifer minerals are less, as seen in the lower pH samples from Nilgiris, Dindigul,
Tiruvannamalai and Pudukottai districts. Few samples from sedimentary areas such as
Cuddalore, and Tuticorin also showed lower pH values and all these samples are
very fresh.
In general, the ground water quality in the state is fresh in about 16.5 % of the Ground
Water Monitoring wells as indicated by the EC value less than 750 s/cm at 25oC. In about
59.4 % of the Ground Water Monitoring wells, the EC varies between 751 -2250s/cm at 25o
C and 11.7 % of Ground Water Monitoring wells are between 2251-3000 s/cm at 25o C
indicating that the ground water is slightly mineralized and about 12.4 % of Ground Water
Monitoring wells the EC is more than 3000 s/cm at 25oC indicating that the ground water is
highly mineralized. The highest value 19850 s/cm at 25o C was observed in Nenmeni,
Virudhunagar district.


Unconfined aquifers are extensively tapped for water supply across the country therefore; its quality is
of paramount importance. The chemical parameters like TDS, Chloride, Fluoride, Iron, Arsenic and
Nitrate etc are main constituents defining the quality of ground water in unconfined aquifers. Therefore,
presence of these parameters in ground water beyond the permissible limit in the absence of alternate
source has been considered as groundwater quality hotspots.

Groundwater quality hot spot maps of the country have been prepared depicting six main parameters
based on their distribution shown on the separate maps. These maps depict the spatial distribution of the
following constituents in ground water tapping the unconfined aquifers.

I.Electrical Conductivity
II.Chloride (> 1000 mg/L)
III.Fluoride (>1.5 mg/L)
IV.Nitrate (>45mg/L)
V.Iron (>1.0mg/L)
VI.Arsenic (>0.01 mg/L)
VII.Uranium (>0.03 mg/L)


Electrical conductivity (EC) is the indicator of the total mineral content of water and hence
it indicates the total dissolved solids (TDS) present in water. TDS of water determines its
usefulness to various uses of water. BIS has recommended a drinking water standard for
total dissolved solids a limit of 500 mg/L (corresponding to EC of about 750 S/cm at 250C)
that can be extended to a TDS of 2000 mg/L (corresponding to EC of about 3000 S/cm at
250C) in case of no alternate source. Water having TDS more than 2000 mg/L is not suitable
for drinking purpose. The Spatial distribution of EC and different ranges of EC in the
shallow groundwater of Tamil Nadu and UT of Puducherry is shown in Fig. 7.1.1 & Fig.
7.1.2 respectively

Table 7.1.1 shows district-wise percentage of wells having EC >3000 µS/cm and these areas are
water quality hot spots from salinity point of view. The elevated level of EC was noticed in the
coastal districts of Tiruvarur, sivaganga, Ramanathapuram and Tuticorin due to coastal salinity
and isolated pockts in the the districts of Madurai, Dindigul, Tirunelveli, Virudhunagar, Karur,
Namakkal, Tiruppur, Erode and Salem districts are due to industrial activities. District-wise
percentage of wells having EC >3000 µS/cm is shown as a bar diagram in Fig 7.1.3 List of wells
show Electrical conductivity more than 3000 s/cm at 25o C during May 2022 are given in Table

Fig. 7.1.1 Spatial distribution of Electrical Conductivity during May 2022.

% of groundwater samples in various range

10 16.5 12.4
<750 µS/cm 751-3000 >3000 µS/cm

Fig 7.1.2 Percentage of groundwater samples in various EC range

Table 7.1.1 District-wise percentage of wells having EC >3000 µS/cm.

Sr.No District No. of (%)

Samples No. of Samples
collected Samples (EC
(NHS 2022- (EC >3000 >3000
23) µS/cm) µS/cm)
1 Ariyalur 16 0 0.0
2 Chennai 18 2 11.1
3 Coimbatore 49 4 8.2
4 Cuddalore 66 0 0.0
5 Dharmapuri 58 4 6.9
6 Dindigul 52 8 15.4
7 Erode 84 14 16.7
8 Kancheepuram 79 1 1.3
9 Kanyakumari 21 0 0.0
10 Karaikal (UToP) 4 0 0.0
11 Karur 15 5 33.3
12 Krishnagiri 57 5 8.8
13 Madurai 42 6 14.3
14 Nagapattinam 16 1 6.3
15 Namakkal 45 9 20.0
16 Nilgiris 7 0 0.0
17 Perambalur 20 6 30.0
18 Puducherry (UToP) 15 0 0.0
19 Pudukottai 34 7 20.6
20 Ramanathapuram 19 4 21.1
21 Salem 51 14 27.5
22 Sivaganga 18 4 22.2

Sr.No District No. of (%)
Samples No. of Samples
collected Samples (EC
(NHS 2022- (EC >3000 >3000
23) µS/cm) µS/cm)
23 Thanjavur 15 0 0.0
24 Theni 39 3 7.7
25 Thiruvannamalai 39 1 2.6
26 Tirunelveli 68 12 17.6
27 Tiruppur 20 4 20.0
28 Tiruvallur 53 6 11.3
29 Tiruvarur 6 0 0.0
30 Trichy 42 5 11.9
31 Tuticorin 40 8 20.0
32 Vellore 7 1 14.3
34 Villupuram 51 4 7.8
35 Virudhunagar 33 10 30.3
1199 149 12.4

Fig 7.1.3 District-wise percentage of wells having EC >3000 µS/cm.

Table 7.1.2 Details of well shows Electrical conductivity more than 3000 s/cm at 25o C during
May 2022

1 Chennai Tirumangalam 13.0833 80.1875 5740
2 Chennai Adyar 13.0089 80.2627 19600
3 Coimbatore Kallampalayam pz 11.0300 77.2833 3070
4 Coimbatore Chinnaripalayam 10.7292 77.0917 3100
5 Coimbatore Ganganaickenpalayam 11.1092 77.4356 4640
6 Coimbatore Kunnakalpalayam pz 11.0456 77.3272 7430
7 Dharmapuri Sillarahalli 12.0525 78.2806 3100
8 Dharmapuri Sillarahalli 12.0525 78.2806 3100
9 Dharmapuri Indoor 12.1333 78.0583 3300
10 Dharmapuri Indoor 12.1333 78.0583 3300
11 Dindigul Nattam 10.2328 78.2333 3010
12 Dindigul Kanakkanpatti 10.4750 77.5667 3460
13 Dindigul Vedasandur new 10.5475 77.9711 3490
14 Dindigul Thamaraipadi 10.4053 78.0453 4020
15 Dindigul Paraipatti 10.3583 77.9750 4220
16 Dindigul Natham1 10.2222 78.2472 4660
17 Dindigul P. Alagapuri 10.5983 77.9756 4990
18 Dindigul Siddayamkottai 10.2725 77.8356 5830
19 Erode Nambiyur 11.3606 77.3208 3390
20 Erode Ooricheri 11.4650 77.6058 3530
21 Erode Pudupalayam1 11.5944 77.5875 3840
22 Erode Molengkuttipalayam 11.0672 77.7022 3970
23 Erode Vijayamangalam pz 11.2444 77.5028 4044
24 Erode Murlipudur 11.6781 77.6560 4270
25 Erode Pattaidurai 10.7011 77.7394 4500
26 Erode Vellakoil 10.9444 77.7153 4600
27 Erode Puduppai pz 10.9586 77.7225 5790
28 Erode Ingur New 11.2258 77.5814 5860
29 Erode Muttur1 11.0417 77.7333 6400
30 Erode Erakalpudur 11.0308 77.5347 7000
31 Erode Karaiyur1 10.7639 77.5944 8560
32 Erode Kavilipalayam 11.3802 77.2308 10700
33 Kancheepuram Uthiramerur2 12.6083 79.7375 6080
34 Karur Thogamalai 10.7292 78.4250 3160
35 Karur Kovilur 10.7603 77.8289 4040
36 Karur Vellianani 10.8667 78.1333 4080
37 Karur Ayyampalayam pz 11.0625 78.0361 4660
38 Karur Enuguru DW 10.8547 78.4878 9070
39 Krishnagiri Pannandur 12.3013 78.2794 3270
40 Krishnagiri Panneswara Madam 12.3917 78.2469 3630
41 Krishnagiri Panneswara Madam 12.3917 78.2469 3630
42 Krishnagiri Mattur 12.3833 78.4139 3860
43 Krishnagiri Mattur 12.3833 78.4139 3860
44 Madurai Kolluveeranpatti pz 9.4225 77.5308 3210
45 Madurai Valayankulam 9.8042 78.0917 3690
46 Madurai Thirumangalam new 9.8167 77.9792 3890
47 Madurai Keelakottai pz 9.7867 78.0019 4200
48 Madurai Tirumangalam pz 9.9208 77.8833 4430
49 Madurai Thirupallai 9.9805 78.1453 4470
50 Nagapattinam Valagarai 10.6289 79.7483 3760
51 Namakkal Velur 11.1083 78.0033 3200
52 Namakkal Gurusamipalayam 11.4342 78.1344 3250
53 Namakkal Senthamangalam 11.3028 78.2333 3340
54 Namakkal Pottiredddipatti 11.1689 78.2744 3650
55 Namakkal Paramarthi dw 11.1567 78.0214 3790
56 Namakkal Pudur Siddhampoondi 11.2361 77.9142 4013
57 Namakkal Thoppur (N) 11.1011 78.1517 4180
58 Namakkal Ramapuram 11.4403 78.0092 4730
59 Namakkal Ezhur-Olapalayam D 11.3658 78.1192 5430
60 Perambalur Chitali 11.2406 78.9682 3590
61 Perambalur Kunnam 11.3477 78.9491 3830
62 Perambalur Therku Mathevi 11.1400 79.2375 3890
63 Perambalur Veppur (Nallur) 11.3167 79.0636 4130
64 Perambalur Padalur 11.0960 78.8252 6330
65 Perambalur Vijayagopalapuram 11.2700 79.0314 6830
66 Pudukkottai Thirumayam DW 10.2427 78.7455 3020
67 Pudukkottai Viralimalai DW 10.6083 78.5499 3110
68 Pudukkottai Lekkampatti Pz 10.5597 78.7264 3540
69 Pudukkottai Peraiyur Dw 9.3569 78.4467 3580
70 Pudukkottai Devuipattinam DW 9.4808 78.8976 5690
71 Pudukottai Mandangudi Dw 10.4853 78.9283 4320
72 Pudukottai Sundarapatti Pz 10.3588 78.7069 5270
73 Ramanathapuram Kizhakakarai 9.2394 78.7840 6450
74 Ramanathapuram Bogalur DW 9.4024 78.7078 15430
75 Ramanathapuram Mimisal DW 9.9283 79.1476 16210
76 Ramanathapuram U Kosamangai Dw 9.3152 78.7343 6930
77 Salem Mamudi 11.5325 78.0517 3110
78 Salem Tivettipatti 11.8667 78.0875 3270
79 Salem Salem surviellance 11.6594 78.1664 3350
80 Salem Puthur dw 11.6264 78.7833 3370
81 Salem Omalur 11.7458 78.7458 3390
82 Salem Naikarapatty dw 11.6219 78.1061 3520
83 Salem Sivadapuram dw 11.6472 78.1092 3960
84 Salem Palampatti 11.5694 78.0722 4450
85 Salem Karumbapatti 11.5822 77.8611 4930
86 Salem Veerapandi dw 11.5736 78.0728 5400
87 Salem Akkaripalayam 11.3406 78.0500 5760
88 Salem Attayampatti S. 11.5253 78.0750 6370
89 Salem Pulaveri 11.6083 78.1083 7830
90 Salem Sevantampatti 11.5583 78.0917 8870
91 Sivaganga Rameswaram DW 9.2884 79.3204 4690
92 Sivaganga Tiruvengamputhur 9.8304 78.7858 5700
93 Sivaganga Kalayarkoil DW 9.8467 78.6344 3080
94 Sivaganga Manamadurai Pz 9.7010 78.4597 3520
95 Theni Koduvilarpatti pz 9.9719 77.4919 3790
96 Theni Periyakulam 10.1208 77.5500 3890
97 Theni Sankarapuram pz 9.9069 77.3297 4040
98 Thiruvannamalai Chengam2 12.2917 78.7917 3900
99 Tirunelveli Kadayanallur 9.0667 77.3458 3060
100 Tirunelveli Therkuvalliyur OW 8.3331 77.6240 3090
101 Tirunelveli Kadayanallur1 9.0833 77.3500 3120
102 Tirunelveli Tenkasi OW 8.9633 77.3115 3120
103 Tirunelveli P. Kudieruppu dw 8.5783 77.5603 3260
104 Tirunelveli P. chatram 9.1183 77.6125 3270
105 Tirunelveli Udayattur A/B OW 8.2325 77.7206 3510
106 Tirunelveli Rajapathi OW 8.8517 77.7696 3850
107 Tirunelveli Seetharappanallur 8.7939 77.6018 4560
108 Tirunelveli Chettikulam 8.1667 77.6167 4790
109 Tirunelveli Kuttam 8.3211 77.9366 5790
110 Tirunelveli N. Vijayanarayanam 8.5333 77.7917 6450
111 Tiruppur KaravallurPZ 11.2894 77.1692 3620
112 Tiruppur Kasipalayam (T) 11.1156 77.3858 4350
113 Tiruppur Tiruppur Agraharam 11.1253 77.4133 4840
114 Tiruppur Arugampalayam 11.1247 77.4644 10580
115 Tiruvallur Kanakammachatrm 13.2083 79.7500 3130
116 Tiruvallur Tirupalavanam 13.4020 80.2485 3250
117 Tiruvallur Mettukandigai 13.0667 79.9667 3360
118 Tiruvallur Sangaibedu 13.3298 80.2977 3390
119 Tiruvallur Chozambedu 13.1203 80.1364 6300
120 Tiruvarur Pangal 10.7208 79.6417 4140
121 Trichy Pulivalam 11.0167 78.6375 3350
122 Trichy Kovilpatty 10.5500 78.3000 3430
123 Trichy Peramangalam 10.9867 78.6542 3550
124 Trichy Pullambadi1 10.9417 78.9125 4740
125 Trichy Mudaliarchatram 10.8003 78.6967 7750
126 Tuticorin Tiruchendur-e 8.4944 78.1222 3290
127 Tuticorin Nagalapuram 9.2333 78.1306 3320
128 Tuticorin Petmanagar 8.6500 77.9500 3410
129 Tuticorin Paikulam 8.5181 77.8556 3430
130 Tuticorin Eppodumvendram 9.0292 78.0458 4570
131 Tuticorin Villiseri 9.0583 77.8500 5040
132 Tuticorin Kurukkuchalai 8.9306 78.0917 5920
133 Tuticorin Tuticorin1 8.8083 78.1389 7730
134 Vellore Kandili 12.4778 78.4556 3670
135 Villipuram Rajampalayam 11.9459 79.1378 3059
136 Villipuram Chinnasalem 11.6375 78.8818 3200
137 Villipuram Gingee 12.2521 79.4259 4410
138 Villipuram Kiliyanur 12.1008 79.7458 5045
139 Virudhunagar Virudunagar 9.5833 77.9542 3610
140 Virudhunagar Aviyur dw 9.7389 78.1008 3680
141 Virudhunagar Sevalpatti 9.5583 77.9583 3750
142 Virudhunagar Alangulam 9.3639 77.6861 4180
143 Virudhunagar Mudukkankulam 9.1508 78.2058 4270
144 Virudhunagar Srivilliputhur1 9.5000 77.6333 4360
145 Virudhunagar Choolapuram 9.3833 77.5583 4520
146 Virudhunagar Vembakkottai-OW 9.3333 77.7667 4670
147 Virudhunagar Kalloorani 9.4639 78.1650 5090
148 Virudhunagar Palavanatham 9.5667 78.0750 5430
149 Virudhunagar Nenmeni1 9.3250 78.0083 19850


Trend analysis determines whether the measured values of the water quality variables increase or decrease
during a time period. The Electrical Conductivity (EC) of groundwater is contributed by all the dissolved
ionic constituents. Therefore, it is a measure of the total ionic content of the water. It could be used as a
source of inorganic pollution indicator as most of the inorganic compounds are present as ions in water.
Hence, EC was taken to assess the trend of ground water quality in Tamilnadu. The number of wells
monitored in the year 2020 and 2021 is comparatively less due to COVID pandemic situation. The
percentage of well exceeds the electrical conductivity more than 3000 µS/cm for the period of 2017 to
2022 were compared and presented in the Table7.1.3 and Fig 7.1.4 and observed that the percentage of
samples exceed the permissible limit of 3000 µS/cm were ranging between 12- 16 % during 2017-2022
and slightly decreasing trend was noticed. Trend on Electrical Conductivity in a district, Virudhunagar of
Tamil Nadu shows (Fig 7.1.5) an increasing trend due to lowest rain fall recorded district in the state of
Tamil Nadu. Trend on Electrical Conductivity in a district, Tiruvallur of Tamil Nadu shows (Fig. 7.1.6) a
decreasing trend as a dilution factor due to the effect of implementation of mandatory rain water
harvesting structure.

Table 7.1.3 Percentage of wells affected by EC for the period of 2017-2022
Year No. of districts Total Total % of locations
affected by EC number of Number of affected by EC
locations samples
affected by analysed

2017 30 101 625 16.16

2018 31 147 930 15.81
2019 27 168 1185 14.18
2020 2 11 113 9.73
2021 26 78 620 12.58
2022 27 149 1199 12.43

Trend of Electrical Conductivity in Tamil Nadu

35 18
30 31
16.16 16

% age of Locations affected

30 27 27
No. of Districts affected

14.18 14
25 12.58 12.4 12
20 10
15 8
5 2 2
0 0
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
No. of districts affected by EC %age of locations affected by EC

Fig 7.1.4 Trend on Electrical conductivity for the period of 2017-2022

Trend on EC of Virudhunagar district of

% of wells Ec morethan 3000

20.00 21.88
10.00 11.76
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Fig. 7.1.5 Trend on Electrical Conductivity in a district (Virudhunagar) for

the period of 2017-2022

Trend on EC of Tiruvallur district of Tamil Nadu

Percentage of well
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Fig. 7.1.6 Trend on Electrical Conductivity in a district (Tiruvallur) for the

period of 2017-2022


Chloride is present in all-natural waters, mostly at low concentrations. It is highly soluble in

water and moves freely with water through soil and rock. In ground water the chloride content
is mostly below 250 mg/L except in cases where inland salinity is prevalent and in coastal areas.

BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard) have recommended a desirable limit of 250 mg /L of chloride
in drinking water; this concentration limit can be extended to 1000 mg/L of chloride in case no
alternative source of water with desirable concentration is available. However, ground water
having concentration of chloride more than 1000 mg /L are not suitable for drinking purposes.
The chloride content is less than 250 mg/l in about 63.3 % of the sample analyzed and 33.2 %
of the sample are between 251 – 1000 mg/l and 3.5 % shows more than 1000mg/l.

In Fig 7.2.1, the concentration of chloride (in mg/L) in ground water from observation wells
have been used to show distribution patterns of chloride in different ranges of suitability. It is
deceptive from the map that the elevated level of chloride was noticed in the coastal districts of
Pudukottai, Sivaganga, Ramanathapuram and Tuticorin due to coastal salinity and isolated
pockts in the the districts of Dindigul, Tirunelveli, Virudhunagar, Karur, Namakkal, Tiruppur,
Erode and Salem districts are due to industrial activities. District-wise percentage of wells having
chloride >1000 mg/L is given in Table 7.2.1 and shown as a bar diagram in Fig 7.2.2.
respectively. List of wells show chloride concentration more than 1000 mg/L during May 2022
are given in Table 7.2.2

Fig 7.2.1 Spatial Distribution of Chloride during May 2022

Table 7.2.1 District-wise percentage of samples having Chloride >1000mg/L

No. of Samples No. of (%) Samples

Districts collected (NHS 2022- Samples (Cl (Cl >1000
23) >1000 mg/l) mg/l)

1 Ariyalur 16 0 0.0
2 Chennai 18 2 11.1
3 Coimbatore 49 1 2.0
4 Cuddalore 66 0 0.0
5 Dharmapuri 58 0 0.0
6 Dindigul 52 2 3.8
7 Erode 84 2 2.4
8 Kancheepuram 79 1 1.3
9 Kanyakumari 21 0 0.0
10 Karaikal 4 0 0.0
11 Karur 15 1 6.7
12 Krishnagiri 57 1 1.8
13 Madurai 42 1 2.4
14 Nagapattinam 16 1 6.3
15 Namakkal 45 3 6.7
16 Nilgiris 7 0 0.0
17 Perambalur 20 2 10.0
18 Pondicherry 15 0 0.0
19 Pudukottai 34 2 5.9
20 Ramanathapuram 19 4 21.1
21 Salem 51 7 13.7
22 Sivaganga 18 2 11.1
23 Thanjavur 15 0 0.0
24 Theni 39 0 0.0
25 Thiruvannamalai 39 0 0.0
26 Tirunelveli 68 3 4.4
27 Tiruppur 20 1 5.0
28 Tiruvallur 53 0 0.0
29 Tiruvarur 6 0 0.0
30 Trichy 42 2 4.8
31 Tuticorin 40 1 2.5
32 Vellore 7 1 14.3
34 Villupuram 51 2 3.9
35 Virudhunagar 33 1 3.0
1199 41 3.5

Fig 7.2.2 District-wise percentage of wells having Chloride > 1000 mg/L.

Table 7.2.2 List of well shows chloride more than permissible limit of 1000 mg/L during
May 2022

S.NO DISTRICT LOCATION Latitude Longitude Chloride

1 Chennai Adyar 13.0089 80.2627 6877
2 Chennai Tirumangalam 13.0833 80.1875 1335
3 Coimbatore Kunnakalpalayam 11.0456 77.3272 1406
4 Dindigul Siddayamkottai 10.2725 77.8356 1458
5 Dindigul P. Alagapuri 10.5983 77.9756 1266
6 Erode Kavilipalayam 11.3802 77.2308 2871
7 Erode Ingur New 11.2258 77.5814 1035
8 Kancheepuram Uthiramerur2 12.6083 79.7375 1839
9 Karur Enuguru DW 10.8547 78.4878 2386
10 Krishnagiri Pannandur 12.3013 78.2794 1001
11 Madurai Thirupallai 9.9805 78.1453 1081
12 Namakkal Ezhur-Olapalayam 11.3658 78.1192 1241
13 Namakkal Pudur 11.2361 77.9142 1113
14 Namakkal Thoppur (N) 11.1011 78.1517 1032
15 Perambalur Padalur 11.0960 78.8252 1702
16 Perambalur Vijayagopalapuram 11.2700 79.0314 1418
17 Pudukkottai Devuipattinam DW 9.4808 78.8976 1124
18 Pudukottai Sundarapatti Pz 10.3588 78.7069 1316
19 Ramanathapuram Mimisal DW 9.9283 79.1476 5121
20 Ramanathapuram Bogalur DW 9.4024 78.7078 4907
21 Ramanathapuram Kizhakakarai 9.2394 78.7840 1387
22 Ramanathapuram U Kosamangai Dw 9.3152 78.7343 1742
23 Salem Sevantampatti 11.5583 78.0917 2471
24 Salem Pulaveri 11.6083 78.1083 2279
25 Salem Attayampatti 11.5253 78.0750 1882
26 Salem Akkaripalayam 11.3406 78.0500 1463
27 Salem Veerapandi dw 11.5736 78.0728 1314
28 Salem Palampatti 11.5694 78.0722 1122
29 Salem Karumbapatti 11.5822 77.8611 1058
30 Sivaganga Tiruvengamputhur 9.8304 78.7858 1266
31 Sivaganga Manamadurai Pz 9.7010 78.4597 1010
32 Tirunelveli Kuttam 8.3211 77.9366 1617
33 Tirunelveli Vijayanarayanam 8.5333 77.7917 1212
34 Tirunelveli Seetharappanallur 8.7939 77.6018 1014
35 Tiruppur Arugampalayam 11.1247 77.4644 2513
36 Trichy Mudaliarchatram 10.8003 78.6967 1519
37 Trichy Pullambadi1 10.9417 78.9125 1051
38 Tuticorin Tuticorin1 8.8083 78.1389 1780
39 Villipuram Kiliyanur 12.1008 79.7458 1347
40 Villipuram Gingee 12.2521 79.4259 1134
41 Virudhunagar Nenmeni1 9.3250 78.0083 4055


Fluorine is a fairly common element but it does not occur in the elemental state in nature because
of its high reactivity. Fluorine is the most electronegative and reactive of all elements that occur
naturally within many types of rock. It exists in the form of fluorides in a number of minerals of
which fluorspar, cryolite, fluorite and fluorapatite are the most common. Fluorite (CaF2) is a
common fluoride mineral.

Most of the fluoride found in groundwater is naturally occurring from the breakdown of rocks
and soils or weathering and deposition of atmospheric particles. Most of the fluorides are
sparingly soluble and are present in ground water in small amounts. The occurrence of fluoride
in natural water is affected by the type of rocks, climatic conditions, nature of hydrogeological
strata and time of contact between rock and the circulating ground water. Presence of other ions,
particularly bicarbonate and calcium ions also affect the concentration of fluoride in ground

It is well known that small amounts of fluoride (less than 1.0 mg/L) have proven to be beneficial
in reducing tooth decay. Community water supplies commonly are treated with NaF or
fluorosilicates to maintain fluoride levels ranging from 0.8 to 1.2 mg/L to reduce the incidence
of dental carries. However, high concentrations such as 1.5 mg/L of F and above have resulted
in staining of tooth enamel while at still higher levels of fluoride ranging between 5.0 and 10
mg/L, further pathological changes such as stiffness of the back and difficulty in performing
natural movements may take place.

BIS has recommended an upper desirable limit of 1.0 mg/L of F- as desirable concentration of
fluoride in drinking water, which can be extended to 1.5 mg/L of F in case no alternative source
of water is available. Water having fluoride concentration of more than 1.5 mg/L are not suitable
for drinking purposes.

The fluoride content in groundwater from observation wells in a major part of the state is found
to be less than 1.0 mg/L. The occurrences of fluoride in groundwater beyond permissible limit
(1.5 mg/L) have also been shown in the map as Fig. 7.3.1. District-wise percentage of wells
having fluoride >1.5 mg/L is shown as a bar diagram in Fig 7.3.2. The percentage of wells having
fluoride morethan the permissible limit of 1.5 mg/L was more in the districts of Coimbatore,
Erdoe, Madurai, Namakkal, Perambalur, Krishnagiri, Salem, Theni, Tiruppur and Virudhunagar
district due geogenic activities. The details of locations where fluoride concentration is more
than 1.5 mg/L is given in Table 7.3.1.

Fig 7.3.1 Locations having Fluoride concentration > 1.5 mg/L during May 2022.

Fig. 7.3.2. District-wise percentage of wells having fluoride >1.5 mg/L

Table 7.3.1 List of well shows fluoride more than permissible limit of 1.5 mg/L during
May 2022


1 Ariyalur V.Ramanapuram OW 11.1754 79.1096 1.58
2 Coimbatore Tn Urban Studies pz 11.0219 76.9419 1.70
3 Coimbatore Angalakurichi 10.5250 76.9994 1.62
4 Coimbatore Samathur Hss pz 10.6022 77.0089 1.58
5 Coimbatore Cwc Campus pz 11.0414 77.0006 1.57
6 Coimbatore Pallapalayam pz 10.5256 77.2181 1.57
7 Coimbatore Sarkar samakulam pz 11.1333 77.0333 1.55
8 Coimbatore Kunnakalpalayam pz 11.0456 77.3272 1.54
9 Cuddalore Tekkumellur 11.5894 79.5278 1.95
10 Cuddalore Theerthangari EW 11.5604 79.5563 1.86
11 Cuddalore Vadalur 11.5687 79.5542 1.80
12 Cuddalore Teerthanagiri 11.5693 79.6790 1.55
13 Cuddalore Thaiyalkunapattinam 11.5703 79.6832 1.53
14 Dindigul Nandavanampatti 10.3756 77.9853 2.96
15 Dindigul Sanarpatti 10.3328 78.0870 2.76
16 Dindigul Pallapatti 10.0805 77.5457 2.72
17 Erode Nambiyur 11.3606 77.3208 1.88
18 Erode Otti Vilangadu 11.2242 77.4186 1.83
19 Erode Puduppai pz 10.9586 77.7225 1.82
20 Erode E.Vellampalayam pz 11.1697 77.6806 1.77
21 Erode Kavilipalayam 11.3802 77.2308 1.73
22 Erode Archalur 11.1625 77.7000 1.69

23 Erode Papayampudur 10.6567 77.4678 1.65
24 Erode Nagalapuram pz 11.0756 77.3628 1.63
25 Erode Nilangelvalasu pz 10.6431 77.7342 1.62
26 Erode Elmattur 11.1944 77.7792 1.60
27 Erode Karaiyur1 10.7639 77.5944 1.56
28 Erode Kosanam pz 11.3711 77.3578 1.56
29 Erode Erode2 11.3333 77.7333 1.54
30 Kanyakumari Chenpagaramanpudur 8.2599 77.5099 1.82
31 Karur Vellianani 10.8667 78.1333 1.58
32 Karur Jagatabi 10.8417 78.1667 1.56
33 Krishnagiri Enusonai 12.6138 78.0175 1.84
34 Krishnagiri Vappanapalli 12.6998 78.1925 1.70
35 Krishnagiri Nattamaikottai 12.4721 78.2154 1.69
36 Madurai Kolluveeranpatti pz 9.4225 77.5308 3.14
37 Madurai Chellampatti 9.5638 77.5346 2.60
38 Madurai Kolluveeranpatti 9.7069 77.8856 2.52
39 Madurai Surakulam pz 9.8364 78.0567 2.20
40 Madurai Thirupallai 9.9869 78.1389 1.96
41 Madurai Tirumangalam pz 9.9208 77.8833 1.59
42 Madurai P.Ammapatti pz 9.8458 77.8947 1.53
43 Namakkal Ainthu Panai 11.3633 77.8089 1.94
44 Namakkal Kumbakkottai 11.4717 78.3044 1.83
45 Namakkal Thoppur (N) 11.1011 78.1517 1.77
46 Namakkal Vaiyappamalai 11.3333 78.0833 1.77
47 Namakkal Elachipalayam new 11.3847 78.0125 1.74
48 Namakkal Gurusamipalayam 11.4342 78.1344 1.74
49 Namakkal SPN Nagar 11.1411 78.2200 1.70
50 Namakkal Ezhur-Olapalayam D 11.3658 78.1192 1.68
51 Namakkal Pottiredddipatti 11.1689 78.2744 1.68
52 Namakkal Ramapuram 11.4403 78.0092 1.68
53 Namakkal Semmadaipalayam 11.1472 77.9344 1.68
54 Namakkal Kattipalayam 11.3156 78.0336 1.66
55 Namakkal Solasiramani 11.2500 77.9083 1.65
56 Namakkal Irumbapalam 11.2042 77.9917 1.62
57 Namakkal Velur 11.1083 78.0033 1.59
58 Namakkal Annai sathyanagar 11.3508 77.7639 1.55
59 Perambalur Chitali 11.2406 78.9682 3.00
60 Perambalur Ranjankudi (Mangalamedu) 11.3472 78.9412 1.94
61 Perambalur Perambalur 11.1586 78.9364 1.51
62 Pudukkottai Viralimalai DW 10.6083 78.5499 2.76
63 Pudukkottai Vayyapuri DW 10.3469 78.6172 2.44
64 Pudukkottai Alavoyal Pz 10.3234 78.5464 1.94
65 Pudukottai Thirukkalambur Pz 10.2055 78.4912 2.04
66 Ramanathapuram Kizhakakarai 9.2394 78.7840 2.28
67 Ramanathapuram Parthibanur DW 9.5805 78.4511 1.53
68 Salem Elampillai dw 11.6089 78.0108 2.15
69 Salem Salem surviellance 11.6594 78.1664 1.98
70 Salem Idapadi new 11.5839 77.8500 1.95
71 Salem Karuppur 11.7178 78.0769 1.91
72 Salem Muttur (Karumalikoodal)dw 11.8075 77.8297 1.84
73 Salem Naikarapatty dw 11.6219 78.1061 1.81
74 Salem Panamarathupatti2 11.5903 78.1931 1.81
75 Salem Konganapuram 11.5667 77.9000 1.80
76 Salem Sevantampatti 11.5583 78.0917 1.78
77 Salem Karumbapatti 11.5822 77.8611 1.75
78 Salem Palampatti 11.5694 78.0722 1.68
79 Salem Vedukathampatty dw 11.6528 78.0819 1.63
80 Salem Jalakandapuram 11.7056 77.8722 1.59
81 Sivaganga Nadumanaikadu Dw 9.2780 79.0844 2.62
82 Sivaganga Sivagangai DW 9.8527 78.4985 1.62
83 Theni Cumbum 9.7417 77.2847 7.60
84 Theni Balakombai pz 9.9036 77.6233 2.64
85 Theni Bodinaickanur dw 10.0989 77.5717 2.36
86 Theni Kodangipatti pz 9.9917 77.4306 2.08
87 Theni Ramakrishnapuram pz 9.9392 77.3017 1.60
88 Theni Silverpatti 10.1123 77.6204 1.53
89 Tirunelveli Sivalarkulam OW 8.8693 77.5294 1.78
90 Tirunelveli Naduvapatty 9.2417 77.8014 1.72
91 Tirunelveli Rajapathi OW 8.8517 77.7696 1.67
92 Tirunelveli Chettikulam 8.1667 77.6167 1.63
93 Tirunelveli Tirunelveli1 8.7056 77.7222 1.56
94 Tirunelveli Tachchnallur 8.7458 77.7000 1.54
95 Tiruppur Karamadai 11.2458 77.2125 1.60
96 Tiruppur KaravallurPZ 11.2894 77.1692 1.58
97 Tiruppur Weekly Market 11.0881 77.3431 1.56
98 Tiruvallur Agoor 13.1897 12.9197 1.69
99 Tuticorin Srivaikundam1 8.6250 77.9083 1.73
100 Tuticorin Pasuvanthanai 9.0013 77.9596 1.66
101 Tuticorin Tuticorin1 8.8083 78.1389 1.65
102 Tuticorin Vembur 9.3250 78.0819 1.60
103 Tuticorin Eppodumvendram 9.0292 78.0458 1.51
104 Vellore Echipudhur (Vellore dt) 12.9058 79.2819 1.80
105 Villipuram Allampundi 12.2483 79.3406 1.80
106 Villipuram Rishivandiyam 11.8131 79.0947 1.76
107 Villipuram Pidagam 11.7206 79.1792 1.63
108 Villipuram Gopalapuram-Peramandur 12.2285 79.5702 1.53
109 Virudhunagar Kundarapatty 9.6300 77.7700 1.88
110 Virudhunagar Nathampatti OW 9.6042 77.7486 1.84
111 Virudhunagar Sevalpatti 9.5583 77.9583 1.84
112 Virudhunagar Vembakkottai-OW 9.3333 77.7667 1.81
113 Virudhunagar Muntalapuram 9.0172 77.8894 1.79
114 Virudhunagar Mudukkankulam 9.1508 78.2058 1.73
115 Virudhunagar Aviyur dw 9.7389 78.1008 1.71
116 Virudhunagar Palavanatham 9.5667 78.0750 1.70
117 Virudhunagar Alangulam 9.3639 77.6861 1.69
118 Virudhunagar Vadapatti 9.5108 77.7550 1.67
119 Virudhunagar Virudunagar 9.5833 77.9542 1.67
120 Virudhunagar Watrap 9.6358 77.6335 1.66
121 Virudhunagar Pattampudur OW 9.4914 77.9336 1.59


The occurrence of fluoride in groundwater is mainly due to weathering and leaching of fluoride bearing
minerals from rocks and sediments. To assess the trend of ground water pollution due to geogenic
activity, the percentage of well exceeds the permissible limit of 1.5mg/L for the period of 2017 to 2022
were compared and presented in the Table 7.3.2 and Fig 7.3.3 and observed that the percentage of samples
exceed the permissible limit of fluoride 1.5 mg/L were ranging between 8 -14 % during 2017-2022 except
in the year 2020 and no significant trend was noticed. The number of wells monitored in the year 2020
and 2021 is comparatively less due to COVID pandemic situation. The number of fluoride affected
district has increased in the year 2022 as more number of piezometers (deeper wells) was included in the
monitoring wells after 2019. Trend on water quality for fluoride was prepared for the state of Tamil
Nadu is shown in Fig 7.3.3. Trend on fluoride in a district, Dindigul of Tamil Nadu shows (Fig 7.3.4) a
decreasing trend and Namakkal district of Tamil Nadu shows (Fig 7.3.5) an increasing trend depends on
the rain fall pattern and more piezometer/bore wells were included in monitoring as many monitoring
dug wells were dried up in the district respectively.

Table 7.3.2 Percentage of well exceeds the permissible limit of 1.5mg/L for the period of 2017 to 2022
Year No. of districts No. of Total Number % of
affected by locations of samples locations
Fluoride affected by analysed affected by
Fluoride Fluoride
2017 18 61 625 9.76
2018 21 128 930 13.76
2019 23 100 1185 8.44
2020 2 5 113 4.42
2021 13 51 620 8.23
2022 23 121 1199 10.09

Fig. 7.3.3 Trend of Fluoride occurrence in Tamil Nadu

Trend on Fluoride in Dindigul district of Tamilnadu

% of wells Fluoride morethan 1.5

25.00 25.00
20.00 20.00
11.11 11.11

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Fig 7.3.4 Trend on Fluoride a district (Dindigul) for the

period of 2017-2022

Trend on Fluoride in Namakkal district of Tamilnadu

% of Wells Fluoride morethan 1.5mg/L

20.00 19.23
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Fig 7.3.5 Trend on Fluoride in a district (Namakkal) for the

period of 2017-2022


Nitrate is one of the major indicators of anthropogenic sources of pollution. The negative
charge and high mobility favors its persistence in nature and transport along the groundwater
flow path. Nitrate is the ultimate oxidized product of all nitrogen containing matter and its
occurrence in groundwater can be fairly attributed to infiltration of water through soils
containing domestic, vegetable and animal waste, fertilizer and industrial pollution. A large
proportion of this nitrogen gets converted into nitrate which, being soluble in water and not
retained by soils, gets leached into water bodies. As the lithogenic sources of nitrogen are
very rare, its presence in groundwater is almost due to anthropogenic activity. Some
chemical and micro-biological processes such as nitrification and denitrification also
influence the nitrate concentration in ground water.

NO3 is an oxidizing agent and is readily oxidizes haemoglobin (Hb) in to met haemoglobin
(MeHb) a blue coloured pigment and gets reduced to NO2. The oxidized Hb impairs seriously
the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and thus causes hypoxia, which may have fatal
consequences in anaemic individuals and infants under8 weeks of age. The MeHb formed in
the infant blood gives a characteristic bluish to the skin and mucous membrane, thus giving
the name “Blue Baby Syndrome”. This condition is particularly important in the case of
infants because the infant and the foetal – Hb, which is 2 2 type has greater affinity for
oxygen (O2) than adult Hb which is 2 2 type. This condition may also result by birth due
to the deficiency of an enzyme known as met haemoglobin reducate in the foetal blood. This
enzyme catalyse the reversion of MeHb to Hb as follows.

Me-Hb ↔ Hb

Thus the Me-Hb formed in the foetal blood severely impairs the oxygen carrying capacity
of the blood in infants, causing the blue baby disease.

As per the BIS Standard for drinking water the maximum desirable limit of Nitrate concentration
in ground water is 45 mg/L with no relaxation. Though, Nitrate is considered relatively non-toxic,
a high nitrate concentration in drinking water is an environmental health concern arising from
increased risks of methemoglobinemia particularly to infants. Adults can tolerate little higher
concentrations. The specified limits are not to be exceeded in public water supply. If the limit is
exceeded, water is considered to be unfit for human consumption.

The occurrences of Nitrate in ground water beyond permissible limit (45 mg /L) have been shown
on the map as a point source Fig 7.4.1 and also given in Table 7.4.1, where nitrate has been found
in excess of 45 mg/L in groundwater. District-wise percentage of wells having nitrate >45 mg/L
is shown as a bar diagram in Fig 7.4.2. The percentage of wells having nitrate morethan the
permissible limit of 45 mg/L was more in all the district except Nilgiris district. The details of
locations where nitrate concentration is more than 45 mg/L is given in Table 7.4.1.

Fig 7.4.1 Locations having Nitrate concentration > 45 mg/L during 2022-23

Table 7.4.1 District-wise percentage of wells having Nitrate >45 mg/L

S. No Districts No. of No. of (%)

Samples Samples Samples
collected (NO3 > 45 (NO3 >
(NHS 2022- mg/L) 45mg/L)

1 Ariyalur 16 5 31.3
2 Chennai 18 1 5.6
3 Coimbatore 49 17 34.7
4 Cuddalore 66 24 36.4
5 Dharmapuri 58 36 62.1
6 Dindigul 52 27 51.9
7 Erode 84 45 53.6
8 Kancheepuram 79 12 15.2
9 Kanyakumari 21 3 14.3
10 Karaikal (UToP) 4 4 100.0
11 Karur 15 5 33.3
12 Krishnagiri 57 17 29.8
13 Madurai 42 18 42.9
14 Nagapattinam 16 8 50.0
15 Namakkal 45 25 55.6
16 Nilgiris 7 0 0.0
17 Perambalur 20 17 85.0
18 Puducherry(UToP) 15 5 33.3
19 Pudukottai 34 7 20.6
20 Ramanathapuram 19 2 10.5
21 Salem 51 31 60.8
22 Sivaganga 18 3 16.7
23 Thanjavur 15 1 6.7
24 Theni 39 17 43.6
25 Thiruvannamalai 39 9 23.1
26 Tirunelveli 68 23 33.8
27 Tiruppur 20 6 30.0
28 Tiruvallur 53 4 7.5
29 Tiruvarur 6 2 33.3
30 Trichy 42 14 33.3
31 Tuticorin 40 14 35.0
32 Vellore 7 2 28.6
34 Villupuram 51 30 58.8
35 Virudhunagar 33 12 36.4
1199 450 37.5

Fig 7.4.2 District-wise percentage of wells having Nitrate >45 mg/L

Table 7.4.2 List of well shows nitrate more than permissible limit of 45 mg /L
during May 2022

S_NO DISTRICT LOCATIO Latitude Longitude Nitrate

N mg/L
1 Ariyalur Kiharasanur 11.0114 78.9319 198
2 Ariyalur Kilpazhavur 11.0436 79.0653 155
3 Ariyalur Oliyur EW 11.3979 79.3186 69
4 Ariyalur Papakudi 11.2855 79.4900 66
5 Ariyalur Periyathukurichi 11.4104 79.3500 56
6 Chennai Vepery 13.0833 80.2708 142
7 Coimbatore Kallampalayam pz 11.0300 77.2833 227
8 Coimbatore Periya Negamam pz 10.7403 77.1014 213
9 Coimbatore Kattampatty pz 10.8053 77.1425 199
10 Coimbatore Annur1 11.2333 77.1083 178
11 Coimbatore Vadavalli 11.0250 76.9083 178
12 Coimbatore Chinnaripalayam 10.7292 77.0917 162
13 Coimbatore P.N. palayam 11.2069 76.9922 137
14 Coimbatore Kovilvazhi IV 11.0583 77.3889 116
15 Coimbatore Sarkar samakulam pz 11.1333 77.0333 104
16 Coimbatore Kuniyamuthur 10.9667 76.9167 104
17 Coimbatore Kunnakalpalayam pz 11.0456 77.3272 98
18 Coimbatore Madukkarai-PZ 10.9083 76.9667 93
19 Coimbatore Podanur1 10.9667 76.9833 86
20 Coimbatore Thondamuthur 10.9833 76.8333 83

21 Coimbatore Ganesapuram 11.1758 77.0575 76
22 Coimbatore Kinathukadavu 10.7333 77.0292 70
23 Coimbatore Coimbatore Taluk 11.0017 76.9711 57
24 Cuddalore Reddipalayam 11.5371 79.5300 130
25 Cuddalore Anathanampettai 11.6068 79.6351 124
26 Cuddalore Sengalpalayam-I 11.4324 79.5422 87
27 Cuddalore Arasadikuppam 11.6147 79.6614 81
28 Cuddalore Komaratchi 11.5514 79.8072 74
29 Cuddalore Kundiamallur 11.5269 79.6517 74
30 Cuddalore Palayamkottai EW 11.4161 79.5722 74
31 Cuddalore Theerthangari EW 11.5604 79.5563 74
32 Cuddalore Vegakollai 11.6758 79.5289 74
33 Cuddalore Kattumannakudi 11.2872 79.5517 68
34 Cuddalore Kattusagai(n) 11.5228 79.6534 68
35 Cuddalore Kattuvegakollai 11.6475 79.6392 68
36 Cuddalore Kopuvanur 11.6156 79.1378 68
37 Cuddalore tiruchchopuram 11.6164 79.7416 68
38 Cuddalore Ammeri 11.5561 79.4578 62
39 Cuddalore Annmalainagar 11.3919 79.7072 62
40 Cuddalore Vadalur EW 11.5375 79.8844 62
41 Cuddalore Iruppu ii 11.5036 79.6325 58
42 Cuddalore Keelpuvanikuppam 11.6013 79.7191 56
43 Cuddalore NLC arch gate 11.6177 79.5540 52
44 Cuddalore Manjakuppam 11.7644 79.7647 51
45 Cuddalore Nadiyapattu 11.6647 79.4041 50
46 Cuddalore Srinivasapuram 11.5839 79.6335 50
47 Cuddalore Vanathirayapuram I 11.5177 79.3347 50
48 Dharmapuri Sillarahalli 12.0525 78.2806 336
49 Dharmapuri Sillarahalli 12.0525 78.2806 336
50 Dharmapuri Echambadi dw 12.1128 78.4942 262
51 Dharmapuri Echambadi dw 12.1128 78.4942 262
52 Dharmapuri A.Pallipatti 11.9403 78.4017 199
53 Dharmapuri A.Pallipatti 11.9403 78.4017 199
54 Dharmapuri Nagadasampatti 12.1333 77.9833 198
55 Dharmapuri Nagadasampatti 12.1333 77.9833 198
56 Dharmapuri Thirthamalai DW 12.1017 78.5892 162
57 Dharmapuri Thirthamalai DW 12.1017 78.5892 162
58 Dharmapuri Indoor 12.1333 78.0583 160
59 Dharmapuri Indoor 12.1333 78.0583 160
60 Dharmapuri Odasalapatti x road 12.1431 78.2844 157
61 Dharmapuri Odasalapatti x road 12.1431 78.2844 157
62 Dharmapuri Bommidimalapurm 12.0000 78.2500 147
63 Dharmapuri Bommidimalapurm 12.0000 78.2500 147
64 Dharmapuri Dharmapuri2 12.1375 78.1708 80
65 Dharmapuri Dharmapuri2 12.1375 78.1708 80
66 Dharmapuri Morappur dw 12.1247 78.3989 76
67 Dharmapuri Morappur dw 12.1247 78.3989 76
68 Dharmapuri Odasalapatti 12.1417 78.2917 67
69 Dharmapuri Odasalapatti 12.1417 78.2917 67
70 Dharmapuri Harur2 12.0514 78.4833 62
71 Dharmapuri Harur2 12.0514 78.4833 62
72 Dharmapuri Boothanatham 11.9508 78.4688 62
73 Dharmapuri Boothanatham 11.9508 78.4688 62

74 Dharmapuri Mukkareddipatti 11.9667 78.4167 61
75 Dharmapuri Mukkareddipatti 11.9667 78.4167 61
76 Dharmapuri Kottapatti Pz 11.9850 78.6717 58
77 Dharmapuri Kottapatti Pz 11.9850 78.6717 58
78 Dharmapuri Athikarapatti 11.9340 78.3909 55
79 Dharmapuri Athikarapatti 11.9340 78.3909 55
80 Dharmapuri Maniyampadi 12.1246 78.2847 52
81 Dharmapuri Maniyampadi 12.1246 78.2847 52
82 Dharmapuri Sittilingiri 11.9098 78.6212 49
83 Dharmapuri Sittilingiri 11.9098 78.6212 49
84 Dindigul Natham1 10.2222 78.2472 361
85 Dindigul Chitterivu pz 10.2378 77.7708 289
86 Dindigul Paraipatti 10.3583 77.9750 282
87 Dindigul Chattrapatti 10.4667 77.6583 275
88 Dindigul Thamaraipadi 10.4053 78.0453 241
89 Dindigul Nattam 10.2328 78.2333 233
90 Dindigul Thoppampatti 10.5900 77.5269 226
91 Dindigul Oddanchatram1 10.4908 77.7528 207
92 Dindigul Vaivesapuram 10.3244 78.0419 207
93 Dindigul Kanakkanpatti 10.4750 77.5667 204
94 Dindigul Oodanchatram 10.4875 77.7542 198
95 Dindigul Thumbalapatti 10.5333 77.5208 178
96 Dindigul Chellamantadi 10.4072 78.0025 157
97 Dindigul Guzilamparai 10.6806 78.1156 152
98 Dindigul Muthampattipalayam 10.7272 78.1392 134
99 Dindigul Vaivesapuram 10.5396 78.0710 132
100 Dindigul Pudu Ettama Nayakar 10.4619 77.7061 117
101 Dindigul Kakkinapatti 10.6714 77.9922 107
102 Dindigul Vadamadurai pz 10.2630 78.0612 107
103 Dindigul Kallimandiam 10.5833 77.6944 106
104 Dindigul P. Alagapuri 10.5983 77.9756 100
105 Dindigul Vaivesapuram 10.5484 78.0720 100
106 Dindigul Vadamadurai 10.3583 78.1000 87
107 Dindigul Palakanthu 10.4658 77.8056 82
108 Dindigul Reddiarchattram 10.4167 77.8611 79
109 Dindigul R.Pudukottai 10.3646 78.0303 76
110 Dindigul Servaikaranpatti 10.7472 78.0917 64
112 Erode Gettichcheriyar 11.3383 77.4133 94
113 Erode Punnachipudur dw 11.5919 77.6661 82
114 Erode Asanur pz 11.6739 77.1289 81
115 Erode Krishnapuram 11.5367 77.7097 81
116 Erode Urachikottai 11.4847 77.6917 80
117 Erode Guvuar dw 11.6414 77.6822 78
118 Erode Kavilipalayam 11.3802 77.2308 76
119 Erode Perundurai1 11.2792 77.5847 72
120 Erode Pudupalayam1 11.5944 77.5875 72
121 Erode Kavundappadi 11.4333 77.5583 71
122 Erode Punnam pz 11.5072 77.6139 71
123 Erode Sathiyamangalam 11.5028 77.2472 70
124 Erode Ariyappanpalayam pz 11.4756 77.2542 69
125 Erode Chennampatti pz 11.7019 77.6736 67
126 Erode Murlipudur 11.6781 77.6560 67
127 Erode Settunampalayam pz 11.5200 77.6033 67

128 Erode Indiampalayam 11.4500 77.2694 66
129 Erode Otti Vilangadu 11.2242 77.4186 66
130 Erode Ingur New 11.2258 77.5814 63
131 Erode Ammapet2 11.6194 77.7444 62
132 Erode Kattupalayam pz 11.5453 77.5953 62
133 Erode Kurichi 11.5733 77.6939 62
134 Erode Pandiyampalayam pz 11.3983 77.5175 62
135 Erode Periyapuliyur pz 11.4283 77.6492 62
136 Erode Puduvadavalli 11.5417 77.1761 62
137 Erode Varadanallur 11.4933 77.6986 62
138 Erode Karaiyur1 10.7639 77.5944 61
139 Erode Rajan Nagar pz 11.5289 77.1422 60
140 Erode Vellitirupur 11.6208 77.6333 56
141 Erode Punjaiduraiampalayam 11.5131 77.4233 55
142 Erode Chittodu 11.3917 77.6778 54
143 Erode Vinnampalli 11.4328 77.2022 53
144 Erode Chennimalai2 11.1625 77.5972 52
145 Erode Nambiyur 11.3606 77.3208 52
146 Erode Ooricheri 11.4650 77.6058 52
147 Erode Attani 11.5242 77.5167 50
148 Erode Alukuli pz 11.4481 77.3578 49
149 Erode Alampalayam pz 11.6272 77.6061 48
150 Erode Gobichettipalayam1 11.4583 77.4458 48
151 Erode Kambaliyampatti pz 11.2314 77.5253 48
152 Erode Mulanur2 10.7917 77.7083 48
153 Erode Erakalpudur(Sivanmal 11.0308 77.5347 47
154 Erode Arakkan kottai 11.4969 77.3431 46
155 Erode Bhavani1 11.8083 77.5333 46
156 Erode Thaneerpanthalpalaya 11.6589 77.6847 46
157 Kancheepuram Kottivakkam 12.9681 80.2600 120
158 Kancheepuram Anakkaputhur 12.9833 80.1250 109
159 Kancheepuram Chemmamcheri 12.8633 80.2261 74
160 Kancheepuram Sadras 12.5203 80.1517 59
161 Kancheepuram Blue beach road. 12.9539 80.2547 59
162 Kancheepuram St.Thomas Mount dw 13.0072 80.1978 55
163 Kancheepuram Mangadu 13.0247 80.1089 55
164 Kancheepuram Chinna Nilangarai 12.9575 80.2608 51
165 Kancheepuram Tirukalukundram 12.6083 79.6667 51
166 Kancheepuram Arasanimangalam 12.5689 79.7233 49
167 Kancheepuram Tambaram1 12.9333 80.1333 47
168 Kancheepuram Lions Club 12.9272 80.2639 46
169 Kanyakumari Karungal pz 8.2347 77.2347 54
170 Kanyakumari Thiruvattar 8.3333 77.2678 51
171 Kanyakumari Kattudurai DW 8.2839 77.2719 46
172 Karaikal Karaikal dw 10.9322 79.8314 115
173 Karaikal Kottucherry 10.9583 79.8167 58
174 Karaikal Thirunallur 10.9261 79.7922 47
175 Karaikal Kilakasakudi 10.9333 79.8417 46
176 Karur Vellianani 10.8667 78.1333 205
177 Karur Jagatabi 10.8417 78.1667 116
178 Karur Melnagavaram dw 10.8767 78.2219 81
179 Karur Veerapalayam dw 10.7789 78.1975 52
180 Karur Kovilur 10.7603 77.8289 50
181 Krishnagiri Mattur 12.3833 78.4139 211

182 Krishnagiri Mattur 12.3833 78.4139 211
183 Krishnagiri Sulagiri 12.6667 78.0250 206
184 Krishnagiri Panneswara Madam 12.3917 78.2469 170
185 Krishnagiri Panneswara Madam 12.3917 78.2469 170
186 Krishnagiri Krishnagiri 12.3130 78.1259 122
187 Krishnagiri Krishnagiri 12.3130 78.1259 122
188 Krishnagiri Pudur Punganai 12.1864 78.4842 121
189 Krishnagiri Enusonai 12.6138 78.0175 114
190 Krishnagiri Bargur 12.3242 78.2054 100
191 Krishnagiri Machinayampalli 12.6156 77.7844 86
192 Krishnagiri Machinayampalli 12.6156 77.7844 86
193 Krishnagiri Uttangarai 12.2667 78.5292 85
194 Krishnagiri Virupakshinagar 12.5933 77.8681 84
195 Krishnagiri Denkanikottai1 12.5250 77.7833 64
196 Krishnagiri Denkanikottai1 12.5250 77.7833 64
197 Krishnagiri Vappanapalli 12.6998 78.1925 51
198 Madurai Valayankulam pz 9.8042 78.0917 359
199 Madurai Kolluveeranpatti pz 9.4225 77.5308 313
200 Madurai Keelakottai pz 9.7867 78.0019 276
201 Madurai Tirumangalam pz 9.9208 77.8833 238
202 Madurai Surakulam pz 9.8364 78.0567 234
203 Madurai Valayankulam 9.8042 78.0917 213
204 Madurai Thirumangalam new 9.8167 77.9792 186
205 Madurai Narayanapuram 9.5726 78.0759 134
206 Madurai Chekkanoorani pz 9.9414 77.9681 114
207 Madurai Alanganallur 10.0500 78.0967 112
208 Madurai Madurai Rly Colony 9.9272 78.1036 109
209 Madurai Madurai New College 9.9189 78.1119 83
210 Madurai M.K. University 9.9408 78.0006 74
211 Madurai Melur1 10.0306 78.3333 58
212 Madurai Peraiyur pz 9.7428 77.7922 55
213 Madurai Kolluveeranpatti 9.7069 77.8856 51
214 Madurai Varichiyur pz 9.9125 78.2569 48
215 Madurai Nilayur pz 9.5119 78.0332 47
216 Nagapattinam Keelvalur 10.7667 79.7333 70
217 Nagapattinam Tranquebar 11.0169 79.8514 63
218 Nagapattinam Odacherry 10.6833 79.8375 61
219 Nagapattinam Velanganni 10.6833 79.8375 60
220 Nagapattinam Valagarai 10.6289 79.7483 58
221 Nagapattinam Thamaraipulam 10.4781 79.8292 58
222 Nagapattinam Nagapattinam 10.7825 79.8431 54
223 Nagapattinam Thalaignayiru 11.2097 79.6639 52
224 Namakkal Elachipalayam new 11.3847 78.0125 86
225 Namakkal Pudur Siddhampoondi 11.2361 77.9142 86
226 Namakkal Unjanai 11.3531 77.9561 72
227 Namakkal Gurusamipalayam 11.4342 78.1344 68
228 Namakkal Thoppur (N) 11.1011 78.1517 68
229 Namakkal Thiruchengodu 11.3833 77.9083 67
230 Namakkal Ezhur-Olapalayam D 11.3658 78.1192 66
231 Namakkal Paramarthi dw 11.1567 78.0214 64
232 Namakkal Mullakurchi dw 11.4594 78.3969 62
233 Namakkal Pulavar Palayam 11.1956 78.1086 62
234 Namakkal Thondichettipatti 11.1867 78.1681 61
235 Namakkal Kattipalayam 11.3156 78.0336 60

236 Namakkal Kokkarayanpettai 11.3147 77.7947 60
237 Namakkal selur valavanthinadu 11.2889 78.3392 59
238 Namakkal Vennandur 11.5125 78.0958 55
239 Namakkal Mohanur1 11.5125 78.1417 54
240 Namakkal SPN Nagar 11.1411 78.2200 53
241 Namakkal Nallur1 11.2667 77.8667 52
242 Namakkal Metala 11.5167 78.3417 51
243 Namakkal Kalipatti 11.5167 78.0361 49
244 Namakkal Kamarajar Nagar 11.4831 78.3750 48
245 Namakkal Minnampalli 11.3165 78.1865 48
246 Namakkal Ramapuram 11.4403 78.0092 48
247 Namakkal Uthandipalayam 11.2464 77.8361 48
248 Namakkal Rasipuram1 11.4583 78.2250 46
249 Perambalur Chettikulam 11.1347 78.7750 372
250 Perambalur Chitali 11.2406 78.9682 322
251 Perambalur Kallampudur 11.2350 78.8025 223
252 Perambalur Kunnam 11.3477 78.9491 223
253 Perambalur Valikandapuram 11.2325 79.3142 192
254 Perambalur Vijayagopalapuram 11.2700 79.0314 186
255 Perambalur Kurumbalur 11.1626 78.7203 161
256 Perambalur Nakkaselam 11.3186 78.9171 155
257 Perambalur Mangalamedu 11.2306 78.8922 124
258 Perambalur Ranjankudi 11.3472 78.9412 112
259 Perambalur Essanai 11.0690 79.0222 93
260 Perambalur Palaiyur 11.1636 78.8575 81
261 Perambalur Therku Mathevi 11.1400 79.2375 81
262 Perambalur Perambalur 11.1586 78.9364 74
263 Perambalur Perambalur 11.2333 78.8830 74
264 Perambalur Annukur 11.3293 78.8615 65
265 Perambalur Veppur (Nallur) 11.3167 79.0636 61
266 Pondicherry Manapattu EW 11.7992 79.7747 68
267 Pondicherry Mangalam-I 11.9028 79.7391 68
268 Pondicherry Pondicherry 11.9333 79.8349 62
269 Pondicherry Reddichavadi 11.9368 79.8270 50
270 Pondicherry VILLIANUR 11.7665 79.7678 50
271 Pudukkottai Devuipattinam DW 9.4808 78.8976 291
272 Pudukkottai Viralimalai DW 10.6083 78.5499 161
273 Pudukkottai Lekkampatti Pz 10.5597 78.7264 154
274 Pudukkottai Vegupatti Pz 10.2755 78.5619 62
275 Pudukkottai Peraiyur Dw 9.3569 78.4467 49
276 Pudukottai Sundarapatti Pz 10.3588 78.7069 190
277 Pudukottai Mandangudi Dw 10.4853 78.9283 64
278 Ramanathapuram Kizhakakarai 9.2394 78.7840 164
279 Ramanathapuram Paramakudi DW 9.5417 78.5375 62
280 Salem Omalur 11.7458 78.7458 270
281 Salem Palampatti 11.5694 78.0722 234
282 Salem Papparapatty 11.3131 78.0337 215
283 Salem Pulaveri 11.6083 78.1083 174
284 Salem Tivettipatti 11.8667 78.0875 172
285 Salem Mecheri 12.8111 79.3972 164
286 Salem Mamudi 11.5325 78.0517 143
287 Salem Puthur dw 11.6264 78.7833 143
288 Salem Panamarathupatti2 11.5903 78.1931 127
289 Salem Ayodhyapattinam 11.6697 78.2389 125

290 Salem Attayampatti Ghss 11.5253 78.0750 125
291 Salem Mallur1 11.5375 78.1458 117
292 Salem Veraganur dw 11.4753 78.7361 116
293 Salem Thandavarayapuram 11.5903 78.5558 108
294 Salem Vedukathampatty dw 11.6528 78.0819 101
295 Salem Dhasanaickanpatty dw 11.6094 78.1453 99
296 Salem Akkaripalayam 11.3406 78.0500 86
297 Salem Veerapandi dw 11.5736 78.0728 84
298 Salem Gangavalli 11.4958 78.6500 81
299 Salem Gudamali dw 11.4603 78.5875 79
300 Salem Kulathur 11.8472 77.7472 76
301 Salem Konganapuram 11.5667 77.9000 73
302 Salem Athur 11.5917 78.5861 67
303 Salem Samudram pz 11.7472 77.9306 65
304 Salem Panaimadal 11.7185 78.4755 65
305 Salem P.N.Palayam1 11.6472 78.5125 63
306 Salem Kullampatti 11.5833 77.7917 60
307 Salem Attayampatti S.Puram 11.5253 78.0750 59
308 Salem Masilapalayam dw 11.8089 77.7889 56
309 Salem S.K.Garden Nathimedi 11.6392 78.1250 55
310 Salem Sendarpatti 11.4375 78.5000 54
311 Sivaganga Tiruvengamputhur 9.8304 78.7858 192
312 Sivaganga Paniyapatti PZ 10.3126 78.6778 114
313 Sivaganga Rameswaram DW 9.2884 79.3204 49
314 Thanjavur Pulavamatham 10.8542 79.2103 51
315 Theni Koduvilarpatti pz 9.9719 77.4919 266
316 Theni Gandamanur 9.9183 77.5217 213
317 Theni M.Subbalapuram pz 9.9717 77.5564 212
318 Theni Okkaraipatti pz 9.9625 77.5694 195
319 Theni Gandamanur pz 9.5509 77.3057 174
320 Theni Kamayagoundanpatti 9.7367 77.3169 166
321 Theni Sankarapuram pz 9.9069 77.3297 144
322 Theni Seelampatti PZ 9.8742 77.3928 122
323 Theni Bodinaickanur dw 10.0989 77.5717 119
324 Theni Thevaram pz 9.5348 77.1637 112
325 Theni Periyakulam 10.1208 77.5500 105
326 Theni Kodangipatti 9.9917 77.4361 94
327 Theni ThamminaickPatti pz 9.9164 77.2997 77
328 Theni Kadamalaikundu pz 9.8072 77.5031 68
329 Theni Balakombai pz 9.9036 77.6233 62
330 Theni Kodangipatti pz 9.9917 77.4306 61
331 Theni Erasakkanaayakanur 9.9250 77.5417 52
332 Thiruvannamalai Kappalur (T) 10.1417 78.6083 137
333 Thiruvannamalai Pudupalayam 12.3611 78.8792 109
334 Thiruvannamalai Kalavai(Vellore dist) 12.4886 79.4125 92
335 Thiruvannamalai Arani 12.3500 79.3500 91
336 Thiruvannamalai Melravandavadi 12.2083 78.7083 82
337 Thiruvannamalai Sathanur 12.2097 79.8878 77
338 Thiruvannamalai Kattampundi OW 12.1267 79.0853 73
339 Thiruvannamalai Nedumpirai OW 12.7078 79.5611 64
340 Thiruvannamalai Padagam 12.4194 79.2039 56
341 Thiruvannamalai Chetpet1 12.4611 79.3583 54
342 Thiruvannamalai Bagmarpet 12.5167 79.1333 48

343 Tirunelveli Nelliappar temple 8.7281 77.6883 77
344 Tirunelveli Therkuvalliyur OW 8.3331 77.6240 76
345 Tirunelveli P.chatram 9.1183 77.6125 74
346 Tirunelveli Palayamkottai 8.7333 77.7333 71
347 Tirunelveli Seetharappanallur 8.7939 77.6018 70
348 Tirunelveli Taruvai 8.6667 77.6806 68
349 Tirunelveli Valliyoor 8.3556 77.6583 65
350 Tirunelveli Poothatan Kudieruppu 8.5783 77.5603 64
351 Tirunelveli Kalakadu 8.4806 77.5986 63
352 Tirunelveli Sankarankoil1 9.2083 77.5583 62
353 Tirunelveli Tenkasi OW 8.9633 77.3115 61
354 Tirunelveli Valliyur 8.3861 77.6167 61
355 Tirunelveli Sivagiri OW 9.3400 77.4383 58
356 Tirunelveli Tiruvembalapuram 8.2542 77.7583 58
357 Tirunelveli Mullikulam 9.4986 77.7000 57
358 Tirunelveli N. Vijayanarayanam 8.5333 77.7917 56
359 Tirunelveli Vannikonendal 8.6611 77.6250 56
360 Tirunelveli Virasikhamani OW 9.0919 77.4447 56
361 Tirunelveli Charanmadevi 8.8278 77.5750 55
362 Tirunelveli Kadayanallur 9.0667 77.3458 55
363 Tirunelveli Chettikulam 8.1667 77.6167 54
364 Tirunelveli Kadayanallur1 9.0833 77.3500 54
365 Tirunelveli Kilpaur 8.9167 77.3833 54
366 Tirunelveli Panpoli 9.0167 77.2528 46
367 Tiruppur Nachipalayam 11.0833 77.4458 197
368 Tiruppur Odakadu 11.1117 77.3342 165
369 Tiruppur Rengagoundanpalaya 11.0697 77.3844 165
370 Tiruppur Weekly Market 11.0881 77.3431 79
371 Tiruppur Kasipalayam (T) 11.1156 77.3858 78
372 Tiruppur KaravallurPZ 11.2894 77.1692 69
373 Tiruvallur Tiruvallur 13.1417 79.1417 156
374 Tiruvallur Kovilpathagai 13.1428 80.0969 90
375 Tiruvallur Palavakkam (T) 11.4158 80.1300 56
376 Tiruvallur Periyapalyam 13.3125 80.0500 48
377 Tiruvarur Mannargudi 10.6833 79.4667 102
378 Tiruvarur Pangal 10.7208 79.6417 66
379 Trichy Mudaliarchatram 10.8003 78.6967 397
380 Trichy Pulivalam 11.0167 78.6375 332
381 Trichy Ookaeri 11.2108 78.5500 313
382 Trichy Pullambadi 11.0458 78.9583 256
383 Trichy Peramangalam 10.9867 78.6542 236
384 Trichy Sirukambur 10.9014 78.6039 200
385 Trichy Thathayangarpet 11.1208 78.4542 163
386 Trichy Chinnagowdanpatti 10.4575 78.3783 136
387 Trichy Uppiliyapuram 11.2622 78.5167 115
388 Trichy Koppampatti 11.3008 78.4972 99
389 Trichy Manaparai 10.6144 78.4253 78
390 Trichy Vaiyampatty 10.5500 78.3000 69
391 Trichy Manaparai II 10.6147 78.4256 54
392 Trichy Tumbalam 11.0306 78.4328 52
393 Tuticorin Nagalapuram 9.2333 78.1306 81
394 Tuticorin Thailapuram 8.6083 77.8500 79
395 Tuticorin Eppodumvendram 9.0292 78.0458 78
396 Tuticorin Kurukkuchalai 8.9306 78.0917 72

397 Tuticorin Paikulam 8.5181 77.8556 70
398 Tuticorin Sathankulam-n 8.4444 77.9000 62
399 Tuticorin Satankulam 8.4333 77.9028 58
400 Tuticorin Vembur 9.3250 78.0819 58
401 Tuticorin Villiseri 9.0583 77.8500 56
402 Tuticorin Kulasekharaptnm 8.4000 78.0542 55
403 Tuticorin Kadambur pz (T) 8.9972 77.8617 52
404 Tuticorin Udangudi 8.4298 78.0335 50
405 Tuticorin Udangudi dw 8.4342 78.0292 49
406 Tuticorin Pasuvanthanai 9.0013 77.9596 46
407 Vellore Kandili 12.4778 78.4556 351
408 Vellore Avarakarai Pz 12.5636 79.1713 75
409 Vellore Virupachipuram 12.8778 79.1333 56
410 Villipuram Ulagankaththan 11.6953 78.9347 192
411 Villipuram Andiarpalayam 12.0474 79.7627 136
412 Villipuram Chinnasalem 11.6375 78.8818 130
413 Villipuram Allampundi 12.2483 79.3406 112
414 Villipuram Rishivandiyam 11.8131 79.0947 112
415 Villipuram Nallavur Pudur 12.1344 79.7603 99
416 Villipuram Vadasemapalaym 11.8592 78.9314 99
417 Villipuram Rajampalayam 11.9459 79.1378 93
418 Villipuram Sadaikattu attipattu 11.9988 79.1659 93
419 Villipuram Eliyathur (New) 11.9552 79.4185 87
420 Villipuram Sankarapuram 11.8866 78.9147 74
421 Villipuram Ulundurpet 11.6908 79.2893 74
422 Villipuram Vazhavanthankuppam 11.7219 79.1289 74
423 Villipuram Arakandanallur 11.9742 79.2258 68
424 Villipuram Kallakurichi 11.7386 78.9538 68
425 Villipuram Kiliyanur 12.1008 79.7458 68
426 Villipuram Gopalapuram 12.2285 79.5702 62
427 Villipuram Kallakurichi 11.7391 78.9623 62
428 Villipuram Sankarapuram 11.8857 78.9178 62
429 Villipuram Tirukkoilur 11.9535 79.1927 62
430 Villipuram Gingee 12.2521 79.4259 56
431 Villipuram Pidagam 11.7206 79.1792 56
432 Villipuram Siruvadi 12.2048 79.8441 56
433 Villipuram Alathur 11.7990 78.9471 50
434 Villipuram Chinnasalem 11.6314 78.8684 50
435 Villipuram Kadambur 11.9410 79.0500 50
436 Villipuram Kunimedu 12.0945 79.8929 50
437 Villipuram Mogaiyur 11.0250 79.3211 50
438 Villipuram Ollakkur 12.2922 79.7245 50
439 Villupuram Avalurpet(Villupuram 12.6658 79.2406 107
440 Virudhunagar Alangulam 9.3639 77.6861 101
441 Virudhunagar Kariyapatti1 9.6694 78.1083 90
442 Virudhunagar Devadanam1 9.3833 77.4656 83
443 Virudhunagar Sevalpatti 9.5583 77.9583 82
444 Virudhunagar Aviyur dw 9.7389 78.1008 80
445 Virudhunagar Sivakasi2 9.4500 77.7917 80
446 Virudhunagar Nenmeni1 9.3250 78.0083 74
447 Virudhunagar Vembakkottai-OW 9.3333 77.7667 67
448 Virudhunagar Muntalapuram 9.0172 77.8894 66
449 Virudhunagar Sundarapandiyan 9.6083 77.6667 58
450 Virudhunagar Mullikulam-V 9.4986 77.7000 48


Trend analysis determines whether the measured values of the water quality variables increase or decrease
during a time period. Nitrate is one of the major indicators of anthropogenic sources of pollution. Nitrate
is the ultimate oxidized product of all nitrogen containing matter and its occurrence in groundwater can
be fairly attributed to infiltration of water through soil containing domestic waste, animal waste, fertilizer
and industrial pollution. As the lithogenic sources of nitrogen are very rare, its presence in ground water
is almost due to anthropogenic activity. Hence, nitrate was taken to assess the trend of ground water
quality in India due to anthropogenic activity. The percentage of well exceeds the permissible limit of
45mg/L for the period of 2017 to 2022 were compared and presented in the Table 7.4.3 and Fig 7.4.3 and
observed that the percentage of samples exceed the permissible limit of nitrate (> 45 mg/L) were ranging
between 34 – 48 % during 2017-2022 except 2020 and no significant trend was noticed. The number of
wells monitored in the year 2020 and 2022 was comparatively less due to COVID pandemic situation.
The number of nitrate affected district has decreased in the year 2022 in cmparison with 2018 as a greater
number of piezometer/deeper wells were included in the monitoring wells after 2018 and shows deeper
aquifers are not affected by nitrate. The percentage of wells affected by nitrate was comparatively more
(62.8%) in the year 2020 and the sampling was more in residential area of the city and town limits during
2020. It is also observed that the type of waste generated is important in causing the nitrate pollution and
also indicates that domestic waste leads to more nitrate problem. This could be due to the leaching of
nitrate from the open sewerage lines. Trend on water quality for Nitrate prepared for the state of Tamil
Nadu is shown in Fig 7.4.3.

Table 7.4.5: Percentage of wells Exceed Nitrate >1.5 mg/L during the period of 2017-2022

Year No. of No. of Total Number % of locations

districts locations of samples affected by NO3
affected by affected by analysed
2017 24 212 625 33.9
2018 33 446 930 48.0
2019 30 551 1185 46.5
2020 2 71 113 62.8
2021 17 238 620 38.4
2022 33 450 1199 37.6

Trend of Nitrate occurrence in Tamilnadu
35 33 33 70
30 62.8
30 60

% age of Locations affected

No. of Districts affected 46.5
20 17 38.4 40
15 30

10 20

5 2 10

0 0
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
No. of districts affected by NO3 % age of locations affected by NO3

. Fig. 7.4.3 Trend of Nitrate occurrence in Tamil Nadu

Trend on Nitrate in a district, Tirunelveli and Cuddalure of Tamil Nadu is shown (Fig 7.4.4 and 7.4.5)
and observed that the water level is deeper in Tirunelveli district and nitrate is mainly from anthropogenic
activity, its influence is minimum in the deeper and shows decreasing trend. The water level is shallow
in cuddalure district as the influence of nitrate is more in shallow aquifer and shows increasing trend.

Trend in Nitrate , Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu

Percentage of well affected by

50.0 52.9

40.0 39.3
Nitrate(>45 mg/L)

30.0 29.2
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Fig 7.4.4 Trend on Nitrate in a district (Namakkal) for the

period of 2017-2022

Trend in Nitrate, Cuddalore district of Tamil Nadu
2022, 36.4

Percentage of well affected by


Nitrate(>45 mg/L)
25.0 2019, 26.3
2018, 18.2
15.0 2017, 16.0
10.0 2021, 9.4
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Fig 7.4.5 Trend on Nitrate in a district (Cuddalore) for the

period of 2017-2022

7.5 IRON

Iron is a common constituent in soil and ground water. It is present in water either as soluble ferrous iron
or the insoluble ferric iron. Water containing ferrous iron is clear and colorless because the iron is
completely dissolved. When exposed to air, the water turns cloudy due to oxidation of ferrous iron into
reddish brown ferric oxide.

The concentration of iron in natural water is controlled by both physico-chemical and microbiological
factors. It is contributed to groundwater mainly from weathering of ferruginous minerals of igneous rocks
such as hematite, magnetite and sulphide ores of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The permissible
Iron concentration in ground water is 0.3 mg/L as per the BIS Standard for drinking water (IS
10500:2012). A baseline study was carried out in the year 2019 for Uranium with other heavy metals like
iron, arsenic etc in shallow groundwater in the state of Tamil Nadu and UT of Puducherry to assess the
heay metal contamination. A total of 1208 samples were collected and analysed for Iron and found that
iron concentration was morethan the permissible limit of 0.3 mg/L was noticed in 57 wells (4.7%).
Sampling for heavy metal contamination is once in five years, accordingly sampling will be done in May
2024 for Iron and other heavy metals. Hence May 2019 data has been taken for the assessment iron in
groundwater. The occurrences of iron in ground water beyond permissible limit (> 0.3 mg /L) have been
shown on the maps as point sources (Fig 7.5.1). It is based on the chemical analysis of water samples
mostly collected from the groundwater observation wells during May 2019.

Fig 7.5.1 Map showing locations of Iron contaminated (> 0.3mg/L) groundwater in Tamil Nadu and UT
of Puducherry (NHS 2019-20)


Arsenic is a shiny, gray, brittle element possessing both metallic and non-metallic properties.
Even when it is present, water is colourless, tasteless and odourless making it almost
impossible for people to know that water is contaminated. In the natural environment, it
occurs in the soil at an average concentration of about 5 to 6 mg/kg. Geochemical
characteristics of the aquifer material and their interactions with the aqueous media play an
important role in controlling retention and/or mobility of
arsenic within the subsurface environment. Similarly uncontrolled anthropogenic activities
such as smelting of metal ores, use of arsenical pesticides and wood preservation agents may
also release arsenic directly to the environment. (Bhattacharya, Chatterjee and Jacks ,1995).
The occurrence and origin of arsenic in groundwater depends on several factors such as
adsorption-desorption, oxidation-reduction, precipitation-dissolution, ion-exchange, grain
size, organic content, biological activity and aquifer characteristics. However, it is widely
believed that arsenate is the major water-soluble species in groundwater because arsenite is
usually prevalent in anaerobic condition.

Based on the environmental factors, socio-economic factors and food habit; the Bureau of
Indian standards (BIS) has set a maximum permissible limit of 10 µg/l (0.01 mg/L) of
Arsenic in drinking water. The toxicology of arsenic is a complex phenomenonas arsenic is
considered to be an essential element also. The speciation of Arsenic determines its toxicity
and its pathways in human physiology. The toxicity decreases from Arsenic (III) to Arsenic
(V) to Organo Arsenic. As (III) is more mobile than As (V). In fact, As (III) is 60 times more
toxic than As (V). The inorganic Arsenic compounds are about 100 times more toxic than
its methylated forms. Excessive intake of Arsenic in the human body causes health hazards
and is manifested in the form of arsenic poisoning. The fatal disease caused by over intake
of Arsenic is calledArsenecosis. Arsenic contamination of groundwater has emerged as a
major health hazard in many parts of the world in recent years. In India, Arsenic in
groundwater was first noticed in parts of West Bengal, where it has assumed serious
proportions, affecting a large number of people depending on groundwater for drinking water

A baseline study was carried out in the year 2019 for Uranium with other heavy metals like iron,
arsenic etc in shallow groundwater in the state of Tamil Nadu and UT of Puducherry to to have basic
data of arsenic occurrence in groundwater. A total of 1208 samples were collected and analysed
for Arsenic and found that arsenic concentration was morethan the permissible limit of 0.01 mg/L was
noticed in 16 wells (1.3%) which are mostly from the Coastal district of Chennai, Tiruvallur,
Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, S i v a g a n g a a n d Ramanathapuram. Sampling for heavy metal
contamination is planned for once in five years for background monitoring station, accordingly
sampling will be done in May 2024 for Arsenic and other heavy metals. Hence May 2019 data has
been taken for the assessment arsenic in groundwater. The occurrences of arsenic in ground water
beyond permissible limit (> 0.01 mg /L) have been shown on the maps as point sources (Fig 7.6.1). It
is based on the chemical analysis of water samples mostly collected from the groundwater observation
wells during May 2019. The list of wells show Arsenic more than the permissible limit of 0.01
mg/L is shown in Table 7.6.1.
Table 7.6.1 List of wells exceed Arsenic more than permissible limit of 0.01
mg/L (May 2019)

Sl As in
District Location latitude longitude
No ppb
1 Chennai Tiruvottiyur 13.1600 80.3100 12.20
2 Cuddalore Keelpuvanikuppam 11.6011 79.7189 22.01
3 Dharmapuri Mullaivanam 12.1115 78.5846 15.64
4 Nagapattinam Thetakudi 10.4178 79.8364 22.63
5 Nagapattinam Thamaraipulam 10.4781 79.8292 11.68
6 Nagapattinam Akkaraipettai 10.7442 79.8503 22.54
7 Pondicherry Pondicherry 11.9119 79.8233 12.68
8 Ramanathapuram Devipattanam 9.4708 78.9000 30.54
9 Ramanathapuram Nadumanaikadu 9.2833 79.0583 59.63
10 Ramanathapuram Mandapam 9.2833 79.1667 17.93
11 Ramanathapuram Thangachimadam 9.2842 79.0139 11.97
12 Ramanathapuram Rameswaram 9.2833 79.2750 54.60
13 Ramanathapuram Tirupulani 9.2611 78.7653 14.92
14 Sivaganga Puduvoyal 10.1042 78.8444 14.54
15 Tiruvallur Gummidipoondi 13.4000 80.1300 11.57
16 Tuticorin Kulashekarapatnm 8.4000 78.0542 21.21

Fig 7.6.1 Map showing locations of Arsenic contaminated (> 10 ppb) groundwater in Tamil Nadu and
UT of Puducherry (NHS 2019-20)

Uranium occurs naturally in groundwater and surface water. Being a radioactive mineral, high uranium
concentration can cause impact on water, soil and health. Uranium has both natural and anthropogenic
source that could lead to the aquifer. These sources include leaching from natural deposits, release in
mill tailings, and emissions from the nuclear industry, combustion of coal and other fuels and the use of
phosphate fertilizers that contains uranium and contribute to ground water pollution. Uranium enters in
human tissues mainly through drinking water, food, air and other occupational and accidental exposures.
Intake of uranium through air and water is normally low, but in circumstances in which uranium is
present in a drinking water source, the majority of intake can be through drinking water.

Water with uranium concentration above the recommended maximum permissible concentration of 30
ppb (BIS,10500:2012) is not safe for drinking purposes as it can cause damage to internal organs, on
continuous intake. Elevated uranium concentrations in drinking water have been associated with many
epidemiological studies such as urinary track cancer as well as kidney toxicity. A recent study, found a
strong correlation between uranium concentration in drinking water and uranium in bone, suggesting
that bones are good indicators of uranium exposed via ingestion of drinking water. Therefore, such
studies trigger further assessment of uranium’s adverse health effects on humans and/or the environment
for countries where elevated uranium concentration in drinking water has been observed. Hence, it
becomes important to study the level of uranium in drinking water for health risk assessment.

Uranium concentration in the shallow ground water varies primarily due to recharge and discharge, which
would have dissolved or leached the uranium from the weathered soil to groundwater zone. High uranium
concentrations observed in groundwater may be due to local geology, anthropogenic activities,
urbanization and use of phosphate fertilizers in huge quantity for agriculture purpose. Studies have shown
that phosphate fertilizer possess uranium concentration ranging from 1 mg/kg to 68.5 mg/kg (Brindha K
et al., 2011). Hence, the phosphate fertilizers manufactured from phosphate rocks may also contribute
uranium to ground water in agriculture region. In ores, uranium is found as uranite (UO22+) and
pitchblende (U3O82+) or in the form of secondary minerals (complex oxides, silicates, phosphates,

Table 7.7.1 Summary of uranium concentrations in different types of rocks

Rocks Range(mg/kg)
Granite 3.4
Limestone/dolomite 2.2
Argillaceous shale 3.7
Sediments 1.4-53
Phosphates 30-100

Table 7.7.2 Standards and guidelines for uranium in drinking water in various countries.
Sl. No Country / guideline value Reference
agency (µg/L)

1 Australia GV 17 NHMRC, Australia (2011)

2 Bulgaria ML 60 European Food Safety Authority
3 Canada MAC 20 Health Canada (2019)
4 Finland RV 100 European Food Safety Authority
5 India RBL 60 AERB, India (2004)
6 India PL 30 BIS,2012
7 Malaysia MAV 2 Ministry of Health Malaysia (2004)
8 USA MCL 30 USEPA (2011)
9 WHO PGV 30 WHO 2011

GV, Guideline value; ML, Maximum limit; MAC, Most acceptable concentration; RV, Recommended
value; RBL, Radiological based limit; PL, Permissible Limit; MAV, Maximum acceptable value; MCL,
Maximum contaminant level; PGV, Provisional guideline value

To assess the Uranium concentration and distribution in the ground water, Central Ground Water Board
(CGWB) had decided to carry out Uranium sampling of its National Hydrograph Network Stations
(NHNS) in the entire country during Pre-monsoon monitoring (May,2019). The sample collection and
storage were done according to the standard protocols prescribed by APHA (2017). The groundwater
samples were collected in plastic bottles after having been filtered through 0.45-μm filter paper. For the
cations and uranium analyses, groundwater samples were immediately acidified below pH 2 by adding
nitric acid to prevent precipitation and adsorption to the container walls. Uranium (U) was detected using
Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass-spectrometry. To ensure quality control, duplicate and standard checks
were performed on every ten samples. In addition, a trace element standard reference material was
examined. A total of 1208 samples were collected and analysed for Uranium and found that Uranium
concentration was morethan the permissible limit of 0.03 mg/L was noticed in 33 wells (2.7%) which are
mainly from Chennai, Cuddalore, Erode, Krishnagiri, Perambalur, Pudukottai, Salem Sivaganga,
Tiruvallur, Trichy, Tuticorin and Virudhunagar. The occurrences of uranium in ground water beyond
permissible limit (> 0.03 mg /L) have been shown on the maps as point sources (Fig 7.7.1). It is based on
the chemical analysis of water samples mostly collected from the groundwater observation wells during
May 2019. The details of location where uranium concentration (>30 ppb) is given in Table 7.7.1.

Table 7.7.1 Details of location having uranium concentration more than permissible
limit of 0.03 mg/L (May 2019).

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude Uranium

in ppb
1 Chennai Tirumangalam 13.0833 80.1875 36.51
2 Cuddalore Vadalur(o.w) 11.5687 79.5542 37.20
3 Cuddalore C.Keeranur EW 11.7625 79.5524 35.27
4 Cuddalore Iruppu ii 11.5036 79.6325 34.46
5 Cuddalore Sengalpalayam-I 11.4324 79.5422 33.61
6 Dindigul Natham1 10.2222 78.2472 49.64
7 Erode Nambiyur 11.3606 77.3208 45.70
8 Erode Pandiyampalayam pz 11.3983 77.5175 40.30
9 Erode Kavilipalayam 11.3802 77.2308 37.80
10 Erode Settunampalayam pz 11.5200 77.6033 31.00
11 Krishnagiri Athimugam1 12.7583 77.9792 76.28
12 Krishnagiri Megalachinnapalli 12.6250 78.2542 68.13
13 Krishnagiri Vappanapalli 12.6998 78.1925 48.88
14 Krishnagiri Guruvinayanpalli 12.6500 78.3292 40.86
15 Krishnagiri Billanakuppam 12.0626 78.1853 32.37

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude Uranium
in ppb
16 Madurai Vellalapatti pz 10.0597 78.2708 131.98
17 Perambalur Padalur 11.0960 78.8252 194.00
18 Perambalur Vijayagopalapuram 11.2700 79.0314 168.01
19 Perambalur Perambalur 11.1586 78.9364 47.51
20 Perambalur Chettikulam 11.1347 78.7750 44.66
21 Perambalur Kallampudur 11.2350 78.8025 44.37
22 Perambalur Essanai 11.0690 79.0222 38.49
23 Pudukkottai Vegupatti Pz 10.2755 78.5619 110.20
24 Pudukottai Mandangudi Dw 10.4853 78.9283 44.79
25 Salem Karumbapatti 11.5822 77.8611 39.12
26 Sivaganga Paniyapatti PZ 10.3126 78.6778 84.04
27 Sivaganga Tiruvengamputhur DW 9.8304 78.7858 63.86
28 Tiruppur Odakadu 11.1117 77.3342 87.61
29 Tiruvallur Padiyanallur 13.2042 80.1792 77.42
30 Tiruvallur Krishnasamudram OW 13.3344 79.4397 52.49
31 Trichy Manaparai 10.6144 78.4253 40.53
32 Tuticorin Kurukkuchalai 8.9306 78.0917 40.70
33 Virudhunagar Nenmeni1 9.3250 78.0083 54.00

Fig 7.7.1 Map showing areas of Uranium contaminated (> 30 ppb) groundwater in tamilNadu and UT of
Puducherry (NHS 2019-20).

The chemical quality of water is an important factor to be considered in evaluating its usefulness for
irrigation purposes. Plants grown by irrigation absorb and transpire water but leave nearly all the salts
behind in the soil, where they accumulate and eventually prevent plant growth. Excessive concentrations
of solute interfere with the osmotic process by which plant root membranes are able to assimilate water
and nutrients. In areas where natural drainage is inadequate, the irrigation water infiltrating the root zone
will cause water table to rise excessively. In addition to problems caused by excessive concentration of
dissolved solids, certain constituents in irrigation water are especially undesirable and some may be
damaging even when present in small concentrations. Irrigation indices viz. Sodium Adsorption Ratio
(SAR) and Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC) have been evaluated to assess the suitability of ground
water for irrigation purposes.
Alkali Hazard
In the irrigation water, it is characterized by absolute and relative concentrations of cations. If the sodium
concentrations are high, the alkali hazard is high and if the calcium & magnesium levels are high, this
hazard is low. The alkali soils are formed by the accumulation of exchangeable sodium and are
characterized by poor tilt and low permeability. The U.S. Salinity laboratory has recommended the use
of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) as it is closely related to adsorption of sodium by the soil.
SAR is derived by the following equation:
𝑺𝑨𝑹 = 𝑪𝒂𝟐+ 𝑴𝒈𝟐+

The water with regard to SAR is classified into four categories
➢ S1 – Low Sodium Water (SAR <10)
Such waters can be used on practically all kinds of soils without any risk or increase in exchangeable
➢ S2 – Medium Sodium Water (SAR 10-18)
Such waters may produce an appreciable sodium hazard in fine textured soil having high cation exchange
capacity under low leaching.
➢ S3 – High Sodium Water (SAR >18-26)
Such waters indicate harmful concentrations of exchangeable sodium in most of the soil and would
require special management, good drainage, high leaching and addition of organic matter to the soil. If
such waters are used on gypsiferrous soils the exchangeable sodium could not produce harmful effects.
➢ S4 – Very High Sodium Waters (SAR >26)
Generally, such waters are unsatisfactory for irrigation purposes except at low or perhaps at medium
salinity where the solution of calcium from the soil or addition of gypsum or other amendments makes
the use of such waters feasible.

The computed SAR values ranges from 0.01 to 36.97. The maximum SAR value has been found at
Ramanathapuram district. It is observed that about 97.3% samples belong to excellent category (S1) and
only 0.2% water samples are associated with very high sodium category (S4) and is unsuitable for

Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC)
If the enriched carbonate (residual) concentration becomes relatively high, carbonates get together with
calcium and magnesium to form precipitates. The relative abundance of sodium in comparison to alkaline
earths and the quantity of bicarbonate and carbonate in excess of alkaline earths also influences the
suitability of water for irrigation. This excess is represented in terms of “Residual Sodium Carbonate”
(RSC). The highly soluble sodium carbonate known as residual sodium carbonate (RSC) is defined as;

𝑹𝑺𝑪 = (𝑯𝑪𝑶− −
𝟑 + 𝑪𝑶𝟑 ) + (𝑪𝒂
+ 𝑴𝒈𝟐+ )

Figure 8.1: Percentage of groundwater samples in various categories according to RSC classifications

Waters with high RSC produces harmful effects on plant development and is not suitable for irrigation.
Waters associated with RSC < 1.25 are of excellent irrigation quality and can be safely applied for
irrigation for almost all crops without the risks associated with residual sodium carbonate (Wilcox et
al.,1954). If the RSC values lie between 1.25 and 2.5, the water is of an acceptable quality for irrigation.
Waters associated with RSC values higher than 2.5 are not acceptable for irrigation. In fig 8.1, it can be
seen that in Tamil Nadu and UT of Puducherry 91.8% collected water samples are associated with RSC
values less than 1.25 and are safe for use in irrigation practices. Only 3.8% water samples are associated
with RSC values more than 2.5 and are unsuitable for irrigation which are from Coimbatore, Dharmapuri,
Kancheepuram, Madurai, Pudukottai, Sivagangai, Tiruvannamalai, Tiruvallur, Tuticorin and
Virudhunagar districts.

Groundwater is the sustainable source of drinking water in many rural areas and hence,
simple community/domestic level treatment options are preferred. The groundwater may
contain excess of fluoride, nitrate, dissolved salts etc. Water treatment involves physical,
chemical and biological changes that transform rawwater into potable water. The treatment
process used in any specific instance must depend on the quality and nature of raw water.
Treatment process may be simple like sedimentation or may involve complex physico-
chemical processes, as coagulation, demineralization, ion-exchange, reverse osmosis etc. In
the present chapter, the specific treatment options for fluoride, nitrate, iron and heavy metals
are presented.
Defluoridation of groundwater
The removal of excessive fluorides from public water supplies is justified due to public
health implications. In the areas where the groundwater is the main potable source and there
is no other alternative source available the treatment of problematic groundwater is the only
option before its public use. The treatment option available should have simplicity of
operation, economical and applicable to domestic water supplies. The method involves the
use of fluoride exchangers like tri-calcium phosphate or bone meal, anion exchangers like
activated carbon, magnesium salts or aluminium salts. The following are the simple
technique for defluoridation of groundwater before its use.
Nalgonda Technique
Nalgonda technique is a simple method of defluoridation. It involves the use of aluminium
salts for the removal of fluoride. This technique employs either the sequence of precipitation,
settling and filtration or precipitation, floatation and filtration. The technique can be used
equally well for domestic as well as community water supply schemes. The groundwater
treatment can be carried out in a bucket of 60 L capacity with a tap of 3-5 cm above the
bottom of the bucket for withdrawal of treated water after precipitation and settling.

The raw water is taken into the container for treatment and it is mixed with adequate amount
of aluminium sulphate (alum). Lime or sodium carbonate solution is then added and the
water stirred slowly for 20 minutes and then allowed to settle for nearly an hour and is
withdrawn. The supernatant, which contains permissible amount of fluoride is taken out
through the tap for consumption. The settled sludge is discarded.

The amount of alum solution (ml) to be added in 40 L of water at various alkalinity and
fluoride levels is presented in Table - 5.1 to obtain acceptable limit of fluoride (1 mg/L)
in water.

Table – 9 . 1 Alum dose for treatment of groundwater with different fluorides and
alkalinity levels
Water Alkalinity as CaCO3 in mg/L based Alum dose (ml)
Available Fluoride (mg/L)
125 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000
2 60 90 110 120 140 160 190 210
3 90 120 140 160 205 210 235 310
4 - 160 165 190 225 240 275 375
5 - - 205 240 275 290 355 405
6 - - 245 285 315 375 425 485
8 - - - - 395 450 520 570
10 - - - - - - 605 675

Fill and Draw de-fluoridation technology

The defluoridation plant technology is based on Nalgonda technique and is most suitable for
rural water supply. The system used for treatment have a reaction –cum- sedimentation tank
with power agitator, sump wells, elevated service reservoir, sludgedrying area and chemical
store. The raw water with high fluoride is treated in reactor with chemical and agitated by
agitator. The defluoridated water from sump well is pumped to reservoir and supplied for
domestic consumption.
Ion exchange methods
A simple version of this technique is marketed under the name “Prasanthi Technique” using
aluminium oxide as ion exchanger. Aluminium oxide is amphoteric with its iso electric point
at approximately pH 9.5. In most natural waters, it will remove anions below this pH and
cations above. There are models available both for domestic and community use. These
plants operate in five steps; acidification, loading, back washing, rinsing and regeneration.
This technique has been proved successful but it has the risk of releasing aluminium
compounds into the treated water. Another solution would be to avoid the aluminium and
use some calcium compounds such as gypsum. Unfortunately, these have proved to react too
slow with the fluoride to serve as medium in fast filters. However, if the water is given
enough time to mix with the gypsum until saturation is reached, the solution will probably
be able to precipitate large quantity of dissolved fluoride.

Removal of Nitrate from groundwater
The followings are the techniques for the removal of nitrate from groundwater.

• Biological De-nitrification
• Ion exchange
• Reverse Osmosis
Biological De-nitrification
In case of biological de-nitrification, an appropriate carbonaceous material has to be chosen
as electron acceptor. The microorganism needs to be grown with appropriate input.
Methonal, which assures the highest denitrification efficiency, can constitute a certain risk
if the treated water is to be used for drinking purposes. It should be added stochiometrically
to avoid the presence of any residual quantity. Moreover, biological growth of denitrifying
organisms results in the need for efficient removal of the produced biomass, and thus
requiring very skillful management.

In case of ion exchange, which removes not only nitrates but also sulphates from the water
under treatment, give rise to the production of waste water from the resin regeneration
process, rich in anions and cations, which have to be eliminated from the drinking water
before its discharge.
Reverse osmosis for nitrate removal
Reverse osmosis offers an alternative to above treatment techniques. Its advantages liein the
ability to separate and concentrate the compounds contained within the water without
modifying their molecular structures. A solvent is forced through a semi- permeable
membrane, using an external pressure which has to be higher than the osmotic pressure
characteristic of the two different solute concentrations in the solvent separated by the
membrane. The groundwater treated with reverse osmosis process is thoroughly purified
water with sufficiently low dissolved solid contents.

Appreciable amounts of iron and manganese in water impart a characteristic metallic taste
to the water. The oxidized precipitates can cause colouration of water, which may be
yellowish brown to black and render the water objectionable or unsuitable for domestic and
many industrial purposes. The distribution system of potable water to communities is
affected due to the deposition of iron oxide and bacterial slimes. The growth of
microorganisms (iron bacteria) in iron bearing water are frequent. The

concentration of iron in excess of 0.3mg/L may cause nuisance in groundwater utilization,
though its presence does not affect hygienic quality of water. Considerable free carbon
dioxide and toxic substances are usually present in iron rich water (ferruginous waters).
Hence, the removal of iron alone may cause corrosion of the abstraction system, mains and
pipes due to presence of free carbon dioxide. The treatment of iron from water in community
systems consists primarily oxidation and removal of free carbon dioxide and then, followed
by precipitation and separation of iron by sedimentation and /or filtration.

Iron from groundwater can be treated/removed by following techniques.

• BPMEL design
• NEERI design
• UNICEF / Bangladesh design
• Domestic iron removal plant

BPMEL design
The BPMEL unit for treatment of iron is designed to have sequential processes of aeration
reaction cum setting and filtration. The treatment option basic unit is basically down flow
type, which can handle raw water iron contents up to 15.0 mg/L, ensuring a treated water
ion content of less than 0.5 mg/L. The treatment unit requires back washing of system every
24 to 48 hrs approximately.
NEERI design
The National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Nagpur has
developed a treatment option and designed the iron treatment plant of 1.0 m3/hr capacity.
The unit consists of a flocculation chamber, sedimentation chamber and filtration chamber.
The hand pump water is sprinkled over aeration / oxidation chamber having limestone. The
aerated water flow to the flocculation chamber, treated then sent into sedimentation
chamber. The filtered iron free water is drawn and supplied for domestic use.
UNICEF / Bangladesh design
The treatment unit is of simple design consisting of three separate chambers for
sedimentation, filtration and collection. It is built with brick work over the concrete bed.

Raw water passes from the hand pump into ferro-cement channel. Water drops through the
perforated base of the channel into the sedimentation tank and in the process gets aerated.
The water passes over a dividing wall and down through a filter bed so that the ferric
hydroxide precipitate is removed. The filter layer is about 8.0 inches deep consisting of brick
clips sieved to a size of 1/8” to 5/8”. The brick clups can be removed and replaced without
worrying about grading. The filter media rests on perforated ferro cement plates.
Domestic Iron Removal Plant
It is the simplest iron removal method suitable for rural purposes developed byNEERI and
referred as “Domestic Iron Removal Unit (DIRU)”. It can be fabricated locally. The
treatment process includes the aeration of the raw water over a series of coke, marble/calcite
beds, followed by slow sand filtration. The catalytic oxidationbed is formed after certain
period, which hastens the removal process. No chemicals are needed in treatment of water
by this process. The unit can work directly by an elevated hand pump. Raw water containing
up to 1- 6 mg/L iron as Fe (III) and 0.1- 0.3mg/L manganese (Mn (IV)) are treated by this
treatment plant, at the rate of 200 L/hr.

The removal of trace metals from water is complicated and expensive option therefore
alternative source of safe water are desirable. In the event of non-availability of safe sources
of potable water, in extreme cause treatment may be undertaken through any of the following

• Chemical precipitation
• Coagulation with alum or iron salts or big membrane filtration
• Ion exchange and adsorption
Activated carbon is the most common commercial adsorption medium, however, due to
prohibitive cost, the use of activated carbon could not be used frequently. Fly ash, an
amorphous ferro-alumino silicate can be used for removal of heavy metals. Silica, alumina,
Fe2O3, CaO, MgO are the constituents of fly ash, which may facilitate treatment of metallic
species in water through adsorption.


In general, the groundwater quality in the state is fresh in about 16.5 % of the Groundwater
Monitoring wells as indicated by the EC value less than 750 µS/cm at 25oC. In about 59.4 %
of the Groundwater Monitoring wells, the EC varies between 751 - 2250 µS /cm at 25o C and
11.7 % of Groundwater Monitoring wells are between 2251 and 3000 µS /cm at 25o C
indicating that the groundwater is slightly mineralized and about 12.4 % of Groundwater
Monitoring wells the EC is more than 3000 µS /cm at 25oC indicating that the groundwater is
highly mineralized. The highest value 19,850 µS /cm at 25o C was observed in Nenmeni1,
Virudhunagar districts.

The chloride content is less than 250 mg/L in about 57 % of the sample analyzed and39 %
of the sample are between 251 – 1000 mg/L and 4% shows more than 1000mg/L which are
from Kancheepuram, Thiruvallur, Karur, Namakkal, Perambalur, Salem, Tirupur, Thiruvarur
Ramanathapuram, Pudukotai, Tuticorin and Virudhunagar the districts.

The Fluoride content is less than 1.5 mg/L in about 90 % of the sample analyzed and about 10
% of the sample shows more than 1.5 mg/L, which are from Coimbatore, Dharmapuri,
Dindigul, Erode, madurai, Namakkal, Perambalur, Pudukottai, Ramanathapuram, Salem,
Tirunelveli, Sivaganga, Theni, Tuticorin and Virudhunagar the districts.
The Nitrate content is less than 45mg/L in about 62 % of the sample analyzed and 38 % of
sample shows more than 45 mg/L which are from all the districts except Nilgiris district.
A baseline study was carried out in the year 2019 for Uranium with other heavy metals like
iron, arsenic etc in shallow groundwater in the state of Tamil Nadu and UT of Puducherry to
assess the heay metal contamination. A total of 1208 samples were collected and analysed for
Iron and found that iron concentration was morethan the permissible limit of 0.3 mg/L was
noticed in 57 wells (4.7%). Arsenic concentration was morethan the permissible limit of 0.01
mg/L was noticed in 16 wells (1.3%) which are mostly from the Coastal district of Chennai,
Tiruvallur, Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, a n d Ramanathapuram. Uranium concentration was
morethan the permissible limit of 0.03 mg/L was noticed in 33 wells (2.7%) which are mainly
from Chennai, Cuddalore, Erode, Krishnagiri, Perambalur, Pudukottai, Salem Sivaganga,
Tiruvallur, Trichy, Tuticorin and Virudhunagar.
The groundwater suitability for irrigation has been evaluated based on salinity, sodium
adsorption ratio (SAR), and residual sodium carbonate (RSC). It is observed thatit can be seen

that in Tamil Nadu and UT of Puducherry 91.8% collected water samples are associated with
RSC values less than 1.25 and are safe for use in irrigation practices. Only 3.8% water samples
are associated with RSC values more than 2.5 and are unsuitable for irrigation which are from
Coimbatore, Dharmapuri, Kancheepuram, Madurai, Pudukottai, Sivagangai, Tiruvannamalai,
Tiruvallur, Tuticorin and Virudhunagar districts. The overall probable causes of groundwater
quality deterioration in Tamil Nadu are due to natural hydrogeological conditions, over
exploitation of groundwater, improper disposal of domestic and industrial waste and lack of
public awareness.

The following recommendations are made as a safeguard against further deterioration of

groundwater pollution

➢ All the natural water bodies, ponds, impoundments should be revitalized for
groundwater recharge.

➢ Possibilities of construction of artificial recharge structures such as check

dams, recharge shaft, etc, have to be explored to augment the groundwater recharge.

➢ All groundwater extraction structures should be tested for fitness for human
consumption and the information should be disseminated to the user groups.

➢ All drinking water sources should be tested for bacteriological parameters

periodically and suitable disinfection techniques such as chlorination have to be adopted.

➢ The open wells, especially the public wells, should be covered with wire mesh
to avoid any direct contamination of groundwater due to falling of debris and other waste

➢ The hand pumps and wells, which have been identified as having suspected
water quality should be painted in „red’ to indicate and warn the public thatthe water drawn
from the source is not fit for human consumption.

➢ The defluoridation techniques either Nalgonda (or) Ion exchange technique

should be undertaken in the case of fluoride affected areas if alternate water supply is not

➢ The existing landfill sites are not scientifically designed, their lechate and
overflow water is contaminating the groundwater. It is suggested that landfill sites should be
selected after detailed hydrogeological studies considering sub- surface geology and

groundwater flow direction and these must be scientifically designed with provision of
collection and treatment of lechate water.

➢ All the groundwater extraction structures should be registered and structure

fitted with mechanism should be regulated to avoid over exploitation and deterioration of
quality of groundwater. Public co-operation is required in this context.

➢ The mass awareness should be generated about quality of water, its effect on
human health and responsibilities of public to safeguard water resources and public health.


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CGWB &CPCB 2000 Studies of Groundwater quality and pollution aspects

in NCT-Delhi, A collaborated study by CGWB &
CPCB pp 232.

CGWB, 2004 Groundwater Year Book of Tamil Nadu & Union

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Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Un-Pub. Report of CGWB,
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DOES 2003 Statistical Hand Book of Tamil Nadu 2003,
R.No.31/2004, 751 p

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Mathur, A. K & 1997 Status of Groundwater Pollution in India

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McKee & Week 1963 Water quality criteria, California State Water
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WHO 1996 Guidelines for drinking water, Second edition Vol. 1

& 2, World Health Organisation, Geneva

Annexure – I
Analytical Results of samples collected from National Groundwater Monitoring Wells (May 2022)

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
1 Ariyalur Andimadam 11.3385 79.3775 7.66 560 100 32 5 74 12 0 195 21 62.4 43 0.81 1.09
2 Ariyalur Elaiyur 11.2333 79.3151 7.27 184 60 14 6 16 1 0 49 21 24 1 0.12 1.71
3 Ariyalur G.K.cholapuram 11.2066 79.4492 7.44 711 160 22 26 81 13 0 189 85 41.28 40 0.68 3.74
4 Ariyalur Gangaikondachozhapuram EW 11.2080 79.4475 7.12 1521 560 108 70 83 12 0 378 177 177.6 11 0.92 14.21
5 Ariyalur Jayamkondan 11.2129 79.3647 7.43 668 155 36 16 78 12 0 256 67 24 14 0.51 5.01
6 Ariyalur Kattathur 11.3070 79.3496 7.54 674 155 42 12 76 13 0 293 25 48 16 0.67 1.96
7 Ariyalur Keelkavarapalayam OW I 11.3476 79.3843 7.60 336 125 22 17 21 4 0 92 35 28.8 25 0.31 1.91
8 Ariyalur Kiharasanur 11.0114 78.9319 7.40 1296 210 68 10 193 10 0 122 223 67.2 198 0.91 22.46
9 Ariyalur Kilpazhavur 11.0436 79.0653 7.26 1331 215 54 19 202 13 0 275 142 115.2 155 0.85 19.66
10 Ariyalur Kuvagam OW 11.2846 79.2818 7.40 298 85 16 11 18 14 0 98 21 14.4 25 0.21 1.23
11 Ariyalur Mahimapuram EW 11.2346 79.3701 7.30 436 130 34 11 30 14 0 122 35 52.8 7 0.52 12.33
12 Ariyalur Oliyur EW 11.3979 79.3186 6.79 965 315 24 62 69 16 0 226 89 96 69 0.63 3.05
13 Ariyalur Papakudi 11.2855 79.4900 7.38 741 165 38 17 83 16 0 165 89 48 66 0.47 4.42
14 Ariyalur Periyathukurichi 11.4104 79.3500 7.40 1013 250 42 35 101 36 0 244 124 96 56 0.21 12.51
15 Ariyalur Thandalai (kallathur) 11.2576 79.3754 7.59 216 80 22 6 9 2 0 73 7 7.2 31 0.11 5.77
16 Ariyalur V.Ramanapuram OW 11.1754 79.1096 7.30 542 200 28 32 28 9 0 153 71 14.4 43 1.58 9.93
17 Chennai ADAYAR 13.0089 80.2627 7.51 19600 2400 240 440 3800 130 0 352 6877 960 1 0.84 0.54
18 Chennai Adayar dw 13.0192 80.2678 6.78 1262 280 40 44 140 31 0 336 170 100 2 0.47 0.74
19 Chennai Alwarpet 13.0250 80.2583 7.33 1580 350 56 51 175 17 0 293 238 180 1 0.11 0.74
20 Chennai Aminjikarai 13.0667 80.2278 7.50 1062 145 40 11 155 30 0 287 138 66 7 0.40 0.34
21 Chennai BEASANT NAGAR 12.9985 80.2645 7.35 1062 280 84 17 68 16 0 310 121 35 6 0.69 0.30
S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
22 Chennai Besant Nagar 13.0014 80.2700 7.28 685 225 46 27 36 24 0 256 75 37 2 0.35 0.51
23 Chennai Chepauk (A) 13.0556 80.2814 7.10 1480 440 118 35 154 32 0 329 256 112 43 0.45 4.54
24 Chennai Egmore 13.0747 80.2625 7.46 585 145 36 13 55 17 0 195 67 27 2 0.29 1.40
25 Chennai Guindy (CLRI) pz 13.0222 80.2250 7.38 700 200 56 15 59 15 0 171 121 18 5 0.75 1.63
26 Chennai K.K.Nagar 13.0417 80.2083 7.13 735 265 72 21 51 18 0 281 82 64 2 0.66 2.17
27 Chennai Kottivakkam 12.9669 80.2603 7.58 1300 345 60 47 136 27 0 390 188 130 0 0.23 1.73
28 Chennai Pallavaram pz 12.9728 80.1544 7.24 690 240 56 24 26 15 0 159 121 12 3 0.96 4.81
29 Chennai Taramani (NITTR PZ) 12.9867 80.2497 7.18 655 140 16 24 96 16 0 268 114 10 3 0.42 1.73
30 Chennai Tirumangalam 13.0833 80.1875 7.10 5740 1025 172 145 687 17 0 378 1335 386 3 0.17 36.51
31 Chennai Tondiarpet 13.1167 80.2750 7.30 1422 375 92 35 144 33 0 329 206 150 24 0.35 2.69
32 Chennai Vallalar Nagar 13.1056 80.2814 7.36 555 140 30 16 59 18 0 189 85 27 0 0.27 2.39
33 Chennai Vepery 13.0833 80.2708 7.41 2600 430 34 84 401 46 0 519 199 434 142 0.36 2.45
34 Chennai WASAHERMENPET 13.1170 80.2852 7.91 267 70 12 10 22 8 0 121 14 2 1 0.33 0.56
35 Coimbatore Alandurai pz 10.9625 76.8008 7.39 632 230 36 34 38 16 0 165 71 87 18 0.59 0.77
36 Coimbatore Ambarampalayam 10.6353 76.9411 7.10 768 360 80 39 19 13 0 250 78 65 6 0.60 0.49
37 Coimbatore AnaimalaiPZ 10.5097 77.0594 6.94 975 420 80 54 41 5 0 262 142 62 36 1.23 0.45
38 Coimbatore Andipalayam 11.0050 77.4039 7.69 452 190 16 36 15 3 0 128 85 12 5 0.18 0.44
39 Coimbatore Angalakurichi 10.5250 76.9994 7.40 1660 410 100 39 190 25 0 586 199 92 28 1.62 2.01
40 Coimbatore Annur1 11.2333 77.1083 7.36 2580 760 128 107 198 21 0 488 305 298 178 0.43 5.58
41 Coimbatore Chinnaripalayam 10.7292 77.0917 7.24 3100 800 208 68 241 72 0 470 575 182 162 0.57 0.51
42 Coimbatore Coimbatore Taluk Office 11.0017 76.9711 7.27 1461 450 92 54 132 29 0 458 192 90 57 0.77 3.64
43 Coimbatore Corporation North Zone pz 11.0161 76.9772 6.90 275 130 24 17 4 14 0 67 53 21 1 0.34 0.00
44 Coimbatore Cwc Campus pz 11.0414 77.0006 7.41 2490 430 64 66 389 19 0 470 121 675 8 1.57 17.34
45 Coimbatore Devanur Pudur pz 10.5542 77.0856 7.36 1486 300 80 24 125 97 0 384 220 65 0 1.17 0.91
46 Coimbatore Ganesapuram 11.1758 77.0575 7.48 1786 530 124 54 133 16 0 470 284 47 76 0.16 13.62
47 Coimbatore Ganganaickenpalayam pz 11.1092 77.4356 7.18 4640 1380 240 190 178 17 0 366 937 180 41 0.35 4.53
48 Coimbatore Ghs Ganapathi pz 11.0419 76.9419 6.80 287 140 24 19 8 14 0 116 36 18 2 0.37 0.00
49 Coimbatore Gopalapuaram 10.6958 76.9375 7.28 1324 520 120 54 79 19 0 378 213 91 23 0.88 2.15

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
50 Coimbatore Kallampalayam pz 11.0300 77.2833 7.51 3070 640 88 102 352 17 0 451 462 263 227 1.48 2.53
51 Coimbatore Kaltanpet (Karanampettai) 11.0167 77.1847 7.46 1088 470 116 44 46 7 0 311 156 92 2 0.52 2.00
52 Coimbatore Kaniyampoondi pz 11.1289 77.2833 7.38 1632 530 112 61 109 8 0 464 277 52 15 0.78 2.43
53 Coimbatore Kattampatty pz 10.8053 77.1425 7.26 1689 600 160 49 101 23 0 323 206 153 199 0.96 3.32
54 Coimbatore Kinathukadavu 10.7333 77.0292 7.31 1671 570 140 54 114 42 0 378 227 174 70 0.68 2.69
55 Coimbatore Kovilvazhi IV 11.0583 77.3889 7.20 1743 530 68 88 140 16 0 427 234 126 116 0.70 6.92
56 Coimbatore Kuniyamuthur 10.9667 76.9167 7.22 1270 460 112 44 83 21 0 305 199 76 104 0.48 2.06
57 Coimbatore Kunnakalpalayam pz 11.0456 77.3272 7.44 7430 1280 272 146 1059 14 0 549 1406 1188 98 1.54 5.46
58 Coimbatore Madukkarai-PZ 10.9083 76.9667 7.54 1363 430 120 32 117 20 0 323 178 165 93 1.00 2.40
59 Coimbatore Mettupalayam pz 11.3000 76.9472 7.40 1169 470 84 63 82 5 0 390 128 101 21 0.57 0.68
60 Coimbatore Oothukadu 11.1119 77.3344 7.40 2930 860 164 109 201 25 0 348 589 263 38 0.28 3.57
61 Coimbatore P.N.palayam 11.2069 76.9922 7.46 2270 610 112 80 222 38 0 586 284 161 137 1.25 8.71
62 Coimbatore Pallapalayam pz 10.5256 77.2181 7.20 1746 650 212 29 96 6 0 293 170 298 23 1.57 12.57
63 Coimbatore Periya Negamam pz 10.7403 77.1014 7.28 2330 780 188 75 145 23 0 311 383 147 213 0.90 4.78
64 Coimbatore Pichanur 10.8750 76.9000 7.18 314 140 24 19 7 14 0 49 36 87 2 0.14 0.00
65 Coimbatore Pillaimpalayam pz 11.1914 77.0900 7.45 2720 660 112 92 270 20 0 549 454 230 41 0.52 4.59
66 Coimbatore Podanur1 10.9667 76.9833 7.35 2400 730 164 78 212 32 0 531 433 79 86 0.60 5.72
67 Coimbatore Pollachi1 10.6611 77.0000 7.40 1237 420 92 46 87 37 0 409 192 84 4 1.04 0.74
68 Coimbatore Ponnaiyur 10.6750 76.9375 7.36 960 360 68 46 55 17 0 281 149 63 41 0.87 0.20
69 Coimbatore Samathur Hss pz 10.6022 77.0089 7.28 2750 810 200 75 217 32 0 549 554 93 5 1.58 5.88
70 Coimbatore Saravanampatti 11.0694 77.0014 6.88 332 150 40 12 5 14 0 92 71 11 1 0.15 0.00
71 Coimbatore Sarkar samakulam pz 11.1333 77.0333 7.29 2350 850 132 126 161 35 0 580 355 152 104 1.55 9.40
72 Coimbatore Seeliyur 11.1792 76.7583 7.70 1352 460 100 51 93 23 0 256 170 242 10 1.22 5.14
73 Coimbatore Singanallur 10.9964 77.0208 7.28 2510 560 80 88 307 14 0 897 327 93 15 0.77 1.74
74 Coimbatore Sokkanur 10.8083 76.9583 7.44 1323 340 76 36 85 116 0 323 170 173 36 0.89 0.65
75 Coimbatore Sulur 11.0250 77.1250 7.30 2870 800 192 78 259 17 0 567 483 173 3 0.57 8.98
76 Coimbatore Telungupalayam pz 10.9833 76.9228 7.35 1450 510 108 58 102 21 0 500 213 71 11 0.64 7.47
77 Coimbatore Thathanur Aanaikalpalayam pz 11.3067 77.2789 7.40 783 290 64 32 36 17 0 275 85 41 11 0.46 9.87

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
78 Coimbatore Thivansapudur 10.6283 76.8753 7.46 1128 440 88 54 59 18 0 336 192 74 14 1.10 0.48
79 Coimbatore Thondamuthur 10.9833 76.8333 7.42 1886 540 120 58 160 19 0 439 284 141 83 1.11 6.11
80 Coimbatore Tn Urban Studies pz 11.0219 76.9419 7.48 1575 290 56 36 240 7 0 549 121 160 6 1.70 13.12
81 Coimbatore Vadavalli 11.0250 76.9083 7.53 2330 690 128 90 234 29 0 494 362 133 178 0.68 7.13
82 Coimbatore Varadharajapuram Murungapatti pz 10.6797 77.2719 7.26 1155 460 120 39 53 5 0 299 156 102 3 0.97 1.85
83 Coimbatore Velampalayam 11.1447 77.3094 7.40 564 180 40 19 41 3 0 140 78 51 4 0.11 1.22
84 Cuddalore Abathanapuram 11.5821 79.5534 7.44 848 300 56 39 55 2 0 366 74 38.4 22 0.34 12.32
Ammeri - Thoppulikuppam
85 Cuddalore (Kilmungiladi) 11.5561 79.4578 7.45 766 210 40 27 74 9 0 146 110 52.8 62 0.90 0.08
86 Cuddalore Anathanampettai 11.6068 79.6351 7.38 883 310 48 46 53 8 0 244 67 57.6 124 0.40 23.54
87 Cuddalore Arasadikuppam 11.6147 79.6614 7.40 1420 290 52 39 184 25 0 305 213 96 81 0.57 5.18
88 Cuddalore C.Keeranur EW 11.7625 79.5524 7.50 1165 380 124 17 94 14 0 275 177 91.2 37 0.60 35.27
89 Cuddalore Chidambaram New 11.3996 79.6944 7.46 1219 390 48 66 99 1 0 183 71 336 22 0.32 2.15
Chidhambaram Annamalainagar
90 Cuddalore (Seshambadi) 11.3919 79.7072 7.23. 1000 320 52 46 81 5 0 214 89 144 62 1.20 0.07
91 Cuddalore Gandhinagar-NLC arch gate 11.6177 79.5540 7.44 947 320 76 32 74 8 0 281 82 96 52 0.07 0.84
Indiira Nagar
92 Cuddalore (Thirumandangudi) 11.4342 79.5533 7.20 800 300 96 15 41 8 0 195 106 52.8 37 0.53 0.02
93 Cuddalore Iruppu ii 11.5036 79.6325 7.50 1160 420 116 32 71 10 0 250 142 144 58 0.62 34.46
94 Cuddalore Karunguli 11.5223 79.5256 7.11 611 200 64 10 34 25 0 73 106 72 31 0.04 3.24
95 Cuddalore Kattiyankuppam-I 11.6661 79.6524 7.60 725 235 76 11 64 5 0 275 67 50.88 31 1.04 3.38
96 Cuddalore Kattumannakudi 11.2872 79.5517 7.38 1471 400 44 70 145 10 0 366 177 120 68 0.44 4.60
97 Cuddalore Kattusagai(n) 11.5228 79.6534 7.50 1015 340 50 52 69 10 0 214 152 57.6 68 0.90 1.38
98 Cuddalore Kattuvegakollai 11.6475 79.6392 7.01 946 320 72 34 60 10 0 305 92 24 68 0.19 0.71
99 Cuddalore Keelpuvanikuppam 11.6013 79.7191 7.30 836 265 36 43 69 5 0 244 53 100.8 56 0.58 5.25
100 Cuddalore Killai 11.6161 79.8028 7.39 1215 365 36 67 113 5 0 378 177 57.6 6 0.06 0.80
101 Cuddalore Kodandaramapuram 11.0667 79.7573 7.60 1815 410 36 78 230 10 0 214 312 268.8 20 0.61 3.95
102 Cuddalore Komaratchi 11.5514 79.8072 7.55 886 300 48 44 64 9 0 183 71 144 74 0.39 10.38
103 Cuddalore Kopuvanur 11.6156 79.1378 7.45 1396 405 40 74 122 14 0 360 199 48 68 0.37 10.53
104 Cuddalore Kudikkadu I 11.7436 79.6403 7.60 960 255 32 43 92 14 0 73 160 168 16 0.22 0.19
105 Cuddalore Kundiamallur 11.5269 79.6517 7.36 1398 410 60 63 120 15 0 92 160 288 74 0.04 12.42
S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
106 Cuddalore Kurinjipadi 11.5638 79.5865 7.71 165 55 16 4 12 0 0 37 18 10.08 19 0.78 4.85
107 Cuddalore Maa Podaiyur 12.2581 80.2275 7.90 1104 310 88 22 99 24 0 415 57 105.6 31 1.33 20.91
108 Cuddalore Mangalur 11.6194 79.5586 7.70 900 245 48 30 92 10 0 403 7 100.8 19 0.86 0.76
109 Cuddalore Manjakuppam 11.7644 79.7647 7.30 660 215 60 16 46 4 0 153 74 57.6 51 1.47 0.32
110 Cuddalore Marungur-I 11.4931 79.6015 7.60 860 245 36 38 74 10 0 73 78 220.8 14 0.33 5.25
111 Cuddalore Maruthur-II 11.7759 79.6733 7.80 775 215 36 30 69 14 0 262 71 62.4 11 0.84 4.05
112 Cuddalore Nadiyapattu 11.6647 79.4041 7.38 978 260 62 26 104 4 0 153 142 115.2 50 0.15 0.30
113 Cuddalore Nadutitu 11.6392 79.7474 7.37 128 50 14 4 7 0 0 24 11 14.4 16 0.25 0.57
114 Cuddalore Nellikuppam 11.5923 79.5921 7.20 493 150 50 6 48 8 0 183 60 19.2 12 1.15 1.16
115 Cuddalore Pacharapalayam-I 11.3621 79.4670 7.10 906 295 46 44 69 8 0 159 174 48 37 0.37 0.61
116 Cuddalore Palayamkottai EW 11.4161 79.5722 7.50 1790 455 82 61 184 24 0 342 262 168 74 0.93 1.10
117 Cuddalore Parudur-I 11.5416 79.5777 7.70 1075 335 64 43 83 20 0 336 113 86.4 25 0.52 1.19
118 Cuddalore Pathirikuppam OW 12.2581 80.2275 7.50 317 105 40 1 21 5 0 67 43 24 25 0.44 0.36
119 Cuddalore Periyakumuthi 11.4894 79.7156 7.13 100 40 12 2 7 2 0 31 14 9.6 7 0.72 3.00
120 Cuddalore Poovalai 11.5138 79.6453 7.10 1000 225 60 18 120 12 0 445 35 52.8 37 0.30 2.60
121 Cuddalore Porto-nova 11.4891 79.7533 7.04 99 30 6 4 7 2 0 24 11 5.28 13 0.72 1.56
122 Cuddalore Rajankuppam 11.6873 79.6941 7.45 747 240 42 33 69 10 0 183 106 48 31 0.12 1.19
123 Cuddalore Ramapuram-I 11.5323 79.5967 7.40 840 225 40 30 76 10 0 171 89 105.6 31 1.15 8.48
124 Cuddalore Reddipalayam 11.5371 79.5300 7.38 2520 800 164 95 191 23 0 195 411 384 130 0.64 2.02
125 Cuddalore Reddipalayam 11.5395 79.5914 7.08 139 45 12 4 9 0 0 31 11 12 20 0.82 6.63
126 Cuddalore Sakthi Nagar OW 11.6194 79.5586 7.00 790 100 36 2 129 10 0 305 78 24 12 0.38 0.03
127 Cuddalore Sathamangalam 11.5213 79.3779 6.50 155 45 12 4 14 2 0 43 18 12.96 7 0.25 1.66
128 Cuddalore Seerakuppam 11.5295 79.5312 6.50 207 60 16 5 18 2 0 49 32 10.08 7 0.22 1.45
129 Cuddalore Sengalpalayam-I 11.4324 79.5422 7.53 990 225 42 29 120 4 0 122 121 139.2 87 1.02 33.61
130 Cuddalore Sethiathope-I 11.6928 79.6100 7.52 710 270 40 41 37 8 0 183 71 86.4 31 0.78 2.71
131 Cuddalore Silambinathanpettai- I &II 11.4052 79.3983 7.60 540 150 40 12 51 8 0 122 64 48 37 0.52 0.15
132 Cuddalore Solatharam 11.3617 79.5083 6.60 210 80 18 9 12 2 0 49 28 19.2 7 1.31 5.51
133 Cuddalore Srimushanam 11.6177 79.7194 7.63 513 200 42 23 25 4 0 183 57 19.2 6 0.97 0.14

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
134 Cuddalore Srinivasapuram 11.5839 79.6335 7.54 801 300 80 24 46 4 0 244 96 28.8 50 1.18 8.21
135 Cuddalore Teerthanagiri 11.5693 79.6790 7.00 1325 400 132 17 115 8 0 201 234 144 17 1.55 6.58
136 Cuddalore Tekkumellur (Therkumelur) 11.5894 79.5278 7.50 1340 410 100 39 113 17 0 134 319 96 17 1.95 5.52
137 Cuddalore Thaiyalkunapattinam 11.5703 79.6832 7.45 2530 550 120 61 315 20 0 281 638 96 37 1.53 2.24
138 Cuddalore Theerthangari EW 11.5604 79.5563 7.70 1050 275 64 28 104 16 0 207 135 86.4 74 1.86 1.01
139 Cuddalore Tholudur 11.6647 79.4041 7.60 1220 390 16 85 92 18 0 519 60 72 31 1.32 2.44
140 Cuddalore tiruchchopuram 11.6164 79.7416 7.70 325 120 36 7 18 2 0 67 28 10.56 68 1.18 0.12
141 Cuddalore Tiruvamur OW 11.7631 79.4756 7.30 225 90 20 10 9 2 0 43 28 28.8 9 0.32 0.25
142 Cuddalore Vadalur EW 11.5375 79.8844 7.66 1015 325 60 43 81 8 0 128 117 192 62 0.64 3.07
143 Cuddalore Vadalur(o.w) 11.5687 79.5542 7.50 360 155 48 9 7 14 0 98 57 12 19 1.80 37.20
144 Cuddalore Vanathirayapuram I 11.5177 79.3347 7.63 700 250 50 30 39 12 0 146 82 72 50 0.36 0.55
145 Cuddalore Vazhisothanaipalayam 11.6916 79.7216 7.40 1420 360 44 61 152 14 0 561 82 96 37 0.99 2.92
146 Cuddalore Vegakollai 11.6758 79.5289 7.30 650 210 72 7 41 18 0 134 71 44.16 74 1.23 0.50
147 Cuddalore Vilathur (Budangudi) OW 11.3436 79.2205 7.50 760 140 36 12 106 9 0 293 82 19.2 7 1.12 0.05
148 Cuddalore Vridhachalam 11.5177 79.3347 7.30 510 195 60 11 18 25 0 122 60 67.2 27 0.57 1.00
149 Cuddalore Vridhachalam I 11.7681 79.2628 7.52 635 200 32 29 51 5 0 98 110 48 37 0.11 0.32
150 Dharmapuri A.Pallipatti 11.9403 78.4017 7.05 2970 790 204 68 296 64 0 525 497 207 199 0.30 0.58
151 Dharmapuri A.Pallipatti 11.9403 78.4017 7.05 2970 790 204 68 296 64 0 525 497 207 199 0.30 0.58
152 Dharmapuri Athikarapatti 11.9340 78.3909 7.73 2960 620 88 97 389 8 0 500 632 156 55 0.70 0.25
153 Dharmapuri Athikarapatti 11.9340 78.3909 7.73 2960 620 88 97 389 8 0 500 632 156 55 0.70 0.25
154 Dharmapuri Bharathipuram 12.1172 78.1531 7.31 753 340 56 49 45 1 0 226 99 82 31 0.33 0.23
155 Dharmapuri Bharathipuram 12.1172 78.1531 7.31 753 340 56 49 45 1 0 226 99 82 31 0.33 0.23
156 Dharmapuri Bommidimalapurm 12.0000 78.2500 7.38 1336 500 116 51 119 4 0 317 170 132 147 0.35 0.00
157 Dharmapuri Bommidimalapurm 12.0000 78.2500 7.38 1336 500 116 51 119 4 0 317 170 132 147 0.35 0.00
158 Dharmapuri Boothanatham 11.9508 78.4688 7.57 577 220 40 29 30 6 0 140 57 63 62 0.97 1.69
159 Dharmapuri Boothanatham 11.9508 78.4688 7.57 577 220 40 29 30 6 0 140 57 63 62 0.97 1.69
160 Dharmapuri Dharmapuri2 12.1375 78.1708 7.68 2100 690 164 68 131 6 0 543 298 129 80 0.31 0.00
161 Dharmapuri Dharmapuri2 12.1375 78.1708 7.68 2100 690 164 68 131 6 0 543 298 129 80 0.31 0.00

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
162 Dharmapuri Echambadi dw 12.1128 78.4942 7.16 1963 750 160 85 183 1 0 323 312 162 262 0.74 0.40
163 Dharmapuri Echambadi dw 12.1128 78.4942 7.16 1963 750 160 85 183 1 0 323 312 162 262 0.74 0.40
164 Dharmapuri Harur2 12.0514 78.4833 7.50 2640 790 100 131 233 5 0 506 561 159 62 1.08 0.00
165 Dharmapuri Harur2 12.0514 78.4833 7.50 2640 790 100 131 233 5 0 506 561 159 62 1.08 0.00
166 Dharmapuri Hogenakkal 12.1236 77.8083 8.15 1545 150 16 27 307 2 0 519 156 164 13 0.64 0.76
167 Dharmapuri Hogenakkal 12.1236 77.8083 8.15 1545 150 16 27 307 2 0 519 156 164 13 0.64 0.76
168 Dharmapuri Indoor 12.1333 78.0583 7.60 3300 1150 228 141 181 47 0 323 433 733 160 0.66 2.03
169 Dharmapuri Indoor 12.1333 78.0583 7.60 3300 1150 228 141 181 47 0 323 433 733 160 0.66 2.03
170 Dharmapuri Irumattur new 12.2611 78.3019 7.74 2570 530 100 68 278 55 0 555 454 153 21 0.54 0.42
171 Dharmapuri Irumattur new 12.2611 78.3019 7.74 2570 530 100 68 278 55 0 555 454 153 21 0.54 0.42
172 Dharmapuri Karthankulam DW 12.1331 78.3197 7.43 1356 520 84 75 86 1 0 372 149 143 40 1.04 0.06
173 Dharmapuri Karthankulam DW 12.1331 78.3197 7.43 1356 520 84 75 86 1 0 372 149 143 40 1.04 0.06
174 Dharmapuri Kaveripattinathankottai 12.1461 78.1733 7.09 902 270 32 46 85 41 0 354 107 63 6 0.49 1.69
175 Dharmapuri Kaveripattinathankottai 12.1461 78.1733 7.09 902 270 32 46 85 41 0 354 107 63 6 0.49 1.69
176 Dharmapuri Kottapatti Pz 11.9850 78.6717 7.81 1706 680 92 109 115 3 0 586 213 133 58 0.49 1.48
177 Dharmapuri Kottapatti Pz 11.9850 78.6717 7.81 1706 680 92 109 115 3 0 586 213 133 58 0.49 1.48
178 Dharmapuri Maniyampadi 12.1246 78.2847 7.51 589 230 44 29 35 6 0 153 64 54 52 0.52 1.80
179 Dharmapuri Maniyampadi 12.1246 78.2847 7.51 589 230 44 29 35 6 0 153 64 54 52 0.52 1.80
180 Dharmapuri Morappur dw 12.1247 78.3989 7.43 1976 680 84 114 182 4 0 433 369 153 76 1.21 0.00
181 Dharmapuri Morappur dw 12.1247 78.3989 7.43 1976 680 84 114 182 4 0 433 369 153 76 1.21 0.00
182 Dharmapuri Mukkareddipatti 11.9667 78.4167 7.40 1730 660 80 112 129 1 0 439 284 109 61 1.14 0.57
183 Dharmapuri Mukkareddipatti 11.9667 78.4167 7.40 1730 660 80 112 129 1 0 439 284 109 61 1.14 0.57
184 Dharmapuri Mullaivanam 12.0975 78.6289 7.69 823 370 44 63 51 2 0 329 92 51 5 0.38 1.30
185 Dharmapuri Mullaivanam 12.0975 78.6289 7.69 823 370 44 63 51 2 0 329 92 51 5 0.38 1.30
186 Dharmapuri Nagadasampatti 12.1333 77.9833 7.57 2650 1010 148 156 137 1 0 458 419 222 198 1.04 1.65
187 Dharmapuri Nagadasampatti 12.1333 77.9833 7.57 2650 1010 148 156 137 1 0 458 419 222 198 1.04 1.65
188 Dharmapuri Odasalapatti 12.1417 78.2917 7.40 1343 540 88 78 107 1 0 403 149 143 67 0.78 0.00
189 Dharmapuri Odasalapatti 12.1417 78.2917 7.40 1343 540 88 78 107 1 0 403 149 143 67 0.78 0.00

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
190 Dharmapuri Odasalapatti x road 12.1431 78.2844 7.34 1654 550 104 71 168 1 0 336 220 153 157 0.90 0.01
191 Dharmapuri Odasalapatti x road 12.1431 78.2844 7.34 1654 550 104 71 168 1 0 336 220 153 157 0.90 0.01
192 Dharmapuri Papireddipatti1 11.9167 78.3361 7.47 1603 530 48 100 152 7 0 494 270 109 15 1.32 0.49
193 Dharmapuri Papireddipatti1 11.9167 78.3361 7.47 1603 530 48 100 152 7 0 494 270 109 15 1.32 0.49
194 Dharmapuri Pattarakaran Kottai 12.0274 77.8104 7.66 1647 570 156 44 132 2 0 409 149 300 33 0.99 0.19
195 Dharmapuri Pattarakaran Kottai 12.0274 77.8104 7.66 1647 570 156 44 132 2 0 409 149 300 33 0.99 0.19
196 Dharmapuri Pennagaram1 12.1250 77.9000 7.68 754 320 40 54 36 2 0 195 92 124 8 0.58 1.57
197 Dharmapuri Pennagaram1 12.1250 77.9000 7.68 754 320 40 54 36 2 0 195 92 124 8 0.58 1.57
198 Dharmapuri Sillarahalli 12.0525 78.2806 7.61 3100 1210 132 214 196 6 0 567 497 186 336 0.71 0.50
199 Dharmapuri Sillarahalli 12.0525 78.2806 7.61 3100 1210 132 214 196 6 0 567 497 186 336 0.71 0.50
200 Dharmapuri Sittilingiri 11.9098 78.6212 7.76 1282 380 40 68 145 4 0 506 114 49 49 1.04 2.32
201 Dharmapuri Sittilingiri 11.9098 78.6212 7.76 1282 380 40 68 145 4 0 506 114 49 49 1.04 2.32
202 Dharmapuri Thambichettipatti dw 12.1081 78.4128 7.35 583 210 44 24 36 1 0 171 57 63 24 0.62 2.32
203 Dharmapuri Thambichettipatti dw 12.1081 78.4128 7.35 583 210 44 24 36 1 0 171 57 63 24 0.62 2.32
204 Dharmapuri Thirthamalai DW 12.1017 78.5892 7.37 1926 710 120 100 184 2 0 445 277 147 162 1.08 0.59
205 Dharmapuri Thirthamalai DW 12.1017 78.5892 7.37 1926 710 120 100 184 2 0 445 277 147 162 1.08 0.59
206 Dharmapuri Thoppur (D) 11.9433 78.0481 7.76 2100 620 72 107 227 0 0 683 206 200 30 1.23 0.90
207 Dharmapuri Thoppur (D) 11.9433 78.0481 7.76 2100 620 72 107 227 0 0 683 206 200 30 1.23 0.90
208 Dindigul Ayyalur 10.2858 78.1002 7.21 1183 510 144 36 54 7 0 427 156 30 19 0.90 8.42
209 Dindigul Chattrapatti 10.4667 77.6583 6.88 2390 860 152 117 97 3 0 415 356 115 275 0.49 0.27
210 Dindigul Chellamantadi 10.4072 78.0025 7.30 2900 460 96 54 232 282 0 647 398 125 157 0.50 1.52
211 Dindigul Chitterivu pz 10.2378 77.7708 7.21 2910 1100 144 180 152 2 0 500 441 135 289 1.00 1.66
212 Dindigul Dindigul1 10.4083 77.9667 7.34 1385 360 52 56 129 118 0 573 142 62 6 0.22 0.60
213 Dindigul Dindigul2 10.3667 77.9708 7.36 1516 400 48 68 121 141 0 622 142 100 5 1.20 0.71
214 Dindigul Gandhigram 10.2583 77.9250 7.18 1070 310 52 44 117 9 0 317 149 60 10 0.21 1.17
215 Dindigul Guzilamparai 10.6806 78.1156 7.14 1538 490 80 70 143 34 0 415 185 80 152 1.11 3.51
216 Dindigul Hanumanthanagar 10.3514 77.9944 7.46 2890 660 160 63 285 52 0 793 356 170 9 0.58 1.66
217 Dindigul Idayapatti 10.7583 78.0333 7.21 1328 380 52 61 120 17 0 354 199 92 24 1.16 3.10

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
218 Dindigul Kakkinapatti 10.6714 77.9922 7.24 1409 550 60 97 57 24 0 451 149 64 107 0.64 3.86
219 Dindigul Kallimandiam 10.5833 77.6944 7.36 1484 460 64 73 142 16 0 464 185 67 106 0.68 1.07
220 Dindigul Kanakkanpatti 10.4750 77.5667 7.17 3460 760 168 83 403 183 0 634 455 335 204 0.60 0.50
221 Dindigul Kodaikanal 10.1343 77.2758 5.41 40 14 4 1 2 0 0 12 4 3 1 0.00 0.45
222 Dindigul Kovilur (Ramanathapuram) 10.5917 78.0861 7.01 759 195 38 24 99 5 0 250 100 52 1 0.93 1.36
223 Dindigul Kullanampatti 10.3417 77.9917 7.08 309 124 30 12 13 1 0 151 16 5 0 0.00 0.21
224 Dindigul Muthampattipalayam 10.7272 78.1392 7.13 2270 500 120 49 216 75 0 476 313 155 134 0.84 6.24
225 Dindigul Nandavanampatti 10.3756 77.9853 7.29 2470 620 120 78 284 17 0 647 384 112 13 2.96 2.88
226 Dindigul Natham1 10.2222 78.2472 7.77 4660 1180 32 268 584 6 0 1074 754 340 361 1.26 49.64
227 Dindigul Nattam 10.2328 78.2333 7.53 3010 860 48 180 275 4 0 683 469 180 233 0.74 21.77
228 Dindigul Oddanchatram1 10.4908 77.7528 7.11 2590 840 144 117 207 2 0 549 370 165 207 0.78 0.53
229 Dindigul Oodanchatram 10.4875 77.7542 7.06 2360 800 104 131 192 7 0 647 213 160 198 1.22 1.44
230 Dindigul P.Alagapuri 10.5983 77.9756 7.14 4990 1340 176 219 424 55 0 354 1266 92 100 0.92 2.09
231 Dindigul Palakanthu 10.4658 77.8056 7.26 1528 540 48 102 125 2 0 525 178 85 82 0.93 1.02
232 Dindigul Palani2 10.4333 77.5125 7.16 805 345 24 69 46 2 0 439 46 17 1 1.32 0.79
233 Dindigul Pallapatti 10.0805 77.5457 7.89 1276 380 36 70 139 3 0 415 170 100 28 2.72 2.79
234 Dindigul Paraipatti 10.3583 77.9750 7.15 4220 980 256 83 384 79 0 378 711 370 282 0.08 1.12
235 Dindigul Pittalaipatti 10.3278 77.9333 7.46 1998 620 48 122 215 12 0 573 327 75 34 1.20 9.75
236 Dindigul Pudu Ettama Nayakar Patti 10.4619 77.7061 7.24 1226 510 64 85 92 4 0 415 100 80 117 1.18 0.82
237 Dindigul R.Pudukottai 10.3646 78.0303 7.26 1380 470 64 75 123 12 0 439 178 110 76 1.22 6.06
238 Dindigul R.Vellodu 10.4502 78.0116 7.23 2310 600 64 107 237 23 0 427 441 182 16 1.07 22.43
239 Dindigul Reddiarchattram 10.4167 77.8611 7.27 1206 490 56 85 67 2 0 378 142 48 79 0.83 2.11
240 Dindigul Sanarpatti 10.2583 78.1000 7.37 1964 590 52 112 209 9 0 793 235 75 12 1.22 3.31
241 Dindigul Sanarpatti 10.2745 78.0697 7.47 1833 490 72 75 235 3 0 720 192 75 6 1.48 1.93
242 Dindigul Sanarpatti 10.2779 78.0738 7.52 1903 520 36 105 205 12 0 598 263 85 25 1.25 3.37
243 Dindigul Sanarpatti 10.2974 78.0863 7.38 1477 360 40 63 158 6 0 622 100 47 2 1.14 8.45
244 Dindigul Sanarpatti 10.3328 78.0870 7.33 1840 350 28 68 333 3 0 878 149 70 7 2.76 2.76
245 Dindigul Servaikaranpatti 10.7472 78.0917 7.40 1249 500 88 68 57 8 0 342 114 188 64 0.81 3.12

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
246 Dindigul Siddayamkottai 10.2725 77.8356 7.05 5830 1980 328 282 366 15 0 390 1458 500 31 0.55 3.07
247 Dindigul Siluvathur 10.2037 78.0508 7.32 1219 400 44 70 117 7 0 488 142 62 10 1.02 5.61
248 Dindigul Sundarapuri 10.4597 78.0272 7.59 969 375 60 55 66 14 0 451 82 28 13 0.75 4.23
249 Dindigul Thamaraipadi 10.4053 78.0453 7.40 4020 720 200 54 529 92 0 769 640 370 241 0.54 3.35
250 Dindigul Thoppampatti 10.5900 77.5269 7.16 1863 570 92 83 202 21 0 415 270 92 226 1.20 2.51
251 Dindigul Thumbalapatti 10.5333 77.5208 7.13 1110 460 64 73 64 6 0 403 85 31 178 1.06 0.75
252 Dindigul Vadamadurai 10.3583 78.1000 7.02 2290 780 192 73 198 11 0 476 384 138 87 1.00 2.63
253 Dindigul Vadamadurai pz 10.2630 78.0612 7.07 2420 660 168 58 273 11 0 512 384 142 107 1.32 7.61
254 Dindigul Vaivesapuram 10.3244 78.0419 7.15 2300 680 168 63 183 21 0 439 313 182 207 0.82 0.04
255 Dindigul Vaivesapuram 10.5396 78.0710 7.11 1846 800 172 90 50 12 0 342 384 53 132 0.35 0.00
256 Dindigul Vaivesapuram 10.5484 78.0720 7.27 2160 760 144 97 130 17 0 451 356 200 100 1.18 5.75
257 Dindigul Vaivesapuram 10.5551 78.0742 7.28 1628 430 128 27 167 7 0 183 164 410 17 1.35 11.64
258 Dindigul Vaivesapuram 10.5555 78.0717 7.09 878 205 40 26 93 6 0 262 110 55 1 0.80 0.15
259 Dindigul Vedasandur new 10.5475 77.9711 7.11 3490 900 80 170 353 13 0 439 768 92 2 1.30 8.29
260 Erode Alampalayam pz 11.6272 77.6061 7.40 2800 760 36 163 152 25 0 525 305 126 48 0.58 3.64
261 Erode Alukuli pz 11.4481 77.3578 7.50 1110 140 40 10 190 48 0 159 280 86 49 0.50 10.23
262 Erode Ammapet2 11.6194 77.7444 7.90 1800 500 40 97 167 2 0 604 227 66 62 0.97 1.60
263 Erode Arakkan kottai(Modur Diversion pirivu) 11.4969 77.3431 7.50 2120 610 74.8 103 166 17 0 549 241 118 46 0.24 4.93
264 Erode Archalur 11.1625 77.7000 7.98 762 250 80 12 17 33 0 146 71 88 12 1.69 0.00
265 Erode Ariyappanpalayam pz 11.4756 77.2542 7.70 1912 500 60 85 71 6 0 354 156 153 69 1.15 6.66
266 Erode Asanur pz 11.6739 77.1289 7.20 2450 740 56 146 126 18 0 476 284 209 81 0.67 0.12
267 Erode Attani 11.5242 77.5167 7.50 1219 430 60 68 80 11 0 378 121 115 50 0.29 0.89
268 Erode Avalpundurai 11.2333 77.7208 8.10 1520 380 90 38 64 25 0 299 142 74 16 1.02 1.07
269 Erode Bangalapudhur 11.5042 77.4083 7.25 1240 410 64 61 77 8 0 427 135 45 33 0.41 0.53
270 Erode Bhavani1 11.8083 77.5333 7.30 2610 590 60 107 140 148 0 476 298 128 46 0.74 3.75
271 Erode Chengapalli 11.2250 77.4436 7.50 1604 600 88 92 62 12 0 329 241 60 42 1.32 1.82
272 Erode Chennampatti pz 11.7019 77.6736 7.00 1552 750 120 109 26 0 0 165 199 298 67 0.29 2.32
273 Erode Chennimalai2 11.1625 77.5972 8.00 1613 330 92 24 160 125 0 427 163 168 52 1.43 0.00

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
274 Erode Chittodu 11.3917 77.6778 7.50 1542 320 48 49 88 67 0 268 170 121 54 0.44 1.60
275 Erode Dharapuram2 10.7389 77.5292 7.80 2760 410 108 34 189 87 0 415 298 221 45 0.11 0.00
276 Erode E.Vellampalayam pz 11.1697 77.6806 7.60 958 240 40 34 107 20 0 354 64 72 33 1.77 0.97
277 Erode Elmattur 11.1944 77.7792 7.50 1136 290 48 41 111 56 0 390 85 79 35 1.60 0.67
278 Erode Erakalpudur(Sivanmalai) 11.0308 77.5347 7.30 7000 960 40 209 883 4 0 1031 681 739 47 0.93 0.00
279 Erode Erode2 11.3333 77.7333 7.50 1381 390 80 46 147 17 0 415 206 93 43 1.54 2.86
280 Erode Ganapathipalayam 10.7681 77.6547 7.30 1089 420 68 61 41 5 0 256 128 121 37 1.21 0.32
281 Erode Gandhinagar Thaneerpanthalpalayam 11.6589 77.6847 7.10 1365 490 124 44 25 18 0 153 177 136 46 0.20 1.34
282 Erode Gettichcheriyar 11.3383 77.4133 7.70 2560 580 48 112 212 186 0 708 284 114 94 0.84 2.83
283 Erode Gobichettipalayam1 11.4583 77.4458 7.50 979 350 76 39 60 7 0 342 71 115 48 0.53 0.33
284 Erode Gugalur 11.4889 77.4897 7.40 1172 450 88 56 49 7 0 238 113 169 19 0.59 1.11
285 Erode Guvuar dw 11.6414 77.6822 7.60 1240 610 56 114 42 0 0 366 177 66 78 0.34 0.53
286 Erode Indiampalayam 11.4500 77.2694 7.00 880 340 48 53 78 16 0 366 99 58 66 0.13 0.82
287 Erode Ingur New 11.2258 77.5814 7.30 5860 970 128 158 316 42 0 183 1035 213 63 0.62 4.80
288 Erode Kambaliyampatti pz 11.2314 77.5253 7.50 1636 550 124 58 148 10 0 293 404 69 48 1.35 2.60
289 Erode Kambanaickenpalayam pz 11.5297 77.2953 7.60 1561 360 40 63 155 48 0 598 149 13 7 0.75 1.30
290 Erode Kangayam2 11.0028 77.5625 7.30 2060 640 152 63 134 21 0 415 312 211 37 1.08 0.00
291 Erode Karaiyur1 10.7639 77.5944 7.80 8560 1510 304 182 446 33 0 683 943 810 61 1.56 3.35
292 Erode Kasipalayam (E) 11.4556 77.3394 7.30 647 310 40 51 18 5 0 342 35 5 12 0.60 0.16
293 Erode Kathampalayam pz 11.4256 77.2411 7.70 1201 300 28 56 165 12 0 500 57 103 23 1.05 1.39
294 Erode Kattupalayam pz 11.5453 77.5953 7.40 1090 480 52 85 42 5 0 177 106 189 62 0.42 1.37
295 Erode Kavilipalayam 11.3802 77.2308 7.30 10700 2350 244 423 980 16 0 488 2871 184 76 1.73 37.80
296 Erode Kavundappadi 11.4333 77.5583 7.50 1086 440 48 78 75 52 0 378 121 136 71 0.68 7.54
297 Erode Kodumudi pz 11.0819 77.8853 7.00 1345 570 60 102 61 3 0 305 170 162 13 0.58 3.74
298 Erode Kolappalur 12.5583 79.3500 7.50 1475 600 64 107 112 33 0 366 277 238 45 1.17 2.97
299 Erode Kolathupalayam 10.7639 77.5842 7.40 2620 480 108 51 244 17 0 415 213 261 36 0.14 2.00
300 Erode Kosanam pz 11.3711 77.3578 7.80 851 200 36 27 97 23 0 220 177 12 40 1.56 2.40
301 Erode Krishnapuram 11.5367 77.7097 7.40 1295 460 72 68 45 3 0 238 113 174 81 0.58 2.35

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
302 Erode Kullakalpalayam 10.8044 77.5569 7.70 1690 760 32 165 126 8 0 220 510 54 38 1.30 0.00
303 Erode Kunnathur 11.2692 77.4106 7.50 1471 415 60 64 59 80 0 342 142 94 38 0.42 3.36
304 Erode Kurichi 11.5733 77.6939 8.00 545 250 32 41 13 8 0 140 64 10 62 0.73 0.53
305 Erode Molengkuttipalayam 11.0672 77.7022 7.70 3970 410 60 63 332 13 0 153 592 224 42 0.81 0.99
306 Erode Mulanur2 10.7917 77.7083 7.50 2400 630 168 51 185 14 0 317 298 242 48 1.20 1.63
307 Erode Murlipudur 11.6781 77.6560 7.60 4270 1300 152 224 150 2 0 390 496 682 67 0.79 7.85
308 Erode Murukkandurai (Bhavanisagar) 11.4833 77.1500 7.40 705 210 32 32 60 5 0 275 35 74 17 0.60 0.48
309 Erode Muttur1 11.0417 77.7333 7.80 6400 1340 168 224 412 74 0 647 851 720 28 0.36 1.12
310 Erode Nagalapuram pz 11.0756 77.3628 7.50 2210 690 68 126 145 25 0 293 347 188 22 1.63 3.00
311 Erode Nallampatti pz 11.3333 77.5417 7.40 826 330 72 36 24 5 0 311 43 65 40 0.74 9.16
312 Erode Nambiyur 11.3606 77.3208 7.60 3390 720 68 134 333 21 0 464 404 333 52 1.88 45.70
313 Erode Nilangelvalasu pz 10.6431 77.7342 7.70 1300 550 60 97 35 4 0 415 99 114 17 1.62 1.20
314 Erode Ooricheri 11.4650 77.6058 7.40 3530 1000 56 209 171 4 0 622 496 249 52 0.93 8.81
315 Erode Otti Vilangadu 11.2242 77.4186 7.40 1960 700 64 131 78 7 0 427 113 254 66 1.83 4.55
316 Erode Padiyur pz 11.0639 77.4922 7.20 950 280 96 10 15 19 0 128 110 77 38 1.37 0.16
317 Erode Pandiyampalayam pz 11.3983 77.5175 7.10 2230 610 124 73 150 21 0 451 298 201 62 0.28 40.30
318 Erode Papayampudur 10.6567 77.4678 7.60 2900 980 64 199 120 7 0 378 397 282 31 1.65 0.75
319 Erode Pattaidurai 10.7011 77.7394 7.40 4500 1170 176 177 233 16 0 232 915 288 19 0.74 4.29
320 Erode Periyakolanalli pz 11.1744 77.8567 7.60 960 340 52 51 83 41 0 390 128 68 13 0.75 0.31
321 Erode Periyapuliyur pz 11.4283 77.6492 7.90 2860 150 16 27 457 170 0 1122 199 177 62 1.27 23.16
322 Erode Perundurai1 11.2792 77.5847 7.50 2470 550 92 78 223 23 0 476 241 200 72 0.27 3.15
323 Erode Ponmudi 11.2608 77.5303 7.70 1988 540 48 102 238 50 0 317 411 182 25 1.00 13.00
324 Erode Ponnapuram pz 10.6981 77.3906 7.70 1067 370 132 10 77 5 0 342 64 177 14 1.31 0.00
325 Erode Pudupalayam1 11.5944 77.5875 7.10 3840 1340 44 299 171 1 0 549 468 560 72 0.68 9.59
326 Erode Puduppai pz 10.9586 77.7225 7.70 5790 1140 88 224 146 132 0 671 383 586 12 1.82 0.44
327 Erode Puduvadavalli 11.5417 77.1761 7.30 1603 570 74 94 87 5 0 427 149 167 62 1.33 0.92
328 Erode Punjai Puliyampatti 11.3528 77.1694 7.48 1261 310 76 29 128 23 0 366 106 105 41 0.11 0.30
329 Erode Punjaiduraiampalayam 11.5131 77.4233 7.10 2300 500 112 53 191 10 0 458 248 223 55 0.34 3.71

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
330 Erode Punnachipudur dw 11.5919 77.6661 7.20 2830 940 92 173 167 2 0 317 468 375 82 0.63 13.00
331 Erode Punnam pz 11.5072 77.6139 7.30 1465 650 52 126 47 4 0 354 184 213 71 0.47 1.50
332 Erode Rajan Nagar pz 11.5289 77.1422 7.40 2240 530 48 100 182 4 0 512 227 184 60 0.28 1.63
333 Erode Sathiyamangalam 11.5028 77.2472 7.60 1619 430 56 70 170 10 0 476 170 177 70 1.08 3.59
334 Erode Settunampalayam pz 11.5200 77.6033 7.30 2800 1010 44 219 107 22 0 268 588 253 67 0.81 31.00
335 Erode Unjalur 11.1250 77.8750 7.60 931 300 52 41 131 54 0 415 106 122 2 0.95 0.34
336 Erode Urachikottai 11.4847 77.6917 7.40 1867 690 108 102 122 23 0 427 255 205 80 0.12 4.50
337 Erode Uthukuli pz 11.1744 77.4472 7.50 1484 460 52 80 126 26 0 586 170 62 32 1.36 0.68
338 Erode Varadanallur 11.4933 77.6986 7.00 884 370 44 63 30 2 0 268 57 68 62 0.87 0.77
339 Erode Vellakoil 10.9444 77.7153 7.60 4600 1120 68 231 103 16 0 433 418 491 44 0.56 1.42
340 Erode Vellitirupur 11.6208 77.6333 7.70 2200 640 60 119 82 24 0 598 142 159 56 0.78 2.85
341 Erode Velliyampalayamputhur pz 11.4886 77.1564 7.60 1467 280 44 41 112 12 0 317 92 136 14 0.79 0.38
342 Erode Vijayamangalam pz 11.2444 77.5028 7.70 4044 600 56 112 163 252 0 244 652 12 34 1.44 2.13
343 Erode Vinnampalli 11.4328 77.2022 7.30 1443 300 32 53 146 17 0 244 149 139 53 0.15 0.79
344 Kancheepuram Acharapakkam1 12.4000 79.8167 7.09 846 380 88 39 4 13 0 346 99 14 1 0.42 0.32
345 Kancheepuram Agaram2 12.8875 80.1486 7.30 940 340 96 24 24 12 0 220 149 10 39 0.69 0.37
346 Kancheepuram Anakkaputhur 12.9833 80.1250 7.28 1210 210 76 5 188 1 0 311 178 42 109 0.65 0.92
347 Kancheepuram Arasanimangalam 12.5689 79.7233 7.20 1110 310 32 56 135 10 0 323 192 18 49 0.89 1.07
348 Kancheepuram Athur1 12.3478 79.8892 7.37 1237 590 44 117 50 4 0 244 234 124 16 1.32 2.21
349 Kancheepuram Baluchettychatram 10.4633 77.7900 6.83 1473 550 100 73 119 16 0 214 270 198 6 0.60 9.42
350 Kancheepuram Blue beach road. 12.9539 80.2547 7.41 1426 400 112 29 90 45 0 201 192 160 59 0.23 2.94
351 Kancheepuram Chemmamcheri Periurban 12.8633 80.2261 7.29 810 440 40 83 12 10 0 159 178 56 74 0.48 0.32
352 Kancheepuram Chenglepet1 12.7000 79.9750 7.22 847 280 80 19 85 20 0 305 142 28 3 0.96 0.38
353 Kancheepuram Chinna Nilangarai 12.9575 80.2608 7.05 1694 480 116 46 129 47 0 262 213 210 51 0.44 5.19
354 Kancheepuram Chitlapakkam 12.9406 80.1375 7.38 585 230 36 34 11 14 0 171 57 60 3 0.45 0.59
355 Kancheepuram Chrompet 12.9514 80.1392 7.50 1728 490 32 100 173 16 0 671 231 57 5 0.22 1.11
356 Kancheepuram Chunambedu 12.2669 79.9844 7.19 1223 405 32 79 81 12 0 207 284 16 5 0.80 0.91
357 Kancheepuram Elegant Flat 12.9875 80.2639 7.30 1094 170 48 12 209 22 0 79 355 95 7 0.32 0.84

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
358 Kancheepuram Gerugambakkam 13.0153 80.1367 7.39 1412 350 30 67 159 30 0 458 153 143 17 0.46 4.94
359 Kancheepuram Guduvancheri 12.8417 80.0667 7.23 1159 440 88 54 12 28 0 305 163 21 44 0.80 0.17
360 Kancheepuram Hasthinapuram 12.9431 80.1478 7.46 1616 355 40 62 102 16 0 415 131 74 7 0.23 0.08
361 Kancheepuram Injambakkam 12.9339 80.2547 7.48 930 330 84 29 38 15 0 189 157 45 14 0.57 1.18
362 Kancheepuram Kalakshetra 10.4633 80.2636 7.35 1127 300 88 19 110 16 0 165 192 156 2 0.18 1.94
363 Kancheepuram Kancheepuram 12.8333 79.7083 7.44 1257 160 48 10 158 74 0 488 135 38 4 0.86 0.40
364 Kancheepuram Kattangulathur 12.8139 80.0333 7.26 775 170 44 15 106 13 0 293 85 8 27 0.69 0.28
365 Kancheepuram Kattur 12 34 14 80 0 59 7.57 450 210 20 39 4 4 0 140 43 41 2 0.89 0.31
366 Kancheepuram KCG Garden, Vettuvankani 12.9433 80.2569 7.66 1312 320 72 34 162 22 0 267 198 146 3 0.56 1.11
367 Kancheepuram Kilkattalai 12.9622 80.1842 7.13 1624 375 22 77 163 13 0 329 249 96 31 0.31 1.78
368 Kancheepuram Kolapakkam 12.8686 80.1103 7.07 1504 360 80 39 178 13 0 500 206 47 36 0.97 1.95
369 Kancheepuram Kolathanallur 12.3472 79.9083 7.27 1380 380 56 58 144 13 0 427 227 17 6 0.53 3.28
370 Kancheepuram KOTTIVAKKAM 12.9681 80.2600 7.36 1587 400 60 61 166 32 0 244 259 122 120 0.27 5.79
371 Kancheepuram Kundathur periurban 13.0019 80.0694 7.60 1200 320 34 57 133 20 0 366 163 87 2 0.11 6.45
372 Kancheepuram Kunnattur 13.0027 80.0992 7.51 1210 510 44 97 6 0 0 238 213 19 5 0.81 5.00
373 Kancheepuram Lions Club 12.9272 80.2639 7.45 545 250 52 34 28 30 0 128 142 18 46 0.27 4.96
374 Kancheepuram Maduranthakam 12.5083 79.8917 7.25 1225 380 96 34 127 12 0 500 156 12 27 0.91 4.29
375 Kancheepuram Mahabalipuram 12.6250 80.1917 7.39 265 130 32 12 2 2 0 132 24 4 6 0.81 0.34
376 Kancheepuram Mangadu 13.0247 80.1089 7.28 1320 390 88 41 145 20 0 311 181 103 55 0.25 1.76
377 Kancheepuram Mannivakkam 12.8916 80.0694 7.35 690 225 28 38 52 12 0 177 71 68 13 0.76 0.66
378 Kancheepuram Meenambakkam1 12.9722 80.1736 7.26 1148 405 58 63 65 14 0 311 110 150 4 0.35 1.06
379 Kancheepuram Mudichur 12.8919 80.0689 7.22 820 260 64 24 72 23 0 232 110 74 17 0.45 0.66
380 Kancheepuram Muttukadu 12.8219 80.2406 6.40 1755 380 80 44 216 20 0 268 426 48 3 0.89 2.34
381 Kancheepuram Nagalkeni 12.9575 80.1261 7.45 1580 275 18 56 182 22 0 482 199 23 3 0.60 1.29
382 Kancheepuram Nandambakkam 13.0042 80.1875 7.24 710 310 64 36 32 9 0 171 142 12 12 0.76 0.27
383 Kancheepuram Nedunkundram 12.8847 80.1136 7.54 1030 440 24 92 58 10 0 207 178 110 24 0.81 0.78
384 Kancheepuram Neelangarai 12.9542 80.2556 7.29 1639 400 84 46 117 25 0 195 192 232 17 0.73 2.54
385 Kancheepuram Paddapai 12.9125 80.0125 7.44 1596 243 10 106 88 8 0 201 220 210 21 0.92 2.61

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
386 Kancheepuram PALKALAI NAGAR 12.9633 80.2617 7.55 1602 385 50 63 148 37 0 476 213 15 39 0.40 6.12
387 Kancheepuram Pallavaram 12.9728 80.1544 7.04 2270 570 90 84 205 14 0 384 380 248 7 0.52 5.78
388 Kancheepuram Pallikaranai 12.9264 80.1978 7.80 1417 100 32 5 273 12 0 79 469 22 1 0.76 0.79
389 Kancheepuram Panruti Kandigai 12.8506 79.9119 7.41 558 140 44 7 73 6 0 165 107 10 7 0.70 0.83
390 Kancheepuram Perungulathur 12.9167 80.1083 7.61 2370 500 48 92 264 17 0 427 433 92 20 0.60 1.70
391 Kancheepuram Podavur (Melpodavur) 12.9237 79.7455 7.78 575 180 28 27 59 11 0 226 36 55 14 0.70 0.14
392 Kancheepuram Ponmar 12.8556 80.1694 7.32 1030 430 44 78 56 5 0 207 178 98 25 0.73 0.33
393 Kancheepuram Poonamallee 13.0567 80.0819 7.27 1510 375 42 66 188 21 0 384 209 146 10 0.45 4.25
394 Kancheepuram Porur dw 13.0225 80.1533 7.31 980 350 28 68 56 14 0 195 199 36 22 0.73 0.60
395 Kancheepuram Putheri EW 12.8395 79.6787 7.63 1102 80 24 5 210 3 0 214 178 76 6 0.84 2.56
396 Kancheepuram Rettamangalam 12.6333 79.8333 7.31 790 330 28 63 28 14 0 177 121 46 16 1.11 2.21
397 Kancheepuram Sadras 12.5203 80.1517 7.45 1107 255 26 46 123 17 0 250 178 18 59 0.73 4.05
398 Kancheepuram Seashore Appartment, 39 12.9828 80.2656 7.38 1389 190 36 24 227 24 0 67 398 42 20 0.34 0.49
399 Kancheepuram Seashore Appartment, 40 12.9786 80.2656 7.22 1543 190 76 0 247 21 0 73 419 92 20 0.22 1.01
400 Kancheepuram Sholinganallur Periurban 12.9000 80.2333 7.05 2970 360 80 39 425 72 0 195 639 210 11 0.53 0.22
401 Kancheepuram Sriperumbudur 12.9667 79.9500 7.21 276 150 20 24 11 4 0 61 71 8 8 0.76 0.14
402 Kancheepuram St.Thomas Mount dw 13.0072 80.1978 7.20 1895 460 48 83 167 14 0 433 231 150 55 0.12 1.88
403 Kancheepuram Tambaram1 12.9333 80.1333 7.39 830 360 48 58 48 1 0 195 156 23 47 0.72 0.14
404 Kancheepuram Thirumukkudal 12.7375 79.8417 7.34 785 250 48 32 75 19 0 185 142 55 3 0.89 1.60
405 Kancheepuram Thiruporur 12.8083 80.1875 7.37 590 250 32 41 20 14 0 195 78 25 3 0.78 0.65
406 Kancheepuram Thiruverkadu 13.0669 80.1367 7.40 1270 340 112 15 126 13 0 281 149 210 7 0.64 1.03
407 Kancheepuram Tirukalukundram 12.6083 79.6667 7.29 810 340 44 56 44 20 0 201 135 32 51 0.73 0.17
408 Kancheepuram Tirumani 12.6658 79.9930 7.53 890 430 28 88 25 4 0 256 114 77 3 1.12 0.84
409 Kancheepuram Uthandi 12.8694 80.2472 7.46 370 100 34 4 30 16 0 127 32 44 5 0.03 0.57
410 Kancheepuram Uthiramerur2 12.6083 79.7375 6.85 6080 1920 432 204 480 13 0 464 1839 128 29 0.80 6.95
411 Kancheepuram Uthukkadu pz 12.8292 79.8300 7.46 780 320 64 39 41 10 0 329 85 12 2 0.84 8.44
412 Kancheepuram Uttiramerur 12.6333 79.7607 7.49 685 310 8 71 20 10 0 183 95 42 17 1.00 0.17
413 Kancheepuram Vadakkupattu pz 12.8181 79.9367 7.69 1210 90 24 7 224 2 0 275 199 48 2 0.87 0.24

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
414 Kancheepuram Vadekkal Ow (Palnallur) 12.9035 79.9139 7.52 1410 230 44 29 205 21 0 281 341 18 11 0.87 19.19
415 Kancheepuram Vengaivasal 12.9003 80.1711 7.06 1604 520 96 68 123 13 0 500 270 38 5 0.86 1.88
416 Kancheepuram Vishranthi Old Age Home 12.9786 80.2606 7.12 1558 420 104 39 186 25 0 165 305 240 23 0.72 2.73
417 Kancheepuram Walajabad 12.7750 79.8250 7.22 1490 520 64 88 87 12 0 281 362 27 14 1.34 2.48
418 Kancheepuram VAYAULUR 12.5014 80.0816 6.99 840 280 44 41 78 14 0 220 199 18.45 0 0.70 0.47
419 Kancheepuram INJAMBAKKAM 12.9263 80.2506 7.40 1434 330 96 22 158 21 0 342 242 16.25 6 0.61 4.58
420 Kancheepuram NEMMILI 12.7206 80.2279 7.44 598 210 40 27 44 8 0 122 125 16.15 13 0.63 0.36
421 Kancheepuram PANAIYUR 12.9879 80.2678 7.36 1520 230 20 44 200 16 0 122 426 34.05 1 0.34 0.56
422 Kancheepuram UTHANDI 12.8955 80.2440 7.30 760 290 60 34 40 12 0 183 125 43 8 0.56 0.54
423 Kanyakumari Aralvaimozhi 8.2500 77.5167 7.40 532 175 44 16 29 13 0 104 71 43 12 0.59 0.33
424 Kanyakumari Attur 8.3250 77.2583 6.90 170 90 16 12 2 3 0 18 50 7 3 0.67 2.12
425 Kanyakumari Boothapandy 8.2583 77.4528 7.30 1843 600 68 105 190 0 0 525 277 118 2 1.17 3.34
426 Kanyakumari Chenpagaramanpudur 8.2599 77.5099 7.00 665 235 36 35 39 0 0 305 28 23 2 1.82 0.16
427 Kanyakumari Chettiarmadam DW 8.1917 77.2953 6.90 180 110 12 19 15 4 0 61 50 10 11 0.86 0.16
428 Kanyakumari Kanyakumari PZ 8.0889 77.5500 7.40 1354 320 60 41 117 15 0 342 206 50 39 0.16 1.15
429 Kanyakumari Kanyakumari1 8.0833 77.5500 7.50 1089 340 64 44 104 34 0 464 121 70 18 0.60 1.18
430 Kanyakumari Karungal pz 8.2347 77.2347 6.90 1241 250 32 41 166 28 0 61 305 65 54 0.14 0.16
431 Kanyakumari Kattudurai DW 8.2839 77.2719 6.90 755 130 24 17 104 17 0 49 177 32 46 0.32 0.00
432 Kanyakumari Kolachal 8.1778 77.2625 6.85 475 200 24 34 35 0 0 37 99 65 26 1.08 0.14
433 Kanyakumari Kulasekharan DW 8.3522 77.2858 7.00 555 210 24 36 31 13 0 85 99 65 8 0.15 0.15
434 Kanyakumari Kundal(West) PZ 8.1028 77.5439 7.40 1205 230 44 29 177 0 0 281 206 54 6 0.69 0.00
435 Kanyakumari Marthandam 8.3097 77.2142 6.90 250 120 20 17 12 0 0 37 43 29 26 0.92 0.00
436 Kanyakumari Marthandam pz 8.3097 77.2142 6.90 381 100 16 15 26 12 0 12 99 6 13 0.34 0.00
437 Kanyakumari Nagarkoil1 8.1667 77.4500 7.10 1050 300 68 32 119 11 0 268 156 76 43 0.16 0.48
438 Kanyakumari Puthukadai 8.2793 77.1824 6.85 640 200 20 36 41 21 0 73 128 57 39 0.24 0.00
439 Kanyakumari Thakkalai1 8.2486 77.3083 6.90 921 300 36 51 44 6 0 85 206 18 32 0.43 0.00
440 Kanyakumari Thiruvattar 8.3333 77.2678 7.00 231 120 16 19 11 3 0 24 43 29 51 0.60 0.17
441 Kanyakumari Variyur 8.1167 77.5425 7.50 1228 280 32 49 180 4 0 549 113 98 5 0.57 2.80

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
442 Kanyakumari Vellaivilai 8.2222 77.2583 6.96 660 180 12 36 69 0 0 24 149 57 41 0.58 0.11
443 Kanyakumari Villukuri 8.2250 77.3583 7.10 456 155 20 26 33 5 0 122 71 19 13 0.10 0.00
444 Karaikal Karaikal dw 10.9322 79.8314 7.72 1518 270 68 24 213 57 0 384 249 56 115 0.86 0.64
445 Karaikal Kilakasakudi 10.9333 79.8417 7.68 1825 340 76 36 221 52 0 336 376 83 46 0.55 1.21
446 Karaikal Kottucherry 10.9583 79.8167 7.63 504 200 40 24 36 9 0 92 50 88 58 0.71 0.13
447 Karaikal Thirunallur 10.9261 79.7922 7.81 1925 230 24 41 370 7 0 403 369 66 47 0.66 1.78
448 Karur Allur-Agragaram dw 10.8661 78.5472 7.10 1322 270 48 36 120 96 0 360 185 79 28 0.11 0.59
449 Karur Aravakurichi2 10.7750 77.9250 7.26 1205 370 68 49 115 5 0 390 192 28 19 0.16 1.85
450 Karur Ayyampalayam pz 11.0625 78.0361 7.26 4660 900 184 107 583 28 0 580 966 389 13 0.48 10.47
451 Karur Chinna Dharapuram 10.8667 77.9000 7.24 1644 500 84 71 138 34 0 464 256 78 21 0.79 3.39
452 Karur Choladasanpatti pz 10.8500 78.0000 7.45 1166 430 76 58 97 8 0 342 121 198 17 0.17 6.15
453 Karur Echampatti pz 10.8589 78.4228 7.43 1896 340 40 58 269 5 0 439 369 55 4 1.39 4.40
454 Karur Enuguru DW 10.8547 78.4878 7.14 9070 1740 108 358 1252 12 0 1001 2386 229 20 0.87 10.70
455 Karur Jagatabi 10.8417 78.1667 7.22 2740 620 124 75 312 6 0 525 462 165 116 1.56 8.71
456 Karur Kovilur 10.7603 77.8289 7.26 4040 1000 136 161 457 18 0 598 781 363 50 0.65 10.51
457 Karur Mayanur 10.9417 78.2417 7.00 1977 520 104 63 178 16 0 348 462 16 5 0.12 3.77
458 Karur Melnagavaram dw 10.8767 78.2219 7.05 2840 660 112 92 332 5 0 580 540 154 81 0.61 8.40
459 Karur Paramatti1 10.9667 77.9125 7.36 1742 300 56 39 267 7 0 476 185 202 3 1.12 1.17
460 Karur Thogamalai 10.7292 78.4250 7.17 3160 530 136 46 414 69 0 543 589 232 1 0.27 13.50
461 Karur Veerapalayam dw 10.7789 78.1975 8.50 740 210 40 27 70 11 0 165 135 11 52 0.66 0.59
462 Karur Vellianani 10.8667 78.1333 7.32 4080 790 96 134 427 130 0 647 682 284 205 1.58 6.58
463 Krishnagiri Anusonai 12.5667 77.9000 7.78 1157 410 64 61 69 64 0 342 149 130 12 0.51 5.33
464 Krishnagiri Anusonai 12.5667 77.9000 7.78 1157 410 64 61 69 64 0 342 149 130 12 0.51 5.33
465 Krishnagiri Athimugam1 12.7583 77.9792 7.52 1336 410 100 39 122 5 0 207 149 314 38 1.15 76.28
466 Krishnagiri Athimugam1 12.7583 77.9792 7.52 1336 410 100 39 122 5 0 207 149 314 38 1.15 76.28
467 Krishnagiri Bargur 12.3242 78.2054 7.81 2260 690 60 131 202 9 0 567 305 238 100 1.28 5.53
468 Krishnagiri Billakottai Pz 12.4072 78.1658 7.60 1834 600 52 114 150 1 0 415 270 218 39 0.71 1.18
469 Krishnagiri Billakottai Pz 12.4072 78.1658 7.60 1834 600 52 114 150 1 0 415 270 218 39 0.71 1.18

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
470 Krishnagiri Billanakuppam 12.0626 78.1853 7.43 1090 400 52 66 81 11 0 390 121 120 16 1.28 32.37
471 Krishnagiri Denkanikottai1 12.5250 77.7833 7.36 2830 760 140 100 243 9 0 336 462 417 64 0.78 6.71
472 Krishnagiri Denkanikottai1 12.5250 77.7833 7.36 2830 760 140 100 243 9 0 336 462 417 64 0.78 6.71
473 Krishnagiri Enusonai 12.6138 78.0175 7.25 1290 440 80 58 77 11 0 275 149 128 114 1.84 3.21
474 Krishnagiri Guruparapalli 12.5974 78.1331 7.70 598 290 60 34 5 4 0 159 85 43 2 0.30 2.43
475 Krishnagiri Guruvinayanpalli 12.6500 78.3292 7.54 1012 410 68 58 73 7 0 287 114 191 20 0.69 40.86
476 Krishnagiri Guruvinayanpalli 12.6500 78.3292 7.54 1012 410 68 58 73 7 0 287 114 191 20 0.69 40.86
477 Krishnagiri Hosur HP 12.7167 77.8333 7.68 1240 500 120 49 77 5 0 329 185 138 44 0.74 13.64
478 Krishnagiri Hosur HP 12.7167 77.8333 7.68 1240 500 120 49 77 5 0 329 185 138 44 0.74 13.64
479 Krishnagiri Karukkanchavadi 12.4083 78.2083 7.45 1320 490 80 71 110 2 0 342 256 88 18 0.72 1.89
480 Krishnagiri Karukkanchavadi 12.4083 78.2083 7.45 1320 490 80 71 110 2 0 342 256 88 18 0.72 1.89
481 Krishnagiri Kaveripatnam 12.4125 78.2292 7.49 1682 650 40 134 100 3 0 329 362 91 8 0.64 1.48
482 Krishnagiri Kaveripatnam 12.4125 78.2292 7.49 1682 650 40 134 100 3 0 329 362 91 8 0.64 1.48
483 Krishnagiri Kawthalam 12.5347 78.0489 7.22 569 270 48 36 28 3 0 220 85 45 3 0.52 1.09
484 Krishnagiri Kawthalam 12.5347 78.0489 7.22 569 270 48 36 28 3 0 220 85 45 3 0.52 1.09
485 Krishnagiri Keezhkuppam Pz 12.2228 78.5283 7.84 1785 650 80 109 138 7 0 592 241 100 3 1.36 0.49
486 Krishnagiri Keezhkuppam Pz 12.2228 78.5283 7.84 1785 650 80 109 138 7 0 592 241 100 3 1.36 0.49
487 Krishnagiri Konnanur 12.3328 78.3503 7.09 1042 390 92 39 75 1 0 293 156 90 20 0.55 0.00
488 Krishnagiri Konnanur 12.3328 78.3503 7.09 1042 390 92 39 75 1 0 293 156 90 20 0.55 0.00
490 Krishnagiri Krishnagiri 12.3130 78.1259 7.41 2700 690 140 83 258 6 0 397 490 263 122 0.64 3.32
491 Krishnagiri Machinayampalli 12.6156 77.7844 7.65 1424 470 148 24 82 21 0 275 128 252 86 1.38 16.11
492 Krishnagiri Machinayampalli 12.6156 77.7844 7.65 1424 470 148 24 82 21 0 275 128 252 86 1.38 16.11
493 Krishnagiri Machinkanakottai 12.4131 78.1708 7.10 1230 510 112 56 80 6 0 415 178 80 7 1.29 6.87
494 Krishnagiri Machinkanakottai 12.4131 78.1708 7.10 1230 510 112 56 80 6 0 415 178 80 7 1.29 6.87
495 Krishnagiri Mahadeva Gollahalli 12.4025 78.3436 7.52 1208 480 100 56 90 17 0 329 220 69 18 0.89 1.31
496 Krishnagiri Mahadeva Gollahalli 12.4025 78.3436 7.52 1208 480 100 56 90 17 0 329 220 69 18 0.89 1.31
497 Krishnagiri Mallapadi 12.5344 78.3752 7.44 1304 490 88 66 72 8 0 354 206 110 19 0.98 7.77
498 Krishnagiri Mattur 12.3833 78.4139 7.84 3860 1260 236 163 274 22 0 689 646 347 211 0.34 2.10

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
499 Krishnagiri Mattur 12.3833 78.4139 7.84 3860 1260 236 163 274 22 0 689 646 347 211 0.34 2.10
500 Krishnagiri Mattur2 12.3833 78.4167 7.26 1479 520 48 97 140 1 0 458 249 78 12 1.17 2.24
501 Krishnagiri Mattur2 12.3833 78.4167 7.26 1479 520 48 97 140 1 0 458 249 78 12 1.17 2.24
502 Krishnagiri Megalachinnapalli 12.6250 78.2542 7.44 1820 700 100 109 145 3 0 397 291 279 11 0.92 68.13
503 Krishnagiri Megalachinnapalli 12.6250 78.2542 7.44 1820 700 100 109 145 3 0 397 291 279 11 0.92 68.13
504 Krishnagiri Nagathunai 12.5639 77.9128 7.80 792 310 64 36 59 1 0 244 114 68 18 1.21 0.00
505 Krishnagiri Nagathunai 12.5639 77.9128 7.80 792 310 64 36 59 1 0 244 114 68 18 1.21 0.00
506 Krishnagiri Nattamaikottai 12.4721 78.2154 7.45 1337 410 48 71 153 2 0 342 284 66 17 1.69 6.15
507 Krishnagiri Pannandur 12.3013 78.2794 7.23 3270 900 236 75 282 5 0 177 1001 82 28 0.50 8.52
508 Krishnagiri Panneswara Madam 12.3917 78.2469 7.14 3630 1000 140 158 259 57 0 531 675 215 170 1.29 0.42
509 Krishnagiri Panneswara Madam 12.3917 78.2469 7.14 3630 1000 140 158 259 57 0 531 675 215 170 1.29 0.42
510 Krishnagiri Pudur Punganai 12.1864 78.4842 7.13 2120 680 128 88 139 23 0 488 320 116 121 1.48 1.21
511 Krishnagiri Rayakottai 12.5111 78.5111 7.70 1620 580 120 68 98 52 0 525 256 77 24 0.73 0.00
512 Krishnagiri Sulagiri 12.6667 78.0250 7.50 2600 790 160 95 197 3 0 500 348 213 206 1.02 0.28
513 Krishnagiri Tattarhalli 12.3408 78.2458 7.25 696 280 60 32 27 4 0 195 85 55 11 0.61 2.00
514 Krishnagiri Udhanapalli 12.6103 77.9395 7.74 1305 350 52 54 117 2 0 342 170 80 33 0.61 3.38
515 Krishnagiri Unichetty 12.4370 77.8505 7.90 683 340 48 54 2 3 0 311 71 2 4 0.63 1.34
516 Krishnagiri Uttangarai 12.2667 78.5292 7.47 1123 560 80 88 48 5 0 323 149 78 85 1.15 0.09
517 Krishnagiri Vanambli 12.3475 78.5550 7.82 1744 510 68 83 135 3 0 311 348 109 8 1.42 1.35
518 Krishnagiri Vappanapalli 12.6998 78.1925 7.69 1854 450 68 68 247 8 0 451 263 227 51 1.70 48.88
519 Krishnagiri Virupakshinagar 12.5933 77.8681 6.76 918 350 60 49 59 2 0 98 185 105 84 0.62 0.00
520 Madurai Alanganallur 10.0500 78.0967 7.41 1287 460 36 90 99 13 0 366 178 52 112 0.94 3.20
521 Madurai Andarkottaram pz 9.9086 78.1858 7.51 1497 420 92 46 141 5 0 317 299 78 27 0.42 0.79
522 Madurai Avalsuranpatti pz 9.6414 77.9744 7.74 1097 310 84 24 109 11 0 451 121 43 11 1.01 1.59
523 Madurai Chekkanoorani pz 9.9414 77.9681 7.64 2340 460 72 68 312 4 0 403 455 88 114 0.60 1.15
524 Madurai Chellampatti 9.5638 77.5346 7.67 1090 360 32 68 95 4 0 549 71 60 22 2.60 2.94
525 Madurai Keelakottai pz 9.7867 78.0019 7.68 4200 1040 120 180 384 80 0 573 811 260 276 1.45 4.52
526 Madurai Kolluveeranpatti 9.7069 77.8856 7.70 2420 820 176 92 177 15 0 488 370 299 51 2.52 1.48

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
527 Madurai Kolluveeranpatti pz 9.4225 77.5308 7.65 3210 740 104 117 295 162 0 476 427 277 313 3.14 3.18
528 Madurai Kottampatti pz 10.2219 78.3772 7.73 1488 420 32 83 152 8 0 476 213 121 0 0.52 13.59
529 Madurai Kulamangalam 10.0050 78.0652 8.04 529 200 34 28 34 4 0 311 32 6 0 0.72 1.20
530 Madurai M.K.University 9.9408 78.0006 7.48 1250 560 76 90 53 4 0 390 128 118 74 0.86 1.61
531 Madurai M.Puliyankulam 9.8844 78.1825 7.77 2500 340 40 58 390 2 0 659 412 122 16 0.61 10.85
532 Madurai Madurai New College House 9.9189 78.1119 7.74 1589 430 36 83 179 6 0 561 156 108 83 1.06 3.22
533 Madurai Madurai Rly Colony 9.9272 78.1036 7.50 2059 590 92 88 225 6 0 671 263 95 109 0.79 2.94
534 Madurai Melamadai 9.9347 78.1689 6.99 142 44 11 3.9 6 7 0 54 13 3 3 0.00 0.17
535 Madurai Melur1 10.0306 78.3333 7.66 1221 390 64 56 92 8 0 329 164 62 58 0.25 0.85
536 Madurai Meluru new 10.0333 78.3444 7.38 389 146 38 12 18 3 0 178 32 2 3 0.39 0.00
537 Madurai Nallathevanpatti 9.5611 77.4701 7.61 2350 860 56 175 169 5 0 476 398 181 27 0.68 7.16
538 Madurai Narayanapuram 9.5726 78.0759 7.40 1917 490 80 70 253 9 0 476 277 136 134 1.32 4.05
539 Madurai Nilayur pz 9.5119 78.0332 7.31 1765 660 116 90 91 6 0 451 327 66 47 1.06 1.24
540 Madurai P.Ammapatti pz 9.8458 77.8947 7.64 1022 250 28 44 124 2 0 415 85 77 9 1.53 2.45
541 Madurai Peraiyur pz 9.7428 77.7922 7.47 900 320 76 32 47 2 0 238 89 62 55 0.26 1.18
542 Madurai Saptur pz 9.7628 77.7392 7.24 282 96 21 11 18 2 0 110 23 13 0 0.18 0.10
543 Madurai Sedapatti 9.7500 77.6750 7.33 285 92 19 11 18 2 0 107 24 13 0 0.00 0.12
544 Madurai Surakulam pz 9.8364 78.0567 7.58 2250 800 124 119 142 7 0 525 327 117 234 2.20 0.57
545 Madurai T.Kallupatti 9.4320 77.5053 7.72 1926 380 52 61 261 1 0 586 284 155 3 0.56 2.13
546 Madurai T.Krishnapuram pz 9.8044 77.6692 7.67 2580 580 56 107 247 76 0 598 327 186 24 0.90 6.65
547 Madurai Thirumangalam new 9.8167 77.9792 7.56 3890 1060 144 170 369 28 0 659 668 379 186 1.36 3.16
548 Madurai Thirupallai 9.9777 78.1432 7.61 1168 400 48 68 113 8 0 427 156 35 17 0.78 0.75
549 Madurai Thirupallai 9.9805 78.1453 7.58 4470 1200 32 272 481 11 0 708 1081 54 1 0.78 0.00
550 Madurai Thirupallai 9.9856 78.1397 7.64 60 8 1.6 1 8 2 0 15 7 1 6 0.39 0.00
551 Madurai Thirupallai 9.9869 78.1389 7.65 2380 640 76 109 294 14 0 964 284 71 10 1.96 0.30
552 Madurai Thirupallai 9.9872 78.1445 7.84 1383 440 52 75 146 5 0 549 100 70 33 1.36 1.76
553 Madurai Thonthilingapuram pz 10.2597 78.3586 7.67 542 190 34 26 40 1 0 226 39 15 37 0.64 0.04
554 Madurai Thummakaundu pz 9.8739 77.8681 7.45 1516 600 56 112 72 6 0 512 228 10 27 0.19 1.89

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
555 Madurai Tirumangalam pz 9.9208 77.8833 7.58 4430 1100 64 229 543 15 0 720 754 401 238 1.59 7.89
556 Madurai Usilampatti new 9.9861 77.8042 7.55 1352 410 68 58 123 21 0 634 135 9 5 0.32 0.91
557 Madurai Valayankulam 9.8042 78.0917 7.00 3690 1220 408 49 222 5 0 244 910 63 213 0.73 0.27
558 Madurai Valayankulam pz 9.8042 78.0917 7.12 2850 1060 224 122 100 4 0 305 569 43 359 1.20 0.78
559 Madurai Varichiyur pz 9.9125 78.2569 7.34 1712 480 84 66 162 6 0 415 299 84 48 0.82 3.06
560 Madurai Vellalapatti pz 10.0597 78.2708 7.65 1034 230 28 39 103 12 0 427 53 76 9 1.33 131.98
561 Madurai Vilangudi 9.9606 78.0731 7.34 458 150 30 18 49 3 0 244 27 6 2 0.54 1.44
562 Nagapattinam Akkarapettai 10.7442 79.8500 7.58 1330 360 40 63 157 31 0 268 234 94 43 1.05 0.25
563 Nagapattinam Keelvalur 10.7667 79.7333 7.65 1421 240 56 24 170 95 0 372 220 72 70 0.58 0.00
564 Nagapattinam Mayavaram 11.0944 79.6556 7.69 2380 500 68 80 342 21 0 567 497 103 2 0.52 5.23
565 Nagapattinam Nagapattinam 10.7825 79.8431 7.74 1564 450 100 49 144 60 0 610 156 114 54 0.92 3.41
566 Nagapattinam Nagore 10.8011 79.8419 7.70 1292 360 56 54 149 7 0 519 156 53 38 1.13 0.30
567 Nagapattinam Nallur 11.3300 79.7753 7.54 762 140 36 12 102 10 0 171 114 62 43 0.46 0.20
568 Nagapattinam Odacherry 10.6833 79.8375 7.62 1332 440 60 71 123 9 0 354 199 71 61 0.44 1.13
569 Nagapattinam Poompuhar Melaiyur 11.1469 79.8350 7.40 805 190 60 10 86 18 0 195 135 45 37 0.53 0.00
570 Nagapattinam Thalaignayiru 11.2097 79.6639 7.58 2190 500 40 97 228 11 0 317 454 53 52 0.28 1.29
571 Nagapattinam Thamaraipulam 10.4781 79.8292 7.70 1235 400 68 56 89 70 0 415 142 47 58 0.62 0.98
572 Nagapattinam Thethakudi 10.4178 79.8364 7.52 740 280 68 27 74 2 0 250 114 48 1 0.25 0.08
573 Nagapattinam Thirukadaiyur 10.4781 79.8289 7.12 354 150 32 17 16 8 0 61 43 58 44 0.70 0.03
574 Nagapattinam Tranquebar 11.0169 79.8514 7.65 1158 300 80 24 136 23 0 293 163 111 63 1.29 0.62
575 Nagapattinam Valagarai 10.6289 79.7483 7.53 3760 1020 120 175 394 45 0 635 682 279 58 0.23 7.34
576 Nagapattinam Vedaranyam 10.3500 79.8625 7.56 674 230 60 19 70 13 0 207 107 51 8 0.20 0.05
577 Nagapattinam Velanganni 10.6833 79.8375 7.55 972 330 48 51 95 21 0 244 142 87 60 0.16 0.29
578 Namakkal Ainthu Panai 11.3633 77.8089 7.80 834 240 36 36 56 30 0 336 71 58 3 1.94 0.00
579 Namakkal Annai sathyanagar 11.3508 77.7639 7.80 933 195 44 21 67 11 0 232 92 66 2 1.55 0.00
580 Namakkal Chittalandur dw 11.3150 77.9242 7.50 2460 730 160 80 141 106 0 360 340 246 45 0.74 6.17
581 Namakkal Elachipalayam new 11.3847 78.0125 7.70 2630 620 40 126 337 0 0 476 525 230 86 1.74 0.00
582 Namakkal Ezhur-Olapalayam D 11.3658 78.1192 7.30 5430 1110 104 207 767 8 0 415 1241 600 66 1.68 30.29

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
583 Namakkal Gurusamipalayam 11.4342 78.1344 7.50 3250 760 48 156 353 5 0 195 858 145 68 1.74 4.89
584 Namakkal Irumbapalam 11.2042 77.9917 7.70 1182 510 88 70 107 0 0 268 206 150 28 1.62 4.74
585 Namakkal K.Naickanpatti 11.3333 78.2458 7.10 1233 510 52 92 45 4 0 238 199 70 32 0.95 0.00
586 Namakkal Kalinayakkanur 11.2742 78.0825 7.70 1260 490 20 107 77 1 0 451 177 90 5 0.62 0.00
587 Namakkal Kalipatti 11.5167 78.0361 7.40 1251 410 60 63 40 4 0 110 220 75 49 1.41 3.24
588 Namakkal Kamarajar Nagar 11.4831 78.3750 7.50 1062 410 84 49 11 3 0 122 184 51 48 0.51 1.43
589 Namakkal Kattipalayam 11.3156 78.0336 7.60 1392 490 32 100 122 4 0 488 170 105 60 1.66 0.00
590 Namakkal Kokkarayanpettai D 11.3147 77.7947 7.62 2990 610 80 100 216 30 0 439 440 181 60 0.94 27.40
591 Namakkal Kumbakkottai 11.4717 78.3044 7.30 1920 480 36 95 162 3 0 476 248 100 23 1.83 1.16
592 Namakkal Metala 11.5167 78.3417 7.40 1555 700 52 139 12 3 0 360 199 65 51 1.16 2.00
593 Namakkal Minnampalli 11.3165 78.1865 7.30 2850 1260 48 277 46 4 0 427 574 141 48 1.30 4.08
594 Namakkal Mohanur1 11.5125 78.1417 7.70 2470 580 20 129 293 12 0 586 383 150 54 0.83 9.58
595 Namakkal Mullakurchi dw 11.4594 78.3969 7.60 2030 730 88 124 67 1 0 415 234 155 62 0.26 3.50
596 Namakkal Nallur1 11.2667 77.8667 7.50 2690 880 104 151 163 82 0 305 468 290 52 1.01 1.05
597 Namakkal Namagiripet 11.4625 78.2750 7.00 907 290 52 39 84 3 0 366 113 45 8 1.47 0.24
598 Namakkal Paramarthi dw 11.1567 78.0214 7.30 3790 630 52 122 562 31 0 634 822 330 64 1.47 4.46
599 Namakkal Patlur 11.2753 77.8081 7.80 953 310 36 53 77 17 0 262 113 133 6 0.87 0.00
600 Namakkal Pottiredddipatti 11.1689 78.2744 7.10 3650 1060 160 160 251 5 0 390 681 301 43 1.68 5.25
601 Namakkal Pudur Siddhampoondi 11.2361 77.9142 7.80 4013 1030 164 151 651 65 0 256 1113 600 86 1.22 24.40
602 Namakkal Pulavar Palayam 11.1956 78.1086 7.40 1394 570 56 105 21 5 0 226 206 115 62 0.84 0.00
603 Namakkal Ramapuram 11.4403 78.0092 7.80 4730 830 60 165 955 0 0 1049 837 550 48 1.68 11.41
604 Namakkal Rasipuram1 11.4583 78.2250 7.50 1945 630 32 134 134 4 0 427 340 80 46 1.32 0.00
605 Namakkal Sammankadu Elanthankottai 11.4128 77.7736 7.90 1134 320 32 58 168 21 0 488 85 122 14 0.59 12.90
606 Namakkal Sanarpalayam 11.4192 77.7006 7.50 959 320 40 53 75 31 0 329 99 140 3 0.46 0.00
607 Namakkal selur valavanthinadu 11.2889 78.3392 7.00 366 170 20 29 3 3 0 37 71 15 59 0.77 0.98
608 Namakkal Semmadaipalayam 11.1472 77.9344 7.60 1070 360 32 68 109 4 0 378 177 90 4 1.68 0.00
609 Namakkal Senthamangalam 11.3028 78.2333 7.60 3340 560 48 107 311 3 0 415 610 132 31 1.32 1.90
610 Namakkal Singalanadu prm 11.4167 78.3000 7.20 2380 890 32 197 173 1 0 561 425 305 8 1.06 1.13

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
611 Namakkal Solasiramani 11.2500 77.9083 8.00 853 390 44 68 85 0 0 342 135 80 18 1.65 0.75
612 Namakkal SPN Nagar 11.1411 78.2200 7.50 1124 540 52 100 19 0 0 268 142 125 53 1.70 0.00
613 Namakkal Tharagadu Mandavathur 11.3886 77.7647 8.10 759 290 24 56 63 18 0 244 71 108 21 1.29 0.00
614 Namakkal Thiruchengodu 11.3833 77.9083 7.00 1715 380 104 29 177 9 0 329 291 105 67 1.11 4.96
615 Namakkal Thondichettipatti 11.1867 78.1681 7.30 1215 460 64 73 43 5 0 262 142 110 61 0.62 0.00
616 Namakkal Thoppur (N) 11.1011 78.1517 7.40 4180 920 216 92 323 49 0 134 1032 224 68 1.77 1.78
617 Namakkal Udayarpalayam dw 11.5103 78.3486 7.60 1734 730 84 126 28 2 0 451 248 120 22 0.84 3.00
618 Namakkal Unjanai 11.3531 77.9561 7.50 2730 620 96 92 241 132 0 451 461 250 72 0.63 0.00
619 Namakkal Uthandipalayam 11.2464 77.8361 7.20 1874 620 128 73 124 4 0 281 326 214 48 1.01 8.02
620 Namakkal Vaiyappamalai 11.3333 78.0833 7.60 995 370 24 75 73 1 0 317 128 75 17 1.77 0.00
621 Namakkal Velur 11.1083 78.0033 7.20 3200 860 72 165 242 23 0 177 773 193 8 1.59 5.69
622 Namakkal Vennandur 11.5125 78.0958 7.60 1416 510 64 85 127 5 0 464 177 80 55 0.84 0.00
623 Nilgiris Gudalur 11.4997 76.4861 6.85 418 170 44 15 16 12 0 98 71 48 3 0.15 0.00
624 Nilgiris Kothagiri 11.4333 76.8639 6.76 393 180 32 24 9 3 0 61 50 55 16 0.06 0.00
625 Nilgiris Mullur 11.3583 76.9083 6.82 289 130 28 15 5 2 0 49 36 57 1 0.34 0.00
626 Nilgiris Nadugani 11.4708 76.4114 7.10 382 140 28 17 23 5 0 67 43 66 13 0.23 0.00
627 Nilgiris Pandalur 11.4778 76.3472 6.40 552 230 48 27 12 17 0 128 99 23 29 0.24 0.06
628 Nilgiris Udhagamandalam 11.3972 76.7000 6.92 529 220 32 34 11 19 0 134 85 8 38 0.20 0.00
629 Nilgiris Wellington 11.3833 76.8083 6.67 387 200 48 19 3 3 0 98 85 5 18 0.12 0.00
630 Perambalur Ammapalayam 11.2135 78.7444 7.61 1289 415 42 75 99 10 0 470 92 96 31 0.30 15.74
631 Perambalur Annukur 11.3293 78.8615 7.72 2100 350 22 72 313 10 0 244 355 278.4 65 1.05 5.99
632 Perambalur Chettikulam 11.1347 78.7750 7.43 2320 400 66 57 338 13 0 85 248 403.68 372 0.55 44.66
633 Perambalur Chitali 11.2406 78.9682 7.80 3590 585 26 126 538 24 0 427 305 672 322 3.00 2.50
634 Perambalur Elaiyur 11.2714 78.8461 8.20 512 195 38 24 18 14 0 122 43 67.2 30 0.50 4.44
635 Perambalur Essanai 11.0690 79.0222 7.66 1230 325 36 57 127 9 0 183 142 168 93 0.79 38.49
636 Perambalur Kallampudur 11.2350 78.8025 7.59 2420 590 20 131 276 10 0 427 149 432 223 1.13 44.37
637 Perambalur Kunnam 11.3477 78.9491 7.87 3830 375 20 79 690 20 0 580 518 504 223 1.21 11.73
638 Perambalur Kurumbalur 11.1626 78.7203 7.86 1550 460 40 88 145 8 0 317 177 144 161 0.62 19.27

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
639 Perambalur Mangalamedu 11.2306 78.8922 8.16 1640 90 10 16 329 1 0 439 142 153.6 124 1.26 16.27
640 Perambalur Nakkaselam 11.3186 78.9171 7.40 2350 460 84 61 322 9 0 110 447 293.76 155 0.54 6.21
641 Perambalur Padalur 11.0960 78.8252 7.60 6330 1660 28 386 685 10 0 305 1702 480 35 1.29 194.00
642 Perambalur Palaiyur 11.1636 78.8575 7.52 1165 430 30 86 74 5 0 195 85 254.4 81 0.84 8.54
643 Perambalur Perambalur 11.1586 78.9364 7.67 888 235 22 44 81 28 0 244 71 96 74 1.51 47.51
644 Perambalur Perambalur 11.2333 78.8830 7.76 920 100 16 15 150 14 0 244 67 91.2 74 1.49 13.52
645 Perambalur Ranjankudi(Mangalamedu) 11.3472 78.9412 7.50 1689 100 24 10 345 2 0 622 142 72 112 1.94 20.22
646 Perambalur Therku Mathevi (Aathukeni) 11.1400 79.2375 7.55 3890 510 74 79 644 24 0 305 851 408 81 0.77 7.51
647 Perambalur Valikandapuram 11.2325 79.3142 7.74 1315 255 32 43 184 9 0 189 89 240 192 1.07 6.42
648 Perambalur Veppur(Nallur) 11.3167 79.0636 7.89 4130 450 8 105 736 2 0 995 709 192 61 1.40 13.20
649 Perambalur Vijayagopalapuram 11.2700 79.0314 7.51 6830 1720 48 389 764 20 0 671 1418 672 186 1.26 168.01
650 Pondicherry AUROVILLE 11.9971 79.8355 7.54 491 160 40 15 32 13 0 195 35 19.2 19 1.05 0.19
651 Pondicherry CAPPER QUARRY 11.7220 79.7234 7.24 565 200 56 15 30 12 0 226 39 28.8 12 0.18 0.16
652 Pondicherry KARUVADUKUPPAM 11.9723 79.8132 7.45 726 260 52 32 41 9 0 275 71 24 12 0.65 0.08
653 Pondicherry Kattukuppam 11.8075 79.7803 7.66 900 250 80 12 92 5 0 336 71 48 37 0.45 0.38
654 Pondicherry KUDIKADU 11.6822 79.7519 7.83 1200 260 44 36 152 8 0 232 213 96 12 0.96 0.23
655 Pondicherry M.N. Kuppam 11.9012 79.8331 7.47 1441 550 96 75 76 5 0 342 156 192 25 0.38 1.46
656 Pondicherry MANAMEDU 11.8088 79.6871 7.50 648 200 40 24 55 4 0 244 53 28.8 25 0.38 0.08
657 Pondicherry Manapattu EW 11.7992 79.7747 7.78 1340 400 76 51 120 8 0 354 142 110.4 68 0.90 0.20
658 Pondicherry Mangalam-I 11.9028 79.7391 7.63 2640 450 64 70 391 13 0 427 532 144 68 0.18 0.95
659 Pondicherry MANJAKUPPAM 11.7665 79.7678 7.81 303 100 20 12 18 9 0 61 35 19.2 37 0.52 0.04
660 Pondicherry PILLAICHAVADI 12.0146 79.8502 7.49 620 160 40 15 60 13 0 183 71 48 12 0.38 0.08
661 Pondicherry Pondicherry 11.9333 79.8349 7.59 1220 180 40 19 194 6 0 409 89 96 62 0.65 1.18
662 Pondicherry Reddichavadi 11.9368 79.8270 7.61 1195 300 80 24 131 10 0 183 110 240 50 0.59 0.25
663 Pondicherry Villanur 11.9158 79.7557 7.74 1667 400 84 46 193 10 0 598 85 192 37 0.46 0.23
664 Pondicherry VILLIANUR 11.7665 79.7678 7.49 788 280 48 39 41 20 0 171 106 96 50 0.51 0.41
665 Pudukkottai Adanakottai Dw 10.5210 78.9570 3.78 396 100 30 6.3 34 2 0 0 91 4 38 0.20 0.00
666 Pudukkottai Alavoyal Pz 10.3234 78.5464 7.58 1741 480 60 80 196 5 0 561 263 77 25 1.94 13.32

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
667 Pudukkottai Aranthangi DW 10.1750 78.9981 7.45 1264 200 52 17 156 60 0 354 199 58 1 0.42 0.73
668 Pudukkottai Devuipattinam DW 9.4808 78.8976 7.66 5690 880 168 112 788 168 0 769 1124 347 291 0.40 6.77
669 Pudukkottai Kallal DW 9.9860 78.6669 7.35 1172 290 60 34 90 88 0 390 164 51 31 0.51 2.08
670 Pudukkottai Kandanur Dw 10.1050 78.8250 7.62 754 215 60 16 61 13 0 250 103 31 20 0.29 0.48
671 Pudukkottai Kodumbalur BW 10.5425 78.5122 7.35 2470 500 112 54 300 75 0 512 398 180 33 0.64 4.14
672 Pudukkottai Lekkampatti Pz 10.5597 78.7264 7.27 3540 880 112 146 339 7 0 329 910 54 154 0.72 3.63
673 Pudukkottai Melur Pz 10.2408 78.7339 7.73 604 230 34 35 33 1 0 299 43 6 2 0.52 0.80
674 Pudukkottai Oliyamangalam (Vengampatti) Pz 10.4183 78.5290 7.31 1270 460 88 58 101 5 0 390 192 42 34 0.58 8.26
675 Pudukkottai Padamathur pz 9.8538 78.3710 7.77 593 205 32 30 51 2 0 329 28 8 1 0.96 0.87
676 Pudukkottai Peraiyur Dw 9.3569 78.4467 7.70 3580 780 72 146 456 3 0 415 740 294 49 0.85 4.87
677 Pudukkottai Perambur BW 10.6166 78.6450 7.81 858 120 20 17 148 4 0 451 60 24 0 0.40 2.14
678 Pudukkottai Pokkisarpatti Dw 10.4749 78.8915 7.49 1170 220 40 29 123 46 0 256 149 61 42 0.40 0.30
679 Pudukkottai Puttampur Pz 10.4646 78.8495 7.47 1735 550 72 90 114 5 0 378 370 32 28 0.79 1.12
680 Pudukkottai RS Mangalam DW 9.6388 78.8603 6.47 1208 290 88 17 146 8 0 61 306 74 4 0.41 0.48
681 Pudukkottai Sadayampatti PZ 10.3894 78.5508 7.42 1254 480 68 75 87 7 0 378 213 50 8 0.95 3.37
682 Pudukkottai Sakkotai Pz 10.0995 78.8625 6.91 407 118 31 9.7 32 1 0 30 87 0 39 0.00 0.00
683 Pudukkottai Sayalkudi Dw 9.1699 78.4500 7.75 1070 280 40 44 143 12 0 439 114 41 1 0.56 0.62
684 Pudukkottai Sikkal DW 9.2483 78.6400 7.70 1343 270 72 22 199 10 0 476 185 67 1 0.59 0.69
685 Pudukkottai Thirumayam DW 10.2427 78.7455 7.32 3020 500 96 63 419 5 0 488 612 192 13 1.02 2.77
686 Pudukkottai Thirunallur N BW 10.2848 79.0224 7.49 769 230 36 34 55 12 0 244 100 50 0 0.34 0.00
687 Pudukkottai Tiruvadanai DW 9.7857 78.9149 7.40 1630 50 16 2.4 366 4 0 390 320 25 0 1.23 0.00
688 Pudukkottai Uchipulli Dw 9.3054 79.0242 7.53 677 140 54 1.2 71 5 0 189 89 31 0 0.07 0.02
689 Pudukkottai Udaikulam DW 9.4398 78.5570 7.62 850 230 30 38 73 8 0 336 100 21 0 0.56 0.34
690 Pudukkottai Vathiripatti Pz 10.4839 78.6803 7.64 817 200 26 33 112 1 0 464 36 16 3 1.26 6.23
691 Pudukkottai Vayyapuri DW 10.3469 78.6172 7.70 1590 430 36 83 193 1 0 561 249 35 8 2.44 1.47
692 Pudukkottai Vegupatti Pz 10.2755 78.5619 7.27 2510 740 112 112 241 8 0 439 484 114 62 1.00 110.20
693 Pudukkottai Viralimalai DW 10.6083 78.5499 7.76 3110 460 48 83 529 41 0 854 398 139 161 2.76 3.57
694 Pudukottai Avudayarkoil 10.0749 79.0424 7.51 2340 340 48 54 410 27 0 525 427 60 40 0.40 28.33

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
695 Pudukottai Mandangudi Dw 10.4853 78.9283 7.85 4320 480 40 92 684 245 0 720 782 318 64 0.87 44.79
696 Pudukottai Sundarapatti Pz 10.3588 78.7069 7.31 5270 1180 112 219 688 3 0 586 1316 141 190 1.22 20.43
697 Pudukottai Thirukkalambur Pz 10.2055 78.4912 7.53 1808 590 24 129 149 8 0 622 313 37 6 2.04 11.01
698 Pudukottai Vayalogam Pz 10.3972 78.6919 7.71 749 320 36 56 26 1 0 396 39 7 1 0.51 1.16
699 Ramanathapuram Athikadu Vadakkur Dw 10.1904 78.5293 7.47 757 250 16 51 43 12 0 342 64 20 4 0.40 3.81
700 Ramanathapuram Bogalur DW 9.4024 78.7078 7.03 15430 3220 392 545 2335 7 0 647 4907 710 3 1.02 25.13
701 Ramanathapuram Chettinadu DW 10.1516 78.7641 7.30 1820 320 56 44 278 7 0 427 334 49 2 0.44 0.38
702 Ramanathapuram Erachi Dw 10.2327 78.9685 7.37 857 220 54 21 79 22 0 207 132 51 25 0.78 0.42
703 Ramanathapuram Ervadi Dw 9.2230 78.7024 7.67 785 230 38 33 56 17 0 262 103 18 0 0.17 0.00
704 Ramanathapuram Kamudhi Pz 9.4154 78.3777 7.30 488 130 30 13 46 4 0 152 50 15 32 0.61 0.00
705 RAMANATHAPURAM Kizhakakarai 9.2394 78.7840 7.83 6450 800 200 73 1017 32 0 817 1387 312 164 2.28 3.36
706 Ramanathapuram Mimisal DW 9.9283 79.1476 6.82 16210 1380 88 282 3402 53 0 183 5121 682 8 0.55 17.49
707 Ramanathapuram Mukundarayar Chathram Dw 9.2003 79.3804 7.58 1136 290 64 32 132 28 0 329 142 150 0 0.74 0.02
708 Ramanathapuram Muthupatti Pz 9.8437 78.4985 7.36 2500 720 160 78 165 3 0 305 555 8 34 1.02 0.99
709 Ramanathapuram Paramakudi DW 9.5417 78.5375 7.66 1133 280 52 36 128 28 0 354 114 82 62 0.90 0.71
710 Ramanathapuram Parthibanur DW 9.5805 78.4511 7.73 1721 120 24 15 351 3 0 512 242 147 40 1.53 3.70
711 Ramanathapuram Pudukottai DW 10.3719 78.8155 7.52 1729 380 40 68 216 4 0 427 327 25 3 0.73 2.90
712 Ramanathapuram Pudukottai Pz 10.3853 78.8077 7.30 718 180 38 21 79 6 0 232 89 46 1 0.49 0.57
713 Ramanathapuram Pudupatti DW 10.5592 79.0597 6.96 215 70 22 3.9 11 5 0 59 31 6 2 0.16 0.00
714 Ramanathapuram Solandur DW 9.5631 78.8608 7.14 741 90 18 11 103 48 0 183 121 43 0 0.41 1.34
715 Ramanathapuram Thirupullani Dw 9.3667 78.7833 7.72 670 100 30 6.1 93 6 0 287 46 37 1 0.59 1.43
716 Ramanathapuram Vaniyavallam DW 9.5458 78.6918 7.39 670 230 44 29 54 5 0 329 43 19 0 1.09 1.37
717 Ramanathapuram U Kosamangai Dw 9.3152 78.7343 7.84 6930 640 72 112 1142 194 0 671 1742 336 1 0.90 1.84
718 Salem Akkaripalayam 11.3406 78.0500 7.24 5760 1060 172 153 672 8 0 323 1463 255 86 0.93 7.62
719 Salem Athur 11.5917 78.5861 7.62 1334 550 52 102 84 6 0 378 206 135 67 0.80 2.71
720 Salem Attayampatti Ghss 11.5253 78.0750 7.72 2500 650 96 100 239 19 0 458 398 246 125 1.38 1.72
721 Salem Attayampatti S.Puram 11.5253 78.0750 7.32 6370 2130 400 275 514 5 0 189 1882 454 59 1.05 15.15
722 Salem Ayodhyapattinam 11.6697 78.2389 7.87 2950 880 88 161 224 4 0 549 462 276 125 1.24 4.40

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
723 Salem Dhasanaickanpatty dw 11.6094 78.1453 7.80 1594 340 76 36 166 5 0 354 178 144 99 0.98 2.25
724 Salem Elampillai dw 11.6089 78.0108 7.83 2830 550 80 85 317 27 0 573 426 249 29 2.15 11.92
725 Salem Gangavalli 11.4958 78.6500 7.56 2320 670 140 78 138 139 0 525 419 129 81 0.73 1.01
726 Salem Gudamali dw 11.4603 78.5875 7.60 1970 650 76 112 108 15 0 512 277 80 79 1.32 2.18
727 Salem Idapadi new 11.5839 77.8500 7.63 2100 810 104 134 131 10 0 708 355 74 44 1.95 3.76
728 Salem Jalakandapuram 11.7056 77.8722 7.40 1755 550 96 75 110 47 0 525 256 94 31 1.59 18.04
729 Salem Karumbapatti 11.5822 77.8611 7.54 4930 880 76 168 768 29 0 750 1058 465 12 1.75 39.12
730 Salem Karuppur 11.7178 78.0769 7.67 1849 780 76 144 88 7 0 567 234 202 31 1.91 1.02
731 Salem Keeripati 11.5417 78.4917 7.56 1028 490 88 66 32 4 0 305 170 78 29 0.49 1.38
732 Salem Konganapuram 11.5667 77.9000 7.79 1257 600 80 97 48 22 0 439 149 101 73 1.80 4.49
733 Salem Kulathur 11.8472 77.7472 7.82 1160 510 100 63 37 6 0 287 135 144 76 0.71 0.00
734 Salem Kullampatti 11.5833 77.7917 7.70 1260 390 88 41 62 53 0 305 227 8 60 0.53 0.55
735 Salem Mallur1 11.5375 78.1458 7.18 2190 710 124 97 138 27 0 586 320 72 117 0.99 6.33
736 Salem Mamudi 11.5325 78.0517 7.74 3110 750 116 112 323 159 0 458 625 143 143 0.37 4.37
737 Salem Masilapalayam dw 11.8089 77.7889 7.80 916 400 80 49 22 3 0 256 114 58 56 1.32 0.16
738 Salem Mecheri 12.8111 79.3972 7.47 2380 850 88 153 188 2 0 567 447 51 164 1.04 0.07
739 Salem Muttur (Karumalikoodal)dw 11.8075 77.8297 7.53 906 400 72 54 48 2 0 305 135 77 15 1.84 3.56
740 Salem Naikarapatty dw 11.6219 78.1061 7.74 3520 730 96 119 416 23 0 842 667 126 43 1.81 2.60
741 Salem Nangavalli 11.7583 77.8958 7.91 504 230 44 29 9 5 0 159 71 29 6 0.65 1.11
742 Salem Omalur 11.7458 78.7458 7.40 3390 670 240 17 393 16 0 653 504 185 270 0.65 0.60
743 Salem P.Goundanpalyam 11.4667 78.4825 7.72 975 230 44 29 65 78 0 293 142 36 29 0.49 0.26
744 Salem P.N.Palayam1 11.6472 78.5125 7.46 1762 680 108 100 71 2 0 299 320 100 63 0.50 1.33
745 Salem Palampatti 11.5694 78.0722 7.35 4450 1130 220 141 452 21 0 482 1122 127 234 1.68 4.80
746 Salem Panaimadal 11.7185 78.4755 7.62 1760 600 76 100 140 15 0 433 227 236 65 0.84 2.67
747 Salem Panamarathupatti2 11.5903 78.1931 7.45 2940 800 108 129 277 4 0 482 540 197 127 1.81 0.72
748 Salem Papparapatty 11.3131 78.0337 7.52 2480 770 208 61 204 3 0 549 376 115 215 0.40 0.59
749 Salem Ponnammapet dw 11.6642 78.1772 7.30 1006 410 68 58 62 3 0 323 163 20 26 0.96 0.37
750 Salem Pulaveri 11.6083 78.1083 7.02 7830 1420 240 199 1132 165 0 549 2279 225 174 0.91 1.73

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
751 Salem Puthur dw 11.6264 78.7833 7.27 3370 1130 264 114 143 4 0 275 611 323 143 1.02 0.00
752 Salem S.K.Garden Nathimedi 11.6392 78.1250 7.52 1640 620 92 95 68 2 0 409 220 126 55 0.66 0.00
753 Salem Salem Bankhouse 11.6667 78.1583 7.46 1492 630 120 80 93 3 0 512 185 134 29 0.89 0.00
754 Salem Salem surviellance 11.6594 78.1664 7.83 3350 750 72 139 467 6 0 769 717 172 9 1.98 0.63
755 Salem Samudram pz 11.7472 77.9306 7.82 2290 490 52 88 316 26 0 543 270 385 65 1.40 3.37
756 Salem Sankagiri (V.N.Palayam) 11.4775 77.8753 7.94 1532 330 60 44 98 143 0 488 206 60 3 1.05 0.68
757 Salem Sendarpatti 11.4375 78.5000 7.42 1268 350 88 32 77 72 0 403 156 72 54 0.66 0.27
758 Salem Sevantampatti 11.5583 78.0917 7.38 8870 1330 64 285 1524 15 0 122 2471 655 34 1.78 6.46
759 Salem Shasan chavadi 11.3919 78.2018 7.46 2570 870 152 119 134 1 0 305 582 162 36 0.71 4.30
760 Salem Sivadapuram dw 11.6472 78.1092 7.75 3960 1070 56 226 371 15 0 1025 689 207 3 1.16 0.51
761 Salem Thalaivasal1 11.5833 78.7583 7.87 1432 410 52 68 105 3 0 336 249 68 12 0.54 12.07
762 Salem Thandavarayapuram dw 11.5903 78.5558 7.24 2840 870 172 107 172 1 0 262 639 154 108 0.45 7.10
763 Salem Tivettipatti 11.8667 78.0875 8.05 3270 620 56 117 504 4 0 696 476 180 172 1.44 1.08
764 Salem Vedukathampatty dw 11.6528 78.0819 7.58 2370 750 40 158 243 5 0 549 433 151 101 1.63 2.71
765 Salem Veerapandi dw 11.5736 78.0728 7.85 5400 1030 76 204 849 15 0 714 1314 218 84 1.41 3.70
766 Salem Veppampoondi 11.5344 78.7558 7.89 846 360 40 63 13 1 0 201 135 43 13 0.18 0.39
767 Salem Veraganur dw 11.4753 78.7361 7.96 2590 460 36 90 238 168 0 427 440 182 116 0.75 0.00
768 Salem Yercaud 11.7833 78.2111 7.82 346 150 28 19 17 4 0 61 64 27 23 0.17 0.00
769 Sivaganag Devakottai Dw 9.9609 78.6669 6.88 402 94 28 5.8 40 4 0 67 60 17 35 0.22 0.00
770 Sivaganga Alangudi Dw 10.3639 78.9817 8.13 886 155 46 9.7 108 20 0 128 178 48 23 0.31 0.36
771 Sivaganga Gandharvakottai Dw 10.5724 79.0152 7.36 1287 340 88 29 122 8 0 244 270 50 43 0.34 0.53
772 Sivaganga Kattumavadi DW 10.1373 79.2226 7.40 1833 340 64 44 262 15 0 342 434 61 0 0.36 0.62
773 Sivaganga Keeranur DW 10.5715 78.7844 7.87 2490 320 48 49 322 128 0 573 398 140 13 1.34 2.68
774 Sivaganga Manamalkudi DW 10.0393 79.2309 7.58 1870 420 84 51 192 36 0 500 270 140 4 0.38 2.63
775 Sivaganga Nadumanaikadu Dw 9.2780 79.0844 7.87 1616 510 24 109 160 4 0 610 228 56 0 2.62 3.34
776 Sivaganga Paniyapatti PZ 10.3126 78.6778 7.24 1724 520 72 83 119 4 0 317 306 62 114 1.17 84.04
777 Sivaganga Rameswaram DW 9.2884 79.3204 7.96 4690 720 72 131 543 249 0 878 853 398 49 0.52 19.96
778 Sivaganga Sampathi Vidhiti Dw 10.4332 78.9778 7.43 622 210 40 27 42 6 0 183 96 18 1 0.34 0.22

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
779 Sivaganga Sivagangai DW 9.8527 78.4985 7.46 1171 260 56 29 172 7 0 403 171 101 0 1.62 1.64
780 Sivaganga Thirupattur Bw 10.1090 78.5919 7.81 2440 220 24 39 426 2 0 732 398 54 12 0.82 14.93
781 Sivaganga Thondi DW 9.7365 79.0174 6.75 790 95 26 7.3 130 24 0 207 100 49 9 0.76 2.32
782 Sivaganga Tiruvengamputhur DW 9.8304 78.7858 7.45 5700 1020 128 170 791 121 0 622 1266 356 192 0.45 63.86
783 Sivaganga Annanagar DW 9.1179 78.6418 7.24 1541 500 92 66 125 7 0 244 299 186 6 0.59 2.66
784 Sivaganga Kalayarkoil DW 9.8467 78.6344 7.01 3080 780 192 73 323 7 0 220 796 86 5 0.48 3.86
785 Sivaganga Manamadurai DW 9.6946 78.4514 7.76 1165 300 32 54 144 6 0 415 164 38 1 0.92 2.00
786 Sivaganga Manamadurai Pz 9.7010 78.4597 7.00 3520 1320 368 97 113 5 0 244 1010 29 36 0.44 3.04
787 Thanjavur Icchankottai1 10.6500 79.1778 7.32 229 90 32 2 18 1 0 49 36 50 2 0.10 0.00
788 Thanjavur Kumbakonam1 10.9750 79.3917 7.62 1653 370 52 58 155 79 0 439 320 54 2 0.29 1.79
789 Thanjavur Lower Anaicut 11.1250 79.4542 7.40 1712 540 68 90 153 3 0 531 312 63 2 0.41 3.87
790 Thanjavur Madigai 10.7150 78.2055 7.54 455 230 36 34 22 2 0 122 85 73 1 0.44 0.22
791 Thanjavur Narsinganpettai 11.0167 79.5056 7.68 1247 500 72 78 70 1 0 366 227 60 2 0.49 0.00
792 Thanjavur Papanasam 10.9250 79.2750 7.48 561 270 28 49 31 2 0 159 121 42 8 0.39 0.00
793 Thanjavur Pattukottai1 10.4250 79.3000 7.44 1587 500 88 68 100 36 0 390 298 62 6 0.53 2.15
794 Thanjavur Puduchataram 10.8542 78.9517 7.68 856 350 48 56 56 2 0 238 170 54 14 0.31 1.15
795 Thanjavur Pulavamatham 10.8542 79.2103 7.54 1026 490 80 71 34 2 0 305 185 52 51 0.35 1.42
796 Thanjavur T Budalur 10.7667 78.9972 7.34 1986 850 152 114 62 3 0 268 547 57 18 0.33 9.45
797 Thanjavur Thanjavur 10.7750 79.1083 7.65 1352 390 76 49 88 71 0 384 227 54 3 0.52 1.97
798 Thanjavur Thirukarukuvur 10.8667 79.2833 7.69 1980 480 80 68 264 1 0 586 355 71 30 0.87 4.81
799 Thanjavur Thiruvilapatti 10.7339 78.8711 7.56 1595 460 72 68 199 2 0 299 412 69 5 0.71 2.21
800 Thanjavur Vaduvakudi 10.8781 79.0356 7.60 1527 600 72 102 82 34 0 549 256 65 8 0.72 1.41
801 Thanjavur Vallam 10.7183 79.0625 7.23 992 340 68 41 86 19 0 232 220 81 9 0.26 0.00
802 Theni A.Vadipatti pz 10.0958 77.6881 7.89 1006 280 36 46 119 2 0 390 121 78 2 0.47 0.26
803 Theni Appipatti alagapuri 9.8100 77.4100 7.06 582 215 44 26 28 5 0 207 57 20 28 0.83 0.28
804 Theni Balakombai pz 9.9036 77.6233 7.70 950 405 46 70 55 0 0 433 32 54 62 2.64 1.96
805 Theni Bodinaickanur dw 10.0989 77.5717 7.67 1886 430 48 75 301 11 0 671 178 100 119 2.36 2.41
806 Theni Cumbum 9.7417 77.2847 7.70 1700 130 12 24 346 43 0 854 78 50 1 7.60 8.90

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
807 Theni Devadanapatti 10.1528 77.6583 7.26 1790 550 76 88 135 104 0 878 149 32 11 0.83 3.74
808 Theni Dumbacheri pz 9.9586 77.3911 7.35 476 168 39 17 33 4 0 220 33 16 6 1.40 0.53
809 Theni Erasakkanaayakanur 9.9250 77.5417 6.61 400 132 30 14 22 4 0 51 68 15 52 0.00 0.28
810 Theni Gandamanur 9.9183 77.5217 7.49 2440 740 136 97 247 31 0 561 341 125 213 1.34 0.93
811 Theni Gandamanur pz 9.5509 77.3057 7.60 1650 610 132 68 92 6 0 317 284 43 174 0.96 2.49
812 Theni Ganguvarpatti pz 10.1669 77.6944 7.29 700 300 32 54 24 0 0 366 28 18 1 0.58 0.79
813 Theni Kadamalaikundu pz 9.8072 77.5031 7.62 1237 480 72 73 103 16 0 488 107 65 68 0.74 7.00
814 Theni Kamayagoundanpatti pz 9.7367 77.3169 7.57 1694 510 20 112 158 10 0 549 185 66 166 0.81 3.75
815 Theni Kodangipatti 9.9917 77.4361 7.60 1400 260 56 29 131 172 0 512 107 60 94 0.60 0.33
816 Theni Kodangipatti pz 9.9917 77.4306 7.69 2053 460 40 88 327 6 0 622 213 225 61 2.08 10.26
817 Theni Koduvilarpatti pz 9.9719 77.4919 7.49 3790 1180 272 122 208 122 0 549 697 148 266 0.83 0.47
818 Theni Kottur Pz 9.9061 77.4058 7.39 1545 520 32 107 97 19 0 464 228 50 21 0.70 1.82
819 Theni M.Subbalapuram pz 9.9717 77.5564 7.46 1869 530 56 95 219 13 0 427 277 98 212 1.34 0.90
820 Theni Myladumparai dw 10.0989 77.5717 7.57 1548 470 64 75 156 0 0 561 121 100 31 0.54 2.65
821 Theni Okkaraipatti pz 9.9625 77.5694 7.36 1769 820 100 139 62 8 0 427 277 54 195 0.57 0.96
822 Theni Periyakulam 10.1208 77.5500 7.41 3890 1080 200 141 457 2 0 939 740 192 105 1.23 10.19
823 Theni Ramakrishnapuram pz 9.9392 77.3017 7.61 590 270 38 43 24 0 0 360 11 5 7 1.60 0.00
824 Theni Rathinanagar(Theni2) 10.0278 77.4750 7.43 974 275 54 34 103 7 0 336 121 39 5 0.68 2.58
825 Theni Sankarapuram pz 9.9069 77.3297 7.43 4040 1300 120 243 347 10 0 378 896 315 144 0.90 0.34
826 Theni Seelampatti PZ 9.8742 77.3928 7.39 1713 560 36 114 116 22 0 488 220 110 122 0.47 1.69
827 Theni Silverpatti 10.0713 77.3732 7.38 584 280 30 50 20 2 0 336 21 9 0 0.98 1.02
828 Theni Silverpatti 10.0985 77.6125 7.40 1728 470 44 88 196 5 0 671 171 65 6 1.42 0.49
829 Theni Silverpatti 10.1123 77.6204 7.44 677 230 30 38 66 0 0 378 28 18 0 1.53 0.76
830 Theni Silverpatti 10.1333 77.6309 7.31 915 325 36 57 67 8 0 384 64 53 24 1.07 0.55
831 Theni Silverpatti 10.1384 77.6377 7.21 639 320 32 58 15 0 0 366 21 18 1 1.08 0.61
832 Theni T.Subbalapuram pz 10.0064 77.6547 7.39 796 365 76 43 26 2 0 274 96 70 15 0.55 0.07
833 Theni ThamminaickPatti pz 9.9164 77.2997 7.53 978 345 28 67 60 2 0 390 68 20 77 0.48 0.03
834 Theni Theni1 10.0042 77.2847 7.14 302 100 22 11 21 1 0 105 27 10 0 0.50 1.01

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
835 Theni Thevaram 9.8847 77.2847 7.35 714 220 26 38 57 4 0 366 28 21 24 0.75 0.00
836 Theni Thevaram pz 9.5348 77.1637 7.39 1002 360 36 66 61 3 0 317 100 12 112 0.43 0.00
837 Theni Uttamapalayam 9.8083 77.3333 6.57 160 46 15 1.9 10 3 0 68 10 4 0 0.13 0.36
838 Theni Vadugapatti dw 10.0989 77.5717 7.40 941 260 26 47 114 2 0 470 53 22 2 1.30 3.89
839 Theni Varusandu pz 9.7358 77.5203 7.84 1263 460 44 85 99 4 0 464 121 125 0 0.93 2.10
840 Theni Veerapandi pz 9.9606 77.4467 7.14 427 146 31 16 22 5 0 195 24 10 2 0.82 0.31
841 Thiruvannamalai AKKUR 12.6844 79.6292 7.06 1276 150 44 10 221 4 0 427 156 51.3 8 0.62 0.72
842 Thiruvannamalai Anandavadi 12.2583 78.6625 7.60 1260 400 92 41 135 2 0 561 121 18 2 1.38 1.30
843 Thiruvannamalai Andampallam (Isukalikatteri) OW 12.0989 79.1694 7.58 1998 670 16 153 128 7 0 427 398 37 20 0.54 10.54
844 Thiruvannamalai Arani 12.3500 79.3500 7.57 1660 450 112 41 143 18 0 476 220 56 91 0.36 3.89
845 Thiruvannamalai Bagmarpet 12.5167 79.1333 7.63 870 290 96 12 56 1 0 390 50 12 48 0.96 1.57
846 Thiruvannamalai Chengam2 12.2917 78.7917 7.82 3900 1050 144 168 283 59 0 634 831 165 16 0.12 4.82
847 Thiruvannamalai Chetpet1 12.4611 79.3583 7.23 2990 710 120 100 310 6 0 549 582 208 54 0.84 3.14
848 Thiruvannamalai Cheyyar2 12.6583 79.5333 6.62 1485 320 88 24 129 66 0 390 213 48 44 1.31 1.22
849 Thiruvannamalai Eendal 12.4361 79.4181 7.86 700 250 52 29 79 4 0 403 57 28 3 0.54 0.10
850 Thiruvannamalai Kalavai(Vellore dist) 12.4886 79.4125 7.41 2510 370 136 7 295 2 0 342 412 126 92 0.72 2.90
851 Thiruvannamalai Kappalur (T) 10.1417 78.6083 7.34 1940 640 88 102 92 4 0 464 263 47 137 0.30 2.60
852 Thiruvannamalai Kattampundi OW 12.1267 79.0853 7.65 2810 670 172 58 272 5 0 305 497 206 73 1.20 4.56
853 Thiruvannamalai Kilpalur 12.5808 78.9436 7.22 822 300 76 27 58 9 0 295 107 48 1 0.10 0.51
854 Thiruvannamalai Kuppam 12.7236 79.1256 7.55 723 210 48 22 106 4 0 256 99 67 0 0.36 0.94
855 Thiruvannamalai Ladavaram 12.4250 79.1467 7.42 1224 320 112 10 123 4 0 354 170 28 41 0.18 0.32
856 Thiruvannamalai Mamandur 12.8572 79.6756 7.26 1172 300 96 15 121 5 0 342 156 38.85 31 0.67 0.80
857 Thiruvannamalai Mecheri (Vellore) 12.8111 79.3972 7.55 1804 470 88 61 187 10 0 488 298 92 24 0.30 4.36
858 Thiruvannamalai Melmakotturoad 12.2097 79.6275 7.48 1440 180 64 5 220 12 0 427 121 144 9 0.48 1.57
859 Thiruvannamalai Melravandavadi 12.2083 78.7083 7.46 1398 490 100 58 108 5 0 549 149 36 82 0.66 0.87
860 Thiruvannamalai Modaiyur 12.5022 79.2256 7.53 990 350 56 51 93 4 0 403 121 75 5 0.90 0.38
861 Thiruvannamalai Mullandram 12.7667 79.2667 7.63 1263 330 116 10 100 3 0 451 121 23 13 0.24 1.05
862 Thiruvannamalai Nedumpirai OW 12.7078 79.5611 7.31 2300 680 168 63 185 3 0 342 412 198 64 1.02 0.05

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
863 Thiruvannamalai Netchatramalai 12.4439 79.0567 7.74 1400 440 56 73 78 4 0 439 135 78 19 0.84 0.07
864 Thiruvannamalai Pachal 12.2667 78.9417 7.50 1150 310 76 29 130 10 0 378 114 152 20 0.06 2.43
865 Thiruvannamalai Padagam 12.4194 79.2039 7.60 1672 390 100 34 208 4 0 537 199 62 56 1.44 0.05
866 Thiruvannamalai Padaveedu 12.6586 79.1150 7.59 946 260 64 24 87 3 0 403 78 23 29 0.48 0.27
867 Thiruvannamalai Pennagar (Vellore Dist) 12.8250 79.3917 7.65 1710 480 108 51 145 2 0 537 241 56 9 1.26 2.08
868 Thiruvannamalai Polur 12.5167 79.5167 7.53 1235 320 88 24 96 4 0 451 107 27 14 0.48 2.14
869 Thiruvannamalai Pudupalayam 12.3611 78.8792 7.67 2140 690 108 102 117 2 0 671 206 96 109 0.24 1.09
870 Thiruvannamalai PURISAI 12.2922 79.5800 7.44 859 250 40 36 90 8 0 324 149 22 0 0.31 0.14
871 Thiruvannamalai Sathanur 12.2097 79.8878 7.38 1875 500 112 54 170 4 0 415 312 96 77 0.18 1.82
872 Thiruvannamalai Siruvallur 12.4858 78.9881 7.66 846 350 112 17 42 4 0 366 71 24 8 1.44 0.94
873 Thiruvannamalai Thandarampattu 12.1542 78.9458 7.41 1350 360 76 41 143 3 0 305 185 78 35 0.12 3.56
874 Thiruvannamalai Thanipadi 12.1083 78.8375 7.40 2300 390 148 5 310 4 0 598 327 92 43 0.06 1.54
875 Thiruvannamalai Timiri (Vellore dt) 12.4439 78.1419 7.33 2520 480 112 49 182 3 0 342 396 55 36 0.08 3.70
876 Thiruvannamalai Tiruvannamalai 12.6583 79.0725 7.55 1560 230 80 7 180 113 0 476 185 158 6 0.24 1.19
877 Thiruvannamalai Vandavasi1 12.5022 79.6056 7.28 2320 600 152 54 219 5 0 305 490 147 27 0.28 5.86
878 Thiruvannamalai Venmani 12.5094 79.1469 7.66 2120 550 16 124 215 41 0 512 362 120 11 1.20 0.91
879 Thiruvannamalai Vilaripattu 12.6708 79.5318 7.29 1788 470 60 78 183 7 0 512 320 35 1 0.56 1.14
880 Tirunelveli Abishekapatti 8.7625 77.6403 7.30 2020 690 104 105 119 57 0 299 425 53 31 0.78 1.42
881 Tirunelveli Alangulam1 8.8625 77.5056 7.40 1296 510 108 58 78 27 0 415 213 46 3 0.48 1.30
882 Tirunelveli Alankulam 8.9000 77.4750 7.30 348 155 44 11 9 13 0 73 50 43 2 0.29 0.00
883 Tirunelveli Alwarkurichi 8.7917 77.4333 7.50 2070 415 56 67 179 154 0 671 248 140 3 0.30 0.39
884 Tirunelveli Ambalam 8.5224 77.7254 7.20 710 200 52 17 47 6 0 226 64 51 3 0.53 0.48
885 Tirunelveli Ambasamudram 8.7194 77.4361 7.20 625 110 40 22 13 15 0 110 50 82 3 0.40 0.00
886 Tirunelveli Ambasamudram1 8.7000 77.4389 7.20 914 150 52 5 53 42 0 232 64 59 11 0.10 0.44
887 Tirunelveli Charanmadevi 8.8278 77.5750 7.70 1224 600 92 90 37 13 0 366 128 110 55 0.99 8.70
888 Tirunelveli Chettikulam 8.1667 77.6167 7.00 4790 930 164 126 547 1 0 415 808 740 54 1.63 6.00
889 Tirunelveli Chintamani 9.1667 77.4000 7.20 2690 800 48 165 180 21 0 708 340 46 4 0.67 3.66
890 Tirunelveli Govt.Eng College 8.6856 77.7269 7.10 804 330 72 36 32 0 0 244 113 61 18 0.25 1.58

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
891 Tirunelveli Idaikkal 8.5333 77.4653 7.10 1016 240 48 29 67 19 0 214 142 62 12 0.12 0.31
892 Tirunelveli Iyan Singampatty OW 8.6709 77.4458 7.10 411 80 24 5 18 5 0 73 28 18 1 0.28 0.00
893 Tirunelveli Kadayam 8.8333 77.4083 7.30 661 240 52 27 12 18 0 128 57 99 31 0.20 0.00
894 Tirunelveli Kadayanallur 9.0667 77.3458 7.20 3060 530 144 41 255 47 0 268 624 102 55 0.45 3.82
895 Tirunelveli Kadayanallur1 9.0833 77.3500 7.30 3120 550 204 10 288 47 0 390 631 103 54 1.44 3.59
896 Tirunelveli Kalakadu 8.4806 77.5986 7.60 1006 430 88 51 47 25 0 207 149 105 63 0.75 4.24
897 Tirunelveli Kalakkadu 8.5125 77.5417 7.40 874 490 92 63 38 16 0 305 128 101 16 0.45 5.53
898 Tirunelveli Kilpaur 8.9167 77.3833 7.10 1680 820 136 117 57 14 0 360 333 72 54 0.65 1.77
899 Tirunelveli KUTTAM 8.3211 77.9366 7.39 5790 1420 88 292 621 37 0 293 1617 221 25 0.25 6.68
900 Tirunelveli Manur1 8.8625 77.6528 7.30 265 210 24 36 6 4 0 195 35 25 4 0.16 0.10
901 Tirunelveli Marudakulam 8.5833 77.7153 7.20 362 130 36 10 12 1 0 104 21 33 9 0.29 0.00
902 Tirunelveli Mayaneri OW 8.5713 77.7350 7.30 630 260 52 32 22 0 0 256 28 28 3 0.74 1.33
903 Tirunelveli Merjara Pallivasal 8.7403 77.6656 7.40 690 340 48 53 20 32 0 85 184 52 5 0.52 1.89
904 Tirunelveli Molaikkaraipatti 8.3167 77.5792 7.30 1137 280 64 29 72 2 0 171 163 78 11 0.31 1.50
905 Tirunelveli Mukkudal 8.7347 77.5208 7.20 461 140 36 12 17 16 0 104 71 25 3 0.50 0.18
906 Tirunelveli Mullikulam 9.4986 77.7000 7.16 2280 470 72 70 200 53 0 525 291 34 57 0.99 2.07
907 Tirunelveli Munanchipatti 8.5258 77.7909 7.20 1167 300 100 12 78 0 0 171 142 157 4 0.90 5.09
908 Tirunelveli Muthumottamozhi OW 8.3086 77.8603 7.50 348 130 32 12 12 1 0 110 35 8 12 0.42 0.10
909 Tirunelveli N. Vijayanarayanam 8.5333 77.7917 7.10 6450 1180 336 83 490 620 0 561 1212 515 56 0.21 18.22
910 Tirunelveli Naduvapatty 9.2417 77.8014 7.20 694 310 56 41 20 5 0 195 64 64 30 1.72 0.48
911 Tirunelveli Nanguneri1 8.4917 77.7042 7.50 1239 70 18 6 194 0 0 128 248 11 23 0.47 0.18
912 Tirunelveli Nanguneri2 8.3167 77.5792 7.20 1076 270 56 32 107 0 0 378 106 78 6 0.86 1.34
913 Tirunelveli NAVALADI 8.2583 77.8246 7.30 1988 620 80 102 225 16 0 366 454 83 26 0.76 3.38
914 Tirunelveli Nelliappar temple 8.7281 77.6883 7.40 1399 230 44 29 114 91 0 177 184 77 77 0.66 0.72
915 Tirunelveli Ngo A Colony dw 8.6911 77.7383 7.20 1440 400 76 51 113 0 0 354 206 102 22 0.52 1.56
916 Tirunelveli P.chatram 9.1183 77.6125 7.00 3270 1080 248 112 124 0 0 464 553 161 74 0.41 11.65
917 Tirunelveli Palayamkottai 8.7333 77.7333 7.10 2760 720 104 112 313 39 0 561 525 128 71 0.65 2.63
918 Tirunelveli Panpoli 9.0167 77.2528 7.60 1430 340 52 51 114 56 0 403 128 68 46 0.48 1.40

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
919 Tirunelveli Papanasam1 8.7111 77.3681 7.10 696 110 32 7 28 28 0 110 57 54 2 0.13 0.00
920 Tirunelveli Poothatan Kudieruppu dw 8.5783 77.5603 7.50 3260 990 112 173 247 64 0 476 596 243 64 0.98 8.70
921 Tirunelveli R.Pattinam 8.9256 77.3542 7.00 1562 640 92 100 64 27 0 329 284 46 40 1.33 2.04
922 Tirunelveli Radhapuram1 8.2667 77.6847 7.10 430 225 44 28 17 5 0 159 71 19 5 0.23 0.43
923 Tirunelveli Rajapathi OW 8.8517 77.7696 7.40 3850 830 128 124 220 2 0 177 695 236 30 1.67 2.61
924 Tirunelveli Ramakrishnapuram OW 8.4849 77.7964 7.40 1890 460 120 39 166 0 0 220 397 74 5 0.84 3.87
925 Tirunelveli Sankarankoil1 9.2083 77.5583 7.00 2300 780 36 168 63 3 0 366 333 9 62 0.67 3.62
926 Tirunelveli Sankarankoil2 9.2083 77.5583 7.10 1152 360 84 36 35 3 0 293 128 15 29 0.59 0.26
927 Tirunelveli Seetharappanallur 8.7939 77.6018 7.20 4560 1080 168 160 483 28 0 488 1014 96 70 0.73 13.63
928 Tirunelveli Sencottai 8.9722 77.2528 7.40 993 240 44 32 62 17 0 232 128 8 2 0.21 0.81
929 Tirunelveli Sivagiri 9.3403 77.4278 7.10 2120 410 44 73 108 154 0 586 177 45 19 1.26 0.65
930 Tirunelveli Sivagiri OW 9.3400 77.4383 7.30 1521 590 104 80 76 1 0 573 156 75 58 0.64 1.71
931 Tirunelveli Sivalarkulam OW 8.8693 77.5294 7.40 915 310 40 51 88 13 0 439 78 24 1 1.78 0.25
932 Tirunelveli Syed Beedi Company 8.7322 77.7131 7.40 623 330 64 41 17 17 0 329 43 48 7 0.61 0.30
933 Tirunelveli Tachchnallur 8.7458 77.7000 7.00 1676 610 112 80 68 0 0 378 291 61 32 1.54 1.87
934 Tirunelveli Taruvai 8.6667 77.6806 7.30 1818 870 140 126 66 13 0 281 390 157 68 0.91 3.83
935 Tirunelveli Tenkasi OW 8.9633 77.3115 7.30 3120 760 148 95 148 35 0 476 447 100 61 0.50 3.87
936 Tirunelveli TenkasiPZ 9.0317 77.2717 7.30 639 335 68 40 18 12 0 244 57 47 39 0.80 0.00
937 Tirunelveli Therkuvalliyur OW 8.3331 77.6240 7.40 3090 750 116 112 228 218 0 366 603 223 76 1.28 4.48
938 Tirunelveli Thiraviyarnagar 8.8769 77.3458 7.30 718 230 48 27 23 15 0 171 50 77 32 0.69 0.41
939 Tirunelveli Tirunelveli1 8.7056 77.7222 7.20 1072 240 48 29 72 30 0 183 170 67 12 1.56 0.76
940 Tirunelveli Tiruvembalapuram 8.2542 77.7583 7.28 2660 780 168 87 233 11 0 415 539 120 58 0.70 5.35
941 Tirunelveli Udayattur A/B OW 8.2325 77.7206 7.27 3510 1170 300 102 281 18 0 354 893 122 20 1.35 5.91
942 Tirunelveli Uvari 8.2867 77.8939 7.50 832 300 72 29 42 45 0 317 92 48 14 0.21 0.54
943 Tirunelveli Valliyoor 8.3556 77.6583 7.50 1183 480 96 58 83 35 0 317 142 128 65 0.82 2.95
944 Tirunelveli Valliyur 8.3861 77.6167 7.70 2620 660 164 61 250 27 0 634 404 194 61 0.94 5.80
945 Tirunelveli Vannikonendal 8.6611 77.6250 7.20 2810 640 148 66 207 1 0 427 383 252 56 0.56 8.02
946 Tirunelveli Vasudevanallur2 9.2417 77.4083 7.20 945 310 56 41 23 3 0 232 50 46 33 1.43 0.85

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
947 Tirunelveli Virasikhamani OW 9.0919 77.4447 6.90 786 310 56 41 24 19 0 171 135 21 56 0.40 0.12
948 Tiruppur Arugampalayam 11.1247 77.4644 7.19 10580 1180 240 141 1896 20 0 519 2513 1115 34 1.09 3.04
949 Tiruppur Avinashi1 11.1847 77.2750 7.48 458 200 40 24 27 10 0 134 71 66 8 0.12 0.12
950 Tiruppur Kaniyur 10.6083 77.3833 7.20 1529 490 96 61 121 30 0 317 213 173 16 0.54 1.20
951 Tiruppur Karamadai 11.2458 77.2125 7.36 1650 500 120 49 141 35 0 567 220 89 9 1.60 2.17
952 Tiruppur Karattoluvu 10.6236 77.3750 7.29 1946 480 104 54 211 65 0 506 241 192 2 0.77 2.46
953 Tiruppur KaravallurPZ 11.2894 77.1692 7.42 3620 910 108 156 333 18 0 549 632 290 69 1.58 14.12
954 Tiruppur Kasipalayam (T) 11.1156 77.3858 7.22 4350 1240 168 199 305 97 0 531 994 56 78 0.90 6.14
955 Tiruppur Kettanur 10.9153 77.2611 7.47 2450 650 112 90 202 105 0 732 341 160 1 1.14 3.36
956 Tiruppur Kumaralingam 10.4917 77.3500 6.88 283 120 28 12 6 3 0 79 36 23 1 0.40 0.24
957 Tiruppur Nachipalayam 11.0833 77.4458 7.50 2880 710 104 109 287 13 0 512 433 242 197 1.06 4.38
958 Tiruppur Odakadu 11.1117 77.3342 7.44 1634 500 116 51 137 9 0 476 114 147 165 0.09 87.61
959 Tiruppur Palavanchipalayam pz 11.0689 77.3519 7.05 2290 690 140 83 166 5 0 476 426 143 4 1.44 8.28
960 Tiruppur Palladam 10.9958 77.2778 7.42 1737 690 128 90 88 16 0 378 277 155 1 0.62 3.44
961 Tiruppur Periyapatti 10.7583 77.2708 7.21 1513 680 176 58 33 5 0 354 249 86 5 0.43 4.41
962 Tiruppur Pongalur1 11.2958 77.1319 7.68 1542 460 88 58 128 23 0 323 220 204 3 0.80 16.40
963 Tiruppur Rengagoundanpalayam pz 11.0697 77.3844 7.26 1880 520 88 73 156 22 0 317 270 148 165 0.30 3.17
964 Tiruppur Tiruppur Agraharam 11.1253 77.4133 7.34 4840 980 208 112 501 31 0 799 895 49 9 0.13 7.46
965 Tiruppur Tiruppur1 11.1014 77.3542 7.45 1710 500 84 71 220 7 0 451 256 248 45 1.21 2.61
966 Tiruppur Udumalpet1 10.5833 77.2472 7.50 828 240 48 29 65 32 0 244 114 75 4 0.45 0.01
967 Tiruppur Weekly Market 11.0881 77.3431 7.39 1850 420 56 68 244 54 0 537 263 210 79 1.56 2.04
968 Tiruvallur KODUR 13.3196 80.1709 7.52 1085 340 68 41 84 17 0 305 135 30.35 6 0.52 1.76
969 Tiruvallur NALLUR 13.2198 80.1605 7.55 862 260 36 41 49 18 0 98 156 35 17 0.24 0.18
970 Tiruvallur Agoor 13.1897 12.9197 7.53 950 340 80 85 85 16 0 268 355 12 10 1.69 0.91
971 Tiruvallur Alamadhi 13.2042 80.1169 7.44 1074 200 64 10 88 14 0 403 64 12 2 0.65 6.09
972 Tiruvallur Ambattur 13.1186 80.1547 7.50 905 330 48 46 46 16 0 125 184 28 22 0.76 0.25
973 Tiruvallur Andersonpet 13.0625 79.8625 7.62 1265 260 76 17 183 18 0 610 121 9 2 0.72 0.60
974 Tiruvallur Arani 13.3345 80.0846 7.62 1330 360 72 44 127 3 0 427 128 92 2 0.54 10.81

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
975 Tiruvallur Attipattu 13.2625 80.2903 7.40 2790 390 84 97 282 31 0 214 540 360 2 1.11 5.78
976 Tiruvallur Avadi OW 13.1306 80.1081 7.47 670 400 84 12 27 16 0 122 99 90 1 0.81 2.10
977 Tiruvallur Balapuram (Veeramangalam) 13.1531 79.3825 7.41 620 160 44 44 53 17 0 183 148 42 15 1.38 0.02
978 Tiruvallur Chozambedu (Tirumullaivayal) 13.1203 80.1364 7.44 6300 1120 152 180 840 32 0 720 860 970 6 0.72 5.26
979 Tiruvallur Elavur 13.4626 80.1173 7.54 580 180 36 22 41 4 0 73 92 85 13 0.12 0.70
980 Tiruvallur Enambakkam 13.2867 80.0000 7.43 1180 340 64 36 131 14 0 183 185 198 2 0.92 3.67
981 Tiruvallur GOONIPALAYAM 13.2789 79.8508 7.50 780 300 60 27 45 14 0 137 158 48 3 0.49 0.46
982 Tiruvallur Gummidipoondi 13.4000 80.1333 7.47 1550 680 112 58 56 39 0 201 263 95 27 0.81 1.38
983 Tiruvallur Kaddapakkam 13.2023 80.2459 7.33 2330 330 32 61 352 54 0 281 525 202 33 0.72 0.91
984 Tiruvallur Kanakammachatrm 13.2083 79.7500 7.79 3130 340 76 36 534 2 0 439 703 129 1 0.60 2.50
985 Tiruvallur Kathavur 13.1792 80.0644 7.00 1500 620 104 88 86 26 0 415 292 92 11 0.65 6.85
986 Tiruvallur Kottaiyur 13.0008 79.8661 7.05 1240 305 48 11 210 17 0 183 228 180 15 0.92 8.26
987 Tiruvallur Kovilpathagai 13.1428 80.0969 7.26 2620 520 128 49 232 44 0 561 305 55 90 0.56 4.14
988 Tiruvallur Krishnasamudram OW 13.3344 79.4397 7.52 1756 160 20 109 132 32 0 189 320 205 32 1.38 52.49
989 Tiruvallur Mepperu 13.0292 80.0800 7.16 1270 360 40 63 129 15 0 378 156 165 3 0.24 4.52
990 Tiruvallur Mettukandigai 13.0667 79.9667 7.56 3360 1030 260 92 263 2 0 403 689 245 10 1.08 21.62
991 Tiruvallur Minjur dw 13.2703 80.2631 7.07 1654 570 128 61 174 8 0 366 348 123 1 0.78 3.84
992 Tiruvallur Nandiambakkam 13.2667 80.2792 7.40 875 430 72 61 52 3 0 244 135 113 2 0.24 3.88
993 Tiruvallur NEDAMBARAM 13.2197 79.7303 7.61 940 630 72 24 68 16 0 232 71 125 14 1.32 0.72
994 Tiruvallur Padiyanallur 13.2042 80.1792 7.38 878 380 80 44 51 2 0 342 121 48 15 1.08 77.42
995 Tiruvallur Palavakkam (T) 11.4158 80.1300 7.40 1030 340 88 29 76 33 0 451 92 15 56 0.30 7.59
996 Tiruvallur Panapakkam 13.2983 80.5597 8.11 996 260 64 63 41 13 0 201 121 180 3 0.25 2.72
997 Tiruvallur Pappanchatram 13.0314 80.0389 7.48 1520 530 40 105 104 9 0 305 256 128 15 0.97 4.43
998 Tiruvallur Pattabiram 13.1211 80.0617 7.68 2240 280 10 62 413 16 0 878 252 187 6 0.39 9.19
999 Tiruvallur Periyapalyam 13.3125 80.0500 7.47 1425 310 60 39 180 30 0 500 192 11.5 48 0.42 8.36
1000 Tiruvallur PLACEPALAYAM 13.2783 79.7703 7.45 325 380 48 15 3 15 0 104 57 42 1 0.57 2.85
1001 Tiruvallur Ponneri dw 13.3419 80.1892 7.58 945 290 76 24 94 9 0 293 121 72 10 0.30 29.25
1002 Tiruvallur Pulal 13.1667 80.2125 7.49 750 280 48 39 73 2 0 159 99 142 1 1.26 1.02

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
1003 Tiruvallur Pulicat 13.4158 80.3139 7.57 2690 300 60 36 367 178 0 634 376 218 3 0.90 12.59
1004 Tiruvallur Redhills 13.1906 80.1858 7.18 540 240 88 5 38 17 0 244 78 12 11 0.10 1.04
1005 Tiruvallur Sangaibedu 13.3298 80.2977 7.79 3390 340 84 32 642 156 0 1000 476 282 39 0.84 9.60
1006 Tiruvallur SHOLAVARAM 13 13 52 80 10 9 7.38 910 375 10 85 28 13 0 424 78 10 3 0.72 4.99
1007 Tiruvallur Tirumazhisai 13.0625 80.0625 7.24 1125 220 52 22 110 5 0 268 36 201 20 0.60 1.93
1008 Tiruvallur Tirupalavanam 13.4020 80.2485 7.44 3250 740 144 92 381 7 0 354 562 418 22 0.54 14.22
1009 Tiruvallur Tiruttani 13.1875 79.6083 7.40 1240 410 84 49 130 3 0 354 234 102 4 1.02 5.26
1010 Tiruvallur Tiruvalangadu 13.1250 79.7667 7.37 1681 600 92 90 144 4 0 634 199 142 32 0.84 10.81
1011 Tiruvallur Tiruvallur 13.1417 79.1417 7.44 2430 480 100 56 273 3 0 378 376 170 156 1.02 3.60
1012 Tiruvallur Tiruvellavoyal 13.3318 80.2791 7.60 1240 250 28 44 99 61 0 183 206 93 26 0.72 0.27
1013 Tiruvallur Uthukottai1 13.3417 79.9083 7.43 1046 340 92 27 73 8 0 390 135 12 27 0.48 7.05
1014 Tiruvallur Valasai Vettikadu OW 13.0350 79.9283 7.47 632 340 80 24 1 14 0 142 125 15 13 0.46 0.22
1015 Tiruvallur Veerapuram 13.1656 80.1178 7.24 960 560 96 78 7 14 0 317 185 36 2 0.78 7.21
1016 Tiruvallur Veeraraghapuram 13.2158 80.1319 7.20 1220 400 88 44 97 44 0 320 135 160 17 0.80 1.45
1017 Tiruvallur Vellanur 13.1656 80.1178 7.06 705 360 56 54 15 14 0 210 171 12 17 0.62 0.66
1018 Tiruvallur Velliagram 13.3275 79.4228 7.31 830 290 76 44 21 13 0 244 78 88 9 0.81 7.95
1019 Tiruvallur Vengal 13.2505 80.0099 7.46 630 240 48 29 46 3 0 207 92 32 27 0.18 2.07
1020 Tiruvallur Voyalur 13.3071 80.2751 7.56 1220 270 56 32 103 22 0 220 185 102 3 0.48 0.40
1021 Tiruvarur Mannargudi 10.6833 79.4667 7.38 1280 450 68 68 106 9 0 226 284 54 102 0.37 0.45
1022 Tiruvarur Nannilam 10.8875 79.6000 7.60 840 360 68 46 32 3 0 256 121 67 8 0.37 1.26
1023 Tiruvarur Needamangalam 10.7458 79.4708 7.59 1281 400 52 66 114 7 0 439 185 70 2 0.71 2.92
1024 Tiruvarur Pangal 10.7208 79.6417 7.40 4140 1130 92 219 380 87 0 476 895 199 66 0.98 13.30
1025 Tiruvarur Peralam 10.9606 79.5733 8.13 1179 240 20 46 176 2 0 323 199 78 3 1.00 7.87
1026 Tiruvarur Thillaivilagam 10.3708 79.5917 7.64 1075 300 52 41 111 22 0 366 142 70 40 0.07 1.60
1027 Trichy Amur 10.9100 78.5511 7.32 807 250 60 24 45 37 0 214 128 39 11 0.45 0.96
1028 Trichy Angarai 10.8769 78.7978 7.43 668 150 48 7 53 50 0 183 85 72 2 0.04 0.51
1029 Trichy Chattirapatti 10.7417 78.5833 7.72 801 310 96 17 41 15 0 342 92 35 1 0.55 6.77
1030 Trichy Chinnagowdanpatti 10.4575 78.3783 7.52 1637 700 160 73 42 20 0 366 320 39 136 0.68 4.22

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
1031 Trichy Kannanurpalayam 11.0722 78.5500 7.69 930 290 72 27 99 16 0 348 121 67 7 1.23 1.53
1032 Trichy Kattur 10.8047 78.7439 7.45 1660 470 100 54 139 19 0 415 320 44 8 1.20 2.97
1033 Trichy Kollidam Karai 10.8692 78.6906 7.55 915 380 76 46 44 19 0 329 142 60 6 0.70 3.46
1034 Trichy Koppampatti 11.3008 78.4972 7.32 2240 820 156 105 111 3 0 476 305 223 99 0.27 4.64
1035 Trichy Kovilpatty 10.5500 78.3000 7.40 3430 930 208 100 297 31 0 293 817 198 1 0.48 24.57
1036 Trichy Lic Colony Kk Nagar 10.7597 78.6822 7.35 1655 480 140 32 139 15 0 421 270 129 0 0.62 1.68
1037 Trichy Manachanallur 10.9850 78.7656 7.47 1827 510 68 83 165 27 0 451 334 122 14 0.20 1.64
1038 Trichy Manaparai 10.6144 78.4253 7.53 1686 610 144 61 110 21 0 415 256 163 78 0.50 40.53
1039 Trichy Manaparai II 10.6147 78.4256 7.40 1619 470 136 32 158 18 0 397 241 165 54 0.34 9.43
1040 Trichy Mudaliarchatram 10.8003 78.6967 7.42 7750 2250 720 109 566 23 0 610 1519 300 397 0.56 3.56
1041 Trichy Musiri2 10.9583 78.4500 7.49 1520 280 68 27 134 99 0 342 263 78 5 0.15 1.57
1042 Trichy Muthupandiyanpatti 10.6381 78.4467 7.49 1291 460 100 51 69 16 0 323 256 58 3 0.93 3.83
1043 Trichy Oodathurai Odakarai 10.8367 78.6992 7.60 1332 390 76 49 151 26 0 506 185 40 18 0.65 1.12
1044 Trichy Ookaeri 11.2108 78.5500 7.49 1534 630 148 63 55 3 0 317 135 77 313 1.44 2.25
1045 Trichy Peramangalam 10.9867 78.6542 7.47 3550 580 116 71 380 186 0 580 533 284 236 1.14 7.56
1046 Trichy Pulivalam 11.0167 78.6375 7.10 3350 1030 256 95 280 7 0 488 511 297 332 0.88 7.61
1047 Trichy Pullambadi 11.0458 78.9583 7.49 1652 450 68 68 203 6 0 458 199 68 256 0.72 2.54
1048 Trichy Pullambadi1 10.9417 78.9125 7.12 4740 1010 184 134 574 68 0 671 1051 200 20 0.33 0.00
1049 Trichy Puttur-Thennur 10.8147 78.6794 7.64 1007 300 56 39 69 28 0 275 149 48 31 0.36 0.63
1050 Trichy Samayapuram 10.8458 78.7486 7.55 948 320 56 44 75 17 0 317 163 25 5 0.61 1.60
1051 Trichy Sembattu 10.7450 78.7117 7.63 2500 700 128 92 203 18 0 537 497 36 1 1.21 2.11
1052 Trichy Siruganur 11.0014 78.7250 7.50 1985 540 92 75 206 6 0 476 327 165 43 0.82 4.74
1053 Trichy Sirukambur 10.9014 78.6039 7.39 2620 470 112 46 250 142 0 598 355 146 200 0.57 1.79
1054 Trichy Srirangam 10.8558 78.6867 7.60 779 310 48 46 48 17 0 256 135 42 0 0.36 2.45
1055 Trichy Thatchankurichi 10.9553 78.8192 7.62 1236 300 92 17 125 86 0 427 149 98 19 0.81 1.64
1056 Trichy Thathayangarpet 11.1208 78.4542 7.50 1972 840 224 68 82 17 0 397 341 165 163 0.17 3.83
1057 Trichy Thiruvallarai 10.9569 78.6675 7.53 2490 580 104 78 140 233 0 677 398 104 0 0.02 2.13
1058 Trichy Thottiyam 10.9917 78.3292 7.40 1184 390 108 29 82 22 0 342 220 44 5 0.38 6.43

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
1059 Trichy Thuvakkudi 10.7500 78.8250 7.55 1159 430 88 51 80 2 0 268 263 53 20 0.62 1.59
1060 Trichy Tiruchchirappalli1 10.7917 78.7125 7.50 1936 670 68 122 156 26 0 354 412 90 0 0.33 1.00
1061 Trichy Tiruvanaikovil 10.8528 78.7064 7.69 321 120 20 17 16 17 0 110 57 15 1 0.10 0.17
1062 Trichy Tiruvasi 10.8906 78.5317 7.74 2480 380 76 46 244 182 0 641 284 233 37 0.65 3.33
1063 Trichy Tumbalam 11.0306 78.4328 7.63 1893 640 176 49 150 28 0 561 249 110 52 0.37 5.41
1064 Trichy Tuvarankuruchi 10.3583 78.3722 7.48 2520 710 136 90 203 26 0 458 582 30 3 0.51 4.53
1065 Trichy Uppiliyapuram 11.2622 78.5167 7.42 2040 780 124 114 116 4 0 506 263 189 115 0.83 2.68
1066 Trichy Vaiyampatty 10.5500 78.3000 7.41 1878 690 200 46 105 20 0 281 383 124 69 0.52 7.45
1067 Trichy Valadi 10.8728 77.7647 7.36 1059 360 76 41 90 3 0 311 149 98 18 0.46 2.12
1068 Trichy Vengankudi 10.9125 78.7233 7.39 1206 460 132 32 73 11 0 305 192 102 4 0.95 1.32
1069 Tuticorin ARUMUGANERI 8.5656 78.0978 7.70 1636 540 40 107 185 78 0 708 277 131 9 1.08 3.40
1070 Tuticorin Devachayalpuram 8.7344 77.9194 7.40 1308 375 116 21 95 12 0 165 213 87 25 0.43 1.57
1071 Tuticorin Eppodumvendram 9.0292 78.0458 7.50 4570 530 128 51 436 238 0 366 475 692 78 1.51 4.28
1072 Tuticorin Ettayapuram 9.2178 77.9833 7.60 950 320 52 46 77 4 0 244 78 130 22 1.13 1.31
1073 Tuticorin Kadambur pz (T) 8.9972 77.8617 7.10 1247 510 84 73 47 30 0 317 135 127 52 0.47 0.72
1074 Tuticorin Kallurani dw 9.1431 77.7719 7.30 591 320 64 39 10 7 0 293 21 43 7 0.50 0.39
1075 Tuticorin Kalugumalai 9.1486 77.7167 7.20 565 240 40 34 29 2 0 134 85 47 4 0.32 0.30
1076 Tuticorin Kalungumalai 9.1444 77.7056 7.00 1062 400 80 49 76 5 0 195 156 122 26 0.60 1.17
1077 Tuticorin Karisalkulam 9.1500 78.1667 7.70 2280 350 72 41 276 4 0 610 220 113 24 0.89 5.00
1078 Tuticorin Kayattar 8.9444 77.7750 7.40 1308 560 52 105 57 9 0 378 206 127 11 1.37 1.07
1079 Tuticorin Kovilpatti 9.1750 77.8750 7.30 949 390 40 70 33 1 0 268 78 87 4 0.52 0.25
1080 Tuticorin Kulasekharaptnm 8.4000 78.0542 7.60 1077 500 68 80 55 55 0 439 92 110 55 0.80 1.16
1081 Tuticorin Kurukkuchalai 8.9306 78.0917 7.20 5920 1440 296 170 463 3 0 366 730 904 72 1.50 40.70
1082 Tuticorin Maniyachi 8.8667 77.9000 7.20 1400 400 80 49 58 42 0 488 92 90 7 0.37 0.57
1083 Tuticorin Maniyachi1 8.8333 77.8958 6.90 370 155 16 28 23 2 0 110 57 26 4 0.89 0.28
1084 Tuticorin Mettupanaiyur dw 9.0317 78.2522 7.60 868 300 16 63 76 1 0 378 64 70 3 0.67 1.00
1085 Tuticorin Mukkani dw 8.6342 78.0736 7.60 888 420 68 61 73 2 0 476 85 28 3 0.91 1.85
1086 Tuticorin Muppilipatti dw 8.9011 78.0256 7.40 656 190 64 7 29 21 0 146 71 22 22 0.18 0.92

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
1087 Tuticorin Nagalapuram 9.2333 78.1306 7.20 3320 1690 248 260 32 5 0 415 581 387 81 1.30 8.66
1088 Tuticorin Nakkalamuthanpatty 9.2323 77.7732 7.50 1685 290 64 32 212 41 0 488 85 267 35 0.77 3.07
1089 Tuticorin Nallattinputhur 9.1583 77.8417 7.50 542 235 28 40 27 1 0 122 64 53 32 0.48 0.42
1090 Tuticorin Nazareth 8.4375 77.9736 7.02 604 190 56 12 36 20 0 67 121 42 5 0.17 0.35
1091 Tuticorin Paikulam 8.5181 77.8556 7.10 3430 1180 412 36 92 3 0 134 603 476 70 0.34 17.03
1092 Tuticorin Pasuvanthanai 9.0013 77.9596 7.20 1232 535 108 64 36 1 0 220 149 133 46 1.66 0.82
1093 Tuticorin Perunkulam 8.6439 77.9978 7.65 2210 480 56 83 219 70 0 537 326 22 34 0.90 1.02
1094 Tuticorin Petmanagar 8.6500 77.9500 7.30 3410 1200 252 139 172 53 0 329 822 97 24 0.56 5.74
1095 Tuticorin Pudur 9.3136 78.1361 7.90 2850 200 12 41 471 7 0 1074 78 186 43 0.47 29.50
1096 Tuticorin Saidunganallur 8.4958 77.8333 7.00 482 150 52 5 18 22 0 110 43 48 1 0.36 0.85
1097 Tuticorin Satankulam 8.4333 77.9028 7.30 2360 700 196 51 112 6 0 354 355 87 58 0.45 21.56
1098 Tuticorin Sathankulam-n 8.4444 77.9000 7.30 2140 590 156 49 169 2 0 476 298 151 62 0.42 10.01
1099 Tuticorin Srivaikundam1 8.6250 77.9083 7.10 576 110 28 10 48 15 0 122 64 57 2 1.73 0.11
1100 Tuticorin Thailapuram 8.6083 77.8500 7.00 2250 790 164 92 102 43 0 244 440 126 79 0.45 6.82
1101 Tuticorin Tiruchendur-e 8.4944 78.1222 7.50 3290 590 88 90 316 129 0 525 503 350 28 0.55 12.20
1102 Tuticorin Tiruchendur-w 8.4958 78.1208 7.50 497 275 52 35 22 3 0 281 50 14 4 0.52 0.62
1103 Tuticorin Tuticorin1 8.8083 78.1389 7.60 7730 840 48 175 1477 8 0 708 1780 740 7 1.65 16.20
1104 Tuticorin Udangudi 8.4298 78.0335 7.60 1782 490 56 85 185 58 0 390 312 97 50 1.36 2.50
1105 Tuticorin Udangudi dw 8.4342 78.0292 7.60 1194 360 136 5 132 46 0 366 184 60 49 0.38 3.02
1106 Tuticorin Vembar 9.0770 78.3568 7.50 408 230 40 32 3 2 0 171 14 47 11 0.82 0.23
1107 Tuticorin Vembur 9.3250 78.0819 7.20 2110 790 196 73 35 12 0 244 241 266 58 1.60 3.14
1108 Tuticorin Villiseri 9.0583 77.8500 7.50 5040 1590 312 197 450 7 0 354 255 1660 56 0.48 16.85
1109 Vellore Echipudhur (Vellore dt) 12.9058 79.2819 7.62 2140 600 100 75 189 15 0 275 348 255 1 1.80 15.36
1110 Vellore Avarakarai Pz 12.5636 79.1713 7.50 1758 350 44 58 228 1 0 378 291 93 75 0.87 3.45
1111 Vellore Chinnapallikuppam pz 12.7633 78.8386 7.68 1246 430 36 83 81 10 0 329 227 63 3 1.00 10.37
1112 Vellore Kandili 12.4778 78.4556 7.65 3670 900 56 185 345 8 0 598 625 168 351 1.32 17.89
1113 Vellore Ponnai 13.1111 79.4264 7.79 2570 620 88 97 246 3 0 482 511 114 36 1.20 5.22
1114 Vellore Ranipet2 12.9333 79.3500 7.74 1615 340 52 51 206 5 0 323 341 104 7 0.82 6.86

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
1115 Vellore Virupachipuram(bagayam) 12.8778 79.1333 7.75 1246 400 28 80 88 3 0 281 149 153 56 0.92 5.35
1116 Villipuram Alathur 11.7990 78.9471 7.60 1710 280 72 24 253 16 0 409 163 235.2 50 0.72 2.85
1117 Villipuram Allampundi 12.2483 79.3406 7.60 2340 480 64 78 313 9 0 354 454 144 112 1.80 0.76
1118 Villipuram Andiarpalayam 12.0474 79.7627 7.57 2680 480 100 56 391 10 0 525 355 288 136 0.45 0.72
1119 Villipuram Arakandanallur 11.9742 79.2258 7.60 1607 420 120 29 168 16 0 293 248 153.6 68 1.06 0.15
1120 Villipuram Asanur 11.6257 79.1920 7.60 800 220 64 15 76 13 0 250 46 96 37 0.65 0.29
1121 Villipuram Brahmadessam 12.2000 79.7785 7.76 1011 300 60 36 92 8 0 244 106 144 12 0.12 0.32
1122 Villipuram Chinnasalem 11.6314 78.8684 7.14 1586 460 124 36 143 18 0 305 284 96 50 0.32 0.46
1123 Villipuram Chinnasalem 11.6375 78.8818 7.60 3200 660 104 97 426 9 0 354 638 288 130 0.38 0.30
1124 Villipuram Eliyathur (New) 11.9552 79.4185 7.40 2051 670 120 90 154 13 0 500 255 168 87 1.12 1.02
1125 Villipuram Gingee 12.2521 79.4259 7.50 4410 840 124 129 621 9 0 311 1134 288 56 0.45 0.03
1126 Villipuram Gingee 12.2543 79.4076 7.17 2780 560 80 88 375 9 0 458 567 168 43 0.72 0.03
1127 Villipuram Gopalapuram-Peramandur 12.2285 79.5702 7.50 1070 300 72 29 104 5 0 330 46 134.4 62 1.53 0.02
1128 Villipuram Kacharapalayam 11.7646 78.8679 7.60 1570 285 84 18 230 6 0 305 220 192 37 0.45 0.91
1129 Villipuram Kadambur 11.9410 79.0500 7.33 1680 450 88 56 175 8 0 275 284 168 50 1.46 0.87
1130 Villipuram Kallakurichi 11.7386 78.9538 7.29 2670 1100 168 165 104 9 0 549 376 288 68 0.79 3.12
1131 Villipuram Kallakurichi 11.7391 78.9623 7.50 1880 300 80 24 290 5 0 458 248 153.6 62 0.92 0.44
1132 Villipuram Kanai 11.9552 79.4185 7.75 1820 450 72 66 200 20 0 397 284 144 43 0.72 6.05
1133 Villipuram Kiliyanur 12.1008 79.7458 7.60 5045 1550 320 182 437 22 0 92 1347 480 68 1.39 0.15
1134 Villipuram Kodima 12.1717 79.5974 7.70 460 150 40 12 32 6 0 183 28 24 12 0.12 0.11
1135 Villipuram Kunimedu 12.0945 79.8929 7.65 1245 350 68 44 120 8 0 317 85 192 50 1.06 17.04
1136 Villipuram Mambazhapattu 11.9580 79.3709 7.90 1060 370 44 63 69 6 0 488 50 52.8 1 1.19 8.68
1137 Villipuram Marakanam 12.1294 79.7181 7.00 299 100 24 10 9 24 0 61 35 38.4 12 0.45 0.03
1138 Villipuram Melporadikuppam 12.2501 79.5701 7.50 1137 330 96 22 106 4 0 397 78 96 37 1.15 0.57
1139 Villipuram Mogaiyur 11.0250 79.3211 7.70 1130 250 80 12 131 26 0 275 142 96 50 0.86 14.99
1140 Villipuram Mogaiyur 11.9759 79.3120 7.40 1100 430 60 68 48 9 0 378 67 100.8 43 0.95 1.59
1141 Villipuram Nallavur Pudur 12.1344 79.7603 6.80 1122 370 80 41 74 24 0 195 106 168 99 0.72 0.58
1142 Villipuram Ollakkur 12.2922 79.7245 7.50 1042 320 68 36 81 13 0 427 43 57.6 50 0.59 0.34

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
1143 Villipuram (Elavarasanarkottai) (A) 11.7206 79.1792 7.40 940 250 92 5 92 17 0 336 35 100.8 56 1.63 0.47
1144 Villipuram Rajampalayam 11.9459 79.1378 7.40 3059 500 148 32 460 22 0 366 603 288 93 1.14 1.72
1145 Villipuram Rishivandiyam 11.8131 79.0947 7.30 2037 400 68 56 269 26 0 397 284 192 112 1.76 2.63
1146 Villipuram Sadaikattu attipattu 11.9988 79.1659 7.40 1241 380 92 36 106 8 0 293 74 192 93 1.44 0.94
1147 Villipuram Salavathi 12.8346 79.6723 7.30 958 400 96 39 30 9 0 287 53 144 19 0.45 0.02
1148 Villipuram Sankarapuram 11.8857 78.9178 7.60 1493 520 100 66 99 9 0 458 142 124.8 62 1.12 0.38
1149 Villipuram Sankarapuram 11.8866 78.9147 7.40 1589 310 64 36 216 8 0 458 74 240 74 1.33 0.66
1150 Villipuram Siruvadi 12.2048 79.8441 6.80 1455 440 96 49 120 20 0 85 149 384 56 0.45 0.10
1151 Villipuram Tehzbasar (Tenpasiyar) 12.1921 79.6260 7.66 1140 480 68 75 32 18 0 488 64 57.6 25 0.37 0.01
1152 Villipuram Thiyagadurgam 11.7361 79.0842 7.40 1196 180 44 17 182 14 0 391 64 144 37 1.10 0.41
1153 Villipuram Timmalai 11.7294 79.1196 7.44 1115 400 52 66 69 11 0 372 57 144 31 1.12 0.02
1154 Villipuram Tiruchidrambalam 11.9964 79.7793 7.00 1312 550 76 88 35 20 0 207 213 144 37 0.28 2.11
1155 Villipuram Tirukkoilur 11.9535 79.1927 7.50 1748 400 112 29 205 16 0 427 142 254.4 62 0.59 0.90
1156 Villipuram Tyagadurgam 11.7359 79.0804 7.40 895 170 32 22 122 12 0 293 71 96 12 0.65 1.24
1157 Villipuram Ulagankaththan-Thimmaiya nagar 11.6953 78.9347 7.40 1057 380 120 19 62 10 0 293 46 62.4 192 1.12 0.24
1158 Villipuram Ulundurpet 11.6866 79.2894 7.69 1735 400 52 66 200 27 0 397 248 163.2 25 0.45 1.24
1159 Villipuram Ulundurpet 11.6908 79.2893 7.60 1876 330 48 51 276 11 0 403 284 144 74 1.06 1.54
1160 Villipuram Vadasemapalaym 11.8592 78.9314 7.40 1855 500 128 44 184 25 0 317 291 168 99 0.52 1.74
1161 Villipuram Vallam 12.2558 79.5072 7.55 1118 420 80 53 60 9 0 256 89 192 31 0.65 0.00
1162 Villipuram Vazhavanthankuppam 11.7219 79.1289 7.40 1246 400 112 29 101 13 0 323 106 153.6 74 0.79 1.16
1163 Villipuram Vellaiyur 11.7043 79.3317 7.40 2016 460 120 39 248 9 0 305 429 120 39 1.06 1.77
1164 Villipuram Veppur 11.5322 79.1239 7.20 2029 800 280 24 87 17 0 439 425 38.4 12 0.65 15.56
1165 Villipuram Vikravandi 12.0403 79.5448 7.59 955 420 60 66 23 8 0 330 35 144 12 0.18 0.02
1166 Villupuram Avalurpet(Villupuram 12.6658 79.2406 7.59 1643 500 156 27 158 9 0 586 220 23 107 0.54 1.38
1167 Virudhunagar Alangulam 9.3639 77.6861 7.40 4180 760 40 160 528 7 0 586 482 498 101 1.69 7.80
1168 Virudhunagar Ammayappapuram 9.4400 77.5369 7.20 2900 740 80 131 164 1 0 464 546 27 19 0.86 2.76
1169 Virudhunagar Anaiyur 9.4464 77.7667 7.10 552 180 52 12 6 3 0 122 57 5 3 0.27 0.10
1170 Virudhunagar Aruppukottai-w 9.5132 78.0851 7.10 1766 420 64 63 197 61 0 476 262 144 7 1.09 1.13

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
1171 Virudhunagar Aviyur dw 9.7389 78.1008 6.90 3680 980 196 119 216 2 0 390 666 15 80 1.71 7.40
1172 Virudhunagar Ayyanarkoil dw 9.5117 77.4542 7.00 192 100 22 11 5 0 0 73 14 18 8 0.47 0.00
1173 Virudhunagar Choolapuram 9.3833 77.5583 7.30 4520 660 28 143 509 0 0 525 837 220 37 1.34 4.86
1174 Virudhunagar Devadanam1 9.3833 77.4656 7.20 2370 550 52 102 166 56 0 695 220 46 83 1.06 2.58
1175 Virudhunagar Erichanatham 9.6333 77.8167 7.20 692 260 56 29 25 6 0 268 50 22 32 1.01 0.66
1176 Virudhunagar Kalloorani 9.4639 78.1650 7.00 5090 1170 328 85 451 1 0 476 858 426 47 1.28 22.20
1177 Virudhunagar Kanjannaickenpatti 9.6097 78.1019 7.00 1110 450 88 56 59 2 0 354 135 36 21 1.38 1.29
1178 Virudhunagar Kariyapatti1 9.6694 78.1083 7.20 2970 810 172 92 198 2 0 512 518 24 90 1.21 13.00
1179 Virudhunagar Kilarajakumaran 9.4000 77.6320 7.20 873 290 72 27 28 3 0 165 128 24 3 0.68 0.81
1180 Virudhunagar Kundarapatty 9.6300 77.7700 7.30 2180 460 68 70 164 7 0 659 170 24 9 1.88 4.65
1181 Virudhunagar Mudukkankulam 9.1508 78.2058 7.60 4270 290 36 49 616 2 0 744 698 166 41 1.73 12.20
1182 Virudhunagar Mullikulam-V 9.4986 77.7000 7.10 1895 460 48 83 167 3 0 342 340 106 48 0.96 1.58
1183 Virudhunagar Muntalapuram 9.0172 77.8894 7.20 1347 440 64 68 78 2 0 476 113 16 66 1.79 2.78
1184 Virudhunagar Nathampatti OW 9.6042 77.7486 7.30 1056 260 40 39 80 1 0 415 21 55 14 1.84 2.34
1185 Virudhunagar Nenmeni1 9.3250 78.0083 7.30 19850 3190 556 437 2212 14 0 476 4055 1476 74 1.00 54.00
1186 Virudhunagar Palavanatham 9.5667 78.0750 7.00 5430 1730 300 238 281 2 0 622 815 478 33 1.70 13.30
1187 Virudhunagar Pattampudur OW 9.4914 77.9336 7.50 1376 80 16 10 245 3 0 683 50 14 27 1.59 4.61
1188 Virudhunagar Rajapalayam1 9.4625 77.5417 7.00 2640 680 92 109 208 0 0 512 369 82 38 1.30 3.50
1189 Virudhunagar Sevalpatti 9.5583 77.9583 7.00 3750 1280 316 119 105 0 0 476 581 36 82 1.84 9.54
1190 Virudhunagar Sivakasi2 9.4500 77.7917 7.00 2060 530 100 68 150 2 0 378 376 17 80 0.53 1.74
1191 Virudhunagar Srivilliputhur 9.1519 77.6267 7.20 1479 390 68 53 77 21 0 451 121 18 8 0.85 0.72
1192 Virudhunagar Srivilliputhur1 9.5000 77.6333 6.90 4360 1330 168 221 190 2 0 232 893 217 23 0.98 6.90
1193 Virudhunagar Sundarapandiyan 9.6083 77.6667 7.20 1749 450 64 70 184 0 0 512 156 88 58 1.06 2.00
1194 Virudhunagar Tamilpadi 9.5111 78.1972 7.30 1644 360 84 36 190 2 0 451 170 79 14 1.25 1.58
1195 Virudhunagar Vadapatti 9.5108 77.7550 7.30 2150 570 64 100 215 3 0 476 206 244 40 1.67 4.10
1196 Virudhunagar Vembakkottai-OW 9.3333 77.7667 7.20 4670 1100 96 209 485 7 0 830 695 297 67 1.81 27.80
1197 Virudhunagar Vilampatti 9.4169 77.7506 7.00 777 260 72 19 12 2 0 153 64 55 20 0.70 0.38
1198 Virudhunagar Virudunagar 9.5833 77.9542 7.30 3610 640 108 90 430 0 0 598 510 178 42 1.67 5.00

S.No District Location Latitude Longitude PH EC * TH** Ca Mg Na K CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F U

<…...........................mg/L…..................................> ppb
1199 Virudhunagar Watrap 9.6358 77.6335 7.10 725 250 40 36 48 0 0 366 21 33 2 1.66 0.33

*Micro Siemens / Cm at 250 C

**(mg/L as Ca CO3)


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