41 Cloud Computing: Practical 684
WEEK- 10
46 Smart Cities and Smart Homes – I 781
WEEK- 11
Lecture - 01
Introduction to IoT-Part – 1
So, the first lecture is going to be on the Basics of Internet of Things. So, in this lecture
we are going to get introduced to the different fundamental concepts behind IoT and the
basic technologies connectivity devices that are required and an overall understanding
about how IoT’s are made. So, we are going to have in this lecture an understanding
about all of these concepts, but first let us get motivated about why IoT is required.
So, it has been anticipated that very soon all the different things that are going that we
are seeing around us and that we have around us are all going to be internet worked.
They are all going to be interconnected. So, at present what we enjoy as services, as
internet based services is basically a connection of different computers and computing
devices. So, basically this capital I internet that all of us use is basically a global network
or an internet work of different computers and computing devices.
Now, what internet of things says is that the scope of this internet is going to be
expanded. So, it is going to be expanded beyond computing and computer devices being
connected. It is going to interconnect different things that physical objects that we see
around us, the different objects such as the lighting system in a room, the lights, the fans,
the air conditioners and anything and everything including things such as the toothbrush,
the microwave oven, the refrigerator and so on so forth and not only in our homes, but
also in our businesses such as internet working different machines, internet working
different equipments and so on. So, each and everything that we see around us that we
use at our home in businesses, in workplaces, everything being internet worked. So, this
is the whole vision of internet work of things, internet of things.
Now, there are several challenges that are going to arise if we want to do it, but before
that let us also discuss about why it is going to be required, why internet of things has
become so popular, why it is going to be required? The reason is that IoT is envisaged to
be able to provide advanced level of service to the society to the business and so on. So,
advanced levels of services can be offered with the help of IoT based technology.
So, what is going to happen is, these different things, the chairs, the tables, these lighting
system, you know the watch or anything and everything that you can think of, all of
these are going to be fitted with embedded systems, embedded electronics and
information technology, so that they have some basic computing platform in them,
attached to them and then, they are going to be acting as different nodes of that particular
internet, the IoT internet of things, right.
So, what is going to happen is these systems, these things are going to be all equipped
with embedded systems and these embedded systems along with embedded electronics,
embedded processor, embedded communication systems and so on. So, they are going to
help in connecting different other things that are around them and depending on the
application requirements, depending on the specific goals of the business and then, a big
internet is going to be formed which is much bigger than the current internet of
computers and that is the internet work internet of things IoT.
Now, IoT is one of the building blocks that is considered to be of use for developing
smart homes and smart cities. So, at present not only in our country, but throughout the
world there is a lot of interest on developing smart cities and smart homes. So, IoT is one
of the enabling technologies to make the city smart, to mix make the home smart. So,
how it is going to be done, that is going to be more evident as we proceed through the
different lectures and the different intricacies that are going to be there in building this
complex internet of things is going to be evident through different lectures that we are
going to go through in this particular course.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:48)
So, going forward Internet Technology that we have as I have already said it is going to
expand beyond the connection of simple computers. So, we are going to connect or
internet work different machines, different tools typically, but not necessarily using
wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi cellular technologies, Bluetooth Zigbee and
different other wireless technologies that are available to us.
Now, in order to be able to do it, what is going to happen is because the number of things
is very large, much larger than the number of computers that are available, so it is going
to increase the number of nodes in this particular network. So, IoT in other words is
going to have large number of nodes, the IoT internetwork is going to have large number
of nodes and each node corresponding to the different distinct objects or different things
that exist in the physical world.
So, the things basically are going to explode the number of connected things, are going
to explode in time with time. So, the things that are connected to the internet are going to
be projected to cross the 20 billion figure in the near future. This is what has been
predicted. So, a large number of things, billions and in fact, billions and trillions of
things are going to be connected to the internetwork of things.
So, at this point I should also mention one more thing that this internetwork of things can
be construed to be built in two different ways. One way is to expand the scope of the
current internet. That means, the internet of computers this is one way, so you expand.
So, essentially what is going to happened using this particular approach is all these
different things are going to be connected to the existing internet.
So, this internet is going to be expanded further. It is going to become much bigger than
what it is at present with only the computers connected. This is the first approach. The
other approach is to build a separate internetwork of these physical objects from scratch.
So, one is basically expanding the existing internet and the other one is a separate
internetwork which is going to be built from scratch. So, irrespective of which one we
adopt, each of these approaches has its own separate challenges that have to overcome.
So, going back we have the unification of different technologies that becomes very much
mandatory we have. So, internetwork of things is not a single technology. Physical
devices can be of different types of physical devices having different configurations,
different specifications and so on. Each of these supported through different other
systems such as cloud technology, big data machine, learning networking computer
vision, you name it and all these different technologies from electrical sciences and some
from even mechanical sciences are required in order to build IoT.
So, talking about the origin of IoT. So, in the 2000, what we are going to witness is a
new era of ubiquity. So, in this era of ubiquity, what is going to happen is not only that
we are going to have anywhere, any place, that means any place any time connectivity or
services relating to connectivity. That means, internet or network connectivity of
different types, but also the service of connecting anything. So, anytime anyplace
anything, connectivity is what is going to be observed in this new era of ubiquity. So,
that is going to result in billions and trillions of things. Humans, everybody being
connected and consequently what is going to happen is the number of humans that are on
the earth that is going to this number, this figure is going to be outnumbered very soon
with the number of things that are connected to the internetwork of things internet of
things and consequently what is going to happen is, all these different devices, all these
different things, they are going to send lot of data.
This data has to be handled properly, this data have to be analyzed and this is what we
are going to cover in one of the next lectures. So, what is going to happen is this
internetwork, the new internetwork that we are talking about, the internet of things is
going to be very complex network with much wider scope than the current internet and
with many more complexities and this is currently the vision of internet of things and all
these lectures that we are going to go through in this particular course. All the other
lectures that we are going to go through, they are going to cover the different challenges
and how there are different tools that are available in order to, what are the different tools
that are available in order to address these different challenges.
So, we are going to go and we are going to get introduced to all these different
challenges and the different tools that are available in this particular course. We are
going to mostly understand the different concepts that are behind them and typically
because it is an introductory course, we are not going to go through each of these
different technologies that are available to us in too much of detail, but at a level that will
help us to understand the basic concepts for that are required for designing internet of
things. So, there are different enabling technologies for internet of things.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:39)
RFID is one we know at present in the market places and different places in the society
you know and wherever we go, we see that RFID technology being used RFID tags,
RFID readers are being used. So, RFID based devices are required for building internet
of things.
Sensors is another one which is according to me one of the most important enabling
device or enabling technology for building internet of things. Sensors and actuators are
what we are going to cover in one of the next lectures very shortly and the other things
are different networking devices, different connectivities, different communication
paradigms and so on. So, these are also required in order to connect these different
sensors, RFIDs and different other physical devices that have to be internetwork to form
the IoT. Finally, I would like to mention that at present there is lot of interest in the
nanotechnology domain. So, people are talking about building internet of nano things,
internet of nano sensors and so on.
So, you know what is going to happen is there are going to be very small sized nano size
nano in the order of nano sized devices that are going to be used for different purposes.
For example, there could be these nano capsules which can be consumed and finally,
which are going to be excreted after you know after they have performed their functions.
So, these nano devices are going to be used, they are going to be swallowed and
consumed and then you know once that is done in the form of capsules, they are going to
be internetwork. These different nano devices, these nano capsules are going to talk to
each other. So, these nano devices, nano communication devices are being
conceptualized. At present people are thinking about building these nano devices that can
be used to form the internet of nano things. So, once we have this internet of nano things,
the horizon of internet of things is going to be expanded much further.
So, we already have seen that when we are talking about IoT, it is mostly about
networking of physical objects and these physical objects are embedded with you know
the different embedded electronics that communicate and sense and interact with the
internal states or with the external environment in which they are operating. So, either
they are interacting with each other, they change their different states or they are
interacting with the inter external environment in which they are operating.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:57)
There are different characteristics, there are different characteristics of IoT. So, first of
all this IoT that we develop that has to be efficient. It has to serve efficiently the
requirements of the applications for which they are deployed. They have to be scalable
because we have already seen that in IoT systems, we are talking about large number of
things, we are talking about not simply millions of things, but in several billions and
trillions, we are talking about the scalability is very important, consideration is very
important issue that has to be addressed.
So, even if the number of sensors and the sensing devices IoT devices are going to
increase, the overall network performance should not be compromised. So, you know
this is challenge in terms of the network. So, from a networking perspective, it is a
challenge that has to be worked on. There has to be unambiguous meaning and
addressing architecture. So, this is very important. So, all these different devices already
we have witnessed that addressing in the IPV4 context in the regular existing internet
context is a big issue.
So, we are talking about naming and addressing different mechanisms of naming and
addressing with the help of IP technology, DNS etcetera etcetera. We already have seen
that these can be used in order to you know address these problems of addressing and
naming in the context of the present internet and now, when we are expending this
internet in this large scale. So, what is going to happen is, we are going to run into a
bigger problem with naming and addressing.
So, we need a new mechanism for naming and addressing of the different nodes, these
physical nodes, the physical objects that are fitted with embedded systems. So, another
thing is that in terms of the resource requirements, each of these nodes are typically very
low power. They have very low resources and they have to be you know whenever they
are not required, they have to be put to the sleeping mode, they have to go through a
sleep cycle.
So, that means whenever they are not being used, they are not being active. They have to
be put in a sleep state and whenever it is required, they have to be made active. These
devices can be mobile, they can move. For example, a smartwatch you know whoever is
wearing the smartwatch, when they move, this node also moves, the smartwatch also
moves. So, mobility like this becomes a very important problem in the context of IoT
networks. Mobility of the devices and the mobility of the sub networks also is possible.
So, part of the network becomes mobile and in extreme cases even larger network can
also become mobile. So, IP based addressing may not be always very suitable in this sort
of scenario. So, what are the different alternatives? There are different people, different
researchers globally who are working on how IoT technology, how naming can be a
different form of, naming can be designed in order to support this IoT technology and
intermittent connectivity is another characteristic that is typical of IoT. These devices,
they move, they get the network and the subnetworks get partitioned. One device which
is in connectivity with another device at a later instant of time may not be connected.
So, this is another problem that has to be taken care of. So, for example there is this
opportunistic mobile networks which is a topic which can help in addressing this
particular problem, this technology. The Waymond technology can help in addressing
this particular problem. So, opportunistic mobile networks are useful in order to address
the problems of intermittent connectivity between the different nodes in the network.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:30)
In terms of application domains, there are you know IoT is attractive in different
applications, spheres application, domains spheres. For instance, manufacturing and
business, healthcare, retail, security and so on. So, among all of these, it is estimated that
most of the market share with IoT goes with the manufacturing at an business sector, so
40.2 percent approximately.
Next is the healthcare and third is the retail sector and fourth is the security, surveillance,
safety surveillance and so on with the help of IoT based systems.
So, when we talk about business and manufacturing, we are talking about how to
improve the overall supply chain, what are the different equipments that have to be
introduced and different sensors and actuators can be fitted to them, the different robotic
machinery can be used in order to improve the business processes.
In the case of retail sector as well tasks, such as inventory tracking, smartphone
purchasing, anonymous analytics of consumer choices, these are the different things that
can be done efficiently through the use of IoT technology. Security is another biometric
and facial recognition looks, then the remote sensors and so on. You know fingerprinting
based or face recognition based or different eye rays recognition based you know, so
these technologies can be connected and used with the help of IoT and you know this
sort of security mechanisms can be developed.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:36)
Now, when we talk about this interconnectivity of different devices, we see that this
interconnection or connectivity between the different devices has evolved over the years.
First it started with these individual cash machines or the ATMs being internetworked.
The web became very popular.
So, you know everybody connects to the internet or the web in order to get access to
different information, send emails and so on and so forth. Many different things are
performed by different web users. At present smart picker meters then became popular.
So, smart meters are used at different homes in a city. These smart meters, they can be
programmable and they can record different things.
Even you can program the smart meters at your homes in order to do different things like
load balancing, electrical load balancing, efficient use of electricity you know using
electricity during non-peak hours, pricing, accordingly in the pricing mechanic choosing
different options for service of electricity that is provided by the service provider and so
on and then, we have digital locks. Biometric based digital locks are very popular.
We have smart healthcare, smart vehicles, smart cities and smart dusts. So, these are the
different technologies that have evolved, these are different connected you know device
based technologies that have evolved over the years.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:17)
So, ATM and web are relatively old by now. One comes from 1970s and the other one
from 1990s, but smart meters became very popular in the 2000s. Digital locks are very
popular at present.
So, smartphones can be used as locks to lock and unlock the doors remotely at your
homes or at your businesses and these locked keys and so on. They can be easily
changed and one can be granted access to a particular facility. One means in a business,
the employees or the different guests, they can be granted access to different facilities
through the digital locks much more easily than the conventional locks.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:10)
Smart healthcare connected vehicle, smart vehicles you know these are quite common
smart cities as I was telling you is very popular at present not only in India, but
throughout the globe. So, in smart city, people are talking about deploying smart
different infrastructure. These infrastructure which can communicate with each other,
they can be used by different owners and the different operations in a city and different
functions of the different offices, etcetera you know.
So, all these things, offices and different other public places, all these things can be
monitored and the operations can be improved much more easily and also, the
information dissemination because you know all these different devices, they are
typically fitted with sensors. So, these sensors are going to throw in lot of data. So,
dissemination of this particular data is very important, handling of this particular data is
very important. In the context of smart cities, smart dust is another thing where the
computers that are smaller than a grain of sand can be spread or injected almost
anywhere to measure chemicals in the soil or to diagnose problems in the human body.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:27)
So, in the modern day IoT people are talking about different applications such as smart
parking, structural health monitoring noise urban maps; that means, noise maps in a
particular city or an urban environment smartphone detection traffic condition, smart
lighting systems, waste management, smart roads river flood monitoring, smart grid tank
monitoring, water tanks etcetera, tank level monitoring, photovoltaic installations, water
flow monitoring, stock calculations, access control presence of different liquids
hazardous materials and so on and so forth.
Large number of applications are envisaged. In fact, you know there are many IoT
oriented systems have been built already. They have been prototyped. Some have been
much more advanced than in that than a simple prototype and these can be used for
serving not only these applications that I just mentioned, but also a large number of
different other types of applications. For example, healthcare, space applications and so
and so forth.
The number is many and you know anywhere that you see there is a problem IoT is quite
likely can be used in order to improve the efficiency of the solution to that particular
(Refer Slide Time: 28:59)
Different other applications such as forest fire detection, air pollution monitoring, snow
level monitoring, landslide monitoring and avalanche prevention actually landslide
monitoring in our country, there have been different institutions that have already
developed systems for landslide monitoring. So, without getting into the details of it, let
me proceed further.
So, we have earthquake early detection and monitoring seismic system. Seismic sensors
have been developed. They can be connected, they can be internet worked and so on.
Water leakage monitoring in a water delivery system, water transmission system in a
city, radiation level monitoring, explosive exclusive monitoring and hazardous gas
monitoring, supply chain control, NFC payment, intelligent shopping applications and
smart product management.
As I was telling you before you can in fact think of IoT applications in almost any sphere
of the society, any sphere of life.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:02)
So, what is expected in order to build IoT is to have trillions of sensors, billions of smart
systems, millions of applications, all of which are going to be internetwork. They are
going to be made synchronously operated in order to form, in order to build IoT.
Different enablers of IoT in terms of, in terms of enabling technologies, we have from
implementations perspective different technologies, such as you know smart homes,
smart factories, and so on. Different sensors can be fitted and then, we also have
different connectivity offering devices such as RFIDs, Zigbee, Wifi, Cellular
connectivity, 6 Lowpan, Lora and so on and so forth.
In terms of connectivity, typically there are three layers of connectivity service; service
layer, local connectivity and global connectivity. For global connectivity we have the
internet, for local connectivity we have components such as the gateway and for service
level using different communication technologies, such as these you know different
services can be offered to different application areas, such as health care agriculture you
know businesses, factories, plants, banks and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:24)
In terms of the baseline technologies, there are quite a few baseline technologies that can
be used. Machine to machine communication is one. In machine to machine
communication, one machine directly talks to another machine, communicates with
another machine without any human intervention. We have the cyber physical systems
where the cyber, the physical systems are basically equipped with computer and
connectivity computational and connectivity mechanisms.
So, we have a cyber physical system which works hand in hand. Cyber 1, the cyber
component of the system works hand in hand with the physical component of the system.
So, we have the cyber physical system, we have web of things which is sort of like the
web person of the internet of things.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:13)
So, IoT and M2M, these go almost hand in hand, but there is a distinction whereas, M2M
is just concerned about communication and interaction between two machines or two
devices using technologies such as cloud regular internet and so on.
In the case of IoT, IoT the scope is much bigger. So, in IoT we are talking about not only
machine to machine communication, but different other things as well.
So, M2M can be construed to be a part of IoT while M2M standards have a prominent
place in the IoT standard landscape, however IoT has a broader scope than M2M. So,
there can be broader range of interactions and not simply machine to machine
interaction. They can be interactions between not only machines and machines things
and things, but also things and people, things and applications and people with
IoT and web of things, internet of things and web of things are often confused to be one
and the same, but there is a distinction. The web of things basically focuses more on the
use of web based technologies, such as HTML5, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP and so on and so
(Refer Slide Time: 34:51)
Over the regular IoT to make IoT smarter and web accessible, there are a lot of
terminological interdependence when we talk about IoT.
IoT has similarity with internet of people which has a people focus IOP from IoT
different using IoT different industry oriented machines and so on can be controlled. So,
we have smart factories, you know smart factories using a robots virtual reality and so
on. One can have industry 4.0 which is an approach to the modern day mechanization or
improvement of the current day plans and industries.
Internet of environment is another. We have CPS which is basically the Cyber Physical
Systems, where these systems basically autonomously they operate and they can in fact
in an IoT world what can happen is these CPS systems, these different CPS systems, they
can be internetwork together in this particular internet. That means, the internet of things
we have M2M machine to machine communication.
I already mentioned to you maybe what can happen in a smart home machines, such as
the lighting system can talk to the cooling system directly, the cooling system can talk to,
can communicate with the fans directly, the fans can communicate with a mobile phone
directly or the mobile phone can communicate with a fan directly. So, as you can see that
between two different machines, without any human intervention, you know
communication can take place and this is known as M2M.
So, with this we come to an end of this particular lecture and we are going to continue
with the introduction in the next part of the lecture as well. So far what we have
understood are the basics of internet of things, the motivation behind internet of things,
the different application areas, the different main points, the challenges that are involved
and what we are envisioning when we are talking about building internet of things in the
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 02
Introduction to IoT-Part- II
So, now we are going to continue in this lecture with the other basic instructions Basics
of Internet of Things.
So, we have already seen that in the future, it is estimated that the number of things are
going to be many, the number of internet of things that are going to be connected are
going to be many. So, it is estimated as per one of the studies that by 2018, almost we are
going to have 20 to 50 billion devices that are connected that are going to be
So, many different applications, so many different devices and these devices are going to
be made smart in these applications. So, that is the reason why we are going to have an
explosion or in the number of these internetwork things, number of devices connected to
the internet of things.
So, as we can understand that if you want to internetwork, if you want to form a network,
a big network, a joint network of internet of things, that means these things being
connected, then one fundamental problem that is going to happen is there is going to be
an address crunch. We are going to soon run out of the number of addresses that we can
assign to each of these devices, the different addresses for example the IP address and so
So, IPV4 is defiantly not good enough. People have explored the use of IPV6, but what
is required is to come up with a completely new type of addressing scheme which can
take care of these issues because of this address crunch.
The next thing is the connectivity. At present there are different various sources,
different various ways of offering connectivity. Cellular is one Wi-Fi Ethernet, then
Bluetooth Low Energy, Dash 7, Insteon, IEEE 802.15.4, 802.15.6, 80.2.16 so and so
forth. So, many different connectivity mechanisms, connectivity standards are available.
So, this is going to be another challenge with respect to network. So, how you are going
to have some kind of handshaking between each of this different isolated standards. So,
this handshaking has to be, handshaking mechanism has to be devised.
So, in terms of connectivity, we are talking about concepts called Unique Building
Blocks, such as the LAN IoT, WAN IoT, Node IoT, Gateway IoT, Proxy and so on and
so forth. So, all most analogist to what we have as different components of the internet,
the capital I internet means the internet of computers analogously. We are also going to
have these different components, the LAN, the WAN, the Node, the Gateway, the Proxy,
these different components.
So, the concepts are very similar as we have in the internet. So, IoT LAN is very similar
to IoT, the internet LAN. So, this is for Local Short Range communication may be
building wide or campus wide and so on. IoT WAN is basically internetworking of two
different LANs, you know inter connecting of two different LANs, connecting different
various network segments organizationally or maybe geographically wide and these can
be connected to the internet IoT Node which is the connectivity of the different Nodes
inside a LAN or maybe a WAN also directly. Sometimes the LAN you know, the Nodes
in the WAN can also be connected IoT. Gateway is basically sort of like you know a
router or something very similar which connects to the IoT LAN. So, it is sort of like the
outside world, the Gateway beyond a LAN and typically connecting to the WAN. So, we
can have in WAN, you know several LANs connected to each other through the
individual Gateways and Proxy very similar to what we use proxies for security proxies
for sub networking and so on.
So, if you look at the first picture over here, what we see is IoT LAN. So, you know IoT
LAN we have this different IoT devices and each of these devices has its own unique
address, local address and these addresses are local uniquely uniquely local. So, unique
that what I am trying to say over here is within a particular LAN, these addresses are
unique, these local addresses are unique and similarly, within another LAN, IoT LAN
these addresses are unique. So, these are locally unique addresses. So, it might so happen
that a particular address might be unique to this LAN, but may be reused in another
So, the other thing is that these two different LANs, they can connect via two different
Gateways. These are the Gateway Nodes and also, we have seen that there is a concept
of Proxy. So, Proxy basically helps connects to connect to the external internet. So,
Proxy helps to connect to the internet. So, it is beyond the Gateway and connecting to the
internet that is offered by the Proxy.
So, some of the IoT network configurations are restricted to local areas, very analogous
to what we have as internet LANs, WANs and Proxy and this is what we have seen in the
previous figure.
So, the Nodes that are within the Gateways jurisdiction have addresses that are valid
within the Gateways domain only and the same address maybe repeated in another
domain as I was telling you before in the previous slide in the previous diagram. So, the
Gateway has a unique network prefix which can be used to identify them globally. So,
there is a unique network prefix as well and we are going to look at it shortly. So, this
strategy basically saves a lot of unnecessarily address wastage and although the Nodes
have to communicate to the internet via the Gateway.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:50)
So, for address conservation as we have seen, these addresses are unique locally, but they
can be reused in another domain, but these networks are connected to the internet, these
IoT networks are connected to the network through the Gateway and these IoT routers
the network is connected to the internet and these are connected through the routers and
these have their own set of addresses and ranges and that means the address ranges.
So, these routers have multiple Gateways and they are connected to them which can
forward packets from the Nodes to the internet only via these routers and these routers
assign the prefixes to the Gateways that are under them. So, we have this prefix 1 and
prefix 2, two different prefixes that I used that are assigned by their corresponding
routers to the Gateway. So, prefix 1 is assigned by this router to this Gateway and prefix
2 is assigned by this router to this particular Gateway.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:11)
Now, this is a very important concept that has been proposed because it helps to solve
the problem of mobility. So, basically what is going to happen is when a particular Node
changes its position from a particular network to another network, let us say from this
network is Node moves and comes to this particular network, then the prefix is also
going to change from 1 to 2 and this is going to make the IoT LAN safe from changes
due to mobility. So, IoT Gateway, basically the IoT Gateway WAN takes care of the
address changes without change in the LAN address. So, within the LAN, the address
remains the same, but with the help of assignment of this unique prefix, the WAN
address changes and that is how the mobility addressing aspect of mobility is taken care
So, in this particular figure, we see that there is this concept of the remote anchor point
and these particular entity in this network is the one which has the global view of the
network that is underneath. That means, this entire network comprising of these LANs,
this WAN, the Gateway, then this thing routers and so on. So, this particular entity is
considered to be the one which has the unique global view of this network underneath.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:54)
So, now let us try to understand few other concepts surrounding it. So, we have already
seen that there is a remote anchor point and if there is a change in the network prefix that
can be taken care of automatically and technologies or protocols, such as mobile IPV6
can come helpful in this particular scenarios assuming that IPV6 based addressing is
being used.
So, within a particular LAN, the address of the Nodes remain unchanged because they
are within the Gateway and so within the Gateway, there is a local unique address and
the change in the Gateways network prefix does not affect them, but it might be required
for the Nodes to communicate directly to the internet as well and this can be done with
the help of concept of tunnelling where the Nodes can communicate to a remote anchor
point instead of channelling their packets through the router. This can be done with the
help of tunnelling protocol, such as IKV, IKEV2. So, this is how with the help of
IKEV2, this tunnelling can be done with the help, with the remote anchor point through
the Gateways. So, indirectly from the Gateway to the anchor points, the tunnels can be
set up like this.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:25)
The Gateway has you know associated, they can come with or without proxies and they
can offer internet connectivity or intra LAN connectivity. So, within the LAN, they can
offer connectivity between the different Nodes within it so for up upstream addressing,
that means beyond the Gateway.
So, Gateway to the internet mechanisms, such as DHCPV6 assuming that IPV6
technology is being used, DHCPV6 for state based addressing or SLAAC for stateless
addressing can be used and the locally unique addresses are maintained independently of
the globally routable addresses in cases were internal address stability is of prime
(Refer Slide Time: 13:21)
So, we have to keep another thing in mind that despite this mechanism of address
stability, the LU cannot communicate directly with the internet or the upper layers which
is solved by implementing an application layer Proxy. So, this proxies basically help in
achieving connectivity to the upper layers on the internet.
So, most of the IoT based solutions at present still are using IPV4. There are very few
IPV6 implementations. So, what is going to happen is if you want to deploy, if you want
to approach building IoT by expanding the existing internet, they approach one that I
talked about initially as part of lecture 1 for building IoT.
So, in that particular case, what needs to happen is there are different addressing schemes
that are followed IPV4 IPV6 and so on. So, something like address translation between
IPV4 and IPV6 and vice versa has to happen. This is one until we have a separate
addressing scheme, a new type of a addressing scheme. So, handshaking or translation of
addresses from IPV4 to IPV6 or from IPV6 to IPV4 number 1, number 2 is tunnelling of
IPV6 over IPV4. So, maybe some part of the network uses IPV6. So, these IPV6 PD
used can be tunnelled over IPV4 PD used application layer proxies can also be used and
these can help in achieving tasks such as data relaying.
So, for these multi homing, there can be two different approaches; a Proxy based
approach can be used or a Gateway based approach. I do not need to explain these two
approaches in detail, but these names basically tell how the things are going to be
managed for multi-homing using these different approaches.
So, providing source address, destination address and routing information to the multi-
homed Nodes is the real challenge in multi-homing networks. So, presently IETF is
trying to standardize this particular issue.
So, IPV4 is being used, some parts IPV6 being used. We can use both, but that is not
going to be sufficient. We have to come up with a new addressing scheme which we do
not know yet what is going to happen. People are still working on it, researches are
coming up with different mechanism. There are still lot of research effort on building
addressing schemes for IoT, but if IPV4 is used and IPV6 is used, these are the
comparison points of comparison between the use of IPV4 and IPV6. The main point of
difference is that because the bit length, the length over here in IPV4 is 32 and in IPV6 is
128, the number of addresses in IPV4 is S2 the power 32 only. On the other hand, the
address space over here is 2 to the power 128. So, we are going to get a large address
space and I think we already know that there is a difference in the notation in IPV4
which is dotted decimal notation and it differs from the IPV6 which has a hexadecimal
notation for addressing.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:55)
So, here are few other points of comparison which I am not going to go through and here
is the IPV4 header format.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:06)
Here is the IPV6 header format. So, these IPV4 and IPV6, they have to go hand in hand
until there is a new solution for addressing a new mechanism which is completely
different from these proposed. So, they have to work hand in hand. So, you know
mechanism such as tunnelling or address translation mechanisms have to be used in
order for this thing to happen.
So, with this we come to an end of introduction on IoT Internet of Things. We have
already understood the motivation for building IoT systems, the different applications of
IoT systems, the different characteristics of IoT systems, the different challenges that are
involved from networking prospective, what are the different components for building
IoT. IoT is a joint network, but then you have to use a modular approach, a step by step
approach, a phased approach to building IoT. So, what are the different components from
a networking prospective that can be used is what we have already gone through and we
have understood.
So, with this we come to an end of the lecture on the Introduction of Internet of Things.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 03
So, we have already understood the basics of internet of things. Now, let us try to
understand that what are the essential building blocks of internet of things. So, one of the
very essential components of internet of things is sensors and the other one is actuators
whereas, the sensors basically sense the physical phenomena that are occurring around
them and the actuators basically based on the sensed information. The actuators, they
actuate. That means, they perform some actions on the physical environment. So, they
take some actions based on what has been sensed.
So, essentially if we see that we have a gradual phase wise approach to building internet
of things. So, we have sensors which are sensing the sensors, they sense different
parameters depending on the sensor being used. For example, temperature, pressure,
humidity conditions, lighting conditions and so on. Then, what will happen is these
sensed information are going to be sent over a connected system. That means, over a
network that information will be passed, it can also involve cloud and so on and finally,
that information is going to be transmitted based on what has been sensed and based on
the requirements, some physical action is going to be taken by an actuator.
So, may be a bulb might be turned on if certain conditions, in an agricultural field has
happened, maybe if the field based on the sensors it is found out that in an agricultural
field, the field has run out of stagnant water that is required for paddy crops. Then, what
might be required is based on that sensed information automatically the valve of the
water pump, the deep to well that is used or a shallow tube well that is used for
irrigation, automatically that valve will be turned on, so that the field gets irrigated.
So, that can be done through the process of actuation. So, we have sensing. we have IoT
or simply the network and then, we have this actuation. So, sensing network actuation we
start with the sensing component. Now, in the next lecture we will try to understand how
actuation is done.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:17)
So, when we talk about sensing, we need to understand what is sensing. So, basically a
sensor it detects or senses the changes in the ambient conditions or it can also sense the
state of another device. So, maybe one sensor can check, can sense how and what is the
state of another device. So, this is what he is done with the help of sensing. So, some
physical property of the ambient conditions of the environment in which the sensor is in
or of another machine or a system a separate one, these can be sensed with the help of
So, let me now show you some sensors, some real sensors that we have.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:06)
So, here are few real sensors and this is a sensor that is used for obstacle detection. This
is a PIR sensor passive infrared sensors. So, this passive infrared sensor here can be used
for detecting if there is any obstacle. So, this is an example of a PIR or obstacle based
Then, we have another sensor this is the ultrasonic sensor. This basically detects that
how far that obstacle is. This is another sensor. So, here as you can see that there are like
two eyes kind of things. So, what happens is these ultrasonic sensors may send
ultrasound waves. So, these ultrasound waves are sent and then, that sound wave is going
to get reflected back. We already know what velocity is and then, depending on how
much time has elapsed from the point sound wave was sensed and the deflection is
received back, based on that the distance is calculated. So, this sensor helps in basically
getting an idea or sensing how far an obstacle is from a particular point where the sensor
Then, we have another sensor which is the camera sensor. This is as you can see over
here is small IoT camera. Since the camera sensor, then we have this one here which is a
smoke detection sensor. So, this sensor can help in detecting the smoke.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:08)
Finally, I would like to show you another sensor which is the temperature and humidity
sensor. This is actually, this measures both of these together this particular sensor.
So, these are some real life sensors, real examples of sensors that I have just shown you
like this. There are different sensors that can be purchased. These sensors, they have
different functionalities and these functionalities are typically unique. That means that
one sensor which is fabricated to do, to measure a certain physical property, it cannot
measure another one or more specifically let me give you an example to illustrate this
point because this is something that many people make a mistake.
So, a temperature sensor can measure temperature only. It cannot measure for instance
smoke or it cannot detect smoke. So, these are very much application specific you know
specific things, specific properties, basic specific physical properties can only be
detected by these sensors.
Now, the sensors they come in different shapes and sizes. They can be very small, they
can be very big. The same sensors can be mechanical sensors, these can be electrical
sensors, they can be electronic sensors, they can be chemical sensors. There are so many
different types of sensors and fabrication of a sensor is a completely different ballgame.
So, whether it is a mechanical sensor or an electronic sensor, electrical sensor or you
know a chemical sensor, whatever it is a completely different ballgame. Typically people
who are into building of IoT, they focus more on the networking aspects. They focus
more on the networking analytics aspects of IoT.
There are separate researchers who work on the design of these sensors. Some of these
sensors that I have just shown you, the sensors you know that complete the design, the
fabrication it is a completely different story altogether you know. So, you know this is
and typically this is done by those who are focusing on sensor design and fabrication. So,
typically they are concerned only about how these sensors can be developed, they can be
fabricated and they are not bothered about building IoT as such. Of course, there can be
some researchers who might also take interest sensors. You know not just the fabrication
of the sensors, but also going beyond building of the IoT. Some people might be taking
interest in that, but in general it is not.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:22)
So, the sensors based on certain stimuli, the different stimuli might be there. They can
measure the thing in the physical characteristics of the environment of the system and so
on and these changes are basically converted to electrical signals. For example, for a heat
sensor this heat is converted to electrical signals and this is for temperature sensors. I am
sorry, this for temperature sensor, the heat is converted to electrical signals and for
sensors such as atmospheric pressure sensors, the atmospheric pressure is basically
converted to electrical signals. So, we have different sensors which measure different
things, but then these sensed values are converted to respective electrical signals.
Now, there is an associated terminology which is for the transducers. The term
transducers basically convert one form of energy into another form of energy being
converted into another. For example, in a microphone what we have in a microphone.
So, the sound waves are converted to electrical signals and then, to a output device like a
loudspeaker and we are able to hear that sound. So, this is an example of a transducer.
So, these terms sensors and transducers are very common. They have lot of overlap and
we have to understand the distinction between these two. There is lot of
misunderstanding people conceived sensors and transducers. We use these terms almost
interchangeably, but there are differences.
So, the word transducer is a collective term which includes sensors as well as the
actuators that I was telling you. Before the sensors can sense what is going on around
them and convert to electrical signals etcetera and the actuators can basically perform
these actions by maybe switching voltages or currents.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:00)
Now, the sensors have different features. They are sensitive to the property, the physical
property that is being measured. So, they can do all. They are sensitive only to that
measured property. So, basically a temperature sensor can sense only the ambient
temperature of the room and it is insensitive to other changes, maybe changes in the
atmospheric pressure or changes in the lighting condition of that room.
measured. So, the smallest change that it can detect the resolution of a sensor with a
digital output is usually the smallest resolution of the digital output. It is capable of
So, based on the output, the sensors can be classified as analog or digital and based on
the data type, they can be classified as scalar or vector sensors. So, in the analog sensor,
what we have these sensors give continuous analog output. So, for example, tint
temperature sensor continuously changes in the temperature are going to be sensed,
measured and the output is going to be an analog signal. Digital sensors basically gives
digital outputs on and off for example, and like this come you know discrete digital
values are given as outputs by these digital sensors.
Then, scaler sensors basically measure scalar variables which can measure only the
changes in the magnitude whereas, the vector senses not only the magnitude, but also the
direction. So, scalar sensor example would be temperature sensor is an example of scalar
sensor because you know irrespective of which orientation you put, the sensor
temperature sensor or in which direction you are taking it, it is going to give you the
magnitude value. Only the changes in the magnitude of the temperature, on the contrary
we have the vector sensor. For example, the camera sensor or the accelerometer sensor
whose values are dependent on the orientation on the direction and so on direction in
which the sensor is being put and the weight is measuring. So, it is dependent on that. So,
we have analog sensors, we have digital sensors, we have scalar sensors and we have
vector sensors.
So, analog sensor I already mentioned about analog sensors, temperature sensor. You
know temperature is typically measured with the help of thermometer or thermocouple
thermometers are quite common, but thermocouple is something that is used in the
geezers for example, you know. So, you have two different metallic strips for instance
and these strips they know they can, in the thermocouple they can bend and so on. So,
these based on that you know based on the amount of bending etcetera. You know they
measure the changes in the temperature. So, if you calibrate the thermocouple you know,
so accordingly it is going to give how much the temperature has changed and depending
on that one can understand how much the liquid has heated up or has cooled down.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:36)
Digital sensors produce digital discreet voltage levels or signal levels. So, binary values
like 0 and 1 or on and off or output the digital sensors.
Scalar sensors measure only the magnitude physical quantities, such as temperature,
color, pressure, strain etcetera. These are scalar quantities and measurement of the
change of magnitude is sufficient to convey the information.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:13)
On the other hand, vector sensors produce output signal of the voltage which is generally
proportional to the magnitude as well as the direction and orientation of the quantity that
is being measured. So, physical quantities such as the sound, image, velocity,
acceleration orientation, these are all vector quantities and their measurement is not just
dependent on the magnitude, but also on the direction. So, for example, accelerometer
sensor, they give outputs in three dimensions x, y and z coordinate axis.
Here are some examples of different sensors, light sensor for measurement of light. We
have the lDR which is the light dependent resistor photodiodes. This can act as sensors
for measurement of light for sensing of light. For sensing of temperature, we have
thermistor and thermocouple. Thermocouple briefly I told you, but thermistor is sort of
like thermal transistor kind of thing, ok.
Then, we have for force, we have the stain, strain gauge and pressure. Pressure switch for
position, we have potentiometers, encoders, opto couplers. Opto couplers basically you
know. So, the optical signals are the optical rays are basically obstructed and based on
that you know the position information can be obtained. So, opto couplers then we have
the speed for speed sensing. We have reflective sensors, then doppler effect sensors. So,
doppler effect based on the relative velocity for example relative velocity of sound you
know. So, based on that you know this doppler effect sensors, they work. Then, we have
the sound sensors, we have the carbon microphone like our existing traditional
microphones, piezoelectric crystals and so on. For chemical sensing, we have the liquid
chemical sensors and gas chemical sensors.
So, I had already in at the outset of this lecture, I had shown you some real physical
sensors. Here are some other pi pictures of few other sensors, here is a pressure sensor,
here is an ultrasonic distance sensor, tilt sensor infrared motion sensor, camera sensor,
analog temperature sensor. So, analogs in temperature sensor, it has you know in
addition to the output, it has 2. So, it has three pins. Basically one is for the plus 5 volts
and the other one is the ground zero volts and this one is the middle pin is typically used
for the output.
Now, the sensors often they do not give data that is accurate you know. So, there are
some sensorial deviations. So, these sensors they have each sensor and they come with
certain specifications. These specifications will give you the maximum and the minimum
values that it can measure of the physical property that it is supposed to measure. The
sensitivity of a sensor under real conditions may differ from the value that is specified
and that is known as the sensitivity error and then, each sensor there can be given you
know a value which is constantly the same, constantly different. So, what I mean by this
is the correct value might be something and always it will be giving this particular
sensor, might be giving a value which is an offset error or a bias and that might, so that
many units of offset error reading will be giving at all times and that will be constant. So,
for example, two units of offset might be given by a temperature sensor at all times. So,
that is different from the sensitivity error that I told you.
So, sensitivity error is more about being sensitive to the changes you know under real
conditions, basically how it is being sensitive. Then, what is specified in their actual
specifications, it might give certain actual specifications, it might suppose give certain
values, but in real conditions, it might be sensitive to certain things. So, this becomes the
sensitive error and there will be some error that will be due to that and that sensitivity
error that can change over time and that is different from the offset error which is
constant over time.
Now, these sensors typically have linear behavior. Most of the sensors, not all have a
linear behavior, but there is often in practice a non-linearity behavior that is exhibited by
the sensors and ideally they should behave linearly, but in practice stays off will behave
non-linear. So, this non-linearity is the deviation of the sensors transfer function from
So, this is basically defined as the amount of the output that differs from the ideal
transfer function behavior over the full range of the sensor.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:09)
So, if the output signal slowly changes independent of the measured property, this is
known as drift. So, it might happen that a particular sensor at one point we give a certain
value and then, if you use the same sensors for measuring the same condition due to the
drift, you might get a drifted sensed value. So, it will be different; it might be different.
So, it induces some drift if you keep it overtime.
So, the other type of error is the noise which is basically due to different other external
factors and it is a random deviation of the signal with time.
Hysteresis error is bit different and typically it is exhibited by analog sensors, magnetic
sensors heating of in sensors that use the principle of heating of metal strips and so on.
So, in these sensors, these analog sensors or magnetic sensors and so on sometimes what
happens that the present reading depends on the past input values. How? It is maybe
because it uses some metal strips and maybe the property or the functionality of that
sensor is such that when you heat it, it is going to the metal strip is going to bend. So, so
you know if it has bent once to come back to its original position, it will take some time.
So, this type of error basically talks about that you know if it is heated once you will get
something. So, based on that if you heat it once again, you know your output is going to
be dependent on the previous value. So, this is an error and this is known as the
hysteresis error.
There are different other errors, such as quantization error which is basically if the sensor
has a digital output, the output is essentially an approximation of the measured property
and this is known as the quantization error. If you are sampling the signals, this leads to a
type of error which is known as aliasing error and the sensors may at times be sensitive
to the properties. Then, the property that is being measured for example, a temperature
sensor might also sometimes be sensitive to few of the other things that are not directly
being measured, maybe you know the humidity or pressure at times or maybe light, this
will depend actually I mean this is not a perfect example that I have given you. So, it can
be constitute, this particular error can be constituting this way that sometimes the
physical property that is being measured that may get affected, that sensor may get
affected by few of the other properties that are not directly being measured. So, this also
leads to some kind of error.
So, with this we come to an end of the topic of sensors. So, here we have already seen
that there are different types of sensors and I have shown you some real life sensors that
can be used for building of internet of things. I have also shown you pictures of many
other sensors and these sensors are used in something known as the sensor nodes. The
sensor nodes are eventually going to get connected, they are not going to be networked
together, internetwork together and together that is going to form an internet of things
and this internet of things is going to be used for improving the overall service quality in
the society of the business of the environment as a whole.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 04
So, this particular lecture is on actuation. So, based on the readings of the sensor, we
have already seen different types of sensors in the previous lecture and based on the
readings of these different types of sensors, some action might be required to be taken
and that is done by actuators. These actuators basically perform certain actions on the
environment on another system on a device and so on.
So, there are different examples of actuators. I am going to show you a different type of
actuators very shortly, but these actuators, they can have principle of working principles
which are based on electronics, then electrical, then you know mechanical systems and
so on. So, they basically you know use some kind of control behavior, some control
signals are sent. So, this is how these actuators, they perform.
We are going to go through the different mechanisms behind the functioning of these
actuators in this particular lecture.
Before we proceed, I wanted to show you at the outset some of these actuators that can
be used. So, here is an example of a sample actuator which is known as the relay switch.
So, this relay switch, it is an electromechanical switch which can be used to switch
between AC and DC for instance or different other things can be performed. So, the
sensor networks, the sensor nodes, they typically operate in DC and based on the sensed
value maybe you know you want to switch off the electricity in your room or at your
home based or maybe something, maybe fire has been detected by the sensor network,
then you want to do something or you want to turn off the power in your home.
So, that is AC that operates on AC, right. So, this particular switch, this
electromechanical switch will basically turn off AC that the power supply at your home.
This can help in doing it. So, this is an example and this is known as relay.
There is another one which is the solenoid valve and this basically can help in controlling
the flow of liquid. So, you have an input; you have an output. So, we have an input, we
have an output and the solenoid valve if we open it, so what we can see over here is what
is inside. So, you know water can flow in and depending on the conditions, this valve is
going to either allow the water to flow out or it is going to stop. It is not going to allow.
So, this is another actuator. Like this there are different actuators that are available for
use in IoT. So, having seen some real life actuators, let us try to understand the basic
principles of actuators, but before that let us go through some of the basics.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:52)
So, typically I said that control signals are required for the actuators. So, when these
actuators receive a control signal, they respond by converting that energy into
mechanical motion. Some mechanically something is going to be done. This is an
example of course. So, they convert that electrical signal, some control signal into
mechanical motion and that control system can be simple which can be based on some
mechanical or electronic system or it can be software based like a printer, driver, robot,
control system, a human or any other input.
So, what we have are three types. Three types of actuators, one of actuators, one is these
electric based actuators. We have this pressure based actuators and we have these
mechanical based actuators. Each of these, they send control signals and based on that
the actuation is going to be performed.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:44)
So, this name suggests, these hydraulic actuators consist of a cylinder or fluid motor that
uses hydraulic power to facilitate mechanical operation. The mechanical motion is
converted to linear rotary or oscillatory motion.
So, basically you know when some fluid passes through, then you know that motion is
converted to some linear motion or some oscillatory motion or rotary motion and since
liquids are nearly impossible to compress, most of the hydraulic actuators basically exert
considerable force. So, that is the reason why liquid based actuators are typically used
you know. So, these are quite popular because of this particular reason.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:36)
On the left hand side, we see an example of an hydraulic actuator which is based on the
use of oil. So, in this particular cylinder, oil will be there and then, when you put, when
you apply pressure on it, it is going to give an output based on which there can be some
linear motion or some oscillatory motion or rotatory motion or whatever that can be
So, here on the right hand side, we see over here a figure which shows an hydraulic
actuator based an hydraulic actuator, based on radial engine. So, as we can see over here,
this is quite. This animation is quite. You know it is quite explanatory. So, as we can see
over here you know liquid goes inside and when you synchronize the liquid going inside
from these different directions, then what happens is you can emulate a rotatory motion
like this. So, this basically can help in the functioning of an engine. So, it can give a
rotatory motion in this manner.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:51)
So, those were the hydraulic actuators. Pneumatic actuator, pneumatic means air based.
A pneumatic actuator basically converts the energy formed by vacuum or compressed air
at high pressure into either linear or rotatory motion.
So, you know the rack and pinion actuators are typically the pneumatic actuators and
these are used for valve controls of water pipe, water pipes. Pneumatic actuators
basically exert a lot of force and for example, the pneumatic brakes can be very
responsive to small changes in pressure that are applied by the driver.
So, pneumatic brakes are quite common in different like trucks etcetera. They use
pneumatic brakes. So, hydraulic brakes are more common in cars, in trucks. The
pneumatic brakes are quite common.
So, these pneumatic brakes, the advantage is that they are very responsive to small
changes. You know if the action, if the brake is pressed little bit, you know they become,
they act quite fast. This is an advantage of these pneumatic actuators. So, basically what
happens is the pressure that is put on the brake that is converted into force pretty fast. So,
this is one of the advantages of these pneumatic sensors.
So, here is a figure of a pneumatic sensor when you apply pressure over here. So, this
shaft, this crankshaft or this shaft will move and this is an example of a pneumatic
So, basically this is a figure which shows an air pump acting as a pneumatic actuator and
then, we have seen hydraulic actuators, we have seen pneumatic actuators.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:40)
So, on the left hand side is a figure showing a motor drive based rotary actuator. So,
basically you know what happens is this basically you know the electrical signal over
here will help in moving this. So, it is going to give a rotary motion of this particular
part. So, this is an example of a motor drive based rotary actuator. Here in this particular
animation what you see is an electric, the functioning of an electric bell. An electric bell
is an example of a solenoid based actuator.
So, as you can see over here once the bell is pressed, then the connectivity is established
and then, the electromagnetic field is generated due to which the bell sounds and this is
the way in which solenoid based electric bells functions. So, these are two examples of
electrical electrical actuators.
Then, we can have thermal or magnetic actuators which can, so thermal or magnetic
actuators, these can be actuated by applying thermal or magnetic energy and typically,
they are very popular because of being that they are very compact, lightweight,
economical and with high power density.
So, these active actuators use shape memory materials or shape memory alloys SMAs
and this is very popular at present.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:12)
So, this is how it works. So, this is an example of an SMA based piezo motor. So, as you
can see over here, these are the different steps in which it works. So, these are two metal
strips and when you know when the energy is passed through it, they bend and when
they bend, they basically move this red and white strip mechanically. So, this basically
acts as an actuator.
So, this is like a joint metal bar and this is like this, sorry. So, when you heat this metal
bar, this is an alloy bar consisting of two metal strips. So, you know the property is that
when you heat it, then it is going to bend and when it bend, it is going to move this
particular strip in this manner. So, the different steps are shown over here and this is
quite evident, it is quite explanatory from these steps.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:30)
So, this is an example of a coil gun which basically works on the principle of magnetic
actuation. So, this is also quite explanatory. So, this coil gun you know. So, basically you
know electromagnetic field is generated and then, you know again it is pushed and so on.
So, basically you know functioning of the hyper loops, at present people are talking
about hyper loops, right. So, presenting if the functioning of the hyper loops are also you
know based on this particular principle.
Then, we have these mechanical actuators which basically converts rotatory motion into
linear motion to execute some movements. So, this basically involves these gears, the
pinions, gears, pinions rails, pulleys, chains and other devices to operate. So, rack and
pinion is an example of a mechanical actuator. The figure shows it and it is quite
exponentially from this.
So, as it moves, basically this also moves. So, a crankshaft is another example of a
mechanical actuator. So, this is how the crankshaft works.
So, as this thing moves in this manner, so this gives this one a mechanical motion, a
rotatory motion. There are different soft actuators which are actually polymer based and
the design to handle fragile objects like fruit harvesting in agriculture or in biomedicine,
handling internal organs of human beings and typically these are used in robotics. So,
soft actuators are also quite popular.
These basically use something known as SMP, the Shape Memory Polymers which are
actually polymers and the behavior of the polymers will change depending on the
stimuli. The stimuli for these polymers are the light, electrical signals, magnetic signals,
heat, PH etcetera. They have different properties. These polymers, they behave
differently due to these different variations in these physical properties.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:43)
Then, we have the light activated from polymers. These polymers basically get activated
through light stimuli and these are also quite popular. So, what we have seen are
different actuators, their actuation principles and different diagrams and figures of them
and at the outset, we have already seen some real actuators that can be used for building
IoT based systems.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 05
Basics of IoT Networking-Part-I
In this lecture and a subsequent few, we are going to go through some of the basics on
the networking aspects of Internet of Things.
So, the first thing that we need to understand is that IoT has evolved a lot. So, starting
from basic research, basic fundamental research and innovation, there has been different
other types of innovation which are done through, which are disruptive, and some of the
other innovations which are sustaining in nature. So, in terms of basic research, there has
been a lot of research on the nanotechnology, the use of nanotechnology, the use of
quantum teleportation. Quantum teleportation basically means that how the different
information at the atomic level is sent from one point to another.
So, it is transported from one point to another at the atomic level and nanotechnology, it
involves things like nano IoT, nano nodes, nano networking, nodes, nano sensor nodes
and nano networks. That means, at the nanoscale forming a network which can be for
different purposes, nano networks are used for different purposes in the human, inside
the human body at the molecular level nano networks can be used. So, like this at the
nanoscale and for quantum communication, there has been lot of advertisements that has
been done for involving basic innovations, basic research innovations.
So, this is one likewise for semantic interoperability. There has been lot of research on
semantic in for interoperability. For example, let us see that a temperature sensor, it
might be given the data as temp, another temperature sensor as temperature, another
temperature sensor the third one. So, there has to be interoperability between all these
different collisions, but they are all different to the same temperature, right. So, this is
basically taken care of by things like semantic interoperability. There has been lot of
research on this one, this particular aspect then energy harvesting. Again there has been
lot of research, you know energy harvesting through different renewable sources such as
wind energy, solar, etcetera. How these can harvest, you know how these deferent
renewable sources from these how energy can be harvested to power the different nodes
and IoT, these are very small powered you know small sized nodes with very limited
So, energy harvesting is very crucial. It plays a crucial role in the sustenance of these
networks. So, there has been lot of work on this one also and this has been like you know
these aspects for example, there has been lot of brick through innovation on these. Then,
disruptive innovation for example virtual reality, augmented reality you know. So, these
are all like you know involvement of these incorporation into the IoT network, there has
been lot of research on this particular front and things like cloud big data, these are like
sustaining technologies for IoT. Again there has been lot of work on these technologies
as well.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:59)
Now, when we talk about IoT, if we think about IoT, what we have? We have these
different things which as I said in one of the previous lectures is these things are fitted.
These are basically physical objects once again. So, these physical objects are fitted with
different sensors and these sensors basically sense different physical phenomena that are
occurring around them.
So, these sensor fitted things, sensors actuators and different other emirate devices, these
are one component of the IoT, but these become different nodes in the network, these are
the individual nodes in the network. So, then what we have is, these nodes they have to
communicate with one another and the information that is sensed by one of these sensors
fitted to these nodes, this information from the sensor and the other sensors, these are
taken and are sent to the other sensor nodes, the destination nodes. So, how is that turn?
First this information has to flow through the local network and then, if the destination,
intended destination is outside this local network, then it is sent through the internet.
Typically if we are talking about an IoT which is basically internet based IoT, then
basically it is going to flow through the internet or some other wide area network and
finally, it is going to arrive at the intended destination node and may be there can be
some at that point, actually there can be some analytic engine which is running on some
backend server, those could be there and from that point from the decision, from these
analytics, they can run on these servers decisions about actuation could be made.
So, what we see is from sensors to actuators through the local area network, the internet
involving you know backend services analytics which includes again some you know
high end processing at different servers and different complex algorithms, execution of
different algorithms which are based on may be machine learning neural networks and so
on and so forth. These are all required. So, basically you know what happens is we
basically can conceive an IoT as a very complex system involving sensors, actuators,
networks, local area, wide area internet and different servers, different algorithms,
machine learning and so on, all executing together to make the system function as as one
single entity. So, going back we have in this local network as you are saying then we
have the internet, we have the backend services and finally, the applications that I have
been served.
So, these are the different basic components of IoT. So, this is the scenario that I was
referring to earlier. So, what we have we are these different things. These things could be
like you know different physical objects which are fitted with different sensors. These
things could be telephones, lightning systems, could be cameras, could be different other
scanner, sensors like the temperature sensor and so on and these things are able to
communicate with one another with the help of wireless technologies like Zigbee,
Bluetooth, WiFi and so on. So, as you can see that this wireless basically helps these
different devices to talk to one another and this information from these devices, they will
go through a local network and from a local network, they will go through the internet to
you know these data are basically sent to the backend services involving different servers
processors and so on and so forth. For running different analytics and then based on that
different devices can be actuated you know may be a pump. This is an example that I
gave earlier in a previous lecture basically for agricultural purposes. The use of IoT
pump might be started might be actuated based on the data that is received from the
sensor nodes and based on analytics are run at the different servers that are involved in
the backend service processing.
So, in terms of the functional components of IoT, one of the very important things is
basically interaction. Interaction not only with the physical environment by this different
sensors but also interaction and communication with the different devices, that means, a
different nodes in the IoT in the IoT network, then comes the processing. So, processing
and analysis of the different functioning and the operations that taken place, so
processing of that data, the processing of operations, so this is another component, the
third functional component is basically the interaction typically with the internet and
because you know at present most of the times, the most of the IoT implementations are
still using the internet. So, it is all you know internet powered IoT implementations.
So, internet interaction is one of the very important components of building IoT. Then,
we have the web services, web services machine to machine communication and so on.
So, basically what is going to happen earlier most, when you talk about a web
technology, typically we are talking about human to machine communication, you know
web service we are talking about you know some machine sending or some equipment
basically sensing and sending that data to another machine for further processing or
machine to machine communication is involved and offering different services. So, one
machine offer some services to another machine and so on. So, this is basically you
know this sort of thing in a IoT scenario is taken care of typically and then, we have the
integration of different applications services and the user interface to access the IoT.
That is another component.
So, there has to be a user interface, a human interface to access the IoT network or the
IoT you know mega network.
So, looking at this particular figure, I would like to try to clarify how the IoT
implementation is typically done and it can be done to achieve different application
needs. So, this is a figure which shows that we have different sensors, processors and
radio. It refitted to each of these devices or the sensor nodes or the sensor motes or the
IoT motes as you may want to call them. So, these motes, they talk to one another, but
these different sensor nodes, they are basically within the jurisdiction or the domain of
the gateway. So, the gateway is basically tasked to assign different locally unique
addresses to these different nodes, to these different IoT nodes and the gateway basically
takes care of the local addressing within that particular local area network. So, from the
that point, all the data can flow through a proxy server if internet access is required. So,
it will go through the internet, then a web socket and from the web socket, it goes
through a cloud server. That means, this is where lot of analytics and backend processing
takes place and based on that the actuation based on the analytics and the infer ant says
that and run from the sensed data actuation of different devices can take place.
For example, lighting a particular lamp could be the actuation of that particular lamp. We
have different interdependencies that are evolved in the implementation of IoT. So, if we
look at IoT from another prospective or we have sensors, we have actuators and a bunch
of other things that they are in between as shown in this particular figure. So, this is
basically the entire spend of these different embedded devices.
So, the sensors basically sense the data and that data is basically serving the application
requirements and then, we have an operating system and a power management unit
which basically you know does things like duty cycling of the sensors, how much the
sensors you know how much time we are going to be active or how much time they are
going to be in the sleep state, how to power them because these are very small sized you
know, very resource staved sensors. So, basically the power unit in these sensor nodes,
these are very small in size. So, basically consequently what happens is these embedded
devices, they themselves are very resource staved.
So, we have a very power management unit which basically takes care of power
management as a whole. How much power is required, for how long it is going to power,
then what are the ways to harvest energy if at all it can be harvested and how much
power consumption is going to take place at different points of time, can it be optimized
different points of operation on and so on and so forth and as you can see over here, there
after we have these different radios involving bluetooth, Zigbee, 6Low Pan, Wifi,
Ethernet and low range basically wifi.
So, these are the different you know radios that can help in communicating the data that
is sensed onward to other nodes. These basically different radio technologies can help for
the communication purpose. So, alongside we also have things like virtual machines
which takes care of the virtualization of the nodes, we have the web, we have you know
different things like http client MQTT client, CoAP client. So, these are the once MQTT
CoAP, we are going to talk next in the subsequent lectures. So, that will make our
understanding clear, but these are like no different application level protocols that are
used for functioning of these different IoT devices and finally comes the actuator
So, we have the sensors, we have different applications operating system, power
management, radios, virtual machines web and then, we have these actuators all together
which forms the embedded systems, the embedded devices.
Now, let us look at the service orientation, the service oriented architecture of IoT. So, in
the IoT if here what we have at these different layers, the sensing layer, the network
layer, the service layer and the interface layer.
So, we have four different layers and as the name suggests, sensing layer basically takes
care of sensing through different RFIF tags sensors and so on and so forth and then, data
are sensed are acquired and so on are sent to the next layer higher up which is the
network layer. The network layer basically serves sensor networks, social networks you
know different other networks and data bases internet and so on. That is the network
layer. Then, what we have? We have the service layer which deals mostly with the
service delivery such as service, division service, integration service, repository service,
logic by business logic and so on. So, all these different things that I involved with the
offering of the services to support the business functions.
Then, we have the interface layer, we have the application frontend, we have a contract
interface and application APIS. So, this becomes the interface layer and when we have
the security issues which basically span all these different layer verticals, sorry layer
So, in terms of the categorization of IoT, it can be categorized into two. One is the
consumer IoT which is what typically most of the people tempt to use and these are here,
basically these different devices, they communicate with another through these local
networks and it can be you know find a further communication can also take place over
the internet as well depending on the requirements either local or through the internet.
Then, we have the local communication which is typically done via bluetooth, zigbee or
wifi. So, basically this local communication is constraint within the bounds or within the
domain of the IoT gateway. So, this is consumer IoT. Then, we have the industrial IoT
which is basically quite similar to the consumer IoT, but the application interest is in the
industrial sector.
So, we are talking about manufacturing industries with different machines, with these
machines are fitted with different IoT devices and they together become the IoT device.
They have different sensors and so on feature are there which can node as a whole can
communicate with other machines and so on. So, this becomes the industrial IoT and
basically, there are different communication that takes place between the different nodes
as well as different industry specific technologies. Now, we talk about IoT gateways.
So, this is what I told you that in a local network, you have this locally unique addresses
and that is they are within that local area network, IoT network.
So, these local addresses basically they take care of the addressing of the different nodes
now. So, what are these gateways doing? So, the gateways basically take care of the
addressing, but then in this is what the gateway structure looks like. So, this is what is
here. So, we have the local network on one side of the gateway, we have the global
network on the other side of the gateway and this is where the gateway, this is how the
gateway looks like. So, the gateway has and functions different tasks such as switching,
routing, protocol conversion, firewall and VPN services, security as a whole and
processing. So, this is what a gateway does and the gateway with the local network and
the global network communicate via the wired or wireless channels and so on.
So, this is how the IoT gateways function different associated technologies of IoT
involving big data, cloud, smart grid, internet of vehicles. That means, you know
different vehicles on the road are fitted with different IoT devices which can
communicate with one another and different intelligence about the route traffic
conditions, about the offering different road side services can make possible with the
help of internet of vehicles. Then, we have the machine to machine communication
where one machine talks to another without any human intervention.
We have telemedicine offering you know offering health care services to the demote
hospitals, demote health care centers and so on. CPS server physical systems, we have
3G, 4G, 5G, we have sdn and so on. So, these are the different associated technologies
which together make IoT which together are used to deliver IoT solutions.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:47)
Now, you know if we try to make a side by side comparison between the IoT stack and
web stack, we will see that more or less the application layers remain the same for both
IoT as well as the web. So, conceptually these application layers, these different layers,
communication layers and application layers that communication layers remaining the
same between IoT and web, but what is different is that we have a new set of protocols
that are used over here. So, the new set of protocols and additionally in IoT, unlike in the
case of web things such as different types of management, management of the network,
management of the power, management of different other resources, these are all
additionally taken care of in the IoT node in the IoT stack which is not available in the
case of the web and this is very much required because you know in the case of IoT, we
are talking about heavily resource constraint nodes and this heavily resource constraint
nodes basically required management, network management in terms of energy, in terms
of processing, in terms of data and so on so forth.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:13)
So, there are different key technologies that basically help IoT survive. We have the
future internet knowledge aggregatio obtained through data assignation, data collection
processing and analysis. Then, we have different standards, we have sensor networks, we
have communication, we have cloud computing, we have discovery services,
nanoelectronics embedded systems, software system integration and last, but not the least
what is this over here on top is the security on privacy issues. So, security on privacy
issues are per amount in IoT because there are heavy concerns because you know we are
dealing with resource constraint nodes with communication constraints, bandwidth
constraints, processing constraints, energy constraints and so on. So, these nodes become
very much valuable to different type of attacks, different types of security breaches and
also because IoT systems are very much detailed intensive, there is lot of information
that frozen through the network as a consequence of which the privacy of the individuals
of the organizations might be at stake. So, security and privacy and trust also which is
not mentioned over here, these are very much important to power IoT technologies.
There are different types of challenges, securities, scalability, energy efficiency,
bandwidth management, interfacing interoperability.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:39)
So, when we are talking about interfacing, it is typically we are referring to device
interfacing. So, different you know one device talking to another device may be these
devices do not belong to the same vendor, they are not running the same stack, they are
not following the same standard and so on. So, then comes consequently then comes the
interoperability issue. How to make these devices talk to one another? How different
protocols, the different devices, the different algorithms, they are going to hand shake
with one another? So, like this, this is another challenge which is typical of IoT
implementations and then, we have data storage and analytics and complexity
management with tools such as SDN. So, SDN basically helps in addressing the
complexity of systems by decupling the control plane from the detect plane of the
networks, different considerations and they are for building IoT. One is that will have a
straight network architecture which can be used by different IoT implementations.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:40)
So, there has to be governing network architecture. Number two, hardware requirements
and cost are important you know what type of communication hardware are going to be
used and different devices in the costs that are involved and due to the presence of
numerous applications of IoT enabled devices, a single networking platform may not be
sufficient to address the needs of the consumer or the IoT device.
So, this is another. The third consideration that has to be taken into account while
building the IoT systems, then we have the complexity of the networks. Uou know if the
number of nodes in the network increases, then whether in the solution because if the
system is going to be you know sustainable whether it can be scaled up or not, then we
have interference among the different devices. This is very much vital in any network.
Interference is a crucial issue and particularly IoT networks involve lot of large number
of typically densely deployed nodes and these nodes as you know typically wireless
power by wifi or bluetooth or zigbee and so on.
So, interference between these different communication between these different nodes
that at the corresponding radios and so on is possible. So, how do you handle it?
Network management as a whole as I was telling in earlier involving you know energy
management, involving computation management, involving communication
management, involving service management and infrastructure management and so on.
So, network management as a whole then heterogeneity in the networks. Heterogeneity
in terms of the devices standards the protocols, the algorithms and so on.
So, how do you handle because IoT devices unlike traditional internet, IoT networks
come in different, you know come from different vendors, different devices coming from
different vendors, different devices using different algorithms, these different protocols
being used and so on. So, all these basically invite dealing with the issue of heterogeneity
and lot of heterogeneity is involved. So, how heterogeneity is taken care of and protocol
organization and standardization within the network, how the different protocols can be
standardized, so that a device running one protocol can talk to another device and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:30)
The different wireless networks are used issues such as traffic management, load
management, then variations in the different wireless network forms for example,
wireless personal area network, W turn versus wireless body area network,
interoperability which I have already mentioned just a while back, then network
management and overlay network. So, basically you know the overlay network takes
care of some kind of a virtualization of the physical devices on you know and one type of
this physical virtual devices and the networks and overlay is created, this is basically the
overlay network.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:07)
Scalability is involving flexibility within the internet. Then, integration of different IoT
devices, there are many manufactured using different standards may be in using different
you know vender specific protocols. So, IoT integration is a very complex issue which
basically dictates the scalability of the system, large scale deployment issues and real
time connectivity of billion centurions of devices.
With this we come to an end of this lecture on the basics of IoT networking, but this is
just a first part. We are going to cover many other issues involving the networking
aspects of IoT in the subsequent lectures and from there, we can understand from this
subsequent lectures, we can understand how forming an IoT is very complex, what are
the different protocols, individual protocols that are how they are, may not be a single
isolated or a single thread head. Let us say one protocol for IoT as a whole, but there all
these individual protocols settled there. So, how that can be taken care of and for how
can architecture be sent up between these different IoT devices manufactured by
different vendors. So, like this actually there are different complexities that I have
involved. So, we have really talked about that in the subsequent lectures.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 06
Basics of IoT Networking-Part-II
So, we are now going to continue our discussions on the basic issues, basic aspects of the
networking in internet of things. So, we have already seen the different fundamental
issues that are out there. Now, we are going to look at the different protocols that are
there that can be used for something different purposes in IoT.
Now, based on the different functionalities, there are actually large numbers of protocols
that are proposed for use in IoT. So, based on the functionality, these protocols are
classified in this in this manner. So, this is just a classification that has been shown, but
this is not unique classification in anyway and it should be constituted in that manner.
So, this is just a classification attempt under different categories that is shown and here
as we can see the different protocols for something.
These classifiers you know a different issues are also mentioned in brackets like this. So,
it is basically not possible and also not required to go through all these different
protocols. So, we have selected only a few protocols from this you know red coloured
category and this is what we are going to discuss in this particular course.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:55)
So, we will start with the MQTT protocol first and this MQTT, the full form of this is
Message Queue Telemetry Transport. So, it is an ISO standard which is based on publish
subscribe model. So, basically you know what happens is there is some kind of
publishing of the data and then, the fetching of the data by the subscribers. So, this is
how this publish subscribe model works and MQTT basically what it has done is, this
publish subscribe model, it has been made lightweight through the use of this protocol,
so that this lightweight protocol can be used in conjunction with the TCP IP protocol
suit. This is what MQTT supports.
MQTT going back to the history was introduced in 1999 by IBM and is standardized in
2013 by Oasis. This is a standardization organization oasis. So, it has standardized in the
year 2013. So, this particular protocol does couple of things. One is offering connectivity
between different embedded devices between the applications and then, middle ware of
one device and network and communication on the other side of the device. So, we have
connectivity between applications and middle ware for one side and the networks and
communication on the other. This is what MQTT does.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:32)
So, in MQTT there are three concepts that are involved. The first we are going to go
through is the concept of a message broker and first, we are going to go through some of
these concepts and there after I am going to show you pictorially how MQTT functions.
So, we have a message broker; the concept of a message broker that basically serves like
a broker which takes control of publishing of the messages and subscription of the
messages. So, publish subscribe is basically controlled by the message broker, number 1.
Number 2 is there is a concept of topic and this is what the client is subscribed and based
on the updates. The data are sent to the clients by the message broker, this data are
distributed by the message broker to the clients who have subscribed to the services.
So, this is design for remote connections limited bandwidth environments and MQTT,
basically the advantage is that it provides every small code foot print. So, basically you
know by writing only a small piece of code, one would be able to achieve all these
different functions that I have just mentioned.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:48)
The different components of MQTT are as follows. We have three principle components.
The publishers which involve the different sensors, the subscribers and that means, those
entities, those applications, those units that are interested in the data that is published by
the sensors. Number 3 is the broker in between which helps the publishers and the
subscribers connect to one another and also help in classifying the sensor data into
different topics.
In MQTT there are a few different methods. One is connect, the second is disconnect,
subscribe, unsubscribe and publish. So, basically the connect method helps to connect
with the server, helps to connects this device with the server. Then, disconnect is the
opposite. Whenever it is no longer required to be to remain connected, the disconnect
method helps in disconnecting from the server from TCP IP service offerings and so on.
And then comes the subscribe which is basically subscribing to the services and
unsubscribe is the opposite that whenever it is no longer required to continue with
getting the different data offerings, the data services and so on.
The unsubscribe method can be executed and then, we have the publish method which is
basically publishing data for maybe you know publishing the data from these different
sensors or these different devices to the broker for it to be fetched by the different
application clients.
So, this is what I was referring to just a short while back. So, what we have is these
pictorial depictions of how these publish subscribe model works in the case of MQTT.
So, we have a temperature sensor, we have laptops, we have mobile devices. This
temperature sensor in this example publishes the temperature which is basically brokered
at this MQTT broker. So, what this fellow does is, it broker you know because it is a
broker between the different clients and different other application serving devices which
required the data which can subscribe to the data that is published by these different
So, what it is going to do is, first it is going to get the subscription requests from these
different clients, the mobile device, the laptop and so on and so forth. So, first is the
subscribed and there after it is published. So, what is published? The temperature is
published. Where is the temperature residing? It is fetched from the sensor and it is being
brokered at the MQTT broker. So, from those devices, those clients which have basically
subscribed to the services, they are going to get this sensing updates, the sensor data
So, when we look at the communication, the architecture that is followed is publish
subscribe publish subscribe architecture and not the request response architecture that is
typically followed by traditional http which is used for the internet, this publish subscribe
model is event driven. That means, whenever there is an event, whenever there is a fire,
when the temperature increases, whenever a camera may be an IoT camera basically
observes some kind of change in the environment or whatever maybe there is an intruder
or whatever it is, so the central communication point.
So, it is sorry, I am sorry. So, what we have is it is event driven. So, whenever there is
some kind of an event and those data are basically pushed to the clients, so these
messages basically are pushed to the clients and then, we have this broker which is in-
charge of dispatching all the messages between the senders and receivers and each client
that publishes a message to the broker includes a topic into the message and this is the
topic which is very much important in the case of MQTT and this is the topic which is of
interest to these application clients.
So, each client that wants to receive the messages subscribes to a certain topic and the
broker delivers all the messages with in the matching topic to the client. So, essentially
what is happening is the clients, they do not have to know each other and what is
required is they only need to communicate with each other over the topic. So, they do not
know about each other and this architecture basically appears to be a scalable
architecture with a scalable solution. There is not much dependency between the
producers and the consumers of the data and that is where MQTT is very popular.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:43)
In MQTT we have the concept of the topic as I just mentioned a minute back and this
topic is nothing, but a simple string that can have more hierarchical levels which are
separated by a slash. In this manner a sample topic for sending the temperature data of
the living room could be marked in this manner, could be named in this manner. So, we
have house, a smart house kind of scenario. We have house and within the house we
have living room and the temperature that is collected from this particular living room is
of interest. So, this topic that is of interest and this is a sample, this is an example of how
the topic for sending temperature data of a living room looks like.
So, on one hand the client like a mobile device, a laptop or whatever can subscribe to the
exact topic or on the other hand, it can also use a wildcard. So, this is an example of an
exact topic. Wildcard could also be used.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:01)
Wildcards can be used in different ways based on the different levels the subscription to
house/+/temperature results in all messages sent to the previously mentioned topic,
house/living room/temperature as well as any topic with an arbitrary value in the place of
a living room such as house/kitchen/temperature.
So, basically you know this plus sign is a wildcard character which only allows arbitrary
values for one hierarchy. If more than one hierarchical level is required, the multilevel
wildcard is used. So, this is single level wildcard. The plus one is a single level wildcard
and this hash sign is as multilevel wide wildcard. It allows to subscribe to all underlying
hierarchical levels. For example, house/# is for subscribing to all topics beginning with
(Refer Slide Time: 13:06)
Different applications that use MQTT, Facebook messenger for online chat, Amazon
website service use Amazon IoT with MQTT, Microsoft Azure IoT hub uses MQTT as
its main protocol. For telemetry messages, the EVRYTHNG IoT platform uses MQTT as
an M2M protocol for connecting several products and devices. Adafruit uses MT MQTT
cloud service for IoT experimenter’s caller Adafruit IO.
Finally after understanding the overall philosophy behind MQTT, let us now quickly
review the secured version of MQTT which is called the secure MTTM MQTT, the
secure MQTT or SMQTT in short. So, this is known in both these ways and this actually
to me is quite similar in notion to http and https, the secure http. So, we have http secure
http, we have MQTT secure MQTT.
So, secure MQTT is an extension of MQTT. So, basically it is an extension of the MQTT
that we just discussed by using different security features such as encryption and so on.
The advantage of such encryption is the broadcast encryption feature in which one
message is encrypted and delivered to multiple other nodes which is quite common in
IoT applications. In general, the algorithm consists of four main stages i.e. the setup
stage, the encryption stage, the publish stage and the decryption stage. So, setup
encryption publish and decryption.
In setup phase, the subscribers and publishers register themselves to the broker and get a
master secret key according to the developer’s choice of key generation algorithm. So,
depending on what key generation algorithm is used, the subscribers and the publishers
register themselves to the broker and get a master secret key according to that particular
So, when the data is published, it is encrypted and published by the broker which sends it
to the subscribers which is finally decrypted at the subscriber end having the same
master secret key. The key generation and encryption algorithms are not standardized
SMQ. SMQTT is proposed only to enhance the security aspects of MQTT.
So, in this part of the lecture on basic topics on IoT networks, what we have done is
primarily we have gone through two protocols. We have seen that there is an assortment
of different protocols that they have to support the networking of IoT, but in this
particular part of the lecture, we have focussed mostly on two protocols. One is the
SMTT and the other one is, sorry MQTT and the other one is SMQTT which is basically
the secure version of MQTT.
So, we are going to go through few other protocols in the next lecture and from that we
can use them finally to establish to build different platforms for IoT in a small scale or
even in the larger scale.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 07
Basics of IoT Networking- Part- III
So, we continue with our discussions about the different protocols that are used for
communication and networking of internet of things.
So, the next protocol that we are going to cover is the CoAP protocol and the full form of
which is Constrained Application Protocol.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:37)
This protocol is particularly used for web transfer and by web transfer I mean very
similar to the HTTP, but web transfer in the context of constrained networks resource,
constrained networks with nodes which are constrained with respect to different
resources, such as limited energy or power supply, limited computational resources,
limited communication resource, limited bandwidth environment and so on.
So, CoAP is sort of like an HTTP equivalent that can be used in the context of IoT and
the other thing that we have to understand is CoAP is strictly speaking a session layer
protocol. However, we can also contribute as an application layer protocol as well. So, in
IoT particularly when we taking to consideration the different applications involving
machine to machine communication for example, smart energy, smart environment you
know building automation and this kind of applications CoAP comes out to be very
much useful.
CoAP is based on a request response model. So, basically you know it will very clear
shortly about how CoAP works. So, at this point you know you have to understand that
there are two endpoints, the source and the destination and a request is sent and a
response is received back from the in the other end point and that means, the destination.
So, this is how CoAP works. So, there is sort of like a client server, kind of interaction
that goes on. So, there is the datagram that is sent from one endpoint to another and that
basically, it is an asynchronous kind of communication and it also works on top of in the
transport protocol UDP.
So, basically CoAP, we have to keep in mind that CoAP works on top of UDP. So, this
particular protocol is based on IETF RESTful Environment Working Group. So, there is
architecture, restful architecture and these people who have to post the restful
architecture, they have proposed the CoAP protocol. So, it is basically used sort of like a
lightweight equivalent of the HTTP and it is a standard REST. So, let us go back to the
rest protocol first.
So, REST is a standard interface between the HTTP clients and servers, but this REST
protocol is useful where there is no resource limitation because you know this is quite
resource hungry kind of protocol which communes lot of resource. REST basically is not
good for constrained environments like IoT.
So, CoAP is sort of like a protocol which is a lightweight equivalent of the rest
architecture and rest protocol and it helps to communicate with under low power
(Refer Slide Time: 04:19)
So, this is how CoAP works. So, as I was telling you that it is a session layer protocol or
even we can think of it as an application layer protocol. So, it basically works on top of
the transport layer. So, session layer or application layer are on top of the transport layer
and the transport layer protocol that is used in the context of CoAP is that UDP. So,
CoAP basically has two main sub-layers, one is the messaging sub-layer and the other
one is the request response sub-layer and I will show you pictorially how it looks like
So, in summary actually at a high level, we can think of the messaging sub-layer to be
responsible for functionality, such as reliability and duplication of avoidance of
duplication of messages while the request response sub-layer is responsible for the
communication, exact communication that is going to take place, the request being sent
and the response being received. So, these are two main sub-layers that are there in the
CoAP protocol or the CoAP architecture more specifically. So, there are different
messaging modes for CoAP, one is the confirmable mode, the second is the non-
confirmable mode, the third is the piggyback mode and the fourth is the separate.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:41)
So, as I was telling you in the protocol stack in terms of the layered architecture, CoAP is
a protocol of the session layer. Some can also think of it you know in some cases we try
to avoid the session layer. So, in that case, we can think of CoAP to be merged with the
application layer, but if session layer is considered, it is a protocol of the session layer.
So, session layer means that it lies between the transport layer and the application layer.
So, at the transport layer, we have the UDP protocol and different applications being run
in the application layer and CoAP basically sits in between. So, we have two sub-layers,
one is the request response and the other one is the messages. Messages is mostly
concerned about the reliability in sharing, reliability of the network, reliability in
communication whereas, request response is more to do with the exact communication in
terms of sending a request and getting a response back.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:49)
So, this is what I was mentioning earlier. So, we have different types of messages that
are used in CoAP. The first one is the confirmable message, the second is the non-
confirmable message, the third is the piggyback message and the fourth is the separate
So, basically when we look at CoAP confirmable message, this is how it works. So, we
have CoAP is basically a connection between the client and the server in a resource
constraint environment. So, what happens is a message is sent and an acknowledgement
is received in the case of a confirmable message.
So, this message basically you know it gets an acknowledgement back. So, it is a
confirmable message and then, for non-confirmable message, there is no
acknowledgement from the server and then, we have the piggyback message which is
used for a client server direct communication where the server sends its response directly
after receiving the message. So, that basically you know what happens is along with the
acknowledgement message, the data is also sent, the response is also sent in the case of
piggyback messages.
And in the case of the separate mode, it is used when the server response comes in a
message separate from the acknowledgement and that basically may take some time to
be sent to the server, this particular message might you know because it is coming
separate from the acknowledgement. May be acknowledgement might be received and
the message might be received after a rewind back.
So, no sorry find thereafter I am sorry and so, similar to HTTP code basically utilizes
different functionalities, such as get functionality, get message, put message, push
message, delete message etcetera. So, basically get is for retrieval of some data, put is for
creation. So, you want to put some data or some message into the repository, so in that
case push or put the server. So, in that case that put message is used and then, we have
the update for that push is used and the delete message is for deletion purpose.
So, we have already looked at how the confirmable and the non-confirmable message
request response looks like. So, let us now look at pictorially how the piggyback
message request response model looks like. So, here basically as we can see first a
message is sent in piggyback in contrast to the previous two models. That means, the
confirmable and the non-confirmable models, rather the confirmable model. So, what we
have vary as we can see the data is basically piggybacked along with the
acknowledgement message. So, this is how the piggyback message request response
model functions.
Separate message, we have a message being sent and acknowledgement being received
and there is a wait period after which the data is going to be sent separately from the
server to the client and corresponding to that the client is going to send an
acknowledgement back to the server.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:52)
So, this is how separate messages look like so these basically CoAP as a whole and these
different message types, they together help to induce the overhead and the parsing
complexity of the network. So, there are different types of discovery of resources that are
supported by CoAP and we are going to go through them little bit further.
So, but so we now start with the XMPP protocol which is the next protocol to be
(Refer Slide Time: 11:34)
The full form of XMPP is Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol. So, it is a
message oriented middleware that is based on XML, whereas XML is particularly used
for unstructured data. XMPP is useful for real time exchange of structured data and it is
an open standard protocol.
So, XMPP uses a client server architecture, it uses a decentralized model meaning that
there is no server that is involved in the message transfer and it provides facilities for
discovery of messages which are residing locally or globally across the network and the
availability information of these services.
So, as we can now basically think about it, so it is well suited for cloud computing
environments, where virtual machines networks and firewalls are involved and would
otherwise present obstacles to the alternative service discovery and message based
solutions. So, you know think of it this way that with the help of XMPP, we can do
things very similar to like pin protocol. So, in the case of pin, basically when we have the
involvement of firewalls etcetera, so pin cannot be used as such, right.
So, in this particular case, in the case of XMPP, it basically removes all these constraints,
these barriers for having the discovery of the services and if it is the discovery of
services locally, then it is no problem, but if it is across the network and there is a
firewall in between, then XMPP can still work.
So, some of these highlights of the XMPP protocol, it is based on the concept of
decentralization where there is no central server and then, you know everybody can run
the XMPP server theoretically and it is based on open standard. So, there is no
involvement of royalties or granting permissions to implement the XMPP specifications,
different security features that the standard ones, such as authentication, encryption,
etcetera, can be implemented using XMPP on top of XMPP rather and XMPP also offers
flexibility in terms of supporting interoperability between different systems, different
devices, different protocols, and so on.
So, consequently I was giving you the analogy with the traditional pin protocol that is
used for internet and here we are trying to have something similar, but you know it is bit
different in this particular manner. So, it is now if you look at this particular figure what
we see is with the help of XMPP, not only it is possible to communicate with other
servers like in the case of the traditional internet, but also with other messaging platform
such as ICQ, AIM, Yahoo and so on. So, this is also possible. So, not only that this is
possible, but additionally it is also possible to communicate with other intranets, other
(Refer Slide Time: 12:25)
So, XMPP basically helps in doing this. There are few core XMPP technologies, one is
the core technology which provides information about the core XMPP technologies for
XML streaming, then we have jingle which is used for multimedia signaling with the
help of voice you know wherever there is multimedia resources, such as voice, video, file
transfer etcetera, it can help in signaling jingle multi-user chat.
It is a flexible technology which can be used for multi-party communication. Pub sub is
Publish Subscriber. Publish subscribe model and publish basically alerts, this pub sub
model basically alerts and notifies for data syndication and the BOSH technology. It is
used for HTTP, binding for XMPP wherever there is required meant for HTTP binding
when using XMPP, this can be used.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:23)
There are different weaknesses as well of XMPP protocol. It does not support QOS, text
based communication including you know Higher Network Overheads are involved in
the use of XMPP. So, it is not good for text based communication.
Binary data must be first encoded to base 64 before it can be transmitted. The different
applications that use XMPP publish subscribe systems, pub sub systems, then signaling
for voice video file transfer, gaming applications, IoT applications such as smart, grid,
social networking and so on.
So, with this we have come to the end of two order protocols. We have discussed that
two order protocols. So, XMPP is a protocol that is very useful. So, we have discussed
about the CoAP protocol first with the session layer protocol which is useful for use in a
similar kind of platform, where rest is required for communication between the client
and the server. So, CoAP protocol and then, we have discussed about the XMPP
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 08
Basics of IoT Networking- Part- IV
So, we continue with few other protocols and now, we are going to look at one very
interesting protocol which is bit different from the previous protocol that we have been
discussing in the context of basics of networking, IoT networking.
So, this protocol is the AMQP protocol and the full form of which is Advanced Message
Queuing Protocol and this Advanced Message Queuing Protocol basically follows some
kind of an open standard which is based on the ISO. So, it follows, basically ISO IEC
1964 Standard.
So, this standard basically helps define how mists are going to be passed from
businesses, business applications or organizations. So, in other words, a particular
business is comprised of different systems and different processes, business processes.
So, a business can be conceived as a collection of different systems and business
processes. So, this particular standard helps in communicating between these systems
connecting rather connecting between these different systems and the business processes
of that particular business.
So, it is a binary application layer protocol. It is an application layer protocol and the unit
that is used for data transfer in this case is known as the frame. So, it is bit different from
the concept of frame in the link layer. So, you know here also it is known as frame, but it
is not exactly the same frame that we talked about in the context of link layer protocols.
So, let us now try to understand how this particular protocol works. So, we have clients
which are producers of different messages. We have a server and on the other hand, we
again have a layer of clients which are consumer of the messages. So, we have the
producers of the messages, we have the server which comprises of routers and filters and
queues for forwarding the message, for queuing and for buffering and forwarding the
messages and then, we have the consumers of the message. So, this server basically acts
as a broker, the server acts as a broker.
So, essentially what happens is these clients for example, different sensors they produce
different data. They produce different messages. So, these messages are sent to the
different routers and filters in this manner which again can be buffered in a queue and
with the intention of forwarding them again in the future and these data, the forwarded
data beyond the server are sent to other types of clients which are the consumers of these
messages. So, we have the producers, we have the server in between and we have the
(Refer Slide Time: 03:48)
So, these are the main features of AMQP. So, connecting organizations technologies
time and space which could be distinct from one and so, distinct organizations, distinct
technologies you know with respect to time variations in the space AMQP basically
helps in connection.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:53)
Few other features from a different perspective AMQP supports security reliability
interoperability I think, security, and reliability are understood. I do not mean to
elaborate on them further, but in terms of interoperability, we are basically referring to
interoperability of not only devices, but also protocols, algorithms messages and so on.
So, this is the next feature and then routing of messages queuing of messages and that it
follows an open standard which is based on ISO.
So, there are different messages that are involved in this particular protocol and what is
required is to have message delivery guarantees. These message delivery guarantees can
be in three different forms. The first one is at most once which means that each message
is delivered at most once.
That means, once or never to the intended recipient. At least once each message is
certain to be delivered, but may be multiple times, but it should do at least words exactly
once messages will always certainly arrive and do. So, it is only once. So, these are the
three different messages, types of message, delivery types and guarantees that are
involved in this process.
So, the different frame types there are 9 AMQP frame types that are used for defining to
initiate control and tear down the transfer of messages between two peers. So, we have
the first one, the first frame type is the open frame type which is used for opening a
connection corresponding to this. We have the closed frame type close frame which is
for closing the connection closing the connection. Then, we have the begin frame type
which is for opening a session and correspondingly we have the end which is for closing
that particular session.
Then, we have the attach which is basically used for initiating a new link transfer for
sending actual messages flow, for controlling message flow rate and disposition that
informs the changes in state of transfer and then, we have the detach which is for
terminating the link. So, open, close, begin, end, attach, detach, and in between we have
transfer flow and disposition frame types.
So, the different components of this particular protocol include three things, three
primary things. One is exchange, the second is queue and a third is bindings. So, the
exchange component is basically part of the broker that is in that is task to receive
messages and route them to the queues. Queues are basically separate for different
business processes.
So, different separate queues are used for different or separate business processes and the
consumers receive the messages from the queues. Bindings are rules for distributing the
messages which means that who can determine who can access what message, the
destinations of the message and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:54)
So, we have you know different exchange types in the case of AMQP. AMQP has
basically four different exchange types. One is the direct, the second is basically the fan
out, the third is the topic and fourth is the header. So, these are the four different AMQP
exchanges. So, direct exchange, fan out exchange, topic exchange and header exchange,
we are not going to go through these in detail just to keep things simpler and easily
remembering. So, that is the reason we have not discussed these in further detail.
So, these are some of the features of AMQP. It offers targeted QoS which basically
targets selective offering of QoS to certain links persistence which basically implies
MES offering message delivery guarantee, then we have the delivery of messages to
multiple consumers, the possibility of ensuring multiple consumption, possibility of
preventing multiple consumption and high speed.
In terms of the applications, it can be used for monitoring and global updates, sharing
applications, connecting different systems and processes to talk to one another, allowing
the servers to respond to immediate request quickly and delegate time consuming tasks
for little processing, distributing a message to multiple clients for consumption, enabling
offline clients to fetch data at any time and increasing the reliability and uptime of
application deployments.
So, this basically concludes the discussion about this protocol. So, with this we basically
come to an end of the series of lectures on the Basics of IoT networking and in the next
lecture, again we will look at few protocols, but the perspective from which we are going
to look at is going to be different. So, there we are to look at protocols that are very much
useful and that are used for establishing connectivity in IoT.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 09
Connectivity Technologies- Part-1
So far what we have gone through and have understood what the different basic concepts
that are involved in the networking aspects of IoT. So, we have gone through different
protocols and these protocols include XMPP protocol, MQTT protocol, CoAP protocol
cope and AMQP protocol. So, these are the different protocols that we have gone
through so far and these protocols are primarily involved with service offerings.
So, they are at the higher level and now we are going to understand, we are going to go
down and we are going to understand them more at the physical level. So, physical and
partially are the link layer. At physical level and link layer level what are these different
protocols; these protocol scan as whole offer connectivity to the different devices which
can help in physical establishment of the network.
So, we are now going to go through some of these protocols. So, when we talk about
these protocols, this can be used for both consumer IoTs and industrial IoT. So,
consumer IoT means like smart home, then different applications of smart home, then for
different serving, different applications for you know consumer devices, consumer based
systems and so on, then for industrial IoT it is like connecting different Machines,
industrial Machines, manufacturing Machines and so on offering different connectivity’s
and smart intelligence on top of those devices and so on.
So, all these different protocols that are listed in front of us for example, this IEEE 802.4
which is a protocol as well as standard as well this can be used ZigBee is very much
useful, 6 LoWPAN, wireless HART, Z-wave, ISA 100, Bluetooth NFC and RFID. So,
we are going to go through most of these protocols in the subsequent lectures.
So, we will start with the first one which is the 802.15.54 which is IEEE standard and
this basically is used for forming Wireless Personal Area Network.
So, personal skill means like you know in the skill of person. So, personal area network
are used for forming network at person skill. So, these are basically normally low data
rate networks. So, these basically are developed for low data rate monitoring and control;
so monitoring mean sensing low data, rate sensing, and then control maybe through
actuation and so on and in the process offering because it is low data rate and is used for
wireless personal area network.
These can help in offering extended life time to the networks extending the lifetime of
the network because of the reduced power consumption. So, this standard uses two sub-
layers, two layer sorry two layers. One is the physical layer and the other one is the MAC
layer plus the sub layers like logical link control, the SSCS which is the Service Specific
Convergence Sub-layer, etcetera to communicate with the upper layers, but this
particular standard it focuses on primarily two layers which is the physical and MAC.
So, physical MAC partly LLC and SSCS that is it about 802.15.4 as such. So, before we
go any further I would like to remind you that in this case, the communication takes
place in ISM band.
So, this is what I was explaining to you. So far this particular standard, this particular
protocol defines specifications. This gives specifications for operating in the physical
layer, MAC layer, SSCS and LLC sub-layers and how these are going to connect with
the network layer, but the main focus is on the physical layer and the data link layer of
the traditional OSI stack.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:26)
So, few features that we are going to just list over here and we are not going to go
through them in detail because here I am assuming that I mean you have some basic
background in networks and communication; if you have, you will be able to understand
these a little better. However, if you do not have you know this is just for you to
remember. We cannot go through the details of how these communication technologies,
these different schemes, they work. So, this 802.15.4, it is based on the modulation
schemes which is known as the DSSS which is Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
Technique. So, this is the modulation scheme that it uses DSSS modulation scheme.
So, these basically are highly tolerant of the noise and interference and offers link
reliability improvement mechanisms. So, this particular standard is helpful in
environments which are noise prone and have lot of interferences and in a presence of
noise and interference, this particular standard can help in improving the reliability of the
So, it has two different variants, two different versions. The low speed version basically
uses the BPSK and the high speed version uses what is known as the offset QPSK, O-
QPSK and for MAC communication, it uses CSMA-CA for channel access. That means
carrier senses multiple access and carrier sense multiple. CA stands for basically
collision avoidance. So, carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance is used for
channel access and multiplexing basically allows multiple users of nodes to
communicate with one another in an interference free banner at different times over the
same channel.
So, power consumption using this particular protocol is minimized due to the
infrequently occurring very short transmissions with low duty cycle which is less than
one percent. So, the minimum power level that is defined in this particular standard is
minus 3 dBm or 0.5 microwatts. The transmission for most of these cases is line of sight
transmission, however non-line of sight transmission is also possible, but you get better
efficiency, better performance if line of sight communication is used.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:03)
So, there are different variants of 802.15.4. So, within axel before we proceed further
802.15.4, the IEEE standard is useful for forming wireless personal area network. That
means, small range low data rate, low power consuming networks, this can use the
802.15.4. Now, this basically has different variants, the base variants are a and b, but
there are variants like the c variant which is used for China, the d for Japan, the e variant
is used for Industrial applications, the f variant for active, RFID uses the g for smart
utility networks such as smart grids.
So, these are the different variants of the 802.15.4 which are typically used for different
purposes in different parts of the world.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:10)
Now, 802.15.4 networks these networks can be classified into two types. The beacon
enabled network and the other one is non-beacon enabled network. So, we will look at
what is beacon enabled and non-beacon enabled shortly and also, these networks
basically use different types of devices.
One is FFD which stands for Fully Functional Device and the other one is the Reduced
Functional Device i.e. RFD. The fully functional devices include the PAN coordinator.
That means, a personal area network coordinator, the router or the device, they can act as
full functional device which can undertake all different types of functionalities, whereas
the reduce functional device can only send something very similar.
So, they have reduced functional. If they cannot route, they cannot switch, they cannot
send the packets, they cannot read a packets and so on. So, they can only do very simple
things. These are the RFD's Reduced Function Devices.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:22)
So, once again we have the fully functional device which can talk to all types of devices
and can support full protocols. The reduced functional devices can only talk to a fully
functional device and has lower power consumption and uses minimal CPU and RAM,
so minimal processing and storage.
So, there are different frame formats, frame types that are defined for 802.15.4. So, there
are typically five frames five frames that are defined for 802.15.4. So, we have the data
frame, the acknowledgement frame, the command frame, the MAC frame and the beacon
frame. So, I do not need to elaborate further because these are quite obvious.
The command frame is used for things such as different control functions, such as
associating a device with a PAN coordinator or disassociating a device or performing
different other control functions. So, there are command frames and then, the MAC
frames also do not need to elaborate further. This is standard and then, we have the
beacon frames.
This beacon frames physically what they do is this pan coordinator at regular intervals of
time, they basically sends these beacons which can basically advertise its present and the
different devices that are able to get the signal. That means the beacon form that is
broadcast by this particular PAN coordinator. These device they know that there is this
pan coordinator which is present. So, this is basically enabled, this particular
functionality is enabled with the help of this beacon frames.
So, going back to the previous classification, we have seen that we have a beacon
enabled network and the non-beacon enabled network. So, what is this beacon enabled
network? So, in beacon enabled network basically periodically pan coordinator, it is
going to send periodic transmissions of beacon messages. So, periodically beacon
messages are going to be transmitted which are going to be received by different devices
which one to get associated with the PAN and so on.
Then, the data frames are sent via slotted CSMA CA with a super frame structure that is
managed by the PAN coordinator. The beacons are used for synchronization and
association of other nodes with the coordinator and the scope of operation basically span
the whole network.
In the context of beacon enabled networks, in case of non-beacon enabled networks, the
data frames are sent via un-slotted CSMS CA. The previous one for beacon enabled
network, it was the slotted CSMA CA, but in the case of non-beacon enabled network, it
is the un-slotted CSMS CA. The beacons are used only for link layer discovery and that
means, whether there is any connectivity where is there is any link from one device to
another and so on. So, beacon messages basically will help in the discovery of these
different links from the PAN coordinator to the different devices and so on.
So, basically these network, this type of network that means the non beacon enabled
network request both the source and the destination ids. So, as 802.15.4 is primary mesh
protocol, it is primarily based on a mesh protocol. All the protocol addressing must
adhere to the mesh configuration. So, this is basically in a excel how the 802.15.4
protocol functions and the different features of it.
We are now going to look at the ZigBee protocol which is heavily used for IoT
applications for establishing connectivity between the different nodes and this ZigBee as
we will see shortly is basically, it works on top of the 802.15.4 for extending this
functionalities to the different other layers. So, if you recall 802.15.4 is useful for
establishing connections and function functionalities in the physical layer and the MAC
layer. ZigBee basically will take these functionalities to the higher layers network and
beyond network layer and beyond.
So, let us look at how ZigBee basically functions. So, ZigBee protocol is defined by the
layer 3 and above. So, it works on top of layers 1 and 2 of 802.15.4 and extends to layer
3 and above and ZigBee basically works on top of 802.15.4. So, this is something that
we have to understand and we have to remember that there is a difference between
802.15.4 and ZigBee.
This is what many people often confused. People think that ZigBee and 802.15.4 are one
and the same, but it is not. So, ZigBee is definitely based on the 802.15.4, but it has its
own distinct identity. So, the ZigBee basically uses layer 3 and layer 4 to define
additional communication enhancements and these enhancements include authentication
with valid nodes encryption for security and data routing and forwarding capability that
enables mesh networking and ZigBee is typically used in wireless sensor network
applications. It is heavily used in wireless sensor network applications, where mesh
topologies are formed with the help of ZigBee.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:27)
So, this is a diagraph diagram which basically shows the position of ZigBee with respect
to 802.15.4. So, where is 802.15.4, it focus is mostly on the 5 and the MAC layers
ZigBee takes it beyond MAC beyond network layer. So, network layer and the rest of the
layers all the way up to the application layer basically this extension or the enhancement
is made possible with the help of ZigBee over the 802.15.4 protocol.
In ZigBee there are primarily two different components. The first one is known as ZDO
which stands for ZigBee device object and it takes care of issues such as device
management, security provisioning policies and so on. So, these are the different
functionalities of ZDO and that means the ZigBee device object component.
The second component is APS which stands for Application Support Sub-layer which
takes care of services such as control services, interfacing bridging between network and
other layers and so on. So, these are the two distinct components with separate
functionalities as we have just gone through.
So, ZigBee basically supports star topology. So, this is the star topology that we see over
here and we do not need to elaborate on this further. So, we have this controller node and
we have these different age devices and these age devices, they form a star topology with
the coordinator node. Sorry it is not the control; it is a coordinator node along with the
Then, we have this coordinator node can be a gateway node also and this can be a simple
local area network or local area network equivalent. Then, we have the cluster tree
topology, where these are like different clusters that are formed with these different blue
colored cluster head which basically in reality are things such as routers and hubs.
So, these will act as routers and these routers will form a tree like structure with the
coordinator node. So, this is why this is known as the cluster tree topology and then, we
have the mesh topology which is forming a mesh network with the help of these different
routers. These different routers, they form a mesh backbone kind of network and to each
of these routers, these different devices are attached.
So, basically these green device are the end devices in this particular diagram and these
green devices attached to these blue devices which basically denote the the routers and at
the end of this mesh network on one end, we have this coding and then, node which acts
as a gateway and from this point on it offers connectivity to the outside network such as
the internet
So, in a mesh any node can communicate with any other node within its range. So, this is
the main advantage to offer faulty tolerance, reliability. Meshtopologies are very much
useful. So, if the nodes are not in the range, messages are relayed through intermediate
nodes. So, this allows the network deployment over large areas. So, using mesh topology
you can extend the network to larger areas, you can span across larger area. So, this is
possible with the help of the meshtopology.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:52)
So, the meshes have increased network reliability. For example, if nodes C and F are
down in this particular scenario, so let us say that initially we had this kind of a mesh.
Now, if the nodes C and F, these routers are down for one reason or another, the
messages can still go from A to Z using this particular path because an alternative path
was possible to have in because it is a mesh network.
Now, the ZigBee mesh networks are self-configuring and self-healing. Self-healing is
quite obvious because if there is some link failure or node failure or something, it is
possible to have other alternative routes and yes they can configure on their own, they
can form the network on their own. So, this is the advantage of the ZigBee mesh
(Refer Slide Time: 22:49)
So, in ZigBee there are different entities. The first one is the ZigBee coordinator, ZC.
The ZigBee in the coordinator basically forms the root of the ZigBee network.
So, the entire network or the network tree has a route and these routes are known as the
ZigBee coordinator and form this coordinator. So, first of all there is a single coordinator
and from this coordinator, there is single hop connectivity to the end devices. So, this
coordinator basically stores information about the network which is under it and which is
outside it.
So, basically you know it is sort of buffers some of this information that I received from
these end devices and stores with it for certain time. It buffer for some certain time. So, it
also acts as a trust center and repository for the security keys.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:54)
Then comes the ZigBee router which is capable of running applications as well as
relaying information between the different nodes that are connected to it and then, we
have the end device which contains just enough functionality to talk to the parent node
and it cannot relay data from other devices. So, it has reduced functionality. So, it is a
reduced functionality device.
Now, ZigBee also incorporates a network layer. So, this network layer uses the ad hoc on
demand distance vector routing protocol which is the AODV protocol and it is been
popular in the case of ad-hoc networks. It is used mostly in the ad hoc networks for as a
routing protocol that operates in the network layer and it used to find the final
destination. So, how it can be found? AODV basically this particular protocol, it
broadcasts a route message to all its intermediate neighbors.
These neighbors basically they relay the same information to their neighbors intern and
eventually this message space across throughout the network. Upon discovering of
destination, a low cost path is calculated and is informed to the requesting device via the
unicast messaging. So, this is how this particular protocol functions.
So, ZigBee has different applications and it can be used for building automation smart
homes, smart health care, telecom services, offering link connectivity to led lighting
systems, then smart energy for home, energy monitoring, building automation. I think I
have already mentioned remote control and so on so forth.
These are the different applications where this ZigBee protocol can be used. So, we
come to an end of this. So, we have discussed two very important protocols IEEE
802.15.4 and the ZigBee protocol in this particular lecture. We have seen that where as
the 802.15.4 it is primarily restricted to the physical and the MAC layers ZigBee
basically extends it or enhances its functionality beyond network layer and all the way up
to application layer.
So, ZigBee basically uses the protocol AODV for routing purposes and it is one of the
very popular protocols that is used for sensor networking applications particularly using
the mesh topology and we have all seen that there are different types of topologies are
there i.e. star topology, cluster tree topology, mesh topology and so on. Mesh topology is
particularly useful when there is higher reliability that is required from the network
deployment for the application for which it is being used.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 10
Connectivity Technologies- Part-II
The next protocol that we are going to go through is also for offering connectivity
between different devices forming the connectivity and this protocol is the 6LoWPAN
protocol. So, this 6LoWPAN protocol is basically it runs over IPV6 that is from where
this 6 figure comes. So, it is from IPV6. So, it runs over IPV6. So, it offers radio
connectivity, radio linkages over IPV6 protocol. So, using IPV6 protocol and IPV6 as we
know is for addressing, it is an addressing protocol and it is very popular for use for
addressing in the case of IoT networks because of the large address space that is required
for IoT. So, let us look at this 6LoWPAN protocol.
So, it stands for 6LoWPAN stands for Low Power Wireless Personal Area Network over
IPV6 and it allows for the smallest devices and each of these devices having limited
processing ability to transmit information wirelessly over the internet protocol.
So, we have low power small devices limited processing capability as is typical of IoT
systems and wireless communication being present. So, it basically helps in establishing
connectivity in this kind of networks. So, it basically helps this 6LoWPAN protocol, it
helps and allows to have this low power devices to connect over the internet because
IPV6 is going to be used for addressing.
So, at the network layer, that is the reason why this protocol is useful for connecting this
IoT network. These low power devices to the internet, it is basically created out of the
IETF RFC 5933 and RFC 4911. So, these are two different RFC based on which this
6LoWPAN protocol is specified. So, this specification is available in these RFC's.
So, these are some of these features of 6LoWPAN and it allows IEEE 802.15.4 radios.
That means, in the previous lecture we have gone through this particular protocol which
is useful for setting up connectivity between the different nodes and it primarily operates
at the physical and the MAC layers. So, the radios of the 802.15.4 is used to carry 128 bit
addresses of the IPV6.
So, basically 6LoWPAN is an application or its joining you know conceptual joining of
802.15.4 radios with IPV6, but how it is made possible because you know 802.15.4, it is
low powers in light weight protocol and IPV6 is not lightweight. So, how it is made
possible? So, the header it is possible with the help of header compression and address
translation techniques that basically helps to convert 802.15.4 radios to access the
So, it will help this 802.15.4 radios to access the internet using header compression and
address translation techniques. IPV6 packets are compressed and reformatted to fit the
802.15.4 packet structure. So, this is what is done. IPV6 packets large in size, they have
to be compressed, they have to be reformatted and they have to be mapped with the
packet format of 802.15.4 which is primarily meant for low power networks, small scale
low power networks as is typical of IoT.
So, it can be used for, IoT 6LoWPAN can be used for IoT smart grid applications, smart
home applications, M2M applications and many other different, similar applications. So,
for addressing in 6LoWPAN, there are two types of addresses that are used i.e. 16 bit
short address which is for PAN specific communication. That means, it is assigned by
the PAN coordinator for communicating within the PAN, the personal area network and
64 bit extended address which is used for global unique connectivity, global unique
addressing throughout the network.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:45)
So, IPV6 multicast is not supported by 802.15.4 and IPV6 packets are carried as link
layer broadcast frames in the case of 6LoWPAN. So, we have in front of us the packet
format of 6LoWPAN. So, as we can see over here if you look very closely, we have
802.15.4 and IPV6 club together 802.15.4 radio and IPV6 for addressing over the
internet and these corresponding fields are also shown over here.
So, what we have for corresponding to IPV6? We have the source address, the
destination address and these different other IPV6 fills that are typical in this particular
protocol IPV6 protocol and for 802.15.4 as well, there is this source, the destination both
of which are 64 bits. That means, source and destination together will become 128 bits.
Then, we have this PAN ID because you know when we are talking about 15.4
networking mode go to personal area network. So, the PAN ID is basically stored in this
particular field. So, this is how the 6LoWPAN packet format looks like.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:06)
So, that is the packet format. Now, what about the header? There are three different types
of headers. One is known as the dispatch header, the second one is known as mesh
addressing header and the third one is known as fragmentation header.
So, let us look at these three different headers. The format of these headers is given over
here. So, how many bits we have? We have 8, 16, 24, and 32. So, the header is 32 bits
long, out of which the first two bits are used to identify the dispatch type and this
dispatch type basically helps in the dispatch communication initiating the
communication resetting the communication.
Now, this dispatch field has 6 bits. So, it is 6 bits long field and these basically identifies
the next header type and there after the next list of the bits are used to specify the type
specific header and that is determined by the dispatch header. So, then we have the mesh
addressing header and here basically the first two bits are used to store the ID of the
mesh addressing header.
The next field, the V field is 0. If the originator is 64 bit extended address and we have
seen that both of these are possible to have 16 bit as well as 64 bit address. The F field is
0 if the destination is 64 bit address and 1 if it is 16 bit address and hops left are
decremented by each node before sending to the next hop.
So, how many hops are left until the final destination node? This is basically stored in
this particular field and is decremented as I said hop by hop when one hop is over, it is
complete, that field the value is decremented by 1 and third fragment type is a
fragmentation header and the corresponding fields are shown over here. So, in this case,
the first fragment has this structure, the header has this structure as shown over here and
the subsequent fragments have this particular structure.
So, as you can see over here, the main difference between the first fragment and the
subsequent fragments is the inclusion of the datagram offset.
So this datagram offset basically shows that it will give the value of what are the
subsequent frames that are there. So, this will basically help to connect with the first
frames; so 6LoWPAN because it involves a strong network layer component and it takes
care of routing.
So, the most important type of routing is a mesh based routing and this mesh based
routing is used in the context of a PAN topology, Personal Area Network Topology. So,
routing is used, routing basically is based on the IPV6 protocol in the personal area
network domain and there are two protocols that are used in 6LoWPAN for routing.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:40)
One is the LOADng protocol and the other one is RPL protocol and as you can see over
here from this particular figure, we have this IPV6 domain and we have this personal
area network PAN and with the help of this coordinator of the gateway, it connects to the
IPV6 network. That means, the IPV6 based internet, the LOADng routing protocol, it is
primarily a derivation from the AODV protocol that is available and was proposed for ad
hoc networks and this has been used and extended for IoT networks.
So, this LOADng protocol has few different PDOs. The first one is the load request
PDOs and it is generated by a LOADng router, the originator for discovering a route to
the destination. So, the forwarding of such route requests take place until they reach the
destination LOADng router, then comes the route replies which is generated upon receipt
of the route request by the indicated destination and unicast hop by hop forwarding of
these route replies towards the originator.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:48)
There is also this route error message that is used to return errors to the originator of the
data in the event that there is some route breakage that take place. So, optimized routing
is supported reducing the overhead that is in cut by the route request generation and
flooding only the generation is permitted, sorry only the destination is permitted to
respond to the route request. Intermediate routers of LOADng are explicitly prohibited
from responding to the route request even if they have been very active in terms of
seeking routes and generating routes in the network.
The route request and route reply messages are generated by a given LOADng router and
this share a single unique monotonically increasing sequence number. Next comes RPL,
Routing Protocol which is based on the distance vector routing for lossy and low power
networks. So, this is where this l comes from this lossy. So, it is used for lossy networks
as well as low power networks for routing.
So, it maintains routing topology using low rate beaconing. Beaconing rate over here
increases on detecting inconsistencies with respect to situation such as load failure or
link failure. Routing information is included in the datagram itself. It uses two types of
routing proactive i.e. routing for maintaining, routing topology and reactive for
dissolving routing inconsistencies.
The RPL basically separates the packet processing and forwarding from the routing
optimization objective which helps in Low Power Lossy Networks, LLN.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:16)
The latency and satisfying the constants with respect to node power bandwidth etcetera,
this RPL protocol operates using bi-directional links. So, there is bi-directional flow of
communication of messages.
So, in some LLN scenarios, that mean the lossy scenarios, these links may exhibit
asymmetric properties, right. So, basically asymmetric property means that while the
message is sent from the source to the recipient, it flows through one route may be
directly, but because of all these environmental situations or whatever the response or the
flow of message in the other direction does not take place through the same route. Maybe
it comes back through another route. So, it is asymmetric. So, it is required that the
reachability of a router is verified before the router can be used as a parent.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:05)
Finally for this particular lecture, we are going to go through the protocol RFID. RFID is
very popular. It is commonly used. It has been in use for long, it is still used in shopping
malls. What places you know? For example, the ID cards are fitted with RFID tags.
RFID tags can be scanned in the RFID readers. Similar things happen in the shopping
malls like when we go for purchase in certain items, for example, clothing sensors these
also are fitted with these RFID tags and these RFID ID tags can be used to scan against
RFID readers to get further information and so on.
So, how does RFID work? RFID is we have to remember that sensor networks and RFID
sensor networks we have not yet covered. We will cover in a subsequent lecture, but
RFIDs and sensor networks and also other technologies, such as zigbee, 802.15.4, for w
PAN, NFC also which is very similar to RFID. These are different other connectivity
offering mechanisms that are popularly used for IoT applications. So, these are the core
for establishing connectivity in IoT networks.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:36)
So, going back to RFID, we have first of all RFID, its an acronym for Radio Frequency
Identification, where the data is digitally encoded in these RFID tags and these data can
be read from the RFID tags. So, RFID tags are encoding the data and these data can be
scanned from RFID tags by the RFID reader. So, these are very similar to the bar coding
schemes and QR coding schemes.
So, in a barcode what happens in a barcode like in libraries ecetera, in a bar, bar coding
schemes are typically used to store information about the books and you know having
the identifiers for the books. So, the barcode basically are like vertical lines, right. So,
there is a barcode reader which can read those vertical lines. Similarly there is QR code
which is sort of like that square square kind of thing which is used for scanning the data,
right. So, these are the QR codes.
So, there is that reader which can take that image and it can basically process that image
to identify the data that is embedded in that particular code. So, RFID tags are also very
similar in operation to the barcodes and QR codes, but the functionality or the way these
operate are vastly different. So, let us now try to understand how RFID tags, the RFID
principle works.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:30)
So, every RFID tag consists of an integrated circuit and an antenna. So, basically it is a
very small tag. So, tag inside the tag, there is some circuitry that is there and a small
antenna which is embedded into it, inside it. So, this antenna, is going to be used it is
going to be used for communication with the outside world. That means, outside the tag
and the circuitry basically does number of things including storing the information in that
particular tag, may be the RFID tag could be for a smart card that can be used for storing
employee information.
So, you know employees in an organization have different identification for different
identifiers and those identifiers, the different data can be stored in electronic form inside
the chip that is built into this RFID tags. So, the RFID tag consists of integrated circuit
and an antenna. The tag is covered by a protective material. So, outside the tag is some
kind of a shield protective material which can also act as a shield against various
environmental effects.
The tags can be of two types. One is the passive tag; the other one is the active tag. So,
passive tags are more common and the way these passive tags are operated are through
the process of inductivity. So, inductively when these passive tags, when these tags come
in proximity to the RFID reader, there is some inductive effect, some magnetic force
fields are created due to which the information is transferred from the tag to the reader or
vice versa. So, it is from the tag to the reader and vice versa. Those are the passive tags.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:39)
On the other hand, the active tags, they have their own little source of power supply. The
working principle of RFID is similar to its predecessor which is called AIDC. The AIDC
full form is Automatic Identification and Data Capture Technology. So, it performs
object identification, object data collection and mapping of the collected data to
computer systems with little or no human intervention.
So, the concept of RFID is basically adopted from AIDC which is its predecessor. So,
AIDC is no longer very common, however the difference is RFID is mostly wireless, not
mostly it is fully wireless. On the other hand, AIDC uses wired communication. So,
RFID basically uses radio waves that mean wireless communication to perform different
functions which are also performed by AIDC.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:44)
So, let us try to understand how RFID works. Let us say that there is a tagged item like
clothing or something in a shopping mall, some kind of a cloth. So, this cloth is tagged
with this RFID reader, no sorry RFID tag. It is tagged with this RFID tag; it is attached
to the RFID tag. This RFID tag consists of the circuitry some kind of a quailing
mechanism and the cover.
This cover is some kind of a polymer, some plastic or some other polymer and the
circuitry is basically stored inside this particular tag. Then, we have this one if we look
over here. So, we have this part, we have this part which basically is for the reader. So,
this part is for the RFID tag and this part is for the RFID reader. As we can see over here,
this RFID reader has a software and a source of power supply and it also has a coil and
when you bring that reader which has a coil inside some magnetic coil, then there is this
magnetic inductive effect producing this magnetic lines of force are created.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:37)
So, this is how the data that is there in that small chip inside the RFID tag is transferred
to the RFID reader with the help of this force field magnetic force, field RFID tags.
RFIDs in general are useful for supporting different IoT applications such as inventory
management, asset tracking in an organization, personal tracking you know who is
coming when, who is living when in an organization, what is the attendance.
So, attendance tracking systems for example, controlling access to restricted areas. So,
you know whoever is authorized will be having an RFID tag and they can bring it in
close proximity to the RFID reader and if it is a valid tag, then the door is going to open
for that person and the person can get in. So, it is used for controlling access to the
restricted areas.
So, with this we come to an end of this particular lecture and there are few other
protocols that are also very much useful, and we are going to go through them in the next
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 11
Connectivity Technologies – III
For connectivity we have already gone through different technologies, which offer
communication in IoT. Technologies such as zigbee, 6LoWPAN and the like. They are
based on either they use either they are developed on top of 802.15.4 for instance the
way zigbee has been developed. Or they use 802.15.4 standard the way 6LoWPAN does.
Likewise there are other technologies which are sort of derived from or are based upon
the IEEE802.15.4. Technologies such as hart and wireless HART, are 2 such
technologies that we are going to cover in this particular lecture. So, HART the full form
of, the full form of HART is highway addressable remote transducer protocol.
So, highway addressable remote transducer protocol HART and it is latest version which
is a wireless version of it which is a wireless HART are 2 such technologies which are
sort of derived from 802.15.4 standard. So, all these 802.15.4 standard based
technologies and the protocols they are very useful for setting up IoT communication.
The reason is that they enable short range you know, different data rate communication
between low power devices as are found in IoT systems.
So, we will go through the HART and the wireless HART and the overview of it to
understand how it functions and what are it is different features. So, the genesis of
HART and wireless HART goes back to industrial IoT IIoT industrial IoT which is again
one of the lectures that we are going to have in the future in this particular course. So, for
many of these industrial applications such as industrial plants or vehicular networks
connected vehicular etcetera. So, what is required is to set up some kind of is network
between different field devices, to form a smart system a smart network. And this is what
is required in IoT.
So, HART basically helps in the same way as zigbee does for establishing connectivity
between different IoT devices. And the special the special focus of HART is on
industrial applications. So, the HART protocol has been designed and is implemented in
such a way so that it becomes cheaper and easier to implement in an IoT system. So,
HART basically encompasses the most number of field devices incorporated in any IoT
So, talking about HART and wireless HART it basically helps to, ensure accessibility of
different devices. And the placement of such devices in such a way that it becomes
cheaper to develop the overall system. The system becomes overall efficient and
typically this protocol is implemented on top of a reaction tank inside a pipe or at widely
separated warehouses, to have connectivity between these different components or
different parts of the warehouse or the reaction tank or the pipes etcetera.
So, the main difference between HART and the wireless HART is in the physical data
link and network layers. So, the wireless HART and the HART they are almost the same
except that there are certain differences in these specific layers of physical data link and
network, and we are going to go through them in a little bit more detail. So, we have to
also keep in mind that wired HART basically does not have support for a network layer.
So, looking at HART and the wireless HART what we have is a physical layer, data link
layer, network layer, transport layer and application layer.
So, the physical layer as I said, is derived from the basic standard the most popular
standard for IoT implementation the 802.15.4 IEEE standard. And this protocol the
HART protocol functions in the ISM band, or the more specifically the 24 gigahertz ISM
band. It implies and exploit is 15 channels of the band in this particular ISM band to
increase the reliability of the network. So, that is the physical layer with support for
802.15.4 derived reduced.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:20)
Then comes the data link layer. The data link layer has a concept of something known as
the super-frames. And the super-frame basically helps in ensuring reliable
communication, collusion free and deterministic communication between the different
nodes of the network. And it is based on this particular layer it works using a TDMA like
protocol, time division multiple access protocol where there are different time slots,
when the different devices are able to communicate in those allotted time slots.
So, these super-frames that we are talking about they are grouped into 10 millisecond
wide time slots. And the super-frames basically control the timing of transmission to
ensure collision free and reliable communication. This layer the data link layer
incorporates channel hopping and channel blacklisting to increase the reliability and
security. How is it done? How is the reliability and security increased? Because there is
channel hopping. So, you know what happens is, a transmission takes place in one of the
channels then basically the transmission takes over in another channel at the next time
instant. So, there is basically channel hopping. There is something similar to you know
oh what happens in frequency hopping, frequency hopping spread spectrum. So, a
similar kind of approach is adopted in this particular case as well.
So, because there is channel hopping at different time instance etcetera, that improves the
security. You know and also improves the system from being hacked network from
being hacked by different intruders or malicious agents. Channel blacklisting basically
what it does is it identifies the channels consistently affected by interference and
removes them from use.
Now, looking at the network and transport layers after the physical and the data link
layers. We see that these two layers they cooperatively handle various types of traffic,
routing, session creation and security functions. Wireless HART is based on the mesh
networking in communication.
So, a mesh network at the network layer is set up using wireless HART. And each device
is primed at different time instants to forward packets for every other device. Each
device in wireless HART is armed with an updated network graph; that means, the
topology gets updated at subsequent time instants, and that way that particular topology
is used to handle routing. So, the network layer in HART basically consists of the OSI
network layer, the transport layer and the session layers, put them together and that is
what is the network layer of the HART or wireless HART protocol.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:54)
Application layer in HART handles communication between gateways and devices via a
series of command and response messages. So, there are different command messages,
response messages and a chain of such message flows take place to implement the
application layer. This application layer is responsible for extracting commands from a
message, executing it and generating responses. So, in extract the commands from the
message, execute those commands and then respond to those commands. So, this layer is
seamless and does not differentiate between the wireless and wired versions of HART.
So, irrespective of what is down underneath in the different bottom layers as I said, that
there is certain difference between the HART and the wireless HART protocols at the
network layer transport layer data link layer and the physical layer. In fact, as I said
before pure HART the wired HART does not even have the network layer implemented.
So, essentially the most of most of the difference comes in the other three layers which is
basically the physical layer, the data link layer and the transport layer.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:09)
Now, one of the very important issues of use of HART or any such like protocol is how
do you handle congestion. So, congestion is basically handled in different ways. So, we
are talking about a 2.4GHz ISM band with channels with channel 26 removed from it.
So, there is no channel 26, due to the restricted use of this particular channel in certain
areas. So, what we have is interference prone channels avoided by using channel
switching post every transmission. The transmission is synchronized using 10
millisecond slots. During each such slot all available channels can be utilized by the
various nodes in the network, allowing for the propagation of 15 packets through the
network at a time, which also minimizes the risk of collisions. So, this is how congestion
is controlled collisions are avoided and not avoided, but minimized and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:14)
Wireless HART uses a something known as the network manager agent. The network
manager agent supervises each node in the network and guides them when and where to
send the packet. When to send the packet? And where what is the intended destination?
So, this is what is the job of the network manager entity in the wireless HART. It allows
for this network manager allows for collision free and timely deliver your packets
between a source and the destination. The network manager updates the information
about the neighbors the single strength and the information needing delivery of receipt.
So, wireless HART basically uses something called known as the code based network
security to prevent from unauthorized access or unauthorized attempts of different nodes
from joining the network.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:12)
Now, as I in started at the very beginning, that these are all like you know protocols like
zigbee or you know IPv6 or wireless HART. The IPv6 protocol has a little bit of
different you know functionality from these protocols, but you know if you look at all
these protocols, they are all meant for use in low power, low specification, resource
constraint, bandwidth constraint, networks and this is where their usefulness in IoT
comes into picture.
So, we now need to compare between for instance the popular zigbee protocol and the
wireless HART. One thing is zigbee is primarily consumer based IoT. You know zigbee
is primarily used for consumer based IoT whereas; HART is primarily used for industrial
IoT applications, although nobody limits the use of either of these protocols for
consumer or industrial application domains.
So, they can be used interchangeably, but primarily they are based on their
implementations consumer iot, zigbee and industrial IoT HART and wellness HART. So,
going back a wireless HART node basically hops after every message. And that as I said
before improves the security of systems from being attacked or from unauthorized access
to the network. Zigbee does not feature hopping at all on the contrary. And it only hops
when the entire network hops. So, this is one of the primary points of difference between
zigbee and wireless HART. Now at the mac layer wireless HART utilizes TDMA
allotting different time slots for each transmission on the other hand, zigbee is primarily
based on the MAC protocol CSMA plus, so CSMA/CD or CSMA/CA.
So, CSMA class of protocols. So, zigbee is based on CSMA class of protocols contention
based protocols. And TDMA is basically applied in the case of wireless HART.
In wireless HART what is used is the mesh network topology where each node is capable
of serving as a router. So, that if one node goes down another node can replace it. So,
that basically in fact, this mesh networking topology improves the overall delivery
reliability of packet delivery in the network. Zigbee use utilizes a tree topology which
makes nodes along the trunk critical.
Wireless HART devices are all backwards compatible and that basically allows for the
integration of legacy devices as well as the new one. So, this is one of the very important
and attractive features behind using wireless HART because, you do not have to totally
forget the legacy and the contemporary systems, because it is backwards compatible you
can use wireless HART in conjunction to the legacy systems and protocols. Zigbee
devices share the same basis for their physical layers, but zigbee zigbee pro zigbee
RF4CE and zigbee IP or otherwise incompatible with each other. So, this is also a very
attractive or important difference between zigbee and wireless HART
Another very important technology is NFC and this NFC technology as you will see
shortly has lot of similarities with the RFID. RFID are also based on something known
as magnetic induction. Magnetic induction between the card reader; that means, the
RFID card reader and the RFID tag RFID card. And in the case of NFC as well we will
see that there is a similarity of this sort.
So, NFC one the full form of NFC is near field communication. And this is basically as I
said, is very similar to the RFID technology and this is something the RFID technology
is something that we have discussed previously in a previous lecture.
So, NFC is designed for use by devices within the close proximity to each other. All
NFC types are similar, but communicate in different ways, a very allied NFC
technology, which is known as the FeliCa is commonly found and is used mostly in
Japan. The contemporary ones type A and type B NFCs are used in the rest part of the
(Refer Slide Time: 18:31)
There are different primarily 2 types of NFC devices. One is the passive device, and the
other one is the active device. Passive devices are more common than the active devices.
Active devices are typically implemented in smartphones and so on.
So, you have an NFC support along with your smartphone in which are basically you
know these NFCs that are implemented in the smartphones are basically active collectors
of of information, and they are also active transceivers, you know rather transmitters of
the information. So, we have active devices. An example as I as I just said is the use of
NFC in you know active NFCs in smartphones. And all the passive devices are typically
used in NFC tags and so on. And these are very similar to the RFID tags and very similar
kind of technology which is based on magnetic induction. These RFC tags sorry these
NFC tags, they contain information which is readable by other devices; however, it
cannot read information it itself and these NFCs like in the case of RFIDs are typically
used and are implemented in supermarkets.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:00).
So, as I was just saying in a short while back, NFCs are based on the physical principle
the scientific principle behind the functioning of NFCs is the concept of magnetic
So, here basically there is a NFC reader, which emit is a small electric current which
creates a magnetic field, which in turn bridges the physical space between the devices.
So, you bring the NFC reader close to the NFC device there is a magnetic induction that
basically goes on between these two entities and that is how the information that is
encoded in these NFC tags are transmitted, are sent to the NFC reader. The reader
basically emits a small electric current which creates a magnetic field that in turn bridges
the physical space between the devices, this is what I will just saying short while back.
The generated field this magnetic field is received by a similar coil in the client device,
where it is turned back into electrical impulses to communicate data such as
identification number status information status information or any other information.
NFC tags are used in the case of supermarkets and similar kind of libraries etcetera. They
use the energy from the reader to encode their response while the active or peer to peer
tags have their own power source.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:50)
So, in this particular figure this particular physical or scientific principle that I just
mentioned is shown over here. So, what we have pictorially as it is shown what we have
is the NFC card
So, this has some magnetic coil kind of and then we have this NFC reader, through
which current is passed. So, a magnetic field is generated and that is how the information
transfer between these two entities the card as well as the card reader takes place.
The NFC specification, NFCs data transmission frequency is 13.56 sorry megahertz.
NFC can transmit data at the rate of either 106, 212 or 424 Kbps. That is typically stored
between 96 and 512 bytes of data, and the communication range is less than 20
There are primarily three modes of operation of NFC. The first is the peer to peer mode.
The second is the read write mode, and the third is the card emulation mode. In the peer
to peer mode two smartphones they can for example, swap data between themselves and
this is this particular mode which helps these 2 smartphones to be able to exchange the
data between themselves. The read write mode, here one active device picks up
information from a passive one.
So, active device from passive device picking up information is an example of read write
mode of operation. And card emulation, the NFC device can be used like a contactless
credit card. So, in credit cards also and very similar to the way it is done. So, in credit
cards also you know these kind of things are implemented the RFCs are implemented.
So, that what you have is payment through these NFC enabled credit cards. So, there is a
contactless credit card. So, these NFC basically makes it contactless the functioning of
NFC basically makes it contactless.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:31)
So, we have three modes of operation the peer to peer mode, the read write mode and the
card emulation mode. So, I already mentioned about payments using smartphones, parcel
tracking, information tags in posters and advertisements, computer game synchronized
toys, low power home automation systems these are all different examples of NFC
applications. NFC reader the card and the NFC reader being used for all these different
types of applications is something that makes NFC very useful and effective for IoT
So, to conclude what we have gone through are primarily two protocols the HART and it
is wireless variant the wireless HART, and NFC, which is the near field communication.
In HART and wireless HART basically there are the layers physical layer, the data link
layer, network layer, transport layer and application layer. HART the wired HART
basically does not have it does not have the network layer. Wireless HART does and,
wireless HART basically works on top of the IEEE 802.15.4 or rather to be more precise
and correct, wireless HART works as a derived protocol from the 802.15.4.
It is derived from 802.15.4 because it has different features that I have been suggested in
802.15.4 and is implemented over here, in HART and wireless HART rather. Whereas,
in NFC basically works very similar to RFIDs, and you have an NFC reader and a NFC
card and there is magnetic coupling that you know magnetic induction that helps these
two entities to transfer information between them, to read information let us say from the
card to the reader, so these are all very attractive technologies that can be used for
implementing internet of things.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 12
Connectivity Technologies – IV
Another very important protocol is Bluetooth this Bluetooth technology is heavily used
for building IOT connectivity. We have already gone through zigbee we have also gone
through different other allied technologies, such as 6LoWPAN such as HART wireless
HART RFID and also NFC. And this particular technology, Bluetooth is typically used
for bit of different kind of applications, where it is required to form a personal area
network, maybe to replace the wireless wired connectivity between the different devices
wired connectivity, if you want to replace the cables between different devices Bluetooth
can be used.
So, you move the cables have wireless connectivity between them that can be done with
the help of Bluetooth and this is this protocol that we are going to discuss in this
particular lecture.
So, if we look at the Bluetooth technology, this is particularly used for short range
communication. Personal area network for instance connecting different peripherals to a
computer peripherals to a computer using Bluetooth is a very commonly used application
of Bluetooth the second could be to transfer data using Bluetooth between 2 mobile
devices these mobile devices of course, need to have the Bluetooth radio to be supported,
but if it is supported and now it is most of the mobile phones particularly the
smartphones they are all enabled with Bluetooth.
So, you know one can transfer files music videos. So, on and so forth and this is
something very common, that we do commonly we transfer files we transfer different
things between 2 Bluetooth devices a very simple form of Bluetooth configuration where
we have 2 Bluetooth devices a client and a server, and the data is transferred between
these 2 devices, a very simple kind of configuration now in this particular course in this
particular lecture we are going to go through all these different applications.
So, it is used Bluetooth is used for short range communication. And it is typically used
for instances where it is required to replace the cable the existing cables have to be
replaced. So, what is required is to have cable replacement protocols. And that is why as
we will see shortly that we have an entirely different and entirely different protocol
stack, which is basically proposed for using Bluetooth. Of course, it does match with the
OSI layers TCP/IP and OSI layers to a great extent, but then we have a completely
different set of layers with different names in the Bluetooth architecture, and also we
have separate protocols that are that function in each of these different layers.
So, we will go through it in a short while. So, Bluetooth one of the very good things
about Bluetooth is security. Bluetooth basically ensures high level of security, and
another very distinctive feature is that Bluetooth helps in forming Ad-hoc networks. So,
concepts such as Ad-hoc technology Ad-hoc Piconets are basically commonly used in
the case of Bluetooth.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:22).
Bluetooth technology also like the previous ones like HART etcetera that we covered in
the previous lectures operate in the ism band 2.4 gigahertz to 2.484 gigahertz, it uses
spread spectrum hopping full duplex signal at a nominal rate of 1600 hops per second.
It supports one mbps data rate which is quite attractive short range high data rate
communication is supported. In Bluetooth there are 3 types of radios that we will
typically find and they all operate in different ways. We have the class one radios class 2
radios and class 3 radios. Class 3 radios have a range of up to 1 meter or 3 meters. Class
2 radios are most commonly found in mobile devices having a range of 10 meters or 30
feet and class one radios are used primarily in industrial use cases having a range of 100
meters or 300 feet.
In terms of connection establishment using Bluetooth there are 3 different phases. The
first one is the discovery or the inquiry phase. This next one is the paging phase, and the
third one is the connection phase. So, basically for connection establishment there are
only 3 phases in the inquiry phase, there is some kind of inquiry that runs from one
Bluetooth device and that particular Bluetooth device basically what it does is it tries to
discover other devices in it is vicinity.
So, this is, one Bluetooth device it is trying to explore what are the other devices in it is
vicinity. So, this is basically this discovery phase or the inquiry phase very simple the
next one, is the paging phase where some kind of connection is formed between 2
Bluetooth devices that want to talk to each other. So, some kind of connection is formed,
and the third one is the connection phase where a device either actively participates in
the network or enters a low power sleep mode.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:44)
There are different modes of operation of Bluetooth devices, one is the active mode and
this is the mode where the device basically is fully active fully functional in all different
respects it actively transmit is data it actively receives data and so on and so forth. So, it
is fully functional fully active the other 3 phases the sniff mode the hold mode and the
park mode all these 3 different modes are basically power saving modes, and they
differed in very minute ways in very fine in different ways. In a sniff mode the device
basically sleeps and only listens for transmission at a particular predetermined predefined
In the hold mode, this is also a power saving mode where a device sleeps for a defined
period and then returns back to the active mode. And in the park mode the slave will
become inactive until the master tells it to wake back up. So, we have all these different
4 modes of operation of Bluetooth devices, the active mode fully functional, fully active,
fully transmitting, fully receiving. And the other 3 modes the sniff mode hold mode and
park mode are all essentially power saving modes of different types.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:22)
So, this is the protocol stack that I was talking to you about earlier. So, what we have the
physical layer, then we have the baseband layer.
We have the L2CAP and then there are some different other layers and corresponding
protocols that are supported in the top layers and then we have the application layer. So,
these are the different layers in the Bluetooth protocols. I was telling you about cable
replacement there are protocols such as RFComm, protocols which will support
traditional telephony, protocols that will support service discovery, protocols that will
support other link layer functionalities such as LLC.
So, these are the different functionalities that can be supported on top of this that the
physical baseband L2CAP layers in Bluetooth. Now this basically can be mapped to the
traditional OSI layers and so these are the OSI layers. So, here again you have the
physical layer you have the link layer, you have the different middleware, you have the
application layer. And the exact form of mapping is basically shown in this particular
figure in the slide. So, this is how it maps ok.
So, we have physical radio layer or physical layer baseband layer L2CAP, and this you
know LLC RFComm telephony service discovery and the application layer and this is
how they map to the OSI traditional OSI layers.
So, baseband layer or the physical the one that is above the physical here basically. So,
physical is basically nothing, but the radio and you know we do not need to really
understand baseband is the physical layer of Bluetooth it manages physical channels and
links and different services such as error correction data whitening hop selection
Bluetooth security we are not going through a details of it, it is not even required for you
to know because you know if it is required, then really you know this is just you know
we are just getting exposure to different protocols in this particular course.
So, it is not required to really dig into too much deep of each of these protocols we just
have to be exposed and things like you know adding Gaussian noise. Or you know error
correction etcetera. These are difficult these are basically you know the different
functionalities data whitening you know with the help of white noise, you know
Gaussian noise etcetera you know. So, these are the things that are basically supported in
the baseband layer.
Then we have the L2CAP. And in the L2CAP which basically is on top of the baseband
layer, functionalities such as multiplexing, multiple logical connections between 2
Bluetooth devices is functioned is made possible, in this using this particular layer.
So, this particular functionality is implemented in the L2, cap layer L2CAP provides
connection oriented and connection less data services to upper layer protocols provides
protocol multiplexing capability segmentation. So, because basically you know when
you are sending a video for instance. So, it cannot be send to all at once right. So, it has
to be segmented fragmented and segment wise it has to be transmitted and then area
assembly also has to be done in a subsequently. So, segmentation and reassembly and
group abstractions you know. So, together forming of the groups abstracting them and so
similar kind of functionalities are all done at this higher up layer, which is the L2CAP
(Refer Slide Time: 13:08).
Then we have on top different protocols such as RFComm the full form is radio
frequency communication protocol, which is basically a cable replacement protocol and
the main purpose of RFComm or more specifically in you know. So, Bluetooth and more
specifically RFComm is basically to replace the serial cables that are already. There that
is to be traditionally used. So, use do away with the cables and introduce these protocols
and that will basically make Bluetooth a cable replacement technology.
So, this RFComm it works as an emulation of the RS-232. And if you remember RS-232
are presently it is also known as EIA 232. RS-232 is basically you know it is a serial port
communication protocol serial port communication protocol the traditional serial port
communication protocol is RS-232. So, this RS-232 it is emulated, it is behaviors are
emulated in this particular protocol the RFComm protocol, RFComm protocol it
provides a simple reliable data stream to the user very similar to TCP and supports up to
sixty simultaneous connections between 2 Bluetooth devices.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:34)
Then finally, we have the service discovery protocol and there are some telephony
protocols etcetera, because which has to support the traditional telephony functions. So,
we are not going through them service discovery protocol is very important because
ultimately, we are going to use Bluetooth for offering different types of services to
different applications. Some sort of service discovery has to happen. So, SDP enables the
applications to discover available services and their features, and SDP addresses the
unique characteristics of Bluetooth environment such as dynamic changes in the quality
of services in RF proximity of devices in motion and can function over a reliable packet
transfer protocol.
So, SDP it uses a service request response kind of model a request is sent a response is
received back ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:31)
Now, a very important concept, I am going to explain to you which is very much
important in order to understand Bluetooth. And this is known as the concept of piconets.
Piconet is some sort of a unit you know unit form of network in Bluetooth, unit form of
network what does it mean. So, we have let us say let us look at this particular example.
So, we are going to go through we have to understand how piconets work.
So, what we have is something known as the master. So, we have m Bluetooth node a
Bluetooth device which will act as a master. And there can be different slave devices. So,
we have a master we have different slaves. So, this entire thing is a piconet. This is a
piconet. And how many of in a particular unit; that means, in a particular piconet, in one
piconet there can be only one master. Only one master and one or more slaves. How
many up to how many 7 slaves, so 1 2 3 up to 7 slaves. So, there can be one master and
one up to 7 slaves in a piconet.
Now, so, this piconet, we have one piconet. We have another piconet, we have another
piconet. So, this is one piconet this is another piconet this is a third piconet. So, what we
have are 3 different piconets and together all these piconets put together is known as
scatternet. So, this is the concept of scatternet in a scatternet you have several piconets
put together working together. And these piconets basically talk to each other via the
gateway and this gateway nodes can be anything like you know. So, it might. So, happen
that you have a master over here (Refer Time: 18:25) say that this is a master and then
you have different slaves slave here, there can be another slave and this slave of this
piconet can act as a master in this particular piconet.
So, you know the slave in one piconet can be a master in another piconet and then again
it can have one or more slaves, and this is the way you know this chain continues and
together we have the concept of piconets and scatter nets, so going back. So, we have
Bluetooth enabled devices that connect and communicate wirelessly for short range
communication, unit form of it unit network of it is the piconet. The Bluetooth devices
exist in small Ad-hoc configurations with the ability to act as either the master or the
slave it provisions to have one master and one or up to 7 slaves in a particular piconet.
The simplest configuration is a point to point configuration, with one master and one
slave and where we get it this is something, that we typically use a single master single
slave kind of configuration is something that we use typically to exchange files to
exchange videos to exchange images graphics and so on, between our mobile devices.
So, when we are using our smartphones we turn on the smartphones to turn on the
Bluetooth in our smartphones to of you know 2 devices. And then from one such device
a image can be sent a file can be sent to another such device after the discovery or the
initiation phase it can be sent, using this particular configuration.
So, we have one master one slave kind of configuration. So, when more than 2 Bluetooth
devices communicate with one another. It is called a piconet a piconet can contain up to
7 slaves clustered around a single master. The device that initializes establishment of the
piconet becomes the master, and the master is responsible for transmission control by
dividing the network into a series of time slots using TDMA. So, basically what happens
is within a piconet we have a master and we have you know up to 7 slaves.
So, what the master does is it will have to divide the time that is allotted into different
slots. And we will have to distribute those slots among the slave nodes in that piconet
and the master will have to ensure that periodically, this thing is done and is distributed
to the different slaves in it is piconet. So, this is the job of the master in a piconet.
So, this is the diagram showing the configuration of piconet and scatter net. So, we have
within a piconets, we here what we see we have a scatter net consisting of 2 piconets this
is one piconet, this is another piconet. And we see that there is a master and there are 3
slaves rather 4 slaves and this slave is acting as a bridge between these 2 piconets, and
these are again 3 different slaves for this particular piconet.
And here as you can see over here we have distinct masters in each of these piconets, it is
not like the same master. In fact, what we could have had is this bridge which is a slave
for this piconet would have also been configured in such a way, that it would act as a
master for this piconet this is also possible.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:26)
So, the master of the slave they use the 42 bit addressing. So, this is the addressing
scheme that is used each piconet device will support 7 simultaneous connections to other
devices each device can communicate with several piconets simultaneously. And
piconets can establish dynamically and automatically as Bluetooth enabled devices enter
and leave piconets.
So, they can basically configure self configure, they can change you know devices can
not the Bluetooth devices can get into a piconet can go out of the piconet dynamically.
And the topology changes accordingly. So, all these things are featured in a piconet.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:07)
There is no direct connection between the slaves all connections are either through the
master to slave or slave to master mode slaves are allowed to transmit. Once these have
been polled by the master transmission starts in the slave to master timeslot immediately
following a polling packet from the master and the device can be member of 2 or more
piconets, and this is something that I explained earlier as well.
In one piconet that that particular device can be a slave in another piconet, it can even act
as a master and together you put all these piconets and what you get is a physically
extended infrastructure comprising of several piconets known as the scatternet.
Applications of Bluetooth are quite common. Audio players, home automation systems,
smartphones, toys, hands free headphones, sensor networks they all are users of
Bluetooth. So, the Bluetooth is a very important technology, that we have just covered
and it is quite heavily used for building IOT systems. Zigbee, hart Bluetooth, NFC RFID
these are all like different technologies that can be used for establishing connectivity
between different nodes for building up IOT.
They all have their different distinct features and we have already seen that in the
previous lecture we have seen that how hart wireless hart and zigbee differ from each
other. And now it is also quite evident how Bluetooth differs from zigbee. So, for
Bluetooth, we can have high data rate communication compared to no data rate in the
case of zigbee, but zigbee is consumes much lower power compared to Bluetooth. So,
there are pros and cons depending on the application. In fact, what can also happen is we
could be using all of these technologies together in parallel, and we can have a Bluetooth
working with zigbee, zigbee working with hart etcetera and so all these things are
Zigbee primarily consumer IOT hart wireless hart primarily industrial IOT, but it does
not even matter you can even put all of them together for maybe industrial IOT or on the
other hand consumer IOT. So, this can also be done. So, these are that all these powerful
technologies that can be used for building IOT systems.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 13
Connectivity Technologies – V
We will now in this particular lecture cover two important protocols Zwave and
ISA100.11a. These are two very important protocols that, in addition to zigbee HART
wireless HART Bluetooth RFID NFC are also used for building IoT systems; however,
whereas, zigbee is more popular for all sorts of all sorts of IoT systems use in IoT
systems. Zwave is particularly attractive for building home automation systems. And as
you know by now in this course that home automation is one of the important application
areas of IoT. Home automation, home automation includes what? Home automation
includes things such as having some kind of a robot, or having mobile phones that will
do number of different things, different day today functions at homes can be done
spontaneously and so on and so forth.
So, how can it be done? This is what home automation does. So, automating different
functions in at home, is something that is of primary concern of home automation. So, I
was talking about Zwave. Zwave is a technology which comes from the Zwave alliance.
So, this Zwave alliance in the same way as we have a zigbee alliance we also have a
Zwave alliance. And this Zwave alliance is particularly pushing for making this
technology very attractive to support different home automation appliance applications.
Different home automation functions.
And we are going to look at how using Zwave we could be able to improve the
automation of different functions using different IoT devices at home.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:42)
So, we look at this Zwave. Zwave is also written in different ways, we could be writing
Zwave altogether or using a space in between Z and wave, or using a hyphen in between
Z and wave. And this is a protocol that is used for communication between different IoT
devices for home automation as I just said before it uses RFs for signaling and control.
And the operating frequency for it is different from the ones that we have seen. We have
seen that primarily the other things like HART or you know NFC etcetera, they all
operate in the 2.4 GHz band.
And for Zwave the operating frequency is 908.42 megahertz in US 868.42 megahertz in
Europe, and for different other countries I will show you in a short while. That for
different other countries there are different other frequencies of operation. So, in Zwave
there is some kind of a mesh network topology that is formed and maintained between
different nodes which can be up to about 232 in number in a single network. Now let us
look at some interesting points in Zwave.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:19).
So, we have let us say, we have we are talking about home automation. In a particular
home there could be different rooms. Let us say this is room 1 room 2 room 3 and room
4. In Zwave if we are using Zwave, there is something called the Zwave controller. And
there are different Zwave devices that are there. So, typically in a single home there is
only one Zwave controller and there could be different. So, these are all Zwave devices
one Zwave controller and one or more; that means, several Zwave devices. These Zwave
devices they could be either connecting directly or they could be connecting with the
help of a relay node in between. So, this is one Zwave device, this is another Zwave
device and this could be a third Zwave device. And this could be something like an ad
hoc mode of communication. So, this is how Zwave basically functions.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:10)
So, I was telling you that in US 908.4 and 916 frequency bands. In Europe 868.42 and
869.85 megahertz frequency band. And for other countries these different frequencies of
operation are shown over here in this particular table. So, as we can see that for India it is
865.2 megahertz operating frequency.
A very interesting and important concept is Zwave does not use FSK modulation
directly. What it does is it passes through a Gaussian filter. So, essentially what happens
is it becomes Gaussian FSK modulation. And the channel encoding scheme that is used
is Manchester encoding, this is one concept. The second thing is as I was mentioning
earlier, there is an entity a single entity called the network controller the central network
controller, that sets up and manages a Zwave network. Each logical Zwave network has
one home ID and multiple node IDs for the devices in it. And that home ID basically
corresponds to a single network ID.
So, essentially because there is only home ID which is unique to a particular home. The
other networks in other homes will not be able to communicate through between these
different homes. I hope that my point is clear. So, what I am saying is that every home
has it is unique home ID or network ID. And in that particular home only that other
Zwave devices will be able to communicate. So, they will not be able to communicate
with other homes, the Zwave devices in a particular home will not be able to
communicate with other homes.
So, we are restricting this communication of Zwave devices to specific homes. So, nodes
with different home ids cannot communicate with each other. And we also have to keep
in mind that, the node ID length in Zwave there is 1 byte, and the network ID length is 4
So, I was talking to you I was mentioning about these GFSK modulation, which is
Gaussian frequency shift keying. So, what happens is there is a Gaussian filter prior to
FSK you pass it pass the signal through a Gaussian filter to smoothen to smoothen the
pulses. So, that you have will formed pulses which will occupy limited spectrum width
and this process is known as pulse shaping.
So, in here in this figure as we can see this is a typical figure of a home. In this home we
have different rooms. We have bedrooms, we have a living room, we have a kitchen, we
have bedrooms and so on. And as we can see that if we have to implement Zwave, we
need a Zwave controller and these different red colored and green colored nodes which
are the Zwave n devices, the Zwave nodes. So, the controller basically sets of
connectivity between each of these different nodes, as we can see in this particular
example. The controller has one hop communication with these green colored nodes;
however, the controller to these red color nodes are multi hop, they are not within the
one hop communication range.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:38)
So, if this controller has to communicate with this red colored node in this particular
room then it has to do via this green color node. Zwave uses mesh topology and it also
uses source routing. So, source routing means that even before the packet is sent, the
entire route is basically encoded or embedded before the packet is sent forward. So,
before the packet is sent the entire route information is embedded to it. So, the entires
route is known to the source and is given to the packet. So, the packet will know how it
will traverse through the entire network or until it reaches the intended destination. So,
the devices they communicate with one another when they are in range when the devices
are not in range, as I was showing you using those red colored Zwave nodes in the
previous figure.
The messages in such a case are routed through different nodes to bypass the
obstructions that are created by household appliances or layout. And this is very
important because, you know so, there are so many physical obstructions in the in the
home. Right, there are walls between different rooms etcetera. So, what happens is there
will be these different nodes, which will be acting as sort of gateways or relay nodes to
facilitate communication between these remote Zwave nodes that are not within the
direct transmission range with the controller.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:08)
and now we have remove the sketch of the rooms and this is what is shown over here.
We have the green color nodes and this one which are within the direct communication
range the direct path. And then there are these nodes which are within not within the
direct communication range, and there they can communicate with the help of the
healing path. So, this is known as the healing path, and this is known as the direct path.
Zwave and zigbee how do they compare?
So, Zwave is user friendly. It provides simple system that users can set themselves. On
the other hand zigbee requires. So, little power the devices can last up to 7 years on a
single set of batteries. Zwave is ideal for someone with a basic understanding of
technology who wants to keep their home automation secure efficient simple, And easy
to maintain.
On the other hand using zigbee. Zigbee is ideal for technology experts who want a
system that can customize with their preferences and install themselves. So, lot of
sophistication can be done with the help of zigbee. On the other hand Zwave is more user
friendly more customer friendly.
But a limited set of things can be done with the help of Zwave compare to zigbee. Zwave
is expensive in compare to zigbee. And 9 out of 10 leading security and communication
companies in us use Zwave for smart home solutions. On the other hand for zigbee there
is zigbee alliance that consists of more than hundred member organizations that use
develop and improve the open standard that is offered by zigbee.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:30)
Now, we come to the second very important protocol which is the ISA100.11A. So, it is
protocol that has been designed by the international society of automation. And this is
particularly used for plants in the industries, industrial complexes, industrial plants and
so on and so forth. There are more than one billion devices that use ISA100.11a at
present it is designed to support native and tunneled application layers various transport
services including reliable based effort real time services are offered with the help of
ISA100.11A. So, ISA100.11a is primarily attractive as a consequence in industrial
sectors particularly for implementing industrial IoT systems.
The network and transport layers are based on TCP or UDP or IPv6 and the data link
layer supports mesh networking with frequency hopping.
So, frequency hopping spread spectrum is typically used in ISA100.11a. The different
topologies that are used for implementing this particular standard is, the star or the tree
topology or the mesh topology as well. So, all these topologies can be used for
implementing it and the radio that is used beneath underneath is based on 802.15.4 again.
The permitted networks in include radio link ISA over ethernet and fill buses. Fill bus
means that it is a bunch of wires and bunch of wires you know running between different
devices as we see in the data centers or server rooms and so on.
We have these buses and filled buses means between different filled buses we have this
high bandwidth high capacity links that run between them. The application layer
supports delivery of communication services to the users and the management processes.
The this particular thing can pass objects methods or attributes natively within the
ISA100.11a protocol. A tunneling mode is available to allow legacy data through this
particular network.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:59)
So, what we have is a scenario like this. We have these backbone devices the black
colored rectangles here. We have the back backbone devices. We have this non routing
devices the red colored ones. The blue colored once are the routing devices and these
green colored once are the handle devices, and then we have the security manager the
gateway and the system manager which, basically function from beyond the backbone.
So, this is the typical architecture of this particular use of ISA100.11a protocol in
industries or smart factories.
The features of this particular protocol include flexibility, support for multiple protocols,
use of open standards, support for multiple applications, reliability including error
detection channel hopping, determinism using TDMA, QoS support is also implemented
in the case of u use of this particular pro protocol. QoS support is very important QoS
guarantee is more specifically because, this is what basically ensures the determinism.
TDMA we understand time slots predefined people know what is going to happen next.
QoS support also is very important, QoS guarantees are important Because, you know
we need to know that at least this is what is going to happen in the future by running this
particular network using this standard. And security is also a very important feature of
this particular protocol.
So, security is fully been built into this particular standard the ISA100.11a standard.
Authentication and confidential services are independently available. A network security
manager manages and distributes the keys. So, key management including key
distribution key revocation etcetera. These are all taken care of by the network security
manager. So, twin data security steps in each node include data link layer encrypting
each hop transport layer securing peer to peer communication.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:16)
So, these are the different usage classes corresponding to different categories of
applications. For safety the classes are 0 and one 0 stands for application such as
emergency taking some emergency applications. Emergency action in some critical
situation 1 is for closed loop regulatory control which may also be critical. Then we have
category control category which has classes one 2 and 3. 1 stands for closed loop
regulatory control for closed loop supervisory control, and 3 for open loop control. And
then we have the category monitoring where the class 4 basically stands for applications
such as alerting and plus 5 which is for logging and downloading. And this particular
class the logging downloading class does not have any immediate operational
consequence. So, with this we come to an end of this particular lecture. And we have not
only gone through the ISA and ISA100.11a protocol, but also the Zwave protocol in this
lecture. And we have also gone through previously in the connectivity technologies
different protocols set such as zigbee which is based on 802.15.4.
Then we have gone through IPv6. We have gone through RFID we have gone through
we have gone through NFC. We have gone through Zwave. We have gone through
HART wireless HART, and we have gone through all different types of technologies that
can be used for offering connectivity between different devices. These different
connectivity protocols they all have their own distinctive features which make them very
attractive for use in diverse applications of IoT implementation.
So, we come to an end not only of this lecture, but also the series of lectures on
connectivity technologies.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 14
Sensor Networks – I
Now a very interesting series of lectures we are going to have, it is on sensor networks.
So, the first part is going to be on some of the basic concepts in sensor networks. Sensor
network is a very, very important technology that is used for building IoT. Sensors,
transducers, actuators these are all very important things for realization of IoT systems.
But, when we talk about sensors when we talk about actuators, these are the things that
we have already gone through in one of the previous lectures. So, these are stand alone
devices that we talk about, but if we can have these sensors connect with one an another
we can derive important information continuously, in real time remotely, from a larger
terrain. And, this is the benefit of sensor network. And sensor network I would say is one
of the most important enablers of IoT.
So, in sensor networks what we have? In sensor networks we have individual sensors,
which are embedded in something known as sensor devices or sensor nodes, or
sometimes also known as sensor modes. So, these modes or nodes or devices they have
one of their components which is the sensor, and they have other components as well.
So, these components taken together they comprise that particular node or the device
which can help them to communicate. And one device communicates with another
device, that device communicates with another device, the third device with a fourth,
fourth with the first and so on. And so, we can expand we can expand the sensing we can
expand the sensing by having them communicate with one another.
So, what we have are different types of topologies. We can have all sorts of topologies
that we have already heard of in networks being implemented in the case of sensor
networks as well we can use a star topology. We can use a mesh topology we can have a
mesh of we can have a mesh of sensor nodes that are all put together. Right, so we can
have star we can have ring we can have you know any kind of topology that you can
think of, and mesh is particularly very attractive for obvious reasons that basically
includes reliability, security, fault tolerance of the topology itself
(Refer Slide Time: 03:15)
So, let us look at the different basics of sensor networks. So, in a sensor network we have
sensor nodes. Every sensor node has a sensing unit. The sensing unit basically senses.
Senses what? Senses the particular physical phenomena that it is supposed to sense. A
temperature sensor would be sensing the temperature fluctuations. A humidity sensor
will be sensing the humidity fluctuations. A camera sensor would be sensing; that means,
taking the images of what is around you know what is happening around it.
A vibration sensor will be sensing the vibration. A light sensor will be looking at will be
sensing the illumination conditions and so on. But each of them is sensing locally and,
every other node that is deployed they are all doing their own tasks separately
individually. And now, in a sensor network we all have to we have to put them all
together; we have to put them all together how it is possible to put them together? We
have to just have some kind of radio connectivity between these different devices. These
devices means their sensor nodes and, this is how we build up a sensor network. And
what is the main motivation of building a sensor network? To have greater coverage of
sensing and, continuously we can monitor in real time we can monitor remotely we can
monitor what is going on in a particular terrain, without actually having somebody
humanly sitting and monitoring that particular region or space.
So, the sensor nodes are capable of collaborating with one another. And measuring the
condition of the physical phenomena that are occurring around them with respect to what
into what they are supposed to sense. For example, the lighting condition, temperature,
sound, vibration etcetera the sense measurements are then transformed into digital
signals and process to reveal, some properties of the phenomena that are occurring
around them. So, due to the fact that the sensor nodes in sense WSNs wireless sensor
networks have short transmission range. Immediate nodes act as intermediate relays and,
they transmit the data that they receive from these other frame nodes the other
neighboring nodes in a multi hop manner, until the data is received at the sink node.
So this is how the entire sensor network concept functions. So, what we have is multi
hop communication. So, let us consider a stationary sensor network. Stationary means
what? Stationary means that, the node all these nodes, when they are deployed they will
maintain the position at subsequent instants of time after deployment. So, they will all
maintain their own respective positions. And they will not move they are all stationary
the nodes are all stationary. So, this is an example of a stationary sensor network. Mobile
sensor network on the contrary, have the sensors and the sensor nodes that move around
like this.
So for example, the sensors that are fitted to a car, to an airplane, to a truck to, a bus and
so on. These become mobile sensors mobile sensor nodes because, they are fitted to
devices which move with time. So, they become you know together when you connect
them in this manner, what you get is a mobile sensor network.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:16)
So, the first thing that is required is to have some kind of sensing unit. Then we have
some kind of a processing unit. Third is we need some kind of communication to take
place between these different nodes. So, we have a communication unit, you with the
help of transceiver devices. Then we have different other units such as, the analog digital
converter, we have the power unit, we have, power unit will do what? Are in it includes
things such as battery and so on, which is going to power these devices. So, these are the
different units. And then we have other optional units optional units such as the location
finding systems for example, GPS etcetera.
So, this is how a sensor node looks like. So, we have you know in all these optional units
optional unit 1 optional unit 2 etcetera. We have a processor, we have a communication
unit, we have analog digital converter, we have a power unit, we have what did I miss
out a sensing unit, a processing unit, it is already given and so on and so forth. This is
how a sensor node looks like. So, if you recall in one of the previous lectures when we
talked about sensors, we also talked about the different types of sensors. So, what
happens is you know we have to develop something like a sensor board. So, this
becomes a sensor board or a sensor node or a sensor device.
So, this sensor board the hardware of it has different components. All these different
components that I just mentioned, all these different components are basically built into
this hardware device. So, you need to have a particular circuit design for building these
sensor nodes with these different components. So, essentially what are we trying to do,
we are trying to have, so let us say the this is one such sensor node communicating with
another sensor node, with another sensor node, with another sensor node sorry, with
another sensor node and right.
So, we are going to form a sensor network. So, what I these are all sensors, these are all
sensors, sensor nodes. So, mind you that in every sensor node we have a sensing unit.
And sensing unit has the sensor that we are. So, temperature sensor is basically built into
that sensing unit of that sensor board.
So, then what happens? So, through a multi hop path all these sensed information are
sent to the sink node or the gateway or this router for further dissemination to the
internet. So, then what happens is finally, all this sensed information they will all go
through the sink to the internet for further use. This is the whole purpose of this sensor
(Refer Slide Time: 11:48)
So, this is these are some of the pictures of sensor nodes as you can see in this particular
figure. So, this is one such figure. One such sensor node here is another sensor node. I
will show you a sensor node that we have basically deployed for different purposes. One
of one such purpose is for agriculture. In our agricultural field we have sensor nodes that
are deployed and these are all solar powered.
So these are solar powered you know sensor nodes. So, the power unit basically has a
battery which basically hardnesses. Not battery but, you know it basically hardnesses the
solar energy through the solar panel and powers the rest of the components of the node.
The sensor nodes are multifunctional. So, they can be used for different purposes. In fact,
the sensor board you know you can change different sensors and you can use the sensor
board the different components of it, put together, you can remove the sensor, you can
put another sensor and typically you know it will work for serving different types of
So, the number of sensor nodes that are used depends on the application type. The sensor
nodes they have short communication range, may be powered by zigbee. A zigbee has
very short communication range. So, this short communication range means that the
sensed information by a particular node can be sent only up to couple of meters or tens of
meters. And after that what? Finally, it has to be sent to the sink node. So, after that
what? After that within that communication range of let us say thirty meters if it is
zigbee up to above thirty meters then we need to have another node which again has to
relay that information that has been received from this particular node.
This is how we have this multi hop communication taking place between these different
nodes in the network. Multi hop, multi hop means what? A particular node has to send
something to a remote destination, but it is not within the direct communication range of
it. So, what it will do is, it will send to some of it is neighbors. These neighbors will relay
the information or the data the sense data that has been received. And send forward and
this is this process is going to continue until the data is received at the intended
destination nodes or the sink node. So, this is multi hop not single hop. So, source node
to the sink node sink node not within the right communication range of the source node.
There has to be intermediate nodes acting as relays and this is the whole idea of multi
hop communication in sensor networks.
These sensor nodes I should also mention, that these sensor nodes are all not only battery
powered. But, they act as mini computing devices. So, they have their own processors
and we have already seen that. Processors microcontrollers and so on. They have their
own they have their own power unit. They have their own communication unit plus they
have their own operating system. One such very popular operating system that is used for
sensor nodes is known as the tiny operating system tiny OS.
So, these are the different features and, now let us look at the different constants on the
sensor node. So, the sensor nodes are typically small in size, low powered, resource
constraint in all different ways, although they are acting as small size computational
devices, but they are heavily resource constrained in all different ways that you can think
of. So, due to their small size typically in the order of few cubic centimeters or even they
can be little bigger also if it is not a mains based sensor.
So, because of the small size they must consume extremely low power. They must
operate in an unattended manner in a highly dense area, should they should be produced
using low cost at low cost, production costs should be less, and they should be easily
dispensable. They should be like couple of dollars few hundred rupees and so on. This
would be autonomous they should be able to operate on their own and be adaptive to the
environment in which they are operating. So, if there is some change in the environment
this should be able to you know automatically this would be able to adapt to those
Here a few examples of sensor nodes soil sensor node temperature sensor node weather
sensor node and so on, all deployed in real life. And for serving different applications
such as temperature measurement, humidity level condition measurement, lighting
condition, air pressure, soil makeup, noise level, vibrations and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:40)
Now, let us look at few important concepts in sensor network. So, we have seen that in
sensor networks we have different sensor nodes that a deployed in a particular region.
The sensor nodes they have to communicate via multi hop communication. So, let us say
that we have a surveillance kind of application, and where it is required to detect objects.
So, as we can see in this particular figure, that the sensor node 17 detects a human object.
And that information through this multi hop path is sent to the sink node 14 and there is a
monitor a user who is continuously monitoring that, where it can see you know close to
which sensor it can see any object, any human object or whatever object it is
programmed to sense.
So, as we can see in this particular figure that, node number 17 has seen has sensed a
particular object the human object. Now it is going to send the data in this particular
direction as we have already seen. But then, why is this arrow shown in the other
direction? These arrows are shown in the other direction to signify that, from this sink a
query can be sent to all the nodes the query can be sent to all the nodes to see that
whether any of them has observed any object around them. So, this is the direction in the
other way that is shown that is the whole purpose of showing it in that particular other
direction. So, the previous example was for a single source detecting a single object.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:28)
Now, let us make our life little bit more complicated. So, we have single source detecting
multiple objects. So like this. So, earlier there was only human object now we have two
more objects. So, we have a vehicle and we also have some other building or something
like that. So, we have 3 different objects a human, a vehicle and a building. So now, you
as we can see over here, it becomes very difficult for this particular node to recognize
that what are the different objects. So, because there are there is not a single object, but
three different types of objects and what object. So, object recognition is also very
important. So, here in addition to object recognition the complexity is that whether node
number 17 will think that, it can see only a single object or 3 different objects. This is
something that has to be decided upon. So, you see that by adding few objects only
within the periphery of within the vicinity of a single node the life has become So
So, so this is the whole idea behind the use of sensor networks for this thing. But we
have seen that, by adding few complexities the entire complexity of the entire network
increases manifold.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:56)
Now, we see another scenario of multiple source detecting a single object. So, here the
single object is a vehicle and, all these blue colored nodes they all act as sources and they
sent that sends information to the sink node. Now the sink node and the user that is
connected to the sink, the complexity now is that, it will try to understand that whether
all these 5 nodes have seen a single object; that means, a car a vehicle or 5 different
objects. How will it know? It is not possible. It is difficult to basically a discriminate
between these sense data that are received from 5 different nodes, and that is the reason
why it is not possible to know that what is the difference. I mean whether it is the same
object that is this you know that is all seen by the although all the 5 nodes or 5 different
(Refer Slide Time: 21:00)
Another example of multiple sources detecting multiple objects like in this particular
figure. And here again you see that complexity is quite increased.
So, these 5 sources whether they have detected 5 different objects or the same object and
not only that, but also whether these objects are all different. So, these are the different
complexities that are involved in implementing sensor networks. But these are only some
of the primitive complexities that we are talking about. There are So many different other
sorts of complexities that also have to be worked upon that also have to be implemented
when we are talking about using sensor networks to build internet of things.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:48)
This is another scenario and I do not need to explain this further. And as we have seen
that this basically you know these scenarios of surveillance basically complicates our
life, it is not very simple. And here mind you that in all these 4 5 scenarios that I have
just shown you, here we have considered that the nodes are all static and with respect to
time. But in reality it is not going to happen, the nodes are going to move around.
So, what is going to happen? The complexity is going to be even increased further. So,
there are different challenges in implementing sensor networks. Scalability is one.
Scalability means that if you are increasing the number of nodes in the network, then
how is the throughput going to behave? So, theoretically in the past it has been shown
that, if n denotes the number of nodes in the network then the throughput basically
decreases at the rate of one over square root of n. And this is as we can understand that
from 2 nodes to 4 nodes if we increase the throughput basically goes down drastically.
Now from 4 to 8, 8 to 16 and so on and so forth. The throughput decreases quite fast. So,
how you are going to handle the issue of scalability in sensor networks? Because, in
sensor networks we are inherently talking about networks with large number of nodes.
And So, how do we handle the throughput decrease in this particular manner?
Second issue is quality of service. Quality of service guarantees is required for any
network. Sensor networks, IoT using sensor networks, also you know need to have seen
you know quality of service guarantees. Quality of service guarantees talks about
offering guarantees in terms of the bandwidth, delay, jitter, packet loss probability and so
on and so forth. And in a sensor network we are talking about, very limited bandwidth
heavily constraint network with heavily constant resources, unpredictable changes in RF
channel characteristics and so on.
So, in such kind of chaotic environment, how we are going to offer deliver quality of
service guarantees? Other challenges include energy efficiency. We are talking about
very limited battery power small size batteries, low electrochemical efficiency, limited
battery power, how we are going to have these nodes not only function their own things,
but also cooperated cooperate with the other nodes the neighbors to relay their
information and so on and so forth. Security is also very important. We are talking about
an open medium where the nodes are prone to different types of attacks, malicious
attacks, infiltration eavesdropping interference and so on.
Now let us look at little bit more you know glittering kind of technological concept in
sensor network, which is known as the sensor web. In sensor web what we are talking
about is not just the sensor networks, but also sensor networks connected to sensor
networks. So, what we have are different types of sensor networks like this which are
connected 2 different things like computer grid 2 different instruments such as
microscope telescope and so on. Scientific instruments; different collaborators through
mobile phones etcetera, researchers, different historical data legacy data, which a store in
data servers are you know server forms, cloud etcetera. And taking care of issues such as
weather forecasts, pollution detection, software model workflow and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:26)
So all these together form what is known as the sensor web. So, in sensor web we have
to deal with different types of servers which will take care of web notification services,
sensor collection services, planning services, modeling language and so on. Where is the
modeling language? We have the sensor modeling language like right here and so on. So,
all these WNS sensor collection service running service SensorML.
And so many different types of concepts and components that have to be used.
So in sensor web we have concepts of observations and measurements SensorML, which
is sort of like an XML extended XML, a very similar in lines with let us say UML, you
know some kind of a modeling language that supports sensor modeling. Then we have
the transducer modeling language, transducerml sensor observation service sensor
planning service sensor alert service web notifications services. All these put together
basically a constitutes the sensor web.
Now, few other concepts have to be taken care of. One is the concept of cooperation.
Cooperation is paramount we are talking about you know a multi hop network, where
there are relay nodes in between. So, what happens if these intermediate relay nodes
instead of forwarding the packet further, they drop the packet because they will tend to
be selfish. They will tend to be selfish because, to forward the packet to relay the packet
forward they would have to expend their own little energy. So, why would they do that?
So these nodes are supposed to be cooperative, but, but they may not be as much
cooperative because of all these selfish interests you know, resource limitations and all
these different other types of considerations. The intermediate nodes act as relays. The
wireless nodes are energy constraints the notes may or may not cooperate consequently.
Because of all these different constraints, the nodes may not be willing to cooperate with
the other nodes for collectively accomplishing the tasks that are supposed to be required
to be accomplished in such a social network, socially connected network.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:48)
So taking care of the issue of cooperation, there are 2 extremities that have to be thought
about. One is the total case of total is total cooperation. And the other one is the case of
total non cooperation. Case of total cooperation where all the relay requests that are
received are accepted by the nodes and the nodes will quickly exhaust the limited energy.
And the case of total non cooperation if no relay requests are accepted the network
throughput will go down rapidly. So, these are the 2 different extremities and, they are
corresponding limitations are mentioned over here. So, if none of the relay requests are
by are accepted, then what is going to happen? The network throughput will go down
So there are issues of selfishness, self interests, symbiotic dependence between these
different agents, there have to be worked out. That have to be increased in order to
symbiotic dependence has to be increased, not selfishness of course selfishness is a
problem self interest selfishness are problems that have to be handled. And symbiotic
dependence how it can be promoted? And that also has to be thought of, and
corresponding mathematical models have to be developed. And the trade off is between
the nodes lifetime versus the throughput.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:03)
There are security I challenges in cooperation. So, first of all we have to get back to our
old concept; that means, multi hop network. In a multi hop network sensor node, the
intermediate node is cooperating with other nodes.
Now that cooperating node is a good guy. So, that good guy by looking at it there are so
many you know there could there could malicious nodes, which might want to
intentionally hurt the successful functioning of it and the other similar kinds of nodes.
So, what it can do is it can initiate a denial of service attack kind of thing. So, what it will
do is it will start you know pumping in lot of false routing information, that and thereby
paralyzing the whole network. So, this is basically one of the security challenges in
So, with this we come to an end of the first lecture on sensor networks for developing
internet of things. And in subsequent lectures we are going to go through the different
other concepts in sensor networks we have already seen that there are so many different
types of constraints and challenges that have to be overcome in a sensor network, and
that is where the sensor networks have to work on to, you know to come up with
different solutions that have to be implemented in them to make them work efficiently.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 15
Sensor Networks – II
In the previous lecture we have already gone through some of the basic concepts of
sensor networks. We have seen that by interconnecting the different nodes in the
network, we can have an extended coverage of sensing and, that way we can also have
emote real time distance monitoring of what is occurring around this physically deployed
nodes in the network. We have also seen that there are different types of sensor
networks. Stationary sensor networks, mobile sensor networks. And mobile sensor
networks again can be of different types. One is aerial mobile sensor networks; that
means, the mobile networks which move you know, sensor networks that move in the
space we have terrestrial sensor networks. So, where the nodes they move on the surface
of the earth. And we can have underwater sensor networks where the nodes basically
move in the underwater area.
So, whatever be the sensor network, whether it is underwater terrestrial or aerial these
nodes they basically have to cooperate with one another. In order for the network to
function if the nodes do not cooperate they will not be able to function. So, how to
promote cooperation? So, before that we need to understand the behavior of the different
nodes in the network.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:51)
So, when we talk about sensor networks we have, we have nodes that would be behaving
as they are supposed to behave. We can have nodes that would be misbehaving. So, we
can have normal nodes we can have misbehaving nodes.
So, normal nodes we do not need to worry about they, you know as per the requirement
the function the way they are supposed to function. Misbehaving nodes, this misbehavior
can be of 2 types. One is that they misbehave unintentionally and the other one is where
they misbehave intentionally you know intentionally they misbehave and unintentionally
means they do not do not want to misbehave as such, but you know unintentionally they
end up on end up misbehaving.
So, in the intentional category we have 2 types. One is the malicious node and the other
one is the selfish node. And in the unintentional category, we have the failed nodes and
the badly failed nodes. So, these basically forms the taxonomy of behavior of nodes in a
sensor network ok.
So going ahead we have normal nodes that work perfectly in an ideal environment
condition. Failed nodes which are unable to perform the functions that they are supposed
to perform maybe due to power failure, or maybe there is some hardware failure, or
something of that sort. Badly failed nodes are like the failed nodes, but in addition they
sent some false routing messages which basically hurts the integrity or the you know
which becomes a threat to the overall integrity of the network. Selfish nodes are basically
the ones which are unwilling to cooperate; they do not want to cooperate.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:29)
So, it is intentional misbehavior because, they do not want to cooperate because there is
some personal cost that is involved. And packet dropping is one of the consequences of
not willing to cooperate. So, if a node which is acting a selfish receives a packet. Instead
of reeling it forward which it is supposed to do for successful operation of that particular
network, it is going to drop the packet. And this is not desirable. And then we have the
malicious nodes which are basically you know, which are like harmful nodes, which are
a threat to the network, which want to successful deliberately disrupt the successful
operation of the routing protocol or other protocols, and thereby they do not want to
deliver the services that they are supposed to deliver.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:36)
Another type of dumb load which was recently, very recently few years back only,
developed or identified not developed, but identified by us in the SWAN lab, is the dumb
behavior. And we are the ones who basically detected the existence of this kind of
misbehaving node. This is an unintentional misbehavior. So, in this kind of misbehavior,
unintentional misbehavior, what happens is these sort of miss behaviors pop up
whenever there is some change in the environmental conditions. Maybe there is heavy
rainfall, maybe there is heavy snowfall, maybe there is heavy fog and under those
circumstances naturally as we know there is you know signal problems that are going to
happen. So, a node is going to sense a sensor node is going to sense, but then it is not
able to send it forward, it is not able to communicate. Because, of all these weather
conditions or environmental conditions. So, that is the reason why the transceiver unit is
not able to communicate at all. Or even if the signal strength goes down drastically. So,
what happens is that there is no node in this facility.
So, because there is no node in this facility, essentially it is the effect is that it is not able
to communicate, it is not able to delay, it is not able to send the sensed information to
another node because, there is no such node. The range has shrunk; the range has
decreased due to all these weather conditions. And we have coined the term dumb
because, these nodes basically behave like sort of you know some sort of you know
behavior of dumb persons who can hear, but who cannot speak out, a disability of these
kind of differently abled persons, because of which they are not able to. They can they
can listen they can see everything, but they are not able to speak out and because of this
kind of mimicking behavior with these kind of nodes the sensor nodes we term, these
nodes this behavior as the dumb behavior.
Now, this dumb behavior is transient, it is temporary. Temporary means, that it will last
only for the duration when the weather condition is bad. Now when the weather
condition improves subsequently again the regular communication you know goes on.
So, these sort of behavior, unlike the other types of misbehavior are only temporary in
nature. And that is why this is known as a dumb behavior. Only dumb behavior unlike
other kinds of misbehaviors intentional misbehaviors, these are very temporary in nature,
and you know, they occur unintentionally. So, this is very important to understand. Now
what is required is to detect this kind of misbehavior and then you know, offer
connectivity this reestablishment.
So, if this kind of see what happens is whenever this kind of behavior occurs in a sensor
network. This kind of behavior will not occur typically in other types of networks.
Because, sensor networks are typically deployed in hertz in the environmental
conditions, in environments where the you know be all these physical things change
quite fast quite rapidly and so on. So, since the networks are typical in for deployment in
these kind of environments. So, what is required is to detect this kind of misbehavior
happening in the network. Because, ultimately what happens, is the node which is not
able to communicate it is completely cut off from the other nodes in the network. So,
then how will it how in the other nodes know that it is cut off? So, there has to be
detected somehow. So, we worked on this particular issue of how to detect this kind of
temporarily cut off nodes the dumb nodes and then, how to establish some kind of
connectivity, even in the presence of dumb behavior. So, that the normal network
functions keep on running until the weather conditions improve.
So, 2 protocols, cord and corad were proposed by us in the SWAN group. And these
protocols are available for further.
It is available in the internet for further reading. So, if you search with the cord and corad
with few other suitable keywords you would be able to get access to these papers. So,
these have been published in very prestigious venues like ACM transactions journal of
systems and software of elsevier and so on.
Next, event aware topology management in wellness sensor networks, I also want it to
give you a little bit of glimpse or flavor of this work. This also has been done by us in the
SWAN lab. So, here basically you know we are talking about topology management. So,
so topology management is primarily concerned about how to not only establish, but also
how to manage the topology over time. How to keep the topology? How to keep the
networks, the nodes in the network connected over time. So, that they cannot they can
continuously sense and disseminate the data through them to the sink and adapting to the
changes of the event state, with respect to event location event area and event duration.
So, this is what this particular work talks about. So, I am not going to, I am just going to
give you little bit of idea about these works, but I am not going to go through each of
them in detail. The corresponding reference is given for you are already use, if you are
interested you know this paper you can please go through.
Another paper also done along with my student Shankar Nayayan Das, is this
information theoretic self management of wireless sensor network. This is a fine work.
Because you know, in sensor networks one of the problems is periodically the nodes this
sense what is going on. Typically it is found that with respect to time it might so happen
that the information content of this different sensed packets they do not change much.
So, why do you want to unnecessarily overload the network by communicating those
packets, where the information has not changed much?
So, what is required is at the source, detect how much the currently sensed packet, and
the previously sensed one are correlated. And then through this measure, which where
we are using advanced information theoretic concepts, we are identifying how much is
the correlation between these sensed packets, and then send deciding upon which packet
to send forward if they are sufficiently uncorrelated you sent the sensed packet,
otherwise you drop it. You do not do anything further. Or queue it for sending it later, or
do something else. This is one possibility. Other possibility is that, in a sensor networks
typically the nodes are densely deployed.
Now it might so happen that 2 or more different nodes they have sensed data, they have
sensed data which are sufficiently correlated. Then the point is that all those 2 or 3
different nodes if they all have similar kind of information content, why do you all want
to have those 3 packets to be sent forward to the sync? Because doing so will
unnecessarily overload this highly constraint network. So, we have again used tools from
information theory, to basically address this particular issue.
So, these ideas are very fundamental to sensor networks and we have addressed those,
and I am trying to give you an exposure to all these different problems, so that you know
that if you have to use sensor networks for IoT implementation what are the issues that
have to be addressed for it. It is not like buying few IoT devices, few sensors, few
different other devices and putting them all together we will have an IoT network. This is
a common misconception, implementation deployment of IoT is heavily research
intensive, it cannot be done in an ad hoc manner, you have to plan it properly and you
have to design the protocols the design the algorithms, find out the different
complications that are going to happen, and act accordingly.
Going ahead we have, so I will skip it is there for you. This is part of the previous
information theoretic approach that I mention and finding the correlation between the
different packets spatially as well as temporally. So, I am not going to go through it in
detail, but it is available for you to go through in this particular slide.
Another very important thing is social sensing. Social networks like twitter, facebook,
etcetera, these are quite popular. At the same time sensor networks are also quite
popular, but sensor networks duty cycling is very important because, of these low
powered nodes. So, low powered nodes mostly have to be kept in a dormant or a sleep
mode, and they have to be woken up periodically. Now when do you wake up, do you
wake them up after a certain interval of time? Or is there a better way of waking them
So, we basically studied this issue, and we have seen that if the social sensor networks
are hooked up to the sensor networks sorry social networks over the internet then, we can
exploit, we can exploit the information flow in these social networks to identify whether
the sensing interval can be increased or decreased. May be that based on some you know
cracking of the twitter data, there is a straight to the national security. So, the sensor
networks that are deployed in the coast, in the water, for naval defense or for aerial
defense etcetera, their duty cycle can be increased accordingly. So, can be put in more
alert, but for rare events you do not need to improve the duty you know increase the duty
cycles so often. You can keep them in a low duty cycle environment.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:58)
So, this is what this third work basically talks about and the source of this literature is
also given over here. So, you can if you are interested you may go through this
particular. But to understand, how social networks and sensor networks can be integrate
together in order to improve the performance of the sensor networks.
There are different challenges with social sensing. Distinguishing rare events and regular
events, adapting to the duty cycle with the event or occurrence probability and what we
have done is probabilistically we determine how the duty cycle is going to be managed.
So, we accumulate information from the social media to identify the occurrence
possibility of rare events, and adjust the duty cycles of sensor nodes using some learning,
machine learning approach.
Again, so in this particular figure we see that let us say that this is a military sensor
network, how this duty cycle is going to be changed over time of this, based on the data
that is received from the web from social media.
Sensor networks can be used for a diverse range of applications, for agriculture space
applications, mining and health care and so on and so forth.
Here is an application of sensor network it for mines. In our country coal mining is very
important. And one of the ways of coal mining is basically the bord and pillar coal
mining. Bord, bord. Bord and pillar coal mining. So, in the bord and pillar coal mining,
what happens is there are some columns these pillars, that are that are basically that is the
way the structure of mining is done coal mining is done. Now in modern pillar coal
mining So, what we are saying is will be putting different sensors so as to ensure that
whenever there is a possibility of fire taking place, it will get automatically detected and
it will alert the respective persons, and if indeed fire takes place then, to you know
through the actuators to release water pulps in pipes and so on and so forth.
So, this particular paper whose source is given over here, basically talks about how to do
it. So, these are the different columns the pillars and, these are the bord and the gallery.
These are the different bords and the gallery and, this is how the sensors are going to
replace, the temperature sensor, the gas sensors, and so on. These are all going to be
placed and where the actuators are going to replace. These are all shown over here in this
(Refer Slide Time: 20:48)
Now, the other work is healthcare, the other application domain is healthcare. In
healthcare what happens is the humans are fitted with different physiological monitoring
sensors. Sensors that will monitor physiological conditions with respect to body
temperature, blood pressure, you know oxygen saturation in the blood, you know cardio
cardiac functionality, a functioning and so on and so forth.
So, when these sensors are all put together on the human body, they can all sense about
that physiological functioning of that particular patient, and sends you know send that
sensed data to a local unit on the human body, typically mobile phone kind of device,
which is technically known as the LPU the local processing unit. So, this becomes the
LPU the coordinator. So, all these sensors we will be sending the sensed information to
this particular coordinator, and this becomes, this unit because something known as the
w ban, or wireless body area network. And from here the data is sent to the you know,
through the internet, to the server for doctors to understand remotely the condition of the
(Refer Slide Time: 22:18)
A very important and an attractive concept, is the concept of cloud assisted sensor
network. Specifically in this particular paper we have talked about social choice
considerations in cloud assisted wireless body area network architecture, for post disaster
So, concept of social choice theory of economics has been used in order to in order to
impart fairness to the different nodes in the network, in a cloud assistant w ban scenario.
W ban is a sensor network a physiological monitoring sensor network. And all this data
in a w ban cloud is going to go to the cloud end. The physiological data are going to go
to the cloud end. Now the question is that, how do we ensure fairness among the
different nodes in the network? For that we have used the social choice theory for
improving it.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:21)
A very important work that was done again in the SWAN lab is the work that is sited
over here. Prioritized payload tuning mechanism for wireless body area based healthcare
system. This was published in IEEE globe com in 2014.
So, here basically we are using fuzzy logic, in order to improve the tuning of payload in
a w ban. So, conditions you know in addition to healthcare conditions, there exist
different other external parameters such as age height, weight, gender of the patient and
so on. So, all these also have to be taken into consideration.
So, those are you know those can be you know, those can be modeled better with the
help of fuzzy logic, fuzzy theory, fuzzy set theory, rather than using crisp set theory. And
so, what we had we have done is using the fuzzy based concepts, we have you know
taken all these things into consideration and have tried to improve the payload tuning of
that particular network.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:46)
Another important thing that also has to be taken into consideration when we are talking
about healthcare sensor networks is, that particularly during emergencies you know,
what happens is let us see that after a post disaster environment, in a post disaster
environment. So, so what happens if there are so many casualties? So, many victims and
so on and so forth. So, and at the same time we have very limited medical resources be
doctors, nurses, paramedics and so on. We have very limited.
So, they all have to be taken care of now if we are using sensor networks. You know
deploying different sensors on the human body you know of the patients victims and so
on and so forth, then what also has to be done is that, certain patients might require
urgent attention, more urgent attention compared to certain other patients. So, that
differentiation has to happen. Otherwise what might happen, is some patient who is at
the point of maybe collapsing or dying he does not get helped whereas, somebody else
who is not so critical get more attention. So, that fairness has to happen, that priority has
to be given and this particular paper which was published in the IEEE JB JBHI IEEE
journal of biomedical and health informatics basically talks about it.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:06)
So, we have in this particular lecture gone through different flavors of research works,
and applications of sensor networks. We have seen that how sensor networks can be used
for the broader context of internet of things, deployment of sensor networks to achieve
the objectives of internet of things. This is what we have gone through in this particular
lecture. We have seen that there a there are lot of applications and we have also seen that
there are lots of research issues. Some of the research issues and their flavors is what you
have been exposed to in this particular lecture.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 16
Sensor Networks- III
In this lecture, I am going to talk about some of the applications of sensor networks. So,
sensor networks as I said in a previous lecture can be used for serving different
applications agriculture, healthcare, space and so on and so forth. Many different types
of applications are possible. So, we will take up few of the applications where sensor
networks can be used and also keeping in mind some of the research works that we have
done in our Swen lab at IIT Kharagpur and so that I can give you a little bit of more
insight about you know house sensor networks can be used to address different problems
of different application domains.
So, the first thing that I am going to talk about is the problem of target tracking. So, let
me explain to you what the problem of target tracking is.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:24)
So, let us say target tracking, this is also known as object tracking. So, what happens is
sensor networks are very much useful for surveillance applications, surveillance
applications means that we can use different types of sensors, we can use cameras we
can use a combination of all of these sensors cameras etcetera. To track a particular
object a particular target maybe there is some suspicious activity that is going on maybe
in a public place like a railway station or maybe in a crowded place some plaza or some
market place or something like that.
So, sensor networks can be used for surveillance application. So, if there is already some
sensor infrastructure that is deployed in a particular place. So, these sensors can be used
to first of all identify that there is something wrong that is going on. So, you need to have
appropriate sensors of course, and thereafter once it is detected that there is some
suspicious activity that is going on then to track the trajectory of the target. So, this
tracking can be of 2 forms. One is that as and when the target moves we keep on we keep
on following the target using these different sensors we keep on sensing, where and how
the target is moving.
So, that can be done in real time. The other possibility is that to predict the trajectory of
the target. So, predicting the trajectory of the target. So, it can be of 2 types. Now what
essentially I in either of these cases what essentially happens is we have different sensor
nodes. These sensor nodes are placed all over in the terrain where monitoring has to be
done. Now let us say that there is an object maybe a human that has been detected by
these sensors these 3 sensors - this one, this one, and this one. So, the problem of
trajectory sorry target tracking is that when this target moves the trajectory of that
particular target has to be followed by these different sensors on the way. So, this is what
this is this particular problem
The second problem is to predict the trajectory. So, prediction means that let us say that
this object has been identified here in this particular position by these sensors it moves to
the next location the next location is let us say here and then these sensors have detected
this particular target like this it keeps on moving etcetera it comes to this particular
position and then at this position we have to predict that what is going to be the next
particular position or a sequence of positions of the target. So, we have to predict the
next position or sequence of positions of this target. So, this is known as the problem of
target tracking in sensor networks.
So, going back, we have different types of formulations of the problem of target tracking.
One is the push based formulation, which is about that nodes computing the position of
the target and periodically notifying the sink node. So, you know if this is a sensor
network deployment, then you know this particular target this object has been identified
by these sensors have been sensed, by these sensors, and then these sensors when this
object moves it is going to compute the position of the target and then periodically at
certain intervals of time notify to the sink node in this case, let us say that this is the sink
node. So, it will be modified to this particular sink node.
So, sink node is the one which basically gets all the data from the other nodes the source
nodes and the intermediate relay nodes. So, this is the sink node leadership. Now the
other formulation is known as the poll based formulation which is shown in the second
figure over here. So, in this particular formulation what we have is nodes registering the
presence of the target to permit a low cost query. So, in other words the nodes are going
to send out are going to poll all the other nodes to see if there is any object that is there in
their locality; that means, within their sensing range. So, this is the poll based. So, it is
going to periodically it is going to polled.
So, every node is going to be polled periodically. And the third is where there is a tracker
that is used. So, tracker basically follows the trail of the target and intercepts the target.
So, this is known as a guided formulation. So, we have 3 distinct types of formulation of
the problem of target tracking in sensor networks. The next point that I would also like to
highlight is that targeting is actually very important for sensor networks target tracking
applications like surveillance etcetera are very attractive. And that is why there has been
lot of research on target tracking or object tracking in sensor networks lot of research in
our research group also we have done a lot of work on target tracking.
And so if you are interested you know you can visit my website and can get access to
these papers research papers, but without getting into the research details let me also
highlight another particular aspect.
So, let us say that we have going back we have a terrain like this. So, in this particular
terrain in the previous example, I had considered that there is a single target or single
object this human like this. There could be other objects as well and this is quite natural
or this is quite typical in most of these applications because normally you are not going
to track a single object normally it is going to be like there are multiple objects.
So, tracking multiple objects is it even more difficult problem, then single object tracking
multi object tracking is even more a difficult problem than multi objective and that is
quite obvious, I do not need to really elaborate am about why it is. So, so this multi
object tracking one way is that individually you keep on tracking all the other objects as
well, but that is not efficient. So, the problem is that how to efficiently how to track
multiple objects in a terrain. So, now, let us move to the second slide where we have to
understand how this target tracking basically functions.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:05)
So, first let us say that you know we have different sensor nodes. This sensor nodes they
have an object in their position in a close to them in their sensing range. Now what has to
happen is the different nodes have to do lot of cooperation, for different purposes maybe
for aggregating the data maybe for relaying the information that has been received about
the tracking from other nodes, who have actually detected the presence of the target or
who are following the target and so on and so forth. So, like this lot of different types of
cooperation has to happen.
And then what happens is the position the exact position of the target has to be computed
and this can be done using different ways, the position computation can be done in
different ways for example, using the concept of trilateration using the concept of
trilateration. If we know the positions of these 3 different sensor nodes we can easily
compute the position of this particular object which is within the sensing range of these
3. Then after that there has to be some prediction that has to happen. So, prediction is
about that if the object is at a particular location at this part at a certain instant of time,
then at the later instant of time after delta t time, let us say where the object is going to
be. So, let us say that the object is going to be over here.
So, this particular position has to be predicted and thereafter issues such as energy
management etcetera have to be taken care of because it should not happen that large
number of sensors basically are activated and they all start sensing. So, what is the
minimum number of sensors that are required in order to efficiently track the target first
of all identify the position of the target and then track it. So, activating those sensor
nodes, and those few sensor nodes and basically putting the other nodes to the sleep
mode which is basically a low resource consuming low energy consuming mode of the
sensor nodes.
So, this is another energy management problem that also has to be addressed alongside
the problem of target tracking. So, I told you about the problem of target tracking like
this sensor networks can be used for various other applications as well it has indeed been
used in our research group apart from different other applications, we have particularly
focused on the use of sensor networks in agriculture. So, in agriculture we have basically
focused on number one, surveillance of agricultural field.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:41)
So, this is basically agriculture agricultural applications, we have also done some work
on the use of sensor networks in the agricultural field for monitoring the soil parameters
the soil parameters. So, for example, moisture content water level content and many
other parameters for example, the mineral content of the soil phosphorus nitrogen and so
on. So, these can also be sensed. So, soil moisture water level etc they can be used they
can be sensed and that information can be used for irrigating irrigation of the field. So, if
the soil moisture of the particular field has gone down we can irrigate the field and so on.
So, like this actually there are different types of applications in surveillance we have
worked on monitoring if a particular agricultural field is protected from intrusions, from
intrusions from let us say cattle like you know cows goats etcetera because normally you
know this is a very typical problem in a country like India where we have different
cattles and different animals getting into the field damaging the crops and so on.
So, this kind of surveillance of the field is also very much required. So, so this kind of
intrusions have to be detected and this can be done with the help of this technology the
system that we have developed which is known as the aid. So, aid is basically a
prototype for agricultural intrusion detection using wireless sensor networks, we are
using 2 types of sensors the passive in infrared sensor the PIR sensor and the ultrasonic
sensor. So, when an intruder basically enters the field through the boundary of the field
the PIR sensor detects the object; that means, the intruder and the ultrasonic sensor
basically senses the distance at which the object is located.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:23)
So, this is why these 2 different sensors are used there is sensor whether it has the
entered or not and the ultrasonic sensor about how far the object is from that particular
sensor. So, this is the schematic diagram. So, this is the agricultural field and an intruder
getting in these different sensors are deployed in the perimeter or the boundary and the
sensors will detect whether there is any intrusion that is going on or not and if it is going
on then the farmer is going to be notified through cell phone or through other means at
his home or wherever he is this is the layered architecture of this particular system that
we have developed. So, first 2 layers are sensing using PIR sensor and the ultrasonic
And then processing by the microcontroller and then routing and finally, the application
level SMS and alert messages will be sent to the farmer or any other stakeholder of that
particular field.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:18)
So, this is one application that we study the second definitely, the first is basically target
tracking second is agriculture and in agriculture what we have just gone through is
detecting intrusions in agricultural field, we could as I told you also that we could use
sensors different types of sensors to measure to monitor the soil conditions with respect
to moisture content water level content and so on and so forth. And correspondingly if let
us say the soil parameters have gone down or is below a certain desired level then the
field is going to be irrigated. Now let us look at something known as the multimedia
sensor networks, multimedia sensor networks is very interesting in the media sensor
We use multimedia devices apart from the regular sensors, these regular sensors like
temperature sensor humidity sensor soil moisture sensor etcetera. These in multimedia
sensor network technology in the community is known as scalar sensors, these sensors
are known as scalar sensors. And in addition we have the camera sensors the camera
sensors basically include like steel cameras in the small sized steel cameras or video
cameras, which can be integrated along with these scalars scalar sensors to get a
complete picture of what is going on in a particular area of interest.
So, typically what would happen is, we would be very much interested to get a complete
picture and for getting complete picture ideally we should have cameras everywhere
which would take still images and so on, but that basically is not only expensive having
too many cameras deploying too many cameras in a field is not only expensive, but also
that is not a very good solution from a network point of view, because if we have too
many images of big size being taken then these big images big sized images are going to
float all over in the network. And that is going to be not a very good solution for a
resource constrained more specifically a bandwidth constrained environment like a
sensor network.
So, the whole idea is can we use large number of these inexpensive cheap low cost
sensor scalar sensors and have a fewer camera sensors, and together we can we have a
better surveillance. So, how it is going to happen I will show you.
So, let us say that we have some terrain of interest. So, here we can have these different
scale sensors all over which can be something like temperature sensor, humidity sensor,
soil moisture sensor or whatever depending on the application that we are targeting and
within this we would be using.
So, these are the green colored circles basically denote the scalar sensors and then we
would be using only very few cameras. So, these cameras are expensive. So, we cannot
use too many of them and also from a network perspective, as I said before we cannot
use too many cameras. So, what is going to happen first these cameras these scalar cam
Ah these scalar sensors they are going to detect whether there is something going on or
not, and thereafter if indeed there is something some suspicious activity or something
going on and is detected by these scalar sensors through their collaborative sensing, then
these sensors are going to activate the camera and this camera is then going to servile.
What exactly precisely is going on? Similarly the other cameras could also be activated
depending on the position of the particular object, and how it is moving in the particular
field. So, this is how the camera and scalar sensors putting together can work
collaboratively you know wireless multimedia sensor network.
Now, but we can also have wild habitat monitoring like you know wild habitat
monitoring means, like you can have these multimedia sensor networks to track precisely
and monitor, how the different wild animals in their natural habitat are moving how what
activities they are doing whether they are healthy or not and so on and So, forth
environmental monitoring likewise and so on. So, like this actually there are different
types of applications of multimedia sensor networks.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:42)
How the topology is going to be maintained over time, how these sensors are going to
connect with one another over time, whether they are you know whether with respect to
coverage means that with different sensors whether the entire region of interest is
covered by at least one sensor or not. So, with respect to coverage and connectivity
means that from every sensor whether there is connectivity to the sink node or not, so
with respect to coverage and connectivity, whether at different instants of time the
network is has a healthy topology. So, this is what is taking care of in the problem of
topology management. And this is this is one paper that is there for you as a source
which you can go through to understand the problem of topology management in sensor
(Refer Slide Time: 24:07)
Another application and a technology that has evolved over time is nanonetworks. You
must have already heard about lot of interest in nanostructures, nanomaterials,
nanodevices and so on. And in including nanosensors, but you may not have heard about
So, narrow networks more specifically nanosensor networks can be of 2 types. One is the
electromagnetic nanosensor networks the other one is the bio nanosensor networks. So,
the electromagnetic nanosensor networks basically as the name suggests the
communication is through electromagnetic means and the other one is by nanosensor
networks where basically it is biomolecules that help in communication in the human
body or any human or you know any other natural being. So, nanodevices are used for as
nodes in a nanonetwork on a nanosensor network. And every nanodevice has different
components like one of which is the nanosensor, nanoactuator nanopower device and so
on and so forth. So, this is how the communication takes place and between the source
and source device and the sink there is going to be over the nanomedium such as carbon
nanotubes there is going to be flow of charges that is going to take place and as you can
see over here this is in the scale of few nanometers only. So, as you can understand one
issue over here is to first design or fabricate nanosensors. Similarly it is also required to
design and fabricate other nanodevices like nanoactuators nanopower sources and so on.
And then the other problem is how we can put the nanosensors nanoactuators nanopower
And the like together as a single device then nanonode and this nanonode also has a
nanocommunication unit and this communication unit of one nanonode would help to
connect with another nanonode with a similar kind of receiving device, and this
communication in nanoelectromagnetic networks takes place in the terahertz band so this
is typically this communication takes place in the period spent in nanonetworks.
So, this is what I was telling you. This is a schematic of how a nanonode looks like. So,
we have this nanopower unit, we have this nanosensors actuators nanomemory
nanoprocessor nanoantennas for communication and so on and these corresponding
dimensions are also mentioned over here. So, this is like 1 micrometer 2 micrometer 6
micrometers and so on. So, this is a very small kind of you know extremely small scale
nanoscale node, which has to be fabricated not using conventional sensor node design
mechanisms, but using a very sophisticated mechanism that is that takes help of
nanofabrication units nanofab fabrication facilities.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:02)
So, in the electromagnetic communication, something like this happens you know it is
basically electromagnetic waves that basically are passed through some kind of
nanomaterial like a grapheme or something like that and the information is transferred
from one device to another device.
So, great magnetic communication for nanonetwork centers around the 0.1 to 10
terahertz general band. Then we have underwater acoustic sensor networks where
basically it is about submerging conceptually submerging the sensor nodes that we are
familiar with. So, far in the underwater domain submerging them let us say in the ocean
and then having them sense and communicate to retrieve the information from under the
surface of water. So, this conceptually is very simple and is similar to what happens in
the terrestrial sensor network domain.
So, how do you maintain the topology of the network in the first place second thing is
that with respect to communication when these different waves are hitting these different
nodes, then they are also affecting the communication channel the channel are is also
going to be affected. So, in such kind of noisy environment how the communication is
going to take place also. In addition we have the medium which is typically like saline in
nature where there is lot of temperature very in the ocean column where there is lot of
pressure variation in that ocean column. So, all these also affect the communication
channel and the performance of communication in such environments.
So, different oceanic forces also have impact on these networks, and that is the reason
trying to simulate trying to simulate an underwater sensor network and it is environment
is not very easy. So, one of the important concerns about simulation is that how the
nodes in an underwater sensor network are going to move.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:09)
So, for that there is a mobility model that has been proposed, and this is known as the
there are different mobility models one of which is the meandering current mobility
model. So, this meandering current mobility model was proposed in a paper that was
published in infocom conference several years back. And thereafter we have proposed in
our group a mobility model which is known as the of mm oceanic forces model mobility
model. And the characteristic of this particular of mm mobility model is that we have
taken into account the realistic forces that are going to hit a particular node in a in an
oceanic environment, whereas, the meandering current mobility model that do not take
all these different forces.
That we have considered and this is how we have come up with this OFMM mobility
model and this can be used to simulate the behavior of underwater sensor networks.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:58)
Protocols such as HASL which use beacon sending beacon reception and location
estimation information to basically localize the nodes. So, these are these start with first
getting some GPS coordinate from maybe a surface sink, and then start processes like
dead recording and broadcast becoming sorry broadcasting beacons and so on, receiving
the beacons getting an estimate of location estimation through processes such as
trilateration and so on. And this has been explained in detail in this particular paper that
is referenced over here at the bottom of the slide.
So, dead reckoning I was mentioning to you about dead reckoning digitally is I mean it is
a technique of localization that is typically used in oceanic environments where it is hard
to find specific references. So, in dead reckoning what is done is based on the distance
from a particular target or a particular node whose position is known. It is estimated how
another node how much far another node is located and at what angle.
So, based on this distance and angular information the position of the target at different
instance of time in a marine environment is basically computed.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:35)
This is a proposal you know, this is a paper I triple e transactions on mobile computing it
appeared. And here basically you know we are talking about how to efficiently localize
with the help of advanced techniques such as game theory and so on.
So, here we have considered 2 types of nodes that are localized nodes and the localized
nodes the problem is about based on the location information from the localized nodes
how to get the location information of the unlocalized nodes. And for this what we do is
we vary the communication range the transmission range of the of the of the nodes and
by varying it the problem is to maximize the number of varying or increasing the
increasing the transmission range, the problem is to maximize the number of nodes other
nodes which can be put within that corresponding range the transmission range of a
particular node. So, this is what is shown over here pictorially as you can see this
particular node, you know it has an initial communication range like this the
transmission range which can be increased further like these other circles.
So, these are the 3 different ranges that are shown of the communication range or the
transmission range of this particular node likewise for the other nodes also it is shown
like this.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:09)
And the other problem is to maintain the topology maintain the architecture in
underwater sensor networks for this there is this architecture, the tic tac toe architecture
which is a self organizing virtual architecture has been proposed by us, in the iet wireless
sensor systems journal and here. Basically what we do I am not going into the details of
it because it is not required; I just wanted to give you a flavor of this particular problem
because this is indeed very important and fundamental in the underwater sensor network
community. So, it is required to calculate the duration of connectivity between the
different the water nodes, and what we have done is we have to post this tic tac toe
architecture, which is a self organizing network architecture by utilizing the dynamic
formation of virtual topology.
(Refer Slide Time: 38:01)
So, here there are 3 steps neighbor finding neighbor selection and duty cycle and duty
cycle management. So, duty cycle management means that based on the computation of
how much the nodes are separated from each other the other nodes and their
corresponding duty cycles are set or reset accordingly.
So, with this we come to an end of this particular lecture and what I have tried to do in
this lecture, is to give you a feel of the different applications of sensor networks and the
different research challenges in order to address those specific applications. And so we
have also gone through some of the high level ideas about how to address what are the
different solution approaches to address those problems.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 17
Sensor Networks- IV
In this lecture, we will try to understand a very important concept, which is the coverage
the concept of coverage in sensor networks. Coverage is a very important problem
because what is required is using sensors or sensor networks. We have to deploy the
sensors or more specifically the sensor nodes in a particular terrain in such a way that no
point or no none of the areas in that particular terrain left unsensed in that region. So, we
have to deploy the sensors in such a way that none of the points in the terrain of interest
which has to be that means, which has to be sensed which has to be surveilled, it should
not happen that there is such a point which is not within the sensing range of if any
sensor node.
So, this is basically known as the point coverage like this there are different other types
of coverage called area coverage then we have barrier coverage and different other types
of coverage which have been researched upon in the literature. So, we will try to
understand this concept first.
So, we have an area-of-interest and what is required is to ensure that that particular area
of interest is covered fully covered is fully covered by at least one sensor. So, there has
to each and every point in that particular area has to be within the sensing range of at
least one sensor. So, there is an elite terminology which is called the connectivity and
connectivity of the nodes is basically to ensure that all nodes that means, each and every
node in the network from that point to the sink node there is some path that is available
to transmit the sensed information. So, we have to ensure in the connectivity problem,
we have to ensure that all the nodes are connected in the network. So that the sense data
can be reach the sink node.
Sensor coverage basically studies how to deploy or activate sensors to cover the
monitoring area. So, there are two variants of this particular problem, one is called the
sensor placement problem and the other one is the density control. So, basically we have
to ensure that how we are going to deploy the sensor nodes in a particular region of
interest, so that the problem of coverage is addressed. So, how do we place the sensor
nodes. And the second problem is that minimally how do we place, so that you know
appropriate or desirable density is maintained in that particular area.
So, there are two modes of sensors one is the static sensor the other one is mobile sensor.
The problem of coverage with static sensors basically is different from the problem of
coverage with mobile sensors whereas, in static sensors we are primarily concerned
about how to deploy the sensor, so that each and every point in the area is covered. In
mobile sensors, we have to ensure that with respect to not only space as in static sensor,
but also with respect to time that means spatio temporally that region of interest is
covered with respect to space and time and that is in harder problem to solve.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:14)
Now, let us try to understand few concepts. The first is the concept of sensing range and
transmission range. So, when we have a node like this, it can sense up to a certain radius
around it. So, it is typically like few meters or so. So, for a particular sensor node the
sensing radius is the sphere around it, till which this particular node can sense. So, this is
the sphere we are talking about or into D it is a circle. Now, there is this elite concept of
transmission range, which is bit different. So, this transmission range or the
communication range is concerned about how far this particular node can communicate.
So, these are concentric circles and typically the sensing range is lesser than the
communication range as shown in this particular figure.
But in literature on coverage, you will often find that the sensing range and the
communication range are equated, they are considered to be equal. So, there is a
relationship between the coverage and connectivity. If the transmission range is greater
than or equal to twice the sensing range, it has been shown by researchers that the
problem of coverage implies the problem of connectivity. In other words, we simply
have to take care of coverage, and if we have ensured that coverage has been taken care
of in a particular area then automatically connectivity is also taken care of.
So, for ensuring coverage as well as connectivity, we have to ensure that for the
particular sensor node, that we are considering. The transmission range is at least twice
the sensing range. And typically for most of the available sensor nodes in the market
most of the you know so this particular condition is taken care of. So, typically the the
the transmission range or the communication range is quite much much bigger than the
sensing range and that is why coverage becomes the main issue to be addressed.
So, the problem of coverage once again ensures that how well the sensing field is
monitored or tracked by the different sensors. And to determine that with respect to
certain application specific performance criteria in the case of static sensors where to
deploy and or activate them; and in case of mobile sensors how to plan the trajectory of
the sensors. So, these two cases are collectively termed as the coverage problem in
wireless sensor networks. So, we have the coverage problem for static sensor networks
concerned mostly about how to place the sensors or if they are already placed how to
activate them, when and how to activate them, so this is the problem of coverage for
static sensors the problem of coverage. For mobile sensors is basically, how to plan the
trajectory of these mobile sensors, so that the region of interest is covered spatio
(Refer Slide Time: 08:02)
So, the purpose of deploying a sensor network is to collect relevant data for processing
or reporting. And there are two types of reporting one is event driven, the other one is on
demand. Event driven applications include like forest fire monitoring building fire
monitoring and so on. So, whenever there is some kind of event. So, event means like
fire taking place that is an event so then that particular event is reported. And on demand
is basically that for example, if there is some information that is required then that you
know some query is going to be sent for example, in inventory control systems. So,
query is sent whenever there is some information that is required. So, the objective is to
use a minimum number of sensors and maximize the network lifetime. And network
lifetime is basically in plane and simple terms, it is about how long the network is going
to survive how long the network is going to survive.
So, actually in the literature there are different definitions of network lifetime. So, one
definition basically says that the time until which the first sensor node in the network
dies. There is another definition which says, that the time until which the last sensor node
in the network dies that means, it would runs out of battery power or it you know it stops
functioning. And there are different other definitions as well, which are somewhere in
between. So, the time until which let us say P percentage of sensors die in a particular
network is the network lifetime.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:50)
So, basically the objective is to use a minimum number of sensors and maximize the
network lifetime. So, this coverage problem is such that it can be addressed either using
centralized algorithms or using distributed algorithms or using localized algorithms. In
distributed version of the problem the nodes basically compute their position by
communicating with their neighbors only. Every node basically computes their position
by communicating only with their neighbors. In the decentralized version the data are
collected at the central point and global map is computed and in the localized version
here. Basically, it is sort of like a distributed algorithm where only a subset of the nodes
in the sensor network participate in sensing communication and computation. So, it says
sort of like a variant of the distributed algorithm localized algorithm.
So, the different ways in which the sensors can be deployed for the purpose is basically
either using deterministic means like you know, you preplan everything in a particular
area. You know that xyz coordinates where each of these individual sensor nodes are
going to be deployed and that is PD determined P calculated and the other one is
basically random where using some random means like airborne means or whatever the
sensors are thrown into that particular area.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:26)
So, there are two types of ranges one is the sensing range and the other one is the
communication range and the objective of the problem is to maximize the network
lifetime or minimize the number of sensors. There are basically mostly three types of
coverage that are quite common one is the area coverage the second is the point coverage
and the third is the barrier coverage.
So, area coverage out of these three is the most common form of coverage in area
coverage what has to be done is, we have to ensure that each and every point in a
particular area is within the sensing range of at least one sensor node and that is that area
covered. So, likewise actually that entire area is it consists of infinite number of points.
So, we have to ensure that those infinite number of points each and every point in a
particular area is within the sensing range of at least one sensor node. And on area
coverage lot of work has been done by Zhang and Hou, who proved that, if the
communication range is Rc and the sensing range is Rs then if the condition Rc greater
than equal to twice of Rs holds then coverage implies connectivity. And this is something
that I told at the outset as well of this lecture.
So, this is what has to be done. So, what basically has to be done is we have to ensure
that two disks intersecting at crossings will be determent. And then, we have to ensure
that likewise there are you know all these crossings that are formed out of the
intersection of the different circles are covered. And this is what the algorithm one of the
algorithms that was proposed by Zhang and Hou the OGDC algorithm that, we going to
talk about shortly basically does and you know so without going into the details of it me
also explain the concept of point coverage.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:03)
So, in point coverage, what we are doing is we are ensuring that if there is a set of points
in a particular area to ensure that, those set of points are covered. Those set of points are
covered in that particular area with minimal number of sensor nodes. So, it comes in two
flavors one is the random point coverage and the other one is the deterministic point
coverage in random point coverage it is required to distribute the sensors randomly. So,
that every point must be covered by at least one sensor at all times and in deterministic
point coverage we have to do essentially the same thing in a deterministic manner.
Then we have the barrier coverage in barrier coverage we have three variants one is the
one barrier coverage the second is the two barrier coverage and the third is the K barrier
coverage. So, here we have to ensure that a particular barrier is covered. So, let me just
explain to you this particular concept.
Let us say that we have two countries. Let us say that, we have two countries. And we
have this is country 1 and this is country 2. So, this let us assume is the border between
these two countries. So, the barrier coverage problem says that how we are going to
place the sensor nodes and at what interval we are going to place them so that this
particular barrier is covered. Covered means what that let us say that if there is some
intruder that gets into from country 1, it tries to get into country 2, then it will get
detected by at least one sensor node. So, this is the barrier coverage problem.
So, one barrier coverage ensures that at least one sensor node detects the intruder in what
I just explained before. Two-barrier coverage ensures that, you know at least 2 sensors
detect such an intrusion and k-barrier coverage ensures that at least k number of sensors
k can be anything greater than 2, k number of sensors basically detect this particular
(Refer Slide Time: 16:02)
So, we have different types of barrier coverage the left hand figure shows thus case of
weak coverage and the right hand side figure shows the case of strong coverage. So, as
you can see over here in this scenario we have weak coverage because, you know one
can find paths by which one can you know avoid getting sensed avoid getting sensed. On
the other hand, if you look at over here, there is no such paths that can be found without
getting detected without the intruder getting detected by one of these sensor nodes.
So, in this particular figure, what we see is that these empty circles basically denoting the
nodes which are there, but and not active and these shaded circles denoting the nodes
which are active. So, I hope that this point is clear over here. So, we have weak coverage
and we have strong coverage. So, as you can see over here. So, a path like this by an
intruder can avoid getting detected by add at least one sensor node; however, no such
path can found out over here. So, this is the case of strong coverage and this is the case
of weak coverage.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:42)
So, what is required is to continuously ensure that the coverage criterion is mate at all
points of time and we have to activate the nodes in that manner. Maybe if it is a random
deployment there could be some redundant nodes and it there is no point of two nodes
doing the same thing at the same time, so maybe you put one node to the slip state the
other one could be active and then this cycle can be changed over time. So, a region like
this has to be covered. So, in this particular region, we have these different sensors we
have these different sensors. So, we have to ensure that each and every point is covered.
So, how do we do that, we keep on placing this sensor nodes. And let us say that this is
the sensing range of this node. This is the sensing range of the second node and this is
the sensing range of the third node. So, these points that are shown over here are termed
as the crossings these points and these points. What is the difference over here, these
points are crossings between two circles, two or more circles, whereas these points are
crossing between a circle and the boundary.
crossing which was formed out of these two circles is covered by this circle. So, this
crossing is covered, whereas this crossing this crossing or these crossing these are not
covered. So, this is what has to be ensured and this is shown in a different way in this
particular diagram.
So, now let us look at a little bit of geometry. So, you know we have to come up with
some optimality conditions. Optimality conditions for minimizing the overlap while
covering the crossings and that way we have to ensure that minimum number of sensor
nodes are utilized in order to cover covered the crossings. So, if nodes A and B are fixed
like in this particular figure. So, if nodes A and B are fixed, we have to place a nodes C
we have to place a node C in such a way that OR = OQ. So, A, B we have to place C in
such a way that OR = OQ. If nodes A, B and C all can change their locations then and
that is quite possible. So, if nodes A, B and C all can change their locations then we can
even have OP = OR = OQ. So, OP = OR = OQ that can be very well done and if all
nodes have the same sensing range that means, the circles have the same radius.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:49)
Then the distance between them is square root of three times R s the sensing range. So, a
node in the OGDC algorithm what happened is first a node volunteers as a starting node
and it starts broadcasting a message containing the ideal direction which is randomly
selected. If another node B which is closest to the ideal distance and angle becomes
active a node C covering P and closest to the optimal location becomes active and
repeatedly, it is required to cover the crossings uncovered crossings with notes that incur
minimum overlap.
So, a node sleeps if its coverage area is completely covered. So, let me show you this
particular concept it to really. So, what we have one node we have another node both
have the same radius. So, and these are the crossings this is one crossing and this is
another crossing. So, the point that was made earlier was that we have to place this
another node in such a way sorry this is not correct. So, we have to place it in this way
not this in such a way that this is again let me do it once again.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:26)
So, let us say that we have two different nodes and we have to place third node in such a
way that this one, this one and this one at the same. So, in this diagram actually it is not
very precise. So, we have to do it in such a way OP, OR, OQ. So, OP equal to OR equal
to OQ. So, what happens is that one node what it will do it will at a particular angle it
will start broadcasting a message. Then another node which is in this particular direction
and in this angle that means in this particular direction and it is closest to this particular
node that node has to be placed in this manner. And like this if you consider this whole
area you keep on doing the same thing and ensure that the crossings are also covered. So,
what is going to happen like this you know. So, what we are going to get is all the
crossings getting covered like this with a minimum number of sensor nodes. So, this is
how the OGDC algorithm works.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:06)
So, node x starts the process it selects the first node Y at a distance some distance from
this particular node. So, this distance is what square root of three times Rs square root of
3 times Rs it will choose this node then this node Z is selected at a distance square root of
3 times Rs from both X and Y. So, from both X and Y this has to be put square root of R s
distance square root of 3 times Rs distance. So, this is square root of 3 times R s this is
square root of 3 times Rs and this is square root of 3 times Rs.
So, let us go through this algorithm once again each node voluntarily participates with
probability P in this case this node A participates with probability P. It chooses a back of
time randomly. If it does not hear anything from its neighbors, it declares itself as a
starting node, it declares its position and preferred direction. So, in this case it declares
its current position and the direction alpha.
On receiving messages from the starting node, each node computes the deviation from
the desired position. It chooses a back off time randomly when the back off time expires
it sense the power on message then it declares its position and the preferred direction.
The process continues until the entire area is covered as in this particular figure.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:44)
So, this node it started at a particular angle closest to it, another node is chosen this
particular node basically will be selected, these crossings are formed another node C is
chosen. So, square root of 3 times Rs square root of 3 times Rs square root of 3 times Rs
and then we have further crossings. So, you keep on placing the other nodes so that all
the crossings are covered.
So, some highlights again. A node initiates the process with the desired distance and
angle other nodes calculate the deviation and the optimal one is chosen the process
continues for all nodes and all cover nodes go to the sleep mode, this process is
continued for each round.
So, with this we come to an end of the lecture on coverage and coverage is one of the
very important issues in sensor networks, because it ensures that each and every point in
the region of interest is covered or a set of points is covered. And if it is each and every
point is covered that is that area coverage problem and if it is a set of points that have to
be covered then it is a point coverage problem. And it is this area coverage problem that
is the most common and most popular form of coverage problem that is addressed in the
literature, lot of research works have been gone into it.
Similarly, there is the third type of coverage which is the barrier coverage. Here again
you know this is also very important because sensor networks are often used for unmans
surveillance in you know bordering areas between two countries and that is where you
know this particular rectangular strip or a strip of region between two countries has to be
monitored using sensors. So, the coverage while ensuring that minimum number of
sensor nodes are used at and has to be placed in that particular border is a very important
problem and is known as the problem of barrier coverage. And we have finally,
discussed the OGDC algorithm which is one of the important area coverage algorithms
that have been proposed and it is quite popularly used in the sensor networks community.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 18
Sensor Networks- V
So finally, we come to the last lecture of the series on sensor networks. So, here basically
I would like to highlight some of the concepts of mobility. So, more specifically I would
like to explain the concept of mobile sensor networks.
So, let us first look at the static variant sometimes it is also known as the stationary
sensor network. So, here basically as the name suggests the nodes are stationary or static.
So, they do not move; once deployed they will maintain their positions at later instants of
time as well. So, the advantage is basically it is easier to deploy sensor nodes in a
stationary sensor network, the nodes can be placed in an optimized manner, then it there
maintenance of the topology is easier and so on and so forth.
The disadvantage is that if there is a failure in the static sensor network then it is likely
that that point of failure can partition the network into two or more fragments, two or
more partitions. So, it is quite likely that there can happen. And particularly if it is a
critical node, so in that node failing means that you know it is likely to partition the
network. So, one part of the network will not be able to talk with another part of the
network. And topology cannot be changed automatically is also another disadvantage of
a stationary sensor network.
So, let us consider a state stationary sensor network as shown in this particular slide. So,
we have these red colored nodes as points of failure because if this particular node dies
for one reason or other for example, the hardware in it has failed it has stopped
functioning or maybe that you know the battery that was powering that particular node it
is exhausted.
So, what is going to happen? As a consequence these nodes are positioned in such a way
that these network partitions will be created. So, three network partitions would be
created if these two nodes fail. So, as a consequence what is going to happen is that we
would have three partitions or three split ups of the network due to these points of
So, what is the solution? So, one way to address this is to have some node maybe some
external node, external to this particular network or among these if we can have one of
these nodes mobile nodes which can move. Then what it can do is one of these nodes let
us say this particular node can come and take the position of these red colored node and
this network will be joined these partitions will be joined. Likewise maybe this node can
come over here and likewise these two partitions can be joined. So, these three partitions
can be joined if some of these nodes one of these nodes is mobile.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:58)
So, we have a mobile wireless sensor network which is basically a sensor network, a
stationary sensor network conceptually integrated with a mobile ad hoc network. So, this
is not physically integrated conceptually. So, take the features of mobile ad hoc
networks, take the few features of stationary sensor networks put them together and then
you get the mobile wireless sensor networks. And as we know that MANETs mobile ad
hoc networks are infrastructure less and infrastructure less. So, basically what happens is
the topology basically becomes dynamic dynamically changing topologies that basically
invites following properties like self configuring, self healing, self optimizing, self
protecting and so on. So, these have to be there these are infrastructure less networks
these do not have any centralized entity which will control the network management
functions. So, this self job properties basically are going to take effect.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:10)
So, this is what I was telling you little while back. So, mobile wireless sensor networks
are basically a conceptual integration of MANETs with wireless sensor networks.
So, components of a mobile wireless sensor network one is the mobile sensor node the
nodes themselves could be mobile. So, these nodes we have a sink, these nodes can
move all around the sink. So, the sensor nodes, these mobile sensor nodes they would be
sensing some physical parameters from the environment like the way it is shown over
here. So, this node this red color node is sensing some physical parameter around the
So, they sense the physical parameters from the environment, when these nodes come in
close proximity of the sink they would deliver the data as shown
So, in this particular figure as we can see what happens is these two nodes they have
come within the communication range of the sink node, and once they come into the
communication range of the sink node they would deliver the sense data. So, maybe they
have sense that data somewhere outside this range then they have moved and then they
dump that data once they come into the proximity of the sink node.
Then we have the mobile sink, which moves in order to collect data from the sensor
nodes the sink itself this. So, these sensor nodes in the earlier situation in the earlier
example we had considered that the sensor nodes can move; here actually in this
particular figure we show that the sensor nodes are all stationary, the sink node can move
and can collect data from each of these sensor nodes.
Then we can have data mules future mobile. And these are like external entities which
collects the data from the sensor nodes goes to the sink and delivers the collected data
from the different sensor nodes. So, this mule can go in close proximity to each of these
red colored nodes. And thereafter once it has you know finished collecting the data from
these red colored nodes it will come in the close proximity of the sink node and will
deliver the message to the messages all these messages to the sink node.
Now this mobile sensor network it can be used either in the terrestrial environment
maybe by fitting sensors to robotic devices or can be used in the aerial environment,
flying sensor networks. For example, the sensors the nodes themselves they fly or it can
be an underwater sensor network that means that the sensors are fitted to underwater
mobile devices like autonomous underwater vehicles, rovers and so on. So, the examples
could be to monitor the marine life or water quality. So, we have use of underwater
mobile sensor networks which can autonomously automatically sense and remotely send
the sensed parameters of different things such as the sea level, water level you know
water quality marine life and so on and so forth.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:53)
Terrestrial wireless mobile sensor networks sensor nodes typically deployed over land
which can be linked with AUVs; that means, the autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles
and the applications would be wife wildlife monitoring, surveillance, object tracking and
so on.
And the aerial version I told you where the nodes they fly. So, when they fly they sense
and they form a network through which the data are sent to the surface station. So, the
typical examples is unmanned aerial vehicles fitted with sensors; applications include
surveillance, multimedia data gathering and so on.
So, what can be mobile, what can be mobile in a mobile sensor network? We can have
different types of examples of mobile entities from daily life one is the humans, humans
can be mobile and the mobility of humans are unpredictable. For example, if somebody
is walking with the cell phone on and then we want to gather the information of the cell
phone then it is unpredictable to you know so it is unpredictable how the human being is
going to move and consequently it is unpredictable to predict the mobility of the cell
phone. For vehicles, for example, sensors are typically used in cars and different modern
day vehicles so that becomes vehicular sensor network where these vehicles are fitted
with different sensors the sensed data from the different geographical locations and
transmit to the roadside unit. And then we have the mobile robots which are controllable
sensor nodes that collect data by predefined instructions and deliver the data to a specific
(Refer Slide Time: 10:50)
Human-centric sensing is possible because of the use of smartphones and PDAs which
nowadays are equipped with several sensors typically even up to like several sensors
there are lot of smartphones. So, these sensors could be like accelerometer sensor,
gyroscope sensor and so on which are commonly available in the modern day
smartphones and PDAs. So, miniaturization and proliferation of such devices give rise to
new sensing paradigm such as participatory sensing, people centric sensing and
opportunistic sensing. Participatory sensing in participatory sensing a crowd, a group of
people each having their smartphones equipped with sensors turn on their respective
sensors in their mobile phones and then consequently what is going to happen is we are
going to form a human-centric sensor network a human centric mobile sensor network.
Then we have the people-centric sensing very similar to the example that I just told you.
So, basically you know the previous example I had talked about using peoples people
moving. So, a every you know people they can also sense you know we have eyes, ears
etcetera. So, through which we can also sense the people can also sense so that becomes
people-centric sensing. And then we have opportunistic sensing which basically is that
peripheral a particular node moves in that to a different location then opportunistically it
is going to sense and then opportunistically it is going to deliver the message if another
node comes in proximity.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:35)
So, the basic idea is that humans carry their devices and move around sensors embedded
with the devices, record the readings and the sensory readings are then transmitted. There
are three distinct roles played by humans, one is the sensing of the targets, second is the
sensing of the operators and third is the acting as a data source.
Now, for human centric sensing there are different challenges, challenges with respect to
the energy of the devices, then participants selection, privacy of users and so on. So, I
already explain to you the concept of participatory sensing which was proposed by Burke
et al., in 2006 as you can see that it is not a very long or you know old concept. And here
basically we are talking about distributed sensing by devices carried by humans and the
goal is not just to collect the data, but allow common people to access the data and share
the knowledge.
Delay tolerant networks basically you know from one point to another the sense data will
take lot of time to get delivered compared to the regular time. So, with this we come to
an end of this series of lectures on sensor networks. We have seen that sensor networks
are very much attractive and more importantly sensor network I would think personally
to be the most effective most important tool for building internet of things and we have
covered the different aspects of sensor networks in detail. There is a separate NPTEL
course which is on wireless ad hoc and sensor networks where we discuss about the
details of sensor networks in depth.
So, we come to an end of all these lectures on sensor networks for internet of things.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 19
UAV Networks
So far in the previous lectures we talked about networks, which are going to operate on
the ground typically. But it is also possible for networks to be formed out of flying
objects. So, we have flying networks. So, these flying objects could be different things
like the these could be aeroplanes, helicopters, you know several helicopters, inter
network together or few small, small planes which could be inter network together or
nowadays we have these UAVs or drones more popular are the quad copters. These quad
copters could be acting as these flying objects. And if we have a several such quad
copters flying together we can inter network them we can network them together, So that
they can communicate between themselves and they can go about accomplishing some
And this particular, this particularly is very much attractive for different types of
applications civilian applications, and particularly for military applications this is very,
very important. For example, is form of UAVs, a network of UAVs could be going and
accomplishing some task across the border maybe, performing some recognize a survey
between 2 countries, border bordering 2 countries right.
So, in the borders the swarm of UAVs can go and it can surveyed. Similarly, if there is
some kind of a disaster. Post disaster you know taking stock of the situation a swarm of
UAVs can go take stock of the situations maybe through their cameras or whatever and
come back. So, they have to interconnect they have to talk to each other and then send
that sensed, sensed or you know collected information to the ground station. This is done
using something known as the UAV network.
So, in plain and basic terms, UAV network is a network of UAVs. So, quad copters for
example, or drones more generally can be internetwork together to form UAV networks.
So, there are different features of UAV networks.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:42)
So, first thing is the topology. So, we are talking about a network which is highly
dynamic, the topology is fast changing very fast changing, compared to this you know
the terrestrial networks, compared to the terrestrial or ground networks. Because these
are flying objects and they fly at very high speeds, the topology itself will be changing
very fast. And the network itself will be moving together. And consequently the
dynamic, dynamism in the topology is going to be very much.
So, there are 2 types of popular topologies that are used to have to model UAV networks.
One is known as the star topology. I will show you what is the meaning of star topology.
And then we can have a mesh topology which is, attractive in the sense that you know
mesh basically mesh kind of topology for any network ensures reliability and fault
tolerance. So, mesh networks are very very attractive and, but at the same time star
topology is more common and are easily deployable. Then the second feature is the
flexible deployment and management of new services using SDN.
So, now a day’s people are talking about using SDN to manage UAV networks for
deploying flexibly deploying and managing different services. The routing protocols
should be adaptive in nature, should contribute towards greening of the network. And,
multi tasking, multi tasking is a very important feature. So, these nodes you know, so
these flying nodes these quad copters for example, in a UAV network they could be
doing different things together, they have to do different things together. And that is a
very important feature of UAV network.
Then another very important feature of UAV network is that, you can cover you can
offer connectivity over a larger area. So, you can have larger coverage of connectivity or
sensing coverage also can be expanded with the help of UAV networks, because these
are fast moving flying networks comprising of different flying nodes. So, this could be
easily configure reconfigurable for varying missions. So, depending on the mission these
networks can be you know programmed or predefined or reconfigured or preconfigured
in different ways.
So, the key issues here are that we are dealing with a different type of network, where the
topology is going to frequently change, very frequently change. Then the relative
position of the UAVs may also change very frequently because within a group these
nodes are going to change their positions pretty fast. So, we have a network where not
only the network is moving very fast, could be moving very fast, but also these nodes in
that particular network they could also be changing their positions pretty fast.
Then the third feature is malfunctioning. If there is some malfunctioning in the network,
if there is some malfunctioning in the network maybe a particular node you know the
hardware has failed it does not fly any further. Then these networks are developed in
such a way that they can still continue to function, they can still continue to function in
the presence of malfunctioning. They will reform the network the topology is going to be
reformed, the topology is going to be changed and they are going to function. And the
next one is intermittent link nature. Which means that because this topology is changing,
because the internal node positioning is going to change dynamically over time, the links
are going to be also changed you know, so 2 nodes they might be linked up at one instant
of time. Then with one of these nodes another link might be set up in another in a instant
of time and so on.
So, intermittent link connectivity, intermittent connectivity sometimes these links might
be you know these nodes might be able to communicate over a particular link at a few
other instance they may not be able to communicate over the links and so on. So,
intermittent link connectivity and, lack of suitable routing algorithm is another feature.
So, basically you know what happens is because it is a highly dynamic different kind of
network that routing algorithms like AODV DSR etcetera, that are available for ground
ad hoc networks or ground terrestrial sensor networks are not usable per se in these kind
of networks which are highly dynamic, much more highly dynamic than even manets
mobile ad hoc networks.
Here are some of the considerations in UAV network. We have a single UAV system
and we have a multi UAV system. Failures single UAV system the chances are high. In a
multi UAV system the chances of failure are low. Failure of the system as a whole, we
are talking about failure of the system as a whole, and this is quite obvious. The
scalability is limited in a single UAV system, in a multi UAV system, you know, it is
highly scalable. Because, if you, if you increase the few nodes you know the node the
basically the network can be expanded further. Then we have the speed of mission. In a
single UAV system the speed is slow, but in a multi UAV system the speed of mission is
In terms of the failure to coordinate low in a single UAV system and in a multi UAV
system it is present.
So, there are different constraints on these UAV networks we have frequent link
breakages due to the high degrees of dynamism that I just mentioned. These networks are
prone to malfunctioning due to one or more nodes failing, and this is quite possible in
these flying networks. Then we have huge power requirements because you know these
nodes are like you know high powered you know these nodes they have to fly and they
have to again carry some payload, and then they have to communicate.
So, all these basically increase the power requirements per node. These networks that are
formed are quite complex very complex networks because of these all these dynamisms
and the complexity of changing topology, mode position, link breakages and makages
and so on. Then then physically these nodes are physically prone to environmental
effects with respect to wins, rain etcetera. Because they operate in such kind of
environment, where they are they are they are susceptible to environmental effects.
The advantages of UAV networks include high reliability. Because you know, instead of
a single UAV if we are talking about several UAVs that improve in that improves the
reliability of the system, high survivability is another important feature. Single mal
function proof you know, if single node malfunctions you know UAV network are not
going to get affected where is the single UAV systems are going to get affected. Cost
effectiveness you know, In fact, you know unlike what would normally be believed you
know, these networks UAV networks are cost effective. Cost effective because you
know, so what happens essentially is I mean although initially you we are going to buy
couple of these UAVs not one, but they can you know accomplish a mission much more
efficiently compared to a single UAVs.
So, that way basically the cost is you know the efficiency with respect to cost is
improved in a UAV network. Efficiency overall of the network improves in a UAV
network system, and the missions can be speeded up you know. So, the time that it takes
for accomplishing a particular mission that gets speeded up in UAV networks.
So, if you recall that initially we were discussing about the different topologies of UAV
networks. So, we will start with the star topology. So, there are 2 types of topologies in
star one is the basic star, and where we have this ground station. And these different
UAVs basically connected directly to this ground station to form a star topology.
Then we have the multi star topology where, basically you know this particular unit is
repeated and, so we have 1 star 2 stars 3 stars and 4 star 4 star topology you know 4 stars
all connected to you know 4, 4 of these starts call connected to the ground station.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:46)
In a mesh topology, a mesh kind of topology is formed. And one of these nodes in this
mesh is going to connect to the ground station like this. So, we have this unit of the mesh
and this is repeated and this kind of architecture this kind of topology is; obviously, quite
So, when we compare the star topology and the mesh topology star topology is point to
point communication, in the mesh topology we have multi point to multi point
communication. Then we have the central control point present in a star topology
whereas, it is infrastructure based may have a control center and ad hoc has no central
control center. So, basically you know if it is infrastructure based it may have a control
center whereas, if it is a adopt based then there is no control center in the mesh network.
So, essentially what we are talking about is something like a flying network. So, ad hoc
networks on the ground we have already we know how they work. So, there is no
centralized coordinator, there is no network manager, the nodes they come together they
self organize self configure and then they start working. Now imagine that that ground ad
hoc network is brought up to, to fly.
So, then what we have is a flying ad hoc network. And this flying ad hoc network is
known in short as fanets on the contrary, the ground based ad hoc networks are known as
mobile ad hoc networks. So, we have this network formation done using UAVs which
ensure longer range, clearer line of sight propagation and environment resilient
communication. And these UAVs maybe in some plane or are organized at different
altitudes like shown over here.
So, like these 3 UAVs are in the same plane, these 3 UAVs are in another plane and
these this UAV is another plane. So, as we can see that they are they are in 3 different
planes with 3 different altitudes, but these UAVs in a single plane they are they are in
that same plane. So, besides self control each UAV must be aware of the other flying
nodes of the flying ad hoc network to avoid collision because if that information is not
known then it might. So, happen that you know there might be chances of physical
collision between the different nodes of the same network.
So, this sort of network topology flying ad hoc networks is popular for applications such
as disaster monitoring, post disaster monitoring, emergency network establishment and
so on.
Flying ad hoc networks basically the communication takes place in different planes. One
is inter plane communication. So, inter plane communication means that, so as we can
see in this particular figure, we have one plane, we have second plane, we have a third
plane. Inter plane communication basically takes clear you know, takes into account how
the UAV of one plane communicates with UAV of another plane.
So, inter plane communication, then we have intra plane communication like, within the
same plane these UAVs communicating with each other is inter plane communication.
Ground station communication from a UAV in one of these planes to the ground station,
is ground station communication. Ground sensor communication likewise in sensor
communication with the ground and then we have fanet vanet communication, so fanet is
this one that we are discussing about. Now these could be connected to vehicular ad hoc
networks on the ground the vanets on the ground.
So, flying ad hoc networks vehicular ad hoc networks can be connected together to be
able to communicate.
So, we have different types of links, we have the air to air links for data delivery among
the UAVs. Then we have heterogeneous radio interfaces in the a to a links, using zigbee
pro following 802.15.4 standard or using Wi-Fi 802.11 standard. The ground networks
may be stationary sensor networks or vanets or contour stations, and the UAV-WSN link
up may be used for collaborative sensing as well as data muling.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:59)
The main communication requirement of UAV networks are sending back of the sensor
data, deceiving the control commands, cooperative trajection trajectory planning and
dynamic a task assignments.
So, in this particular figure as we can see over here. We have a bunch of different UAVs,
maybe working in a plane, functioning in a plane. And then we have one of these nodes
which is designated as the gateway which acts as a coordinator, with all the other nodes
in the same plane. So, inter UAV network coverage area will be divided into sub areas as
shown over here. So, this particular coverage area is divided into sub areas like this, this,
this, this and this. And the sub areas collectively covered the entire communication area.
The size of a sub area to be controlled and adjust is to be controlled and adjusted
dynamically. And these adjustments are based on UAV interconnections and derived
matrix. The derived matrix are optimized for several iterations till optimal and the till the
optimal state is achieved.
So, how do you select the gateway the gateway selection is initiated by the selection of
the most stable node in a particular sub area? So, in a particular sub area the most stable
node is considered. That must consecutively the partition parameters are optimized
according to the topology where, each UAV acquires the information of all UAVs within
it is 2 hops. So, flying ad hoc networks and vehicular ad hoc networks as you can see
over here, there is a link up.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:44)
So, this is the flying ad hoc networks with a to a link etcetera, and then we have this v to
v link over here in the vehicular network. And then here this connectivity shows the a to
v link where, it is basically air to vehicle link.
So, meshed kind of network can be formed in a particular particular plane. And then
there can be different links between the UAV network and the ground vehicle between
the ground vehicle and another flying node, and so on and so forth. So, like this actually
the different types of communication are going to take place. So, the trajectory control
for increasing the throughput how the trajectory is going to be controlled in order to
improve the overall throughput.
So, typically what happens is UAVs with queue occupancy above a threshold experience
condition resulting in communication delay. The control station instructs the UAVs to
change the centers of trajectory, and the command is given based on the traffic at the
busy communication link.
So, as we can see over here, in this figure we see that this is a grid like deployment of the
UAVs. And the buffer occupancy or the queue occupancy are also shown in this green
and red colored nodes. Great not nodes, but these grid colors green colored and red
colored symbols.
And then on the other hand we see that if, a particular node like this node will do it is
dynamism it has moved 20 meters for example, then we see that these things have to be
handled, this has to be handled. This buffer occupancy of 90 and 50 has to be has to be
So, with this we come to an end of the lectures on UAV networks. And I will tell you
that UAV networks are very important, they have lot of attractive applications. Military
particularly, all over the world, they are they their potential customers of UAVs and
UAV networks. And these UAV networks are quite popular and are bit difficult to
implement as well and so we have understood the basic concepts for developing,
developing these UAV networks. And there is lot of research that is going on UAV
networks on different other aspects.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 20
Machine to Machine Communication
And the whole idea of machine to machine communication is that with minimal or strictly
speaking no human intervention how we can have communication between two machines,
two machines so machine-to-machine communication right. So, this is what we try to achieve
in machine-to-machine communication and machine-to-machine communication is
considered to be one of the most important building blocks for internet of things. So, IoT
based systems have to operate autonomously if it is let us say if we are considering something
like a home automation. Let us consider this particular scenario.
Let us say that we have elderly you know elderly care in a smart home and the elderly people
they have mobility impairments typically not necessarily, but it is quite common that there
are mobility problems with elderly people. And in a smart home environment what might so
happen that there might be some robotic devices, which can be helping these residents of a
home to undertake different things. So, we can have a ground robot for example, for example,
it can go and open the door of a refrigerator, this robot can go and it can open the door of a
refrigerator. Then this particular robot it can even take a milk pot out of the refrigerator, then
pour the milk into into a glass that milk can be put into a microwave oven. And as you can
see that there is no human intervention at all, everything can be done with the help of
machines interacting with machines. I will give you one more example in this particular
Let us say that the in the robot has opened the refrigerator and it finds that there is no
sufficient milk then either the robot or the refrigerator can automatically send an SMS to the
milk person. So, what happens machine-to-machine again there is no human intervention, no
human has sent that SMS to the to the to the milk person. So, this becomes an example of
machine-to-machine communication. So, that is why I was telling you that machine-to-
machine communication has become very much attractive for IoT based applications
involving applications such as smart homes, smart cities and so on. Let us go ahead and look
at some of these concepts.
But it is not like you know its wireless SCADA is M2M it is not like that, but you know
conceptually we can think of M2M as a wireless variant of SCADA. So, SCADA is designed
for isolated systems using proprietary solutions whereas, M2M is designed for cross-platform
integration this is very important typically SCADA is used for a single proprietary solutions
and on the other hand M2M tries to connect you know cross platform integrate cross platform
between different different technologies supporting different platforms. So, even like you
know Windows, Linux, android you know all of them different devices supporting different
platforms that kind of interconnect can also happen with M2M.
So, let us consider this particular example where it is some some sort of a scenario of offering
emergency services on the highway. So, let us say that two cars in this particular example
scenario we see that two cars these cars fitted with different types of sensors, emergency
sensors collide these cars collide. So, after the crash an alert is generated, an alert is generated
and the data is sent to the remote servers. From these servers through these base station that
data would be sent to the hospital and emergency services to the patients you know to the
doctor sorry to the doctors it can be sent to the ambulance, it can be sent and so on. And
accordingly ambulances might be dispatched doctors might be put on alert, paramedics might
be alerted and so on.
And as you can see over here like this actually the scenario continues; as you can see over
here know where the human came into picture. So, everything human came into picture
means that humans can be the receivers like doctors receiving the information is something,
but humans were not operators or not they did not function any operation on the network
right. So, this is completely M2M scenario that has been shown in this particular figure.
So, in M2M when we are talking about M2M, we are talking about sensors, sensors
producing data through the network, information is extracted out of the data that is received,
it is processed and if required some actuation is done maybe opening of the valve in an
agricultural field if the soil moisture level has gone down.
There are different M2M applications, environment monitoring, civil protection and public
safety, supply chain management, energy and utility distribution as in smart grid, smart grid
separately common. In smart grid what we are doing we are using ICT involving sensors,
actuators etcetera in a traditional smart grid, so in a smart sorry in a traditional power grid.
So, in a traditional power grid we already had flow of electricity in a smart grid we have
sensors etcetera, etcetera which are throwing in lot of data which have to be communicated.
So, we have communication and networks on top of the traditional power power systems,
power flow or energy flow. Then we have intelligent transportation systems, healthcare,
automation of buildings, military applications, agriculture, home networks all these are
different, different applications of M2M.
Let us now look at some of the features of M2M. Let us say the number of nodes that are
required. In M2M we are talking typically of large number of nodes or IoT devices which are
able you know which where there is no human to intervene they talk to each other directly.
These are low cost or energy efficient, these nodes are energy efficient the network as a
whole is energy efficient and typically low cost because these nodes are also very small in
size, very cheap cheap to buy commercially and so on.
So and there is small traffic that is generated per machine or device, then large quantity of
data are collected and the M2M communication is free from human intervention it is free
strictly. But you know in practical applications actually sometimes there might be some
minimal human intervention, but strictly in M2M basically you know there should not be any
human intervention at all. Then human intervention is required for operational stability and
sustainability only.
There are different types of M2M nodes. We have the low-end nodes, we have the mid-end
nodes and the high-end nodes. Let us look at the features of each of these one-by-one.
In the low end sensor nodes we have we are talking about nodes which are low in cost with a
cheap and also quite justifiably, they have low capabilities their specifications are very, very
limited. Then they are typically static energy efficient and simple these low end nodes
deployment of these nodes has high density in order to increase the network lifetime and
survivability because these are small with small space etcetera, etcetera you need large
number of them to be deployed you know in a highly dense manner. These nodes are heavily
resource constrained, there is no IP support basic functionalities such as data aggregation,
auto configuration and power saving are supported, and these are generally used for
environmental monitoring applications.
Mid-end sensor nodes relatively more expensive than the low-end sensor nodes have some
degrees of mobility have fewer constraints with respect to resource complexities or you know
computational complexities, energy efficiency and so on. And they support different
functionalities for example, they are not like low-end nodes with bare basic you know
functionality not like that. They have some little bit more functionality with respect to like
localization, quality of service support, TCP, IP support or control traffic control intelligence
and so on. Typical application includes home networks, supply chain management, asset
management and industrial automation.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:28)
High end sensor nodes low density of deployment, they are able to handle multimedia data or
video with quality of service sometimes even quality of service guaranties also they can offer.
Then mobility is essential for these nodes you know so like you know these are like full-
fledged nodes with lot of different capabilities including mobility as well. So smartphones are
good examples of these types of nodes. Then we have these nodes typically used for military
or biomedical applications.
When we consider the M2M ecosystem as a whole we have different components of it. We
have device providers, we have internet service providers, platform providers, service
providers and service users.
So, let us look up look at each of these in detail in this particular figure. So, you know in this
particular figure what we see is we have this M2M net area network M2M area network and
we have the device provider the device provider is the one which basically provides these
devices which basically is the owner of these devices. So, this is basically the M2M area
network. Then this M2M area network sends the data from this M2M devices, IoT devices
through this gateway to the internet which is basically handled by the internet service
provider. And when it is passing through it we have this RESTful architecture that basically
takes care of it. The restful architecture is a low-end you know low resource consuming
resource limited environment it is useful.
And in this case we are using it between as an interface between the device provider and the
internet service provider. Then from the internet service provider it comes to the platform
provider which takes care of functionalities such as device management, user management,
data analytics and user access. And then again through a RESTful architecture interface you
know it is sent to the service providers and the users and the corresponding business model is
taken care of at this particular stage.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:48)
So, when we talk about this service platform we have the M2M service platform in short it is
called the M2SP and in this M2M service platform we are talking about different
functionalities of devices, different functionalities of users, different applications and access
all these different functionalities right. So, functionalities with respect to device include the
device profile management device and M2M network management and device searching.
User profile management, authentication and charging are taken care of by the user. Data
collection data control, service management, connection management by application. And
app management, app searching web portal in the access control
So, all these data are passed through an access network like Wi-Fi, ZigBee etcetera and are
sent to the M2M area network. This is one possibility. The other possibility is that from this
M2M area network and several such area networks these data are sent through the access
network to the core network, which supports these platforms with respect to device, user,
application and access. So, both way actually from here we can you know we can either think
of it from here when towards the M2M area network or from the M2M area network towards
the core network, we can think of both way communication taking place both way. So, the
only the flow of the data is different. So, what type of data is flowing that is different.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:48)
So, when we talk about the device platform it enables access to objects or devices connected
to the internet anywhere and at any time. The register devices create a database of objects
from which the managers, users and services can easily access the information. The device
platform manages the device profiles such as location, device type, address and description. It
provides authentication and authorization key, management functionalities and monitors the
status of devices and M2M area networks, and controls control them based on their status.
Now the user platform manages the M2M service user profiles and provides functionalities
such as user registration, modification, charging, inquiry incorporate. In interoperates with
the device platform and manages the user access restrictions to devices object networks or
services. And service providers and device managers have administrative privileges
privileges on their devices or networks .
Application platform provides integrated services based on the device collected data. And the
heterogeneous data merging is done in this particular platform. From various devices the data
that is obtained are used for creating new services.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:11)
Access platform basically provides app or web access environment to users. The apps and the
links redirect to the service providers the services are actually provided through this platform
to the M2M devices. And this access platform provides the app management for smart device
So, this is a scenario of non-IP based M2M network. So, here what we see is as you can see
over here we have a non-IP based M2M network M2M area network and here we see an IP
based network. And this application layer basically seamlessly integrates these two
application layer basically seamlessly integrates the IP network and the M2M network in this
Then we have the IP based M2M network where everything was as usual. So, we have the
same set of layers application layer transport layer network layer sensor or MAC layer. And
this is the same all across M2M area network management features are like this that fault
tolerance is a very important if there is some fault system is going to take care of it
automatically scalability is another important issue or feature of network management of
M2M area networks. And so, basically new when we increase the number of nodes M2M
nodes or IoT nodes you know that basically does not affect the efficiency quite significantly.
So, efficiency is taken care of you know it still remains efficient. Low cost and low
complexity are other features if we energy efficiency, configuration capabilities, dynamic
configuration capabilities then minimized network management traffic and these are the ones
which are important features of M2M area network management.
So, with this we come to an end of understanding more about the basic features of M2M
communication. M2M as I said at the outset is one of the important enabling technologies for
internet of things and building of IoT based systems. And so, in M2M we are talking about
two or more machines you know communicating with one another with minimal or no human
intervention at all. So, this as I said is a very important technology for building of internet of
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 21
Interoperability in Internet of Things
This topic is on interoperability in internet of things. Internet of things uses different types of
devices. These devices are made by different vendors following different specifications; there
is no one standard for IOT. So, consequently what happens is for different things the different
IoT devices are made by different vendors following different specifications. Again these
different devices by different vendors they follow different protocols not necessarily that they
all follow the same protocol. Even the kind of users their user profiles these can also be
different. So, there is so much of diversity that is inherent to these systems IoT systems and
that is why it is very important to address this particular issue.
In internet of things one of the core problems or issues that has been studied quite extensively
is heterogeneity of devices, protocols, user groups and many other heterogeneity aspects in
from different other angles. So, this has been studied quite extensively. And one of the
requirements to handle this heterogeneity issue is basically to have some kind of
interoperability interoperability between these different heterogeneous aspects.
Interoperability means what that let us say that one particular device is following a particular
protocol; another device follows another protocol. So, how do they talk to each other they
speak the different language they speak language. So, they do not speak the same language.
So, how do they talk to each other, this is one aspect.
Similarly, at different physical levels, different specifications, different devices how do they
talk to each other, they all have been made in different ways because there is no one standard
that has been followed in developing these systems. So, when you want to build a singular
IoT system comprising of all these different heterogeneous objects, devices, protocols,
standards etcetera you need to have some kind of handshaking. And that handshaking is
where these protocols have been devised which can be some kind of a middleman a
middleware rather which can help these two different diverse groups to be able to talk to each
(Refer Slide Time: 03:30)
So, let us try to understand the interoperable interoperability issue in further detail. So, when
we talk about IoT we are talking about large scale networks. Large scale networks requiring
the use of large number of different devices millions and billions of devices, these devices are
distributed all across in the internet or all across in the world. And what is required is to have
some kind of cooperation between the different devices, some kind of coordination
mechanism to be enforced between these different devices to be able to talk to each other. So,
this is one issue.
Second issue is that the devices as I was telling you before they all have been designed with
different specifications heterogeneous in all respects in the physical device level, in the
protocol level, user level, so in all different aspects. So, heterogeneous IoT devices and their
subnets is a challenge that has to be worked on in the context of internet of things. Another
very typical concern that is specific of IoT is the device configuration. Typically these IoT
devices their configuration is unknown, unknown all across. The different configuration
modes for IoT devices come from unknown owners and that is you know inherently that
brings in lot of complexity and that has to be handled. Another very interesting complexity is
how do you handle handle differences in semantics how do you handle differences in
semantics not only so there could be conflicting semantics as well. So, different processing
logics are applied to the same IoT network devices or applications by different developers,
different user groups and so on. So, how do you handle these differences this conflicts in the
(Refer Slide Time: 05:40)
(Refer Slide Time: 06:53)
So, what why interoperability is important in the context of IoT because it is required to
fulfill different IoT objectives, seamless device is what I was mentioning, physical objects
would have to interact with other physical objects for sharing information, any device can
communicate with any other device at any time and at anywhere. So, devices communicating
anytime, anywhere and any kind of device that means, anything, anytime anywhere
communication, right. So, if we have to have anything, anytime, anywhere communication
then obviously we need to handle this problem, so that is the reason why heterogeneity and
interoperability are the core issues of IoT that has to be addressed before large scale IoTs are
made functional.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:28)
Then different programming languages are used in different computing systems for example,
JavaScript in one, Java in another, C, C++, Visual Basic, PHP, python, so many different
programming languages platforms of different kinds are used. Again there are different
hardware platforms as well not just programming platforms in the hardware platforms such as
crossbow based products talking to national instrument products talking to Cisco products
and so on. So, all these hardware platforms can also be varying they you know different types
of heterogeneous hardware platforms. So, interoperability is very much required in this kind
of backdrop.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:06)
Further when we talk about operating systems for a sensor node some sensor nodes have
implemented TinyOS, some SOS, some Mantis OS, some RETOS, and some could be even
implementing some vendor specific operating system. And from a user point of view some
PCs, for example, might be implementing might be using the Windows OS some MAC OS,
some Unix, some Linux, some Ubuntu. So, all these different types of operating system from
the device or sensor node point of view as well as the user point of view then different
databases - DB 2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL server, Sybase all these
different, different different databases are implemented all across. Different data
representations as well the way the data is represented very hard to handle this kind of
heterogeneity then different control models, different syntaxes, semantics and so on. So, these
have to be handled.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:19)
So, what is required is to have different types of interoperability, and these interopretability
issues of different types have to be handled in different ways. User interoperability is
between a user and a device. Device interoperability is between two different devices.
So, the issues are different user and device, device and device, so how do you handle, right.
Now let us take an example to understand why user interoperability is so important. Let us
say that there are two devices, one is located a CCTV for example, in this figure which is
installed in Delhi. And as you can see that it is also the location it is written in different
language. The other device which is another CCTV is located in Tokyo and you know it is its
specification sets, not specifications, but you know the device level semantics are handled in
Japanese language. And then there is an IoT user who is based in America US.
So, this American user has to operate both of these devices remotely from America and this is
what IoT does, this is what IoT does that remotely how you can monitor different devices you
know the end you know which could be end not only that different devices, but these devices
might be themselves located quite far apart. So, using IoT both A and B provide real time
security service in this particular example A is placed at Delhi, whereas B is placed in Tokyo.
So, A, B and U India, Japan, America, they all use different languages Hindi, Japanese,
English respectively. So, user U in America wants real-time service of CCTV camera from
the devices A and B.
So, what are the problems that are going to happen? Number one the user does not know the
devices A and B user does not know the devices A and B. Number two problem devices A
and B are different in terms of syntaxes and semantics and this is this is what I was telling
you just a minute back. Therefore, it is difficult to find the CCTV device user you cannot
understand the service provided by A and B because of the language difference, and similarly
A and B do not mutually understand each other for the same reason. So, you see that
differences in syntaxes, differences in semantics, differences differences in the user
specifications, all these are bringing in lot of complexity for a simple basic problem that is
code to IoT.
The following problems need to be solved. Number one the device has to be identified and it
has to be categorized. So, device identification and categorization for discovery because for
discovery you need to have need to identify the device and you need to categorize the device
as what type of device whether it is a CCTV device or some other type of device. And you
have to also identify the device and there is language issues between these different locations,
syntactic interoperability for device integration and semantic interpretability for device
interaction. So, these are the different differences in the device level, syntactic level and
semantic level that have to be handled by the user. And you see that when we are talking
about user interoperability, we have these different device you know different users some
user you know using a different syntax, another user using another syntax or semantics or
language and the corresponding knowledge basis are also different the devices are also
different. So, how do these two users talk to one another this is what user interoperability
tries to address.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:02)
So, for device identification categorization for discovery, there are different solutions for
generating unique addresses. So, these includes the EPC - electronic product code, universal
product code – UPC, universal resource identifier – URI, and IPv6 the traditional IPv6 based
addressing as well.
So, there are different device classification solutions and there are two of them that are quite
popular one is the UNSPSC which is united nations standards standard products and services
code which is an open global multi sector standard for efficient accurate flexible
classification of products and services. And the other one is the eCl@ss which is the standard
for classification and clear description of cross industry products.
Next comes the syntactic interoperability for device interaction the interoperability between
devices and device user in terms of message formats is what is the concern of this type of
interoperability. The message format from a device to a user is understandable for the user’s
computer. On the other hand the message format from the user to the device is executable by
the device.
Some popular approaches are service oriented computing SOC based architecture. Then web
services using web services RESTful web services, which is quite popular for IoT. So, rest
architecture, and the RESTful architecture and the corresponding RESTful web services.
Open following some open standard protocols such as 802.15.4, 802.15.1, WirelessHART
and then following some closed protocols such as Z-wave. But we have to keep in mind that
Z-wave is proprietary and this is a you know proprietary closed protocol not a standard
protocol and that is why you know Z-wave devices will talk with Z-wave devices, whereas
you know those which follow the WirelessHART you know they can talk to each other.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:59)
Now, semantic interoperability for device interaction; and here we are talking about the
semantics, semantics and the exchange of the semantics. So, the messages that are sent
between these different devices whether they are understood by the respective party if not
there has to be some middleware in between which has to make it happen. So, the device can
understand the meaning of users instructions that is sent from the user to the device, similarly
the user can understand the meaning of devices response sent from the device.
So, some of the popular approaches are ontology based approach number one which again
can be classified as device ontology, physical domain ontology and estimation based
ontology. Device so, ontology means what some kind of a knowledge base. So, device
ontology basically is you know the knowledge base about devices. So, this is required, you
know so if two devices have to talk to each other, so the ontology the corresponding
knowledge basis of these different devices have to be formed. Physical domain in ontology I
do not need to elaborate this further, so you know so knowledge base about the physical
domains of operation. And estimation ontology is about you know based on the previous data
estimating what is going to happen, so that sort of rule, rule base has to be maintained in
some kind of a knowledge base. So, this is estimation ontology. So, ontology based solution
is limited to the defined domain or context.
So that is the reason why there is one theory which is known as the collaborative
conceptualization theory that was proposed. So, the object is defined based on this particular
collaborative concept which is also known as the cosign concept, cosign is the short form of
collaborative sign. So, cosign of an object is defined as a quadruple A, B, C, D where A is the
cosign internal identifier, B is the natural language, C is the context of A, and D is the
definition of the object.
So, in our CCTV example the cosign of the CCTV is equal to 1234 which is some kind of an
identifier for this CCTV object, English is the natural language that is used, C is the context
of A that means, here it is CCTV the CCTV is the context and D is the definition of the
object. So, here we have camera type bullet camera type equal to bullet communication equal
to network or IP and horizontal resolution equal 2048 TVL. So, this is basically the definition
of the object with respect to this particular specification. So, this solution approach is
applicable for different domains and contexts.
Now, about device interoperability let us try to understand before we go any further how this
is going to work.
Let us say that even before we start with the device interoperability, let us say that we have
you know two devices: device A and device B. And in our example let us assume that A and
B as such do not follow the same specific same protocol, they did not have the same
specifications at the physical layer or you know the other layers. So, no common protocol is
available across all these different layers. So, how do they communicate how do they
communicate. So, this is the problem of device interoperability. So, how do they
So, let us assume initially that we have some kind of a middleware some kind of a
middleware, which will understand the language of A and the language of B. So, it will
understand the language of A as well as the language of B. So, this will help this one to be
able to translate what A is saying A wants to send, he wants to communicate, and similarly
what B is say. So, this sort of approach not only can be used for device interoperability, but
also other forms of interoperability as well. So, this one basically becomes a translation
device translation unit. So, if we are talking about two different protocols we can call it as a
protocol translation unit - PTU. So, this protocol translation unit will translate the protocols
separate protocols or the languages that are followed by both, ok. So, this is an approach that
can be adopted and can be extended for similar other situations as well.
So, we talked about in device interoperability we talked about some kind of a universal
middleware bridge which solves seamless interoperability problems caused by heterogeneity
of several kinds of home network middleware. So, this bridge is basically it is a middleware
that creates a virtual map among the physical devices of all middleware home networks such
as HAVI, Jinl, LonWorks, UPnP and so on. And it creates a compatibility among these
middleware home networks. So, it is basically some middleware based solution this
middleware will act as an agent for this kind of translation or handshaking between two
different heterogeneous devices.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:42)
So, in device interoperability we have two parts the UMB core and the UMB adaptor. So, this
is let us say that physically these are the devices. So, physically these are the devices, we
have a lamp, we have an water tap, we have a camera, we have a computer and so on. So,
these are the physical devices and they have to be internetworked together. And let us say
that they have they are completely heterogeneous, they do not you know talk to each other as
such. So, this is what is going to happen, this is what is going to happen. We are going to
create a UMB socket we are going to create a UMB socket with different adaptors like this,
which will fit into these ones which are the abstractions of these physical devices. So, these
adaptors would fit to these abstractions fit to the abstractions of these devices and that is how
this communication is going to take place. So, this is the function of the adaptor. Then what is
this UMB-C the code does what it does is it basically helps in communication dissemination
of the data between these different adaptors using with the help of Routing tables.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:15)
So, the adaptor basically converts the physical devices into some virtual abstractions and this
is done with the help of something known as the universal device template. So, this universal
device template or the UDT basically helps in coming up with the abstraction the virtual
abstractions and that is stored in some kind of a database. So, this UDT mapper will come up
with these virtual abstractions which are stored in the database and this UDT basically
consists of the global device identifier, global function identifier, global action identifier,
global event identifier and global parameters and the UMB adaptors translates the local
middleware’s message into the global metadata message.
Now comes the core which is on top of the adaptor in that architecture. So, the core basically
has the role of routing this is the main the most important role of the core. So, it uses
something known as a middleware routing table; and from that from the middleware routing
table with the help of the data that is residing in it, it creates the message router and from the
message router we get the global dispatcher that information is basically used at the core to
send the data between these different devices.
So, let us consider some few basic scenarios we have this particular device connected to this
adaptor it detects and in first it has to detect and it has to configure then it creates some
virtual device. So, then the device online status the device ID etcetera are sent across from the
adaptor to the core and then from the core this message is sent to another adaptor notifying
the online status the device ID and ID and whether it is online or not and it is sent to another
adaptor, third adaptor, fourth adaptor and so on. So, this is how communication using UMB-
A and UMB-C takes place between two heterogeneous devices following different
(Refer Slide Time: 29:54)
Now, let us look at a scenario when the device is controlled and monitored. So, we have
UMB-A 1, then UMB-C and UMB-A 2. So, this, the first message let us say that these two
would have to be talking to each other. So, this one has to control this and this has to be
monitored right. So, the local control or monitoring message is first sent from the device to
the adaptor A 1, then the local to UMB message conversion takes place then it is sent to the
UMB-C. Then from here a query or action request is sent to the second adaptor and then the
UMB is used to local message conversion for local message conversion and local control or
monitoring message. Then this local message is sent to this particular adaptor from the device
then a response is sent back another response is sent back and the local message is delivered
to this particular device.
So, we have thus come to the end of how the communication using adaptors happen in the
context of interoperability in internet of things. So, we have seen that in this interoperability
architecture, we have two types of components one is the adaptor which basically is a virtual
or software abstraction of the actual physical device. And this you know this abstracted
virtual or softwarized device talks to other similar kind of abstracted devices with the help of
this particular core the UMB-C. And this is how the communication takes place across
different heterogeneous devices in internet of things.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 22
Introduction to Arduino- I
So, in this lecture we are going to get some hands on of ardunio programming, so this lecture
and the next one as well. So, two lectures are completely devoted to ardunio programming.
So, in the first lecture, you are going to get some of the ideas about the basics of arduino and
in the second one some of the examples about how the programming can be done with
ardunio. So, before we proceed further I would like to remind you a few things that ardunio is
very much popular. At present it is used in for different implementations of IoT throughout
the world arduino devices are very much cheap, they are low resource consuming and that is
why they are very much popular for use in implementation of internet of things.
So, in the first module, we have seen different things we have understood the concepts of
internet of things, basic concepts the overall philosophy of internet of things. We have also
seen that there are different types of sensors, different types of sensing possible, different
types of actuators that principles behind different types of sensing, different types of
actuation. We have seen that there are different types of networks that are possible for use for
adoption for use in IoT, different types of communication devices standards can also be used
for communicating in internet of things.
So, having understood those how can we use these concepts for building a real internet of
things may be in a smart phone scenario at home to improve some of the you know daily
tasks that we do at home. Or in a smart homes smart cities scenario like in a smart hospital
smart you know smart transportation connected vehicles and so on. So, of are all these we
need to take help of different IoT devices. And one of the very popular once is arduino. So,
arduino if you have to use for the building of internet of things, you have to you have to buy
this which are very cheap and then you have to program these and this is what I am going to
teach you in this particular course.
So, with me actually I have Mr. Anandroop Mukharjee who is going take over and Mr.
Mukharjee is going to take you through the hands on of arduino programming through the
from the starting from the basics to the little bit moderately advance concepts of arduino
So, I would like to show you first how a arduino device looks like. So, this is the arduino
UNO. So, arduino UNO, arduino has different variants they all have different you know
differences in specifications and so on. So, this is the arduino UNO. And this is this device
that has to be program, this has to be programmed. As you can see over here this is very
small in size and it can be very much integrated with this internet of things you know when
you are trying to implement internet of things it can be implemented on top. So, this device
actually you know the difference sensors that you have you know learnt in this particular
So, these different sensors can be fitted to this device, the different actuators can be fitted to
this device, and this sensors the different sensors and the different actuators in after fitting the
data that is received from the sensors. These can be sent through the communication unit in
this which Anandroop is going to talk about, and how this data can be disseminated and can
be sent for further analytics further storage and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:08)
Hello, I am Anandhroop Mukharjee. I am the TF for this course. I will be taking you through
the basic features of arduino in this lecture. So, to start off with as you already have heard
arduino has become very popular nowadays. So, first of all the main reasons is it is an open
source programmable board with a built in microcontroller and the software IDE. And this
software IDE will help you change the behavior of the microcontroller according to your
needs. So, it accepts analog as well as digital signals which can be given as inputs and it will
give outputs which are mainly digital. So, no extra hardware is required to load a program
into the controller board. So, for the people who have work with 8051 series
microcontrollers, 8085 microprocessors, they must have remembered that you needed an
extra programmer to actually program the processor board and they are well lots of
interfacing ICs and all those things are not required with the arduino base systems.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:02)
So, to start off with there are few basic variations of the arduino boards they have there are
ATMEGA328 base microcontroller, they have ATMEGA32u4 four series microcontrollers,
they have ATMEGA2560 series microcontrollers and then there are ATMEGA91SAM3X8E
series microcontrollers. So, these are some of the core microcontrollers as you can see if you
focus on this IC this arduino board, so we are using a UNO board to give a demonstration.
So, this is the IC chip. And basically all the other once are either the voltage converters or
interfacing ICs which are required for the input output functions with this ATMEGA series
So, basic features of arduino UNO they operate at a voltage of five volt with the clock speed
of 16 megahertz, and they have 14 normally arduino UNO has 14 digital input output pins, 6
analog input pins, 6 PWM pins, 1 UART that is universal asynchronous receiver and
transmitter. And the interface is mainly via USB of ATMEGA16u2.
So, the board details are as you can see from this figure you have a USB connector to which
you connector ATMEGA board to your PC it. The best thing about this is the interfacing is
very easy you can connect your system arduino baseboard to a either a window base pc or a
macintosh or Ubuntu or Linux base system. So, this is the USB connector then you have the
power connector to power on the device in standalone mode; otherwise if you connected to a
pc address power from the pc itself. And this is the analog reference pin you have 14 digital
pins which can be used as input and output. As you can see starting from 0 to 13, these are
the fourteen input output pins. And over here you have 6 analog pins A 0 to A 5 which can
receive analog inputs and these are some of the power connectors you have 5 volt, 3.3 volt
and ground connection and so on. So, these are just some of the basic components of the
(Refer Slide Time: 08:36)
Now, the arduino IDE is basically an open source software, the arduino system itself is an
open source system, the hardware’s specifications are available you can in fact, if you have
fabrication facilities you can actually fabricate your own arduino device. So, this arduino IDE
is an open source software that is used to program the arduino board. So, it is based on the
variations of C and C plus plus programming languages and it can be freely downloaded from
the arduinos official website.
So, the basic set up is the power from the board is derive as you can see the power from the
board is derive from the PC using the USB. So, if you are initially for testing purposes you
will be connecting it to the PC to upload your program and when you are running at in
standalone mode when your program has been uploaded on this board you can run it from
this power supply input. You plug in a DC adapter of 5 volts and it is going to work fine
Then next will launch the IDE then select the board type.
So, let me show you, so over here I have my arduino IDE. As you can see so you have some
basic functionalities; this is the code verification button; this is code upload button. Then you
have the file menu you can create a new sketch, a sketch is actually the program you write for
an arduino then you can open an existing program open recent programs and so on. You even
have examples basic examples provided with the IDE which can work with various arduino
base board.
Now moving on to this sketch the most important part is this tool. Whenever you connect
arduino board, so I have connected my arduino board to my PC. Now, from this tool these are
the available boards you can see since I am using an arduino UNO it has been automatically
selected, but in case it is not automatically selected you can choose the appropriate board
arduino UNO. Now, for my MAC the port is already this USB modem 1421 you can see
arduino UNO has already in selected. So, now, you are all set. One more important thing is
over here you can see this button this is the serial monitor this is one of the good features are
arduino that while executing serial programs, you do not need to have an external consoler
that kind of software, you can just use the inbuilt serial monitor to view the program.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:55)
So, now the once the board and the ports have been appropriately selected as I have told you
select the board then the corresponding port in your PC. For windows base systems it will be
more or less direct it will show you a com base port it may be com 4, 10, 15 anything you
choose it appropriately.
Then I have already shown you this. So, your arduino sketch as you remember the program
which is written in to the arduino for written for the ardunio is called a sketch. So, it consists
mainly of two parts one is the setup and one is called the loop. Setup is analogous to for
normal mean C, C plus plus based program the main function you use it is analogous us to
the setup function in arduino. And as the name suggest the loop function it is used for
iteratively looping over instances.
So, its more or less common from file you click on new it will open a new file and you can
tryout various examples and sketches.
So, have also covered this one, this is the verify button. So, the main feature is prior to
uploading your code if you have syntax errors or any such logical errors it will be caught
during verification, it will say your compilation has failed. Once you pass this verification
check you can upload your code.
Now, this we talked about this is the serial monitor whatever data is transmitted through the
serial port is printed on the serial monitor.
So, a sketch structure as I have told you it consists of two parts a setup part and the loop part.
The function setup is the point where the arduino compiler actually starts the code. So, it is
just like analogous to the main function in C and C plus plus and various input output
variables pin modes whether you need to as you remember you have 14 digital input output
pins. So, you have to explicitly tell your system whether you want to use the pin in a read
mode or the input mode or the output mode then the loop function is used for iteration.
So, in this example code you can see you just use a serial port the inbuilt serial port. So, we
just write serial dot begin 9600 and 9600 is the baud rate. So, you can have various baud rates
will come to that will cover that in the consecutive lectures you can have various baud rates
for different systems, but 9600 is more or less the commonly use baud rate for most of the
systems and within void loop you want to iteratively loop this hello arduino. So, this
serial.println that is if you write serial.print it just prints the hello arduino string otherwise if
you write println ln is actually new line. So, it will print hello arduino in the new line.
So, prior to this we will look at the sample code. So, as you can see in this hello arduino code
within the word setup we have written serial dot begin 9600 and within void loop we have
just written serial.println hello arduino. Now, prior to doing anything we verify the code as
you can see it is compiling the sketch. If your code compilation is correct, so its correct just
shows how much memory it is using in those. If you are in error, suppose I delete this
semicolon. Now, again I verify the sketch, it will give an error. So, this is the good practice
prior to uploading blindly, you just verify your code. Now, the code verification is successful,
the ports have already been chosen, I upload my code. So, it is now compiling the sketch and
it is uploading at to the arduino board.
Now, the code has been uploaded to the arduino board since the function of this program is to
print hello arduino on the serial port iteratively will open the serial monitor. As you can see,
it is printing hello arduino right. So, it is actually quite fast. We can actually modify it will
put up function call delay let us say delay of 1 second. So, this thousand days actually the
delay in milliseconds will put of a delay of 1 second. The code has been verified we upload it
again. Now, again we open the serial monitor. Now, you can see now the delay has been in
case. So, it prints after 1 second. So, I hope this was easy.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:17)
Now, let us move on to the next menu, ok. So, like other programs arduino also supports
various data types you have void, int, Boolean, byte, word, float, array, string-object, long.
char, unsigned, char, it is somewhat similar to your normal C programs. So, arduino has lots
and lots of libraries since it is an open source flat form collaboratively people also people and
companies and organizations they upload their own arduino libraries
So, for most of the functions will obviously, get easy access to various libraries. So, as you
already know the pins can be configured to act as input or output depending on your
requirement. So, to do this, this function pin mode is used. So, you can see this syntax is
pinMode(pin , mode).
So, this pin is the number, the pin number actual pin number on the arduino board as you can
if you focus on this board, you will see various pin numbers are written over here 1, 2, 3 since
these are the digital pins it is also written digital. So, in the pin mode against the pin you just
write the number of the pin. So, it is that simple and the mode you just write input or output if
you want the pins to work in input mode like you are connecting various sensors to it which
you will acquire sensor a inputs you put the pin in input mode. And if you want to actuate
something maybe a light or LED or a motor, you put the pin in output mode.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:04)
So, various arduino function libraries you have digital write, so which writes high or low
values to a digital pin. Whenever since you have to remember this thing mainly works on a
binary logic you either have a high voltage or a low voltage corresponding to 1 or 0. So, your
digital write it either writes a high or low value to the pin then analog read function, it reads
an analog function analog input from the analog pins, you have six analog pins. Then
character function you have various character functions to check whether it is a character or a
digit. So, you can see the various functions isdigit(), isalpha(), isalphanumeric(), isxdigit(),
islower() and various of the functions you can use to check whether the input is the character
or a number or a alpha numeric combination and so on. So, this next one you have already
covered this delay function. So, you will find it is one of the most versatile and commonly
use functions in arduino. So, input is taken in milliseconds as you recall we put 1000 for the
delay. So, 1000 milliseconds converts to 1 second.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:19)
So, next one is will use a arduino and the normal bread board to switch on and off a LED.
Now, we have got a LED. We have got a arduino board as you remember these are just basics
of electronics. So, for a LED the longer terminal is the positive one, whereas the shorter is the
ground. So, we connect the longer terminal to one port, other to the ground. Across this LED
we connect a 220 ohm resistance in series prior to taking input from the arduino board. So,
this is LED blink.
So, if you concentrate on the setup part within the setup you see the pin mode selected is 12
and it has been selected as output. Basically translates to pin 12 will act as output. So, we will
connect the LED to pin 12. Whereas, in the void loop you can see this digital write if you
recall digital write either writes high or low values to a particular pin. So, digital write 12
high means you are writing high value to the digital pin to pin 12 and you gave a delay of for
1 second then again you put the pin 12 to low then again a delay. So, this will calls the LED
to blink on and off with 1 second delay each.
Now if you come back to the processer board, so we have connected the LED and the resister
on the bread board from one side of the bread board we connect a jumper cable to pin 12 one
the arduino and for the other since this side was the negative side or the ground we connected
to a ground. So, we simply connect this to ground pin. So, again refreshing we have just
created the simple circuit. We verify our board is arduino UNO, the port is already selected,
we verify our code. Now, the code has been verified we upload our code. Just as soon as the
code is uploaded, you will see the LED starts blinking with a delay of 1 second right.
Now for easier checks, you can always use pin 13, pin 13 is by default for arduino UNO at
least is connected to the inbuilt LED. So, I mainly check validity of a code based on pin 13,
you would not require external interfaces then. So, if you focus on the arduino board this
small LED over here, this is the inbuilt LED or the indicator. Now, uploaded my code, the
same function you saw on the external LED is being applied on this code, I will just change
the pin number from 12 to 13.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:21)
So, we have covered these things, we have connected pin 12 and the other side to the ground.
We uploaded the load the code and uploaded it.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:31)
So, ok this was it. So, in the next part, we will go into more details of arduino programming.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 23
Introduction to Arduino- II
Hi. Now, we will continue with the Introduction to Arduino Programming. This will be the
2nd part and the continuation of the previous one.
So, we will cover the basic topics, the Operators in Arduino, Control Statements, Loops,
Arrays, Strings, The Mathematics Library, Random Number Interrupts and Example Program
which will be bit complicated than the previous one.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:44).
So, basic operators as normal C, C++ or python programming or other languages, you have
the basic equal to, plus, minus, multiplication, division module, division operators, then
comparison operators, we have equal to, not equal to, less than, greater than and all those
operators. Then, we have Boolean operators, bitwise operators and compound operators.
Moving on to control statements, these will basically cover the various checking and looping
parts. So, a normal if else statement in Arduino, we start off with if statement.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:49)
So, if you have a condition and within this curly braces, if the statement condition is true.
If else, if another statement condition is true or else if none of the above statements are true,
then this loop will execute moving on to switch case. You have switch and choices, you have
case option 1 and statement and then, a break function after each case. So, case option 2 is
statement 2, then again a break and so on and at the end, you have a default case. After that
we again have a break function, then you have a conditional operator and we will avoid using
conditional operators such as these in Arduino. So, it is condition if it is true, it will execute
statement 1, else it will execute statement 2. These kind of statement operators are best
avoided during Arduino programming.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:35)
So, in loops you have the basic for loop, then you have the while loop you have a, do while
loop, these are pretty common examples.
You have a nested loop that is a loop inside another loop. You can have many nested loops
inside each other. So, you have an infinite loop. So, to run an infinite loop for example, all
you need, you develop a system in which you need to turn on and off a light or a LED or any
other device infinitely as long as the devices on your system is checking. So, recall from the
last lecture which I showed the blinking LED example.
So, you can see if you put it inside an infinite loop as long as the Arduino board is powered, it
will keep on blinking. So, your functions can be made more complicated. Instead of LEDs,
you can have motors. Instead of motors, you can have actually cameras mounted on the
motors and they keep on rotating. You can have a multitude of sensors which are interface
with the cameras and the motors. So, for example you can build the security systems which
will keep on running as long as your processor board is fine and the power is being supplied,
you can always connected to a battery supply to generate power for it.
Then, you have arrays. Arrays are collection of elements having homogeneous data type and
which are stored in adjacent memory locations. The conventional starting index is 0 in
Arduino. So, declaration of array you just start off with the data type. It maybe arrays of
integers, so int array name and the size. So, for example, int arre this a variable name are[5],
it will allocate five spaces for your array, then you can have an alternate declarations.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:44)
Suppose int array and this blank bracket [] equal to within this curly braces, you have 0 1 2 3
4. So, these will be automatically stored in this array. Then, again you have enter a five, you
can just put in three variable, three values inside this array and the remaining will be kept
blank maybe for later use. You can fill those also. Then, you have multi-dimensional array
declarations same as previous one, you have the data type, then array name, then the
dimensions for the first dimension let it be n1 n2 n3. So, for example, if you want to declare
an array for an image which normally normal rgb image, so you have three channels red,
green and blue. So, each image will have a 2D structures, rows and columns and there will be
a depth for each r, g and b. So, maybe for those types of data, we have int array row column
(Refer Slide Time: 06:03)
So, then moving on to string, string is an array of characters with null as the termination
declaration is maybe using char char string. Here str is the array. So, abcd, so this is stored in
str char str[4] and you can individually access each ids, you can store A B C or maybe 0. So,
this using the same location if you want to individually store in different locations. So, sorry
come in the same location if you keep on storing this. The last one will be last character
stored will be updated and other will be overwritten. If you want to store in different
locations, you just change it from string it from string 0, str[1], str[2], str[3] and so on. So,
you will have consecutive A B C 0 side by side these locations. Another thing you can also,
you also have a data type string. So, string str = “ABC” will give you ABC. All together you
do not have to store in individual locations. So, this is one of the benefits of using Arduino.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:31)
So, some commonly used functions of string. So, str to upper case point to note is to upper
case T U and C are caps. So, this has to be follow strictly since this is part of the syntax. So, it
changes all the characters of string to upper case and then, you have string str.replace string 1
and string 2. So, string 1 if it is sub string of str, then it will be replaced by str 2, then
str.length, it returns the length of the string without considering the null character.
Then, another commonly used library is the math library. To apply the math functions, the
math.h header must be initially called, otherwise you will not be able to access these
functions. So, some of the common functions are cos which is in double radian and sin tan
floating absolute fabs right floating mod.
So, double value 1 and double value 2, so you have two values and f mod will give you the
modular division and the result point will be a floating point number.
Then, continuing with the math library again you have exp which signifies the exponential
function. You have log function. This will give the national logarithm of the value. Then, you
have log 10, then you have square function, power function. First argument is the base, the
second argument signifies the power, then another commonly used example is random
(Refer Slide Time: 09:19)
So, one of the functions of this random number is random seed. So, the syntax is randomSeed
, S capital. You need to focus on this one because this is the inbuilt syntax for Arduino. So,
randomSeed(int v), it reset the pseudo random number generator with seed value v. So, you
already the seed value is the starting point from which the random number will initialize its
function. So, you gave a starring value, from it the random number will generate, then
random(maxi) gives the random number within the range 0 to maxi, then you have
random(mini ,maxi) and it gives the random number within the range mini and max.
Then, moving on to interrupts, you have an external signal interrupts. These are basically an
external signal for which the system blocks the current running process till receiving that
So, basically you have two types of interrupts. One is hardware and another is software. So, I
will give one example. Suppose you are in a loop here waiting for a checking condition
whether that checking condition holds true or not and maybe from an external source you are
getting that checking condition. For example, you have a button or a digital switch connected
to a Arduino board. So, whenever you are pressing that switch, your system will blink an
LED, otherwise it will keep the LED off. So, this may be considered as a, partially considered
as an interrupt. So, this will be an external interrupt. So, as you can see digital pin to interrupt
and then, the pin number it actually changes that digital pin to the specific interrupt number,
then attach interrupt digital pin to interrupt, then pin, then ISR, then mode. So, isr is basically
known as an Interrupt Service Routine. It has to be defined explicitly. So, these are some of
the more complicated function. So, we will not focus on these interruption. Other
complications we will just try to keep it as easy as possible.
So, we will try to implement within this lecture, we will try to implement a basic rudimentary
traffic control system. So, we need Arduino board, three different LEDs, some resistors
maybe 220 ohm or 330 ohm and a few connecting jumper wires to connect the various
components on the breadboard as you can see from the previous, as you remember from the
previous example.
We connected an LED with the Arduino board. The same process has to be repeated three
times using different colored LEDs and at different pins. So, in the last example, we
connected the LED to pin 12. So, maybe in this example, we will connect to pin 2 3 and 4
side by side.
So, this is the sample sketch. So, as you can see tried to using void setup, we globally define
a few value int r = 2. Basically we are taking three colors r g and b, we are not giving b. We
are written y.
So, r g and y, red green and yellow, so globally we are defining r as integer equal to 2, g
equal to 3, y equal to 4 in within void setup. We initialize the serial port at 9600 baud rate,
then pin mode we write r and and output. So, as you can remember the first one was the
actual pin on the Arduino device and the second one was the mode either input or output. So,
since you are connecting LEDs will be obviously using it as output. So, r was globally
assigned as 2. So, this will be 2 and output. So, it translates to pin 2 will work as output and
then, digitalWrite r low. So, this function will initially set the a value of pin 2 to 0. So, it will
be turned up. The same process is repeated for pin 3 and pin 4 which connected to the green
and yellow LEDs.
Now, we define the function traffic. So, data type you have given as void.
So, void traffic we digit, so digitalWrite g high that was g was defined as pin 3. So, over here
pin 3 becomes high, then serial be over the serial port, we print green LED on go. So, since it
simulates a traffic signal, you will have a go signal denoted by green, a stop signal denoted
by red and a wait signal denoted by yellow. So, green LEDs when it switches on, it signifies
go this will be printed on the serial port you can all obviously comment this out.
Then, we induce a delay of 5 seconds using this command delay 5000. So, if you remember
from the previous example, delay takes an input in the terms of milliseconds. One more thing
this double slash, it denotes commenting the character. So, whenever you put // in front of a
statement, it will not execute. Your compiler will skip the execution.
Next we go to digitalWrite g low. So, what is physically happening is at the start of the loop,
you have the green signal is glowing and then, after 5 second delay, the green signal is off.
Then, the yellow signal goes high. So, your print again green LED off yellow LED on. So,
the status is wait, then again a delay of 5 seconds, then followed by digitalWrite y or yellow
as low and digitalWrite r as high. So, your wait signal will turn off and the stop signal will go
high. Same thing is printed on the serial port, then again you have a delay of 5 seconds, then
digitalWrite r as low. Now, you have all three LEDs turned off and you serially print all off
now within this void loop, you call this traffic function. So, this traffic will iteratively run
again and again and again till your device is powered and if call a delay of 10000 that is 10
seconds, so your traffic signal loop will run once and then stop for 10 seconds, then it will the
whole loop will once again and it will keep on going.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:29)
So, as you can see over here in the image, the LEDs are glowing sequentially. We will come
to that on the hands on.
The various outputs are printed on the terminal. Now, if you come back to the circuit part as
you can see the code I showed you.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:59)
I have already made the code ready. I have connected the Arduino board.
So, I have three differently colored LEDs red, green and yellow. I have three 330 ohm
registers, I have Arduino UNO and I have a bread board. I will just connect these sequentially
green, yellow, red.
You must always remember this convention that the smaller pin is for ground, the longer pin
is for positive signal. So, let us check again this row is supposed to be ground. Since the
yellow is properly connected, green is properly connected. Now, across each LED, we will
put up a register, 330 ohm register.
First of all sense in a breadboard, these channels are fused. So, I will only need one signal,
single signal to connect to the Arduino. This was negative part will connect to ground. Now,
if you remember the green was connected to pin 3, green was assigned a pin 3 in the code.
Pin 2 was assigned to red and yellow was assigned pin 4. So, now we have our connections
ready. So, three wires for r g and y and one for the ground.
Now, if you go through the code again, so you have globally declared r as pin 2 , g as pin 3
and y as pin 4. So, we have been implemented on the breadboard, then serial port starting
baud rate is 9600 pin mode, r g and y as outputs digital write, r g and y as low that is initially
at the very beginning everything will be turned off and within void traffic you switch on each
LED one at a time starting from green, then yellow, then red. So, this basically what a traffic
signal does is, so we will compile this code.
You see the code has been compiled without any errors. I will check whether my board is
connected. Yes it is Arduino UNO the port is, so the board and the ports are fine. We will
upload the code or the sketch. Now the uploading part is complete. So, if you focus on the
Arduino board as you can see you have a reset button. So, it has already entered into a loop.
So, we will push the reset button, so that the code execution starts from the very beginning.
You see the green LED glows on it will glow for 5 seconds followed by the yellow one which
will again glow for 5 seconds and then, it is followed by the red one which glows for 5
seconds. All three turn off. It will wait for 10 seconds before going again into the loop that
void traffic loop.
Now, same thing if you focus on the serial monitor, you can see green LEDs is on go green
off yellow on wait. Now, yellow off red is on stop, right. So, now everything is off. So, it will
be wait for 10 seconds.
Then, again the loop starts from the green LED. So, it is actually not required to have a serial
communication for this automated traffic control signal, but for the sake of debugging, I
actually prefer this thing. So, you can actually when you connected your system to PC, you
can actually see which part of the loop your code or the hardware is executing. So, it helps
you in debugging your code effectively. So, this is it for now, ok.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 24
Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino- I
This lecture and the next one are dedicated to discussing the integration of sensors and actuators
with Arduino platform. So, in a previous lecture we have taught you about how to you know what
is Arduino and how to use it for building IoT systems and in this lecture we are going to show you
further that how we can integrate sensors and actuators with Arduino. I told you that a multitude of
several types of several types and several sensors can be integrated in to Arduino platform it
supports for that and at the same time seen for are actuators as well. So, here I am going to teach
you about how to do it.
And I have with me Mister Anandroop Mukharji the TA of the course and he will explain to you
how to do this hands on. So, as I said before that if you have the set up, if you have the requisite
small electronic equipments with you then you can also do the same to practice yourself. So, that
way it will give you a hands on experience about how to create a small scale small sized sensor
actuated based Arduino platform for used in IoT. So, this specific type of sensor that we are going
to show you here we are using only one sensor and we are using only one actuator, the sensor that
we are using is the temperature humidity sensor and the actuator is the motor, the survey motor.
So, let us know have a look at how to build a small sensor actuated based Arduino platform for use
in IoT.
Hello I will be now talking about the integration of sensors and actuators with Arduino. So, this
will be again in two parts in the first part I will cover integration of sensors with Arduino and in the
second part integration of actuators with Arduino.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:29)
So, first of all as we have already learned by now; sensors are basic electronic elements they
convert physical quantities or measurements into electrical signals and more or less sensors can be
classified into either analog or digital sensors.
So, there are few common type of sensors we actually use with IoT they include temperature
sensors, humidity sensors, compass or direction sensors light sensors, sound sensors
accelerometers or motion sensors.
And there are lot many varities of sensors we could not accommodate everything over here, but I
am sure if you find search online you will come across huge number of sensors.
So, now in this lecture will be covering interfacing of a humidity and temperature sensor with your
Arduino board. So, in our previous lectures we use an Arduino uno just for the sake of bringing in
some variety.
Now, we are using and Arduino at mega; so, Arduino mega. So, in the market you can just get it by
the name of Arduino mega or mega 2560. So, its bit bigger than your traditional Arduino uno this
one has got 4 uarts, Arduino uno if you recall had only one uart and obviously, there are much
more digital input output pins there are much more analog input pins.
There are 16 analog input versus 7 for 7 or 8 for your uno, and the voltage inputs and power lines
are more or less same. So, we take this one.
Now, we again have our breadboard. So, these we have the LEDs and registers left from the
previous slides, this one is known as a DHT sensor. So, DHT stands for digital humidity and
temperature. So, as we can see it has 4 pins and starting from left to right if you keep this upfront
this mesh region upfront starting from left to right you number them as 1 2 3 and 4. So, basically
you have four pins pin one we give a positive voltage the last pin we keep as ground, the third pin
is the signal pin and the sorry the second pin is the signal pin and the third pin is left open or no
So, following this basic connection idea we put it on the breadboard; now your pin one has to be
connected between to a supply ranging from 3.3 volt to 5 volt you should take precautions not to
exceed this 5 volt range, otherwise your sensor will be damaged. Pin 2 is the data pin from which
the actual sensor data is coming to the board, pin 3 as I have told you before it is null on no
connection and pin 4 is ground.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:18)
So, prior to interfacing the hardware with the Arduino ide, we actually need the support of a few
libraries available online. So, this sensor was acquired from your Adafruit it is a company which
supplies various Arduino boards and related components and other processor boards. So, we are
going to use the Adafruit library for DHT11 of DHT22. So, this sensor we are using is actually
DHT22; your DHT sensor library it provides some basic facilities for reading the humidity reading
the temperature and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:09)
So, for now will just skip the connection ok first will look for the sensor integration look for the
updation of the library your existing Arduino ide.
So, we start off with we go to tool sorry you go to sketch on the menu bar then there is a option for
include library and then manage libraries generally it is on the top. So, and the library manager you
write sorry you just write DHT. So, as you can see I have already installed this library file.
So, you get a DHT sensor library, you just click on it and if your pc is connected to the internet
your Arduino ide will do the rest you just download it will download the library integrated with the
system you restart your Arduino ide in you are ready to go. So, as I have already installed this
library no need for anymore action.
So, this is actually how you update the Arduino ide with the required library. So, you have already
selected the DHT sensor you click on it and it installs.
Now, coming to the actual sketch for the DHT, prior to that will just install the hardware with the
Arduino board. So, if you recall these four pins starting from 1 2 3 and 4 you place it on the
(Refer Slide Time: 08:59)
We take four jumper cables. So, pin 4 was ground, I connect pin four to ground pin one was Vcc it
should be between 3.3 and 5 volt, just to place if I will put it at 3.3 volts, and pin two is the actual
signal input which will come to the Arduino board. So, let us say we choose any digital port let say
we choose pin number 8 or port 8. So, we connect the signal wire from the DHT to pin 8, you can
choose from any of the digital input output pins. So, now our hardware is ready it is quite easy. So,
focusing back to the sketch part for the DHT sensor, this you have to for this you have to include
the library file you downloaded it contains a few header files and other definitions. So, you must
include that particular library file. So, first line is hash include DHT.h right.
Then from its own syntax from the syntax of the DHT sensors library installed you just call DHT
then DHT pin and sensor. So, you are initializing that DHT sensor. So, this is the syntax and we
have to follow this syntax strictly because it is according to that library we just downloaded, now
we are defining to variables both of floating type. So, one is float humidity and another is float
temperature right. So, the humidity this variable humidity will store the humidity values acquired
from the sensor and temperature will store the temperature values acquired from the sensor.
Now, within the setup since we are going to view whatever readings we have getting from the
board or the sensor on the serial port, we just initialize the serial connection. So, again serial dot
begin at baud rate of 9600 after that we initialize the dht dht.begin(). Over here in the second line
you have just assigned your dht to pin number 8 and we have given that sensor as dht 22 suppose
you go for the variant dht 11 then you just update this part as dht 11 or if you plan to change the
pin number on the Arduino board you have update that part over here. So, once the setup part is
complete you go into the looping part.
So, over here you can see the variable humidity it is being assigned the dht.readHumidity function.
So, whatever function whatever sensor offsets and operations need to be done is being taken care
of the taken care of the dht.h library. So, you just call this function read humidity, then temperature
as dht.readTemperature once you have call these to you just serially print these variations. So, as I
have given a delay of two seconds. So, after every two seconds your humidity and temperature will
keep on updating.
So, let us go to the next slide. So, we have already interfaced these sensors this is the code you just
saw in the previous slide this one, then again we go through the basic steps we connect to board to
the pc.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:08)
We set the port and board type now remember the port and board type may change because board
type will definitely change, the port may or be not change for this we choose mega. There will be
an option for mega we chose it then prior to uploading we verify the code and then upload the
So, this is the output we are expecting like humidity is giving in percentage and temperature in
degree Celsius, and these each row is separated by time duration of two seconds. So, after every
two seconds your temperature readings and humidity readings are getting updated.
So, now, back to the hardware part.
Right as you can see # include dht.h then we have set the pin number at 8 in the input pin sensor
type is DHT 22 humidity flowed temperature within void setup serial dot begin at baud rate 9600
dht.begin(). So, setup is ready and within loop we just call the humidity and the temperature
reading functions and that is it and just serially print it over and over again with the delay of two
seconds. Now since everything is connected we just verify our code. So, its compiling the sketch;
sketch is complied there is seems to be no error.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:59)
Prior to uploading will choose the board has already been chosen as Arduino mega or mega 25680
sorry 2560 the port is already set now we can safely upload our program if you pay attention to the
Arduino board you can see this board over here.
We have uploaded the code to the board as you can see now I will again upload the code these two
lights the tx and rx whenever you are uploading it, they will bring blink rapidly; that means, your
code is being uploaded. So, now, your code has been uploaded just for the sake of it you just press
the refresh button now we open the serial monitor.
As you can see your humidity and temperature readings are changing. So, may be if you can light a
fire in front of it temperature readings go up, and this hoping the temperature changes a bit you see
yes the temperature is changing, but very slowly 22.7, 22.8 it will keep on increasing I am hoping
till it reaches my body temperature is now its touching 23, the humidity is almost 98 percent 98.6
percent and so on. So, I hope you get some ideas and you can thinker around with these stuff. So,
these are some of the basic sensors other sensors you can; obviously, integrate are like dependent
registers, you can integrate light bit sensors, you can integrate accelerometers gyroscope those are
a bit complicated, but yes they are find to work with. So, that was the part covering sensor
integration with Arduino.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 25
Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino- II
Hello, now after completing the integration of various sensors with arduino, and we have
completed integration of basic actuators like lights, LEDs and the external LEDs, inbuilt
LEDs. So, we will now in this lecture we will now move on to integration of a motor
based actuator.
So, over here I have got a small servo motor. So, this one particularly is use for
controlling the wings and tail adders of remote control planes or RC planes see. So, this
is just a there is a geared mechanism inside. I do not know whether it is visible or not.
So, there is a motor and you when you send pulses of various widths, the motor rotates to
just that bit. So, there are various gears inside ok.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:38)
So in this lecture we will learn how to integrate this motors and make it perform
according to our requirements. So, here we are going to cover the following topics,
introduction to actuators, servo motors and interfacing of this servo motor with arduino.
So, will first deal with hardware interface and then the actual sketch we are going to
which you are going to upload on the hardware.
So, actuators are basically mechanical or electro mechanical devices. They convert
energy or signals into motion. And mainly use to provide controlled motion to other
components of various mechanical structures or devices.
So, basic working principle is, in the servo motor you have various mechanical structures
like gears and screws and ball bearings, which are interfaced with a small motor over
here, and this produces very control motion, but is able to perform much more efficiently
then this motor alone would have been able to. So, like generally for servers the top
requirements are high as compared to normal dc motors. So, this is what is known as
micro servo in the market. So, while purchasing you look for micro servo motors there
are servo motors of various ranges and sizes. So, this one is this can be directly
integrated with our arduino board without much interfacing or external circuitry.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:20)
So we have various types of motor based actuators. Actually servo motor is just one of
them. You have servo motors, stepper motors, hydraulic motors, solenoid relays AC
motors. One point to note here is solenoid and relays are not actually motor based
actuators, but sometimes solenoid may be used to drive motors and relays may be used to
integrate various multiple motors with any kind of programmable circuit. So, relay is
something like a electro mechanical switch, where as solenoid works on the principle of
magnetism. Whenever you pass there is a coil there is a coil surrounding an iron coal
whenever you pass current through the coil the whole set of magnetizes, you can use it as
a magnet.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:30)
So, various uses of solenoid and solenoid walls for controlling water in pipes electronic
locks and so on. So, we will focus only on the servo motor part. So, it is a high precision
motor and it is able to provide a rotary motion between 0 and 180 degrees. And as you
have seen it has got 3 wires one black, one red and one yellow. So, many a times you
may have you may see that the black wire may be replace with brown ones also. So, the
motor I have got does not have a black wire, but it has got a brown wire, but nothing to
worry about this darkest wire is actually kept for browned. Then red one is for the power
supply I am actually going to provide 5 volt power supply from the arduino board and
the yellow one is the signal pin which is going to provide the signal for control motion to
the motor, not from the motor to the device it is going to provide signals from the board
to the motor.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:25)
So, yet again we have to install a special library. So, following the process we follow
during the GHT library installation. Just have to update a library.
If not already updated to include the servo library. And within the sketch we have to
create instance called servo, Servo myservo for enabling this use of this particular servo.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:01)
So, before moving any further let us just take a look in the library. Will just search for
servo over in the library manager as you can see there are many options for servos, but I
have just choosing the adafruit PWM servo driver library. So, it is already installed.
So, nothing else to worry about and one more thing, when you install a new library you
can see whatever examples you had package with the normal ID when you first
downloaded it. So, whatever library is you install you get some sample demo programs.
So, for this adafruit PWM servo driver library. We have something called a PWM test
and we are something called servo. So, we click on it a new sketch will appear. So, this
is a what we called company provided sketch, just you check whether your code is
working whether your hardware is working fine or not whether there is any problem with
your board or whether there is any problem with your motor or other such things.
So it is a pretty big code. We actually will be doing something very simple not this
complicated, so will take a look at the code. Now again we include the servo.h library
function library file. So, once this has been included here we are choosing a servo pin as
the pin number 12 on the at mega board. Then instance of a we create a instance of the
servo as servo demo then within the setup we write servodemo.attach. These are some of
the functions associated with servodemo. So, within attach it would expect the pin
number to which the servo is being attached, the pin number of the processor board your
using, or the arduino board you are using.
So once this setup is done we move on to the looping function. So, you have servodemo
the instance of the servo servodemo.write if we write 0 it will move 0 degrees it
reposition itself to 0 degrees then we put a delay for thousand milliseconds or one second
then we again write value as 90 to move the servo 90 degrees again a delay of 1 second
again after this we try to move the servo to 180 degrees. So, if you recall in the previous
slides I have said the servo, the servo is able to move between 0 and 180 degree. So, this
is the code out line.
So, we have already covered these what will go through it. Create an instance of the
servo the instance should be attached to the pin before it can be used in the code then;
that means, within setup you write that Servoinstance.attach and the pin number. If you
just call that Servoinstance.write it will not function you have to actually attach the servo
with the coding part. Then the write function takes the degree values and rotates the
motor accordingly.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:05)
A connection is pretty simple, connect the ground of the servo that is the dark wire to the
ground on the arduino board we connect the power supply wire that is generally the red
wire to the 5 volt pin on the board and signal wire to anyone of the pins we may used pin
8 or pin 12 or any kind of digital input output pins.
Now, try to using the board we connect the board to the PC we set the port number and
the board type we verify and then upload the code.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:45)
So, the code we just discuss few slides back it will give you an output of first will turn 0
degree. It will a line itself to 0 degree then it will wait for 1 second then will go to 90
degrees, then wait for one second and finally, it will go to 180 degrees and this thing will
keep on looping over and over again.
So, we will see a few variations of this code. So, there are lot more functions with the
servo library we have we have a knob function, we have a sweep function write
microseconds read attached detach and so on.
So, now, focusing back to the IDE. So, the code we discuss just now is already open. So,
we have set the servo pin as pin 8. Or may be any one of the pins we can set let us say,
we set it to pin 12 or pin 10, right. Now before we do anything will connect the servo.
So, we connect the ground wire brown or black wire to the ground pin on the board.
Then we connect the Vcc to the power supply pin on the board. And finally, will use a
wire of another color yes. So, finally, we attach the signal the yellow wire. So, we are
about to set it to pin 10, so will attach it to pin number 10. So, that is it, so this is the
connection of the servo. We attached the board to the PC.
Now we check, our processor is at mega 2560, always verify. We have various variations
of at mega board as you can see on the board over here. This is arduino mega 2560 if is
zoom in on this region. This is at mega 2560 it is always better to be careful.
So, you see there are 2 variations at mega 2560 and at mega 1280. So, we are selected
2560 the port has been selected we verify our code. So, this seems to be no error in the
code now we upload our code. Now if you focus on the motor I will reset it will first
align itself to 0 then 90 then 180. Now we can try different variations of this code just
take out the output signal pin. So, suppose the ID instead of 090 and 180 we give 45, 45
and 45. So, let see what it does. So, it does not seem to be doing anything. So, will try a
different variation we give it 0, we give it 90, we give it 90.
So, it seems we have hit upon some error, as you can see it shows avdude time out, that
is the compiler time out. So, will again check what is wrong with it. Let us reverse back
to the original code - ports asset, board asset, this something wrong with this. This thing
is permanently yellow will do one think we restart the code. So, we again compile the
code and upload the code. So, there are various other functions we can try with the servo
we have a knob, sweep, write. So, it is actually up to the user how you can manipulate
these functions these libraries to build a new application. So, I hope you enjoy building
IoT services with arduino boards just integrate simple senses and integrate them in
various innovative ways.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 26
Introduction to Python Programming – I
In this lecture we are going to introduce to you the language the python programming
language. So, this python programming language lecture is divided into 2 parts. So, in both
the parts again I will be assisted by your TA, Mister Anandarup Mukherjee. So, he is going to
take you through the basics of the python programming language. So, before we start I just
wanted to highlight upon that python is a very popular programming language at present. It is
among other applications it is very much useful for embedded systems application
development for example, IoT based application development python is very popular, there
are several reasons for it one of the reasons is it is a lightweight programming language.
In the sense that from a programmer point of view first of all it is not very difficult to learn
this language it is more like a scripting language it is of course, object oriented, but it is a
scripting language and scripting like language, and you know it is very easy to learn this
programming language. In the same way as matlab for instance is also very easy to learn
python is also very easy to learn; and also you know python is supported by different
embedded systems development platforms or IoT development platforms such as raspberry pi
which you are going to learn in this course, but you know.
So, it supports different types of IoT devices and also you know you do not need to take help
of complex libraries etcetera etcetera execution is faster and so, there were so many different
advantages because of which python based programming is very important to learn
particularly if you are interested in IoT based application development, and that is why you
know in this course we are going to teach you a little bit of python programming to get you
started and as before you know if you have your environment ready you can along with the
lecture you can also code yourself. So, that the learning becomes better. So, that way it will
become a enhance on experience for you. So, for all the lectures in module 2 of this course,
you can do the same thing you can keep your respective environment ready. So, that you can
do the do the you know the programming exercises while we teach you programming and
enhance on exercises while we teach you the concepts.
In this lecture I will be covering the basics of python programming. So, we will just talk
about how to startup with the basic programming or scripting in python and the basic syntax
and all those initial integrities.
So, first of all why python; now from my personal point of view python I have worked on
matlab I have worked on C C++, but I find python to be a very versatile language the
scripting is very easy it is very easy to write the code it is very easy to read the code and
moreover it does not support strict rules for syntax. So, it is installation comes with an
integrated IDE. So, the programming is actually very easy will come to that in the
consecutive slides. So, and for IoT you must have seen in various online resources and
lectures and courses people prefer python because it supports an interface with a wide range
of hardware platforms and moreover since it is a open source platform. So, you have lots of
libraries, lots of collaborative work, lots of examples available online on github on various
repositories. So, it forms a strong backbone to build large applications.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:51)
Now the python IDE is like arduino is a free and open source software. So, you can write
various codes integrated integrate various modules libraries and so on. It can be easily
integrated with windows, Linux and Mac machines. So, some examples of python IDE is are
Spyder, PyCharm and so on.
So, my personal preference I as a personal preference I use Spyder to code my program I will
show you a visual of Spyder. So, this is basically Spyder it is an editor for python as well as
there is an output console over here, and for the python distribution I am using python 2.7 as
you can see over here python 2.7, and I am using a python distribution using anacondas.
Anaconda is a collection of various libraries and resources. So, I find it quite useful since lots
and lots of library is very useful and commonly available as well as some uncommon
libraries are also integrated with anaconda. So, that is also my personal preference. So, you
can obviously, have normal idle ways systems. So, you have a IDE called idle idle and so on.
So, this left hand side is the editor part this right hand side is the console part you can even
write on the console. So, problem is you write one line and whenever you press enter it
executes start line. So, that sometimes becomes bit problematic whereas, in the editor you
write the whole code or the script and then collectively execute it.
So, for larger programs and systems this becomes much easier. Now to start off with python
simple example is you write you want to print something some statement.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:23)
So, you just write print hi welcome to python or any other statement the output will be “Hi,
welcome to python!” So, as you can see the syntax is pretty straight forward you do not need
to call any libraries, you do not need any main function, you do not need other functions
nothing. You just and remember whenever you encounter maybe online you encounter
python codes or anything and you encounter these arrows basically means your code is being
run on the console and otherwise it is for the editor you can interchange between the 2 no
issues ok.
So, now to indicate different blocks of the code python however, follows a very rigid
indentation policy right. So, suppose normal if else statement. So, if true then colon you have
an indentation print correct else then again you go back else colon again indent print error.
So, this indentation policy has to be followed whenever mainly whenever you enter into a
loop. So, after one statement or this colon you have to give one tab space indentation.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:00)
So, there are five data types in python, numbers you have x y z equal to you assigned 10, 10.2
then you write python. So, x will be assigned as 10, y will be assigned as 10.2 and z will be
assigned as python. So, remember this x has been assigned with an integer value y has been
assigned with a float floating type value and z has been assigned with a string right; again for
the sake of toying around with how you manipulate strings. So, suppose you assign x equal to
within quotes this is python; ok one more point single quotes and double quotes those
actually do not matter too much you can use them interchangeably. So, over here you see the
string python is within double quotes, over here it is within single quotes you can use either.
So, string x equal to this is python. So, this string you are assigning to x now you print x.
So, your output will be this is python now you want to access, now this x is an array right. So,
you want to access the zeroth element of x. So, you write x within bracket zero. So, this will
give you the very first element that is the zeroth index element that is t, now suppose you
want to access certain selected elements. So, you write x 2 colon 4; that means, select from
index 2 up to index 4 and index 4 will be excluded. So, you have actually 2 and 3 right, so 0,
1, 2, 3. So, is right. So, is has been selected and this is the output of this third statement better
still will take a look.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:12)
So, we will start off with a fresh console starting a new cornel. So, you can also write over
here you write let us say print. So, I can execute this thing from the editor, see print this is a
test message this was the line of the script and this in white is the output. So, this is a text
message. Otherwise I can also write on the console itself maybe I right let us use single
quotes I write hi there. So, you just get the output over here directly. So, as you can recall in
C or C++ specially in C you had to call all those library functions using #include studio.h
#include conio.h and so on and prior to printing you had to go to the main loop definition and
all those things.
So, nothing is required for python you just start writing a script immediately. So, this was the
first demo, now let us see let us assign x equal to let us assign string 2 x maybe this is a test
right. So, this is a test this string has been assigned to x let us check. I just print x. So, perfect
this is a test. Now I want to assign I want to select a specific element from the string let us
say 0. So, x 0 it prints t which is the first character right now suppose I want to sell I want to
print a specific range let us say 227 right. So, is space is right maybe we can change it to 629
right s space a right. So, it is fairly simple to understand.
Now, various other data types are you have a data type called list. So, list is an order
sequence of items right you can see x equal to within the square brackets you have 10 comma
10.2 comma within quotes ‘python’. So, you can assign a integers a float as well as well as a
string type to this various elements of the list, then next data type is called the tuple.
So, tuple is an ordered sequence of items which once created cannot be changed or modified.
Next is a dictionary; So, dictionary is an unordered collection of key value pairs used to
contain a huge amount of data for example, this key is one colon, the value is item then again
k, the value is 2 and so on.
Now again similar to your Arduino programming or other languages, you have basic control
statements. So, startup with if else statement. So, you have if then a condition then statement
one, may be statement 2 you can have multiple statements, but remember if then the
condition and then colon and since it follows a tabbing policy strict tabbing policy
indentation policy. So, you need to have indentation while you enter a loop. So, statement 1
statement 2 have to be indented, then whenever you are using else if the syntax is elif, e l i f
again a condition then again colon; then a post indentation you have 2 statements and finally,
else which also has 2 statements post indentation
So, this is fairly simple to understand, another loop you consider is the while loop you have
while condition colon after indentation you have statement one statement 2 that is it. Now for
an simple example suppose x equal to 1 2 3 and 4 this is a list x is a list, now for i in x that is
you iterate over the indexes one 0 1 2 3. So, for i in x you gave a statement you gave another
(Refer Slide Time: 17:45)
So, you can modify it in various ways we will check it out later, then you have various other
controlling statements like break. So, for s in string string may be anything. So, let us say this
is the string then colon then indentation, if s equal to equal to n it compares if s is equal to n
then it breaks it prints s and then prints end right and then continue. For s in string if s equal
to y it continues then prints s and then end
Now defining various functions in python you can for ease of your implementation for ease
of your understanding whenever you are writing a very complicated function of very large
program, it is always advisable to modularize your code as in suppose your code includes
checking for a prime number, checking for a factorial or returning the factorial value of a
function and so on like you have 20 to 30 different such functions.
So, and you need to include this functions multiple times within the complete code. So, it is
always advisable you define that function once only, and just call that function again and
again. So, this would not only save you lots of confusion, but also will make your code easy
to understand. So, this definition of a function it can be either without a return value. So, you
write as def a function name of your choice, then various arguments of your choice you can
have n number of arguments depending on the function and then a colon then again an
indentation statement one statement 2 that is it, right maybe statement 2 is a print statement.
So, you give arguments 1 2 and 3 statement one does some operations on these 3 arguments
and statement 2 prints the result of the arguments another type is with a return value. So, as
you can see these things are the same, in the end there is a return function. So, maybe
statement 2 is x equal to some operation and eventually it returns the value of x.
So, the function which calls this the point where this function has been called in the main
code it will have x return to it right for example, whenever you are calling a function suppose
def example(“str”), then print str plus this not character. So, your example outside this
function, you just call this function example hi and your output is hi it would be better.
If we do get to a little hands on let us say I define a function as capital IOT, give arguments
as xy and z colon io statement as may be a equal to x plus y minus z right and it returns the
value of x right. So, my function has been defined now outside this function maybe later on I
just call this function IOT, it will require 3 arguments maybe I will right 5 4 3; right and since
I will be expecting a return value I assign this function a variable sorry I assign this function
to a variable. So, let the variable b b b equal to IoT 5 4 and 3 right let us see what happens.
So, first we need to save this code now execute this code all at once ok.
So, this code has been executed, but I forgot to give a print statement let us print b now will
execute this again, as you can see your arguments were 5 4 and 3. So, the first 2 will be added
and the third will be subtracted from the result. So, your result will be 6 right. So, this is a
result. So, this is pretty simple I guess.
Now since defining a function has been covered. So, similarly you can define various other
function suppose you take to arguments and define which one is greater or which one is
So, you check whether x is greater than y it will return x and y else it will return y and x. So,
outside this function definition you assign you assign this function to a variable as greater 2
values as 10 and 100 print val. So, 100 is obviously, greater than 10. So, if this happens it will
return this one y and x. So, your output is 100, 10.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:28)
So, it is pretty straight forward now functions as objects. So, whenever you are these using
these functions these can be assigned and reassigned to various variables. For example, you
write a function for addition you can directly do the operation at the return statement itself,
now you print(add(4,6)) and again you assign add(4, 6) to c and then print c, so for both the
output will be 10 right.
So, there are 2 types of variable scopes one is the global variable that is accessible those
variables are accessible all across the your code, and these variables can be accessed outside
as well as inside a function and local variables these are the once which are only declared
inside a function and cannot be accessed from outside.
So, for example, before a function suppose the definition of a function def example these are
some operations you define a variable as g_var = 10. So, this and another variable as i_var =
100. So, within example you can call g_var, but outside example you cannot call i_var.
So, basic variation again you have a variable as 10 with an example variable equal to 100 you
print this var and you call this example and again print var. So, what will happen is within
this example it prints var. So, this var will be 100 which is locally assigned right. So, initially
it was the global variable is 10, but this overrides that value and reassign hundred to it, but
outside this function this is not valid.
So, for the second print statement it will print the global variable 10. So, you have various
modules in python. So, you import the module name now you can also call for the extension
for example, you import random.
Now, the random has many such functions as random integer 1 to 10 and so on. So, for
example, the script for I in range one to ten as when you have a list of 9 numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 up
to 9 value is random.randint(1, 10) it will randomly generate numbers between one and 10
and print value. So, since this is random number generator it will the output will vary upon
each execution. So, it is better you try this yourself.
So, you can also try a particular function from within a module like from math import pi and
then print pi it will just print the value of pi.
Now there are various exceptional handlers in python, these are mainly used for debugging or
in case of errors in various complicated scripts they will give you the exceptions like try then
statement except exception statements else statements one example is while true try.
So, within this type the function will execute this statements these statements will execute if
it there is some error. So, it catches that error and accept the value error not a valid integer.
So, whatever in number you are inputting it gets stored in n it is converted into integer and
you break it and after that this print statement executes if you somehow erroneously input
string number to it string or the character to it. So, it would not be converted to integer. So, it
will print not a valid integer so, it is better you try this code also.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:12)
Another example code is to check whether a number is prime or not and so on. So, these kind
of complication complications can be increased and you can have multiple nested loops you
can have multiple functions, function within the function although it is not advisable, but still.
So, this was it.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 27
Introduction to Python Programming- II
So, to start off with, we will be covering a few basic operations starting from file, read/write,
operations, we will be dealing with normal text files as well as csv files. Csv are basically
comma separated value files. So, each value in the file is separated by a comma.
Next we will move on to your developing a network socket using python scripting. So, we
will develop two parts. First, we will develop a udp host or a server and a udp client and in
the third part, we will be dealing with some basic image, read, write operations using python
PIL library. So, to start off with the file read write operations as necessary in normal IoT
based applications, imagine your sensors or lots and lots of sensors are uploading the data on
a particular database or a file system.
So, the data is separated, separately stored or data is collectively stored using various time
stamps or signatures or identifiers. It may be in a text file for small scale systems, it may be
in a csv file, but larger scale systems and then, again for much larger implementations of IoT,
people normally prefer using data bases like MySQL or Oracle ecetera. So, python allows us
the functionality to read and write files.
Generally no external module or library is required. It is available with the basic distribution
of python itself and while reading or writing a file, three basic steps have to be followed. First
and foremost is opening a file itself. Next is reading or writing operation and third one is
closing the file. So, keeping these three in mind, we will dive into a bit more details about
So, the open function is used to open a file and return a file object. That means, whenever
you give the syntax, open first argument is filename and the second argument is mode. There
are the following four modes, r for read or w for write, a for append and r plus for both read
as well as write modes. Through reading from a file as you can see the syntax is pretty
(Refer Slide Time: 03:01)
So, imagine you have a file text, file named data data.txt. So, we are going to attempt to open
it using this line file equal to open(‘data.txt’ , ‘r’) point to notice both the filename as well as
the mode are within quotations because these are taken as strings and then, in the next line we
have file dot read. So, this file equal to open function, the file is actually a variable. You can
assign any other name to it. Next is the writing to a file part.
So, whenever we are writing to a file, again we have to open the file. Only the mode changes
from r to w, then file.write and within arguments, you just put in the string here about to write
to the file you can. Obviously, put various variables you can store your incoming sensor data
and some variable and iteratively write those variables using the file.write function.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:14)
Now, at the end, once a file access has been done, you must ensure that your file handle is
closed by using this function file dot close and whenever since in normal normal scenarios
specially IoT based scenarios, there is a significant need to iteratively access the same file
over and over again. So, using this script with open data.txt in write mode as file in file.write,
we write the string which has to be written to the text file and then, we release the file handle
by calling file.close().
So, it would be better if we give a bit of hands on to this thing. So, as you can see I have
already kept the program ready.
So, we just have to call a file, any file name we want to put over here. We have python
program.txt. We can change it to something else also. So, my files and folders basically recite
in this directory. So, as you can see there is no python program.txt file in this list. So, maybe
we can just change the name to live demo.txt.
Then, in the next line for speed, iteratively we have to write something on it. So, with open
live demo.txt as w or in write mode as file, let us call it by another name file1. Then,
file1.write, we are writing this writing data abc and then, we release the file handle by calling
file1.close(). So, once we run this thing, we have executed this thing, these three lines of
code. Now again we will check the directory.
Here we have the file named as live demo.txt. We open it as you can see the intended data
has been written to the text file. So, this was part one. Half of the job it is reading that is
writing to the file. Next part comes that is reading from that file.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:56)
So, now I have a filename live demo.txt. So, in the same manner as before I will open the
same text file, but in read mode. So, I will change the mode to r. Initial it was w, now
changing it to r.
So, I am opening the file mode in read opening, the file in reading mode assigning the
variable let us call file 1 or maybe just for the sake of it file2, f equal to file2.read. Then, I
print reading from the file and then, again I print whatever has been read and again I release
the file handle. I release this file 2 by calling file2.close(). So, once again I will execute these
See once this execution is complete, the first line has been printed reading from the file. This
was a first print statement and then, if you recall we had earlier written data to the text file
like writing data abc. So, this has been extracted from the text file and put up and printed on
the console. So, this was part one, reading and writing from normal text files. So, there can be
multiple operations, we can consider while doing file read write operations.
So, not to go into that much details, you can easily avail various resources online to check
(Refer Slide Time: 09:50)
Another common thing being used is this csv file format or comma separated values. You can
again check I do not have any csv file in my directory list. So, I am using this script
csvreadwrite.py. So, once this has been executed, it will generate a file with the extension dot
For this I have to import an external library or csv library. Once this library has been
imported, I define the data. I want to write to the file. First I will write to the file, then once
the file has been created and the data written to it, I will read from that same file. So, one
point to remember is whenever I am trying to open a file in write mode, if the file does not
already exist, the system will automatically create that file, that same file.
So, I am giving the file name as output.csv. Let us name the variable as file1. The data is
within since we are putting up a string data. So, we are giving 1 2 3 4 upto 9 and we split it
using the comma character, you can use other characters also like semicolon, colon so on, but
for the sake of demonstration, I am just using a comma. Let us see what happens when I
execute this line. So, this script has been executed and I will check what is stored in this.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:37)
So, you can see individually you have various strings separated by comma. The first string is
1, second string is 2, and so on upto 9. So, whatever input you had given, it has been
individually separated into substrings. Then, next I open a I create a variable file1 and try to
open output.csv. So, in this directory, we have nothing called an output.csv file.
So, we are assigning this output.csv string to variable file1. Now, again using with open file1
in write mode as csv file, we call another variable writer equal to csv.writer .
(Refer Slide Time: 12:35)
In csv file delimiter is comma. Suppose you had given a semicolon as delimiter, you could
have replaced this comma by a semicolon and we print a normal statement to check whether
it is working fine or not and then, whatever data is being written into the file.
So, we call the writer again and each row report in a separate value like 1 in the first row, 2
on the second row, 3 on the third row and so on. Then, eventually we call the close function
file.close(). Now, let us see what happens when we run this collectively. So, my print
statement writing csv has been executed. Let us check. So, the file name was output.csv . Yes
we have a file called output.csv over here.
So, by default it is opening with microsoft excel. So, for my system, the default csv file
viewer is microsoft excel. So, it is directly opening through excel. This will take some time.
Let it load. In the meanwhile, we will look into this writing from a csv file part. Now, again
we go on with open in a name variable file1 in read mode as csv file and reader equal to csv
reader csv file.
We print that it is reading from a file that is we will just give an indicator to the user that this
script is executing and then, for each row being read by the reader, the value being read will
be printed one at a time and eventually, we will release the handle by calling the
filename.close() function.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:34)
So, I have finally managed to open my excel file. As you can see the values 1 2 3 4 have been
written in separate columns. So, instead of these static values, we can acquire data from
various sensors and we can keep on updating this csv file in a iterative manner. So, this will
give me a database, a rudimentary database, ok.
Now, I know my output dot csv file is in place. I will try reading from that file. Now, the first
after the script has finished executing, the first print statement was reading from the csv file
and it has read the values individually like 1 to 9. So, I hope this was quite easy. We will
move on to the next part.
So, we have already completed these. Now, the next part is a, but interesting since it will deal
with various images.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:10)
So, we will functionally work with image read write operations. Now, python supports this
library called PIL or python imaging library. This is generally used for image related
operations. So, if by default your PIL is not on the system, we use PIL or we acquire PIL
using sudo pip install pillow.
So, normally PIL is supported in the python version 2.7 till 2.7, otherwise for higher versions
PIL needs to be installed to get this working.
So, for image read write operations, first of all we have to call this PIL library either we
import PIL directly or if we have any particular function in mind like the function image, we
just import that particular function.
So, for that we have from PIL import image, then opening that image file, image equal to
image.open name of the image and for displaying the image, we just write image.show()
So, you have multiple functions related to images. You want to resize your image, you call
the resize function and within arguments you give the number of rows and columns you want
to rotate your image.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:59)
You call rotate and within arguments, the degrees you want to rotate your image, also you
can convert between various color maps. So, for example you can convert your normal
images acquired from standard cameras. We call them as RGB images because of the
presence of three channels red, green and blue. We can convert this into gray scale also. So,
the conversion function is pretty simple, image.convert and within the arguments within
quotes, you write that mode. “L” stands for pay scale and RGB stands for the normal RGB
mode. So, you can alternatively convert between these two.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:45)
So, this is just for the sake of demonstration. See for example, once we execute, this script
will come to that in the hands on part. Once we execute the script, it will give you the
following output. The left hand side, this image was taken as the input image and after
conversion using image.convert function, it has converted to your grey scale. So, we will
check out this function.
So, now I have from PIL import image and assigning a variable to the function image.open.
So, I have a input image, I3.jpeg in my folders, same folder as the script, then I execute this
im dot show. I will just execute these three lines you see. Once the im dot show has been
executed, the default image viewer application of your system opens up and this was this is
the input image null convert it to grey scale.
So, im dot convert and within quotes l and again, I will ask the system to show the image. So,
as you can see again on the default image doing application, the image has been converted to
grey scale from RGB. Now, I need to save this image. So, since the converted color map of
the grey scale image is stored in a variable grey_image, I need to save this grey_image.save
and the name I want to save it as.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:07)
So, once save function has executed, I get the required file in my directory. These are just
some of the very basic functions I can work with.
Next we will move on to basic networking in python. So, for this we will create udp sockets.
So, we will try to simulate two systems like you will have a client and then, you will have a
server. So, server will expect data from the client. Later on you can actually now itself you
can actually imagine your client to be deployed IoT devices which read various sensorial data
and transmit it over the network to the server. It works in a same principle.
So, for starters we will just see how this networking part happens. So, maybe your server is
located far apart, but connected to the network using this same code, same principle. With a
bit of modifications, you can get your field deployed IoT devices to send data to a remotely
located server. So, python provides this network services using the client server model and
then, this socket support in operating system, it allows the clients to implement servers.
It allows the implementation of clients and servers for both TCP IP that is connection
oriented as well as UDP protocols which are mainly connectionless protocol and python has
additionally libraries which allow higher access to specific application level network
So, general syntax is locating the socket a variable which is equal to socket dot socket then
socket_family, socket_type, protocol. By default the protocol is 0. So, within socket family
you have AF_UNIX or AF_INET.
So, generally UNIX option is only available for UNIX base systems, where as INET stand for
all internet protocols. Socket type is SOCK_STREAM or sock datagram and protocol by
default is 0.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:35)
So, we have created a TCP/IP socket, we give the server address as this is a particular IP
address, then we give a particular port to which server your client will bind and just some
print statements and eventually, the main functions sock dot bind and server address, so that
this will be listening for connections and then, we have sock.listen this initializes the listening
part that the server is expecting connections from client.
So, it would be better if I give a demonstration of this thing. So, I will need two consoles for
this. From 1, I will run the server and from another, I will run the client.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:30)
So, this is my socket server. For the server address, I have given a normal loopback address
that is
I given a random port 10000 and one and we intend to write the data which is being generated
into a text file. So, data log.txt in write mode and this data socket will be expecting the data
which it receives from the client in junks of 4096 bytes and whenever this data is received, it
will convert the data to string and write the data to the file and eventually once the transaction
has finished, it will close the file.
So, till this part the socket operations take place and within this the data read write operation
take place, similarly for start I will get the server running. So, it does not show anything
because it is expecting data from a client. On the client side, I give the same loopback address
as the server, then the same port number. It is very important to have the same port numbers.
Now, with try and finally we just iteratively loop again and again and send two values h and
t. I have fixed it to 2 and 3 and this will keep on sending these values over the socket. You
see this sent equal to this sock dot sent to message, the message that is 2, 3 to the server
address that was this loopback address.
So, in the second console, I will run the client. You see the client is sending 2 3 2 3. It will
keep on sending this until I terminate the execution and at the server side, you are receiving
this 2 and 3.
So, this thing you can implement on two different machines connected to the network. It may
be in the same room, it may be in different cities, it may be in different countries, but your
server, your IP and port needs to be the same.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:19)
(Refer Slide Time: 28:25)
So, we have covered this client. You have seen the code for stand and outputs you have seen.
So, I hope you can now use this knowledge to generate some interesting applications on
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 28
Introduction to Raspberry Pi– 1
In this lecture on the introduction to Raspberry Pi, you will learn about what Raspberry pi is
what are the different functions of Raspberry pi and more importantly about why Raspberry
pi is so important in the development of IoT.
So, Raspberry pi compared to Arduino is more powerful, it is more powerful in terms of the
computation or processing power. Additionally it has better memory capacity and also it can
integrate different types of sensors and actuators and this part is more attractive than
compared to the similar kind of feature of Arduino. So, we can do different types of sensors
integration in Raspberry pi and due to the feature that it can process more compared to
Arduino it has better processing capabilities and more features and so on. This is particularly
attractive for sensors which have which require more processing for example, imaging
sensors multimedia different types of multimedia sensors which require more processing you
know this sort of device becomes more useful.
So, in the same way as we can have an Arduino based IOT node here also we can have using
Raspberry pi, we can have a Raspberry pi enabled IOT node and this IOT node would be
more powerful compared to the Arduino based node. Additionally we have to keep in mind
that although it has better capabilities, but it comes at more cost the cost of purchasing
Raspberry pi is more than the cost of Arduino in general. So, there is a trade off of course;
however, it all depends on the requirements if the requirement of the particular IOT
application that is being developed is to have some nodes which you know which should act
as a server then Raspberry pi would be a better option than Arduino.
Second thing is that you know with Raspberry pi you can configure Raspberry pi as a web
server you can even configure Raspberry pi as an edge device and so on. So, there are
different capabilities that are there, but at the same time you know more computation means
more power consumption. So, if you have the same kind of you know application with a more
power consumption requirements, etcetera, etcetera and if that is not a problem then you
know one can go for raspberry pi; however, this particular issue is a little bit you know tricky
because there are certain scenarios where Arduino can also come to be beneficial with respect
to this.
So, we are going to go through the different aspects of Raspberry pi and try to understand
how Raspberry pi can be used. So, I said before you know if you have a Raspberry pi module
along with you can practice as we explain to you the different steps the different features and.
So, on in this lecture and the subsequent one the next one in both of these we are going to
teach you about raspberry pi. So, I have along with me; my TA for this course Mr.
Anandroop Mukherjee; like the previous few lectures you know he is going to take you
through the hands on aspects of Raspberry pi.
Hello, today this lecture will cover an introduction to Raspberry pi. So, this will be again a 2
part lecture and the part first part will cover the basic introduction to what is Raspberry pi the
hardware system and how you go about installing basic operating system on the Raspberry pi
and how to access that device. So, what exactly is Raspberry pi?
(Refer Slide Time: 05:03)
So, there are various variants of raspberry pi. So, some common variants are you have the
newest Raspberry pi 3 model b then pi 2 model b pi 0. So, these are the once most commonly
being used. So, there are other variants also, but these 3 can be considered as the main market
holders. So, as you can see the RAM requirements for pi 3, pi 2 and pi 0 for pi 3 it is 1 GB, pi
2 it is 1 GB whereas, for pi 0 it is bit lesser at 512 MB. The CPU is a quad core cortex a 53
processor processing speed is approximately 1.2 Gigahertz whereas, for pi 2 it is 900
megahertz. GPU requirements you have on pi 3 400 megahertz of video core 250 megahertz
video core for pi 2 and 250 megahertz again for pi 0 you have provision for Ethernet on pi 3
and pi 2 whereas, there is no provision for either Ethernet or Wi-Fi on pi 0. Yes, there is a
provision for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth only on mod pi 3. Generally video output is from HDMI
port and there are 40 GPIO pins. So, these GPIO pins are mainly known as general purpose
input output pins.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:39)
So, this is the basic functional architecture of a raspberry pi. So, at the center you have a CPU
or GPU you have various input output ports connected to it you have a RAM you have a USB
hub from which you can connect an Ethernet as well as you have various USB ports to which
you can connect regular USB devices. So, in short this thing is as similar to your normal PC,
So, this is the picture of a raspberry pi. So, I have one Raspberry pi with me right now. So, if
you can see this is a Raspberry pi 3 model b.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:22)
So, over here you have one HDMI port this small port is for the power adapter these are the
GPIO pins interlaced with some power pins like 5 volt 3.3 volt in ground and you have this
processors this is the ARM base processor you have four USB ports you have one Ethernet
port. So, and you have one sound card output also and turning it over to the other side you
can see there is a small memory card attached. So, if you take it out. So, we are using a 32
GB memory card, but generally 8 to 16 GB memory cards are sufficient. So, the main
function of this memory card is it actually holds the OS of the raspberry pi.
So, first step towards initializing Raspberry pi is you download the OS available on freely
online you load the OS on the memory card and you just plug this thing into your memory
card slot on the raspberry pi. So, in goes like this and your system is ready then we need
some basic configurations to get this up and running and available on the network.
So, once your system is up and running you can see will you may access the Raspberry pi
based OS which is primarily a GUI based system.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:05)
So, it is quite similar to your normal Ubuntu base systems. So, you can see you have various
programming languages which are already available within this you do not need to externally
install it you see your Python 2, Python 3, Scratch, BlueJ which is a desktop for java and
various other options you have some office options also so on. So, basically you get the idea
there is one symbol for Bluetooth the symbol for increasing decreasing the sound this one
shows the ram usage time and so on. So, it is quite similar to your normal Ubuntu based
So, these Raspberry pi GPIOs or the general purpose input outputs they can act as both digital
output as well as digital input it is quite similar to your input output digital input output pins
on the Arduino boards we covered previously. So, if you pay attention to this thing.
So, these GPIO pins these are a bit confusing. So, I have included one chart descript
describing the pin configurations over here these 2 red pins are the five volt power pins the
black ones over here are the ground pins and the remaining are GPIO pins. So, you have
certain GPIO pins which act as you know your qart txt and rxt; that means, transmission and
for reception there are normal GPIO pins and this chart or this configuration is very easily
available online.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:14)
So, the basic setup for this Raspberry pi will require a few components first and foremost
when you are setting up the Raspberry pi for the very first time you will require a external
monitor you will require an HDMI cable to connect the monitor and the Raspberry pi you
will require a keyboard and mouse a basic 5 volt adapter to power up the pi LAN cable and
your memory card which will include the operating system on it.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:56)
So, we will come to the set up a bit later will I will give a demonstration of how to set up the
whole system. So, regarding the operating system certain official bestows for Raspberry pi or
Raspbian and Noobs and some third party OSs which can also be installed on the Raspberry
pi are this UBUNTU mate, Snappy Ubuntu core, you even have nowadays Windows 10 core
for Raspberry pi is finite and so on.
So, you can download your Raspberry pi normal Raspbian image distribution from this link
you otherwise you go on to this site you search for Raspbian distribution there are various
versions of various releases you select the most appropriate one and that is it. And once the
download is finished you will end up with a zip file you unzip it you will get a image file and
you just write that image onto the memory card.
So, for windows based systems since most of the people use a windows based system; the
installation for this image is quite easy you require a software called Win32 Disk Imager. It is
freely available online you run this disc imager software plug in the SD card into your PC
you will need an USB adapter for the a SD card you select the device browse for the image
file which contains that Raspbian image and you just select write. So, it will take around
anything between 15 minutes to half an hour. So, once your writing is finished your memory
card is ready to be integrated with the Raspberry pi.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:39)
So, you can see you just select the distribution or the image the location of the image on your
PC on the right hand side you can see you select the device onto which you want to write and
after both of these have been done you just click on the right button that is it.
So, now, before coming to this step let me give you a demo of how to start off with the basic
Raspberry pi installation.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:15)
So, over here first of all I have a keyboard and mouse I will just connect them to the USB
ports choose any USB port I have a LAN cable ready I am connecting it to the Ethernet port
this is an a small monitor portable monitor. So, it is being powered by a external power
supply and it is connected it will be connected to the Raspberry pi via this HDMI cable on
this HDMI port. So, once all of these have been done you just plug in your power supply for
the Raspberry pi you already check whether you already have the memory card in place. So,
it is there you just plug it in.
So, now if you pay attention on the screen you are booting starts. So, once the boot is finished
you get a GUI based interface. So, just like the screen shot in the previous light. So, you have
got one terminal you have got a start menu option you can access various programming
languages. You can access internet options have got options for mail you have got options for
other things you can also set up a VNC server or VNC viewer on raspberry pi so that you can
remotely access the user interface on the network.
So, once the Ethernet cable has been plugged see this Ethernet has been plugged. So, it is
showing one IP. So, this IP will be required to remotely access your PC Raspberry pi from
your PC. So, best practice is you go to terminal right.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:38)
One more thing; the default name for the Raspberry pi distribution is pi p I and the password
is Raspberry; r a s p b e r r y. So, whenever you are remotely logging into the system you
give the; I username as pi and the password as raspberry. So, first of all I will check for the IP
of the system. So, I give the command IP config. So, you see various interfaces have been
located. So, I am more interested in the first part. So, this is going to be my required IP. So,
now, I will store this IP and I can remotely login to the system using this IP. So, now, my
Raspberry pi is ready to be accessed remotely. So, now, I do not need to use the monitor
anymore. So, the main function of the monitor is to initially get the IP address for your
system and for basic configurations.
So, coming back to the presentation; so, initial configuration we have done now enabling this
SSH option SSH as you know is stands for secure shell login. So, just check on your
Raspberry pi; go to the go again to the terminal you give the command pseudo raspi-config
and press enter. So, you will get something like this, right.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:19)
Since I am already using this Raspberry pi for quite some time this is not a fresh install. So,
all the operations have already been performed, but post first time installation of your
Raspberry pi you need to expand your file system because these images are more or less
compressed and if you expand the file system it will cover your entire memory card. So, your
entire memory card; suppose I am using a 32 GB memory card, but the image was 2 GB
approximately. So, it will now expand to cover the maximum of the memory card.
So, you will have lots of space for additional functions installing new softwares putting on
files etcetera. So, once you expand the file system after this operation is done you reboot the
system. So, I will go to advanced options.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:45)
Sorry, I will go to advanced options as you can see there are various options for overscan
resolution, audio driver and so on and there should be one option for ok I will go to
interfacing options for this distribution you have your enable SSH in the interface options
under Raspberry config.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:27)
So, you select SSH and press enter and once your SSH is enabled you reboot your system.
So, this will allow you to access your Raspberry pi over the network from any remote PC
from windows based systems you can use software such as putty or any SSH client from
Ubuntu based systems or MAC based systems you can only use the terminal to perform this
SSH operation. So, my SSH is already enabled you can also enable your additional options
like if you have a Raspberry pi camera there are these are special cameras which can be
integrated to as Raspberry pi. You can obviously, integrate USB cameras to wireless USB
ports and there are as you can see there are various other options if you need to use the VNC
server you enable this VNC option and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:39)
So, I hope you get the idea. So, I will escape this thing now coming back to the presentation
once the SSH has been enabled. So, we have covered this thing.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:51)
Then file system expansion we have explained. So, as you remember from the live demo this
option was there the first option expand file system.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:06)
So, post this as I have already told you the basic default programming languages which are
installed are Python, Java, C, C++, Scratch and Ruby. So, more or less any language that will
compile for arm version six can be used easily with Raspberry pi.
So, some basic and very popular applications you will come across on the internet for
Raspberry pi based systems mostly they are media streamers home automation systems
controlling a BOT, virtual private networks, a lightweight web server for IOT. So, like
instead of having a dedicated big server for running IOT based applications suppose you want
to install a small IOT network in your home maybe for home automation or home monitoring
you can; obviously, go for a Raspberry pi base system. So, this system will act as a server
whereas, your devices will start uploading data to the server you can even run various
analytics on the Raspberry pi based server and then you; obviously, have a tablet computer
based system. So, this Raspberry pi is already a computer just interface a monitor and some
external peripheral devices any other and you are ready to go.
So, coming back once again to the system; so, I do not require this anymore I just close it
now I will do one thing let me access this pi base system from my PC I already have the IP.
So, here it is so I will write for my since my PC is running a MAC based system I will write
the command ssh -y then space pi at the rate the IP address for your raspberry pi. So, once I
press enter it will start it will ask for the address as I have told you; the default sorry it will
ask for the password the default password is raspberry once you enter the password you are
ready to go first it will give some basic information about the system and then you will see a
prompt which will say pi at the rate Raspberry pi.
So; that means, you are ready to go. So, you can just see your file system what exactly are
there you can give a basic ls command or list file. So, these are some of the directories or
files put in your Raspberry pi you can even remotely start restart your PC or raspberry pi. So,
for the end of this lecture I will just reboot my raspberry pi. So, I write pseudo reboot, press
enter ok. So, as you can see over the monitor my Raspberry pi has gone into reboot again it is
starting up. So, this was the end of our part one lecture.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 29
Introduction to Raspberry Pi- II
In this lecture, we will cover the bit more detailed introduction to raspberry pi, so that you
will get a concise idea about how you can go about integrating various sensors and devices
with a raspberry pi base system, and maybe programmatically access and manipulate them.
So, first of all we are going to cover how to use that basic GPIO pins and then you are going
to cover how to integrate a pi camera with the raspberry pi for taking images.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:56)
Point to note is we will be covering both of these things on python. So, the programming
language will be python. So, since it is quite easy and easy to integrate with raspberry pi also,
we will be preferring python So, first thing we are going to go about doing is a blinking LED
based project. So, basic requirements are you are going to require a raspberry pi connected to
the network, you are going to require an LED, a basic 100 ohm register breadboard and a few
jumper cables.
So, before we go into this any further let us come back to the raspberry pi as we remember
from the last lecture. As you can see I have not yet powered on this device yet, but I have
attached a pi camera. So, this module is known as a pi camera and it goes over this side. So,
you will see this is called a ribbon wire. So, it is already available with the pi cam and the
blue sided should be pointed towards the Ethernet port, this is one point to remember. You
take this white jack out plug this ribbon and push the white jack in and that is your that will
attach your pi camera to your raspberry pi.
So, now we are going to power up this system. Now, since my device is booted up. I will
check whether we have network access or not. Now, we have got a functional Ethernet
configuration ready for operation. We have got the same IP as the previous example. Now, in
the last example, in the last lecture, I showed you how to connect your raspberry pi over SSH
from any PC. So, using SSH you can mainly execute and run various programs suppose you
want to transfer some file this would not be this operation you would not be able to do using
SSH. You can, but it is quite tiresome. So, the easier way out is using a ftp client. So, one I
prefer is Filezilla it is available freely online.
So, once I open the Filezilla, the left hand panel generally shows my local PC contents and
the right hand side will be my remote PC contents. So, I am connecting to the host the IP
address was I put in the IP user name was pi password was raspberry, and under ports it give
22. So, this is fixed for ftp, to give port 22 and then quick connect. So, it will ask you will get
a security confirmation message, you click ok. Now, you are connect to the raspberry pi. You
can just drag drop between the two file systems.
Suppose, you want to copy this folder I created this folder name IoT lets see what is inside it
has three files two python files and one image file. So, just as an example I will transfer this
to my desktop or better still I will transfer one file from a desktop to raspberry pi. Suppose I
have got this one example1.py on my local machine and I want to transfer this to my
raspberry pi. I just drag drop between the two interfaces, see file transfer was done, and now
this example1.py is on my raspberry pi base system.
So, if you check again on the raspberry pi screen, now there is a folder name iot you click on
it and there you have this example1.py on your raspberry pi base system. So, it is quite easy
many a times programming bigger things on raspberry pi is quite cumbersome. So, I my
preference is I basically program everything on my local PC and then transfer the eventual
files into the raspberry pi and just do some minor configurations and changes.
So, now coming back to the raspberry pi. So, for the blinking LED project since you are
going to connected to the GPIO terminal, you will require two things first is the python-dev
library and the other is the python-rpi.gpio library. So, you can easily access these two
libraries over the net. So, once your pi is configured and ready to go on the terminal, you just
type the commands sudo apt-get install python-dev. Once this operation is over, you type the
commands sudo apt get install python-rpi.gpio.
So, once these two files are installed on your raspberry pi base system, you are ready to go.
So, for initial connection, I am taking an LED, I will check for the positive and negative
terminals the larger one is the positive terminal and the smaller one is the negative one.
So, the white wire is connected to the positive terminal, the yellow wire is connected to the
negative terminal. So, this negative terminal I will put to ground and the positive terminal for
this I will have to check which port I have assigned. So, I have assigned port 11 GPIO pin 11.
So, it is not quite straight forward as arduino boards for this you need to have that a reference
table shown in the previous lecture, so that will give you a good reference for which pin is
which GPIO pin. So, for GPIO pin 11, so actually 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the 5th pin on the inner side no
sorry is the 6th pin. So, now I have connected this. So, my connections are ready.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:07)
On the terminal I can; obviously, write my code on the terminal. So, best practice is there is
in built editor on the raspberry pi in nano. So, you write sudo nano and then filename.py. So,
if I want to name my file as LED blink I write LED blink.py. So, this will open a new
terminal on your system on which you can write your code, python code since your file name
is in the extension of your file name is dot py you have to write your code in python. And
once your code is ready you press control plus O this will write the code to the file and you
exit the nano editor by control pressing control plus X.
So, this is the code. So, first line is import RPi.GPIO as GPIO. So, this actually calls the
GPIO library second one is import time, since you will be using a delay function on python
this delay function is denoted by sleep. So, we use a time.sleep third line is GPIO.setmode.
So, you put GPIO.BOARD. So, there are two options you can use it as a board mode and
there is another option which we are not going to use now. So, you are going to strict to this
board option in GPIO pin 11 is setup as the output pin. Then the main looping part just a
simple loop for i in range 0 to 5 that means, it will iterate between 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, 5 is
because it is excluded we covered at this in the python programming part.
Now, GPIO.output pin 11 is true that means it will send a high bit to the output pin, it will
sleep for 1 second and again it will send a low bit to the output pin. So, the physical output
will be your once the high bit is reached, your LED will glow then it will wait for one second
then once the lower bit is reached it will turn off. And again it will sleep for 2 seconds and
then turn off. At the end you do this cleanup operation to release the GPIO pin.
So, you have already seen on the console this operation. So, these are the codes. So, one more
thing since the inbuilt python installation on raspberry pi OS are very rudimentary you would
not be able to access advanced options without installing advance libraries. So, the very basic
python idle interface and editor you will be able to access on raspberry pi. So, once you
double click on this file this is my file of interest pi LED blink dot py, it opens up this code
right. So, let us suppose you do not have a visual display anymore let us try accessing this
thing over the terminal.
So, you login into my raspberry pi, I go to the directory IoT I am inside the directory I will
check what are the files and folders inside the directory by writing ls it will list all the files
and folders inside this iot directory. So, my code of interest is pi LED blink dot py. So, first
let us see what is exactly inside this file I write sudo nano pi LED blink dot py. So, it opens
up the editor this is the same code we showed on the slides it has already been saved. We exit
this. Now, when I want to run this code I write python Pi Led_blink.py this was my Led
blinking program you press enter as you can see the LED has started blinking so and it will
keep on blinking. So, again run this program, I run this module, you can see LED blinks,
program is executing. Now, once you get this triple arrow symbol for the console that means
your program execution has finished. So, this was the basic integration and usage of GPIO
pins on the raspberry pi.
The next interesting topic you are going to cover is integration of the camera or the raspberry
pi camera.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:03)
I am going to place my camera over here, my pi is booting up. Prior to this, we will cover the
basics of the camera. So, you will need a pi cam and a raspberry pi.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:08)
So, your raspberry pi specific camera module for on the raspberry pi you have a dedicated
CSI slot for the connection and the cable slot is placed between the Ethernet port and the
HDMI port told you before. The end of the ribbon cable you will find a blue tag and that has
to be placed toward facing towards the Ethernet port.
So, once the camera is connected we reboot the system. So, this reboot operation has already
been done.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:43)
Now, in the terminal we run the command sudo raspi-config and press enter. So, this was
covered in the first lecture on introduction to raspberry pi. I showed you there were various
options one for enabling the camera another for enabling the SSH and so on. So, over there
you enable the camera option and reboot your raspberry pi.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:11)
Now, once this has been done you can directly capture your images using the pi cam by
writing on this terminal on this particular line of code raspistill -o space any image
name.jpeg. So, this will click an image and store it as that “image name.jpg”.
Now, this pi cam can also be integrated with python and the module particular module is
known as python-picamera. So, again you will need to install this library because none of
these libraries are by default available on your raspberry pi system. So, you write sudo apt-
get install python-picamera. And this is the small code snippet for capturing your images
from the pi camera using a python code, it is a very short script. So, first of all you import
this library import pi camera then you initiate an instance of camera by this name camera =
picamera.PiCamera(). So, you must pay special attention to the way it has been written you
see the first pi camera is all small then dot PiCamera P and C are capital. Once this has been
initialized within camera you write camera.capture then filename.jpg. So, these tutorials are
commonly available online, you can go for advanced versions options also. So, these things
are commonly available on any online resource.
So, this is one screenshot. You write raspistill -o image.jpeg. So, your system will capture an
image. So, coming back to the hardware part, so we have our camera ready. We have
connected it to the network your raspberry pi to the network and it is connected to the
monitor via HDMI port. Let us open the IoT folder. Now, we already have this code ready the
three line snippet you saw earlier. So, this is the part of the code we are interested in. We
simply run this code. Pay attention to the pi camera module, when it clicks an image then we
have LED indicator going on. So, I run this module, you see this small LED indicator went
So, let us finish taking the image see it has taken the image of the roof. Let us try another
image. We may delete this image also. Let us point the camera forward and run this code
again. So, the code has executed, you see it has captured an image of the studio. So, this is
just one of the basic examples of how you go about using GPIO based pins for integrating
various small sensors. And actuators with your raspberry pi as well as IO integrate larger
systems with your raspberry pi more complicated devices like cameras, you can integrate
keyboards mouse and so on.
I have already put up interfaced a keyboard and a mouse over here through which I am
actually controlling raspberry pi interface, you can see the cursor move and using the mouse
to move it. So, this is as good as a computer its additionally it is very low on power
requirements as well as it is quite cheap as compared to regular computers available on the
market. So, I hope you will be able to go for more complicated projects using this basic idea.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 30
Implementation of IoT with Raspberry Pi- I
In the previous lectures on introduction to Raspberry pi, we have learned about how to
configure Raspberry pi and how to use it along with 2 bear basic sensors on is killer sensor
and the other one a camera sensor. So, 2 sensors were used and the basic interfacing was
introduced to you in the previous 2 lectures. In this lecture you are going to learn about how
to integrate Raspberry pi for for enabling IoT development.
So, here you are going to learn about you know these things in more detail. So, not only this
lecture but the next 3 lecture I mean this one and the next 2 lectures you are going to learn
about how to integrate the sensors, how to integrate the sensors different types of sensors not
just one or two, but different types of sensors at the same time then after these sensors have
collected this data then how to send the data how to disseminate the data through some kind
of creation of socket to a remote server for that processing using in the UDP protocol which
is a transport layer protocols. So, using UDP how to do particular this particular thing you are
going to learn and there after you are also going to learn in this and the next 2 lectures about
you know about how to visualize the data at the server.
So, the data is received then we have to visualize the data is received at the server at the
server how to visualize the data this is what we are going to learn. So, I and Mr. Anandroop
Mukharjee; your TA is going to taking through these few steps for achieving these things;
that means, the data acquisition through these different types of sensors then sending through
the network and there after you know visualizing the data at the server.
Hello, in this lecture this lecture will be covering 3 different parts of implementation of IoT
with Raspberry pi. So, in part one will be discussing about using Raspberry pi to capture data
from sensors and making a basic decision on the basis of capture data to actuate some device.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:55)
So, first of all 2 recapitulate internet of things basically needs to create an interactive
environment and additionally it has a network of devices which are connected together. So,
bringing these 2 together for this particular topic will get into the hands on.
So, another thing regarding sensors as of already learnt by now and it has been discussed
many times, sensors are electronic elements which convert physical quantity into electrical
signals or any measurable quantity into electrical signals and sensors can be primarily analog
or digital.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:37)
Similarly Actuators; Actuators are electro mechanical devices or they can be standalone
mechanical devices also and generally they actuate or convert energy into motion. So, mainly
they are used for providing control motion to other components in a big system.
So, in this a system overview is is as follows sensor and actuator are interfaced with
Raspberry pi, data is read from the sensor the actuator is controlled according to the readings
from the sensor and the actuator basically which is connected to the sensor is being controlled
from the readings and this control mechanism will be showing a brief decision making loop
which can be replaced by additional much higher inversion like machine learning statistical
learning or even deep learning based methods.
So, for this, the following are the system requirements we are again using a DHT sensor
which as a digital humidity and temperature sensor we are using a 4.7 kilo ohm resistor relay
some jumper wires Raspberry pi and mini fan which we have going to connect to the relay to
show the effectiveness of our decision making approach.
So, as you already know this digital humidity and temperature sensor it has got 4 pins. So,
generally when you keep it like it is shown in the slide from left to right you number the pins
1 up to 4 and pin one is generally use for power supply rangers from 3.3 to 5 volt pin 2
supplies the data to the process a board to which this sensor is connected, pin 3 is generally
kept open and pin 4 is connected to the ground.
And this one is called the relay board it is an electromechanical switch. So, it has got 3 output
terminals starting from left to right. So, in this particular board you can see there are actually
four relays this is a composite board consisting of four different relays. So, you can connect
four different devices to it this single entity is known as one relay and in electronic we call
this a sugar cube relay generally you can find sugar cube relays ranging from operating
voltage as of 6 volts up to 12 volts.
So, as you can see there are 3 terminals corresponding to each relay. So, from left to right the
first terminal is designation NO or normally open the middle one is common and the third
terminal is known as NC are normally close.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:37)
Now, what we are about to attempt is a temperature dependent auto cooling system. So, for
this the primary sensor interface with the Raspberry pi is going to be using DHT. So, we have
already discussed and showed you the demos of how a DHT is connected to Arduino board as
well as the Raspberry pi. So, again just to recapitulate we connect pin one of the DHT sensor
to the 3.3 volt power supply of Raspberry pi we connect pin 2 of this DHT sensor which
supplies data to Raspberry pi to pin seven and finally, we connect pin four of the DHT
sensors to the ground pin on the Raspberry pi.
However it is to be noted for this DHT sensor this follows the BCM configuration of
Raspberry pi. So, if you recall Raspberry pi has 2 configurations we generally discussed with
the board configuration these 2 configurations are board and BCM. So, board configuration
we had discussed in the previous lecture. Now in this one will be mainly working using this
DHT sensor in the BCM mode as specified by its manufacturer.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:57)
Now additionally the relay interface with the Raspberry pi is as follows we connect the VCC
pin of the relay to 5 volts supply of Raspberry pi you connect the ground to the ground of
Raspberry pi and the input signal to the relay is assign to pin 11 and another point to
remember is when we are using relay we are not using the BCM mode we are using the board
mode. So, this pin number 11 is going to be according to board mode whereas, in the
previous slide this pin 7 is according to BCM mode. So, these both these modes will be used
Now, try to beginning the programming part like in Arduino we install and additional library
for this DHT sensor. Similarly for Raspberry pi we need to install in additional library from
Adafruit which basically supplied this sensor. So, we are using this DHT 22 sensor first of all
in your Raspberry pi you need to install your Adafruit DHT sensor library using the
following command and a point to remember is since you your using python base scripting
we are going to implement the DHT python library you may be able to find come or cross
DHT C library, DHT C++ libraries but we are more interested on in the python library.
So, the first line is this git clone https you follow this link and you press enter you will see
here Raspberry pi it terminal its starts if it is connected to the internet it will start
downloading this folder if go to the once the download is finished we go to the downloaded
folder by putting in this command cd Adafruit_python_DHT because this will be the name of
the folder which has been downloaded on your Raspberry pi system and remember this is not
the installation the installation is yet to come. So, after you go into the directory you install
the library by running this command sudo python setup.py install. So, once your installation
is successful you can easily start creating codes for DHT using python and Raspberry pi.
So, we have a sample DHT interfacing program with Raspberry pi first line starts off with
importing the GPIO pins. So, import RPi.GPIO as GPIO then we import the time library for
calling in the sleep function which provides delays 2 hour program and then we import the
Adafruit_DHT library which we previously installed now the GPIO mode is initially set as
board and warning have been set to false for the Adafruit it automatically takes the board
mode as BCM. So, we are not explicitly identifying anything. So, sensor equal to Adafruit
_DHT.AM232; 2302. So, this line has to be explicitly mentioned according to the
documentation provided by the manufacturer and then we just print a line to signify whether
this sensor have been successfully initialized or not and we assigned humidity and
temperature values from the Adafruit library function by using read _retry and in name this
sensor which we initially called and which is connected to BCM pin 4.
In the next line we print the temperature and humidity values iteratively not a iteratively we
print this once, but we format it according to our needs.
So, this is the code which we just showed on the right hand side you can see the output we
created a python file on the Raspberry pi named IOTSR.py once it is executed it gathers data
from this sensor and you can see your formatted print line is temp equal to 26.1 Celsius and
humidity is 65.9 percent.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:52)
So, we can zoom into the hardware circuitry now as you can see this is your DHT sensor it is
placed on the breadboard and according to the configuration mentioned previously in this
slide we have connected the VCC ground and the data pin to the appropriate pins on the
Raspberry pi board there are additional component attached will come to those later. But for
now will be focusing on only these 3 wires the brown wire the red wire and the black wire.
So, coming back to the programming part I have remotely logged into the Raspberry pi
system just increase the font a little bit. So, using this terminal I have actually logged into the
Raspberry pi. As you can see over here pi at the rate Raspberry pi I go into the directory I see
that I have testing file named DHTTEMP.py lets run this first.
So, we give the simple command python DHTTEMP.py as soon as it is executed is a simple
code to fetch only the temperature readings from the DHT sensor, so, the temperature reading
as been read as 25.0 degree Celsius.
Now, will look at the IOTSR file, so, we have our IOTSR file over here lets open the editor
and check whether the contents are the same.
So, we have imported the GPIO library we have imported the time module we have imported
the Adafruit library we installed we have set the board mode. So, as I have told you before
the Adafruit.read_retry this thing is pin is on by defaults setting BCM mode. So, this pin
number four is according to BCM mode whereas, I have connected a relay I will come to that
in the consecutive slides have connected a relay and it is connected to pin eleven according to
the board mode.
Before going furthers, we have not checked our Raspberry pi is working fine the DHT sensor
is working fine.
We are now connecting the relay part. So, we connect the relay input pin at pin eleven of the
Raspberry pi using board mode and we put in the basic decision making loop that if
temperature is greater than twenty you print temperature greater than 20 and it will turn on
the relay. So, it will a fan is connected to the relay. So, I have just return fan comma 0 that is
the fan will be turned on and then it will sleep for 5 minutes and then fan will be turned off
and output pin will be again set to 1 otherwise if temperature is lesser then 20 the fan going to
be switched on.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:32)
So, on the left hand side this is the code actually open this code few movements back on the
Raspberry pi console and on the right hand side you have this relay board you have this DHT
sensor connected to the Raspberry pi.
Now this connection of the Li-po with the fan sorry, the connection of the relay with the fan
is as follows we are connecting we are using lithium polymer battery we can use any other
battery of sufficient rating since the fan we are using runs on 12 volt we are using a 12 volt
Li-po battery to operate the fan the normally open terminal of the relay or the positive
terminal is connected to the positive terminal of the fan in the common terminal of the relay
is connected to positive terminal of battery negative terminal of battery is connected to
negative terminal of the fan and when these connections have been made and the connection
have been rechecked we run the IOTSR.py file. So, the connection will looks something like
Now let us again log into Raspberry pi. So, once we execute this file you will see the output
but prior to that I like to show you this is my Raspberry pi this was my DHT sensor giving
me humidity and temperature readings this is my relay board this is the four channel relay
board because you can connect four devices simultaneously. So, this one unit is known as a
relay this single unit is called a sugar cube relay as you can see it has got 3 terminals
normally open common and normally close and we have this small fan over here which is
connected to a Li-po battery 3 cell Li-po. So, again back to the terminal will execute the code
So, as soon as the code is executed it gets the reading of temperature is 25.2 degree Celsius
and humidity is almost 76 percent now the decision making loop has detected that the
temperature is greater than twenty. So, it turns on the fan and after that after 5 seconds the fan
is turned off. So, this can be modified the modifying the loop and instead of using a normal if
else loop you can go for if else loop or a normal rule based decision making we can;
obviously, go for various machine running best approaches only condition been that you need
a lot of data historical data to predict the next action.
So, if you again focus on the circuit I like to show when I run this program again if you pay
attention to the fan and it is connected to this relay board as soon as the program is executed
and if the relay is turned on there will be a light blinking against the corresponding relay to
which the fan is connected to this relay.
So, you see it has detected the temperature is greater than 25 the relay has been turned on,
you see the fan is now also turned on after 5 second it will turn off. So, basic application is
you can use this for automated cooling systems may be for your PC or may be for your
various other systems or may be in industrial systems. Also suppose if the temperature of a
Furness gets higher or if a temperature of a particular room or work place gets higher your
fan automatically turns on and the network connected device remotely intimates you that
your temperature is going high so, the fan has been turned on.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:22)
So, the outputs have been explode. I hope this gave you a bit of learning experience well
cover other things and details in our next slide.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 31
Implementation of IoT with Raspberry Pi – II
Hi, in this lecture of the second part of implementation of IoT with raspberry pi we are going
to discuss the same integration we discussed previously that is integration of a DHT sensor
with raspberry pi. Additionally we are going to include some networking components to it
that is we are going to implement a python scripting for client making the raspberry pi behave
as a client whereas, on the remote desktop which will act as a server will use another python
script which will act as a UDP server. So, in this way we are going to create a datagram based
connection between the raspberry pi client and the desktop based server.
So, again basic aim of this internet of things is to create an interactive environment of
network devices which are all connected together additionally your devices more the number
of devices.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:20)
The more intelligent and interactive your whole system should be it should not be that you
are increasing your device number of devices whereas; your system performance is going
down. So, by maintaining your system performance the device integration has to be made.
So, I am sure the various strategies have been covered in the previous theoretical lectures in
this one we are going to give a basic demonstration of whatever you have learnt in your
previous lectures a very rudimentary demonstration.
So, in this second lecture we will be focus more on remote data logging. So, it will be
collecting data from the devices in the network, it will send the data to a server or a remote
machine and that remote machine will the remote machine will control the client or the data
sending device remotely. So, the system overview is as I have told you previously and
network of temperature and humidity sensors will be connected to raspberry pi. Here for the
sake of demonstration we are only connecting one temperature and humidity sensor with
single raspberry pi data from the sensors are read it is sent to the server over the network and
the data is saved in the server.
So, same as before we have the same requirements a raspberry pi a DHT sensor a 4.0 kilo
ohm resistor it is to be noted that for raspberry pi this 4.7 kilo ohm resistor must be obtain
between the BCC and the data pin that is between pin one and 2 additionally we will be
requiring jumper wires to make our connections again for recapitulation well go about
discussing the DHT.
So, from left to right if you keep the grid side up; you have pins numbered 1 to 4 first being
the Vcc pin 4th being the ground and the second pin is used for transmitting data.
So, the connection to the raspberry pi will be as follows from the previous lecture we have
just debuted a little bit you can also use the same configuration as done in the previous
lectures, but remember the board configuration for this DHT sensor must be in BCM mode
not in board mode. So, we are connecting the DHT sensor to 3.3 volt pin of raspberry pi we
are connecting the data pin or pin 2 of the DHT sensor to pin 11 of raspberry pi this pin 11 is
in BCM mode and we are connecting pin 4 of DHT sensor to the ground pin of raspberry pi
(Refer Slide Time: 04:26)
Now, as in the previous lectures we have already covered this Adafruit which supplies this
DHT 22 sensor they also provide a library to integrate this sensor to raspberry pi via python
frame work. So, this has already been installed during our previous lecture. Now we are
going to call the Adafruit_DHT.read_retry() function to read data from the sensor.
So, as you can see the codes and the outputs or more or less similar to the previous one.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:16)
We are going to read the temperature only the additionally you can attach your humidity
readings also, but for the sake of testing you can just go with the temperature readings. Now
for sending the data over the network we will be using a client server client server model and
to establish the connection you are going to take the help of a UDP based socket will make a
UDP based socket which will send data from client to the server now for this socket
This generally sockets create a 2 way communication between 2 nodes in a network, 1 node
is termed as the server whereas, the other as is termed as the client the server performs the
task or the service as requested by the client.
So, how do you proceed by creating a socket on raspberry pi this was also covered in the
previous lectures on introduction to raspberry pi. So, it is quite simple to assign the
socket.socket function to a variable and you manipulate that variable.
So, this socket.socket function it has three arguments first is SocketFamily second is
SocketType and third is Protocol which is by default zero socket family can be either
AF_UNIX or AF_INET. So, UNIX as you recall it is mainly for on the UNIX base systems
whereas, for most of the general purpose programming we are going with AF_INET or
internet protocols socket type can be either Socket_Stream or Socket_data gram.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:10)
Now while sending a data from a client to a server we need 2 scripts one for the server and
one for the client and 2 things will be required first is the IP address of the server and the port
of the server to which your client will bind.
So, your client can have a variety of IP addresses, but it is important that your server retain a
singular IP address see for this infrastructure for this exact project we are demonstrating you
only require one way communication that is from the client to the server. So, your clients do
not need to have fixed IP addresses may be they can have a variety of IP addresses about
which the server has no prior knowledge, but it is very important that each and every client
should be aware of the servers IP address as well as the port to which the client is going to
connect. So, we start off with calling the functions of socket.socket we put the host as
socket.gethostname we assign a particular port and we bind to the port by calling the host
name is the first argument and the port number as the second argument and we start our
listening function which waits for a client to connect to it.
Now, while true it signifies while a client has accepted the connection and connected to your
server on that particular port it will generate one address and this address can be stored and
later on used for later on used for time stamping your data to which on your server in various
data logs. So, imagine your your server has been connected to 20 different IP addresses or
clients. So, these 20 clients are sending variety of data to you, but you need to know the exact
location of each of these clients. So, that later on you can segregate the data and connect to it.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:53)
So, once your connection has been accepted it sends the server sends connection successful
and eventually when the socket is terminated by the user you call the functions c.close() for
the client side again you call the functions socket.socket then you get the host name assign
the port. Point to remember is this port number is similar to the servers port number because
your client will be connecting to servers that particular port number and this host or the host
name we are talking about this has to be the servers IP address.
So, s.connect you connect to that particular IP address of that server on that particular port
and you print that your data is being received s.receive and eventually you close the
So, prior to this let to show the basic circuit connection, it is again back to the basics we have
this DHT sensor the Vcc; the ground and the data pin are connected to their corresponding
pins as defined in the previous slides this raspberry pi is connected to the network and we
have already put in the client program on the raspberry pi we have already downloaded and
install the Adafruit python library on this. So, we are ready to go now again back to the
presentation. So, we are actually aiming to capture data from this sensor create a socket
transmit a data to our remotely located server.
In this case my desktop will be the server and raspberry pi will be the client both of these are
physically separate, but connected via a singular network to which various other devices are
also connected, but since we are dealing with IP addresses and particular ports. So, we can
expect zero interference from other devices. So, the client code for obtaining readings from
the sensor can be given as we define a function called sensor data you can give it any other
name. So, we set the board set the GPIO to board mode we set the warning to false sensor is
Adafruit unless called DHT.AM2302 then we graph the humidity and temperature functions
from the sensor and we return it to the calling function.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:39)
So, in this client code for creating the socket as you can see the AF_INET has been called
and a socket datagram is being used for this particular program my pc has this following IP
and I opened up port number 10001 if you can randomly choose ports to create a socket. So, I
open port 10001 to accept connections from various clients. So, my system client will try on
sending data over the network to the server. So, h, t; that means, these will be assigned the
humidity and temperature data from the sensor data function which we defined in the
previous slide and we formatted in the terms of a string and we transmitted over the socket to
that particular server address and when this transmission is complete from input receipt from
the user and the user terminates the code the sock the close function will execute.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:55)
Similarly, the modification for a server side is you again create an AF_INET and sock
underscore data gram socket the address will be the servers address and the port will be the
port which will be use for connecting various clients to it and sock.bind it starts the server
port. Now, while it is true it will keep on infinitely looping the data and address will be
received from the socket and chunks of 4096 bytes you open a any text file called data log
text or any other name you want to chose it may even not be a text file it may be a CSV file
So, you use that file if you remember we covered file reading and writing in programming
introduction to programming in python. So, using that similar concept you open a text file
and whatever data you are receiving over the network you start writing to the text file as well
as if you want you can keep one printing the data also.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:15)
So, if you see we will get an output something like this your temperature reading first is
humidity and the next one is temperature. So, separated by a comma yours client will keep on
streaming this data over and over again new values not the old redundant values every time
every data pole it will generate a new value . So, let us look into the sever code first.
So, over here I have my UDP server. So, I have put in my IP and put in my port right data log
txt for there was this file data log dot txt. I will delete it right this I have opened in append
mode. So, that your data keeps on appending on to the same file again and again without
overwriting the previous data. So, I start my server now as you can see the server has started
it will wait for connections from the client and until then it will do nothing.
Now to access the client or the raspberry pi we remotely to this raspberry pi way system. So,
we run this particular program client.py try to doing this you may just check whether our
sensor is working fine or not let us try to read some temperature just like the previous lecture
I will try running this DHT temp file, ok I need to change the port this system is not
responding ok I will login to this raspberry pi again yes. So, this is my correct raspberry pi
actually we have lots of raspberry pi is connected to over the network. So, we check; what
exactly is the file content.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:45)
So, this was covered in the presentation we opened our script file in a editor. So, you are first
going to check whether our temperature sensor working fine or not.
We will try running this code DHTTEMP.py I have shown in the previous lecture. So, once
this is executed if the sensor has been correctly connected if the pins are correct it is suppose
to return temperature value on the terminal. So, yes it appears that sensor is properly
connected returns a value of 25.89 degree Celsius now we can proceed with the more
complicated part we will have a look at the client program.
This is a same program which was covered in the presentation we define a function called
sensor data we open up a socket aimed at this IP address which is my server or desktop for
this particular port 10001 you can change the port according to your needs and you iteratively
keep on pushing data to this server . So, before beginning we will check yes the server is still
on it is still waiting for incoming messages from any client which will connect to it now a last
made client to send data to this server. So, you see it is sending 2 values this 74.3 and 25.7.
So, first one is for the humidity value and the second one is from the temperature readings.
So, this will iteratively keep on going again and again until the user terminates this program
over at the server side you see the same thing is being received that humidity readings and the
corresponding temperature readings. So, for a demonstration I light up a match in front of the
DHT sensor and you can check the corresponding readings change over at the server.
So, see the temperature is slowly increasing. So, it has reach all most 27 you can see the same
variations over at the client side. Now I will terminate my client code. So, once this socket is
close once I terminate this will send a message closing socket and closes down the socket you
see the server code has stopped coming in right. So, whenever I start this code again my
server will again start receiving this code. So, this we demonstrated using one single
raspberry pi as a client and one single sensor you can; obviously, include multiple raspberry
pis and multiple sensors all sending data to this particular server or a single IP at the port and
another thing we will check when this data is incoming into the server initially I deleted this
DataLog.txt file.
Now, you see it has automatically created another DataLog.txt and this function once I open
it you see all the data has been stored.
So, this can be used as the server log or it can be extorted and use with various algorithms for
higher processing.
So, I hope you gained some experience of integrating various sensors over the network and
creating a client server connection and I hope this will give you a little bit touch of this IoT.
The course for which you have been attending these lectures and in the next lecture we will
be focusing more on what to do with the data and what exactly can be integrated can be done
you can may be plot the data you can store the data you can refine the data you are storing
and other such tasks.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 32
Implementation of IoT with Raspberry Pi– III
Hello in this third part of this implementation of IoT with raspberry pi. Will be covering the
topics we discussed in the previous two lectures that is integration of sensor with a raspberry
pi, then in the previous lecture that was integration of sensor the raspberry pi and making the
raspberry pi configuring the raspberry pi as a client device, and we configure another desktop
pc as a server device, and we initiate communication between this client and server and we
also initiate storage of data.
When the data is being uploaded on to the server, and thirdly in this part we will be focusing
besides those previous applications will be focusing more on the server side that is once the
data has arrived what exactly can be done with the data.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:25)
And the data may be processed on the client side as well as it may be processed on the server
side itself.
Again going through the system overview, as you can see we will first start off with a
network of temperature and humidity sensors connected with raspberry pi board, for this
demonstration we have connected only one sensor to a single raspberry pi we read data from
that sensor we send it to a remote server over the network received the data at the server.
Then till this part we covered in our previous lectures over here we will be doing all these
things, and after that we will be splitting the data which we saved in the data logs and will try
to create a running plot of the data which is coming into the server.
So, imagine regarding this running plot imagine your devices you have a network of devices
spread over the city, and which are uploading data to a remote server and instead of running
the script on a local server.
If this can be hosted on the internet, you will be able to access your sensor readings sensor
data you may be able to remotely actuator sensors or actuators or IoT node from any part of
the world and you may be able to visualize the changes in the environment in a particular
area to which the node is deployed by accessing the whole system through the internet or
through a browser.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:28)
So, again back to this topic, for this remote data logging we will be using the DHT sensor and
raspberry pi the pin configuration pin one is connected to power pin four to ground and pin
two is connected to the data pin. The raspberry pi interface is the same as before only changes
pin 2 of DHT is connected to pin 11 of the raspberry pi.
So, we already have the adafruit python library for this DHT sensor
(Refer Slide Time: 03:50)
And we have all the libraries installed as covered in the previous lectures, the code is also
similar to the previous lectures.
So, on the left hand side you can see this is a screenshot for that IOTSR.py file, and on the
right hand side will be getting the output. Once this file is run on the raspberry pi you must
remember this IOTSR.py file is kept on the raspberry pi and when you remotely run this file
it will generate a temperature and humidity value. So, this will be on the client device itself
sorry this will be on the sensor device itself which is the raspberry pi we cannot call it a client
yet, because it has not been connected to the network as of now.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:47)
Now, when we attempt to connect this over the network, we create client server architecture
and establish connection between one client device and a desktop which acts as the server
device, and once the data transmission from the client initiates successive data will be in
coming into the server and get stored into a log file.
Now till the previous slide we had covered all these things in details in lecture 2.
So, over here will be going through those as well as a basics of data processing like data
splitting and filtering and data plotting, but big question is why do you need processing of the
data. As in imagine you have hundreds and hundreds of sensors all rapidly uploading their
data to this remote server. So, at certain instances there maybe chances of data corruption,
there may be chances of incomplete data being transmitted, there may be chances of server
not able to receive the whole data despite the client being sent client sending the whole data.
So, there may be various reasons that data may not be properly formatted and so on. So, in
those cases you need to filter the data to create a seamless and well structured data base and
as regards to data splitting since you have multiple data coming in from a client which may
be stored in the form of a csv file or even in the form of a text file. So, we need to if we need
to access individual data.
Suppose you are getting temperature readings humidity maybe presence of gases light
intensity and so on So, suppose you have five to six sensors connected to a single node, and
these data are routinely updated to a server, but you only need to access the temperature value
for this to happen you need to split your data at the data log. And once this data has been split
and individual data can be accessed we can go about plotting this data.
Regarding this data splitting, now imagine the data from the client is saved into a text file and
the values are separated by a comma as we have covered in previous lectures this is called a
csv or comma separated value file. So, instead of a comma you can use any other delimiter, it
may be a semicolon, it maybe colon, it maybe even a question mark better avoided, but still.
So, these values which were incoming it were in the form of string h, string t.
So, we need to split these values on the server in the form of individual h and t’s. So, we will
be using this basic inbuilt function of python called split. So, it can be used to split a string
into multiple strings depending on the separator or the delimiter we are specifying. For
example, suppose we take a data string as within single quotes we assign Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday or it can be any other data string separated by a delimiter over here the delimiter is
this comma we have chosen this is a comma.
Now, when we call this Data.split function and we specify the delimiter in the arguments, you
will see the result will be individual substrings Sunday, Monday Tuesday. We input the data
as a single string Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, but we get the output as individual data strings.
So, it would be better if we just do a bit of hands on. So, let us suppose our data is maybe
123, abc right.
So, I have given one 123 numeric value I have given abc alphabetical value and I have given
a combination of both alphabets and numbers. So, this is my data let us check what has been
stored. So, this has been stored this data variable has been assigned a single string that is 123,
abc, xyz12 now I need to split this data. So, I use data dot split the separator I have used is a
You see it has been split into three different parts 123, abc and xyz12 you must remember
since these were separated by comma. So, these have been separated accordingly, you can
obviously, go for another value let us say data equal to 123432454abc44. So, I have used to
many 4’s let us see what happens. So, this is my data right.
Now, I will use the number 4 as my delimiter. So, data.split I will give the delimiter as 4 you
see. So, according to the position of four in the string your single string has been broken
down into multiple substrings and the 4 delimiter is obviously, not included. So, you have
123 then you have 32 then you have 5 then abc then a blank since it has two 4’s. So, it
includes a blank and then rt right. So, it is quite simple.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:38)
Now regarding data plotting in MATLAB, so MATLAB sorry regarding data plotting in
python it is quite similar to plotting the data in MATLAB so, both of this support a very
powerful library called MATPLOTLIB. So, this MATPLOTLIB library you can use the
appropriate version in MATLAB as well as in python most of the functions are almost same
with a bit of variations, but it is more or less same in both the languages.
So, basic commands for plotting in two dimension are you write Plot(x, y), where you put the
x axis and the y axis values, x label gives provides the labels on the plot for the x axis y label
provides the label on the plot for the y axis title gives title to the whole plot.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:37)
So, this is a sample code import matplotlib.pyplot as maybe a variable and then you call this
myplot.plot you give a range of values then myplot.y label you name it y axis and you show
this plot. So, we can again go for a bit of hands on let us say we import this MATPLOTLIB
function as let us say plt, we define a variable as maybe I will give a range of values may be
from one to twenty.
plt.plot I put in ‘a’ plt.show(). So, when I run this basic code see what I have done is I have
imported this MATPLOTLIB.pyplot library, I have defined a variable ‘a’ by assigning a
range of values between 1 and 20. So, this range function automatically assigns values let us
see what it does, range 1, 20. So, it will give you range of values between 1 to 20.
Now, we initialize this plotting by calling a figure, within this figure we plot this value of a
which will be; obviously, corresponding to the y axis, the x axis is if not provided it is
automatically taken and the show function shows the plot. So, once we run this thing as you
can see this plot has been generated.
Since it is a linearly increasing line 1, 2, 3, 4 upto 19. So, I will give you a straight line you
can even change the plot type, let us say instead of plt.plot a straight line plot. Let us go for a
scatter plot sorry better still it will be more interesting if we give two values assign a variable
a1 as for this we have to import this random function.
If you see if you remember in one of the previous lectures this random function was also
covered we need to import the random function first sorry starting and ending. So, whenever
you are in doubt for this particular spyder base console even actually checking the syntax of
this function or you need two arguments a and b.
Let us say I give a as 1 b as 20 and put this whole thing within range. So, this will be my
range I will start with this I will change this to length of a1 if it is denoted by len(a1) when I
run these two together. So, a1 is 0 to 5 a is 6 right sorry this is going to be only scatter. So,
this seems to be a size mismatch
So, for this scatter plot we take two arguments one for x another for y and we have used two
function for the x1 we need a linear spacing of numbers. So, we started off with -1 because
this would not be included, it will go up to 50 with a step size of one. So, you will have 0, 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 upto 50, so you have 50 points on the x axis where as we call a random function
from numpy library module let us call it import numpy as np.
So, on this numpy module we would not be requiring this. So, np dot random dot random
number within argument 50 means it will generate 50 random point. So, this will act as my y
axis or the data points. So, corresponding to the points on the x axis will have corresponding
randomly generated points on the y axis and within this same figure and show let us see what
happens when we run this thing.
So, you see on the x axis and corresponding to the x axis you have 50 points on the y axis.
So, let us add a few bits to it, if you run this part you just added a title for this plot you see
this scatter plot example additionally you can have plt.y label you must remember these
labels are strings. So, should be within quotations.
Let us put the y label as randomly generated, the x label as linearly spaced let us run this you
see the y label has changed to randomly generated the x label has changed to linearly spaced
you just add one more command to it. If you add this command it will show a it will turn up a
grid on your plot. So, you have a linear grid on your plot.
So, I hope this basic plotting function is clear. So, you have a simple plotting you have
labeling you show this plot and besides your normal 2d plot line plot and scatter plot, you
have a huge range of plotting option you can even venture into 3d plots which are much more
attractive in a browser base system or for various publication. So, this basic plotting you saw
Now, some other functions used in plotting are covered this figure it creates a new figure grid
it enabled or disabled an access grid on the plot ion is the interactive plot mode.
This is generally used for animations your subplot it adds a subplot in the figure close it
closes the current figure scatter makes a scatter point plot of the given points, so will try this
small. So, it would be better if we directly go into this model again.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:52)
So, if you remember for the client side this sensor data module is more or less same. In fact, it
is the exact same one, the client does not require a IP address because we are aiming for a one
way communication from the client to the server. So, we just put in the servers IP address and
that required port to which on which the server is listening and just like before we are
packaging the data in the form of h and t, and transmitting it over the socket to the server.
Now, on the server side we have added a new function called coverage plot. What it does is it
animatedly plots whatever data is in coming into the server over the socket. So, for the time
being ignore this part this particular function, let us pay attention to this socket creation. So, it
is somewhat similar to the previous examples over here your server address is the server
address and the particular port to which the server is listening.
And while it is true it is receiving data in 4096 bytes junks you open a data log file store the
data to it and additionally call this plotting function.
So, this plotting function is being called again and again basically iteratively within this loop.
So, as long as your data is incoming this plotting function will keep on going. So, once the
server is closed by the user or the client is closed by the user this plotting function will stop.
So, and this I plus one this keeps on incrementing this normal counter which we sent to the
coverage plot.
Coming back to the coverage plot it accept two arguments one is the data which comes from
the server, and I which is the counter now the data is being split in terms of two parts
humidity and temperature. So, after splitting since the data was in a csv format. So, after
splitting the zeroth element becomes humidity and the first element is temperature. So, you
need to actually study the data very carefully like what format the client is sending a data and
so on.
Now, if you want to print the temperature, you just print the temperature and the iteration
number then you start the interactive plot mode you set the figure two similar number as
number 1, otherwise it will keep on creating new windows every time it plots something new
to set the window to 6 comma 6 it can be 8 comma 8. It is up to the user actually you give the
plot a title, you add a subplot to it and just basic you plot the temperature versus the iteration
that is normal temperature plot with respect to whatever data is incoming we label it.
Similarly, for the humidity part also you iteratively plot the data against i, and eventually
show the data and figure.canvas.draw it redraws the image without overwriting the previous
So, your output will be something like this. So, this will be on the raspberry pi this is the
client code.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:47)
And on the server side you will be getting your data as your covered in the last lecture, and
for the plot you will be getting something like this, left one side is the temperature plot the
right one side is the humidity plot.
So, let us look at the plots, first of all I will start my server. So, this desktop I am operating
acts as my server. So, I will open up my server. So, my server code is now running, now
login to the remote client and I need to run the client code which is the same as the previous
one. So, one more point you need to notices is suppose you have 100 clients, you do not need
to update each and every client.
Even if you need some minor adjustments make some minor adjustments. So, you can just
update a singular source code or a singular script file on the server end and that will save you
a lot of time as well as a lot of effort. So, I will run this client code client.py . So, you see
client has started sending the data and on the server side it is receiving the data this is a new
addition this iteration number.
So, this keeps on increasing the left hand side denotes the temperature on the plot, the right
hand side denotes the humidity, it is maybe will stop the plot run this thing again. So, see
even after stopping this program data which was previously stored maintains there. So, there
is very minute variation between 75.5 and 76.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:48)
So, it is giving changes where as the temperature is more or less constant. So, will try
increasing the temperature little bit and you can see the plot changing. As you can see the
temperature points now logged are raising see the temperature has risen and there have been
changes in the humidity also, now let us wait for it to recover. Now you can again notice the
temperatures gradually coming down on the left plot the red plot you can see the temperature
gradually coming down in steps.
So, this will keep on coming down until it reaches the normal room temperature value. So,
now, let us close the client program see the client program has been stopped manually and
this data logging stops. So, one more thing you notice is in the previous examples your
temperature humidity values were coming in concurrently, now in this one since we have
spitted the data over here in these parts. So, we have a separate temperature component and
iteration number and a separate humidity component which is saved in the same data log,
data log is still the same only the scripting part is changed.
So, this thing will help save you a lot of effort you do not need to individually code the
clients. So, once your client has been coded and deployed on the field if you need to make
changes make design your architecture in such a way that only changing the server will help
you only changing the scripts on the server will help you change your whole implementation
and functionality. So, I hope this was of some values to you.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 33
Software – Defined Networking – Part – I
We are going to discuss a very important technology the software defined networking in short
it is called as SDN and it is a very important technology which has lot of potential for use in
internet of things for making IoT efficient. So, we will discuss about the basics of SDN first
what software defined networking is and some of the basic concepts that surrounds SDN and
thereafter in another lecture we are going to discuss about how SDN can be used for in the
context of IoT to make IoT efficient.
So, when we talk about SDN it is about transforming or restructuring the existing network
infrastructure and that can be done in an efficient manner. So, how that can be done is what
we are going to discuss now.
So, if we look at the current day networks this is what happens. So, we have users different
users connected to the network enjoying network services and this can be any network you
know we are talking about SDN in a general network a wired network let us say a very
simplified wired network.
Now, let us say that the topology of the network is something like this. So, this is the
topology of the network. So, what we have are different L3 switches like this and maybe the
data has to be sent from user 1 to user 2 and back. So, the data can be sent in different ways
different you know. So, these are the routes through which the data can traverse from the user
the data can traverse maybe one of the possible routes is like this to the user 2.
Another possible route is may be like this and another possibility is like this and there are few
other possibilities also for the data to be sent from user one to user 2. So, we have multiple
different routes and the data or the packet basically traverses through multiple switches L3
switches and this is how it looks like. So, before I proceed further I would like to mention
that in this particular lecture and let; that means, lecture on SDN and SDN IoT.
I am going to use the terms switch and router interchangeably. So, when I mention about
switch and basically talking about the L3 or the layer 3 switch and. So, L3 switch and router
these terms are going to be used interchangeably in the SDN lecture. So, let me just you
know let us look at the slide once again. So, what we have is a scenario like this and then let
us say for switching or routing the protocol that is used is the OSPF protocol.
So, what essential happens is every switch is going to every switch over here it is going to
implement OSPF. So, it executes OSPF and so when the data is sent you know the OSPF PF
protocol is going to the packet is sent the OSPF protocol is going to route the packet through
these corresponding switches depending on which route the OSPF protocol finds to be the
So, what essentially happens is every switch basically knows how it has to send the packet
based on the routing table that it has. So, it does not have a global view of the network as a
whole now let us say that a particular switch the one that is shown in this particular figure this
one let us say that it becomes down for one reason or another maybe because it has been
attacked. So, let us say that it has been attacked and the switch is down.
So, then traditionally what has to happen is a new route or an alternate route has to be found
for the packets to be sent from the source to the destination node and because there is no
centralized control. So, you know this becomes a difficult task. So, what happens is at present
the technology the routing technology is such that there is no centralized control over the
So, if one switch becomes down the other switches can; will become affected and there is no
centralized way that we can address this particular problem. So, there are different ways to
read out you know found find routes depending on the protocols you know what are the
alternate route. So, on, but there is no centralized solution there is no centralized entity that
can take care of it.
So, these are the limitations of the existing network and if we look at this network you know.
So, what we see over here is just a snapshot of a very simple network consisting of different
(Refer Slide Time: 06:13)
And each of these switches they run these different layers we have a hardware then we have
the operating system and we have the applications that are running on top.
So, essentially a very skeletal view of the stack that is run on each of these switches is
hardware OS and app and that is basically applicable to all these switches that are there in the
network. So, each of these switches is running these 3 different layers. Now these switches
they forward the traffic in a distributed manner and they do not have the global view of the
network this is what I was mentioning in the previous slide as well.
So, each of these switches they do not have the global view they route the traffic they forward
the traffic in a distributed fashion they just know locally what you know what has to be done.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:08)
So, if we now summarize the present network has different limitations; limitations which are
for example, the architecture of these switches are vendor specific and correspondingly you
know if we have to do any dynamic configuration based on the application specific
requirements that we cannot do very easily. So, that cannot be done in a dynamic way
dynamic configuration cannot be done.
Switches are required to configure according to the installed operating system in each of
these stacks. So, each of these switches they run their different operating system and they
have to be this way they have to be configured according to that particular operating system
and there is no centralized control that is feasible in these networks there is no centralize
(Refer Slide Time: 08:03)
So, if we look at another view point of these current networks. So, we have each of these
switches running thousands of lines of code they have each switch has millions of gates logic
gates that are implemented requiring more than 10 GB of ram they are cost expensive each
switch is cost expensive and they run different you know applications for example, routing,
mobility, management, etcetera.
So, here basically you know. So, we are not talking about you know when we mention about
applications we are talking about the different application functionality and not simply the
applications that we used to refer to in a OSI model. So, here we are talking about
applications in general. So, like the general network applications like routing, mobility,
management, etcetera.
So, this is the challenge with these networks. So, each of these you know networks you know
these each of these switches in this networks the have specialized packet forwarding
hardware they have their own operating system and they run their own different applications
with respect to routing mobility management and so on and so forth.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:21)
Now, what is required is to make these networks efficient by trying to overcome these
challenges or the limitations that we have just gone through. So, the whole idea in SDN is to
take care of the limitations by separating the application and operating system from the
hardware. So, earlier in the earlier view what we had seen is the app OS and hardware were
hold or were all put together in each of these switches and here what we are doing is we are
separating the application and operating system from the hardware in each of these switches.
So, hardware is separated out from the app and the OS.
So, what we will have is the packet forwarding is going to be packet forwarding is going to
be separated out from the OS and applications.
So, before we look any further into SDN. So, let us try to look at the history the brief history
about the genesis of SDN. So, in the year 2006 a Stanford University team proposed a clean
slate security architecture which was termed as SANE to control the security policies in a
centralized manner instead of doing it at each of these edges; that means each of these
In 2008 the idea of software defined network was originated with the open flow project and
that was published in the very popular ACM SIGCOMM paper in 2008; in 2009 Stanford
basically published the open flow version one specifications and June 2009; the Nicira
network company was founded in March 2011 the open network foundation was formed and
in October 2011 the first open networking summit and many industries for example, all these
routing router companies like Juniper, Cisco etcetera they basically announced that they want
to incorporate SDN into their switches.
So, basically it the whole concept of the SDN technology goes back to only a few years back;
that means, in 2006. So, it is not a very old thing it is very new and we will see that how what
are the different features of SDN further in the next few slides we are going to look at what
are the different features of SDN open flow is sort of like a de facto protocol or and
architecture that is used for SDN. So, both of these are not the same, but open flow basically
follows you know open flow is used for SDN.
So, let us now look at this particular architecture. So, what we have you know let us say that
each we have different switches which perform forwarding individually. So, that is the data
plane and then we have the control plane which has the network operating system and then
the application plane performing functionalities like security, routing, traffic engineering and
different other applications.
So, the whole idea behind SDN and this SDN architecture as a whole is to separate the data
plane from the control plane or rather the control plane from the data plane. So, you see that
the control plane has been separated in SDN this control plane has been separated in SDN
from this data plane which takes care of things like forwarding. So, this is made possible they
the concept of SDN is made possible through the process of network function virtualization
So, this network function virtualization. So, what happens if these different network functions
for examples you know security, routing, etcetera, etcetera, these have been these have been
you know these are performed on a virtualized networks. So, this network function
virtualization basically gives a logical view of the network and based on that these functions
are performed.
So, one more concept I should mention over here before we proceed further is. So, we have 3
different planes in SDN in the you know in the SDN architecture we have the data plane,
control plane and application plane and we have also seen that the data plane and the control
plane are basically decoupled in SDN.
Now, we have the concept of northbound API and southbound API. So, the northbound API
is between the control plane and the application plane. So, this particular interface is known
as the northbound API in SDN and this particular interface between this forwarding; that
means the data plane and the control plane this is known as the southbound API and the
current protocol supporting this southbound API is the open flow protocol.
So, now let us summarize some of these basic concepts of SDN the whole idea is to separate
the control logic from the hardware switches to define the control logic in a centralized
manner. So, the everyday all this control functions are going to be centralized because this
control plane has been separated out and is centralized. So, you know. So, this is how this
SDN is going to work. So, the control logic is going to be centralized and is separated from
the data logic, the data plane.
Control in the other concept of SDN is to control the inter network including the individual
switches in a centralized manner and the communication between the application the control
and the data planes are done through different APIs northbound APIs southbound API.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:38)
So, we have different components or attributes of SDN we have hardware switches we have
controller applications flow rules and different application programming interfaces or the API
these are the different components of SDN.
Now the current status of SDN are companies big big companies joined companies like SDN
who have their own data centers they have started to implement SDN in their own data centre
networks SDN it is required to change the current network with SDN in a phase manner you
know it is not like you know we can go and we can change the existing network we can
transform the existing switches to support SDN it is not. So, simple you know I has to be
architected the hardware have to support the software have to support and so on.
So, these has to be done in a very progressive manner in a very phased manner you know step
by step it has to be done operation cost and delay that are caused due to link failure can be
significantly minimized using SDN.
Now, let us come to 2 main challenges when we want to implement SDN in any network. So,
these are the rule placement problem and the controller placement problem. So, these are the
2 main problems to be taken care of fundamentally when we talk about SDN.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:08)
So, with respect to rule placement what happens is here we are talking about flow tables
instead of routing tables in the concept of SDN. So, these flow tables. So, basically what
happens is this flow tables have different flow rules which are implemented in the same way
as traditionally these routing tables have their routing table entries you know different entries
in the routing table very synonymously analogously we have flow rules implemented in this
flow table.
So, these switches basically in the network they forward the traffic based on this flow rules
and this flow rules are basically defined by the centralized controller and this controller as we
can recall does not exist in each of these individual switches controller is centralized you
know it is separated out typically implemented you know the controller side implemented as
the server.
So, from a server this controller is implemented and these controllers basically takes care of
this flow rules defining the flow rules based on which the strings of packets that are coming
to each of the switches this flow rules are going to determine what is going to be done with
the streams of packets that are arriving at the switches. So, we are going to talk about that you
know in further detail in a short while.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:47)
So, each rule has a specific format and that is defined by a particular protocol and currently
we are talking about open flow which is sort of like a defacto protocol that is used for
implementing SDN. So, you have the rule placement issue. So, you know here what we see
over here in this slide is an example of a flow rule that is based on the open flow protocol. So,
you know essentially what we see over here is if a packet arrives then it will check the
priority if the priority matches maybe in a star means that you know it is it does not require
any match.
So, you know if the values of the packet corresponding to this particular fields are different it
does not matter, but the protocol has to be TCP and if the IP destination is this and the
destination port is this then the instruction; that means, the action that has to be taken is to
forward to the particular port. So, here it is forward to port one like this the other flow rules
are given over here.
So, for different priority and these things can be anything if the IP destination is this and the;
you know the source port and the destination port can be anything then forward to port 2 and
so on and so forth for the other entries. So, these are the different flow rules and these fields
basically you know we have to remember one thing. So, these fields are fixed this particular
fields in open flow these are fixed no one cannot go and change this field and if one changes
then we have a different protocol. So, in open flow this field cannot be changed.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:41)
So, this you know. So, when we place these rules they are placed in the open flow table the
flow tables and this flow tables are basically stored in the switches the size of their you know
the size of these flow tables are such that they have to be stored in a specialized memory
which are known as a TCAM memory ternary content addressable memory and these
memories are very limited in size and so, that only a limited number of rules can be inserted
in this flow tables. And so, basically the flow tables are residing in these TCAM memories
and these TCAM memories are very fast; that means, fast processing can be done that is why
the specialized memories are required.
We cannot use any other memories that is at normally available in the switches and other
computing hardware and we have to use this TCAM memory at the switches and this TCAM
memory they are very expensive as well they are very expensive. So, you cannot you know
very easily you cannot scale up we cannot you know get as much memory as we want
because of the cost for prohibitiveness.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:01)
So, on receiving a particular request for which no flow rule is present in the switch, what
happens is the switch basically sends a packet which is called the PACKET-IN. So, we have
this switch; switch receives a request and it checks its flow table if there is no flow rule that is
present in this particular switch in that particular table the switch sends the packet in message
to the controller.
Now, this controller besides a suitable flow rule for this particular request and this flow rule
is then communicated back to the switch and then this flow rule is going to be inserted in that
portable in the switch and typically there is a delay of 3 to 5 milliseconds involved in the new
rule placements. So, whenever there is a new rule that has to be placed in the switch which is
which is not already existing in the portable in the switch.
This entire communication with controller; controller deciding and sending back the flow rule
this takes about 3 to 5 milliseconds delay.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:17)
So, one of the challenges is how to define or place the rules at the switches while considering
the available TCAM I already mentioned to you that TCAM is very small in size and it is
very expensive it is not very easy to skill scale up.
So, how do we define one of the problems is to define or place the rules at the switches the
other problem is how to define the rules. So, that less number of packet in messages are sent
to the controller and these are challenges that people the researchers are working on at
present defining solutions to these specific problems.
So, in the open flow protocol rule placement is done it is one of the vital things only one
protocol is available for this rule placement which is the open flow protocol.
And it has different versions 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 open flow has different versions and they have
different number of matching fields, but in a particular version of open flow this fields are
going to be fixed.
So, there are different matching fields source IP, destination IP source port priority etcetera in
a particular version of open flow and that these fields are fixed as I already mentioned.
So, one of the issues is that for how long a particular flow rule that is generated is to be kept
in the switch for this there are 2 times time outs that are defined one is known as the hard
time out the other one is known as the soft time out. So, all the rules are deleted from the
switch at a particular hard time in the hard time out methodology this can be done by
resetting the switch for example and in the soft time out methodology if no flow is received
associated with a particular rule for a timeout interval of time then this particular rule is
deleted. So, this is the soft time out.
So, we have to remember one thing that I was also briefly mentioning at the outset of this
lecture is that SDN and open flow are not one and the same SDN is a technology or a
concept, open flow is a protocol that is used to communicate between the data plane and
control plane. So, they are distinct and we have to understand and remember this particular
difference between these 2.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:05)
Now, these open flow switches are implemented in sorry open flow is implemented in
different switches there are different software that have to be that are associated to with open
flow implementation. Here is a list of these different software I am not going to go through
them most of them are open source and they run on different platforms, different ways for
example, linux solaris windows etcetera, etcetera, Indigo, Linc, Pantou open vSwitch these
are some of the popular open flow switch software that are available currently to support
open flow.
So, to summarize we have gone through the basics of SDN we have understood the
architecture for SDN. We have also understood that in SDN the whole idea is to separate the
control plane from the data plane and there is a centralized controller which is typically
implemented in a server that takes care of the control logic that has to be implemented while
any flow in any flow is received at each of these different switches of the routers.
So, the rule placement is an important problem that we have talked about and there are
different issues with the rule placement and another very important problem is the controller
placement problem and this is what we are going to discuss in the next part, the second part
of the SDN lecture.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 34
Software-Defined Networking - Part- II
Now, let us continue our discussions from what where we were in the first part of SDN. So,
we are now in the second lecture second part of software defined networks. So, we have
already talked about we have understood the rule placement problem and what are the
different issues surrounding rule placement and TCAM; TCAM memory, it is limitations and
how the rules can be created and how much time these rules are going to be maintained at the
switches in the different-different flow tables of these switches.
So, the other issue that is very important is the controller placement problem and this is what
we are going to discuss next.
So, we have just as a recap we have already in the first part of SDN. We have understood the
basic concept behind SDN the architecture of SDN the rule placement problem and the
tradeoff between TCAM limitations limited memory TCAM memory and the delay. And we
have also understood the open flow protocol and flow rule.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:32)
And the math rule math fields in the open flow protocol. So, in SDN between the data plane
and between the data plane and the control plane we have an API and another API between
the control plane and the application plane.
So, the first one; that means, between the control plane and the data plane and; that means,
the infrastructure what we have is the south southbound API. And the open flow protocol is
the protocol that is used for the southbound API communication for the northbound API this
northbound API is used to communicate between the control layer and the application layer
these 2 planes control plane and the application plane. And the all these existing standard API
is that are used can still be used in the northbound API there is also the concept of another
kind of API which is called the east westbound east westbound API and this concept this
terminology comes into picture when we are talking about not a single controller, but
multiple controllers in the control layer.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:41)
So, controllers basically define the rule the flow rule according to the application specific
requirements. So, basically you know what is happening over here in SDN is that the control
logic is basically you know taken care of by the control plane. So, you know control logic is
separated out and as a result the controller knows what has to be done with a particular flow.
And the controller basically controls the overall flow in the network and each of these
switches what they are going to do that is done by the controller.
So, now, going back the controllers define the flow rule according to the application specific
requirements the controller must be able to handle all these incoming requests from the
switches and the rules should be placed without incurring much delay and that is important.
Typically, in the rules the placement of the rules if it is not already existing in the flow table
of a switch typically as we have seen before takes about 3 to 5 milliseconds, but you know
this has to be minimized because otherwise what is going to happen is there are you know
there will be a huge control overhead and that has to be that, because the controller is being
separated out the control logic is separated out to the controller we do not want too much of a
control delay control linked delay to happen there is a trade off definitely we cannot avoid
this delay, but we have to minimize this particular delay.
So, typically a controller can handle roughly about 2 hundred requests in a second and that is
applicable for only the single threaded applications thing.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:24)
So, the controllers which are implementing similar thread, but currently multi threaded
applications in controllers are also possible. The controllers are logically connected to the
switches in a one-hop distance it is just a logical connection. So, the controller from the
switch the switch thinks that the controller is away just a hop distance from it just one hop
from it, but actually it is not so; actually you know physically when we are talking about the
controller and the switch can be multiple hops away and typically they are multiple hops
So, if we have a small number of controllers for a large network the network might be
congested with control packets these packet in messages and so, if we look at this controller
placement there are different architectures you know how and where we are going to place
this controller. So, one architecture the basic architecture is called the flat architecture, and
here basically the switch and the controller they are just logically one hop away the switch
sends a packet in message to the controller if the switch already does not have this flow rule
for the particular flow that it has received.
So, it will set a send a packet in message to the controller and the controller is going to send
back the flow rule corresponding to that to that particular. That means, how it is at how the
switch is going to treat it you know that particular instruction is going to be sent by the
controller the controller knows it the controller knows how the different flows how the
different packets are going to be handled this is the assumption in this particular technology
SDN technology.
So, this is the flat architecture then we can have different other architectures this is the
hierarchical or the tree architecture and these I do not need to elaborate further, but it is quite
obvious we have these different switches and hierarchically they are placed within the
controllers are placed and connected to these different switches in a tree like fashion.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:33)
And we have this packet in message and the corresponding flow rule coming back for each of
these connectivity’s then we have the ring architecture. In the ring architecture we have a
similar kind of thing, but we have to keep in mind that in the ring architecture. So, basically
these controllers are placed in a ring like fashion we have multiple controllers like this placed
in ring like fashion, but a particular switch is connected to only one controller in this version.
So, when the packet in request has to be sent this PACKET-IN request will be sent to a single
controller only not that it can be sent to any of the other controllers in the ring it will be sent
to a single controller and the flow rule is going to be sent to this particular switch that has
requested the rule, and then we have the mesh architecture mesh as we know increases the
reliability. And as you can see over here for instance we have 2 different switches who can be
connected to a single controller. So, if this one goes down there is the other one which can
take over and so on.
So, it basically increases improves the fault tolerance and improves the reliability of the
network the mesh architecture. Now this control how this control is going to be done, how the
control decisions are going to be made there are 2 different approaches one is the distributed
the other one is centralized. In the distributed the control divisions can be taken in a
distributed manner. For example, each sub network is controlled by a different controller.
And in the centralized mechanism the control decisions are taken in a centralized manner. For
example, a network is controlled by a single controller.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:21)
So, in such a case it is a centralized control and dividing into different sub networks are
having a controller corresponding to it will be distributed solution there is also a concept of
backup controller. So, if the primary controller is down then the backup controller takes over.
So, backup controller has a replica of the main controller and if the main controller is down
the backup controller controls the network to have uninterrupted network management
another very important thing is true in SDN one can have enhanced level of security in the
network and in this particular case we will be taking help of the firewall proxy http etcetera,
etcetera and the IDS and these can have improved security with respect to this technology.
So, just as a very brief you know here we are not going to discuss about you know improving
security with SDN and in much detail, but just as a brief you know this is the this is this is a
this is a paper which was published in SIGCOMM in 2013 very recently; that means, which
is talking about the simplifying protocol for policy enforcement.
So, what it does? So, you know let us look at this particular figure. So, it is an example of a
potential data plane ambiguity to implement the policy chain this chain firewall IDS proxy in
this particular topology and the sequence of flow of instructions is like this. So, it will this is
from the http when a http request comes then it is sent from one switch to another switch.
This particular switch then it goes to the IDS comes back goes to the proxy and the
forwarding and the firewall.
And then finally, to this particular switch and then to the then finally, out of the network. So,
this is how you know security is implemented and enhanced using SDN. So, we are not
talking about as I mentioned already I just wanted to show you that security can indeed be
improved with the help of SDN. And we do not want to discuss anything further on this
particular issue.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:39)
So, how do you. So, let us say that we have implemented SDN or we want to implement SDN
and. So, so one of the things is that we have to experiment we have to experiment we have to
evaluate the performance through experimentation. So, experimentation can be done with the
help of simulators or they can be done with the help of emulators in emulators, basically what
happens it is little different from the simulators. So, here the real emulators can be connected
to the real network where real traffic can flow through this emulator and the data can be
analyzed the performance of the network can be analyzed using these emulators. Simulators
on the other hand basically simulate the entire thing packet flows, the network, the nodes,
everything is simulated.
So, these simulators or the emulators take care of few different things one is the infrastructure
deployment and this must be supported with open flow and the controller placement which
must support open flow this controller can be a remote controller or a local controller and in
the remote basically the controller can be situated in a remote place and communicated using
IP address and port number a local controller basically does you know everything is local the
controller itself is local and you know it takes care of it in a takes care of it locally for switch
deployment the Mininet software is very Mininet simulator it is an emulator as well. So, it is
very useful it is used to create a virtual network with open flow enable switches it runs on
python and supports remote and local controllers both remote controller and local controllers
are supported by Mininet.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:18)
There are controller configuration software for example, Pox, Nox, Floodlight open daylight
and ONOS particularly open daylight and ONOS are the most popular once that are used for
controller configuration.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:02)
So, with this we come to almost the end of the lecture on SDN and we have understood the
basics of SDN what is the motivation behind SDN why do we want to separate out the
control logic from the data logic data plane which takes care of functions like forwarding
etcetera to make the network efficient, but there is a trade off as well and we have seen that
that more number of control packets are going to flow through the network.
But we want to minimize that control logic and this is where lot of research is being
undertaken at present and we have also seen that the performance of SDN basically depends
on 2 particular issues the rule placement and the controller placement in the network. Control
message overhead as I was mentioning before will be increased due to additional number of
packets the packet in messages from the switches to the controller going through. And what is
required is to have an unified network management to be made should be made possible
using SDN while leveraging the global view of the network. So, we need to have an unified
unified network management architectural framework using SDN with this we come to an
end of the SDN lecture.
And so, next what we are going to talk about in another the next lecture is how SDN can be
used in IoT to make IoT efficient internet of things efficient. So, we will have to wait for the
next lecture in order to understand this.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 35
Software-Defined loT Networking - Part- 1
Having understood software defined networking basic concepts through the previous two
lectures, we are now going to see how SDN can be used in the context of internet of things
the theme of this particular course. And as we will see that there is lot of opportunity and lot
of problems number of problems that are facing internet of things can be addressed with the
help of IoT with the help of SDN technology.
So, let us look at how SDN can be applied in making for making IoT efficient, so, if we look
at the IoT architecture we have already seen the IoT architecture in different ways in the
previous lectures. So, let us now look at from a different perspective. So, what we have as we
can see here is the different layers in the reference model this is taken from the wall forum
reference model and we have different layers. For example, the physical devices and
controllers connectivity age computing data accumulation data abstraction application
collaboration and processes and the right hand side figure shows a different view of IoT all
together from a different viewpoint how IoT works.
So, we have this tiered segmentation of the IoT networks we have the context aware tier we
have the network tier and we have the application tier and these different modules
corresponding to each of these tiers are all given over here without. So, it is not required for
us to understand each of this in further detail and with this particular background of IoT.
Let us now move ahead and see how SDN can benefit IoT. So, you know the integration of
SDN to IoT. So, by doing integration of SDN to IoT one very important fundamental
problem that can be solved is one can have intelligent routing decision making to be done to
implemented in an SDN implemented IoT network.
The second thing is the information collection analysis decision making all of these can be
simplified through the integration of SDN in IoT third is the visibility of network resources
network management is simplified based on the user device the application specific
requirements. So, this visibility of network resources and the simplification with respect to
these criteria these aspects they can be done with the help of indication of SDN in IoT.
And the last one is intelligent traffic pattern analysis and coordinated decisions and I do not
need to elaborate further on this, because this is quite self explanatory intelligent traffic
pattern analysis and coordinated decision making through the controller right. So, we already
know what a controller means and what it does. So, all these things can be done with the help
of SDN. So, what is very important is intelligence you know more intelligence is proved into
the network and improving the efficiency of the network with the help of the SDN
technology. So, IoT can also benefit from these advantages.
Now, if we look at this particular figure in front of us we have these different devices the IoT
devices in different sub networks maybe and these devices through mobile axis or fixed axis
channels this data from these devices they can be acquired and be transmitted to the data
aggregator. Here all these data aggregation are going to be done of the data that is received
from these different IoT devices. And then it passes through a transport network and from the
transport network it goes to the different gateways and the packet segregation is going to be
done using this.
So, this is basically the simplified view of an IoT network now what happens is when we
want to integrate SDN what we are trying to do is we are going to use the SDN controller. So,
what the SDN controller is going to do is it is going to control each of these different things
different aspects and also it is you know it is going to improve the orchestration between the
different devices between the different protocols that are running, etcetera, etcetera in this
network and overall it is going to improve the service logic that is behind it. So, this is going
to be improved.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:00)
Now with the SDN with the implementation of the SDN the control of these n devices IoT
devices which includes sensors actuators RF id tags and any other IoT device. So, you know
the centralized control is made possible then here as we can see this part can take care of the
rule placement, because we have these access devices over here the rule placement while
considering issues like mobility etcetera and the heterogeneity of the n devices this can be
implemented here.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:47)
And the rule placement and traffic engineering and backbone networks can be taken care of
at the transport network and flow classification and enhanced security are taken care of at the
data center networks.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:06)
So, let us switch back our gear and let us look at one of the fundamental building blocks of
IoT which is the sensor network. So, one of the challenge is in behind the working of the
sensor network is real time programming of each of these sensor nodes is typically not
feasible not at all feasible you know you cannot go and you know program the sensor nodes
as such you know it is possible to program the sensor nodes, but you know real time
programming of these sensor nodes is not possible. Then these sensor nodes and these
corresponding networks they have they follow vendor specific architecture each of these
nodes that are made by different vendors they have their own different architectures different
layers implemented in them there is no one standard.
So, now the each of them they implement their own vendor specific architecture these nodes
are resource constrained. So, you know the heavy computations that are often required cannot
be performed at each of these nodes and additionally there is the resource limitation with
respect to memory there is limited memory. So, we cannot insert too many control programs
in these networks.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:26)
So, these challenges basically also gives us opportunities like can we program the sensor
nodes in real time can we change the forwarding path in real time can we integrate the
different sensor nodes in a sensor network.
So, we have different solutions that have been proposed to take care of these challenges and
opportunities that exist one of the recent works relatively recent works which was published
in the IEEE communication letters in 2012 is the sensor open flow protocol. So, the sensor
open flow protocol takes care of forwarding in two different ways one is the value centric
data forwarding the other one is the ID-centric data forwarding value centric. For example, if
the sensor data exceeds a certain threshold value then the data is going to be forwarded other
way the other way round is to adopt the ID-centric data forwarding. For example, the data
will be forwarded based on the ID of the source node if it is coming from a particular source
node with certain ID then it is going to be forwarded otherwise not.
So, real life implementation of such a method is not yet available this is one of the limitations
of these particular solutions Bera et al; that means, in our group this one group we have
proposed the Soft-WSN protocol and it was published in the IEEE systems journal in 2016
here we have adopted different component solutions. So, we have the sensor device
management which comprises of sensor management delay management and active sleep
management I am not going to go through these in detail, but it is available and there is
available for you in the slide and for further details it is there in the paper IEEE systems
journal paper.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:47)
So, this is one major component the sensor device management and the other one is the
topology management. So, topology management basically you know takes care of node
specific management for forwarding of the data from their specific nodes and we have what
we have done compared to the previous low et al’s paper low et al’s work which was
published in IEEE communication letters in 2016 here we have performed experimental
results you know here we have performed really real life experimentation. So, we have in this
paper we have shown experimental results that show that the network performance can be
improved using software defined WSN over traditional WSN.
So, I will just present very briefly some of the results I have taken from that particular paper
for example, with respect to the packet delivery ratio. So, this is the packet delivery ratio
using soft WSN. That means the proposed solution and and the regular WSN where no
protocol is implemented. So, it is a paired pone basic protocol that exists.
So, here that is the reason actually we have observed and that we are able to see much
improved packet delivery ratio much improved packet delivery ratio using soft WSN. So,
what we see is the packet delivery ratio in the network increases using soft WSN compared to
the traditional WSN.
Here this plot shows the number of data packets that are forwarded and as we can see over
here the soft WSN the number of data packets that are forwarded is much less compared to
the number of packets in in a regular WSN.
So, the data packet means the replicated data packets. So, I should mention this over here the
number of replicated data packets. So, replicated data packets not the number of regular data
packets, but the replicated data means this soft WSN basically reduces the number of
replications of data packets over the traditional WSN.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:57)
The third result basically shows the number of control packets that are forwarded the number
of control packets in the network is higher using this proposed protocol the soft WSN
protocol. That means, our protocol over the traditional WSN this is due to that the packet in
messages in the network are less each time a node receives a new packet it asks the controller
for getting adequate forwarding logic and that is why the number of control messages in the
network gets reduced.
The other solution which has integrated SDN into sensor networks is the SDN-WISE and it
was published in the IEEE INFOCOM conference in 2015. So, here it is a SDN you know
software defined some WSN platform SDN why is basically proposes a software defined
WSN sensor network platform where the flow table for rule placement is is available at the
sensor nodes it was designed how the flow table is going to look like and any programming
language can be used through API to program the nodes in real time in SDN-WISE.
Very briefly I want to show you the schematic of how SDN-WISE works I do not want to
you know discuss this solution in detail, but I just wanted to show you the overall architecture
of SDN-WISE. So, what we have are the sensor nodes we have the sink. And we have the
emulated nodes and so, as we can see over here we have in the sink we have the real sink and
their simulated sink. And these are the different layers the forwarding layer over here and the
different other regular layers and how they talk to each other.
So, this part is the emulated part and this part is the real part and this one the sink basically
has to both the components the real sink as well as the simulated sink. So, these sensor nodes
basically they have they run the 802.15.4 protocol in their work SDN-WISE there is a
microcontroller unit and there is a 802.15.4 stack on top of which SDN-WISE basically
functions right. And then we have the INPP which is the in network packet progressing
processing layer.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:44)
So, in summary we have looked at how SDN is useful to manage and control the IoT network
wireless sensor nodes. And network can be controlled using SDN based applications, network
performance can be improved significantly using SDN based approaches over the traditional
sensor network approaches and we have also seen that there are different protocols.
The latest one that we have seen is the SDN-WISE we have also looked at the soft WSN
protocol that was in fact, proposed by us. And we had experimented with real hardware real
IoT hardware real sensor network hardware and before that there is there was another
solution that was proposed by Low et al and was published in the IEEE communication
letters in 2012.
So, basically these are the three main protocols that are available currently there are few other
solutions also that might that are also available, but these are the prominent ones and. So, this
is basically the state of the art with respect to the implementation of SDN for sensor network.
In the next part of the lecture we are going to talk about how IoT devices like mobile devices
can exploit the use of SDN to make them efficient. With this we come to an end.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 36
Software - Defined IoT Networking - Part- II
So, now we are going to discuss about software defined networking and and its use in IoT.
So, here we are going to talk about how SDN can help in improving mobile networks
So, what we have already discussed in the first part of SDN for IoT lecture is that we have.
So, a sensor networks and software defined networking can be used to improve the
performance of sensor networks. So, we have different SDN approaches for WSN’s and
different approaches like Sensor OpenFlow, Soft-WSN, SDN-WISE are already available in
the literature which can be used. Community can use it if they want to implement sensor you
know SDN for WSN and we have also discussed about how software defined WSN can
improve the overall performance of the network compared to the traditional WSN.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:40)
So, this is what we discussed earlier. Now, let us talk about the Traditional Mobile Wireless
Networks. There are different problems in these Traditional Mobile Networks and these
networks can be like Wi-Fi based networks. Mobile cellular networks or other mobile
networks, the problems are with respect to scalability. So, you know what happens is each of
these nodes in the networks if the nodes including the base stations access points etcetera,
typically they are statically over provisioned you know. So, there is over provisioning in each
of the nodes in these networks and they are inflexible to manage the mobile traffic with high
They are difficult to manage many times. This leads to misconfigurations. They are inflexible
and requires too much time to introduce a new service as a hardware architecture is
inaccessible and they are cost expensive, both in capital expenditure and operational
expenditure terms because both the capex as well as the opex are very expensive are very
(Refer Slide Time: 02:55)
So, two things are important and this is this information has been adopted from the Open
Network Foundation. So, two things are important when we want to adopt SDN for mobile
networks. One is the flow table paradigm of SDN which is well suited for end to end
communication over multiple technologies, such as Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G and so on so forth. The
other one is the logically centralized control which is particularly useful for efficient base
station, coordination for addressing intercellular interference. So, we are going to talk about
each of these in slightly more detail in the next little while.
Other issues which are also important are path management which concerns basically data
that can be routed based on service requirements without depending on the core routing
policies and network virtualization which is about abstracting the physical resources from the
network services. This helps in providing seamless connectivity and service differentiation
among the users.
So, in a traditional mobile network, what happens is when a mobile equipment like this
operates, it connects with a base station or an axis point for regular data. You know data back
and forth between it and that access point and this particular node, it serves this particular
access point, sorry this particular user equipment, but while it is doing so, it is also getting, it
may also get affected by interference from another node. So, this red colored arrows basically
shows the interference and the blue colored ones basically shows the regular data, transfer
data communication.
So, there is this solution which is this SDWMN. It tries to address this particular problem of
interference through the help of SDN. So, here what we see is the architecture of the software
defined mobile network and as we can see over here, we have an SDN controller and the
Virtualized Radio Resource Management Unit which basically takes care of interference with
the problem of interference. So, this particular unit what it does is, it takes care of issues such
as the signals of eNodeB 2 and the signal of eNodeB 3, they do not affect each other. That
means, the signal of eNodeB 2 will not affect the signal of eNodeB 3 affect means through
interference affecting through interference.
So, this is made possible through this Virtualized Radio Resource Management Unit which
has been proposed in this particular protocol or the solution which is SDWMN and with
respect to mobile traffic management.
There is this unit which is the ANDSF, Access Network Discovery and Service Function Unit
which basically takes care of it and this is done this way. So, we have the cellular as well as
the Wi-Fi and the mobility. So, basically the what happens is when the user is moving, so the
user can get first connected to the regular. You know Wi-Fi access point, then you know it
might have better connectivity with the cellular network 3G, 4G and so on.
So, basically this particular solution basically takes care of it how to interoperate between
these different different when the user is moving and is getting connected with you know and
has different signals from different different devices from different networks, Wi-Fi network,
3G, 4G networks etcetera. How it is going to do this switching? So, the SDN basically comes
to a rescue to solve this particular problem.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:35)
The key benefits of the solution is that centralized control of devices manufacture by multiple
vendors is made possible. It is possible to have higher rate of integration of new services and
abstracted network control and management is made possible through this particular solution
with that option of SDN in these mobile networks.
So, how so you know when we talk about SDN and in SDN based solution, it is about rules,
flow rules and rule placement controller placement and so on. So, let us now look at how rule
placement is made at the access devices in these networks. The challenges that are have to be
addressed are that number one, the general open flow does not support wireless network. So,
you know because it is general open flow does not do that. Some kind of a modification of
the existing open flow is required. Number two, typically the users are mobile in nature and
the network is highly dynamic. Third challenge that has to be addressed with respect to rule
placement in these networks is that the frequent changes in rule placement is required and the
presence of heterogeneous devices in the network might is a reality in these scenarios.
So, basically you know what happened at that last point, what it says the last challenge what
it says is different types of heterogeneous devices having different configurations supporting
different you know vendor specific solutions and protocols and so on exist in a realistic
mobile based IoT network. So, how to support such heterogeneous devices in a single
platform? So, these are the challenges that have to be worked upon in order to deal with the
rule placement issue.
So, there are different approaches or different solutions that have been proposed for it.
Number one is ODIN, number two is Ubi-Flow and number three is Mobi-Flow. ODIN
basically proposes the use of an agent. It is an agent based solution, agent based architecture.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:48)
So, here an agent is placed at the access points to communicate with the controller. So, this is
the ODIN agent and there is the ODIN master. So, we have the ODIN agent which is placed
at the physical devices at the access point. For example, the ODIN master which is placed at
the controller and now this is this hand shaking between the communication between the
ODIN agent and the ODIN master that is taken care of by this ODIN protocol.
So, it uses the communication between the ODIN agent and the ODIN master. The
corresponding flow diagram, the flowchart is shown over here. We do not need to understand
in detail, but it is given for those who might be interested to understand it nonetheless and so,
basically it is a handshaking that goes on between this ODIN agent, add the access device and
access point and the ODIN master at the controller that makes ODIN function.
Now, let us look at the second solution, the Ubi-Flow solution which was published in
infocom very recently in 2015 only, 2 years back.
So, here there are two main parts of the solution. One takes care of Mobility Management and
the other one takes care of Flow Scheduling. Mobility management takes care of issues such
as you know how to have scalable control of the access points issues, such as fault tolerance.
That means, if some component goes down, then what happens you know how can the
network still function and the other one is the flow scheduling which has three parts. First is
partitioning this entire network into multiple partitions, no fragmenting this entire network
into multiple partitions and over here we have shown those three partitions through three
different color shades i.e. grey, light green and orange.
So, we have three different partitions shown over here network partitions and after this
network partitioning has happened, then you know network matching has to be done. So, let
us say that this particular mobile device receives a particular packet. So, then what it is going
to do? It is going to perform, it is going to execute this network matching, network matching
algorithm. What that network matching algorithm is going to do is, it is going to check that
which of these network partitions should handle this particular packet.
So, then it will be sent to that particular partition for further handling and load balancing
basically takes care of it you know. So, you know how the network matching and load
balancing will be done together. So, the load balancing is going to take care of issues, such as
that one partition should not get too much loaded while the other partition is under loaded and
so on. So, this is what the load balancing is going to do.
Now, let us look at the third solution that I was talking about the Mobi-Flow and this paper
was published in IEEE Globecom, 2016 and this is the solution Mobi-Flow solution was
proposed by us in the SWAN group and the mobility. So, Mobi-Flow basically gives a
mobility aware flow, flow rule placement for mobile based IoT solutions, mobile place based
IoT systems. So, let us look at these three scenarios over here. So, here we have different
nodes S1 M1 connected to this particular access point. M2 and P1 connecting to another
access point and their corresponding flow tables are shown here, the corresponding flows
tables corresponding to this particular access point and this particular access point of the base
station, the corresponding flow table is given over here. It is very easy to understand this part.
Now, let us see, let us say that the nodes M1 and P1 have interchanged their positions. Let us
assume a very simple scenario, where M1 and P1 have interchanged their positions and the
current situation looks like this. So, essentially you know what should happen is, we will
have something like this. The another flow rule has to be added in the flow table
corresponding to this particular access point and the base station in this particular manner, but
at the same time we also know that flow table spaces are very limited.
So, we cannot simply have these flow tables grow with the addition of these flow rules. So,
you know what essentially has to be done is the scenario like this. So, how can we do it, this
is what Mobi-Flow talks about.
So, Mobi-Flow gives a proactive rule placement scheme depending on the users movement in
the network and when we talk about such a scheme, you know what is very important to have
some kind of prediction of the location of the end users at the next time instant give you the
data of how the user was moving till a particular time instant.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:36)
And then, placing the flow rules at the access points which can be associated to the users
based on the predicted locations, location prediction, this is done in Mobi-Flow using
something known as the Order-K Markov Predictor which basically takes the last k th
location instances to predict the next location and the flow rule placement which basically is
a linear programming based solution that is used to select which access point is going to be
the optimal one.
So, for further details the difference of Mobi-Flow was given in 2016 Globecom paper and if
somebody wants to have more insight about how Mobi-Flow works, so one needs to go
through that particular paper, but I would like to summarize by giving a a summary of the
results of comparison between Mobi-Flow and the conventional solution.
So, what we have is with respect to message overhead and energy consumption, Mobi-Flow
performs better compared to the conventional network, conventional solution and this is quite
evident from these two plots. So, control message overhead and energy consumption can be
minimized significantly using Mobi-Flow compared to the conventional rule placement
So, next we have to take care of how to perform rule placement at the backbone network. So,
the existing rule placement schemes for wired networks can be used over here because most
of the backbone networks are have a topology and the structure. The overall architecture is
similar to that which exists for wired networks.
So, we can use the existing rule placement schemes for wired networks over here as well for
the backbone network of IoT and the load balancing is an important issue due to the dynamic
nature of the IoT network. So, dynamic resource allocation can also be integrated.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:39)
So, another very important thing that we have to remember in this particular context is the
Data Center Networking. So, there are two types of flows that occur in Data Center
Networks. So, Data Center Networks basically you know here we are talking about
implementation of data center networks with the help of SDN.
So, typically two different solutions of adoption of SDN are in data center networks. So, here
we have typically two types of flows that are observed. One is the Mice-Flow which are
basically you know small flows and the other one is Elephant-Flow which is basically you
know large scale flows where big volumes of data are coming, big sized data are coming and
so on and small flows, Mice-Flows where small sized data are coming. So, here what is
suggested is for the Mice-Flow wildcard rules can be placed to deal with these flows, the
wildcard rules and for the Elephant-Flows what is required is to have exact match of the
So, we need to classify the flows before inserting the flow rules at the switches to adequately
forward them in the network. So, if it is an elephant flow, you know we have to have exact
match. If it is a Mice-Flow, we will go for a wildcard match. Anomaly detection can also be
performed in IoT network using SDN or open flow.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:07)
So, here you know it is required to monitor the network through open flow to detect any
anomaly in the network which can be done by monitoring each flow in the network. It is also
possible to collect different port statistics at the different switches and thereby from these
statistics, you know anomaly detection techniques can be implemented and different
anomalies can be found out.
Now, what is required is to experiment with these wireless networks. So, what are the
different platform that are available? So, Mininet traditionally did not have any wireless
support, but recently there is this Mininet-WiFi that is available which can be used to deploy
a network support. Mininet-WiFi can help support both wired and wireless network. Wired
implements the Ethernet protocol and Wireless implements 802.11 class of protocols. So, this
is one platform that is available. Mininet-WiFi, the other one is the ONOS platform which
can be used to place the controllers. ONOS basically helps in placement of the controller.
So, it helps to solve the controller placement problem. So, again to sum up SDN based
solutions are useful to deal with different challenges present in an IoT network and in the first
part of it, we talked about IoT in the context of sensor networks and small power, you know
small devices, small IoT devices and in the second part, we talked about IoT in the context of
mobile networks, mobile devices and so on and we have talked about three different
solutions. One is the Ubi-Flow, Mobi-Flow and ODIN. These are the three different solutions
that are available recently to support SDN for mobile IoT networks.
So, there are different issues of interference and mobility management which have to be
taken care of in these SDN based approaches to SDN based approaches to IoT. So,
interference is a very common thing, a very important problem that has to be addressed so
and mobility as well because mobility is something that occurs in any IoT network and
particularly the mobile based IoT networks.
So, with this we come to an end and we will stop here for the, we have understood that how
SDN can be used for implementing IoT networks and making the IoT networks much more
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 37
Cloud Computing- Fundamentals
So this lecture is on Cloud Computing, and this is the first lecture on the series of cloud
computing. So, the first one will be on fundamentals. So, here in this lecture I am going to
speak about some of the basic motivation behind cloud computing, particularly from the use
of cloud computing in internet of things. Then about some of the basic models of cloud that
are popularly used and also how the cloud can be deployed in different environments and the
models there of. So, this particular lecture is focused on these specific issues.
So, before we start I would like to mention a few different things. So, the first thing is that
why do you need cloud. So, let us try to understand this thing why do we need cloud and the
second thing that will try to understand is why do we need cloud specifically for internet of
things and that will basically justify why we are devoting a few lectures on cloud computing
in a course on IoT. So, the second one will come next, but let us first look at what is cloud.
So, cloud computing is all about using computing as utility
So, we all are users of different utilities; utilities such as electricity, utilities such as water
resources and so on and so forth. So, electricity water supply etcetera are utilities which we
use first of all we have to subscribe to those utilities then some connections will be given at
our home for those utilities. Then there will be some meter which is going to measure how
much units of electricity or water we are using at our home and based on our units of usage
we are going to be finally built at the end of the month for the use of these resources.
So, what did we see that if I have to use electricity at my home if I have to use water at my
home it is not required for me to be bothered at all about deploying the necessary
infrastructure for generation of electricity for the transmission of electricity similarly the
pumping out of water from river or ground or the distribution of the water I do not I do not
really have to be worried at all about this.
So, I subscribe to these utilities I will be given a connection at my home for these utilities
then based on the units of usage of these resources electricity water etcetera at the end of the
month I will be billed for this I will be billed for this. So, what did we see that I do not really
have to bother about how the electricity or water was generated or pumped out how it was
distributed? So, I do not need to be worried about all I need to be worried about is whenever I
required I will be using it and at the end of the month I should be paying for the units of
So, this basically can serve as a motivation behind why cloud computing is required in the
same way as water is a utility, electricity as a utility people thought about can we have
computing as utility what does it mean computing as utility computing means what
computing means hardware resources like servers workstations which again include
processors which can do certain computations etcetera memory storage and so on. So, these
computational resources hardware plus software resources plus development platforms; so,
all these things offered as utility why do we need, because that will have some business value
that will save some cost and it also has certain advantages and this is what we are going to
learn in this particular lecture.
So, first let us have a quick glance through how computing evolved over the years. So, you
must have already heard about cluster computing, grid computing at least these 2 you must
have heard about. So, cluster computing is basically you know having some kind of
computing nodes connected together in the form of a cluster. So, the cluster as a whole which
can be loosely or tightly connected the cluster as a whole would be accomplishing some
computational job which will be; it will be executing some computational job. So, this is
cluster computing grid computing is sort of like a wide area kind of heterogeneous computing
platform which will be performing large volumes of tasks or tasks which are large in size
then we have the utility computing where this resources the computational resources are
packaged for delivering as utility for use by consumers as utility.
So, this is the whole premise of how utility computing evolved and then we have this cloud
computing which was basically sort of like an integration of the concepts from all these com
cluster computing distributed sorry grid computing and utility computing their advantages put
together in order to have this new model of computing which is known as the cloud
computing. So, in cloud computing we have shared pool of configurable computing resources
shared pool of resources and whenever it is required wherever it is required dynamically
these resources will be offered will be offered to the users as service on payment.
So, this is like a scalable kind of model that that has been conceptualized over all these
cluster grid and utility computing models.
So, you know cloud is more or less a very recent kind of phenomenon it started in the mid
1990s and in the last few years it has become even more popular there are different
commercially available cloud platforms that are there people are still using it companies are
subscribing to these cloud services, but going back in the 1950s people were more concerned
about time shared mainframe computers in the 1960s ARPANET and the like oriented
network based services became popular virtual machines became popular in 1970s; 1990s the
internet was expanded virtual private networks were formed.
And in the late or mid 1990s onwards cloud computing came into being popularity has been
more in the last couple of years of cloud computing different platforms offering software you
as utility platform as utility infrastructure, as utility are offered by different companies such
as sales force dot com, Amazon web services, Amazon EC2, Google app engine and so on.
So, these are the different companies which are basically daily offering these different
services as utility.
Now when we talk about cloud computing NIST has done quite a bit of work on in cloud
computing it. In fact, has some literature and as per that literature of NIST cloud computing is
defined in this particular way I will read it out for you it is there in front of the slide in front
of you in the slide and for the benefit of everyone. Let me read it out for you cloud computing
is a model for enabling convenient on demand network access to a shared pool of
configurable computing resources example network infrastructure servers storage
applications etcetera.
So, there are few key words that will drill down for the convenient network access. So,
whenever it is required for me at any time of the day at any time of the month whenever it is
required conveniently I should be able to get network access to the to these different
resources that we just went through that we just gone have gone through on demand on
demand means that whenever it is required I should be able to on my demand I should be able
to get access to these resources. And there is a shared pool of resources which are
configurable shared pool. That means, that these servers storage etcetera, etcetera, which will
be shared all across and the computing platform is configurable with respect to these network
infrastructure you know servers, etcetera.
So, basically it might so, happen that you know as a user my job as a cloud user my you
know computational job is getting executed to me it I will get a feeling that it is get getting
executed at my dedicated machine that has been given to me by the cloud platform, but in
actuality physically maybe there are multiple servers which are geographically separated
from one another which are together being pooled to execute different parts of my job. So,
this is basically you know to me it is like a single entity which I am using, but in the back end
there is so much of seamlessness that is there that I would not be able to understand that how
and where and when things are getting executed.
I in fact, do not need to be worried at all about it of course, I would tell you that it is not that I
do not need to be completely worried cloud computing also has some privacy security
concerns as well. So, will you know for this course we are not going to understand what are
these issues, but there are indeed certain issues, but we will consider that you know there is
no such issue and you know I do not really need to be worried about how when and where
my computation job that I have is getting executed, but to me I will get a feeling that I am
paying for it and it is getting executed at my end actually it is not happening that way it is
because of virtualization that I am getting such a feeling.
So, I will talk about it in more detail later on. So, cloud computing is sort of like a step ahead
of utility computing it provides abstraction or high level generalization of the computation
and storage software platform etcetera from and this kind of abstraction is made available to
the end users for use on a paper use basis the resources are in a cloud platform rapidly
allocatable and they can be also released whenever it these resources are no longer required
and that can these can be done with low management effort.
So, there are some essential characteristics something called the service models and the
deployment models which we are going to go through of cloud computing. So, what are these
essential characteristics broad network access is one.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:20)
So, this network you know access is offered in such a way that from anywhere and from
anywhere in the world geographically even if I am distributed at different locations my
company has different. So, I would still be able to get access to these cloud resources. So,
these computational resources rapidly elasticity means that as and when required you know if
I require more I would be able to scale up. And I should be able to get these computational
resources if I require less I should be able to scale down. So, this dynamic scaling has to be
made possible through cloud.
Third is measured services paper use you know. So, I would be paying for the units of utility
cloud utility. That means, the computational utility that I am using on demand self services.
So, whenever required I should be able to subscribe to and be able to get access to these
services resource pooling means that you know if a particular server is not able to physically.
You know physically give the services as per requirement then the services can be a can be
obtained from other servers, other physical computers by pooling resources from them. So,
these are some of these essential characteristics of cloud computing and there are different
service models the very popular software as a service platform as a service and infrastructure
as a service in short these are popularly termed as SaaS; SaaS, PaaS and IaaS and in terms of
deployment there are different models like the public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud and
the community cloud.
So, we will talk about each of these service models and deployment models later on. So, what
are the businesses advantages I told you that cloud has certain business advantages.
So, without any upfront infrastructure investment a company who has computational
requirements they do not have to go and buy their own servers for instance and use them, but
within almost 0 cost of infrastructure investment in terms of procurement deployment
etcetera the you know they should be able to get access to this computing resources on
demand on whenever it is required in a ubiquitous manner.
Real time infrastructure able ability means that the infrastructure is going to be made
available for real time use at any time the resources are going to be made available and will
be made available for real time access more efficient resource utilization. So, these resources
will be utilized in a more efficient manner usage based con costing is another thing. So, usage
based costing means based on how much I am using these resources I would be billed for
those units only reduce time to market, because you are not basically investing time.
And of course, money for procurement for initiating the procurement for process tendering,
then you know getting all the infrastructure buying them the delivery time etcetera, etcetera
and then starting to use. So, you are cutting down on the time to market of the product that
the company is building, because whenever you require you are getting access to your
computational resources over the internet at any time.
So, basically we have not you through the use of cloud computing we have not spent too
much of time on the procurement of these computational resources, which otherwise
traditionally used to happen and that would kill significant amount of time in business.
Some general characteristics improved agility in resource provisioning is one this I do not
need to explain explain further ubiquity independence of device or location multi-tenancy
which basically talks about sharing of resources and costs across a large pool of users.
Dynamic load balancing means that the computation or even communication load it would be
it is possible through the cloud model to be able to dynamically balance the load throughout
the entire cloud platform cloud system. This cloud model is highly reliable, because
physically if some network some computational resource has gone down or is broken or is
not available for whatever reason there are other resources which can be easily pooled into
and be made available to the users.
So, it is highly reliable and is scalable likewise. So, for the same reasons this is scalable as
well and cloud also comes with low cost and low maintenance for the company the users of
the company which is investing on in which was traditionally investing on infrastructure and
improved security and access control as well. So, you know. So, these are some of the
different characteristics of cloud computing.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:11)
So, let us start with the essential characteristic the first one is the broad network access cloud
resources should be available over the network and this is what is happening over the internet
the cloud resources are man made available. And it should support the standard mechanisms
for information retrieval using traditional interfaces. For example, different clients could be
used different types of clients whether thick client the thin clients or mobile phones laptops
etcetera these all are supported in a cloud platform.
So, basically what is going to happen you can very easily you can use thin platforms and it is
like a bare basic terminal which will be you can simply have to you have to buy those low
cost cheap bare basic terminals the thin clients etcetera. And the computation, the resources
are going to be made available to you through the cloud platform you simply need to have
some network access the broad network access in the form of internet or the like and should
be able to connect to the cloud in order to get access to those resources.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:23)
Rapid elasticity; so, cloud resource allocations should be rapid elastic and automatic
dynamic allocation and release of facility for scaling in and scaling out of resources should be
made possible. So, whenever additional resources are required you know it should be able to
you know the cloud should be able to scale out. That means, increase the scalability of these
resources. And whenever it is no longer required scaling in should be made possible by the
release of these resources to the consumers. Consumers feel that it is a highly elastic system
seamlessly things are integrated in such a way that the consumers feel that they have access
to infinite resources and the and there is facility for adding or removing of quantity should be
there in cloud.
So, whatever you know if you need more quantity or if you need less quantity the addition or
the release of resources to reduce the number should also be made available and this is the
property of rapid elasticity. So, elastically we should be able to expand. Elastically we should
be able to reduce and release resources through the cloud model.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:47)
It is a measured service resources and their uses would be recorded and monitored. So, the
use of these resources should be recorded and monitored and at the end of a particular time
duration maybe a month. So, the cloud service provider is going to send out a bill to the end
user in order for them to be able to pay for it. So, this can also be done at the same time you
pay immediately, and then get access to your resources immediately as well. So, there should
be facility to dynamically control and optimize the resource usage and this facility should be
transparent between the service provider and the consumer.
On demand self service, self service means whenever required the user should be able to get
access to this resources through a self service manner. And cloud should be able to provide
the server time and network storage to users automatically on demand whenever it is
Resource pooling means that it is sort of like a multi-tenancy model, where there are multiple
end users and automatically as per the requirement the whole available resources would be
made available will should be made automatically available. And should be pooled from all
these available sources the resources should be allocated according to the users demand.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:23)
There are different components of cloud computing from the user end you have these clients
and the end users which may who may use thin clients which are very popular in a cloud
model. So, which are low cost as well they could be using the thick, the traditional thick
clients as well. Or the mobile devices as clients services product solutions applications like
web apps you know software service platforms such as web hosting platforms, application
hosting platforms, should be made available through the cloud computing storage.
For instance, different databases then data storage as a service are components of cloud
computing and infrastructure lastly which is very important should be virtualized and be
made available in the form of infrastructure as a service model. And I am going to talk about
that shortly.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:26)
So, different service models include the software as a service, platform as a service and
infrastructure as a service, these service models have been very popular. Since, the last few
years I mean from the time cloud computing became very popular these service models are
core service models of cloud computing, but mind you that at present people are also talking
about different other types of service.
So, not just software platform and infrastructure as a service, but also something like x as a
service where x could be anything, some people are talking about hardware as a service,
some peoples people are talking about sensors as a service like that database as a service
security as a service, people are talking about all different types of service models made
available through cloud.
So, if you look at this particular figure we have all these cloud models. So, we have the
servers underneath then infrastructure as a service platform as a service and application as a
service, clients are getting access to each of these different computational resources through
different interfaces.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:39)
So, we have the first one which is software as a service the commonly used software as a
service platforms available commercially is the Google apps the sales force learn dot com and
so on. So, as this name suggests software as a service basically gives you facility to execute
service provider’s applications at the users end. So, applications are available as services;
services can be accessed via different types of client devices example web browsers apps
different types of apps and so on.
So, end users do not basically possess the control of the cloud infrastructure platform as
service examples include the commercially available Windows Azure, Google app engine
and so on. So, here basically the development platform is basically made available to the
consumers as facilities to execute consumer created and acquired applications on to the cloud
Infrastructure as a service basically talks about most of this computing infrastructure like
network storage operating system to be made available as facilities through the internet
accessing these facilities as computational resources dynamically, whenever it is required on
a paper use basis operating systems other applications can also be made available through this
facility. So, popular examples of infrastructure as a service include the Amazon EC2,
GoGrid, iland, Rackspace Cloud Servers and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:19)
Now let us talk about having spoken about the different service models software as a service,
platform as a service and infrastructure as a service let us now talk about how cloud is
deployed typically what are the different deployment models that are available in cloud
computing we have number one the public cloud, the second is the private cloud, the third is
the hybrid cloud. And there could be other types of cloud like community cloud, distributed
cloud, multi cloud inter cloud and so on. So, you know private cloud is internal to an
organization and these cloud resources are made available to the users within the institution
only. For example, in IIT; Kharagpur we have our own private cloud which is known as the
So, like that different organizations have their own private cloud, but there are some publicly
hosted cloud facilities which are available off campus, off premises and these are made
available by different companies like Amazon like TCS and different other companies who
are sort of like service providers of these cloud. So, these are public clouds that are that are
available. Hybrid clouds basically is sort of like an integration of some features of private
cloud and some features of the public cloud.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:52)
So, the public cloud is set up for the use of any person or industry typically it is owned by
any organization who offers the cloud service examples include Amazon web services,
Google compute engine and Microsoft azure the advantage is that this is easy to set up at low
cost as the provider covers the hardware application and bandwidth cost or any other cost that
is made that is in available to them.
So, this basically is a highly scalable model you just pay for the resources that are being used
and there will be lack of wastage of resources.
So, it is a highly scalable model that can be made available on a payment basis. Private cloud
is typically restricted to a single organization the cloud functionalities are made available
only within the organization typically these are managed by the organization itself or a third
party. And the advantages are that there is total control over the system. And the data in such
a private cloud being deployed; of course, there is some initial investment in setting up the
But once it is done then this model is quite advantageous it is low cost and these resources
can be made available to the users of the organization on on their requirement basis. The
disadvantage is that you have to be bothered too much about the regular maintenance, you
need to have a group which will be regularly performing the maintenance tasks in a private
So, comparison wise public cloud and private cloud in terms of the virtualized resources in
public cloud these resources are publicly shared, in a private cloud this resources are
privately shared, customer type in a public cloud is basically multiple customers. And in a
private cloud only a few customers who are typically limited or users of the organization like
the employees of the organization.
Or the students of an organization are basically users of they serve as the customers of the
private cloud in terms of connectivity public cloud is made available over the internet and
private cloud. Over the internet as well as through the private network of the organization in
terms of security public cloud security is much lower compared to the security issues in a
private cloud.
And there is a hybrid cloud as I said before with basically combines the facilities of 2 or more
types of unique cloud types. For example, private community or public cloud the resources in
this case are pooled together by standardized tools some resources can be pooled from a
private infrastructure some from the public infrastructure and together this cloud model
basically offers different services to their inducers.
Then we have this community cloud typically this is restricted to certain communities like
medical community, hospital community, security community, compliance. So, only the
users of that community would be able to get access to the services of such a cloud. So, this is
known as the community cloud and then we have the distributed cloud which comes in
different flavors where there is collection of the scattered set of computing devices in
different locations. However, connected to a single network and there are 2 types of
distributed cloud- the public resource computing and the volunteer cloud. So, we are not
going to go through it in the interest of time.
Multi cloud basically it is you know heterogeneous architecture single architecture combining
multiple different cloud platforms together to increase the fault tolerance and flexibility of the
system inter cloud is basically cloud of clouds. So, you have multiple different-different
clouds which are put together unified through the internet and these basically would
interoperate between each other between the different cloud service providers. And that giant
cloud of cloud services is going to be made available to the users. So, these are the different
models of cloud deployment.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:22)
So this comparison of this private public and this community cloud are as follows. So, in this
particular table as you can see that private cloud is on-premise and offers dedicated access the
privately hosted cloud is off-premise and has dedicated access as well and the community
cloud is on-premise and offer shared access and the public cloud is off-premised offered
offers shared access.
So, with this we come to an end of the lecture on the fundamentals of cloud computing. So,
we have a series of three more lectures on this particular topic of cloud computing we have
already understood at the outset of this lecture about why cloud computing is being very
popular in the internet of things community cloud is I will talk about it later on as well.
But cloud you can understand that it is one of the most important enabling technologies or if
core building block for internet of things development, because you have to deal with
heterogeneous resources offering different types of data collecting different type of data
which has to be processed quite fast without much in you know infrastructure involvement.
That means, this infrastructure should be taken care of quite automatically I do not have to
really buy this infrastructure and waste time and money for it. I should be able to get access
to these resources and I should be able to enjoy the computing facility on a paper use kind of
So, this is all about cloud computing. In the next lecture we will talk about some more details
of cloud computing.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 38
Cloud Computing - Service Models
So, the next lecture on the series on cloud computing for internet of things is on the service
models. So, we briefly in the previous lecture have gone through the different types of service
models we have seen that there are 3 core service models that have been popular since the
inception of cloud computing. The first one is software as a service, the second one is
platform as a service and the third one is infrastructure as a service. So, let us try to go
through the details further of each of these clouds cloud models.
So, as we can see over here we have these different applications which have to be served and
for service serving these applications we need to take help of the software resources the
platform and the infrastructure.
So, what we have we have software as a service, we have platform as a service and we have
the infrastructure as a service. So, infrastructure is surface on top of virtual machines virtual
storage and virtual grid. So, we have this infrastructure as a surface made available and then
we have the platform as a service which includes security identification integration workflow
application grid user interface services database grid and so, on and then we have this
software as a service which we serving different applications as well. In fact, all these service
models are serving different applications are serving different customers and so on and then
we have these administrative services which are in addition.
So, these administrative services include things like packaging configuration deployments
scaling lifecycle management utilization user management and so on.
So, when we compare that the these 3 service models the serve the software as a service the
platform as a service and the infrastructure as a service with respect to the traditional
computing computing paradigm then we see we observe a few things. So, whereas,
traditionally starting from applications data runtime middleware operating system
virtualization service offerings storage networking all these things would have to be done by
the user himself, in the case of infrastructure as a service concerns about or issues of
applications data runtime middleware and operating system are done at the user end whereas,
virtualization server storage Networking are taken care of by the service provider.
So, as you can see over here in this model the operating system is at the user end. In the
platform as a service as we can see compared to infrastructure as a service where the OS was
as part of the user here only 2 things applications and data are taken care of by the user the
rest of the other things are taken care of by the service provider end and in software as a
service everything is taken care of by the service provider.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:42)
So, this is a side by side comparison between infrastructure as a service platform as a service
software as a service and the traditional computing methodology. So, we start with each of
these service models and try to understand what is inside. So, as per the definition of
Amazon, infrastructure as a service which is appreciated as IaaS contains the basic building
blocks for cloud it and typical typically provide access to Networking features computers
which are virtual or dedicated hardware and data storage space. So, we have this computing
infrastructure which has to be made available on demand to the different users through some
kind of virtualization mechanism. So, infrastructure as a service provides the following
features it has servers for computation and the different machines are also made available like
different workstations etcetera. So, so servers and machines then we have the storage we have
Network we have the operating system.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:44)
The working methodology is like this we have a physical server and then we have this
virtualized server the users rent the servers the software and the data center space or Network
equipment the cloud service provider offers the resource management and the outsourced
service on demand is made available for use. So, this is the physical server here we have the
hardware on top of that on top of hardware we have the OS and the apps and in comparison
in the virtualized server we have hardware as before then we have some virtual machines. So,
these virtual machines VM 1 and VM 2 would include the operating system and the
application layers.
So, we have on top of the hardware multiple virtual machines executing and there is the
concept of hypervisor which basically manages this show by sitting between the hardware
layer and the VM layer. So, the VM layer basically contains the VMs the hardware layer the
actual physical hardware and the hypervisor is sort of playing some kind of a managerial role
in between these 2.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:16)
So, why do we need infrastructure as a service? So, basically new businesses can kick start
without basically having to invest on vine computing hardware and this is a scalable model
by which rapidly whenever the businesses need some resources they can subscribe pay for
and start using the resources and whenever they do not required they will not waste the
resources and will stop utilizing them.
So, it is suitable for serving fluctuating computing demands example Flipkart, Amazon,
etcetera during festive seasons you know they need more infrastructure during festive seasons
because of the obvious you know obviousness due to the up search in the business. So, you
know, but at the other times of the year they do not need this.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:25)
So, as you can see that there is fluctuating computing demand and whenever required you use
those resources whenever not required you release the resources and so on. So, it is suitable
for new business model trials it helps in minimizing the capital expenses. Scalability issue
and elasticity dynamic scaling of required infrastructure resources is made possible through
infrastructure service having large amount of resource allocation or release in a short span of
time is possible in the infrastructure as a service model and there is no variation in system
performance while scaling up or down.
Manageability and inter probability clients in this particular model have total control of the
virtualized infrastructure resources they can do whatever they want with the resources that
are offered to them.
So, they can preconfigured they can preconfigured the facility for the allocation or can
virtualize the resources and these virtualized resources are to be monitored for their running
status the overall health and so on and the usage and the billing system records the use of the
infrastructure resources and accordingly calculates the payment availability and reliability.
So, storing of the data and the retrieval of the stored data can be made possible at any time
without any failure of any any kind whatsoever; whatsoever be the failure. So, it is not
possible you know the resources can be made available reliably and be made available at
anytime anywhere the clients should be able to access the computational resources without
failure and there should be uninterrupted facility for computation and communication in
terms of performance.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:55)
And optimization high utilization of physical resources among the different clients is possible
through the use of the infrastructure as a service model; it is also possible to enable high
computing power with the large pool of physical resources using parallel processing. And it
is also possible to optimize the deployment of physical resources by dynamically configuring
the virtual infrastructure resources in terms of accessibility and portability this basically
provides the facility for client to ease out various tasks with respect to control management
access infrastructure access and so on and to facilitate the easy reallocation and duplication of
the allocated infrastructure resources. IaaS can be obtained as a pub public cloud a private
And the hybrid cloud and each of these we have already discussed in the fundamentals
lecture on cloud computing for IoT.
So, the challenges and limitations of infrastructure as a service includes that there is
sometimes in certain places regulatory approval that is required for the use of outsourcing
outsourced storage.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:19)
And outsourced processing through the cloud model and Network latency may degrade the
level of expected performance as well users may require automated decision making of job
scheduling to available resources and seamless scaling of service services independent of
traffic variation and developers have to focus on low level system details these are some of
these limitations of infrastructure as a service.
Next comes the platform as a service. So, here I will read out the definition for you platform
is a service removes the need for organizations to manage the underlying infrastructure which
is usually a hardware and operating system combination and allows you to focus on the
deployment and management of your application. So, as you can understand application
development firms would be strongly benefited through the use of platform as a service. So,
platform as a service provides the platform which allows the developers to create applications
which can be offered as services via the internet it basically makes the applications you know
easy to develop it simplifies the application development and deploy and deployment by
providing the cloud aware features. Platform as a service is an application middleware.
Which is offered as a service to the developers it provides the abstraction and security for the
developed applications, it facilitates the development and management applications without
the complexity of maintaining the underlying infrastructure it allows customers to rent
virtualized these servers and the associated services.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:53)
And provides elastic scaling of the users deployed application. There are different features of
platform as a service in terms of operating system you know operating system can be made
available through the platform as a service based on the choice of the in the developers or the
users server side scripting is possible, database management is possible server software
support net storage, Network access offering different tools for design.
And development of software and hosting these are all made available as different features of
platform as a service the working model is like this that it allows the users to create the
software applications using offer tools and it provides the preonfigured features that the
customers can subscribe it supports the available it support supports availability and
management of the infrastructure and applications for customers and the services are
regularly updated with new features.
The business advantages are with respect to the middleware service support the development
and deployment tools the easy access to them and also the freedom for managing
development and deployment tools individually.
And finally, the software is a service. Again the Amazon definition I will read out software is
a service provides you with a completed product that is run and managed by the service
provider in most cases people referring to software as a service are referring to end user
So, SaaS is a simplified model of software develop delivery or over the internet it typically
uses web browser working as a thin client and supports a fully pay as you go model it also
has some additional features for example, remote access of software is possible via the
internet where the web browser acts as a thin client, it also has facilities for access and
control of commercial software via the internet. And also this multi tenancy application
delivery to multiple people at the same time multiple tenants at the same time in one to many
model is made possible through software as a service.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:05)
Compared to the traditional software the comparison with software as a service is given in
this particular table the advantages include for example, with respect to traditional software
customers have to traditionally install manage and maintain the application the software.
Whereas, in software as a service the customers simply use all these over the internet the
traditional software runs on individual organization on dedicated instantiation whereas,
software as a service runs on multiple customers simultaneously clock sorry cross platform
support is required in traditional software.
Whereas in software as a service there is no concern for cross platform support like this; there
are different other advantages of software as a service over the traditional software scalability
is to maximize the application concurrency to optimize the share resource share resource pool
such as threads and Network connections multi-tenancy it is an important architectural shift
from designing isolated single tenant applications to supporting multiple tenant applications it
has the ability to accommodate users from multiple companies at the same time.
And there is transparency that is improved by the use of this model amongst all the users in
terms of configurability it is about to facilitate it; it facilitates parallel allocation of a single
application on a single server to several users to customize the application for one customer.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:54)
While changing the application for other customers as well. The limitations of SaaS include
supporting centralized control. So, that is not a very good thing it is a limitation switching the
cost. So, switching cost rather switching cost between different software limited flexibility it
has immediate flexibility and there are data security and privacy concerns in this model. So,
these are the 3 main models of cloud the software as a service, platform as a service and
infrastructure as a service and we have gone through the different advantages and limitations
of each of these models and as we will see later on that these models coupled with few other
concepts are required in order to meaningfully develop and deploy IoT services maybe for
Smartphone applications or maybe for smart cities applications.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 39
Cloud Computing - Service Management and Security
In this lecture which is the third in the series on cloud computing for internet of things we are
going to specifically focus on issues of service management and security. So, we will look at
some of the issues with service management and security in this lecture and we will not
specifically get get too much deep into how to offer the service management and how to
secure the systems that will be basically you know out of the scope of this introductory
course on internet of things. So, we will simply try to focus on the issues that are there and
which have to be taken care of while dealing with cloud computing and particularly more
specifically of cloud computing for IoT.
So, let us look at some of these different issues. So, before that we have to be careful about
few things. So, when we are talking about cloud computing we are essentially talking about
service offerings computing services being offered and when we talk about service offerings
we have to ensure that there is optimal performance that is delivered to the intended
customers or the end users and there is on demand whenever there is required, the services
are offered in an efficient manner in a virtual environment because as we saw in the previous
lectures on cloud computing these are environments which are virtual. Cloud is essentially a
virtual environment where you know computing resources are offered through the through
the use or through the help of virtualization technologies.
So, basically the aim is to provide equal importance to desired outcomes of customers
through service management. So, that the customers are satisfied and so, that there you know
the customers get the services in an; in you know in a good way at no extra cost and with
minimum risk. So, minimum risk means I will give you an example over here cost is
understandable, but risk basically refers to that let us say that customer was using some
computing resource and if due to some reason that resource becomes unavailable there should
be the risk mitigation technique should ensure that there is some additional physical resource
which will be mapped to the virtual one that the customer was using.
So that provisioning has to be done dynamically and the customer should not feel that
something was has had gone wrong and because of which this change happened in the
background. So, basically it is required to offer different types of services and services
including usage monitoring and billing there should be complete description of clear and
complete description of the services that the customer is going to get. Then issues with
respect to availability of networks and connectivity and it should be available continuously
high availability of networks and connectivity should be there; there should be ease of access
to these resources and and it should be managed the services should be managed in such a
manner that the customer will not be able to get any get any feeling of any under or you know
underperformed computing environment.
There should be portals for service selection there should be service guarantees and rapid
fulfillment of resources or decommissioning of resources should should be there and it should
be a secure environment where securely computing and storage facilities are made available
to the users.
So, what is this service level agreement? So, service level agreement as per definition is
about non functional requirements that are expected from the service provider more
specifically the cloud service provider and this service level agreement in short in the
industry it is known as SLA this SLA basically is required to provide a roadmap which will
give clearly defined deliverables
So, this SLA will typically describe the quality, the utility, the warranty of services that are
expected by the customer. So, this SLA will be some sort of an agreement and handshaking
platform between the service providers and the customers.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:35)
So, that the customers know what level of services the customer is going to get from the
service provider. Accounting and billing which go hand in hand are very important. So,
basically based on the resources the use of the resources and the information about such an
such use it is required to bill the customers it is required to bill the customers and keeping
track of this information about the resource. Resource use which is typically in the form of
records the customers will be billed and the customers will be having you know it they will
billed based on the accounting records, the resource prices and the billing rules. There has to
be some rules based on which the customer is going to be billed maybe this much unit of
resource consumption will lead to this much you know billing rate a higher amount will lead
to another higher rate and so on.
So like this there has to be slabs or some billing policy some billing rules which has to be
agreed upon by between the customers and the service provider. So, accounting records
which has to be kept track of which is a core component of the accounting module the
resource prices; that means, you know what is the unit cost of each of these different
resources and the billing rules; that means, what is the policy by which the customer is going
to be billed. So, all these taken together will be used for billing purpose.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:21)
Now traditionally data centers were used or even simple IT infrastructure used to be used in
the companies in the organizations now we are talking about replacing such things or
supplementing such traditional regular IT infrastructure based or data center based platforms
with cloud. So, we are talking about that. So, let us compare with respect to different criteria
now for example, with respect to the hardware the traditional data centers used to use
heterogeneous hardware different types of hardware purchase through different means you
know different groups purchasing and so on and so forth heterogeneous hardware with
network computing and remote server.
So typically what would happen through a remote environment these remote network
environment these heterogeneous hardware would get access to a server get access to the
server and that used to be the traditional way of getting access to different computing
resources getting access to remote server. Means like data centers would be hosted remotely
and through this hardware and the network environment the users are going to get access to
the servers and computing needs etcetera, etcetera that used to be traditional in cloud
computing we are talking about off-premise resources with virtually hosted solutions with
heterogeneous hardware software and networks everything available on the cloud whenever
things are required, whenever users have requirements they can easily scale up or down the
resources the resources are going to be made available to the users as per the requirement
through a virtualized platform.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:39)
So, there is some difference as you can understand between the traditional data centers
traditional IT infrastructure in the companies and the cloud computing environment there are
different other differences as well which we have already understood in different perspective
in the previous 2 lectures on cloud computing. One is the differences in resilience and
elasticity you know. So, cloud resources cloud platforms are available you know in an elastic
manner resilient manner resilience means that something going wrong users will not have a
clue of it you know and it is taken care of the problem is taken care of its resilient to different
kinds of failures and so on.
Flexibility and scalability you know you need more resources you just pay for it you have the
resources with you whenever you need automation is understood running costs security;
security is very important security is you know in the cloud environment you have more
security compared to the traditional data center or regular IT infrastructure based
environment and with respect to running costs I have already explained before. So, I do not
need to explain further. So, the running you know. So, here actually you have running costs
compared to the traditional onetime cost or periodic costs in on the traditional data center
environment. So, here you have running costs. So, you need you need more resources you
pay for it you need even more you pay even more and so on. So, running costs have to be
taken care of in the cloud computing model.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:07)
Now the economics of scaling which basically benefits the users enormously and the
economics basically depends on 4 customer population metrics number one the number of
unique customer sets, number 2 is the duty cycle of the customer set, number three is the
relative displacement duty cycle and number 4 is the load of the customer set. So, all these
basically factors all these factors basically help in coming up with ideas of economics of
There are different economic incentives for cloud computing lowering the cost behind
infrastructure and computing required in the organization then you know cap-ex free
computing you know cap free computing you know exclusively made available to the
customers deployment of projects faster that will foster innovation as well then you know
scaling up or down as an when required lower maintenance costs resiliency and redundancy.
Steps in evaluating the database manager; so, database management is very important you
need to manage the data in the cloud. So, there are different ways of doing it. So, will not get
into too much of thing, but we need to understand the saliency behind this particular issue.
So, it is required to define the type of application that will be served like the data asset
protection, business intelligence, e-commerce etcetera and determine how suitable these
applications are for public and private clouds and the factors that are affecting the easy
deployment process.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:01)
The demands of cloud database management system include efficiency fault tolerance
adaptive; adaptivity to heterogeneity operational comfort on encrypted data and keep and the
ability of interfacing with different products and solutions.
So this basically is quite you know explicit it is quite understandable each of these. So, we do
not need to really dig into them in further detail. So, for managing data in the cloud we need
some kind of service like database as a service DBaaS we need something like that and that
has to be integrated with the cloud platforms like Microsoft azure or SQL database. So, SQL
database basically comes with Microsoft azure or with Amazon web services with the help of
DynamoDB relational database service and so on or in the case of Google cloud SQL taking
help of database as a service like platforms like Google app engine data store, clearDB
database dot com and so on.
So these are the different platforms database as a service platforms that are available through
commercial or open source mechanisms for use with cloud. Now let us come to the issue of
security which is the second part of the lecture and here basically we have to be careful
because when you are talking about cloud you are essentially handling different types of data
and not only different types of data this data are going to be stored in different servers
different platforms which may be geographically distributed without the cloud user even
having a clue about what is going on behind the scene where physically the data is going to
decide the cloud user does not know. So, data security is very important and overall the
security of the cloud platform is very important because otherwise the customers will have lot
of concerns which will affect directly or indirectly their use of cloud services.
So, the problem is that the user in a cloud platform would essentially lose control of the
information that is available on the public cloud. So, concerns more specifically about the
loss of data seizing of the account service traffic hindrance vulnerability of APIs are
paramount in the case of cloud and the security of cloud. So, these security concerns have to
be taken care of in addition to any other IT security issues that you already know. So, the
solution is to have counter security solutions, platforms APIs you know applications software
etcetera, etcetera which will protect from theft leakage of data deletion of data accidentally
by providing security policies by providing security policies.
So, security of cloud infrastructure must be implicitly assured for public or private cloud for
services such as SaaS, PaaS and IaaS building levels of viewing evaluating and executing
infrastructure security include network level security host level security and application level
In the case of public cloud we have to ensure that the small change does not severely affect
the network topology and there has to be proper access control for using resources. So, this is
a network level issue and that has to be ensured. Second thing is achieving you know
character traits like confidentiality and integrity of data in transit to and from cloud service
So confidentiality of data see as you know that data confidentiality integrity availability and
non repudiation are very much important issues in the context of security. So, achieving at
the network level achieving confidentiality and integrity of data in transit data flowing into
the cloud and coming out of the cloud has to be insured by the cloud service provider and the
security rather the confidentiality.
And integrity of it availability of internet resources correctly to genuine users from the cloud
service provider is another issue of concern at the network layer at the host layer issues
particularly at the PaaS and the SaaS level include hiding the host operating system from the
end users and ensuring to delegate security responsibilities to the cloud service providers.
Host security at IaaS level include the objective of securing the allocated hosts with the help
of different software etcetera to ensure that attacks such as the blue pill attack on the
hypervisor which is a core component of IaaS platforms is mitigated or is taken care of blue
pill attack as you may be already aware is a specific type of attack on the hypervisor and
hypervisor is what I have already explained in the previous lecture on cloud. So, hypervisor
you know the virtual machines sit on top of the hypervisor; hypervisor is tasked to manage
these virtual machines.
So, blue pill attack is a very popular form of attack on the hypervisor and that kind of threat
has to be taken care of at the host level. At the application level both the CSP and the
customer are responsible for security at the application level. So, it is you know here
specifically the application at the application level not just the CSP the customer also has to
take care.
so if it is a SaaS provider SaaS cloud service provider taken care of the security of deliverable
applications is there you know should be their main focus from a security perspective from
for PaaS providers security of the PaaS PaaS platform; that means, the platform which is
offered as a service for development it is a Google app engine kind of environment you know
its security etcetera has to be taken care of and the deployed customer applications security of
the deployed customer applications. So, that is also another concern at the IaaS level IaaS
providers level the application level security is not provided by IaaS customers arrange for
the security mechanism themselves.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:47)
So customer has to take care of the security themselves data security has different objectives
and the corresponding issues objectives include confide ensuring confidentiality of the data
integrity of the data and availability what does confidentiality means that the data should be
confidential and should be made available to only the intended stakeholder integrity means
that the data should not be tampered with in between. That means, when it is flowing into the
cloud or coming out of the cloud and availability means that the data should be made
available as per the service level agreement to the intended customers in a secured manner.
So that different solutions include you know using identity management techniques
encryption access control and so on. So, there are different aspects of data security data
provenance, data in transit, data at rest data at rest means the data that is used for long term
use that is data at rest I mean which does not change to fast and it will be there in the server
for long term use you know in the future and so, on data including multi tenancy and the data
lineage. So, data lineage means data lineage data remanence and data provenance these are
the issues with the data. So, data lineage means like from the start you know the from the
source till the data is used you know ensuring the security of it and you know similarly the
data remanence basically takes care of that whenever the residual data etcetera, etcetera you
know securing that data you know keeping track of the data that basically has to be taken care
(Refer Slide Time: 22:45)
So like these actually these are the different issues of data security. So, let us first talk about
identity and access management IAM which is basically a branch of cloud security that
allows the legitimate persons to retrieve the legitimate resources at legitimate time for
legitimate reasons. So, legitimate persons retrieving legitimate resources at legitimate time
for legitimate reasons is basically the issue the main issue behind identity and access
management in cloud security here the users the user identities and the access permissions are
instigated caught administered.
And located recorded by IAM; that means, the identity and access management module
authentication authorization and evaluation of all resources are done according to the terms
and conditions and the roles of the users.
Features of this module include single access control interface, increased security, access
control over resource level, improvement of operational efficiency organizations attaining
access control and operation security using this module and improvement of regulatory
compliance management access control is very important in cloud.
So, service providers have to take care of it explicitly. So, access control layers in cloud
include cloud access server level access service level access database access both directly and
indirectly directly the queries should be sent via web services. So, taking care of that and VM
access virtual machine level access to objects within a virtual machine.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:49)
So these are the different levels of access and the control of access to these differently layers
has to be taken care of management of these layers depends on the provider or the consumer
based on the deployment model. Trust and reputation are very important trust basically takes
care of issue of independent expectancy between 2 entities for any specific context at a given
time independent expectancy; expectancy between 2 entities. So, they have to trust each other
and at the same time hand in hand comes the issue of reputation and reputation is about the
belief of an entity; entities standing on the community you know what does the entity have
you know what is its reputation in the community.
So these are the 2 different issues that that goes hand in hand. So, these concepts are needed
by the customer to select appropriate cloud provider. So, there are different models or sorry
rather different modes of trust establishment. So, these include accomplishment of service
level agreement. So, whatever service level agreement exists you know accomplishing it then
application of the audit standards that are out there you know whether the audit standards
have been adequately applied or not measuring and rating and questionnaire for self
So, these are the different levels of trust access trust establishment that has to be there there.
Risk assessment categorization of different assessment methodology formal versus informal
procedures of risk assessment qualitative versus quantitative methods of risk assessment
qualitative means that high risk moderate risk low risk versus quantitative means numeric
risk figures consequence versus cause analysis. So, whether the risk is due to a consequence
of something or what is the cause behind the risk and inductive versus deductive techniques.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:50)
So, these are the different categories of risk assessment in cloud authentication in cloud
computing user authentication. So, there are different aspects like what where user
authentication process which takes care of the user authentication process between the new
users and the service provider when during the authentication the properties and the safety of
process which can be invaded by attacks causing severe damages and where the user
authentication is done at the PaaS layer and the consequence is threat to authentication
process can lead to divulge; divulge divulgation divulging of confidential data to a fake user.
So, with this we come to 2 broad main issues in cloud computing one is taking care of the
service management with the help of SLAs between the customers and the service providers,
number 2 is this issue of security; security of infrastructure, security of the platform, security
of the software and the data security data security is very much important. Customers did not
know really that where their data is going to reside how the data is going to flow around in
the system and that has to be assured to the customer that their data is going to be safe. So,
taking care of measures to ensure that there is enough security of the data and the parties can
trust each other you know that also has to be ensured through the process of some kind of
reputation tracking and ensuring that those reputation measures are basically disseminated for
you know developing trust between these different parties. So, these all these things have to
be ensured in order to meaningfully use cloud in a commercial or any any kind of
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 40
Cloud Computing- Case Studies
The current lecture on cloud is on some case studies and more specifically case studies
related to the available cloud platforms and including the Cloud Simulation platforms. So, we
are going to go through some of them. So, before I start I would like to mention that you
know before even before the adoption of cloud whether it is for R and D purpose or whether
it is for actual use in a business it is required to assess this particular technology the different
solutions that are offered by this technology it is required to assess. So, how can we assess
one of the ways is through simulations. So, there are different simulations platforms that have
been that are made available by different community groups. So, we can use those in order to
assess how cloud is going to perform what are the different modules what are their
implications on the overall performance of the system and so on. So, that is a very important
aspect of cloud computing.
So, I will go through some of these different Cloud Simulation platforms, but before that I
would like to make you understand some of these issues of simulation. So, first of all the
simulation tools would be required to ensure reliability, scalability and repeatability for of
performance evaluation.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:52)
So, you know we have to ensure that the system is reliable even before it is used it is scalable
and the data that we are getting you know that is repeatable. So, we have a repeatable
environment which will give you the same or similar kind of data even if you rerun the same
simulation over time you know you run in you know at different instants of time you know
you have a repeatable environment which will give you similar kinds of data. So, that is very
much required for performance evaluation.
The simulators basically facilitated pre deployment tests of services then that is basically
quite generic as well I mean not just specific to cloud any simulator even mean what a
simulator does is even before you deploy the infrastructure the services is the platform as a
whole you need to test how it is going to work. So, this is another purpose of the simulator
and the third is as the demand of cloud computing is going every day the simulators and
technologies are needed to study how things how different features which are going to be
enabled which are going to be added additionally how they are going to perform in the cloud
(Refer Slide Time: 03:15)
So, Cloud Simulators allow the customers to evaluate the services to test the services and the
platform at no additional cost because no additional infrastructure is going to be taken
enabling a repeatable evaluation repeatability I have already mentioned to you controlling the
environment pre detection of issues affecting performance pre detection means even before
actually the cloud is deployed you want to pre detect what are the issues that are going to be
there which would be affecting the performance of the cloud environment and that has to be
done even before the deployment is going to take place. So, Cloud Simulator will help you do
that and designing of the countermeasures in the case of you know the performance
degradation due to some issues or you know certain things going wrong.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:07)
So, what are the counter measures that have to be taken and you know designing that and
evaluating those aspects different Cloud Simulators that are available include CloudSim
which is probably one of the most popular you know simulation platforms that is available in
the community CloudAnalyst is another one third is green sorry, GreenCloud. Next is
iCanCloud, the next one is GroudSim and the last one is DCSim in this particular list. So,
these are some of the some of the CloudSimulators that are available for use if you want to
simulate cloud before actually deploying cloud.
So, CloudSim is a simulation platform as I said before which has different modules which has
different classes for different cloud computing environments including modules for data
center you know for modeling data centers modules for data center virtual machines
applications users network topology. So, there are different types of modules and their
corresponding models that are made available it is CloudSim is based on a java based
environment it is written on a java based environment that allows to examine the performance
of application services. It is also possible to dynamically add and remove resources in
CloudSim and CloudSim was developed at the University of Melbourne by the team led by
Professor Rajkumar Buyya, he is very much popular in cloud computing and in his lab the
clouds lab of the University of Melbourne this CloudSim platform was developed.
The advantages of CloudSim include taking care of time effectiveness. So, cloud based
applications implementation has to be done in minimum time with minimum effort. So, time
effectiveness is one second thing is dealing with fix flexibility and applicability supporting
you know the use of diverse cloud environments enabling the modeling of application
surfaces in any environment.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:36)
These are the some of the advantages of CloudSim. Features of CloudSim include I will just
read from this list and because these are quite self explanatory I would simply lead them
without actually needing to expend them in further detail. So, features include various cloud
computing data centers different data center network topologies message passing applications
virtualization of server hosts allocation of virtual machines user defined policies for
allocation of host resources to virtual machines energy aware computational resources
dynamic addition or removal of simulation components and stop and resumption of
So, these are some of the features that are supported by CloudSim. In the CloudSim
architecture we have different layers the topmost layer is the user code layer which basically
presents the different machine and application specifications the middle layer is actually the
CloudSim layer which provides the actual cloud environment. And also enables modeling
and simulation of cloud and the bottom most layer is known as the core engine core
simulation engine layer and these basically takes care of event scheduling event scheduling
means because we are dealing with discrete event simulation different events like the creation
of the virtual machine, the porting of the virtual machine on the host and so on.
So, these are like discrete different events. So, scheduling of the events is taken care of at the
bottommost layer the core engine layer creating these different entities these different virtual
machines the data centers etcetera. Entity creation is also done at the core engine layer
interaction between the different components the clock management because you know there
is actually a clock class from which you know the whatever you know entities you borrow
you inherit you know you have to take help of the clock; that means, the time you will be
required to be inherited. So, that these different entities are time synchronized and overall we
have a clock managed solution.
The top layer basically has different entities such as the users the physical machine the virtual
machines the applications and surfaces and scheduling policies. So, basically I will show you
with the help of this particular figure. So, what will happen is you have this user code and
then you have the simulation specification and the scheduling policies. So, simulation
simulation specification and you know the scheduling policy again breaks into 2 parts one is
the application configuration which has sorry as a application configuration the cloud
scenario and the user requirement. So, this is basically that simulation specification. So, this
is taking care of by these three different components the cloud scenario user requirement and
application configuration the scheduling policy is taken care of by this subcomponents which
is basically the user broker.
And the data center broker the middle layer is basically the CloudSim layer which takes care
of the creation and simulation of dedicated management interfaces issues such as memory
management storage bandwidth and virtual machine creation and simulation are taken care of
at this layer.
This particular layer helps in solving issues like host provisioning to virtual machines
application execution management and dynamic system state monitoring it allows a cloud
service provider to implement customized strategies evaluating the efficiency of different
policies in virtual machine provisioning here is the overall CloudSim architecture.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:45)
So, we have different layers in CloudSim we have the user interface structure the virtual
machine services cloud services cloud resources and network. So, these are the different
components of the cloud same.
So, user interface structure has 2 different sub components the cloudlet and the virtual
machine. So, cloudlet is sort of like a small physical server which will put the you know
which will create these virtual machines then we have what the virtual machine services
constituting the cloudlet execution of the cloudlet that is created and the virtual machine
management. Then we have the cloud services comprising of virtual machine provisioning
bandwidth allocation CPU allocation memory allocation and storage allocation then we have
the fourth one which is the cloud resources component of the layer which includes event
handling sensor management data center and the cloud coordinator and then we have the
network layer which takes care of the network topology and message delay calculation.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:02)
So, that was the CloudSim another production another system which works on top of
CloudSim is the cloud analyst which is a product that was again developed by the group led
by Professor Rajkumar Buyya.
So, the crowd analyst is a simulation tool designed on top of cloud seemed to provide a
graphical user interface that will support geographically distributed large scale cloud
applications the overall purpose of cloud analyst is to study the behavior of such applications
under different deployment configurations. So, basically this cloud analyst will have different
metrics to trick take care of the performance of this cloud the different parts of the cloud and
so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:54)
The features of cloud analyst include it is easy to use due to the availability of GUI it has
high level of configurability it has a feature of flexibility of adding different components
repeatability of experiments graphical output provisioning with the help of charts and tables.
And easy extend extensibility with the help of java swing and different other technologies the
cloud analyst architecture is given in front of you in the figure. So, we have 2 main
components one is the CloudSim extensions by offering different metrics different you know
different extensions that will help you to analyze what is going on how the cloud is behaving
and so on and the graphical user interface. So, this interaction with the core CloudSim and the
different components the 2 components of cloud analyst are shown in this particular figure.
So, the cloud analyst list basically comes with different components such as the GUI package
for front end development the simulation, simulation component which basically creates
executes and holds virtual machines then we have the user base for user traffic generation
data center controller internet for internet working routing networking network provisioning.
So, on internet characteristics component which basically takes care of properties of the
internet with respect to delay bandwidth throughput etcetera the VM load balancer which
takes care of issues of policies for load balancing and the cloud app service broker which
takes care of entities for which has entities for routing between the user base and the data
So, why do we need GreenCloud. So, sorry, so, that was the cloud analyst and now we have
another Cloud simulation platform which is known as the GreenCloud. So, why do we need
GreenCloud. So, in GreenCloud, by the way this GreenCloud was developed by a team of US
and Europe. Pascal Bouvry group and Samee Ullah Khan you know from the University of
North Dakota and Pascal Bouvry from University of Luxembourg in Europe. So, they
together came up with discrete GreenCloud platform which is again a packet level simulator
which is energy aware and that basically helps in reducing the overall you know energy
expenses with the help of energy expenses in the adoption of cloud.
So, why do we need GreenCloud the computing capacity has increased the cost and
operational expenses of data centers. So, energy consumption by data center is the major
factor that drives the operational expenses. So, what is GreenCloud it offers operational cost.
So, operational cost is the energy utilized by computing and combination communication
units within a data center and how that is done GreenCloud basically monitors the energy
consumption of the servers the switches etcetera and it is developed as an extension of NS2
packet level network level network simulator.
The features of GreenCloud are listed over here I would just read read it out for your
convenience. So, number one feature is that it is it offers a user friendly graphical interface,
number 2 is it is open source. Next is the facility for monitoring energy consumption of
network and devices, forth is that it supports simulation of cloud network components, fifth is
it supports monitoring of energy consumption of individual components. Next is that enables
improved power management schemes which is very much important in the context of this
particular simulator energy consumption monitoring and reduction is an important feature
that is offered by GreenCloud and the last one last feature is dynamic management and
configuration of devices.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:23)
So, those were the simulators now let us talk about some real commercial and open source
cloud platforms that are available for use. So, some examples of opens open source cloud
include OpenStack; CloudStack eucalyptus and so on commercial cloud platforms include
Amazon web services, Microsoft azure, Google app engine and so on. So, now, let us look at
the open source cloud platforms these open source cloud platforms mostly offer infrastructure
as a service whereas, the commercial ones offer in addition to infrastructure as a service
platform is a service software is a service. So, on a subscription basis or; that means, on a
payment basis in terms of security these security issues are implemented by the user; that
means, by the customer at the user end and commercial clouds these are implemented the
security aspects are implemented the security components are implemented by the service
So, here the type of the cloud is private on premise; that means, in the facility of the user the
cloud will be installed and so on premise and the commercial clouds are basically public off-
premised. So, these are not available on the campus on the in the institutional premises and so
on. So, these have to be available made a these are made available to the public and these
have to be subscribed to over the internet.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:03)
So, OpenStack is one very popular form of a cloud platform that can be used. So, OpenStack
is a collection of open source technologies that is managed by the OpenStack foundation it
supports vastly scalable cloud system it has preconfigured software units different services
are available for the users it considers infrastructure as a service. So, OpenStack basically
supports IaaS and not a SaaS or PaaS it is easy to use because you know one can easily add
new instances and can quickly run different cloud components it provides a platform to create
software applications and has been developed it has developed software applications which
can be used by the end users.
So, this is basically the schematic of OpenStack. So, we have the common network
component which includes a container storage and virtual machine. So, this is basically the
common network component then you have these different apps at the user’s apps layer and
then it also connects with the dashboard geographical interface.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:20)
And the different monitoring tools are also available through the OpenStack platform
OpenStack has different components and features. I am not going to go through, but as you
can see over here they have different components for computation networking storage you
know and so on and so forth database etcetera, etcetera and they have different names for
each of them nova neutron cinder glance keystone swift horizon trove etcetera, etcetera.
These different components have their own different names the features include allowing
users to create and deploy virtual machines allowing the setting up of cloud management
environment supporting easy horizontal scaling. That means, dynamic addition and removal
of instances to support more users in real time and open source software this is open source
software which is freely accessible to anyone we along with the source code which can be
shared to shared in order to share with the community for the deployment and use of this
(Refer Slide Time: 21:23)
Microsoft azure is available on a payment basis it is not free it you know earlier it actually it
used to be known as the windows azure it supports infrastructure as a service and as and also
the platform as a service. So, infrastructure as a service was also offered by OpenStack, but
not platform as a service. So, this paid software Microsoft azure basically comes with the
platform as a service in addition to the infrastructure as a service it supports extensive set of
surfaces to quickly create deploy and manage applications there are many many
programming language support and frameworks that are available in this particular platform
the azure platform and it is available across a worldwide Microsoft managed data centers.
So, these are the different advantages of Microsoft azure and here the list of different services
that are supported by as your are given in front of you we have support for computing support
for mobile services storage services data management messaging media services content
delivery content delivery means that you know something like offering different types of
media you know etcetera through platforms like YouTube and so on.
So, content delivery network developer you know developer services management services
and machine learning support. Azure as a platform as a surface PaaS platform is provided to
clients to develop and deploy software. So, this is very important. So, when we talk about
platform as a service we are talking about some platform that is offered for the development
of the software to the clients you know clients get the development platform for use on a after
makings the payments.
So, clients basically focus on application development rather than worrying about the
hardware and the infrastructure Azure is low cost is less vulnerable to security attacks as
claimed by them then it is easy to move on to new tools with the help of azure it also solves.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:36)
The issues related to most of the operating system servers and networks. Azure as
infrastructure as a service the previous one was platform as a service. And the next one is
infrastructure as a service in this particular module it offers total control of the operating
system and the application stack it has features to access manage and monitor the data centers
and it is ideal for the application where complete control is required.
The next one which is also quite popular is the EC2 Amazon platform EC2 elastic compute
cloud the name says it actually the advantages of Amazon EC2 is evident from the name. So,
a web service for users to launch EC2 is a web service for users to launch and manage the
server instances in Amazon’s datacenter it provides various APIs tools and utilities it has the
facility for dynamic computation scaling in the AWS cloud and it supports paper use billing
rather than making large and expensive hardware purchases. So, Amazon has different is EC2
Amazon EC2 has different instances.
So, these instances are of different types for different serving different purposes and their
specific names that are given by them in EC2 are also listed over here.
So, in terms of the operating system EC2 basically supports all operating systems in terms of
storage it has temporary storage for local instance store which is a local instance store and
also the Amazon elastic block store the EBs and the third is the simple storage service(S3).
So, these are the persistent storage mechanisms that are available to a in EC2 then the
automated scaling, which is basically for horizontal scaling where there are rules and
schedules that are given and the scaling is going to be on the basis of that there are different
available zones in the data centers that basically increases fault tolerance.
So, EC2 basically comes with the concept of available zones availability zones. So, in the
availability zone basically it is designed, the zones are designed in such a way that if there is
some component that goes down there will be some other component that is going to
automatically take over.
So, the zone basically at the time of creation basically ensures that such availability is there.
So, that basically improves the overall fault tolerance in data centers.
Features of Amazon EC2 also include firewall support for firewall rules and securities overall
there is predefined protocol ports etcetera which has source IP ranges supporting different
firewall rules and security mechanisms elastic IP address mapping which basically maps
between the IP and the VM of users. So, what you have essentially is one pool which is
basically the IP address pool the other one is the pool of virtual machines that can be created
for the user. So, basically this elastic IP addressing will map between the IP addresses and the
virtual machine and the corresponding virtual machine.
Amazon CloudWatch CPU disk network resource utilization monitoring these are some of
these functions of CloudWatch then you have the enhanced security mechanisms as features
in EC2 and the last one that I would like to mention specifically is the formation you know is
the availability of feature for creation of virtual private clouds. So, which will basically
logically separate the private clouds not private cloud, but it is sort of like a virtual private
cloud. So, I can install in my lab a virtual private cloud which will be logically separating
from the rest of the Amazon web services cloud and this can be optionally connected to the
users own network.
So, with this we come to the conclusion of this lecture we have gone through 2 different
aspects of cloud. One is the different simulation platforms they are there CloudSim cloud
analyst so on and so forth thereafter we spoke about the actual you know cloud platforms that
are available for real deployment. So, in which again there are 2 classes of such kind of tools
one is the open source once. So, OpenStack by open foundation is OpenStack foundation is
an example of a open source cloud platform. The paid ones include Amazon EC2, Amazon
web services, Microsoft; Microsoft azure and so on.
So, with this we you know stopped over here with the cloud and also in another lecture you
will be given some hands on demos some demos with which you can perform some hands on
you know experimentation with cloud if you have the facilities with you. You can you know
when we go through these different you know steps in the next lecture you can also perform
the experiments yourselves with adequate facilities at your end.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 41
Cloud Computing: Practical
This is the fifth lecture in the series on cloud computing for internet of things. In this
lecture, you will learn about some of the basics about a an open source platform for
cloud which is openstack and in this lecture I will be assisted by one of the TAs, Mr.
Anand Shri and he will show you how to create you know it is not possible to show you
the installation of cloud or openstack specifically it is not a you know possible to show
through this. Those installations are available; the instructions for installations are
available you know through different links that are available publicly. Now once you
have installed openstack then how to create virtual machine instances how to access
those instances and so on, so, those manipulations how to do how to play around with
openstack interface, so, those things we are going to show in this particular lecture.
So, this basically is going to give you a practical exposure of cloud with a popular open
source system openstack and so, this through this actually you can use openstack
specifically with internet of things you know if you are building IoT platforms and for
cloud requirements you can use openstack for it.
Hi everyone, my name Anand Shri and I am one of the TAs of this course. So, today I
am going a do; I am going tell you about some basics about open stacks. So, let us get
started. Here first let us start with what actually is open stack.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:02)
So, openstack is software through which you can generate your own cloud and it is a
joint project of the NASA and the rack space hosting and it was established in; it was
first released in 2010. So, right, but right now so many companies; so many big big
companies are helping in developing the helping in developing this software. So, some of
the companies are CISCO, IBM, HP, Redhat and so on so; obviously, actually you can
even contribute in developing the software you can even develop your code that can
upgrade the present openstack also. So, it is completely free and it is the only completely
free open source cloud developing software that is available in the market. So, some of
the versions of the openstacks are a listed here. So, it is a releasing order of the
alphabetical orders. So, it was a first it was 2010, it was launched as the Austin, but right
now the latest version is Ocata. So, let us go to the next slide.
So, these are components of the open stack. So, in openstack there are so many
components and its components are acting their own function and its component has
their own specific functions. So, first here is horizon. This horizon is the dashboard
section. From this horizon you can actually access other components. So, actually
horizon is the GUI interface of the software. So, it provides GUI sections.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:01)
It also provides overview of the other components. So, when we do the practical section
you will know what the horizon is.
So, next is the keystone; keystone is actually the authentication and authorizing system.
So, when a user access the system or when a user access the cloud, this keystone will be
able to detect if this user is authentic or if this user is authorized to use the resources that
he is attempting to use.
So, next component is a Nova, Nova is the compute service actually Nova is the
component where we are going to launch the instances and all. So, and the glance is the
email service.
So, for installing the instances we need images. So, for this we will use Glance. So, it is
also useful in discovering registering retrieving those VM ware also and through this
glance we can also give the snapshots.
So, that we can use the snapshot later for the installation of the other VMs also and next
is the Swift; Swift is full object storage. So, Swift helps in the storing data safely cheaply
and efficiently so; obviously, it is also written on the slide also.
So, the next is the Neutron; Neutron is one of the most important part of the openstack
because it is the because it is networking part of the system it provides the networking
service of the softwares. So, through this we can access other components and through
this we can access different-different instances and then neutron you can create your own
networks you can modify your own networks and we can say it as a Neutron is providing
like the network as a service.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:11)
So, next component is the cinder; cinder is also a storage, but it is the block storage like
it is something like pluggable type of storage and then next is the Hear and the hear
provide orchestration.
So, and the next is the ceilometers; ceilometer is the billing section like through the
ceilometer one can monitor what resource is using and for how long the resources is
using. So, billing is actually helpful in helpful for the cloud service providers like a we
can monitor which user is using which resources and for how long he is using the
resources and according to the time and the type of resources we can build them we can
say how much resources that he is using how much costs for that.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:10)
So, next is; so let us get started the installation part. So, actually in the installation there
are many steps like we can also install manually like we can make our own VMs and
then install it again and it is quite difficult. So, there are script devstack through which
we can easily install the install the cloud like all this openstack in this devstack the
installation steps are already written in the form of the devstack file. So, we can directly
run the file and everything will be run by the script itself.
So, while installing the file we may face some problems like a proxy problem then it can
the solving those kind of problem is already find already available in the internet also.
So, let us here also I am showing how to solve it using the devstack. So, devtacks script
is found in a git.openstack.org a website. So, you can easily clone from there and you
can a clone then and you can access it easily. So, in order to clone it we have to first
install the git softwares.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:39)
So, in order to it just perform the steps that I have given there like installation part just go
to the command and after that just clone it and after that go to the directory like this. So,
let us go to the machine where the cloud is installed and see; what is it showing.
So, let us go there. So, it is running here. So, actually this devstack folder is clone in the
home directory.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:06)
So, let us see what is in the home directory. So, we can see there is (Refer Time: 09:19).
Desk here devstack here So, we will go to this folder. So, inside it So, inside it there will
be so many files.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:35)
So, we just need to; we need to run this .stack.sh file. So, let us run it; right. So, it is
saying that it is already installed already running there this stack.
So, it means I have already the installed the cloud in my server; it means we I do not
need to install it.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:05)
So, for the installation part; just go to the step and you will be able to install it.
So, for the installation go to a there is some settings like a go to the local .config file and
set this settings and run the .sh file stack.sh file for and for the un-installation just run the
unstack.sh file.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:47)
So, after that let us go to the actual cloud and see some working about how to lower the
instance and how to delete it how to access the instance and all. So, let us go to the cloud
go here I will be accessing as an admin this password is a password that you set during
the installation part. So, you should remember the password and you should remember
the username also only through the password and username you should be able to access
this admin a section so successive.
So, this is the horizon this is the horizon of the openstack means this is the GUI part of
the section.
So, through this GUI part we can access to different components like instance instances;
obviously, the glance part like a network networking is; obviously, the neutron part. So,
let us get started with the creation of the key keys user keys it will be required for the
launching of the instance. So, first let us create the key pair. So, it should be starts with
the; you just go click the input key pair and here is the command for crating a key pair.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:20)
So, just copy it and go there and yeah let us copy it and make some yeah, like this is the
name of the key, you should remember this key in order to access your instance yeah,
yeah test 2.
So, just double click it. So, key is already created. So, we want to access the key already
the key should be created here after we create a key.
So, let us go create the key first let us access the key. So, this is the generated key
actually this is the RSA generated key.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:13)
So, copy it copy the key and go there gives some name this will be the name of your key
pair. So, let us give it test2 and place your the generated RSA key here. So, after that
import the key.
So, we can see that the key is already generated. So, through this key; this actually; this
key is generated using your keystone; like this is the authentication part in authorizing
part. So, this key is doing the authentication and authorization part of the cloud. So, let
us go to instance and let us launch an instance. So, let us give the name of the instance
like test2. So, this is the name of the instance you should give the name of the instance
anything you like and after that go to next and select image this is the Cirros image this
is the only image I have right now next time in others in the sometime.
We will be discussing about the how to create the image and all. So, let us let us launch
this instance first. So, you if it added then go to next and you just select one of name.
So, you should be some you should select it carefully. So, so you will not be able you.
So, that you your instinctively happens you will run smoothly as well as it will not
consume the name of your server also. So, for this Cirros; this I will select this tiny and
after that next and what is network this is already I have created this network already. So,
let us select this one and go to the network port and this security pair security group its
already default and after that security pair. So, this is the security key that we have
generated just now.
So, now, we can launch the instance. So, let us see it is scheduling it is installing it will
take some time it is active now it is already launched. So, let us say if we can access this
let us see if we can access this instance the instance is here. So, let us say if we can ping
this instance the IP of the instance is this 10.3.36 3.6.
So, let us see if we can ping. So, I think it will not be able to ping I will explain you later.
So, let us exit it and let us set some rules and all.
So, first we have not connect this instance to any external IP. So, if we do not connect it
to external IP then we will not be able to access the other outside environment you will
not be able to access it. So, let us create let us see.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:11)
The network topology first, so, we can see that this is our instance. So, test2 is a instance
and this is our this is our network. So, and this is the public. So, until we connect this
instance to the public we the outside environment or the inner environment when we
inter communicate with each other.
So, what we need to do is first we need to create a router. So, let us create a router create
a router let us give some name like router one router one. So, it is created router and we
can see that from network topology the router is already created it is created here. So, all
we need to do is connect this public offset public port to the router and then connect this
router to this network. So, let us do it. So, go to the router and to go to the interface and
at interface select your network this is dc; this is a network. So, submitted and your
network is connected to the router. So, right now what we need to do is connect the
outside world to the router let us do it already done. So, let us see the network topology.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:59)
So, we can see that the router is connected to the inner world and the outer world. Now
this outer world should be able to ping to the inner world or should be able to connect
with the inner world. So, let us check if it is connecting or not again it is not again it is
not connecting also. So, why it is it? So, let us check it because we have not set any
security rule.
So, let us do it. So, for setting up the security rule go to the access and security and go to
the security group and minus the rule. So, so we can see that there is an any role that is
related to pinging for pinging the rules would be ICMP right. So, let us add the rule from
here select the ICMP and edit. So, or our rule is added. So, we can we let us see it
whether it is accessible from the outside world again it is not. So, why because we have
not set any floating IP; that means, our instance is not connected to the to the outside
world unless you know we have to set the floating IP. So, let us edit go to instance go
there associate floating IP and let generate one; a new one, it is generated and associated.
So, we can see that there is another IP this is the floating IP of your instance. So, through
this floating IP outside world should be able to access this instance. So, let us see it if is
actually accessible or not let us copy the floating IP. So, let us ping it right.
So, we can see that we can able to ping it, it means we are able to access these instance
from the outside world it is a good thing. So, let us go here and this is accessible and we
can check if it is let us set another rule let us add another rule like let us see if it is . So,
we are not able to ssh the instance. So, for this we also need to get another rule. So, let us
add it from here select the ssh rule and edit. So, we should be able to access it changed
ok resolved it copy.
Now we can access the; so, yes, so, right. Now password what the key is. So, here we are
able to access this from the outside world also we are able to access it from the outside
world also. So, this is how we generated and how we create the instance. So, right now
let us go to the neutron part let us go a bit deeper to the neutron part. So, let us delay
these instance for a time being. So, that it will not consume much name of the hosting
server right let us launch dc let us launch2 instance flavor tiny see if you remove this we
do not need it now.
So, this launches instance and let us create another network. So, I will show you how to
create a network here. So, for creating a network just click the create network and after
that give a name like marvels yeah marvels and go to next.
Yeah you should click this create sub net part and go to next and give a sub net name like
marvel_sub and after that you should give a network address ten dot zero dot like four
dot zero slash ten for you should give the this subnet in the form of cider notation. So, let
us go next and you should click this DHCP and after that create it should be created
hence in a while it is gone a take a while.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:15)
So, we have a marvel and we have the dc. So, let us connect this network. So, let us
connect the instances that are created inside this marvel part and the dc part. So, let us
creates another instances it is taking a bit longer than expected let us access this from
here. So, so instance let us refresh it, it should not take this long its taking here also same
here its coming. So, we have generated 2 instances one is the lantern one and then
another is a lantern2.
So, let us launch another 2 instances let us call it guardians. So, let us select the same and
let us go to the next and select the; your flavors selected next and select the marvel next,
next, next. So, we do not need this key right now. So, just launch it is gone a take a
(Refer Slide Time: 28:23)
So, Yeah this is guardians and this instances under your marvel network and this lanterns
is under the dc network. So, it is creating. So, let us wait for a while ok it is created. So,
let us go to the network topology and check it if a check the network topology here.
So, it is loading let us wait for a while Yeah, we can see that this is your lanterns and this
is your marvels these are not connected so; that means, we will not be able to access this
pc this guardians from this lanterns because they are not connected.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:31)
So, let us check if it is you know accessible or not let us go from here and let us go to the
lantern like go to the console go to the console here for the cirros this is the password
just. So, it is sorry login as cirros and password is a cup swin. So, we are under this
cirros. So, it is the lantern two. So, let us check if it is you know we can access the
guardians from the lantern.
Let us check the guardians what is the IP of the guardians let us check it. So, IP of the
guardian is this. So, let us copy it and let us check if it is accessible or not let us go here
and ping So, it is not accessible. So, we should set you know we should connect
the 2 networks. So, let us do it let us do it. So, go to the network go to the router. So,
router is already created.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:54)
So, go to the router and add interface at the marvels here. So, here we can see that from a
network topology.
This 2 worlds are already connected. So, right now the 2 should be able to connect to
each other. So, let us check if it is able to connect it or not so right.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:45)
Now, we can see that the 2 networks are able to connect. So, this how you set your
neutron is how you set up your network and this is all. So, let us end here this session.
So, so these are the references.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 42
Sensor - Cloud – I
In this lecture, we are going to get introduced to a very fine technology, the sensor cloud
technology which has become popular in the last few years. It is popular particularly for
IoT environments, for the development of IoT environments.
So, sensor cloud sensor cloud as the name suggests is about integration of 2 technologies
sensor i.e. sensor networks and cloud technology. So, the whole idea is through the
integration of sensor technology or sensor network technology with cloud. We offer
sensors or sensing as a service, in the same way as in the traditional cloud computing
platform which we have gone through in other lecture.
So, in cloud computing, people are talking about offering computing facilities as a
service infrastructure, computing infrastructure as a service; software as a service
platform as a service and so on. So, this is what we have gone through during the cloud
computing lecture. So, here in sensor cloud, we are talking about can we have a model
where sensors or sense data or sensing can be offered to end users as a service, a very
fine technology, a very nice idea. That can basically revolutionize the way we look at
IoT today.
So, let us look at it further. So, in sensor networks we are primarily concerned about
sensing of a particular region, where the sensors are deployed. In cloud computing, we
are primarily talking about storage of the data processing of the data and so on. However
when we talk about sensors and cloud together, we are talking about how we can
basically integrate the benefits that are obtained from each of these 2 technologies, but
those benefits are not nearly about getting the sense data to the cloud, dumping the sense
data to the cloud or it is not about the simple virtualization of the sensors the way; we
have seen that computing platforms are virtualized in cloud. So, here also it is not a very
simple integration of sensors and cloud computing technologies. So, it is not a mere
integration of sensors and cloud computing technology and also, at the same time, it is
neither the integration and at the same time, it is nor the dumping of the sense data to the
cloud. Neither of these 2.
So, we can think of it as both of these plus some additional attributes, neither of these
alone, both of these together plus several other benefits that we can get out of this
(Refer Slide Time: 04:02)
So, just a quick recap of sensor networks; we have already gone through it in detail. So,
in a sensor network what we have? We have the sensor noses sensing the physical
phenomena that are occurring in the environment of their operation. These nodes send
the data, the sense data to the sink which is a centralized unit and the communication
between the sink and the other sensor nodes in the network is typically multi hop which
can also be single hop of the sensor node. That means, the source node and the sink are
sufficiently close to each other and the sink node basically either processes the data itself
further or it sends it to a server for further processing. So, this is what additional sensor
networks does.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:51)
So, in a traditional sensor network, we are typically talking about such a scenario. We
have the sensor nodes connected to the sink sensor nodes sensing the data, sending the
data to the sink, the sense data to the sink. So, we have in every sensor node a sensing
unit, a processing unit and a communication unit. Sensing unit will have to sense what is
going on around it. Processing unit will do some processing; you know some basic
processing and the communication unit will send it forward to the next top neighbor for
final delivery to the sink. The different applications of sensor networks, we have already
gone through; again target tracking, wildlife monitoring, health care, industrial
applications, smart homes, smart city, agriculture, vehicular networks, that means,
connected vehicles and so many different types of applications of sensor networks cloud.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:51)
Let us have a brief recap. Cloud basically provides architecture, some computational
platform which can be used on demand to get access to computational resources
whenever required, that means on demand on a pay per use basis. So, the advantages of
cloud technology over the traditional server based technologies like server farms
etcetera, one is elasticity and that means, we can very easily scale up or down as per the
requirements. If there is increase in the requirement of computational resources, then you
know without actually going about buying those additional resources, one can simply
subscribe and pay for those resources and start using them through the click of a mouse
Self service, the resources can be accessed by this, by self. That means you know the
resources can be accessed by themselves and themselves means the sensor nodes or the
computing computational nodes.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:54)
So, we are talking about 3 types of typically or traditionally 3 types of cloud computing
services. Infrastructure as a service IaaS, platform as a service PaaS and software as a
service is SaaS. Different cloud clients like different apps, web browsers, terminals
etcetera are going to get access to the data and the services from the cloud.
So, what are the services? SaaS, PaaS and IaaS and I will just give you some example
once again. We have already gone through it and I will skip it. I will not skip, but I will
go through pretty fast. So, software as a service, a good example is Microsoft Office 365,
platform as a service example Windows Azure and Infrastructure as a service you know
several examples of inclusion of storage spaces, computational resources and so on.
Now, let us come to the concept of virtualization which is key to cloud and sensor cloud.
So, virtualization through the virtualization concept physically one computer might be
holding on to the resources and to many computers. Those resources can be shared, they
can used, those other computers can use those resources and can get access to the
resources as and when required. So, overall the throughput and costs are going to be
increased and the benefit is that virtualization basically permits or enables this sharing of
the resources which means that the same resource can be shared in turn through the
reduction of the cost.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:50)
Now, the limitations of WSN networks; so, what we are talking about is the overall price
of procurement is quite high. So, if we have some sensing needs, so the only way to go
about you know full filling those needs is to buy from the market sensors, sensor, nodes
and sensor networks and then, go about deploying.
Then, the question is that we also have to be careful about procurement. We want to
procure price, right vendor, types of sensors that are integrated to the platform. So, this is
one limitation. Second limitation is about deployment. So, what is required is to have the
right way of deployment and the right place of deployment. Right way means how it is
going to be deployed and where it is going to be deployed and in terms of maintenance,
most the deployment maintenance and battery life time are other limitations of sensor
So, from an applications perspective, again what we see is when the application changes,
the requirement also change. However, we will see that the sensor cloud technology can
come to a rescue at least partially.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:27)
Through the introduction of sensor cloud, not only the mere integration, sensor cloud is
not only the mere integration of cloud computing and sensor networks, but it is also
about pay per use facility offering pay per use facility using the concepts of virtualization
of the sensor node and introducing a layer between sensor node and the end user.
So, here is a side by side comparison of traditional sensor networks with sensor cloud.
So, typically in the traditional sensor networks, we are talking about single user in sensor
cloud. The benefits would be experienced more when we are talking about multiple
users. Then, in sensor networks, the data are aggregated and send to the sensor network
user and in sensor cloud, the infrastructure basically takes care of it. The sensor cloud
infrastructure basically is tasked to aggregate and send it forward and at the device level,
these devices are dedicated to a single user in sensor networks and this can be improved
by serving multiple applications by the different sensors. So, these are the different
advantages of sensor cloud over sensor networks.
Now, in sensor cloud we are talking about not a single user or a single actor or a single
role, but we are talking about different types of roles, different types of actors, we are
talking about sensor owners who basically own the sensor, we are talking about SCSP
sensor cloud service provider who may not be the owner, but is separate from the owner
and is simply you know the service provider, sensor cloud service provider, the sensing
service provider and when we have this maintenance with respect to maintenance, again
the service provider does it overhead and usage. So, we see that we have diverse types of
sensor cloud, we have diverse types of sensor cloud actors and in the traditional sensor
network, we use to have only a single type of actor which is the WSN user.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:10)
So, we have end users, we have sensor owner and the sensor cloud service provider, 3
different types of actors.
We additionally have end users and SCSP which is basically the sensor cloud service
provider which primarily takes the managerial role. So, we see in this particular figure,
we have a state of sensor owners, then we have through virtualization, pricing, caching
composition management. We take care of servicing, the request from the SCSP and
also, sending the responses back and finally, the vertical communication over here with
the weight portal.
So, the left hand side figure basically shows that how the sensor cloud data is accessed
through a browser interface. So, we have a browser interface and the templates as well as
the sensed data are sent to the user organization, and this data from the user organization
are basically fed as data feeds to diverse applications. On the other hand, on the right
hand side figure, we see the real view of sensor cloud. So, here we see that there are only
a few functionalities scaling, dynamic scaling, then on demand physical sensor
scheduling, energy management, quality of service and application specific real time data
(Refer Slide Time: 16:06)
So, here is the flow diagram, the sequence diagram of sensor cloud. So, as we can see
over here, the different actors or roles include user organization, Sensor ML Interpreter,
Virtual Sensor Manager, Virtual Sensor Controller and Resource Manager. So, initially
from the user organization, a operation request is sent to the sensor ML interpreter. This
creates the virtual instance of the sensor, then this is basically sent to manage the
controller to basically function on the controller. A response is received from the
controller and the response is again transmitted forward further and then, this XML
template is decoded like this. This continues. The data are stored in the sensor resource
pool and different functionalities, such as service sensor, physical sensor, definition
virtual sensor, group definition, client information, metadata and templates are used over
here in this architecture.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:35)
Let us now briefly consider a case study. So, we considered a sensor network based
target tracking application in which a sensor network owner refuses to share the sensed
information with an external body even in exchange of money. Consequently, any
organization that wishes to detect the intrusion within a particular zone has to deploy its
own senor network. This leads to the long term investment due to costly network setup
and maintenance overheads. However, in a sensor cloud environment, the same
organization can use the same written application and still get the service without
actually owning the sensors. So, this is the whole advantage. You know we the users
have sensing needs, but they do not have to really own the sensors in order to get access
to the sensed information about the physical environment of operation.
So, with this we come to an end of the first part of the lecture on sensor cloud. The next
lecture is going to be on the more advanced topics of sensor cloud. So, there we are
going to learn about the different solutions as well about how to handle different
solutions in sensor cloud.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 43
Sensor Cloud – II
In the first part, we have understood what is sensor cloud, the advantages of sensor cloud
over regular sensor networks and how sensor cloud can help in real life applications. So,
we are now going to look at some of the issues in the building of sensor cloud. So, you
know just as a recap of what we discussed before in the first part, when we talk about
sensor cloud, it is about integration of 2 technologies. One is sensor networks and cloud
trying to take advantage of the inherent capabilities of dissemination of sensor networks.
So, sensor networks are very much good in data acquisition and thereafter, dissemination
of this information and cloud basically is good in terms of information storage, data
So, trying to harness the advantages of both is what we try to do in sensor cloud. So, how
is it done? It is done with the help of the virtualization capabilities. So, in sensor cloud,
we are offering sensors as a service through the technology of virtualization by which
these different sensors are virtualized and these visualized instances of the sensors are
made available to the different users different users of sensor cloud. In sensor cloud
architecture, typically, there are different types of users. One is the end users themselves,
the second is the sensor owners and the third is the sensor cloud service provider.
So, like this could be few other you know different types of actors or the stake holders as
well, but typically we are talking about these stakeholders. So, what happens is the
sensor owner is the one who basically makes these you know who basically procures and
makes these sensors available? They own the sensors, they have purchased the sensors
and they have made the sensors available for you know for use. Sensor Cloud service
provider is mostly concerned about the supervision, the management of the sensor
services. So, they basically in conjunction with the sensor owners, they deploy the sensor
nodes in the region of interest, in the area of interest like in the city or several cities.
They will be deploying these different sensors at different points and then, the sensor
data are going to be made available to the different users.
So, though the main advantage of sensor cloud is through a virtualized platform, through
the technology of visualization, the different owners are able to access these different
sensor devices for performing their own sensing tasks. So, what we have is basically
sensors as a service or even we can think of as the concept of sensing as a service. So,
sensors as a service means that the sensors to whoever require you know who ever
requires the sensors, they would be able to get access to the services in the same way as
infrastructure is made available through a virtualized platform in cloud to the end users.
The similar kind of analogous thing is done over here. Instead of infrastructure, we have
the sensors and the sensors are made available to the users.
So, this is the whole idea of sensor cloud and in this particular back drop, we have to
understand that if we have to develop this kind of infrastructure of sensor cloud, how can
we do it. So, let us look at some of these different issues.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:15)
So, first one is the management issue first one is the management issue in sensor cloud.
So, we have different types of concerns. What is the optimal composition of the virtual
sensor nodes and what is the optimal composition of the virtual sensor nodes. So, what it
means I will talk about it shortly. The second one is the data caching you know. So, what
happens is for certain applications, it is not required to always prime the sensors
physically. At the physical level, you know the data do not change too much. So, you
know data can be cached and can be made accessible to the end users, to the different
users. If the data is not very stale, you know it can be made available to the end users as
per the need and then, is the optimal pricing. So, pricing is very much important because
it is a service offering sensor. Cloud service provider is offering these different services.
So, service offerings are there, so how the price is going to be like, this is the optimal
(Refer Slide Time: 05:18)
So, first we will talk about the optimal composition of virtual sensors. So, this particular
you know; if you are interested to look further into the details of this, this is a paper
along with one of my students. We have you know this was published in ICC,
International Conference on Communications in 2015. So, optimal composition of sensor
virtual sensors.
So, let us consider 2 different scenarios like this of sensor cloud. In one scenario, let us
say we have we have these different sensors that are deployed and these sensors finally
have to be virtualized virtualized, right. So, how many virtual instances are we going to
create and what are these instances. It is not going to be like you know one physical
sensor to one virtual sensor, it is not like one to one mapping between these physical
sensors and virtual sensors. So, we could have these are like few virtual sensors that are
created and corresponding to this one. We have this physical sensor, we have this virtual
instance, we could even be having something like this or even we could have something
like this.
So, this kind of mapping is possible is possible anyway. So, keeping apart that particular
issue, you know which sensors, which physical sensors or corresponding to which
physical sensors which virtual sensors are going to be or how these virtual sensors are
going to be grouped along among themselves for a particular application on top. So, let
us say how we are going to group them to serve a particular application on top. So, that
is one issue and here we are considering that these sensors are physically located in a
particular geographical location.
So, all these sensors are in one geographical location. Now, it might so happen that in
real scenarios, it might so happen that we have different geographical locations and in
these different geographical locations, we have first of all different sensors and the same
thing has to be done over here in virtualization and the composition of these virtual
sensors. So, what is going to happen here, again we are going to have few of these. So,
this mapping has to be done and you know this particular sense in a virtual instance
might be mapped with 2 different physical sensors in 2 different geographical area or it
could even be something like these or these and these and something like that.
So, 2 things have to be taken here of a particular virtual instance corresponds to which
physical sensors in a particular geographical location or across different geographical
locations, number one and number 2 is how do you group these different virtual sensors
together in order to serve a particular application in order to serve a particular
application. So, this is the whole problem, a very fundamental problem to do with the
deployment of sensor cloud. So, optimal composition of virtual sensors, the detail paper I
set is available over here.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:40)
So, efficient virtualization of the physical sensor nodes is one problem. Then, how do
you optimally compose these virtual sensors, how do you put them together, how do you
group them together. So, for this again if all these sensors are located in the same
geographic region, you have one kind of scheme and if it is spanning across multiple
regions, you have a different scheme.
So, why composition of the virtual sensors? It is because the sensors are inherently
resource constraint, energy constraint, communication constraint, computation constraint
and so on. Dynamic change in sensor conditions also exist to the sensors. We are
changing dynamically, not only their duty cycle, the energy resources etcetera. Their
status they change dynamically and not only that, but also the physical conditions around
them also change. The sensor conditions consequently will also change. Additionally it
might so happen that some sensors, they are you know due to some hardware or software
failure, they fail operate and that is why they do not you know at one instance of time
they are operating, but at the very next instance they may not be operating.
So, we have all these different types of changes that are possible in these kind of
networks. The composition of the virtual sensors are non-traditional you know. So, you
know if we talk about traditionally, what is going to happen let us say we have this
infrastructure as a service software as a service you know each of these. So, let us see
infrastructure as a service or like software as a service. So, what they are dealing with is
just one kind of virtualization, virtualization of only one type whether if the
virtualization of software virtualization of infrastructure and so on, but over here we
have a different scenario. Here we are talking about virtualization of different things.
Different types different types has to be virtualized, so it is a bit different over here.
So, the formation of virtual sensors as I tell you before, if all these different sensors are
located or collocated, not only collocated, but also may be in the same geographic
location, they could be virtualized and these virtual composition, virtual sensor could be
formed out of a subset of the physical sensors in this particular manner and in this
particular scenario, it is considered that for optimal composition. We at the physical
level, we are homogenous sensor nodes. The sensor nodes, they all have their own you
know different specifications. Not different specifications, but the same specification.
They all have their own same specification and you know you group them together in
order to form the virtual sensor node.
In this particular scenario, we have the virtual sensor groups, different locations,
geographical locations having different sensors and as you can see over here through
these different labels, they have not labels, but you know we have these different colored
sensors denoting different types of sensors in specification in types. Types means; you
know temperature sensor, humidity sensor, these are different types.
So, you know temperature sensor, you know pressure sensor, camera sensor, these are
different types of sensors. So, you know in this particular formulation, they have
considered, we have considered that not only that the sensors are geographically
distributed, they are geographical separated from each other, but you know they can be
composed, they are heterogeneous and they can be composed in this particular fashion.
So, you can have a virtual sensor which is comprised of or it is mapped to the physical
sensors in one geographical location and some other physical sensors in another
geographical location, some other physical sensor in a third geographical location, some
other physical sensor in a fourth geographical location.
So, these all will be taken together. They may not necessary be one and the same. They
may not be the same that is they may not all be of the temperature sensor, but they could
be you know temperature sensor along with pressure sensor. You know temperature
sensor in one location; pressure sensor in one location. So, they all can be put together
and club together, abstract it together as a virtual sensor. So, we have likewise different
other virtual sensors formed together and these virtual sensors add another higher level
can be put together and grouped together to form virtual sensor groups. So, for example,
VS1 and VS2 can be grouped together to form a virtual sensor group or VS2 and VS3
could be you know grouped together to form virtual sensor group. In this particular
example, we see that a particular virtual sensor group is formed out of these three VS;
VS1 VS2 and VS3.
So, remember one thing that unlike the previous formulation, here we had considered
homogenous sensors at the physical level and here we have considered heterogeneous
sensors on top of the fact that they could be geographically dispersed. They may not all
be in the same geographic location. Different sensors from different geographic locations
can be mapped together to form virtual sensors at the higher level of abstraction and
these different virtual sensors again can be clubbed together to form virtual sensor
(Refer Slide Time: 15:40)
So, in terms of the performance, you know when we talked about CoV I and CoV II
corresponding to the composition of the virtual sensors in the homogenous and the
heterogeneous geographically distributed manners as we spoke about in the previous 2
slides. So, we have you know if we look at the comparison of performance with respect
to the energy consumption, because this is cumulative energy consumption for PC over
here is CoV I. This is the plot for CoV I and this is the plot for CoV II. So, as we can see
over here that the energy consumption basically steadily increases in each of these and
quite understandably that CoV II basically in curse greater energy consumption
compared to CoV I and in terms of the life time, this is a comparison of the lifetime for
each of these 2 scenarios. As we can see over here that the red colored one is for CoV II
and the green colored labels are for CoV I.
So, life time on the other hand increases not other hand, but lifetime basically increases if
we have the homogenous sensor scenario, where the sensors are from one geographic
location and they all have the same specification. So, we have these 2 different scenarios
of cumulative energy consumption and network life time and the comparisons between
CoV I and CoV II and as I said before if you are interested to look further into these, you
may refer to this particular paper. The optimal composition of a virtual sensor node, for
efficient virtualization within sensor cloud, this is a paper that you know was published
by us in ICC conference that was in 2015 in London.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:38)
Then, we come to the second problem which is the dynamic and adaptive data caching
mechanism. So, before I go to the details of it, I would like to give you a few examples.
Let us say we are talking about environment monitoring with the help of different types
of sensors including temperature sensor.
Now, in a particular area, the temperature does not change too frequently. So, it is
unnecessary to always collect data from the different sensors at very frequent intervance.
It is unnecessary and similarly, it is also unnecessary to make the corresponding virtual
sensors available to the end users to different end users. So, it is sufficient if the
temperature values are connected and are cached and are stored and we made available
to the different users whenever they need access to that information. It is not required to
create a virtual instance and then, have that virtual through that virtual instance collect or
prime that particular sensor to collect the data to make that sensor in a sense and collect
the data at you know consecutive instances of time at subsequent intervals of time by
different users.
So, it is required to cache. So, there are likewise different scenarios, different
applications where this is required to cache.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:16)
So, we will look at the different ways to cache. So, basically this caching introduces 2
different types of cache. One is the internal cache; the other one is the external cache. So,
this example that I was giving you was about that external cache. We will look at the
internal cache shortly. So, this caching mechanism basically ensures efficiency in
resource utilization. So, caching basically is flexible with the varied rate of change of the
physical environment.
So, why caching is required in sensor cloud because end users request for the sensed
information through a web interface and the allocation of the physical sensor nodes and
virtualization takes place and the physical sensor nodes continuously sends and transmit
the data to the sensor cloud, and that is the reason why you know it is not always
required to you know prime and probe the sensors to sense and continuously send the
sensed data through the web interface to different end users.
So, practical in some cases, the change in environmental conditions are significantly
slow like in the case of temperature change or humidity change and so on. So, they are
not very fast. So, it is not required to always sense through the physical sensors. So, even
if you sense, it will give you merely the same value. The physical sensors are not going
to give vastly different values. So, they remain physically unaltered. Due to the slow
change in the environment, the readings are going to be unaltered.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:01)
We introduce the concept of internal cache and external cache. I am going to talk about
these 2, but before I proceed further, I would like to give you the reference for this
particular paper while published by us. If you need more details about this internal and
external cache and how this caching mechanism operates, you can go through this
particular paper, the reference of which is given over here at the very bottom of this slide
and this was published in the ICC conference in 2014. So, let us now go back and try to
understand; what is the difference between the internal cache and the external cache.
So, the internal cache basically handles the request from the end users, takes decision
whether the data should be provided directly to the end user or is it required to re-cache
the data from the external cache. What is this external cache? So, it is a separate piece of
server or hardware which at every certain interval of time, it collects the data and stores
inside it. So, initially few data are used to transmit to the internal cache.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:14)
So, this is the architecture of caching. So, this is the existing architecture and this is the
case cache enabled architecture. On the left, we have this existing architecture where we
had these different physical sensors and this is that sensor cloud and these apps are
getting accessed to the sensors through the sensor cloud, through resource pooling
Now, in the cache enabled architecture, we have this internal cache and the external
cache. External cache could be conceptualize something like a separate server which is
outside the cloud, where the data that are made available to the end users through these
apps are also cached at the same time in this server in this external cache. So, you know
it might happen that periodically at different instances of time, it is not required to prove
that physical level sensor again. So, you know the data if it is not very much stale, it
could be fetched from this particular external cache and if it could be done even better, it
might happen that these different virtual instances that are in the sensor cloud here, the
data might be also available. May be one user is already using it and that data could be
made available because if you have to fetch it outside the cloud, that is going to increase
the time for fetching. So, you want to keep something over here as well.
So, this is internal cache and this is how it differs from the external cache. So, external
cache is an external server kind of thing, however internal cache is resident inside the
cloud, inside the sensor cloud and this is how it differs from the external cache.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:59)
Here is the comparison of performance between the caching mechanism you know using
internal and external caching mechanisms and in the conventional mechanism like as I
showed, the conventional means this is existing conventional mechanism and caching
based mechanism means this particular mechanism is what we see is the performance
comparison between the 2.
So, in terms of let us say the total you know cost total energy consumption, so total
energy consumption in the case of the conventional mechanism means, without using the
caching mechanism is shown over here, in this particular pink colored plot. Whereas, the
total energy consumption using caching is shown in this particular purple color plot. So,
as you can see over here that the total energy consumption decreases quite significantly
if we are using the caching mechanism as shown in this particular figure. How it
compares with this pink colored plot in terms of the network life time here is the
conventional scenario and here is the scenario of using caching. So, as you can see over
here, conventionally the network lifetime is much more reduced and if we are using
caching, the lifetime basically improves a lot.
So, it is quite significant in terms of the difference between using caching and without
caching mechanism. So, caching basically improves overall network life time.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:38)
Finally, I would like to talk about another issue of sensor cloud. Again this is taken from
a paper that we have published in IEE transactions on services computing in 2017 and
here we have ticked into the issue of pricing in sensor cloud and how we can come up
with an optimal pricing mechanism in a sensor cloud scenario, where that pricing
mechanism itself is not only optimal, but dynamic in nature. So, the pricing itself is
So, if we look at the existing cloud where IaaS, SaaS, PaaS models are used, there you
are talking about homogeneity of services. So, existing pricing schemes in the cloud, the
regular cloud are talking about homogenous services whether it is a SaaS service, the
PaaS service or IaaS service and there is no scheme for pricing for sensors as a service.
That means, this particular sensor cloud scenario sensors as a service c as scenario. So,
we have proposed a pricing mechanism that comprises of 2 components. One is the
pricing that is attributed to the hardware which means the sensor and the pricing that is
attributed to the infrastructure. That means, the other infrastructure that are that are in
place the operating system, the other hardware infrastructure the switches the servers and
so on.
So, pricing attributed to the hardware which is for hardware like sensors and the pricing
attributed to infrastructure, so p H and p I. So, the goal of the proposed pricing scheme is
to maximize the profit of the sensor cloud service provider, maximize the profit of the
sensor owner and to maximize the satisfaction of the end users.
So, if we look at this scenario, we have this different end users. Now, you see that what
might happen if the sensing has started from particular point. So, to sink when it travels
in sensor networks; the sensor data from the source to the sink, it travels via different
intermediate hops and these hops could be belonging to different sensor owners in this
particular manner.
So, when you talk about a pricing mechanism, we have to take into consideration the
pricing due to the hardware cost belonging to different sensor owners in addition to the
sensor cost of the specific owner from where the sensor sensing has taken place of the
sensor from the sensor. So, this sensor data is made available through the base station to
the sensor cloud and is made accessible to the end users. So, end users will not only have
to pay for the hardware cost of these sensor, that means the source sensor, but also the
hardware cost of these sensors plus also hardware cost. Not hardware cost, but the
infrastructure cost or other types of infrastructure that are in place like the base station,
the servers, the switches and so on.
So, all these also have to contribute towards the price. So, how do we come up with a
pricing mechanism, negotiation is the scenario where the prices can also be negotiated.
So, this may not happen in all different cases, but in some cases it might happen that the
end users would be able to bargain and be able to negotiate the price with the sensor
owners or with the sensor cloud service provider. So, there would be some kind of a
bargaining mechanism in place. It will be a market place kind of scenario, an
oligopolistic market place scenario, where this kind of bargaining can take place.
So, the focus is on maximizing the profit that is made by the sensor cloud service
provider, optimal pricing to the end users, increasing the satisfaction of the end users by
considering different factors. All the above three by considering different factors, such as
the pricing that is attributed to the hardware while dealing with the usage of the physical
sensor nodes, pricing attributed to the infrastructure by dealing with the prices associated
with the infrastructure of the sensor cloud.
So, these are some of the different issues and the least of different references. If you are
interested to know further about sensor cloud, the different works on sensor cloud, here
are few references for you. As you see over here in our group in the Swan lab, we have
done a bit of a digging into the depth of sensor cloud, sensor as a service, virtualization
of sensors, composition of sensors, caching of different sensors and so on. So, these are
different things that we have done in one of the papers. I will tell you that this particular
paper also talks about a comparison between a side by side comparison, a quantitative
comparison between sensor cloud and the traditional sensor networks.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:04)
So, with this we come to an end of sensor cloud. Sensor cloud is a very important
technology at present for enabling sensor networks; sorry for enabling internet of things
and internet of things basically you know if you think little bit deep can be made
efficient. The implementation of internet of things can be made efficient if we are talking
about sensor cloud and sensor cloud has some similarities with in concept with the fog
computing and cloud computing.
That also has been covered in the different literature and this is for you to try to
understand that; what is the difference between sensor cloud, fog computing and regular
cloud computing. This is all to do with efficiency; you know access to different services.
You know these are with respect to these things. Basically they differ a lot and we know
it is not like if sensor cloud is there. We do not need cloud. It is not like that and also, it
is not like that if sensor cloud is there, we do not need fog. So, we need all these three
things at different times. You know they are useful for different scenarios. So, we need
all of them together. So, all of these technologies are required to build Internet of Things.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 44
Fog Computing – I
In a previous lecture, we discussed about cloud computing and its importance in Internet
of Things.
So, cloud is very important because you see that internet of things IoT devices; sensors,
RFID devices and so many different types of devices, this sends so much of data and
finally, those data have to be handled and that is the reason that a cloud came into
picture; that all these data will be sent to the cloud for further processing and so on and
so forth. Now, the main problem with cloud in internet of things environment is that
latency. So, what is meant by latency; I will explain to you before we go formally about
discussing the concept of fog.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:14)
Let us say that we have a cloud and we have different IoT devices deployed. Now, what
we have discussed when we were talking about cloud computing in the context of
internet of things is that each of these devices, they send all these data to cloud; for
further processing and storage further processing and storage. Now, that is a problem
because you see this IoT environments, number one are constraint in different ways with
respect to bandwidth, with respect to processing, with respect to memory, with respect to
energy and so on so forth.
Now, this processing can be handled with the help of cloud, but what about the
bandwidth, what about the energy consumption because what is going to happen in this
sort of scenario of use of cloud in the IOT context is lot of data is going to float all
around; over the network, lot of data through the internet are going to be sent to the
cloud and that will unnecessarily consume the bandwidth and that will also consume
unnecessarily the limited energy that is resident in all this devices and so on. So, we do
not want to do that because communication consumes most of the energy.
So, we do not want unnecessary communications to take place and even if we do, we
have to limit. Even if we have to communicate and that is required because in a network
basically IOT is basically a network, so network communication is required, but how do
we handle it efficiently this is what we are going to discuss in this particular lecture. So,
can we do something which is better than cloud? So, this is where fog comes into
Fog was introduced by CISCO. So, it was sort of like an idea about how to being the
cloud facilities close to the IoT devices because as we saw that we have all these data
sent to the cloud you know that will not only take the bandwidth, limited bandwidth that
is there in this kind of environment, but also that is going to take lot of time take lot of
time. So, in this particular case, the time that is required will be the time from when that
event is sensed, that piece of data is sent to the cloud. So, this one let us say this is t 1, this
is t2, then the time for processing t3 and finally, that response will be sent back, so t 4 So,
the response will be sent back for may be activation or something like that.
So, this basically becomes t1 plus t2 plus t3 plus t4. So, this is the total time that it takes
until when the receiving device gets a signal about what to do and by such a time in most
of the real life applications of IoT by this kind of time, you know most of you know the
events, most of the unwanted events would take place. For example, if it is a surveillance
application, maybe the intruder by this time because there is so much of latency that is
involved, by this time the intruder might have already intruded into the territory or if it is
a medical emergency scenario, by this kind of time it takes to send it to the cloud
processing at getting a response back etcetera. So, even the real timelines is going to be
lost and because of this particular issue what is going to happen is, if it is medical
emergency situation, the patient might die, right.
So, what is required is can we reduce the latency and this is what we are trying to do in
fog computing. So, as I said that fog was basically proposed by CISCO and the whole
idea is can we bring the cloud facilities, the attractiveness of cloud closer to the IoT
device layer and the whole idea is to solve the problems that are faced by cloud
computing for use of IoT for data processing. So, this is the whole objective of fog
computing and the whole idea is also to reduce the delay that is incurred in sending the
data from the sensor device to the cloud, from the cloud getting a response back and
activating the particular device. So, can we reduce this particular time? So, this is the
whole idea.
The whole premise under which the fog computing works, so conceptually what we
have, we use to have IoT and cloud. You know this is the device layer where all these
IoT devices, the physical devices operate and this is the cloud where all the data are sent
for processing and storage. So, what fog is saying is, it is going to be sort of like a
middleware or a middle layer rather where some of the computation, some of the
processing, some of the storage at least transient storage is going to happen. Before the
data that is sensed by these devices are sent to the cloud. Before it is sent to the cloud,
can we do some intermediate processing, intermediate storage for you know quicker
decision making? This is the whole idea behind the use of a fog computing.
So, let us go back to some statistics which you know we also went through at the
beginning of the course. So, we know that now it is because of all these different sensors
etcetera, there is lot of data that is floating all around. So, it is estimated that by round
2020, 40 percent of the world’s data will come from sensors and 90 percent of the
world’s data will be generated only during the period of last 2 years. So, 90 percent of
world’s data was generated only during the period of last 2 years.
So, you know it is also estimated that every day about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is
produced and the total expenditure on IoT devices will be about 1.7 trillion dollars by
2020. So, given all these different statistics, we now have to think about architecture of
internet of things; where in we can use all these different devices in a scalable manner,
such that the processing happens with large number of devices in a quicker manner and
in an efficient manner.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:03)
The total number of connected devices, sorry the total number of connected vehicles
worldwide will be about 250 million by 2020 as per estimates and there will be more
than 30 billion IOT devices again as per estimate.
So, the amount of data that is going to be generated by these IOT devices is obviously
quite huge. So, how do we handle this kind of huge data? I mean one way is basically to
use all these big data analytics and so on, but even before that can we deduce the
processing time of these data, can we do something from the network point of view and
that is where we have to take help of fog.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:46)
So, why do we need fog computing? It is because cloud has certain deficiencies. You
know it is insufficient to handle the requirements of IoT. So, there are issues with
volume of data that is produced by the IoT devices, the latency. That means, the time that
it takes for a sensed data to go to the cloud and then come back, that duration is the
latency and the bandwidth. Bandwidth means that you know how much data is going to I
mean how much channel is going to be occupied because of this communication of all
these data from the IoT devices.
So, the fog computing architecture looks like this. So, we have all these IoT devices and
we have the cloud. So, as I said traditionally we have to use these IoT devices to sense
the physical phenomena occurring around them; send the data to the cloud and get an
action or comment back. So, as we can see over here that this is the traditional cloud
model. So, why we need fog computing because we want to reduce this particular time
and typically, this cloud servers might be physically located even continents away means
you know it is typical to have them in different cities and so on, but even continent away
also. So, this physical limitation also introduces large latency in communication.
So, in terms of the data volume, it is estimated that by 2020, about 50 billion devices will
be online and presently billions of devices produce exa bytes of data everyday and this is
big data, right. So much of data is going to a produced every day, not only every day, but
every second, every minute. Unusual volumes of data are going to be produced because
of the introduction of internet of things. Exabyte means 10 to the power 18. So, you
know we have gigabyte, terabyte, betabyte, gitabyte, exabyte, right. So, typically we use
traditionally with gigabytes up data maximum, but now it is with you know internet of
things and so on, it is very common to have terabytes, gitabytes, exabytes of data that is
produced everyday and to handle this kind of data volume. So, the device density is also
increasing everyday. So, the current cloud model is unable to process these amount of
(Refer Slide Time: 12:55)
So, the private firms, factories, aero plane companies, they all produce huge volumes
data every day. So, if you look at this particular figure, this will be clear. So, we are not
talking about data produced by a single firm, we are talking about data that is produced
by several firms you know and the different devices that are used in those firms i.e. the
IOT devices, the embedded systems devices that are basically used in those firms. You
know huge volumes of data are produced every day by a single firm and definitely large
number of firms also produce large volumes of data factories. The same kind of thing
factories also produces large volumes of data, aero plane companies. Airplanes
themselves have lot of different types of sensors. They also produce large number of
data. So, all these data would have to be sent to the cloud for further storage and
So, the current cloud model that we have already gone through in the previous lectures
on cloud computing cannot basically store all these data. So, this data that is produced
the raw form of data has to be filtered before the data is sent to the cloud., So, this has to
be pre-processed, filtered before it is destined for storage and processing in the cloud.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:28)
In terms of latency, lot of time being taken by a data packet for a round trip and this is
what I was explaining to you with the diagram that I showed at the outset. So, an
important aspect for handling time sensitive data is basically to handle this issue of
latency because if it is time sensitive, it is real time data. So, time is important and that is
the reason why latency has to be handled with special interest. If the age devices sent
time sensitive data to the cloud for analysis and wait for the cloud to give a prospered
action, then it can lead to many wanted results. So, file handling time sensitive data a
million second can make a huge difference.
So, look at this particular figure over here. So, ambulances, then different buildings and
different other you know different other devices and so on and cars and so on. So, they
basically generate data which are time sensitive in nature. So, they basically generate;
which are time sensitive in nature. So, that is the reason why they have to be processed
pretty fast to be able to use the data in a meaning full manner.
So, they have to be paid processing pretty fast. So, ambulance for example will generate
some data. So, the time that it takes the data to go from here to the cloud and come back,
this can be represented with this you know this can be shown in the form of this kind of
equation. So, latency equal to the time, it takes for the data to go from the device. That
means the IoT device to the cloud plus the time for data analysis plus the time; it takes
for the data to travel from the cloud to the device. So, latency will be increased and from
the action reaches the device accident may have already occurred if it is an emergency
situation or a connected vehicle situation.
So, in terms of the bandwidth, the bit rate of the data; sorry in terms of the bandwidth,
bandwidth is calculated as the bit rate of data during transmission. So, if all the data are
generated by IoT devices and those data that are generated by these devices are sent to
the cloud for storage and analysis, then the traffic generated by these devices will be
simply gigantic.
So, these IoT devices are going to consume almost all the bandwidth because of this and
handling this kind of traffic will be simply a very hard task.
So, billions of devices consuming bandwidth if all the devices become online even IPv6
or IP based technologies will not be able to handle the facility to provide the facility to
all the devices and the data may be confidential which the firms do not want to share
online. So, these are the different problems. One is the privacy of the data. This is of
concern to the firms and the second is that you know dealing with these kinds of
problems with IP based technologies like IPv6 is a problem and also, the issue of having
billions of devices consuming bandwidth.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:20)
Reduced latency of data, appropriate action at the right time prevents major accidents,
such as machine failure and so on. So, a minute delay while taking an action makes a
huge difference and this is what I was explaining to you during the medical emergency
scenario. A person might die if you know the decision making takes a lot of time
compared to the time for sensing.
So, it has to be the time for decision making. That means, processing storage etcetera
should be conformant with the time for sensing. So, the time it takes for sense is almost
after something is sensed. Immediately thereafter it has to be disseminated and
corresponding action also has to be taken in real time.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:13)
Data security, IOT data must be secured and protected from the intruders. Data is
required to be monitored 24 7. An appropriate action should be taken before the attack
causes major harm to the network and this is what I was explaining to you.
The operationals reliability, the data that is generated from the IOT devices are used to
solve real time problems. The problems of integrity and availability of data must be
guaranteed and unavailability and tampering of the data can be hazardous.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:45)
Processing of data at the respective suitable places, data can be divided into three types
based on the sensitivity. One is time sensitive data, second is the less time sensitive data,
and third is data which are not time sensitive at all. So, this kind of filtering has to
happen with respect to the sensitivity of data. So, extremely time sensitive data should be
analyzed very near to the data source and data which are not time sensitive will be
analyzed in the cloud.
So, time sensitive data closer to the devices, non-time sensitive data send it to the cloud,
monitor data across large geographical areas, the location of the connected IoT devices
can be spread across a large geographical area. Examples, monitoring the railway track
of a country or a state, the devices are exposed to the harsh environmental conditions
additionally as well.
So, when should we use fog? If the data should be analyzed within a fraction a minute,
fraction of a second, if there is huge number of devices in the network, if the devices are
separated by large geographical distance or if the devices are needed to be subjected to
extreme conditions.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:13)
So, with this we come to an end of first part of lecture on Fog Computing. In this lecture,
we have understood what fog is, the genesis of fog computing and also, about how fog
computing can help in building internet of things systems. We have also in the process
gone through some limitations of the use of IoT.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 45
Fog Computing – II
So, now in this lecture, we are going to discuss in further detail about fog computing
architecture. So, in the previous introductory lecture on fog computing, we have already
seen the basics of fog the whole premise under which fog operates and also the
advantages of using fog computing. So, that we have already seen the advantages of
using fog computing over the traditional cloud computing and we have also seen that in
IoT, it is essential to have a fog platform in addition to the cloud platform. So, I should
remain you over here that it is not like a substitute; it is not like fog is a substitute of
cloud so that we should not think that way. So, fog is something which is complementary
it complements the cloud technology. So, we need both fog and cloud along with the IoT
devices and the architecture along with the IoT architecture.
So, this is what we need. So, we need IoT devices the protocols the architectures plus fog
plus cloud to have a complete platform for proper use. So, let us go through the details
further. So, when we talk about the architecture of fog we have to keep in mind that the
cloud services are extended to IoT services, IoT devices through fog. So, this is what is
happening. So, what is so essentially I should explain this thing in a little bit different
way? So, essentially earlier what was happening is we have the cloud and we have the
IoT devices; IoT devices sending the data to the cloud and then getting a response back
or getting getting the data back from the cloud if it is required for further actuation of
whatever details. So, this is the traditional way of dealing with IoT devices with only
Now, what we are saying over here is we need to have some capabilities of cloud being
implemented closer to the IoT devices layer.
So, we want essentially something like this. So, traditionally we had cloud and now we
are talking about fog architecture in the cloud architecture we have these different IoT
devices and data being sent and response received either response or even the data can be
fetched. So, this could represent even the data being fetched and. So, on and so forth,
right and here the cloud would take care of processing of the data plus storing of the
data. So, processing could even include things like running different analytics right.
So, this is the traditional model now the problem over here is that you know one very
important problem is that the problem of latency; that means, that it takes. So, much of
time for the data that is sensed by this IoT device to be uploaded to cloud doing some
processing over there and then getting the response back. So, the overall over basically
this delays the whole process. So, in fog actually what we are saying is we still will have
the cloud we will have the fog layer here.
So, this is cloud, this is fog very closer to this devices the IoT devices some are going to
happen here and some of the processing and computation and getting some responses in
the form of let us say triggers or actuation signals those would be sent to the cloud
directly and some would be like in between in between means that like in some case we
need to have computations only in that fog in some case you know some basic
processing will be done in the fog and the rest would be sent to the cloud and in some
case we can send directly to the cloud without having the intermediate fog.
So, we have 2 different comparable architectures of IoT one using cloud the other using
fog and the essence is that in fog we are not saying that we will get rid of cloud this is
you know we still have to go through a go by using cloud, but in addition we are going to
introduce a fog layer. This fog layer is going to have something known as the fog nodes
we are going to talk about these fog nodes shortly and here we are going to have these
IoT devices. So, this is the whole crux of fog computing and the next few slides we are
going to discuss in different ways the different aspects of fog.
So, essentially what we are doing is we are trying to bring the cloud surfaces in the form
of processing storage closer to the IoT devices layer through the introduction of fog. So,
as I said fog is a layer which is between the cloud and the IoT devices where many fog
nodes may be present and the sensor data are processed in the fog before it is sent to the
cloud and as I was telling you before that only those data where the data are time
sensitive those would be processed in the fog there could be some other data which are
not time sensitive. So, those would be better processed in the cloud itself.
So, what we have basically is some kind of complementarity along with cloud by
introduction of fog. So, what is the advantage number one reduction in latency, so the
overall latency from the point the sensing is done till the point processing and storage
and further response back is received at the source. So, that latency is reduced can be
reduced significantly with the introduction of fog the second advantage is that because
we are not flooding the entire network with all these different sensed packets we are
sharing bandwidth and also we are saving storage at the cloud because not everything is
sent to the cloud.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:44)
So, let us look at this figure; we have already gone through it from a different perspective
in a different way. So, let us go through it. So, we have at the very bottom these IoT
devices which are basically sort of like the physical layer of any network. We have these
physical IoT devices over here then we have this fog layer this is the fog layer and then
we have the cloud. So, IoT devices layer fog layer and the cloud this fog layer has these
fog nodes which are sort of like virtual instances of the IoT devices these virtual
instances are going to do are going to have better or improved processing capability
improved storage capabilities and so on.
The fog layer I should mention over here has some transient storage capabilities transient
storage. So, not like permanent storage. So, transient storage capabilities and permanent
storage if required would be you know that kind of data would be sent to the cloud
eventually. So, I should also mention over here another component that is very much
important. So, the data that is fetched over here can we fetched from a private server or a
cloud or the data can be basically pushed into these devices or this platform, the cloud
platform the private cloud platform to store the confidential data of the farm former any
organization which is basically adapting this technology.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:35)
Now, the fog node that I just mentioned in the architecture in the previous slide has
certain specific characteristics number one is storage. So, the storage over here is
transient not permanent unlike in the case of cloud number 2 is the computing facility so
which is about processing the data before it is sent to the cloud and that basically helps in
reducing the time for taking decisions not taking decisions, but time for executing the
decisions. So, quicker decision making and execution of the decisions because the
processing is done close to the close to the IoT devices; that means, to the edge and that
is why this reduction is going to happen compare to the traditional cloud.
Network connectivity is another characteristic of the fog node where the IoT devices
basically connect with each other and other fog nodes and cloud the IoT devices in the
IoT devices layer they also connect by other fog nodes and the cloud. So, they can either
connect directly or by other fog nodes or by other cloud.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:11)
These fogs nodes could be instances of routers, embedded servers, switches, video
surveillance cameras, etcetera, which are deployable anywhere inside the network and
each fog node has its own aggregate fog node. So, this aggregate fog node concept; I will
explain to you shortly.
So, there are three types of data in any IoT application some data are very much time
sensitive. So, we cannot really hold on to the data for too long. So, it has to be processed
immediately and so on. So, for example, surveillance using cameras you know. So, it
does not make sense, if we are acquiring the data and after three four seconds or maybe
you know after several minutes the decision about doing something at the ground is that
information is sent to the IoT device maybe some actuation or something is sent to the
IoT devices.
So, it is mean surveillance is such an application where basically time is very critical and
we cannot delay to long less time sensitive data you know one is very time sensitive data
like the surveillance applications less time sensitive data. For example, some non critical
health care data is less time sensitive data and data of which are not time sensitive at all
like you know the health care data, but which does not concerned the life or death of a
patient sorry of a death of a patient not life, but death of a patient.
So, that kind of data is not time sensitive. So, fog nodes is work according to the type of
data they that they receive and the IoT application should be installed in each fog node to
handle this various types of data.
So, let us look at this particular diagram we have this IoT devices and these devices
basically sent the data the data are ingested at the nearest fog node if it is time sensitive
then some immediate action will be taken by the fog node and that result is going to be
communicated to the IoT device the it sends the summary of the historical analysis and
storage which are not very time sensitive to the cloud for longer term storage and
Now, if it is a non time sensitive data then these devices send the summary for historical
analysis and storage to the cloud because it is not time sensitive now in the previous
scenario if the data is relative less time sensitive then it is aggregated at the fog node and
that aggregated data is sent as summary for historical analysis and storage to the cloud
and some action is performed on the IoT devices in the devices layer.
So, this is the whole idea behind fog. So, remember one thing that when we are talking
about fog we are typically talking about low power resource constraint environments like
IoT environments IoT environments directly with cloud not a good very not a very good
solution as such. So, we need faster processing faster reactivity and so on. So, that is the
reason we need some processing some storage capabilities at the age; that means, closer
to the IoT devices. So, that is where fog comes as a benefit to this IoT technology.
So, the nearest fog node basically ingests the data from the devices and the most time
sensitive data are the data which should be analyzed within like fractions of a second and
the analysis should be done nearest to the node itself and the decision about what has to
be done after the analysis or the action that has to be taken based on the analysis is sent
to the IoT devices like an actuator or something and a copy of it is sent and stored at the
cloud for longer term storage and analysis for less time sensitive data the data of which
(Refer Slide Time: 16:20)
The less time sensitive data are the data which can be analyzed after seconds or minutes
and they are send to the aggregate node the aggregate fog node for the analysis after
analysis the aggregate node sends the decision or action to the device through the nearest
node and the aggregate node sends.
There is summary to cloud for storage and future analysis for non sense non time
sensitive data which are basically data of which can wait for hours days weeks and. So,
on these kind of data are sent directly to the cloud for storage and longer term analysis
future analysis and the summaries from the fog nodes can be considered as less time
sensitive data or even some kind of data from the fog nodes from the IoT devices can
also be directly stored in the cloud and those are the ones where time is not an issue at
So, this is the summary of what action has to be taken at the fog node. So, analysis
duration fraction of a second fog node closest to the devices does it seconds to minutes
analysis duration the fog aggregate node does it and hours to weeks the cloud does IoT
data storage duration is you know in the fog node this storage is transient it is in the
order of hours or days for the aggregate nodes and months to years in the cloud for
geographical coverage in a fog node what are closest to the devices the coverage is very
local it is wider covered for the aggregate node the fog aggregate node and it is global for
the cloud.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:27)
Advantages of fog security improved security faster processing low operation cost data
are processed in the fog nodes before sending to the cloud. So, that way the bandwidth is
also reduced bandwidth consumption is reduced and further the other important the most
important I would think is that faster response time quickly the actions that are determine
through the analysis can be executed in this kind of model that way the unwanted
That are going to happen may be you know if the IoT devices are implemented in some
safety critical platforms like you know industry; so, where there is industrial safety a
prime concern.
So, in such case such a case it is required to process fast you now we cannot wait until it
is sent to the distant cloud for processing storage etcetera, etcetera, we have to do it close
to the point of sensing and that is where you know if you do that the processing time
reduces quite significantly the decision making is becomes very fast and the unwanted
accidents can be reduced in this particular using such a such an approach privacy every
industry can analyze their own data locally and the confidential data in this fog approach
can be stored locally in the local servers and only those data which can be shared with
others which are not very confidential they can be sent to the cloud business agility also
So, you know faster we can accept the customer’s needs and those can be programmed
very fast into the network and that way the costumers satisfaction can be improved
supporting nobility here in this fog model the nodes can be mobile and the nodes can join
and leave the network at any time a true feature of any pervasive computing system any
ubiquitous mobile ubiquitous system.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:57)
This solution the fog platforms can be deployed in a remote places and they can be
subjected to harsh environmental conditions because typically this is what happens like
environmental monitoring open environment you know different types of harsh
environmental conditions snow fall rain fall hill storm etcetera, etcetera.
So, the devices the fog technology as a whole will have to go through this kind of you
know harsh environmental condition better data handling because you know less
bandwidth will be consumed for handling the data can be analyzed locally.
And that would reduce the risk of latency in terms of the applications of fog we can
perform real time health analytics using fog technology where the patients with chronic
illness can be monitored in real time patients you know undergoing stroke you know are
any kind of medical emergency you know. So, this particular technology is basically
good for use in such kind of situations.
Intelligent powers intelligence power efficiency intelligence and power efficiency. So,
fog is power efficient as we have seen before it reports the detailed power consumption
report every day and suggest economical power usage plan a real time real monitoring is
another application where the railway tracks in real time can be monitored on a day to
day basis in an efficient manner. So, that is going to improve the overall safety and
reliability of railway systems pipeline optimization.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:29)
So, you know gas lines oil transportation lines are pretty common. So, real time
monitoring of the pressure the flow the compressor you know compressor is necessary in
such kind of gas pipeline systems.
So, Tera bytes of data are created and sending all these data to the cloud for analysis and
storage is not sufficient and fog becomes a solution in such a scenario because latency to
high latency is not very too much of high latency is not very acceptable in such cases
because there could be pipe leakages gas leakages and so on and that is not a very good
thing to happen real time wind mill and turbine analysis wind direction.
And speed analysis can increase the output data can be monitored in real time different
challenges with respect to handling or consumption. So, additional nodes are used power
consumption is higher than the centralized cloud and these are low power devices we are
talking about and everything is done at the cloud. So, that is the reason why power
consumption has to be taken care of you know as a challenge in this kind of
Data security; so, handling data security is a crucial challenge in fog platforms the data
that are generated are distributed. So, it provides authentication and authorization system
for the whole nodes and that has to be done for fog platforms which is not a very easy
task in terms of reliability maintaining data integrity and availability for millions of
nodes is difficult and the failure of a node cannot affect the network fault tolerance.
So, if there is some fault with a particular node and that should be immediately fixed and
this fixation should happen ideally in an autonomous fashion. So, there should be
autonomous fault tolerance fault detection also fault detection and tolerance and real
time analysis real time analysis is a primary requirement for minimizing latency dynamic
analysis and decision making reduces the danger and increases the through put.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:26)
In terms of the programming architecture fog nodes may be mobile nodes can connect
and leave the network whenever necessary and many data processing frameworks are
statistically configured these frameworks cannot provide proper scalability.
And flexibility in conclusion fog is a perfect partner for cloud and IoT. It can sit in
between IoT and cloud to help IoT in the different functions that it has to perform it
solves the primary problem that is faced by cloud with handling IoT data; it reduces it
reduces the latency overall and that is one of the I would say that it is one of the most
important benefits of the use of the fog technology.
The third is it benefits the benefits extends from an individual person to huge farms and.
So, basically you know. So, this is a scalable architecture. So, it is not like only a few
people who would be using it. So, the benefits can be extended to huge farms through the
use of fog technology and this fog technology basically provides a real time analysis and
So, these are some of the references for you to go through further and if you are
interested to understand fog and some of this contents have been taken from these
references and the other references that have been mentioned at the bottom of the slides
in the in this particular lecture.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 46
Smart Cities and Smart Homes – I
This lecture is on smart cities and smart homes and here we are going to talk about how
IoT can help in building the smart cities and smart homes as you know that throughout
the world and even in countries like India, there is a lot of focus on building smart cities.
Of course, the scope of smart cities in each of these different countries is different and
the scope again depends on the priority areas of each of these countries and their
government. Now for instance in India, since the last few years, there have been a couple
of cities that have been identified and phase wise these cities have been given funds to
build or to transform them as smart cities.
So, when we talked about smart cities; what is it. So, in addition to the regular
infrastructure that is there in any city for example, the urban infrastructure consisting of
office buildings residential areas hospitals schools transportation police and so on you
also need something in addition to make the cities smart. So, what is this in addition let
us talk about. So, smart means what smart means that it is in terms of the services that
are given to the respective stake holders of these cities. So, citizens are able to do things
in a better manner in an improved manner then usual and how is that made possible that
is made possible with the help of nothing, but the ICT technologies information and
communication technologies which also includes electronics embedded electronics
different other advanced topologies in electrical in a electrical sciences and so on. So,
computers electronics put together can make these cities smart.
So, first of all let us consider any smart city. So, if we are talking about a smart city we
need to have the basic components for example, transport there has to be a railways there
has to be hospitals there has to be schools there has to be let us say traffic control traffic
control waste management waste management banking then.
So, like this these are some of the different things in a smart city right and one thing I
have missed which is very much essential is the police. So, as you can see that we have
to transform all of these different components of any city to be smart. So, for which the
technology is that we have studied. So, far in the previous lectures will have to be taken
help of. So, definitely will have to take help of sensors sensor networks sensor networks
then actuators then the different other communication technologies RFID, NFC,
ZWAVE and so and so forth. So, many different things that we have covered in all these
previous lectures of this course on IoT, so, all these will have to be used in order to make
this transformation. So, these are the different ICT information and communication
technologies that will have to be used right.
So, what is going to happen is in an IoT environment there has to be lot of these
interconnectivities that have to be there? So, for you know although I am drawing these
lines almost like randomly, but there has to be you know there has to be connectivity
between all these different types different blocks and so on for different good reasons
and the reason could be like offering different services to citizens. So, services means
that in a smart way people would be able to do different things for example, if it is a
health care facility.
So, from very easily you know if something goes wrong let us say let us say with the
school child in during the school hours very easily the hospital can be contacted not over
telephone any longer I mean of course, the telephone connectivity the traditional ones
would be there, but in addition you know there would be smart messaging and so on the
ambulances would come there would be continuous monitoring over the ambulance of
the child who is being transported to the hospital from the school parents would be
automatically informed about the status and so on.
So, many things would be done seamlessly automatically and these are the different
services that are going to be offered and normally these services would have to be
offered for those or to those who have subscribed for these services only to the
subscribers these services would have to be offered. So, whether it is on a paper you
know on a on a payment basis or it will be free that depends on the implementation in the
smart city, but generally offering different services advance levels of services to different
citizens is one of the most important core objectives of the development of smart cities.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:28)
So, let us move ahead and see that what else is there for us. So, as I was telling you
before that in a smart city you have an urban system which uses different ICT tools
information and communication tools which makes the infrastructure very interactive
efficient and accessible in an easier manner then before you know it; it should be you
know easily accessible infrastructure and the need for smart cities arose due to different
So, first of all the there is an ever growing urban population throughout the world it is
not limited to any country, but throughout the world there is an there is a rapidly growing
urban population and at the same time the natural resources like coal you know and you
know. So, in so many different natural resources that we all use these are depleting at
fast rate. So, and at the same time there is change in climate change in environment all
(Refer Slide Time: 08:47)
So, all these basically necessitate the building of smart cities using advanced ICT tools.
So, let us draw some analogy when we talk about a human when we talk about a human
humans have the skeleton the skin the organs different types of organs brains nerves
sensory organs cognition and so on in the smart city as well in the same way has as a
human has a skeleton skin and organs smart cities or rather any city rather any city has
buildings industries people transportation logistics hospital police banks schools. So,
these are there, but on top of that if there is a human with skeleton skin and organs, but
no brains no nerves no sensory organs no cognition. So, you do not have you know life
in that human you do not have any life in that human.
So, same analogy can be drawn you know analogously we can say that in a smart city if
you do not have embedded intelligence communication networks sensors tags software
embedded in these different components and infrastructure of the city the existing cities
then it also does not have any life. So, to bring in life to the existing cities having
buildings industries transportation police banks etcetera, etcetera you need to embed ICT
which includes ubiquity in embedded intelligence digital communication networks
sensors actuators tags different software doing different things in a smart way making
these different devices to act in a smart way and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:46)
So, these are some of the application focus areas we have smart economy. So, because of
the ever increasing competitiveness you need to improve you need to improve your
infrastructure the economy to make it smart. So, I will talk about that in more detail
shortly now you need to also improve the citizen participation in any good governance in
any good governance you need to improve you need to increase the citizen participation
and how is that possible you need to take help of the ICT tools.
Social and human capital you need to make the social and human capital also smarter by
giving them different technologies different tools the ICT tools then smart mobility to
improve the transportation with the help of ICT with the help of ICT you know making
the transportation smart mobility natural resources. So, smart environment you know. So,
basically you know you need to make your environment smart there should be less you
know harmful or toxic gas emissions or other sorts of waste disposals you know these
would be a reduced and these should be done in a smart without basically effecting the
environment that way conserving the natural resources smart living which would
improve the overall quality of life of the citizens. So, these are some of the application
focus areas of smart city.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:29)
Now, when a when we talk about smart city one of the most important things is smart
economy. So, the economy has to be improved over what already exists. So, let us say
that in any economy what do you need in addition to the existing economic infrastructure
like industry of different types and different other economic domains including even like
schools hospitals etcetera, etcetera you also need to improve the economy by including
by involving the growth of startups then indigenous Diaspora and different founders of
different technologies all of these have to be there and they have to be interconnected
they have to be interconnected with different other components for example, a venture
capitalist a venture capitalist have to be interconnected with them the international
Diaspora along with the indigenous Diaspora then academic academia then public sector
buyers worldwide buyers government agencies global MNCs and so on.
So, they all have to be interconnected inter networked together not just at the
connectivity level, but. So, that this connectivity has to be there. So, that you know
different types of information different types of services are made available to each of
these different components in a smart manner. So, they should be able to get these
services whenever they need you know whenever there is an useful use case you know
from the different components they would be participating in order to improve the
quality of fulfillment of the use case.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:24)
Let us talk about governance in governance there is at the core the government bodies
the government offices and at the same time the citizens. So, these government agencies
citizens and officials government officials these are all core to any governance or any
government body now in addition you have all these peripheral ones like banking finance
reforms safety surveillance management public services emergency services and so on.
Now, in a you know in a regular city what happens is typically traditionally they all they
function sort of in isolation there is some minimal connectivity between them, but these
are not a smart connectivity with the help of these ICT tools. So, in smart governance
what is going to happen is they all are going to get connected they all are going to get
connected. So, let us say that the officials are not only going to get connected to these
government agencies and citizens, but also to the public services to the emergency
services to the banking to finances you know surveillance citizens you know. So, all
these different types of interconnectivities are going to be there. So, you have to make it
possible in order to build a smart government system.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:55)
Let us look further ahead and see what is there in for us. So, we have the smart people.
So, when we talk about the citizens you know education health care population overall is
at the core of the; in of any city. So, and at the same time peripherally we have the
transportation the shopping banking connectivity media safety current affairs social
networks these are also like peripheral things. So, they all again have to be
interconnected. So, that from any component it; it should be made possible to access
information from other components of course, there has to some kind of policies of data
you know floating across, but generally this has to be made possible. So, that the citizens
get the information the citizens get the services from any of these components whenever
they need and that has to be again identified in a smart city that has to be that need has to
be identified intelligently with the help of cognition with the help of the different
software the intelligence that is embedded in to the system.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:03)
Smart mobility likewise we already have a addition to the population we have the cities
the localities and so on. So, you need to have interconnectivity with the other peripheral
components like vehicular networks transportation logistic emergency response railways
airways you know electric vehicles and so on. So, these sort of because let me just talk
about use case with respect to this. So, let us say that I want to go in a city from point a
to point b not just in the city we can even go from one city to another city as well one
city to another city.
Now, what should happen is that the information should be made available in such a way
I am just giving a simple use case that let us say that I want to book a train from city x to
city y or point x in a city to point y in a city and let us say that the road that I am going to
take is going to be very much congested or it is going to be very expensive that particular
root is going to be very expensive or maybe you know there are you know there are
Other reasons for which you can consider the alternative options the alternative options
would be that very easily instead of taking a train one could also get other options like
taking a bus you know or taking another you know electric vehicle or you know and so
on and these again the bus the train etcetera these also have to be connected with the
police the police and the emergency vehicles. So, emergency vehicles because for
obvious reasons if there is some kind of an accident etcetera, etcetera under that the
emergency response team should be able to get information on the fly you know. So,
whenever it is required they should be able to get information and then the action also
has to initiate with the help of these tools in a smart manner.
Then the we have the smart environment where in addition to the government agencies
localities population there, there are components like waste management waste disposal
you know agriculture you know forest monitoring pollution monitoring disaster
management green constructions smart energy these all these different components inter
internetworked together interconnected.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:24)
Together in a smart living kind of scenario you we have this we have the localities
population serving servicing agencies these interconnected with all these different other
peripheral components as you can see in front you in this particular slide.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:49)
So, let me just give another example before we go further ahead let us consider a smart
city where we have a school; we have a school. So, apparently or rather traditionally in a
school in any school what you know the school specifically function in isolation the
school specifically function in isolation in the sense that you know they do not really
have to interact with the other components of a city that much, but in a smart city what is
going to happen is we have these other components like transports railways we have the
hospitals we have traffic control we have the police we have did I say hospitals; hospitals
I have already said like this actually we have different other things in this smart city.
So, you know what is going to happen is if you have this kind of inter connectivity or
even between police and transport you know schools and hospitals; hospitals and
transport you know railways and this thing and like this then let us say that when a
school child from his home he wants to come to a school he has information about the
different forms of transport that he can take and let us say in an un event in an you know
in a in an emergency in the road while going there is some kind of accident or whatever
then correspondingly the police has to be informed and also the traffic control also has to
take over and also the hospitals have to be informed.
So, that the child can get health facilities on the road and the same thing can happen
inside the school as well once this once the child is inside the school the same thing can
happen. So, as you can understand now. So, this was from the education sector school
education sector like this actually there are different other reasons why smart cities have
become very popular.
Now, we have the different focus areas we have smart homes smart parking lots in a
smart home situation we need to have I will talk about smart homes in more detail later
on, but in a smart home situation we have the health monitoring done in a smart way at
home this you know the medical data made available to the doctors whenever there is a
health criticality the corresponding house physician would be informed the physician can
take requisite action based on the severity of severity or criticality of the of the health of
the patient.
So, smart health monitoring then conservation of resources with respect to electricity
water fuel you know. So, you know we should we can have a smart home where you
know the water tap will be turned off if you know it is automatically it will be turned off
may be with the help of ICT tools whenever it is not being used may be accidentally if I
have turned on the tap the water tap it will be turned off similarly with the fuel
consumption or conservation as well and like that and security and safety is very much
paramount in a smart home security and safety for obvious reasons I do not need to
elaborate on these, but safety at home security at home you know prevention of burglars
from breaking into the house and so on. So, like that actually there are different other
types of benefits of having a smart home.
Smart parking lots is very interesting smart parking lots is very interesting because you
know. So, what happens is we all have experienced that when we are in the city and
particularly when we are going in to the downtown areas or the central areas of a city
typically parking is a huge problem. So, sometimes it might so happen that in some
places you do not have any parking spot at all and maybe there are few other parking
spots parking lots in the city which are vacant or relatively vacant and how do I get this
information until I physically go there and get this information get this information, but
you know that is basically infeasible.
However, if we have a smart parking solution in a city then one can one can from the
mobile device inside the car one can get access to this information about which parking
lots are available which ones are not and dynamically that information can be updated
and made available to the users and other things like autorotation of vehicles to empty
slots empty parking lots. Auto charging for the services that are provided detection of
vacant lots in the parking lot and so on.
Smart vehicles with respect to assistance even to drivers during bad whether if there is a
bad whether condition the low visibility condition the vehicles would be assisted about
the you know how to drive ahead you know what are different ways the roots that can be
taken from a particular point to the destination and so on detection of bad driving by
patterns or driving under the influence of substances you know. So, the vehicle should be
alerting the user of the vehicle driver and not only the driver may be the other
corresponding stake holders like police or you know the respective dignitary bodies the
authorities and so on auto alert generation duration crashes if there is accident auto alerts
will be generated will be sent to the police the emergency personal and so on.
Self diagnostics of the vehicle you know if there is something some component going
down something is going wrong with the engine or you know any of the other
components of the vehicle you know. So, automatically it will diagnose and that
information would be made available to the user of the vehicle similarly smart health low
cost portable at home medical diagnostic kits be made available remote checkups and
diagnosis would be made possible on body sensors for effortless and accurate health
monitoring would be made available for use by the patients who need this kind of care.
Auto alert generation in case of emergency medical episodes like heart attacks seizers
etcetera automatically the emergency persons in the hospital will be made available and
that again is on the basis of subscription there might be several different several different
hospitals with which the patient might get connected, but only to the hospitals with
which the patient has a subscription you know. So, they will be getting notified and the
emergency vehicles are going to the ambulances going to come to the home of the
patient automatically without even having them to be informed.
Pollution and calamity monitoring for whether or manmade based calamities alert
generation in case of above threshold pollutants in air or water. So, on you know. So,
nowadays actually we have all these air monitoring systems water monitoring systems
these are in different isolation isolations basically this is monitor continuously we have
the air quality index being monitored indifferent cities of our country. So, similar kind of
thing is going on in different other countries as well. So, this sort of information from
any point if I want to let us say from Kharagpur, I want to go to another place let us say
Delhi. So, before I travel you know I can check that what is the air quality of that
particular city; that means, Delhi and then I can make a decision about whether I should
go there or not may be even better would be if I can get an advisory about whether it is
safe to travel to Delhi because of this air contamination the air pollution and so on.
So, this is just an example like this actually these can be similar kind of thing can be
done with respect to pollution and you know environment monitoring in a in any city
smart energy like smart metering systems you know smart meters programmable meters
through which you can do different things at your homes you know have differential
usage being monitored and build accordingly in a smart grid smart energy kind of
environment smart energy are allocation and distribution system incorporation of
traditional and renewable sources of energy in the same grid.
So, these are the different components these are the different benefits of smart energy;
smart agriculture likewise automatic detection of plant water stress monitoring of crop
health status auto detection of crop infection auto detection auto application of fertilizers
and pesticides scheduling harvesting and arranging proper transfer of harvests to
warehouses or markets. So, some of these actually as you will see in the case studies
when we talk about case study on agriculture you will see that we are already
implementing these in our lab in the swan lab of the department of CSC at IIT,
Kharagpur we are already implementing some of these different things for smart
agriculture we have projects by which the agricultural field are monitored with the help
of censors and different other ICT tools and that information about the field cognition is
made available to farmers so that the farmers can decide accordingly about what to do
So, like this auto application of fertilizers is also possible and air born application of
fertilizers with the help offspring or pesticides with the help of autonomously
automatically you know this sort of thing is made possible in a smart environment smart
So, different technological focus areas include data collection with the help of mobile
devices sensors and architecture I do not need to elaborate on these same thing I also do
not need to elaborate on the need for the transmission of the data after collection of data
through the above means with the help of radios networking topologies and so on
different types of topologies communication and networking topologies consideration of
those different topologies then the data that is collected and transmitted have to be stored
locally and then remotely and as well in the form of data warehouses you know cloud
storage and so on and they also again have to be analyzed to first of all cleaned analyzed
and predicted.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:03)
So, there are different IoT challenges in smart cities security and privacies one. So,
because you know all these different infrastructure are made available to all different
types of citizens. So, you know you expose yourself to different types of attacks the
government officers there are different files etcetera you know you make yourself
vulnerable to different types of attacks privacy leaks and so on when you open up more
and more. So, that also has to be taken up concurrently while building smart cities and
the same thing exposure to vulnerabilities multi tenancy of you know. So, the same
devices are basically you know accessed by different tenants by different users and that
multi tenancy basically induces the risk of data leakage the risk of data privacy leakage
security data security and so on.
Reliability unreliable communication due to vehicle mobility is not good similarly device
failures can happen and that has to be taken care of large scale deployment also has
different challenges. So, there would be delay due to large scale deployment itself delay
due to mobility of deployed notes and the distribution of devices can also affect the
monitoring tasks.
There are legal and social issues as well for example, services that are based on users
user provided information may be subject to local or other national and international
laws and that also has to be taken care of in a very smart way individual and informed
consent is required for using humans as data sources big data issues are there you know
huge volumes of data coming at high speeds and you know different types of vary
various types of data media you know text data and so on.
So, these have to be clean in a purified and that is a time consuming process and then
data it also has to be analyzed you know in real time to make sense out of it and the
corresponding actuation has to happen.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:56)
So, big data issues are there big data in a real time environment is a very important and
difficult challenge sensor networks you know we already spoke about sensor networks in
detail earlier the deployment of sensor networks in a smart city comes with different-
different challenges. The choice of different sensors for sensing is also very crucial
energy planning is very much required different devices consuming different energy
levels how you are going to schedule how you are going to do the duty cycling these are
all different issues in sensor networks.
So, with this we come to an end of the smart cities you know smart cities and smart
homes focusing on smart cities specifically in this particular lecture we have seen that
there are different good use cases by which we can understand that smart cities is very
much required and nothing else other than IoT and IoT constituent technologies can help
in the building of smart cities and that is why there is so much of up search on not only
research, but also deployment and investment on building smart cities throughout the
world and there is lot of opportunity that is ahead in the building of smart cities and we
are going to go through some of these different opportunities we have already seen the
different challenges ahead some of these different other opportunities we are going
through going to go through in the next lecture.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 47
Smart Cities and Smart Homes-II
Now, we come to the second part of smart cities and smart homes. In part one, we spoke
about the need for smart cities, the challenges in building smart cities, and few of the
different issues with respect to building smart cities. So, in this particular lecture again
we will be focusing on smart cities. And these again you know what ever we will be
discussing on smart cities are also applicable for smart homes as well, but we will have
you know a focus on smart of home in another lecture. But here we are going to discuss
some of the technical issues behind enabling smart cities, some of the technical issues.
So, let us consider something before we go further. We have already seen that we have
all these different components the transport, railways, schools and etcetera, etcetera.
And let us say in between we have this population, population means the citizens right.
So, all of these things these different components, let us say this is transport. So,
transport component has different sensors has different actuators. These, this is let us say
railway, railways, all source has the same other components schools, hospitals, they all
have different sensors, and different other IoT devices. Which generate, which generate
data, which generate and data. And this data has different you know characteristics with
respect to volume this is gigantic, you know huge volumes of data, that each of these
different components they are generating coming at high velocities, has different you
know different types of data media data you know, multimedia data text data and so on
and so on and so forth. They are at a these different characteristics of big 3 V to 5 V to 7
V, and this is something that we spoke about in a previous lecture already.
So, I not going to elaborate on these, but what is required is to do some good planning.
So, what are you going to do with all this data? So, you know one possibility is that these
data can be made available to the population, to the citizens. But making the data
available just like that will not help. So, you have to do some processing. So, let us say
that that processing is also done. Then you have to you have to fuse these data that are
made available from these different sources, let us say transportation data and health care
data sense from different points made available from these different locations, has to be
this data have to be fused together in order to give better insight about different things in
a smart city so that part is really challenging.
So, one thing is to deal with this kind of data, you know this big data that is coming in
real time analyzing you know cleaning up processing, analyzing this kind of data in real
time this is one thing. But in addition you have to fuse the data that are cross to (Refer
Time: 04:15) that are coming from different sources, and that is a highly challenging
issue. And like this there are different other issues in the building of smart cities, in the
previous lecture we spoke about the overall idea the philosophy behind smart cities. But
then you have to make it technically made possible, it is not like you know you connect
few sensors and then, you know communication will be ZigBee Wi-Fi etcetera and then
you make the data available no that data is going to be of limited use to the
corresponding users of the stake holders so that is going to be of limited use.
So, you have to you have to do some better job by fusing the data together, and then
making that kind of fused data which has more in sight which will give more insight, you
know that will be more useful.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:12)
So, let us look ahead and see what we have for us in data fusion. So, data fusion basically
you know you are talking about in a smart city environment, we are talking about
enormous volumes of data, that are produced periodically. And the challenges include
making these particular type of data available. And so that the incoming larger data can
make more sense can make more sense. And with the help of this data from these
different sources, the large volumes of data from this different sources, different
predictions, different analytics should be should be executed. So, the quality of data
precession and the accuracy basically affects the quality of decision making, in this kind
of IoT based smart city environments. So, data fusion basically enables optimum
utilization of this massively collected data from different sources across different
(Refer Slide Time: 06:18)
So, multi sensor data fusion is very important, which basically combines information
from multiple sensor sources. It enhances the ability of the decision making system to
include a multitude of variables prior to arriving at a decision, this is what I was telling
you. So, it is not like clubbing two data together alone, but you considered the different
you know different issues and considered the different variables that are affecting these
systems, and you know taking all of these into account not just the sensor data taking all
of these multitudes of you know, variables effecting the data and affecting the system
together you come with you arrive at a decision, and make that decision made available
not just decision, but may be different options and make that decision or the different
options available to the users.
So, data fusion basically will help you in doing this. Inferences are drawn from multiple
sensor type data and these are typically you know, qualitative the inferences are
qualitative and you know, these basically are of more insight these are more insightful
these are more meaning full than the single sensor type data. So, these putting these
different types of it you know different types of data together and trying some kind of
you know arriving at some kind of intelligent decision that is more insightful than the
individual data. Information fusion generated from multiple heterogeneous sources
provides for better understanding and understanding of the operational surroundings.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:05)
The challenges include, we are dealing with an environment where the data has lot of
imperfection, imperfection due to inherent devices, devices like sensors etcetera, where
there is lot of uncertainty around the environment there are lot of inaccuracies that can
keep in. So, there is lot of inaccuracy uncertainty in the data and that basically leads to
imperfections. Ambiguity is another we are talking about an environment where there are
you know data that that are collected have lot of different outlets. Outlet means that there
would be some data points which will be far away from the similar data points in the
cluster. And there could be some missing data as well.
So, a ambiguity in the data can also creep. Similarity there can be conflicts in data that
are connected from different sensors about the same thing, they might be conflicting they
might be contradicting, alignment is like this that it arises when the sensor data frames
are converted to a singular frame prior to transmission so that also has to be done, you
know so that alignment you know into singular frame that is challenging. Different other
trivial features for example, processing of trivial data features may bring down the
accuracy of the whole system. And these are some of the challenges that have to be
talked on when you are talking about data fusion in an IoT environment.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:38)
So, what are the opportunities? So, collective data is reaching information and it
generates better intelligence better insight compared to the single source data from
different individual sensors. So, putting these data together you know will make you to
get better insight. So, you know what is the required is to optimally amalgate, optimally
amalgate means that integrate optimally integrate the data, because you know the more
and more you integrate you know it is possible to get more insight, but at the same time
you know that also has to be done in real time to be you know, for that decision to be
more meaning.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:43)
And that is useful for military applications for medical use cases. The different stages of
data fusion include, decision level which is basically an you know talking about an
ensemble coming up with an ensemble of decisions. Then feature level you know; that
means, that the different features you know you fuse with respect to the different future
features, at the feature level the integration is done the fusion is done.
So, it is basically fusion of information prior to decision making. And pixel level is
fusion of information at the imaging device level itself.
So, at the imaging devices that fusion is done in the device itself. And single level
basically fusion of information at the sensor node or within the local area network itself.
The mathematical methods of data fusion include using probability based schemes such
as Bayesian analysis, statistics, recursive methods, EI based schemes such as artificial
neural network, machine learning algorithms, deep neural networks, convolutional neural
networks, theory of evidence based you know, evidence based schemes. For example,
belief functions taking use of belief functions transferable belief models. So, these are
the different mathematical methods that are used in order to come up with these
intelligence from the different data that are you know that are secured from the different
IoT devices.
So, AI artificial intelligence comes as a big helper in enabling this. So, you know let us
consider this particular figure. So, traditionally what happens is you have these different
sensors and the sensor data has to be transmitted over the communication medium and
has to be you know based on that some actuation is going to happen. But how that
actuation is going to be made you know made possible, is it from one or 2 of these
sensors in a based on these sensor value you are going to actuate, or can we do
something better.
So, for betterness betterment what can be done is some kind of decision making has to be
done with the help of intelligence by, by adding intelligence between these different
sensors and the actuators we can make things better make things improved. So, how is
that made possible? With the help of artificial intelligence tools methods algorithms and
so on.
So, AI come as a rescuer over here, and what AI can do is it can make highly accurate
decision making possible between the sensors and the actuators. So, let us consider the
scenario of decision fusion for autonomous vehicles. So, for autonomous vehicles like
autonomous cars etcetera, etcetera. They interact a lot with the environment you know,
when there is a driver less car for instance. They need to take help of this different
sensors they need to also communicate with you know the with the satellite with the GPS
with the help of technologies such as you know LiDAR technology for obstruction you
know, for getting a map of the obstructions ahead, or the ultrasonic sensors can help in
even checking some different obstructions that are ahead of them in a small scale.
LiDAR can give a bit bigger picture whereas; ultrasonic sensors can give a small scale
picture of what is ahead of the autonomous vehicle.
So, autonomous cars you know they basically are collecting different data from different
sources through different technologies like LiDAR sensor networks you know, from
satellites through GPS and different cameras ahead of you know, in front of them. So,
they all these different data of different types as you can see are connected and they are
sent to the server. Now you know these data of different types you know, individually
they do not make much sense they are of limited help, but together can these data be
fused together, so that the car the autonomous car can get some kind of decision making,
about how it is going to proceed or whether it is going to turn left or right or what it is
going to do. If it sees some pedestrians in front, then what it is going to do? Like this
kind of thing is made possible with the help of data fusion data fusion technology. So, all
these decision making through you know of the data that is connected from the different
sources you know that is basically made possible with the help of data fusion.
Smart parking, I already spoke about smart parking in a in the previous lecture, but let us
dig into this smart parking little bit further. Smart parking is very much an important
component now a days we have smart parking solutions in different cities already started
to be deployed. So, in a smart parking environment what happens is, you know the user
knows ahead of actually going to that particular spot, that which of the spots in the cities
have free parking spots right. Which of these different parking lots have free parking
spots. And then accordingly the driver can make a decision about where to go and park
the car.
So, smart parking basically shortens the parking search parking search time of the
drivers. So, basically you know searching for the different parking lots that search time
would be reduced will be shortened and you know it the parking is going to be made
efficient. It reduces the traffic congestion, reduces the pollution by keeping unnecessarily
lingering vehicles off the road. So, you know So, what would happen is in a smart way
you know where to go and where to park that way it is not going to happen that you are
in a queue waiting for your parking your engine is on you are polluting the environment.
So, in a smart parking basically also helps in reducing pollution unnecessarily in a city. It
reduces the fuel consumption and costs as well and these are all actually interlinked, so
that you know fuel consumption more fuel consumption more pollution. More costs are
involved you know so, like this these are all interlinked. Increases the urban mobility and
the shorter parkings search time results in more parked time and hence more revenue.
So, in a smart parking scenario we are talking about you know information collection,
system deployment, rather I would start with the system deployment system is deployed
information is collected, and the surfaces are disseminated to the end users.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:28)
So, these are the different functional layers of smart parking. In terms of information
collection information is collected from the sensors the individual sensors in the car in
the parking lot, there are different parking meters the sensors are networked together. So,
you have the sensor network, and also the crowd sensing, crowd sensing basically is
from the crowd the from the different sensors in the mobile force in the smart phones for
instance you are able to collect the different data, and these data will help in decision
So, all these data taking together and fusion of these data will help in decision making.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:03).
Then we have the system deployment with respect to the software system that has to be
developed, the information management of the data, the E-parking you know guidance
system that will help in guiding the vehicle, about where to go how to go and you know
and parking the car there then the data analytics over all.
So, these are the different system level deployment issues in smart parking. Service
dissemination with respect to dynamic pricing, strategizing, infrastructure based
information infrastructure free information.
So, infrastructure based and infrastructure free. So, infrastructure free from the different
sensors you know these are not connected to the regular infrastructure like Wi-Fi
etcetera, etcetera. This is infrastructure free infrastructure based means like from the
regular internet infrastructure from the regular city communication infrastructure like
Wi-Fi and you know like 3G, 4G you know, the cellular networks. So, on these are all
like the infrastructure based, and then infrastructure free is what I just told you with the
help of sensors ad hoc networks formed out of these different mobile device of different
users etcetera. Then parking choice and vehicular activities these all contribute to the
building of services required for smart parking.
In terms of information sensing in smart parking, the sensing can be done from stationary
sensors or from mobile sensors. Stationary sensors like you know if you are collecting
the data from stationary sensors you need large number of sensors to be deployed at
different points, which will detect the presence or absence of different vehicles or from
mobile sensors where fewer sensors would be required compared to the case of
stationary sensors, and these mobile sensors the fewer mobile sensors would collect
information along the root when they go by.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:00)
Energy management in smart cities you need energy solutions. So, energy efficient
solutions it is required to light weight the protocols because you are dealing with a highly
resource constraint environment, and at the same time energy consumption has to be
reduced for you know reasons of greenness environment and so on. So, lightweight
protocols are required, it is required to schedule the optimization of you know
optimization of energy consumption. And then predicting models for energy
consumption is another important thing. Then you have the cloud based approach, low
power conceivers, cognitive management framework these are the different energy
efficient solutions for energy management in smart cities.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:47)
Energy harvesting solutions would include technique help of these you know harnessing
energy from these renewable sources of energy, such as sun, wind, heat, vibration RF
sources. Now a day’s people are talking about harvesting energy from radio frequencies
as well. So, from RF sources harvesting energy from sun wind heat vibration and like
this. So many different types of you know sources of energy ambient sources of energy
are there, and how you can harness the energy from all of these different sources.
Energy harvesting solutions would include dedicated energy harvesting by the deploying
different you know different sources like solar panels, etcetera; you know deployed pre
deployed. Energy sources are intentionally deployed near the IoT sources to power these
IoT devices for example, in our agricultural field, closer to the sensor node very close to
the sensor node, we have these solar panels. And these panel solar panels basically
power the sensor nodes that we have deployed in our agricultural field and these sensor
nodes are basically deploy you know, were developed in the swan lab of our institute.
So, the distance between the device and the source, the sensitivity of the harvesting
circuit and the environment these basically are contributors to determining the amount of
energy that is harvested.
So, with this we come to an end of the second part of the lecture on smart cities. Here we
have mostly covered issues such as, how to handle the data that is received from this
different sources. We can try to make inferencing with the help of these standalone
sensor data that are received the separate individual data that are received. Or is it
possible to do better, you know it is possible to do better by fusing the data from the
different sources together with the help of intelligence and so on. So, this is the end of
the smart cities part 2. The next in the next part we are going to talk about few other
different issues of building these smart environments and there the focus will be on smart
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 48
Smart Cities and Smart Homes – III
So, we now come to the part 3, the third part of smart cities and smart phones and unlike
in the previous 2 lectures where we focused mostly on smart cities. Here in this
particular lecture, we are going to focus on smart homes. So, when we talk about smart
homes we are talking about the integration of ICT technologies like the once that I
mentioned as part of the previous 2 lectures or even the once that we spoke about
throughout in this course taking help of these different technologies, how we can make
our home homes smart.
So, let us consider a scenario like this. So, we have, we have, let us say a smart home in a
We have different rooms, we have you know, let us say let me let me just for simplicity.
Let me just denote these different rooms here and so on. I am not as you can see I am not
very good in this art particularly when it comes to 3 D pictures. So, let us say that this is
a room 1, this is room 2, then you have a kitchen, then you have the wash room.
So, in a smart home you have different, you have different sensors that are basically
deployed in different places. Then the same time you also have some actuators as well let
us say that these are the different actuators which can be could be even some could be in
the room itself. So, you have different sensors actuators and different types of other like
NFC devices or you know, different other IoT devices and they talk to each other.
So, let us consider that you know we have in a smart home. We have to do something
better. So, do what let us say that we have to you know cook something in a better
manner. So, what can be done is you know from a particular room where we are sitting.
So, from that point on there could be some kind of a device which can go and which can
which can go to the kitchen you know, and from the refrigerator of the kitchen it can take
out something. And then you know in kitchen there is a microwave device it is going to
put that in the microwave device then it is going to boil it or you know it is going to you
know warm up in the micro wave oven and then it is going to serve me right.
So, this is one example, like this you know there are different other things at home
different activities that we do at home these could also be made smarter. So, this is an
example of smart home, in smart home you need better health care, better health care you
know improved activity ah, you know improved activity, I would say that; you know
performing and so on like this you know. So, whatever regular activities that you do
those can also be improved. So, that the activities can be done you know efficiently.
So, going back let us look at the smart home infrastructure. So, you need these different
infrastructure, these infrastructure as I telling you so far, that you have these different
sensors actuators different robotic devices that are there at your home. And also you need
the networking infrastructure. So, you have intelligent networking device infrastructure,
there is seem less integration of this various devices the sensor actuators etcetera, using
wireless typically wireless technologies are used, but wire technology could also be used
in addition.
So, this basically allows the ease of use of house hold systems. So, improving the
efficiency of performing different activities in a smart home or the use of these different
house hold systems can be improved. It creates a highly personalized and safe home
space so, you know whatever I need you know I can do things efficiently you know, and
why it is efficient? Because let us say that you know if I have run out of the groceries the
grocer is going to be informed. So, that will make it more efficient. So, corporations like
you know; Cisco, Google, Microsoft and many others they are seriously thinking about
building smart home systems, they are seriously thinking about they are inversing on
building smart home systems. So, smart home systems have become very popular in the
recent years.
So, smart home basically provides productive and cost effective environment, because
you know if you are doing things efficiently the cost is going to improve you know is
going to reduce. So, it is going to be cost efficient maximizes the effectiveness of the
occupants provides efficient management with minimum life time costs of hardware and
facilities and optimizes things such as structures systems services and management
interrelationships between the above three. So, all these are going to be optimized in a
smart home environment.
So, in a smart home basically the different components are sensor networks, sensor
networks, intelligent control, intelligent management, communication network
infrastructure and smart features and automatic responses.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:11)
So, in a smart home we are typically talking about something known as home area
network, which is analogous to something like a local area network in a building or
couple of buildings together when you know typically we have these local area networks.
So, smart sorry, and then we have this personal area network. So, personal area network
is very much like you know small in terms of the range typically you know human
bodies have the personal area networks, or then we can have this personal area networks
out of this different peripheral devices in a computing system.
So, personal area networks is too small. Then the local area networks are much bigger.
Then we need something in between for use in smart homes and this is known as the
home area network. So, in a home area network we have different components we have
these home area network elements which we are going to talk about in more details
shortly. So, the network is basically content within a particular home in a home area
network. Then we have there is different standards, the architectures then we have the
different initiatives.
So, basically you know. So, we are going to talk about each of these in further detail with
respect to the home area network home area network elements home area network
standards home area network architectures and the different other initiatives we are
going to talk about shortly. So, the network is contained within a home it enables the
remote access and control of devices and systems, and provides amalgamation of various
systems within a home such as security system home automation system personal media
communication and so on.
So, let us start with the home area network element the first one is IP protocol. So, we
have multi protocol gateway bridges the non IP network to IP network. In other words
you know, so you have in a home area network, support for both IP based networks the
traditional internet based networks as well as there are some non IP based networks as
well. And there are gateways that would bridge multiprotocol gateway; that means,
support you know those gateways basically support they understand the language of
different protocols both IP based protocols they understand as well as the non IP based
protocols both they understand. Bridging between new technologies is limited with the
help of you know, IP based a thing; IP based protocol and for new technologies or
networks a new mapping is required for bridging to perform satisfactorily.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:05)
The next one is the wired home area network. So, these basically enables easy
integration with pre existing house infrastructure like existing telephone systems existing
cables you know cable television cables and so on. So, easy integration is possible with
the help of this it is low cost because you know, you do not need additional wiring
additional infrastructure you know with the help of these existing systems it can be done.
And you know this is cheaper, but at the same time you know it is it has you know
different limitations it has different limitations because mobility is one issue.
So, if it is all wired you know you cannot move around and mobility is very important
you know, where easy ease in mobility is very important in a in a in a smart environment
in any smart environment and in a smart home as well. So, you know all though wired
technologies in a home area network are less expensive compared to the wireless
counterpart but at the same time it also restricts the mobility of the users at home.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:15)
Wireless home area network uses different technologies like Wi-Fi, ZigBee and the
different others that is spoke about in this course by earlier part of this course. For
example, the ones that we covered in module one the different technologies those can be
used for wireless home area network. So, wireless makes implementation easy it
improves the mobility of the users there by improve the satisfaction and the utility of
home networks you know over all this utility is going to improve.
So, the classification of home area networks. So, we have the home area network
communication and networking technologies which are wired or wireless. Wired would
take help of electronic sorry electric lines, telephone lines, optical fibers that are already
existing at home, even the cable television cables cable TV cables and so on. Wireless
basically are typically battery operated or they can even be better if free, and the battery
operated there is no energy harvesting in battery free there is energy harvesting. And
some of this protocols that basically help in this battery operated energy harvested
communication in a home area network are given over here. So, we have Zwave, Wi-Fi,
6LoWPAN, ZigBee and so on. In enocean basically harvests energy and it is battery free
wireless technology.
Now, the different standards that are supported. We have the most important one the
most popular one the UPnP, universal plug and play. Universal plug and play is a
protocol standard that is used typically in most of the smart environments and
particularly for building smart homes. See universal plug and play is an application layer
technology particularly for web based applications it is used.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:46)
So, the TCP/IP protocols stack provides support for the lower layers and enables
seamless integration of the various technologies and provides the transparent networking
with support for zero configuration networking and automatic discovery services.
Then we have the DLNA the full form of which is digital living network alliance DLNA.
It is a trade organization that is created by companies like Sony, Intel and Microsoft. It
connects cable based networks with wireless networks for increased sharing of media
control and access. So, cable networks come up with lot of media content, sharing those
with the help of other wireless networks with the users. So, the DLNA digital living
network alliance basically this helps in this kind of content being made available the
media reach content being made available in domestic front for use by the domestic users
at home.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:40)
Then we have this Konnex standard in short it is also known as the KNX standard, which
is an important standard for home and building networks. Which utilizes the full range of
home communication infrastructure including power lines, coaxial cables, twisted pair,
RF etcetera. When whatever is existing those existing infrastructure the communication
infrastructure at utilized in Konnex. And this must be set up and configured via a
software before it is proper usage.
Then we have the LonWorks, local operation networks LonWorks, where every device
includes a neuron chip. You know, LonWorks has different devices which include
something known as the neuron chip which has a transceiver and the application
So, then neuron chip is a system on chip with multiple microprocessors RAM, ROM, I/O
interface ports and so on it is split is the device groups into intelligent elements which
can communicate through a physical communication medium. Then we have the ZigBee
and ZigBee. We have actually discussed in a lot detail in module one.
So, I am not going to talk about in too much detail here. But from a home area network
perspective ZigBee is very commonly used. It has the different layers the physical layer,
the mac layer, the network, layer and the application layer as you already know. By
virtue of your existing knowledge of ZigBee in the module one of this course.
Physical and mac layers in ZigBee are defined with the help of the 802.15.4IEEE
standard whereas, the network and application layers are defined by ZigBee, ZigBee
itself. It aims at low cost low energy devices and there is a ZigBee alliance comprising of
the companies such as Mitsubishi, Honeywell, Invensys, Motorola and Philips.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:44)
So, this basically guides the development of the ZigBee standard forward. X-10 is
another standard that enables remote control of complaint sorry, of compliant
transmitters and receivers over power lines and electrical wirings that are already present
at home. It was adapted by GE and Philips, and this standard defines the procedures for
transmission of bit is over carrier alternating carrier current carrier signals. And it has
low speed and low data rate and is mainly used for control of lighting appliance networks
and security sensors.
Now, let us talk about in brief about the different home area network architectures. The
home are network architectures two of them are quite popular, the first one is the
DomoNet which uses xml for description and wave services for control follows, follows
a service oriented based architecture. And it is not tied to any specific type of software
language or architecture. Here in DomoNet a central gateway is there which connects
different technologies. And there is also a tech manager for each technology that
provides a web services for control and access.
Then we have this Jini architecture that helps in connecting various devices sharing their
resources with auto configuration and auto installation. It is based on the java
environment and is perused by the company sun microsystems which later one became
It constructs an organized distribution system without a central node Jini applications use
the byte code and the JVM. So, this is basically java environment compliant that is the
reason actually it is using the JVM and the byte code and are portable. Because you
know it is it is based on the use of JVM and byte code byte code based technologies. So,
where ever this JVM is installed So, you know byte code is basically portable technology
in java and that is the reason Jini is also very much portable it follows the object oriented
(Refer Slide Time: 18:54)
In terms of the initiatives there is that HYDRA project which is about some middle ware
for embedded intelligent systems. So, that middle ware was you know was proposed a
for a use in IoT kind of environments, where there are embedded intelligent systems or
intelligent devices. It connects a service oriented architecture network, the connected
devices may have limited resources low processing power memory or energy
consumption. Here in HYDRA each device has an embedded HYDRA client which acts
as a proxy between the device and the middle ware.
So, in the HYDRA protocol stack there are these different there are different layers. We
have at the very bottom, we have the physical layer you know. Having Bluetooth ZigBee
wireless local area networks and so on top we have the operating system comprising of
TinyOS windows etcetera. So, TinyOS is an operating system of window as of sensors.
So, it is commonly used along with the sensors. So, TinyOS operating system then we
have the HYDRA middleware and then we have this applications. In the HYDRA middle
ware we have this application elements and the device elements and they basically
handset with respect to this different three layers, the network layer the service layer and
the semantic layer and there is a vertically cutting across security layer in HYDRA.
So, this is how the overall HYDRA protocol stack looks like. And then comes the other
you know architecture which is the Amigo architecture sorry, Amigo initiative not
architecture the Amigo initiative which is aimed at ambient intelligence systems for
networked home environments. Amigo basically features user friendly interfaces it takes
care of interoperability and also the issues of automatic discovery of devices and
services, which are very important in IoT environments particularly when we are talking
about home area networks, home users and home you know smart homes.
So, with this we come to an end of this lecture. Specifically focusing on smart homes, we
have seen the different protocols that are used in smart homes, the different architectures
of smart homes and also the different initiatives the HYDRA, and the Amigo initiatives
that use that that are that have that these initiatives are therefore building smart homes.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 49
Connected Vehicles-I
Now, we start a new lecture which is on connected vehicles. So, connected vehicles has
become very popular in the recent years. There is a lot of research that is going on
building connected vehicles for good reasons, what are these different reasons? So, stand
alone vehicles embedded with embedded with different sensors has been there since
several years now if not decades. So, you know these standalone different vehicles you
know we all are using different vehicles and these have different embedded sensors
embedded systems and so on.
But in connected vehicles actually we are talking about how we can make
communication between different vehicles possible. So, what kind of communications?
Communication between a vehicle one vehicle with another vehicle. Communication
between a vehicle and a pedestrian user or another user who is not there in the vehicle,
and the roadside infrastructure or the existing infrastructure in a city. So, all of these
different possibilities are there in a connected vehicle.
So, let us look at this particular example. So, let us say that we have. So, we are talking
about a scenario to motivate why connected vehicle connected vehicles are required. So,
let us say that we have these different vehicles on the road. So, in a every vehicle has it is
own different sensors and it can even be feeded with more sensors more communication
equipment and so on even further it can be done. So, if we talk about a single vehicle in a
connected vehicle scenario these vehicle could be talking to the immediate next vehicle
the neighbor vehicle. This vehicle could be talking to this one may be with the either
directly or with the help of some intermediate vehicle which is there in it is
neighborhood this vehicle could be talking to a roadside person you know.
So, this connection flow you know this communication flow might be possible or there
could be these different existing communication infrastructure with which this
information exchange may also happen. So, you can have V2I, V2V vehicle to
infrastructure vehicle to vehicle communication, vehicle to human or even human to
vehicle. And when we are talking about human we are talking about the humans who are
not in the vehicle who are on the road side. So, all these things are made possible in the
connected vehicles. And there is lot of; you know, if we look at the history there has
been lot of you know, at least a decade or decade and a half there has been lot of research
on vehicular communication and intelligent transportation systems, vehicular ad hoc
networks, VANOTs vehicular sensor networks.
Then came this connected vehicles, then came the; you know intelligent connected
vehicles. All of these you know in different forms have been around, but the different
services this different service improvements that can be made possible in people are
talking about in the context of connected vehicles and you know, and this intelligent
connected vehicles.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:30)
So, let us look at some of this basics which will help in building this connected vehicles.
So, in connected vehicles we have the vehicles that are equipped with different sensors,
networking and communication infrastructure different devices, or by you know intra
vehicle communication. So, so remember 1 thing couple of things you know. So, what is
going to happen is in a connected vehicles scenario number 1, it would be possible to
communicate with the different devices inside a single vehicle number 1, number 2 is
between different vehicles from a vehicle to the roadside infrastructure or a fixed
infrastructure; that means, a non mobile infrastructure.
So, all these different types of communication are going to happen in a connected
vehicles scenario. So, issues such as security privacies, scalability, reliability, quality of
service and on top the lack of any singular global standard for connectivity, are some of
the challenges that are facing the building of connected vehicles. So, if you are interested
you know. So, this particular paper that is reference over here prove a concept of home
IoT connected vehicles this paper you can go through this basically gives a good account
of the different issues surrounding building of connected vehicles at present.
So, this is a recent paper that was published in 2017 in the sensors journal. So, the
different challenges for example, security. Security is very important because you know.
So, you are opening up with the help of wireless and with the help of these different
vehicles plying all around in the city, yes you are opening up to lot of vulnerabilities at
their your opening up you adding to the vulnerabilities and additionally privacy is also
very important, because the vehicular data plying all across different people can get you
know access to that data.
So, privacy of the data from different vehicles is very important, you know why privacy
is important let us say, that if the data is leaked for one reason or another let us say that
there is someone. So, I am driving and I am in a connected vehicle kind of environment,
and from my vehicle the data is sent to another vehicle which is a trusted one by me. But
in between the data is leaked and that data is made accessible to somebody else. So, in
that case what is going to happen is the the intruder or the malicious person or the entity
which gets access to this data which was not intended for it.
So, if that entity gets access to the data they will know that where I am going to for a for
example, where this vehicle is going to, and that could be risky that could be even a
security threat a safety threat. Because you know not only safety threat or security threat
to the vehicle itself, but also to the people who are inside like for example, if I am the
user of the car if I am the driver of the car, and if somebody gets access to this kind of
information even my safety my security is also at risk.
Scalability is a huge challenge, you are talking about an environment where there is lot
of mobility, large number of devices coming in going out of the cities and you have to
have some kind of a registry about, who are the home users home vehicles who are
which vehicles are the foreign vehicles, and some kind of pricings some kind of keeping
track of all these mobility etcetera, etcetera, yes. These are going to be there and at any
time anybody from outside can be coming into the cities people can we know the
vehicles can be going out of the city and you know it is a highly challenging scenario.
So, lot of issues of scalability you know more vehicles being added large number of
vehicles being added at in peak hours it will large number of vehicles could be added.
So, scalability issues are there upscale even downscaling also. You know if you think it
will be deep you will be able to understand that downscaling issues are also there. Then
you have the reliability issues with respect to the reliable communication being possible
in this kind of environment quality of service lack of global standards.
So, in a connected vehicle connected vehicles are very good as we have seen there are lot
of different interesting use cases usefulness of connected vehicles then we have the
vehicular cloud. In a vehicular cloud what is going to happen is these connected vehicles
are going to send all these data these data are going to go to the cloud, from the cloud lot
of you know analytics are going to be performed are you know the data the analytics data
are going to made available to the respective stake holders and so on.
So, all these connected vehicles is part you can conceptualize connected vehicles in a as
part of the vehicular cloud and vehicular cloud, and connected vehicles as part of the
IoT. So, these are like enablers of internet of things. So, the different users and the stake
holders of connected vehicles include academia, law enforcement bodies like police you
know judiciary etcetera law enforcement bodies, automobile companies, government
agencies standardization groups cloud service providers. So, these are the different
stakeholder’s different actors of connected vehicles.
So, typically in a connected vehicle the most popular concept is the concept of vehicle to
everything paradigm. So, V2X vehicle to everything V2X. So, V2X is basically part of
the future it is intelligent transportation system, which enables vehicles to wirelessly
share a diverse range of information, and the information sharing may be with other
vehicles pedestrians or fixed infrastructures, such as mobile towers parking meters and
so on. So, this is what at the very outset of this particular lecture I was also telling you
that, this vehicle can communicate with the pedestrians on the way with the other
vehicles on the road or with fixed infrastructures such as mobile towers or parking
meters and so on.
So, this basically allows for graphic management ensuring on road and off road safety
mobility for traveling and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:20)
So, I do not need to elaborate on these, but this is quite evident and understandable the
you know how this V2X is going to be useful. V2X basically follows a distributed
architecture where the contents are widely distributed over the network. So, content
based communication So, I will talk about that it is a content centric V2X basically uses
content centric and not really the TCP/IP kind of you know information dissemination
approach. It is not restricted to single source information provider it is designed mainly
for highly mobile environments and vehicular environments are highly mobile
environments. It is designed mainly for such kind of environments. The vehicles can
share information to notes in the vicinity, as well as to remotely located notes.
So, here you know V2X has greatly enhanced the travel efficiency, the safety, security
and so on. The network in V2X is mainly used as a tool for sharing and dissemination of
information. And that is not something very new because ultimately, what is going to
happen is after this information is collected from these different sensors. If the
dissemination has to happen with some communication medium and typically it is a
wireless communication medium, where there is a network and the network basically
helps in the dissemination of information.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:30)
Now, what do we already have in terms of implementation of V2X. We already have our
internet runs on TCP/IP. So, you know if we try to implement V2X on top of TCP/IP this
is what is going to happen. So, you know it is going to fail, why? So, TCP/IP is designed
mainly for handling information between single pair of entities. There is a source there is
a destination you know and between these source and destination whether they are you
know in direct range of each other or they are far apart, TCP/IP will have different
solutions by which to send the data from one point to another.
So, the location the information exchange in TCP/IP is dependent on the location of data.
So, you know there is a specific data base located at some place. So, from that point the
data has to be fetched. So, from this particular data base in a particular server the data
has to be fetched. So, this is like dependent on the location of the data can only identify
TCP/IP can only identify the address of the endpoints which alone is not useful for
content distribution, and that that content distribution is what is required in the cases of
connected vehicles in V2X. And there is increase in the number of wireless devices
which basically restricts the mobility of the different nodes.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:01)
So, we have hierarchically name data in content centric network. Hierarchically named
data is something like x dot y dot z, you know this kind of hierarchy is followed.
Something like you know my data would be something like mister dot sudeep dot age
dot something. So, it is hierarchically named you know very similar I am giving you just
an analogous example not the exact one. So, hierarchical data is transmitted directly
instead of being part of the conversation. So, the conversation would be like the entire
thing this dot this dot this dot this that becomes the entire conversation.
So, this is the how the hierarchical data is organized. So, I do not need to really if I need
to get access to a particular part of that hierarchical data, I do not need to access the
entire conversation. I can simply pick up from that particular part. So, it enables scalable
and efficient data dissemination in network caching allows for low data traffic, it works
well in highly mobile environments. So, in highly mobile environments you do not really
need to keep track of the source the destination and the intermediate hops in between and
how the data is going to float all around. So, you have a highly ad hoc kind of scenario
and content centric networking, I basically the following this kind of philosophy that I
just explained is very much useful.
So, we are talking about vehicular ad hoc networks which is based on dedicated short
range communication DSRC. And the wave protocol which is wireless access in
vehicular environments the wave protocol.
So, these are the 2 you know very well known protocols that are used in vehicular ad hoc
network, the DSRC protocol and the wave protocol. So, routing protocols are derived
from the MANETs and, but here actually you have different types of characteristics than
MANETs you know it is a derivation all these routing protocols for MANETs are
basically derivations over from MANETs, but again they are different by taking the
typical features of vehicular networks how the vehicles fly ply on the road on highways
and so on are taking in account and how they communicate with the roadside
infrastructure these are actually taken into account.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:24)
So, high through put is achievable in mobile environments using VANETs. And also low
latency can be guaranteed in mobile environments in VANETs. VANET basically has
different features. It has a highly dynamic topology, where the vehicle vehicles are
highly mobile and they are changing their position. And the network topologies come
continuously the brake and they make continuously. So, you have a highly dynamic
breaking making kind of topology which is done continuously.
So, high transmission and computation capability the vehicles store energy sources sorry,
the vehicles stored energy sources and the computational sources are used to draw
power. And that basically is much higher compared to the stand alone IoT devices. And
that is why there is no not much restriction there is not much of you know restriction on
the energy source energy use and computational power and so on, because the vehicular
you know energy sources and the computational energy sources in the vehicles these are
quite high.
Unstable connectivity in VANETs link durations are short due to high dynamic feature
of the these networks. These networks can be scaled up very easily to include different
other vehicles on the road they can join these particular network without effecting the
throughput in a very significant manner. The predictable mobility patterns can be can be
achieved in these kind of networks because the vehicles are restricted within the roads
you know how the road structure is and that basically restricts the mobility pattern also
and these mobility patterns are predictable in these kind of networks. In contrary in
MANETs basically in mobile ad hoc networks the mobility is a big issue you do not
You know how the vehicles are going to move it is hard to predict the mobility of these
different vehicles. Safety issues are there emergency breaking lenge sorry, lane change
warning you know collision avoidance hazard notification these are the different safety
applications of VANETs. Efficiency with respect to congestion management electronic
toll collection parking availability these are again different attractive applications of
Third type of applications are commercial applications for example, making a having
internet access multimedia streaming all these possible on the road when you are on the
road in the car in the vehicle. So, these are possible in VANETs, then different other
comfort comforts with respect to getting whether information autonomous driving
journey time estimation these are all made possible with the help of implementation of
(Refer Slide Time: 20:05)
Then CCN the content centric networking that was telling you before, how it is
implemented in VANETs?
So, some sort of routing is done, but this kind of routing is bit different. So, forwarding
and routing is best here on name of the content not the location of the content. The name
of the content is used for routing. The individual contents name prefixes are advertised
by the routers across the network these helps to build a forwarding information base for
each router. The name of the content remains the same and unique globally, and there is
no issue of IP address management or address exhaustion. The communication does not
depend on the speed or direction of the different nodes.
So, these are the different issues. So, the main thing that he have to has to be
remembered is there is indeed the same way as we have routing tables in the case of
TCP/IP based routing. Here we also have a very similar kind of thing which we have the
forwarding information base at each of these different routers. But here the routing is
done not on the basis of the location of the content, but on the basis of the name of the
contents. So, where this and that name has to be unique. So, this is very important. If the
name is not unique then this kind of routing cannot be done. So, in content centric
routing the name also has to be unique in the network.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:25)
Now, will talk about a very interesting architecture which is called the body and brain
architecture that has been proposed for the connected vehicles. So, it is an in vehicle
networking architecture, which has very similar kind of you know architecture as the
human body. As in the human body we have the body the code body having the skeleton
the muscles the you know tissues the organs and this you know. So, that kind of
structure, but on top you we also have the nervous system the brain etcetera and you
know similar kind of thing is done in this case as well.
So, here we have a 3 layered architecture, there is that sense and execution layer then we
have the network and transmission layer, and then we have the decision layer. So, the
sense and execution layer is very similar to the body of a human body, the network and
transmission layer is very similar to the nervous system of the human body. And the
decision layer is very, very similar to the brain of the human body. So, there are 3 layers
the body consists of intelligent networking nodes, which constantly collect information
from the vehicle and the then the brain basically manages the central coordination.
So, let us first look at the sense and execution layer. In the sense and execution layer we
have these intelligent nodes. With the help of sensors actuators different radios the
information is acquired with the help of different other devices like, LDAR, RADAR
proximity sensors and different other sensors plus actuators such as steering brakes lights
etcetera the information is acquired. And the commands are executed through the
through the actuators or through the different radio mechanisms. These are made
available and this is how the sense and execution layer looks like in a connected vehicle
The intelligent networking nodes which has intelligence with implemented with the help
of software you know different software. There are there are different types of nodes,
one is the registered type nodes which can be opened or closed. There is a motor type
nodes which basically are you know the motors can be moving clock wise counter
clockwise or the motor can be stopped.
Switch type nodes switches can be of different types in a intelligent net node in a
intelligent vehicle, a it could be the switches could be a nob. A pneumatic switch or an
electromagnetic switch the sensors could be rheostatic switch rheostatic sensors rheostats
we already know what a rheostat is. So, rheostatic sensors or transformers or transducers
or they could be assembled nodes comprising of different separate electronic controls.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:45)
The network and transmission layer looks like this. So, you know this is basically you
know this network and transmission layer, and as this name suggest we have for
communication this is used primarily for communication. The sense and execution layer
on the very bottom and on the top we have the decision layer and in between we have
this communication in communication layer. Where there is a in vehicle bus system bus
means that it is a collection of ware. So, we have the in bus in vehicle you know bus
system and there are different you know proprietary and to open source components for
communications. So, all these together will comprise the network and transmission layer
which is used for communication. And that basically sit is in between the sensing and
execution layer and the decision layer that we talk about now.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:31)
In the decision layer which sit is on top of the network and transmission layer. The
information is transmitted for monitoring to the administrative node and for control of
the sensor nodes the supervisory node basically sends the command to the network and
the transmission layer, for further sending to the actuators underneath. So, with this we
come to an end of this particular lecture of connected vehicles. We have talked about the
first part of the connected vehicles the different issues with connected vehicles why
connected vehicles are very important, and the different associated terminologies for
example, vehicular communication we also spoke about different other allied terms such
as vehicular ad hoc networks vehicular sensor networks.
Then intelligent vehicular systems then internet sorry, connected vehicles and intelligent
connected vehicles ICVs; so, these are the different things that we spoke about in the
next lecture we will talk about few other different issues with connected vehicles, and
how those issues can be resolved.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 50
Connected Vehicles – II
So, now we are going to continue with our discussion about connected vehicles in the second
part of the lecture on connected vehicles we are going to talk about the intelligent connected
vehicles. So, intelligence means that it comes with lot of implementation of different types of
software different things can be performed intelligently different inferences predictions
etcetera, etcetera based on the data that is obtained either from the hardware; that is
embedded or from the historical data that is collected from the from the site from the different
vehicles on the site and what people have you know send the different vehicles have sent in
the past.
So, based on that historical data, different types of inferences can be done so that intelligent
decision making can be done. So, here basically you know when we are talking about
intelligence of any kind we are talking about the use of software. So, intelligent software the
software basically uses different types of analytics different types of machine learning
methodologies and so, these that will be applicable on top of the data that is collected and the
data that is collected is from the different sensors and these sensors the actuators and so on;
get together are the down devices the base devices the physical devices which basically help
in the procurement of this information.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:56)
So, let us consider a particular scenario like this for intelligent connected vehicles let us
consider 2 scenarios in the first scenario we have a road on which there is a vehicle and all
these different vehicles are also moving on the road and then there is a passerby. So, all these
different vehicles and we are considering a very simple configuration like this. So, what
happens is when this vehicle these vehicles are moving on the road and let us say that this is
the lane and there is a vehicle which is trying to pass this particular vehicle. So, you know it
might be possible to come up with a scheme through which cooperatively these vehicles will
help each other. So, that there is no collision between them.
So, there has; these has to be made possible with the help of enforcement of or enforcement
or implementation of some scheme which is based on cooperation between the different
entities cooperation between the different entities. So, in this particular example we were
talking about this vehicle this vehicle and this vehicle cooperating with each other in order to
avoid collision and that would be made possible with the help of the data that is collected
from the individual sensors in these different vehicles from the from the information that is
obtained from the different roadside units from the different let me denote the road side units
as solid blocks.
So, from this from this data from this data this data and also the data like this. So, all these
information would be collected together there would be some kind of a cooperation
enforcement scheme may be using cooperative game theoretic approaches or something like
that 2 come up with schemes or to come up with decisions on driving. So, that these vehicles
can keep safe distance from each other and they do not collide. So, this is one scenario.
Another one could be let us consider another example where we have let us say it is not a
highway, but you know it is a city intersection like this and typically as you know that in the
intersections you have different blind spots maybe due to different buildings in the corners or
maybe there is a parked let us say that here we have you know these are the different
buildings in the corners of an intersection or maybe there is some parked vehicle over here
these are the different parked vehicles.
So, what might so happen is these vehicles these parked vehicles they often create blind spots
blind spots and due to blind spots what might happen is a vehicle that is coming from this
place and if they want to turn this way and another vehicle that is coming from this way they
might collide because these vehicle cannot see this one this one cannot see these and they
might collide. So, similar kind of other types of scenarios can also be you know thought of
thought of involving blind spots and so how do we avoid this thing.
So, here also these might happen is again there is collision due to blind spots and intelligent
connected vehicles can help in this scenario as well. So, these can cooperate. So, there other
vehicles that are there and the sensors in them like in the case of this particular scenario they
all can cooperate with one another in order to help these 2 vehicles. So, that they do not
collide with each other. So, we have one scenario of ICV and the other scenario of ICV
intelligent connected vehicles. So, let us look ahead and see what is there for us further.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:57)
So, when we talk about intelligent connected vehicles we are talking about intelligent
transportation which we have already discussed the different transport infrastructure the
communication channel pedestrians all coming together interconnecting them in an intelligent
fashion to fulfill certain objectives the different use cases.
So, let us look at some technological background about ICV. So, the US department of
transport and federal communications commission allocated 75 megahertz in the band 5850-
5925 megahertz, so, this 75 megahertz band as the dedicated spectrum for internet intelligent
connected vehicles. So, US has already done it. I for ICVs they have a separate allocated 75
megahertz band and these particular thing for ICVs, it is supported by the DSRC technology
that we spoke about in the first part of intelligent of the connected vehicle’s lecture.
So, in the first part we talked about the 2 types; one is the DSRC communication technology
the other one is the wave communication technology. So, basically for this part basically the
75 megahertz communication for ICVs there is that DSRC that is commonly used and IEEE
concurrently has also come up with this protocol 802.11p and the IEEE; IEEE 1609 as 2
different standards for DSRC implementation. So, 2 different standards 1 is 802.11p not the
simple not the standalone 802.11 protocol the standard. So, p the 11p and 16.0 sorry; 1609
IEEE standards are also used for ICV implementations and the society of automotive
engineers came up with the SAE J 2735 and J 29452 different standards by this particular
So, 1609 is for automotive connections automotive connections interconnected vehicles. So,
these standard and the different drafts I am going to go through. So, P1609.0 this is a draft
standard for wave architecture and this wave architecture I already told you before wave
protocol. So, the wave architecture is basically drafted in this particular a in this particular
document the P1609 draft then the 1609.1-2006; these basically takes about the trial use
standard for wave from a resource manager point of view .2-2006 is the trial use standard for
wave with security services for applications and management of messages .3-2007 is the trial
use standard for wave consisting of different networking services .4-2006 is the trial use
standard for wave with multichannel operations and P1609.11 is over the year data exchange
protocol for standard transportation systems for intelligent transportation systems the ITS.
So, DSRC protocol if you look at it looks like this as shown in this particular figure we have
at the very bottom the bottom layer is not just the physical. So, it includes the 802.11 physical
and the MAC of 802.11p these 2 are at the very bottom then we have the 1609.4 which is the
DSRC WAVE MAC and then on top we have the DSRC wave short range messaging
protocol 1609.3 and also the regular IPV 6 and TCP IP; TCP UDP as the transport and the
different applications such as safety messaging general services etcetera on the very top the
security is something that cuts across vertically across all these different layers. So, security
is drafted in point 2 IEEE 1609.2.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:53)
Now, the phases of internet sorry intelligent connected vehicle development in phase one it
was considered to have you know facilities for infotainment service availability with remote
information processing and that was based on the 2 G, 3 G technology phase 2 basically
included 4 G LTE or DSRC and here the focus was on intelligent transportation service and
phase 3 basically was to connect all these vehicles to the cloud that was the phase 3.
Now, let us look at some ICV scenarios forward collision warning scenario. So, we have
these different vehicles which are running on the road we have this vehicle and these 3
different vehicles and this particular vehicle. So, they all would be you know having this
information with respect to the speed the direction the breaking status and. So, on and based
on these they can cooperatively estimate the collision course you know. So, that they do not
collide with each other then this is an example of the existence of blind spot across you know
blind spots on the road.
So, you know in particularly blind spots exist in the corner as I was telling you at the very
outset for a different kind of scenario. So, it might. So, happen that a particular vehicle would
be coming when there is a human who is trying to pass. So, this vehicle was supposed to
come this way this human was supposed to walk on the pedestrian; you know on these
pedestrian road. So, when they try to cross there could be a possibility of crash crash between
the vehicle and the human who is trying to cross because and this was happening because
they were not within line of sight of each other and because of the existence of this particular
building on the house on the corner.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:09)
So, you know. So, taking care of this kind of scenarios these V2P scenarios vulnerable road
user safety scenarios was something that was considered in the intelligent connected vehicles
vehicular ad-hoc network is at the core of ICVs. So, when we talk about vehicular ad hoc
networks we are talking about 3 different types of communications at least number one
communication inside the vehicle inside every vehicle there are lot of sensors there are lot of
actuators there are different types of other embedded devices there are these different
transmitters receivers and so on.
So, in vehicle communication is one, then comes the ad hoc communication ad hoc
communication is with without the help of any infrastructure these vehicles would be able to
communicate with one another. So, vehicle to vehicle communication may be directly or via
some intermediate vehicle which will act as a relay of the messages. So, vehicle to vehicle
communication either directly or through relays and the infrastructure based communication
may be with the help of road side units or mobile towers and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:18)
So, these are the 3 different domains of vehicular communication in-vehicle communication
ad-hoc communication and infrastructure based communication. So, in vehicle
communication for that there are different OBUs the on board units that are basically fixed on
the vehicles. So, these vehicles they have each of these vehicles they have one or more OBUs
the on-board units they also have something known as the ADAS unit advanced driver
assistant system unit which has different sensors such as cameras proximity sensors engine
sensors actuators radars and so on, the communication is mainly through controller area
network vehicular power line network and the Ethernet. So, these are 3 typical typically used
communication equipments communication facilities communication networks that are used.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:15)
So, what we have is something like this; this is the whole vehicle this is the whole vehicle
and in the vehicle we have these OBUs the onboard units the ADAS comprising of different
sensors engine sensors brakes lighting radars proximity sensors and cameras and these are all
connected with each other with the help of different communication technologies like
controller area network VPLN and Ethernet.
In the ad hoc domain again we have these OBUs, but we are considering OBUs which are
mobile and these vehicles basically can talk to each other and also with the road side units the
RSUs, but these road side units are considered to be static in this particular architecture. So,
the communication mode may be either V2V orV2I and the communication is done through
the DSRC stack using the 802.11p IEEE standard.
So, let us consider this particular scenario of these vehicles moving on the roads. So, each of
these vehicles they have their own different OBU like this every vehicle has one or more
OBUs and these RSUs road road side units and it is possible to have different types of
communication either vehicle to vehicle communication like this or from vehicle to RSU
communication vehicle to RSU communication. So, this is V2V and this is V2I vehicle to
infrastructure because RSUs are fixed infrastructure on the road sides.
So, that is the reason this is known as V 2 I infrastructure and it is also considered in the case
of VANETs in the case of intelligent connected vehicles is that these RSUs are connected to
the internet RSUs the road side units are also connected to the internet. So, basically the
RSUs have the internet connectivity.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:26)
And this is how this internet connectivity is used is provided to these different vehicles on the
road. In the infrastructure domain the RSUs basically are connected to internet by means of
gate ways in the presence of the RSUs the vehicles may communicate to the internet viaV2I
interfaces. So, when the RSUs are present it is going to be the vehicles are communicating to
the internet via the V2I interfaces whereas, when the RSUs are not present the vehicles
communicate with each other or the internet through cellular such as 3G, 4G LTE.
So, these are the 2 scenarios that are depicted over here that I just mentioned here is a
scenario of the RSU being present and when the RSU is present you know. So, RSU has the
internet connectivity via the gateway and that internet connectivity basically helps to have
V2I and V2V communication.
And this is the scenario of the RSU being absent and here basically you know if the RSU is
absent what is suggested is to take help of the existing infrastructure of cellular
communication like 3G, 4G etcetera and with the help of 3G, 4G LTE you know these
vehicles they would be able to communicate with each other.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:35)
Now, what are the advantages of V2X communication? So, we remember in the last lecture
previous lecture we spoke about the V2X; that means, vehicle to everything vehicle to
anything basically communication what are the advantages it number one increases the traffic
safety increases the driver safety optimizes the time of travel because you know if you if
everything is connected together you can calculate your systems onboard systems can
calculate that from 1 point to another; what is the optimized time of travel what are the
different you know possibilities for different roots etcetera and how the travel can be made
and the efficiency of fuel consumption and secure travel security secure you know. So,
because you know it is all connected together and you know you can secure you know you
know that; what is the way to travel from a point A to point B in a secured manner; fuel
consumption likewise can be you know reduced. So, efficient fuel consumption easier drive
in low visibility or unfavorable weather conditions.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:38)
The disadvantages include violation of privacy loss of data control collection of personal data
secondary use of data secondary use of data is interesting secondary use of data means these
data that is floating all across you know. So, what is going to happen to it who is going to use
it you know, so, whether there would be a non intended use of the data. So, secondary use of
the data data use by unauthorized entities very similar and tracking of movements of the
vehicles is made possible.
So, you know it is possible that you know one can get all these different vehicles who are
connected together through that if there is some kind of a security leak or something like that
the positions and the movement patterns and futuristic predictions of about these vehicles can
be made and these you know. So, that basically is not a very good thing if there are some
vulnerabilities that are there tracking of the movements and localization of the positions of
these different vehicles are the other disadvantages.
So, with this we come to an end of the second lecture on connected vehicles. In fact, we have
spoken about connected vehicles in the first lecture and the second lecture as well we have
seen the different different advantages and disadvantages of connected vehicles intelligent
connected vehicles the different architectures the different standards that can be used and the
only thing that is required is from understanding about one of these things and whatever we
understood as part of the module one and module 2 as well implementing those and coming
up with a platform to enable this kind of architecture.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 51
Smart Grid- Part – I
So, in the first part, we will be talking about the basics of smart grid, some of the
motivations behind why smart grid is required and there after some of the more; you
know a advanced concepts will be covered in the second part of the smart grid lecture.
So, first part we are going to do is we are going to understand that what is smart grid, and
what is its role in the overall building of internet of things, and what are different
components of smart grid.
We all are familiar with the traditional electrical grid; in the traditional electrical grid
what happens is, you know what we have is we are consuming electricity that is
generated by some generating station and is basically carried through different electrical
you know electrical transmission devices and transmission lines to either homes or to
offices. So, most of it most of it is all about the traditional electrical grid; is all about
from the generation; that means the source of the energy being generated, renewable or
nonrenewable depending on you know how the electricity generated.
So, from the source how it is going to be transmitted and then at intermediate points
there are going to be different you know substations, which are going to relate the
electricity to different parts of the city for further use, and also about the storage of
electricity and so on and so forth. So, end to end from the generation through
transmission to the final consumption at homes and offices the traditional electrical grid
is all about. So, this is what the traditional power systems you know people who focus on
power systems and electrical grid, this is this is what they study the; this is what they do
they want to study how it can be done efficiently.
Now, as it happens with the internet of things as well, you know internet of things; when
we talk about there are you know. So, its the advancement in terms of the use of different
advanced information and communication technologies, to make everything smart and
when we talk about that one of the important components is electricity distribution to
homes and offices. So, that also has to be that has that also has to be made smart. So, that
is where the smart grid comes into picture, the traditional electrical grid being made
smart. And how will it be made smart? Through the use of the ICT tools different
advanced information and communication tools, being used to make the traditional
electrical grid smart is all about it is the concern of the field of smart grid.
Now, when we talk about smart grid, it concerns energy generation and energy
generation is typically done in a centralized manner at the different power plants, and
this generation can be as I said before this generation can be of two types either you
know through nonrenewable sources like you know coal and so on and so forth
nonrenewable sources electricity can be generated, or from the renewable sources like
wind, solar power and so on.
Now, this energy that is generated at the different power plants through the centralized
mechanisms typically in the traditional field, that is then you know distributed in a
typically traditionally in one direction. From the power plant to the homes or industries
or offices and traditionally this particular flow of electricity is monitored and the
restoration like if something goes wrong, the restoration of the grid is also done
manually. So, what happens is what we have is unidirectional communication not that
the energy flows unidirectionally, but also the communication is also unidirectional from
the source to the end consumers.
Now, in a smart grid basically there is a divergence from this traditional concept of that
means, that additional electrical grid concept, in the smart grid as I was telling before
that you use the information and communication technologies the different variance of it
the different types of it, to achieve higher reliability in power systems number one and
overall making the system smart and what kind of system we have here? It is a cyber
physical system. It is a cyber physical system that is equipped with sustainable models of
energy production, distribution and final use by the consumers.
And what is a cyber physical system by the way in a nut shell its cyber physical system
is an integral component of internet of things, in a nut shell what happens is in any cyber
physical system smart grid being a good example of it in any cyber physical system, the
cyber part; that means, the internet or the network part is intertwined very tightly with
the physical system. So, physical system the cyber system cyber based system; that
means, the internet based or the network based system being intertwined very tightly in
order to make it smart. So, that it can do things much more efficiently than the
traditionally you know exclusive physical system. So, this is a cyber physical system
which is being used wide widely in the building of internet of things.
So, we have a smart grid which is conceptualized as a plant nationwide network, that
uses information technology to deliver electricity efficiently reliably and securely this is
very important you know. So, we have so many different problems with the traditional
smart grid the sorry traditionally electric grid. So, what is you see we you in our country
for example, I mean many countries you know with the distribution generation to
distribution and use there are lot of problems. We have theft of electricity you know
electricity being stored stolen while in transient, before it is actually being used by the
legitimate consumer.
So, smart grid basically also tries to address this particular problem that how securely
this electricity can be transmitted to the legitimate and the actual consumers the internet
consumers. So, delivering the electricity efficiently, reliably reliable means if something
goes wrong how things can be taken care of and if something it may be some subsystem
goes down may be a substation for example, in the overall distribution system goes
down. Then even if it goes down the smart grid is going to still function without any
interruption and everything will be remain fine. So, that is not possible with the
traditional electrical grid and which is possible with the smart grid.
So, you know smart grid as we are using computer based methodologies information
technology, communication technology etcetera it becomes very interesting. So, some
people prefer to call smart grid as electricity with brain, some people prefer to call it as
the energy internet, some even prefer to call it as the electro net. So, NIST which is an
organization based in US. They defined smart grid as a modernized grid that enables bi
directional flow of energy and uses the two way communication and control capabilities
that will lead to an array of new functionalities and applications the overall thing is
service electricity is a service right. So, offering the electricity the end consumers are
getting this service in their homes and their offices and in the industries and you know
workshops and so on and so forth.
So, but what makes electricity smart grid smarter or interesting is that we have two way
communication two way communication, not only from the source towards one direction
is from the source towards the end users, and the other direction is from the end users to
towards the source or in the interim the different substations micro grids and so on. So,
these are some of these terminologies that will become more familiar as we proceed
through, but you know so like this there are other functionalities as well and it is a mod
modernized power grid that that is the core concept the heart of the smart grid.
There are different benefits of smart grid; one is that it is possible to more efficiently
transmit electricity than the traditional one traditional electric grid, it is it has quicker
restoration of electricity after power disturbances reduced operations and management
costs for utilities and ultimately lower power costs for consumers, reduced peak demand
which will also help lower electricity rates. So, what it means is basically you know there
are certain peak times of electricity uses and during that basically you know what
happens is during the peak time most of the users are connected and they consume lots of
volumes of electricity, and with the smart grid it is possible to have reduced peak periods
and overall distribution of electricity use is moderated over the entire length of the day.
So, this is possible with the smart grid better integration of customer owner power
generation systems including renewable renewable energy systems, now days as we have
already experienced. So, not only we are using power from the main power distribution
centers, but also many of us we have you know other you know we exploit the different
other sources of energy the renewable sources of energy, we have many of us we use
these the solar power panels right.
So, the solar panels are used to you know harness the solar energy similarly small wind
turbines are also used wind sources of energy can be you know exploited can be used
and they can not only be used locally by the by these different users, but if there is any
surplus energy that is generated through these renewable means they can be even stored
and can even be distributed and that surplus energy can be even fed back to the main
grid. So, these are all possible with the smart grid which was not possible before with the
electric traditional grid.
Then improved security is very interesting because you know power theft is one thing
and the second thing is there are different other you know different attacks that is
possible on the on these like it is a cyber physical system. Like any other cyber physical
system or any other computer based system, you know smart grids are also vulnerable to
different attacks and if it is a traditional electrical grid that attacks are even more you can
you know it is possible to bring down a particular electrical grid due to different attacks.
So, you know improved security is one such feature which tries to overcome these
problems of the traditional grid.
So, using smart grid both the consumers and the energy service providers or stake
holders can get benefited everybody gets benefited all kind of stake holders get
(Refer Slide Time: 14:06)
So, let us look at the different benefits for the customers let us first look at it, everybody
gets benefited what are specific benefits to the customers. For customers or the
consumers the benefit of using smart grid are that they can get updated information of
their energy usage, in real time at any time basically whenever they want you know
customers basically you know they can get an update about how much energy they are
using. In fact, not only that cast you know customers they can also not only that they can
monitor their inner energy usage, but they can also program that in ok. So, this during
this time of the day you know I will be using this much energy I planned to use this
much of energy during the other times I will be using you know this much of energy,
some other amount of energy and so on.
So, all these different planning everything can be programmed by the customers of the
smart grid customers in the smart grid; another thing is electric cars there you know. So,
now, days we are taking about plug in electrical vehicles hybrid electric vehicles and so
on. PVs, PHEVs and so on; these are possible in to be used by the customers in the smart
grid smart appliances. So, appliances which can like you know we have smart air
conditioners, smart refrigerators and so on and different other smart devices everything is
possible in the whole world of smart grid. It is possible to program the smart devices to
run during the off peak hours to lower energy bills. So, you know so there is some at
certain times of the day there is peak the it is a it becomes a peak hour, peak hour means
that during that time basically you know everybody is trying to you know have different
appliances connected and use consume electricity much more than few other times of the
So, those are the off peak hours. So, during the off peak hours you know if one customer
wants they can run certain appliances during the off peak hours and the other the bare
basic necessities those appliances can be run during the peak hours and so on. So, it can
be distributed and all of these things can be done by the customer himself or herself and
that is all possible in the in the world of smart grid. And the different pricing options are
also possible. So, in the traditional electrical grid as it happens you know. So, there is a
single rate you know. So, at one particular rate that applies to all customers at all times of
the day the week the month and so on.
So, in the smart grid it is possible to have the customers can enjoy different pricing levels
different costs at different times of the day, week month and so on. So, all these things
are possible and the customer gets benefited by using smart grid in different ways.
Other stake holders can also benefit from this smart grid as follows; for example, you
know overall by the introduction of the smart grid the grid becomes more reliable as I
already said before. The possibilities of blackouts and brownouts; so, black out means
that that you know power consumption is no longer possible. So, there is a complete you
know power is completely cut off for longer durations of time.
So, that is a power blackout what is burn out brown out sorry what is brown out? Brown
out is basically that for few hours there is going to be reduced levels of voltage for
example, you know that we often experience that at certain times of the day at certain
times not always, that some are particularly you know if we are using the bulbs the
incandescent bulbs. We see that the bulbs are glowing at lower strength and like this you
know so that is because the overall electricity load in the line in the grid is lower.
So, brown outs can happen when we have you know intentionally, typically intentionally
it can be unintentional also that for few hours the electricity load in the grid is lower. It is
not a complete black out, but with reduced load so that is the brown out. So, the stake
holders the other stake holders they can basically make it possible to have black outs or
burn brown outs sorry to reduce the possibilities of black outs and brown outs. Providing
infrastructure for monitoring analysis and decision making is possible, increasing grid
resiliency by providing detailed information.
Reducing the inefficacies in energy delivery you know if there a certain points, where
there is some energy leakage or something. So, those things those inefficiencies can be
you know more efficiently addressed by the smart grid and that is very important
particularly for the stake holder the service providers and so on. And there are other
important features also it is possible to you know supplement these traditional power grid
with the renewable sources as I said before for the customers as well and same thing is
possible for the stake holders and the stake holders get benefited as well because you
know they can supplement the main source of energy with wind sonar and other
renewable sources through the use of micro grids. And overall the; you know over all the
management of these distributed sources of energy, their storage from the generation to
the storage and use everything can be done everything can be managed in a much more
improved fashion.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:39)
There are different properties of the smart grid consumer participation with respect to
that, we have real time monitoring of consumption control of smart appliances, building
automation. So, all these things are possible with the help of smart grid, and I have
already mentioned about real time pricing you know at different times of the day,
different whenever there is a requirement whenever there is necessity you know prices
can be changed by the stake holders, and can be enjoyed by the consumers of course,
there has to be certain policies and those policies have to agreed upon by a between these
end consumers and the service providers.
So, that is a completely different issue, but this is made possible by this technology real
time pricing is possible with the help of smart grid distributed generation integration of
renewable energy sources and integration of micro grid. Other properties include a power
system efficiency. So, including power monitoring it is possible to monitor the power in
real time at all times asset management and optimal utilization is possible in a smart grid
context distributed automation and protection.
So, everything is possible in the case of smart grid and making the overall power system
efficient. In terms of power quality self healing behavior is exhibited by smart grid, self
healing means if something goes wrong the system will be able to heal up on its own a
some component may be has broken down, some subsystem a transformer has grown
out, still the system can continue you know it will heal up on its own and it will continue
to function as usual without much interaps interruption.
Frequency monitoring and control load forecasting that is possible and I do not think I
need to elaborate that the overall electrical load can be forecasted in the smart grid and
accordingly the power distribution can be made possible and reducing the overall black
out and burn times sorry brown out times is possible with the help of load forecasting.
And anticipation of any any type of disturbance any type of interruption is possible with
the help of smart grid.
So, here is the smart grid architecture if we look at you know. So, what we have is we
have the source of power generation. And from the source of power generation which
can be from the renewable as well as the nonrenewable sources this energy is as you can
see through the different transmission lines and distribution systems these energy is fed
to different offices and homes, and these form something known as the neighborhood
area network and then each of these homes have different appliances smart appliances
including a smart meter the; you know it is a smart meter not a traditional regular kind of
meter, but it is a smart meter which can be programmed as well. So and different smart
appliances and the homes smart meters you know. So, these can be made possible.
Now, what is what is interesting is that. So, this is this is the traditional basically this is
more of like a traditional flow of energy, but alongside what we also have is that
connectivity to different networks. We have the sensors and different actuators being
used a in this source you know in the power generation sources, then IP networks can be
connected to the something known as the MDMS the meter data management system,
and these can impact the MDMS can be connected by when or even the other internet
connectivity to the power distribution systems, then we have the data aggregator unit
which is basically sort of like from each of these homes, this information they can be
aggregated at the data aggregated unit and this data aggregated unit has a metering data
buffer which basically stores and buffers the data and so on.
So, as we can see that we have basically and handshaking with or handshaking between
the traditional power distribution and the information flow. So, we have you know in a
smart grid we have both the flows energy flows and a energy flow and also the
information flow together.
So, here is the conceptual model of the smart grid, we have different components as we
can see over here, we have the customers, we have the service providers, we have the
operation centers, we have markets transmission systems distribution systems and of
course, the generation system. So, this is specifically showing these different you know
flow of energy as well as the communication flows these dotted lines over here are
showing the communication flow. Sorry the this is this is the sorry this is the electric
electrical flow these dotted lines are the electrical flows between the customer the
distribution system transmission system generation system and so on and these blue
colored ones are basically the it they are showing the it is a depicting basically the flow
of communication and it is a secure flow of communication in the case of smart grid.
So, there are different components of the smart grid; we have the smart home, then we
have the renewable energy, consumer engagement, operation center, distribution
intelligence, and plug in electric vehicles. So, we are going to take up each one of these
one by one and we are going to discuss them in more depth.
So, we will start with the smart home. So, in a smart home what we have our smart
appliances and they use these different emerging smart grid technologies to save energy.
And at lower I mean different rates you know prices different rates and the different
prices can be used and these contribute to the smooth and efficient functioning of the
electric grid.
The interactive relationship between the grid operators utilities and consumers help in
proper functioning of the smart grid technologies and there are different in a smart home,
there are different computerized controls that help to minimize the energy use at different
times of the day from the power grid and if the power grid is under stress; that means,
there is high demand etcetera then this power load can also be shifted in the in a smart
home. And so that basically you know what can happen is power can be distributed
between the on peak hours and the off peak hours, and that way the power distribution in
a smart home can be rationalized so that the users are benefited by you know. So, they
can be having different appliances that can be connected at different times of the day
depending on whether it is a peak hour or it is an off peak hour.
So, in a smart home what we have is something like this. So, we have smart meters smart
appliances and there is a home power generation system as well. So, you know on the
roof tops there can be these power panels the solar panels and the solar panels can
additionally generate some electricity to supplement the electricity that is that is supplied
to the home.
In a smart home the one of the important components is the smart meter and this is a
programmable meter, and this meter can be programmed in such a way that at different
times of the day, the different appliances can be enjoying the different you know loads of
electricity at different rates.
So, the smart meters basically they provide the smart grid interface between the
consumer and the energy service provider and they operate digitally; that means,
computerized you know. So, they have small computers embedded in them, and they
allow for automated and complex transfer of information between the consumer and the
energy service provider and that way the consumers can enjoy reduced energy cost.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:33)
So, in a smart home the you know smart home basically allows the consumers to trace
sorry to track the energy use in detail to save energy in a better way. So, basically you
know what happens is you have something called the home energy management systems.
So, these home energy management systems basically allows these particular thing to be
done, these home energy management system also allows consumers to monitor a real
time information and price signals from the energy service provider, it also allows to
create settings to automatically use power when prices are lowest, it helps in avoiding
big demand rates prevents black outs and brown outs, in return the service provider may
also choose to provide financial incentives.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:29)
Smart appliances in addition to this smart meters smart appliances will be there, which
can be automated and they can be robust in nature. They respond to signals from the
energy service provider to avoid using energy during peak times, these smart appliances
also include consumer controls to override the automated controls and by overriding the
consumer can consume energy as per their requirement, while paying minimum that is
not ensured.
In every home these homes are also equipped with home power generation systems on
the roof top there can be these wind turbines which can be fitted, or solar panels can be
fitted to supplement these regular flow of energy.
Surplus energy that is generated by the home power management systems can be fed
back into the grid additionally, and these consumers can in fact, act as service you know
the energy generators and they can in fact, on some additional money through this
particular process and in case of islanding a home can have power from distributed
sources that is they can have power home power generation systems.
Renewable sources are an important component of smart grid, I am not going to talk
about what is an renewable source the definition is given for you, but there are as we all
know from our basic knowledge that wind solar and different other forms. These sources
of energy they are they have lot of advantages in order to reduce environmental
pollution. So, and these are very attractive and renewable sources of energy are
important components of a smart grid.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:28)
Now, let us talk about the consumer engagement in a smart grid, as I was mentioning
briefly before it is possible for the consumers can also to get engaged in the overall
process and the system in the functioning of the system, that way the consumers can save
energy with proper scheduling of smart home appliances paying less for consuming
energy in off peak hours these become advantages to the consumers. So, consumers get
engaged in the process and they get advantaged through these means.
Consumer involvement comes in different ways, timer pricing is one net metering is
another and financial incentives we are going to talk about each of these in brief.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:14)
In time of use pricing basically what happens the consumers are encouraged to consume
energy in the off peak hours when the energy load is less. So, it benefits both the service
provider as well as the consumers. Consumers get you know during if their enjoying the
power during the off peak hours that way you know. So, they have lower rates of
electricity they are paying at lower rates and it also benefits the overall grid the different
other stake holders like the service provider because that way they can manage the
overall load in the city or you know where ever the electricity is being provided they can
manage it better. And throughout the day the energy load on the grid becomes dynamic.
So, dynamically you know it can be made possible to use the different consumers they
can use the grid the energy load in different times of the day in a dynamic fashion. In the
on peak hours if the requested amount of energy is higher it leads to less efficient energy
distribution more pollution, and home energy management system basically tries to
schedule the smart appliances in the off peak hours to ensure efficient service and to pay
(Refer Slide Time: 34:42)
Net metering it is one feature through which it is feasible with the installation of it is
feasible net metering can be done with the help of installation of smart meters. The
consumers are paid high if they are supplying excess amount of generated energy to the
grid in the on peak hours, and the price is less in case of off peak hours. The final bills to
be paid by the consumers depend on the inflow of energy from the grid to the consumer
end and the outflow of energy from the consumer end to the grid. The consumer may get
incentives from the energy service provider at the end of the year based on the net
metering value.
There are financial incentives as well through consumer engagement, energy service
provider offers some financial incentives to the consumers participation incentives can
be there for shifting operation of appliances to the off peak hours, incentives can also be
provided for using stored energy at the battery installed at the consumer send and at the
plug in hybrid electrical vehicles or the plug in electrical vehicles as such. Smart grid
enables consumers engagement to a large extent, consumers get financial incentives by
different means from the energy service provider through this particular process.
With this we come to an end of the first part of the smart grid as we have already seen
that vision of smart grid is very attractive. So, it basically tries to transform the
traditional power grid to a new system new cyber physical system, where ICT tools are
used in a big way and these traditional smart grids can be made much more efficient,
much more secure, and much more useful to the consumers and so what we are going to
do is we will continue with our discussions. We have already seen some of the
components of the smart grid we have seen the smart home and the consumer
engagement and there are few other facets of the smart grid and that is what we are going
to discuss in the second part of the smart grid.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 52
Smart Grid- Part– II
We have discussed in the first part of lecture on smart grid. We have already seen the
different advantages of smart grid over the regular traditional electrical grid. We have also
seen that this smart grid has different components; different facets, we have already discussed
about 2 such facets of smart grid one is the smart home the other one is the consumer
engagement when are going to continue and look at the other four facets of smart grid.
So, we have different draw backs of the traditional operation center for example, traditionally
these operation centers they try to make sure that the amount of generated energy is getting
used the grid is unstable if the grid voltage drops due to excess energy generation there is
limited control capabilities and there is no means to detect oscillation which leads to blackout
and there is limited information about the energy flow through the grid. In a smart grid, it is
possible the smart grid basically overcomes some of these different difficulties with respect
to the operation center by providing information and control on the transmission system
making the energy grid more reliable and minimizing the possibility of wide spread
For monitoring and controlling the transmission system in the smart grid something known as
the phasor management units or the PMUs are used. These PMUs what they do is the sample
the voltage and the current with the fixed sample rate at the installed location and then
provide a snapshot of the active power system at that particular location and this way it
increases the by by increasing the sampling rate. The PMU provides the dynamic scenario of
the energy distribution system. The PMU helps to identify the possibility of blackout in
advance and these multiple PMUs can be connected together can be networked together to
form something called the phasor network and this connected information of the phasor
network can then be fed to the SCADA system may be there could be a server or something
some centralized system with some data acquisition and analytics and analysis ability it can
fed and further analytics can be performed for better use of that particular information.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:18)
So, these operation systems operation centers they have the self healing capability. So, these
self healing by the self healing mechanisms it is possible to dampen unwanted power
oscillations; that means, that you know power oscillations power voltage fluctuations
etcetera, etcetera they can be dampened and then avoiding unwanted flows of current through
the grid rerouting power flows in order to avoid over loading in a particular transmission line
and this is possible through the distribution intelligence or distributed intelligence
incorporation of it in to the system. Demand side energy distribution is also possible energy
supply is done based on the requirements of the consumers the consumers pay according to
the consumed energy and price decided by the energy service provider at that particular time
and as I told before that this energy.
Now the price can vary at different times of the day and the consumers they can connect their
different appliances. They can schedule their different appliances to function at different
times of the day depend on the on peak or off peak hours and everything you know each of
these is possible through the help of advanced computational methods. So, in smart grid the
energy distribution can form coalition and serve the energy requirement in a specific
geographic location.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:57)
So, this distributed intelligence or the distribution intelligence implies that the energy
distribution system is equipped with smart devices, sensor based devices, smart IoT devices,
internet of things devices and this is where smart grid becomes very attractive to the
consumers. So, along with the smart meters distribution intelligence can help to identify the
source of power outage there are different sensors that are used. So, from the sensors and
their different data that are equipped through from each of the locations of the sensors.
It is possible to find out automatically in a very intelligent way that where things are going
wrong what is the source of the power outage ensure power flow automatically by combing
automated switching optimizing the balance between the real and reactive power. In the case
of reactive power the devices that store and release energy and devices can store and release
energy and cause increased electrical currents without consuming real power the intelligent
distribution systems can maintain the proper level of reactive power in the system and protect
and control the feeder lines in the transmission system.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:26)
Now, let us look at the other component on the facet as I was calling it of the smart grid
which is called the plug in electrical vehicles PEVs or if it is a hybrid electrical vehicle plug
in hybrid electrical vehicles or PHEVs smart grids have the the infrastructure that is needed
to enable the efficient use of plug in electrical vehicles and what happens to these PEVs is in
the same way as we have these gas stations, in the gas stations what happened is these
vehicles go and they you know they basically connect to the petrol pump and the petrol gets
petrol or the diesel, the fuel basically is injected into the fuel tank of the car or the vehicle and
then according to the bill that is generated the basically the consumer or the user he or she
pays for that that much of the petrol or the diesel the fuel that he has purchased.
A similar sort of thing happens in the case of PEVs as well. So, there are charging stations as
we have petrol pumps or the gas stations the here there are charging substations in the city.
So, these electric vehicles they are going to go and they are going to connect to these
different points where it can charged the vehicle can be charged and depending on you know
how much charge has been has been received by the vehicle the owner of the vehicle
basically the owner or you know driver basically pays for a that that much unit of charge that
has been consumed that has been used that has been transferred to the vehicle.
A very similar sort of analogous situation happens in the PEVs. So, these are very interesting
and plug in electric vehicles PHEVs basically you know what happens; it is hybrid vehicle; it
is a hybrid electric vehicle. So, you here you have not only electric source of energy that
drives the system, but also the traditional you know gasoline or you know traditional diesel
gasoline and so on. So, we have hybrid sources of energy driving the vehicles. So, sometimes
it will be running on diesel a bus can be running on diesel the hybrid bus, hybrid electrical
vehicle sometimes it can be running on the electricity. So, we have both the sources of
transmissions of power.
PEVs basically help in reducing the dependency on oil and these are clean and clean sources
you know because electricity is a clean source. So, there is no pollution when running on
electricity PEVs rely on power plants to charge their batteries and energy service provider
encourages the consumers to charge the batteries of PEVs in off peak hours PEVs also can be
used as a energy source in on peak hours.
So, let us look at this particular figure. So, what we have as we can see is here we have the
power generation system and this is the figure that we have seen earlier as well, but here we
are going to look at it from a different perspective. So, we are going to look at it from the
communication perspective here as we have seen that we have 2 types of flows of
information sorry of 2 types of flows one is the flow of energy the other is the flow of
information. So, we have the traditional flow of power the energy the electricity and we have
the additional information flow.
So, this has to be you know. So, and why it is required it is required because sometimes it
might be required to for the consumers for example, to operate upon some of their appliances
or can feed some information to this to the to the power center to the service provider service
provider can be receiving some information their intermediate systems can be receiving some
of these information through a from the consumer through their smart meters and so on.
So, you see that what we have is not only the flow of energy, but also the flow of
information. So, communication is very important smart grid one of the important
components is the communication component and here we have the smart appliances smart
meters and gateways these are communication gateways the network gateways and we have
the data aggregator units. The DAUs the data aggregator units basically aggregates data from
these different appliances at different homes from each of these homes each of these homes
and their corresponding smart meters are connected to the DAUs and then we have the meter
data management system the MDMS.
So, these are the different components of the communication aspect of smart grid. So, as you
can see that each of these components they can form different nodes of the traditional
networks that we are familiar with as we discussed in a previous lecture. So, different
networks are associated with the smart grid communication we have in the case of smart grid
we have different terminologies like neighborhood area network, wide area network, IP
network and sensor and actuator networks. So, we have different types of network.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:32)
So, for smart grid appliances the available protocol that are used are C-Bus, DECT, the
EnOcean and the Universal power line bus and I am not going to go through, but the
corresponding data rate.
And the main feature are given in the slide in front of you similarly what we also have other
thread the Zigbee and simple cable solution SCS with the corresponding data rate and their
corresponding features are given over here some of some of these like Zigbee is something
that we have already discussed in a previous lecture and this is not very you know Zigbee;
Zigbee is very attractive to have you know low data rate small short range communication
established between different nodes in the network for example, different sensors it is
possible sensors in the smart grid is possible to have Zigbee communication between between
We also have different other components like the smart meters and the gateways where each
gateway connects very closely to the smart meters the gateways communicate mostly based
on Wi-Fi which is 802.11 the gateway helps in the 2 way communication and the smart
meters forward the energy consumption information from the home appliances to the
gateways and forward the billing amount and the control information from the gateways to
the home appliances these gateways act as link between the smart meters and the data
aggregation units.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:17)
The data aggregation units aggregates the energy consumption or energy request of certain
geographical area this is very important and this is very much required. So, what we have is
we have a very complex problem and this complex distributed problem can be solved with
the help of the traditional you know grouping or clustering based mechanisms. So, use of
DAUs is very similar to clustering approach. So, what we are trying to do is for every few
entities in a particular area we are going have this DAUs this DAUs are going to be the
aggregators of the information and the energy consumption etcetera and then this DAUs after
aggregation they are going to forward the energy consumption information to the centralized
coordinator through the MDMS.
So, the MDMS basically you know helps in connecting to the centralized back end and it
maintains a buffer to queue.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:27)
The DAUs basically they maintain a buffer to queue the energy consumption information of
the consumers the MDMS acts as a centralized coordinator for smart grid communication it
handles it is handled by the service providers and it is part of the operation center. The
MDMS decides the price per unit energy to be paid by the consumers. So, it plays the MDMS
plays a very important very crucial role in the functioning of the smart grid. So, we need to
understand this thing very well the DAUs basically send the data to the MDMS which is
located which is you know which is located in the smart grid back end at the service provider
end and it is a centralized coordinator for the entire smart grid and it is part of that operation
center and decides the price per unit energy this is very important, it decides the MDMS
decides the price per unit energy to be paid by the consumers at different times.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:25)
The next part is very crucial in this smart grid communication which is the security aspect
and it is very very crucial because we are dealing with not a traditional power system, but a
cyber physical system and in as it happens in any cyber based system and any cyber physical
system security is very important there are different types of vulnerabilities in a smart grid we
have issues with integrity availability dynamic system attacks are possible different types of
attacks are possible different types of physical threats on the different components of the
smart grid are possible different types of other complex and coordinated attacks can be
launched on a smart grid.
So, these are very important to be looked into when we are trying to build a smart grid
integrity is very important you know because you know it is all about use of data different
types of data are fed in to the system.
You know different types of attacks can be performed consequently for example, the data
injection attack, DIA attack can be performed on a smart grid and there by effecting the
overall integrity of the functioning of the smart grid. System can be damaged very easily an
attacker can manipulate the system measurements. So, that the congested transmission of the
falsely of the all the of the false data seems to not have reached to the to the thermal
transmission limit. This induces large fluctuations in the system dynamics that can lead to
tripping additional lines disconnecting generators load sharing or even a system blackout. So,
as we can see that overall system can be damaged if this is not taken care of. So, this is a very
important security concept.
Financial benefits can be there to hurting the integrity of the system for example, you know
the attacker can manipulate the electricity prices by doing this one can buy energy with lesser
price from a service provider and make high profits and as you as you can understand that it
is very easy to do because the cyber system basically connects to the physical system and
through the cyber system attacks can be launched on the physical system and it is possible to
basically indirectly steal the electricity at lower prices or even at low prices without paying it
without paying any price electricity can be stolen.
Different time synchronization attacks can be launched where an adversary can manipulate
the time reference of the time stamped measured phasors to create a false virtualize a
visualization of the actual system conditions there by yielding inaccurate control and
protection actions.
Availability is a very important issue in the case of security of smart grid different types of
denial of service attacks, different types of replay attacks can be launched. In a replay attack
basically what happens if the attacker injects the input data into the system without causing
changes to the measurable outputs different types of other distributed data injection attacks
can be dynamic data injection attacks can be performed where in the attacker uses the
knowledge of the grids dynamic model to inject data into data that causes of unobservability
of unstable poles.
Physical threats can be launched attacker basically physically damages some of the
components for example, the generator can be damaged the substation or the transmission
lines can be damaged and different other types of coordinated attacks can also be launched.
Now, one very important issue is that the smart grid can exploit the use of the cloud
technology as well because this smart grid as we have seen is a source of generation of lot of
information that information can be stored at the cloud and therefore, there are the very
important things that can be done with the help of augmenting with the cloud technology.
So, cloud applications can take a lead in different several aspects for example, with respect to
energy management, information management and security management. So, I am going to
briefly talks about each of these highlighting their use, but this is available in the paper in the
research paper that for the reference of which is given on the slide. So, this paper has been
published in the IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems in the year 2015 and
this particular paper basically serves as an important reference about how smart grid and
cloud technologies can integrated together to harness the benefits of each of these and making
the power system much more attractive.
So, as we can see in this particular figure what we have is we have the substation micro grid
customers the traditional power lines and then we also have the communication link and this
communication link basically feeding this data to the cloud data storage and here on the other
hand on the other side as we can see over here we have another type of cloud which is the
energy storage. So, we have the cloud energy storage which basically stores the electricity
over here and on the other hand this information can be stored in the cloud data storage. So,
bringing the energy storage and the data storage together 2 different types of in a cloud
conceptually we are talking about is made possible with the help of these cloud integrated
smart grids.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:11)
So, energy management and cloud applications are very interesting the energy management
in smart grid can be more efficient by using cloud applications with the integration of cloud
requests from the customers are scheduled which are to be executed depending on the
available resources priority and other application constraints.
So, this is very interesting because you know. So, on the cloud side there are different models
of cloud which can be utilized over here by the smart grid for energy management for
example, we have this platform as a service we have the software as a service we have the
infrastructure as a service. So, not only that we will you know will be using the cloud for
storing the information, but different algorithms different you know different systems
different you know software can be executed at the cloud end and that basically you know
helps the smart grid to harness the benefits of the cloud technology.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:20)
Integrating cloud computing applications for micro grid management in the form of attractive
in the form of different module such as infrastructure power management and service. The
number of supported customers basically increase that way and with the cloud applications it
is possible to integrate and analyze the information that streams from multiple smart meters
simultaneously in order to balance the real time demand and energy curves.
So, as we can see over here lot of dynamic aspects you know can be managed efficiently
dynamic because you know when we are talking about energy management in the smart grid,
things are very dynamic not only the pricing is dynamic everything is dynamic energy
generation, energy distribution, energy use, pricing each and every thing is dynamic and all
of these requests smart algorithms and software to help in you know in achieving all of these
particular features these specific features and the cloud can help in achieving this particular
objective. Then another advantage is real time energy usage and pricing information can be
shared because you know. So, in the cloud we have these; the communication backend the
network everything is network together. So, this information about the energy usage pricing
information they can be shared with that potential customers and not only customers, but also
the other stake holders.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:51)
So, that was the energy management then we have the information management. So,
information processing in smart grid fits well with the computing and storage mechanisms
available for cloud applications information from different components and the supply and
demand state conditions can be shared with the help of cloud computing real time distribution
data management and parallel processing of information can be utilized using smart grid data
cloud application. So, if you can look over here in this particular figure what we have are end
users substations micro grids utility providers communicating bidirectionally with the cloud
data ware house.
So, cloud data ware house basically has all the data. So, all these data can be stored in the
cloud data ware house. Also from this particular end it is bidirectional because the data can
flow also from this end to these different components. So, we have this information flow in
both the directions and this information flow has to be managed properly.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:01)
So, then comes the security aspects some of which I have already mentioned before. So,
security in the smart grid is very important and electrical power system an electric power
information security information security and protection system can be developed using the
cloud security mechanisms private cloud platforms are suitable for scaling out and processing
millions of data from the users and using the cloud computing platforms the electrical utilities
can quickly and efficiently deal with malicious software.
So, here you know this particular figure is very interesting to look at we have at the very
bottom the users, the utility micro grid third party and through different authentication and
authorization mechanisms these and in the interim we have this web services you know. So,
these basically can feed in the data from these different devices authorized data in a secured
data can be fed in you know and can be stored at the cloud end and the other direction also
the same way because we have these different models of the cloud IaaS, PaaS and SaaS and
these data can be basically you know shared bidirectional between these devices and the
cloud models and that way these components the intermediate components and the layers can
be made much more efficient and secure there by making the system much more secure than
the traditional smart grid. So, cloud basically helps in this particular in the security process
cloud basically helps in a big way.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:46)
So, security and protection system for cloud here we have the servers that act as the cloud and
take decision according to the clients data their privacy issues in the smart grid that also can
be can be used can be can be solved can be addressed by the help of the cloud in a much
more better fashion, but again cloud security as cloud security and privacy particularly is also
a very a important concern and so we have the privacy concerns in the case of cloud which
are inherent to the cloud plus we have the privacy concerns in the case of the smart grid the
traditional smart grid and how these 2 privacy concerns can be further addressed in an
integrated way is something that different people different researches are looking into.
So, with this we come to an end here are some of the references for you to go through. So,
this particular paper you know it is authored by me it is published by IEEE communications
magazine and there are few other papers I was already mentioning about plug in electrical
vehicles and plug in hybrid electrical vehicles this particular paper you can have a look at to
understand how in the smart grid and PEV or PHEV context how dynamics pricing can be
made possible this is one such solution which talks about it integration of cloud to smart grid
this particular paper which is been published in the IEEE transactions on parallel and
distributed systems.
This is a important this is a very interesting source I can say and this is one of the kind and
you know. So, by going through this particular paper one can understand the different aspects
of or the different challenges that are going to be phased by integration of cloud with the
smart grid and different aspects like the how residential energy management can be done in
the smart grid you know there is one such paper given over here and in vehicular energy
networks you know how energy can be managed this is given in this particular paper at the
So, these are different papers that talk about different aspects the few other papers are also
given over here very important papers are listed. So, one can you know if you if you are
interested further interested to learn about smart grid you know these are the important rich
sources of information about smart grid. So, what you must have noticed is you know. So,
what I tried to do in this particular lecture is to you know keep our discussions at the level of
motivating and trying to understand how smart grid is important, but we try to abstain
ourselves from deeper discussions about how to build a smart grid. So, that is you know the;
here basically you know our focus is not on how to build a smart grid, but what are the
different aspects of smart grids.
Smart grids if somebody is interested you know particularly somebody from power systems
background if they are interested to build a smart grid what are the different issues that have
to be taken care of and so, these are the this is this is the focus of this particular lecture and
how smart grid plays an important role in the IoT context because our course is on IoT;
internet of things we do not want to really really understand deep into each of these
technologies, but we want to get introduced about the different aspects smart grid is one such
technology or one such aspect we wanted to understand. And so, this is the reason you know
we try to keep ourselves at this higher level of understanding about smart grid and not deeper
into how a smart grid can actually be built.
So, this basically requires you know building of a smart grid is a different semester course
that can be you know that if somebody is interested with electrical engineering background
they can attend, but this particular you know course because we are focusing on IoT we you
know it is important to understand the different important subtleties that are involved in the
building of the smart grid and why smart grid is required and what is the what is the
motivation behind building smart grid in the IoT context. So, with this we come to an end of
discussions on smart grid in the case in the context of internet of things.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 53
Industrial Internet of Things – Part – I
So, IIoT has differences with the existing IoT the popular IoT internet of things. So, industrial
internet of things has a different scope and there are some specificities that are there in IIoT.
So, we are going to understand in this particular lecture, what IIoT is how it differs from the
regular IoT and how IIoT solutions are useful to real life industrial problems.
So, it is in two parts this particular lecture is in two parts the first part we are going to talk
about some of the basics of IIoT.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:08)
So, we start with the quote by Paul Howarth and what he has said is that IoT as a concept has
crossed the chasm from slideware to reality with many industries implementing IoT
solutions. So, basically you know what it means is that IoT is no longer confined to theory
and you know a height based a notion it is no longer like that you know. So, it is being used
in reality in industries different IoT solutions are being implemented in the industry for
solving different industrial problems to make industrial processes, manufacturing processes
much more efficient then the way it is at present.
So, let us try to understand IIoT vis a vis IoT, as we have already understood through the
previous lectures that the main aim of IoT is to interconnect different things and these things
are different objects on the smart objects. So, what is required is to globally connect these
smart object or the things so that the objects are uniquely identified and they are able to
interoperate between themselves.
So, it is you know in an IoT in an IoT solution we what we have are different objects which
are smart objects, where there is intelligence that are embedded in the different things. So,
there are embedded systems that are attached to the different things the worldly things and
these things they which have their abstraction as smart objects they are able to interconnect
with each other they are able to internetwork with each other and so on.
So, in the contrast in industrial internet of things, we are focusing on industries particularly
focusing on industrial systems, industrial automation enterprise, systems enterprise, planning
product life cycle and so on. And while we do it we basically digress from the core
requirements of IoT and there are some specific requirements which concern industrial
processes that come into picture. So, we are going to understand what these are in this
particular lecture.
So, before that in terms of the scope of IIoT basically it borrows some of the features of the
existing internet of things IoT, plus it borrows some features from the vision of industry 4.0.
So, industry 4.0 basically gives a frame work for automation and data exchange in
manufacturing technologies. So, it is a vision it is a way forward that has been proposed. So,
industry 4.0 basically tries to improve the automation and data exchange in manufacturing
technologies, it tries to incorporate concepts from cyber physical systems IoT cloud
computing and so on. So, what we have essentially is what is well known as the smart
So, IIoT basically takes some features from the regular IoT the conventional IoT, some from
industry 4.0 and try tries to have a separate vision separate technology for itself. So, what we
have we have already understood that whereas, IIoT combines features from IoT and industry
4.0, it is not IoT as such we have to understand this thing. There are certain features that have
been borrowed from IoT, but it is not the IoT. IIoT and IoT are not the one and the same they
are not where as IoT focuses on consumer level services consumer level products and so on.
IIoT basically has the focus on the enterprise. So, the scope for IoT is consumer level where
as the scope for IIoT is enterprise level.
So, things such as concepts technologies methodologies, such as machine learning big data
technology M-2-M machine to machine communication, automation these are some of the
integral components for building IIoT. So, machine learning I think we all understand
machine learning is very very popular it is a part of artificial intelligence it is a kind of
artificial intelligence. So, which basically now learns you know. So, learning form the past
and there are different things you know. So, there are different aspects of machine learning.
So, learning from the data; the existing data and trying to make things predictive and trying to
have things which are better in the future; so, machine learning techniques and technologies
are used big data, we are going to talk about big data later on. So, in another lecture we are
going to talk about big data how to handle big data what are the tools that are available. So,
we will talk about that when we talk about data handling and data analytics.
So, what is happening in the entire processes there is no human intervention. So, we have
machine communicating with machine, another machine communicating with another
machine and so on we have machine to machine communication M-2-M without any human
intervention. So, going back we have machine to machine communication and automation.
So, these are the different features different aspects of IIoT. So, IIoT is supported by huge
amount of data collected from sensors, it is based on wrap and reuse approach rather than rip
and replace approach.
So, what is meant by these terms is when we talk about IIoT, we are not talking about
building a new system from scratch, we are talking about using the existing manufacturing
systems, existing industrial systems you know rap them with sensors actuators and so on and
make things efficient. We are trying to reengineer the existing systems and the processes and
we are not building anything brand new from scratch. So, this is what we have to remember
when we discuss IIoT.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:01)
So, let us try to understand the revolution of IIoT. So, the first industrial revoluation
happened with mechanized production, then came mass production which is the second
industrial revolution in the third industrial revolution internet and automation was featured in
manufacturing and at present what we have is the fourth industrial revolution which
incorporates IIoT. So, IIoT is featured as part of the fourth industrial revolution. So, if we
look at this particular figure what we have starting from 1700 when there was power
generation and mechanical automation, then came the 1800s industrialization, in 1900s we
had this electronic automation and at present we have smart automation and this is what this
is how the industry 4.0 evolved today. So, in industry 4.0 we have smart factories and so on
in the industrial sector.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:21)
So, when we talk about IIoT it is about fourth generation of industrial automation; that
means, industry four 4.0 clubbed with the second generation of internet evolution. So,
internet at present; so, the first generation of internet is the internet that we all use the regular
internet with connects different computers throughout the world this is the first generation of
the internet. Second generation of the internet is about connecting different things, connecting
different machines and so on.
So, IIoT basically combines the second generation of internet, fourth generation of industrial
automation and cloud computing. So, cloud has become very popular technology since about
more than half a decade or so, cloud has become very popular it is being used in the industrial
sector as well. So, what happens is cloud basically offers computational environments,
computational infrastructure, computational platforms, computational software in addition to
regular storage. So, cloud is like a huge data storage, which can store lot of data. And all
these things huge data storage coupled with you know infrastructure, software, platform,
hardware and so on and so forth. Everything one can get access to in an industry without
basically having to purchase these of their own right.
So, cloud computing is very popularly used not only in others spheres of everyday life, but
also in the industry.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:46)
So, in the IIoT network we have physical objects that are interconnected, we have different
systems subsystems that are interconnected, there are different platforms types of platforms
that work together, different applications and so on. So, these networks are IIoT networks can
communicate with one another, the external environment they communicate with the external
environment and different people. So, people are also part of these IIoT networks. So, there
are different peoples the different end users stake holders everybody at the enterprise
enterprise level you know everything that is there they all form part of IIoT; they have to be
internetworked of course, they have to be connected these things the things people processes
everything together connected.
The acquisition of IIoT has led to availability and affordability of sensors, processors and
other technologies, which facilitate capture and access to real time information. So, all these
IIoT devices and where ever they are deployed through sensors, sensors have become
affordable they are readily available nowadays, the different processes, other computers other
computing devices technologies and so on. They capture lot of data and they offer the data in
real time for further analysis; making making things much more efficient from the data that is
(Refer Slide Time: 15:26)
Moving ahead, IIoT for building; IIoT there are 4 broad requirements. We need the hardware
and software connectivity, we need a cloud platform and I already told you briefly about the
necessity of cloud in the industrial sector and how cloud can help with respect to processing
infrastructure data storage and so on and so forth. Application development and big data
analytics; big data analytics is very important all these different sensors in the industrial
sensors the actuators that are fitted to these different machines, manufacturing equipment and
so on. They throw in lot of data they throw in lot of data and that data is very important is
very crucial, it can reveal a lot of information and that by mining that data one can predict
different things in a to make these industrial processes much more efficient.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:35)
Different other views of IIoT requirements; one is access, access with respect to any time
anywhere, anything connectivity and anything connectivity is very important it is a third
dimension that has been added to any anytime, anywhere which was the you know pervasive
which was the vision of pervasive communication, pervasive systems. So, access can you
know one can have access anything can be accessed at anytime from anywhere in IIoT. End
to end security is important and that is not only important for IIoT, but for any IoT based
system. In fact, for any computer based system.
User experience is very crucial; you know ultimately it is all about offering services to the
user’s different stake holders. So, user experience has to be taken into account as one of the
fundamental requirements for building IIoT. So, what the users exactly want, how they are
problems can be addressed how it can be solved the problems can be solved, and how
through the use of the system that is being developed the IIoT system that is being developed
the users can do things better, and how their experience as a whole can be improved.
Transition to smart machines; so, machines by adding sensors actuators etcetera we are
making the machine smart. We are making the machine smart. Asset management is very
important though assets management you know though these different sensors actuators
etcetera the assets can be managed the industrial assets can be managed in a much more
efficient way. So, how the assets can be managed this is one of the requirements that have to
be considered for building IIoT systems.
Big data and cloud are very important cloud offers storage computational efficiency and so
and so forth. Without basically having one to procure and by procure and deploy this
computational infrastructure at their own workplaces or industrial in the industry and big data
you already told you that all these sensor actuators and each and every thing that we have
talked about so far, the enterprise level at the enterprise level the people process things
systems and so on and so forth. They are going to throw in a lot of data these data are going
to be sent quite the data are going to be sent in real time and they have characteristics they are
not only big in volume, they have they come in huge velocities and you know they there are
different types of data test data, speech data, multimedia other types of data like images video
etcetera all of which coming at the same time it has to be handled and so on.
So, this is what we are going to cover in one of the next lectures, when we talk about how to
handle data handling and how to analyze the data that is received.
So, what we what is required is to have a virtualized version of a physical plant. So, through
IIoT systems what we are trying to build is a virtualized plant corresponding to a physical
industrial plant. So, these physical plant and the different machines in the plant are fitted with
different sensors which throw in lot of data the sensors readings, and from these virtualized
plant lot of different types of instructions can be sent to the physical plant and the embedded
systems that are attached to these machines to these instructions can help to maneuver to
perform different operations on these machines.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:58)
There are different design considerations for building IIoT, to use an IoT device for industrial
applications, these design objectives have to be considered. Energy is paramount energy with
respect to the time for which the IoT device can operate with limited power supply. So, we
have limited power supply and we want to extend the lifetime of the IoT device that is
installed that is fitted with an industrial machine.
Latency is very crucial it corresponds to the time that is required to transmit the data latency
has to be minimized. Because let us say that we are talking about sensors that are fitted to a
welding machine. So, you see that if latency is not very minimum then what is going to
happen by the time the instruction reaches the machine or you know the data is sent to the
operator or from the operator to the machine, what happens is the welding machine might
have performed more welding. Even in a fraction of a second. So, you know. So, more part
will get welded which is not required.
So, precision with respect to the time is very crucial and when you talk about that latency of
operations, latency in the transmission of the data is very crucial, latency has to be minimized
to the extent possible. Through put is quite understandable we need maximum data to be
transmitted across the IIoT network, scalability likewise is very understable we are talking
about not just one or two machines, but large number of machines in the IIoT sphere.
Topology how these different because you know ultimately what is going to happen is this
sensors and this communication devices, they have they are going to be internetworked. So,
what we are going to have is a network topology and in this particular network topology we
have different devices with different specifications, and they have been manufactured
individually by different vendors. So, interopreability is very important not only that
interoperability is important, but how these devices form the network is very crucial as well.
So, the overall network topology formed out of the devices and how these devices
interoperate with one another is something that has to be taken as one of the important
primary design considerations in building IIoT.
Safety and security likewise I do not need to elaborate further, but are very important issues
that also have to be taken into considering industrial safety you know. So, we need to
understand this thing properly. When we are talking about automation as a whole in the
industry it should not happen you know. So, things have to very reliable, the systems have to
be very reliable it should not happen that the sensor is giving a wrong reading because of
which a crankshaft or in a some of fuel you know goes through causing accident to the people
who are working in the plant right. So, industrial safety is very important. So, IIoT system
automation you know systems which offer automation etcetera they have to be very much
reliable, and they have to take in to account the degree of safety and the security of the
So, going back trying to understand IIoT vis a vis IoT. So, whereas, IoT traditionally focuses
on the convenience of the individuals, IIoT focuses on the efficiency safety and security of
operation. In terms of the machine to machine communication and machine to machine
communication I already spoke about earlier, in terms of machine to machine communication
IoT definitely uses machine to machine communication, but it is not very exclusive you know
the use of IoT machine to machine communication in IoT is limited whereas, IIoT
extensively uses machine to machine communication M-2-M communication is extensively
used in IIoT the whole industrial operation in a plant is automated. So, one machine talking to
another machine second machine talking to third to fourth and so on this is quite extensive it
is quite present in the industrial sector IIot. So, IIoT heavily depends on machine to machine
So, whereas, IoT traditionally focuses on applications at the consumer level, IIoT basically
focuses on applications at the industrial level at the enterprise level.
Let us look at one more aspect. So, here M-2-M when we talk about M-2-M. So, M-2-M and
IoT. M-2-M focuses on device to device communication, there is a emphasis on
communication between devices between machines, and IoT on the other hand focuses on the
overall system integration of the system components sub components sub systems integration
is a one of the important features of IoT. So, this is what we need to understand. So, M-2-M
versus IoT. M-2-M focus on devices of course, both of both M-2-M and IoT they have focus
on other aspects like network connectivity service enablement application and data these are
there for both M-2-M and IoT whereas, M-2-M focuses on particularly on devices. IoT
basically focuses more on the system level integration.
Now, service management in IIoT is very important it is all about why do you want IIoT we
want to offer improved services. So, service management is very crucial. So, service
management basically what it is referring to is the implementation and management of the
quality of service, which meets the end user demand end users demands are met and
increasing the overall quality of service?
So, service is basically a collection of data and the associated behaviors to accomplish a
particular function or feature of a device or portions of a device. So, through IIoT solutions
the overall services the management of the different services have to be improved.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:44)
So, I will talk about very briefly over here services can be of two types one is the primary
service the other one is the secondary service. Primary services are basics services which are
responsible for the primary node functions whereas, the secondary services are auxiliary
services auxiliary functions which provides services to the primary service or secondary
services are termed as secondary service right. So, what we have primary service are basic
they are very important, you know you need those services whereas, secondary services are
auxiliary services which may or may not be there.
So, with this we come to an end of the first part of IIoT, we have understood the basics of
IIoT, how IIoT differs from IoT, what is the difference between IoT and M-2-M. So, this;
what we have looked at in in this part of the lecture on industrial internet of things.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 54
Industrial Internet of Things – Part – II
So, let us now continue our discussion of industrial IoT. So, earlier we understood the basics
of IIoT, how IIoT differs in principle from regular IoT what is the difference between IoT
and M-2-M and having understood all of these different basic concepts we are now about to
understand that what are the specific applications of IIoT in the industrial sector.
So, some of the key application areas of IIoT are manufacturing industry, health care
industry, transportation and logistics mining and firefighting.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:06)
So, these have to be done in order to reduce the operational costs improve the productivity of
the worker reduce injuries at the workplace this is very important actually safety applications
of IIoT are very important these are very interesting and these are very popular safety
applications. So why we want to use IIoT is one of the important applications is to improve
the safety in the manufacturing plant in the industrial different other types of plants. Resource
optimization and waste reduction is also very important industrial you know this is a very
important problem resource optimization is a very important problem in a industrial
engineering. So, this has to be taken care of waste reduction as well and end to end
automation. So, this is very important in it is a very important requirement in the
manufacturing industry and it has to be taken care of.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:17)
In the second application of IIoT is in the health care sector. So, you know using IIoT
solutions patients can be continuously monitored due to the implanted on body sensors which
can improve the treatment outcome overall costs of treatment can be reduced, improved
disease detection can be done and improved accuracy from the data; that is that are collected
can be achieved an overall the drugs drugs that are administered on the patients and the
overall inventory. The control of the drugs, the procurement control storage and so on of the
drugs they can be improved.
So, IIoT solutions are very attractive in the health care sector in the transportation and
logistics sector as well in order to improve transportation safety, efficiency of transportation,
intelligent transportation systems can be developed which consists of connected vehicles. So,
one of the key building blocks for transportation IIoT applied to transportation is the concept
of intelligent transportation system or connected vehicles. So, intelligent transportation
systems come in different forms we have the concepts of in its we have the concepts of
vehicle to sensor connectivity, vehicle to vehicle connectivity, vehicle to internet connectivity
and vehicle to road infrastructure connectivity.
So, there are different types of connectivity’s that are required in its there is short range
communication in the form of DSRC that enables the realization of vehicle to vehicle and
vehicle to road infrastructure communication V2V, V2R sometimes it is also known as V2I,
V2 Vehicle to infrastructure communication.
So, DSRC is very important key enabling technology for achieving the objective of vehicle to
vehicle and vehicle to roadside infrastructure communication. In IIoT scenario the physical
objects are provided with bar codes RFID tags. So, that real time monitoring of the status and
location of the physical objects may be the trucks where they are what you know what is the
condition of the different goods that are carried in the trucks all of these things can be
monitored in real time from the origin irrespective of where the trucks are entire supply chain
can be monitored with IIoT solutions entire supply chain the status of the good that status of
the vehicle you know everything can be monitored.
Security and privacy of the data should also be maintained and that is quite obvious I do not
need to elaborate further on this particular aspect. In the mining industry very important
industrial IIo, sorry industrial IoT solutions are very important in the mining industry it is
very common to have different types of accidents in the mines. So, RFID based solutions are
Wi-Fi and different other sensors and other wireless technologies Zigbee, Bluetooth, etcetera
can be deployed to collect data to provide early warning before any disaster actually strikes
can be used in the mines to improve to monitor not improve, but monitor the air quality what
is the air quality
And this is the very important problem in the mining sector you know monitoring the air
quality inside the mine detecting the presence of different types of poisonous gases SOx
gases NOx gases and you know different other poisonous gases like carbon mono oxide and
so on inside the mine which is a very common problem. How much is the oxygen level inside
the mine? So, all of these things can be monitored inside the mines using IIoT solutions.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:47)
Firefighting is another RFID tags can be fitted to these different devices for firefighting for
automatic diagnosis early warning in the you know in the firefighting in the fire infrastructure
that are deployed typically in the buildings different RFID tags different sensors can be fitted
to these you know fire detection devices emergency rescue and providing real time
monitoring. So, all these will improve the overall overall security and safety of public
So, some of the examples of IIoT include use of unmanned aerial vehicles or the drowns to
inspect oil pipelines monitoring food safety using sensors minimizing workers exposure to
noise chemicals hazardous materials and so on unmanned marine vehicles can be deployed to
collect data you know annually or throughout the year throughout the months and so on
without any fuel or crew.
So, what we have are connected ecosystems in the IIoT domain. So, what we have is we have
traditional supply chains and these traditional supply chains in these industries are linear
typically linear in nature. So, it is required to shift the business focus from products to
outcomes and for that these digital ecosystems can come IIoT based digital ecosystems can
come to rescue. So, digital ecosystems progress at much faster rate than the physical
industries. Hence it can quickly adopt sorry adapt to the changes in the external
(Refer Slide Time: 09:57)
So, it is required to integrate digital technologies with the human work force. So, you know
IIoT cannot be exclusively M-2-M this we have to remember we have to have humans in the
loop. So, humans will work with machines and the overall outcome will be improved
productivity of the system.
So, IIoT will reform and redefine the skills of the workers. New jobs can be created with the
help of IIoT it is not that you know typically people think that automation or IIoT based
solutions will cut down on the number of jobs, but that is not true. So, jobs new jobs get get
created because you know new technologies get introduced.
Things like a you know new composite industries precision agriculture digital health care
digital mines these require you know skilled man power and these skilled man power is what
is required and you know this automation through IIoT is in turn going to create new jobs
with requiring new skill sets and you know. So, this basically you know IIoT will not cut
down on the required number of jobs in the industries.
Robots robots have traditionally been used in the industry and in IIoT robots are a very
important component you know in a new form in a new way robots can be used and these
robots can sense they can think they can act they can perform different tasks. So, they will be
formed with the ability to carry out repetitive tasks robots will be more intelligent they are
more intelligent and they walk under the supervision of, they can also work under the
supervision of human beings their availability increases and they can be programmed
reprogrammed and so on and so forth to perform new tasks and that way they can learn faster.
So, robots in a reformed manner can be used in the IIoT to perform the industrial processes in
a much more efficient manner in much more faster way decisions can be made and so on;
over all improving the industrial processes industrial you know efficiency industrial safety
and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:42)
So, some of the challenges of IIoT, building IIoT are listed over here identification of objects
or things is important and we already looked at the identification of these things you know
how do you associates identifiers to these things we have already looked into these in the
context of regular IoT and the same applies here as well.
Managing huge amount of data is another challenge to be worked on in order to address the
problems of IIoT in order to deploy IIoT solutions integrating existing infrastructure into new
IIoT infrastructure and enabling data storage these are some of the challenges behind IIoT.
There are safety challenges as I told you before safety is very important. It is a fundamental
problem in the industry in the industrial sector safety is crucial.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:31)
So, whether we are talking about the health care industry because you know in the health care
industry as well in the hospitals and health care workers they are exposed to lot of problems
they are exposed to lot of challenges and which can harm their health and so on.
The same thing for if we are talking about mining industry if we are talking about the
transportation industry if we are talking about the steel industry and different other industries
there are lot of safety challenges that are there and so, workers health and safety are of
primary concern in this industry. So, worker health and safety regulatory complains there are
different regulatory bodies in a requiring you know complains of the machines the people
their processors in the industry and so on. So, these and regulatory compliance with respect to
safety particularly is very crucial.
Environmental protection is very important you know industries and environment they often
do not go hand in hand. So, lot of challenges exist and lot of challenges are posed by the
industries on the environment in which they work then optimized operations. So, these are
some of these challenges particularly concerning safety in industrial safety that have to be
taken care of through IIoT solutions.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:21)
There are different hazards as well handling of different hazardous substances storing of the
hazardous substances and so on oxygen deficiency particulate matters. So, particulate matters
like you know fly ash and so on then radiation different types of radiation electromagnetic
radiation and so on and physiological stress all these are different types of hazards.
That have to be taken into consideration for offering challenges through the use of IIoT.
Standardization is very important in the development of any system. So, in the context of
IIoT what is required is to improve the interoperability of the different systems applications
and allowing the products and services to perform better.
There are different privacy and security issues as well the two most important concerns
needed with IIoT are information security and data privacy protection the devices and the
things can be tracked monitored and connected. So, they there are chances of attack as it
happens in any other type of network as well this IIoT is also a network; it is a huge network
where different machines crucial machines there are different systems humans everybody is
So, these are prone to different attacks there could be different vulnerabilities in these
networks. So, consequently, you know. So, these has to be taken care of the security issues
have to be taken care of privacy is very crucial because from the industry there are different
data the sensors are collecting.
So, the privacy of these data have to be take care of. So, information security data privacy
protection all these are very crucial issues in the context of IIoT building of IIoT.
So, for example, in the health care industry the medical data of the patient must not be
tampered or altered by any person in the middle in the food industry the deterioration of any
food item that is being sent to the company should be kept confidential as it will affect the
reputation of the company.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:13)
So, these are very important you know privacy challenges or security challenges posing the
building of IIoT solutions. Through IIoT a sorry though IIoT provides new opportunities, but
few at factors may cause the hindrance in the path to success these include the lack of vision
and leadership lack of understanding of values among the management employees costly
sensors and in adequate infrastructure. So, these are some of the risks that are that are faced
by people who want to the management who want to deploy IIoT in the industry.
So, other challenges include improvement at the sensors miniaturization of the sensors is very
crucial you know we are talking about you know day by day we are talking about very small
scale small sized sensors that can perform as good as if not better than these existing big
sized sensors. So, miniaturization of the sensors is very important nowadays, we are talking
about name spaced sensors which make the senor the shape of the size of the sensor very
small and these seniors can perform very well as well even if they are small in size. They can
perform very well and the overall by through the miniaturization process the overall cost and
energy consumption the overall cost can be brought down and the energy consumption can
also be addressed can also be improved because small sized sensor is lightly to consume less
energy compared to bigger sized sensors.
So, the others challenges with respect to manufacturing. So, you know when we are talking
about manufacturing typically these are software based computer based and these are used to
improve the overall operational efficiency. So, predictive maintenance savings on scheduled
repairs reduced maintaenance cost maintenance costs and reduced number of break downs are
important challenges and important issues that have to be taken into consideration while
trying to introduce IIoT in the manufacturing industry.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:19)
So, there was an industry the Rt tech software. So, this basically particularizes in software
which improves the industrial facilities efficiency and improves the overall industrial
productivity. So, energy management solution which leads to reduction in the plants highest
variable cost was a produced was designed and this particular company automates the
processes of mapping and managing energy consumption.
The products that they develop include M-2-M based communication based systems and
intelligent radio modems and these are the some of these products and their specifications
given over here these devices provide easy maintenance and installation they can be
connected to IP or non IP devices to extend the capability to monitor and communicate with
other technologies.
So, this is a solution that they have developed a product that they have developed it is known
as control which offers IO link to the master gateway. So, it can be easily integrated into the
industrial network with existing and new installations, it supports Ethernet and IP and also
supports the mod bus TCP. So, there are different benefits of IIoT improving the connectivity
among devices improving efficiency updating the scalability.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:42)
So, easily one can scale up by the use scale up in the industrial sector industrial processes can
be scaled up, industrial you know overall industrial productivity can be scaled up through the
use of IIoT reduction in the operation time can be achieved in the industry through the use of
IIoT solutions remote diagnosis can be performed quite efficiently with the help of IIoT and
IIoT solutions offer cost effective solutions.
In terms of the research recent research trends one is to improve the communication among
the different things or objects to second is to develop energy efficient techniques. So, as to
reduce power consumption by the sensors third is to develop context aware internet of things
middleware for better understanding of the sensor data and the forth is to create smart objects
with larger memory processing and reasoning capabilities.
So, these are some of the different features the different applications of IIoT and how IIoT
can improve the productivity in the industry in the different plants manufacturing plants the
health care sector and so on.
So, IIoT systems they have requirement for very small sized less expensive sensors which are
easily accessible and so, this basically will help in the furthering the use of IIoT more in the
industry then the second thing is the assembly line. So, you know controlling the assembly
line automates monitoring control and maintenance of the industrial processes and the
industrial product lines these can be achieved efficiently with the help of industrial IoT.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:57)
So, these are some of the references and these can be you know. So, this reference is good for
understanding connected vehicles it was published in the IEEE Internet of Things and this is
something that I should mention that on internet of things there is a journal which is called
the IEEE Internet of Things journal which has number of papers on the different aspects of
industrial internet of things.
So, this concerns basically in transportation sector like this there are different other problems
and solutions mining related papers are also available, safety related papers on the use of IIoT
are also available. So, these are the different references. And so, with this we come to an end
of the discussions on industrial IoT.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 55
Data Handling and Analytics – Part – I
So far, we have understood the different building blocks different technologies about IoT
how to build IoT using different technologies we have already gone through in the different
lectures. So, we need to now understand that the IoT systems as a whole comprising of
devices such as different sensors, actuators and different other communication devices like
Wi-Fi 3G, 4G and so on we have mobile devices. So, you know all of these in the IoT world
they are huge producers of data. So, IoT is heavily data intensive it is heavily data intensive.
So, lot of data gets produced in the IoT deployments in the in the IoT implementation.
So, these data have to be number one properly handled and number 2 is they have to be
analyzed to make sense out of the data. So, that things can be made much more efficient
where ever the IoT solutions are deployed those problems can be solved can be addressed
much more efficiently. So, this is the requirement of the data analytics. So, we have 2 things
being discussed in this lecture number one how to handle the data, data handling and number
2 is the data that is generated and is received may be collected at a server either in a
centralized way or may it can be distributed the data can be collected in a distributed fashion.
So, that data has to be analyzed to make sense out of it to make things better.
So, this is what we are going to look at. So, what are the subtleties what are the important
issues concerning this thing. So, this is what we have to understand and this is what we are
focusing on in this particular lecture. So, this is divided into data handling and analytics is
divided into 2 parts so; however, in both of these lectures what we are going to do is we are
simply trying to motivate ourselves and try to understand because this is a this is a
introductory course on internet of things here we are not going to understand about the
different methodologies for data handling we can or how to how to perform the how to
perform the handling of the data or how to analyze the data that we are not going to
understand in detail we are simply going to understand that what are the tools the
methodology that out there that can be used for handling and analysis of the data.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:27)
So, we start with data handling data handling basically ensures that the data is stored
properly, archived properly and disposed off in a safe and secure manner during and after the
conclusion of the project. So, I am talking about a project in general in order to understand
data handling. So, here we are considered we are considering the development of the policies
and the procedures about how to handle the data electronically as well as well as through non
electronic means. So, in the IoTs sphere most of the data have certain features which are
analogous to the features of big data in other words we are talking about IoT systems
producing big data and what is big data that we will understand later, but for now we will just
conceive of big data as data that is extraordinarily big in different ways and what are those
different ways that we will see later on.
So, due to heavy traffic generated by these IoT devices there is huge amount of data that is
created by the different sensors and the different other IoT devices huge amount of data is
generated and that data it is big in size continuously big streams of data flow through the
network. So, are generated in the network for example, if there is a camera if there is a
camera that is fitted. So, that camera basically streams in lot of data continuously. So, in a in
a particular hour when the camera stream data is collected you know that will that is a that is
huge in size and we are talking about not just one or 2 hours, but we are talking about
collecting lot of data over days and months and years and so on.
So, that data has to be at number one stored, number 2 analyzed and then how you are going
to handle you know as long as it is not required after that it is no longer required how you are
going to dispose of that particular data. So, all these things have to be taken into
consideration when we are planning or we are designing an IoT system.
So, I was mentioning to you about big data. So, big data there are different there are different
definitions of big data. So, one of these definitions talks says that big data technologies
describe a new generation of technologies and architectures designed to economically extract
value from very large volumes of a very wide variety of data by enabling high velocity
capture discovery and or analysis. So, big data shall mean that the data of which the volume
acquisition speed or data representation limits the capacity of using traditional relational
methods to conduct effective analysis or the data which may be effectively processed with
important horizontal zoom technologies.
So, what it means you know all these fancy words have been used in these definitions. So,
what it means 2 things data that is huge in size that flows in large velocities that is generated
and disseminated in large velocities have to be handled in real time this is one issue, second
issue is these data are typically unstructured they are typically unstructured for example, you
know text; huge text; Facebook data, Twitter data; you know all these social network data or
the data that are generated from the telescopes the sky monitoring telescopes the data that are
generated from you tube and so on. So, these have characteristics which are unstructured they
cannot be stored using traditional relational database technologies.
So, how do you handle such data? So, this is a big concern in big data. So, that has to be
taken care of. So, you know we cannot we cannot simply be concerned about simply
deploying a network without being concerned about how to handle the data that this network
is going to produce that is why data handling and big data handling is important.
So, we have as I was telling you earlier broadly 2 categories of data structured data like what
we have been using library information system student information system accounting
information system these are good examples of structured data.
So, these data are easily organized they can be stored in relational databases relational tables
you can perform different queries on these data that are stored in the tables and; however,
these type of structured data accounts for only twenty percent of total available data in the
world today and definitely it is a very small amount of data in the IoT systems. So, IoT
systems produce mostly unstructured data which cannot be stored in the form of relational
So, there is not abide by any pre defined relational model for the storing of the data
traditional RDBMs techniques are unusable and these data they are very huge in size they are
very huge in size and you know most of the data more than 80 percent of the total data that is
available in the world today are in the unstructured form, text fields video, audio speech, you
tube data you know telescope data all these are good examples of unstructured data even the
data that are produced from most of the IoT devices are unstructured most of the sensor data
are unstructured cameras produce unstructured data. So, how do you handle these data?
So, some of these characteristics of big data earlier it started with a 3 V then came the 5 V
definition and now people are talking about 7 V’s of big data. So, what are these Vs number
1, volume number 2, V is velocity number 3 is variety, number 4 variability, number 5
veracity, number 6 visualization and number 7 value.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:45)
So, these are the 7 different characteristics in to the form of fees of big data. So, let us look at
each of them one by one. So, volume; so, big data are characterized with large volumes of
data and the quantity of the data that is generated is huge in volume we are talking about
more than tera bytes of data several tera bytes of data of images video and so on and so forth
you tube you know YouTube basically in every minute you tube in the YouTube 72 hours of
video are uploaded. So, it is a huge amount of data huge in terms of volume. So, this has to be
in every minute if it is so much. Then just imagine that how much it is going to be every day
and in a year how much it is going to be.
Velocity as the name suggests; it concerns the speed of generation of the data. So, data
processing time is decreasing day by day in order to produce real time services older batch
processing technology is unable to handle high velocity of data. So, we need new
technologies to handle this high velocity of data. So, these IoT devices mobile phone sensors
and so on in huge speeds you know high rate the data is being generated for example, with
respect to velocity hundred forty million tweets are generated per day on average the New
York stock exchange captures 1 tera byte of trade information during each trading session.
So, just imagine that how much data at what speed is generated in the IoT world.
Variety refers to the category to which the data belongs and most of the data are either
unstructured or they are semi structured and examples could be variety could be that pure text
data, images, audio, video, web, GPS, then sensor data, SMS, documents, PDFs, flash,
etcetera, etcetera. So, all these different varieties of data flowing through a single pipe in the
IoT world single pipe huge amounts of data huge volumes of data at high velocities data
which is highly varied not only consisting of text, but text audio video images web sensor and
so on. So, everything flowing together.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:43)
Then we have variability which refers to the data whose meaning is constantly changing the
meaning of the data constantly changes depending on the context. So, examples could be
language processing. So, language you know it is context dependent. So, you know
sometimes language processing it is context driven. So, the meaning basically varies with
context hashtags, geo-spatial data, multimedia, sensor events and so on veracity refers to the
biases, noise abnormality that exists in the data. So, the IoT data that is typically generated is
highly veracious. So, it is important in programs that involve automated decision making or
feeding the data into an unsupervised machine learning algorithm. Veracity is not just about
data quality it is also about understanding the data.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:44)
There are different data handling technologies that are available for use cloud is one such
popular technology. So, here in cloud, cloud basically has some of the essential
characteristics as per the definition of NIST on demand self service broad network access
resource pooling rapid elasticity measured service measured service means what depending
on the amounts of computational resources that are used; it will be built accordingly rapid
elasticity means if I need more resources the resources are going to be made available
through a pooling based mechanisms. So, resources are going to be pooled from different
physical devices and I do not have to own these resources this infrastructure I do not have to
own, but I can still get access to these on an on demand manner depending on my
requirement and I will build accordingly.
So, some of these basic service models that are there and some of which we have already
covered include infrastructure as a service, platform as a service and software as a service.
So, cloud is cloud with this 3 basic service models IaaS, PaaS and SaaS is a very important
data handling technology that is available to us second is internet of things. So, in the IoT
world the sensors that are embedded to the different devices and machines they generate lot
of data the sensors transmit this sense data to remote servers via the internet and these data
they can be either handled at the back end or these data can also be processed locally at the
age or in the interim somewhere in the intermediate layer. So, continuous data acquisition
from mobile equipment transportation facilities public facilities and home appliances are an
important characteristic of IoT and the data that is handled data that is generated in the IoT
have to be handled accordingly.
Datacenters basically concern you know storing lot of data managing the data organizing the
data these data that are generated in the data centers that are that are that exist in the data
They are they have to be replicated, they have to be backed up they provide sufficient
network you know sufficient network infrastructure has to be provided in order to handle this
data and this data they can be analyzed in order to discover problems in the business
(Refer Slide Time: 18:25)
So, this is how the data flows from generation to analysis. So, first the data is generated then
comes acquisition of the data storage of the data and finally, analysis of the data. So, in terms
of generation of the data from enterprise systems data can be generated from IoT systems
from biomedical devices and different other devices all of which are good sources or
generators of data in terms of acquisition after the data generation acquisition of the data;
data are collected data can be transported data are preprocessed and then data have to be
stored we have different technologies for doing it we have Hadoop technology for storage of
data MapReduce, NoSQL databases and finally, they have to be analyzed.
So, for this we have the bloom filter, parallel computing technologies, hashing mechanisms,
indexing mechanisms and so on. The different sources of data include enterprise data, IoT
data, biomedical data, and other field data from computational biology from nuclear research
from astronomy and so on.
Now, comes the data acquisition which concerns data collection from log files from different
other records activities interviewing if required collecting data from the sensors from the
sound sensors voice vibration automobile chemical current weather pressure temperature
etcetera and so on. So, after the data are collected they have to be transmitted. So, after the
after collecting the data the data have to be transferred to a storage system for further
processing and analysis.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:39)
So, data transmission can be categorized as in term data center network transmission and
intra data center network transmission then the data have to be preprocessed this collected
data suffer from noise redundancy inconsistency etcetera. So, these have to be removed they
have to be preprocessed the data have to be preprocessed the preprocessing of the relational
data mainly follows integration cleaning and redundancy mitigation integration is combining
the data from various sources and providing users with a information with uniform view of
the data cleaning of the data is required in order to remove inaccuracies, incompleteness and
unreasonable behavior of the data unreasonable characteristics of the data and then either
modifying the data or to remove these problems or deleting these data all together.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:31)
Now, the data after acquisition the data has to be stored the data can be stored in the file
systems or in data bases. So, if we are talking about relational databases SQL is good enough;
however, with the kind of data that is exhibited then unstructured data that is exhibited these
NoSQL is very useful. NoSQL basically uses 3 different types of databases one is the key
value database the second is the column oriented database and the third is the document
oriented data base.
So, this is about the data handling the different aspects of data handling for this what
technology do we have for handling this kind of data what technology do we have we have
the Hadoop technology.
So, what is Hadoop this is basically a software framework for distributed processing of large
datasets across large clusters of computers it is a open source implementation for Google’s
GFS and MapReduce. GFS is basically the Google file system and MapReduce apaches
apache Hadoops MapReduce and Hadoop distributed file system which in short is called is
well known as HDFs has different components which are originally derived respectively from
GFS, Google’s, MapReduce and GFS full file system.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:20)
So, these are building blocks of Hadoop; Hadoop common HDFs is Hadoop distributed file
system MapReduce and YARN which stands for yet another resource negotiator so, without
going through each of these in further detail.
We will just look at only HDFs the Hadoop distributed file system. So, in HDFs which is
which is basically the important thing in Hadoop. So, in HDFs there are 2 different types of
nodes we have the name node and we have the data node. So, the name node is a centralized
node which maintains the metadata information about the different files storing the data and
data node is a distributed node that stores the actual data in the form of files which are again
divided into blocks and each of these blocks is replicated and this is what is shown over here
in this particular figure. So, what you see over here are these data nodes with replication of
the blocks and this is the name node. So, name node has the metadata and the data nodes have
the actual data and these data nodes are fragmented into blocks and these blocks are
replicated and consequently we have more reliability in the storage of the data in Hadoop
So, we have the name node which stores the file system meta data and the data node which
stores the actual data.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:06)
Now, we also have these job and job trackers. The job tracker basically runs with the name
node it receives the users job and decides on how how many tasks will run and the job tracker
basically runs on each data node receives the task from the job tracker and it is always in
communication with the job tracker reporting it the progress that is made. So, as we can see
over here we have the job tracker and these different tasks which are monitored through the
task tracker. So, we have the job tracker running on the name node and the task tracker which
is running on the data nodes.
So, here what we see is the master slave architecture in Hadoop. So, we have this kind of
thing we have the name node like this which contacts the metadata, the name node and then
we have these different data nodes. This name node has the job tracker and the name node
information and this name node basically points to the data node of the data node in the in the
data node that is installed right and then we have the MapReduce.
So, the map; so, what we have the task the task tracker is basically linked with the job tracker
job tracker and the task tracker. So, job tracker in the name node is related to the; is linked
with the task tracker in the data node. So, the job tracker decides in the MapReduce layer the
name node in the HDFs layer task tracker in the MapReduce layer data node in the HDFs
layer and so on. So, this is the architecture the master slave architecture in Hadoop.
So, with this we come to an end of the discussions on the file handling and particularly
focusing on file handling of this lecture on file handling and data analysis and here some of
these references are there and with this we come to an end. And so, what we have discussed
is how data handling is important what are the different sources of data how data have to be
handled and how Hadoop and its different components can come as an aid for handling data
which is which has the features of big data data that is generated from the IoT systems how it
can be how Hadoop can be used in order to handle this kind of data.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture - 56
Data Handling and Analytics- Part- II
In this lecture on data analysis and sorry Data Handling and Analytics. In the first part we
will focused mostly on data handling, and in the second part we are going to focus mostly on
the analytics.
So, having captured the data and storing it in the cloud or in the server or whatever storage
mechanisms we have. We now have to use the data, for using it we have to analyze it, we
have to analyze the data. So, for this there are different tools, different methodologies that
they are; the most common the most primitive once are based on statistical methods; so basic
statistical methods can be applied applied on the store data in what order to make more sense
out of that data in order to get more insight into that data it is stored.
So, we have data analytics. Basically, the data have to be analyzed. So, in the context of IoT
people talk a lot about data analytics. So, what is the state analytics? I am going to read one
of these definitions. So, data analytics is the process of examining the data sets in order to
draw conclusions about the information they contain. That means, what information is
contained in this data sets. Increasingly with the aid of specialized systems and software; so
with different specialized software, systems, etcetera to get insight into the data that is
Data analytics technologies and techniques are widely used in commercial industries to
enable organizations to make more informed business decisions and by scientist and
researchers to verify or disprove the scientific models theories and hypothesis. So, this is
basically the premise in which data analytics basically work and the different concerns of
data analytics are basically: I mentioned in this particular definition.
So, when we talk about analysis in general broadly analysis comes in two forms. So, we can
either perform qualitative analysis on the data that has been obtained or we can perform
quantitative analysis. So, qualitative analysis basically deals with the analysis of data that are
categorical in nature- so qualitative analysis. Whereas, quantitative analysis refers to the
process by which numerical methods can be used; numerical data can be analyzed through
quantitative analysis.
So, categorical data: qualitative analysis is good enough, for numerical data quantitative
analysis quantitative methods are useful.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:31)
So, qualitative analysis data is not described through numerical values, but are described by
some sort of descriptive contexts such as text. This qualitative data can be gathered by many
methods such as from interviews, interviewing different people, from videos, from audio
recordings, field notes you know industry manuals and so on.
This data needs to be interpreted; the grouping of the data can be where should be performed
into identifiable themes in quantitative qualitative analysis. And the qualitative analysis can
be summarized by three basic principles. Notice the things collect the things and think about
it. We do not need to get into details of each of these.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:27)
Next one is the quantitative analysis. So, quantitative analysis is on the numeric data using
different statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, more specifically finding out the
mean of the dataset median standard deviation and so on. The following are often involved
with the quantitative analysis, statistical models and analysis of variance, then data dispersion
analysis of relationship between variables, contingency and correlation, then regression
analysis, statistical significance, precision, error limits and so on.
So, these are the different quantitative methods that are used for quantitative analysis of data.
Now comes the comparison between qualitative data and quantitative data. So, qualitative
data can be mostly observed, whereas quantitative data can be measured. Qualitative data
involves descriptions its more qualitative it involves descriptions, on the other hand
quantitative data involves numbers, numeric’s and so on. Whereas, in qualitative data the
emphasis is on quality, in the quantitative data the emphasis is on quantity. Examples of
qualitative data include colour, smell, taste, etcetera which cannot be quantified so easily. On
the other hand quantifiable data include volume, weight, etcetera; these are numbers these are
figures which can be used to perform different numerics.
The advantages of data analytics is that: it allows for the identification of important trends, it
helps the businesses identify performance problems that we require some sort of action- some
prediction can be performed. By analysis of the data fast data something you know, so the
businesses they can understand that what has gone wrong quantitatively we can be done or
even qualitatively. So, data analytics are useful for that.
So, the analytics can also be performed in a visual manner and that can help in faster and
better decision making. Analytics can provide a company with an edge over their
(Refer Slide Time: 07:00)
So, that is the reason actually data analytics has become very popular in the industry, not only
in the industrial almost in all spheres of life data analytics has become very popular. And
because you can get more insight into what is going on in the processes that are occurring
around you.
Statistical different models of statistical; statistical models can be adopted in order to perform
quantitative analysis. And a statistical model can is defined as the mathematical equation that
is formulated to form the relationship between variables. A statistical model illustrates how a
set of random variables is related to another set of random variables. And it is a statistical
model is represented as an ordered pair X P; where X denotes the set of all possible
observations and P refers to the set of probability of distributions on X.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:05)
Statistical models are broadly categorized as complete models and incomplete models.
Complete models have the same number of variables as the number of equations. So, the
number of equations and the number of variables in the complete models are the same. So, if
we have the number of variables equating equating with the number of equations what we
have is a complete model. And in an incomplete model the number of variables and the
number of equations are not the same- they do not match.
So, in order to build a statistical model it is required to gather the data, perform descriptive
methods, think about what are the predictors, then build the model and then interpret the
So, to perform ANOVA one has to have a continuous response variable and at least one
categorical factor. For example, age gender, etcetera, with at least two or more levels
example location 1, location 2, etcetera. So, what it means is basically levels mean that one
location: one location Kharagpur another location Kolkata. So, these are two different
locations corresponding to two different levels. And categories mean the age is one category.
So, with respect to a particular category like age you know. So, at two different locations
what is the similarity or what is the dissimilarity; similarly with respect to gender or any other
ANOVA requires data from approximately normally distributed population. So, this is a very
important assumption or a very important requirement that you know. So, normal distribution
is required for performing; normal distribution of the data set has to be there in order to
perform ANOVA analysis.
The properties to perform ANOVA: one is the independence of case, the sample that is
selected should be random; random is selected there should not be any bias, there should not
be any pattern, in the selected sample. Normality is the second property which constant the
distribution of each group should be normal, so normal distribution of the data within the
group; and homogeneity which constants variance between the groups and this should be the
variance should be the same. So, we should not have a scenario to compare the data from
cities with the data from maybe slums areas or maybe the data of Kharagpur compared with
the data of Kolkata.
So, because we have a town we have a city so two different datasets you know compare of
comparing with each other. So, they have huge variance. And the variance should be as much
minimal as possible.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:50)
Analysis of variance has three different types: one way analysis which constant one fixed
factor. For example, the factors could be age, gender, etcetera. Could be two way analysis
where two or more or two factors are going to be involved. So, both maybe both age and
gender will be considered in a two way factor two way ANOVA analysis. And it can be k
way analysis where k factor variables are involved.
Then there are different ways, different features that are there for performing analysis of
variance- total sum of square is 1, f ratio is another and the degree of freedom. So, all of these
things have to be taken into consideration in order to perform and its variance. I am not going
to put through these, because this is not essentially a course in statistical methods. And these
are all available, but what is important is that ANOVA analysis can be used in order to
perform analytics on the data that is obtained from IoT systems.
The next concept that has to be understood is data dispersion. Data dispersion concerns how
much is the dispersion; that means, dispersion is basically a measure of the statistical. So, it is
a measure of statistical dispersion a non negative real number that is 0 if all the data are the
same and it increases as the data becomes more diverse. Examples of dispersion measures
include: range, average, absolute deviation, variance, and standard deviation. So, typically
when we talk about dispersion we typically talked about in terms of variance and standard
(Refer Slide Time: 13:58)
So, how much the deviate from the norm from the norm? So, this is what dispersion
constants. So, here as I already mentioned so range and what is meant by it the absolute
standard deviation is given. So, the average of the absolute deviation is given, variance and
standard deviation here well known methods of dispersion deciding. And these are given over
Next comes a contingence and correlation. So, in statistics a contingency table is a type of
table in a matrix format that displays the multivariate frequency distribution of the variables.
It provides the basic picture of the interrelation between two variables. Correlation is a
technique for investigating the relationship between two continuative continuous variables.
So, they have to be continuous variable this is very important. And how much they are
correlated these two variables how much they are correlated and what is the relationship
between them. So, a popular measure is the Pearson’s correlation coefficient. And it basically
measures the strength of association between two variables.
Then comes regression analysis. So, regression analysis basically tries to estimate the
relationship among the different variables. It focuses on the relationship between independent
variable and one or more independent variables. So, we have a dependent variable and we
have an independent; we have one or more independent variables and how the dependent
variable relates to one or more of these variables taken at a time or taken together.
So, regression analysis estimates the conditional expectation of the dependent variable given
the independent variables. The estimation target is a function of the independent variables
called the regression function. It characterizes the variation of the independent variable
around the regression function which can be described by a probability distribution. So,
regression analysis is helpful in different ways: it can be used to understand how the
independent variables are related to the dependent variable one at a time or taken together.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:16)
Statistical significance is important. It basically measures the likelihood that the difference in
conversion rates between given variation and the baseline is not due to any random chance.
So, statistically how much you know the results are significant is something that has to be
measured. So, statistical significance basically reflects the risk, tolerance and the confidence
level. So, how much is the confidence on the results that are obtained.
So, this is measure through statistical significance. So, typically there are two key variables
that are required for determining statistical significance: one is the sample size the other one
is the effect size.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:07)
The sample size refers to the sample size of the experiment. The larger the sample size is the
more confident one can be on the result of the experiment. And the effect size is just the
standardized mean difference between the two groups. So, if a particular experiment is
replicated the different effect size estimates from each study can easily be combined to give
an overall best estimate of the effect size.
Precision and error limits are important. So, precision basically concerns how close the
estimates are from the different samples to each other. The standard error is a measure of the
precision, when the standard error is small the estimates from the different samples will be
closed in value and vice versa. So, precision is inversely related to the standard error.
So, this precision and error become hand in hand, the limits of the error and the overestimate
and the underestimate are taken into consideration while considering the error limits.
So, as I was mentioning at the outset that there are different statistical tools that additional
statistical tools like correlation analysis, regression analysis, analysis of variance can be used
in order to understand to how to get insight on the data that is obtained that is collected. But
these are the basic analytic methods.
And what we have not discussed over here and we have intentionally confined ourselves to
not discussing things like how text can be how text can be analyzed textual data or how video
data can be analyzed and so on. So, that requires video data images can be analyzed and so
on; so different other types of data can be analyzed. So, this we have intentionally not
discussed, because that requires specialized training in text processing, video processing,
image processing, and so on. And we do not want to get into the depth of those types of
So, these are the differences. So, with this we come to an end. And as I was telling
mentioning before data handling, data analytics are very crucial in the context of IoT because
lot of data gets generated in the IoT domain. And this data not only have to be analyze, but
prior to analyzing they have to be handled. They have to be handled using technologies such
as cloud, we have to be handled with technology such as Hadoop and so on.
And once they are handled that means, the data have been stored, they have been cleaned and
stored and so on then they have to be analyzed. For analysis we have these different statistical
methods, we have different other methods based in machine learning, image processing,
video processing, text processing and so on. So, those are advance methods which we do not
cover in this particular lecture, in this particular course.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 57
Case Study: Agriculture
Having gone through the different concepts of IoT, the basic concepts the networking
concepts, the communication concepts, the connectivity establishment concepts, the practical
hands on on IoT in the previous lecture we will now go through a case study of how IoT has
been used. And this particular case study is on agricultural use, so agricultural use of IoT
more specifically on use of IoT for smart irrigation and this is basically based on a project
that I have executed along with my colleague Professor N S Raghuwanshi from the
Department of Agriculture and Food Engineering of our Institute IIT Kharagpur and here I
am going to show you how IoT can come as help as help for building systems that can make
irrigation smarter.
So, it is a smart irrigation management system the system that we have developed the name is
AgriSens. AgriSens system and this is accessible this particular system is accessible publicly
through the URL agri sys; agrisys.iitkgp.ac.in.
So, let us look at some of these different aspects of this particular system. So, before we go
further I would like to show you a hypothetical scenario through this particular figure. So,
what is going to happen the use of IoT in agriculture what is going to happen in the future?
So, the picture that we see in front of us is an agricultural field a hypothetical one where there
are different types of sensors that are planted sensor such as for soil, moisture and water level
monitoring for automated irrigation performance performing automated irrigation.
Automated recycling of organic waste vermicomposting automated sowing and weeding and
so on and so forth, so many different things automated systems fitted with sensors fitted with
different actuators these are going to be used for making agriculture smarter. So, we in this
particular project in the AgriSens system we have developed the system with a focus on
water management using IoT smart water management. So, how do we do it?
So, the objectives of this smart water management system the AgriSens system are that how
less water can be used for getting more yield in in terms of crop productivity; that means, and
typically you know. So, what happens is for plants such as rice; that means, paddy plants
wheat and so on. These basically are dependent on the soil moisture the water level in the soil
and so on and so forth and many other climatic factors.
So, the whole objective is that how can we monitor the soil conditions how much is the
moisture content of the soil how much is the water level the stagnant water level particularly
that is useful information for paddy crops paddy plants and how we can automate the
irrigation process whenever the soil becomes dryer. So, if it becomes dryer below a certain
threshold level how to automate this particular thing. So, automated irrigation how do we
perform with the help of this these different sensors.
So, what we do is that based on these different sensed information through the soil moisture
sensors water level sensors from the field we learn certain analytics based on the data that is
received, and then if though if it is found out by the system autonomously by the system
without any human interference if it is found out by the system that the water level has gone
down or the soil moisture level has gone down or those are all climatic conditions are no
longer prevailing. Then to take some actions, the actions can be in terms of sending some
control signal for example, switching the pump on to irrigate the field and so on and so forth
and there can be done remotely as well as well as autonomously automatically.
So, this is what the AgriSens system does. So, this is the proposed architecture of the
AgriSens system for offering smart water management. So, we have different layers of the
system so we have the sensing layer the remote processing layer and the application layer the
sensing layer basically has different types of sensors soil moisture water level etcetera which
through data from different clusters this through data through their cluster heads to the remote
processing server and different analytics and run and those data are made available to the
different applications in the application layer.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:17)
So, this particular project involved different objectives such as the design for the sensors,
designing the sensor node as such and the design of the remote server and the communication
framework. So, as part of this project what we did is we developed a sensor that can be used
for monitoring the water level in the field. So, this is this particular sensor which we have
developed in our lab for monitoring the water level in the field.
So, another sensor which we did not develop, but we have procure is the EC 05 soil moisture
sensor which in this particular figure as you can see in this particular picture as you can see
has been put it has been you know dug inside the surface of the earth.
So, soil moisture sensor is basically put inside is installed inside the level the level of the mud
level of mud or level of earth. So, it is inside it is dug inside.
So, this is the overall design of the sensor node. So, here basically what we have is apart from
the sensors and actuators we have a processing unit and the memory unit we have wireless
communication unit and we have the power management unit.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:01)
So, this is the integrate design of a sensor node that we have developed this is this one node
and this node basically as you can see over here it comes with an LCD and it is powered by
Zigbee for communication and Zigbee in one of the previous lectures on connectivity
technologies we have already gone through Zigbee. Then it also has a power supply it has
different power supplies then it has a power on indicator, a reset switch, the on off switch and
different sensors can be fitted to this particular core.
So, this is the censor board that we have designed and which can be used for agricultural
purposes smart irrigation purpose.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:00)
Then the remote server basically it has a repository which can take all the data from these
different sensors these IoT nodes through the IoT gateways and there is a web server which
basically stores in the field data remotely; that means, the web server are typically stored
away from the field and that is where the data are all stored for use in the future. And there
are multi user servers which basically send the field information to the farmer’s cell using
SMS technology, and also executes the farmer’s query and controlling messages. So,
basically this basically helps in informing the farmers about the field conditions with the help
of SMS and different sending different SMS’s.
So, we will now look at a field demo and thereafter I am going to show you few other
different aspects of this particular system. So, I am going to now take you to the field and
show you how the system is deployed and how it functions at the field.
Now I am going to show you one of the implementations of internet of things in agriculture.
More specifically this is for irrigation purpose how IoT can be used for irrigation purpose and
what we are doing is this is actually by the way developed as a sponsored project of MHRD
and IIT Kharagpur and this was being developed along with my colleague Professor N S
Raghuvanshi of the department of agriculture and food engineering at IIT Kharagpur.
So, what you see over here is an agricultural field. So, in this field, this field is divided into a
6 by 5 grid and each of these grid elements has a size of 3 by 3 square meters.
And so in each of these grids what we have is a sensor node and at this point actually you
cannot see any crops because the crop the season has gone and the crops have been harvested,
but this is the infrastructure that we have. So, this is a solar powered sensor node and if we
look here in this node we have through this node actually we have two different sensors - one
is a soil moisture sensor which is basically buried in ground and there is another sensor which
is the water level sensor. So, the soil moisture sensor basically as this name says that it
basically sensors the soil moisture and the water level sensor is how much is the stagnant
water level in this particular grid. So, this is what it measures.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:32)
And these two sensor data are sent to this particular node. So, this node basically has you
know it is Zigbee power and this data has Zigbee communication with the cluster head. So,
here actually what we use is a cluster based approach cluster architecture for sensor
deployment. So, from this node from every node that we have here the data are sent via
Zigbee to the cluster head and from the cluster head. Cluster head basically supports two
types of communication one is the Zigbee communication for intra cluster communication
and the other one is the GPRS communication from the cluster head to the control room
where the servers are there for further analysis.
So, this is the architecture that we have and so the sensor data you know are being in the
sense from these two sensors - one is the soil moisture and the water level sensor and if the
water level has gone down or the soil moisture is not adequate enough. So, automatically we
have the valves the solenoid valves and the solenoid valves will be turned on, so here is one
solenoid valve that you can see on your on my left here the solenoid valve and likewise every
field has other solenoid valves. So, there is another solenoid valve there.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:29)
So, what is going to happen is the pump you know it is going to turned on will be turned on
and the water is going to be you know the field is going to be irrigated by those this solenoid
valves. So, as you can see over here the valve has been turned on just now and the field is
going to be irrigated with the water because there is no I am not adequate water in the field.
So, as I told you that we are actually following cluster based architecture for the sensor
deployment so here what we have is a cluster head this cluster head has support for both
Zigbee communication which is happening through this particular node and there is also
support for GPRS communication through this particular board. And additionally we have the
different relays as you can see here for turning on the pumps if it is required to irrigate the
field and so through this antenna basically this communication is happening with the with the
external world. So, this is how the cluster head looks like.
So, now I will show you the web interface for this AgriSens system. So, as I mentioned to
you earlier it is accessible through the URL agrisys.iitkgp.ac.in and we have deployed this
particular system in two locations one in (Refer Time: 15:31) IIT Kharagpur and the other
one in a distant village close to Bidapur.
So, this is the overall you know web interface and as we can see over here that it gives lot of
information about the water level sensor that we have developed the deployed sensor nodes
you can read more, the wireless sensor network that is there and the SMS service that is
offered to the farmers. So, more information is available through this site and also through
these different links the people that are involved I already mentioned to you that it is being it
has been done by our group the swan group of the department of CSE along with the
agriculture and food engineering department at IIT, Kharagpur.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:30)
So, here you know we can through this particular portal we can look at the field conditions
and the different sensors you know the different health monitoring on the different sensors
that are there.
So, if you login using the login credentials, this is basically the node status from one of the
fields as we can see these are the different status that I had mentioned and these are the
different status that I had mentioned.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:54)
So, we have red colour implying that now actually the clock has already been harvested it
was a paddy, paddy field where the sensor nodes are deployed. So, crop has already been
harvested that is why it is showing red colour means that the sensor node is not sensing any
further data. And also the different status messages you know so can be obtained through this
particular portal and previous data also one can see through this and, so this basically you
know helps in remote monitoring of the field you know even if one is in another part of the
world still they you would be able to monitor the field conditions. So, this is how the overall
portal looks like.
So, now, I will show you some of the plots of the data that I received at our server.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:10)
I have already shown you how the different sensors are deployed in the field and these are
some of the results that we have received some of the data that we have received with respect
to things such as the soil moisture. So, this is the soil moisture data with respect to the time.
So, here actually we have some 115 days data and as you can see over here the soil moisture
variation with respect to the different phases of crop growth during the paddy season is
basically plotted over here. So, this particular phase is shown to be the vegetative phase and
the soil moisture variation is shown in this particular plot. Then we have the reproductive
phase where the soil moisture varies like this and then we have the maturity phase and in the
maturity phase as you can see that there are some variations in the soil moisture of the field.
(Refer Slide Time: 19:21)
The next one is the water level. So, here actually we can see that in the vegetative phase the
water level fluctuations are there, but it is not too much, but then during the reproductive
phase the water level fluctuations are quite huge. So, whenever the water level goes down the
field is irrigated, again water level goes up, again it goes down and so on and so forth. So,
this is the reproductive phase and then we have the maturity phase where the water level
variations are as shown.
And then this plot basically shows the packet delivery ratio and as we can see over here the
packet delivery is not so bad you know it is between like 90 percent to 100 percent. There is
some packet drop that has happened and these packet drops could be due to different reasons
such as different presence of different noises interference and so on, due to things such as air
flow, temperature, solar radiation rainfall and so on. So, these packet drops are quite
common, but as you can see that mostly the system overall is quite reliable.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 58
Case Study: Healthcare
Now, we are going to cover some case studies particularly focusing on healthcare, so the use
of IoT for healthcare. So, we have seen in the previous lectures in the different modules that
we have covered so far in this course that different types of sensors are possible and these
sensors can help in sensing whatever they are supposed to sense. So, in the context of
healthcare there are different sensors that have been fabricated that has that have been
developed to monitor the physiological condition of human beings. So, for example, there can
be body temperature sensor which can measure exactly what a normal temperature normal
thermometer does, there can be blood pressure sensor which can measure the blood pressure
of human being. There can be likewise different other types of sensors for example, pulse
oximeter sensor, ECG sensor, EMG sensor and many other different types of sensors.
So, in the IoT sphere these different sensors which have been developed individually by
different companies different research labs and so on they can be used to build the sensor
nodes and we have in a previous lecture we have already gone through what are the different
components of a sensor node. So, sensor is one of the one of those components likewise there
are different other components there is a processing unit that is required there is a
communication unit there is a power unit and so on.
So, all these different units put together is basically a sensor node and the sensor node can
sends the physiological parameter based on the sensor that is fixed with that particular node.
And likewise in the human body there could be different sensors which can be basically you
know sense sensing the different physical physiological phenomena and sending to the sensor
node either singly or different sensor nodes together they can be sending different data to one
particular one particular such node and from that node the data can be sent elsewhere for
further processing and so on.
So, what we have? We have number one the sensing number two is the communication of the
sense data to somewhere and then from that place the data either has to be you know it has to
be processed locally or it has to be sent somewhere else for better processing for faster
processing and dissemination of the results of the processing. So, this is exactly what is
typically done in most of the IoT healthcare solutions. So, in this particular lecture I am going
to cover what are the different IoT healthcare sensors that are there and how these can be
used to build different systems that can help in continuous real-time with remote monitoring
of patients which is taken up as a specific case study and this is the system which is known as
the AmbuSens system that we have developed in our lab in the swan lab of IIT Kharagpur
and so in the little part we are going to talk about what this particular system does and some
of the important salient features of this particular system, AmbuSens system.
So, you know when we talk about the sensors the sensors in the context of health care the
sensors they can collect the patient data over time and I have already mentioned what kind of
data. So, these data could measure blood pressure or body temperature or you know oxygen
saturation in the blood and so on and so forth. So, this data is collected and this data can be
analyzed further either locally or remotely for you know for different purposes for example,
to enable preventive care. So, you know preventive care means like you know you collect a
data over time and based on that you try to understand that whether there is a critical element
that is going to come in the future for that particular patient so this is number one.
Number two is that if a particular patient is in the hospital for instance then that patient you
know is typically you know it is the patient is under different types of medications and the
patient is fitted with different types of devices and so on. So, understanding the effects of the
therapy, therapy that is being you know subjected to that particular patient, the effects of the
cell therapy on the patient. So, this is another advantage of using the sensors. And
connectivity basically what it does is the connectivity will allow these sense data to be sent
remotely for remote processing decision making and so on.
Now, that the devices they have different types of ability to collect data they can you know
they can either automatically obtain the data and the data can be sent to doctors you know
then and there itself or it can be the data can be stored in some server or something like that
where then will be some kind of analytics that will be run that will be executed. And based on
the analytics if somebody in if a patient is likely to get some serious condition then the
corresponding doctor is going to be notified. So, as you can understand that by automating
these things with the help of sensors and connectivity what we are trying to do is number one
we are trying to reduce the manual intervention; that means, the attention of the doctors
Second thing is the chances of error the risks of errors occurring also get reduced because
automation inherently basically reduces the chances of error and that overall you know these
things would overall increase the efficiency while reducing the cost of operation cost of you
know maintenance and operation of a of healthcare system.
So, there are different components of IoT healthcare. So, I already mentioned that you know
there has to be sensors the physiological sensors. So, these sensors are part of the sensing
layer and the sensors you know they could consists of all these different types of sensors that
I mentioned the RFIDs you know sensor networks and so on and Google glass and fitbit
tracker these are some of these different devices that execute in the sensing layer.
Then you have the aggregated layer which basically you know aggregates the data that are
received from the sensors of the sensing layer and this data aggregators could be things like
you know smart phones or tablets and so on. So, what these data aggregated does is from the
different parts of the human body the different sensed data that are obtained these are
basically connected and these are you know these are put together and you know and instead
of sending the individual data together you know reduced number of data are sent forward
from that particular aggregator node. So, then you have the sensing layer the aggregator layer
and then we have the processing layer where basically the processing layer and the cloud
platform these are responsible for the storing of the data and the processing of the data that
have been collected and analyzing further that you know what action should be taken based
on the received data.
So, we have these different types of sensors as part of the sensing and measurement. So, you
have these different sensors the smart watch and blood pressure sensor and so on which
would sense and measure the physiological conditions data are sent to these different
aggregator nodes you know which could be like these different PDS or you know mobile
phones, smartphones and so on. And from the data aggregator the data are sent further from
the aggregator by the way this segregator is also known as the LPU sometimes the; that
means, the local processing unit. So, typically if you are talking about a human body the body
area network. So, typically in a body area network you have a single LPU which receives the
sensor data from the different parts of the body.
So, every human being has that LPU which is a smartphone or a tab or something of that sort
and that particular device connects receives all these data and this data is further processed in
the cloud and in the different servers. And based on that you know different decision making
can be made and based on the decisions the corresponding stakeholders could be informed
about what is happening with the patient if it is required.
So, there are different directions of research in IoT healthcare number one is remote health
care and this is where we have done a little bit of work in our lab and so what happened says
you have the all these different sensors the blood pressure monitor sensor the temperature
sensor and so on which typically are developed by different vendors different companies. So,
what happens is you know at the same time remotely with the help of the sensors the doctors
and the paramedics you know they can the healthcare professionals in general they can
monitor the condition of different patients in a large scale you know in numbers they can
monitor the different patients even remotely. So, that is the remote health care.
So, this wireless IoT different solutions being health care to patients rather than bring the
patients to the health care. So, typically you know earlier what is used to happen or the in the
traditional healthcare the patient should have to go through the healthcare facilities like
hospitals or the nursing homes and so on. And in the IoT based health care what happens is
all these different medical devices they are portable they are wearable and so on. So, they can
be the human beings the patients they can wear and only thing that has to be done is that
somehow this data from this wearable sensors have to be sent to the corresponding medical
professionals for example, your personal doctor you know the family doctor and so on who
you know if it is required you know the doctor would intervene further maybe because of
some serious condition going on in the patient and so on.
So, securely in this sort of systems would capture a variety of medical data through IoT based
sensors analyze the data with different smart algorithms and this wirelessly this data that is
obtained from this different sensors are sent wirelessly to different medical professionals for
for the recommendation.
Real-time monitoring is possible as a result of the use of the different sensors this biomedical
this you know physiological sensors real-time monitoring is possible. So, earlier what is to
happen is that if you need to monitor you know if you need to know how much is your blood
pressure you would have to go to the hospital and get your blood pressure measured or even
if you have a blood pressure measurement device at home you know typically what happens
is you do not measure it all the time right.
So, in the case of this kind of system where there are different sensors the blood pressure
sensor you know the blood pressure sensor would be you know with the help of the sensors it
will be possible to monitor the condition of the patients in real-time round the clock it is
possible. But then you know it depends on the implementation policies and so on that how
often this measurement is going to be done based on the requirements of the stakeholders.
The sensors are used to collect comprehensing physiological data then that this data are sent
to the cloud through the gateways for further analysis and storage rather storage analysis.
So, wirelessly this systems would send the data to the caregivers and thereby overall the
system as a whole would reduce or would lower the cost of healthcare. So, this is the
schematic of you know how such a system would work you have these different sensors these
different heterogeneous sensors you know denoted by different colours. So, these sensors
would sends and send the data and that those data would be made available to the remote
doctors and the doctors can monitor in real-time how much how with the heart rate is varying
for a particular patient or how the body temperature is varying and so on.
And the next advantage is of preventive care. So, in preventive care what you need to do is
you know you have some of this target group of patients treated with different physiological
sensors and for instance in the case of seniors senior citizens who do not have any caregiver
at home they could be fitted with different sensors and one of the common problems with this
senior people is that you know they often fall down right.
So, fall detection is an important problem and this fall detection is part of this preventive
health care and so what happens is if there is an emergency situation that occurs and the
detection of this emergency situation and alerting the family members under those situations.
For example, the senior citizen has fallen down at home. So, if there is a proper system IoT
healthcare system in place then the corresponding people in the person’s family or the
different relatives they could be they could be informed about this particular event; that
means, the falling of the person.
Then there are different interesting tools from machine learning that that could be used to
track the trend and to predict what is going to happen in the future for example, if there is any
anomaly detection of the anomaly and how this anomaly is varying with time and what can
be done in the future to prevent. So, all these things are possible with the layer with the help
of different machine learning tools. So, now, we come to the AmbuSens system and as I
already told you initially this AmbuSens system has been developed by us and it was actually
funded by a joint project supported by IIT Kharagpur and MHRD through funds from MHRD
government of India.
And, so this in this project we have developed a system which can help in remote monitoring
remote continuous monitoring of patients in ambulances when they are transferred from
remote health care centers to city hospitals you know which is a very typical kind of scenario
that happens in the case are in a for health care in our country and we have developed a
system for that and Neeloy Saha he is going to explain to you about the different
functionalities of the system how it works how it has been built what are the different
challenges and so on.
And thereafter we are going to go through simulation which will an animation sorry an
animation which will which will show you how IoT healthcare solutions can be deployed in
order to give better healthcare to the different citizens of a country.
Hi, I am Neeloy Saha a research scholar under doctor Sudip Misra and I will discuss about
the different facets of the AmbuSens system. The AmbuSens project mainly aims at
addressing the shortcomings of the existing healthcare infrastructure in our country with a
particular focus on ambulatory healthcare using the communication and the sensing
technologies of the internet of things.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:29)
One of the main problems of the existing healthcare system is that it is more of a manual
operating system that is it requires the physical presence of the patient at the health care
centers. So, using the variable sensing technologies and the wireless sensors which are often
small in size and variable, using the AmbuSens project we attempt to bring the healthcare
closer to the patients.
Another problem that is existing in the traditional healthcare is and that is especially
pronounce in the case of ambulatory healthcare is that of emergency response type. Often
times the medical personnel or the technicians who accompany the patients in the ambulance
are not well equipped to deal with any complications that may arise that is because they do
not have the technical expertise to deal with such complications. Using the AmbuSens
projects and its instant real-time monitoring capabilities we have the provision for remote
feedback and monitoring by the skilled personnels at some remote place and this significantly
can help in dealing with such complicated complication and such problems that may arise
during transit in an ambulance.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:54)
Another problem that often arises is that of real-time monitoring; for example, let us consider
a case in which a patient is transferred using an ambulance from a primary or secondary care
hospitals in some town or rural area to a specialized clinic in the city. So, while the patient is
actually going from the town to the city in the ambulance the condition of the patient is not
monitored at all. This may lead to some problems such as the patient condition may degrade
over time and when the patient actually reaches the destination the destination hospital the
doctors they are may not be equipped to deal with that condition.
So, using the real-time monitoring we can or the AmbuSens system we can track the dynamic
changes of the patient’s condition over time and this can significantly reduce the latency of
the medical care. The existing system traditional healthcare also requires each patient to carry
his or her own medical records with him whenever he visits the healthcare facilities, but these
physical records are vulnerable to physical loss wear and tear. So, the AmbuSens project also
incorporates a cloud based digital record keeping system to deal with these kind of
(Refer Slide Time: 20:35)
The AmbuSens project incorporates different IoT based sensing technologies and is capable
of monitoring different health parameters some of the parameters monitored are heart rate
electrocardiogram, temperature, galvanic, skin response etcetera. The exact parameters which
are monitored depend are often dependent upon the particular application scenario for
example, if we consider the case of a patient having some cardiac disease the
electrocardiogram or ECG will be of primary importance. Also in a pediatric case the
temperature often plays a vital role.
The sensing layer of the AmbuSens project consists of different wireless sensors which
sample the physiological data coming from the patient and using internet of things
communication technologies such as Bluetooth, Zigbee among others the data is sent to a
local herb or a local data processing unit where the data is aggregated and sent further for
Now, the challenges that we faced in the aggregation layer include power management data
rate tuning and noise. Data rate tuning is a challenge because it is often times related to power
management for example, and also data fidelity for example, when dealing with
electrocardiogram or ECG data we found that minimum sampling rate of 1024 hertz what
was needed to preserve the fidelity of the ECG data. Noise is a important parameter that must
be taken into account at the sensing layer especially never scenario where we are dealing with
the mobility of a patient often times due to the movement and the jerking of the ambulance
the thinners that we are receiving corrupted in the presence of noise.
So, we implemented different kinds of filtering algorithms in the local data processing unit to
obtain a clean noise free signal.
The AmbuSens project also leverages the power of cloud computing for storage and
analytics, but here the challenge is that we are dealing with medical data which is often of a
sensitive nature for a privacy stand point. The cloud computing and storage is often
vulnerable to compromise of a patients identity. So, here we have developed a health cloud
framework which is totally privacy aware.
The AmbuSens system incorporates a novel identity masking module which suppresses the
part of a patient’s identity before sending it to the cloud so that cloud computation and
analytics can be carried out on a incomplete data set clear by preserving the patients identity.
As is evident from this figure as we increase the number of clients the mean delay remains
constant thus leading credence to the scalability of the system. The AmbuSens project also
incorporates a web based interface for doctors and paramedics for using the different
functionalities of the system. Functionalities may include features such as we have developed
provisions for recording the medical data we have developed a feedback system so that
doctors can give their feedback and their skills skilled expertise to the paramedics who were
travelling in the ambulance, also it includes advanced data visualization graphing tools for
better understanding of the data it also helps in spotting patterns and trends in the real life
data streams that are coming.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:15)
Now, as I have already explained the different modules of the AmbuSens system work
together to achieve real-time monitoring. Here first we have the wireless body area networks
which are formed by parallel sensing devices which capture the medical data the health
parameters which indicate the condition of the patient and using communication technologies
such as Bluetooth and Zigbee.
The data is sent to a local data processing unit where it is aggregated and filtering algorithms
and voice removal techniques may be used and further using communication technology
cellular technology such as LT or wireless land technologies such as IEEE 802.11. We
forward the data to a server hospital server which contains a identity masking unit which
suppresses the part of the patients identity as discussed. And the raw data is now anonymous
and before it is sent to the cloud the data in the cloud apart from being anonymous with
respect to a patient’s identity also is stored in different virtual machines which are unique for
each hospital thus extending the isolation between the data and preserving the privacy further.
The data is stored in the cloud and analytics may also be carried out and on demand that
process held data is sent to a second server at the hospital where we have the reverse identity
masking unit identity management unit which helps in getting back the original data set
complete data set and from there the paramedics the doctors and all the caregivers who are
authorized to access the data can view the data through the web interface in graphical format
for analysis and prognosis.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:40)
So, here we consider a typical scenario in which the developed IoT based healthcare system
namely AmbuSens may be used. Here we consider a patient lying on the hospital bed with a
nurse or paramedic attending him or her. Let us consider a situation when the patient needs to
be monitored in real-time by doctor who is at some remote place. Now this situation may
arise due to a couple of reasons a, this situation may be a rural hospital, but there is a lack of
specialized doctors capable upliftment. Particular affliction which is aiming the patient it may
also be the case that with a doctor who is regularly attending to the patient maybe on leave
and some emergency regarding the status of the patient may require remote monitoring.
To enable remote ubiquitous monitoring you may use the AmbuSens system as follows. The
nurse or paramedic who is attending to the patient is required to place the wireless sensor
divisors to the patient body as shown. The wireless sensors used can be of many
heterogeneous types and are application specific depending on the types of physiological
parameters that we may want to monitor. For example, here in the AmbuSens system we
have the provision for measuring the pulse rate, the electrocardiogram or ECG and also the
temperature of the patient.
For the sake of probity here we display only two types of sensors the heart rate and a ECG
sensors. The heart rate sensor in use is based on the principle of photoplethysmogram or
PPG. This principle uses light emitting diodes to illuminate the skin each cardiac cycle there
is a difference in the pressure of blood flow so the arteries in the subcutaneous tissue or skin
which leads to a difference in light absorption. These in turn is encoded and can be used to
calculate the heart rate of the patient.
The sensor nodes treated on the patient’s body and equipped to the Bluetooth transceiver unit
which is used to send the sends data to a local hub for data acquisition and preliminary
process here we have used a laptop as a local hub. So, preliminary processing includes
calibration of the data in proper format for further processing and filtering to remove excess
noise generated calibration includes algorithms to convert EPG reading obtained from the
heart rate sensor intellectual heart rate readings etcetera. The local hub that is the laptop is
capable of receiving the data through Bluetooth and then it transmits the data using either
wireless LAN, Wi-Fi or cellular technologies such as 3G or LTE to the AmbuSens servers.
All of this is done while the sensors are active and data sensing is going on to achieve real-
time data aggregation and processing. Local hub performs part of the activities of the
aggregation and processing layer of the IoT architecture. At that remote end the doctor is
capable of accessing the real-time data by logging in to the AmbuSens servers and the web
interface at AmbuSens.iitkgp.ac.in using authorized credentials and using the data
visualization tools which are available on the website, he or she is able to get a graphical
representation of the real-time data captured from the patient.
Here we consider another scenario which is particularly well suited for the application of the
AmbuSens system that of mobile ambulatory health monitoring. Let us consider the case of a
patient we transported by an ambulance to another far away healthcare facility. This situation
is quite common especially in the case of a rural or some urban hospitals where the patient
which quite often referred to a specialized clinics of the city. Inside the ambulance we see the
patient lying on his stretcher with a paramedic accompany him or her typically in this
scenarios the patients health condition while in transit is not monitored by doctors at either
The doctors at the city clinic are inform about the status of the patient when we first
commences his journey, but while in transit the patient’s condition may have change the
significantly thus doctors are be prepared to give the best possible care to the patient this is
where the ambulance system comes into the picture. As we had seen in the hospital scenario
the paramedic attaches the wireless sensor devices to the patient body. The wireless nature of
the sensor devises make them easily variable and makes his easy for the patient to be moved
to and from the ambulance.
The sensor communicate with the local hub using Bluetooth technology. A local hub in this
case has been replaced (Refer Time: 34:46) and enabled android device, the rationally behind
this is to provide mobility support at ubiquitous connectivity. The mobile nature of the
environment introduces more noise into the system whose require robust noise filtering
mechanisms to make the stringent reliability constraint in post by medical data. This part is
also handled by the local hub thus the local hub provides functionalities common to both are
aggregation then the processing layer of the IoT architecture. While the ambulance is in
transit real-time sensor data is streamed using the LTE connection to the AmbuSen server the
doctors in the both hence that if at the referee, end the referred can login to the AmbuSens
website that is AmbuSens.iitkgp.ac.in and access there is data in real-time to monitor the
status of the patient into probable real-time feedback to the paramedic.
Thus we present the AmbuSen system as use case of IoT in healthcare where we use the
different aspects of a internet of things such as wireless sensors heterogeneous
communication technologies to solve some of the challenges present in modern healthcare.
To conclude we encourage the viewers to think about what particular challenges the mobility
can introduce into this system and how we may go invoke solving them.
The two scenarios of deployment shown in the animation that systems were tried out in those
two scenarios - figure one shows the trials in the hospital scenario, and figure two shows the
trials in the ambulatory scenario. Both trials were carried out successfully and through a
number of iterations we have successfully calibrated and tested out the system, the results are
shown in the next slide.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:52)
The figure on the left is that of a ECG tracing from a traditional wired ECG system and on
the right you can see the real-time trace generated from the AmbuSens system comparison
between the two traces shows the validity of the system.
Thus, in conclusion IoT based technologies the sensing and the communication technologies
of the internet of things may be used to enhance the existing healthcare system in our country
and I hope that this example inspires you to develop IoT based healthcare systems on your
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 59
Activity Monitoring (Case Study) – I
Hello, in this lecture this again will be a two part lecture on activity monitoring, the first part
will focus on the basics of activity monitoring like what we are going to do, why is it required
and what is the necessity for activity monitoring in day to day life or maybe in special
scenarios and finally, in the second part of this lecture which is mainly a case study, will give
a demonstration has small demonstration of a simple network based data aggregator which
can be used for monitoring various activities. So, the data is being generated from a
smartphone and being sent to a remote server over the network. So, we have developed a
small app which generates or captures the various human activities not actually activities, it
captures the various sensor behaviour during human activities.
Suppose a person is walking running lying down is talking maybe person is fighting or had an
accident and so on and the sensor values keep on changing the specially the smartphone
sensors since we are talking about or the case study we are talking about smartphone sensors.
So, we have taken the inbuilt sensors in the smartphone. So, those sensorial values are
transmitted over the network to remote server, where they can be used for multitude of
applications ranging from normal activity monitoring fall detection you can even use a offline
non smartphone sensor like a standard accelerometer or Imo based sensors integrated to a
small processer board, and the same operation can be performed for those sensors also.
So, these things this non-smartphone based activity monitors, they have been given the
common name wearables. So, you must have heard about wearables, you have fitbits activity
trackers it is in the form of a small watch inside it is thinner and tinier then a watch, you just
charge it wear it and go about your daily activities.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:43)
So, these are a few basic ideas will be discussing in this case study. So, these wearable
sensors have nowadays become very popular. This has been due to multiple reasons first and
foremost they are very efficient, second they are low power consuming, third they generate
reliable data so, that your activities can be accurately tracked. So, they have found many
applications in various fields such as medical field childcare elderly care entertainment
industry security and so on. So, these sensors help in monitoring the physical activities of
human; and your physical activities not only restricts to daily activities. So, people can say if
your monitoring my activities you can track what I am doing. So, I am not comfortable with
sharing those kind of data over the network.
So, yes there are various issues regarding privacy regarding security of data, but we would
not be dealing with those issues here. So, one by one let us just go through the basics like in
medical, childcare, elderly care, entertainment security even military what are the
applications what are the implications of using activity recognition. So, generally in medical
field imagine a patient is hospitalized and his or her activities need to be monitored, suppose
you have a very fragile patient he needs to go to the washroom to relieve himself or herself,
and while doing so, the patient falls down. So, normally it may be a while before someone
finds that patient in a foreign state. So, to avoid this kind of injury or this duration after
falling down. So this recovery duration can be massively reduced by using activity trackers.
Suppose the patients are made to wear bracelets embedded with small activity trackers, which
are train to detect fall in patients or maybe they detect the changes in biomedical parameters
like your pulse rate heartbeat and so on. So, these are now available in the market and
collectively their called wearables, you have smart watches with activity trackers you have
standalone activity trackers and so on.
So, in the medical field this can be very important for monitoring patients in child care if your
child is playing on the streets if your child is going to school, you can monitor your childs
activities if your child falls down or there has been accident, automatically the system will
alert the parent that child has met with an injury or an accident. Then as we have covered
earlier it for elderly care it is almost the same as the medical usage of wearables. So, imagine
elderly people in your home wearing small activity trackers the best part is these are very
So, people hardly notice there even there. So, an additionally they are not very power hungry.
So, once in a while you charge it may be in three days four days you charge it and it will keep
on going. So, in elderly care you are you can use these activity monitoring applications. In
the entertainment industry, you must have seen various documentary documentaries or you
must have seen those action movies where the protagonist performs multiple and dangerous
stunts. So, you must have realized most of these are something which is known as CGI. So, in
CGI actually you stand in front of a green screen wearing various activity monitors in front of
cameras, which are used to track your activities and you have certain highlighted points or
markers on your body and these will be used for generating what activity you are
performaning and so, that this can be reliably translated in terms of a movie scene with
changing backgrounds maybe you see some dinosaurs running around, you after your CGI
scripting and editing has been done maybe you are jumping of a bridge you are jumping of a
plane and so on.
So, this is from the entertainment industry in security also you can have activity monitors
monitoring where you are going what exactly you are doing maybe you have no person zone,
and if someone is entering that zone or maybe have activity sensors installed which you do
not want in our area you do not want anyone to access, and suddenly in the middle of the
night some of the sensors go off. So, you hit upon this idea that since no one is supposed to
be in that area and suddenly many activity sensors are turning on. So, there may be a case of
breach of that security. So, this is maybe one of the potential applications of activity monitors
in the domain of security.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:45)
So, now coming back to the IoT based scenarios, this activity monitor monitoring plays a
very important role and since mainly if you keep the security aspects the entertainment
aspects aside normal medical and human implications in day to day life they provide for a
better quality of life, they provide and they promise for a better quality of life and they
safeguard the humans against various accidents. By promising and providing quicker
response quicker emergency action and other system.
Now suppose while driving a person is wearing an activity monitor which normally under
emergency normally alerts some emergency numbers as well as his family members. So, the
person meets with an accident on the road, and there is a sudden change in the persons
activity since let us suppose the person is only wearing an accelerometer on his wrist, and
within normal limits the accelerometer is giving two units of reading and the impact of with
the impact of the accident these two units will be translated to 100 units.
So, that would be a massive jump in the persons daily activities so; that means, the person has
received a big physical shock. So, that the sensor is giving such an abnormal reading. So, in
this way you can train your system both on the device as well as offline or online on the
network, to generate abnormal activities sometimes it may be due to sensor malfunction
sometimes it may be due to electrical disturbance, but sometimes it maybe even due to some
serious life threatening situations. So, once this abnormal activity has been registered maybe
some emergency numbers are alerted, family members are alerted and they are notified of the
persons location the present location or the last location from which the alert was generated,
and immediately rescue teams reach that person and eventually the person will survive.
May there are high chances that the person may survive. So, another thing is to provide
information accurately and in a very reliable manner, and you need to provide a continuous
monitoring support while considering activity monitor.
So, typical architectures deal with suppose you have this person and he is equipped with
multiple wearables, one is tracking the heartbeat, one is tracking the body temperature, one is
tracking the activity on the wrist and all this data is being forwarded maybe to a remote router
or a network server, and then an analyzer analyses the activities and instead of transmitting
the raw data, the analyzer transmits the analyzed activities to various connected stations that
may be a home computer to which the family members are keeping track of view, that maybe
a laptop or a mobile computer or even a cloud or maybe your medical doctors or consultants
are keeping track of your activities.
So, this is a online base model, maybe for offline based models you can have all these things
on a single wrist band in a small minute size, and it is doing all the processing offline that is
within the device itself. So, there may be certain disadvantages of these and the applications
may be restricted, but yes suppose you are going for jogging and you can using these offline
models like every calculation and everything is being done on the device itself, you can keep
track of your heart rate and it will give you an analysis whether you need to slow down or
need to speeded up during your jogging and there are multiple such applications of activity
So, they inherently have certain advantages first is your continuous monitoring of activity
will result in daily observation of human behavior, and repetitive patterns in the activities.
So, prior to generalizing some activities, your walking pattern, your running pattern the way
you sit way you stand the your basic body language, varies for every person. So, that may
vary due to height that may vary due to weight that may vary due to some previous injury
some present injury and there are multiple reasons, while there may be variations. So, you
need continuous monitoring and continuous training of the system to generate reliable results
and this will also generate repetitive pattern. Suppose if you are going for normal activities
like running, walking, jogging maybe driving sitting lying. So, they have clear cut markers
they can be easily applied to, but what if you have some special activities you need to take
care of like when you are lifting your left leg when you are lifting your right leg, you need to
distinguish between these kind of minute activities you need to find in your system, in this
can be only done through collection of data over a long period of time from individual
Now, another advantage is the easy integration of these sensors and the fast equip equipping
time of persons with these sensors. Then you have long term monitoring available since these
are very low power consuming you can keep on monitoring the activities for days at an end,
then using normal sensors and basic handle devices you can build up the system which can
monitor activities, you can opt for either smartphones or you can go for accelerometers
attached to a basic processor and maybe a Wi-Fi radio or you can go for gyroscopes, which
gives the orientation readings you have GPS and you can have multiple sensors, you can keep
on increasing the sensors, but at the end the more the sensors you are increasing the more
power hungry your device becomes, the more costly your device becomes and more volume
of data it will generate.
So, these are some of the plus and minus points of using activity monitoring, using sensors.
So, mainly you need to restrict the number of sensors you go on including on a variable so,
that it is lightweight, it is portable and it is less power hungry.
So, some of the basic human activities which these market available devices do are they can
distinguish, actions they can distinguish gestures like for actions they can distinguish between
running jumping or whether a person is lying down or sitting, and what gestures you can have
if a person is holding his or her legs, if a person is moving his or her hands and suppose if a
person is dancing right. So, that would be considered as an action, but there will be gestures
involved also. So, maybe a person is dancing peacefully or a person is dancing aggressively,
you can detect that using various gestures you can detect you can maybe predict the intent of
a person using the gestures the person is providing maybe a person is threatening, someone
maybe a person is trying to please someone and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:31)
So, some basic sensors you have you can either go for video or image based monitoring of
activities, which is very processing intensive then you can go for smartphone based activity
monitors, you can involve a lot of sensors inbuilt sensors, but your phone has to generate a lot
of data and then again you have this normal activity tracker band where the sensors unlimited
and power is quite restricted.
So, once your data is collected from the sensors be at the camera, be at the smartphone
sensors, be at normal standalone sensors, what next? You have to find some means or
methods to analyze these data. Generally these data are going to be very long there will be
errors or let us say in statistical terms there will be outlets, that may be due to errors in the
sensor reading that may be due to fluctuation in the sensor itself that may be due to some
accidental minor accidental bumping of the sensor, suppose you are about to wear your
activity tracker band and suddenly it falls off on the ground.
The person is standing still the person is fine, but the sensor falls off. So, that will record a
major shock other alert in the activity monitoring system. So, these kinds of falls predictions
can be avoided and we will name them as out layers, that is beyond the normal statistical
behaviour of the data. So, you have statistical analysis of the data being generated, generally
they work on sensor data then you have machine learning based analysis again they work on
sensor data, maybe machine learning, with image processing you can use for analyzing video
and image data then you have this deep learning based approaches you can use normal sensor
data you can use image data you can also go for video based data.
So, somewhere sometime in the previous slides I have already discussed it, but mainly your
activity monitoring can be divided into two parts one is in place the other is network base. So,
I am calling the activity monitoring or the processing of data on the device itself as an in
place approach. So, your monitoring is done on the device, since you are monitoring your
diagnosing the activities on the device itself will need a processor, the processor has to
process the sensor data and has to generate some alert. So, it is definitely going to be power
hungry or power intensive, and generally no network connection is required, but yes you can
obviously, opt for network connections. So, even if you go for network based in place
devices, there will be an unnecessary wastage of additional power.
Next is your network based system. So, these are mainly aimed at processing larger and
processing intensive methods such as deep learning tasks, computer vision based task,
machine learning based task and so on. Group based analytics is possible suppose you and
your group of 20 friends are out on a hike, maybe on the hillside or somewhere of terrain. So,
suddenly one or two members start lagging behind. So, since you are not aware in that rough
terrains since you are yourself very tired, but you are not aware about your friend’s position.
So, your activity tracker will tell your group that you are group is moving at this average
velocity whereas, two units or two persons from this group are lagging behind. So, maybe
they are facing some hardships or they are maybe facing some medical condition and need to
be looked into.
So, we call this group based analytics. So, in this one network based approach you can go for
group based analytics then; obviously, most of the processing and data is off loaded to a
server and only you have a wireless radio and a sensor on your body. So, this will be low
power consuming and additionally you will required an average to good network connection
maintain with the server to which you are sending your data for activity monitoring. So, those
are different approaches. So, I hope for this case study the basic importance of activity
monitoring has been established, in the next part will give a demonstration of how we are
using smartphone base sensors and connecting it to a network and visualizing it ok.
Thank you.
Introduction to Internet of Things
Prof. Sudip Misra
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture – 60
Activity Monitoring (Case Study) – II
Hello in this second part of the case study on activity monitoring, we will be going through a
brief demonstration of a Smartphone based activity monitoring system. So, it is a very basic
set up; that means, we have a Smartphone with us.
We have a remote server and we have a network. Now nowadays Smartphone’s are as good
as computers, laptops, PCs. So, and in fact, in some cases they are even more powerful than
traditional PCs. So, what we are planning on doing is since everyone carries a Smartphone
nowadays, almost everyone is using a Smartphone nowadays. So, we are going to use the
inbuilt sensors and we are going to try to transmit the data from the Smartphone sensors over
the network to a remote server, on which we can visualize the incoming data. So, for this part
we have not explored it that much, but judging from the preliminary successes, we predict
this has a huge potential and if properly worked upon this can be easily integrated with
standard or traditional IoT based technologies; even in smart homes, smart offices, smart
buildings transportation and everything. So, your decision making what we are proposing,
you do the decision making at the server end we just transmitted data from the Smartphone
over the network to the remote server.
Now, before beginning I would like to just brush up on a few things. So, I hope you all know
that your smart phones are built in with certain sensors, more specifically you have your
accelerometers which are in every Smartphone higher end Smartphone’s will also have
compass and a gyroscope. So, compass or magnetometer it will give you magnetic readings
with respect to the true north, and your gyroscope will give you the orientation of your
Smartphone. So, for example, your accelerometer will give you the readings of accelerations.
So, suppose in case of certain jerks like this Smartphone is traveling with you. So, in case of
certain jerks this accelerometer will generate higher impulse response.
In case of Gyroscope if your Smartphone’s orientation changes even if there is a tilt or angle
or any such other change, the gyroscope will record this and your magnetometer which will
be responsible for locating the direction, you are moving with respect to the knot.
And additionally almost all Smartphone’s are equipped with GPS. So, you have four very
basic sensors found in almost all Smartphone’s, your accelerometer gyroscope magnetometer
and the GPS. So using a combination of these four sensors and maybe the internal clock of
the sensors, internal clock of your Smartphone and the network attaching capability. That
means, since your Smartphone has already been enabled with a cellular connection or a Wi-Fi
connection. So, you can choose either any of these two connections to transmit your data over
the network to a remote location. So, this was about the Smartphone’s, we are not going into
the details how we are transmitting the data which network we are choosing for this for our
demonstration purpose we are choosing a local Wi-Fi network over which the server is also
connected and the server is remotely located, I will be using my desktop to access that server
remotely and I will be trying to log in to my remote server via an android app so that the data
can be transmitted directly.
So, I have my android app I have connected it to the Wi-Fi network, I open this app you just
named it I-RAID. So, it has got three fields one is username, one is the IP address of the
server and one is the port. So, if you remember that those lectures on IoT with raspberry pi.
So, we were also using 2 basic things one was the IP address another was the port. So, over
here also we are using these 2 the IP of the server AND the port, onto which your data will be
uploaded and we have got two buttons one is initiate and one is stop.
So, over at the server end I will start my python server. So, this web server was made on a
library function python library function for web sockets, it is known as auto ban. And using
this auto ban and the twisted framework we created this web socket server, and similarly on
this android phone the android programming for this application was done using the same
manner. So, I give my server IP address as and the port name is same I will provide some
username right. So, whenever I initiate my connection first you look the server is actually
expecting connections.
So, whenever I initiate my connection on the Smartphone text message pops up connected,
and if you focus on the server end you will see that data is being logged onto the server. So, it
has got few fields first is the date field on which the data is being collected, next is the time
then third fields we have kept intentionally blank, and for this demonstration purpose we are
only logging the accelerometer values. So, if you see I give it jerky moments, the values
abruptly change on the server end additionally we open another link to the server and we
open a plotting function. So, on one thread the data is being uploaded over the network from
the Smartphone, remotely located Smartphone on the other thread we are running a plotting
So, if you see on the screen now a plotting window pops up. So, since nothing is being
plotted here, I might need to change some parameters. So, now, my data is being
continuously logged on to the server. So, this is my plotting function and in the plot program
again you see these three lines these denote the accelerometer xy and z readings.
So, if you see if I move my Smartphone these lines go up and down. So, this we have not
tried filtering this data you are trying to plot it as it is coming into the server, there has not
been any delay element added to it nothing, just there all sensor values are being plotted.
So, one thing you can derive from this is suppose your Smartphone is kept on a level area.
So, you see your x axis y axis are more or less on the same plane, nearby each other and the
z, z axis gives a reading of ten. So, this basically signifies it is at certain distance from the
ground right it is not at the zeroth position or the same as x and y axis. So, whenever I change
my maybe I tilt my phone if you see on the screen the blue line goes up; that means, the x
axis of the Smartphone changes right. Now whenever I tilt up the phone in this manner you
see my z axis goes down. So, it is much more nearer to the ground whereas, my y axis goes
up right. So, y-axis reading has changed. So, basic primary application which can be derived
from this is maybe this can be used as a level tester to check whether your levels are correct
or not, whether you are maybe you are supposed to put everything for parallel to the ground,
but you needs some kind of level testing device which can tell you the measurements.
So, this may be one potential application other potential applications may include using these
sensors and combining them with various machine learning algorithms. So, for that you need
a prior or historical data on which your various machine learning algorithms will be trained.
So, for supervised learning, on the basis of that you can go for activity detection also this is
only just monitoring of activities we are not giving out any kind of intelligence whether this
phone is or not whether a person holding this phone is sitting down or standing upright or
lying down.
So, those kinds of things can be additionally added to this framework to make it more robust
more reliable and much more functional. So, one is basic activity monitoring another
application can be which can be very useful is fall detection; like we discussed in the
previous lecture for medical patient monitoring you need fall detection approaches you need
emergency alert approaches and so on. So, maybe using this you can detect a fall and after a
fall has been detected various emergency services can be alerted you can even provide a
feedback from the server after a fall has been detected, the server will ask the phone user
whether you have actually fallen or not. So, that may be miscommunication from the sensor
or that may have been due to an accidental jerk or sudden bump. So, if the user is in a
condition to respond then it is fine. So, user says no if the user is not in the condition to
respond. So, maybe something has gone wrong and emergency services hospitals relatives
can be alerted.
So, these are some of the basic implications and applications which can be developed using
this framework in this approach. So, it is actually limited by the by the users imagination
what else can be done. So, I hope this has been useful to you.
Thank you.