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This is an example of one of a number
of watercourse crossing methods.



Horizontal Directional Drilling

Specialized construction for large waterways and sensitive areas

What is horizontal When the tunnel is 12 inches wider than

directional drilling? the diameter of the pipe going through it,
the welded pipeline segment can be pulled
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) through the underground arched tunnel
is a construction technique whereby from one end to the other end. These
a tunnel is drilled under a waterway or pipeline segments are typically made of
other designated area, and a pipeline or thicker steel and have a protective first
other utility is pulled through the drilled layer of coating to prevent corrosion and
underground tunnel. a second abrasion-resistant coating to
The underground tunnel follows an arc protect the pipe during the pull through
line from the entry point, down under the the tunnel. The two ends of the pipeline
special crossing area, and then resurfaces segment can then be welded together For large rivers or certain sensitive
on the opposite side. Using advanced with the rest of that pipeline system. crossings, directional drilling is an
technology and highly trained technicians, appropriate and preferred construction
a drill head guides the drilling pipe Why is HDD used? method, depending on geologic
electronically to ensure the angle, depth, conditions and other factors. HDD
Long-distance underground pipelines
and exit point adhere to carefully designed construction is considered suitable for
are built across open areas, such as rural
engineering plans. large river crossings, extreme congestion
farmlands and urban utility corridors.
(e.g. crossing rail yards), or other unique
Throughout the drilling process, the tunnel Typically, construction crews clear an
site-specific situations because it
is kept open and lubricated by circulating approved route, dig a specially prepared
minimizes impacts on the area above
a watery mud-slurry mixture, typically trench, lower welded sections of pipeline
the drill.
composed of about 95 percent water into the trench, and carefully replace
and 5 percent bentonite clay—a natural, removed soil for the restoration process. Although land around the drill entry
non-toxic substance. The drilling mud and exit locations is disturbed during
Usually, this method is preferred for
also helps coat the walls of the tunnel HDD activities, it will be restored to its
open area installation and can be
and remove drill cuttings. pre-drill state.
completed in a way that minimizes
environmental and stakeholder impact,
even in sensitive areas.

In case of emergency,
please find a safe place to call 911
and then call Enbridge
at 1-877-420-8800
What can I expect during Is there regulatory oversight? However, if a significant amount of drilling
directional drilling? Yes. mud surfaces outside the drilling area,
Enbridge may need to suspend drilling
Drilling equipment creates noise during The design and construction of petroleum operations and implement more extensive
operations. Therefore, Enbridge will, when pipelines is governed by the National clean-up and containment measures.
possible, restrict drilling activity to daylight Energy Board. As part of the planning, Being only 5 percent bentonite, if the
hours if the equipment is close to occupied technical codes and standards are mixture enters a waterway, it is usually
buildings or homes. Construction crews followed in preparing detailed geotechnical sufficiently diluted by the river so that
may also reduce noise by using structures investigations and engineering surveys. no active cleanup is necessary. In any
on the drill site that are designed to buffer Depending on the location and purpose case, Enbridge will work directly with
and reduce surrounding sound levels. of the HDD, some local, provincial or the appropriate environmental agencies
federal authorizations or permits may throughout the drilling operation.
also be required.
Enbridge plans and performs HDD
crossings according to exacting
standards, and meets or exceeds
regulatory requirements.

Are there environmental risks?

HDD is chosen as a construction technique
to reduce or avoid environmental impact.
As with any construction process,
The length of time needed for
however, HDD is not 100 percent risk-free.
drilling depends on the distance of
the underground drill; the geology; the Normally, the drilling mixture of water In some unusual situations, attempts
pipeline’s diameter; and, the progress of and bentonite clay remains within the to complete directional drilling may not
drilling operations. Sometimes, drilling can tunnel, including the surface entry and exit be successful. In the event this occurs,
be completed in just a few weeks. Other points, as it circulates during drilling. This Enbridge may need to propose and seek
times it may take a few months to complete. maintains the tunnel’s shape. However, permits for alternative ways to cross
Advanced planning can provide an the drilling mud can sometimes surface the area using traditional construction
estimated completion time for any specific elsewhere through natural cracks or voids techniques and implement appropriate
drill site. These timetables, however, can in subsurface soils. This is an unintended environmental protection measures
be affected by unforeseen conditions. release of drilling mud referred to as in consultation with designated
inadvertent return. environmental agencies.

Highly specialized construction

technicians using advanced monitoring
equipment along with visual monitoring
watch for potential problems. Often, the
bentonite mixture itself will seal a hole,
preventing and minimizing seepage.

In case of emergency,
please find a safe place to call 911
and then call Enbridge
at 1-877-420-8800

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