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12th_NEET_Answer Key_27-10-202

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OM Coaching classes

NEET / JEE (Medical and Engg.)


Section - B (Chemistry) Marks: 180 Date: 27/ 01 / 2024

Roll No. Test No. 01

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Topic : Biomolecules and Amines NEW 12th

Candidate’s Signature
Name : ________________________ Invigilator’s Signature

Note: (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Select the most correct answer and darken (  ) the circle (  ) corresponding to correct alternative.
01) Reduction of methyl isocyanide gives 3) Opticallly active polyhydroxy aldehydes or
1) Ethylamine 2) Methylamine ketones
*3) Dimethylamine 4) Trimethylamine *4) Polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones which
LiAlH 4 may or may not be optically acitve
Key: (3) CH 3 NC  4 H  (CH 3 )2 NH
06) A secondary amine is
02) Which one is a disaccharide 1) An organic compound with two -NH2
1) Glucose 2) Fructose groups
3) Xylose *4) Sucrose 2) A compound with two carbon atoms and
an group
03) Proteins are condensation polymers of 3) A compound with an group on the carbon
*1)  -amino acids 2)  -amino acids atom in number 2 position
3)  -hydroxy acids 4)  -hydroxy acids. *4) A compound in which two of the
hydrogens of have been replaced by organic
04) C3H9N represents groups
1) Primary amine
2) Secondary amine 07) The amine which can react with C6H5- SO2 -
3) Tertiary amine Cl to form a product insoluble in alkali shall
4) All of these be
KYE; (d) C 3 H 9 N can form all the 3 amines. 1) Primary amine
2) Secondary amine
CH 3 CH 2 CH 2  NH 2
, 3) Tertiary amine
4) Both primary and secondary amines
CH 3  CH 2  NH  CH 3 CH 3 N CH 3


Key: 2) C6 H 5 SO 2 Cl is called Hinsberg’s reagent they
2 amine
CH 3 react with sec amine to form a product in
3 amine
soluble in alkalies. This reaction used to
separate 1o , 2 o and 3 o amine from their
05) Sugars are
1) Optically active polyhydroxy aldehydes
2) Optically active polyhydroxy ketones
08) Molecular formula of pentahydroxy acid 15) Which of the following monosaccharide is a
optained. When glucose is oxidised with Br2 pentose
water is 1) Galactose 2) glucose
*1) C6H12O7 2) C6H12O8 3) Fructose 4) Arabinose
3) C6H12O6 4) C6H10O6 Key:- 4) Arabinose is an aldopentose
09) Which of the following sign indicate that the
sugar is actually ‘dextrorotatory’ 16) CH3CN    X.
Na  C 2H5OH

1) - *2) + The compound X is

3) R- 4) All of these 1) CH3CONH2 2) CH3CH2NH2
3) C2H6 4) CH3NHCH3
10) Leakage of which gas was responsible for the Key: 2)
Bhopal tragedy in 1984 Na  C 2 H 5OH
1) CH3 - N = C = O 2) CH3 - C - N = S CH 3 C  N  4[H] Reduction
  CH 3CH 2 NH 2
3) CH3CN 4) C6H5CN
Key: 1) 17) General formula for carbohydrates is
1) CnH2nO2n+2 2) Cx(H2O)2x
11) Acetonitrile is: 3) Cx(H2O)y 4) None of these
1) C2H5CN 2) CH3CN Key:- 3) Carbohydrates are jhydrates of carbon.
3) CH3COCN 4) C6H5CH2CN Their general formula is Cx(H2O)y.
Key: 2) CH3CN is called acetonitrile....
18) Ethylamine can be obtained by the
12) Ethyl amine on acetylation gives 1) Action of NH3 on ethyl iodide
1) N-ethyl acetamide 2) Acetamide 2) Action of NH3 on ethyl alcohol
3) Methyl acetamide 4) None 3) Both (1) and (2)
Key : 1) 4) None of the above
CH 3CH 2 NH 2  CH 3COClCH 3CH 2 NHCOCH 3  HCl Key: 3) C 2 H 5 I  NH 3  HI  C 2 H 5  NH 2
N Ethyl acetanilid e

C 2 H 5 OH  NH 3  H 2 O  C 2 H 5  NH 2
13) Which of the following statements is not correct?
1) Proteins are polyamides formed from amino 19) Which one of the following is not a base
acids. 1) N2H4 2) NH2OH
2) Except glycine, all other amino acids show 3) (CH3)3N *4) HN3
optical activity.
3) Natural proteins are commonly made L- 20) The linkage between the two monosaccharide
isomer of amino acids. up of units in lactose is
4) In  -amino acids, -NH2 and -COOH groups 1) C1 of  - D - glucose and C4 of  - D -
are attached to different carbon atoms. galactose
Key: 4) In  -amino acids, -NH2 and -COOH groups 2) C1 of  -D - galactose and C4 of  -D -
are attached to the same carbon atom,
3) C1 of  - D - glactose and C4 of  - D -
R - CH
4) C1 of  -D - glucose and C4 of  - D -
14) Reaction CH3CONH2   gives
 Key:- 2) Lactose is obtained by the condensation
1) CH3Br 2) CH4 of one molecule of  - D - glctopyranose (C1 -
3) CH3COBr 4) CH3NH2
 ) unit and one molecule of  - D - glucopy--
Key: 4) CH3CONH2   CH3NH2.

ranose (C4 -  ) unit.

21) Acetamide changes into methylamine by 27) Amylopectin is
*1) Hofmann bromamide reaction 1) Water soluble
2) Hofmann reaction 2) Water insoluble
3) Friedel-Craft’s reaction 3) forms colloidal solution with water
4) Hinsberg reaction 4) Both (2) and (3)
Key:- 2) Amylopectin is not soluble in water.
22) Which of the following represents a peptide
chain? 28) Which of the following compound is expected
to be most basic
1) Aniline 2) Methylamine
1)  NH  C  NH  C  NH  C  NH  3) Hydroxylamine *4) Ethylamine
|| | ||
O O Key: 4) Due to +ve I.E. of alkyl group, N-atom of
amines acquires patrial –ve charge and thus
2)  NH  C  CH 2  CH 2 CH 2  NH  CH 2 CH 2  C  electron pair is easily donated.
|| ||
29) Which of the following statements about
*3)  NH CH2  C  NH CH2  C  NH CH2 
ribose is incorrect
|| ||
O O 1) It is a polyhydroxy compound
2) It is an aldehyde sugar
4)  NH  CH2CH2  C  NH  NH  CH2  C  CH2  *3) It has six carbon atoms
|| || 4) It exhibits opticl activity

30) Reaction of primary amines with aldehyde

23) Glucose gives silver mirror with Tollen’s yields
reagent. It shows the presence of 1) Amides *2) Aldimines
1) An acidic group 3) Nitriles 4) Nitro compounds
2) An alcoholic group
3) A ketonic group Key: 2) R  CH 2  NH 2  O  CH R 
4) An aldehydic group
1 amine

Key:- 1) Glucose + Tollen’s reagent R  CH 2  N  CH  R  H 2 O

 gluconic acid + Ag-mirror.. Aldimine

24) Carbylamine reaction is given by 31) Which statement is not correct

*1) 1o amine 2) 3o amine 1) Amines form hydrogen bond
3) 2o amine 4) Quarternary salts 2) Ethyl amine has higher boiling point than
25) The human body makes proteins using various 3) Methyl amine is more basic than ammonia
combinations of *4) Dimethyl amine is less basic than methyl
*1) 20 2) 25 amine
3) 10 4) 100 Key: 4) . In methyl amine
26) Which of the following reactions will not give only one electron releasing group is present
primary amine but in dimethyl amine two electron releasing
groups are present which increase the basicity
1) CH3CONH2  KOH .Br2
 higher in dienethyl amine.
2) CH3CN 
3) CH3NC 
 32) The  -amino acid which contains the
aromatic side chain is
4) CH3CONH2 
1) proline 2) tyrosine
Key: 3) CH3  N  C 
LiAlH 4
 CH 3  NH  CH 3 3) valine 4) serine.
sec. amine

CH 2  CH 2
2) glucose phenyl hydrazine
| | 3) glucose - oxime
Key: 2) CH 2 CHCOOH HO CH2 CH(NH2 )COOH 4) Sorbitol
NH Tyrosine
Proline CHO CH  NNHC 6H 5
NH2 | |
Valine COOH
Serine | C 6H5NHNH 2
Key:- 1) (CHOH)3  warm
 (CHOH)3 
33) Chemically ‘digestion’ is | |
*1) Hydrolysis CH 2 OH CH 2 OH
2) Change in bacteria
Glucose glucose phenyl hydrazone
3) Hydrogenation
4) dehydrogenation C 6H5 NHNH 2
CH  NNHC 6H 5 CH  NNHC 6H5
34) When primary amines are treated with HCl, | |
CO C  NNHC 6H5
the product obtained is
| |
1) An alcohol 2) A cyanide
(CHOH)3 C  (CHOH)3
6H 5 NHNH 2

3) An amide *4) Ammonium salt |

Key: 4) CH 2 OH CH 2 OH

CH 3  CH 2  NH 2  HCl  CH 3CH 2  NH 3 Cl 
Ethyl ammonium chloride Glucosazone Keto compound of
glucose phenylhydrazone
35) Which one of the following is the reagent
used to identify glucose 39) Which of following is not an usual method for
1) Neutral ferric chloride preparation of primary amine
2) Chloroform and alcoholic KOH 1) Hofmann’s method
*3) Ammoniacal silver nitrate 2) Curtius reaction
4) sodium ethoxide 3) Schmidt reaction
*4) Friedel-Craft’s reaction
36) Correct order of increasing basicity is Key: 4) Friedel-craft’s reaction is used for the
1) NH3 < C6H5NH2< (C2H5)2NH < C2H5NH2 preparation of alkyl benzene or acetophe-
< (C2H5)3N none. It is not a method to prepare amine.
2) C6H5NH2 < NH3 < (C2H5)3N < (C2H5)2NH
< C6H5NH2 40) Carbohydrates are stored in human body as
3) C6H5NH2 < NH3 < C2H5NH2 < (C2H5)3N < 1) Glucose *2) Glycogen
(C2H5)2NH 3) Starch 4) Fructose
*4) C6H5NH2 < (C2H5)3N < NH3 < C2H5NH2
< (C2H5)2NH 41) Primary and secondary amines are
distinguished by
37) A carbohydrate that cannot be hydrolysed to 1) Br2 / KOH 2) HClO4
simpler forms is called *3) HNO2 4) NH3
1) Disaccharide Key: 3) CH 3CH 2  NH 2  HNO 2 
*2) Monosaccharide 1

3) Polysaccharide CH3CH 2  OH  N 2  H 2O
4) Trisaccharide Alcohol
Key:- 2) Monosaccharide cannot be hydrolysed to
simple forms. 42) Ethylamine reacts with nitrous acid to form
1) C2H5OH *2) C2H5OH, N2, H2O
38) Glucose reacts with excess of phenyl hydra- 3) C2H5N+2Cl- 4) C2H5NHOH, NH3.
zine and forms
1) Glucosazone
43) The number of possible structures of amines CO
i ) KOH
(C7H9N) having one benzene ring is NH ii  
*4) ) C H CH Br
6 5 2
1) 5 2) 3 CO
ii) aq. IG- ,heat

3) 4 4) 6
NH2 47) Aniline in a set of reaction yielded a product D.
Key: a) NaNO 2
  A 
HCl  B 
 C
H 2 ,Ni


NHCH3 CH2NH2   D

The structure of the product D would be

1) C6H5NaOH 2) C6H5NHCH2CH3
3) C6H5CH2NH2 *4) C6H5CH2OH

NH2 N 2 Cl  CN
44) The change in optical rotation with time, of
freshly prepared solution of sugar is known as NaNO 2
Key: d)   CuCN
 
1) Rotatory motion 2) Inversion HCl

3) Specific rotation 4) Mutarotation Aniline (A) (B)

Key:- 4)  - D glucose Equilibrium mixture
 - D glucose CH2NH2 CH2OH

glucose has two forms  and  . When either

of these two is dissolved in water and allowed H 2 ,Ni
  HNO 2
 
to stand, it gets converted to an equilibrium
(C) (D
mixture of  and  forms.
48) The caloriffic values of fats, carbohydrates
45) In the following compounds and proteins vary in the order
The order of basicity is *1) Fats > Carbohydrates > Proteins
2) Fats > Proteins > Carbohydrates
3) Carbohydrates > Proteins >Fats
4) Proteins > Carbohydrates > Fats
N 49) Amide group is present in
II 1) Lipids 2) Carbohydrates
3) Amino acids 4) Maltase
1) IV>I> III > II Key:- 4) In proteins amide group is present
2) III>I> IV > II
( NH  CH  C  NH  CH  C )n
3) II>I> III > IV | || | ||
*4) I> III > II > IV R O R O
  
Amide orppeptide bond

46) Which of the following reactions form

benzylamine ? 50) Iodine test is shown by
*1) CONH2  
 LiAlH 4
1) Polypeptide 2) Glycogen
3) Starch 4) Glucose
2) CONH2 
Key:- 3) Iodine test is shown by starch
3) C6H5CN 
H  ,H 2 O Starch   Blue colour
 iodide paper

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