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Week 13

Date: ………………………..


Textbook: FAFNE 5 Unit: 5

Lesson 4
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- pronounce the sounds /nd/, /nt/, and /mp/ and associate them with the letters nd, nt,
and mp in word endings.
- identify these consonant clusters in a chant.
1. General competences

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs/groups to pronounce the

sounds /nd/, /nt/, and /mp/ .
- Problem-solving and creativity: differentiate between the consonant clusters
/nd/, /nt/, and /mp/.
2. Attributes

- Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks.

- Diligence: work hard to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: play fair in games.
- Responsibility: appreciate kindness.
- Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills.

1. Vocabulary:

Core: child, shield, field, belt, salt, adult

Extra: gray, sit down

2. Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.


- Student book - page 39
- Audio tracks: 55, 56-57
- Flashcards: Phonics 19-24

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

WARM-UP (5 minutes)
Objectives: To generate students’ interest and lead in the new lesson
 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can sing the song correctly.

- Task completed: Students can sing the song.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to sing the song.
Sing Where were you on vacation? from lesson 3 to energize the class.
1. PRESENTATION (5 minutes)

Objectives: To pronounce the sounds /nd/, /nt/, and /mp/.

 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can pronounce the sounds /nd/, /nt/,
and /mp/ correctly.
- Task completed: Students can pronounce the sounds /nd/, /nt/, and /mp/.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to pronounce the sounds /nd/, /nt/, and
- Hold up the phonics cards for pond, - Listen carefully.
tent, and lamp, saying the words for
children to repeat.
- Repeat several times until children
are used to saying the words. - Stand up and say the words.

- Divide the class into three groups

and assign each group one of the
words. Tell children to stand up and
say the word when you hold up their
phonics card.
- Silently hold up the phonics cards at
random. Children stand up and say
their words.
2. PRACTICE (15 minutes)
Objectives: To identify these consonant clusters in a chant.
 Expected outcomes and assessment:
- Task completed with excellence: Students can identify these consonant clusters in
a chant correctly.
- Task completed: Students can identify these consonant clusters in a chant.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to identify these consonant clusters in a
1. Listen, point, and repeat. (Track 56) - Follow the teacher’s instructions.
- Ask children to look at the words and
pictures in their Student Books on
page 39. Tell them that they are going
to hear a recording of the different
sounds and words. - Listen and point.
- Play the first part of the recording for
children to listen and point to the
- Listen, point and repeat.
- Play the second part of the recording
for children to repeat the sounds and
words in chorus. - Follow the teacher’s instructions.
2. Listen and chant. (Track 57)
- Ask children to look at the picture
and tell you the words they can see
from Exercise 1 (pond, plant, tent, - Listen to the chant.
lamp, camp).
- Play the chant for children to join in
and follow in their books.
3. Read the chant again. Underline the - Listen to teacher carefully.

words that end with nd, nt, and mp. Then

- Write the letters nd, nt, and mp in
different places on the board. Focus
children’s attention on the word tent - Find and underline the words ending

in the chant, and ask children to point in nd, nt and mp in the chant.

to the correct letters on the board. - Work in pairs.

Have children say tent chorally and - Look and say.

- Ask children to find and underline the
other words with nd, nt, and mp in the
chant. They can do this individually
first and then check in pairs.
- Go through the answers with the
class. Children call out the words.
3. PRODUCTION (8 minutes)
Objectives: To use the words ending in nd, nt, and mp.
 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can use the words ending in nd, nt,
and mp correctly.
- Task completed: Students can use the words ending in nd, nt, and mp.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to use the words ending in nd, nt, and
4. Write the words. Circle the end letters
nd, nt, and mp. Then say.
- Follow teacher's instructions.
- Ask children to look at the first
- Do the exercise.
picture. Ask What’s this? (a plant)
What letters does it have?
- Children do the rest of the exercise
- Go through the answers with the
class, asking children to point to the
letters on the board.
- Children work in pairs and take turns
saying the words.
Below level: Write the phonics words on the
board with blanks for the last two letters.
Ask children to write nd, nt, or mp in the
blanks. Say the words. Then children
complete the activity independently.
At level: Children complete the activity.
Above level: After children finish, make a
chart with three columns on the board. Label
them nd, nt, and mp. Give children 3–5
minutes to fill it with more words they
know. Make it a game by putting children
into teams. Give one point for each correct
word. The team with the most points wins. - Listen to the teacher's instructions
5. Let's talk! carefully.
- Ask children to look at the picture
and speech bubble.
- Have a child read the sentence. - Work in pairs.
- Children work in pairs and take turns
saying the sentence. Tell them to use
other vocabulary words on the page.
* Game: Listing - Listen to the teacher's instructions
- Divide the class into four teams.
- Have pupils in each team list 5 words
with nd, nt and mp in 5'. - Play the game.
- All teams take turns to say one word
with st. They have to add one
different word.
- Continue saying words with ts.
- They get one point for each correct
- The team that gets the most points
- Correct pupils’ mistakes (if any).

VI. Nhận xét:

- Tích hợp kỹ năng sống: học sinh biết lựa chọn nguyên liệu cho một món ăn đơn giản.
- Học sinh tiếp thu bài tốt.
Week 13
Date: ………………………..


Textbook: FAFNE 5 Unit: 5

Lesson 5
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- identify new words.

- read and understand one email and one postcard about festivals.
- read and understand key information.
1. General competences

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs/groups to talk about festivals.

- Problem-solving and creativity: find out information about one email and one
2. Attributes

- Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks.

- Diligence: work hard to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: play fair in games.
- Responsibility: appreciate kindness.
- Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills.

1. Vocabulary:

Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously

Core: humid, stormy, cloudy, foggy

Extra: Trick or Treat, ghost, witch, picnic, beach

2. Structures: revision

3. Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.


- Student book - page 40

- Audio tracks: 58-59
- Flashcards: 62-65

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

WARM-UP (5 minutes)
Objectives: To generate students’ interest and lead in the new lesson
 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can sing the song correctly.

- Task completed: Students can sing the song.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to sing the song.
Sing Where were you on vacation? from lesson 3 to energize the class.
1. PRESENTATION (5 minutes)

Objectives: To help students identify festivals and new words.

 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can identify festivals and new words
- Task completed: Students can identify festivals and new words.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to identify festivals and new words.
- Use the Weather flashcards to - Think and share.
introduce the new vocabulary.
- Tell children that they are going to
- Listen to the teacher carefully.
read about two festivals. Encourage
- Listen and say.
them to talk about a popular festival in
their country. Elicit what they do to
celebrate. Make notes of keywords on
the board.
1. Listen, point, and repeat. (Track 58)
- Ask children to open their Student Books at
page 40 and look at the pictures in Exercise - Follow the teacher's instructions.
- Play the first part of the recording for
- Listen and point.
children to listen and point to the
- Listen point and repeat.
appropriate picture.
- Play the second part of the recording for
children to repeat.
2. PRACTICE (15 minutes)

Objectives: To help students read, understand one email and one postcard about
festivals and answer the questions.

 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can read, understand one email and
one postcard about festivals and answer the questions correctly and confidently.
- Task completed: Students can read, understand one email and one postcard
about festivals and answer the questions.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to read, understand one email and one
postcard about festivals and answer the questions.
2. Look at the text. What festivals can you
see in the photos?
- Ask children to look at the photos and say
- Look, listen and answer.
what festivals they can see.
- Encourage children to share any interesting
facts they know about each festival they - Listen and share ideas.
mention. Make notes on the board.
* Read the text and underline the new
- Listen and read.
- Play the recording for children to listen and
follow the text silently in their books.
- Read and underline new words.
- Read the text silently in their books and
underline the new words.
Below level: Look at the pictures and find the
words in the text.
At level: Children do the activity.
Above level: Children practice saying the
words in pairs.

3. Listen and read. (Track 59)

- Play the recording as children follow
the texts silently in their books.
- Check their ideas from Exercise 2. Did
they guess the festivals? Did they learn
anything new about them?
- Follow the teacher’s instructions.
- Ask simple questions to check
- Listen and read.
comprehension, e.g. What was Emma’s
- Answer questions.
costume for Halloween? And her
sister’s? Why were they hot? What was
there a lot of? Was Lily’s Christmas - Answer the teacher's questions.
good? What was the weather like? What
did they have on Christmas Day?
4. Read again and write T (true) or F (false).
- Read out the example.
- Ask children to read the sentences and
decide whether they are true or false.
- Go through the answers with the class.
* Differentiation
Below level: Put children in pairs, A and B.
Student A reads Emma’s email and marks
sentences 1–3. Student B reads Lily’s postcard
and marks sentences 4–6. When they finish, - Read the example.
they share answers and point out the - Do exercise 4.
information in the texts.
At level: Children do the activity.
Above level: Ask children to correct the false
sentences in their notebooks.

3. PRODUCTION (8 minutes)
Objectives: To check students' understanding the meaning of the vocabulary and talk
about your favorite festival.
 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can understand the meaning of the
vocabulary and talk about your favorite festival correctly and confidently.
- Task completed: Students can understand the meaning of the vocabulary and
talk about your favorite festival.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to understand the meaning of the
vocabulary and talk about your favorite festival.
Game: matching
1. humid a. an action as a way of - Listen to teacher's instructions
cheating someone or as a carefully.
2. stormy joke or form of
3. a picnic
b. a woman who is
4. foggy believed to have magical
- Play the game.
powers and, esp. in
5. a witch stories, uses them to
help or harm people
6. a trick
c. (of air and weather)
containing extremely
small drops of water in
the air

d. a meal you take to a

place outside to be eaten
there in an informal way

e. with strong wind,

heavy rain, and often
thunder and lightning
- Have students work in groups of 4.

- Students read and match.

- Check their answers.

5. What’s your favorite festival?

- Read out the question and refer back to
the notes you made on the board for the
- Invite a child to answer the question in
as much detail as possible. To help, ask
Who do you celebrate with? What do - Follow the teacher's instructions.

you do? What food do you have? Why

do you like this festival? You can also
- Answer the questions.
answer the question to model an answer
for the class.
- Children answer the question in pairs or
small groups.
- Ask some children to tell the class what
they learned about their partner.
* Write about their favorite festival.

- Have your students write about their

favorite festival.
- Work in pairs.
- Have students work in pairs to read their
- Share their ideas.

Ask some students to read their writing out


- Write about their favorite festival.

- Work in pairs.

- Read their writing in the front.

VI. Nhận xét:

- Học sinh tiếp thu bài tốt

- Tích hợp kỹ năng viết: viết lá thư cho bạn bè mô tả về chuyến đi của bản thân
Week 13
Date: ………………………..


Textbook: FFANE 5 Unit: 5

Lesson 6 (Period 1)
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- understand a sequence of events.
- describe past situations and events based on pictures.
1. General competences

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs/groups to talk about a special

- Problem-solving and creativity: find out a special day.
2. Attributes

- Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks.

- Diligence: work hard to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: play fair in games.
- Responsibility: appreciate kindness.
- Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills.

1. Vocabulary:

Recycled: vocabulary seen previously

2. Sentence patterns: revision.

3. Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.


- Student book - page 41

- Audio track: 60
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

WARM UP (5 minutes)
Objectives: To review vocabulary from unit 5.
 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can say the words correctly.
- Task completed: Students can say the words.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to say the words.
A. Sing Where were you on vacation? from lesson 3 to energize the class.
B. Play Whispers (see Games bank) with the weather flashcards to revise the vocabulary
from the previous lesson.
After the game, invite children to say what activities they can do in each type of weather.
1. PRESENTATION (5 minutes)

Objectives: To help students identify people and places in exercise 1.

 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can identify people, and places in
exercise 1 correctly.
- Task completed: Students can identify people and places in exercise 1.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to identify people or places in exercise
- Tell children to look at the pictures in - Answer the question.
Exercise 1 and ask them to say what
happened to the family on their
- Think about the correct order.
- Encourage them to think about the
correct order of the pictures.
- Elicit ideas but don’t confirm the
2. PRACTICE (15 minutes)

Objectives: To listen for specific words.

 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can listen for specific words correctly.
- Task completed: Students can listen for specific words.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to listen for specific words.
1. Listen and write the numbers. (Track
- Follow the teacher’s instructions.
- Ask two children to read the speech
bubbles. Ask children to look at the
correct picture in Exercise 1. - Listen and write the numbers.

- Children work in pairs. They take

turns choosing a picture and saying a
sentence about it. Their partner must
listen and call out the matching
picture. Point out that children must - Look and read.

use the simple past form of be and

2. Look at the pictures and say.
- Work in pairs.
- Ask two children to read the speech
bubbles. Ask children to look at the
correct picture in Exercise 1.
- Children work in pairs. They take
turns choosing a picture and saying a
sentence about it. Their partner must
listen and call out the matching - Look and say.
picture. Point out that children must
use the simple past form of be and
- Put children in pairs and ask them to
describe last weekend’s weather and
the weather yesterday.

3. PRODUCTION (8 minutes)
Objectives: To say what the weather was like last weekend / yesterday.
 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can say what the weather was like last
weekend / yesterday correctly.
- Task completed: Students can say what the weather was like last weekend /
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to say what the weather was like last
weekend / yesterday.
3. Say what the weather was like last
weekend / yesterday.
- Put the weather flashcards on the
board. Point to each flashcard and - Read the example.

elicit the word from the class.

- Draw attention to the task. Ask: What
was the weather like last weekend?
Invite a child to read out the example.
Elicit other example answers. - Work in pairs.

- Then ask: What was the weather like

yesterday? Invite different children to

IV. Nhận xét:

- Đa số học sinh tiếp thu bài tốt
- Tích hợp kỹ năng đọc: đọc đoạn văn và tìm thông tin đúng cho các câu hỏi trắc nghiệm

Week 13
Date: ………………………..


Textbook: FAFNE 5 Unit: 5

Lesson 6 (Period 2)
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- write a description of a special day.
1. General competences

- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs/groups to talk about a special

- Problem-solving and creativity: find out a special day.
2. Attributes

- Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks.

- Diligence: work hard to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: play fair in games.
- Responsibility: appreciate kindness.
- Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills.

1. Vocabulary:
Recycled: vocabulary seen previously

2. Sentence patterns: revision.

3. Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.


- Student book - page 41

- Audio track: 60
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

WARM UP (5 minutes)
Objectives: To review vocabulary from unit 5.
 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can say the words correctly.
- Task completed: Students can say the words.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to say the words.
A. Sing Where were you on vacation? from lesson 3 to energize the class.
B. Game: Make sentences

- Write a few random words on the board.

- Have the students work in small groups to make up as many sentences from the words
as possible.
- The team with the most sentences is the winner.
1. PRESENTATION (5 minutes)

Objectives: To help students identify people and places in exercise 1.

 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can identify people, and places in
exercise 1 correctly.
- Task completed: Students can identify people and places in exercise 1.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to identify people or places in exercise
- Tell children to look at the pictures in - Answer the question.
Exercise 1 and ask them to say what
happened to the family on their
- Think about the correct order.
- Encourage them to think about the
correct order of the pictures.
- Elicit ideas but don’t confirm the
2. PRACTICE (15 minutes)

Objectives: To write an email to a friend.

 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can write an email to a friend

- Task completed: Students can write an email to a friend.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to write an email to a friend.
4. Write an email to a friend. Use the
example to help you.
- Follow the teacher’s instructions.
- Focus children’s attention on the
example email. Allow children time
to read it once. - Answer the questions.

- Ask questions to check

comprehension: Who’s the email
from? Who is it for? What happened
last week? Where did Hoang have his
party? What food did they have in
the end?
- Tell children they are going to write
an email to a friend about a special
day. Elicit possible events children
can write about apart from a
birthday party, e.g. a festival, a
- Write an email.
sleepover, a sports event, etc. Allow
children time to think about their
email and share ideas with a partner.
Monitor and help as needed.
- Children write their emails describing
a special day.
- If time permits, ask some children to
read their email to the class.
Encourage other children to ask
them questions.
Below level: instead of an email, ask
children to write a few sentences about their
special day.
At level: Children do the activity.
Above level: Ask children to exchange
emails with a partner. They read each
other’s emails and write a short response or
3. PRODUCTION (8 minutes)
Objectives: To describe a special day.
 Expected outcomes and assessment:

- Task completed with excellence: Students can describe a special day correctly
and confidently.
- Task completed: Students can describe a special day.
- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to describe a special day.
* Your favorite writing
- Have students work in groups of 6.
- Work in groups of 6.
- Ask students to read and vote the best
- Choose the best writing and give
writing in their groups.
- Have students read their best writing
and give reasons.

IV. Nhận xét:

- Học sinh tiếp thu bài tốt

Week 13
Date: ………………………..


Textbook: MU 5 Unit: 5
Lesson 3
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Core competences
- Identify activities about places.
- Understand a story.
2. General competences
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs/groups to talk about where someone
goes to.
- Problem-solving and creativity: find out their favorite place.
3. Attributes: Students can show their love in different places.
- Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Diligence: work hard to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions or play fair in games.
- Responsibility: appreciate kindness.
- Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills.
1. Language
- Vocabulary: bank, fire station, post office, hotel, stadium, museum
2. Skills: Listening and speaking, reading and writing
- Student book - page 16
- Audio Tracks 8, 9, 10
- Flashcards/Pictures (places)
- Computer, projector, ….
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM-UP/REVIEW (5 minutes)
Objective: To help students review the vocabulary about daily routine.
🡪Expected outcomes and assessment.
- Task completed with excellence: Students can say the words and sentences

- Task completed: Students can say the words and sentences.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to say the words and sentences.
* Game: “What and where”
- Show the words on the screen. - Look at the words on the screen.
- Take turn disappearing the words. - Follow the teacher’s demonstration.
- Have students raise their hand to say - Raise their hand to say the word.
the word.
- Play the game several times.
- Have students make sentences with - Play the game.
these words, e.g. I wake up at five
- Make sentences with these words
- Praise students if they play the game
PRESENTATION (10 minutes)
Objective: To help students identify the places.
🡪Expected outcomes and assessment.

- Task completed with excellence: Students can point and say the words correctly.

- Task completed: Students can point and say the words.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to point and say the words.
*Lead-in: Use flashcards to present the
- Hold the flashcards up one at a time
- Follow the teacher’s instructions.
and introduce the places.
- Help students identify the places by
asking some questions, e.g. What is it?
- Elicit students to answer the
- Answer the questions.
1. Listen and point. (Track 08)
bank, fire station, post office, hotel,
stadium, museum
- Arrange the pictures on the board.
Have students to look at the pictures.
- Look at the pictures on the board.
- Play the recording. Ask the students to
listen and point to the words.

- Play the recording again. Ask the - Listen to the recording and point to
students to listen and point to the the words.
correct words.
- Listen to the recording again and
- Teacher says the words. Invite a few point to the correct words.
students to listen and point to the - Listen and point to the words.

- Praise the students if they do the

activity well.

2. Listen, point and repeat. (Track 09)

bank, fire station, post office, hotel,
stadium, museum
- Arrange the pictures on the board.
Have students to look at the pictures. - Look at the pictures on the board.
- Point to the pictures. Say the words
and let the students repeat.
- Look at the pictures and say the
- Play the recording. Ask the students to words.
listen and point to the correct words.

- Play the recording again. Ask

students to repeat each word after they - Listen to the recording and point to
hear it. Help them with their the correct words.
pronunciation if necessary.
- Listen to the recording again and
- Ask the class to work in pairs. One repeat each word after they hear it.
student randomly points to the pictures
in their book, and the other one says
the words. Then have them swap roles
and continue this activity. - Work in pairs. One student randomly
- Walk round the class and support points to the pictures in their book, and
them if needed. the other one says the words. Then
swap roles and continue this activity.
- Call some students to say the words in
front of the class.

- Praise students if they do the activity

- Say the words in front of the class.
PRACTICE (8 minutes)
Objective: To help students understand the story.
🡪Expected outcomes and assessment.
- Task completed with excellence: Students can understand the dialogue clearly.
- Task completed: Students can understand the dialogue.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to understand the dialogue.

*Listen, point and repeat. (Track 10)
- Have students look at the pictures and - Look at the pictures and identify the
identify the characters in the picture. characters in the picture.
- Play the recording for students to - Listen to the recording.
- Listen to the recording again and
- Play the recording again, sentence by repeat.
sentence, for students to listen and
repeat individually and in chorus.
Correct their pronunciation where
- Point at each picture. Ask the class to
repeat the dialogue several times. - Look at each picture. Repeat the
- Put students in pairs. Have students dialogue several times.
practice pointing to the pictures and - Work in pairs. Practice pointing to the
saying the dialogue. pictures and saying the dialogue.
- Invite a few pairs to point at the
pictures and say the dialogue in front of
the class. - Say the dialogue in front of the class.

- Praise students if they have performed

PRODUCTION (10 minutes)
Objective: To help students use vocabulary about places.
🡪Expected outcomes and assessment.

- Task completed with excellence: Students can use vocabulary about places

- Task completed: Students can use vocabulary about places.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to use vocabulary about places.

*Game: “Place Quiz”
- Explain how to play the game. - Listen to the teacher’s explanation.
- Have students say the place words they - Say the place words they have learnt.
have learnt.
- Teacher takes turn showing the
suggested sentences about places on the - Look at the suggested sentences about
screen. places on the screen.
- Have students think and say the names
- Think and say the names of the places.
of the places.
- If they say the right place, they will get
Suggested sentences:
1. This is a large closed area of land with
rows of seats around the sides and often
with no roof, used for sports events and
musical performances.
2. This is a building where you pay to
have a room to sleep in, and where you
can sometimes eat meals.
3. This is a building where objects of
historical, scientific, or artistic interest
are kept.
4. This is a place where stamps are sold
and from where letters and parcels are
5. This is a building where fire engines
are kept and where firefighters work and
stay in the hours they are working.
6. This is a building where people and
businesses can invest or borrow money,
change it to foreign money, ...
1. stadium
2. hotel
3. museum
4. post office
5. fire station
6. bank
IV. Nhận xét:
- Đa số học sinh tiếp thu bài tốt

Week 13
Date: ………………………..


Textbook: MU 5 Unit: 5
Lesson 4
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Core competences
- Talk about where someone goes to with adverbs of frequency.
- Use the vocabulary in an actual communication.
2. General competences
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs/groups to talk about where someone
goes with adverbs of frequency.
- Problem-solving and creativity: find out their favorite place.
3. Attributes: Students can show their love in different places.
- Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Diligence: work hard to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions or play fair in games.
- Responsibility: appreciate kindness.
- Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills.
1. Vocabulary
- Recycled vocabulary: bank, fire station, post office, hotel, stadium, museum
2. Sentence pattern: She sometimes goes to the museum.
3. Skills: Listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- Student book - page 18, 19
- Audio track 11
- Flashcards/Pictures (places)
- Computer, projector, ….
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM-UP/REVIEW (5 minutes)
Objective: To help students to review vocabulary about places.
🡪Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can say the words correctly and fluently.

- Task completed: Students can say the words.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to say the words.

* Game: “What’s missing?”
- Introduce the game. - Listen to the teacher’s instructions.
- Display the flashcards (bank, fire - Look at the flashcards and say the
station, post office, hotel, stadium, words.
museum) from the vocabulary set on the
board. Point to each one, one at a time,
for students to say the words. Give the
class a few seconds to look at them.
- Ask students to turn around. Remove a
- Display the cards again and ask What’s - Follow the teacher’s demonstration.
- Say the name of the picture.
- When students have identified the
missing card, shuffle the cards again and
repeat the procedure. - Play the game.

- Praise students if they have played the

game well.
PRESENTATION (10 minutes)
Objective: To help students repeat the sentences.
🡪Expected outcomes and assessment

- Task completed with excellence: Students can repeat the sentences correctly.

- Task completed: Students can repeat the sentences.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to repeat the sentences.

* Lead-in: Use the picture on page 18.
- Have students look at the timetable of - Look at the timetable of Eddy’s mom.
Eddy’s mom. Help students identify Identify adverbs of frequency.
adverbs of frequency by asking some
questions, e.g. Which places does she go
to?, How often does she go to the post
- Elicit students to answer the questions.
- Answer the questions.
1. Listen and repeat. (Track 11)
- Play the recording for students to
listen. - Listen to the recording.
- Play the recording again, sentence by - Listen to the recording again and repeat
sentence, for students to listen and repeat individually and in chorus.
individually and in chorus. Correct their
pronunciation where necessary.
- Come to the front, listen to and repeat
- Invite a few students to the front of the the sentences in the recording.
class to listen to and repeat the sentences
in the recording.
- Listen to the teacher’s explanation.
- Draw students’ attention to the
sentences, “She sometimes goes to the
post office.” and “Eddy’s mom always
goes to the bank.”. Explain that they are
used to talk about where someone goes
to with adverbs of frequency
- Use the pictures of places to elicit
- Look at the picture and say the sentences
sentences from students. Call some
in front of the class.
students to say the sentences in front of
the class.
PRACTICE (8 minutes)
2. Look at the timetable of Eddy’s mom and write T (True) or F (False). (page 19)
Objective: To help students look at the timetable and write True or False.
🡪Expected outcomes and assessment
- Task completed with excellence: Students can write True or False correctly.
- Task completed: Students can write True or False.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to write True or False.

- Draw their attention to the timetable - Look at the timetable and sentences.
and sentences. Have student read the Read the sentences aloud.
sentences aloud.
- Have students focus on Sentence 1,
point to the key word of this sentence - Focus on Sentence 1, point to the key
and back to the timetable to find out word of this sentence and back to the
the answer. Then write the correct timetable to find out the answer. Then
answer True or False. write the correct answer True or False.

- Ask students to do the task - Do the task individually.

individually. - Swap their books with a partner and
- Get students to swap their books with then check answers. Look at the correct
a partner and then check answers as a answers on the board.
class. Write the correct answers on the - Correct if the sentences are false.
- Ask students to correct if the
sentence is false.
- Praise students if they do the exercise
PRODUCTION (10 minutes)
Objective: To help students review the sentence patterns talking about where someone
goes to.
🡪Expected outcomes and assessment

- Task completed with excellence: Students can talk about where someone goes to
correctly and confidently.

- Task completed: Students can talk about where someone goes to.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to talk about where someone goes to.
3. Play Tic-Tac-Toe. (page 19)
- Divide the class into two groups. - Work in two groups.
- Have pairs play rock, paper, scissors to - Play rock, paper, scissors to see which
see which group goes first. group goes first.
- Have the winning group choose a - Choose a space, then say a sentence with
space, then say a sentence with the word the word given.
- Have the group mark that space as
theirs if they use the useful language
correctly. - Take turns playing the game.
- Have groups take turns playing the - Praise the winner.
- The group that gets three spaces in a
horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line wins
the game. Praise the winner.
IV. Nhận xét:
- Học sinh tiếp thu bài tốt.


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