Teacher's Write Up Psychology Presentation

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Critique of the View That Effective Teaching and Learning Should Utilize Learners’ Past Experiences


Good day, everyone. Today, we are here to discuss an important aspect of contemporary education
which is the integration of learners' past experiences into effective teaching and learning. In
contemporary education, it is crucial to recognize the role of learners' past experiences in effective
teaching and learning. This essay will define teaching, learning, and past experiences, highlighting how
they connect. It will discuss the benefits of integrating past experiences, such as increased motivation,
better retention of information, and the promotion of critical thinking skills. However, it will also
consider potential drawbacks, including the risk of bias and overgeneralization.



Schunk (2016): views teaching as a process in which a knowledgeable person guides others to acquire
knowledge, skills, and attitudes, facilitating meaningful learning experiences. This perspective
emphasizes the role of the teacher in creating an environment

Woolfolk (2016): defines teaching as "the systematic effort to bring about learning" (p. 54), highlighting
the intentional actions taken by educators to promote student understanding and growth

We defined teaching as the act of imparting knowledge or skills to learners, which involves a range of
strategies and interactions aimed at fostering understanding and competence.

Past Experiences:

Rogers (2011): states that past experiences encompass the collective memories and events that shape
an individual's understanding and approach to new information, indicating the importance of personal
context in the learning process.

Wenger (2010): past experiences are the historical and cultural contexts that individuals bring to their
learning, which significantly influence how they interpret and engage with new content.

We defined past experiences as events and interactions that individuals have encountered in their lives,
which inform their perceptions and responses to new situations

Benefits of Utilizing Past Experiences

1. Enhanced Motivation and Engagement:

Relevance of content increases interest.

Example: Connecting chemical elements to agricultural practices familiar to students.

Bransford (2010): Learners as co-creators of knowledge.

2. Improved Retention and Understanding:

Cognitive psychology supports connection to prior knowledge (Mayer, 2011).

Example: Relating the water cycle to students' experiences with seasonal rains.

Creates memorable learning opportunities.

3. Promotion of Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:

Reflecting on experiences stimulates analytical discussions.

Example: Sharing community experiences in social studies to enrich lessons (Mason, 2014).

4. Support for Social and Emotional Development:

Acknowledging backgrounds leads to positive self-concept (Rogers, 2011).

Example: Incorporating cultural narratives into lessons fosters pride and connection.

5. Fostering a Lifelong Learning Mindset:

Encouraging curiosity and inquiry through experiential learning.

Example: Engaging students in discussions about local environmental challenges (Knowles, 2015).

Drawbacks of Utilizing Past Experiences

1. Risk of Bias and Overgeneralization:

Personal experiences may not reflect broader concepts (Dewey, 2010).

Example: Overlooking rural students' challenges by focusing only on urban experiences.

2. Need for Adequate Teacher Training:

Effective integration requires skills to navigate complexities.

Importance of professional development in culturally responsive teaching (Banks, 2016).


In conclusion, integrating learners' past experiences into teaching and learning is vital for enhancing
motivation, retention, and critical thinking skills. While this approach presents significant advantages,
one must also be mindful of potential biases and ensure inclusivity in classrooms. Ultimately, a
thoughtful approach to incorporating past experiences will create dynamic educational environments
that empower all learners to thrive. Thank you.

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