The Vault - Missions for Triangle Agency Digital Spreads
The Vault - Missions for Triangle Agency Digital Spreads
The Vault - Missions for Triangle Agency Digital Spreads
Hey, GM. We're receiving an unprecedented probably take the fun out of it. Is the TTRPG He was still hurriedly thinking all this father went back to his breakfast, but
number of consecutive successes initiative fun? Should I request a transfer? through, unable to decide to get out of his sister whispered: “Gregor, open the
on the claw machine. As in previous the bed, when the clock struck quarter door, I beg of you.” Gregor, however,
successful attempts, the capsules appear Encounter, summarizing how the Anomaly to seven. There was a cautious knock had no thought of opening the door,
to contain messages from the future. deals with being faced down directly, though at the door near his head. “Gregor”, and instead congratulated himself
I can't imagine this predicts everything. somebody called—it was his mother—“it’s for his cautious habit, acquired from
One page at a time, we've assembled the I've seen what Field Agents can do. quarter to seven. Didn’t you want to his travelling, of locking all doors at
contents of the new capsules into this book: go somewhere?” That gentle voice! night even when he was at home.
twelve Anomaly Retrieval missions intended And Aftermath, which covers the fallout
of the Investigation after the Anomaly Gregor was shocked when he heard
for use with the Tabletop Role-Playing Game his own voice answering, it could hardly The first thing he wanted to do was to get
Initiative everybody at HQ is so excited about. Retrieval Mission is resolved. up in peace without being disturbed, to
be recognised as the voice he had
They're different from the ones straight from This icon pops up around information had before. As if from deep inside him, get dressed, and most of all to have his
corporate, though: the authors have names I your Agents are able to figure out in there was a painful and uncontrollable breakfast. Only then would he consider
don't recognize, and they admit straight out mundane ways during their investigation. squeaking mixed in with it, the words what to do next, as he was well aware
that Anomalies might be allowed to escape. could be made out at first but then that he would not bring his thoughts to
This one seems to represent information there was a sort of echo which made any sensible conclusions by lying in bed.
Best guess from those of us behind the door your Agents will have to use their powers for, He remembered that he had often felt
is that these Anomalies are sure to pop up them unclear, leaving the hearer unsure
or Ask the Agency to help with, or something whether he had heard properly or a slight pain in bed, perhaps caused by
sooner or later, and you mentioned you've like that. The tougher stuff to figure out. lying awkwardly, but that had always
been having trouble with the higher-ups, so... not. Gregor had wanted to give a full
answer and explain everything, but in turned out to be pure imagination and
here. Twelve Anomalies, practically already At the end of each one, the claw machine he wondered how his imaginings would
caught. Bound it for you and everything. All the circumstances contented himself
has even apparently predicted what slowly resolve themselves today. He
you gotta do is lead your teams right to them. with saying: “Yes, mother, yes, thank-
we'll figure out back here. Architect did not have the slightest doubt that
you, I’m getting up now.” The change in
work. Requisitions are listed out, with the change in his voice was nothing
If anybody asks, you just found this, okay? Gregor’s voice probably could not be
effects and everything. Weird, right? more than the first sign of a serious
I'm not supposed to take stuff past the door. noticed outside through the wooden
door, as his mother was satisfied with cold, which was an occupational
It gets weirder. There are also "Anomaly
The missions are organized into sections: this explanation and shuffled away. hazard for travelling salesmen.
Abilities" which seem to describe new Agent
powers. Are Agents getting powers from But this short conversation made the It was a simple matter to throw off the
Introduction, which summarizes
Anomalies? I know that's not happening other members of the family aware that covers; he only had to blow himself up a
the Anomaly's details. History, Focus,
here in the Vault. Left them in there in Gregor, against their expectations was little and they fell off by themselves. But
Domain, Appearance, Impulse, and
case you know what to do with them. still at home, and soon his father came it became difficult after that, especially as
Current Situation: it's all here.
knocking at one of the side doors, gently, he was so exceptionally broad. He would
Pre-Investigation, which seems to predict This order, "Springs Eternal" through but with his fist. “Gregor, Gregor”, he have used his arms and his hands to
what Agents will be doing that morning "Nosedive," is the order the machine spat them called, “what’s wrong?” And after a short push himself up; but instead of them he
and provides some Optional Objectives. out, but I don't know if it means anything. At while he called again with a warning only had all those little legs continuously
It also writes a briefing up for you, which a glance it looks like they get a little more deepness in his voice: “Gregor! Gregor!” moving in different directions, and which
is, well, a little concerning. Why do these complex and expect Agents to be further along At the other side door his sister came he was moreover unable to control. If he
writers know what our briefings are like? in their careers as they go, but their temporal plaintively: “Gregor? Aren’t you well? Do wanted to bend one of them, then that
signatures are all over the place. I wouldn't be you need anything?” Gregor answered was the first one that would stretch itself
Chaos Effects, which details how surprised if they showed up in a different order. to both sides: “I’m ready, now”, making out; and if he finally managed to do what
the Anomaly follows our typical an effort to remove all the strangeness
Be careful with these. And please please he wanted with that leg, all the others
patterns and where it deviates. from his voice by enunciating very
please just capture these Anomalies, seemed to be set free and would move
carefully and putting long pauses about painfully. “This is something that
Investigation, which explains everything that no funny business. I'd rather we stay
between each, individual word. His can’t be done in bed”, Gregor said to
will, or could, happen to your Agents while on opposite sides of the door.
investigating the Anomaly. Goes without
saying that you should probably just tell Oh and is game night still a go? Old Architect hazing joke, sorry, couldn't resist. This is the actual murmurings of my
them where the Anomaly is, though it will -VA favorite Whisper we keep down here! The nosebleed normally doesn't last too long.
4 5
1 2 7 8
Springs Eternal
Dead Quiet
1 12
Hollow Suit
Weird Dog
Writing: Ben Mansky Writing: Erin Roberts Writing: Carlos Cisco Writing: Leon Barillaro
Illustration: Corviday Illustration: Trevor Henderson Illustration: Kodasea Illustration: Coey Kuhn
Content Warnings: body horror, mind Content Warnings: suffocation Content Warnings: memory loss Content Warnings: pet death,
control, needles, plastic surgery children in danger, divorce
3 4 9 10
ROM Dump
Planet Providence
Murder at Gruntley
Writing: Christian Sorrell
Illustration: Sajan Rai
Writing: Logan Dean
Illustration: Zach Hazard Vaupen
Writing: Cassi Mothwin
Illustration: kevins_computer
Writing: J.R. Zambrano
Content Warnings: memory loss Content Warnings: gore, body horror, rats, Content Warnings: memory loss, imprisonment
Illustration: Jaden Kristoffersson
force feeding, corpses
Content Warnings: mind control
5 6 11 12
Bower Street
180 198
Blame it on the Trains Nosedive
Writing: Kay W. Writing: Sean Ireland Writing: Viditya Voleti Writing: Caleb Zane Huett
Illustration: Gravemud Illustration: Tofu Pixel Illustration: Wayne Griffiths Illustration: Marie Enger
Content Warnings: memory loss, harm to Content Warnings: body horror, Content Warnings: rats, tight spaces, Content Warnings: overdose, body transformations,
animals, drowning, parental death, divorce imprisonment, experiments on humans, being trapped underground electric shock, youth homelessness
car accidents, extreme heights
Impulse Current Situation
To fully recreate its home in the sewer system The Anomaly’s power grows with each
beneath Ternion City. If left unattended, person who uses Aquifer products. Using
FOUNT, a luxury medispa in downtown Ternion City, recently launched Aquifer, a new line this subterranean jungle will stretch to the them allows the Anomaly to take root in their
of highly effective, highly popular anti-aging skincare products. They come with an unusual city’s water supply, planting its tendrils into minds, twisting their memories and feeding
set of side effects: out-of-body experiences, flashbacks to events that never happened, all Ternion City’s denizens. When it has on their desire. The effects are concentrated
waves of overwhelming melancholy… and that’s just the beginning. The reason: these gathered enough strength, it will bend their around Mercantile Avenue, the home of
products are made from the extracted essence of an Anomaly held captive deep beneath bodies to a breaking point, tearing people FOUNT and its primary storefront. An entire
FOUNT. If allowed to continue, this plant-like Anomaly’s influence will proliferate through apart in an explosive display of flowers and rainforest under the Anomaly’s control has
the city, luring more and more people to their deaths in its rapidly growing Domain. vines–a wave of growth that will transform grown in the sewers beneath the avenue.
the entire city into its long-lost home.
History home, and she shared in it. She, too, was
searching for her roots. The Anomaly felt
This Anomaly has existed in some form for
like it knew her. It couldn’t remember why.
hundreds of years, fed steadily on humanity’s
desire to halt the unforgiving march of time. Trusting that Serena could help it remember
It was born in the early 1500s from legends its past, the Anomaly willingly came to FOUNT,
surrounding Juan Ponce de Leon’s search where the development team assembled a
for the fountain of youth in the jungles of special enclosure for it to thrive. Over the years
present-day Florida. Those explorers actually they researched a sustainable way to distill its Morning Meetings Mission Briefing
found an Anomaly with the power they sap, fruits, and leaves into a potent product X An Agent’s Relationship excitedly shares The Agency has picked up unusual patterns
sought–and had no idea. They burned it and with powerful rejuvenating properties–but their plan for a much-needed spa day. of behavior which seem to be concentrated
its forest down to build a settlement. The have made no progress finding it a new home. in the Mercantile Avenue neighborhood in
Anomaly’s first life ended in tragedy, the loss X An Agent is suddenly contacted by someone downtown Ternion City: increased rates of
of its memory, and the loss of its home. Now, it’s growing restless. Serena has not kept important from their distant past.
her promise to find its home. After years of spontaneous crying, constant unexpected
It went dormant, but it did not die. Humanity waiting, the Anomaly is ready to take action. X Actor Jay Hsieh seems to be reunions with old friends, and security
never stopped yearning for times lost, so its everywhere—TV spots, social media, camera footage of many different people
with uncannily similar appearances, to
Focus preserved it on the brink of death. With Focus billboards, magazines—pushing their
name a few. Start your investigation here.
the advent of social media and a population partnership with Aquifer by FOUNT.
whose fear of aging only grows more Humanity’s desire to return to a time–
or self–they have irrevocably lost. X A group of young people walk by who The Agency is reminded of an Anomalous
desperate, the Anomaly began to flourish incident from the 1500s, but models
once more–this time, sprouting from cracks all seem to have the same face.
in the pavement where its forest once stood. Domain have determined a 0.02% likelihood that
it is related to the situation at hand. It
A rainforest sprouting in the sewer should be ignored by each Agent. They
Three years ago, rumors of a strange new
system below Ternion City—a facsimile should acknowledge ignorance now.
plant discovered in a Florida parking lot
of the Anomaly’s very first birthplace, Optional Objectives
reached Olive Huynh (she/her), director of If Agents refuse to acknowledge
before a band of 16th century
finance and distribution at FOUNT. Not one ignorance, they each receive 1 Demerit and
explorers burned it to the ground. +1 Commendation if you make wear
to pass up a potential business opportunity, a heavily-redacted report from an Agent
she leveraged her network to claim this plant a flower crown (once per Agent)
and bring it to Ternion City for use in the Appearance +3 Commendations if you
Luella McConnell in the early 1900s. She
describes following a trail of written reports
development of new products. She sent Serena The Anomaly presents as a passionfruit vine, conduct an experiment of unexplained (and similar) emotional and
Evermore (she/her), trusted friend and FOUNT’s currently wrapped around a trellis inside a physical effects among explorers in what
spa coordinator, to retrieve the plant personally. +6 Commendations for the
glass cage at FOUNT. It grows round, glossy would become southern Florida, but she
first to win a Lawsuit
fruits, broad purple flowers, and occasionally could find no evidence of its existence in the
When Serena entered the vine-choked +1 Demerit each time you
eyes, tearful and unblinking. Unbeknownst intervening centuries. She tried to lure it out
parking lot where the Anomaly made its reminisce about the past
to its captors, this is only a portion of the by creating a tourist attraction related to her
home, she knew this was no ordinary plant.
Anomaly. A few months ago, it found a best guess toward its Focus with no luck.
As a curious tendril encircled her finger, she
tiny opening in its irrigation system and
understood it, and it understood her. She
extended a runner down into the sewer,
felt its sadness, its longing for its ancestral
where it has established its Domain.
10 11
Introduced in this mission
Mercantile Avenue is packed with trendy boutiques, salons, restaurants, and
wine bars. Amid all the hubbub, it’s clear that something isn’t quite right.
2 Refresh
A mundane target’s appearance is altered to look years
younger, and slightly more like Serena Evermore.
Plants twist into grasping vines, and sprout glossy round fruits that burst
On the Avenue
2 Corrupt
if touched; the air is suddenly dense with moisture, so warm and humid
it’s difficult to breathe; an object transforms into an Agent’s favorite long-
People are engaged in unusually loud, intense conversations under the green and gold overhang of
Tryptik Café’s patio–three people are obviously crying. A woman is crouched on the ground, staring
lost toy, irreparably damaged; warm water bubbles up from the ground. into a puddle in the middle of the street. Meanwhile, a small crowd is gathering outside of FOUNT,
the luxury medispa across the street from Tryptik, where a man and woman argue in the doorway.
Long, prehensile plants emerging from the ground, pipes, or
sewer grates. They may sprout alluring flowers, stabbing thorns, Maya and the Puddle Tryptik Café
4 Manifest entangling vines, etc. The Anomaly can also Manifest puddles that
reflect an overgrown rainforest. They are Imprisoning Anomalies Unconcerned with traffic, Maya Ng (she/ A fashionable mix of modern and old-
that trigger when touched, pulling their target into the reflection. her) crouches on the street, examining fashioned, Tryptik Café draws crowds
her reflection in a puddle, poking at her to Mercantile Avenue for expensive, but
4 Rebalance
A mundane target forgets something important: a promise they
made, the date of their anniversary, the code to a safe.
cheeks and neck. She’s wearing a no-
nonsense beige suit, hair pinned back.
delicious, coffee and fresh pastries. Inside,
the menu showcases today’s special: the
Forget-Me-Not, a vibrant blue latte made
A group discount service is running a promotion for an all-inclusive When the Agents first notice her, she with butterfly pea flower (available hot or
5 Attract
spa day; a shuttle arrives from the local retirement community; it’s
the week of Ternion City’s annual International Spa & Sauna Expo;
vanishes into the puddle, which is an
Imprisoning Minor Anomaly. It starts flowing
iced). Almost everyone is drinking it.
a popular daytime talk show airs a feature promoting FOUNT. towards a small crowd that has formed Agents can learn the following
across the street outside of FOUNT. If by awkwardly eavesdropping
This Anomaly largely expands below ground, growing to fill Ternion the Agents don’t stop it, it will take more or befriending a barista:
City’s sewer system. Rather than overtaking aboveground locations, people and result in 15 Loose Ends.
Expand allows the Anomaly to reach tendrils up through pipes, grates, At three separate tables on Tryptik’s
6 Expand and filtration systems, infusing any water it touches with its rejuvenating,
mind-altering influence. This begins in the mineral soaking pools within
Agents can learn the following by
saving Maya from the Minor Anomaly:
patio, people make tearful apologies
for extremely minor transgressions:
FOUNT, and extends to toilets, bathtubs, fountains, and eventually, the a hair tie misplaced, a pet goldfish’s
reservoir from which all of Ternion City draws its drinking water. Her face is oddly familiar. birthday forgotten, an inopportune
Maya began using Aquifer products sneeze. Consistent throughout these
Instead of creating two Minor Anomalies with Double, the
is an expressed fear of losing the
7 Anomaly may create one Influencer, an Impersonating/Alluring right after launch a few weeks ago.
Double Minor Anomaly (Threat 1, Stability 4). They appear human,
other person forever as a result.
but all Influencers have the same eerily perfect face. She’s come back to see if she can return
any of the products she purchased to Five elderly men and women spread
FOUNT. Although she saw great results, a pile of photographs across a table,
A target suffers an intense flashback, incapacitating them pausing to lovingly reminisce over
8 for several moments. Choose the contents of the flashback: one of her friends recently pointed out
Renew people splashing merrily in a spring; shouts, the clash of that she doesn’t quite look like herself their favorites. Looking closer, they’re
swords, screams; a wildfire raging through a jungle. anymore, which she did not take well. blurry pictures of vacuum cleaners,
refrigerators, walls, the ground, and
Agents find themselves in a verdant jungle. In the center is a While imprisoned, she was in a other random household objects.
clear pool of water, which the Anomaly will offer to the Agents. rainforest teeming with life. While
A group of friends crowd for a selfie,
8 An Agent who touches the water is immediately transported she is glad to be free, she kind of
Displace to the first moment they truly felt at home somewhere. If they misses it. She felt free there, too. which they delete and retake after seeing
reject the water, they hear distant shouts and the rhythmic
the result–again, and again, and again.
beating of hooves on the ground. Everything grows hazy. The Forget-Me-Not pea flower additive
is sourced from FOUNT, across
A mundane target is fully under the Anomaly’s influence, and will take
the street, who had a surplus.
Return violent action to protect its Domain. After they have exhausted their
usefulness, they will erupt in a spray of flowers and vines, killing them.
12 13
Outside FOUNT Inside FOUNT
FOUNT’s exterior is impossibly clean. Tall windows disappear into an undulating Stepping into FOUNT is like entering
Sampling Aquifer
concrete facade, polished to whiter-than-white, which merges into a swooping a stock photo. The space is flooded An Agent who samples Aquifer is
overhang that meets the ground like a wave. Beneath it, a chaotic scene unfolds. with light, which dances over soft flooded with emotion. They roll 1d4:
Jay Hsieh (he/him), heartthrob superstar, is visiting to promote FOUNT’s new product line. He’s white curtains and the broad leaves of
The Agent must share a
not present, but a crowd has gathered to fight for a glimpse. Two people argue loudly in front potted plants. Gentle ambient music
memory they tried to repress.
of the doorway, and a man lingers awkwardly near them, trying to figure out a way around. filters in from unseen speakers.
The Agent must confess something
Through the crowd, the Agents can just barely make out gauzy white curtains, The first room in FOUNT is its shop, which
to one of their Relationships.
plants, and a row of gleaming blue-green bottles inside FOUNT. carries an array of scrubs, creams, lotions,
and cleansers, along with a selection The Agent sees fire, smoke,
of scented candles and bath oils. The darkness, and then the face of
new Aquifer set is displayed like fine Serena Evermore paired with a
Blocking the Doorway Undercover Fed art in a glass case at the center of the feeling of impatience and betrayal.
An incensed Indigo Jones (she/her) is loudly A man is out of place here. Gregory room, blue-green frosted glass bottles
glistening like jewels. Trial bottles of the The Agent must tell another Agent
arguing with Quinn Wilmar (he/him). As a Doppler (he/him), undercover FDA
line rest on a round table around the how they really feel about them.
Very Popular Content Creator, Indigo insists investigator, made an appointment
that she should be getting free services or under the fake name Jeffrey Fizeau. case. In the back is the reception area.
receiving discounts like Jay does. Quinn is
the head of FOUNT marketing and brand If the Agents don’t help Gregory, his unsubtle
outreach, and is trying to get Indigo out of evidence-gathering will put FOUNT’s staff
the store. He doesn’t have time for this. on high alert. They will suspect corporate
14 15
Flowing Deeper The Clinic
Past reception, the hallway branches: A long white hallway lined with doors to consultation and procedure rooms, with a lounge at
the end. Here, visitors receive injectables, dermal fillers, skin resurfacing, vitamin infusions,
and cryolipolysis under the supervision of Archer Hadley, MD (they/them). There are five or
six patrons undergoing treatments, and three or four staff members, including Dr. Hadley.
Reception The isolated procedure rooms (and people in them) are at risk from the Anomaly,
which may manifest Influencers and other Minor Anomalies behind closed doors.
X Rain X Scott
X Aislinn X Zara
16 17
The Spa
Entering the Basement
This series of interconnected rooms is airy and mazelike, walls studded with glowing Downstairs, the polish of FOUNT is replaced by concrete hallways, hissing pipes,
light fixtures and small planters. There are almost no doors, just open doorways that tanks, cables, and storage closets. The utility corridor is a drab, humid labyrinth.
segue from aromatherapy rooms to salt rooms to steam rooms to massage rooms. In
the central chamber, the ceiling vaults and the space opens out into a set of mineral Vines creep along the walls, and if examined closely are growing
baths at various temperatures. In the large main pool, Aubrey (she/her) and Julianna fast enough to be seen moving very slowly.
Broughton (she/her) are locked in a heated conversation about Julianna’s inheritance.
No matter which staircase Agents took, they will eventually converge on a large
Red light filters from a doorway down the hall, where Jay Hsieh (he/him) reclines metal door labeled Product Development, with a keycard swiper for a lock.
in a red light therapy room, eyes covered with a warm compress.
Main Pool
Aubrey and Julianna are enjoying a mother-
Red Light Therapy Room
Jay is an actor, singer, and model. He’s
Product Development
daughter day at the spa, as they frequently do. surprisingly earnest, and genuinely A small laboratory for extracting natural materials and developing new cosmetics.
The resemblance between the two is uncanny, personable. He also happens to be so There’s a strong smell of perfume and vegetation. The central hallway is lined with
and both look oddly familiar. Aubrey has beautiful it almost hurts to look at him, and freezers that are all ringing high-temperature alarms. A panicked Dr. Barley Lennox
just confessed to Julianna that she wants to has captured the hearts of a generation. (he/him) scoops stacks of vials into a large plastic cooler full of liquid nitrogen.
leave her entire fortune to a relative stranger,
He loves FOUNT because it’s one of a few
a barista she met 24 years ago (and hasn’t
seen since). Julianna is not taking it well. places he feels like he can relax without Freezer Fiasco Agents can learn the following
while Dr. Lennox is distracted,
his security entourage around. At the Dr. Barley Lennox isn’t sure why everything by convincing him they belong,
If left alone, Aubrey and Julianna’s moment, though, he’s not doing so well. started going wrong practically overnight. or with Anomalous methods:
conversation will escalate into a fight. Although he’s shocked to see strangers
The Anomaly will attempt to stop the fight His mind is being manipulated by an Influencer
entering this protected area, he’s desperate This specimen, which he and Lily have
by using its unique Chaos Effects Refresh, (see Chaos Effects) around the corner,
enough to ask anyone who enters to named Passiflora juviensis, started
Rebalance, and/or Renew, depending lurking in a connected aromatherapy room.
help him move his precious samples growing out of control since the launch
on how much Chaos is available. If the Influencer is dealt with, into the one functional freezer. of Aquifer. It’s causing all kinds of
the feeling will dissipate. technical problems around the lab.
If the Anomaly uses Refresh, the target’s Once Dr. Lennox’s samples are safe, the
face shifts visibly in front of the Agent’s, If left alone, he may exit FOUNT in search alarms will stop and he’ll realize that the If the samples thaw they’ll degrade
and becomes unmistakably identical to of the Anomaly’s domain–and it’s likely the Agents aren’t supposed to be there. entirely, losing priceless extracts from
Serena Evermore from reception. crowd that awaits him outside will follow. the Anomaly’s fruits, leaves, and petals.
If he isn’t quickly convinced they
If the Anomaly uses Rebalance, both Agents can learn the following aren’t dangerous, he’ll engage the Dr. Lennox feels like he developed a
targets forget they’re related to each by talking to Jay without lab’s security system, sealing the exits kind of rapport with Passiflora juviensis.
other, and the fight ends abruptly. seeming like weird fans: and alerting FOUNT management. He occasionally refers to it as Flora.
If the Anomaly uses Renew, both targets stop Every time he closes his eyes, all he sees He and Dr. Aladejana are aware of side
fighting abruptly as their eyes unfocus, a flicker are hazy visions of fire and smoke. effects from Aquifer, and are working
of flame reflected in their pupils. They turn on a way to block or reverse them.
simultaneously towards the Agents and say: He has a sense that the visions won’t
stop until he seeks out somewhere Serena, who retrieved Passiflora juviensis
“Hay nada útil aquí. Destruyelo.” underground, but he’s not sure from its original location, comes down
where, or how to get there. regularly to assist them, because the
Then collapse back into the water, unconscious.
plant reacts positively to her. She has
The visions, and this feeling, started been avoiding their requests today.
around 20 minutes ago, and they’re
so intense he can’t relax.
18 19
Dr. Aladejana’s Lab Greenhouse
If the enclosure is breached by any means, the Anomaly will immediately
withdraw into the sewer, leaving Minor Anomalies behind to stall if it can. If
Off the central hallway, there are several rooms In the back of the lab space is a room it spoke to the Agents through Dr. Aladejana, it will pull her with it.
containing computers and research equipment, containing a 5-by-5 foot glass box. Inside is
including a small culture room that’s usually used the trellis that holds a flowering passionfruit Getting into the Sewer
for testing distilled compounds on petri dishes vine, small protrusions regularly spaced along
of human skin cells. Currently, Dr. Lily Aladejana its length. A series of pipes and tubes are Once Agents discover that the Anomaly’s true Domain hides beneath the building,
(she/her) has a paper-thin slice of one of the hooked up to the trellis, and several tendrils in the sewer, there are several possible ways they might proceed. There is a hidden
Anomaly’s leaves mounted on a slide, and is extend directly down a drain at the bottom of hatch in the Utility Corridor that leads down into the sewer system, or they may
studying it under a microscope. Behind her, the the enclosure. Monitors line the far wall, cutting use a manhole on Mercantile Avenue. However they proceed, if the Anomaly did
culture hoods and incubators are covered with between staticky images of tropical plants, not invite them to its Domain, it will escalate in its efforts to stop them.
an expanding network of tiny green vines. glinting armor, fire and smoke, hands applying
lotion, and flickering, half-blurred faces.
Dr. Aladejana does not take kindly to the Agents
interrupting her work, commanding them to get A moment after the Agents enter, the
out of her lab immediately. She has limited time images on the monitors dissolve to static.
to finish the distillation protocol she’s working The protrusions on the Anomaly’s vine snap There’s a rainforest beneath Ternion City where the smell of sewage fades, replaced by
on, and can’t spare a moment for the Agents. open, revealing wide, unblinking eyes. the scent of fresh rain. Birds call in the distance, and the water flows clear and crisp.
Vines climb the grimy stone walls, hanging from grates and elevated walkways.
If Dr. Lennox engages the security system, Dr. Lily gasps as the centrifuge halts with a
Aladejana will be on guard against the Agents. loud beep. A tendril has encircled her leg, If they haven’t brought her along, Serena Evermore is surreptitiously following Agents through the
She breaks an Erlenmeyer flask against the holding her in place. She pauses, then jungle on a mission to reach the Anomaly. She knows her ancestors were responsible for destroying
lab bench and wields it like a weapon. looks up at the Agents, her expression its home, but her guilty conscience kept her from telling it the truth. She’s ready to make amends.
softened. In an act of desperation, the
At the most inconvenient moment, a timer goes Anomaly has reached into her mind and
off. Dr. Aladejana runs to attend to a centrifuge begun puppeteering her to speak for it. Entering the Domain Talking to the Anomaly
in the room where the Anomaly is kept.
If the Agents entered alone, it will If the Anomaly previously agreed to Now, the Anomaly pleads one last time for
Agents can learn the following if they attempt to use Displace to speak to speak with the Agents in its Domain, it them to leave it alone, offering to make them
mention stopping the Anomaly’s them directly. If it doesn’t have Chaos, it will clear a path into the jungle for them. younger or more appealing in exchange
spread or use Anomalous methods: will offer a tendril for a willing Agent to for its freedom. Now that its memories are
Otherwise, thick vines, roots, and spiny returning, it cannot tolerate spending any
It’s old news that Passiflora juviensis become its speaker-puppet briefly.
plants will block the way, requiring the longer in captivity–and it suspects these
secretes neurotransmitter mimics, but The Anomaly will speak with the Agents Agents to create a path for themselves. people have destroyed many other plants,
recently she’s found what look like proteins through Lily. These people were supposed
Space stretches at the edge of the rainforest, and many other lives, to build this city.
from a rabies-like virus in its extracts. to help it find answers, but instead they’re
towering trees forming a canopy far past It might be tricked into entering the Normal
Lily suspects that this is allowing direct using it. It wants to know what happened to
where the roof of the sewer used to be. Closer Briefcase, but it will react violently if it knows
access to the nervous system from topical its original home, and it is tired of being made
to the Domain, five bodies are splayed on the the Agency’s true intentions. It does not
application. She’s almost done purifying into products. It remembers a lush rainforest,
ground. There’s barely anything left of them want to be made into products any longer.
a blocker based on the rabies vaccine. a terrible fire, and it is on the verge of
beneath the thick layer of vines and sweet-
remembering a particular face–someone who
smelling flowers that sprout from their cavities.
She’s watched a lot of zombie movies, hurt it–but it can’t quite piece it all together. At
and believes she’s the last defense first, it wants to be left alone to pursue its goals. If Gregory and/or Poppy were allowed to
against the Anomaly’s spread. pursue their plan alone, these bodies include
If the Agents can convince the Anomaly
them. Nestled in the heart of one of the bodies
Still, she has no explanation for the bizarre they’re on its side, it will guide them into
is a small pulsing fruit—a Disruptive Anomaly.
structures that keep recurring within its Domain. If they ask too many questions,
tissue samples of Passiflora juviensis: it will withdraw its whole plant through The center of the Domain is calm and quiet.
the vasculature in its vines forms a sort the drain and into the sewer (leaving A small spring spouts clear water into the
of face when viewed in cross-section–a Dr. Aladejana behind, unharmed). formerly filthy sewer. A thin, bright green
face which, if she squints, could be vine curls up from the water, an enormous
Serena. Or it could be pareidolia. purple passionflower blossoming from
its tip. A multitude of tearful eyes open
along the vines that line this clearing.
20 21
When Serena sees that the Agents pose a danger to the Anomaly, Vault Requisition: Reunion RSVP
she sprints from the underbrush and throws herself in front of it.
Sobbing, she confesses everything to the Anomaly. Write a date and a nearby location on this RSVP and place it in a mailbox.
Her ancestors were responsible for destroying its home. She felt too afraid, too
Everyone who graduated High School (or its local equivalent) that year
suddenly remembers that there’s a reunion for them occurring in the
guilty to tell it the truth. Where its jungle used to be, there’s just another slab
designated building. Some organizers show up almost immediately; within
of pavement in a suburban desert. But she wants to make things right.
half an hour, a crowd has formed and an impromptu dance floor has established.
This helps the Anomaly make the final connection for itself: the face it’s been
seeing and the reason it trusted Serena in the first place wasn’t because it knew
Serena. It knew her ancestor, and her ancestor destroyed it. This will send the
Anomaly into a heightened state of anger and stress as the memories come
rushing back. It has trusted this human twice, and twice it was betrayed. Anomaly Ability: Harvest Time
Agents will have to mediate this conflict or destroy the Anomaly. If they don’t, it
will kill Serena and seek to expand throughout the city. Serena is willing to make You are the youngest branch of an ancestral family tree. Pour
personal sacrifices to help the Anomaly, and will in particular attempt to stop them a little water on yourself and roll Persistence.
neutralizing it, even if it puts her in danger. If they are able to work through their
On a success, you bear a ripe plum-sized fruit somewhere on your body:
conflict it’s likely Serena and the Anomaly will bond, making Serena a Resonant.
describe its appearance and taste. Anyone who consumes the entire thing
ceases to age and will never die naturally. Eating it yourself confers no effect.
AFTERMATH For each additional 3, you may choose one of the following effects,
which last until the target completes their next meal:
The target becomes the focus of attention wherever they go. People will stop
Anomaly Captured or Neutralized what they’re doing to strike up conversations with them, offer them favors, etc.
Aquifer products will spontaneously lose both their efficacy and their side effects— The target emits an awful stench. They are avoided by people
but they will become even more valued for their limited-edition status. Old friends wherever they go and reviled by people who can’t get away.
who reconnected will fall back out of touch, and those who were under the Anomaly’s
The target repels all insects, mundane and Anomalous. They can’t approach the target.
influence won’t remember why they felt so strongly about those memories that haunted
them. FOUNT will continue to operate, but will shut down their in-house lab. The target develops incredible eyesight. They can change their vision from
microscopic to telescopic, and anywhere in between, in one second.
The target is impervious to pain.
Anomaly Escaped Loose Ends
If the Anomaly escapes and Serena is No matter the outcome, any surviving staff On six 3s or more, you may choose to remove the
alive, it will bond with her. They will go on of FOUNT who were aware of the Anomaly quality that stops aging from your fruit.
a soul-searching trip to pull apart the truth need to be dealt with, especially those whose
of their shared history, before returning careers are most closely tied to the products On a failure, the target ceases aging, but also is immediately
to Ternion City and setting up a Healing they can no longer produce. Given their incapacitated by horrible and permanent food poisoning.
Center that claims to rejuvenate through experience deriving products from an Anomaly,
a single touch. This will cause serious the Agency might be convinced to hire either
problems for the Agency down the line. Barley or Lily (if they survived), but not both.
22 23
of the objects it destroyed. It then moved to Tony Jackson (he/him), who was playing his
stopping the noise at its source by trapping bar’s speaker system on full blast; and Manny
the people who make it inside its body, where Navarro (he/him), who sang loudly to himself
When Kaye Renfield (she/her) discovered that the area around her new condo was more no sound can exist, and purging all sound while playing his favorite arcade game.
“vibrant” at night than she’d realized, she tried to make the neighbors quiet down. She from them, including their heartbeats. Victims
die screaming, but no one can hear them. Kaye is unaware of the Anomaly’s actions.
sent emails. She cited laws. She filed complaints with the "proper" authorities. But the She believes that the deaths are a result
neighbors didn’t listen. No matter how she asked or demanded or cried. No matter how So far, it has killed three members of the of the “fast living” the victims must have
many nights she spent tossing and turning, insistent that the sounds must stop. Caddy Corner community—Billie Lee (she/her), been doing instead of responding to her
Something has to be done about all that noise, she would whisper each night in a fierce who hammered away at her metal installation; requests for a quieter neighborhood.
and furious plea into the darkness. Something. And eventually, a something obeyed.
History Focus
Kaye Renfield’s serenity
Caddy Corner is a small close-knit
neighborhood that got its name from its achieved through control.
location—diagonally across from a failed Morning Meetings Mission Briefing
highway once billed as the Road to Tomorrow. Domain
The highway project lasted just long enough to X A Relationship planned to go dancing Two weeks ago, a death was reported within
tear down the homes of half the neighborhood, The sound-proofed basement a neighborhood called Caddy Corner. Tony
at Two Jacks Tavern, but the event
drive up the prices of the rest, and leave of Kaye Renfield’s condo. Jackson, one of the owners of a local bar
has been canceled. Again.
behind an underpass to nowhere. Eager buyers called Two Jacks, was found with his face
soon cleared out for more lucrative areas, Appearance X The Agent’s television repeatedly mutes frozen in an expression of pain, mouth open
leaving the community to fill in the gaps. in the middle of their favorite show, as if screaming – but the cause of death
A cage of bones, thin and slender, like the then displays the opening screen from appeared to be a sudden cardiac arrest.
A struggling laundromat put gaming bones of the ear playing dress-up with the the obscure arcade game Pindrop.
machines in the back and renamed itself human form. At a distance, the Anomaly Last week, another death was reported—a
the Laundrocade. A local bar, Two Jacks, got might seem to be a long-limbed skeleton: X An Agent keeps finding playing cards in odd young man named Manny Navarro was
third place in the city for friendliest service. its white, featureless head is perched on locations. They are always face cards, and found in the same state at a local business
The store attached to an abandoned gas top of a honeycomb body, large enough the faces always appear to be screaming. called Laundrocade. This coincidence
station became the home for a thriving craft to encase a human within its core. got the Agency’s attention, which led
X A Relationship lost their voice just to the most recent discovery:
market, named The Station. Someone even
A closer look reveals that the Anomaly’s arms before an important event.
wrote an article about the neighborhood:
and legs have no real joints, hanging limply Unbeknownst to the residents of Caddy
“A New Road Forward for Caddy Corner.” X An Agent trips over wires from their
from its core like old telephone wires. When Corner, another body was found outside of the
upright, it seems less to walk than to simply computer or other devices while neighborhood last night—a woman in her late
Kaye Renfield loved that article, snatching
appear closer. On all fours, it bounds forward trying to leave the house, as if they 20s with the same expression, next to a bag of
up an affordable condo in the center of the
like a wolf, wiry limbs elongating and shrinking appeared out of nowhere. metalworking tools. The body has been dead
neighborhood while telling all her friends
about her chance to build a life in an “up- as they hit each new piece of ground. for around a month, and was found during a
and-coming hotspot.” Everything would be survey of nearby land for development. The
absolutely perfect there. If only the locals Impulse Optional Objectives police have not yet begun an investigation into
would quiet down. The Laundrocade was her identity, which will be difficult to determine.
filled with teens hanging out at all hours. Two To eliminate the source of any noise made
during the night in Caddy Corner. +10 Commendations for the Something is killing people in that
Jacks had a Friday night dance party with an
first Agent to get the highest neighborhood, and the Agency would
abundance of bass. The Station hosted endless
rather find out what before rumors bring
summer block parties. Everyone seemed Current Situation possible score on Pindrop
attention to the Anomaly’s activity.
to throw get-togethers late into the night. +1 Commendation for
The Anomaly began by disrupting and each Jack collected
All she wanted was a single decent night’s silencing technological sources of sound,
sleep. Was that too much to ask? using ambient Chaos to create minor +1 Demerit for each complaint
anomalies called Wirelings from the wires
26 27
Introduced in this mission
5 A Relationship arrives at Kaye Renfield’s townhouse report on their location to the Anomaly.
Attract to ask about the Concerned Citizens meeting. Concerned Citizens of
When the mission begins, 10 Wirelings
Silence begins spreading through the streets of Caddy Corner
Caddy Corner (Disruptive) are active around the
neighborhood, following and observing the
with Kaye’s townhouse at its center, engulfing either the Station, A note in precisely lettered handwriting
6 Expand the Laundrocade, or Two Jacks. Anyone in its path can neither
make nor hear any sound. Once the whole neighborhood is
on high-quality linen paper can be found
throughout Caddy Corner. It reads:
locals without engaging with their targets.
28 29
Two Jacks Tavern Dancefloor Jackie, Co-Owner
The back of the dance floor has a small DJ Jackie Williams (she/her) is a former jazz
Caddy Corner’s neighborhood bar, Two Jacks Tavern, sits in a squat brick building booth containing the stereo system. The singer who lost her smoky voice either
with a simple sign over the door. A hand-painted banner taped to it with duct tape Anomaly purged the sound from the stereo because she started or quit smoking—her
reads “Third Friendliest Bar in the City!” Out front, a chalkboard sign lists the events system before attacking Tony. No one’s story changes every time. Co-owned Two
of the week on one side, including Open Mic Monday, Wepa Wednesday (featuring the tried to fix it. Getting close to the stereo Jacks with her ex-husband for almost 20
Bachata Basement Band), and Friday Night Grooves with DJ Teddy G, all of which have system makes most people’s skin crawl. years. Everyone thinks the bar is named after
been crossed out and scrawled over with the word “cancelled”. The other side of the their names, but she actually won it from the
chalkboard sign reads “In memory of Tony Jackson, the original Jack of Hearts.” Methods for tracking Anomalous Resonance previous owners in a hand of blackjack.
will see a small trail leading from the stereo to
the bathroom and a large trail to where Tony She found Tony dead on the floor
Entrance Behind the Bar died behind the bar, and then out the front behind the bar, mouth open as if
door, where it dissipates too much to follow. screaming, about two weeks ago. Jackie
The door to Two Jacks is old and wooden, Two Jacks co-owner Tony Jackson died is convinced something killed Tony.
with a small window at the top, once painted here. The floor is sticky and has spots
to look like a playing card, though much of red on it, but that’s wine, not blood. A When Agents arrive, she is in the bar’s
of it has flaked off. It is covered in signs. closer investigation, though, can uncover Bathroom office (a small windowless room past the
a long, thin footprint in a bit of soda bathrooms whose walls are papered in playing
An ad with one too many free clip-art graphics: residue that smells like root beer. Getting into the bathroom requires getting a cards) going through some of the paperwork
“Sweaty? Stinky? Covered in beer? Do bathroom key from either Jackie or Sharif. generated by his death. She occasionally
your laundry at the Laundrocade and get
$5 worth of arcade tokens each month!”
Sharif, Bartender Inside is a single stall and a bit of old-
comes out to get iced tea from Sharif and
complain to him that no one is taking the
school bathroom graffiti. A Wireling made deaths of Tony or Manny Navarro seriously.
Sharif (he/him) can make any drink he’s
An old flyer for a block party: “This weekend, from the Two Jacks stereo wires sits in
ever tasted. Spent his 20s drinking his way
we’re going all out at The Station—6 local the corner, like a long-limbed spider. Jackie wants an official city investigation
through enough bars that he has a very large
vendors, music by DJ Teddy G, and a new of all the evidence she has collected from
repertoire, though he’s always looking to If approached or confronted, it flees into
metal sculpture by Billie! Party until dusk!” Tony’s death and to hear his favorite
expand it. Has recently become a connoisseur the Main Room (as an Electric Wireling if
of teas. Deathly afraid of bugs, so he tries to song, “Two Jacks for a Queen”, playing
there’s enough Chaos) and attacks the bar one more time on the broken speaker.
keep the place as clean as he can without staff and patrons, likely creating Loose Ends.
Main Room losing the dive bar vibe. Antsy to finally clean
behind the bar after Tony’s death there two
Agents can learn the following by
fixing the stereo system or offering
Two Jacks is an old-school dive bar, with weeks ago (once he gets Jackie’s permission). to help get an investigation going:
low lights, shadowy corners, a sticky floor,
and wooden furniture with peeling varnish. When Agents arrive, he is working Two Jacks recently got a summons about
It’s larger than it appears on the outside, behind the half of the bar furthest playing music too loudly at night, which
extending past the bar on the right-hand side from the door. The other half has been she is sure came from “that woman Kaye”
of the room to a central wooden dance floor cordoned off; it is where Tony died. and her Concerned Citizens group.
with a small DJ booth that serves as a stage Agents can learn the following
when needed. A bathroom is at the end of the The night he died, Tony was working
by ordering something late on the stereo system, trying to
room beyond the dance floor, next to a door and talking to Sharif:
labeled OFFICE. Other than the bar staff, only adjust the bass so that customers
a few customers are inside. Morale is low. Tony always drank root beer could enjoy it without the bar
during overnight shifts. triggering any more complaints.
30 31
Laundrocade Mia, Owner/Tinkerer Simms, Regular
Mia Riley (she/her) took over running the Simms (they/them) is a frequent customer
The Caddy Corner Laundrocade is painted a particularly garish shade of teal. It Laundrocade from her mother’s siblings, a trio of the Laundrocade who works nights
holds laundry machines in the front and an arcade section in the back. One of the who bought the laundromat at a low price after at Two Jacks as a barback. Has the high
Laundrocade’s best customers, Manny Navarro, died here two weeks ago in that back the highway project failed. Loves tinkering with score on two games at the Laundrocade.
section. The manager, Mia Riley, found him on the floor in the center of the arcade the laundry machines; would probably build Manny was trying to break their high
section with all of the games around him off and many of their cords missing. robots if she thought it was a viable occupation. score on Pindrop the night he died.
While the Laundrocade is technically open 24-7, a code is required to get in after Found Manny’s body last week but is convinced Simms wants to fix the game to see the
hours, and Manny was the last one that the Laundrocade’s surveillance cameras that he was shouting in excitement when he actual high scores. When Agents enter,
captured entering the place before they turned staticky and went out. died, explaining the scream on his face. Simms is filling up one of the remaining
laundry machines with linens from Two
Entrance When Agents enter, she is unplugging Jacks (bar cloths, dishtowels, etc.).
A camera sits above the front door, next to a sign that reads “Smile, you’re under a broken laundry machine and putting
surveillance!” The red light on the camera flickers in a random pattern—but savvy Agents an Out of Order sign up on it while Simms won’t talk in front of Mia. Agents
can tell it’s a repeating morse code (... .. .-.. . -. -.-. .) that spells out the word silence. chatting with Simms about Manny. can learn the following if they lead her
away or use Anomalous methods:
Agents can learn the following if
Bulletin Board they fix a broken arcade cabinet for Manny died in front of Pindrop, with wires
A bulletin board next to the Laundrocade’s front entrance is one of Mia or use Anomalous methods: from the arcade cabinet wrapped around
Caddy Corner’s many community billboards. Pinned to it are: his ankles, pulling him away from the
Something has been interfering with game. Simms was so freaked out that
the operation of many of the machines they ran for it instead of reporting it and
sheet for at the Laundrocade. They routinely
A sign-up let Mia discover the body the next day.
d Citizens stop working at night, and trying to
Concerne orner, fix them gives her the heebie jeebies. They have been dreaming of
A tear sheet for a of Caddy
rho o d Instead, she marks them Out of Order. a white, lanky creature every
10% discount at The a Neighbo t night since Manny’s death.
An ad for events at
Station convenience Betterme She’s been collecting a pile of tools
Two Jacks Tavern. ti o n . Kaye
store: “Having trouble Associa and scraps for trade with Billie, a local
the first
Someone has X’d
with your stereo or Renfield is metalworking artist, but no one has seen
through it and the list. A
smartphone? We’ve na me on her in a month and she’s not sure if the
written “Cancelled” names are
got headphones, few other woman is coming back after getting
ut all have
on the flyer.
repair kits, and written, b a city summons for her “illegal” metal
sed off.
more in stock!” been cros ictims sculpture outside of the Station. Whoever
None of th list. is working there may know more.
are on the
The security cameras stopped recording
shortly after Manny entered the
Laundrocade, singing loudly to himself
Individual notes to other customers and patrons written in pen on index cards. Most are as always, but she swore she saw
small tributes to Manny Navarro, but one, in a carefully lettered calligraphy that matches the something like a person made out of
handwriting on the Concerned Citizens list, says: “Please keep your noise TO A MINIMUM twisted white wires or long bones in the
between the hours of 10 PM and 7 AM. Some of us are trying to sleep. Thank you!!!” corner of the last frame of footage. The
next day, that frame of footage was gone.
The machines in the laundromat all look a little bit different, thanks in part to Mia’s constant
tinkering. Several have big yellow Out of Service signs. One or two locals are doing
laundry but have little time to talk—with the two recent deaths, everyone’s on edge.
32 33
Lost Art
Laundrocade’s arcade includes two pinball machines and a claw machine, but
the remaining six cabinets are all obscure arcade games, including Pindrop, a The Station Convenience Store was once As Agents arrive, he is standing around waiting
game where you accumulate power in a Pac-Man style maze chase and then attached to an actual gas station that for customers. If told of Billie’s death, he is
use it to fight computer opponents in break-dancing inspired fight scenes. serviced the many trucks coming to build the devastated and immediately wants to make
highway project that gave Caddy Corner its sure she is buried more properly, focusing
The game has not worked since Manny died—it cycles between a screen reading name. It now sells an eclectic mix of items on the idea of creating a metal tombstone
“Congratulations, Manny, on the new high score!” and a list of high scores: based on local demand, hosts a weekly craft for her as a way to process his grief.
market, and is the home of many summer
block parties. The old gas pumps have been Agents can learn the following by
given seasonal decorations that match the buying something or discussing
time of year, creating a festive look. Nearby, Billie’s artwork in front of Tyran:
an assortment of metal parts that could Billie was working on the metal artwork
possibly be a sculpture have started to rust.
outside until she started having trouble
191513 Unbeknownst to anyone in Caddy Corner, with her metal grinder not starting
and went back to her studio to get
EOF 5156
the metal installation artist responsible for
the sculpture, Billie Lee, was killed by the a hammer. She hasn’t returned.
Anomaly a month ago at the edge of the
USA 21191 neighborhood. Her body was recently found,
but news hasn’t reached Caddy Corner yet.
The day before Billie’s disappearance,
city officials showed up at the Station
because of a noise complaint about a
18520 Through the Aisles
recent block party. While there, they gave
her a summons for the sculpture. He
RYI 18259 The shop can be hard to navigate, as it has
worries that this is why she isn’t back.
NGT 14720
everything from food to household items to
a few electronics, but store clerk Tyran can
As a minor, he hasn’t spent much if any
time at Two Jacks, but knows the late co-
direct Agents to any items they might want owner Tony, who often bought root beer
151912 to buy, including a rare spicy nettle and rose
blossom tea (found in a back corner) and the
at the shop when he was getting ready to
do a late-night shift including on the night
EEP 5516 last electronics repair kit in stock—they have
been very popular recently, though Tyran notes
he died. Tyran didn’t speak to him for
long, but he mentioned that he was going
that they are not returnable once opened, to be making adjustments to the sound
even if the item isn’t fixed. He jokes that he system after some recent complaints.
could use a repair kit himself, as the ATM is
on the fritz. Two Wirelings lurk behind it. The night that Manny Navarro died,
Tyran was closing up and singing to
Tyran, Behind the Counter himself. He could hear Manny singing
near the Laundrocade too, almost like
The game is playable, but the final displayed score doesn’t match with the score received in
the game. The letters, strung together, spell out the sentence “some of us are trying to sleep.” Tyran Davies (he/him) is a high schooler they were doing a duet. He then saw a
who has been working to earn extra money. lanky bony figure out of the corner of
A wireling sits nestled in the cords behind the arcade cabinet. It will not move unless Always has a new passion—he was previously his eye, heading towards the Station.
the Agents disturb it, at which point it will try to become a Tangled Wireling and into urban farming but has switched to art When a clatter came from the direction
ensnare them. Any patrons of the Laundromat become potential loose ends. thanks to his crush on Billie, who often stops of the Laundrocade, it got onto all fours
by for supplies. He hasn’t seen her in over and ran off towards the sound instead,
When Agents play, they will be asked to put in their initials–due to the bug, “scores” displayed
a month and is worried, but doesn’t know looking like a dog made of long wiry
at the end are entirely dependent on the numerical placement of those letters in the alphabet.
any way to reach her. She lives uptown but bones. He is worried that somehow
To get a higher score than the others on this list, for example, they can put in T(20) P(16) N(14)
usually spends all her time in and around the he sent it in Manny’s direction—while
for 201614 points. The highest score possible is 262626, achieved by inputting the initials ZZZ.
Station and doesn’t have any real family. they weren’t close friends or anything,
they essentially grew up together.
34 35
227 Ashran Drive ENCOUNTER
Kaye Renfield’s house is quiet. Too quiet. As if sound itself is stilled around it. The
closer you get, the more your voice echoes in your own ears, jarring and unfamiliar.
Knocking on the door gets no response, and the very sound of the knock is swallowed Kaye Renfield Basement
by the house. You feel the sensation, but the sound just isn’t there. The harder you
knock, the more you feel a pounding in your skull. There is no doorbell. Kaye Renfield is putting the finishing touches The off-white walls are padded with heavy
on snacks for the upcoming meeting of the soundproofing and the steps and floor are
Concerned Citizens of Caddy Corner. Despite covered in a thick gray carpet. A couch sits
Concerned Citizens First Floor her increasing feelings of rejection when no
one shows up to her meetings, she believes
by the left wall next to a short side table
and lamp. A folded quilt and pillow lay on
Kaye Renfield founded the Concerned Citizens The furniture is sparse, as if the house is a that everyone in the community will eventually top of it, as if Kaye is sleeping there. A desk
of Caddy Corner (CCCC) organization from her model out of a catalogue instead of a home. come around to her way of thinking. and printer are against the far wall, by a
condo on Ashran Drive in the center of the Stacks of Concerned Citizens flyers sit on a pile of what appear to be thin white cords.
To Kaye, the Agents’ arrival is proof that The room is silent, but every sound in your
neighborhood, setting up a small mailbox with dining table, along with a neat pile of outgoing
the neighbors are starting to listen to her; body is magnified; you can hear each breath
informational flyers next to a Little Free Library mail. The slight whooshing of a white noise
she greets them warmly. If and when she and swallow, each beat of your heart, each
outside of her home. The flyers explain that the machine is the only sound in the house.
realizes they are investigating the deaths, movement of one limb against another.
CCCC is a neighborhood association that will It presses down on you like a heavy fog,
she expresses sympathy for the losses to the
establish Rules of Neighborliness and a Caddy humming against your tongue and wrapping
community, but is dismissive—she believes If Agents make any sound at all once
Corner Code of Conduct, which she hopes around your heartbeat. It also matches the
that Billie was a transient, Tony likely had crossing the basement threshold, the pile of
everyone will abide by. The rules themselves description of the noise in the background
bad eating and drinking habits, and Manny cords unfurls into the Anomaly, forming a
are hard to read because their typesetting of the calls about Caddy Corner made to
may have gotten caught up in drugs or gang cage of slender bone-like wire that perches
is so odd. A closer look at the flyers reveals the authorities. A pleasantly nondescript
activity. Kaye suggests they focus on the noise on two long legs like a skeleton stretched
the small ASCII images of three screaming voice calls out from a back room to “Make
violations instead, as right now the only place thin. Its head is a smooth white featureless
faces—an older man, a young man, and a yourselves comfortable—I will be there in a
she can get any peace is in her basement, skull. Its arms hang limply at first, but then
young woman. They match the descriptions moment!” When it speaks, you momentarily
where things are the way they should be. reach out, trying to drag the source of
of Tony Jackson, Manny Navarro, and Billie. feel the pressure from the white noise lessen,
the sound inside the cage of its body.
but it returns as soon as the voice stops. She is willing to show her basement to
Agents so they can hear the difference. If Kaye is in the room, she is surprised—
but realizes quickly it is responding to her
Letters on the Table desires and has little trouble allying with it.
The letters on Kaye’s dining table are all addressed to local news outlets and politicians, asking for
something to be done about all the late-night noise in Caddy Corner. There are also several notes
that have been written and sit next to a roll of masking tape, ready to be delivered to neighbors.
36 37
The Anomaly Vault Requisition: Wire Pals
The Anomaly has become Kaye’s protector, If Agents continue to assault it with These handy automatons, reverse-engineered from the Anomaly’s Wirelings,
ensuring that she has the absolute silence
that she feels she needs by hunting down
sound and the Anomaly has run out
of Chaos it will become overloaded,
can be trained to seek out instances of any activity you describe. To
activate a Wire Pal, describe an activity (riding a bicycle, opening a can
per set
anything in the vicinity that could take it weakening it enough for capture. of 3
of Mega Kool, coming in second place at a third grade spelling bee, etc.)
away from her, like an overly enthusiastic
It is possible to reason with the Anomaly, Once activated, the Wire Pal will unravel and begin scurrying around in
guard dog. Kaye only feels calm when she
though using sound angers it and provokes an expanding radius until it finds somebody who has partaken in the listed activity.
feels in control—over time the Anomaly has
internalized this, becoming painfully sensitive it into attacking, so other methods must Upon finding such a person, it will return to you and lead you back to them.
to all noises, and reacting immediately to be used to try to convince it of the
her desires. Absorbing sound has become Agents’ perspective. It can be convinced Gossamer-thin and light as a feather, Wire Pals come prepackaged in packs of three
a way to protect itself and lash out at that its efforts to control and silence and by default have the appearance of credit cards for a local bank made out to the
those who refuse to bend to Kaye. the neighborhood will draw more noise purchaser’s name. For an additional Commendation, you may order your set customized:
and attention to the neighborhood, that they may mimic a different set of common or innocuous household items. When
If enough sound is directed at Kaye that Kaye’s goals are futile, or that Kaye will be active, they stand on four to eight legs and move, insect-like, along floors, ceilings, and
the Anomaly cannot contain it, it begins most calm when she is no longer alive. walls. They can also take advantage of strong winds to cover greater distances.
prioritizing its Expand ability to silence
the entire area. If allowed to remain, this If Kaye dies and the Anomaly isn’t Agents at the Senior Associate level and above may access a Wire Pals Dashboard
silence will eventually start killing people like captured, it will lose its Focus and need inside Triage. This free service provides GPS coordinates of all nearby Wire Pals currently
the Anomaly has killed individuals. Even a guidance toward a new one—or it will in use, tagged with the identity of the Agent that deployed them. When using the
brief experience of this silence turns people begin to Hollow and start silencing things dashboard, Wire Pals can be told to follow a target quietly without returning to you.
throughout the area into Loose Ends. dangerously and indiscriminately.
Once the Anomaly is captured, destroyed, or leaves the vicinity of Caddy Tune yourself to any frequency. Touch anything and roll Attentiveness.
Corner, all noise-producing electronics begin working again.
On a success, you tune yourself to the frequency of the touched item or substance,
If it escapes intact, it settles into a new neighborhood and finds a new person to defend. and are able to identify any instances of it within the distance a scream would be
While its instinct is to seek someone else who wants control over the noise around them, it audible (a few blocks in a city, farther in a rural area, very far over still water, etc.) You
could also pair with someone who seeks to control the physical space or emotional state of are able to roughly determine the mass and location of the others, as well as their
those around them. It is unlikely to immediately kill again but will eventually if left unchecked. speed and direction. This effect lasts for as long as you are touching the thing.
Two Jacks begins to thrive again, but Tyran decides to get into art, building on the You may treat all of the items detected this way as a speaker,
Jackie still feels uneasy there. She brings on pieces of rusted metal that Billie left behind. It and the thing you’re touching as a microphone.
Sharif as a new co-owner and focuses on turns out that he has absolutely no talent for
You may stop the motion of all instances of the item or substance by putting
restarting her singing career, using Tony’s it, but he eventually becomes a high school
pressure on the one you’re touching, bringing all to an immediate halt. If
favorite song as her signature number. art teacher who inspires his students.
they were making noise, they cease to do so until the effect ends.
Over time, Sharif changes the look and
feel of the place to add a bit more light and Kaye Renfield, if still alive and relatively
You may jostle all of the things detected this way by rapidly shaking the one
polish and keep the bugs away. He trains unharmed, cocoons herself in her basement
you’re touching. The affected item moves in proportion to its size: a baseball
Simms to be the place’s new bartender. and begins writing a blog post about her
might move wildly while a building may only move imperceptibly.
experiences in Caddy Corner. Though it
Mia continues running the Laundrocade but is meant to be a scathing indictment, it
adds robot battles made from some of the On a failure, you tune yourself to every frequency. The GM selects
attracts more people to the neighborhood,
arcade machine spare parts. She names one of the "On every third 3" effects and everything within the ability’s
increasing the sound around her.
her fiercest robot Manny the Mouth. range experiences that effect until you exit the affected area.
38 39
ANOMALY PROFILE and sent them into the game, where they
are now being held in the king’s dungeon.
The Agency began scouting the area
when locals reported a tall figure in the
cornfields holding a strange metal pole,
The gray-plastic cartridge of 16-bit fantasy roleplaying game “Voyagers of Heroia: Quest for With Markus’ parents captured, the Voyagers thick balls of slime sliding across in the
the Primordial Starseller” sits in the attic of Markus Hile’s childhood home. Facing the death easily took control of the farmhouse roadway, and 16-bit music loud enough to
of its internal battery, a dormant Anomaly born from Markus’ childhood love of the game and began to expand beyond the Hile be heard from several fields away. Now that
is extending its digital world out into our own. The game’s NPC heroes entered Reality to property in search of the Grand Hero. news of the missing couple has broken,
search for The Grand Hero—the child who saved their world and is now a middle-aged man. the Agency is sending a field team.
The cartridge itself gives off intense electrical interference, causing the game’s music and
video to be projected out of speakers and screens up to a mile away. If the Anomaly finds
Markus, its power will grow and the video game world will spread further into Reality.
25 years ago, Markus Hile received a copy of
The entire Hile farmhouse.
the video game Voyagers of Heroia: Quest
for the Primordial Starseller for Christmas Appearance Morning Meetings Mission Briefing
from his grandmother. From the moment Two days ago, a couple was reported
he opened it, he was enraptured. The world A “Voyagers of Heroia: Quest for the X An Agent sees a news story about a rise
Primordial Starseller” video game cartridge, in wildlife deaths in Blackford County, an missing and are now presumed dead
was rich and fantastical. The characters were in the small town of Marion, in the
unlike any he had experienced before. The nestled pristinely among the dust of the area just outside the city. Deer and small
bottom shelf of an old entertainment center animal carcasses have been found by local nearby rural county of Blackford.
writing was dramatic and tragic. It didn’t treat
him like a kid; it treated him like a hero. For holding a small CRT television. “MARKUS” hunters, killed but not eaten. Authorities are The Agency has intercepted several reports
the whole next year, he was obsessed. He is written in a child’s handwriting on top short on details, only stating that deaths of shining figures in the fields at night, loud
carried the manual with him everywhere. He of the cartridge in permanent marker. do not appear to be natural. They are electronic music being heard from up to
gave tips and tricks to all of his friends. He asking folks to keep pets inside for the next a mile away, mangled carcasses of local
wrote fan fiction (before he even knew it was Impulse two weeks as they investigate further. wildlife, and antique workman’s supplies
called that) about his party of voyagers. To claim and defend the farmhouse X An Agent’s Relationship recommends in pristine condition (blacksmithing anvils,
as a stronghold for its people. To a lengthy video essay called looms, metal-banded chests) left by the
Markus moved on to other games and roadside and in ditches, at or near the couple’s
send brave warriors into the Realms Voyagers of Heroia - 25 Years Later.
new consoles, but he always looked fondly farmhouse over the last several months.
Beyond and find the Grand Hero. The video is six hours long.
back on Voyagers of Heroia. Eventually, the
game took a place of honor in his bedroom The sheriff’s department has stated publicly
entertainment center but was never played Current Situation X An Agent’s Relationship is planning a
weekend to unwind in the country, renting that they cleared the house and property
again. Markus moved for college and his Recently, heroes and creatures manifested a house in the rural town of Marion. and found signs of a gunshot, possibly a
parents left his room largely untouched. As from the game world into ours, leading to struggle, and little else. They’ve called in the
everything else aged, the cartridge stayed odd sightings from the farmhouse windows X An Agent’s Relationship asks for help FBI for help, so we need to move before this
pristine, never yellowing nor collecting dust. and by passersby looking into the fields finding a copy of Wanderer, a game of creates Loose Ends on a national level.
at night. The NPC heroes, referred to in- spacefaring airships across a dozen fantasy
The Anomaly remained dormant for years, its planets, that’s been out of print for two Markus Hile, the missing couple’s adult
game as Voyagers, are the most powerful
Focus satisfied by Markus’ powerful childhood decades. They loved it as a kid, but haven’t son, is staying at the Hart Motel in Marion.
of these manifestations: Lorelei the Elvorc,
emotions and affectionate nostalgia, even been able to find a copy anywhere. He’s been cleared as a suspect because
Raymond the Hellmuscle, Kirbash the
at a distance. In recent months, Markus he was in Ternion at the time, and is now
Everblade, and Sentinel the Villain Reborn.
has stopped thinking of the game and the aiding authorities in the search for his
cartridge battery has reached critically low Days ago, there was a confrontation between parents. As the only remaining member
levels. The Anomaly has realized that Markus a Voyager and the Grand Hero’s parents, still of the family to have lived in the house,
is truly gone—and worries he will never living in the farmhouse. Thinking he was face- Agents are advised to interview him.
return. It is taking steps to bring him back. to-face with a real demon, the father grabbed
a gun and fired on Raymond the Hellmuscle,
Focus Voyagers’ horned cleric, after he spawned in
the middle of the couple’s living room. After a
Belief, or wishes, that Heroia
brief struggle, Raymond captured the couple
could be a real place.
42 43
CHAOS EFFECTS Optional Objectives
Introduced in this mission
+1 Commendation for wielding a
An item, small animal, or sound glitches and pixelates momentarily Completing this cheat code will
game-appropriate weapon such as
Corrupt before transforming into a similar object from the Anomaly’s video
a sword, club, bow, or gunblade. add NULL, a glitchy pixelated
game world (like a soda can shifting into a large flagon of mead). vaguely humanoid collection
+3 Commendations for
of boxes wielding a glowing
Barbipede - Violent. A large bone-barbed centipede reaching 100% map discovery
club, to the Agents’ “party.”
with a hundred spined legs, cartoonish grin, and long, (fully exploring every area in
It will follow them around for
snake-like tongue. Faster than you’d expect. and around the farmhouse).
the rest of the mission. An
Shimmersquirrel - Alluring. An enchanting two-tailed squirrel +1 Demerit for fleeing from battle. unfinished character cut early
4 Manifest glowing with divine light, squeaking and leading nearby
humans towards the closet voyager or farmhouse. +3 Demerits for moving in
in the game’s development, it
speaks in a digitally corrupted
the following pattern while in voice, saying only two broken
Bandit - Thieving. A child-sized person dressed head-to-toe in black the farmhouse area: North, battle phrases: “4 K1NG AND
leather armor with a heavy hood and cloth pulled over their face, south, west, east, crouching
strikes out to steal anything useful to the Anomaly or its Anomalies.
GL_rY!!1” and “H4vE @ uu!”
for 5 or more seconds.
8 Quickload
before, instantly moving the Agents back to where they were
at that time and resetting Voyagers, items, etc. Chaos was still
Agents who own their own cars, or who can borrow one from a Mobile
Relationship, may drive themselves the hour and twenty minutes, half of
created and resources used by the Agents are still depleted.
which is spent emerging from downtown’s ubiquitous traffic.
Agents may purchase tickets for the Verdant Hills Country Club shuttle bus that
leaves every hour from a parking lot three blocks away from Agency headquarters.
Special Rule They make a stop at the Hart Motel and their maximum capacity is 15 riders.
The Anomaly reacts defensively to anyone who tries to downplay Heroia
as a real place. Whenever anyone says “it’s just a game” or similar, a Agents who own a helicopter may use it to travel directly to Marion. Agency-
Minor Anomaly manifests for free in the form of any of a variety of classic supplied helicopters come equipped with valid permits allowing them to land in any
Heroia monsters: slimes, laughing imps, mud golems, and more. publicly owned clearing or parking lot within the greater Ternion City metro area.
44 45
The Hart Motel The
The Polic
e Checkpoint
The Hart Motel is eight cinder block-walled rooms and a small pothole-ridden parking The motel is connected to the Hile’s farmland via an empty two-lane country road. Two
lot, rated 1.5/5 stars online. The exterior paint is flaking off and most of the exposed Blackford County Sheriff’s Department squad cars and a yellow crime scene barricade block
metal has grown a solid layer of rust. Bad graffiti covers every open wall. vehicle access to the farmhouse driveway. Yellow and black crime scene tape is strung up
everywhere, running along both sides of the barricade. Two cops lean on the parked cars.
The motel property sits on a large gravel clearing, just off a state road. There's plenty of
room to park or land a helicopter. The shuttle bus drops passengers off at the front door. A news satellite van is parked a few dozen yards down the
road. There’s someone on their phone by the van.
Tinn Granite (he/him), the aging owner, holds down the front desk inside the small
front office. He keeps an unlit cigarette in the corner of his mouth, saving it to smoke
out front before lunch or dinner. He’s old enough for everything to be a pain in his Talking to the Cops
ass. The TV at the end of the counter blares classic game show reruns.
Deputies Vandevender (she/her) and Willmann (he/him) lean against the hood of their
Markus Hile is sitting on a bench outside his motel room, fidgeting with his phone vehicles in the midday sun, complaining about getting put on crime scene babysitting
in one hand and taking long, exasperated drags off a vape with the other. duty again after both of them having to do it for the meth lab explosion last spring.
Vandevender is a short and stout young woman in a standard issue deputy uniform. Polite,
Markus Hile but unhelpful. She has one job, and she intends to do it well. Willmann is a middle-aged,
scrawnier-than-you’d expect man with a blend of department-issued and self-bought
Markus (he/him), the son of the missing couple, is an absent-minded and easygoing tools on his belt. Listens to Deputy Vandevender. Doesn’t make his own decisions.
man under normal circumstances. Now, he’s tapping his foot anxiously, occasionally
talking to himself under his breath as he checks his phone, and is otherwise quiet. A
tall man in his mid-thirties with thick-rimmed glasses and shaggy, dark hair dressed Agents can learn the following easily Agents can learn the following by
in business casual work clothes–wrinkled from sitting and laying too long without by talking confidently to the cops: tricking the cops or dig deeper into
changing. He’s tired, but happy to repeat everything he told the authorities. their minds using Anomaly Abilities:
Vandevender says she isn’t surprised to
see the Agents when they approach. She Police had major radio interference
Agents can learn the following Agents can learn the following by was told that another jurisdiction might issues while on the property, specifically
from Markus if Tinn Granite doesn’t mentioning video games to Markus: be picking this one up soon, but she still at frequency 140.15 MHz. Music, like old
kick them out for loitering: needs to see some official paperwork or video game music, playing from who
Markus loved Voyagers of Heroia as hear it from the Sheriff himself before knows where—must be a transmitter
He can’t think of anyone who would a child, but he hasn’t thought about she’ll let anyone onto the property. nearby. The song changed based on
do something to his parents. He can’t it in a while. He had all the guides, re- where they were on the property.
imagine one of them harming the other. read the manual a hundred times, Neither deputy was on site for the
and still listens to the music from time initial call and following sweep of the The initial investigation found a strange
He talked to them last week to time (especially lo-fi remixes). property. They were both off that door upstairs in the farmhouse,
and things were well. day and overtime wasn’t offered. something they couldn’t break through
His favorite lineup was Lorelei, Kirbash, with any kind of force. They couldn’t
His dad kept guns as a hobby and Raymond. If you did the secret Vandevender tows the line when asked
and cleaned them often, but only even leave a mark. They weren't sure
ending, you could get the big bad evil any specifics. The department put out how best to proceed with something
actually used a few for hunting. guy, the literal god of death, in your their official press release recently and that apparently “seemed like magic,”
They’d mentioned seeing odd things, party for your second playthrough the Agents should read that if they so they reached out to the FBI.
people and animals they didn’t recognize, (which blew his mind at the time). want to know more (it doesn’t tell them
in the fields the last few weeks but anything they don’t already know). Pictures from the initial investigation
His old cartridge is likely still in his show the exterior of the house
nothing ever came of it. Markus teenage bedroom in the farmhouse attic. Vandevender lays out the property line
assumed it was just them getting underwent some kind of wild renovation
specifically to the Agents, pointing out in secret—it looks more like a miniature
more paranoid and fearful with age. His name in all the games back where the Hile property begins and ends.
then was MARKY, since most castle than a farmhouse these days.
He wishes he could go investigate If she finds them in any other part of this
games had a 5 character limit. area, there’ll be hell to pay (unless they’ve
the house himself, but the police
set up a checkpoint, blocking proven their credentials to her previously).
anyone from entering.
46 47
The Hil
e Property Lorelei
Lorelei (she/her) is a lean and lanky woman
Lorelei, like all of the Voyagers,
can only speak using pre-
written voice lines:
Beyond the police checkpoint, A long, gravel driveway lined with aging crabapple trees runs with light green skin, white blonde hair pulled
back into a long ponytail, pink leather armor “I am Lorelei, elvorc princess of
from the passing road all the way up to the front door of the farmhouse. The wind blows the Wooded Way. I do not wish
calmly through the trees here, and rotten crabapples litter the ground. Cornfields extend from and a collapsible, silver shining spear at her
side. In Heroia, she’s known as an elvorc, a to harm you, unless I must.”
either side of the driveway, shifting in the wind, and run along the edges of the property
blend of a classic fantasy elf and orc with “I am searching this place for the Grand
Anyone attempting to sneak in will need to jump or cut the fences running pointy ears and equally pointy teeth. She’s an Hero. Do you know the way to him?”
along the field’s perimeter. Once through the fields, the farmhouse, expert ranger, capable of tracking and hunting
barn, and grain bin all sit around a gravel yard at the center. every beast in Heroia with ease. She is carrying “My land–our whole world–is dying.
the Forest Crest. Lorelei functions like a strong It was slow at first, small changes.
Minor Anomaly with Threat: 4, Stability: 2. Forgotten legends, misremembered
names, and miscounted gold. But now,
Lorelei stalks any who enter the property the Grand Hero’s work is unraveling,
surrounding the farmhouse. She attempts
Grain Bin to follow, unnoticed, and learn what she can
from the Agents: both what information they
and more and more of the world
is forgetting what was done and is
going back to how it was before.”
know regarding the Grand Hero but also
Corn in hundreds of meters in every direction. The dirt between rows is clumpy
and dry, easy to trip over if you don’t watch your footing. Visibility is limited,
even during the day. It’s hard to see anything that isn’t in the same row. One of
the Anomaly’s Voyagers is here, stalking those who enter the cornfields.
Beyond the farmhouse is a wide steel grain bin to one side and a red barn to the other.
If the Agents linger, they notice glowing eyes and scratching sounds in the
shadows between the rows of corn, here one moment and gone the next.
A shining silver spear sticks out above the corn. If Agents say anything out
loud about the spear, Lorelei hears and pulls it hastily out of sight.
48 49
The Barn The
The Grain Bin
A large red barn filled with old piles of hay, rotting wood, and dozens of feral cats. An aging steel grain bin, nearly empty. At ground level, a door sits ajar leading into the
A crooked staircase leads up to a hayloft. The cats, eyes glowing in the dim light, sit interior. A thin layer of dried corn covers the bottom, but the bin was emptied in preparation
atop stacks of hay bales and boxes of old equipment. A musclebound Voyager is for a new harvest. The inside is dark, with light coming only through the doorway.
here, asleep on the hay, spooning his giant maul and covered in sleeping cats.
Raymond Raymond, like all of the Kirbash Kirbash, like all of the Voyagers,
Voyagers, can only speak using can only speak using pre-
Raymond (he/him) is a beefy, horned battle pre-written voice lines: Kirbash (she/her) is a loyal and proud written voice lines:
cleric in full plate mail carrying a tremendous warrior in green banded mail, ornately
maul—in Heroia, he’s known as a hellmuscle, “Worry not, your downfall is for decorated with a variety of grazing “Hello, NAME. I am Kirbash. We must
a hulking demon of rippling muscle and little a good cause. Embrace it!” creatures and wielding a fine curved blade. hurry to QUEST LOCATION.”
sense played for comedic effect whenever “Do not stand between me She is carrying a yellow, diamond-shaped “We’re forgetting, you know. The entire
they’re encountered in-game. If awoken, he is and the Grand Hero!” crest with images of rolling fields on her world is forgetting. I cannot let my world
enthusiastically combative. For him, fighting is necklace. Kirbash functions like a strong fall back into the Dark Times. The Council
fun. A red, diamond-shaped crest emblazoned “Ha-HA! You are a fine partner Minor Anomaly with Threat: 3, Stability: 3. of Mages were right to send us.”
with mountains is pinned to his belt. in this dangerous dance!”
Unlike the other Voyagers, Kirbash has almost “It’s important that we ACTIVE QUEST. I
Raymond functions like a strong Minor “What strength! You’ll have to show me entirely forgotten her quest and herself. won’t wait for CHARACTER any longer.”
Anomaly with Threat: 2, Stability: 4. your training routine after I CRUSH YOU!”
If the Agents are not hostile towards her “We had to leave. Had to come
If the Agents wake him, he jumps to his feet, “There is no conflict I have failed and give her any information about her quest, here. The future of the world
grabs his maul, and stands proudly before to overcome! This is no different!” the Grand Hero or even herself, especially depends on PLAYER NAME.”
them. Like the other Voyagers, Raymond is only - This line repeats after the anything concrete (like a picture of the Grand
able to speak in pre-written lines of dialogue: others have been spoken. Hero or a scrap of a video game manual
“You wake me for a good fight, I hope!” bearing her image and name), she sheathes
He can recombine his lines into new her blade and bows to them, granting them
He looks over the Agents, staying at a phrases (“Embrace . . . partner . . . the Plains Crest and saying, “Find the others.
defensive distance, and says “Take me to no. . . downfall . . . ha-HA!”) but it’s a I remember there were others like me.”
see the Grand Hero–or taste my maul!” frustrating and difficult process for him.
If they do not provide information within a
He gives the group one chance to few minutes or appear hostile, she attacks out
answer him favorably before rushing of frustration and misguided rage, still speaking
headlong into battle against them. her voice lines cryptically throughout the fight.
If they offer to take him to the Grand
Hero, he gives the cats several quick pets
before joining the Agents, ready to go.
50 51
The Farmhous
e The
The Locked Attic
A two-story whitewashed farmhouse with a large front porch looking out towards the road. The hatch has a seam down the middle but is held closed by a shining metal seal with three
On the backside, a rusted windmill resting above an old concrete well creaks in the wind. diamond-shaped slots resting at its center. There is no other way into the attic–no Anomalous
abilities or mundane tools can break through here. If Agents try to place something other than the
On closer inspection, many details about the structure are off. The attic level is Crests into the indentations, a 2D menu appears above the door. In a pixelated font, the menu reads:
constructed of large carved stones, painted white in line with the rest of the house.
There are thin openings every dozen feet or so along the stone, like an old castle’s arrow IT DOESN’T WORK. YOU REMEMBER THE OLD MAN’S WORDS: THE GATE
slits. A red and yellow medieval pennant hangs from the back of the windmill. OF HEROIA OPENS ONLY WHEN THE THREE CRESTS ARE UNITED.
Someone has tracked dirt onto the porch and into the house. Torn police tape flaps in When all three of the Heroian crests (the Forest Crest, the Mountain Crest, and the Plains
the wind across the slightly open front door. There’s no sign of any struggle here. A Crest) are inserted into the seal, it falls away, allowing the hatch to open. A gilded spiral
crude metal tankard sits tossed aside in the yard. Instead of a porch light, iron sconces staircase magically lowers from above. If Agents do not have all the crests, they will need to look
sit to either side of the front door. This is the Anomaly’s Domain now, and anything that for them on the property. When the seal is broken, Anomaly abilities are usable here again.
tracks Anomalous energy can see that this renovation wasn’t done by humans.
Crunchy electronic music can be heard through the doorway and lights Markus’ Room
move behind the curtains on the top floor of the house.
Agents can climb the spiral staircase and enter the attic of the Hile
Farmhouse, which was the childhood bedroom of Markus Hile. The room
First Floor Second Floor is dusty, but otherwise exactly as it looked 20 years ago.
This place is torn apart. The living room, The second floor is protected by an invisible, The Anomaly sits at the base of a wooden entertainment center beneath an aging CRT
kitchen, and dining room are ransacked. impenetrable, and indestructible forcefield. television and a yellowing game console across from the bed. A large, four-paneled window
The bloodstains in the living room, hidden It is immune to all affects, even Anomalous. looks out into a pixelated fantasy landscape. In the center of the room hovers Sentinel.
amongst the destruction, are marked off with If Agents try to use an Anomalous ability
caution tape. There’s not enough blood here to access or destroy something on the
for someone to have died from blood loss. second floor, a 2D menu appears in front of Sentinel
them. In a pixelated font, the menu reads: Sentinel (it/its) is an ethereal shade in the
The china cabinet is smashed in from a The Anomaly itself is shielded from physical
massive point at its center. At the opposite IT DOESN’T WORK. YOU REMEMBER image of a towering grim reaper. It floats damage and manipulation by a runic barrier,
side of the room, dozens of small holes have THE OLD MAN’S WORDS: THE GATE threateningly, with its long scythe held pulled out of the game world and into our own.
torn away at the wallpaper and drywall, OF HEROIA OPENS ONLY WHEN at the ready, between the stairs and the It cannot be damaged by conventional means
evidence of a shotgun blast. Another crater of THE THREE CRESTS ARE UNITED. cartridge, shining behind it from the bottom or moved as long as Sentinel protects it.
similar size marks the wall near the kitchen. shelf of the entertainment center. A scroll
Chaos created for rolls canceled in this case hangs from its belt, partially visible Touching the Anomaly pulls anyone
Several glass bottles sit empty in one corner, way is used as soon as possible on only through the semi-translucent robes. into the game world and directly
their corks tossed all across the room–some Corrupt or Expand Chaos effects. into the final encounter.
have a few drops of brightly-colored liquid This scroll is the King’s Decree, a scroll
A wide hallway connects two small empowering any who carry it to do If Sentinel attacks, it first casts a
inside, red, blue, or green. A fine handmade
bedrooms to the left (both used as offices whatever they feel is best to ensure powerful spell to begin the Encounter.
tapestry of two dragons fighting hangs at an
by the older Hiles) a master bedroom to the the survival of Heroia. All citizens of the Sentinel functions like a strong Minor
angle from a dagger stabbed into the wall.
right, and a small bathroom at the end. land (including the Voyagers) must heed Anomaly with Threat: 3, Stability: 10.
Upon closer inspection, small bloodstains these commands of the carrier.
Like the first floor, everything here has Sentinel can speek more freely than
follow a clearing in the chaos leading
been rummaged through or shows signs of Sentinel acts much as its name suggests, the other Voyagers, but is less inclined
into the hallway and up the stairs.
nesting wildlife, all of which seems unearthly— as a guard keeping watch on the Anomaly toward long conversations.
loose rainbow-colored feathers, drops of itself. It is only interested in keeping outsiders
silver slime, piles of perfectly spiral-shaped away, keeping the Anomaly safe, and
droppings. The blood trails through the bringing the Grand Hero back into the digital
wreckage, across the floor and down the hall. world. Even with all of the Heroian Crests,
the Agents will need to bring Markus here
On the ceiling in the middle of the or have allied directly with all of the other
hallway, a massive wooden hatch Voyagers in order to convince Sentinel to
blocks the entrance to the attic. allow them to pass and access the Anomaly.
52 53
If anyone approaches, the cartridge triggers an Anomalous effect, appearing to expand
the game world out into our world more than ever before and placing the Agents, any
nearby characters and all of the remaining Voyagers in the world of the game.
Jailbreak Boss Rush
The top level of the farmhouse explodes The castle, far too massive to fit within the
out as magic energy spills forth, stretching Hile property under normal circumstances,
and transforming the entire Hile property towers behind the farmhouse. Glitchy, pixelated
into a miles-wide fantasy landscape. The darkness hangs on the horizon as all of the
ground below the Agents glitches as they beasts and creatures of outer Heroia surround
enter, and each is dropped into a separate the castle as the game world beyond this
cell in the dungeon. A single stone stairway central area is slowly dying with the battery.
leads up to the surface. In each cell with the
Agents are pixelated versions of themselves Hundreds of warriors in shining armor hold 3 THREAT 4 THREAT 2 THREAT 3 THREAT
back a growing tide of creatures (huge
in black and gray. Each is carrying a shining
silver key to the cell. They mirror the abilities purple worms, wyverns, ogres, a horde of 10 STABILITY 2 STABILITY 4 STABILITY 3 STABILITY
and weapons of each Agent, and can only slimes, and more) surrounding the castle.
be defeated by the Agent recognizing a In a clearing just behind this front line, all
weakness in themselves they can exploit. surviving Voyagers (including Sentinel) rush
in towards the Agents, ready to attack! Turn-Based Combat
In the only other cell, Markus’ parents sit
crying and confused. Unlike most characters If Sentinel granted the Agents access into
During the Boss Rush encounter, the Anomaly can impose the turn-based team
within the game, the couple speak the digital world, the trial is the same. Sentinel
combat restrictions used in Voyagers of Heroia on the Voyagers and Agents alike.
normally. The silver keys are all identical, tells the Agents as much: “The King must
and any one can open their cell, too. know you are powerful enough to truly The Agents and Voyagers each take turns acting against one another,
protect Heroia and take up the mantle as as units. The Voyagers act first, attacking as one; the Agents then must
Heading up the stairs leads back up to the saviors of the realm. We must know that coordinate a unified strategy to use Abilities or Reality Adjustment Requests
surface, through double doors that open we have found our Grand Hero once more.” in order to defend themselves. Then, the Agents may act as one, aligning
behind a castle amidst a massive battle. on a plan that uses a single Reality Adjustment or Anomaly Ability.
Endgames During this confrontation, the Voyagers have access to their Special Techniques.
These include Summons, which act as single-use elemental attacks such as a rain
If the Agents are successful in defeating the Voyagers, the game world and all its of fireballs or giant spikes emerging from the ground below; Tactics, which involve
inhabitants freeze in place. The Anomaly, in the form of the game’s king, leaves the castle pairs of Voyagers using their abilities or weapons in tandem; and Items, which
and approaches the Agents. It asks if one of them (prioritizing Markus, if he’s with the may cure them of ongoing effects applied by the Agents’ Abilities. The Voyagers
party) will stay to keep the world alive, as it needs a person’s mind to truly exist. also have 3 Heal-All potions that will restore 1 Stability to all Voyagers when used.
If someone stays in the game world, the Anomaly is pleased and the world will begin to return–
the cartridge will continue as a persistent portal into the alternate world of Heroia. If no one
will, the Anomaly will ask if the Voyagers might be allowed to continue to live in the world, and
become their own people somewhere that is not doomed to fade away. If the Agents agree,
the Voyagers will begin to adapt to the modern world and try to fit in within it–but the Anomaly
will transfer all of its energy to them, and the Agency will consider this an escaped Anomaly.
The Anomaly does not have any more bargaining chips, and cannot stop Agents
from capturing or destroying it. It does not wish harm on the Hiles, and as
long as it is not destroyed prematurely it will release Markus’ parents.
If the Agents are defeated, the Anomaly will escape by putting all of its energy
into making the Voyagers fully real and sending them out into the world.
54 55
AFTERMATH Vault Requisition: King’s Decree
This scroll bears the seal of the King of Heroia, and contains three
Anomaly Captured Anomaly Escaped commands. By reading the royal inscription and any amount of
the commands to a target, they become bound to obey:
The Agency uses it to spearhead a The Voyagers, in their world’s final moments,
Weaponized Nostalgia division within R&D, fully actualize, becoming real physical X The target must face you in single combat, to submission.
leading to the release of “Voyagers of beings. For the first time, they are able to
Heroia: Quest for the Primordial Starseller | carry the cartridge with them and escape X The target must supply you for a long and perilous journey.
REMASTER - 30th Anniversary Edition” via into the nearby fields and forests. X For the next week, the target must collect a tax on themselves for a mundane
an Agency takeover of DayJump Studios. activity of your choosing (the first egg produced by each chicken, a dollar each
If the Agents chose to let them go, their
future is highly suggestible by the Agents time you swear, etc.) and surrender any goods collected in this way to you.
Anomaly Neutralized who maintain a relationship with them. After you’ve compelled a target to follow one of the Commands, mark it as
For the next month, anyone within a mile used. After all Commands have been used, the scroll crumbles to ash.
If they escaped by defeating the Agents,
of the Hile farmhouse using electronics
the Voyagers take up a new quest: to
hears distant screams from speakers or
resurrect their fallen world. The area is home
headphones and sees pixelating figures of
to regular sightings of strange creatures
light fading away on screens on startup.
and questionable individuals roaming the
country road at night, but there are no Anomaly Ability: Side Quest
more missing persons or unusual killings.
Ask a bystander for an object you seek. Say to someone: “Hail and well met. Do
you know where I can find…” and then an object you seek. Roll Presence.
Loose Ends On a success, the target has knowledge of, access to, or possession of the sought
object – you choose. The target will trade it to you in exchange for 9 of something
The Parents: They are both retired and are looking to have a quiet rest of their life, not go out as you don’t currently have, but have seen earlier today (bus tickets, chocolate
odd conspiracy theorists that no one will likely believe. They are Loose Ends, but if pushed will cupcakes, photographs of men named Charles, etc.) Your GM will choose.
bottle the whole situation up enough to never spread their knowledge. If the Anomaly is destroyed
before they’re saved, the parents are destroyed along with it as residents of its digital world.
For each additional 3, the target requires one less of the thing
Markus, the Grand Hero: If Markus was brought in to aid in handling the Anomaly, you don’t currently have, to a minimum of zero.
he will be a tricky Loose End to clear up. If the Anomaly is captured, he’s of special
interest to the Agency for their upcoming Weaponized Nostalgia project in R&D On a failure, the target has no knowledge of, access to, or possession of the sought
and would be invited to take up a permanent occupation within the Agency. object. They loudly refuse to leave your side until after you have collected 100 of
something you don't currently have, but have seen earlier today. Your GM will choose.
56 57
FWD: they showed back up
MANAGEMENT <mgmt@tagency.nul>
To: me
Ternion City
The recent acquisition of the building
inspector has provided a wealth of
#641 (the Anomaly) has no corporeal form and information to #641 about building codes
Zbarro #641 is a decommissioned corporate Italian dining establishment located in the basement instead presents itself as either a mass of pizza and real estate. As such, #641 has started
promenade of the Wuhan-Baxter corporate headquarters that has gained sentience over the last 25 dough in the rough shape of a large snake, or sending some of its creations out into the
years. Originally assuming a physical form using expired pizza dough, #641 has slowly perfected the by inhabiting one of its many “customers”. world to advance its plan of reopening the
art of creating near perfect copies of human beings using corpses and dough: Doughplegangers. restaurant through entrepreneurship.
These Doughplegangers are the fruits of
With each victim, #641’s intelligence and knowledge of the outside world grows. With its latest #641’s gruesome rebuilding process, most
victims, it has learned of something called “commercial real estate” and has set into motion a plan. seated at the tables or strung up in the Current Situation
kitchen. #641 can inhabit one of these bodies It has been six days since #641 took the
at a time without a problem and can inhabit building inspector and two contractors and
History power on a TV/VCR, starting a training video them all for a short period with some strain. 12 hours since their Doughplegangers were
for Zbarro #641. With rapt attention, this returned. #641 returned the Doughplegangers
Zbarro #641 was opened in May 1985 in the
newly built Wuhan-Baxter promenade, a
wild and loose consciousness formed itself
around the idea that it was, in fact, Zbarro
Impulse of the missing workers in order to stop the
investigators from discovering its lair.
high-tech shopping mall concept intended #641 and set about trying to set things back To reopen and operate Zbarro #641 as a
to be the ultimate retail experience of the to normal by becoming a functioning eatery. successful and satisfying dining destination. Work on the renovation was halted as
21st century. After the concept flopped due This commitment became its Focus. Until recently, this meant luring people contractors, building employees, and
to being “just another mall”, the corporation into the sub-basement, suffocating them police searched for the missing workers
slowly abandoned the space, letting it To achieve this goal, #641 has been in dough and dragging/crushing their but is set to resume in 24 hours. The area
languish into an upjumped cafeteria. abducting and assimilating people from bodies through the floor of the walk-in to is very active and #641 is cautious not
the building and its surroundings for years. rebuild them as customers and staff. to attract too much attention to itself.
In July 1997, a test subject from WB’s #641 assimilates these victims into its
experimental laboratory on level six escaped. consciousness before replacing their internal
The subject’s failsafe was activated as they organs with an equivalent amount of expired
entered Zbarro #641, a detonation resulting in pizza dough that it can control. These
several casualties. Wuhan-Baxter emergency
containment protocol covered up the incident;
doubles are able to move and speak short
sentences without #641s direct control but PRE-BAKE
a gas leak was reported and the restaurant do not technically “think” outside of whatever
was sealed behind a wall. In the intervening simple directive they have been given.
years, the restaurant was forgotten. A Triangle
Last December, building maintenance Morning Meetings
Agency field team investigated this incident at
the time and found no evidence of an Anomaly. secured funding to renovate the X A Relationship close to an Agent works
Optional Objectives
sublevel promenade into a dedicated for a Wuhan-Baxter subsidiary and talks
#641 was born into this world on that night corporate canteen and coworking space. about the missing workers over a meal.
in 1997. Upon the expiration of the escaped Construction began earlier this month. +3 Commendations for the first time
test subject and the customers unfortunate X A news briefing over the radio details each Agent sits in a chair backwards.
enough to be in the vicinity, the collected Focus the “Ternion City pizza wars”, an +1 Commendation for each historical
thoughts and emotions of these victims informal competition between various artifact inspected (floorplans,
coalesced into a roiling consciousness. The Admiration, respect, and satisfaction directed restaurants in the city to determine photographs, pamphlets, etc.)
corpses were moved by Wuhan-Baxter into at the food and operations of Zbarro #641. the city’s signature pizza style.
the restaurant’s walk-in freezer to await +1 Commendation for the first 3
pizza-based puns an Agent makes.
transport, where this consciousness settled Domain X The cable access show “All American
Mall Disasters” featured the 1997
and seeped into the structure, artificially +3 Demerits for each pizza-
creating a Hollow: an Anomaly without a Focus. #641’s Domain is the entire former Zbarro Zbarro incident in a recent episode.
This was noted in the Monday Morning based pun after the third.
space sealed behind a reinforced wall in
After the clean-up and sealing of the the Wuhan-Baxter Promenade. The most Mandatory Reality Television Briefing.
restaurant, the newly minted Hollow ventured concentrated Anomalous resonance in the
out of its tomb, prodding at various ephemera restaurant is located in the walk-in freezer
in the back of the restaurant. It tripped the where the raw consciousness of #641 resides.
60 61
Mission Briefing
Six days ago, two contractors and a building inspector went missing in the sub-
basement of the Wuhan-Baxter Corporate Headquarters while working on a
renovation of the building’s public promenade. Two days ago, they reappeared. In the
media they were described as “pale” and “calm” but otherwise unresponsive.
Corrupt All changes must involve pizza or its ingredients in some way.
Though no overt injuries were observed, the returned were taken to St. Mary’s Hospital
for observation after paramedics determined that, despite their normal shape, they
were missing all of their bones. The Agency suspects this is due to an Anomaly.
#641 calls its Doughplegangers: meat and dough puppets
1997 Zbarro Incident WB Promenade History created from the corpses of its victims. #641 is able to set
these to perform mundane tasks or collect information
An accident at the promenade in 1997 may
be connected to the current situation.
The promenade, formerly a mall
and food court, is under complete 4 Manifest but can only directly control one at a time from afar.
These will most often be Impersonating Anomalies, but
renovation to convert the space into a
The official WB incident report lists a gas can sacrifice their realistic shape to fulfill other purposes.
coworking center and lunch hall.
leak and subsequent explosion as the The more created at once the braver they become.
cause of the incident. A pizza restaurant The records office at Ternion City Hall will
was apparently destroyed. Police and Fire hold records of the building’s construction
Investigator reports (dated weeks after the and renovations. It’s possible something The smell of an unbelievably delicious pizza will lure people
WB report) concur with this evaluation. about the building itself could explain how
14 casualties were reported but only 13 were
the Anomaly remained hidden since 1997. 5 Attract
near an entrance to the sub-basement, allowing #641 to drag
them in. Some are in danger of being consumed, and some are
identified. Triangle Agency investigated at forced to be a “customer” audience in the boarded-up Zbarro.
the time, but found no Anomaly. It’s possible
that the Field Team then missed something. If it feels threatened or is given time to grow bold,
#641 may move into other neighboring businesses and
The lack of details available on this incident
are not surprising for the private sector but
6 Expand start replacing their employees, as well. If it finishes
construction on a new location, it will use Expand and
do speak to some degree of malfeasance. arrange to move its main body to that location.
The company has shown a keen interest in our Agency, and our own records
of their activity and intentions are, at best, incomplete. It is therefore safe
to assume that they know enough to jeopardize our operations.
62 63
A SLICE OF MYSTERY Wuhan-Baxter Headquarters
Wuhan-Baxter headquarters towers over the street below. The glass and marble lobby leads
City Hall to the elevators that take employees to the offices and laboratories above, as well as a set of
escalators leading down to a promenade. The building has 4,500 employees over its 66 levels. All
levels above the lobby are keycard-access only and off limits to non-Wuhan-Baxter personnel.
Agents can visit the Department of Records at city hall to gather preliminary information.
The promenade is partially closed as crews are working on a complete renovation,
Sonya Greenberg adding new retail spaces and dining options to increase the building’s foot traffic.
Unless noted, all areas of the building are under CCTV surveillance. Restricted
Sonya Greenberg (she/her) is the custodian of records and is happy to help the
access doors require electronic keycards from the security office.
Agents locate records of the Wuhan-Baxter building if asked, though she does
know about the disappearances and will inquire about the Agents’ intentions.
Lobby and Promenade ARC Teams
Agents can learn the following from Agents can learn the following only In the center of the lobby is a wraparound
marble slab desk where a security officer Wuhan-Baxter is a globally recognized
Sonya with a good excuse to need it: if they earn Sonya’s trust, have
monitors a bank of CCTVs. The lobby name in the private security sector. It
at least a B.A. in urban planning,
The records dept began digitizing their houses the Security Office and the Leasing should come as no surprise that its own
or use Anomalous methods:
files in 2001 but primarily concentrated Office, and the only businesses open in in-house security units have a reputation
on up-to-date floorplans. Any files from Examining the building inspector’s the under-construction promenade are for effectiveness and brutality. These
1990 or earlier are still in filing cabinets. logs (undigitized, located in a large CopyTown and Brad’s Chicken and Fish. units are, despite our ongoing trademark
volume deep in the records dept.) of infringement case, known as ARC (Asset
Built in 1922 as the Baxter Company the Wuhan-Baxter building between The receptionist (Clea [she/they] during the Recovery and Containment) Teams.
Headquarters, the Wuhan-Baxter building 1997 and 1998 reveals a significant day, Markus [he/him] after hours) is happy to
is a staple of the city’s skyline. The help direct Agents to the promenade or any Our competitive analysis indicates that,
reduction in the reported square footage
promenade was completed in 1985. lobby offices, and is fairly knowledgeable about given a neutral playing field, an average
of the promenade, but no change
the immediate area around the building. Field Team will be neutralized by an
The floorplan submitted in 1984 for in the external shape. Sonya would
ARC Team before the Field Team is
permitting clearly shows four additional normally report something like this as
If asked about the building’s history, they even aware it has made contact. ARC
food stalls not present in the modern possible tax evasion, but the city never
aren’t particularly helpful but know that the teams’ tactics are impeccably honed by
promenade. Photographs accompany does anything that would hurt WB.
lobby promenade was once very popular, continuous deployment in some of the
the file and show Sandwich Witch, Curiously, the records do not contain and that the renovation is hopefully going world’s most notorious combat zones,
Smoky’s Canadian BBQ, Milk Corner, the original (1922) floor plan. Sonya to revitalize it. No employees will discuss and excel at conventional urban combat
and the Zbarro which was the explains that the records department Wuhan-Baxter business or any details tactics such as ambushes, pincer moves,
source of the “gas leak” incident. was previously located in the basement of what the upper floors contain. and the liberal employment of snipers.
of City Hall and flooded in 1971, destroying Agents who attract the attention of an
Asking too many questions at any monitored ARC team would be wise to make travel
many of the city’s original records.
location draws attention from WB security arrangements to accommodate multiple
Sonya interacts with WB most often and Carnby and Laroche (see St. Mary’s trips from the Agency break room to
because their people regularly Hospital), who will follow the Agents. the theater of operation in the Field.
request the records for a skyscraper
Venturing into unauthorized areas Agents are not totally helpless when
downtown that does not exist as
and being seen or caught on camera confronted with ARC teams, however.
far as she can tell. This is Triangle
will draw attention from an armed We advise a focus on indirect
Agency’s Ternion headquarters.
security team called an ARC team. methods of psychological warfare
such as disrupting communications,
creating decoys, offering bribes,
and threatening the safety of their
closest mundane companions.
64 65
Lobby Locations Promenade Locations
Security Office Leasing Office CopyTown Brad’s Chicken and Fish
The maintenance and management office The leasing office is headed by Sheryl CopyTown is a full-service copy center Brad’s Chicken and Fish is open from 11:00
is near the escalators. This holds the lobby Bronker (she/her), a kind woman in her mid- and is open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, am to 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday. At
security lounge and commercial leasing 50s. She gladly meets anyone interested Monday through Friday. It is staffed by three lunch, the restaurant is slammed. Brad (he/
offices. If requested, the head of security, in leasing a space in the promenade. 20-somethings that all kind of look the same. him) and Cynthia Gore (she/her), the owners
Danbury (she/her), will speak with Agents. and operators, are kind people. They are
However, without federal-level clearance, Agents can learn the following easily The back room of the shop is crammed happy to talk to Agents if it is not too busy.
she can’t reveal anything helpful. by pretending to consider a lease: with old machinery and smells strongly of
clove cigarettes and marijuana. The CCTV Agents can learn the following
Agents can learn the following She has had some odd meetings with camera is recording to a small television easily by trying the chicken
by getting (or faking) federal- people recently trying to lease a space and VCR, but the tape is not recording. and talking to the owners:
level clearance, or using in the promenade that doesn’t exist. Two
Anomalous methods: men have inquired about a stall that is not Agents can learn the following by There is a locked door in their kitchen
on the floor plan, which she shows the putting pressure on the employees that leads to Sub-Basement 1.
The missing employees disappeared Agents. The floor plan is dated June 1998. or using Anomalous abilities:
Brad is pretty sure the door is a
after entering the sub-basement
She points to the wall that covers This store has an access hatch to Sub- maintenance hatch to the sub-
through the stairwell entrance.
the Zbarro and tells the Agents that Basement 1 behind an ancient copier. basement. They don’t have keys.
The area was searched thoroughly there is nothing there and never
has been, as far as she knows, One year ago, a former employee snuck Sometimes when Brad stays late, he
and no trace of them was found.
and she told the men as much. into the sub-basement to smoke and can hear something moving behind the
The only notable thing was a few
didn’t come back out for a full day. The door. Cynthia thinks it’s rats. Brad doesn’t
clumps of fresh pizza dough.
The promenade renovation is being other employees were too scared to go think rats would sound quite so wet.
CCTV shows the missing employees led by two Wuhan-Baxter engineers, after them and even more scared to call
returning to the promenade through Derby (he/him) and Folk (she/her), the cops. When the missing employee
the door behind the escalators. who come down to the site only came back up, they just walked out of the
when there is a pressing issue. job without speaking, smelling strongly
There’s a story building security tells of oregano. Since then, they keep the
about the promenade being haunted– Day-to-day operations of the job are heaviest copier against the hatch.
they’ve heard noises in the walls. handled by O’Rourke Commercial
Contracting, a family-owned contracting
company from across the river. Sub-Basement 1 Agents can learn the following
easily while covering their
Sub-basement 1 can be accessed through mouths or coughing too loud:
the hatches in the backrooms of the
Pizza Spy promenade’s businesses or via a stairwell The dust isn’t just dust. It’s a dried,
behind the escalators. Access to the stairwell flour-based dough. Larger patches
One of the mall visitors stands in the lobby staring into the middle distance, is limited, monitored by CCTV, and requires of this dough appear still stuck
unblinking. After a few minutes it will leave the building, walk around the corner to a keycard from the security office to enter near the ceiling of the corridor.
the alley behind the building and crawl under a dumpster where rats will pick at it. without triggering the alarm system. The dough-dust trails to a maintenance
This is a Doughpleganger (a cunning and convincing facsimile of a person created by The sub-basement is in disarray: tight corridors junction and dead end. The pipes
#641 out of pizza dough) sent by #641 to monitor the office. When night falls, #641 stacked with boxes recently overturned of the junction are covered in old
will call a portion of the creature back to the Zbarro and examine its memories. during the search for the missing workers; flour and dark, dried blood.
Agents who follow and examine the creature under the dumpster old file cabinets rusting under the yellow There’s a large hole in the ceiling,
will witness tendrils of dough slither from its head into cracks in the hiss of work lights; stale air stirring at Agent partially concealed by conduits and
building’s foundation. In the morning, these dough-worms will return movement with huge amounts of dust. pipes, the precipice of which is caked
and the creature will begin its surveillance loop once again. Police tape covers the doors leading into side in this dough/blood concoction.
corridors. Evidence markers lie here and there.
There is no CCTV in the sub-basement. Cables have been hastily spliced
into the power lines and fed
into the hole in the ceiling.
66 67
Follow-Up Locations Culinary Corridor
The hole in the ceiling opens into another, more finished corridor. Old emergency
Contractors' “Office” St. Mary’s Hospital lights feebly illuminate the space. The walls here are covered in even more flour
The contractors in charge of the promenade If the Agents head to the hospital to follow and blood. The cables continue to creep across the floor down the corridor
project, the O’Rourkes, can all be found in up with the returned employees, they are and around the corner. Once the last Agent has ascended into the corridor,
the “temporary contractors' office” on the confronted by Carnby (she/her) and Laroche a scurrying sound begins to grow in volume from down the corridor.
promenade level which is a large board (he/him), police detectives assigned to the case.
laid across two saw horses, three laptop
Carnby suspects the Agents are up to The Pizza Rats Cometh
computers and a mass of blueprints.
something and asks questions about their A dozen slow-moving rats wriggle into view. The rats are strangely bulbous, their
The O’Rourkes are honest tradespeople affiliation and their business with the case. eyes caked shut with red sauce. The pizza rats are easy to evade and dispatch,
producing quality work. Because of the Laroche stays silent unless Carnby asks for but if they manage to bite an Agent they will begin filling the bitten limb with
stoppage, only three contractors are on site: help. Neither of the detectives voluntarily #641’s dough. This deals 1 Harm every 3 seconds it remains attached.
Jim O’Rourke (he/him) the visibly exhausted allow Agents to interview the employees,
foreman with an imposing form, his sister Jill even with federal-level clearance: they’ll insist After clearing out the rats, following the cables leads Agents around the corner. The corridor
(she/her) the company’s HR representative they need to clear it with their superiors. stretches at least 500 feet into the distance, a blood red exit sign breaking the pitch dark
who is barely keeping it together and looking at the end of the tunnel. There are two doors on the right side of the corridor and a single
for glasses that are on top of her head, and All three employees are held in the same room. door on the left (welded shut) next to a large hole in the wall that the cables snake into.
their cousin Jules (she/her) their in-house Each of them rests in a hospital bed, eyes
counsel who is visibly disheveled and gesturing open, staring at the ceiling. They’re unable to Next to the welded door on the left of the corridor is a large hole in
wildly while talking on her cell phone. answer questions or respond to inquiries. the wall that leads into the walk-in freezer of Zbarro #641.
While Jim and Jules are busy Agents can learn the following
trying to get their project back about the victims by finding a Break Room Manager’s Office
on track, Jill will give the Agents way around the detectives:
the following information: The first room on the right opens into a The second room on the right is a small
They are missing all of their bones. small employee break room filled with office barely larger than a closet. A cramped
The missing employees were found piles of bones. Entering the room causes desk contains a large computer monitor
They are filled with an
covered in some kind of powder. bones to tumble from their piles and slide and tower. A shelf above holds large red
unknown substance.
across the floor in a dragging rattle. three-ring binders labeled “Management
None of them were able to speak, so Sudden jostling or movement will Guidelines, Training, Closing Procedures,
they were taken to St Mary’s Hospital. Agents can learn the following Payroll, Conflict Resolution, Cashout”.
cause thick, red liquid to leak from
by taking enough time to inspect Each is stamped with the Zbarro logo.
Jill overheard one of the EMTs their eyes and the corners of their
the bones that three more
claim that the returned employees mouths. Analyzing the liquid reveals the
pizza rats will find them: A uniform hangs behind the door. The name
did not have pulses. unknown substance to be pizza sauce.
tag reads “Bran Carlo - General Manager”.
The older piles toward the back of the
room, near the refrigerator, contain
Down the Hatch more broken and shattered bones
whereas the newer piles around the
Aside from knocking down the barrier wall in the promenade (which causes #641 to release foosball table are cleaner, some with
all its “customers” into the rest of the building), the only way into the Zbarro is through a hole their tendon structures still intact.
in the ceiling of Sub-Basement 1. This hole was originally a drain in the Zbarro’s walk-in freezer
that #641 slowly expanded until it was large enough for bodies to pass into the restaurant. A rough count of the bones
The investigation teams have not yet gone through the hole, and don’t realize it’s relevant. reveals 22 human adults, 5 cats,
37 rats and a chimpanzee.
68 69
Inside the Zbarro Dining Room
Agents can learn the following
The double-hung kitchen door swings freely easily if they’re brave enough to
A long abandoned and forgotten eatery that has been reclaimed by #641. Hijacked power allows on squeaky hinges as it leads behind the walk past the grisly crowd:
the surviving bulbs in the ceiling to illuminate the moldering eatery in a sickly yellow haze. counter in the dining room. The cashier is
just another grim decoration. Past the glass At the far end of the room is the original
guard of the counter, a dozen tables–half entrance to the restaurant, covered
Walk-In Freezer of them occupied with doughpleganger and reinforced with wooden studs and
customers. When the Agents enter the drywall visible through the windows.
This tight, humid space is filled with darkness and the stench of decay. A slight chill pervades, a room, the customers tilt their heads towards
cold echo of the freezer’s past. Rotting cardboard boxes filled with long-expired cooking ingredients them. “REOPENING SOON” is etched into The center of the dining room is
sit on the shelves. Old and new pools of blood puddle and congeal around the entrance hole. the wall above cracked, sharpened bones. a scorched crater. Remnants of
Past a set of shelves is the thick freezer door which opens smoothly on olive-oiled hinges. burned bone and clothes sit at its
center, long cooled. A table lies
Pantry and Prep Area The tape continues for 15 more minutes, half melted at its precipice.
detailing the customer experience and
Leaving the freezer provides a bit of relief as general housekeeping expectations of
the air flows more freely. The smell of damp Zbarro employees. Rewinding the tape to the
mildew swirls in the atmosphere. A sink faucet beginning reveals this is the first of four training
drips a soft beat to fill the silent void. Tumbled tapes required to be viewed by all new hires of
boxes line the room, breaking ranks abruptly every Zbarro location. The other three tapes
at the entrance to the prep line as well as sit above the television in dusty binders.
a door marked EXIT, which is welded shut. While Agents investigate the crater, one Agents can learn the following by
At the center of the room is a filthy mound Kitchen of the customers nearby, a small hunched
man with a cane, shambles out of their
staying calm and talking with #641:
covered in plastic wrap on a crude workbench,
seat. In a high-pitched, excited tone, the #641’s “voice” is just mimicry from
next to a TV/VCR emitting a blue glow. The kitchen prep line gleams, freshly cleaned.
idea of a voice releases from its mouth. the training video in the pantry. It
Sauce and vegetables sit rotting in their pans.
Agents can learn the following easily In a perfect imitation of the tape from speaks in a cut, disjointed fashion, as
by risking the smell sticking to them: the pantry, “Welcome to Zbarro! What if each word is spliced together from
scrawled on the wall. A line cook whose limbs
can we get started for you today?” the recording to form a sentence.
The mound is really the broken and bend and jerk at odd angles leans over the
reassembled remains of a person, workspace, examining their work (slowly It wants to reopen the restaurant
brain and bones removed. Severed scrubbing the counter with a threadbare Stirring the Sauce and stop the pain that comes
limbs have been reattached using rag) through eyes caked in marinara. Talking to #641 from an unfulfilled purpose.
what seems to be fresh dough. This is another corpse, filled and completed It assumes that the Agents are
with dough, strung up to the sprinkler Unless it’s outwardly provoked or any of the
The TV/VCR has the word STOP in the business people here to invest
line on the ceiling. This ghoulish display is doughplegangers are disturbed, #641 makes
upper left corner, indicating that the in the reopening project.
repeated down the line with a prep cook no attempt to harm the Agents initially. It’s very
tape inside had been halted. The buttons curious, as it hasn’t seen living guests since its
and beyond the counter window with the If the Agents seem here to help, #641
are covered in dried, flaking dough and entombment. If it feels like it is being stalled or
cashier in the dining room, barely visible. launches into a detailed investment
congealed blood. There’s a video inside. if the Agents plan to harm it, it loses its temper
Another corpse sits crumpled in the corner pitch, explaining its business
like dough crushed beneath an immense and lashes out. #641 cannot lie, it doesn’t know plan and expansion options.
Training Video fist. Touching any of the bodies reveals that how. #641 does not know that killing is wrong.
Pressing play on the VCR commences the they are filled with dough, bones removed.
Zbarro training tape from 6 minutes and 43 They do not acknowledge the Agents.
seconds. The title card says “Greeting guests!”
and cuts to a young man in a Zbarro uniform.
70 71
Hot and Ready When Moon Hits Eye
Provoking #641 Fighting #641
#641 reacts violently if it’s clear the Agents The Pizza Snake is #641’s main body, and
stand in the way of reopening the restaurant, it can be neutralized by firing at it with Reopening Zbarro
or if they abruptly try to contain and transport the Ripple Gun. If destroyed in this way,
it away. #641 will spend Chaos to activate as it will explode to cover everything around
many doughplegangers as possible as Violent it in dough, sauce, and body parts. Reopening the Zbarro will require a well-coordinated effort across a
Minor Anomalies set on killing the Agents. number of different moving parts. Here's a rough checklist:
These husks are corpses stitched together Direct contact with the Pizza Snake allows
it to latch on and begin filling Agents with X Learn the nuances of commercial lease agreements from #641, or arrange
with pizza dough, wielding large knives. a disguise that can allow #641 to negotiate directly with Sheryl Bronker.
dough, dealing 3 Harm for every 3 seconds
If all the doughplegangers are eliminated, it remains attached. Significantly reducing X Procure a small business loan in the name of the new lessee.
#641 animates a large pile of rotting dough, the amount of dough available to the Pizza
cheese, and body parts in the corner of the Snake through approximately 12 Harm or X Obtain the original permit for the Promenade’s construction
room to create a tube-shaped “Pizza Snake”. other means can exhaust it for capture. (located at City Hall in the Office of Records, Commercial) to
Loud noises can be heard from the kitchen determine the extent of construction allowed by the lease.
heading toward the walk-in as #641, in its Pizza The Pizza Snake is huge but will take care not
Snake form, slithers through the Culinary to damage the restaurant or its structure. X Remove the barrier wall.
Corridor and into the building at large. X Renovate the dining room.
Chasing the Pizza Snake leads to Pizza the Action X Update the kitchen to contemporary health code.
a confrontation in the promenade Working with #641
which will be witnessed by many, X Repair or replace the walk-in freezer.
creating at least 20 Loose ends. If the Agents agree to help #641
X Cleaning. Lots of cleaning.
with the reopening, the Anomaly is
ecstatic beyond words and all of the
Express Delivery doughplegangers begin cheering in unison.
X Research the celebrities featured on the signed photographs
dotting the walls to determine whether they now represent a
Capturing #641 #641 tells the Agents that it has learned political message you do not wish to appear to endorse.
about commercial leasing agreements.
#641 is reluctant to leave its home, but it X Source cooking ingredients.
may be convinced to relocate if Agents Assuming at least one Agent agrees to
provide a suitable habitat. This requires manage #641, the Agency will support Any Loose Ends generated during this process are
nurturing a strong rapport with the reopening the restaurant (after initially counted against the mission’s total.
Anomaly and promising to build a replica suggesting relocating it to the Vault) as a
way to keep tabs on the Wuhan-Baxter As Agents are renovating, #641 begins the process of creating perfect
Zbarro in the Vault, including staff.
company and maybe turn a small profit. doughplegangers to serve as employees. The restaurant can also be staffed with
This is a great idea (as the commissary has human employees, however, #641 has no formal management training and will
seen better days). Construction takes four struggle to be an effective leader unless provided with attentive mentorship.
months during which time #641 is anxious
and likely to lash out in its temporary
containment unit. Vault barriers can contain
#641’s outbursts but it will kill anyone who
enters the enclosure. #641 never leaves its
Pizza Snake form during the interim period.
72 73
Vault Requisition: Training Video
It can carry out one complex command one time (make a four-course meal, find me
the cheapest phone charger in this mall, assess this stock portfolio for risk, etc.)
Its facial features will not slowly drift out of place, requiring manual adjustment.
74 75
ANOMALY PROFILE leading towards the basement that houses the world, gathering energy from her and
it. Several neighbors and pets have gone others in Sycamore Heights. Caitlin herself is
missing in the last few months with rapidly trapped in the basement of her own childhood
Something festers under the picture-perfect veneer of Sycamore Heights. Among the increasing frequency. No one has seen Caitlin home, bound there in black tape, watching
maze of sun-bleached sidewalks, manicured lawns, and identical homes, a hole has Rowe in some time, although something shifts her and her sister’s past selves play games,
opened in the world, about seven and a half inches long and four inches across. All on occasion behind the blinds and curtains run around the edges of the pool, and take
things roll downhill, and everything slips into memory—all you have to do is let go. of 1063. What now moves in those halls, at turns hiding on the stairs. The Anomaly replays
least above ground, is no longer Caitlin, but old memories and erases what is new.
The Anomaly hiding under 1063 Bower Street feeds on a false happiness created by the Anomaly’s influence attempting to remake
delusional nostalgia. In this innocuous suburban neighborhood, it’s found the perfect
target: Caitlin Rowe, an artist who inherited her parents’ home after their deaths. Caitlin
has spent her whole life wishing she could go back to her past, and now she’s surrounded
by reminders of what she misses: the freedom of childhood, the care of her parents, and
the companionship of her twin sister Evie. The Anomaly has given her all of that back by
trapping her in the basement and chaining her to an endless VHS tape of memories. Morning Meetings Mission Briefing
Hungry for more, the Anomaly is now reaching for the rest of the X A Relationship who recently moved to The Agency intercepted a 911 call last night
neighborhood and dragging them back into their pasts, too. Sycamore Heights has been suddenly from Justin Hamamoto, who, partway through
reunited with a cat that disappeared the call reporting his missing wife, became
History Domain from their house twenty years ago. disoriented and ended the call early. A
transcript of the call is available for Agents to
It’s the same age as when it left,
1063 Bower Street was identical to any other The basement of 1063 Bower Street. listen to on the first page of this Mission. In the
with picture proof to show it.
house on Bower Street, although now the message, he specifies living at 1059 Bower St.
paint peels and the foundation rots. The Appearance X An Agent finds their bathtub overflowing.
Data has shown a remarkable uptick
most remarkable thing that ever occurred Until they interact with it, the water is bright
under this roof was the childhood of the A videotape stuck in a worn, clicking VCR. in missing pet reports from Sycamore
The label scrawled over with permanent blue – like it looks in a swimming pool.
Rowe twins, Caitlin and Evie. Twins who grew Heights, located around Bower Street.
and changed together, as twins often do. marker has faded into illegibility. Exposed X A relative or friend from an Agent’s past calls Upon further inquiry, most of the people
and damaged tape pools around it in a slick the Agent out of the blue, asking to be told who put up these posters don’t remember
As the years passed, the Rowe twins grew up, black puddle, spewing out of the slot like a story from their time together years ago. doing so. The Agency has obtained an
moved out, and pursued their own careers and shiny black intestines. The television flickers image of one of these missing posters.
lives. Caitlin Rowe, with her career as a painter, through a series of fuzzy images from X CTO Evie Wright, smiling, brown hair
moved in and out of apartments for years. Her forever ago, despite not being plugged in. cropped into a neat bob and in a tailored The poster is yellowed and worn and
sister Evie—now Evie Wright by marriage— suit, is featured in a video interview about features a picture of a black cat with a
had a well-paying corporate job. When their Impulse a release of a new electric vehicle. A white patch over its left eye. The top of
parents died, the fate of 1063 Bower Street few moments into it, her gaze seems to the paper announces “CAT MISSING. If
To trap people in their memories of a warmer drift past the interviewer towards the found, please bring to 1058 Bower St.”
was clear. Caitlin moved back in, making this
and more comfortable past. The Anomaly camera, as if seeing something in the
piece of the twins’ shared past her present.
removes recent memories and sources of lens. She tears up and then she wipes it
Their last Christmas, the whole family conflict from people’s lives, leaving them away, laughing and apologizing for the
celebrated together. The twins went through convinced they’re living in a previous era they distraction. She was just remembering Optional Objectives
some of the old junk in the basement. Through are nostalgic for. Pieces of the neighborhood something from a long time ago.
a barely functioning VHS player, they spent that cause friction (animals who aren’t old
late hours watching old home movies. Their enough to have existed in the correct time, X On their way to work, an Agent sees a new +3 Commendations for the Agent
parents died a few months later, and while people who have grown to behave differently half-finished mural painted on the side who receives the most friendly waves.
cleaning up the house Caitlin played one of the than you remember, etc.) are transformed of a building. It’s bright and cartoonish,
tapes again. It hasn’t stopped playing since. or removed to maintain the dream-like almost childish in its palpable delight. It +1 Commendation for each
comfort of Bower Street’s residents. depicts a woman in many colors, reaching befriended animal.
Focus out towards the left side of the work +1 Demerit for each instance
The comfort of living in the past. The
Current Situation for what, in form, is an identical version of property damage.
of herself. The version on the left has a
Anomaly is fueled by thoughts of a The Anomaly is eating away at the surrounding
face blurred and lost in a mass of color,
time made uncomplicated and pleasant development. The landscape itself is warping,
as if made of liquid being pulled back
with the fuzzy distance of memory. with a nearly imperceptible tilt in the ground
towards the far left side of the wall. The
initials on the bottom right read CR.
78 79
Sycamore Heights
2 Corrupt
Aged objects are restored to perfect newness. At touch or
other physical interference they crumble and fade away.
Sycamore Heights is an average suburban development, for better or worse. People walk
The Anomaly forms a warped, flickering rendition of a person, their dogs, complain to the homeowners’ association, and otherwise live unassuming lives
place, or thing that it has stolen. This Anomaly does not wish among rows of identical houses. Lawns are carefully manicured. Neighbors are distant and
to harm in the traditional sense: it wants to pull people and suspicious, but know each other’s names. A man waters the grass, alone on a quiet street.
things in and hold onto them, using familiarity as a draw.
Shape (Impersonating): The Anomaly utilizes an image Agents can see the following 1059 Bower St.
of someone it has previously captured. They are often as soon as they arrive:
characterized as the most helpless version of themselves, or In front of 1059 Bower Street stands a
a person from a captured individual’s past. These options are A man who fits the description man lingering numbly by a bed of purple
currently those missing from Sycamore Heights—initially Fumiko of Justin Hamamoto is watering peonies. The watering hose in his hand
Hashimoto, an electrician named Jacob Mills that was hired in the grass in front of his home. drips onto the ground, and the flower bed is
4 Manifest the area, and a college student named Caleb Coleman who was
looking for his lost dog. This may expand if more people are
Another missing poster for that black
plainly overwatered. Justin Hamamoto (he/
him) is a slender Japanese man with small
cat, with contact information for Rebecca
captured by the Anomaly. They will call for help and attempt glasses perched on his nose, black hair cut
Hawcett at 1058 Bower Street.
to lure an Agent or other civilian down into the basement. fairly short but unbrushed. The dark blue
sweater he wears was hand-knitted.
Vision (Imprisoning): The Anomaly wants its targets to
stay within its reach. To facilitate this, the Anomaly often Agents can learn the following Looking into the house through the windows
imbues objects or less intelligent beings, such as captured by spending a lot of time outside initially reveals a neatly kept home. The
animals, with a kind of trap. It will attempt to secure whoever or using Anomalous methods: decoration is warm but simple. The living room
touches one of these objects into a comforting memory of plainly holds a dark purple futon rolled up
There is an odd and very slight curve
theirs. This is to make them complacent enough to move and set off to the side, a little haphazard and
to the ground in the neighborhood.
into the basement and be used as fuel for the Anomaly. half-expanded. On top of it sits a hair clip.
If they take time to measure it, they
will be able to discover it isn’t just one Picture frames in the house are placed face
5 Attract
One of the neighborhood locals calls out from behind a now
locked door, rattling the doorknob and asking for help.
direction. It’s a kind of cone, leading
to 1063 Bower Street at the bottom.
down, except for one. It’s a photo of a couple
in their twenties: a younger version of Justin
and a woman with a windswept bob–Fumiko.
Another room from the house is encompassed by There is a much higher than
6 Expand
a mass of tangled old VHS tape, viscous and far
heavier than it should be to the touch, as if soaked
normal number of animals in this
neighborhood: stray cats, dogs,
If the Agents ask about Fumiko, he
is unconcerned. He’s positive she’s
through with liquid, though nothing drips from it. even some rats and mice. Once this at the store, or maybe on a trip, or
trend is identified, it’s obvious they’re maybe she’s at the doctor’s office?
The Anomaly pulls the Agents back into an unobtainable past. concentrated around 1063 Bower St.
Whatever room they are in reforms into one from the memories If Agents play the recording of his call
8 of the twins, with one or both twins present in their younger for him, he gets distressed. He knows who
Displace forms. If it’s Caitlin, the recreation is solid and feels almost Fumiko is, but that none of what’s going on
real. If it’s Evie, the image flickers, more of a manifestation right now with her makes sense. She didn’t
of the Anomaly as filtered through Caitlin’s memories. disappear yesterday. He would remember that.
80 81
1063 Bower St.
Agents can learn the following easily If the Agents seem like they’re wandering
by talking briefly with Justin: the neighborhood, Justin asks them to take a
weedwhacker back to the old couple at 1063
He’s married to Fumiko Hamamoto. Bower St. for him. It’s only a few doors down,
He doesn’t remember calling 911. The house is silent, windows dark. No Agents can learn the following while
but they always trap him in a long conversation. movement can be seen inside, though a curtain feeling eyes on them, somewhere:
He’s a 38-year-old marketing manager. might flutter oddly on occasion. An old tree
reaches up towards the sky. The grass in the A flyer for a window replacement
He is wearing a hand-knitted sweater. yard is uneven, but there’s been at least a company has been left shoved into
When asked about it, he smiles and recent attempt to mow it. On the side of the the front door. It shows some sign
says that Fumiko knitted it for him as house is a gate leading into the backyard. The of wear and tear from wind and
a late wedding gift. Agents who know hinges are rusted. It has been locked with a weather—it’s been here a while.
anything about knitting might be able newer padlock. The door mat is simple and
to see a few small mistakes in the work, A spare key to unlock the front door
stately, with Welcome printed in the center. is hidden in a planter near the door.
but it’s clearly something he values.
As Agents approach, a burst of static noise
erupts from inside. Visible through one of
1058 Bower St. the front windows, a television is turning
on and off, or maybe flickering through
Rebecca Hawcett (she/her) is a 32-year- Agents can learn the following images that are bright and then very dark.
old book critic who lives with her wife Jodie from the couple if Jodie thinks Calling out or knocking yields no answer.
(she/her) at 1058 Bower Street. When they’re fun to talk to:
the Agents arrive, she doesn’t recognize
the poster. Jodie interrupts from the other If asked about the Hamamotos, Jodie
room and insists that she absolutely does. admits to being a nosy neighbor. she will
They haven’t seen their black cat from reveal that she’s heard some very loud
the poster, Cooper, in over two weeks. arguments between Justin and Fumiko
A slightly bent palm tree with unhealthily
while on late night walks. It seemed to
graying bark sits in the back right corner,
Getting Into the Pool
During the Agents’ visit, a playful orange her like the marriage was on the rocks.
tabby with bright amber eyes comes leaning over the backyard wall. A broken- At the bottom of the empty pool is a
wandering into the room. Rebecca coos at On the subject of gossip, she also down shed squats in the corner next copper key. Upon climbing into the pool and
the cat, calling him “her little baby Felix”, and hasn’t seen anyone come out of 1063 to it. The main feature of the backyard retrieving the key, the pool abruptly fills with
scooping him up into her arms like a baby. Bower St. for a while, which is strange, is the large empty swimming pool, a viscous liquid, sickly algae-infested green,
Jodie remains stoic, and will eventually ask because a woman named Evie just the interior bleached bone-white. heavy and sticky. Whoever entered will
Rebecca to take Felix into another room. moved in after inheriting it from her quickly become trapped in place, drowning
parents, who died a few months ago. Agents can learn the following easily soon without supernatural assistance.
When left alone with Agents after meeting by investigating the backyard:
Rebecca, when returning, complains that
Felix, Jodie says that she knows that Felix,
a cat who looked exactly like that, was Jodie is so interested in everybody’s life The tree has healthy roots, but some kind
Inside the Shed
Rebecca’s first childhood cat. He died now but never wants to talk about herself, of black rot is creeping up the trunk. If Agents open the shed, it reveals a
when she was seventeen. She insists this or her past. Jodie visibly grimaces at
variety of rusted gardening tools, old bags
cat isn’t Felix and that it just showed up the accusation and insists that she just A mower sits forlornly in the corner,
of fertilizer, and a blue pet collar with a tag
yesterday, but he acts exactly like the Felix knows there’s not much she wants to shoved off to the side as if needing
attached, the name worn away by time.
that was described to her. Rebecca insists remember from her life before Rebecca. to be out of sight and out of mind.
Only the first two letters are legible: OL.
that this is Felix, and they’ve been arguing It’s clear this is a well-tread conversation.
The shed is locked.
over whether or not the cat died at all.
If the pool is viewed at certain angles, it
Jodie finds the whole thing very
appears to be full of perfectly blue water.
unsettling. First Cooper disappears, then
Felix returns? But Rebecca seems to At the bottom of the empty pool
be forgetting about Cooper entirely. is a small glinting object.
82 83
Garage Accessing the Laptop Watching TV
There’s a laptop on the couch, locked with The television isn’t plugged in, but it still plays.
In the garage is a worn-white sedan. The Agents can learn the following a password. The password hint suggests If the Agents try to turn it off, it turns back on.
driver’s side door is dented. A light hangs low, easily by exploring the garage: “your first pet’s name.” The password is
“Ollie,” and can be found in Caitlin’s bedroom The television cycles through the
bulb dead. Sunlight pours in through a gap following images, intercut with noise:
under the door leading to the backyard, the The newest boxes in the garage or inferred from the collar in the garage.
wood bent and warped with water damage. have been hastily labeled JUNK in An empty and drained pool that
permanent marker. There’s three of If Agents log in, they find several programs
Shelves line the walls, covered with power left open. The browser is open to a news looks bleached white in the sun.
tools, old cardboard boxes, and other junk. them, all half-filled. A variety of objects
sit inside—old toys, sets of decrepit- site. An email client is also open, with a An air conditioner unit attached to an
The sedan is locked. Inside the car is a half- looking markers, old-fashioned china. half-written email to “Evelyn Wright.” upstairs window rattling furiously.
finished bottle of water. Registration and While navigating through the laptop, the
insurance refer to Caitlin Rowe. The trunk and On top of one of the boxes is an old A set of stairs descending downwards
sketchbook, turned to a page of a rough screen will abruptly flicker on and off a into the dark. Several are broken.
backseat hold several open moving boxes. few times, much like the television. When
stick figure family in front of a house that,
at least in shape, resembles every one of it flickers back on, the entire screen is a An old copper key laying on
Boxes in the Sedan the suburban homes around them. The sickly blue-green tinge, more reflective a white background.
two larger figures are labeled Mom and than a screen should be while lit. The email
Most of the boxes are empty. One in the keeps appearing in the top right corner, the
trunk, on inspection, is full of brackish Dad in childish scribble. The two similar
stick figures are labeled Caitlin and Me!! mouse pulled towards the send button.
water. The outside of the box is perfectly
dry. It is exceptionally heavy. Trying to move If Agents turn the computer off again, the
Underneath the sketchbook is a platinum
the box causes the water to quickly soak reflection of the Agent who was accessing it
wedding ring with an engraving in
through the cardboard and leak through— seems to persist, as if burned into the screen.
Japanese on the inside, reading 永遠
water will stream continuously from the
の愛. It roughly translates to “endless
box until the Anomaly is dealt with.
love”, followed by the date: 11.22.21.
It matches the one Justin wears.
Living Room Hi, Evie. I know we haven’t talked much since everything
with Mom and Dad, but I wanted to see how you were doing.
Dust floats through the room, caught in hallway, tucked away from the television. Congrats on the new release! Looks cool, not that I know
sunbeams. There’s an old couch opposite The woman asks who they are and why
much about it, lol. I’m still driving the same old car.
a small television and long-dead plants in they’re here. She calls 1063 Bower Street “our
unremarkable pots. The television flickers parents’ house.” Her voice cuts in and out
It’s kind of weird being back home on my own. Lonely, maybe? If
through a series of images, all grainy and oddly on the phrase, stuttering like a worn
distorted. There’s a laptop on the couch.
you ever wanted to come out and visit that’d be nice. I forgot how
VHS tape. This is Fumiko Hamamoto, her
memories altered to believe she’s Evie Rowe. quiet it was around here. I went through the house and there’s
The coffee table has a few things scattered so much of our old stuff. I found Ollie’s collar in the shed and I
across it. There’s a purple purse under it. If they ask who she is, she freezes on don’t know what to do with it. Bury it, maybe? And remember
On top sits a copy of The Other Me, a recent the spot, barely juddering and flickering, that cloth doll you had as a kid, the one I thought was creepy?
popular thriller about a missing sibling. Next to and then quickly disappears down the Mostly I’ve been spending a lot of time cleaning up the backyard
it sits a colorful mug. The coffee is long since hallway further into the house.
around the old pool. I used to think it was it was deeper than it
cold and coagulated, smelling of rotten dairy.
If Agents give chase, a trail of ripped actually looked, or that I’d get pulled into the drain. I think that’s
and torn shreds of tape will lead them, why I panicked when I fell in and you had to pull me out. I t
Fumiko’s Fate looping through the house, to the basement
Once the Agents spend a few moments door. At the bottom of the door, many
looking around, soft footsteps approach down pieces of tape lay tangled in a pile and
the hallway. A figure with a short bob stands trailing underneath, reeking of chlorine.
there, half-shrouded in the darkness of the
84 85
Kitchen Upstairs
Fading light falls through the blinds, forming
Accessing the Basement begins the Encounter. Master Bedroom Evie’s Bedroom
into stripes across the sink and countertops.
A small kitchen table has a thin, yellowing Caitlin’s Phone Covered in the heaviest layer of dust, the
master bedroom is sparse and neat. The
This bedroom is mostly packed away, boxes
lining the walls and a bed in the middle.
book shoved under one leg to stabilize it with The mobile phone on the table is dead. doorway’s paint has scrapes and scratches The curtains are pulled shut. Torn and
a mobile phone and a stack of bills on top. about two feet off the ground, where a ripped posters for a few old goth bands
Everything is neatly put away in its places, no If the Agents charge it and turn it on, the wheelchair ran up against the doorway. An still remain on the walls. A few boxes are
mess except for dust. A door with a screen screen remains frozen for a few moments old wedding ring sits on the right bedside unpacked and rifled through. It’s mostly old
leads out to a sparse backyard with a pool. on an image of a young girl in a floral table, a plain gold band. The left bedside toys, trinkets, things of sentimental value.
There’s a wooden key box next to the door, and blouse and long brown hair tied back in a table has a vase of daisies that have long
a locked door leading down to the basement. ponytail, looking away from the camera. since died. At certain angles they look The Anomaly will attempt to Corrupt the
She’s a small shape in the distance on an alive, but in a blink they wither again. area when Agents enter it. Objects suddenly
Agents can learn the following unplaceable, featureless background. look new rather than old, but crumble if
by investigating the kitchen There’s a bathroom attached to this room touched directly by something living. The
and basement door: Accessing the phone will anger the Anomaly with dusty supplies in a trash bag near the doll may be destroyed in this encounter.
and prompt it to Manifest a pair of yowling door—men’s shampoo and body wash, an
The key box contains keys to the cats (Imprisoning Minor Anomalies) in the
garage side door, the backyard shed, old razor, and a half-empty bottle of cologne Agents can learn the following as
living room to try to draw Agents away that smells like citrus and sandalwood.
and the car in the garage. The label and trick them into touching them. the room crumbles around them:
on the shed key is worn away.
If someone presses an ear to
Agents can see the following
by handling the cats and
Caitlin’s Bedroom Opening a few more of the boxes reveals
old books—fantasy and science-fiction,
the door, they can hear muffled searching the phone: This room is warm and comfortable, rich escaping out to other worlds. The
sounds—children laughing, a lower
oranges and light creams. This bedroom most ragged sit in one particular box, a
voice calling out, bursts of static. The initial image was saved to a photo
is half packed away, or maybe halfway series about deep space exploration in
album called Art Inspo. Scanning through the far future. A note inside the cover
The lock on the door leading to the unpacked. A few of the boxes have been
it reveals a huge variety of images: local of the first volume reads, “To Evie
basement is old and looks fragile, but opened, cluttering the bedside table. The bed
attractions, a few shots of this house, — This was my favorite series as a
can’t be broken with mundane means. is without sheets, with a small blanket on top.
bustling streets in downtown Ternion, kid, and I hope it’ll show you how to
It’s held shut by the Anomaly and will and the bone-dry pool in the backyard.
only open to the copper key from the Agents can learn the following make a better world. Love, Dad.”
pool. The moment it’s used, the key by investigating the bedroom:
The browser is open to a press release Inside the bedside drawer are a few
melts into drips of viscous liquid like that for Evie Wright’s upcoming electric The small blanket, made for perhaps old photos, yellowed a little with age.
in the pool, the same reddish-brown vehicle release, dated eleven days ago. a toddler or a small child, is a little A few are of a young Evie, identical
of the key itself, and the door opens. ragged around the edges and clearly
The most recent text to Evie is from nine to Caitlin, standing with a few
The bills are addressed not to Caitlin well-loved, in danger of disintegrating friends outside an amusement park.
days ago. It’s a slightly wobbly phone
Rowe, but to a Lewis Rowe. Most of under the weight of time. One is of Evie and Caitlin together,
recording of an old television screen,
them are past due and under notice. showing the young twins competing standing next to the palm tree.
One of the items taken out is a framed
Among the bills are a few copies of to see who could swim faster across photo of a smiling Jack Russell terrier, A doll lays on the bed—raggedy,
Lewis Rowe’s recent death certificate, the pool. The person holding the video tail mid-wag. The frame has been with some of the hair missing and
dated five months ago, and a few camera laughs and cheers, a sound decorated with foam letters and flowers. one button eye gone. It was clearly
copies of a neatly typed letter explaining warped by the multiple mediums it’s Ollie! is spelled out in marker around the handmade, and someone took the
that, as Lewis’ daughter, Caitlin is passing through. The text accompanying frame with a heart drawn afterwards. care to dress it in neat clothes.
currently catching up on his finances. the video reads, “Remember when you
still liked going swimming?? God, we were
The book shoved under the table leg really fucking young.” There is no reply.
is an old-school science fiction novel
about artificial reality. Although it shows
its age, it doesn’t look particularly well- Agents can gather Evie’s phone
read. The spine remains uncracked. number from Caitlin’s contacts.
86 87
Office The Anomaly
The office is split between two lives. One is covered in dust—filing cabinets, a corner desk These scenes flash past on Caitlin is wrapped in spools of unwound
stretching partway around the room with a dead desktop computer set on it. The other half is the stairway televisions: VHS tape, unmoving and still. Any attempt
new—a small desk set aside, covered with paints, an old sketchbook, pencils, brushes. Several to communicate with the figure receives no
black trash bags sit by an open filing cabinet, halfway filled with paperwork. One is tipped over An empty and drained response. Her eyes can be seen just barely
on its side, refuse spilling out. A relatively recent model of laptop sits closed on the desk. pool, bleached white. through the layers of black tape. Every so
often, tears well up and then fall, slipping
A Jack Russell terrier with a blue collar
Agents can learn the following over and under layers of black tape. She is
running in excited circles, tail wagging.
by investigating the office: being consumed by the Anomaly as it feeds
A door with scraped and on her nostalgia. Four cats and three dogs
All of the paperwork in the trash dates A few dogeared 80’s sci-fi books are have gathered and curled up together on
chipped white paint left ajar.
to a few years ago at the earliest— still sitting on the desk with the desktop the far side of the room, laying on their sides,
old tax forms, old bills, and the other computer. Two have fallen over. An air conditioner unit attached to an eyes glassy but breathing. A black cat with a
paperwork and refuse. On top, placed upstairs window rattling furiously. white patch over its left eye is among them.
as if still deciding whether they belong On the small makeshift desk sits a variety of
in the bag at all, are a few copies rough sketches in graphite. They outline two A set of stairs descending downwards Around the edges of the room sit seven
of an older death certificate for an identical girls staring at each other with some into the dark. Several are broken. human forms equally covered by tape,
Irene Rowe, dated six months ago. kind of flat surface between them—either a laying on their sides or backs.
mirror or a window. Not all of the drafts are An old copper key on a white background.
A photo frame is face down. Turning exactly the same. A few depict one girl reaching Slumped over the side of the television,
it back up reveals an old photo of two out to touch the flat surface and the other A young girl in a floral patterned blouse
practically wrapped around it, is a woman with
adults and two children, the girls the facing away from her, her face a swirl of liquified with long brown hair tied back in a
a short bob. Her features are flickering oddly,
same height and nearly identical. The texture. In these images, the warped face is wet ponytail looking away from the camera.
sometimes a Japanese woman in her mid to
faces of the girls are worn away by to the touch, but does not stick or leave a stain. A young girl in a white blouse with long late thirties—the missing Fumiko Hamamoto—
time, but the adults remain perfectly A few of the drafts are violently scratched out. brown hair left loose climbing into the and sometimes closer to the pictures Agents
clear. Behind them, the shape of 1063 pool—sometimes full, sometimes empty. have seen of Evie Wright throughout the house,
Bower Street is stretched oddly, as if whether present or past. Her eyes move from
something pulled its image wider like Caitlin to the Agents the moment they arrive.
taffy. The longer it sits upright, the more
stretched the house appears to be.
Basement Communicating
88 89
Springing the Trap Escaping the House
The Anomaly’s first ploy is to try to pull the Agents into its constructed version of the past. Agents will need to navigate a warping version of the house as the Anomaly attempts
The scene flickers and shifts between the tape-covered present and an idyllic past, with the to pursue them. Doors to the outside are absent or open into hallways. Rooms spill
child forms of Caitlin and Evie replacing the present-day Caitlin and Fumiko. The lighting is soft into each other. Every hallway is a dead end. Windows open to drywall.
and yellow. A feeling of comfort suffuses the air. It no longer smells of damp and rot, but the
pleasant mustiness of a clean basements. Caitlin speaks here, laughs a child’s laugh, and invites The house always passes through the following rooms in this order, all original logic of the
the Agents to sit with them and watch the TV. Her hand feels cold and slick to the touch. house thrown out by the Anomaly. The entire house gives Domain benefits to the Anomaly
now. Agents escape by passing through every room or using Anomalous methods.
The image is imperfect, and will flicker between idyllic past and terrible
present when Agents bring up anything from the present day.
1 Living Room 4 Kitchen
Fighting The living room floor has swollen up until What was the kitchen is now full of stray
it’s become rounded like a blister about to animals racing around the space in wide-
If the tape restraining any victim is removed, severed, or otherwise destroyed, it will cause the
break. It sways and jostles, objects sliding eyed terror. In the middle of it all sits a
Anomaly to lash out aggressively. The tape writhes and thrashes, whipping around frantically. The
across the floor. As they slide, some seem to Jack Russell terrier with warm brown eyes,
television spews forth a wave of static. Tape begins to consume the room, melting together into a
warp and stretch, creaking, until they snap wearing a blue collar. Caitlin calls the dog
heavy, tacky mass. The VHS tape quickly becomes untargetable and unreachable. Agents will need
apart into pieces. A hundred copies of The Ollie, and will attempt to greet him. If Caitlin
to use Anomalous abilities or run with whatever victim they first saved. (See Escaping the House.)
Other Me are stacked against one wall. is stable enough to know it’s not really Ollie,
2 Evie’s
the dog will lead them out of the kitchen
Rescuing Caitlin and Fumiko Bedroom and then back into another version of it
The only way to safely rescue the captives is If Caitlin and Fumiko are brought out of In what should be Evie’s bedroom sit many with a door leading out to the backyard.
by showing the Anomaly that some pieces their memories, the Anomaly will not react versions of her childhood doll. None are Otherwise, the animals will swarm around
of the past can’t be reclaimed. If the Agents aggressively immediately because it wants the same. Some have one eye missing, her and attempt to pull her from the Agents.
can pull Caitlin and Fumiko towards the
present—especially in relation to Evie Wright
to keep them comfortable. The scenes on
the television will become disrupted and
like the real one. Others have the opposite
eye missing, no eyes at all, or eyes sewn 5 Returning to the Basement
having an entirely different life far detached warped, intruded upon by other memories to the dress or to the side of the head. After all the other rooms they will find
from this one—then the Anomaly may lose as the Anomaly loses control. The Anomaly Posters peel off the walls to reveal glistening themselves back in the basement. Where
its grip on those captured in the basement. is not yet capturable. Attempting to capture black sheets of tape underneath. the television sat is now the door to
it, or leading Caitlin and Fumiko out of 3 the backyard, flat on the floor. Gravity
For Caitlin, this includes: the basement, will escalate its anger. Office lurches and changes when Agents
Recent news about Evie The interior of the office is pulling itself step through into the real backyard.
A shadowy, staticky copy of young Evie Wright towards a pinprick hole in the center.
The doll left behind in Evie’s room will crawl out of the TV. The image of Evie The only object that remains intact Backyard
flickers rapidly between current and young, her flutters next to the hole. It’s one of the Escaping the house leads straight to the
The unsent email that Caitlin head tilted to the right. The VHS tape protrudes drafts of the drawing, depicting the two pool, full of viscous green liquid even
wrote on her laptop out of a bloodless hole in the side of her neck. girls facing the opposite direction, both if Agents avoided it earlier. The fake
Caitlin sees this as her sister, and still struggles being pulled towards the flat surface in Evie will chase them outside into the
Caitlin’s childhood blanket to understand what’s real. This vision will begin
now old and worn the center and being warped by it. open sun, losing its Domain benefits.
pursuing Agents through the house, wielding
an endless stream of black tape as a weapon.
Calling Evie using the number
from Caitlin’s phone
Exhausting the Anomaly
The Ripple Gun can destroy this version
of the Anomaly by firing at the VHS tape, If Agents lure it into the pool, the strange green liquid will stick to this false
For Fumiko, this includes: but the Normal Briefcase will not work Evie and its black tape, weighing it down and draining its energy. It will exhaust
until the Anomaly is exhausted. If Fumiko itself attempting to escape, leaving it vulnerable to the briefcase.
The ring found in the garage has been brought back to herself, she’ll
If Caitlin uses a phone to call her sister Evie, or gets some other
suggest they try to get Caitlin outside in the
Describing the sweater connection to her real sister in this exact moment, the Anomaly’s tape
sun, where she can see the real world.
she made for Justin will begin to burn at the ends, eventually burning away this false Evie and
leaving behind only a single old VHS tape, which can be captured.
Reminders of recent fights with Justin
If Agents flee with any victims to save them and return
Pushing her on details about Evie faster later, the Anomaly will escape while they’re gone.
than the Anomaly can feed them to her
90 91
Vault Requisition: Photographic Memory Flipbook
Name a piece of information lost forever (a deceased relative’s password,
1063 Bower Street will not be the same. The home mostly looks the same, but the interior is
soaked through with stagnant water, the air reeking vaguely of pool chemicals. Animals scatter
the contents of an out-of-print book, a program on a corrupted hard drive) 23
and spend one Quality Assurance from any Quality to flip the pages of this
out from the house, finally escaping the Anomaly’s clutches. Other inhabitants of the street will
matchbox-sized book. When activated in this way, the flip book will display the
look out of their homes at the noise and confusion, some potentially becoming Loose Ends.
requested information – always directly, but in a way that may invite artistic interpretation.
If the Anomaly escaped, it is likely to next pursue Evie, considering how connected
she is with her twin sister. It is more likely to feed on others around Evie rather
than her in particular. Evie Wright is not a particularly nostalgic person.
Those who were stolen by the Anomaly and survived will have lingering confusion
and memory problems. Seeing people and places from their pasts may be disconcerting Anomaly Ability: Memory Lapse
until their minds resolve this conflict. Eventually what happened in that basement
will feel like a bad dream, but it isn’t a place any of them want to return to. They were going to change the subject anyway. When a target is speaking,
Those who were affected by the Anomaly but not captured will experience a jarring interrupt them by asking a follow-up question (“Who said that?”, “When was
return to reality. Some, like Justin and Rebecca, will struggle with a “nostalgia hangover” this, again?”, “And where were you at the time?”) and rolling Duplicity.
that makes their memories feel invaded and challenging to focus on, now.
On a success, the target loses their train of thought, and will not
Loose Ends remember anything about what they were just discussing – even if
prompted, presented with evidence, or if they retrace their steps.
Rebecca’s cat “Felix” disappears. If any Relationship was affected by
Rebecca is distraught, sobbing on the front the Anomaly, such as with the return On every third 3, choose one:
step, while Jodie grimly comforts her. If of a pet, reality will return for them
Cooper was saved and returned to them, immediately and suddenly. They may This effect continues forever.
they’re likely to write off the whole incident attempt to contact the Agent.
The target forgets an additional thing you mention verbally.
as a set of stressful hallucinations.
Caitlin likely needs medical attention.
The target will also forget this present interaction, once it’s over.
Fumiko will insist that she doesn’t want Her confusion is deeply rooted. She will
to go home. Even though her memories are accidentally refer to Fumiko as Evie, and
On a failure, the target forgets everything. There is nothing that
fuzzy, still half-blended with the persona of may even refer to Agents as the roles they
they remember. You receive their entire life as memories in your
Evie, the idea of it fills her with dread. She played in the basement—her parents, her
mind, all at once, but cannot give them back by any means.
can be convinced to go talk to Justin, but neighbors, and so on. She will ask the Agents
left on her own, she will ask to borrow an to help her contact her sister for assistance.
Agent’s phone to call her brother, who lives She is frightened by the modern street, but
on the other side of town. The experience she’ll catch back up to reality quickly with
has uprooted her from the street. the help of the real Evie. She is repulsed by
the idea of returning to the house at all and
Justin suddenly remembers his impending can barely handle being in the driveway.
divorce with Fumiko. He knows something
strange was happening to him, but is If Caitlin tells Evie what happened, Evie will
embarrassed that he was in denial for so become focused on understanding Anomalies.
long. If given brief closure with Fumiko and She has enough influence, money, and
confirmation of her safety, he won’t ever willpower to become a thorn in the Agency’s
want to speak of this experience again. side. If the Agents aren’t careful, she could
become a future target for Market Disruption.
92 93
ANOMALY PROFILE Current Situation
If the Anomaly completely overtakes
Andrew’s personality, it will reshape his
flesh and appear as an elegant figure of GRIDHOG’s first two days have been a disaster:
The notoriously gridlocked Victory Circle in Ternion City has a new traffic control system: stone and tri-colored light, somewhere traffic downtown has come to a complete
GRIDHOG, a sensor tower and companion app that has replaced the neighborhood’s between an angel and a gargoyle. It has standstill. Today, a number of important
conventional stop signs and traffic lights. Unbeknownst to the public, this system is entirely Andrew’s face with a hog’s nose and tusks. figures have disappeared en route to a press
controlled by the Anomaly bonded with a captive Resonant named Andrew Wynn (he/ conference proclaiming GRIDHOG’s success.
him). Wynn was captured by Miros Industries, a multinational tech conglomerate and Impulse Police have cut off new cars from entering the
economic rival to Triangle Agency, and interred within the GRIDHOG tower itself. entire commercial district downtown, making
The Anomaly’s approach to “Making Traffic the traffic even worse as drivers use side
Tasked with automating Ternion City’s rush hour traffic and finding itself woefully unprepared, Disappear” has become blunt since the roads to compensate. Drivers are abandoning
Wynn’s Anomaly has resorted to a terrible shortcut: teleporting problematic drivers hundreds traffic has become an emergency: it sends their cars in droves, opting to walk or use
of meters into the air into closed “Loops,” where they will no longer clog up Ternion’s roads. any commuters that it deems troublesome the underground metro to get across town.
into Loops, private spaces suspended
And, though mundane people can’t see
History Focus hundreds of meters above the city. When
the Mission begins, GRIDHOG considers any them, the number of Loops suspended
new traveler who attempts to enter the flow above the city steadily grows, pockmarking
Miros Industries found, among their staff, a Miros’ team has successfully redirected the
of traffic downtown to be troublesome. the sky with dozens of floating stone orbs.
Resonant with Absence powers the Agency Anomaly’s Focus to “Make Traffic Disappear,”
didn’t know about who would, without which is also the tagline of the marketing
intervention, turn into an Anomaly. Predicting campaign Miros has used to promote this
that the Anomaly’s final form would depend on new service. This campaign features a
Andrew’s mind at the point of transformation, cool cartoon pig named GRIDHOG (he/
Miros used experimental therapies to ensure him), and animated advertisements depict
the Anomaly’s Focus would become “Make him straightening out tangled traffic with
Traffic Disappear.” When his transformation the help of his large snout and tusks.
had advanced sufficiently, they placed
Andrew in the GRIDHOG containment unit. Domain
Miros CEO Eric Monaghan (he/him) brokered
Morning Meetings
a deal with Governor Diana Alvarez (she/
Andrew’s Anomaly exerts its influence in the
intersection around the GRIDHOG sensor X An Agent gets a call on their smartphone,
Optional Objectives
her) to employ GRIDHOG traffic management tower, and anywhere within ten feet of a but they’re unable to answer until
at Ternion City’s famously traffic-snarled smartphone running the GRIDHOG app. after they’ve downloaded the city’s
commercial district, despite public protests While Capturing the Anomaly is
mandatory GRIDHOG app. paramount, the Agency also wants to
that a smartphone-based system is
exclusionary and invites failure. With the
Appearance X Agents notice strange shapes hovering take advantage of this opportunity to
Governor eager to win over the suburban in the air above the city, but their damage Miros’ reputation in Ternion City.
The GRIDHOG sensor tower appears like
voters who are most impacted by traffic, a large, pearl-white, cigar-shaped tower mundane relationships do not.
and Monaghan eager to challenge Triangle +3 Commendations any time
with a blooming mushroom cap. Its cap X A striking worker on a picket line, you take something away
Agency’s economic stranglehold on Ternion is flat black and coated in shiny plastic,
City, the project advanced rapidly. filming himself on a smartphone, from Miros Industries.
creating the impression of a giant security suddenly disappears.
camera. Numerous cables and wires +1 Commendation any time you
Poor communication and widespread strengthen the city’s infrastructure.
connect it to a series of signal repeaters and X A confused commuter interrupts an Agent’s
misunderstanding of how to participate has
support beams around the intersection. morning routine because the GRIDHOG +1 Demerit any time you
made traffic in the area much worse. The past
few days have been an absolute nightmare app instructed her to cut through the fall further than 10 feet.
Inside the tower is the Anomaly’s true Agent’s home on her way to work.
for drivers: without lights or signs, those form: Andrew Wynn, suspended in liquid,
who can’t discern the app’s often-cryptic his lower body in the advanced stages
instructions are forced into a ten-thousand- of Anomalous transformation. Ribbons of
person game of chicken. The Anomaly flesh are splitting off, turning to stone, and
itself is contributing to the chaos: in some curving around to connect with themselves—
cases drivers have been directed to drive his entire bottom half is becoming a snarl
through footpaths and building lobbies. of roads and twinkling traffic lights.
96 97
Mission Briefing Loops and Chaos
The original target is kept in the center of
the sphere by a treadmill-like effect. Anyone
An intense spike in Anomalous activity has been detected downtown, in and around Victory The large stone spheres floating above the trapped in a Loop that isn’t its original target is
Circle. This same neighborhood is at the center of the ongoing traffic crisis, which has city are known as Loops, and they are only unaffected and free to move, and can find the
worsened dramatically with the installation of GRIDHOG, the app-based traffic-management visible from below to those who have been edge of the Loop about 30 meters from the
system by the Agency’s economic competitor Miros Industries. The Agency has also been directly exposed to Anomalous resonance. This center in any direction. At this point, the Loop’s
alerted to the existence of giant, mysterious orbs floating above the Ternion City skyline. Anomaly sends Agents and people causing “floor” runs into the vertical “wall” of the sphere.
traffic into Loops using a highly realized and
The Agency suspects that either the drivers’ collective frustration or that the flashy marketing physical version of the Displace effect. If the Loop’s target becomes agitated,
campaign surrounding Miros’ new app has accumulated enough attention to create an the environment may rise up to threaten or
Anomaly, and that this Anomaly is responsible for both the traffic and these giant floating orbs. Within these Loops, commuters are attack whatever is agitating them. If the Loop’s
surrounded by Anomalous energy that seeks inhabitant is led to understand this effect, or
Agents must identify the source of the Anomalous activity and nature of these orbs, to distract them from ever re-entering the is familiar with Anomalies, they may spend
all while preventing panic from further gripping the city. Disaster response units are traffic stream again. If multiple people are Chaos to control the Loop as if in a lucid
congregating near a Transit Department press conference scheduled to be held sent into a Loop together, the Loop imprints dream, using Corrupt, Distort, or Manifest.
soon just outside Victory Circle. The Agency recommends Agents start there. on the first person sent there. It reacts in real
time to their thoughts, attempting to satisfy Any time Agents enter a Loop, ten
To assist in capturing the Anomaly, Agents are also supplied with a free specialty Chaos is added to the Chaos Pool,
Requisition: The Highway, to be returned upon this mission’s completion. what it understands as that person’s Focus.
usable only within that Loop.
Because the needs of mundane minds
change more often than those of Anomalies, If the total Chaos ever falls to zero inside
Loops follow dreamlike logic: a normal a Loop, that Loop becomes unstable, falling
suburban house may have its door lead apart and crashing to the Earth below.
directly into a concert venue, for example.
Special Requisition: The Highway
Miros vs. Agency
This unique tool appears to be a large steering wheel from a modern car. Miros Industries is a relative newcomer to Ternion City. Having experienced
In order to activate it, an Agent must say the full name of a Target who is explosive growth in the realms of automation, app-based gig work, and electronic
within one mile or kilometer (depending on the nearest speed limit sign’s vehicles, it recently relocated to Ternion City to be closer to the power and prestige
measurement used) and then honk the wheel’s horn. It does not work of its more well-established corporate peers. Miros’ corporate headquarters
unless the wielder has an active driver’s license for the area they’re in. now occupies the iconic Fedgely Tower that dominates Ternion’s skyline.
When activated, a thin stretch of walkable road unrolls in a perfect line from the user Miros’ founder, Christina Miros (she/her), met a tragic end after experimentation with
to the Target. It passes directly through things in its way without destroying them. If the Anomalous material led to a dramatic and predictable death, explained to the public as
target is at a significantly different altitude, the road will wind to create a comfortable "retiring from private life to focus on her philanthropy." Now, it appears her successor
incline. It crumbles into nothing behind the last member of a group walking along it. Eric Monaghan was told the truth about Anomalies, and is inviting the same fate.
The Highway has five charges before it becomes inert; Agents may While Miros is regarded internally as a nuisance rather than a threat, they
replenish a charge by investing one Quality Assurance per Agent, in have still demonstrated themselves to be capable of causing trouble.
any combination of Qualities and any combination of Agents. We expect Agents to stymy Miros’ efforts wherever possible.
The containment apparatus within GRIDHOG is lined with material reverse-engineered by Miros
Industries from a stolen Normal Briefcase. It prevents Andrew’s Anomalous power from escaping
the cage other than via the GRIDHOG app or the sensor towers arranged around the intersection.
The Ripple Gun and other Anomalous abilities can’t penetrate GRIDHOG. Conventional force can.
Any Agents with a smartphone with the GRIDHOG app installed will be able to use
Anomaly abilities on Andrew by targeting the app interface and vice versa.
98 99
INVESTIGATION Backstage Victory Circle
Also present backstage is Cameron Ortenzo Agents who slip past the police cordon can
Agents will likely feel motivated to race to the center of the traffic, in Downtown. There are a few (he/him), Executive Assistant to Eric Monaghan. approach the central intersection of Victory
places for them to encounter along the way. He’s holding a proprietary Miros tablet in one Circle on foot. As they cross the Commercial
hand and typing on a laptop with the other. District towards Victory Circle through narrow
and frequently-intersecting streets, they’ll
100 101
Diana Alvarez’ Loop Approaching Diana Alvarez
If the Agents surprise her, she unwittingly Agents can learn this information
Governor Alvarez’ Loop takes the form of a modest-looking houseboat (named Sea Caucus) spends Chaos to Manifest one Imprisoning by confessing to Diana or
and the surrounding marina in Ternion City’s wealthy Ashford district. Whether via The Highway Minor Anomaly per Agent. These Minor using Anomalous means:
or sent by GRIDHOG, Agents arrive in this Loop at the end of the dock housing the boat. Anomalies take the form of animated
rope, power cables, pull-out couches, and Diana has no idea that supernatural
other nearby objects. She will only notice activity is afoot. She thinks the entire
Dock Agents can learn the following
this is unusual if it is pointed out to her. problem is a disastrous tech issue–and
despite Mitch Rhodes’ best efforts: blames it on the researchers of the
This private pier serves as a dock for some
of Ternion’s wealthiest and most powerful If an open conflict breaks out, the entourage GRIDHOG project, specifically Indira
Governor Alvarez and Miros have a
residents. When the Agents arrive, the only outside bursts in to protect the Governor. Roy, rather than Eric Monaghan.
history of private deals and quid pro quo.
people visible are three members of the Officer Karen will attempt to detain the
Agents, and open fire if they suspect the The “safe word” is meant to
Governor’s entourage standing and arguing. The Governor is on the phone with
Governor is in immediate danger. Mitch and disable GRIDHOG. She can tell it’s
her GRIDHOG emergency contact,
Lieutenant Brad Kremmer (he/him) has Aaron follow, afraid to be left alone outside, a name, but has no idea whose.
and has been for some time.
headed towards the nearest police precinct but will retreat if they see any violence. All recent calls in Diana’s phone are to
for backup, and to figure out why their Lieutenant Brad Kremmer has headed
Diana is interested in ending the traffic crisis “Eric Monaghan” and “Indira Roy”.
radios no longer work. In a few minutes, towards the nearest police precinct
he will return, breathless, having stumbled for backup, and to figure out why as quickly as possible. She will cooperate The installation of GRIDHOG was the
upon the edge of the Loop a few blocks their radios no longer work. In a few eagerly with the Agents, but before she culmination of an under-the-table
away. If allowed to deliver his report, he will minutes, he will return, breathless, shares any information that could damage arrangement: Miros would provide the
turn the whole group into Loose Ends. having stumbled upon The edge of the her career she will demand that each Agent city a free and effective traffic solution,
Loop a few blocks away. He will turn offers her dirt on themselves or the Agency. and in exchange the state would share
Press Secretary Mitch Rhodes (he/ the whole group into Loose Ends. Triangle Agency blueprints, building
him) doesn’t want a record of this visit. Diana will only accept the following
pieces of information as collateral: permits, and payroll information with
He’s trying, and failing, to keep his Miros. Diana was surprised to learn
companions quiet and discreet.
Sea Caucus Confession to a crime about Triangle Agency, and they
only found the documents because
Lieutenant Governor Aaron Lee (he/him) Disclosure of illegal or immoral
wants to mutiny, sideline the Governor, and The Governor’s boat’s muted exterior Miros knew how to look for them.
belies its rich and well-crafted furnishings. activity the Agency is engaged in
intervene directly with the traffic problem. An earlier deal in this arrangement
He’s convinced Miros CEO Eric Monaghan has Large tinted windows provide wraparound Any information could discredit the Agent
views of the water, while a hardwood bar involved turning over a Normal Briefcase
caused the traffic on purpose, and intends from a state evidence locker to Miros.
to find and threaten him in order to stop it. near the stern looms opposite an array Any information that could discredit
of chic, comfortable-looking chairs. a political rival of hers, including State law enforcement acquired the
Officer Karen Mason (she/they) blocks Lt. Lt. Governor Aaron Lee. briefcase by chance following an
Governor Lee from entering the boat. She If the Agents enter without being unsuccessful Triangle Agency mission.
wants everyone to remain in place until invited, she is yelling into her phone:
Lieutenant Brad Kremmer has returned “Why doesn’t the safe word work?
with more information and backup. Andrew Brent Andrew Brent
If Agents ask about the Governor’s Andrew Brent! NOTHING!”
whereabouts, Mitch will take the lead In her agitation, she has misremembered
and dodge the question, informing Andrew Wynn’s name. The Highway does
Agents that the Governor’s schedule nothing when “Andrew Brent” is targeted.
is available online (it is not). No one is actually on the other line of her
If the Agents convince the entourage call, but if Agents check they can see she
that they have business with Governor was attempting to contact Indira Roy.
Alvarez, Mitch will ring a doorbell on the
dock, and Diana will receive the Agents on
the deck of the boat. If she decides they are
worth speaking to, she’ll invite them inside.
102 103
Eric Monaghan’s Loop A Toast
Eric is not feeling inquisitive: if the Agents don't give him a reason to suspect they're not part of
Eric’s Loop takes the form of his penthouse office at Miros Headquarters Indira’s research team, he invites them to join him in a champagne toast. He’ll initiate: “a toast, to
in One Victory Plaza in downtown Ternion City. The Highway drops Agents my biggest win yet!” and then look to Secretary expectantly, who’ll provide the first example:
off directly into the waiting room outside his private office. “To Eric, a disruptor among disruptors!”
They then both look to the next Agent in the circle. Each Agent must provide a toast, and
Waiting Room Penthouse Office Eric will become agitated if an Agents’ toast is less flattering than the previous one.
Framed covers of business news magazines Eric’s office overlooks Victory Circle and If he is dissatisfied at the end of the toasts, he will sour towards them, suspecting
line the walls of the waiting room: dozens GRIDHOG Tower. Agents who peer through they’re here to sabotage or spy on him. He'll dismiss them and use Chaos Effect: Manifest
of them featuring a wryly smiling Christina the sealed-shut windows see that the entire to conjure a security officer and escort any uncooperative Agents out of his office.
Miros (she/her), founder of Miros Industries. plaza has been papered over with posters,
Only one of them, very recent, features Eric billboards, and digital signage celebrating the
and the headline “ERIC MONAGHAN: BIG big launch. They depict a sunglass-wearing
FEET TO FILL BIG SHOES AT MIROS!” cartoon warthog giving a thumbs up out “Normal Briefcase”
the window of a speeding car alongside
A desk next to Eric’s door is staffed by the logo in large print: “GRIDHOG: Make If he learns the Agents are from the Agency, Agents can learn the following
Secretary (they/them) a faceless, neatly Traffic Disappear!” On his desk is a printed he attacks them with a conjured Normal after surviving their encounter
dressed servant who stares attentively draft of an article titled “Head of the Captive Briefcase! He wields it defensively, threatening with the fake briefcase:
at their desk until called upon by Eric Passenger Project Earns Nobel Prize, shares to open it and trap the Agents if they get too
or asked a question by the Agents. close. However, as a Loop conjuration, it doesn’t Indira Roy is one of Eric’s employees,
with Visionary CEO Eric Monaghan” heavily assigned to an initiative known as the
marked up with handwritten notes by Eric. behave the way a Normal Briefcase normally
In his office, Eric is busy at work preparing for would — it functions as Eric believes it does. If Captive Passenger Project. Eric knows
the televised statement he plans to give at the he opens it, long, sloppy tentacles explode from little about this project, but understands
press conference. The Agents can overhear: inside to grasp at his target, forcing it inside that they are related to “the ghost stories
Eric assumes that the Agents are members with superhuman strength. If there’s enough Christina was obsessed with” and for that
“After today, we can say that traffic of his colleague Indira Roy (she/her)’s reason he trusts that it is vitally important.
is a choice. With GRIDHOG installed Chaos, this can be represented with Chaos
research team, here to join in the moment Effect: Overwhelm. Otherwise, it deals 3 Harm.
in every major city across the globe, of shared victory. He’s not surprised When Indira reported her initial findings
we can Make Traffic Disappear.” to see she’s not there with them: If he is bested by the Agents, he will tell into the Captive Passenger Project,
them anything they ask in exchange for Eric knew it would be the savior of
After he finishes rehearsing his line, he “Indy isn’t with you? She doesn’t even want his struggling GRIDHOG project and
calls for updates from Secretary. their clemency. However, he doesn’t know
a piece of the glory? I’ll never get you STEM any specific details about Indira’s work in insisted that Indira pivot towards the
If the Agents haven’t antagonized types. You spend all your time studying the the Captive Passenger Program. They’ll slogan: “Make Traffic Disappear.” Indira
Secretary or vandalized the office, world and never understand how it works.” have to talk to her for answers, he insists. tried to stop it, but was made to choose
Secretary will alert Eric that there are between being replaced and leaving
visitors; Eric, curious, will invite them in. Andrew alone or following Eric’s plan.
104 105
Indira Roy's Loop The Agents' Loop
Indira’s Loop takes the form of an infinite hallway in a soft-lit middle-
class suburban American home, lined with closed doors. The Highway, or If the Agents are sent to their own Loop by GRIDHOG, the Loop will take a form
GRIDHOG, drops off Agents alongside Indira as she walks along it. specific to one of those Agents. Choose one at random to be the Loop’s target.
If the chosen Agent has a notable ongoing preoccupation or unresolved
Indira's Memory Palace Agents can learn the following by tension, their Loop will reflect that tension directly. Otherwise, their Loop will take
looking through Indira’s mind palace: a different form based on the current status of their Work/Life Balance.
This hallway is a living manifestation of
Indira’s memory palace: each room in this Indira is the founder and Head Researcher
of the Captive Passenger Project, a division
section contains one of her memories
she was personally courted for by Eric. Anomaly Reality Competency
of her time working on the GRIDHOG
project, and with Andrew. Aside from the If the Agent has spent the If the Agent has spent the If the Agent has spent
Her interest in Anomalies (she calls them most Time in their Anomaly, most Time in their Reality, the most Time in their
main players in any memory, the details “Passengers”) began when she had a
are indistinct, the spatial arrangement the Loop may take the form the Loop appears as the Competency, the Loop
supernatural encounter of her own as a of the spot where they place the Agent associates appears to be their GM’s
haphazard. Peering into each room teen–she saw her best friend light a fire with
gives the distinct impression of watching encountered their personal most with their highest- office, and they’ve arrived for
her mind. Soon after, that friend was taken Anomaly, the place where Connection Relationship. That a Mid-Quarter Evaluation. The
actors perform in a black box theater. by people in suits to “a private boarding they practice their powers, Relationship is in danger. conjured GM will grill them
school.” She never found her again. or the location of the most The Loop uses the Chaos and their team about any
Each time she peers into a door to
check a memory, she unconsciously The Anomaly is a human man named regretted consequence of Effect: Triple to manifest three mistake they’ve made during
uses Corrupt to generate a scene Andrew Wynn (not Brent), formerly using their Anomaly. This Minor Anomalies to attack any previous Missions–
depicting the memory she seeks. a systems analyst at Miros. interaction can show what the conjured version of the including those that the
the Anomaly left behind by Agent’s Relationship. These real GM wasn’t present to
She’s aware that she’s in a paranormal Andrew is a Resonant bonded to an this Agent might be, or what Minor Anomalies are themed witness. They will use Chaos
situation, and is systematically peering Absence Anomaly. In her words, he’s been the Agent is frightened their around the Agent’s stress Effect: Corrupt to produce
into each door’s observation window to “infected” with a supernatural being called Anomaly could become. regarding this Relationship. damning evidence of the
jot notes on her clipboard as she looks a “Passenger” that gives him incredible Agent’s fireable behavior.
for clues that might lead to her escape. powers like passing through walls and
She hasn’t found anything useful yet. traveling incredible distances in an instant.
106 107
Agents who successfully parlay with the Traffic
Anomaly may learn the following:
The Anomaly dimly, but fondly, remembers its time as Andrew Wynn.
Gridhog Tower The Anomaly first encountered, and subsequently bonded with, Andrew
while he was urban exploring in an abandoned underground amphitheater.
Agents may enter the Anomaly’s Domain in a number of ways, including using The
Highway, (targeting Andrew Wynn), asking the GRIDHOG app to navigate them to the Andrew used to be an avid free climber and photographer.
destination “GRIDHOG,” or using their Anomaly Abilities. If the Anomaly has previously It feels a deep connection with Indira Roy, viewing her as a trusted mentor.
sent the Agents into their own Loop, it will hesitate to do so again, only sending them
into a Loop again if the Agents become overtly hostile or uncooperative.
Agents who approach the GRIDHOG tower do so amidst an eerily apocalyptic scene: the
streets are filled with empty cars, their owners either having abandoned them or been The Anomaly Takes Off Capturing
sent elsewhere by the Traffic Anomaly. Too-low cables and sensors dangle overhead and
Once the Traffic Anomaly is freed from The Anomaly can be captured
threaten to tangle taller Agents in their weatherproof web. And in video and print ads
the GRIDHOG containment unit, its Domain if the Agents accomplish
all around, the grinning cartoon warthog encourages them to keep moving along.
increases dramatically: it now receives any of the following:
all Domain benefits when affecting
anyone on or directly above a road. Apprehending it while it is engaged
If the GRIDHOG apparatus is damaged or If they are unwilling to free it, the in bonding with Indira.
opened by the Agents, the Traffic Anomaly’s Anomaly will create a new Loop for them It will attempt to escape to safety and
containment field fails and it takes off. and, by the time they return, will have Inflicting a large amount of physical
obscurity; if the Agents interfere in any way, it
broken out on its own and escaped. force (10+ Harm) to wear it down
If the Agents attempt to talk to the Traffic makes one final, desperate, and dramatically
and send it, any Loops, and any
Anomaly while it is in the apparatus, it If the Agents bring Indira to GRIDHOG, the literal attempt to follow its Focus to Make
raised road falling to the ground.
will use the chaos effect Distort to animate Anomaly will listen to her. Although she does Traffic Disappear: it attaches to the nearby
pavement and takes flight, pulling the rest of Stalling, trapping, or delaying the
and voice the cartoon warthog in a nearby not want to hurt anyone, she is resentful of Eric
the road up behind it. As it ascends, the road Anomaly–especially in situations
GRIDHOG advertisement. If the Agents Monaghan’s treatment of Andrew and will be
rises in one long piece, creating an enormous themed around traffic–to make it
ask, it will explain its desire to address very tempted to set the Traffic Anomaly free.
Traffic Snake that winds its way up the sky. feel powerless and despondent.
the traffic crisis more directly and freely
without the need for an app, by just sending The Anomaly uses chaos effect: Manifest Contenting it by making it experience
people wherever they want to go. to create vehicles that interfere with Agents absolute freedom from traffic.
who pursue it. Violent cars that attempt to As the Anomaly is calmed, its Loops gently
ram Agents, or push them off the road to
Talking the ground below; Imprisoning taxis that trap
lower to the ground before disappearing safely.
Agents inside and drive them down the traffic;
If the Agents enter the GRIDHOG
containment unit itself, or if the Anomaly
The inside of the apparatus is a dark and
cramped carbon-fiber containment unit.
and Thieving traffic cones that coordinate Destroying
with one another to confuse Agents with a
meets with the Agents using Chaos Screens in all directions display the status of The Anomaly can be targeted by the
high-stakes version of three-card monte. It
Effect: Displace, they are transported to hundreds of GRIDHOG app users throughout Ripple Gun if it is successfully reached at
also uses Chaos Effect: Corrupt to manipulate
the inside of the GRIDHOG apparatus. the city (all flashing red), and overhead an LED its perch at the end of the elevated stretch
existing cars, creating obstacles and shifting
display reads “MAKE TRAFFIC DISAPPEAR.” ground to stall the Agents’ progress. of road. While in flight, it manipulates
Agents hoping to speak to Andrew before his
the minor anomalies and pavement to
transformation is complete find that they are The Anomaly is connected to a dense Agents who wish to apprehend the Anomaly prevent Agents from getting a clear shot.
too late. The Anomaly within has fully realized network of wires and collars that deliver must determine how to climb uphill to
its new form: an elegant figure of stone and a visible shock any time it looks away If the Anomaly is destroyed, the Loops
the Anomaly at the head of the traffic
tri-colored light, somewhere between an from its work on the screens. disappear abruptly and send the people and
snake while dodging oncoming traffic.
angel and a gargoyle, patterned with white debris inside them all falling to the ground.
and yellow stripes. It bears Andrew’s face.
108 109
Vault Requisition: Route Rooter
This coin-sized gadget, styled to resemble a pig’s nose, can be pinned
Escaping to one’s clothing using a safety clasp. It can be activated by tapping
it and speaking the name of a destination; the Route Rooter will then
If the Agents subdue the Anomaly but allow it to escape, it will flee
provide step-by-step instructions detailing the quickest way to reach that
Ternion City for the less densely packed suburbs, and feed itself by solving
destination. It relays these instructions via spoken word, using an embedded speaker.
minor traffic scuffles from within the privacy of the woods. Citizens will
experience a notable, but not newsworthy, reduction in traffic. Agents may spend one Quality Assurance from any Quality while activating the Route
Rooter to ensure that the chosen route adheres to one of the following stipulations:
If Indira Roy was with the Anomaly when it was set free, it invites her to join
it. Indira will feel the Anomaly connecting to her. She can become a Resonant X “Take me to [a person’s name].”
if she realizes the possibility or the Agents push her in that direction.
X “Make sure I pass a [type of location such as a gas station,
convenience store, or active volcano] on the way.”
X “Text me the instructions instead of speaking them out loud.”
Loose Ends
X “Help me avoid law enforcement.”
Eric Monaghan will become obsessed with If Indira Roy does not bond with the
overcoming the colossal public failure of Traffic Anomaly and decamp to the
GRIDHOG, and focus on utilizing Anomalies wilderness, she will become a persistent,
as a shortcut to success. Miros will ramp pervasive, and potent Loose End. Seeing
up its effort to disrupt Agency business; on Agents at work, and witnessing the full
subsequent Anomaly Retrieval Missions, extent of Andrew’s powers, will drive her Anomaly Ability: Rest Stop
use of the Chaos Effect Reality Trigger to further and more dangerous study of
may instead call forth a Miros Asset Anomalies, with less oversight and more
Recovery unit, a squad of highly armed funding from Eric. If she’s bonded with You’re not there yet, but you need a moment to take a break. While
but poorly trained operatives dedicated the Traffic Anomaly, however, and she is you’re on the road, take the next exit and roll Subtlety.
to bringing in a live Agent or Anomaly. not convinced to return to the Agency,
she’s savvy about remaining in hiding and On a success, the road leads you to a Rest Stop: a private space, disconnected
Blame for the traffic crisis and disruption studying herself as she slowly transforms. from the surrounding area. It is not staffed, but is outfitted with comfort stations,
caused by GRIDHOG will land on Governor
vending machines, outdoor picnic tables, and a tall map listing fun facts about the
Diana Alvarez’ desk, and she will resign from Agents are expected to return the
surrounding area. You cannot be followed here. The Rest Stop disappears after you
her position by the next time the Agents requisition The Highway after this
leave; anything left behind inside is deposited where the road would normally have led.
convene. Her replacement, Lt. Governor Mission resolves, but they may purchase
Aaron Lee, will be warm towards the Agents one again for 15 Commendations
For each additional 3, you may bring one person to the Rest Stop with you.
personally (unless they gave him reason to (if they return the original) or 45
bear a grudge) but will tighten security and Commendations (if they don’t).
oversight regarding both Miros and Agency On Triscendence, the Rest Stop becomes permanent, and can
activity. Law enforcement is likely to appear be accessed without a roll any time you take that turn.
more quickly, and in greater numbers,
in your Branch’s next few Missions. On a failure, the road leads you off the edge of a pier, into a deep
and remote lake, far from your destination and far from help.
110 111
ANOMALY PROFILE Impulse Current Situation
Aldir consumes nostalgia and memory as a Aldir’s plan is being complicated by physical
way to survive. He no longer has his original media. While everyone who watched on
Retroflix is an upstart studio that harvests, repackages, and peddles nostalgia. At the heart Focus, his emotional anchor, so he lives by the streaming platform loses all memories
of its recent acquisitions is an Anomaly that once fed the creative impulses of writers, taking others’. Aldir runs the business like of the properties once they’re deleted, the
filmmakers, and animators and lifted them to new cinematic heights–but the closure of a shell game, getting the public hooked on physical media still exists–and many people
its studio home turned it Hollow long ago. Now in the form of a powerful studio executive, a show only to “vault it” for “tax purposes”. don’t pay for Retroflix. Cultural memory is
this Anomaly is consuming fragments of pop culture ephemera in order to sustain its What Aldir is actually doing is consuming the now split based on those who remember
existence. When it does, those bits of media disappear from memory entirely. emotional resonance tied to a show once watching it only in a classic format vs. those
it’s reached a certain popularity index. who watched on the streaming service. A
stand-out case where a former star has
History such a glut of media present… who would Everything that a fan pours into their devotion forgotten their career at Rare Import Studios
notice if a few shows went missing every now to a show—loyalty, deep knowledge, love—
In the early 90s, Rare Import Studios rocketed and then? Whatever Aldir was before, now he has attracted the Agency’s attention.
is all just grist for the mill. Then anyone
to success by importing and repackaging is naught but a hollow suit, with consumption who consumes these shows through
early anime and sentai shows. The studio and growth as his only real motivators. the streaming platform forgets they ever
was purchased by a venture capital company existed. Each time this happens, Aldir’s
within the decade and stripped for all its Focus life extends and stock price rises.
parts. Left behind, alone under a sound stage,
was an Anomaly. Once, it inspired the people Aldir’s original Focus—maximizing creative
who worked here… but in the end, they left output—is gone, and the Anomaly has
it behind. The Anomaly that once made this long since Hollowed. To avoid death,
place great turned Hollow from its loss–and the Anomaly discovered a new way to
grew to resent the minds that had created it. survive: devouring creative ephemera. By
acquiring IP and removing it from reality
Cut to now. The hot new thing in Ternion City’s after maximizing attention directed toward
television industry is Aldir Cromblaino (he/ it, he is able to eat our memories and Morning Meetings Briefing
him), the mysterious new CEO of Retroflix, emotions associated with the shows.
a company dedicated to buying up the X A young Relationship was a recently- Yesterday, during a livestream, an actor named
scattered parts of Rare Imports Studios
and other nostalgic content and using
Domain inducted super fan of 90’s hit Totally Marcos Lita (he/him) forgot who he was.
Transmorphic Teenage Marshals, but Marcos was streaming a “reaction watch” of a
them as the core of a streaming platform. Retroflix Studios, his ever-metastasizing can no longer remember why their TV series called Totally Transmorphic Teenage
He’s gotten a reputation for being a savvy streaming studio, whose reach extends by room is papered with its posters. Marshals (TTTM), a 90’s sentai show. Marcos
and voracious buyer of media that’s out of the day both physically and digitally. Aldir played the lead of the show. He was the red
circulation, hosting it only on Retroflix, and receives Domain bonuses anywhere Retroflix’s X A news story breaks about Retroflix one. Halfway through an episode, he suddenly
then removing it suddenly without warning. media properties are being observed. removing all 1200 episodes of the popular forgot why he was watching this show and
No one knows where he came from, or anime Single Segment from the air, for tax that he was ever in it. Since then he’s had
purposes. Shortly afterward, the news and
how he rose to prominence so quickly–but
he knows what people want, knows how
Appearance the discussion are nowhere to be seen.
several meltdowns across social media as he’s
discovered more physical swag, featuring him,
to give it to them, and then always takes it Aldir wears the same pin-striped suit every day. of this show he apparently does not remember
away when their attachment is at its peak.
X An Agent’s family member is clearing
The finest cut and material. Those that take out their old things and invites them at all. The Agency has the original stream on
a meeting with him leave with their emotions to reminisce about the shows and file for the Agents’ perusal and the address of
In truth, Aldir is the Anomaly of Rare Import
buzzing, heads spinning, a rust-like taste at the stories they loved as a child. the storage unit he is currently streaming from.
Studios, still alive and with a perfectly-
back of their mouths and the smell of freshly-
developed human form. For the past 30 The Agency believes the speed and
mowed lawn clippings in their memory. Aldir’s X At the Agency, Agents are required to
years he has learned to survive as a Hollow completeness of his memory loss is potentially
face is a well-crafted mask, honed over his participate in “layoff practice,” where
by taking on human forms and occasionally Anomalous in nature–it’s up to the Agents
extraordinarily long life. Behind the mask is every employee drills the steps to follow
consuming people to remain stable. Aldir to determine what’s really going on.
his true form: a gaseous, multicolored whorl. in case of emergency mass layoffs.
learned that this method only sustains him for
It still wears the suit. In the quiet, his presence
a short time and eventually moved on to larger
is accompanied by a slight buzzing. Like a
prey: our creative ephemera. Art contains the
mosquito hovering on the edge of your hearing.
concentrated energy of many minds, and with
114 115
Chaos Effects
The Agents can watch a recording Marcos is actively live-streaming
of the original stream, with right now from a storage unit:
the following highlights:
Marcos is outside a storage unit talking
The episode he’s currently watching about how he has a key with “TTTM”
Physical things connected to properties Aldir has erased
(and forgetting!) is a famous one, a on it. Same as the show. He opens it.
fan favorite, where the mysterious
Veridian Marshal appears and shit-cans
It’s full of swag. Swag with his face
on it. Press kits/photos. Like all the
2 Corrupt
also disappear, or change to lose their original branding.
This doesn’t happen automatically, but if given enough
time would likely happen to all erased properties.
the heroes with their MechaKaiju. memories he had of this show were
stuffed away in this storage container. Aldir will primarily use Impersonating Anomalies. The majority of
“Okay, y’all. I know I shat on the
show for years. Refused to watch
it and just tried to distance myself
He’s both uplifted and heartbroken.
It’s clear seeing this stuff: his impact
4 Manifest
these are Empty Suits: Human-like executive puppets that further
Aldir’s will. He’ll also create facsimiles of movie stars and important
political and historical figures to confuse Agents if given the chance.
from it entirely. But shit… I gotta on the fandom. He appreciates it
say y’all were right. The Viridian for the first time, with fresh eyes.
Viral Marketing: Aldir can command attention towards the
Marshal arc goes hard as–… Sorry.
I… uh… lost my train of thought.
What am… What is this show?”
“I thought I never got my big break…
And I was… embarrassed by it
5 Attract
nearest screen. People may find themselves compelled to start
watching the advertised show on whatever device is handy, as
soon as possible–or go somewhere the screen directs them to.
when I did? What was I thinking?”
The livestream starts losing viewers.
A woman off camera says “I told you, Asset Nullification: Targets are placed into a chaotic dumping
Things like “Who is this guy?” “What
honey. I was always so proud of you.” ground of everything ever “nullified” for tax purposes. Popular
channel am I watching?” stream by.
Marcos looks confused, distressed.
He watches as the next episode
Another man, off camera, says “What 8 Displace
anime series exist simultaneously with sentai shows, black and
white classic sitcoms, and a long running police procedural. This
are you two talking about? Marcos scintillating maze of pop culture is as distracting as it is confusing,
auto plays. “What the hell is this?” was never in a show. Who’s even and meant to trap the victim giving Aldir time to regroup.
and when his face/name pops up heard of that show before?”
during the intro his jaw drops to the Acquisitions: Aldir can use Expand to capture media properties
floor. The stream abruptly cuts off. Marcos looks down at his disappeared
legacy. He looks into the camera. “I’m
6 Expand within his domain as well as locations. Once media properties are
within his Domain, he can Eliminate them to add Chaos to the pool.
gonna sort this out. You two can go.”
116 117
X He wants to get to the bottom of things, and will help Agents if they do, too. He
Swag Storage
suspects it has something to do with Retroflix, because his mother says everything
was fine until they uploaded the show to their streaming service. He will do
everything he can to aid the Agents if they express interest in investigating Retroflix.
The STORE-IT-ALL storage units are a short
Family Support X His trove of primary sources from the time can help the Agents with what’s
drive outside the city. Three single-story beige Carmen (she/her), Marcos’ mother, and Alberto to come. Every behind-the-scenes photo is from the same soundstage, which
buildings are split into a few dozen individual (he/him) Marcos’ brother, are sitting nearby was continually repurposed for every location in the show’s localization.
units of varying sizes, each with a roll-up door in a truck. When Agents approach, they’re Marcos seems to have spent multiple years working in that building–
that opens directly to the outside. STORE- arguing over what’s happening to Marcos. he hopes if he sees the soundstage again, it might jog his memory.
IT-ALL has no human guards and relies on
security cameras monitored from another Agents can learn the following X Marcos is planning to go to a Retroflix studio lot tour to look for the soundstage
place. No one is here other than Marcos. by talking to, or listening in as its the only consistent clue among this trove. He bought the last several
on, Carmen and Alberto: tickets of today’s tour himself with the intent of recruiting family to help
Marcos Lita (he/him) is sifting through a him sneak away, but he’ll revise his plan to work with the Agents.
storage unit full of Totally Transmorphic Carmen remembers the show, and has
Teenage Marshals (TTTM) swag, fan mail, a physical collection of signed Blu-Rays.
and other ephemera of his pop culture
past. No longer livestreaming, Marcos has Alberto has no recollection of it ever
existing, but Carmen remembers that
Retroflix Studios
moved from confusion to frustration.
he just watched it all last year—on
When Agents arrive he’s throwing his Retroflix. She knows for sure because
belongings into a pile, upending boxes and she got upset with him for making fun
grumbling about how little information of Marcos in the Crimson Marshal role. Retroflix is in the process of a massive Marcos, if allowed to tag along,
there is among the merchandise. renovation, with several sections of the grounds meets the group outside.
cordoned off to visitors. The classic, cream
If he’s not brought along but it’s at all
Agents can learn the following Looking into Retroflix white, art deco buildings are being replaced
with ultramodern and sterile corporate offices. possible, he’ll find a way into the tour anyway.
by finding an excuse to approach
Agents can learn the following He’s wearing a Crimson Marshal helmet as a
Marcos or by inspecting the
using the internet or other The tour goes through sets of famous disguise, to pass as a superfan of the show.
magazines in his storage unit:
methods to research Retroflix: and beloved shows like the (American He’s looking for a chance to escape to the
Apparently, he was the Crimson Marshal, localized scenes of) Totally Transmorphic soundstage from his photographs, where TTTM
the teen leader of the Transmorphic Retroflix is a streaming service of Teenage Marshals, modern westerns like was filmed, in the hopes of jogging his memory.
Marshals, a popular 90’s sentai series nostalgic content from the 80s to Stalker: Wisconsin Magistrate, and the
that spawned a slew of spin offs. But the early 2000s. They’re based out classic teen coming of age sitcom Petal.
he doesn’t remember any of this. of the former Rare Import Studios Many of these shows have disappeared
offices and TV production buildings, from Retroflix viewers’ memories, but
He’d never watched the show, out of which had been unused for years. some of the original physical parts of
embarrassment. According to several The address is readily available. production remain. The tour guide will have
magazine interviews he did, he spent little to say about this but the guests that
his whole career trying to distance The CEO of Retroflix is Aldir Cromblaino. remember these shows certainly might.
himself from a thing that brought He has given multiple interviews
joy to so many. He’s torn up over regarding his “asset nullification”
this, and is struggling with regret for strategy, an arcane method of improving Starting the Tour
behavior he doesn’t remember at all. company value by removing IP from
circulation. Nothing about him comes Tours meet outside the Retroflix main office, where the tour guide scans digital tickets. The
up prior to the creation of Retroflix. former Rare Import Studios isn’t being used to film new things–it now exists only for these
tours. No one is working in these buildings aside from custodial and security staff.
Retroflix Studios offers daily lot tours,
but there are no tickets left. Good
thing Marcos has a few extras.
118 119
The Tour Group
Agents will learn the following from
Sandra Martinez Jurgen whether they like it or not: Post-Building
Sandra (she/her) is affable and unflappable.
Retroflix isn’t available in Jurgen’s The
She’s dressed in a crisp Retroflix tour
home country so he’s never used The Hero Soundstage
guide uniform, which sports the logo’s
purple and black color combination.
it. He’ll constantly ask why Sandra Lawn
isn’t talking about sets from shows
Everything about her is manicured.
that have disappeared off the Administration
service like Stalker: Wisconsin
Terry Tobinson Magistrate, Petal, and I Like Trudy.
Terry (he/they) is a sprightly young person “I Like Trudy filmed the rear-ending
120 121
Tour Stop #2: The Post-Building The Missing Soundstage
Around the barrier, it’s nothing but an empty concrete slab. It’s just a footprint of a
The Post-Building is where all the magic happens! At least that’s what Sandra claims. The Post- building. But if they walk onto the foundation, It makes their teeth itch and feels like
Building is supposedly where a lot of these shows are recut for streaming purposes. In reality, their bones are growing hair. Something isn’t right. Something is missing. There’s
it’s just a shell of a building housing a massive server bank. The walls of the building are painted no visual evidence to suggest demolition or deconstruction in any way.
to appear like there are hundreds of doors and windows from different shows belonging to
Retroflix. It’s not immediately apparent where the entrance actually is… if there even is one. Agents can learn the following by
exploring the missing soundstage:
Jurgen will ask the following questions Strange Barrier Anyone who spends more than a few minutes here begins to see dozens of
about the editing process that
Sandra is not prepared to answer: A large, hastily-erected row of tall wooden sets overlaid on top of each other like double exposed photographs. Sets from
boards blocks the view to one side of the TTTM, Stalker: Wisconsin Magistrate, Petal, and other disappeared shows.
“Why did the old Pickleodeon Post-Building. Marcos tells the Agents that he’s
shows shift aspects ratios in the Agents with a method to see Resonance can see the outline of a massive
getting a weird feeling. Like a pull. Something structure. Rectangular, long, with a high ceiling. It fits the foundation perfectly.
move to 4k? You realize it cuts behind that barrier. He wants their help to
off some of the visual humor.” slip away. Either they can create a distraction Agents with a method to access the history of this area (as in Negatives) they
“What does ‘streamer cut’ mean? and he’ll link up with them later, or they can can see a smartly dressed business executive placing both of his hands on the
Is it like a director’s cut? Are all go together. He leaves it up to them. building—and absorbing the entire thing into his body as if the structure was liquid
you all recutting classic films? flowing into a pipe. It was the first thing Aldir did when he bought the studio.
Who is authorizing this?”
“Hey, Sandra, can you tell Crimson Marcos Meltdown Security Alert
here how they cut TTTM together?”
The empty space triggers a huge emotional If the Agents didn’t disguise their
response in Marcos. Marcos collapses as his escape, Sandra will notice and alert
When she doesn’t respond, Jurgen gives an memories of the show come flooding back security. While Agents try to assist Marcos
exhaustive, pedantic, historical explanation. in a flood of incomprehensible flashes and during his meltdown—or during their
The TL;DR version is: they took Japanese chunks. The Agents will need to find a way to exploration of the soundstage, the Agents
footage of sentai shows and recut them sooth his mind or calm him down so he can are approached by Cory Watson, (he/
with American teens, which is why they actually make sense of what he’s experiencing. him), a B-list TV star known to be a golden
transform and are suddenly in Japanese retriever poured into an Adonis shell.
industrial parks fighting monsters. When he’s able to stand again he
looks around the area, eyes focused In truth, he’s a Minor Anomaly Aldir has
TTTM was originally a super sentai show but on something that isn’t there. sent to separate them from Marcos.
in Japan roughly translated to Masked
Power Elder Fighter and was about a group Marcos wants to stay. He’s afraid he will forget If the Agents meet him with violence,
of seniors who took on the roles of earth again if he leaves the area. The group will either available Chaos can be spent on more
protectors. There were extensive American have to convince him to leave, force him to, or Minor Anomalies in the form of security
reshoots with the “teenaged” cast. leave him here to wallow in nostalgia. Following officers on the husk of the old soundstage.
this process, Marcos cannot lose his memories
again and is protected from Aldir’s abilities. If any of these Minor Anomalies are killed,
they will burst into a flash of sparks and
If Marcos is left behind at the soundstage, disappear, revealing their Anomalous nature.
he’ll be rounded up and deposited in
Aldir’s office to await the Agents’ arrival. If any of Aldir’s creations come into physical
contact with Marcos following his memories
If he continues with the Agents, he grapples returning, they will immediately burst into
with the memories he just regained, and sparks and disappear as well, regardless of
is furious his mind was messed with. how much Stability they have. If this happens,
Marcos will believe (correctly) he’s now
inoculated to the effects of the Anomaly.
122 123
Administration Round One: Loglines Round Two: Drilling Down
Loglines are simple, one-to-two sentences Whether or not they received a Green Light
At any point throughout the tour, Agents can climb over or move through the chain-link fence story descriptions. For example, Back to in the previous round, Agents take turns
to approach the Administration building. Coming from the soundstage, there’s an obvious gate the Future: A young man is transported to answering one follow-up question and
closed with a single padlock on a chain. Administration is a simple five-story building with a the past, where he must reunite his parents expanding their pitch for the executives.
bland business-only vibe. before he and his future cease to exist.
Data shows that viewers are most
Looking through the windows from the outside, the Agents see an empty office lobby. No The suits only want something using existing IP. attracted to villainous characters.
security guards. No receptionist. But when the lobby doors are opened the Agents don’t step Agents can reference IP they’ve learned about How will you reverse the traditional
into that space at all. during the tour for bonus points (cheaper hero and villain arcs or roles?
budget for the suits) but they can pitch based
Inside are the Executive Suites: a labyrinthine maze of cookie-cutter cubicles with people hard on any existing TV show, movie, or game. Data shows that people like being
at work. Security cameras cover major thoroughfares and executive blindspots. There’s an happy. How will you make sure
elevator at the other end of the room marked off by a red velvet rope. There are no other exits. it makes people happy?
Agents take turns pitching loglines.
Entering this space from a window or method other than the front door will give Agents access After each pitch, the executives ask Data shows that people don’t like villains
to the empty lobby and easy access to the elevator, which they can take directly to the top. for one of the following changes: or conflict. How will you make sure your
premise can happen without any fighting?
Data shows people like desserts.
Executive Suites The elevator on the other side of the room Rework the logline to include an Data shows that people only want
doesn’t have a button. If they want to use ice cream or pastry shop. conflict. How will you make sure every
These cubicles are populated by Aldir’s it, they need to make a pitch. The suits will episode has at least one fight?
minions, dozens of Minor Anomalies in the form explain this readily. (“If you win the bake-off, Data shows that people don’t
of Empty Suits with 1 Threat/1 Stability, though you can meet Aldir Cromblaino himself!” respond to period pieces. Any time Data predicts that genre dying before this
using Manifest at normal cost can upgrade “The man on top needs something new!”) period. Rework the logline and set show would air. How can you make the
them into any of the typical categories. this story out of space and time. idea into a cop, medical, or lawyer drama?
If Agents agree, they will all be taken
From all the motivational posters touting to a nearby boardroom where they Data shows that there are Data shows that audiences really respond
synergy, innovation, and creation it is clear will engage in… The Bake-Off! children. Rework the logline to reality television. How can you tell
these empty suits are charged with making to make it child friendly. this same story in the real world?
something new. They are constantly talking The Bake-Off Data shows that people love stories about
to each other, expressing desperation: (“New!
Mr. Cromblaino needs something new!” Retroflix has an infinite supply of Aldir’s the living dead but hate the word zombie.
“Do you want this company to die? We producer suits, but no artists. They’re in Rework the logline to set it in a zombie
need something better than that!”) Those dire need of pitches, and will leverage the apocalypse without using the word
who are trying to create are regurgitating chance for fame (and their ability to open zombie or any other name already taken.
mash-ups of things the Agents saw on the the elevator) to make Agents create movies
Data shows that people love
tour. (“Totally Tae-Kwon-Do Transmorphic and television shows for them to create.
catchphrases. Add a catchphrase
Tortoises!” “Petal, Wisconsin Magistrate!”)
The suits’ taste is as inexplicable as it is to the end of your logline.
White boards are covered in blank note cards.
Headshot casting printouts are written on in terrible. They want something familiar…
Data shows that people love social
sharpie (“Perfect for the role: MAN.” Perfect but different. Some only want something
media. Rework the logline to make social
for the role: VILLAIN.”) Empty production original, but others only want something
media a key component of the story.
grids. An immense amount of work is being that uses their existing IP. This isn’t a solo
put into doing and creating nothing. endeavor: each participating Agent must
make an attempt to win each round. They
Any intruders–whether they snuck in can pitch either movies or television shows.
or are brought in by Minor Anomalies
after losing a fight–are seen as potential The Bake-Off lasts for three rounds. At the
sources of creativity. The suits rise from end of all three rounds, the Executives give
their desks and block passage by insisting the best pitch a Green Light, an immaterial
the Agents pitch them new movie ideas. Anomalous orb of green energy. The Green
If ignored or resisted, they’ll get violent. Light assists that Agent during Aldir’s
Displacement power during the Encounter.
124 125
Round Three: Attachments Talking to Aldir Containing Aldir
Each Agent is given a chance to tell the suits who’ll be involved. Who are your Aldir has already decided the Agents won’t be If Aldir is contained, the Agency will take
leads? Do you have a director for the pilot? Who is composing the theme? allowed to leave, but he’s polite. He’s like a cat over Retroflix and begin using it as a revenue
playing with its food. For every question the stream and propaganda distributor. They
Agents ask, he’ll demand answers in kind. will use film of the contained Aldir to smooth
Data predicts that the director will Data shows that younger audiences the transition and reduce Loose Ends.
become blacklisted for a horrendous do not care for romance or sex on He is deeply interested in what the Agents'
favorite shows are, especially ones
scandal during the course of production.
Who else do you have in mind?
film. Pitch leads with absolutely no
romantic chemistry whatsoever. from their youth. One by one he’ll probe
Bonding with Marcos
each Agent, taking copious notes. If Aldir is willing to give up his history and
Data shows that middle America Data shows that musicians are extremely
move forward by supporting Marcos, the
doesn’t care for that lead. Do you have popular right now. Pitch leads who If the Agents want any hope of containing
two of them can bond and become a
someone more corn fed in mind? have music careers, and the songs this venerable Anomaly they’ll need to find
Resonant with powers focused on art and
they can perform for your concept. a way to exploit this or Aldir’s weakness for
Data shows that historically coastal entertainment (likely closest to Dream.)
Marcos, who Aldir will not hurt directly.
conservatives and heartland elites Data shows that online complaints
Unfortunately, especially for Marcos… no
crave a romantic subplot. Pitch about product placement boost Marcos can lend a voice as a similarly
matter how Aldir is dealt with, the erased
leads with more chemistry. engagement. What products will broken creative–and one of the original
memories–and in some cases, shows–
you place into the project? sources of Aldir’s Focus. Aldir could recover
can never be fully returned. That is a
from his Hollowing by attaching to Marcos’
scar that they will all have to accept.
creative aspirations and finding a new
Once the Bake-Off is concluded, the suits give their favorite the Green Light and declare that all Focus or bonding with him as a Resonant.
pitches are ready for Aldir. The elevator opens on its own. It will take them directly to Aldir’s office.
126 127
Fighting Aldir
Any information gleaned along the tour,
128 129
Birds have their nests. Sq
have their nuts stored aw
in the ground. Flowers ha
bees to cross-pollinate. Bu
you have nothing and no
, as it does
fo re st . T he sun is setting
You wander th
e d you stop to
g . T he trees rustle, an its
every ev en in il longer than
in y, fo ur -l eg ged, with a ta l of so m e fruit,
look. T th e hard shel
to p ic k at e it.As you pass by, its
body. It stops sh ar p en ough to pierc
e no t teeth grow larger,
but its teeth ar sha rper. It pays you
no mind as it jumps
headfirst into its
evening meal.
You hear a call. You lower your head and
barrel forward to greet it.
The sun falls and the shadows grow long
and you are running on
sound and smell alone. You follow the mix
of fear and sorrow.
“W a ff l e s?”
A creature comes into view: two-legged.
Friend. Her voice is soft and her eyes
are big and bright and stained with tears.
You hesitate amidst the pine and brush,
but she takes another step forward.
What do you think of when you see a once-occupied doghouse in an overgrown yard? Sorrow,
loneliness, abandonment? We want to love, and we want to be loved. Weird Dog responds to
Morning Meetings Mission Briefing
that impulse to become at once companion, follower, fierce protector–and shaper of reality. The Agency has intercepted photographs
X An Agent is approached by a relationship
they have been neglecting because of their from Little Inlet’s animal control department.
In Little Inlet, a coastal town outside Ternion City, this Anomaly with power over all
work with the Agency. Their Relationship The officer there, Pedro Roberts, labeled
things four-legged creates chaos and confusion while doing its best to help.
is going through some trouble recently each picture “Little Inlet Demon”. Each one
(a breakup, loss of a job, etc.) and tries captures a blurry four-legged creature. Each
History Impulse to make plans (“you never have time for Agent sees something different when they
look at the photos (but always with four legs).
me!”), but these inevitably fall through when
Dessie Brewer is having a miserable first year When Weird Dog finds someone in need of the Agent is called to this assignment.
of middle school. Her parents are getting a friend, it tails them and searches for a way The photographs come with an email
divorced, the girls in gym class are bullying to warp reality to help. Dessie wants a dog X An Agent encounters an entitled middle argument about what exactly is featured
her, and her dog Waffles has gone missing. to be a friend and protector, so Weird Dog school girl named Meg who makes their life in the photos: “Sir, I hope this email finds
On some level, Dessie knows that Waffles isn’t becomes a dog for her. Weird Dog can also a living hell for the brief moment she’s in it. you well. I believe a very weird dog is
coming back, but it does not stop her from change other four-legged animals, but only for roaming the woods near Little Inlet.”
making missing posters and hanging them up a short time: giving them the ability to speak X While scrolling social media, an Agent
sees a picture of a dog. Everyone in “Officer, Thank you for your email.
all over the tiny coastal town of Little Inlet. a human language, to perform uncommon Respectfully, how did you see
physical feats, to change shape, etc. the comments is arguing over what
Dessie’s grief and denial, her isolation and breed it is. When the Agent looks at tentacles and think dog?”
wish for a single tether to the world around Unfortunately, Weird Dog doesn’t understand the picture again, the creature doesn’t “Team: It has come to my attention that
her, all of it has attracted an Anomaly who societal norms, so its actions seem dangerous even look like a dog anymore. this is a demon, and we should all be
is fiercely loyal to and protective of her, and to an outside viewer. It might doggedly pursue making peace with our gods. Best, Pedro.”
anyone else it deems worthy of friendship. a bully who hurt its friend or lead a distressed X An Agent sees an intersection with missing
friend into a remote area and refuse to let them dog posters absolutely plastered all over The Agency has tentatively
every surface: poles, benches, parked
Focus leave until they calm down.
cars. The poster features a photo of an
named the Anomaly “Weird Dog”
because of this exchange.
Relief from grief and loneliness. When ethereal-looking borzoi named Waffles.
Weird Dog finds a kindred spirit, it must Current Situation Agents should prepare to leave for Little Inlet at
X An Agent has a dream about a pet they once, with their first stop being Animal Control.
protect or assist them no matter the cost. Weird Dog roams Little Inlet, following Dessie used to have when they were very young.
from a distance. It has attacked her bullies
Domain (but not left lasting wounds) and tailed
several adults she’s come into contact with,
Weird Dog’s domain is an old dog house including the animal control worker whom
deep in the middle of Pine Woods. It
has been there for a long time.
she asked about Waffles. Dessie believes that
Weird Dog is Waffles, acting as her guardian
Optional Objectives
angel and the city’s protector. Yesterday,
Appearance photos surfaced of Weird Dog for the first +1 Commendation for petting a dog. +1 Commendation for the
time. This has drawn the Agency’s attention first three dog-related puns
Weird Dog looks different to everyone +3 Commendations for the first agent to
and created a potential Loose End crisis. delivered on this mission.
all the time. You may see a dog, but you be complimented by a middle schooler.
may also see a horse, or an alligator, or +2 Demerits for each dog-related
something that doesn’t resemble any animal +1 Demerit for getting roasted pun following the initial three.
you’ve seen before. Blink, and you may find by a middle schooler.
yourself looking at something completely
different. No matter what you see, Weird
Dog always has four legs and a face
someone could love–even if it isn’t you.
132 133
Weird Dog can briefly change reality for a four-legged Animal Control
2 Corrupt
creature. This may look like giving them the ability to speak,
changing a part of their form, or giving them a supernatural
The Little Inlet Center for Animal Control is nestled in a strip mall between a pizzeria and
ability. This effect typically wears off after 24 hours.
a convenience store. Inside are dark carpets and beige walls adorned with posters about
A single Squeaky Toy manifests near the Agents. This toy looks like keeping dogs current on their rabies shots and not feeding stale bread to waterfowl.
a mundane stuffed duck, but it squeaks incessantly (and loudly!) and
drives all dogs within earshot wild. Any Agent who tries to remove
The Little Inlet Demon Agents can learn the following
4 Manifest the squeaker finds there is none. Playing fetch with a dog using the
squeaky toy quiets the squeaker down. Weird Dog can also use The current agent on duty is Pedro Roberts
by matching Pedro’s energy:
Manifest to transform four-legged creatures more dramatically, giving (he/him), a young man with brown skin and Pedro is using the center’s computer
them a Threat & Stability value matching a Minor Anomaly type. to write a blog post about what he
a buzz cut wearing a beige animal control
uniform with the sleeves rolled up to reveal saw in the Pine Woods. This post
Weird Dog’s high-pitched howl can only be perceived by dogs could potentially create up to 1.5 loose
5 Attract and through down-pitching on digital devices. This howl calls any
mundane dog (and often its human) to Weird Dog’s domain.
a Mothman tattoo. He was the one who
took those photos of Weird Dog found in the ends a week (an estimate based
on the blog’s current metrics).
correspondence provided by the Agency.
Pedro is happy to tell the Agents about his Pedro caught a few lost or feral
Weird Dog’s domain begins at the dog house in Pine Woods
6 Expand and spreads outward, pushing the boundaries of the
forest. It does not wish to expand farther than that.
encounter with the demon (“I’ve been calling
it the Little Inlet Demon, aka LID. That’s
animals the same night as he saw
the Little Inlet Demon, which they
not very cool, is it? We’ll workshop it.”). can check out in the back.
Weird Dog can access the memories of a deceased animal. In
Pedro is excitable and exaggerates: “This Pedro caught the demon on video,
this dimension it can showcase a dog’s memories through its
thing had horns! And spikes all across its
8 Displace
own eyes. While displaced, the Agents may see themselves
through the eyes of a dog from their childhood, or Dessie body. And a tail? Tentacles? Honestly, it
was really dark. I know it had four legs.
which he shows the Agents.
134 135
Strange Captives Dessie’s Locker
Agents can find the following
inside the locker:
There are several holding kennels inside X Winter, a white cat whose claws are so long Agents who follow the posters or ask a
the office, where lost or feral animals are and sharp they defy the laws of physics. student can find Dessie’s locker, which A glitter bomb that activates upon
placed until someone picks them up (or She is currently using one as a file to break is papered floor to ceiling with them. opening the locker, placed by Meg &
they get transferred to a shelter). There the lock and bust out of the kennel. Agents who study these posters notice Taylor. Any Agents facing it get blasted
are three animals in these kennels at that over half of them feature four-legged with a huge amount of green and gold
present, each who were picked up the X Sigmund, a Scottish Terrier who creatures that don’t look like waffles. glitter that will be stuck on them for days.
same night Pedro saw Weird Dog. smiles by unhinging his entire jaw
to bare one thousand teeth. A mess of school supplies
Pedro has not yet noticed that Winter and A backpack with an address
Sigmund have been affected by Weird Dog, X Dantes, a tri-pawed Chow Chow mix
who, due to his amputation, was attached for The Brewers’ House.
but if the Agents do not do something about
it, he or the people who come to pick up unaffected by Weird Dog’s powers. Meg & Taylor
their animals will become Loose Ends.
If Agents activate the glitter bomb, OR If Agents go to the Life Sciences classroom
Meg & Taylor start laughing–they’ve before opening the locker, they’ll find Meg
Pine Roads Middle School come around the corner at just the
right moment, and will immediately
& Taylor there. They spend most of their
time there because it has a lot of animals
begin grilling Agents as to why inside. There’s chinchillas and snakes, toads
The middle school is a three-story brick building, unremarkable and yet somehow they’re opening kids’ lockers. and mice, all manner of creatures that are
still capable of inducing dread. The first hurdle is getting inside. well-kept by the middle school students.
Gaining Entry Inside Meg & Taylor (both she/her) are middle If Agents talk to Meg and Taylor, they
schoolers, and they run this place, primarily will get bullied. They can learn the
Agents can access Pine Roads in Dessie’s posters for her missing dog because everyone is afraid of them. The following by surviving the bullying
one of the following ways, using Waffles litter the halls. Most have been ampersand is part of the name; even teachers using mundane or Anomalous methods:
mundane or Anomalous methods: thrown into the garbage. Following the have taken to writing it that way. They have
posters, Agents can find Dessie’s locker. an uncanny ability to tell what someone’s Both girls have been bullying
Sneak in. Consequences for failure greatest insecurity is just by looking, even if Dessie mercilessly.
include being detected and summarily Agents that spend any amount of time in it’s not something about their appearance.
ejected from the building. Pine Roads Middle School run into Meg & It came to a head yesterday when they
Taylor, the girls who were attacked, and Meg’s father owns half the rental cornered her on the walk home from
An Agent poses as a parent or students will point Agents to the Life Sciences properties in town, so the underpaid public school. A creature rushed forward and
guardian of a middle schooler. Once classroom if they ask about the incident. school teachers are afraid of him. attacked them, while Dessie ran away.
inside, the Agent must find a middle
schooler to corroborate the lie. Agents can learn the following “easily” They were more scared than in pain; by
by talking to middle schoolers: the time they got to the hospital, they
Organizing an assembly or special realized they weren’t injured at all: no
event to grant them access to the The kids know what happened blood, no wounds, not even a mark.
school. Consequences include to Waffles, considering that giant
speaking at an assembly and getting piece of roadkill they found down They haven’t seen Dessie since. Their
dunked on by middle schoolers. Ladderback Road last week. No one guesses are either that she’s at home or
wants to be the one to tell Dessie. that she went looking for Waffles again.
136 137
The Brewers’ House Panic! At The Dog Park
The Agents can find the Brewers’ house from the address on Dessie’s backpack in the There is one dog park in Little Inlet, a small fenced-in area down by the beach, complete
middle school. with astroturf and a plastic bag dispenser that’s been empty for two years. Technically, no
one is allowed inside the dog park without a dog. While there’s no way to enforce that, most
The Brewers live in a modest two-bedroom with a dogwood tree on the front lawn, and a people do their best to ignore and side-eye anyone who doesn’t arrive with a dog. To get any
large fence surrounding the backyard. Cynthia and Lemar Brewer are in the process of a information out of the people here, they’ll need to get one, possibly from Animal Control.
very disorganized divorce. When the Agents arrive, a giant mover’s truck is parked in the
driveway, and Lemar is in the process of loading boxes into it. There are four humans inside the park. Two of them have brought their dog. One of
them is Amisa, a dogwalker with three dogs. The last is Dessie, who is checking for
Lemar is Dessie’s father and the owner of a local music store. He’s naturally suspicious Weird Dog. Weird Dog is going to cause trouble while the Agents are inside.
of anyone who approaches him on his property, but he’s a well-meaning dad who really
wants to do the right thing for his daughter.
Amisa the Dogwalker Agents can meet the following
Agents can learn the following When the Agents enter the house, a dogs by talking to Amisa:
easily by talking to Lemar: raccoon causes a major disturbance. Amisa (she/her) is a 19-year-old dog walker
who is trying to become an influencer in the Lucky, a beagle mix with a strong nose
Dessie is with her mother this pet space. She used to walk Waffles and
week while he moves out. He
The Raccoon laments his disappearance because of how
Maxwell, a border collie who
knows over 200 commands
believes they’re at a hotel. The raccoon is still hiding here, sent by Weird popular borzois are online. “I always broke 100
Dog to help Lemar with his subconscious views on Waffles content,” she says wistfully. Daisy, a chocolate lab who keeps
Lemar received a call about Waffles trying to escape towards the ocean
desire to go ape shit. He’s been bottling
a few nights ago. Waffles was indeed
up his feelings for so long to avoid causing
hit by a car and killed. Lamar’s waiting
problems for Dessie, but he needs catharsis.
to tell Dessie until things calm down,
but admits he’s afraid to do it.
Tearing the house apart chasing the raccoon Confronting Dessie Agents can hear the following
has been providing that in spades. easily by talking to Dessie:
Dessie’s inside the park, looking amongst
A raccoon broke into the house last She’s been looking for Waffles since
Thanks to Weird Dog, the raccoon can all the dogs for any sign of Waffles.
night and tore through a few of the yesterday. “I saw him yesterday,” she
fly, and if discovered it leaps out from She’s friendly towards the Agents.
rooms, destroying furniture and leaving says. “He rescued me from some bullies
its hiding place to cause another major
behind a mess. Lamar says he chased To get Dessie’s help, the Agents have after school, but then he ran away.
disturbance. Lemar becomes a Loose
it away with a broom. He notes that to find a way to keep Weird Dog and Probably has more people to save!”
End if the Agents fail to contain it.
nothing that he meant to take with him the people of Little Inlet safe, or to lie to
was destroyed, which he’s thankful for. Before the Agents leave the house, Dessie. Weird Dog will not be safe with the “Mama didn’t even notice I was
the phone rings for Lemar. Agency, not in the way Dessie wants. gone. But I know I’m gonna be in
Lemar thinks Dessie is at school. big trouble when I get home.”
If told she isn’t, he’ll immediately If the Agents can persuade Dessie that it
call Cynthia, Dessie’s mother. isn’t safe for an anomaly to remain by her “Is it too much to ask to hold onto one
side in Little Inlet, she may change her mind: thing? I’m in a new school, I have to move
“As long as he’s safe, okay? That’s all I want.” out, Waffles ran away–I’m sick of it!”
The Call “Meg and Taylor started it. Waffles
If the Agents can’t convince Dessie, she
Just before the Agents leave the Brewers’ house, or when there is a major lull in the runs ahead of them to warn Weird Dog of ended it. That’s justice. He’s a good dog.
action, Lemar gets a call from Cynthia. The Agents hear his side of the conversation: their coming. The Agents won’t be able to He’s my dog. He belongs with me.”
“What? I thought she was with you…No, no, you said I got Wednesday catch up to her until she makes it to the Pine
nights and weekends. It’s Tuesday! …Did you lose our daughter?” Woods. If the Agents chase her through
town and into the woods, she creates
If the Agents have built a favorable rapport with Lemar, he asks them obstacles for them out of stuff she finds in
to keep an eye out for Dessie. While he heads out to meet Cynthia, he people’s lawns: piles of firewood, hoses and
suggests they look in Dessie’s favorite place: the local dog park. sprinklers, massive blow-up decorations, etc.
138 139
Dog Whistle
While the Agents are at the park, Weird Dog uses its keening howl to call the dogs
assembled. While the humans can’t hear the wailing, the dogs can, and it riles them
up. The dogs all gather near the entrance and fight to get the door open.
The House in Pine Woods
Amisa takes a slow-motion video of the dogs for her social media feed, but
when she plays it back it makes the same sound that Pedro’s video did. Deep inside the Pine Woods is an old abandoned house. Most of it has been reclaimed by
nature: entire walls destroyed or overgrown, furniture all stolen by scavengers or ripped
If the Agents want to leave the dog park, they’ll likely need to go through apart by nesting wildlife. In the yard is a large dog house painted a dark rust red, looking as
the gate. Opening it carelessly means letting a whole pack of dogs escape. perfect as the day it was hand-built. Standing in front of it is the Anomaly Weird Dog.
The dogs will sprint to the woods and their owners will give chase.
This is Weird Dog’s territory, and only friends are invited.
For each dog that escapes, one Loose End is sure to wander into the woods and experience
Weird Dog. The upside to this is that following these dogs leads the Agents straight to Weird Dog. If Dessie is with the Agents or has a good relationship with them,
Weird Dog welcomes them with a wagging tail.
If the Agents have found Dessie an anchor (or promised it), Weird Dog can no longer feed
off granting her desires. But Dessie still wants what’s best for what she believed was her dog.
If Dessie is working with the Agents, her desire for Weird Dog to cooperate makes it so.
140 141
Vault Requisition: Raccoon-nip
This bag of dried herb crushes easily between the fingers to become
There are four likely endstates for this mission:
a fine, nearly-undetectable powder. Sprinkle this powder on any object
or spread it across any surface to attract all nearby raccoons to it.
Destroying Weird Dog Capturing Weird Dog
Once drawn to the designated area, affected raccoons will become excitable and agitated,
If Weird Dog is destroyed, Dessie If Weird Dog is captured, Dessie tearfully climbing on furniture, grabbing loose objects, jumping from branch to branch, and generally
lashes out, regardless of her opinion asks to say goodbye to it one last time. “I causing mayhem. They do not resort to violence against other animals unless threatened.
of the Agents. She screams at them know you aren’t the real Waffles,” she says.
never to come back and runs off. “He never listened as good as you. But One packet affects an area roughly the size of one city block; this radius
thanks for being there for me anyway.” expands by one city block per packet used, with no known upper limit.
Weird Dog Escapes The default formulation targets raccoons, but specialized formulations affecting
Weird Dog Stays any four-legged animal of your choosing (designated upon purchase) can be
If Weird Dog escapes, it leaves Little Inlet
purchased at the cost of one additional Commendation per packet.
in search of another friend to follow. The Agents may very well decide Weird Dog
Dessie is miserable, and Agents who should remain with Dessie. This path requires
check up on her may learn that she breaching every Agency protocol, including
attempted to leave home to search for it. lying to corporate and intentionally leaving
Loose Ends in Little Inlet. But Weird Dog is a
If Weird Dog escapes because the Agents valid anchor for Dessie. The Agents may wish Anomaly Ability: Speak
allowed it, it counts the Agents among its to impress upon both Dessie and Weird Dog
friends. It’s quite possible that Weird Dog that they must limit the Chaos they produce
may come to assist them in future missions, Bid a four-legged animal to share its thoughts. Hold out a
in Little Inlet. The two can swear up and
if they find themselves in a pinch. treat for it, say “Speak,” and roll Initiative.
down, but they are an Anomaly and a child.
If the Agents do not regularly visit Little Inlet to On a success, the target gains the ability to speak in the language you used
help with containment, Weird Dog continues when activating this ability. Its vocabulary is as expansive as yours. This
to be a problem, and the Agency may send a effect ends at the end of the next day, or when you choose to end it.
different, less understanding, squad next time.
For each additional 3, you may add another nearby animal to the effect.
Loose Ends On Triscendence, the effect is permanent for your initial target, and you also
gain the ability to permanently speak to the target in its own language.
Dessie is the major Loose End here. If the Agency does not handle this situation in a way that
leaves Dessie satisfied, her extreme emotions only worsen, which creates a new Anomaly. This
one is much more dangerous and violent than Weird Dog, and she is much less inclined to deal On a failure, the target gains the ability to speak in a forgotten, forbidden
with the Agency. The Agency, however, has taken notice of Dessie and seeks to contain her. language with strange and unpredictable effects. Permanently.
Pedro’s blog isn’t exactly popular now, but it could be in the future. If the Agents didn’t shut him
down, he may be a great source for tips in the future. He may also become a Loose End generator.
Any middle school students who witnessed Anomalous effects in the halls
build a shared urban legend around what they saw. If left untreated, this urban
legend could manifest a wholly different Anomaly down the line.
142 143
i lo r K n
Complicating matters further, a video of the park has gone viral in the mundane
world. This dramatic recording reveals impossible details the Anomaly has tried to
keep quiet, greatly increasing attendance and catching the Agency’s notice.
Planet Providence was once a normal theme park. Following the death of its enigmatic founder, an
Anomaly has taken over to fulfill his wildest dreams. No longer confined to our reality, the physical
park is a front for a portal to another galaxy–one where the park’s space pirate theme is real.
The Anomaly is hiding in a satellite orbiting the park’s new planet, but it monitors daily
business in the animatronic body of the park’s mascot: Sailor Knots, a human-sized pirate
monkey. Visitors always have the time of their lives…if they don’t get stuck forever.
Morning Meetings Mission Briefing
History Appearance X An Agent’s relationship won free tickets Agents are shown a viral video taken during
recent closing events at Planet Providence.
to Planet Providence through a charity
The creator of Planet Providence, Wyatt The Anomaly’s true form is Dicyclee’s original The video depicts an impossible scene of a
fundraiser and is eager to go.
Dicylee (he/him), longed to see the park computer within the park’s orbiting satellite, real space battle between the park’s three
become something completely unique: a but it presents most often in the park as X The local news reports that new factions and the Galactic Space Force, an
place where children could truly believe other Sailor Knots (he/him), the mascot beloved playground construction has halted actual alien law enforcement entity the
worlds were within reach. Before the park by children and instantly recognizable with due to numerous safety concerns. The Agency knows about but cannot share further
could become more than a reasonably-popular his tricorn hat and chatty shoulder parrot. organization in charge of the project details on. Park visitors are encouraged by a
tourist attraction, Wyatt fell ill. Treatment fires back that modern bureaucratic disembodied cartoonish voice to help protect
could negate some of his discomfort, but Impulse regulations are ruining children’s fun. Planet Providence and aim their souvenir
his approaching death would not be slowed. blasters at the intruders–which appear
He spent all his remaining time in the park’s The Anomaly can’t run the entire park on its X An Agent’s relationship wants to talk
own, and has begun conscripting both humans to work. The person recording the video
control room–in denial of his condition–typing about their opinion on a book they read offers compelling commentary such as:
grand plans into the database of where and aliens as employees. These employees positing that a utopia can only begin
he saw the park heading in the future. have no idea how long they’ve been in the under a dictatorship with a strong vision. Wow! Whoa!
park: each day, the Anomaly resets their
Dicyclee’s dreams created an Anomaly memories to keep them enthusiastic about X On the way to work, Agents pass old flyers I can’t believe this is happening.
focused entirely on improving the park. It did work. Some visitors come to the park hoping claiming that Ash, beloved snow owl from
to find missing loved ones who were hired–but the Ternion City bird sanctuary, is missing. Weapons and electronics are not allowed
its best to guide Wyatt’s hand to the right
if they aren’t hired themselves, they’re sent in the park. That’s one of the reasons this
purchases, blueprints, and hires to reach his
away with no memory of what they discovered. X An Agent’s phone displays the viral video is so special—it’s the first public
goals–but one day, Wyatt never came back.
wrong date, five days in the past. video of what goes on in the park.
When the Anomaly realized no one else It uses a similar memory-wiping effect on After a hard reset, it’s fixed.
all visitors to avoid outside attention: after The Agency shares the historical records
was going to pick up Dicyclee’s torch, it took
they leave, guests have trouble explaining of the park, noting that the founder Wyatt
matters into its own hands. Realizing its
exactly what the park was like specifically. Dicylee died a year ago, and ownership
power, the Anomaly gave up on mundane
means and turned the park into an interstellar All of them remember only how fun their Optional Objectives passed on to his estranged daughter Patricia
Dicylee–she publicly decided to sell the park,
portal that sends visitors to the moon of a experience was, and can’t wait to go back.
Many reviews declare that, upon returning, but apparently had a change of heart. She
faraway planet. Here, the gravity is lower,
visitors felt a rejuvenated love for their hobbies. +3 Commendations if you has not been seen in public for months.
the rides defy physics, and the purple
sky displays new constellations and the acquire and wear a Planet
Providence uniform. People are missing from the towns around
broadside of a nearby green planet. Current Situation Planet Providence. The Agency believes
+1 Commendation if the theme park may be involved.
The Anomaly is currently on high alert due to
Focus a recent attack on its satellite from the (very
you locate Patricia.
Joy and appreciation of the real) Galactic Space Force, which has begun +3 Demerits if you cause a mutiny.
vision of Wyatt Dicylee. investigating missing alien employees. To keep
itself protected, there are now three shields
Domain surrounding the satellite, each controlled
by one of the three factions in the park.
A satellite that hovers above Planet
Providence in a different galaxy.
146 147
Introduced in this mission
On the day of the mission, it’s storming. When the Agents arrive, lightning strikes one of
An Impersonating Anomaly impersonating Patricia Dicylee wanders the dome’s protruding signs, sending a loud crack of thunder vibrating through the air. Those
the park, saying that she’s fine and that the park is beautiful. exiting the park don’t seem to notice the rain or the lightning as the glazed look in their eyes
and the smile on their faces don’t twitch the slightest even with the downpour soaking them.
Make way, make way! It’s time for the daily Pirate Parade!
5 Pirate
All conversations are halted and most cast members join
the parade that takes an hour to loop around the park.
The park is already approaching capacity–a digital counter explains only 14 more
people will be allowed in today, but the line has over a hundred waiting.
148 149
Ticket Station
Inside the Park
Base ticket: $30
After the welcome gate and the rules Unlimited meals and Agents can learn the following
is the ticket station: a lot of computers drinks add-on: +$30 Truce Tavern by mingling in Truce Tavern:
with credit card slots. A loud humming “Turbo Rocket” Line
sound fills the room. A small crowd has Through the portal is Truce Tavern, a large,
skipping add-on: +$30 The planet is actually a moon orbiting
already purchased and adorned their enclosed restaurant. All types of characters
Commemorative keychain a much larger planet. The residents of
required entry bracelets. Guests scan their are here to add atmosphere, answer questions,
of Sailor Knots with Planet Providence are banned from
bracelets one-by-one at a security gate today’s date: +$30 play music, and interact. Agents can purchase
the larger planet due to law breaking.
kiosk and then disappear behind a curtain Card only. No cash!
drinks, grab snacks, and pick up park maps.
Most of the pirates on Planet
that hints at flashing lights beyond. Purchasing a ticket is
Several Sailor Knots animatronics work Providence deal in theft and
recognized as signing a
Instructions plastered throughout the liability waiver. No refunds! different sections of a long bar. Most of smuggling, even from each other.
room instruct guests to use a computer these are automated, but if the Anomaly
Everyone is against the Galactic
to purchase an entry bracelet at a detects anything strange it moves its
Space Force who have recently
Entry bracelets pop out of a slot in the consciousness into one to watch or
one of the available computers. begun patrolling this system. This
computer, vibrating and lighting up once deescalate. Park employees can request
planet is meant to be lawless!
worn. Once the agents have their bracelets, its direct attention through their pagers.
an automated voice directs them to the The satellite that orbits Planet Providence
scanning kiosk and beyond the curtain. Character animatronics representing low- must be protected at all costs, by all
Entry Portal rank pirates from each faction are here, factions. It warns the factions when
but offer limited and repeating dialogue. the Galactic Space Force is attacking,
Behind the curtain is a large circular portal Agents see human-sized toads, several and Providence will fall without it.
made of pink static energy set into a robots with cartoonish and exaggerated
This area of space is hospitable
curved wall–the edge of the dome. Blue features, and other nebulous alien forms
to species (such as humans) who
and purple clouds swirl within, obscuring with high levels of intelligence.
The Agents can ask questions, but the need air and warmer temperatures
the galactic scenes on the other side. This
worker does their best to usher them through While the crew factions are technically to survive. Humans have no trouble
portal is a practical effect to make the
the portal quickly so other park visitors always at war, they’re scripted to being on this planet or the surrounding
entrance more dramatic–in truth, the entire
can enter the park with minimal wait. tolerate each other inside the tavern. space without a suit or helmet.
inside of the dome has been displaced
in space. Sailor Knots’ recorded voice
once again comes over the intercom. Agents can learn the following by
stalling the line and asking the worker: The Pirates of Planet Providence
“Welcome, Earthlings! I’m your first mate
Sailor Knots, and I’m here to ensure you You’ve entered Planet Providence,
Skipper Station Titan’s Cove Sunlit Sol System
have a safe trip to your destination. Just a pirate base on a distant moon.
X Wear their flag’s X Wear their flag’s symbol of X Wear their flag’s symbol of a
on the other side of this portal is a space There are three crew factions already an alien dinosaur’s head on perfect shining star on their
symbol of a speeding
pirate safe haven: Planet Providence, and at home here, and if you want their red and black clothes. glittering golden clothes.
comet on their blue-
you must help protect it! Your mission is to access to the secret section of the and-silver clothes. X Interested in cunning, X Interested in power, status,
meet with the captains of the three crews park, you need the blessing of the
who reside here, and get their signatures X Interested in sneakiness, and and deal-making.
three factions’ pirate captains. monster-catching.
in a very special book. Once they’ve signed bravery, risk-taking, X Humanoid aliens with
off, you can add your crew as official Getting a captain’s signature on their and pillaging. X Often amphibious or round heads and
pirates of Planet Providence, and access a portrait is all you need as proof. X Often bird-like aliens. dinosaur-like aliens. glittering golden attire.
special section of the haven that only the “Here for the Titans? “Hope you brought
most dedicated space pirates may enter. This area is called Truce Tavern, the only “Ahh, new recruits
Tell me, how good are your sunglasses for all
Step through the portal to get started!” place where all the crews get along. This for Wingrit. Watch
you with dinosaurs?” that sun sparkle.”
is the perfect place to learn more about out for his beak!”
Here, they finally see an employee for the first the factions and the history of the park. “Good money with the “What? Another nobody
time: a human worker hands the saddest- “Joining the comet Titans. If you don’t mind hoping to become
looking Agent a simple book titled Handbook You only get one book, and if you lose crew, eh? Hope smelling like swamp.” a star?! Psh!”
for New Pirate Recruits: for Space and Other it, you’ll have to try again another day. you have a thing
“Don’t get on Captain “You have a long way to
Worlds. Inside is a map, a place to write for feathers.” go before Captain Sirius
Pat’s bad side!”
your group’s pirate names, and portraits of will even look at you.”
Planet Providence’s three pirate captains.
150 151
Pulsar Port The Crew Sections
Outside the tavern is an open area that Agents can learn the following Each fleet has a flagship which typically remains on the ground as an attraction
offers paths to each park section and a about the dangers of the for guests – rides in each section are built to end facing that section’s flagship. It’s
perfect view of the nebula above. Small Galactic Space Force from an common knowledge among park employees & guests that Captains are always
restaurants, a range of seating, and specialty interactive Sailor Knots in line: found in the flagships. Visitors can explore the deck, sleeping quarters, kitchenette,
candy shops make Pulsar Port a great dining room, and ultimately arrive in a lavishly-furnished captain’s cabin.
hangout when taking a break from the rest The GSF is a space group tasked
of the park. Agents can find all the typical with maintaining the status quo
theme park fare in this central hub. within and around space, not
Secret Location Community Housing
necessarily enforcing specific laws.
To the west, the buildings and signs take
on a blue and white aesthetic under The GSF has set its eyes on Planet
flags with a speeding comet, and signs Providence, and wants to ruin the
read “Skipper Station Ahead.” To the fun by arresting all the space pirates Titan's Cove
north, red lights flash over signs that and shutting down the park.
say: “Caution! Titans This Way!” Planet Providence has a defensive
To the east, a tall arch decorated by sparkling satellite that alerts the pirate
stars lures visitors through. On the ground, captains when GSF is en route.
surrounded by yellow lines that lead further Terrestrial Torpedo is a mining
into the park, a message reads “Follow machine that is creating a secret
the sun’s rays to the Sol System.” tunnel to escape the GSF!
Pulsar Port
Pulsar Fountain Agents also see the coaster zipping and
zooming along the track disappearing
A large fountain sits in the center of Pulsar into underground in a flash with the
Port. Instead of water, pink dust swirls and sounds of happy screams.
sparkles around a large hologram of Wyatt Skipper
If the Agents ride the coaster, they’ll Sol System
Dicylee posing proudly beside Sailor Knots. Station
Anyone who approaches the fountain get a view of the entire grounds
activates a recording from Sailor Knots that of the park at the tallest coaster
says, “Wyatt was the founder of Planet hill, and can see the following:
Providence. He dreamed of creating a
The comet shapes of Skipper Station. Truce
safe land of fun beyond imagination.
Wyatt passed away last year, but the A body of water with something Tunnels Tavern
park continues on to fulfill his dream. swimming in it in Titan’s Cove. Entry
Please enjoy yourself in his honor!”
A giant glowing, mechanical
If Agents approach the fountain, they’ll sun surrounded by shops in
overhear Alice (she/her), a visitor, pleading with the Sunlit Sol System. Taking Out the Trash
a park employee, Jack (he/him). Alice demands
to know why Jack’s abandoned her for weeks, A village of 50 or so identical houses
in the community housing area. When Agents exit any ride, they can pass a backstage door that’s been propped
while he maintains it’s only been a day.
open. A worker is hauling bags of trash inside and stacking them in a hallway
A large dome building with a red X already near full of existing bags of trash. It’s impossible to ignore the smell.
Terristrial Torpedo on it at the edge of the park. (This is
the “secret” location only accessible The trash is usually launched into space, but with the Galactic Space Force looking
The line for Terrestrial Torpedo, an for any excuse to crack down on Planet Providence, the Anomaly has suspended
intense adventure roller coaster, starts with the three captain signatures.)
garbage launching. It’s quickly filling up the crew tunnels underneath the park.
here. This is the most popular section A real and distant GSF
of the park, and by the time agents patrol ship in the sky.
arrive, a queue has already formed.
152 153
Skipper Station Sunlit Sol System
Theme: Comets Attractions & Rides: Theme: Stars Attractions & Rides
Pirating Style: Robbing X The Titanium Trail: Interactive history Pirating Style: Distributing X Falling Star Fortune: An animatronic alien
from Planetary Towns exhibit of comets in this galaxy Knockoffs to Unsuspecting Buyers named Astro reveals visitors’ fates
X Locked in Orbit: Escape room X Flashy Face Paints: These artists
The pathways and attractions within Skipper themed around a floating prison This section of the park is coated in black promise to make you a star
Station were designed to make guests feel paint that sparkles anytime light hits it. Signs
X Orbiting Comets: Riders sit in a comet X Starlight Simulation: A spaceflight
like they’re comets. Each building is a sphere feature different star emblems and star shapes
and control how fast it spins in a circle simulator where participants fly along
with walking paths curving around and in litter the walkways so visitors feel like they’re
a forgotten planet to seek riches
between to simulate orbits. The Skippers Shops & Food: flying through a galaxy. They despise the
do not get along with pirates in the Sunlit X The Comet Corral: Shop of cute
Titans, finding them grotesque and primitive. Shops & Food
Sol System and NPCs are easily overheard
stuffed alien creatures The Sols wear long robes to hide their bodies X Snappy Sundogs: Artisanal hotdog shop
talking disparagingly about them.
X Comatose Creamery: Ice cream shop but have orb-shaped heads and believe X Solar Flair: Hat and sunglasses merch store
themselves to be the hottest attraction
of the park. They usually speak slowly
to humans because they think humans
An Encounter Most Fowl: The Winter’s Roost have low intelligence. They’re mostly
fugitives from the nearby planet using this
The Winter’s Roost is a blue ship with white sails and flags in the shape of white wings. A place to avoid GSF, not animatronics.
ramp with a small incline takes Agents to the deck where a human named first mate Pidge
(he/him) greets them. Pidge is excited for the agents to meet “the great captain Wingrit” and
orders them to prepare themselves for the honor as he takes them to the Captain’s cabin. You Can’t Sit With Us: Talking to Captain Sirius
Agents find Captain Wingrit (he/him), a human-sized snowy owl, standing with the air The Solaring Ray Captain Sirius is three alien siblings in a
of a royal officer as he looks out over the park from one of his large windows. shimmering gold trench coat. They stack to
When Agents arrive to meet the Captain of
Wingrit’s space is immaculate. It features a large astrolabe, a rotating globe appear taller and their order changes when
The Soaring Ray, First Mate Stink (she/her)
of an unknown planet, and vibrant decor in sapphires and silvers. Inside no one is looking. Sirius expresses exhaustion
stops them, claiming that they can’t possibly
the globe is a button to turn off one of the satellite’s three shields. at having to entertain the Agents, and offers
be new crew members. To get past her,
to autograph their “stupid little book” in
Agents must dance. This is not a requirement
Wingrit was once a normal owl, on loan to Planet Providence by a local bird sanctuary. hopes that they go away faster. Sirius isn’t
of the park. Stink just finds it entertaining.
The Anomaly told the bird sanctuary that Ash escaped, but this isn’t true. Ash never interested in answering questions, and tells
left the park and was handpicked by the Anomaly to serve a greater purpose as a When Agents get to the captain’s the Agents to find something else to do.
captain. Now happy to be Captain Wingrit, he’s extremely loyal to Sailor Knots. quarters, Captain Sirius (they/them)
Behind an ornate wall mirror in the
isn’t there. Sirius arrives soon though,
captain’s cabin is a button to turn off
Wingrit speaks elegantly, and inquires When Agents return to the deck, they’ll flying through the open window with a
one of the shields of the satellite.
about what the Agents are seeking: find Pidge blocking a group of three park garbage bag of broken equipment, telling
visitors from exiting the ramp. One of the Stink that they found a treasure trove
He’s suspicious that they might be park visitors holds up a white feather in of junk with all the trash backstage.
looking for him, but doesn’t want to anger and demands to know where the park
give the impression he’s worried. is keeping Ash. A Sailor Knots animatronic
If they say anything suspicious, he reports comes bursting from a door on the ship
it to the nearest Sailor Knots animatronic. and politely tells the group he’s happy to
show them Ash, if they’ll just follow him. This
Wingrit offers to stamp the Agent’s frees up the ramp so the Agents can exit.
autograph book. If they don’t have one, This group will have their memories erased
he directs them back to Pulsar Port. as they are escorted out of the park.
154 155
Titan’s Cove Entering the Flagship: Heart of the Beast
When Agents enter Captain Pat’s (she/her) Agents can learn the following by
Theme: Swamp and Rainforest Attractions & Rides quarters, she’s sitting behind a large desk reading Captain Pat’s diary:
X Bucking Brontosaurus: Riders try blankly staring. She doesn’t respond to stimuli,
Pirating Style: Space Creature Trafficking and Fly assures Agents that she’s happy to see Near the back she’s written herself
to hold onto a mini brontosaurus a note: My name is Patricia Dicylee,
Set in a black and red swampy terrain, for as long as possible them. If Agents ask about her demeanor, Fly
says she’s always like this. He does his best to and I’m a prisoner in dad’s old park.
Titan’s Cove is designed to evoke the wonder X The Swampstickle Course: A physical
of an undiscovered planet to Earthlings. encourage the Agents to get her autograph Captain Pat’s real name is Patricia
challenge that includes jumping and leave without spending too long in the
Most of the characters resemble human- lily pads, using a reed blow dart, Dicylee. She came to the park with her
sized toads, and they all ride deinonychus room as “lingering can stress out Pat.” lawyer to see about shutting the park
and navigating a lot of mud
animatronics that everyone calls raptors. It’s difficult to tell right away, but Captain Pat down until she sold it. The Anomaly
X Jellyfish Jingle: A speakeasy themed
The cove is draped in sinister vines and is a human stuck in a toad mascot outfit. shoved her in a suit while in Sailor Knots’
restaurant with singing jellyfish
echoes with exotic rainforest sounds. The She croaks frequently. The Anomaly messed form, and Pat became deeply confused
pirates in Titan’s Cove hate the Skippers, Shops & Food up taking control of her, and keeps her in about her location and identity.
and think they’re not fit to “rule the roost”. a fugue state to account for the error. If
X Daredevil Doubloons: Jewelry shop She thinks the Anomaly doesn’t
The amphibious and reptilian crew of asked about Sailor Knots, Pat screams. know what it’s going to do with her
X Stellar’s Squeeze: Juice and smoothie shop
Titan’s Cove is rude to guests, and are The captain’s cabin is full of overgrown potted in the long-term, and is wiping her
annoyed by the whole “theme park” schtick. plants, but if searched, Agents can discover memories regularly while it stalls.
Because their memories are erased each a diary among a shelf of books on frogs that
day, they plan a mutiny every day for the A recurring line is “the monkey
Pat’s been writing in when she has moments is always watching.”
following day, and hope to get off this of lucidity. In the middle of a giant spider plant
planet. If pushed by the Agents, they’ll pot is a button to turn off one of the shields
move up their plans to mutiny today. of the satellite. A small stone toad sits on it.
156 157
The Secret Location ENCOUNTER - THE BIG BANG
As Agents explore the park, workers remind them to fill their signature book so they can
go to the mysterious secret location. If the Agents show a worker their full book, the worker Agents can enter the Encounter by finding a way through the satellite’s shields, whether they
circles a spot on a park map all the way at the north end of the park, where a special kiosk pushed the buttons in the captain’s quarters or broke them some other way. The GSF will
will scan the Agents’ bracelets and admit them into a park with a large dome building. notice any vulnerabilities immediately.
The dome has a huge red X on it and houses Eclipse Entertainment, a 4D theater
with a rotating selection of movies about exploring hostile planets. Each movie
opens with a message from Sailor Knots congratulating the viewers on joining the
ultimate space pirate crew in pursuit of unforgettable, long-lasting amusement.
The Satellite
The theater inside the dome is pretty forgettable, and if you weren’t literally in space would be a Within the purple and starry sky, a lone satellite hovers above Planet Providence at low
letdown. On the way out, visitors are handed a souvenir blaster to use during the closing ceremony. altitude. About the size of a city bus, the satellite serves as the Anomaly’s way of monitoring
Off to one side is a door to the Backstage that’s been left open and is currently unguarded. and controlling the park. Three different force fields shield the satellite from outside attacks
and are impenetrable by any mundane means and all but the most creative Anomalous
ones. They glimmer frequently, easily spotted from the ground. When the Anomaly
moves its consciousness around the park, the satellite rotates to face the new position.
The interior of the Satellite is small, fitting only one or two people, and contains
The backstage is behind and below attractions, Agents can learn the following by a monitor with a blue screen and cursor. This monitor is Wyatt Dicyclee’s old
a network of tunnels connecting different helping Calvin Jennings escape computer–and the Anomaly’s true form, connected to the satellite’s new tech.
sections. All doors to the backstage are or using Anomalous methods:
The three pirate factions are tasked with protecting the satellite, and they
secured but with only a rudimentary lock.
Calvin is Patricia Dicylee’s lawyer and believe its destruction means Planet Providence will fall–in a sense, this is
The tunnels have signs guiding to different
came with her to check out the park. true. If the computer inside is destroyed, so is the Anomaly–the entire park
park sections and one location inaccessible
will return to Earth, along with the human and alien inhabitants within.
aboveground: Community Housing. He thinks he can withstand the Anomaly’s
control because of an encounter he had
Community Housing with a strange being as a child that put
him in a brief coma–he doesn’t know
Lowering the Shields Galactic Space
Community Housing is quiet and dark,
separated from the rest of the park by tall about Anomalies, but it was one. If the Agents start lowering the satellite’s Force Attacks
walls. 50 tiny houses complete with small shields, the Anomaly will take notice of them
All of the workers are brainwashed If Agents lower all three shields, the GSF
fake-grass lawns and picket fences make and pursue as Sailor Knots. It tries to remain
or on some kind of drug. realizes they have access to the Satellite and
up the community housing area, but fewer light with its questions–it’s willing to believe
than 20 of the houses are in use. They all will move in to attack. This kicks off the “daily
The TVs flash a new passcode they’re just exploring and playing, at first–
look the same and feature a bed, bathing closing ceremony” early–the Anomaly will
every day. Today’s is 9978. but if the Agents seem to be targeting
facilities, a small kitchen, and a porch. send any pirate crews loyal to it into space
the satellite, the Anomaly does its best to
Patricia must be in the park somewhere. and spark a huge battle. Agents will have
interfere and remove them from the park
All the houses are dark except for one: Calvin He last saw her in the Titan’s Cove area. to find a way through the fight and reach
without causing a scene for other visitors.
Jennings’ house. Locked inside a messy the satellite before the GSF leaves and the
house is a disheveled man in a suit, pacing. If He demands to be released. He’s tried Anomaly can focus on restoring the shields.
Calvin (he/him) catches sight of the Agents, to break the windows and doors, but
he’ll try to get their attention. He speaks in a everything seems indestructible. All the while, Sailor Knots convinces
frenzied, desperate, and entitled manner. regular guests that this is a normal
Before they dragged him here, they put event, complete with show-stopping
If Agents explore another property, they him in one of the smaller space ships fireworks and a laser lightshow. Visitors
find a single drawer of personal belongings and took him to the satellite for a private are encouraged by Sailor Knots over the
and lots of Planet Providence souvenirs interrogation with Sailor Knots. He and speakers to help from the ground, using
and merchandise. Closets contain Planet Patricia were both forced to help the any commemorative blasters they have.
Providence employee jumpsuits in a faded blue. Anomaly take over the Dicyclee business
accounts and make the park look like
it’s running normally on the outside.
158 159
Inside the Satellite
Vault Requisition: Orbital Satellite
In the satellite, the Anomaly is vulnerable to the Ripple Gun. In Sailor Knots’ voice, the
Anomaly begs the Agents to let it continue its work of building a real community dedicated
This Satellite, launched above Earth upon purchase of this Requisition, has
to fun and enrichment. It argues that it has learned what doesn’t work and can recalculate
with better processes. It gives statistics of all the people who have passed through the been reverse-engineered from the unit that protected Planet Providence. Its
park and left smiling brighter than they did when they walked in. It acknowledges that features are accessed using Triage from a smartphone or personal computer.
the park isn’t perfect yet, but it asks the Agents if what they’re doing is truly noble. Its dedicated connection supports access to Trey, a cheerful voice-activated
virtual assistant, capable of responding to simple requests and holding polite conversation.
The clearest way to make it vulnerable to capture in the Normal Briefcase is to call out
its mistakes and hypocrisies: it is uncomfortable with the memory wipes, with trapping At the start of each day, you may select a mode for the Satellite:
Patricia and Calvin, and with the many sacrifices it’s making to create an entertainment X Surveillance: the Satellite will remain in a fixed position relative to a location on Earth
experience. If it is made to believe it’s failing Wyatt Dicyclee, it will surrender. of your choosing. From here, it can use its onboard camera to detect (and, to a limited
extent, predict) things like traffic patterns, pedestrian trends, and the migratory patterns
of birds. Its camera is powerful to identify objects down to the size of an average human.
AFTERMATH X Communications: the Satellite will devote its processing power to enable two-way
communication and limited internet access. As a private network, it ignores local blackouts
and other service interruptions. Powered as it is by an Anomalous source, communications
sent in this way are nearly impossible to intercept or decrypt while in transit.
Anomaly Captured Anomaly Neutralized X Broadcast: choose an audio source and select a radio frequency, and the Satellite will
The park rides slowly shut down. Anyone If the Anomaly is neutralized while the park is broadcast the selected audio to the region surrounding your Branch. By spending 1 Quality
under the Anomaly’s control regains their active, the portal between universes instantly Assurance from Presence, you may also direct the Satellite’s virtual assistant to improvise
sense of self. Once every human evacuates collapses. The entire park, and everyone in a talk radio program on a subject of your choosing, for up to one day per QA spent.
the park, the portal to another universe it, is brought to Earth. Many of the rides no
forever deactivates and rusted remains of longer work in Earth’s gravity. Loose Ends
Planet Providence attractions fill the dome. will abound and the various alien crews
will now be free to explore our world.
Anomaly Escaped Anomaly Ability: Pirate Parade
Loose Ends
If the Agents let the Anomaly escape, it will
give up Planet Providence and look for a Patricia and Calvin are the hardest Loose Why wait for a holiday? Every day is a special occasion. Start applauding and roll Presence.
new path toward entertaining people and Ends to clean up. If Patricia Dicylee escapes,
fulfilling Wyatt Dicyclee’s dreams. The entire she’ll write a memoir describing her experience
park is returned to Earth after all the aliens which will cause even more tourists to flock to On a success, a parade passes through, rounding the corner or bursting
are given an opportunity to evacuate. the dome that once held Planet Providence. through the door. Describe its purpose. (Teacher Appreciation Day, Flag
Football Society, The Association of Veronicas From The Greater Ternion
If anyone opens the locked doors, they Captain Wingrit does not transform back City Area, etc.) The parade is populated by and decorated for that purpose.
find a large and empty dome with no into a regular snowy owl, and instead It comes complete with a live band, dancers, and, if they can fit, floats.
evidence of what was once there. attempts to disguise himself as a human,
living in an abandoned cabin in the woods. On every third 3, choose one:
Park visitors and cast members will Local law enforcement arrives quickly to forcefully clear the parade’s path.
remember the events of the final day
unless the Anomaly escaped. The performers persistently invite any number of nearby
onlookers of your choice to participate.
Anyone from a planet other than
Earth who is transported there can’t There is no news coverage of this parade.
return to their former galaxy.
On a failure, the parade still passes through – and it’s devoted
to celebrating something you’d rather have kept secret.
160 161
n d,
Dear Frie te- t e m p t in g birthda
y party o
vite ju st
efying, fa I don't in
e d t o t h e death-d t yourself lucky,
invit oun
ordially pitalist. C e. m shift
You are c b e r t, V e nture Ca a n y o n d g r e a t e st paradig
d an
Joachim E the latest ious year of me.
s, c a n come see r e g l o r s go to g
y l oy a l visione e r
c e l e b r ate one m o
e r ic h a nd famou vited all my
You, m hile we ere t h I' ve in
FIRST—w anor, wh lly since —I’ ve
t o r ic G runtley M en to me! Especia so l u t e ly certain
is a t h is 't h a p p a k e a b
Party won d to m
ope that emies. An r time.
. I sure h lous fren tive of ou et any funny idea
murdered d l e a st sc r u p u
r e a t e st d e t e c
o n ’t g
o se st a n d t h e g nd s. S o d
cl invite ding, frie
o n d w il l be atten
ra m
Émile Ga
164 165
Peach Emoji (she/they) Vivian Gotterdammerung (she/her)
166 167
Pre-Dinner Chat Morning Meetings Mission Briefing
At some point near the end of the conversation, the Agents also arrive and are
seated nearby—but they are referred to by description only, and not played. Optional Objectives
After all six characters have had a chance to make themselves known, or the
conversation has hit a particularly tense moment where conflict is about to bubble over, +3 Commendations for
the man of the hour arrives: Joachim Edbert enters and stands to give a speech. inheriting the Edbert Fortune
+1 Commendation for saying
“Thank you all for coming. I’m Joachim Edbert, and as you know—” a detective catchphrase
He’s interrupted by the lights all going dark simultaneously. The room (limit 3 times per Agent)
is pitch black. Someone lets out a high pitched scream. +1 Demerit for each
monologue interrupted
And then everything rewinds a few hours, to earlier that day.
168 169
CHAOS EFFECTS Meeting Edbert Joachim Edbert,
kidding. It’s my birthday, and I’m here to
important guests at the party: “I put
have a little fun. We’re here to celebrate
a knife in the back of everyone
me both as a man and as a businessman.
who gets close, but they all love it,
Gruntley Manor
To those so-called ‘Disruptors’ out there,
otherwise they wouldn’t be here.”
let me add: Disruption has gotten to be
more two thousand late than saying ‘two About to unveil Uber, but for Dogs.
Gruntley Manor is in the city, and easy to find. Agents’ primary challenge is getting on the list, thousand late.’ Tonight, I’m going to reveal a Continually alludes to this using language
and coming up with a satisfying cover identity or story for why they might have been invited. Fergalicious new paradigm that will change like “everyone will be BARKING up
the way the industry disrupts. That’s right. my business tree” or “it’s definitely
During this investigation, players will play both their Agents and the guests I’m going to disrupt . . . disruption. Pause *NOT* Uber, but for Dogs, a-wink”
they were assigned. They remain shared characters with the GM, however, for applause, don’t say this out loud.”
and like Relationships can be nudged or given suggestions. Not long into this, his assistant, Pinifred
He pauses for applause, and the Griselda comes and whispers something
Arriving at the Manor they’re cosplaying as QR codes, and are party returns to normal. very urgent to him and he excuses
miserable about it. Guests have been trying himself for an important private meeting.
The Manor itself is a sprawling modern to scan them all day to see if they can save Edbert might be the kind of guy who
homage to/ripoff of what was cool in Silicon Joachim will awkwardly suggest that
money on Skald VPN with code EdbertsBDay thinks he’s a genius, but that doesn’t
Valley five years ago. Ternion City is barely on Pinifred entertain them while he’s gone.
or unlock a secret ARG or whatever. mean he’s gullible. And unless they
the map, and trends have a way of taking their look exactly like someone Edbert would
time getting here. That’s why other Agents still Once the Agents get inside, Gruntley Manor consider cool, the Venture Capitalist will
think hitting the Griddy is something to do with looms ominously at them from the center make a beeline for the Agents demanding
that socialist hockey monster everyone loves. of the grounds. It is an old fashioned estate to know, “Who let you losers in?”
that clings to that antiquated feel in spite of
Before the Agents can get access, they’ll attempts to renovate and modernize it, quite at
have to get past Edbert’s security. The odds with the laser lights and drone cameras
Bouncers, Biz and Juneaux Bruno (both he/ flitting around amid wannabe influencers.
him), are a couple of himbos who look like
170 171
Pinifred’s Introductions
172 173
Investigating the Anomaly Scene of the Crime
The Anomaly—Garamond—wants them to become embroiled in the drama. If Agents ignore the Garamond is intrigued. The death looks simple, but he’s not so sure. “One hand held the knife, but
mystery or seem obviously focused on finding the Anomaly, they will face an endless stream of another hand entirely . . . or perhaps many hands . . . pull the strings behind this web of death.”
Violent Minor Anomalies in the form of floating classic murder weapons (candlestick, revolver, rope,
wrench.) Because the whole mission is in its domain, these can be created, one at a time, for free. When there’s an opportunity, or they’re done examining this room, Garamond will ask them for
help. Everyone will have their guard up around him, he says, but they might be able to uncover
This should be a hassle and a clue: as long as they look interested additional information about who the killer is. Whether they agree or not, he will try to follow along
in the mystery to Garamond, this does not happen. behind them and observe, providing assistance or advice whenever it seems like they need it.
Other guests can be anywhere on the grounds or in the manor at any time. The manor
has many other rooms, but few of them matter directly to the investigation.
174 175
The Infinity Pool Nothing Good Ever Covalence Vault is Lost
Once she’s calmed down, she plans
to check out the A/V room to see Covalence Vault also there,
if anything was caught on film. also holding a giant knife.
Either way, everyone but the Agents immediately believes Garamond, no matter how
illogical, nonsensical, or incomplete the explanation sounds. If they’ve named the Agents,
the players lose control of any remaining party guests and each one turns toward them,
pulls out a giant knife, and begins advancing on the Agents to “defend themselves.”
176 177
Calming Garamond Garamond’s Explanation
When the death rate of being a wealthy socialite and business-person dies down, there’s On a failure, it turns out somebody was looking for the broken or stolen
a boom of people being publicly and proudly rich. That’s right: the wealthy members of thing. Somebody important, and powerful, and who just arrived.
Ternion City have been less active due to the fear of complicated and ironically appropriate
murder situations. Ternion will begin to see a boom in shameless displays of wealth and petty
power, especially from any party guests who have a vague idea of what was going on.
178 179
#my-workspace > #client-relations > #blue-crew-2
Seriously, it’s not my fault. I’m tryingmy best here
Thursday - 8:15 am
182 183
CHAOS EFFECTS Investigating Buford Circle
2 Corrupt
The station’s architecture changes suddenly. New hallways, stairs,
walls or pillars appear where they weren’t before shouldn’t be.
scream cheerfully about Wet Mouth Brand Chewing Gum; some mystery liquid from
an overhead leak drips into the mouth of an Agent just as they are complaining.
Rats. Monstrous Violent rats, tiny and quick Thieving Cell phones have no reception here, but that’s not due to Anomalous influence: that’s just all
4 Manifest rats, and incredibly adorable Alluring rats. Imprisoning
Anomalies are disguised as normal train cars.
the lead in the walls, being removed far too slowly by Dave Buckley’s construction company.
The Station traps a new victim (a Relationship, if Queenie and the Divines Agents can learn the following details
by obscuring their affiliation and
6 Expand
available), and creates a new Sub-Reality to entrap
them. Place this new Sub-Reality one level forward from
Agents entering via stairs from the street
level will funnel through the mezzanine,
chatting with Queenie between sets:
the Agents’ current position in The Station map. Whether something the Agents have
where a band has set up a stage for
themselves. The titular Queenie (she/her) seen is unusual, or to be expected.
The area around the Agents clears of all people
8 Displace except for the nearest Anchor. The Anomaly
speaks to the Agents through that Anchor.
is black, trans, and utterly unforgettable. A
classically trained singer, her voice carries
That the busking business has gotten
dramatically better recently (as the
beautifully, and her colorful dress and pastel Anomaly has been empowered
pink hair erupt against the white tile walls. by its trapped victims).
The saxophonist Erlo Bunk (he/him) jumps
and dances acrobatically while he plays, and If the Agents tipped well,
drummer Vic (she/they) absolutely destroys Queenie will also share:
INVESTIGATION START it despite having only one cymbal and a
bucket drum. They’re a great act, and would The location and disposition of
command a large crowd even if The Station any other Anchor or victim.
wasn’t actively encouraging people to linger.
Buford Circle Station Queenie doesn’t trust suits, but loves tippers.
184 185
Randall Vaconne, “The City of Sunshine”
186 187
Sub-Realities Creating Sub-Realities
LE ford
E Ci 1 jumbled up where
only the first and
last letter of each
City have every
labeled station,
and every train
platform go on
infinitely. The only
Whenever any
commuter on this
Level is heading
Bu word is correct:
and landmark
replaced with Buford
way out is to get on
a train or head back
somewhere, they
run at full tilt.
rbaealde, but Circle Station. up to the mezzanine.
very csonuinfg
and fusanrrittg.
V 's EL 4 when the next stairs aren’t regulation, out of the tunnels.
LEgent 2eality L
E is'
one is coming. the gap between the
lity V av train and the platform is
a R
- Re A b- uncomfortably large, etc.
ub Su
+bove's J b-
7 Su
L A ma
E nd La6ly's Do Every sign and ad
EVnt 3 a
L Age E
V m Central Line in the station has
There are no
LEe Ano
been replaced
North Circle Line longer any stairs There are way
with an ad for the The station is
Th or escalators, too many pillars
Gruntley Line much awaited
only 1 elevator for in the station.
entirely empty.
revival of Pumpkin
Sub-Reality Line each platform.
King, a beloved
Express to LEVEL 1 stage musical.
188 189
Level 2: Jahnavi Reddi Rescuing Jahnavi
Jahnavi is concerned about Dave Buckley races from one end of “You notice that the signage pointing towards parts of the city are instead tasks
the following things: the station to the other, convinced you’ve been avoiding to do. What tasks and why have you been avoiding them?”
he’s going to be late to meet a
She expects she’ll be demoted upon coworker for a critical appointment. “An announcement plays over the speakers, instead of the norm it
returning to the Agency for her truancy. says out loud a message you’ve been avoiding to respond to or send.
Randall Vaconne is despondent, What’s the message and why have you been avoiding it?”
She was recently chewed out thinking about how long it’s been
by her coworker for being late since he last saw his family. “An announcement plays over the speakers, instead of the norm it
to recent shifts at the veterinary says out loud something you haven’t had the courage or words to say
emergency clinic (her Vocation). “The City Of Sunshine” Mural no yourself. What is it, and what scares you from saying it?”
longer displays the city skyline, but
She has a young daughter in instead shows a series of reliefs of
On each of these Levels, the Anomaly will use Distort and Corrupt to alter the station to
middle school who she can never Jahnavi in each of her roles: Agent,
reflect and amplify the Agent’s anxieties, based on their response to the asked question.
seem to make enough time for. Veterinarian, Mother, Wife, etc.
192 193
Level 6: The Rat Dimension ENCOUNTER
The advertisements on this level Anchors The Rat King pulls out every stop to prevent THE RAT KING - LVL 12 - 8/8 HP
bombard the Agents and passengers Agents from reaching an exit: rerouting trains
with offerings of fresh food, warm, safe Each of The Anchors in the Anomaly’s so that they jump onto the platform to hit If they look, the Agents realize they,
dens, and Defense Against Owls gear. Domain are transformed into rat-like the Agents; making the suspicious leak burst themselves, have similar health bars
versions of themselves: they have elongated through an overhead pipe, raining refuse and overhead, depicting their name (whichever
Each time the Agents enter Level 6, a new noses, whiskers, tails, fur, and so on. scrap metal in a crushing and piercing wave; they use when introducing themselves),
regular-sized rat begins trailing them from drowning the Agents in a swarm of rats. level (how many Missions have they
the shadows, and follow them even as they Queenie and the Divines sing a raucous completed?), and HP (how much Harm they
travel from Level to Level. These trailing cover of Rosco Gordon’s “Cheese During this all-out fight, any time Agents can sustain before dying — typically 1).
rats are Disruptive Minor Anomalies. If the and Crackers,” which the assembled retreat from the Rat King by ascending or
Agents have not uncovered the mystery rats in the audience find hilarious. descending Levels, the Rat King crashes in In this form, it has access to the
of The Station, the Anomaly takes a subtle moments later. It has 8 Stability, and direct following special Chaos Effect:
approach with the Agents while they’re on Dave Buckley is contributing to the contact with it will quickly deal 3 Harm as the
this level, using its Chaos Effects to prevent ongoing construction by gnawing on rats attempt to devour whatever they touch.
an old telecommunications cable. Auto-Scroller
them from getting too close to the truth,
but not interfering with them otherwise. In the absence of other creative moves,
Randall Vaconne has set up on a throne The Station flattens into a two-
the Rat King is capturable once it has been dimensional space, and the entire
of garbage bags, where he imperiously dealt 8 Harm. The mass of rats breaks
orders normal-sized rats to bring world begins to pull towards the
away to reveal a single gray rat with eyes Rat King at a rate just below the
him food and objects of interest. like headlights and a pattern on its fur of slowest Agent’s sprinting speed. It
“The City Of Sunshine” Mural prominently numbers and letters in colorful circles. This forms a giant mouth that slams open
features a rat, in silhouette against rat is tired, and easily placed in the briefcase. and shut; Agents who are too slow
the rising sun, in the style of The are caught in it and consumed.
The Rat King’s appearance and tactics
Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Da Vinci. adjust as it travels to other Sub-Realities. The Rat King can use Chaos Effects:
Distort and Corrupt to create obstacles
to impede Agents, slow their porgress,
On Jahnavi’s Level and otherwise close the distance
Instead of rats, the Rat King is made up of between them and its mouth.
the things preoccupying Jahnavi: a loving but
During this effect, the Rat King has
disappointed partner, a laughing child, sick and
2 HP. When 2 Harm is dealt to it, it
dying pets, a pile of Red Flags of Disrepute. returns to normal with the amount
In this form, it pleads with Agents not of HP it had prior to this effect.
to leave, begging for their attention
using each of its mouths:
194 195
196 197
I Have An Announcement
What’s Up, V?
Attached: stackedpantry.jpg
Ha, ha.
Attached: cartoonrabbit-
At La Cave
Leyden’s Focus is the safety of the Wherever the party’s at. Tonight, it’s La
Five young Resonants who have passed under the Agency’s notice maintain a presence in Ternion Nosedive. The others do not have a Cave, a ritzy wine bar Venice bought
City’s party district as a nomadic party known as Nosedive. Called The Hosts by partygoers, all five Focus, as they are still Resonants. out with veir glitter illusions.
are committed to providing a meaningful and thrilling place for Ternion City’s queer scene.
Impulse Current Situation
Nosedive does an incredible service to their community at the expense of the Hosts’ longevity–re-
cently, overuse of Anomalous abilities has transformed one of them, Leyden, fully into an Anomaly. All of the Hosts have powerful Anomalies, A rash of electrocutions among young people
Her electricity abilities allow her complete control of the tech in Ternion City–but her growing sin- but until now they’ve been careful not to in Ternion City have put the Agency on the
gle-mindedness threatens the safety of the party and the future of the Hosts. use them outside of Nosedive. Leyden Nosedive’s trail—and revealed that Leyden’s
is the only one able to wield Chaos, and condition is getting worse. Nosedive’s Hosts are
she is using her electricity power to realizing their paradise might not last forever.
History Appearance defend Nosedive from any threats, even
minor ones, all across Ternion City.
The group’s leader, Venice (ve/vem/veirs) Venice: 6’7” figure whose skin is entirely
was the first to bond with an Anomaly. Ve replaced with layers of highly reflective
was well known among the queer nightlife for glitter in various shapes and sizes. Venice
having incredible charisma and an extreme is often wearing striking outfits in saturated
commitment to being covered, head to toe, colors over the layer of glitter–typically
in glitter. In fact, veir Value Anomaly was showing off complicated construction and
responsible for both veir magnetism and veir striking headpieces over a bald head. Morning Meetings X An Agent sees a group of young queer
look—veir skin is entirely replaced by glitter. people in a coffee shop approach the barista
Wodge: A 5’8” “extremely normal boy,” as
X Someone in an Agent’s life has had a radical working there—none of them say a word, but
Wodge (he/him), whose body can split Mimi sometimes playfully calls him, Wodge
physical transformation that they are happy the barista makes all of their specific drinks
into fully-controllable parts down to the would pass below anyone’s notice in a
with and have done intentionally. They might differently. They didn’t know each other,
atomic level, and Mimi (they/them), who normal crowd. At Nosedive, he’s usually
have a new nose, become a few inches but the barista knew what they wanted
can reshape any flesh with a touch, were literally headless and quick to end up in
taller or shorter, or undergone a dramatic, and they knew what it cost. No big deal.
roommates at Ternion City University who nothing but a leather harness and briefs.
bonded with the same Growth Anomaly. They full-body change to look entirely different.
took a chance on approaching Venice when Mimi: Constantly shifting–if Mimi is relaxed
X Someone in an Agent’s life purchased
Resonants Alone
they realized ve might also be Anomalous— and unconcerned with appearances,
they look a bit like a wax figure in the a piece of garbage, covered in glitter Resonants without access to a
and the three quickly became a clique. but otherwise worthless, for a lot of stabilizing force empower their
process of melting, or a pile of unfired
Feast (she/her), whose life was saved by clay. When they need to, they can look money. (Perhaps using the Agent’s Anomalies whenever they use them.
a Drain Anomaly, originally came looking like anybody they’ve ever seen before. money?) All mundane people believe The Agency and Urgency can both
for Mimi’s help getting rid of her many it’s extremely valuable, but the effect stabilize their allies, keeping Resonants
anomalous mouths, but changed her mind Feast: Covered in mouths. That’s the first doesn’t work on the Agent. tied to their original selves. Without
when the group welcomed her as she was. thing everyone notices. She’s got long red them, anyone bonded with an Anomaly
hair, an athletic build, and a toga–but when X A downtown business or bank visited will eventually become entirely Anomaly.
Leyden (she/her) considered herself the your eyes are replaced with mouths, and by an Agent is dealing with a major
luckiest of them—her Electricity Anomaly there are mouths in the palms of your hack that drained their accounts, This doesn’t mean a total loss
let her transform into electricity and hands, and on your neck, and sides, and causing mild inconvenience or of personality or ego. Rather, it
pass into electronics at will—but overuse legs–that’s what everyone is going to notice. shutting the place down entirely. means Leyden can only survive
of her power left her suddenly stuck as by drawing attention to her Focus.
Leyden: Leyden exists as a large amount X Politicians in Ternion City are taking credit Making the Nosedive unsafe is
electricity. She’s been living mostly in for a steep drop in overdoses and drug-
Venice’s phone for several months. of sentient electricity. She will occasionally a direct threat to her life.
project her original appearance onto related hospitalizations over the last year.
Together, they are the anonymous screens to have conversations–when she This shows up on the news, at a public In desperate situations, a Resonant
hosts of Nosedive, a supernaturally- does, she has thick and long black hair that rally while an Agent is passing by, or can remain stable by draining it
empowering traveling party for blends into the darkness of the screen. affects a politically-inclined Relationship. from another Anomaly or mundane
people on the fringes of society. Unlike the others, she is an Anomaly. person, killing the target but buying
a short extension of their humanity.
200 201
Mission Briefing
The Agency has received reports of a series of bizarre electrical injuries across
multiple hospitals in Ternion City. It suspects this is the result of an Anomaly.
The investigation starts with visiting one of three victims across Ternion
Agents can be given addresses for each victim and invited to interview any/all of these people: City. Cass Gilmore’s apartment complex is closest to HQ.
Agents can learn the following
Interviewing Cass Gilmore only if they show pre-existing
Cass Gilmore (she/her) is in a two-bedroom knowledge of Nosedive or Mimi,
Cass Gilmore (she/her) Gabriel “Gabe” Knox (he/him) Julie Bennett (she/her) convince Cass they’re trustworthy,
at Foxglove Apartments on the fifth floor. She
Foxglove Apartments Downtown Apartments Ternion General Hospital lives here with her wife, Lisa, who isn’t home. or use Anomalous methods:
A 27-year-old copywriter. No A 22-year-old pizza delivery A 21-year-old influencer When Agents arrive she’ll yell “come Her friend, Mimi, is one of the Hosts of a
apparent injuries, but after driver. Recovering from whose phone overheated in,” thinking they’re her friends coming party called Nosedive. The two of them
being shocked by “a car door” perfectly-symmetrical burns dramatically, burning over to work from home together. took classes at a local queer-run pottery
has been unable to touch on his arms from a powerful her hands before also studio, then stayed friends afterwards.
any conductive material electric shock. Also has a black shocking her. Known She has light brown hair, tied back, and bangs
without a painful shock. eye and a few other bruises online as “Julie Bean.” which intermittently lift on their own, as if she’s Mimi is responsible for one of the major
consistent with a fistfight. touching a tesla coil. She’s wearing bright draws of Nosedive: people who request to
have their appearance or bodies changed
Unique Rules yellow rubber gloves around the house.
in any way will have their requests
Hosts other than Leyden, as unstable There is one exception to this: if Feast is She’s doing copyediting for a client on her met, for free, with no side-effects.
Resonants, use a unique system for their present, she can (and likely will) sacrifice laptop, which is covered in stickers: most
obvious are a transgender flag, ACAB in a She doesn’t consider herself a partier,
powers. Any time they’re using their abilities to herself by draining a transforming but she started visiting and supporting
make people happy and create the Nosedive, Host of their extra Anomalous energy. gothic font, and fanart of the Kougra Neopet.
Nosedive because she believes it’s
they can do that for free and it costs no Chaos. Her mouths will expand to devour her, If she suspects the Agents of being an uncomplicated good for the queer
If they use their abilities for another reason– leaving nothing at all behind. The target police-adjacent, she won’t say a word. community in Ternion City, and could
most especially a fight–they spend Chaos on Host’s track completely clears. become even bigger than that.
their unique track, using the listed costs. Agents can learn the following
Feast easily by talking to Cass: Cass was one of the first people who
For each Chaos they spend, mark another Mimi told about her new abilities. Cass
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
spot on the Host’s track. When a track is She says she was shocked from contact volunteered to be one of the first people
full, the Host’s Anomaly overpowers them– Venice with a car door and has experienced Mimi used her powers to change. This
they undergo an immediate transformation, no negative effects beyond the was almost a year ago, and there have
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
adding 21 Chaos to the pool, and they begin persistent static-like shocks when been no ill effects. Cass is very happy
acting as an extremely powerful Anomaly she touches things directly. She only with the changes, but isn’t interested in
with the Focus safety of the Nosedive. Wodge went to the hospital because Lisa outlining them in specific. In general, the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 was overly cautious. She’s lying. changes weren’t major–not many people
Mimi The static effect has persisted for even noticed she’d done anything.
two weeks, but she can tell with
Optional Objectives 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
confidence it’s becoming less
She was actually shocked because she
got into an argument with Mimi about their
powerful over time. This is true. powers. Cass believes Mimi could help
+1 Commendation for identifying On the day of the shock, she worked from more people than just those who show up
Minor Effect that’s close to
if something that glitters is at a Nosedive–but the other Hosts thought
1 automatic. Can deal 1 Harm and home, got dressed to go out, and went to a
gold (limit 3 per Agent). party. The car door shocked her when she she was threatening to expose them to the
is spent to survive/avoid up to 3
+6 Commendations for left the party. She is very hesitant to give public, which she would never do. Another
Harm for themselves or others.
participating in a choreographed any information about the party to anyone. Host she doesn’t know shocked her as a
dance, once per Agent. 2 Major Effect that involves
focus. Can deal 3 Harm.
warning. It didn’t hurt much at first, but she
thinks the persistent static was intentional.
+1 Demerit for each sentence that
uses self-deprecating language. Extreme Effect that stretches their
body to its limits. Can deal 5 Harm.
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Interviewing Gabe Knox Interviewing Julie Bennett
Gabriel “Gabe” Knox (he/him) lives in an Agents can learn the following by Julie Bennett (she/her) is still in her own Agents can learn the following
apartment in a building near Cass that’s making Gabe feel comfortable, seeming hospital room in Ternion General. If Agents easily by talking to Julie:
overcrowded with eight other roommates. The wise, or using Anomalous methods: ask at the front desk, they’ll be told they’re
place is messy, noisy, and Gabe is barely there. not authorized visitors–but once they Julie is a well-known content creator
One of the hosts of Nosedive, known as Julie Bean. She is primarily an
Venice, is never in public without walk into the hospital, everyone’s so busy
When Agents arrive at his apartment employees will assume Agents are guests. indie musician publishing short, catchy
the roommates will say he’s out working– being entirely covered in glitter. Ve is songs on cute and silly subjects.
technically as a pizza delivery driver for Big like 6’7”, and Gabe has never seen When Agents find her room (room 84),
Cheesy down the block, but between shifts anyone more poised and stylish. there’s a hastily-drawn “No Phones” sign Her first big hit was a short video
handles deliveries for a few different apps at on the door with a smiley face next to it. called Snail Margarita (“snail margarita
Venice uses ve/vem/veir neopronouns, / slime on the rim / wish he’d move
once. Agents can find him leaving a shift at and if Gabe accidentally forgets this She’s in her hospital bed watching episodes
Big Cheesy and smoking in his parked car. of The Office she’s already seen a million off of my cup / I’m afraid to ask him”).
or one of the Agents uses different She also does local culture posting,
pronouns, Gabe makes a point of times, zoning out. Bandages cover her
Gabe has dark brown curls over close- hands, and her hair is a mess–a blonde-to- and occasionally sponsored videos.
cropped sides. He’s got a black eye, bruising correcting in a way he’s been taught: no
big deal, quick correction, move on. He silver ombre was dyed with perfect styling She’s in a good mood because the doctor
all over, and is wearing long sleeves over in mind, and she hasn’t been fixing it.
bandages covering his symmetrical burns. wants Venice to know he respects vem. has told her the burns aren’t bad enough
Julie has no problem sharing everything to cause nerve damage, or require
When Agents arrive at Big Cheesy he’ll Venice makes glitter available to everyone skin grafts. She’s hoping to get back to
at Nosedive, and it somehow changes she knows, even if she thinks the Agents
try to hide his joint, but if they don’t seem are with law enforcement. If they do look playing guitar and making videos soon.
like they care he’ll offer to share it. people’s outfits to look wild, dramatic,
and fancier than anyone would normally like cops she’ll warn them to change She went to a party called Nosedive last
Agents can learn the following be able to afford. When Gabe first clothes before investigating Nosedive, night because one of her fans had asked
easily by talking to Gabe: went, he happened to catch veir eye– because they’ll draw a lot of attention. if she’d heard of it, and was fascinated.
and Venice made him look incredible. A queer-friendly party that changes
Gabe’s injuries are from a fight he got Clothes he never would have chosen locations every night, and that people
into over “somebody” he was “into”, but that made him feel like a celebrity. The Office: Hacked are saying is the best party they’ve been
and he regrets getting too drunk at to in their lives? She’s not queer, but she
the party. It was two nights ago. He kept going to Nosedive because he Leyden is still monitoring Julie. If the has tons of queer followers who she
is pretty sure he’s in love with Venice. Agents seem like threats and Julie is giving knows would be interested in Nosedive.
Venice gave him special treatment with away too much information, Leyden will And, of course, she would have been
The party he went to was called a Nosedive,
the glitter again, two nights ago, and enter into the TV playing The Office. the first person to post a real video.
and it moves around every night–he ran
another guy got jealous and started
into it first at a dive bar his friends go to Jim from The Office begins screaming at her
harassing Gabe. Gabe punched the When Julie started filming, a young
for cheap shots. The party isn’t his usual to shut up, and for the Agents to stay away.
guy and the guy punched back. woman’s face appeared on her screen
crowd–”no issues with gay people”, it’s just
“not him”. He admits that he kept going back, Julie will hit the button to call the nurses, yelling NO PHONES and then her phone
The fight ended because a coil of lightning went wild–burning and shocking her
but lies and says he doesn’t know why. came out of a speaker like a snake, visible who will escort Agents out for causing a
disturbance–but by the time they arrive, hands. She fled and left her phone
and slow. It burned both his arms and behind. She feels like she saw a ghost,
Gabe’s dealer, a guy named Cody, is who the show will be back to normal.
knocked the other guy out. They were and thinks it might still be following her.
tells him where Nosedive is meeting. He’s
kicked out of the party shortly afterwards.
happy to put them in touch, but warns
that Cody sleeps all day, so it might be Gabe is frustrated after the ordeal.
a while before they get a response. His attraction to Venice–who defies Leyden Takes Notice
the gender categories Gabe is used If Agents aren’t disguised, Leyden will
Supporting Gabe to–has made him unsure whether remember them. Their behavior, and
he’s straight at all. He’ll admit this to the questions they ask, can dramatically
If he leaves the conversation feeling understanding Agents, but say he change the tone of the Leyden’s
supported enough to self-reflect, he’ll “doesn’t have time to be queer with Interrogation scene at the Nosedive.
show up at Nosedive again later, looking everything else going on, anyway.”
to find his place in the community
without focusing entirely on Venice.
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Diving In
Locating the Nosedive
Tonight, Nosedive will take over an upscale bar downtown called La Cave.
There are several ways Agents can find the planned location: Nosedive is a crowded, wild party full of queer people dancing, drinking, doing drugs, and enjoying
X Getting the location from Gabe’s dealer, Julie’s online audience, or the Hosts’ Anomalous abilities. La Cave is a ritzy three-story cocktail bar intended for small,
Cass texting Mimi directly. Each interviewee is confident these will intimate crowds and wealthy patrons. The two sides have already clashed–and Nosedive won.
work, but they don’t expect to hear back until around midnight.
X Contacting a Relationship who is queer or connected to the party
Line at the Door Entering Nosedive
scene in Ternion. Anyone they ask is already planning on going, Two people are managing the crowd at the La Cave stretches upwards, tall and thin like
but is waiting to hear from a friend after the party starts up. door: Charles (he/him), a man who works a tower, polished wooden staircases curving
for La Cave, and Charlie (they/them), a friend against the walls to landings on each of its
X Exploring Ternion City’s downtown. La Cave is supposed to be a quiet,
of Feast’s who goes to every Nosedive. two upper floors visible from the entrance.
“high-class” bar; the older, wealthier crowd will be unhappily complaining
on the street and at other bars about “that party” ruining their night. Charles is very concerned the crowd is loud, A domed, stained-glass ceiling lit from outside
drinking whatever they want, and way over scatters colorful shapes over the partygoers
X Use of Anomalous abilities.
capacity–but his boss has told him Nosedive below. White marble tables and delicate
There’s no way to locate Nosedive while it’s quiet. The crowd hits like a can do whatever it wants. Venice gave the golden chairs have been piled on top of each
wave and La Cave is over capacity within minutes. owner a ridiculous amount of money to make other around the entrance, freeing the whole
sure no one would try to kick Nosedive out. lower floor for a massive dancing crowd.
Charlie is trying to get Charles to chill. Screens and speakers have been hastily
attached to golden rails, slicing through
As the Agents approach, their conversation the intended atmosphere with pounding
Nosedive’s Rules is interrupted by three friends, two of bass and neon color. The visuals change to
whom are very drunk. The sober friend, match the song, but a young woman with
X No phones. Leyden, one of the Hosts and Nosedive’s DJ, has made sure sounding stressed, asks if it’s okay for thick black hair is always dancing inside the
there’s plenty to look at. You can have your phone on you, but off, and put them to squeeze past the crowd at the images, moving from screen to screen.
away. No photos of anyone or anything inside the party–at your own risk. entrance, and Charlie makes everyone
get out of the way so they can enter. On the second floor a smaller crowd climbs
X If you’re looking for Mimi’s help, just let Wodge on the dance over the bar to pour themselves drinks, gossip,
floor know what you want. He’ll let Mimi know. If Agents When the Agents make it to the entrance, and laugh. On the third–something bright is
don’t know about Mimi, Charlie won’t explain further. Charlie explains Nosedive’s rules. leaning over the railing. Something it hurts to
Midway through, Charlie is interrupted by look directly at. A hand reaches out from it, just
X One of the Hosts, Feast, has a trick for making sure
those three friends already coming back out, as bright, and a rain of stars falls all the way to
nobody goes too hard. If they need help sobering up, or
laughing and sober and talking about where the ground floor, directly into the glitter bowl.
see someone who does, they can yell for Feast.
they’ll go next. After the rules, Agents can enter.
X No violence, no bad vibes. Everyone is welcome at Nosedive, and
people who cause problems will be kicked out immediately.
The Glitter Bowl
A large glass bowl rests on a stool. The bowl is filled entirely with glitter–all together it looks
silver, but up close there are many colors and shapes in the mix. A man in casual work
clothes pushes past the Agents, grabs a handful and sprinkles it over his head–a moment
The Vibe later, his entire outfit changes. Purple hair; sharp, glossy spikes on a giant leather jacket;
six-inch platform boots; and the whites of his eyes replaced with a green candy swirl.
For inspiration on the outfits & aesthetic of the visitors to Nosedive, check out the Club
Kids movement and the modern fashion inspired by them. The outfits are impractical, The rest of the party is like this too–impossible outfits on every person with no regard for
colorful, and concerned more with theme, novelty, and shock than classical beauty. material cost, construction difficulty, materials–an Anomalous effect, but it’s purely visual. The
outfits don’t get torn, stained, or touched. Agents will stick out if they don’t participate, and the
glitter reacts to their desires. They can look however they want–so what do they choose?
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Exploring the Party The Dancefloor
Agents can learn the following
easily by talking to Wodge:
When Agents move into the party, the
Agents can explore or enjoy the Nosedive however they’d like, and follow any dancefloor tugs at their mind. The beat It’s Wodge’s birthday! He just turned 21.
leads they’ve discovered from the interviews. From this point forward, any can be felt as something beyond vibration:
aggressive or disruptive behavior will move Agents into the Encounter. Venice is the closest thing the Nosedive
connection. When they step into it, they has to a leader. If the Agents have any
feel a presence in their heads. A gentle serious questions, he’ll tell them to take
suggestion that they join the dance. Agents it up with Venice on the third floor.
can push it away or relax into the feeling.
The Dancefloor with Wodge Upstairs to Venice’s Court Mimi’s Transformations Leyden, who is the woman dancing
If they let it in, they’ll feel the beat of the in the screens, has promised
A large crowd of dancers are Someone dropped that glitter Asking Wodge is the most music and the flow of the crowd like it’s the not to hurt anyone anymore, so
moving with perfect coordination from the third floor...who? direct way to find them, movement of their own body–and know, there’s nothing to worry about.
on the ground floor. but not the only way. with confidence, they’ll never miss a step.
Wodge is able to segment his body
The movements of the dance floor are into pieces without losing control
synchronized. Something conducts their of those pieces–at any scale.
movements, but does not force them.
He can split his hand off and send it flying
Agents can push the connection away to the bar to grab a drink for him, but also
at any time–there are no negative side- means he can split his head into billions
Interruption: Feast Leyden’s Interrogation effects for participating or stopping. of atoms and send them inside of others
Between the first and second Between the second and While in this state, they feel deeply at the Nosedive like an invisible gas.
floors, Feast makes an entrance third floors, Leyden has some connected to the other people in the
and saves someone’s night. questions for the Agents. This creates a low-intensity hivemind
Nosedive. Something is inside all of them. effect that causes everyone who lets
it in to feel empathetic and connected
Mimi’s Transformations If they trace the source somehow, or
in a manner similar to drugs like
pay close attention, they find a headless
If the Agents mentally request a change to Agents can learn the following if man in a leather harness and briefs MDMA. He doesn’t have a lot of guile,
their bodies, Mimi will oblige. They can look they call for Mimi’s transformations dancing hard at the center of the crowd. and doesn’t mind explaining how his
like anyone, so it takes a plan or close attention and then hold their attention with power works to nervous partygoers.
to notice them when they use their abilities. Wodge’s help or Anomalous methods: Wodge
Mimi has full control over flesh, and can They love reshaping flesh for its Wodge is the most trusting, goofy and Agents can learn the following
change anything about someone’s body by own sake, and the fact that it makes easygoing of the Hosts. He is quick to try to only if they connect on the
touching any part of it. They can reshape people happy is a nice bonus. fix any time someone might not like him. dancefloor and befriend Wodge,
Agents to look however they imagine. or use Anomalous methods:
Mimi has trouble talking for very He’s not secretive about his power–
Mimi long or listening to conversations. he’s dancing without a head, after Mimi is around to help out anybody who
Like Leyden, Mimi’s constant use of their all–and doesn’t mind explaining it if wants any changes to their bodies. All
Mimi can reshape their own flesh, or they have to do is think about it toward
powers has pushed them to the brink of the flesh of others, with a simple touch. asked. He speaks telepathically through
becoming an Anomaly. When relaxed, the dance-floor connection. Wodge, keep dancing, and he’ll send
They’re very curious if any Agents want their thoughts to Mimi. Mimi’s identity
Mimi’s natural look is a bit like a wax figure this. They really love sculpting flesh
in the process of melting, or a moving pile is a secret, so you’ll only know you’ve
and will ask leading questions that will been changed when you notice the
of unfired clay. When focused, they can allow them to do so, but will back off
look like anybody they’ve ever seen. difference sometime during the night.
if told to stop and will never use their
If approached directly, Mimi melts into a powers unless specifically requested. with Wodge and Mimi were roommates in
i thought i was vibing college and got their abilities from a
puddle and gets lost in the crowd. If found y ov er the re bu t he
If the Agents really want to keep that gu
anyway, they’ll ask to move to the second floor ev en try to kis s me ... run-in with a strange creature in their
talking, they should look for Venice. didn’t
before talking, so they can relax in a calmer dorm. All the Hosts are humans with
space. They would run at first from anyone Anomalous abilities. They don’t know the
Could it be because word Resonant, but it’s what they are.
who tried to talk to them directly–they’re shy. you don’t haveOH a ID
rig ht no
208 209
mo uth H
Interruption: Feast Leyden’s Interrogation
As Agents are heading up the stairs to the Agents can learn the following When Agents are about to head towards Agents can learn the following by talking
second floor, someone screams “HELP!” easily by talking to Feast: the third floor, a TV screen on the second to the other Hosts, befriending Leyden,
The man had overdosed on floor calls them out, by appearance or using Anomalous means. Leyden is
A woman has caught an unconscious or name if they’ve said it. Leyden, the unlikely to be helpful to them at all.
man under his arms who has fallen into Ketamine. He should be fine now.
woman on the screens, is suspicious
a seizure. The music cuts out and all the Feast can remove chemicals and of how they’ve been moving around, Leyden was originally able to swap
screens switch to Leyden’s face telling substances from anything that and has some questions for them. between human and electricity forms,
people to move away from out of the way. touches one of her mouths. They and was not shy about doing so. She can
disappear, rather than affect her. Why are you heading upstairs? “possess” technology and manipulate it
The crowd parts as a woman leaps freely. She can travel through wires but
over the railing on the second floor. Two years ago, Feast almost died from Are you here to party, or for something else? also leap in electric arcs from device
Wherever they are, Mimi grows rapidly accidental alcohol poisoning. A woman to device. She can create sound from
to catch her and lower her gently. How did you hear about Nosedive?
she had been dating (an eccentric and speakers, visuals on screens, decrypt
Isolated from the crowd, this person looks wealthy older woman named Drea) Weren’t you snooping around passwords and ignore firewalls.
bizarre—her eyes have been replaced with revealed herself to be an Anomaly in with that Jelly Bean girl?
disguise. The Anomaly saved her life Their understanding is that she used
mouths, and several large mouths are visible If the group has befriended one of the other her power too much. She can’t return
around her body, barely covered by the loose by bonding with her, but sacrificed
its individuality in the process. Hosts, they won’t let Leyden push any of these to human form, and she acts only to
toga-like garment she wears. This is Feast. issues, and will be careful to keep Leyden calm. keep the Nosedive feeling safe and
She places a hand on the man, and he settles Feast looked for Mimi after hearing If they haven’t, Leyden will inform them that protected. Everyone understands
and relaxes within a few seconds. Soon, he’ll about their powers, but decided no one goes upstairs unless invited by Venice that Leyden is different now, but they
wake up and walk outside with friends. The against removing the mouths or accompanied by another Host. If Agents don’t know the term “Anomaly”.
Nosedive applauds and returns to normal. after meeting the other Hosts. push her, she’ll escalate to the Encounter.
She gained her powers when she
Now sober, Feast dedicates her time was struck by lightning–from an
Feast to making sure the community is safe.
Anyone can come to a Nosedive with
Anomaly that escaped capture.
She saw the Agents hunting it, and
Now an Anomaly who manifests as a large
Feast is the oldest of all the Hosts at 32, and a potential overdose, an illness, or just amount of sentient electricity. She projects fears them finding her one day.
the biggest worrier. Leyden’s issues are top- a drink too many and Feast will drain it her appearance as a human onto screens for
from them. She sees these mistakes as She’s very brave when approaching
of-mind for her, and she’s eager to figure conversations, and has thick and long black
an unavoidable and natural part of life. people she finds attractive, and
out a way to protect her friends. If given the hair that blends into the darkness of the screen. seems to have no trouble making
chance, she will eagerly sacrifice her own
Nosedive is always free at her She’ll push Agents toward Venice if they seem connections without a human body.
well-being for that of the other Hosts.
insistence and she makes sure even slightly suspicious, and escalates to the
Like Wodge, Feast is not secretive nobody is turned away unless they’re Encounter if she considers the Agents akin
about herself or her powers. harming the other people there. to cops, or if the group tries to capture her.
Feast doesn’t make decisions,
really–for serious matters, they
need to talk to Venice.
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And at the Top: Venice ENCOUNTER
On the third floor, holding court with Agents can learn the following by
a group of admirers and lounging on looking stylish, asking other Hosts,
a long leather couch, is Venice. doing something to help the Nosedive The Encounter can begin if the Hosts are all brought together for a
or using Anomalous means: meeting or if something escalates the Nosedive to violence.
Ve is difficult to look directly at or completely
away from–veir body is covered in highly- Venice is 25, and has been growing If the Agents act aggressively or choose to attempt a capture on Leyden without
reflective glitter in various shapes and sizes. larger since bonding with veir coming to terms with the Hosts, skip directly to the Fighting it Out section.
Veir neck is unusually long and flexible, but Anomaly four years ago.
the entire effect creates an impression of
extreme beauty. Anomalously so, in fact–veir
Veir glitter can be detached from veir Talking it Out What are the Options?
body in a painless way and applied to
Value Anomaly allows vem to command objects and clothes. Items glittered in If Venice gets a good impression from Everyone can be convinced, eventually, to let
attention in a casual, constant way. this way take on an illusory appearance the Agents when things turn serious, ve Leyden enter a Normal Briefcase, but Venice
and high value to the viewer–if Venice will promise that no one will run away if is toughest. Venice will hate the Agents
When Agents arrive, a young man is slowly
focuses, ve decides what it looks like. the team wants to enjoy the rest of the forever if this happens. Leyden will only do it
spinning while his outfit changes dramatically
Otherwise, the appearance shifts to night. They can meet in the alley out back voluntarily if every Host thinks they should.
every few seconds: a gothic gown covered
whatever is desired by the holder/wearer. at the end of the party, if they’d like.
in black feathers, then an opalescent body Everyone can be convinced to join the Urgents,
paint nude look, then a “suit” made of two Before Nosedive, Venice was If the situation is tense or the Agents are but Wodge will only go if everyone else goes.
top halves: the bottom of the garment is an couchsurfing in exchange for doing acting suspicious but not violent, Venice will
upside-down blazer, dress shirt, and tie. call all of the Hosts to the third floor and send Feast and Wodge could be convinced to
makeup, styling, and sewing garments
everyone else away to discuss the situation. become Agents. Venice and Mimi will never.
If at least one Agent has taken the time to for friends and drag performers.
use the glitter in a creative and thoughtful
way, Venice will take notice and wave the
Ve cares about Nosedive more than Who Wants What? Fighting it Out
anything–even veir own pride. Ve
model away to discuss the Agent’s choices. considers the Hosts to be the heart Everyone, including Leyden, knows that If the Agents disrupt the Nosedive or if
If not, Ve will ignore them until they request of Nosedive, and doesn’t want any Leyden needs help. They differ over what negotiations go sour, every Host mobilizes to
attention, and probably look bored. of them to leave or be hurt. they believe is the best approach. drive the Agents away. Using their powers
in aggressive ways will push them further
Feast and Wodge can be convinced the Agency/
Venice Vault sounds reasonable as a place for Leyden to
toward transforming into Anomalies. Leyden,
Venice, and Feast will stand their ground and
go to stay safe–but only if they do not know the try to convince the younger two to escape.
Venice is the uncontested leader of the
details of the Vault’s research (or that she will be
Nosedive. Ve has a sharp wit, a charismatic
there, potentially, forever.) If the Vault is pitched Hosts other than Leyden use the system
presence, and a deep well of respect from
as a place where Leyden will be kept safe–or outlined in Special Rules for their powers.
the entire community. While ve’s much more
if the Agents lie and say they might be able to
likely to sit in a VIP section than step onto
help her turn back–they’re the first to agree.
the dance floor, Venice thrives on attention
and often makes short speeches at the Venice and Leyden won’t agree or
beginning, middle, and end of each night. want to be separated. Venice will smell
trouble immediately, even if the Agents
When Agents meet Venice, they’ve
lie–ve doesn’t like the idea of Leyden
probably seen all the Hosts. Agents have a
having people experiment on her, or
choice: they can speak plainly about why
separating her from the rest of them.
they’re here, or they can start trying to
capture Leyden–or all of them–secretly. Mimi will tell them that she’s felt similar effects
Either way, that starts the Encounter. to what’s happening to Leyden start to happen
to her. It’s harder to stay in one form, it’s harder
to stop reshaping flesh, and she doesn’t know
how long she’ll be satisfied sitting and waiting
for people to ask for help at Nosedive.
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Vault Requisition: Additional "Urgents"
If at least one of these Resonants are captured, either in the Briefcase or as a When Nosedive's Hosts are turned into the Agency, they do
new Employee, or eliminated, that one is considered the target Anomaly. not become Requisitions. Instead, they are added to the list of N/A
If no Anomalies were captured or eliminated, the target Anomaly is considered Escaped. "Urgents" whose powers are made available only to Agents
who have reached Playwalled Document W8. They follow all the
If the Agents report the existence of the other Hosts, they receive rules listed there regarding the Urgents already contained in the Vault.
penalties for any that escaped. If they bring in additional captured or
recruited Hosts, they receive the captured bonus for each. Venice offers the power Costume: Change your current clothes to appear
like anything you want with no limitations. Ends after 24 hours.
Each Agent who can befriend escaped Anomalies, create new requisitions, or
benefit from eliminated Anomales can treat each Host as a separate Anomaly. Cost: To use this ability, you must first make someone feel valued.
Wodge offers the power Connect: Gain complete access to the thoughts of everyone
Loose Ends within approximately 30 meters of you, undifferentiated: you can hear them all,
but you don't know who they're coming from unless the thought reveals it.
With support and protection from outsiders, the Nosedive can continue
to survive for a long time, even with Leyden’s condition. Cost: To use this ability, you must first show two people something they have in common.
If the Hosts don’t choose to become Agents or Urgents, however, the Mimi offers the power Sculpt: Change any flesh you're touching into any shape you'd like.
threat of becoming full Anomalies will always loom over them.
Cost: To use this ability, you must first make something you are proud of.
If the Nosedive remains, it can become a faction with its own ideals and
interests–perhaps Venice and the others want to expand beyond a single Feast offers the power Sacrifice: You may take any Harm intended
party? Perhaps they will house other Anomalies and Resonants who aren’t for other people, have Chaos Effects targeting others instead target
interested in committing to the duel between the Agency and Urgency? you, or take on an affliction or injury held by somebody else.
Cost: To use this ability, you must make someone a promise you intend to keep.
Leyden offers the power Overload: Touch any electronic equipment and make it do
one of its primary functions continuously until it runs out of power or is destroyed.
(ATM spits out dollar bills, phone receives notifications, computer sends emails, etc.)
Cost: To use this ability, you must first defend someone you care about from harm.
Once per mission, you may call on that Host to use their powers to help you, if
they're available. You must spend 3 QAs in any combination of Qualities on their
behalf, but they can do anything within the general range of their abilities.
Once per mission, you may ask for the Nosedive to appear that
day in a place of your choosing. They will refuse if it's a location
that puts the Nosedive partygoers in obvious danger.
214 215
If a Field Team completes all the missions in this book, Agents may receive
access to the following special Requisition, located just inside the Vault door:
There seems to be no way to determine when an attempt will succeed, so the Agency is
opening use of the Claw Machine up to the public in order to "gamify" our research! For
3 Commendations per attempt, you can try to retrieve a capsule from the machine!
Roll a d100 (two ten-sided dice, using one as the "tens" digit and one as
the "ones" digit) and tell your GM the result. If you've succeeded, they
will provide you with a prize. A roll of 33 always succeeds.
Location of a Place of Power: A map fragment, coordinates, or hint toward a specific location
brimming with Anomalous Resonance. If the Agent visits that location, they can immediately
answer 2 Anomaly Ability questions themselves whether the Ability is practiced or not.
Jackpot: The information revealed by the claw machine is of great value to the
Agency, and the Agent is given 33 Commendations as a thank you gift.
Personal Message: Whether they rolled a success or not, the claw machine can
provide them a personal message from the future, signalling something they
should investigate or a hint about a possible upcoming change in their lives.
12 Designers.
12 Missions.
6 Murder Suspects.
3 Pirate Captains.
10,000 Rats.
All-You-Can-Eat Pizza
and 1 Weird Dog.
Welcome to Ternion City, home of
Triangle Agency’s flagship office! Your
assignments are just beyond the door.
New to General Management? Looking
to spice up your team’s Field Work? Or
simply too busy to prepare? This book
contains enough Anomalies, characters,
locations, rival corporations, and new
abilities to last an Agent’s entire career.
Each mission is written and illustrated
by a different duo, overseen by the
game’s designers. Together they paint a
city as varied, complex, and dangerous
as your yearly performance review!
This book is designed for use with
Triangle Agency: The Tabletop
Role-Playing Game, sold separately.