Simulation of The Effects of Structural Parameters of Glass Fiber Fabric On The Thermal Insulation Property
Simulation of The Effects of Structural Parameters of Glass Fiber Fabric On The Thermal Insulation Property
Simulation of The Effects of Structural Parameters of Glass Fiber Fabric On The Thermal Insulation Property
The impact of different structural parameters on the thermal insulation of glass fiber fabrics, by using numerical simu-
lation, was investigated. The structural parameters investigated were the weave structure, warp density and yarn fine-
ness. A series of structure models were calculated under the same boundary and initial conditions, which combine
thermal radiation, conduction and convection. The simulation results have been validated by experiments. The experi-
mental results and the predictions from numerical simulations were in good agreement. The results show that thermal
insulation for the samples is in the order plain < 2/1 twill < 2/2 twill < 2/3 twill < 3/3 twill fabric, when using constant
structure density and yarn fineness. Increasing the warp density, from 110 to 160 ends/10 cm, leads to a significant
decrease in heat transfer performance. When the warp density increases to more than 160 ends/10 cm, the thermal
insulation property shows a decreasing trend with an increase in warp density. Furthermore, thermal insulation per-
formance of the samples dramatically increases as yarn fineness goes from 129 to 280 tex, and then decreases for yarn
fineness greater than 280 tex. This study will provide the theoretical basis for the thermal design and application of
fibrous materials.
glass fiber fabric, structural parameters, numerical simulation, thermal insulation
In recent years, the safety of industrial workers and Cubric et al.5 have drawn conclusions about the correl-
firefighters operating under thermally hazardous condi- ation between the thermal resistance of knitted fabric
tions has been a major concern.1 Thermal insulation and thickness, mass per unit area, cover factor and por-
textiles are a crucial and important route to decrease osity, then the optimal structure parameters of the
thermal hazards.2 The thermal protective performance fabric are selected to meet the requirements set by the
of fabrics is affected by many parameters. The effects of purpose of the product.6 Li et al.7 evaluated the effect
structural parameters of fabrics, including fiber diam- of different material combinations and design features
eter, bulk density, thickness, cover factor, porosity, on thermal insulation and the moisture permeability
weave structure, weave density and yarn fineness, on index of firefighter turnout clothing by using a sweating
their thermal resistance properties were investi- manikin.
gated.3–10 Raeisian et al.3 have reported that the ther-
mal resistance properties of needle-punched nonwoven
fabrics can be affected by different processing and fiber 1
College of Textiles, Tianjin Polytechnic University, China
diameters, the bulk density of the layer and the thick- Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Composites of Ministry of
ness and surface pressure on layers of hollow fibers. Education, Tianjin Polytechnic University, China
Zhang et al.4 analyzed the effects of different materials
Corresponding author:
and different structural parameters on the dynamic Xiaoming Zhao, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Binshuixidao Road 399,
thermal conductivity performance of fabrics by using TianJin 300387, China.
a self-developed dynamic heat transfer testing device. Email:
Zheng et al. 1955
Sample Count of warp/ Linear density Weave Average length Fabric Fabric areal
No. ends/10 cm of yarns/tex Structure of float thickness/mm density/g/m2 Porosity%
Texgen software was used to develop the fabric model
for finite element analysis; the specifications of the
fabric, such as yarn cross-sections, yarn widths, yarn Figure 4. Contact regions between the yarns and air domain.
heights and yarn spaces, were required to establish
the geometry model of fabrics. The paths of the yarns
are described by specifying discrete points (control differential equations. FEM analysis is a very effective
nodes) and a Bezier interpolation function was used numerical analysis method for extremely complex
to describe the yarn path. A two-dimensional (2D) engineering structures. After the fabric geometry
binary matrix was used to represent the interlacing of models were obtained, they were imported into
the warp and weft yarns.17 According to the experimen- ANSYS Workbench. As shown in Figure 3, the fabric
tal data, a realistic fabric model was then generated by domain consisted of yarns and dry air. The physical
defining the widths, heights, cross-section shape, yarn properties of yarn and air, such as thermal conductiv-
spacing and thickness of the warp yarn and weft yarn, ity, specific heat capacity and density, were assigned
respectively. When a domain had been created, yarns respectively. Because the yarn surface was contacted
were trimmed to fit inside the domain that represents with the air, the contact area was defined as in
the limits of the unit cell, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 4. Following the definition of the contact
regions, meshing was carried out. A tetrahedron elem-
ent was chosen as the element type and the mesh size
Finite element analysis was 1.5 104 m. The total number of elements and
The finite element method (FEM) is a computerized nodes for a series of three-dimensional (3D) fabric
method for predicting how an object reacts to real- models analysis are shown in Table 3. A meshed unit
world forces, vibration, heat, fluid flow and other phys- cell of 3/3 twill fabric with warp density of 110 ends/
ical effects. It subdivides a large problem into a finite 10 cm is shown in Figure 5.
number of non-overlapping units for finding approxi- Heat conduction, convection and radiation occur at
mate solutions to boundary value problems for partial the surface of the fabrics and act as boundary
1958 Textile Research Journal 88(17)
Table 3. The total number of elements and nodes for a series of three-dimensional fabric models
Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number of 56,813 30,919 67,365 76,381 155,831 125,538 122,866 134,499 112,881 69,638 76,207 126,787 117,834 117,295
Number of 95,336 52,755 111,741 128,116 251,336 206,026 199,055 216,489 183,030 123,763 133,499 209,446 194,683 193,653
Q ¼ hAðTW T1 Þ ð2Þ
u1 L u1 L
Rayleigh numbers Re ¼ ¼ ð3Þ
Figure 7. Boundary conditions for a unit cell model of 3/3 twill fabric with warp density of 110 ends/10 cm: (a) temperature;
(b) convection; (c) radiation.
where L is the qualitative dimensions (m), k is the ther-
300 plain-sim
mal conductivity of airflow (W/(m2 C)), is the dens- plain-exp 2/3-sim
ity of air (kg/m3), u1 is the speed of airflow (m/s), is 200 2/1-sim 2/3-exp
2/1-exp 3/3-sim
the dynamic viscous coefficient of airflow, Pr is the 100 2/2-sim 3/3-exp
Prandtl number and v is the kinematic viscosity of air- 2/2-exp
flow (m2/s). 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
The thermal physical parameter of air, such as the
thermal conductivity k, the kinematic viscosity of air-
flows v and the Prandtl number Pr , were all obtained at
the different temperatures.18 By applying the physical Figure 8. Simulation and experimental temperature curves of
parameter to Equation (4), the calculated convective fabrics with different weave structures.
heat transfer coefficient on the surface of the fabric is
12 W/(m2 C) in the range 20–780 C.
Radiation heat transfer from the fabric to the Results and discussion
environment was also considered. For the one-
Model validation
dimensional case, the radiation exchange was between
the faces of the fabric and the environment. The In order to validate the numerical simulation results,
heat loss by radiation was estimated according to experimental measurements have been carried out.
Equation (5) 19 The experimental test for each sample was repeated
five times, and the average was taken as the final
result. For the numerical simulation, the mean tem-
qr ¼ " T4W T41 ð6Þ
perature was calculated from five nodes selected ran-
domly on the top surface of the fabric for each model.
where qr is the heat flux by radiation, " is the emissivity Figures 8–10 indicate the temperature evolution during
of the fabric, s is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant, Tw is the first 25 s from the simulation and experimental
the surface temperatures of the fabric and T1 is the results of glass fiber fabric under different structure
ambient temperature of air. weave, warp density and yarn fineness, respectively.
The boundary conditions, including temperature, The relative error of each fabric between the simu-
convection and radiation, were applied to the fabric lated and experimental temperature values was calcu-
model (see Figure 7). The simulations were run with a lated every second. So the number of the relative errors
constant time interval of 0.01 s. It took approximately for every fabric is 25. Then, the average of them is the
30 s to complete the computation. average relative error for this fabric. For one structure
1960 Textile Research Journal 88(17)
fabric density, where the change of yarn fineness is a
800 500
Temperature( 600 490
400 480
300 only conduction
conduction and convection 470
200 conduction, convection and radiation
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 460
Time (s) 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
The average length of yarn float
length of the yarn float is plain < 2/1 twill < 2/2
The average length of yarn float
500 twill > 2/2 twill > 2/3 twill > 3/3 twill. Figure 12 shows
that the longer the average float length, the lower the
temperature value, indicating increased thermal resist-
450 1.0
ance. For woven fabrics, the thermal resistance of twill
0.5 weave fabric is higher than that of plain weave fabric.20
l l l l
0.0 Figure 12 shows that when the average float length
plai 2/1twil 2/2twil 2/3twil 3/3twil of fabric increases from 1 to 3, the temperature of the
Fabric weave back face of fabric samples decreases in both the
numerical simulations and the experiments. Since the
Figure 12. Comparison of temperature variation after 25 s for larger the average float result in the fewer interlacing
samples with different weave structures. times of yarns, more soft and better fluffy fabrics21 and
more still air is contained in the fabric. As air has lower
thermal conductivity than the fibers, it can diminish the
of fabric was about 522 C at 30 s. In the period up to heat transfer rate through the fabric. According to
5 s, the differences of the fabric temperatures were very Figure 12, plain and 3/3 twill fabrics have markedly
small when heat transferred through fabrics in these different temperatures due to their different weave
three situations (only conduction, conduction and con- structure. This suggests that the average float length
vection, conduction and convection and radiation). of fabric affects the heat transfer in the fabric. As
However, these differences become obvious after 5 s, shown in Figure 13, the relationship between the tem-
because the fabric temperature was higher than 400 C perature and the average length of the yarn float can be
after it obtained the conductive heat for more than 5 s. described by a linear regression model
This indicates that convection and radiation heat is
important when the fabric temperature is high. T1 ¼ 511:15 16:59X1
the Technical Guidance Project of the China National Textile 11. Zheng ZR, Zhao XM, Wang CH, et al. Investigation of
and Apparel Council (Grant 2012002). automated geometry modeling process of woven fabrics
based on the yarn structures. J Text Inst 2015; 106:
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