Updated Edition # Special Class 2021 ENT
Updated Edition # Special Class 2021 ENT
Updated Edition # Special Class 2021 ENT
Ans: Necrotizing otitis externa effects old uncontrolled diabetes and is caused by pseudomonas and
involve facial nerve.
Q2: 35 to 40 years old person complaining about severe recurrent vertigo , patient is feeling tinnitus and
sensorineural deafness
( Severe vertigo without tinnitus and deafness associated with flu is due to vestibular neuronitis )
Q3: Old patient with a complaint of bilateral deafness started during pregnancy or after first trimester ,
hearing of patient becomes better in noisy environment
Q4: Old patient with a complain of change of voice patient is chain smoker or habitual alcohollic , with a
fungating mass in IDL
Ans: Attic region commonest site (pearly white color ) (commonly destroy long process if incuss)
Q6: A young male patient with the complaint of recurrent severe bleeding from nose nasal obstruction ,
swelling checks and orbital area , proptosis of eyeball , X-ray – Antral sign :
Ans: Angiofibroma ( Common site of origin of angiofibroma is lateral wall of nasopharynx i.e
sphenopalatine foramen ) ( Common bleeding in angiofibroma occurs in maxillary artery )
Q7: 15 to 20 years old patient with recurrent history of swelling of floor of mouth on examination frog
belly like mass of soft tissue
Ans: Ranula
Q8: A patient of 20 to 30 years old with severe throat pain , restriction of opening of mouth , tonsils are
congested and shifted posteriorly , with high grade fever
Q9:Patient with complaint of swelling in submental or submandibular region, history of tooth ache ,
infection and swelling in the floor of mouth
Q10: 7 to 9 years old child having severe pain and dirty white membrane and multiple lymph node
Ans: Cartilaginous part makes outer one third of external auditory canal
Ans : Handle of malleus ( in book it is written that it is attached to the neck of malleus ) and stapedius
muscle is attached to the neck of stapes
Ans : Lateralized to diseased ear ( in a patient with sensorineural deafness webers test is lateralized to
better ear)
Q14: A child has decreased hearing , recurrent attacks of pain on examination tympanic membrane is
Ans: Secretory otitis media / otitis media with effusion / serous otitis media / mucoid otitis media (
Also called glue ear)
Q15: Regarding anatomy of nose posteroinferior part of the nasal septum formed by
Ans: SMR operation , Destruction of septal cartilage by haematoma or abscess , some time by leprosy
, tuberculosis or syphilis
The deformity is corrected by augmented rhinoplasty by filling the dorsum with cartilage , bone or a
synthetic implant .
Q17: Teacher or singer or hawker complaining of change of voice and fatigueness as well , on
examination nodules are present in vocal cord
Q18: The term Radical antrostomy is ( collectively used for) other name for
Ans : Caldwell-luc operation ( it is also called anterior antrostomy )(process of opening the maxillary
antrum through canine fossa by sublabial approach )
Q19: Attending a patient with a complain of sneezing , clearly watery rhinorhea , nasal mucosa is bluish
and all allergic investigation are negative
( Attending a patient with a complain of sneezing , clearly watery rhinorhea , nasal mucosa is pale
then right option is allergic rhinitis )
Ans: Canine fossa ( if incision is made instead of opening then right answer will be maxillary sinus )
Ans: X-ray nasopharyngeal lateral view ( soft tissue lateral radiograph of nasopharynx will reveal the
size of adenoid )
Ans: Rhinosporidiosis
( if Rhinosporidiosis is not present in the option then answer will be Mucor mycosis )
Q25: 8 to 9 years old child with severe pain in throat , on examination there is necrotizing tonsils ,
patches on palate and red rashes over trunk , on blood CP raised monocytes
( in this disease penicillins are strictly contraindicated / Paul-Bunnel test / monotest is confirmatory)
Q27: You are attending a patient with foul smelled blood stained continuous discharge from ear , on
examination marginal perforation of tympanic membrane is present
( long standing discharge from ear , patient has red mass in external auditory canal = CSOM with Polyp
(long standing discharge with severe painfull swelling in the posterior auricular region = CSOM with
mastoid abscess)
Q32: Surgical treatment of choice for chronic maxillary sinusitis or any sinusitis
Ans: H.Influenza