Chapter # 1 + 2
Chapter # 1 + 2
Chapter # 1 + 2
Campus 1: Near Gourmet Ismail Nagar Main Bazaar General Hospital. Ph: 042-35815155-6
Campus 2: Opp. Main Gate General Hospital Lahore. Ph: 042-35815157
Campus 3: Ghazi Road Bus Stop Near Gourmet. Ph: 042-35815158-9
Campus 4: (KAHNA CAMPUS) Aahloo Road Bus Stop Kahna Nau. 042-35271537-39
Class: 9th PHYSICS Marks: 30
Name: (Subjective) Roll #
Q 2: Answer the following questions: (2 x 6 = 12)
i. What is meant prefixes?
ii. What is meant by vernier constant?
iii. What is meant by “light year”?
iv. What is meant by Geophysics?
v. How much energy can be obtained by breaking up 1kg of uranium?
Q 3: Answer the following questions. (4 x 2)
i. Describe the types of measuring errors.
ii. The length and breadth of a rectangular sheet are 19.23 cm and 3.2 cm respectively. Determine
the area of the sheet keeping in mind the correct number of significant figures?