Bruusgaard 2020
Bruusgaard 2020
Bruusgaard 2020
To cite this article: Kristin Ven Bruusgaard (2021) Russian nuclear strategy and conventional
inferiority, Journal of Strategic Studies, 44:1, 3-35, DOI: 10.1080/01402390.2020.1818070
Contemporary debates on Russian nuclear strategy focus on making sense
of Russia’s nuclear capabilities, signalling and nuclear declarations. This
paper argues that understanding how nuclear capabilities and strategy
interact with conventional capabilities is fundamental to understanding
nuclear strategy. It offers the Conventional Balance of Forces thesis for
explaining change in Russia’s nuclear strategy after the Cold War. It
shows how Russian nuclear debates and strategy decisions have been
affected by perceived conventional vulnerabilities, and how the orthodox
Western interpretation of Russian nuclear strategy today as one of ‘escalat
ing to de-escalate’ comes short of explaining when Russia would go nuclear
in conflict, and why.
For Russia and other potential military adversaries, it is US conventional
superiority, rather than its nuclear preponderance, that produces the
most severe security dilemma. Russia, the largest nuclear weapons state
in the world, perceives US conventional capabilities as a potential secur
ity threat that could jeopardize its very existence. Russia has in the entire
post-Cold War period explicitly threatened nuclear first use in response to
large-scale conventional aggression. But the nature of the Russian first
use threat has changed over time. As Russia has improved its conven
tional capabilities, its reliance response options to conventional regional
threats have receded.
Despite this close link between conventional and nuclear strategy, the
nuclear strategy literature tends to focus on nuclear posturing, and particu
larly on nuclear capabilities, without considering the other military and non-
military capabilities states use to enhance their security. Theories about the
relationship between conventional forces and nuclear strategy outcomes
remain scant. The most prominent thesis has been that conventional
For an updated take on this, see Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press, The Myth of the Nuclear Revolution.
Power politics in the atomic age (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2020). Chapter 4
Olga Oliker, ‘Moscow's Nuclear Enigma. What is Russias arsenal really for?,’ Foreign Affairs November/
December, Special Issue: Do Nuclear weapons matter? (2018).
Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky, ‘From Moscow with coercion: Russian deterrence theory and strategic culture’,
Journal of Strategic Studies 41/1–2 (2018).
Anya Fink Michael Kofman, Jeffrey Edmonds, ‘Russian Strategy for Escalation Management: Evolution of
Key Concepts’, CNA Report April (2020); Dave Johnson, “Russia’s Conventional Precision Strike
Capabilities, Regional Crises, and Nuclear Thresholds “ Livermore Papers on Global Security 3,
February (2017).
Mark B. Schneider, ‘Russian nuclear “de-escalation” of future war’, Comparative Strategy 37, 5 (2018).
Vincent A. Manzo and Aaron R. Miles, ‘The Logic of Integrating Conventional and Nuclear Planning’,
Arms Control Today 46/9 (November 2016). Justin Anderson Robert Peters, and Harrison Menke,
‘Deterrence in the 21st Century: Integrating Nuclear and Conventional Force’, Strategic Studies
Quarterly Winter (2018). Fiona Cunningham, ‘Maximizing Leverage: Chinas Strategic Force Posture
Choices in the Information Age’, Manuscript presented at the Nuclear Scholars Research Initiative (NSRI)
Seminar, Hamburg, December (2019).
Vipin Narang, Nuclear Strategy in the Modern Era. Regional powers and International Conflict (Princeton
and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2014). Press, The Myth of the Nuclear Revolution. Power politics in
the atomic age, 112–13.
Todd S. Sechser, Neil Narang & Caitlin Talmadge (Eds.) ‘Special Issue: Emerging Technologies and
Strategic Stability’, Journal of Strategic Studies 42, 6 (2019).
Konstantin Bogdanov, ‘Not-so-Nuclear War’, Russian International Affairs Council Article, 10 March (2020).
I am grateful to Brendan Rittenhouse Green for elucidating this point.
Brad Roberts, The Case for US Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century, Stanford Security Studies, (Stanford,
CA: Stanford University Press, 2016); Stephen J. Cimbala & Roger N. McDermott, ‘Putin and the Nuclear
Dimension to Russian Strategy’, The Journal of Slavic Military Studies 29/4 (October 2016); Anya
Loukianova Fink & Olga Oliker, ‘Russias Nuclear Weapons in a Multipolar World: Guarantors of
Sovereignty, Great Power Status & More’, Daedalus 149/2 (2020).
Nikolai Sokov, ‘Why Russia calls a limited nuclear strike “de-escalation”‘, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 13
(March 2014).
Department of Defense, Nuclear Posture Review Report, (2018).
Dmitry (Dima) Adamsky, ‘If war comes tomorrow: Russian thinking about “Regional Nuclear
Deterrence”‘, The Journal of Slavic Military Studies 27/1 (2014). See also Roberts, The Case for US
Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century, 131.
Paul K. Davis, J. Michael Gilmore David R. Frelinger, Edward Geist, Christopher K. Gilmore, Jenny
Oberholtzer, Danielle C. Tarraf, ‘Exploring the Role Nuclear Weapons Could Play in Deterring Russian
Threats to the Baltics’, RAND Corporation Research Report (2019).
Matthew Kroenig, A Strategy for Deterring Russian Nuclear De-Escalation Strikes, Atlantic Council
(Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, 2018).
Vince A. Manzo & John K. Warden, ‘After Nuclear First Use, What?’, Survival 60/3 (2018).
Michael Kofman, ‘Russian Strategy for Escalation Management: Evolution of Key Concepts.’
Fiona Cunningham and Kristin Ven Bruusgaard, ‘Why go first? Distinguishing Strategies of Nuclear First-
Use in Great Power Conflict’, George Washington University/University of Oslo Manuscript (2020).
Kroenig, A Strategy for Deterring Russian Nuclear De-Escalation Strikes.
S. V. Kreidin, ‘Global’noye i regional’noye yadernoye sderzhivaniye: K sisteme printsipov i kriteriev’,
Voennaia Mysl’ 4 (1999); A. V. Nedelin V.I. Levshin, M. E. Sosnovsky, ‘O primenenii Iadernogo Oruzhiia
Dlia Deeskalatsii Voennikh Deistvii’, Voyennaya Mysl’ 3 (1999).
Kroenig, A Strategy for Deterring Russian Nuclear De-Escalation Strikes. Paul K. Davis, ‘Exploring the Role
Nuclear Weapons Could Play in Deterring Russian Threats to the Baltics.’
conventional capabilities in the post-Cold War period and for how this has
affected Russia’s reliance on nuclear threats. Much of the evidence used to
back up the predominant Western interpretation of Russian strategy is from
strategy debates and official statements of the late 1990s and early 2000s.23 In
this period, Russia did signal a reduced nuclear threshold, due to its lack of
conventional response options.
But even then, Russian strategists identified the key vulnerability in nuclear
de-escalation, that of credibility and escalation management, and sought
improved conventional capabilities to remedy for this vulnerability.24 In the
twenty years since, Russian strategy has evolved conceptually in how con
ventional and nuclear tools can influence an adversary, and materially in the
balance of nuclear and conventional capabilities. States that face
a conventionally superior adversary do not necessarily lean back and rest
on their nuclear laurels: some seek to rectify their conventional inferiority.
This suggests a need to re-examine existing theories about how conventional
and nuclear forces and strategy affect each other.
Herman Kahn, On escalation: Metaphors and scenarios (London: Pall Mall, 1965).
Todd S. Sechser and Matthew Fuhrmann, Nuclear Weapons and Coercive Diplomacy (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2017).
Nuclear Operations, (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2019).
Joshua Rovner, “ISSF Article Review 6 on ‘No First Use: The Next Step for U.S: Nuclear Policy’, H-Diplo
4 February (2011).
Nina Tannenwald, ‘Its Time for a U.S. No-First-Use Nuclear Policy’, Texas National Security Review 2/3
(May 2019).
Lieber and Press distinguish between optimistic views, where nuclear weapons existence or the
manipulation of risk will be sufficient to deter conventional aggression, and pessimistic views, where
expansive nuclear options are needed to make nuclear threats credible. Press, The Myth of the Nuclear
Revolution. Power politics in the atomic age, 97–101.
The strategy also served other purposes, such as handling the NATO Alliance and the German question
in Europe. See Francis J. Gavin, ‘The Myth of Flexible Response: United States Strategy in Europe during
the 1960s’, The International History Review 23/4 (2001).
Freedman, The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy, 357.
Henry A. Kissinger, ‘Limited War: Conventional or Nuclear? A Reappraisal’, Daedalus 89/4 (Fall 1960).
Gavin, ‘The Myth of Flexible Response: United States Strategy in Europe during the 1960s.’
John K. Warden, ‘Limited Nuclear War: The 21st Century Challenge for the United States’, Livermore
Papers on Global Security 4 (July 2018).
Vipin Narang, ‘Posturing for Peace? Pakistan’s Nuclear Postures and South Asian Stability’, International
Security 34/3 (Winter 2009/10).
Press, The Myth of the Nuclear Revolution. Power politics in the atomic age, 94.
Christopher J. Watterson, ‘Nuclear weapons and limited war: A return to the nuclear battlefield?’,
Comparative Strategy 39, 1 (2020).
Elizabeth N. Saunders, ‘The Domestic Politics of Nuclear Choices: A Review Essay’, International Security
44/2 (Fall 2019).
Gary L. Guertner, ‘Deterrence and conventional military forces’, Small Wars & Insurgencies 11, 2 (2000).
Watterson, ‘Nuclear weapons and limited war: A return to the nuclear battlefield?.’
Samuel P. Huntington, ‘Conventional Deterrence and Conventional Retaliation in Europe’, International
Security 8/3 (Winter 1983–1984).
Watterson, ‘Nuclear weapons and limited war: A return to the nuclear battlefield?.’
Cunningham, ‘Maximizing Leverage: Chinas Strategic Force Posture Choices in the Information Age.’
Michael Kofman, ‘Russian Strategy for Escalation Management: Evolution of Key Concepts.’; Kristin Ven
Bruusgaard, ‘Russian Strategic Deterrence’, Survival 58/4 (2016); Adamsky, ‘From Moscow with coer
cion: Russian deterrence theory and strategic culture.’
Fiona S. Cunningham and M. Taylor Fravel, ‘Dangerous Confidence? Chinese Views on Nuclear
Escalation’, International Security 44/2 (Fall 2019).
Evan Braden Montgomery, ‘Signals of strength: Capability demonstrations and perceptions of military
power’, Journal of Strategic Studies 43/2 (2020).
Roger N. McDermott and Tor Bukkvoll, ‘Russia in the Precision-Strike regime – military theory,
procurement and operational impact’, FFI-Rapport (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment) 17/
00979 (2017).
Guertner, ‘Deterrence and conventional military forces.’; Michael S. Gerson, ‘No First Use: The Next Step
for U.S. Nuclear Policy’, International Security 35/2 (Fall 2010).
A. G. Savelyev, Politicheskie i voenno-strategicheskie aspekty dogovor SNV-1 i SNV-2 (Moskva: Rossiiskaya
Akademiya Nauk Institut Mirovoi Ekonomiki i Mezhdunarodnykh Otnoshenii, 2000).
‘Osnovnye polozheniya voennoy doktriny Rossiiskoy Federatsii’, Krasnaia Zvezda 19 November (1993).
Such strikes would target industrial, infrastructure and military targets, against
nuclear forces and C3I sites, be sufficiently selective not to provoke a nuclear
response, but enough to destroy Russia’s nuclear deterrent capability within
days or weeks.58
Jacob W. Kipp, ‘Russia’s Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons’, Military Review May-June (2001).
Pavel Podvig, ‘History and the Current Status of the Russian Early-Warning System’, Science & Global
Security 10 (2002).
‘Russia’, Military Balance 100/1 (2000).
Podvig, ‘History and the Current Status of the Russian Early-Warning System.’
Spasskiy, ‘Vysokotochnoye oruzhie zanyalo mesto boga voiny.’
Bukkvoll, ‘Tools of Future Wars – Russia is Entering the Precision-Strike Regime.’
Bruusgaard, ‘Why go first? Distinguishing Strategies of Nuclear First-Use in Great Power Conflict.’
Ghulam Dastagir Wardak, The Voroshilov Lectures Materials form the Soviet General Staff Academy Vol 1
Issues of Soviet Military Strategy, ed. Jr. Graham Hall Turbiville (Washington, DC: National Defense
University Press, 1989).
influencing large-scale wars. Large-scale, nuclear wars have set the require
ments for Russia’s strategic nuclear forces. Regional wars, the conflict cate
gory between these two, would involve two or more states, and could involve
conventional or nuclear weapons.71 The Soviets had wanted to develop an
ability to sustain such a conflict for an extended period without employing
nuclear weapons.72 By the 1990s, Russian theorists had started debating
whether Russia would have to choose between defeat and all-out nuclear
war in regional conflicts because of the degraded state of Russian conven
tional forces.73 They argued sub-strategic nuclear weapons offered
a potential way to defeat an adversary in the theatre of military operations.
The threat of early nuclear escalation and an ability to inflict ‘deterrent
damage’ on an adversary using limited nuclear means could influence the
adversary’s perception of the balance between the advantages and the costs
of aggression.74
Russia’s existing non-strategic [nuclear] capabilities can compensate for the
disrupted balance of conventional forces, and their use during military hosti
lities can contribute to prevent the adversary’s superiority in given strategic
(operational) directions.75
Other strategists pushed back against this idea, arguing that a lowered
nuclear threshold would not enhance credibility, and worrying that nuclear
escalation could not be controlled.76 Some argued that strategic nuclear
weapons could do the job of deterring also these types of wars. But the
idea that sub-strategic nuclear weapons could help manage the escalation of
regional war was established in the Russian strategic discourse.
Vulnerability to conventional strikes produced an increased Russian reliance
on non-strategic nuclear capabilities in the early 2000s. An intergovernmental
Security Council group was reformulating nuclear strategy in this period.77
They decided to preserve and upgrade both strategic and nonstrategic nuclear
forces,78 and to develop a new low-yield nuclear warhead.79 They discussed the
Kremlin, Voennaia Doktrina Rossiiskoi Federatsii, (Moscow: Kreml: Prezident Rossiiskoi Federatsi, 2014).
Michael Kofman, ‘Russian Strategy for Escalation Management: Evolution of Key Concepts’, 53.
S. V. Kreidin, ‘Problemy Yadernogo sderzhivaniya: Boyevaya ustoichivost’’, Voennaia Mysl’ 3 (2000). V.I.
Levshin, ‘O primenenii Iadernogo Oruzhiia Dlia Deeskalatsii Voennikh Deistvii.’
Michael Kofman, ‘Russian Strategy for Escalation Management: Evolution of Key Concepts’, 37.
A. S. Pis’yakov and A. I Khryapin V. A. Ivasik, ‘Yadernye oruzhie i voennaia bezopasnost Rossii’, Voennaia
Mysl’ 4 (1999).
Jacob W. Kipp, ‘Russian military forecasting and the revolution in military affairs: a case of the oracle of
Delphi or Cassandra?’, Journal of Slavic Military Studies 9/1s (1996). Aleksandr Golts, ‘Sderzhivaniye’,
Itogi 18/20 (May 1999).
Oleg Falichev, ‘General-Polkovnik Manilov: Novaya Voyennaya doktrina Rossii – adekvatniy otvet na
vyzov vremeni’, Krasniy Voin 13/80 (October 1999).
Andrei A. Kokoshin, Strategicheskoye upravleniye: Teoriya, istroricheskii opit, sravnitelniy analiz, zadachi
dlya Rossii (Moskovskiy Gosudarstvenniy Institut Mezhdunarodnykh Otnosheniyakh: ROSSPEN, 2003).
p. 313; Yuri Golotyuk, ‘Rossiya peresmatrivayet svoyo “yadernyuo argumentatsiyo”‘, Izvestia 27 April,
Nikolai Sokov, ‘The April 1999 Russian Federation Security Council Meeting on Nuclear Weapons’, NTI
Analysis 1 June (1999).
role of sub-strategic nuclear weapons in deterring regional wars.80 The air leg
of the triad was identified as a particularly flexible tool for limited nuclear
strikes in regional wars.81 Existing and new ALCMs would be particularly
relevant for this mission.82
The overhaul of nuclear strategy also resulted in increased nuclear signal
ling. In the late 1990s, Russian strategic nuclear forces were in a poor state.83
Russia had no operational strategic submarines on patrol for several months
in early 1998, due to safety concerns.84 Russian leaders became determined
to change this balance. In 1998, Yeltsin announced that Russian strategic and
attack submarines had re-established the Northern strategic bastion, patrol
ling of a defensive perimeter in the North Atlantic out to the Greenland-
Iceland-UK (GIUK) gap.85 Russia demonstrated the survivability of its nuclear
retaliatory capability. Russia also signalled that it would consider limited
nuclear strikes as a response to aggression. The first large strategic exercise
since the Cold War, Zapad-1999, simulated an attack with a nuclear-armed air-
launched cruise missile, the Kh-55, against targets in Norway and the United
States.86 Defence Minister Sergeyev explained the purpose of the display:
The exercise rehearses one provision of Russian military doctrine: the use of
nuclear forces when all measures of conventional defences against aggression
have failed.87
The Russian Federation retains the right to use nuclear weapons in response to
the use of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies,
as well as in response to large-scale aggression with conventional weapons
in situations critical to the national security of the Russian Federation.89
Yaderniye sily – garant natsional’noy bezopasnosti Rossii, (Vestnik Voennoy Informatsii, 1999). Kipp,
‘Russia’s Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons.’
Nikolai Sokov, Russian Strategic Modernization Past and Future (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield
Publishers, Inc., 2000), 145.
‘Russian Nuclear Forces, 2000’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 56/4 (2000). V. P. Sinitsyn, ‘Voenno-
Vosdushniye sily: itogi preobrazovaniya i napravleniya razvitia’, Voennaia Mysl’ 1 (1999).
‘Russian Nuclear Forces, 2000.’
‘Russia’, Military Balance 100/1 (2000), pp. 109–26.
Kristian Åtland, ‘The introduction, adoption and implementation of Russia’s “Northern Strategic
Bastion” Concept, 1992–1999’, Journal of Slavic Military Studies 20/4 (2007).
Sokov, Russian Strategic Modernization Past and Future. p. 171; See also Sergei Sokut, ‘Krug pocheta nad
Islandiei’, Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozrenie 02 July (1999).
Spasskiy, ‘Vysokotochnoye oruzhie zanyalo mesto boga voiny.’
Kremlin, Voennaia Doktrina Rossiiskoi Federatsii, (Moscow: Kreml: Prezident Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 2000).
Section 8.
Ibid., Part I, Section 5
Kremlin, Voennaia Doktrina Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Section 8, point G (Moscow: Kreml: Prezident Rossiiskoi
Federatsii, 2010).
S. Rogov, Zolotaryev, P., Yesin, V., Yarynich, V., ‘Sud’ba Strategicheskikh Vooruzheniiy posle Pragi’,
Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozrenie 32: 27 August (2010).
Roger N. McDermott, ‘Russias Conventional Military Weakness and Substrategic Nuclear Policy’, U.S.
Army Foreign Military Studies Office Report (2011).
Mikhail Tsypkin, ‘Russian politics, policy-making and American missile defence’, International Affairs 85/
4 (2009).
For a translated Russian theorist’s chart describing how missile defence diminishes the utility of
demonstration strikes, see Michael Kofman, ‘Russian Strategy for Escalation Management: Evolution
of Key Concepts’, 26.
munitions and an enhanced missile defence capability that could mop up any
scattered nuclear retaliation caused concern in Russia.96
Andrei A. Kokoshin, Ensuring Strategic Stability in the Past and Present: Theoretical and Applied Questions
(Cambridge, MA: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, 2011).
M.A. Gareev, ‘Problemy strategicheskogo sderzhivaniya v sovremennykh usloviyakh’, Voennaia Mysl’ 4
(2009); A. S. Rukshin, ‘Doktrinalnye vzglyady po voprosam primeneniya i stroitelstva vooruzhennykh sil
Rossiiskoi Federatsii’, Voennaia Mysl’ 3 (2007).
V. M. Burenok and O. B. Achasov, ‘Neyadernoye Sderzhivaniye’, Voennaia Mysl’ 12 (2007).
‘“Strategicheskoye sderzhivanie” – Novaya konseptsiya voennoi bezopasnosti Rossii’, Regnum 2008,
A. A. Kokoshin, O sisteme neyadernogio (predyadenogo) sderzhivaniya v oboronnoy politike Rossii
(Moscow: Isdatelsvto Moskovskogo Universiteta, 2012).
Tor Bukkvoll, ‘Iron Cannot Fight – The Role of Technology in Current Russian Military Theory’, Journal
of Strategic Studies 34/5 (2011).
Roger N. McDermott, ‘Russian Perspective on Network-Centric Warfare: The Key Aim of Serdyukovs
Reform’, Foreign Military Studies Office Report (2011): 8.
Bukkvoll, ‘Iron Cannot Fight – The Role of Technology in Current Russian Military Theory.’
Bettina Renz, ‘Why Russia is Reviving its Conventional Military Power’, U.S. Army War College
Parameters 46/2 (Summer 2016).
Greg Whisler, ‘Strategic Command and Control in the Russian Armed Forces: Untangling the General
Staff, Military Districts, and Service Main Commands (Part Two)’, The Journal of Slavic Military Studies
33/1 (2020).
Susanne Oxenstierna & Fredrik Westerlund, ‘Arms Procurement and the Russian Defense Industry:
Challenges Up to 2020’, The Journal of Slavic Military Studies 26/1 (2013).
President Dmitry Medvedev, Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, (2008).
Ulrich Kühn and Anna Pêczeli, ‘Russia, NATO and the INF Treaty’, Strategic Studies Quarterly 11/1
(Spring 2017).
Office of Naval Intelligence, The Russian Navy A historic transition (2015).
O. B. Achasov, ‘Challenges with providing support for a balanced developments of components of
VKO system’, Strategic Stability 1 (2012). Cited in Michael Kofman, ‘Russian Strategy for Escalation
Management: Evolution of Key Concepts’, 17.
McDermott, ‘Russian Perspective on Network-Centric Warfare: The Key Aim of Serdyukovs Reform’, 17.
Bukkvoll, ‘Iron Cannot Fight – The Role of Technology in Current Russian Military Theory.’
Michael Kofman, ‘Russian A2/AD: Its is not overrated, just poorly understood’, 1 March (2020).
Dale R. Herspring, ‘Russian Nuclear and Conventional Weapons: The Broken Relationship’, in Russias
Nuclear Weapons: Past, Present, and Future, ed. Stephen J. Blank (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute,
U.S. Army War College, 2011), 25.
‘Russia determined to keep tactical nuclear arms for potential aggressors’, Pravda, 31 October 2007.
McDermott, ‘Russias Conventional Military Weakness and Substrategic Nuclear Policy.’
Kristensen, ‘Russian Nuclear Forces, 2010’.
Kristensen, ‘Russian Nuclear Forces, 2010’.
Markus Ekstrom, ‘Rysk operativ-strategisk ovringsverksamhet under 2009 och 2010/Russian military
operational-strategic exercises, 2009–2010’, FOI (Swedish Defence Research Agency) Report FOI-R-3022-
SE (2010).
Bruno Tertrais, ‘Russia’s Nuclear Policy: Worrying for the Wrong Reasons’, Survival 60, 2 (2018).
‘23.11.2009: NATO-RUSSIA: NAC discusses Russian Military Exercises’, Aftenposten (2011).
Although this formulation entailed some ambiguity, it was narrower than the
2000 formulation which opened for nuclear responses to ‘threats to national
security’. Many threats to national security would not threaten ‘the very
existence of the state’. A non-trivial contemporary example was defending
ethnic Russians in the former Soviet space. In 2009, Russia had passed new
legislation allowing for the deployment of military forces abroad, without
parliamentary approval, to protect such citizens.123 This caused concern in
the Baltic States about potential Russian aggression under the guise of
protecting the Russian minority. However, the violation of the rights of
Russian citizens in the Baltics could in no way be described as threats to
‘the very existence of the Russian state’, the new doctrinal requirement for
Russian nuclear weapons use.
The formulation ‘threats to the very existence of the state’ produced
significant Western debate. What would constitute such threats? Did they
include, for example, threats to regime survival? As with most declaratory
strategy, this formulation contained ambiguity, leaving adversaries uncertain
about the precise nuclear threshold. The military doctrine stated that attacks
against the Russian state and its military command and control systems,
strategic nuclear forces, warning systems for missile attack, and space forces,
would be seen as military threats.124 Western analysts concluded that threats
to state existence would include, at minimum, conventional strikes on critical
targets in Russia, critical loss levels across forces or key systems, or an inability
to repel an invasion into its interior.125 From 2010, attacks on Russian territory
were thus a prerequisite for a Russian nuclear first strike.
There had been disagreement within the Russian elite regarding this
doctrine. Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev announced that the
2010 military doctrine would contain provisions for nuclear pre-emption,126
Yuri Baluyevskiy, ‘Kakoy byt’ novoy Voyennoy Doktrine Rossii?’, Rossiskoye Voyennoye Obozreniye No.2,
(February 2007).
Kremlin, Voennaia Doktrina Rossiiskoy Federatsii. (2010) Section 22
Opinion on the amendments to the Federal law on defence of the Russian Federation, Council of Europe,
21 December (2010).
Kremlin, Voennaia Doktrina Rossiiskoy Federatsii. Section 10, Point B
Michael Kofman, ‘Russian Strategy for Escalation Management: Evolution of Key Concepts’, 51.
Nikolai Patrushev, ‘O novoy voyennoy dokrine’, Zaschita i Bezopasnost’ 4 (2009); A. Yashlavskiy,
L. Panchenko, ‘Rossiya skoro smozhet bit’ pyervoy’, Moskovskiy Komsomolets (Moscow),
15 October 2009.
but the published version did not do so. This sparked speculation in the West
about the classified version of the doctrine.127 Authoritative sources indicate
that neither version contained a pre-emption clause, and that a public mili
tary doctrine would not be contradicted by a classified one.128
By 2010, the Russian Ministry of Defence had concluded that theore
tically, conventional strike options could contribute to deter regional
conflicts and manage escalation.129 The 2010 military doctrine reflected
this, stating: ‘In implementing strategic deterrence, provision is made for
using conventional precision weapons’.130 Russian conventional capabil
ities were not yet adequate to this plan; however, and modernisation of
nuclear capabilities and nuclear signalling continued. But Russian declara
tory policy conveyed a changing Russian conventional ambition. The
nuclear compensation for Russian conventional inferiority was changing
by 2010: with a reduced emphasis on a low declaratory threshold for
limited nuclear use, and with more subdued signalling that focused
primarily on strategic nuclear forces.
Alex Velez-Green, ‘Why Moscow Might Not Reveal an “Escalate to De-Escalate” Strategy’, CSIS PONI
Next Generation Nuclear Network 8 (May 2018).
Author’s Interview with General (Ret.) Pavel Zolotarev, 7 December 2017; Dmitry Litovkin, ‘Iz Soveta
Bezopasnosti. Voennaya doktrina Rossii stala zhestche’, Krasnaia Zvezda 5/22 (February 2010). In 2020,
Russia made a version of the ‘classified’ military doctrine public, an apparent attempt to reduce such
Michael Kofman, ‘Russian Strategy for Escalation Management: Evolution of Key Concepts’, 13–14.
Kremlin, Voennaia Doktrina Rossiiskoy Federatsii. Part II, Section 12B
Dara Massicot, Scott Boston, ‘The Russian Way of Warfare: A Primer’, RAND Corporation (2017).
Kremlin, Short Voennaia Doktrina Rossiiskoi Federatsii.Part II
‘Rakety srednei i menshei mirnosti’, Kommersant 174, 25 September (2019).
strike capabilities had started to fill a role in the Russian strategic deterrence
concept. But although overall numbers of Russian nonstrategic nuclear weap
ons declined, several new nonstrategic nuclear systems had become
operational.139 All the new sea-, air- and land-based cruise and ballistic
missiles were nuclear (and dual-) capable. Russia also developed new nuclear
gravity bombs.140 In other words, a reduced Russian emphasis on nuclear
capabilities because of emerging conventional assets was not apparent.
Dual-capable systems pose a challenge for the conventional balance of forces
thesis of nuclear strategy. Russia has developed its conventional precision strike
capabilities by building on an area of strength: producing nuclear-capable mis
siles. In part, this is a result of the legacy of the Russian nuclear and missile
industry. Russian design bureaus command resources to develop systems to
the state of flight test or advanced demonstration even without funding from
the Ministry of Defence.141 Decisions to produce some of the dual-capable
systems may have been driven by a need for modernised nuclear missiles. The air-
launched cruise missile was first developed in the period around 2000 when
Russian strategists emphasised sub-strategic nuclear response options. Other
capabilities, such as the Kalibr, may have been attractive in terms of both
conventional and nuclear versions. A sea-based conventional precision strike
capability is an evident asset for the Russian navy. At the same time, this branch
is habitually presented as a keen proponent of nonstrategic nuclear options, as
nuclear weapons balance US naval superiority.142 Current Russian calls for
a moratorium on nuclear-armed land-based intermediate-range missiles in
Europe indicates either that the nuclear version of the 9M729 is not Russia’s key
focus, or that the nuclear version of this missile was not intended for Europe.143
Russian strategists still seek a range of capabilities for escalation manage
ment because of a sustained perception of conventional inferiority, even if
that inferiority is reduced compared to previously. The number of available
conventional strike assets is likely one factor influencing this; the deteriorat
ing political relations with the West another. Russian strategists now deem
a potential conflict with NATO more, not less likely. Russian official strategy
now states that the time, place, and capability chosen for Russian nuclear
escalation of conflict should be unpredictable.144 A suite of non-strategic
nuclear options ensure such flexibility.
Hans M. Kristensen and Matt Korda, ‘Russian Nuclear Forces 2020’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 76,
Nuclear Notebook, no. 2 (2020).
Pavel Podvig, ‘Russia’s Current Nuclear Modernization and Arms Control’, Journal for Peace and Nuclear
Disarmament 1/2 (2018).
Podvig, ‘Russia’s Current Nuclear Modernization and Arms Control.’
Osnovy gosudarstvennoi politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii v oblasti voenno-morsoki deyatelnosti na period
do 2030 goda, (Moscow: Kreml, 2017). See also Michael Kofman, ‘The Role of Nuclear Forces in Russian
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We are prepared . . . [to] use nuclear weapons only when we know, for certain,
that some potential aggressor is attacking Russia, our territory. Our concept is
based on a reciprocal counter strike. Such a counter strike would amount to
a global catastrophe. We cannot be the initiators of such catastrophe because
we have no provision for pre-emptive strike.158
To nuclear strategists, understanding when and under what circumstances an
adversary would resort to nuclear weapons has always been a central chal
lenge. When a nuclear weapons state reaches that point depends on the
balance of nuclear forces, as well as on conventional threats and response
options. This article demonstrates how studying the conventional balance of
forces produces insights into nuclear strategy deliberations and outcomes.
The interrelationship between conventional forces and nuclear strategy is not
static but dynamic. Conventional inferiority can produce increased reliance
on nuclear threats, but some states seek to improve conventional capabilities
to overcome this dependency. Russia is one such state: its preferred escala
tion management option is not, by default, nuclear weapons.
Sergei Lavrov, ‘Statement at the Conference of Disarmament, Geneva’, (28 February 2018).
Michael Kofman, ‘Russian Strategy for Escalation Management: Evolution of Key Concepts’, 15.
This finding highlights the need for more theoretical and empirical
explorations of the relationship between conventional and nuclear forces
and strategy. Russian strategists expanded on Cold War concepts of nuclear
compensation for conventional inferiority. Their concepts are now tailored to
deter the types of security challenges Russia faces. Other nuclear weapons
states may assess the impact of conventional threats and capabilities on
nuclear strategy differently. States with more advanced conventional cap
abilities may draw different conclusions regarding their need to rely on
nuclear compensation. Prospective nuclear weapons states will value the
utility of potential nuclear capabilities depending on conventional options.
Comparing and contrasting how Western and non-Western states approach
this conventional/nuclear nexus will produce additional insights into how
different states formulate nuclear strategy to face conventional threats.
The Russian case highlights the need to examine the technical, military,
and strategic implications of dual-use capabilities more closely.161 Existing
scholarship explores some effects of these capabilities, such as the potential
for inadvertent escalation.162 But it does not examine the strategic utility of
such capabilities, a utility that Russian strategists have sought to exploit.
Dual-use capabilities may serve different military, political, or bureaucratic
purposes in different political systems, in turn determining their relative
strategic value. Understanding such differences will be crucially important
to stymie conventional and nuclear arms racing, and to achieve arms control
agreements among old and new rivals.
Finally, the conclusions drawn here highlight the need to examine the
iterative dynamics that the nuclear and conventional balance of forces pro
duce between adversaries. Russian strategy is a product of perceptions of its
conventional and nuclear capability compared to the potential adversary.
That perception changed over time, in part because of the adversary’s chan
ging behaviour. Scholars and policymakers should acknowledge that both
conventional and nuclear forces affect their own position and military
options, as well as those of the adversary. Understanding such dynamics
will be central to gauging when, in conflict, an adversary might use nuclear
weapons and what might deter such escalation.
I am grateful for the constructive and helpful feedback I received from several great
scholars regarding this article. They include Fiona Cunningham, Michael Kofman, Vipin
One interesting examination of the impact of missile technology bar their nuclear characteristic is
Robert Ayson & Christine M. Leah, ‘Missile Strategy in a Post-Nuclear Age’, Journal of Strategic Studies
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Narang, Frank Gavin, Målfrid Braut-Hegghammer, Scott Gates, Even Hellan Larsen,
Henrik Hiim, David Holloway, Lynn Eden, Brendan Rittenhouse Green and Brad
Roberts. I am also grateful for the very constructive advice from the anonymous
reviewers. The manuscript benefited from being workshopped at the Nuclear
Scholars Research Initiative Conference in Hamburg, Germany, in the Oslo Nuclear
Project Reading Group at the University of Oslo, and in the CISAC Nuclear Reading
Group at Stanford University.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
Notes on contributor
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