AITS IIT-JEE (10) (05-01-2025)

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Test B ooklet Code

2024-25 Test ID: 010
Held on: 05-01-2025

Time: 3:00 Hr IIT JEE TEST-10 M.M.: 300

1. The question paper consists of ‘75’ objective type questions. There are ‘25’
questions each in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics respectively (20 Multiple
Choice Single Correct Type and 5 Integer Type). Please fill the OMR Answer
Sheet accordingly and carefully.
2. Each Multiple Choice Single Correct Type Question has four choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
3. You will be awarded 4 marks for each questions, if you have darkened only the
bubble corresponding to the correct answer and Zero Mark if no bubble are
darkened. In all other cases, Minus One (–1) mark will be awarded.
4. There is Only One correct response for each question. Filling up More than One
Response in each question will be treated as Wrong Response and marks for
wrong response will be Deducted accordingly as per instruction 3 above.
5. Use Black or Blue Ball Point Pen only for filling particulars.
6. Use of Calculator, Log Table, Slide Rule and Mobile is not allowed.
7. Rough work is to be done on the space provided at the bottom and in end of the
booklet for this purpose in the Test Booklet only.
8. On completion of the test, the candidate must handover the Answer Sheet to the
Invigilator. However, the candidates are allowed to take away this Test Booklet with
9. Do not fold or make any stray marks on the Answer sheet.

Name of the Candidate (in Capitals): …………………………………………………………………………………..

Roll No. (in Figures): …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(in Words): …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Centrre of Examination (in Capitals): …………………………………………………………………………………..

Candidate’s Signature ………………………………… Invigilators’s Signature …………………………………

PHYSICS : Modern Physics, Unit & Measurement, Wave, Motion & Sound,
EMW, Fluid Mechanics, Elastcity, Surface Tension & Viscosity.
CHEMISTRY : Chemical Kinetic, Solution.
MATHEMATICS : Trigonometry, ITF, Matrices & Determinant.

SECTION–A (Single Answer correct type)
1. A uniform disc is given a linear velocity vo 1. ,d leku fMLd dks fdlh [kqjnjh lrg ij
on a rough surface as shown. Regarding jSf[kd osx vo fn;k x;k gS tSlk fd fn[kk;k
angular momentum of the disc, mark the x;k gSA fMLd ds; laosx ds laca/k esa] lgh
correct option fodYi dks fpfàr djsa

(a) Angular momentum of disc remains (a) fMLd dk; laosx fcanq C ds ckjs esa
conserved about point C lajf{kr jgrk gS
(b) Angular momentum of disc is (b) fMLd dk; laosx fcanq O ds ckjs esa
conserved about point O
lajf{kr jgrk gS
(c) Angular momentum of disc is
(c) fMLd dk; laosx fcanq O ls xqtjus
conserved about any point lying on a
vertical line passing through point O okyh Å/okZ/kj js[kk ij fLFkr fdlh Hkh fcanq
(d) Angular momentum is not conserved ds ckjs esa lajf{kr jgrk gS
about any point (d); laosx fdlh Hkh fcanq ds ckjs esa
lajf{kr ugha jgrk gS
2. 2 moles of a monoatomic ideal gas is mixed 2. ,d ,dijek.kqd vkn'kZ xSl ds 2 eksy dks ,d
with 3 moles of a diatomic ideal gas. Molar f}ijek.kqd vkn'kZ xSl ds 3 eksy ds lkFk
specific heat of mixture at constant volume is feyk;k tkrk gSA fLFkj vk;ru ij feJ.k dh
3R 11R eksyj fof'k"V Å"ek gksrh gS
(a) (b)
10 10 3R 11R
13R 21R (a) (b)
(c) (d) 10 10
10 10 13R 21R
(c) (d)
10 10
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3. Linear momentum of a particle moving along 3. le; ds ,d QaD'ku ds :i esa ,d lh/kh js[kk
a straight line as a function of time is given ds lkFk pyrs gq, ,d d.k dk jSf[kd laosx bl
as p  p o e t ; where p0 and . are constants. 3
çdkj fn;k tkrk gS p  po et ; tgk¡ po vkSj
Time is measured with a stop watch of least
. fLFkjkad gSaA le; dks de ls de 10–2 s dh
count 10–2 s and value of  is 1 s–3. The
LV‚i o‚p ls ekik tkrk gS vkSj  dk eku
percentage error in the measurement of p at
1 s–3 gSA t = 1 s ij p ds ekiu esa çfr'kr =qfV
t = 1 s is
(a) 2.5% (b) 3.0%
(c) 1.5% (d) 1% (a) 2.5% (b) 3.0%
(c) 1.5% (d) 1%
4. Acceleration-time graph of a particle moving
in straight line is as shown in graph. If its 4. lh/kh js[kk esa xfreku d.k dk Roj.k≤ xzkQ
initial speed is zero then its maximum speed xzkQ esa fn[kk, vuqlkj gSA ;fn bldh çkjafHkd
is xfr 'kwU; gS rks bldh vf/kdre xfr gS

(a) 80 m/s (b) 40 m/s (a) 80 m/s (b) 40 m/s

(c) 25 m/s (d) 55 m/s (c) 25 m/s (d) 55 m/s

5. A particle is projected on an inclined plane as 5. ,d d.k dks fp= esa fn[kk, vuqlkj ,d >qds
shown in figure. After what time the particle gq, ry ij ç{ksfir fd;k tkrk gSA fdrus le;
will hit the inclined plane again? (g = 10 ckn d.k fQj ls >qds gq, ry ls Vdjk,xk\
m/s2) (g = 10 m/s2)

(a) 1 s (b) 2 s (a) 1 s (b) 2 s

1 1
(c) 3s (d) s (c) 3s (d) s
3 3

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6. Heavy stable nuclei tend to have higher N/Z 6. Hkkjh fLFkj ukfHkdksa esa N/Z vuqikr vf/kd gksrk
ratio, this is because gS] ,slk blfy, gksrk gS D;ksafd
(a) Nuclear forces between neutrons are (a) U;wVª‚u ds chp ukfHkdh; cy çksV‚u ds
weaker than that between protons
chp ds cy ls detksj gksrs gSa
(b) Neutron's mass is more than that of
(b) U;wVª‚u dk æO;eku çksV‚u ds æO;eku ls
(c) Neutrons decay into protons through vf/kd gksrk gS
beta decay (c) U;wVª‚u chVk {k; ds ek/;e ls çksV‚u esa
(d) To overcome the long range repulsive fo?kfVr gks tkrs gSa
effect of electrostatic forces of protons (d) çksV‚u ds bysDVªksLVSfVd cyksa ds yach nwjh
ds çfrd"kZ.k çHkko dks nwj djus ds fy,
7. A moving hydrogen atom makes head-on
collision with a stationary hydrogen atom. 7. ,d xfreku gkbMªkstu ijek.kq ,d fLFkj
Before collision, both atoms are in ground gkbMªkstu ijek.kq ds lkFk vkeus&lkeus dh
state and after collision they move together. VDdj djrk gSA VDdj ls igys] nksuksa ijek.kq
The minimum kinetic energy of moving atom tehuh voLFkk esa gksrs gSa vkSj VDdj ds ckn
needed so that one atom gets ionized, is os ,d lkFk pyrs gSaA ,d ijek.kq dks vk;fur
(a) 20.4 eV (b) 13.6 eV djus ds fy, vko';d xfreku ijek.kq dh
(c) 10.2 eV (d) 27.2 eV U;wure xfrt ÅtkZ gS
(a) 20.4 eV (b) 13.6 eV
8. Two moles of an ideal gas expands with (c) 10.2 eV (d) 27.2 eV
temperature according to the relation
V = KT2/3, where V is volume, T is absolute 8. ,d vkn'kZ xSl ds nks eksy rkieku ds lkFk
temperature and K is a constant. The work V = KT2/3 ds laca/k ds vuqlkj QSyrs gSa] tgk¡ V
done by the gas as the gas temperature
vk;ru gS] T ije rkieku gS vkSj K ,d
increases by 30°C is
(a) 10 R (b) 20 R
fLFkjkad gSA xSl dk rkieku 30°C c<+us ij
(c) 30 R (d) 40 R xSl }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z gS
(a) 10 R (b) 20 R
(c) 30 R (d) 40 R
9. An A.C. current is given by i = i0 + i1 sin t.
The R.M.S. value for one cycle is
9. ,d A.C. /kkjk i = i0 + i1 sin t }kjk nh tkrh
i1 i2
(a) (b) i  1
gSA R.M.S. ds ,d pØ dk eku gS
2 2
i1 i12
2 (a) (b) i o2 
(c) i oi1 (d) io 2 2

(c) i oi1 (d) io

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10. A motorboat covers a given distance in 10. ,d eksVjcksV unh ij /kkjk ds vuqdwy pyrs gq,
6 hour moving downstream on a river. It 6 ?kaVs esa ,d fuf'pr nwjh r; djrh gSA ;g
covers the same distance in 10 hours moving /kkjk ds çfrdwy pyrs gq, 10 ?kaVs esa leku nwjh
upstream. The time it takes to cover the same r; djrh gSA fLFkj ty esa leku nwjh r; djus
distance in still water is esa yxus okyk le; gS
(a) 7.5 hour (b) 9 hour (a) 7.5 ?kaVs (b) 9 ?kaVs
(c) 8 hour (d) 6.5 hour (c) 8 ?kaVs (d) 6.5 ?kaVs
11. A particle (tied to a light string) is just able to
11. ,d d.k (,d gYdh Mksjh ls ca/kk gqvk) f=T;k
complete a vertical circle of radius R. The
velocity of particle at P will be R dk ,d Å/kZ~ok/kj o`Ùk iwjk djus esa l{ke gSA
P ij d.k dk osx gksxk

3 3gR
(a) gR (b) 3 3gR
2 5 (a) gR (b)
2 5
(c) 2gR (d) gR 7
5 (c) 2gR (d) gR
12. An object approaches a convex mirror of
focal length 25 cm with speed 10 m/s along 12. ,d oLrq 25 lseh Qksdy yackbZ ds mÙky niZ.k
principle axis towards pole. The velocity of ds ikl eq[; v{k ds lkFk /kzqo dh vksj
image, when the object is 25 cm from the 10 ehVj/lsdaM dh xfr ls vkrh gSA tc oLrq
mirror, is niZ.k ls 25 lseh nwj gksrh gS] rks çfrfcac dk
(a) 2.5 m/s towards the pole osx gksrk gS
(b) 2.5 m/s away from the pole (a) /kzqo dh vksj 2-5 ehVj/lsdsaM
(c) 10 m/s towards the pole (b) /kzqo ls 2-5 ehVj/lsdsaM nwj
(d) 50 m/s away from the pole (c) /kzqo dh vksj 10 ehVj/lsdsaM
(d) /kzqo ls 50 ehVj/lsdsaM nwj
13. Two SHM are given by
Y1 = 5 sin (t + /3) 13. nks SHM bl çdkj fn, x, gSa
Y2 = 5 [sin (t + /6) + 3 cos (t+ /6)] Y1 = 5 sin (t + /3)
Ratio of the amplitude of Y1 to that of Y2 is Y2 = 5 [sin (t + /6) + 3 cos (t+ /6)]
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 4 : 1
Y1 ds vk;ke dk Y2 ds vk;ke ls vuqikr gS
(c) 8 : 1 (d) 1 :2
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 4 : 1
(c) 8 : 1 (d) 1 :2

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14. The minimum and maximum distances of a 14. i`Foh ds pkjksa vksj pDdj yxkus okys mixzg dh
satellite revolving around earth are 2R and U;wure vkSj vf/kdre nwfj;k¡ Øe'k% 2R vkSj 6R
6R respectively, where R is radius of earth. gSa] tgk¡ R i`Foh dh f=T;k gSA mixzg dk
The maximum velocity of satellite is vf/kdre osx gS
(a) (b) (a) (b)
3GM 1 3GM 3GM 1 3GM
(c) (d) (c) (d)
2R 2 R 2R 2 R
15. A force F accelerates a block of mass m1. 15. ,d cy F æO;eku m ds ,d Cy‚d dks Rofjr
The coefficient of friction between the
djrk gSA laidZ lrgksa ds chp ?k"kZ.k dk xq.kkad
contact surfaces is µ. The acceleration of m1
µ gSA m1 dk Roj.k gksxk:
will be:

F  2m1g m1  m2
F  2m1g m1  m 2 (a) g  (b)
(a) g  (b) m1  m 2 F  2m1g
m1  m 2 F  2m1g F  2m1g
F  2m1g (c)  g (d) F   m1  m2  g
(c)  g (d) F   m1  m2  g m1  m 2
m1  m 2
16. æO;eku m dk ,d d.k f=T;k r ds ,d {kSfrt
16. A particle of mass m is moving in a
horizontal circle of radius r under a o`Ùk esa ,d vfHkdsUæh; cy  , ds rgr ?kwe
centripetal force equal to  , where K is a jgk gS tgk¡ K ,d fLFkjkad gSA rc d.k dk
xfrt ÅtkZ gksxk
constant. Then KE of the particle will be
(a) K/r2 (b) kr
(a) K/r2 (b) kr
(c) 2k/r (d) k/2r
(c) 2k/r (d) k/2r

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17. Work done in turning the thin hemispherical 17. æO;eku M vkSj f=T;k R ds irys v/kZxksykdkj
bowl of mass M and radius R upside down is dVksjs dks mYVk djus esa fd;k x;k dk;Z gS

MgR 2 MgR 2
(a) (b) MgR (a) (b) MgR
2 3 2 3
4 4
(c) MgR (d) Zero (c) MgR (d) 'kwU;
3 3
18. For the circuit shown in figure below, the
18. uhps fn, x, fp= esa fn[kk, x, lfdZV ds fy,]
current through the zener diode is:
tsuj Mk;ksM ds ek/;e ls çokfgr /kkjk gS:

(A) 8.33 mA (B) 11mA

(A) 8.33 mA (B) 11mA
(C) 13 mA (D) Zero
(C) 13 mA (d) 'kwU;
19. Equation of a travelling wave is
y = 2 sin (10t – 2x). Maximum particle 19. ,d ;k=k rjax dk lehdj.k
velocity, maximum particle acceleration and y = 2 sin (10t – 2x) gS
A vf/kdre d.k osx]
wave speed are respectively. vf/kdre d.k Roj.k vkSj rjax xfr Øe'k% gSaA
–1 –2
(a) 20 ms , 20 ms , 10 ms –1 (a) 20 ms–1, 20 ms–2, 10 ms–1
(b) 20 ms–1, 200 ms–2, 10 ms–1 (b) 20 ms–1, 200 ms–2, 10 ms–1
(c) 20 ms–1, 200 ms–2, 5 ms–1 (c) 20 ms–1, 200 ms–2, 5 ms–1
(d) 10 ms–1, 200 ms–2, 5 ms–1 (d) 10 ms–1, 200 ms–2, 5 ms–1

20. Coefficient friction between A and B is 0.6 20. A vkSj B ds chp ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad 0.6 gSA A vkSj
Find out friction acting between A and B. B ds chp ?k"kZ.k dk eku Kkr dhft,A

(a) 30 N (b) 20 N (a) 30 N (b) 20 N

(c) 40 N (d) Zero (c) 40 N (d) Zero

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SECTION–B (Integer Type Questions)
21. The electrostatic potential inside a charged 21. ,d vkosf'kr xksykdkj xsan ds vanj
spherical ball is given by  = ar2 + b where r bysDVªksLVSfVd {kerk  = ar2 + b }kjk nh xbZ gS
is the distance from the centre; a, b are tgk¡ r dsaæ ls nwjh gS; a, b fLFkj gSAa fQj xsan
constant. Then the charge density inside the ds vanj vkos'k ?kuRo –nao gSA n Kkr djsaA
ball is –nao. Find n.
22. ,d fcanq vkos'k q dks ,d ?ku ds lHkh dksuksa ij
22. A point charge q is placed at all corners of a j[kk x;k gSA çR;sd ?ku ds psgjs ls gksdj
cube. The flux through each of the cube faces +
 q 
 q  xqtjus okyk ¶yDl   , gS tgk¡ o ek/;e
is   , where o is permittivity of  2xo 
 2xo 
dh fo|qr'khyrk gSA lHkh dks SI bdkb;ksa esa ysrs
medium. Find value of x, taking all in SI
gq, x dk eku Kkr djsaA

23. The circuit shown below contains two 23. uhps fn[kk, x, lfdZV esa nks Mk;ksM gSa] ftuesa
diodes, each with a favoured resistance of ls çR;sd dk ilanhnk çfrjks/k 20 gSA ;fn
20. If the battery voltage is 10V, the cSVjh oksYVst 10V gS] rks 50  çfrjks/k ¼,Eih;j
current through 50  resistance (in Amperes) esa½ ls gksdj cgus okyh /kkjk n  10–1A gS] n
is n  10 A, find n?
–1 Kkr djs\a

24. A magnetic flux of 0.08 weber is linked with 24. 200 ?kqeko okyh dqaMyh ds çR;sd ?kqeko ds lkFk
each turn of a 200 turn coil when there is an 0.08 oscj dk pqacdh; ¶yDl tqM+k gqvk gS] tc
electric current of 4A in it. The self- mlesa 4A dk fo|qr çokg gSA gsujh esa dqaMyh
inductance of the coil in henry is dk Lo&çsjd gS
25. A beam of monochromatic light is incident at 25. ,d leckgq fçTe ds ,d Qyd ij vkiru
angle of incident i = 50o on one face of an dks.k i = 50o ij ,do.khZ çdk'k dh fdj.k
equilateral prism, the angle of emergence is
40o, then the angle of deviation (in degree) is
vkifrr gksrh gS] fuxZeu dks.k 40o gS] rks
____ .
fopyu dks.k ¼fMxzh esa½ ____ gSA

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SECTION–A (Single Answer correct type)
26. Assertion: Boron has highest melting point 26. : lewg 13 esa cksj‚u dk xyukad
in group 13 that is 2453 K.
Reason: Boron has solid crystalline lattice
lcls vf/kd gS tks 2453 K gSA
structure. : cksj‚u esa Bksl fØLVyh; tkyh lajpuk
(a) Both Assertion & Reason are correct
gksrh gSA
and reason is correct explanation of
assertion. (a) vfHkdFku vkSj dkj.k nksuksa lgh gSa vkSj
(b) Both Assertion & Reason are correct
dkj.k vfHkdFku dh lgh O;k[;k gSA
and reason is not the correct explanation
of assertion. (b) vfHkdFku vkSj dkj.k nksuksa lgh gSa vkSj
(c) Assertion is correct and reason is
dkj.k vfHkdFku dh lgh O;k[;k ugha gSA
(d) Assertion is incorrect and reason is (c) vfHkdFku lgh gS vkSj dkj.k xyr gS
correct (d) vfHkdFku xyr gS vkSj dkj.k lgh gS
27. Which of the following will not show
variable oxidation state? 27. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ifjorZu'khy v‚Dlhdj.k
(a) Br (b) Cl voLFkk ugha fn[kk,xk\
(c) F (d) I (a) Br (b) Cl
(c) F (d) I
28. Among the following, which one is polar
molecule _____ . 28. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu /kzqoh; v.kq gS _____A
(a) CCl4 (b) CO2 (a) CCl4 (b) CO2
(c) CHCl3 (d) CH2 = CH2 (c) CHCl3 (d) CH2 = CH2

29. Which of the following electronic 29. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl bysDVª‚fud foU;kl esa
configuration have maximum value of pqacdh; vk?kw.kZ ¼dsoy fLiu½ dk eku vf/kdre
magnetic moment (spin only)?
(a) [Ar] 3d3 (b) [Ar] 3d8
(a) [Ar] 3d3 (b) [Ar] 3d8
(c) [Ar] 3d6 (d) [Ar] 3d7 6
(c) [Ar] 3d (d) [Ar] 3d7
30. The correct increasing order of magnetic
momnt (spin only) of the following species 30. fuEufyf[kr çtkfr;ksa ds pqacdh; {k.k ¼dsoy
are: fLiu½ dk lgh c<+rk Øe gS:
(P) = [FeF6] ; (Q) = [V(H2O)6] 2+ (P) = [FeF6]3–; (Q) = [V(H2O)6]2+
(R) = [Fe(H2O)6]2+
(R) = [Fe(H2O)6]2+
(a) Q < R < P (b) P < Q < R (a) Q < R < P (b) P < Q < R
(c) P < R < Q (d) R < Q < P (c) P < R < Q (d) R < Q < P

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31. Identify the correct electronic configuration 31. ijek.kq Øekad (Z) = 60 okys rRo dk lgh
of an element with atomic number (Z) = 60. bysDVª‚fud foU;kl igpkusaA
(a) [Xe] 4f 4 6s2 (b) [Xe] 4d1 4f3 6s2 (a) [Xe] 4f 4 6s2 (b) [Xe] 4d1 4f3 6s2
(c) [Xe] 4d1 4f 4 6s1 (d) [Xe] 4d1 4f5 6s0 (c) [Xe] 4d 4f 6s (d) [Xe] 4d1 4f5 6s0
1 4 1

32. Statement-1: (NH4)2CO3 is basic in natue. 32. : (NH4)2CO3 ç—fr esa {kkjh; gSA
Statement-2: Acidic or basic natue of salt of
WBWA depends on Ka and Kb. : WBWA ds yo.k dh vEyh; ;k
(a) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are
{kkjh; ç—fr Ka vkSj Kb ij fuHkZj djrh gSA
(b) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are (a) dFku&1 vkSj dFku&2 nksuksa lgh gSaA
(c) Statement-1 is correct whereas (b) dFku&1 vkSj dFku&2 nksuksa xyr gSaA
Statement-2 is incorrect. (c) dFku&1 lgh gS tcfd dFku&2 xyr gSA
(d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are
incorrect. (d) dFku&1 vkSj dFku&2 nksuksa xyr gSaA

33. In the given reaction: 2HI  H2  I2 33. nh xbZ çfrfØ;k esa:
[HI] Rate of reaction 2HI 
H2  I2
I 0.05 M 7.5  10–4 M sec–1 [HI]
II 0.1 M 3  10–3 M sec–1 I 0.05 M 7.5  10–4 M sec–1
III 0.2 M 1.2  10–2 M sec–1 II 0.1 M 3  10–3 M sec–1
Order of reaction is: III 0.2 M 1.2  10–2 M sec–1
(a) 1 (b) 0 çfrfØ;k dk Øe gS:
(c) 2 (d) 3 (a) 1 (b) 0
(c) 2 (d) 3
34. Statement-1: f-block is placed separately in
periodic table to preserve the basic 34. : vkorZ ds ewy oxhZdj.k fl)kar
classification principle of periodic table.
Statement-2: s-block elements can be found dks lajf{kr djus ds fy, f&Cy‚d dks vkorZ
in nature in pure elemental state. esa vyx ls j[kk x;k gSA
(a) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are : s&Cy‚d rRo ç—fr esa 'kq) rkfRod
(b) Statement-1 is correct Statement-2 is voLFkk esa ik, tk ldrs gSaA
incorrect. (a) dFku&1 vkSj dFku&2 nksuksa lgh gSaA
(c) Statement-1 is incorrect whereas
(b) dFku&1 lgh gS dFku&2 xyr gSA
Statement-2 is correct.
(d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are (c) dFku&1 xyr gS tcfd dFku&2 lgh gSA
(d) dFku&1 vkSj dFku&2 nksuksa xyr gSaA

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35. In a solution showing, negative deviatin. 35. ,d foy;u esa _.kkRed fopyu n'kkZ;k x;k
(a) Boiling point increases, vapour pressure gSA
decreases. (a) DoFkukad c<+rk gS] ok"i nkc ?kVrk gSA
(b) Boiling point decreases, vapour (b) DoFkukad ?kVrk gS] ok"i nkc c<+rk gSA
pressure increases. (c) DoFkukad vkSj ok"i nkc nksuksa ?kVrs gSaA
(c) Both boiling point and vapour pressure (d) DoFkukad vkSj ok"i nkc nksuksa c<+rs gSaA
(d) Both boiling point and vapour pressure
Conc. H2SO 4  A  red fumes 
K 2Cr2 O7 (s)
increases. 36. NaCl 
 NaOH

36. K 2Cr2 O7 (s)

NaCl 
Conc. H 2SO 4  A  red fumes  B
 Yellow colour solution 
 NaOH
[A] [B]
B (a) CrO2Cl2 Na2CrO4
 Yellow colour solution 
(b) Cr2O3 Na2Cr2O7
[A] [B] (c) CrO2Cl2 Na2Cr2O7
(a) CrO2Cl2 Na2CrO4 (d) CrO Na2Cr2O7
(b) Cr2O3 Na2Cr2O7
(c) CrO2Cl2 Na2Cr2O7
(d) CrO Na2Cr2O7
37. fn, x, ;kSfxd dk IUPAC uke gS

37. IUPAC name of the given compound is

(a) 3&,fFky&1]1&MkbfeFkkbylkbDyksgsDlsu
(b) 1&,fFky&3]3&MkbfeFkkbylkbDyksgsDlsu
(a) 3-Ethyl-1,1-dimethylcyclohexane (c) 1&,fFky&3&feFkkbylkbDyksgsDlsu
(b) 1-Ethyl-3,3-dimethylcyclohexane (d) 1]1&MkbfeFkkby&3&,fFkylkbDyksgsDlsu
(c) 1-Ethyl-3-methylcyclohexane
(d) 1,1-Dimethyl-3-Ethylcyclohexane 38. fuEufyf[kr ;kSfxd dh vEyh; 'kfä dk lgh
Øe gS:
38. Correct order of acidic strength of following
compound is:
(1) (2)

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(3) (4)
(a) 3 > 4 > 1 > 2 (b) 2 > 1 > 3 > 4
(c) 2 > 1 > 4 > 3 (d) 3 > 2 > 1 > 4
(a) 3 > 4 > 1 > 2 (b) 2 > 1 > 3 > 4
(c) 2 > 1 > 4 > 3 (d) 3 > 2 > 1 > 4

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39. Which has maxim enol% 39. fdlesa vf/kdre ,uksy% gS

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(c) (d) (c) (d)

40. Polar solvent in given options is 40. fn, x, fodYiksa esa /kzqoh; foyk;d gS
(a) CH2 = CH2 (b) CCl4 (a) CH2 = CH2 (b) CCl4
(c) CHCl3 (d) CO2 (c) CHCl3 (d) CO2

41. Correct statement about is 41. ds ckjs esa lgh dFku gS

(a) Aromatic (a) ,jkseSfVd
(b) Benzoic aromatic (b) csatksbd ,jkseSfVd
(c) Non benzoic aromatic (c) u‚u csatksbd ,jkseSfVd
(d) Alicyclic (d) ,sfylkbfDyd
42. Count the number of stereoisomers
formed in the product:
42. mRikn esa cuus okys LVhfj;ksblkselZ dh la[;k

(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 6 (a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 6
43. Correct option of folloing is:
(a) SN1 - Racemisation; 43. fuEufyf[kr esa ls lgh fodYi gS:
SN2- Inversion (a) SN1 & jslehls'ku;
(b) SN1 - Racemisation; SN2 & O;qRØe
SN2- Retention (b) SN1 & jslehls'ku;
(c) SN1 - Inversion; SN2 & vo/kkj.k
SN2- Racemisation (c) SN1 & O;qRØe;
(d) SN1 - Retention; SN2 & jslehls'ku
SN2- Inversion (d) SN1 & vo/kkj.k;
SN2 & O;qRØe

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44. Which of the given is most basic. 44. fn, x, esa ls dkSu lcls vf/kd {kkjh; gSA

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

(c) (c)

(d) (d)

45. Statement-1: Ethanol gives immediate 45. : yqdkl ijh{k.k esa bFksu‚y rRdky
turbidity in Lucas test. eSykiu nsrk gSA
Statement-2: p-nitro phenol is more acidic : p&ukbVªks fQuksy m vkSj o&ukbVªks
then m and o-nitro phenol. fQuksy ls vf/kd vEyh; gSA
(a) Only Statement-1 is correct (a) dsoy dFku&1 lgh gS
(b) Only Statement-2 is correct (b) dsoy dFku&2 lgh gS
(c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are (c) dFku&1 vkSj dFku&2 nksuksa lgh gSa
(d) dFku&1 vkSj dFku&2 nksuksa xyr gSa
(d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are

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SECTION–B (Integer Type Questions)
46. Sum of bond order of NO+ and CO is 46. NO+ vkSj CO ds ca/k Øe dk ;ksx _______
_______. gSA

47. Total number of electrons having n = 4 and 47. n = 4 vkSj s = + 1/2 okys bysDVª‚uksa dh dqy
s = + 1/2. la[;kA

48. On complete combustion of methane, 48. ehFksu ds iw.kZ ngu ij] 22 xzke CO2 çkIr gksrh
22 gram of CO2 is obtained, then initial mass gS] rks ehFksu dk çkjafHkd æO;eku ______ xzke
of methane is ______ gram. gSA

49. On electrolysis 5600 ml of O2 is produced at 49. bysDVªksfyfll ij ,uksM ij NTP ij

NTP at anode, then amount of Ag depositied 5600 feyh O2 dk mRiknu gksrk gS] rks leku
at cathode by using same charge is ____ vkos'k dk mi;ksx djds dSFkksM ij tek Ag dh
gram. ek=k ____ xzke gSA
50. Number of meta directing group are: 50. esVk Mk;jsfDVax xzqi dh la[;k gS:

(i) (ii) (i) (ii)

(iii) (iv) (iii) (iv)

(v) (vi) (v) (vi)

(vii) (vii)

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SECTION–A (Single Answer correct type)
51. If a root of the equation x 2  px  12  0 is 4, 51. ;fn lehdj.k x 2  px  12  0 dk ,d ewy 4
while the roots of the equation gS] tcfd lehdj.k x 2  px  q  0 ds ewy
x  px  q  0 are same, then the value of q
leku gSa] rks q dk eku gksxk
will be (a) 4 (b) 4/49
(a) 4 (b) 4/49 (c) 49/4 (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugh
(c) 49/4 (d) None of these
 4!! rFkk  5!! A rks
 4!!  5!! . Then 52. eku yhft,   
 4!  5!
3! 4!
52. Let  and  
 4!  5!
3! 4!

(a)   N &   N (b)   N &   N

(a)   N &   N (b)   N &   N (c)   N &   N (d)   N &   N
(c)   N &   N (d)   N &   N
1 1 3 1
53. The 20th term from the end of the progression 53. çxfr 20, 19 , 18 , 17 ,...,  129 ds var
4 2 4 4
1 1 3 1
20, 19 , 18 , 17 ,...,  129 is:- ls 20ok¡ in gS:&
4 2 4 4 (a) –118 (b) –110
(a) –118 (b) –110 (c) –115 (d) –100
(c) –115 (d) –100
54. ;fn sin   cosec   2, rks
54. If sin   cosec   2, then sin 2   cosec 2 
sin 2   cosec 2 
(a) 1 (b) 4
(a) 1 (b) 4
(c) 2 (d) None of these
(c) 2 (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugh
55. Let A and B be two finite sets with m and n
elements respectively. The total number of 55. eku yhft, A vkSj B Øe'k% m vkSj n rRoksa
subsets of the set A is 56 more than the total okys nks ifjfer lsV gSaA leqPp; A ds
number of subsets of B. The the distance of mileqPp;ksa dh dqy la[;k B ds mileqPp;ksa
the point P(m, n) from the point Q(–2, –3) is dh dqy la[;k ls 56 vf/kd gSA fcanq Q(–2, –3)
(a) 10 (b) 6 ls fcanq P(m, n) dh nwjh gS
(c) 4 (d) 8 (a) 10 (b) 6
(c) 4 (d) 8
56. The equation of the line whose slope is 3 and
which cuts off an intercept 3 from the 56. ml js[kk dk lehdj.k ftldk <yku 3 gS vkSj
positive x – axis is tks /kukRed x–v{k ls 3 dk var%[kaM dkVrh gS
(a) y  3x  9 (b) y  3x  3 (a) y  3x  9 (b) y  3x  3
(c) y  3x  9 (d) None of these (c) y  3x  9 (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugh

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57. Let e1 be the eccentricity of the hyperbola x 2 y2
x y 2 57. eku yhft, e 1 vfrijoy;   1 dh
  1 and e2 be the eccentricity of the 16 9
16 9 x 2 y2
x y 2 mRds Uærk gS vkS j e 2 nh?kZ oÙ
` k 2
 2  1, a > b
ellipse 2  2  1, a > b, which passes a b
a b dh mRdsUærk gS] tks vfrijoy; ds Qksdl ls
through the foci of the hyperbola. If e1e2 = 1, gksdj xqtjrk gSA ;fn e1e2 = 1 gS] rks x&v{k
then the length of the chord of the ellipse ds lekarj rFkk (0, 2) ls xqtjus okyh nh?kZo`Ùk
parallel to the x-axis and passing through dh thok dh yackbZ gS:
(0, 2) is:
8 5
8 5 (a) 4 5 (b)
(a) 4 5 (b) 3
10 5
10 5 (c) (d) 3 5
(c) (d) 3 5 3
58. ;fn
3   sin x   cos x  loge 1  x  1 3   sin x   cos x  loge 1  x  1
58. If lim  , lim  ,
x 0 3tan 2 x 3 x 0 3tan 2 x 3
then 2   is equal to: rks 2   cjkcj gS:
(a) 2 (b) 7 (a) 2 (b) 7
(c) 5 (d) 1 (c) 5 (d) 1
1 a a 1 a a2
59. 1 b b2  59. 1 b b2 
1 c c 1 c c 2

(a) a  b  c
2 2 2
(a) a 2  b2  c2
(b) (a  b) (b  c) (c  a) (b) (a  b) (b  c) (c  a)
(c) (a  b)(b  c)(c  a) (c) (a  b)(b  c)(c  a)
(d) None of these (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugh
60. Considering only the principal values of 60. O;qRØe f=dks.kferh; Qyuksa ds dsoy eq[; ekuksa
inverse trigonometric functions, the number 
of positive real values of x-satisfying ij fopkj djrs gq,] tan 1  x   tan 1  2x  
 4
tan 1  x   tan 1  2x   is: dks larq"V djus okys x ds /kukRed okLrfod
4 ekuksa dh la[;k gS:
(a) More than 2 (b) 1
(a) 2 ls vf/kd (b) 1
(c) 2 (d) 0
(c) 2 (d) 0
1 x 1  x
61. If f (x)  , then f f  cos 2    61. ;fn f (x)  rc f f  cos 2  
1 x 1 x
(a) tan 2 (b) sec 2 (a) tan 2 (b) sec 2
(c) cos 2 (d) cot 2 (c) cos 2 (d) cot 2

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x | x | x | x |
62. If f (x)  , then f (1)  62. ;fn f (x)  rc f (1) 
|x| |x|
(a) 1 (b) –2 (a) 1 (b) –2
(c) 0 (d) +2 (c) 0 (d) +2
x x
63. Let g  x   3f    f  3  x  and f "  x   0 63. eku ysa g  x   3f    f  3  x  vkSj
3 3
for all x  (0, 3). If g is decreasing in (0, ) f "  x   0 lHkh x  (0, 3) ds fy,A ;fn g (0]
and increasing in (, 3) then 8 is ) esa ?kV jgk gS vkSj (] 3) esa c<+ jgk gS rks
(a) 24 (b) 0
(c) 18 (d) 20 8 gS
(a) 24 (b) 0
x 8  x 2 dx
64. The integral  (c) 18 (d) 20
1  3 1 
 x  3x  1 tan  x  x3  64. lekdy
12 6
x  x 2 dx

 12 6 1  3 1 
is equal to:  x  3x  1 tan  x  x 3 
1/ 3
 1  gS:
(a) log tan 1  x 3  3   C
 x  1/ 3
1  3 1 
1/ 2 (a) log tan  x  3   C
1  3 1   x 
(b) log e tan  x  3   C
 x  1/ 2
1  3 1 
 1  (b) log e tan  x   C
(c) log e tan 1  x 3  3   C  x3 
 x 
 1 
3 (c) log e tan 1  x 3  3   C
(d) log e tan 1 x 3  3  C  x 
x 3
 / 4 sin x  cos x
1 3 1
(d) log e tan x  3  C
65.  dx  x
0 9  16sin 2x  / 4 sin x  cos x
1 65.  dx 
(a) log 3 (b) log3 0 9  16 sin 2x
(a) 1/ 20 log 3 (b) log 3
(c) log 5 (d) None of these (c) 1/ 20 log 5 (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugh
x  x 2 y  y2 z  z 2
66. Distance of the point (x1 , y1 , z1 ) from the line 66. js[kk   ls fcanq
x  x 2 y  y2 z  z 2 l m n
  , where m and n (x1 , y1 , z1 ) dh nwjh] tgk¡ l, m vkSj n js[kk dh
l m n
are the direction cosines of line is fn'kk dksT;k gSa
(a) (x1  x 2 )2  (y1  y 2 ) 2  (z1  z 2 ) 2 (a) (x1  x 2 ) 2  (y1  y 2 ) 2  (z1  z 2 ) 2
 [l(x1  x 2 )  m(y1  y2 )  n(z1  z 2 )]
 [l(x1  x 2 )  m(y1  y2 )  n(z1  z 2 )]2

(b) (x 2  x1 ) 2  (y 2  y1 ) 2  (z 2  z1 ) 2 (b) (x 2  x1 ) 2  (y 2  y1 ) 2  (z 2  z1 ) 2

(c) (x 2  x1 )l  (y 2  y1 )m  (z 2  z1 )n (c) (x 2  x1 )l  (y 2  y1 )m  (z 2  z1 )n
(d) None of these (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugh

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67. If the co-ordinates of the points A, B, C, D be 67. ;fn fcanqvksa A] B] C] D ds funsZ'kkad Øe'k%
(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 7), (–4, 3, –6) and (2, 9, 2) ¼1] 2] 3½] ¼4] 5] 7½] ¼–4] 3] –6½ vkSj ¼2] 9] 2½
respectively, then the angle between the lines gSa] rks js[kkvksa AB vkSj CD ds chp dk dks.k
AB and CD is D;k gS\
   
(a) (b) (a) (b)
6 4 6 4
 
(c) (d) None of these (c) (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugh
3 3

68. The solution of the equation dy

dy 68. lehdj.k  y tan x  x m cos x dk gy gS:
 y tan x  x m cos x is dx
(a) (m  1)y  x m 1 cos x  c(m  1) cos x
(a) (m  1)y  x m 1 cos x  c(m  1) cos x
(b) my  (x m  c) cos x
(b) my  (x m  c) cos x
m 1
(c) y  (x m 1  c) cos x
(c) y  (x  c) cos x
(d) buesa ls dksbZ ugh
(d) None of these
69. The solution of the differential equation 69. varj lehdj.k x  y  2y dk gy gS
dy dx
xy  2y is yx
dx (a) log(y  x)  c 
yx x
(a) log(y  x)  c  x
x (b) log(y  x)  c 
x yx
(b) log(y  x)  c  x
yx (c) y  x  c  log
x yx
(c) y  x  c  log x
yx (d) yx c
x yx
(d) y  x  c 
70. 3 FkSys gSa ftuesa 2 lQsn vkSj 3 dkyh xsansa gSa;
70. There are 3 bags which are known to contain 4 lQsn vkSj 1 dkyh xsanas vkSj 3 lQsn vkSj
2 white and 3 black balls; 4 white and 1 7 dkyh xsansa gSaA buesa ls ,d FkSys ls ;k–fPNd
black balls and 3 white and 7 black balls :i ls ,d xsan fudkyh tkrh gS vkSj og dkyh
respectively. A ball is drawn at random from xsan ikbZ tkrh gSA rks bl ckr dh laHkkouk gS
one of the bags and found to be a black ball. fd og xsan lcls t~;knk dkyh xsanksa okys FkSys
Then the probability that it was drawn from ls fudkyh xbZ gSA
the bag containing the most black balls is 7 5
(a) (b)
7 5 15 19
(a) (b)
15 19 3
(c) (d) buesa ls dksbZ ugh
3 4
(c) (d) None of these

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SECTION–B (Integer Type Questions)
71. Let the complex numbers  and lie on the 71. ekuk fd lfEeJ la[;k,¡  vkSj 1 Øe'k% o`Ùkksa
 
circles |z – zo|2 = 4 and |z – zo|2 = 16 |z – zo|2 = 4 vkSj |z – zo|2= 16 ij fLFkr gSa]
respectively, where zo = 1 + i. Then the value tgk¡ zo = 1 + i gSA rks 100||2 dk eku
of 100||2 is ___________ _____ . ________________ gSA
72. The number of non-zero terms in the
72. (1  3 2x)9  (1  3 2x)9 ds foLrkj esa
expansion of (1  3 2x)9  (1  3 2x)9 is
xSj&'kwU; inksa dh la[;k gS&
73. If the coordinates of the points A, B, C, be
(4,4), (3,–2) and (3,–16) respectively, then 73. ;fn fcanq A] B] C ds funsZ'kkad Øe'k% ¼4]4½]
the area of the triangle ABC is ¼3]–2½ vkSj ¼3]–16½ gksa] rks f=Hkqt ABC dk
{ks=Qy gS&
74. Let A be a 2  2 real matrix and I be the
identity matrix of order 2. If the roots of the 74. eku yhft, A ,d 2  2 okLrfod eSfVªDl gS
equation |A – xI| = 0 be –1 and 3, then the vkSj I Øe 2 dk igpku eSfVªDl gSA ;fn
sum of the diagonal elements of the matrix lehdj.k |A – xI| = 0 ds ewy –1 vkSj 3 gSa] rks
A2 is ________________ . eSfVªDl A2 ds fod.kZ rRoksa dk ;ksx
________________ gSA
75.  1  sin dx  2
2 x
75.  1  sin dx 

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[Address: 117/N/79, Avon Market, Kakadeo, Kanpur. | | 9696019206] #18

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