Botany - Assignment
Botany - Assignment
Botany - Assignment
1) 4 2) 2 3) 4 4) 4 5) 1 6) 4 7) 3 8) 2 9) 4 10) 3
11) 1 12) 3 13) 2 14) 4 15) 1 16) 3 17) 2 18) 3 19) 4 20) 4
21) 4 22) 2 23) 1 24) 1 25) 4 26) 1 27) 1 28) 4 29) 4 30) 4
31) 3 32) 4 33) 4 34) 1 35) 2 36) 4 37) 1 38) 1 39) 3 40) 1
41) 3 42) 4 43) 3 44) 3 45) 1 46) 1 47) 4 48) 2 49) 3 50) 2
51) 1 52) 3 53) 3 54) 4 55) 3 56) 3 57) 2 58) 2
Column - I Column – II (3) On DNA template with 3' - 5' polarity, the synthesis
of daughter DNA strand is discontinuous
a) Griffith i) Concluded DNA as
(4) On DNA template with 5' - 3' polarity, the synthesis
genetic material
of daughter DNA strand is continuous.
b) Avery ii) Transformation in 114. How many deoxyribonucleotides can be polymerised
bacteria by a molecule of DNA polymerase in one second?
(2) DNA
(3) i ii iii iv
(3) Protein
(4) ii iii iv i
(4) Polysaccharide
111. Semiconservative mode of replication of DNA was first
117. Choose the incorrect one with respect to Griffith's
experimentally shown in the plant
experiment on pneumococcus.
(1) Vicia faba
(1) When living R strain of pneumococcus was
(2) Vigna sinensis injected into mice, the mice survived
(2) When living S strain of pneumococcus was
(3) Chlamydomonas reinhardii
injected into mice, the mice died.
(4) Pisum sativum
(3) When living R along with heat killed S strain of
112. The main enzyme involved in DNA replication of E.coli pneumococcus was injected into mice, the mice
is survived
113. Choose the correct statement with respect to DNA (3) Protein as genetic material
(4) Some transforming principle transferred from heat
(1) Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates serve as killed S strain to living R strain and R strain became
substrates and main source of energy. virulent.
119. Prior to the work of Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and 124. Which organism was used as viral host by Hershey and
Maclyn McCarty, the genetic material was thought to Chase?
(1) Pneumococcus
(1) protein
(2) Staphylococcus
(2) glycolipid (3) E.coli
(3) polysaccharide (4) Lactobacillus
(4) nuclein 125. One of the following was the correct conclusion made
120. The following biochemicals were purified by Avery et al from Hershey and Chase experiments.
from S strain of pneumococcus. (1) Bacteria which were infected with bacteriophages
that had radioactive protein were radioactive
(1) only DNA
(2) Bacteria which were infected with bacteriophages
(2) only DNA and RNA
that had radioactive DNA were radioactive.
(3) only proteins and RNA
(3) Bacteria which were infected with bacteriophages
(4) DNA, RNA and proteins that had radioactive RNA were radioactive.
121. Avery and his colleagues discovered that (4) Bacteria which were infected with radioactive
bacteriophages that had radioactive glycolipid
(1) protein digesting enzymes did not prevent were radioactive.
126. DNA is not genetic material in
(2) RNA digesting enzymes did not prevent
transformation (1) bacteriophage used by Hershey and Chase
(3) polysaccharide digesting enzymes did not prevent (2) lambda bacteriophage
transformation (3) QB bacteriophage
(4) DNA digesting enzymes did prevent (4) Bacteriophage 174
127. Statement A : DNA is preferred for storage of genetic
122. Hershey and Chase used radioactive isotopes of information over RNA.
phosphorus and sulfur because
Statement B : RNA is better for transmission of
(1) DNA and protein have both phosphorus and sulfur genetic information over DNA.
(2) DNA has sulfur and protein has phosphorus (1) Both statements A and B are correct.
(3) DNA has phosphorus but not sulfur and protein (2) Statement A is correct and B is incorrect.
has sulfur but lacks phosphorus
(3) Statement A is incorrect and B is correct.
(4) DNA has phosphorus and protein has both (4) Both statements A and B are incorrect.
phosphorus and sulfur.
128. Assertion : The length of Bacteriophage DNA is
123. The correct sequence of steps followed by Hershey lesser than the length of genomic DNA
and Chase in their experiment with both bacteria and of bacteria
Reason : E.coli has DNA with 4.6 X 106 bp and
(A) Blending lambda bacteriophage has DNA with
(B) Centrifugation 48502 bp.
(1) Assertion and reason are correct and reason
(C) Infection
explains the assertion.
(1) C - A - B
(2) Assertion and reason are correct and reason does
(2) A - B - C not explain the assertion.
129. Select the set of nitrogen bases not common to both (3) Statement A is correct and B is incorrect
DNA and RNA.
(4) Statement A is incorrect and B is correct.
(1) Adenine, Guanine
133. This histone does not form a part of core of nucleosome.
(2) Uracil and Thymine
(1) H1
(3) Cytosine and Adenine
(2) H4
(4) Guanine and Cytosine
(3) H2
130. Match Column I and Column II
(4) H3
Column - I Column – II
134. Which statement is correct?
a) Formation of RNA on i) Translation
DNA strand (1) High degree of chromatin condensation is seen in
b) Formation of DNA on ii) Transcription
the existing DNA (2) Euchromatin is densely stained region of
c) Formation of DNA iii) Replication
(3) Chromatin is uniformly stained throughout its
strand on RNA strand
d) Flow of information iv) Reverse transcription
(4) Heterochromatin is transcriptionally inactive.
from mRNA to form
protein 135. Which pair of biomolecules can generate their replica?
Choose the correct answer from the options given (1) Proteins and RNA
(2) DNA and proteins
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(3) Proteins and Polysaccharides
(1) ii iii iv i
(4) DNA and RNA
(2) ii i iv iii
(3) ii iv iii i
136. Among the following cells of a plant which cell has
highest water potential?
(4) iii ii i iv
(1) Epidermal cell with root hairs
131. Choose the correct statement.
(1) DNA of prokaryote genome is not associated with (2) Endodermal cell of root
proteins (3) Mesophyll cell of leaf
(2) Genomic DNA of prokaryotes is associated with (4) Companion cell
only negatively charged proteins
137. Choose the correct statement.
(3) Genomic DNA of prokaryotes is associated with
positively charged proteins. (1) Most of the absorbed nitrogen travels through the
xylem of plant as inorganic ions.
(4) Packing of prokaryotic DNA is more complex than
eukaryotes. (2) Most of the absorbed nitrogen travels through the
xylem of the plant in organic form.
132. Statement A : Histones are basic proteins.
(3) Most of the absorbed phosphorus travels through
Statement B : Histones have only basic amino acids.
the xylem of the plant in organic form.
(1) Statements A and B are correct
(4) Most of the absorbed sulfur travels through the
(2) Statements A and B are incorrect xylem of the plant in organic form.
138. Assertion : In dicot leaf, the magnitude of 141. Repairing mechanism to correct the wrong insertions
transpiration is more through adaxial is associated during the synthesis of following chemical
surface than abaxial surface. substance in living organisms.
(1) Both assertion and reason are correct and reason (3) Protein
correctly explains the assertion
(4) Lipids of cell membrane
(2) Both assertion and reason are correct and reason
does not explain the assertion. 142. Which of the following is correct?
(3) Assertion is correct and reason is wrong (1) Meischer discovered nucleins earlier to the
proposition for principles of inheritance by Mendel
(4) Assertion is incorrect and reason is correct.
(2) Mendel proposed principles of inheritance earlier
139. Match Column I and Column II to Meischer's discovery of nucleins.
Column - I Column – II (3) DNA as genetic material was established soon
a) Translocation i) Selective and uphill after the discovery of nucleins by Meischer.
b) Diffusion ii) Selective and down (4) The quest to determine mechanism of inheritance
hill reached molecular level before the rediscovery
of Mendel's results.
c) Facilitated diffusion iii) Non-selective and
down hill 143. The principle discovered by Griffith is used in genetic
d) Active transport iv) Movement of
(1) to select the desired recombinant transforming
substances through
(2) to introduce rDNA into host cells
Choose the correct answer from the options given
below. (3) to isolate the gene
(a) (b) (c) (d) (4) to form rDNA
(1) iv iii ii i 144. The isotopes that were used by Hershey and Chase
(2) iii i iv ii
(1) P35 and S32
(3) iv i ii iii
(2) P32 and S32
(4) iv ii i iii
(3) P35 and S35
140. In Meselson and Stahl experiment, E.coli which were
incubated in 15NH4Cl, transferred to 14NH4Cl containing (4) P32 and S35
medium and allowed for two generations of binary
fission. When DNA of these bacteria was isolated and 145. Which is not a chemical difference between RNA and
subjected to CsCl density gradient centrifugation, the DNA ?
result was (1) DNA and RNA have different types of pentose
(1) Half of the DNA was heavy and another half light sugars
(2) Purines and pyrimidines usually exist in 1:1 ratio
(2) Half of the DNA was hybrid and another half light in DNA but not in RNA
(3) DNA has Thymine and RNA has Uracil
(3) All the DNA was hybrid DNA
(4) DNA has only purines and RNA has only
(4) All the DNA was light DNA pyrimidines.
146. One of the following properties of genetic material was ZOOLOGY
proved from the experiments of Griffith.
(1) Ability to generate it's replica
151. In the context of environmental pollution, PM 2.5 refers
(2) Having structural and chemical stability
(3) Providing scope of slow changes or mutation
required for evolution. (1) particulate matter of diameter 2.5 micrometres
or more
(4) Ability to express itself in the form of Mendelian
characters (2) particulate matter of diameter 2.5 micrometres
147. The following properties confer more stability to DNA or less
than RNA as genetic material.
(3) pesticide molecules whose concentration is more
(A) Having Deoxyribose sugar than 2.5 ppm
(B) Having Thymine in place of Uracil
(4) plastic material of molecular weight 2.5 Daltons
(C) Being usually double stranded. or more
(D) Showing catalytic role in some instances.
152. Organisms that can tolerate and thrive in a wide range
(1) A, B and C only of temperatures are termed
(2) B, C and D only (1) eurythermal
(3) A, B, C and D
(2) stenothermal
(4) A, C and D only.
(3) euryhaline
148. In a DNA molecule with 3.4nm length, if the nitrogen
base sequence of one strand is 5' ATGGCTACTG 3', (4) stenohaline
what is the number of hydrogen bonds formed between
the two strands of the DNA molecule? 153. Match column I with column II and select the correct
option using the codes given below.
(1) 23
(2) 25 Column - I Column – II
NEET MT-12 (08-01-24)
37. In pea plant what is the recombination In the light of the above statements, choose
frequency of gene T(height) and R (shape of the most appropriate answer from the options
given below:
(1) 37.5 % (2) 50 %
(3) 25 % (4) 62.5 % (1) Both A and R are correct and R is the
38. Given below are two statements. One is correct explanation of A
labelled as Assertion(A) and the other is
(2) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT
labelled as reasoning(R).
Assertion (A): Mendel’s results pointed to the correct explanation of A
general rules of inheritance rather than being (3) A is not correct but R is correct
unsubstantiated ideas.
(4) A is correct but R is not correct
Reason (R):These experiments had large
43. What is the ratio of dominant and recessive
sampling size, which gave greater credibility
plants for both character in F2 generation of
to the data that he collected.
In light of the above statements, dihybrid cross ?
choose the correct answer from the (1) 1 : 1 (2) 5 : 3
options given below. (3) 9 : 1 (4) 3 : 1
(1) Both 'A' and 'R' are true and 'R' 44. If gene A & B are showing 30%
is the correct explanation of 'A'. recombination then what would be proportion
(2) Both 'A' and 'R' are true and 'R' of gamete Ab, in AaBb individual
is not the correct explanation of 'A' (1) 30% (2) 15%
(3) 'A' is true and 'R' is false (3) 70% (4) 35%
(4) A is false, but R is true 45. Fruit colour in summer squash is an example
39. Which of the following exhibit codominance? of
(1) IAi (2) IA IB (1) Complimentary gene
(2) Dominant epistasis
(3) IBi (4) ii
(3) Recessive epistasis
40. Offsprings of which cross have same
(4) Supplimentary gene
phenotype & genotype?
46. Match the following.
(1) Dd Dd (2) DD dd
Table – I Table – II
(3) DD Dd (4) Ww Ww
41. What is the percentage of either type of A) E.coli (i) 5386 nucleotides
B) Haploid human cell (ii) 4.6 10 base pairs
recombinants in F2 generation when eye
colour and body colour genes are considered C)Bacteriophage (iii) 5386 base pairs
by Morgan in Drosophila ? lambda
(1) 1.3 % (2) 37.2 % D) Bacteriophage (iv) 48502 base pairs
(3) 98.7 % (4) 0.65 % 174
42. Given below are two statements: one is
(v) 3.3 10 base pairs
labelled as Assertion A and the other is
labelled as Reason R: (1) A – ii, B – v, C – iv, D – i
Assertion A:Mendel published hiswork on (2) A – ii, B – v, C – iii, D – i
inheritance in 1865 while it remained (3) A – v, B – ii, C – iv, D – i
unrecognised till 1900. (4) A – v, B – iv, C – ii, D – i
Reason R: Mendel couldn’t provide any
physical proof for the existence of factors.
NEET MT-12 (08-01-24)
47. Given below are two statements: one is 52. Given below are two statements:
labelled as Assertion A and the other is Statement-A:Enteric (gut) diseases generally
labelled as Reason R: spread through contaminated food and water.
Assertion (A): There are six different Statement-B:Pathogens in faeces contaminate
genotypes of human ABO blood types. food and water.
Reason (R): Human ABO blood types are In the light of the above statements, choose
determined by three alleles. the correct answer from the options given
In the light of the above statements, choose below:
the most appropriate answer from the options (1) Both statements A & B are correct
given below: (2) Statement A is correct but statement B is
(1) Both 'A' and 'R' are true and 'R' is the incorrect
correct explanation of 'A'. (3) Both statements A & B are incorrect
(2) Both 'A' and 'R' are true and 'R' is not (4) Statement A is incorrect but statement B
the correct explanation of 'A' is correct
(3) 'A' is true and 'R' is false 53. The T-cells differ from B-cells in
(4) A is false, but R is true (1) They are not produced in bone marrow
48. Select out the wrong one (2) They are not involved in anamnestic
(1) Alleles are always genes response
(2) Genes are always alleles (3) They produce immunoglobulins
(3) Allelic genes are always present on (4) They are involved in cell mediated
homologous chromosomes immunity
(4) Genes present on non homologous 54. Identify correct set of matching with
chromosome are non allelic reference to immunity
49. Separation of allelic gene pairs is related to List - I List - II
(1) Law of dominance (A)Antitetanus I) Natural passive
(2) Law of segregation serum immunity
(3) Law of independent assortment (B) Colostrum II)Innate immunity
(4) All the above (C) Chickenpox III) Natural active
50. Which of the following express only in infection immunity
homozygous condition (D) Injection of IV)Artificial passive
(1) Axillary flowers (2) Yellow seed colour tetanus toxoid immunity
(3) Round seed (4) Yellow pod colour (E) Interferons V) Artificial active
ZOOLOGY immunity
SECTION-A (1) A - V, B - I, C - III, D - IV, E – II
51. Which of the following human parasites (2) A - IV, B - I, C - III, D - V, E – II
require mosquito to complete their life-cycle (3) A - I, B - IV, C - III, D - II, E – V
? (4) A- III, B - II, C - IV, D - V, E – I
(1) Ascaris lumbricoides and 55. Which of the following provide the sites for
Entamoeba interaction of lymphocytes with the antigen?
(2) Leishmania donovani and (A) Peyer’s patches (B) Spleen
Plasmodium vivax (C) Thymus gland (D) Lymph nodes
(3) Ascaris lumbricoides and (E) Appendix
Trypanosoma (1) B, C only (2) All except C
(4) Wuchereria bancrofti and (3) A, B, C only (4) B, D only
Plasmodium falciparum
NEET UT-3 (21-08-23)
SECTION - A (1) I, II (2) III, IV
1. Read the following statements and select the (3) I, III (4) II, IV
correct pair from them 5. Select the correct match
A) DNA act as genetic material in all
(1) Factors - exist as pairs in gametes
cellular organisms
(2) Dominant trait – expressed only in
B) RNA act as genetic material in all
homozygous condition
viruses without exception
(3) Genotype – physical expression of a
C) DNA is double stranded in all cellular
D) DNA functions as adaptor, structural, (4) Locus – specific, fixed position on a
catalytic molecule apart from being a chromosome where a gene is located
messenger 6. Match List I with List II with regard to
(1) C & D (2) A & D measurements of B, DNA
(3) B & C (4) A & C List I List II
2. Match the Column I with Column II with a Diameter of dsDNA i 3.4 nm
respect to contrasting traits studied by b Distance between two ii 2 nm
Mendel in pea successive nucleotides
Column I Column II of same strand
(character) (Dominant trait) c Angle made by two iii 0.34
a Flower colour i Axillary successive nucleotide nm
b Pod colour ii Violet pairs
c Seed colour iii Green d Pitch of a DNA helix iv 36 0
d Flower position iv Yellow a b c d
a b c d (1) ii iii iv i
(1) ii iii iv i
(2) iii ii iv i
(2) iii ii iv i
(3) ii iii i iv (3) ii iv iii i
(4) ii iv i iii (4) i ii iii iv
3. Pick the odd one out with respect to 7. Read the following table and choose the
NUMBER in a B DNA ? incorrect match with regard to the
(1) Phosphoester bonds in between two components present in biochemicals of
nucleotides of a strand column I
(2) N-glycosidic bonds present in a Column I DNA RNA Hisones Non
nucleotide pair histones
(3) Hydrogen bonds in between a purine (1) Nucleosome
Adenine and pyrimidine Thymine (2) Chromatin
(4) Hydrogen bonds in between a purine (3) Prokaryotic
Guanine and pyrimidine Cytosine genome
4. The types of gametes produced by a pea plant (4) Poly
with RrYY genotype for shape and colour of nucleotides
seeds are
NEET UT-3 (21-08-23)
8. Choose the incorrect option in terms of (4) Living S III bacteria
Mendelian pattern of inheritance of one gene 13. Choose the character unrelated to Drosophila
(1) Half of individuals of F2 generation (1) XX – XY sex determination
have parental genotypes and remaining have (2) Two weeks life span
(3) Absence of morphological sex
genotype of F1 generation individuals
(2) 75% of F2 individuals resemble (4) Hereditary variations noticed using lower
dominant parent and the remaining recessive power microscopes
parent 14. If a pea plant produces 1616 plants in F2
(3) None of the individuals of F1 have generation with respect to dihybrid cross for
parental genotypes seed colour and shape, how many of them
(4) 75% of F2 individuals are heterozygous have parental genotypes ?
(1) 202 (2) 101
(3) 606 (4) 1010
9. Stop codons present on mRNA always start 15. Mendel picked pea plant in his experiment
with due to it‟s _A_ life span and _B_ progeny
(1) 5 methyl uracil and they are naturally ___(C)__ pollinated
(2) Adenine and _(D)_ pollination can be induced
(3) Exclusive pyrimidine present in RNA (1) Short Large Self Cross
(4) Guanine (2) Long Large Self Cross
10. In pea, gene for starch synthesis influence (3) Short Small Cross Self
following phenotypes in a plant (4) Long Small Self Cross
A) Colour of seed 16. Match the Column I with Column II from the
B) Shape of seed options given below
C) Size of starch grains Column I Column II
D) Stem height a Postulates of i Sutton and
(1) A & B (2) C & D inheritance Boveri
(3) B & C (4) A & D b Linkage ii Mendel
11. Which conclusion was NOT drawn by c Chromosome iii Morgan
Mendel by observing the results of mapping
monohybrid cross in pea ? d Chromosomal iv Sturtevant
(1) Factors occur in pairs theory of
(2) In a dissimilar pair of factors, one inheritance
member of the pair dominates the other a b c d
(3) Different alleles of a gene do not blend (1) ii iii iv i
when present together (2) ii iii i iv
(4) When two pairs of traits are present (3) iii ii iv i
together in a hybrid, segregation of one pair (4) i ii iv iii
of traits of a character is independent of the 17. The presence of which biochemical inhibit
other pair of traits of another character transformation during the determination of
12. Which got “transformed” in Griffith biochemical nature of transforming principle
experiment due to transfer of transforming by Avery, Mc Leod and Mc Carty ?
principle ? (1) DNA (2) RNase
(1) Mice (3) Protease (4) DNase
(2) Heat killed S III bacteria
(3) Living R II bacteria
NEET UT-3 (21-08-23)
18. What is the ratio in which one pair of (D) Prokaryotic DNA
contrasting characters appear in F2 (1) A and B (2) C and D
generation of a dihybrid cross ? (3) A and C (4) B and C
(1) 3 : 1 23. Match the column I with column II
(2) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 Column I Column II
(3) 1:2:2:4:1:2:1:2:1 a Selectively i Marshal
(4) 5 : 3 destroyed different Nirenberg
19. Statement A : DNA is preferred for storage macromolecules in
of genetic information due to its high a cell free system
stability using enzymes
Statement B : RNA is preferred for b Unequivocal proof ii Avery,
transmission of genetic information as it act that DNA is a Mc Leod and
as messenger, adaptor along with a catalytic genetic material Mc Carty
role c Cell free system for iii Hershey and
(1) A & B are correct protein synthesis to Chase
(2) A & B are incorrect decipher genetic
(3) Only A is correct code
(4) Only B is incorrect d Elucidated first iv Jacob and
20. Statement – I : Mendel‟s laws were transcriptionally Monad
explained with physical proof by Sutton and
regulated system
Boveri after studying chromosome
a b c d
movement in meiosis and understanding
(1) i iii ii iv
parallel behaviour of chromosomes & genes
(2) ii iii i iv
Statement – II : Rediscovery of Mendel‟s
results on inheritance of characters was done (3) ii iii iv i
by deVries, Correns and von Tschermak in (4) i ii iv iii
the year 1900 24. Pick the incorrect match
(1) Statement-I and Statement-II are true (1) Polynucleotide with catalytic function :
(2) Statement-I is true but Statement-II is Ribozyme
false. (2) Enzymatic synthesis of RNA :
(3) Statement-I is false but Statement-II is Polynucleotide phosphorylase
true. (3) Breaking down of hydrogen bonds
(4) Statement-I and Statement-II are false during transcription : Helicase
21. Which enzyme catalyse the addition of deoxy (4) Regulate switching on and off of lac
ribonucleotides to RNA primer during DNA operon : Lactose
replication ? 25. UGG codon is an exception for
(1) Primase (1) Universal nature of code
(2) DNA polymerase (2) Degenerate nature of code
(3) Helicase (3) Non overlapping nature of code
(4) RNA polymerase (4) Unambiguous nature of code
22. Introns are present in 26. Which gene in lac operon is NOT regulated ?
(A) hnRNA (1) i gene (2) z gene
(B) DNA of eukaryotes (3) y gene (4) a gene
(C) mRNA
NEET UT-3 (21-08-23)
27. Polymerisation in lagging strand is in _A_ 32. Which one among the following is NOT a
and polarity of template DNA strand contribution associated with Francis Crick ?
producing lagging strand is _B_. What is „A‟ (1) Central dogma in molecular biology
and „B‟ ? (2) tRNA acting as adaptor
A B (3) Effect of hard X-rays on bacteriophage
(1) 3' 5' 3' 5' multiplication
(2) 5' 3' 5' 3' (4) Proposal of double helix structure for
(3) 3' 5' 5' 3' DNA and the replication scheme
(4) 5' 3 3' 5' 33. Read the following statements
28. Read the following statements A) DNA in nucleoid is organized in large
A) Only a segment of DNA is involved at a loops held by proteins
B) Only one type of RNA polymerase help in
B) Primers are NOT needed
C) Only ribonucleotides are polymerized
C) 23S rRNA present in ribosome act as
D) Helicase and ligase activity is NOT
catalyst producing peptide bond
D) Gene regulation occurs predominantly at
E) Only one strand of DNA act as template
transcription level
The above literature is pertinent to
The above statements are associated with
(1) DNA replication
(1) Bacteria (2) Fungi
(2) Transcription
(3) Reverse transcription (3) Plants (4) Animals
(4) Translation 34. Which process involves the transfer of
29. Statement (I) : Regulatory sequences are genetic information from a polymer of
loosely defined as regulatory genes, even nucleotides to form a polymer of aminoacids
though these sequences do not code for any without the involvement of complementarity
RNA (or) protein rule ?
Statement (II) : Operator region in lac (1) Transcription
operon do not encode for any protein but act (2) DNA replication
as binding site for repressor (3) Translation
(1) Statement-I and Statement-II are true (4) Reverse transcription
(2) Statement-I is true but Statement-II is 35. Assertion (A) : There exist a clear cut
false. division of labour among RNA polymerase
(3) Statement-I is false but Statement-II is in eukaryotes
true. Reason (R) : RNA polymerase I transcribe
(4) Statement-I and Statement-II are false rRNA, RNA polymerase II transcribe
30. Which is NOT present on mRNA ? hnRNA and RNA polymerase III transcribe
(1) Start codon (2) Anticodon tRNA
(3) Stop codon (4) UTR (1) Both assertion and reason are correct, and
31. To which one of the following, release factor reason explains assertion.
binds during termination of translation ? (2) Both assertion and reason are correct, but
(1) tRNA (2) Amino acid reason does not explain assertion.
(3) UAA codon (4) Ribozyme (3) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(4) Assertion is false but reason is true.
NEET UT-3 (21-08-23)
SECTION – B (2) Translation
36. If a cell has 100 types of amino acids (3) Splicing
participating in protein synthesis (instead of (4) Storage of genetic information
20) and there are the same four types of 43. Pick the incorrect statement
nucleotides on mRNA, then the codon coding (1) Dominant phenotype is due to the
for an amino acid would be a presence of dominant gene
(1) Singlet (2) Doublet (2) Recessive phenotype is due to absence
(3) Triplet (4) Quadruplet of dominant gene
37. How many plants exhibit dominant trait for (3) Dominant gene expresses in both
both characters in an F2 generation of a homozygous and heterozygous state
dihybrid cross if 75 plants show recessive (4) Recessive gene expresses only in
trait for both characters ? heterozygous state
(1) 50 (2) 675 44. How many characters related to flower, fruit
(3) 950 (4) 425 and seed are studied by Mendel in pea plant ?
38. Okazaki fragment possess (1) 2, 2, 2 (2) 1, 2, 1
(1) Ribonucleotides&deoxyribonucleotides (3) 2, 1, 2 (4) 3, 1, 2
(2) Ribonucleotides & polypeptides 45. Nucleosomes are present in
(3) Deoxyribonucleotides & polypeptides (1) φ 174 bacteriophage
(4) Polypeptides & polysaccharides (2) λ phage
39. The ability of a gene to have multiple (3) E.coli
phenotypic effect is known as (4) Humans
(1) Incomplete dominance 46. “Gametes are never hybrid”. This statement
(2) Multiple allelism is endorsed by law of
(3) Pleiotropy (1) Dominance
(4) Polygenic inheritance (2) Segregation
40. Inducer in lac operon is (3) Independent assortment
(1) Repressor protein (4) Paired factors
(2) CAP 47. Match the following
(3) Substrate Column I Column II
(4) Enzyme a A gene has two i Polygenic
41. Statement I : Linked genes are located on alleles in a inheritance
different loci of same chromosome population and
Statement II : Multiple alleles of a gene are determines more
located on same locus of homologous than one phenotype
chromosomes b A gene has more ii Gene
(1) Statement-I and Statement-II are true than two alleles in interactions
(2) Statement-I is true but Statement-II is a population and
false. determines one
(3) Statement-I is false but Statement-II is
c More than two iii Multiple
genes determine alleles
(4) Statement-I and Statement-II are false
one phenotype
42. All are essential processes in majority of the
d Non alleles of two iv Pleiotropic
living organisms are evolved around RNA
genes determine gene
one phenotype
(1) Metabolism
NEET UT-3 (21-08-23)
(1) ii iii iv i 52. Read the following and choose the correct
(2) iii ii iv i statements regarding electrical synapses
(3) iv iii i ii (a) Pre synaptic and post synaptic
(4) i ii iii iv membranes are absent
48. All the following represent recombinant (b) Impulse transmission is very similar to
types of Drosophila (based on Morgan‟s impulse conduction along a single axon
experiment) except (c) Impulse transmission is always slow
(d) Most abundant synapses
(e) Fluid filled synaptic cleft is absent
(1) a, b, e only (2) b, e only
(1) (3) b, c only (4) b, c, d only
53. Assertion (A) : Lack of menstruation may be
indicative of pregnancy
Reason (R) : During pregnancy, the
(2) endometrium degenerates
(1) Both assertion and reason are correct, and
reason explains assertion.
(2) Both assertion and reason are correct, but
reason does not explain assertion.
(3) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(4) Assertion is false but reason is true.
54. Match the following
(4) Column -I Column II
49. Probability of individuals with all 4 kinds of (A) Acromegaly (i) Cortisol
dominant alleles in genotype in F2 generation
of a dihybrid cross is (B) Addison‟s (ii) ADH
(1) 12.75% (2) 37.25% (iii) Growth
(C) Grave‟s
(3) 82.5% (4) 6.25% hormone
50. Occurrence of only one kind of parental (D) Diabetes insipidus (iv) Thyroxine
character in F2 generation of Mendel‟s A B C D
experiment is explained by (1) iii i ii iv
(1) Law of segregation (2) i iii iv ii
(2) Law of dominance (3) iii i iv ii
(3) Law of independent assortment (4) i iii ii iv
(4) Linkage
55. Which of the following is not the
characteristic of Na K pump ?
51. Incorrect match is (1) needs energy (ATP) to work
(1) Zona pellucida – Estrogen (2) expels 3Na for every 2K imported
(2) Zona reticularis – Androgenic steroids (3) works along with the concentration
(3) Zona glomerulosa – Aldosterone gradient
(4) Zona fasciculata – Cortisol (4) maintains resting membrane potential
NEET NWT-11 (07-08-23)
BOTANY (3) A is correct, R is incorrect
SECTION - A (4) Both A & R are incorrect
1. In eukaryotes, replication of DNA takes 6. Choose incorrect statement
place at _______ phase of cell cycle (1) DNA dependent DNA polymerase
(1) G 1 phase (2) G 2 phase catalyse polymerization in 5' 3'
(3) S phase (4) M phase direction
2. A failure in cell division after DNA (2) On template with polarity 5' 3' ,
replication results into replication is discontinuous
(1) Frameshift mutation (3) On template with polarity 3' 5' ,
(2) Polyploidy, a chromosomal anomaly replication is continuous
(3) Point mutation (4) Average rate of DNA polymerisation
(4) Gene mutation in E.coli is 1000 base pairs per second
3. During recombinant DNA procedure, 7. E.coli that has 4.6 106 Bps , complete the
vector provides process of replication with in ____
(1) Origin of replication (1) 18 hours (2) 38 hours
(2) Template for DNA replication (3) 24 hours (4) 18 minutes
(3) Template for transcription 8. Statement I :Deoxyribonucleoside
(4) Free OH group for DNA polymerase triphosphates act as substrate during DNA
4. Choose incorrect statement related to replication
DNA replication Statement II :Deoxyribonucleoside
(1) DNA polymerase can initiate DNA triphosphate provide energy for DNA
replication polymerization reaction.
(2) Replication does not initiate (1) Both statements incorrect
randomly at any place in DNA (2) Both statements correct
(3) There is definite region in E.coli (3) Only I correct
where replication originates, such regions (4) Only II correct
are known as origin of replication 9. Which of the following radioactive
(4) The discontinuously synthesised substance was used by Taylor in his
fragments are joined by DNA ligase experiment?
5. Assertion (A) : For long DNA molecules, (1) N15
the two strands of DNA cannot be (2) N14
separated in its entre length, the (3) S35
replication occur with in a small opening (4) Tritiated thymidine
of DNA helix, referred to as replication 10. Which of the following experiment proved
that the DNA in chromosome replicate
Reason (R) : DNA strand unwinding and semiconservatively?
DNA polymerization require energy (1) Meselson and stahl experiment
(1) Both A & R are correct. R is correct
(2) Taylor‟s experiment
explaination of A
(3) Avery‟s experiment
(2) Both A and R are incorrect but R is
(4) Grifith experiment
not correct explanation of A
NEET NWT-11 (07-08-23)
11. If E.coli ( N15 N15 in DNA) is allowed to (2) All bacteria will have heavy DNA
grow in N medium for 80 minutes, then (3) All bacteria will have hybrid DNA
what would be the proportions of light and
(4) 50% bacteria will have hybrid DNA,
hybrid densities DNA molecules?
50% will have light DNA
(1) 2 hybrid DNA molecules, 14 light
DNA molecules 16. Which property of DNA double helix lead
Watson and Crick to hypothesise semi
(2) 2 hybrid DNA molecule, 14 heavy
conservative mode of DNA replication?
DNA molecules
(3) 2 hybrid, 2 heavy, remaining light (1) Specific base pairing A T, G C
DNA molecules
(2) Stabililty
(4) 2 light DNA molecules, 14 hybrid
DNA molecules (3) Capability to express in form of
12. DNA replicates semiconservatively. This characters
was first shown in (4) Mutation
(1) Bacteriophage (2) Viciafaba 17. During DNA replication
(3) E.coli Bacteria (4) Viruses (1) Both parental strand act as template
13. What is significance of Meselson and strand
Stahl‟s experiment ? (2) Each daughter DNA molecule would
(1) Demonstration of semiconservative have only new strand not parental strand
replication in DNA in chromosome of (3) Replication is continuous not semi
eukaryotes discontinuous
(2) DNA is genetic material in all living (4) Replication is conservative not semi
things conservative
(3) Demonstration of semiconservative 18. Choose incorrect statement
replication in DNA in E.coli
(1) Essential life processes evolve
(4) RNA is genetic material in some around RNA
(2) RNA can act as catalyst
14. If E.coli is grown in medium containing
(3) DNA has evolved from RNA
NH 4 Cl as only nitrogen source for many
(4) DNA is first genetic material
generations. 15 N will be incorporated into
19. Which of the following is not a criteria of
(1) DNA as well as other N – Containing genetic material?
(1) It should be able to generate its
(2) DNA, protein, lipids, carbohydrates replica
(3) DNA, Carbohydrates (2) It should not be chemically and
(4) DNA, RNA, Carbohydrates structurally stable
15 15
15. E.coli divides in 20 minutes. If N N (3) It should provide scope for slow
containingE.coli is culture in N14 medium changes
then after 20 minutes (4) It should be able to express itself in
(1) All bacteria will have light DNA the form of Mendelian characters
NEET NWT-11 (07-08-23)
20. RNA is genetic material in (4) RNA is preferred for storage of
(1) Mycoplasma genetic information, for transmission of
(2) Bacteria genetic information DNA is better
25. The unequivocal proof that DNA is
(3) Monerans
genetic material came from experiments
(4) Tobacco mosaic virus, QB
(1) Meselson and Stahl
21. Which of the following property of
(2) Taylor
genetic material was very evident in
Grifith experiment? (3) Avery
(1) Replication (4) Hershey and Chase
(2) Mutation 26. Radio isotopes used by Hershey and
Chase are
(3) Stability
(4) Replication, stability (1) S32 , N15 (2) N15 , N14
22. Which of the following is main reason for (3) P32 and S35 (4) C14
unstable nature of RNA? 27. In Hershey and Chase experiment
(1) 2' OH on terminal nucleotide only a) Radioactive S35 is detected in
(2) 5' OH at every nucleotide bacterial cell in sediment
(3) 1 OH at every nucleotide b) Radioactive P32 is detected in
(4) 2' OH group present at every supernatant in viral capsid
nucleotide in RNA c) Radioactive S35 is detected in capsid
23. Read the following statements in supernatant
a) Thymine confer stability to DNA d) Radioactive P32 is dected in bacterial
b) Both DNA and RNA are able to cell in sediment
mutate (1) a, c correct (2) b, d correct
c) RNA mutate at faster feate (3) c, d correct (4) a, b correct
d) Viruses having RNA genome mutate 28. Following are steps in Hershey and Chase
and evolve faster experiment
e) Only DNA has ability to direct their Centrifugation (A), Infection (B),
duplications not RNA Blending (C), Growing viruses on medium
f) Protein is able to generate its replica with radioactive substance (D)
How many statements are correct? Arrange these steps in correct order
(1) 4 (2) 5 (1) D B C A
(3) 6 (4) 3 (2) A D B C
24. Choose correct statement (3) B D A C
(1) DNA can directly code for synthesis (4) C B A D
of protein. It is not dependent on RNA 29. Which of the following enzyme prevent
(2) Protein synthesisingmachinary has transformation?
evolved around DNA (1) Protease (2) Lipase
(3) Both DNA and RNA can function as (3) DNase (4) Carbohydrase
genetic material
NEET NWT-11 (07-08-23)
30. Prior to the work of Avery, Mc leod Mc (1) Nucleosome
Carty, the genetic material was thought to (2) Informosome
be a _____ (3) Chromatosome or solenoid
(1) DNA (2) Carbohydrates (4) Supra Solenoid
(3) Protein (4) Lipids SECTION – B
31. Biochemical characterization of 36. Choose incorrect statement
transforming principle was done by (1) Distance between two consecutive
(1) Grifith base pairs is 0.34 109 meter
(2) Lederberg and Zinder (2) 6.6 109 Bps in mammalian cell can
(3) Khorana form 2.2 meter long structure
(4) Avery, Mcleod, Mo Carty (3) In prokaryotes DNA is scattered
32. Heterochromatin is throughout cytoplasm
(1) Early replicating part in S phase (4) The DNA in nucleoid is organized in
(2) loosely packed region of chromatin large loops held by proteins
(3) Lightly stained part of chromatin 37. Histones are in rich in basic amino acids
(4) More densely packed and stains dark like
33. The packaging of chromatin at higher (1) Tryptophane, Tyrosine
level requires additional set of proteins (2) Alanine, valine
that collectively are referred to as (3) Arginine, Tryptophane
(1) RNA binding proteins (4) Lysine and arginine
(2) Non histone chromosomal protein 38. Read the following statements
(3) Ribosome binding proteins a) The negatively charged DNA is
(4) Ribonucleoproteins wrapped around positively charged
34. The beads on string structure in chromatin histone octamer to form a structure called
is packaged to form chromatin fibres that nucleosome
are further coiled and condensed at b) A typical nucleosome contains 200
________ stage of cell division to form Bp of DNA helix
chromosome c) The nucleosomes in chromatin are
(1) Telophase (2) Anaphase seen as beads on string structure when
(3) Metaphase (4) Interphase viewed under electron microscope
35. Identify the figure given below d) Histones are positively charged basic
Choose correct statements
(1) Only a and b (2) Only b, c
(3) Only c, d (4) a, b, c, d
39. _______ proposed the central dogma in
molecular biology
(1) Benzer (2) Monod
(3) Francis Crick (4) Nirenberg
NEET NWT-11 (07-08-23)
40. Which of the following is not a salient 46. Choose correct statement
feature of double helical structure of (1) Two nucleotides are linked through
DNA? 3' 5' phosphodiester linkage
(1) It is made up of two polynucleotide (2) DNA polymer has phosphate moiety
chains, where backbone is constituted by at 3 ' end of sugar
sugar-phosphate, and bases project outside (3) DNA is basic substance present in
(2) Two chains have anti parallel polarity nucleus was first identified by F. Meischer
(3) The bases in two strands are paired (4) Term nuclein was given by Meselson
through hydrogen bond 47. In a ds DNA, if adenine is 15%, what is %
(4) The two strands are coiled in a right of T, G, C respectively
handed fashion (1) 15, 35, 35 (2) 35, 35, 15
41. Assertion (A) : There is approximately (3) 35, 15, 35 (4) 35, 15, 15
uniform distance between two strands of 48. How many base pairs are present in DNA
DNA helix of bacteriophage lamda?
Reason (R) :In ds DNA purines comes (1) 97004 (2) 48502
opposite to a pyrimidine or vice versa (3) 5386 (4) 4.6 106
(1) Both A & R are correct. R is correct 49. Assertion (A) : DNA and RNA are two
explaination of A types of nucleic acid
(2) Both A and R are incorrect but R is Reason (R): DNA act as genetic material
not correct explanation of A in most of the organisms
(3) A is correct, R is incorrect (1) Both A & R are correct. R is correct
(4) Both A & R are incorrect explanation of A
42. How many base pairs are present in one (2) Both A and R are incorrect but R is
turn of dsDNA? not correct explanation of A
(1) 20 (2) 10 (3) A is correct, R is incorrect
(3) 5 (4) 30 (4) Both A & R are incorrect
43. The distance between a base pair in a helix 50. Which of the following is not a function of
is approximately RNA?
(1) 0.34 nm (2) 0.34 Å (1) Adapter molecule
(3) 0.34 meter (4) 0.34 mm (2) Structural molecule
44. Which of the following confer stability to (3) Catalytic molecule
helical structure of DNA? (4) Genetic material in most organisms
(1) Base pair stacking and H-bonds ZOOLOGY
(2) Ester bond SECTION – A
(3) C O C glycosidic bond 51. In females, oxytocin stimulates
(4) Base pair stacking, ester bond (1) Formation of milk in mammary glands
45. X-ray diffraction details of DNA was (2) Relaxation of uterine muscles at the
given by time of child birth
(1) Crick (2) Watson (3) Milk ejection from the mammary
(3) Wilkins and Franklin glands
(4) Brenner (4) Growth of mammary glands
NEET NWT-12 (14-08-23)
BOTANY 5. Match the following:
SECTION - A A) DNA, an acedic
I) F.Crick
1. Which of the following is correct with respect substance in nucleus
to E.coli.? B) „X‟-ray diffraction II) J.Watson and
data providers F.Crick
(1) E.coli divides once in 40 minutes.
III) Mourice
C) Proposal of Double
(2) E.coli is parasite in human digestive track. Wilkins and
Helix model for DNA
(3) The genetic material of E.coli has
D) Central dogma in
4.6x106bp. IV) F.Meisher
molecular biology
(4) The genetic material of E.coli has (1) A-I; B-IV; C-III; D-II
(2) A-IV; B-III; C-II; D-I
2. Assertion: In the molecular structure of RNA, (3) A-II; B-IV; C-I; D-III
uracil is present instead of thymine. (4) A-IV; B-II; C-III; D-I
Reason: 5-methyl uracil is another chemical 6. Which one of the following is a false
name for thymine. statement?
(1) Both assertion and reason are correct, and (1) The backbone of DNA strands constituted
reason explains assertion. by Sugar-Phosphate.
(2) Uniform distance between the two strands
(2) Both assertion and reason are correct, but
of DNA helix is present, because purine
reason does not explain assertion.
comes opposite to a pyrimidine.
(3) Assertion is true but reason is false. (3) The two strands are coiled in a right-
handed fashion and the pitch of the helix is
(4) Assertion is false but reason is true.
3. Which of the following is a true statement? (4) The plane of one base pair stacks over the
(1) Bacteriophage Lambda has 48502 bases in other in double helix.
its DNA structure. 7. Identify the correct match.
(2) Thymine is common for both DNA and (1) Histones – rich in Lysine and Leucine.
RNA, cytosine is present only in DNA. (2) A Nucleosome – has 200 bases of DNA
(3) Haploid content of human DNA is
(3) R-strain of bacteria – produce smooth
(4) Two nucleotides are linked through 31x51 (4) Euchromatin – transcriptionally active
phosphodiester linkage to form a 8. Which one of the following experiments
dinucleotide. concluded that “DNA is the hereditary
4. DNA is negatively charged because of the material” but not convinced by all biologists.
present of ….. (1) Frederick Griffith
(2) M.Meselson and F.Stahl
(1) Deoxyribose (2) Phosphate group
(3) A.Hershey and M.Chase
(3) Thymine (4) Guanine (4) O.Avery, C.McLeod and Mc carty.
NEET NWT-12 (14-08-23)
9. Whose experiment did not define the (1) Both statement-1 and statement-2 are
biochemical nature of the genetic material. correct.
(1) F.Crick (2) F.Griffith (2) Statement-1 is correct, statement 2 is
(3) A.Hershey (4) F.Meischer incorrect.
10. The packaging of chromatin at higher level (3) Statement 1 is incorrect, statement 2 is
requires correct.
(4) Infection, Blending, Centrifugation. (1) Removal of exons and joining of introns is
called splicing – in mRNA.
14. Statement 1: A molecule that can act as a
genetic material should be able to express (2) Removal of only exons is called splicing.
itself in the form of Mendelian characters. (3) Removal of introns and joining of exons
Statement 2: RNA being unstable mutate at a in a defined order.
faster rate. (4) Removal of introns only.
NEET NWT-12 (14-08-23)
19. Assertion:The codon is read in mRNA is a (3) Some amino acids are coded by more than
contiguous fashion. one codons.
Reason: There are no punctuations between (4) Genetic code is read is mRNA without
codons in genetic code. any punctuations.
(1) Both assertion and reason are correct, and 24. Which loop of tRNA (sRNA) has
reason explains assertion. complimentary bases to the genetic code?
(2) Both assertion and reason are correct, but (1) amino acid acceptor loop
reason is not the correct explanation of (2) DHU loop
assertion. (3) T.loop
(3) Assertion is true but reason is incorrect. (4) anticodon loop
(4) Assertion is incorrect but reason is correct. 25. How many of these statements given below
20. Which one of the following is called Severo are is true?
Ochoa enzyme? (1) tRNA is a compact molecule with inverted
(1) DNA dependent RNA polymerase. „L‟ shape.
(2) Polynucleotide phosphorylase (2) Amino acylation of tRNA require ATP.
(3) Helicase (3) The reading frame does not change from
(4) DNA gyrase the point where insertion or deletion of three
21. „Sickle cell anemia‟ condition is due to a or its multiple bases takes place.
point mutation, this is due to the change of (4) There are no tRNAs for stop codons.
(1) Valine to glutamine (1) A & B only
(2) Glutamine to Leucine (2) B and C only
(3) Glutamate to Valine (3) A, B and C only
(4) Valine to Phenylalanine (4) A,B,C and D are correct
22. Match the column I to column II 26. The process of translation of the mRNA to
Column-I Column-II proteins begins when…..
(Codons) (Aminoacids) (1) Small subunit of ribosome encounter with
A) UUA; UUG I) Methionine mRNA.
(2) Large subunit encounter with mRNA.
B) AUG. II) Valine
(3) When both subunits of ribosome
C)GUU;GUC; III) Stop codons
encounter with mRNA simultaneously.
(4) When rRNA of ribosome encounter with
D) UAA;UAG;UGA IV) Leucine
(1) A-IV; B-I; C-III; D-II 27. In bacteria which one of the following acts as
(2) A-IV; B-I; C-II; D-III a catalyst for the formation of peptide bonds,
(3) A-IV; B-II; C-III; D-I during polymerisation of polypeptide.
(4) A-III; B-I; C-II; D-IV (1) 5. S rRNA (2) 5.8 S-rRNA
23. Which one of the following indicate that (3) 18 S-rRNA (4) 23 S rRNA
genetic code is „degenerate‟? 28. For efficient translation process, which of the
(1) Same genetic code is applicable from following is required.
bacteria to human. (1) Promoter (2) UTR
(2) Having „UUU‟ code for Phenylalanine. (3) Terminator (4) Operator
NEET NWT-12 (14-08-23)
29. Terminating translation and releasing the 35. The amino acid is attached to the tRNA at its
complete polypeptide from the ribosome (1) 51 – end (2) 31 – end
when ____
(3) Anticodon site (4) DHU loop
(1) Releasing factor binds with stop codon.
(2) Releasing factor binds with initiate codon.
36. Statement 1: „AUG‟ codes methionine and
(3) Promoter sequence of DNA in bacteria also act as initiation codon.
binds with amino acids.
Statement 2: AUG codes for methionine only
(4) Releasing factor binds with mRNA. in prokaryotes but not in eukaryotes.
30. Removal of RNA polymerase III from (1) Bothe statement-1 and statement-2 are
nucleoplasm will affect the synthesis of correct.
(1) 28. S-rRNA (2) hn RNA (2) Statement-1 is correct, statement 2 is
(3) sn RNAs (4) 5.8 S-rRNA incorrect.
31. The one aspect which is not a salient feature (3) Statement 1 is incorrect, statement 2 is
of genetic code is, it‟s being correct.
(1) Degenerate (4) Bothe statement-1 and statement-2 are
(2) Ambiguous incorrect.
(3) Universal 37. Which of the following statements is true with
respect to a completely processed hnRNA,
(4) The codon is triplet
called mRNA?
32. If the templet strand of DNA has the
(1) Exons and Introns do not appear in the
nitrogenous base sequence as 31 “ATCTG”
51, then what would be the complimentary
RNA strand sequence? (2) Only Introns appear but Exons do not
appear in this mRNA.
(1) 31 TTAGU 51 (2) 51 UAGAC 31
(3) Both Exons and Introns appear in this
(3) 31 UGCAC 51 (4) 51 UCCAC 51
33. The RNA polymerase transcribes
(4) Only Exons appear but Introns do not
(1) The promoter, structural gene and the appear in this processed hnRNA.
terminator region.
38. Assertion:Viruses having shorter life span,
(2) The promoter and the terminator region. mutate and evolve faster.
(3) The structural gene and the terminator Reason:Viruses have generally RNA genome.
(1) Both assertion and reason are correct, and
(4) The structural gene only. reason explains assertion.
34. If the sequences of nitrogen bases of the (2) Both assertion and reason are correct, but
coding strand of DNA in a transcription unit reason does not explain assertion.
is 51– ATGAATG 31. The sequences of bases
(3) Assertion is true but reason is false.
in its RNA transcript would be
(4) Assertion is false but reason is true.
(1) 51 – AUGAAUG – 31
39. „ρ‟ – factor in the process of transcription in
(2) 51 – UACUUAC – 31
bacteria is called known as
(3) 51 – CAUUCAU – 31
(1) Initiation factor (2) Elongation factor
(4) 51 – GUAAGUA – 31
(3) Rho – factor (4) Inhibitory factor
NEET NWT-12 (14-08-23)
40. Tayler et, al – experimentally proved the semi 47. During DNA replication, the discontinuously
conservation DNA replication in the synthesized fragments are joined by…
chromosomes during mitosis in „fababean‟ by (1) DNA helicase
using. (2) DNA-gyrases
(1) Radioactive guanosine (3) DNA polymerase I
(2) Radioactive cytidine (4) DNA ligase
(3) Radioactive thymidine 48. The initial structure formed at the beginning
(4) Radioactive adenosine of coiling of DNA around histones is called.
41. In DNA recombination procedures, vector is (1) Nucleon (2) Nucleoid
required because it provides (3) Nucleosome (4) Solenoid
(1) “Origin of replication”
(2) “Promoter region” 49. is always 1, for all
(3) “Terminator region”
(1) ds DNA molecules of all eukaryotes
(4) “Operator region”
(2) ds DNA molecules of some organisms and
42. Polyploidy in certain organism may result due all viruses
(3) ds DNA molecules of all prokaryotes and
(1) A failure is DNA replication after cell eukaryotes and also viruses (with ds DNA)
(4) ssDNA of ϕ - x – 174 – B. phage
(2) A failure in cell division after DNA
50. In bacterial during the process of transcription
is bacteria, the opening of the helix of DNA is
(3) A mistake in DNA replication. by the activity of
(4) A failure in the interphase after DNA (1) DNA dependent RNA polymerase
(2) RNA dependent RNA polymerase
43. RNA is unstable because it is
(3) Helicase
(1) a catalyst with non-reactive nature
(4) Topoisomerase
(2) a catalyst hence reactive
(3) a non-catalyst which is reactive
(4) having single strand and with uracil
51. The number of chromosomes observed in
44. 2,4 – dioxy pyrimidine is also called human Ootid is/are
(1) Thymine (2) Cytosine (1) 16 (2) 23
(3) Guanine (4) Uracil
(3) 46 (4) 69
45. Hershey and chase in their experiments
52. The spermatogonia produces the primary
used… (to prove that DNA is the genetic
spermatocytes by
(1) 32S ;35P (2) 35S ; 32P (1) Mitosis (2) Meiosis-I
(3) 30S ;32P (4) 35S ; 35P (3) Meiosis-II (4) Amitosis
46. If the length of human cell DNA is 2.2m, then 53. The shortest duration phase, which occurs
the number of base pairs in in human cell? almost at the middle of the menstrual cycle is
(1) 4.6 x 109bp (2) 46 x 106bp (1) Follicular Phase (2) Proliferative Phase
(3) 6.6 x 109bp (4) 4.6 x 106bp (3) Secretory Phase (4) Ovulatory Phase
NEET WT-13 (28-08-23)
BOTANY (1) Out of 20 types of amino acids, majority
SECTION - A of them are coded by more than one codon
01. Which is incorrect with reference to the (2) One codon codes for more than one
transforming principle ? amino acid hence genetic code is ambiguous
(1) S strain Inject into mice Mice die (3) AGU has a dual function, it codes for
(2) R strain Inject into mice Mice live methionine, and it also acts as initiator codon
(3) S strain (heat killed) Inject into mice (4) Polynucleotide dehydrogenase enzyme is
mice live called severo ochoa enzyme
(4) S strain(heat killed) + R strain(live) 07. Which of the following is not salient feature
inject into mice Mice live of double helical structure of DNA ?
02. Which of the following can perform (1) It is made up of two polynucleotide
polymerization in template independent chains
manner ? (2) Two chains are antiparallel
(1) DNA polymerase III (3) The chains are complementary to each
(2) Reverse transcriptase other
(3) Polynucleotide phosphorylase (4) Two chains are always coiled in a left
(4) Restriction endonuclease handed fashion
03. RNA polymerase III is responsible for 08. Read the following statements about Hershey
transcription of and Chase experiment
(1) tRNA, 5srRNA, snRNA Statement I: Radioactivity is detected in
(2) hnRNA, snRNA, tRNA
sediment if bacteria are infected with P32
(3) 23srRNA, 5 SrRNA, snRNA radiolabelled bacteriophage
(4) 28 srRNA, 5.8 SrRNA, tRNA Statement II: Radioactivity is not detected
04. According to O.Avery, Mc Leod and in bacterial cell, if it is infected with S 35
Mc Carty, one of the following events is
radiolabelled bacteriophage
In the light of above statements choose
(1) Digestion of DNA of heat killed ‘R’ cells
correct answer from the options given below
did not inhibit transformation (1) Both statement I and statement II are
(2) Digestion of RNA by protease did no incorrect
affect transformation (2) Statement I is correct and statement II is
(3) Digestion of proteins by RNase did not incorrect
affect transformation (3) Statement I is incorrect and statement II is
(4) Digestion of DNA with DNase of heat correct
killed ‘S’ cells did inhibit the transformation (4) Both statement I and statement II are
05. In chloroplast and mitochondria, all the three correct
types of RNA molecules are transcribed by 09. In E.coli the Lac operon gets switched on
(1) RNA polymerase-I and II when
(2) RNA polymerase-I and II (1) Repressor binds to the operator
(3) RNA polymerase-I, II and III (2) Lactose is present and its binds to the
(4) Single RNA polymerase repressor
06. Select the correct statement (3) RNA polymerase binds to the operator
(4) Lactose is present and it binds to RNA
NEET WT-13 (28-08-23)
10. Read the following statements (2) Adenine present on DNA template pairs
i) Prokaryotic mRNA is capless and tailess with thymine added to the growing chain of
where as eukaryotic mRNA is with cap and RNA
tail (3) In transcription only a segment of DNA
ii) The precursor of prokaryotic mRNA is and only one of the strands is copied into
iii) In eukaryotes and prokaryotes (4) A transcription unit in DNA is defined
transcription occurs in nucleus and primarily by three regions promoter
translation in cytoplasm structural gene and terminator
15. Match List I with List II
(1) i & ii are correct
List-I List-II
(2) ii & iii are correct
a) Watson and Crick i) Semiconservative
(3) i only is correct
DNA replication in
(4) i, ii, iii are correct
11. What would happen if the second letter in a b) Hershey and Chase ii) Proposed scheme
codon UGC is changed to UAG by a for DNA replication
mutation in mRNA ? c) Tayler’s experiment iii) DNA in
(1) The ribosome would skip that codon chromosome replicate
and translation would continue semiconservatively
(2) Translation would continue but the d) Messelson and Stahl iv) Unequivocal
reading frame would be shifted proof that DNA is
(3) Translation would stop and no genetic material
functional protein would be formed (1) a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv
(4) Translation would continue but the (2) a-ii, b-iii, c-iv, d-i
second aminoacid in the protein would be (3) a-iii, b-iv, c-ii, d-I
different (4) a-ii, b-iv, c-iii, d-i
12. tRNA with following anticodons are not 16. Distance between two polynucleotide chains
present in DNA remains almost constant because
(1) UAA UAG, UGA (1) Always purine pairs with pyrimidine
(2) Bases in two strands are paired through
(3) Two chains are antiparallel
(4) The two chains are coiled in right
13. What would be the length of recognition handed fashion
sequence of EcoRI ? 17. Which of the following is not a criteria of
(1) 18A genetic material ?
(2) 20.4A0 (1) It should be able to generate replica
(3) 32A0 (2) It should be chemically and structurally
(4) Not possible to calculate unstable
14. Identify the incorrect statement related to (3) It should provide scope for slow
Transcription changes
(1) The principle of complementarity (4) It should be able to express itself in the
governs the process of transcription form of Mendelian characters
SEC : SR ELITE DATE: 06-12-2024
Sol. Some transforming principle transferred from heat Sol. Being more stable DNA is preferred as genetic material
killed S strain to living R strain and R strain became for storage genetic information over RNA. RNA is
virulent. preferred over DNA as genetic material because RNA
can directly code for protein synthesis where is DNA is
119. (1) dependent on RNA for the purpose.
Sol. Prior to the work of Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and 128. (1)
Maclyn McCarty, the genetic material was thought to
be protein. Sol. As bacteriophages do not show metabolism due to
lack of protoplasm and bacteria have metabolism and
120. (4) protoplasm, there is requirement of more genes and
accordingly longer DNA than viruses like
Sol. The biochemicals DNA, RNA, proteins and bacteriophages.
polysaccharides were purified by Avery et al from S
strain of pneumococcus. 129. (2)
121. (4) Sol. Both DNA and RNA have purines Adenine and Guanine
and pyrimidine Cytosine. Thymine is mainly present in
Sol. Avery and his colleagues discovered that protein, RNA DNA and Uracil in RNA.
and Polysaccharide digesting enzymes did not prevent
130. (1)
transformation but DNA digesting enzymes did prevent
transformation. Sol.
122. (3) Formation of RNA on – Transcription
Sol. In Q bacteriophage the genetic material is single Sol. Core of nucleosome has two copies each of H2A, H2B,
stranded RNA. H3 and H4. H1 is linker histone but not core histone.
134. (4) by removal and replacement by a variety of DNA
polymerases that show nuclease and polymerase
Sol. Euchromatin is lightly stained region of chromatin and activity or proof reading activity.
transcriptionally active where as heterochromatin is
transcriptionally inactive and densely stained. 142. (2)
Chromatin shows high degree of condensation in
metaphase. Sol. Mendel proposed principles of inheritance (1863)
earlier to Meischer's (1869) discovery of nucleins.
135. (4)
143. (2)
Sol. Both DNA and RNA can generate their own replica
because of the ability of showing base pairing and Sol. The transformation principle discovered by Griffith in
complementarity. pneumococcus has been used to introduce rDNA into
desirable host cells or bacterial cells.
136. (1)
144. (4)
Sol. In a plant trichoblast of root epidermal cell with root
hair has highest water potential and mesophyll cell Sol. The isotopes that were used by Hershey and chase
has lowest water potential and hence water moves were P32 and S35.
from root epidermal cell to mesophyll cells where the
water is evaporated during transpiration to keep the 145. (4)
water potential of mesophyll cell as lowest among the Sol. Both DNA and RNA have purines and pyrimidines. DNA
plant cells. and RNA have purines Adenine and Guanine and
137. (2) pyrimidine Cytosine. Thymine is present in DNA and it
is substituted by Uracil in RNA.
Sol. Much of nitrogen and a little of phosphorus and sulfur
move through xylem of the plant in organic form. 146. (2)
Active transport – Selective and uphill Sol. In the given stand the number of G + C is 5 and A + T is
also 5. Same must be the case in opposing strand. i.e.
Facilitated diffusion – Selective and down hill there are 5 A=T pairs which form 10 hydrogen bonds
and 5 G C pairs that form 15 hydrogen bonds
Diffusion – Non-selective and down
between them. In the DNA the total hydrogen bonds
formed would by 10 + 15 = 25.
Translocation – Movement of substances
149. (2)
through vessels
Sol. A nucleosome has 200bp in its DNA. Each twist of DNA
140. (2)
has 10bp. Hence the number of twists of DNA in each
Sol. Half of the DNA was hybrid as such DNA has one heavy 200
nucleosome is 20
strand and one light strand another half has both 10
strands as light strand DNA.
150. (3)
141. (1)
Sol. Chromatin has more amounts of DNA and histones
Sol. Repair mechanism to replace the wrongly inserted and also has non-histone chromosomal proteins and
nucleotides and RNA primer nucleotides are repaired RNA.