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3.0 Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Principles of Evaluation Tool Construction
3.2.1 Planning
3.2.2 Preparation
3.2.3 Try-out
3.2.4 Evaluation
3.2.5 Finalisation
3.3 Item Analysis
3.3.1 Mechanics of an Item
3.3.2 Required Functional Conditions of an Item
3.3.3 Checking the Functional Conditions of an Item
3.3.4 Behavioural Characteristics of an Item
3.3.5 Measuring Behavioural Characteristics
3.3.6 Interpreting Behavioural Characteristics
3.3.7 Use of behavioural indices
3.4 Guidelines for the Use of an Evaluation Tool
3.4.1 Quality of a Test: Some Focal Points
3.4.2 Validity of Tests
3.4.3 Reliability of Tests
3.4.4 Usability
3.5 Let Us Sum Up
3.6 Answers to Check Your Progress

l After going through this unit, you should be able to:
l identify the principles of test construction;
l explain the processes involved in test construction;
l describe and differentiate item formats; and
l list the quality of a test and identify the different approaches to use a test.

Educational testing involves four stages of activity: (i) planning the test structure;
(ii) constructing the test; (iii) administering the test; and (iv) assessing and
interpreting the learners’ performance. At the planning stage decisions have
to be taken with regard to the objectives, choice of content area, choice of
skills/abilities, the length/duration of the test, etc. At the construction stage the
choice of item formats for the proposed test-points, the nature of sampling, the
sequencing and grouping of items, drafting of instructions, etc. are to be decided
upon. At the administration stage the main concern is to provide the appropriate
46 condition, facilities, accessories, etc., uniformly to all learners who take the test.
At the stage of interpretation, conclusions with regard to the testees’ performance, Construction of Evaluation
ability, their achievement in terms of the standards set, their relative standing in Tools
the group, etc., are to be arrived at.
These stages of activities are not independent of one another. But rather they are
closely interdependent. Test construction is not only guided by a test plan but
also governed by considerations of available conditions of administration. The
test-plan conceives not only the areas of test-construction activities but also the
norms by which the learner-performance is to be interpreted.
Beyond these four stages is the stage of test validation—a stage where we
undertake the evaluation of a test. This activity serves two important purposes:
i) the purpose of immediate concern—ensuring whether the test procedure and
the test are dependable in terms of the objectives and measurement;
ii) the purpose of long-term concern—envisaging and directing the reformative
efforts that are required to improve the examination procedures (through
consistent and systematic efforts over a period of years of feeding the
ndings of the evaluation of the work in one examination into the planning
operations of the subsequent examinations).
There are different criteria to be taken into consideration while evaluating
a test or determining the worth or quality of a test. Chief among these are
provided by the concepts of ‘validity’ and ‘reliability’. There are a host
of other features to consider which pertain, in general, to the question of
‘usability’. We shall discuss these in the following sections. But before we
take them up for discussion, let us look into some of the general questions
concerning evaluation of educational tests.


A test in order to be good must follow certain principles. Usually, test
construction passes through four distinct phases i.e., planning, preparing, trial
and evaluation. The test contains a carefully prepared and xed set of items and
procedures for administering and scoring. In other words, we can say that any
test tool is rst to be carefully planned, secondly items are to be prepared, then
the test is to be tried out and lastly it must be evaluated from different angles
before it is used.

3.2.1 Planning
It is the rst step in test construction that whatever we do we plan it in advance,
so that our act will be systematic. Obviously so many questions come to our
mind before we prepare a test. What content area is to be covered by the test?
What types of items are to be asked and what are the objectives that are going
to be tested? Are the objectives that are going to be tested clear? etc. Suppose
we want to prepare a good test in General Science for grade X. If most of the
questions are asked from Physics and Chemistry and a few from Zoology, will
it be a good test? Anybody would offer the criticism that the test is defective
because it would fail to measure the achievement of pupils in Geology,
Astronomy, Physiology, Hygiene and Botany. So it is desirable that all the
content areas be duly represented in the test. Moreover, due Weightage should be
given to different contents. Whenever we want to prepare a test, the weight to be
given to different content areas must be decided at the beginning.
If we are preparing a test on Physics we must decide the weight to be given to
different chapters taught in Physics. Thus, at the planning stage, it is the rst task 47
Curriculum Evaluation to decide the weight to be given to different content areas. Usually the weight is
decided by taking expert advice. It must be noted that the Weightage must be in
conformity with the amount of content taught under each content area. To draw
up an objective list of such weight, the average of the available expert opinion
may be taken.
Even though we give due weight to content areas, if all the questions (test
items) aim at testing only the memory of the pupil, can it be called a good test?
No. It must not only cover the area of knowledge (recall or memory comes
under knowledge), but also other objectives like understanding, application,
skill etc. A good test must aim at measuring all the behavioural areas. But can
all the objectives be tested through one test? At this stage expert opinion may
be sought as to which objectives are to be covered through our test. Usually
in achievement tests four major objectives viz., knowledge, understanding,
application and skill are tested. Now another question comes to our mind. What
weights are to be given to different objectives chosen? Here again expert opinion
can be taken.
Suppose that we are going to construct a test of Mathematics for students of
grade IX. After due expert opinion we decide that the weight to be given to
the different content areas viz. Arithmetic, Algebra, Mensuration and Geometry
are 20%, 30%, 20% and 30% respectively and the weight to be given to the
objectives of knowledge, understanding, application and skill are 40%, 30%, 20%
and 10% respectively. After the weight to be given to the different content areas
and different objectives is decided upon, a blue-print can be prepared. A blue-
print for the proposed test on Mathematics is presented below.
Table 3.1: Blue-print (two dimensional chart)

Objectives Knowledge Understanding Application Skill Total

Arithmetic 8 6 4 2 20
Algebra 12 9 6 3 30
Mensuration 8 6 4 2 20
Geometry 12 9 6 3 30
Total 40 30 20 10 100

The chart shown above is a content-behaviour chart. It is called the blue-print.

Here, we have shown the weight to be given in two dimensions, viz., content and
objectives. Thus, it can be called a ‘Two-dimensional chart’. The blue print is just
a design or a plan of the test to be prepared.
Another thing comes to mind—whether we would ask ‘essay type’ or short-
Answer type or ‘objective type questions’? If we decide to include only objective
type questions the two dimensional chart will serve the purpose. If we want
to include all the three types of questions, here again we have to seek expert
opinion to decide the weight to be given to different forms of questions. Now
the type of question (or form of questions) will be another dimension and as such
a three-dimensional chart may be prepared.
Now another question arises. Should all the questions be easy or difcult or
average standard? The usual practice is to include all the three categories. So a
decision also has to be taken concerning the distribution of questions of different
difculty level. However, for a normal group the percentage of difcult, average
and easy items to be included are 15%, 70% and 15% respectively.
We should also decide whether there would be provision for options or not.
48 Whether we should have overall options (as, ‘answer any ten’) or internal options
(each question has an alternative)? Provisions for options tend to lower the Construction of Evaluation
validity of questions. However, we may use internal options if the two questions Tools
are comparable in most respects (i.e., they test the same objective based on the
same content, are equally difcult and would require same time to complete). So,
whether or not options be introduced is to be decided at the planning stage.
Further we must decide the time within which an average student can answer
the test. The test will have to be accordingly planned. Moreover, the total marks
of the test is be decided and according to the weight xed the marks are to be
divided. The conditions under which the testing will be done should also be
thought of in advance.
If a test is to be successful, a careful planning must precede its construction.
From the foregoing discussions we feel that the planning of a test is not so easy.
To sum up, planning of a test involves the following:
i) A detailed study of the text books, reference books, journals, test manuals,
old questions, other reports, etc. is to be made.
ii) Weight to be given to different content areas is to be decided.
iii) Weight to be given to different objectives is to be decided.
iv) Weight to be given to different forms of questions is to be decided.
v) Whether or not provision for options is to be made.
vi) Weightage given to different categories of difcult level of questions is to be
vii) Total marks of the test along with the time required for its administration, the
conditions of administration, etc. are to be planned in advance.
After all these considerations, a blue print of the test is to be prepared. It
would not only give us a picture of the question of the test, but also serve as
a guide for the preparation of the test.

3.2.2 Preparation
The second step in test construction is the preparation of the test itself. At this
stage we have to prepare:
i) the test items
ii) the directions to test items
iii) the directions for administration
iv) the directions for scoring
v) a question wise analysis chart.
i) Preparation of the test items
Items must be prepared in conformity with the blue print. We have to choose
appropriate items (test situations) which would test the specied objectives
in the specic content area. Construction of test items is not so easy. It
is the task of test-specialists and experts. An experienced teacher who is
sufciently trained in test-construction can prepare appropriate test items.
There are certain rules and guidelines for construction of test items. Separate
guidelines are there for construction of ‘essay type’, ‘short-answer type’ and
‘objective type’ tests. Even for construction of different types of objective-
type tests, specic guidelines are prescribed. One must have access to all 49
Curriculum Evaluation these guidelines and also access into the taxonomy of objectives before
constructing test items. In general, the test items must be clear, comprehensive
and free from ambiguity. They must be aimed at measuring the desired pupil-
behaviour. They must fulll their functions to ensure validity.
After the test items are framed they must be arranged properly and assembled
into a test. If different forms of test items are being used, they should
preferably be grouped form-wise. Moreover, easy items are to be given a
place in the beginning, the difcult items at the end. The test items may
be arranged in the order of difculty. Of course, there are various ways of
assembling the questions and we may assemble the questions according to our
purpose and convenience of interpretation.
ii) Preparation of directions to test items
Appropriate directions to test items should be prepared. The directions must
be clear and concise so that the students will understand them easily. The
students should know as to whether he/she has to write the response or put
a tick against the right response or to mark his/her response in some squares
provided on the right side of the question or to mark his/her response on
a separate answer sheet etc. Sometimes the directions to test items are so
ambiguous that the students cannot follow them and as such he/she responds
to the items in a manner which he/she thinks t at that instant or simply
passes on to the next item leaving it unanswered. Due to lack of clarity or
directions students will respond differently at different times which would
lower the reliability of the test. It is essential that the directions to the test
items must be carefully prepared and they must be as clear and simple as
possible. If necessary, full guidelines (even demonstration) for responding on
item may be given.
iii) Preparation of directions for administration
A clear and detailed direction as to how the test is to be administered is to
be provided. The conditions under which the test is to be administered, when
the test is to be administered (whether in the middle of the session or at the
end of the session etc.), within what time limit it is to be administered etc.
are to be stated clearly. If the test has separate sections, time limits to cover
each section must be mentioned. The materials required (if any) for the test
such as graph papers, logarithm tables etc. must be mentioned. The directions
must state clearly what precautions the administrator should take at the time
of administration. So it is important that appropriate and clear directions for
test-administration be prepared.
Preparation of direction for scoring
To facilitate objectivity in scoring, ‘scoring keys’ are to be provided. Scoring
key is a prepared list of answers to a given set of objective-type questions.
Suppose there are 10 multiple-choice objective type questions (each having
four options, A, B, C, D) in a section of the test, the scoring-key will be as
Section-I Scoring key
Q.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Key D C C A B D B A C B
A scoring key is prepared by listing serially the key (or right answer) to each
question against each item.
For short answer type questions and essay type questions, marking schemes
are to be prepared (i.e., marks allotted to different parts of the answer or to
different important points etc. are to be mentioned). Such scoring keys and
marking schemes must be carefully prepared. They serve as guides at the time Construction of Evaluation
of scoring the test and they ensure objectivity in scoring. Tools

Moreover, it must be clearly stated as to how scoring is to be done. For

example, if a strip-key or a window stencil is used, appropriate directions for
using them are to be provided.
In certain cases corrections for guessing is necessary. Under the directions,
it must be clearly stated for which type of items such corrections are to bee
made. The formula used for ‘correction for guessing’ is given below:

S=R— where S = the corrected score
N -1
R = No. of right responses
W = No. of wrong responses
N = Total no. of options
Thus, such specic directions for scoring as are likely to be necessary must be
prepared. Of course, these may vary from test to test.
v) Preparation of a question-wise analysis chart
A question-wise analysis chart is given here. In this chart every question is
analysed. This chart shows the content area (topic) the question covers, the
objectives (with specications) that it intends to measure, its type, the marks
allotted to it, expected difculty level and time taken to answer it. This chart
not only analyses the items, but also gives us a picture of coverage of contents,
objectives, type of questions and coverage of different difculty levels etc.
Moreover this gives us some idea about the total time to be taken for taking the
test. This chart further helps us check whether the test has been prepared as per
the blue print or not.
Table 3.2: Question-wise analysis chart

Topic Question Objectives with type Mark

Solitary 1. Give a tick(P) mark
Reaper against the right answer
(A) Q. When the poet saw Instructional
the girl. She was: objective
a) sitting alone (Knowledge) Multiple 01
b) passing gently choice
c) listening to the songs behavioural
of the nightingale objective (recall)
d) reaping grains and
(B) Q. “The music in my Understanding
heart I bore, long or
after it was heard no Comprehension Short 03
more.” What was the Specic or answer
effect of music on the behavioural
poet later? (Answer in objective
three sentences only.) (interprets)

Note: Preparation of such a chart is a necessity for teacher made tests; but for
standardised tests we may or may not do it at the preparation stage. However,
such analysis may be necessary at the time of editing the nal form of the tests.

Curriculum Evaluation 3.2.3 Try-out
The questions may be carefully constructed, but there is no guarantee that they
will operate in the same manner as planned. So before the nal form of the test is
prepared it is necessary to have a try out.
For the trial of the items, a preliminary form of the test is generally prepared.
This contains more number of items than are actually required for the nal form.
Usually the number of items included in the trial form should nearly be double of
the number of items required for the nal form. The lesson is that at the item-
analysis stage many items will be discarded. A detailed scoring key of the trial
form should therefore be prepared.
i) Preliminary try-out: After the test items, directions for response,
administration and scoring are prepared it is tried out on a few ‘sample’
students just to ascertain how it works. At this stage 10 to 15 students
of different abilities are selected and the test is administered. The aim of
doing is to detect the omissions or mistakes if any, to examine whether
the directions to items are actually being followed by students, to examine
whether the time allowed is sufcient etc. Although a test is constructed
with caution it may have some errors or ambiguity of directions here and
there. The preliminary tryout will be to bring these to light. This helps us
to modify or revise the items or directions whenever necessary. After due
corrections the test is edited.
ii) Final try-out: At this stage the test is administered to a representative
sample. The sample may not be too large. As it is just a pilot study a sample
of 200 to 300 will do. But it must be borne in mind that this sample must
be a representative sample of poor, average and brilliant students. The aim
of such a tryout is to identify the defects and deciencies of the test and to
provide data for evaluating the test.
The purpose of the tryout can be summed up as follows:
a) to identify the defective or ambiguous items.
b) to discover the weaknesses in the mechanism of test administration.
c) to identify the non-functioning or implausible distracters in case of multiple
choice tests.
d) to provide data for determining the discriminating value of items.
e) to determine the number of items to be included in the nal form of the test.
f) to determine the time limit for the nal form.
At the tryout stage the directions must be strictly followed. Conditions for test
administration must be normal. The atmosphere should be calm and quiet. There
should be proper seating arrangements, light, ventilation and water arrangements.
Proper investigation and supervision must be ensured. A wrong administration of
the test will give us wrong data for its evaluation.
iii) Scoring: After the try-out form of the test is administered the answer sheets
are scored as per the scoring key and scoring directions. ‘Corrections for
guessing’ are also done if required under scoring directions. Now the scores
are ready for item analysis and evaluation of the test.

3.2.4 Evaluation
After scoring is complete, the test must be evaluated to examine whether the test
52 items are good and whether the test is reliable and valid. For this purpose we:
i) analyse the items to examine their worth of inclusion in the test (Item- Construction of Evaluation
analysis); Tools

ii) determine the validity of the test;

iii) determine the reliability of the test;
iv) assess the usability of the test.
i) Item analysis
Item analysis is a procedure by which we analyse the items to judge their
suitability or unsuitability for inclusion in the test. As we know, the quality
or merit of a test depends upon the individual items which constitute it. So
only those items which suit our purpose are to be retained. Item analysis is an
integral part of the reliability and validity of a test. The worth of an item is
judged from three main angles viz.
a) Difculty index of the item
b) Discriminating power of the item
c) Its internal consistency with the whole test.
a) Item difculty
When an item is too easy, all the students would answer it. If it is too hard,
nobody would answer it. What is the use of having such items in a test? If all
the students get equal scores, the very purpose of the test (i.e. to assess the
ability of students) is defeated. So it is clear that too easy and too difcult
items are to be totally discarded. It is desirable that items of a medium
difculty level must be included in a test. Item difculty is calculated by
different methods.
Method 1: Item difculty (I.D.) is calculated by using the formula. ID = X 100
where R = no. of testees answering correctly, and N = Total no. of testees.
If in a test administered to 50 pupils an item is passed by (i.e. correctly
marked by) 35 students the I.D = X 100 = 70
Here, we understand that the item is easy.
In essence, if the I.D. value is more, the item is easy and if the I.D. value is
less than the item is considered to be difcult.
N.B. : Usually I.D. values in between 16 and 84 (or 15 to 85) are retained.
Method 2: Item variance and the difculty level.
The proportion of passing an item is an index of difculty. If 90% of a group
pass an item, it is easy and when only 10% pass the item, it is difcult. If ‘p’
is the % of testees passing an item and ‘q’ is the % of testees failing in it.
S.D. = Pq or variance = pq
If p = .50, q is .50 and its variance .25
If p = .60, q is .40 and its variance .24
If p = .90, q is .10 and its variance .09
Items with more variance must be included in the test.
Method 3: Difculty level of items can also be given in terms of standard
deviation of the normal curve. For example, when 84% of pupils pass an item, it
means that only 16% face the difculty and its difculty index in terms of S.D.
of the normal curve will be - 1 . Other examples are given below. 53
Curriculum Evaluation Table 3.3: Item difculty index

Item passed by Difculty index in terms of

S.D. of the normal curve
16% + 1
84% -1
31% + .5
69% -.5 etc.

Note: The table of areas under the normal curve may be referred to. Items with
difculty values in between + 1 are usually retained
Method 5: The item analysis procedures used to obtain a reliable ranking of
learners; indices of item difculty and item discriminating power include the
i) Arrange the answer papers after scoring on the basis of merit (Highest mark
at the top and lowest mark at the bottom).
ii) Select the 27% of the answer papers from the top and 27% of the answer
papers from the bottom. The top 27% who have secured better marks
constitute the higher group (H-group) and the bottom 27% who have secured
poor marks constitute the lower group (L-group).
iii) Calculate WH for each item i.e., for each item to determine the number of
persons from the H-group who have wrongly answered an item or who have
omitted it.
iv) Calculate WL i.e., for each item calculates the number of persons in the
L-group who have wrongly answered the item or omitted the item.
v) Calculate WH + WL
W H+ W1
vi) I.D. = × 100 where
n = number of persons in either lower group or higher group (n = 27% of N)
For multiple choice tests (where the options may be three or four) the
following formula is used.
W H+ W1 100 xoption
I.D. =
× option - 1
Usually items in the range 16% to 84% of difculty level are retained.
We can calculate the desired WH + WL values from the following table.
Table 3.4: Calculation of item difculty levels for multiple-choice questions

Difculty WH + WL values
level No. of options each item has

2 3 4 5
16% .160n .213n .240n .256n
84% .840n 1.120n 1.260n 1.344

Suppose in a test consisting of all multiple-choice questions with 4 options

and the number of persons in the H-group or the L-group is 120 (i.e. n =
54 120), what would be the WH + WL values at 16%, 84% difculty level?
Referring to the above table, WH + WL value at 16% difculty level = .240n Construction of Evaluation
= .24 x 120 = 28.8 = 29 (nearly). Tools

WH + WL value at 84% difculty level = 1.260n = 1.260 × 120 = 151.2 or

151 (nearly).
Thus all items whose WH + WL values are in between 29 and 151 are to be
Any item whose WH + WL value is less than 29 or more than 251 is rejected.
b) Discriminating index: To be considered good, an item must have
discriminating power. For example, if an item is too easy or too difcult
to all the testees, it can’t discriminate between individuals. Logically,
it is expected that a majority of students of a better standard and a few
students of lower standard will answer an item correctly. Thus, an item must
discriminate between persons of the high group and the low group. In other
WL = Number of persons in the lower group (i.e. 27% of N) who have
wrongly answer an item or omitted it.
WH = Number of persons in the higher group who have wrongly answered
an item or omitted it.
It is expected that WL will be always more than WH i.e., WL - WH will always
be positive. If WH is more than WL the item is either ambiguous??? and it is
to be totally rejected.
We need to calculate the WL - WH value for each item. Representative
minimum WL - WH values for an item with different options for different ‘n’
(27% of N) have been provided in Table 5.
Table 3.5: Representative minimum Values

Total no. No. in Low or WL - WH at or above which an item can

Tested High group be considered sufciently discriminating
(.27 N)
True or 3 4 5
false/ options options options
350-353 95 13 14 14 14
443-446 120 14 15 16 16
1110-1112 300 22 24 24 25

By referring to the table we can nd that for a’n’ of 120, the minimum WL -
WH, value for an item with 4 options should be 16. So, all the items whose
WL-WH. value is 16 or above are considered to be sufciently discriminating.
If WL-WH value of an item is less than 16, it is to be rejected-
c) Internal consistency of items with the whole test
Statistical methods are used to determine the internal consistency of items.
Biserial correlation gives the correlation of an item with its sub-test scores
and with total test-scores. This is the process of establishing internal validity.
There are also other methods of assessing internal consistency of items and
as they are beyond the scope of our present purpose, we have not discussed
them here.

Curriculum Evaluation 3.2.5 Finalisation
After item analysis, only good items with appropriate difculty level and
with satisfactory discriminating power are retained and these items form the
nal test. Time required for the test is determined by taking the average time
taken by three students who represent three groups: bright, average and below
average. Now the test is administered to a large representative sample and the
test-papers are scored.


In Sub-section 3.2.4 of this unit we discussed that an item analysis is a
procedure by which we analyse the items to judge their suitability or usability
for inclusion in the test. In this section we shall talk about the characteristics
of a good item (i.e. a question).
The concern about the quality of an item becomes immediate when we
attempt to develop a test or an item bank or when we attempt to evaluate a
test being put to use. To determine how sound or good an item is we ought
to know the features that go into its constitution and the qualities which
contribute to its soundness.

3.3.1 Mechanics of an Item

An item or a question is an ‘instrument’ that we use to measure learning-
outcome. One’s learning is measurable by another only when it is
demonstrated in observable behavioural patterns. An item, intended to be used
as an instrument to measure learning, should make a learner ‘act’ or ‘behave’
or ‘respond’ so as to demonstrate his/her mastery (or the extent of mastery)
or otherwise with regard to the select ‘bit’ of learning. ‘The stimulus may be
in the form of a task. The task may require the learner to do a ‘descriptive’
and/or a ‘practical’ activity. Descriptive activities may be oral or graphic
(involving linguistic, semiotic and other features of communication). Practical
activities may involve the use of some tools and materials and they may be
performed in realistic or stimulated conditions.

3.3.2 Required Functional Conditions of an Item

An item or a question is primarily the specication of a task, the response
to which is expected to put a desired bit of learning to demonstration. This
involves two distinct activities on the part of the item-writer:
i) devising a task to meet the specic objective of the test, and
ii) specifying the task precisely and adequately.
The devising of the task has to be done carefully so as to ascertain that the
performance of the given task requires the learner to display the desired
quantum of knowledge of a chosen content or the ability to use a skill in a
desired way. The specication of task also has to be done with great care. The
specication may defeat its purpose:
i) when it is not adequate, and
ii) When is not ‘communicated’ clearly.
Let us elaborate these conditions further.
The specication will not be adequate if it does not point out the conditions
under which the task is to be performed (say, for instance, tools, materials,
guidelines, facts and information, etc. to be provided and the stages at which Construction of Evaluation
they are to be provided to the learner). It will not be adequate also when the Tools
level of accomplishment to which the task is to be performed is not mentioned
in clear terms.
And even when an adequate specication is conceived, its purpose may not
be served if is not ‘conveyed’ or ‘presented’ to the learner properly. This
means that simple language or some graphic signs or gestures or some other
mode of communication (sometimes, more than one of these at a time) has
to be employed to make the specication clear to the learner. If the mode
of communication employed to present the specication is beyond the
comprehension of the learner, then the item, however, adequately conceived,
may not be of any use.
To summarise, an item, to be an effective instrument of measurement of
learning, should meet the following requirements adequately:
i) The task that an item species should, in the process of learner-response,
demand and reect only those specic aspects of skills or bits of learning
that are being tested.
ii) It should specify precisely:
a) what the learner is to do,
b) the conditions under which it is to be done, and
c) to what level/standard it is to be accomplished.
The medium (linguistic, graphic semiotic, etc.) used to present the task
specication should be such that there may not be any gap in its communication
to the prospective testee (i.e. the learner should be able to follow the medium
without any misunderstanding.

3.3.3 Checking the Functional Conditions of an Item

These general requirements that make an item sound are all concerned with
qualitative features. To determine whether these requirements are satised
by a question or an item, there are no objective measures available. One will
have to depend on one’s own experience and subjective assessment and the
conclusions will be essentially empirical in nature. Collective effort, in this
regard, therefore, may result in more reliable conclusions. A group of content
experts, in collaboration with an evaluation expert, may do better than an
individual. The conclusions may be still more reliable if a comprehensive
check list of criteria is prepared in advance for each type of item in every
subject area and used while validating a question or an item.
This act of checking whether a question or an item meets the qualitative
requirements to make it an effective instrument is known as ‘pre-validation in
the process of question/item bank development.
Check Your Progress 1
Notes: a) Space is given below for your answers.
b) Check your answers with the ones given at the end of this unit.
Two English teachers, say X and Y, working under similar conditions frames
the two following questions (I and II respectively for use in their classroom
after an hour of instruction. Their intention is to check whether the students
are able to use correctly the different forms of given vocabulary items in
contexts relevant to them. Study the two questions carefully and say which
of the two is better. Give reasons for your judgement. You can consider the
Curriculum Evaluation two questions from the points of view of, a) task-objective relationship and
b) clarity, precision and adequacy of task-specication.
1) Write one sentence each of your own using the different forms of the
following two vocabulary items:
i) to relieve
ii) to blast
2) Following are two words from the material you have just read. Change the
form of these verbs to t into the sentences given. In some cases you will
have to change them into nouns and adjectives. Fill in the blank spaces with
appropriate forms.
i) to relieve
a) He was (________) to hear that his wife had not boarded the ill-fated
airbus which was hijacked.
b) Aspirin is supposed to provide (________) for a headache.
c) Some people do not like to take pills as pain (________)
ii) to blast
a) The (________) of the dynamite was very loud.
b) The glass was (________) out of the window by the explosion of
c) The wind was (________) all night long because of the hurricane.

3.3.4 Behavioural Characteristics of an Item

However, good the collective effort and however well composed the expert
group attempting to determine the qualitative attributes of a question or an
item, it can never be predicted with any certainty as to how a question/item
will actually ‘behave’ or perform with a likely group of testees. What an
amount of difculty an item will cause, what sources of difculties it will
develop (or with what amount of ease it will be taken up and what sources of
facilitative clues it will develop), what kinds of responses it will generate, are
general questions which can never be precisely and adequately answered by
any test-constructor or test-evaluator.
Observations on task - objective relevance and adequacy of specications,
though good in themselves, cannot offer much guidance to determine such
behaviour traits of an item with a prospective group of testees. Only the
testees that take up the question/item can be the arbiters in deciding these
traits. They alone can provide these bits of information which we need
to determine the eligibility of a question or an item to build up a sound
achievement test. An achievement test, as we have noted earlier, intends to
provide a basis for selection and grading of learners- As such, questions/ Construction of Evaluation
items making up an achievement test are expected Tools

i) to be neither too difcult not too easy for the prospective testees, and
ii) to discriminate effectively ‘the more able’ (among the testees) from ‘the less
We may also need information about the behaviour characteristics of an item
when we construct tests of special specications - like tests of same difculty
level (‘parallel tests’) and tests of progressive difculty levels (‘graded tests’).

3.3.5 Measuring Behavioural Characteristics

The procedure used to get information about the behaviours/characteristics of a
question or an item is known as item-analysis. The information is obtained in
quantitative terms and they are given in the form of numeral indices, unlike the
information about the qualitative features of an item which are given in the form
of empirical statements. Two indices are given after analysing the responses to a
trial test paper administered to a representative group of the testees:
i) the measure of difculty of each question, and
ii) a measure of the extent to which each question discriminates between the
high scores and the low scorers on the same test.
The rst measure is known as the Facility Value (FV) and the second the
Discrimination Index (DI).
Different ways of calculating the two measures are available and some of them
are sophisticated statistical operations which can be done only with the help of
computers. The procedures given below for calculating the two measures may
not give very accurate indices, but they do give satisfactory ones. The operations
involved are simple and can be carried out even by those who do not have any
acquaintance with statistics as a discipline.
Tabulation of scores: To facilitate the computations of facility and discrimination
indices of the item comprising a test, we need to tabulate the scores properly. An
illustration of score tabulation is given below (Table 2.6). The illustration may
help you follow the steps given as under.
Step 1: Arrange the response sheets in order of value of the total score
(Col. IV) in the test. Put the highest score on top and the lowest score at the
bottom. (Response sheets of the same total score may be put one below the
other.) Number the response sheets serially (Col. If).

Step 2: Divide the response sheets into three ability-groups (Col. I).

Higher Ability Group (HAG),

Middle Ability Group (MAG), and

Lower Ability Group (LAG).
If the strength of the sample (number of testees) is less than 40, the top 50% of
the response sheets can be taken up to form HAG and the rest to form LAG. If
the sample is between 40 and 100, then 27% or 10% respectively of the top and
of the bottom scripts may be taken to form HAG and LAG. (If the percentage
works out to a fraction, the fractions may be ignored and either of the groups
may be allowed to be larger by one or two numbers).

Curriculum Evaluation Table 3.6: Illustration: tabulation of scores to facilitate FV and DI computations
FV for item 1
Total Score of the sample Ability Sl. Roll No. Total Item-wise score
= Group No. in order individual V
Total No. of candidates of ranking score
9 + 63 + 2 I II III IV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
= ´ 100
11 + 88 + 11
74 H 1 891 25 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
= x100 = 67.27%
110 I 2 702 24 √ √ x √ √ √ √
FV for item 4
G 3 801 23 x √ √ √ √ √ √
Total Score of the sample
= H 4 705 23 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Total No. of candidates
E 5 712 23 √ √ √ √ x √ x
9 + 72 = 5
= ´ 100 R 6 813 22 √ √ x √ √ x x
11 + 88 + 11
7 811 22 x √ √ x √ √ √
86 8 737 21 √ x √ √ x x x
= ´ 100 = 78.18%
110 9 785 21 √ √ √ x x x √
DI for item 1
10 721 20 √ x √ √ √ √ x
= Facility in respect of HAG 11 850 20 √ √ x √ x x x
- Facility in respect of LAG Total 11 9 9 8 9 7 7 6
9 2
= - M 12
11 11
I .
= D .
11 D .
7 L .
= = 0.636
11 E 99
DI for item 4
Total 88 63 66 49 72 47 15 41
= Facility in respect of HAG Candidates
- Facility in respect of LAG L 100 786 8 x x x √ x x √
O 101 809 8 x x √ √ x x x
9 5
= - W 102 722 7 x √ x x x √ √
11 11
E 103 826 7 √ x √ x √ x √
= R 104 813 7 x √ x √ x √ √
105 851 7 x x x √ x x √
4 106 870 6 x √ x x x x x
= = 0.363
11 107 764 6 √ x x x x x √
108 783 6 x x x √ x x x
109 822 5 x x x x x x x
110 847 5 x x x x x x √
Total 11 2 3 2 5 1 2 7

Step 3: Draw a table of vertical columns and horizontal rows. Enter the serial Construction of Evaluation
number of the Response Sheets which you put while carrying out Step 1, one Tools
below the other in the rst column. (The corresponding Roll No. of candidates
can be given in the second column, if necessary.) Leave a gap of three rows each
below the HAG, the MAG and the LAG.
Step 4: Enter item-wise scores in the horizontal row against each candidate (Col.
V). When the item-wise scores of all candidates are entered, the total score of
the sample on each item could be calculated by adding up scores in the vertical
columns and the total score of each individual on the test could be calculated by
adding scores along the horizontal row.
Determining the facility value: Facility value is generally presented as a
percentage. In the case of an objective type item, it is calculated as the number
of learners answering the item correctly divided by the number of learners
attempting it. The fraction is multiplied by 100 to get the gure in percentage.
In the case of a supply-type question, facility value is the average mark obtained
by the sample on the question divided by the maximum mark allotted for the
question. Here too the fraction is converted into a percentage gure.
To summarise, FV of an objective item =
No. of learners answering the item correctly
´ 100
No. of learners taking the test
FV of a free-response question =
Average score obtained by the sample of the question
´ 100
Max. mark allotted for the question
The facility value ranges from 0% to 100%. FV represents the fact that none of
the sample has answered the item correctly and hence the item has no ‘facility’
whatsoever for the given sample. 100% FV represents the fact that everyone in
the sample has answered the item satisfactorily and the item has no difculty
whatsoever with the given sample.
Determining the discrimination index: Discrimination index of an item is
arrived at by deducting the facility value of the LAG (in the item from the
facility value of the HAG on the same item, The DI is always presented in the
form of decimal fraction and it may range from - 1.0 to + 1. .

In the case of an objective type item:

DI = FV of the item with HAG - FV of the item with LAG

No. of testees answering the item correctly in HAG

No. of testees in HAG

No. of testees answering the item correctly in LAG

No. of testees in LAG

(We should mention here that multiplication by 100 which is normally

required to present FV’s in percentage is avoided here, because Dl’s are to be
given in decimal fraction, not in percentage.)
To calculate DI in the case of a free-response item, you have to nd out the
mean score (MS) i.e., average of the scores on the item in the HAG (Let us
represent this as MS-HAG) and the mean score on the same item in the LAG
(Let us represent this as MS-LAG). The difference between the two mean
scores (obtain by deducting the LAG mean score from the HAG mean score)
divided by the maximum marks allotted for the item gives the D1 of the item. 61
Curriculum Evaluation
(MS-HAG) - (MS + LAG)
DI of an item =
Max. score fot the item
3.3.6 Interpreting Behavioural Characteristics
FV and DI can be helpful to us in determining:
l the quality of an item at the tryout stage in the development of a test or a
question/item bank; and
l the quality of teaching/learning at the stage of actual use of a test.
What different values of facility and discrimination can signify with regard to the
quality of an item in the context of item tryout are tabulated in tables 7 and 8:
Table 3.7: FV in the context of item try-out: an interpretation
FV ranging
From to would mean that …. would require……
0% 25% the item is too hard modication of the
item (probably
checking of dstracters)
25% 75% the item is within the retention of the
suitable range of item
75% 100% the item is too easy rejection of the item
(perhaps, checking of
clues sometimes can
help improve items
and retain).

Table 3.8: DI in the context of item try-out: an interpretation

DI ranging
from to may mean that ... may require
- 1,00 + 0.20 the upper sample is suitable modication
not doing better or rejection of item
than the lower
+ 0.20 + 1.00 the sample item the item is to be
makes satisfactory retained.
How different values of FV and DI of objective type items can be interpreted
in relation to the quality of teaching/learning is presented in tables 9 and 10:
Table 3.9: Interpretation of FV in the context of actual test-use
FV ranging
from to would mean that
0% 25% the topic has not been taught/learnt well and
that the teaching techniques are to be
reviewed to ascertain what has gone wrong.
25% 75% the topic has been taught/learnt reasonably
75% 100% the learners have gained an exceptionally good
62 knowledge of the topic.
Table 3.10: Interpretation of DI in the context of actual test-use Construction of Evaluation
DI ranging
from to would mean that
-1.00 - 0.25 the weaker students have a better grasp
of the topic than the ‘good’ students.
- 0.25 + 0.25 all the students have an equal grasp of the
+ 0.25 + 1.00 there is too great a gap between the lower
ability and the higher ability groups
(perhaps, some remedial work for lower
learners must be planned).
FV and DI of subjective items: Interpretation of FV and DI in the case of
subjective items is slightly complicated. ‘Md FV in the case of an essay-type
or short answer type question need not be the index of the facility of the
question alone. Since subjective assessment is involved in scoring and since
it is the scores that we take as the data, the FV in such cases may not be
reliable. In the absence of precise guidelines for scoring, the FV in these cases
may reect the lenient/severe attitude of the scorer, or perhaps the scorer’s
attitude and the item’s facility (if the scorer’s attitude remains constant).
The interpretation of DI is also difcult in the case of free-response tests. In such
cases the number of questions that make up the test are fewer than the number
of questions that make up an objective type test. Consequently the weight that
each question carries in a subjective test is relatively high and each question
contributes in considerably large chunks to make up the total score. As a result
the correlation between the score on a question and the score on the test turns
out to be undependable. A DI in such a case is likely to be spuriously high. The
‘satisfactory’ level of DI in such cases, therefore, has to be higher. It should be,
say, more than + 0.50.
Check Your Progress 2
Notes: a) You can work out your answer in the space given below.
b) Compare your answer with those given at the end of this unit.
i) Distinguish between ‘facility value’ and ‘discrimination index’ of an item.
ii) What should be the range of ‘facility value’ and ‘discrimination index’ for an
item to be retained in a test?

3.3.7 Use of Behavioural Indices

The facility and discrimination indices will be helpful to both test constructors
and teachers. To test constructors they will help identify faulty items which
they can modify and use, or reject. They will also help them in developing
Curriculum Evaluation effective multiple choice items by providing feedback on the working of the
‘key’ and the ‘distracters’. They could also help test constructors to develop
test tools designed in order of progressive difculty with items of weak
discrimination followed by items of gradually increasing discrimination in
favour of better students. The facility value obtained from different groups of
learners taking the same test can provide teachers with a basis for comparison
and can also help in dening and maintaining ‘standards’. The discrimination
indices locate topics to be addressed to all the learners and topics to which
learners of lower ability are to be restricted.


Most learning is a complex mix of physical and psychological activities.
The proportion of the mix varies from one area of learning to another. But,
invariably, in all areas of learning, the involved psychological processes make
precise assessment of accurate learning. For the same reason, the evaluation
of an educational test cannot be very accurate and will mostly be a subjective

3.4.1 Quality of a test: Some Focal Points

If we are to evaluate an educational test, with all its inherent complexities
disallowing total precision and objectivity, how are we to go about it? Though
the assessment is subjective, it can be regulated and guided to a certain
extent by a careful consideration of the following features of a test-content.
Table 3.11: Characteristics expected of a test-content

Feature of test content Aspects to check

Presentation of item numbering Clarity in expression and
sequencing, wording, punctuation specicity in task requirement
Presentation of general and specic Clarity in expression and
instructions—wording, punctuation, etc. precision in the description of
Sampling of items Appropriacy in terms of coverage
and allocation of due weight
Choice of item-format Suitability to the chosen test-point
Choice of the form of measurement Suitability to the general objective
(written test, oral test, eld work, of the test
laboratory work
Scheme of evaluation (given to Maintenance of concurrence with
examiners) the set objective of the items and
the test

These features are the focal operational points with regard to which even any
little amount of slackening of care might impair an educational test meeting
its stated or intended objective. The chief attributes of a good test—validity,
reliability and usability—should be veried with these features to ascertain
the quality of a given test. We shall now take up each one of these attributes
and discuss them in greater detail.

3.4.2 Validity of Tests Construction of Evaluation
What is validity?
The concept of the validity of a test is primarily a concern for the ‘basic
honesty’ of the test ‘honesty’ in the sense of ‘doing’ what an item promises to
do. It is a concern for the relationship , on the one hand, between the purpose
to be achieved and on the other hand, between the efforts taken, the means
employed and what those efforts and means actually achieve. There is always
a gap, whatever be the size, between the purpose of a test and the extent
of realisation of the purpose in practice. Hence absolute validity is ideal in
educational testing. Perfection in terms of validity—a perfect match between
the purpose and practice—is hard to achieve. This is due to:
i) the nature of ‘learning’, which is the subject of measurement, and
ii) the nature of each of a number of factors that become involved in the
measurement learning.
(These factors, we have discussed briey in Section 3.4 above).
The less variant that a test turns out in practice from its stated purpose, the
more valid it is. Hence validity is a measure of the degree of success with
which a test accomplishes what it sets out to accomplish. It is an attempt to
answer how close a test is in its operation to the purpose in its plan-design.
To be precise, a test is valid to the extent to which it measures what it
purports to measure.
Types of validity:
`Purpose’ and ‘practice’ then, are the two dimensions of considerations
involved in the concept of validity. ‘Practice’ is conditioned mainly by three
operant forces—the test, the testee and the examiner. If the demands made
by the test, the performance offered by the testee and the valuation (of the
testees’ performance) done by the examiner are all directed to be symmetrical
with the given/set purpose of the test, then validity is ensured. Thus the
test purpose is the constant point of reference for validity. Consequently,
several types of validity are conceived of to suit the specic purposes that
tests are designed to serve. We shall take up four types of them for our
discussion. They are:
i) Content validity
ii) Criterion-related validity
a) Concurrent validity, and
b) Predictive validity
iii) Construct validity
iv) Face validity
Content validity
Content validity is the most important criterion for the usefulness of a test,
especially of an achievement test. It is a measure of the match between
the content of a test and the content of the ‘teaching’ that preceded it. The
measure is represented subjectively after a careful process of inspection
comparing the content of the test with the objective of the course of
Curriculum Evaluation The key aspect in content validity is that of sampling. Every achievement
test has a content area and an ability range specied for its operation. Given
the limited human endurance in taking a test (say three hours at a stretch)
and hence a limited test-duration, no single test can ever make a total
representation of any considerable length of a content area. A test, therefore,
is always a sample of many questions that can be asked. It is a concern of
content-validity to determine whether the sample is representative of the
larger universe it is supposed to represent.
A table of specications with a careful allocation of weight to different units
of the content area and the several abilities, keeping in view the set objectives
of the course and the relative signicance of each of these, can help a test-
constructor as a road-map in the construction of items and the development
of a test. A careful scrutiny of the table of specication (if any has been
used) and the loyalty with which it has been adhered to while developing
the test can help you assess the adequacy and appropriateness of sampling.
Where such a table of satisfaction is not available, you may have to develop
a ‘concept-mapping’ of the content area to check the sampling of content
represented by a test.
We should note here that a test that is content valid for one purpose may be
completely inappropriate for another. We should also note that the assessment
of content-validity has to be subjective basically as it depends on the
assessor’s estimate of the degree of correspondence between what is taught
(or what should be taught) and what is tested it requires a careful examination
of the stated objectives of the course in terms of course content and target
abilities and a study of the size and depth of realisation of their coverage.
Such examinations lead to ‘estimates’ and not to ‘measurements’. That is;
the observations of such examinations tend to be subjective statements. They
cannot be expressed in terms of objective numerical indices.
Check Your Progress 3
Notes: a) You can work out your answer in the space given below.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this unit.
We have said that an achievement test of high content validity cannot be a
content valid test for diagnostic purposes. Why?
Criterion-related validity
Unlike content validity, criterion-related validity can be objectively measured
66 and declared in terms of numerical indices. The concept of criterion-related
validity focuses on a set ‘external’ criterion as its yardstick of measurement. Construction of Evaluation
The ‘external’ criterion may be a data of ‘concurrent’ information or of a Tools
future performance.
The ‘concurrent’ criterion is provided by a data-base of learner-performance
obtained on a test, whose validity has been pre-established. ‘Concurrent’ here
implies the following characteristics;
i) the two tests—the one whose validity is being examined and the one with
proven validity (which is taken as the criterion)—are supposed to cover the
same content area at a given level and the same objectives;
ii) the population for both the tests remains the same and the two tests are
administered in an apparently similar environment; and
iii) the performance data on both the tests are obtainable almost
simultaneously (which is not possible in the case of ‘predictive’ criterion).
The ‘predictive’ criterion is provided by the performance-data of the group
obtained on a course/career subsequent to the test which is administered to the
group and whose validity is under scrutiny.
The validity of a given test is established when ‘concurrent’ criterion
correlates highly (i.e. agrees closely) with its own data.
Validity established by correlation with ‘concurrent criterion’ yields
concurrent validity and similarly validity established against the scale of
‘predictive’ criterion is called predictive validity. The former resolves the
validity of tests serving the purpose of measuring prociency; the latter
resolves the validity of tests meant for predictive function. The ‘concurrent’
criterion has been widely used in the validation of psychological tests,
especially tests of intelligence. The general practice is that one or two
standardised tests of intelligence with proven quality are used to validate the
item. It is crucial in all selection and placement tests. For example, when
a Banking Recruitment Board selects candidates for the post of clerks on
the basis of a clerical aptitude-cum-intelligence test, the selection will be
purposeful only if a high correlation is established between the test results
of the candidates and their performance ability, subsequently, in the clerical
position. The higher the predictive validity, the more emphatic this assertion
will be. In all cases of criterion-related validity, an index of the degree of
correspondence between the tests being examined can be obtained. This index
of agreement is known as correlation coefcient in the statistical parlance.
Construct validity
The word ‘construct’ means the ideas developed in one’s mind to dene,
identify or explain objects/phenomena. Let us suppose that a person is
interested in the study of intelligence. He/she hypothesises that the third or
fourth generation learners will have a higher IQ than the rst generation
learners. On the basis of his/her observations he/she may build a theory
specifying the degree of difference in the IQ of the two groups of learners.
If a test is constructed, then, to measure the difference in the levels of
intelligence of rst generation learners and third/fourth generation learners,
the test would be considered to have construct validity to the extent that its
scores correspond to judgements made from the observations derived by the
scorer about the intelligence of the two groups of learners. If the expected
level of difference is not established by the test scores, then the construct
validity of the assumption that the test measures the difference in the levels of
intelligence is not supported. Thus, a test will be described to have construct
Curriculum Evaluation validity if its scores vary in ways suggested by the theory underlying the
construct. In other words construct validity is the degree to which one can
infer certain constructs in a psychological theory from the test score.
Construct validity is an important concept to those who are engaged in
theoretical research on various constructs.
Face validity
Before we take up a detailed scrutiny of a test for any of the above validity-
types, we generally tend to make an impressionistic assessment so as to
develop some propositions which may guide our approach to the assessment
of validity. Such propositions are developed on a facial understanding of the
extent to which a test looks like a valid test or the extent to which the test
seems logically related to what is being tested. These propositions constitute
what is known as face validity.
Face validity may not be dependable. A test may look right without being
rational or even useful. For instance, a terminal examination in a course
of 10 units may appear to have reasonable face validity until you come to
realise that it contains questions on the rst ve units only and therefore lacks
content validity. Sometimes there may be situations where a test may appear
to have low face validity, but in practice it may turn out to be a sound one. In
such cases, the testees too may not know what is being tested and ipso facto
the measure may provide far more effective assessment. For instance, the
ability to react quickly to a ash of light may be a good test of potential as a
football player. Such a test of reaction time may have content validity even if
it doesn’t have much face validity.
(Incidentally the ‘idea’ that prompts using this reaction time test for
identifying a potential football player is a construct. The idea or the construct
perhaps may be explained as that one who is able to react speedily and
correctly to the sudden darts of an object can be a potential football player).

Check Your Progress 4

Notes: a) Write your answer in the space given below.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this unit.
We talked about four types of validity-content validity, criterion-related
validity, and face validity. Given below are three situations. Identify which
relates to what type of validity.
i) A test given at the end of a semester of a degree course to measure, how
much the learners have achieved of the given course-
ii) An entrance test to an engineering course to select suitable candidates.
iii) A test designed to be parallel in structure and content to another test of
proven worth.

3.4.3 Reliability of Tests

The discussion of the concept of validity relates to the question of what to
test. The concept of reliability which we shall discuss in this section relates to
68 the question of accuracy’ with which the ‘what’ is measured.
If a student were to take the same test twice, the logical expectation would Construction of Evaluation
be for the student to get more or less the same score both the times. But this Tools
does not happen practically on most occasions, Differences in scores do occur
and they are likely with every repetition of the test.
The difference may be due to many reasons:
i) the characteristic (say, intelligence) which is being measured may change
across time (we can call this ‘trait instability’);
ii) the particular questions that a test-constructor chooses to be representative
of the quantum of knowledge which the test has to deal with may affect
the score (we can call this ‘sampling inconsistency);
iii) any variation in the communication of instruction or in test-timing or in
the rapport with the administrator could lead to score variability. Let us
call this ‘administrator inconsistency’);
iv) lack of objectivity in terms of one or more of the following could also
affect the score:
a) the item (it may not have the same signicance to all the students or to a
student, every time it is repeated),
b) the response which the item permits (it may not be limited in number
and may permit various levels of adequacy), and
c) the scoring method used (it may leave room for free play or subjective
judgement of the scores),
We can see (a) and (h) as constituting ‘item inconsistency’ and (c) as ‘scoring
inconsistency’ and
v) personal characteristics of an individual like uctuations in memory, effort,
attention, fatigue, emotional strain and similar factors could cause score
variability (Let us call this ‘human inconsistency’),
The concept of error score and the concept of reliability: The sources
of variation that we have talked about are called ‘sources of error’ and the
variation in a person’s score is called ‘error variance’. The assumption here
is that all scores given to learners are affected positively or negatively by one
or more of the factors mentioned above. The ‘true score’ reecting a learner’s
ability is hypothetical and is never determinable as the sources of error are
not totally extricable from any measurement of learning. But the ‘true score’
is supposed to be constant (assuming the ‘learning’ that it reects is stable).
The ‘error score’ is not constant as the error-sources themselves are variable.
Thus, the ‘true score’ being supposed to be constant and the ‘error score’
inconstant, the combination of the two which we get in the form of scores
on test-papers (i.e. ‘observed score’) varies in proportion to the difference in
the ‘error score’. That is, whatever variation we nd in the ‘observed score’
of a learner on different administrations of the same test, are due to errors in
assessment brought about by the variables operating on different occasions—
the ‘true score’ of the learner remaining the same all through.
You should note here that among errors two types are possible: ‘systematic
error’ and random error’. When a weight bridge consistently weights 50 kg.
less of a lorry-load repeatedly, the error is constant and we call it systematic.
We refer to those errors as random errors which do not remain the same on
every occasion of measurement.
Some points of further clarications: Before we proceed further to the
methods of determining reliability it is worth observing here some points of
further clarication: 69
Curriculum Evaluation i) Reliability refers to the results obtained with an evaluation instrument and
not to the instrument itself. An instrument may have a number of different
reliabilities depending on the groups of subjects and situations of use. Hence
it is more appropriate to speak of the reliability of ‘test scores’ or of ‘the
measurement’ than of ‘the test’ or of ‘the instrument’.
ii) Test scores are not reliable in general. An estimate of reliability always
refers to a particular type of consistency—say, consistency of scores over a
period of time (‘stability’) or consistency of scores over different samples of
question (‘equivalence’) or consistency of scores across scoring on different
occasions (‘scorer reliability’) and the like. The scores of a given test may be
consistent in one of the above respects and not in another. The appropriate
types of consistency in a given case are dictated by the use to be made of the
iii) Reliability is a necessary but not a sufcient condition for validity. While
low reliability can restrict the degree of validity that is obtained, high
reliability provides no assurance for a satisfactory degree of validity. (A
balance that always weighs 10 gms. in excess of the true weight of an object
may be highly consistent in recording the same weight for the same object
every time it is weighed. Nevertheless measurement suffers in respect of
validity in as much it fails to give the real weight of the object).
iv) Reliability is primarily statistical in nature; it may be expressed in terms of
shifts in relative standing (in respect of scores) of persons in the group or
in terms of the amount of variation to be expected in a specic individual’s
score. In the former case it is reported by means of a correlation coefcient
called a ‘reliability efcient’ and in the latter case it is reported by means of
the ‘standard error of measurement’.
Check Your Progress 5
Notes : a) Indicate your answers in the boxes given against each item
b) Check your answers with those given at the end of this unit.
i) From the sources given below identify those that are responsible for
a) the purpose of a test may not the same for all situations
b) the scoring standards of test-responses may vary from person to
c) the representation of content may not be the same for any two tests on
the same subject area
d) the same group of testees are not always available for two consecutive
e) the situations of administration may not be the same for any two tests
f) an item may not give the same idea (about the task to be performed) to
different testees
g) a testee may not be equally alert and active on two occasions.
ii) What do you call the score given by an examiner on the cover-page of an
answer book?
a) True score
b) Observed score
c) Error score

70 d) Random score
Estimates of reliability Construction of Evaluation
The methods used to measure reliability differ according to the source of error
under consideration. The most common approaches to estimates of reliability
i) Measures of stability,
ii) Measures of equivalence,
iii) Measures of stability and equivalence,
iv) Measures of internal consistency, and
v) Scorer reliability.
Measures of stability: Measures of stability are known as ‘test-retest
estimates of reliability’. They are obtained by administering a test twice to the
same group with a considerable time-interval between the two administrations
and correlating the two sets of scores thus obtained.
In this type of estimate we do not get specic information as to which of the
sources of error contribute(s) to the variance in the score. It gives only the
measure of consistency, over a stretch of time of a person’s performances on
the test.
The estimate of reliability in the case will vary according to the length of
time-interval allowed between the two administrations. The intervening
period can be relatively long, if the test is designed to measure relative stable
traits and the testees are not subject enduring the period between the two tests
administrations to experiences which tend to affect the characteristic being
measured. The intervening time should be shorter when the conditions are
not satised. But it should not be so short as to allow ‘memory’ or practice
effects’ to inate the relationship between the two performances.
Measure of equivalence: In contrast to the test-retest estimate of reliability
which measures change in performance from one time to another the estimate
of reliability with equivalent forms of tests measures changes due to the
specicity of knowledge within a domain. Instead of repeating the same test
twice with an intervening time-gap, the latter procedure administers two forms
(‘parallel’ in terms of content and difculty) of a test to the same group on
the same day (i.e. with negligible time-gap) and correlates the two sets of
scores obtained thereon.
The two methods of estimating reliability are quite different and can yield
different results. The choice between the two depends on the purpose for
which you administer the test. If your purpose is long-term prediction about
the reliability of the test, you can choose the procedure of retest reliability
estimation. If your purpose, on the other hand, is to infer one’s knowledge in
a subject matter area, you will have to depend on equivalent forms of estimate
of reliability.
Measures of stability and equivalence: When one is concerned with both
long-range prediction and inferences to the domain of knowledge, one should
obtain measures of both equivalence and stability. This could be done by
administering two similar (parallel) forms of a test with considerable time-
gap between the two administrations. The correlation between the two sets of
scores thus obtained by the same group of individuals will give the coefcient
of stability and equivalence. The estimate of reliability thus obtained will be
generally lower than the one obtained in either of the two other procedures.
Curriculum Evaluation Measures of internal consistency: The three methods discussed above are
concerned with consistency between two sets of scores obtained on two
different test administrations. The methods that we are to discuss, hereafter
collectively called ‘measures of internal consistency, arrive at reliability
estimate taking into consideration the scores obtained on a single test-
administration. ‘The estimate of reliability obtained through these methods is
mostly indices of homogeneity of items in the test, or of the extent of overlap
between the responses to an item and the total test score. The three types of
measures of internal consistency are discussed below.
Split-half estimates: Theoretically the split-half method of estimating
reliability is the same as the equivalent forms methods. Yet the split-half
method requires only one test administration but while scoring the items,
a sub score for each of the two halves of the test is obtained and the two
sub scores are correlated to get the reliability estimate of half the length of
the test. To estimate the reliability of the scores on the full length test, the
following formula is used:
2 × reliability on 1/2 test
Reliability on full test =
1 + reliability on 1/2 test
The application of this formula assumes that the variances of the two halves
are equal. That is to say that the items in one half are supposed to match in
respect of content and difculty with the corresponding items in the other.
The question then is how the tests can be split into two halves. Different
methods are followed, but ordinarily it is done by a preconceived plan (say,
assigning the odd numbered items to one half and the even numbered items to
the other) without obvious statistical measures to make them equivalent.
Kuder-Richardson estimates: This method of estimating the reliability of test
scores from a single administration of a single form of a test by means of
formulae KR 20 and KR 21 was developed by Kuder and Richardson. With
the help of these two formulae we can estimate whether the items in the test
are homogeneous, that is, whether each test item measures the same quality
or characteristics as every other, In other words, these formulae provide a
measure of internal consistency but do not require splitting the test in half for
scoring purposes.
The formulae are:

n æ å pq ö
1. KR 20 = ç 1- 2 ÷
n-1 è t ø
Where n = number of items in the test,
στ = standard deviation of the test scores,
P = Proportion of the group answering item correctly,
q = 1–P = proportion of the group answering a test item incorrectly.
We use KR 20, we have to
1) Compute the standard deviation of that rest (i.e., σt)
2) Compute p and q for each item,
3) Multiply P and q to obtain the value of pq for each item,
4) Add the value of all the items to get ∑pq

72 5) Using the formula KR 20 we can calculate the reliability of a test.

The computation of KR 20 is more extensive but accurate. A less accurate but Construction of Evaluation
simpler formula to compute the reliability of a test was proposed by Kuder Tools
and Richardson Known as KR 21.

n t 2 - ( Mn - M )
KR 21 =
Where σt2 = standard deviation of the test scores
n = number of test items in the test
and M = the mean of the test scores.
Crombach alpha: Kuder-Richardson estimates are possible when the scoring
of items is dichotomous. When the scoring is not dichotomous as in a test
consisting of essay questions, the formula developed by Cronbach can be used
to get the reliability estimate. This formula known as Cronbach alpha is the
same as KR 20 except for the fact that is replaced by, where is the variance of
a single item. The formula is:

é ù
n si
ê1 -
n -1 ë

Where n = number of items in a test

σsi2 = variance of a single item
σst2 = variance of total number of items in a test
[‘Variance’ is a statistical term. It measures how much the individual scores of
a group of learners vary from the average score of the group. It is the mean of
the squared deviation of the scores from their mean. Please refer to block 3 of
ES-315 for more detail about variance]
The measure actually compares the variance for any single item with the
variance for the entire test. It is, therefore, suggested that there should be at
least ve questions in the test to make this measure meaningful. Having given
you some idea about the three types of measures of internal consistency, we
shall now talk about yet another variety of reliability.
Inter-scorer-reliability: The question of estimating inter-scorer reliability
does not arise in the context of objective tests. But where the scoring is
subjective, it is necessary to determine the likely error component in scores
which may be there due to the person(s) that scored the performance, and
establish objectivity in evaluation. In determining inter-scorer-reliability, the
same procedure of correlating two or more steps of scores as done in test-
retest or equivalent forms estimate is followed.
This would give the reliability estimate of a single reader (i.e. the scorer who
reads through the response). If we want to know the reliability of the sum or
average of scores of two or more readers we could use the Spearman -Brown
prophecy formula.

rxx =
1 + ( n - 1) r

Where rxx = reliability coefcient of a test

r = reliability estimate of a single reader
n = number of readers 73
Curriculum Evaluation
Check Your Progress 6
Notes: a) Space is given below for your answer.
b) Check your answer with the one given at the end of this unit.
Write down the three types of measures of internal consistency and mention
in what situation each of these are used.
Let us now sum-up the procedures of the different methods of estimating
reliability in a tabular form.
Table 3.12: Different methods of estimating reliability

Methods of Types of reliability Procedure

estimating reliability measure
1) Test-retest method Measure of stability Give the same test twice
to same group with
a considerable time-
gap between the two
2) Equivalent forms Measure of Given two forms of a
method equivalence test of the same group in
3) Retest method Measure of stability Given two forms of a test
using equivalence and equivalence to the same group with
forms between the two.
4) Split-half method Measure of Administer a test once. Get
internal consistency sub-scores for items of two
equivalent halves of the
test. Use Spearman-Brown
formula to obtain reliability
estimate for the whole test.
5) Kuder- Measure of Administer a test (of
Richardson internal consistency objective type) once. Score
method the test and apply Kuder-
Richardson formula.
6) Cronbach alpha Measure of Administer a test (of
method internal consistency subjective type) once. Score
the test and apply Cronbach
alpha formula.

Construction of Evaluation
7) Multiple scorer Measure of scorer Administer a test once. Tools
method reliability Let it be scored by two
or more scorers. Correlate
the sets of scores to
measure the reliability of
the scores of one scorer.
Apply Spearman-Brown
Prohecy formula to obtain
the reliability of the sum
(or average) of the scores
of two or more scores.

Comparison of methods
As noted earlier each type of reliability measure represents different source(s).
A summary of this information is given in Table 9. Note that more sources
of error are represented by measures of equivalence and stability than by any
other type of measure. Naturally, reliability estimates obtained on measures
of equivalence and stability are likely to be lower. This should caution you
to take into account the type of measures used to report reliability estimate,
especially when you attempt to choose a test from among standardised tests
guided by reliability estimates.
The ‘X’ mark in Table 13 indicates the sources of error represented by the
reliability measures.
Table 13: Representation of sources of error
Types of Reliability Measures
Sources Stability Equivalence Equivalence Internal
of error Scorer & stability consistency
instability X X
error X X X
error X X X
Random error
within the test X X X X X
Scoring error X

3.4.4 Usability
We have discussed in detail the two chief criteria of test-validation—
validity and reliability. What remains to be seen are the considerations of
‘Usability’. ‘Usability’ mostly raises questions of feasibility with regard to
test-construction, administration, evaluation, interpretation and pedagogical
While judging feasibility we should remember that the tests are usually
administered and interpreted by teachers without the desirable amount of
training in the procedures of measurement. Time available for testing and the
cost of testing also deserve attention.
Curriculum Evaluation Besides these, attributes like the case of administration, which has little
possibilities for error in giving directions, timing, etc., case and economy of
scoring without sacricing accuracy, ease of interpretation and application so
as to contribute to intellectual educational decisions, are factors pertinent to
the usability of tests.


l We began this unit with a discussion of the different stages of test tool
construction. There are ve principles for constructing a tool of evaluation.
l We followed it with a discussion on item analysis that makes it complex
to measure an educational achievement and to judge the soundness of
such a measurement. Then to facilitate the judgement of an educational
measurement, we identied some features of the item analysis and the
important qualities to verify each one of them.
l We focused upon the two characteristics of a good tool namely, validity
and reliability. We discussed the different approaches within each, the
contexts in which each of these approaches becomes relevant and the
procedures by which the evidence of validity and reliability of a test is to
be established. Finally we referred to the aspects of a test that you should
check to ascertain its usability.


Check Your Progress 1
Y’, question (i.e., II) is better than X’s Reasons
a) Task-objective relationship
Question 1 of X demands that the learners write sentences of their own.
This shifts the focus of the question from identifying the appropriate form
of the vocabulary items to a more complex skill of constructing sentences.
Besides, the learner also has to ‘invent’ contexts to suit the different
forms of the given vocabulary item.
Question is of Y is better because it restricts the learner—task to the set
objective of using the appropriate form—by providing the contexts and
fully structured sentences.
b) Clarity, precision and adequacy of test specication
Question I is vague, because it does not specify how many different forms
are to be attempted. It does not also restrict us as to which types of forms
are to be used.
The innitive forms (like to be relieved, to have relieved, to have been
relieved, etc.) or the participal forms (like relieving, relieved, being relieved,
having been relieved, etc.) the noun forms (relief and reliever).
There is no specication about the nature (simple/complex, etc.) of the
sentences to be given and the kinds of context to be presented.
A sentence may be at different levels of complexity. Similarly, a context
may be presented with different depths of inventive or imaginative
intensity. There is, of course, no easy and accurate way of putting down
the restrictions within which sentences and contexts are to be conceived
and presented.
The format of question II avoids these problems of task specication, while Construction of Evaluation
still being functionally relevant to the objective. The elaborate instruction Tools
and the appropriate format x the ‘frame’ within which the learner is to act
to satisfy the set objectives of the teacher.
Check Your Progress 2
i) Facility value (Fv) is a measure of the ‘difculty’ of a given question,
whereas discrimination Index (D1) in a measure of the extent to which a
question discriminates between the more able and the less able learners.
ii) An item can be retained in a test if the range of its Facility Value (FV) is
from 25% to 75% and the range of its DI is from +0.20 to +1.00-
Check Your Progress 3
Achievement tests and diagnostic tests differ in their purpose and also in their
treatment of the learning-content they are supposed to deal with.
An achievement test may enjoy a high content validity if it makes an adequately
representative sampling of the learning content that it is concerned with (since its
purpose is to measure the extent of an achievement, not to identity the specic
But for a diagnostic test, if meant for identifying the specic lapses in learning
on the part of individual learners, to be credited with content representation of
the learning-content is possible.
Check Your Progress 4
i) Content validity
ii) Predictive validity
iii) Concurrent validity
Check Your Progress 5
i) b, c, e, f and g.
ii) b
Check Your Progress 6
The three measures of internal consistency are:
i) Split-half estimates
ii) Kuder-Richardson estimates, and
iii) Cronbach alpha.
Split-half estimates are used when we want to know the extent of equivalence in
‘content and difculty’ of the two halves of a test. Kuder-Richardson estimates
are used when the items of a test are homogeneous and do not require splitting
the test in half for scoring purposes. Cronbach alpha measure compares the
variance for any single item with the variance for the entire test.


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