Allotment Order Aamir Bijbehara Mechanical
Allotment Order Aamir Bijbehara Mechanical
Allotment Order Aamir Bijbehara Mechanical
1. Letter of Intent: Letter of Intent (L.O.I) shall be issued only by the Executive
Engineer after the Sub Division submits damage report along with the detailed
2. Damage Report: The damage report shall mention in detail why the job needs to
be executed via AMC and not by short term e-tender.
3. Standby Unit: Any damage where a standby unit is available shall not be
executed through AMC and the Sub Divisional Officer shall certify that no standby
unit is available.
4. Technical Sanction: The technical sanction shall be accorded by the Sub
Divisional Office and Divisional Office as the case may be (as per S.O. 15). The
estimate/damage report shall be annexed with technical sanction from sub
divisional level as per S.O. 15.
5. Time of completion: The ordered job shall has to be completed within the period
as be mentioned in the respective allotment order.
6. Agreement: A formal agreement deed shall be executed by the firm with the
department within a period of 05 days from the date of issue of this allotment
7. Penalty: In case, the firm fails, declines, neglects or delays the contract or in the
event of any damage occurring or being caused by the firm or in the event of any
default or failure by the firm in complying with any of the terms and conditions of
the contract, the Government, without prejudice to any other remedy available to
it under law in force in the UT shall besides forfeiture of Security Deposit:
i. Terminate the contract after (25) Twenty five days’ notice or
ii. Recover the amount of losses caused by damages failure or default, as
may be determined by the Government or
iii. Impose a penalty up to a maximum limit of 10% (ten percent) of the
value of contract.
iv. The firm shall be black listed.
8. Arbitration: In case of any dispute arising at any stage between the contractor
and the Department, the same shall be referred to the Superintending Engineer
PHE Mechanical Circle South Srinagar/Govt. of J&K who may give a decision or
nominate any other person of Government for arbitration. The decision to such
arbitration shall be final and binding on both the parties.
9. Security deposit: The earnest money of Rs. 10,000/- deposited by the firms
vides CDR No. 3222406 Dated: 23/06/2022 has been retained as security
deposit. This charge to the effect that the contract has been successfully executed
in full and that the performance of the equipment installed by the firm as per this
contract has remained satisfactory during the defect liability period.
10.Jurisdiction of Court: All disputes pertaining to this contract shall be subject to
the jurisdiction of the court of J&K state only.
11.Termination of contract: The department reserves the right to terminate the
contract at any stage in case performance of the firm is found un-satisfactory in
terms of any or all clauses of the NIT/Contract/Agreement.
12.Advance payment: The Department shall in no case entertain any condition or
request of making advance payment of any kind to the contractor during the
execution of the work.
13.Taxes, duties levies etc.: The rates offered by the Department shall be firm and
final payment of sales Tax; Octroi, Toll tax Entry tax, service tax duties and other
levies etc. of the central or the state Government and incident charges of any shall
be the responsibility of the contractor/firm.
14.Force Majeure Clause: Any failure or omission to carrying out the provision of
the contract shall not give rise to any claim by the department or the contract one
against the other if such failure or omission arises from the Act of God which shall
include all natural calamities such as fire, floods, earthquakes, hurricane strikes,
riots, embargoes from any political or other reasons beyond the control of parties
including the war whether declared or not civil war or a state of insurrection.
15.Engagement of labours: The contractor shall not engage any workman below
the age of 18 years; contractor shall also comply with the provisions of labour laws
and rules framed thereof and as prevalent in the state of J&K. The contractor shall
be responsible for any accident to the human life which may occur during the
execution of work, compensation as shall be provided under law or any law will be
payable by the contractor.
16.Insurance: The contractor shall insure all work-man at his own cost till the
completion of work and take over by the department.
a) 90% payment shall be released against completion of the work and successful
testing, commissioning thereof. Subject to the verification by concerned Assistant
Executive Engineer.
b) 10% payment shall be released after the satisfactory performance of the
equipment and expiry of warranty period of 6 months from the date of respective
allotment order. Subject to the verification by concerned Assistant Executive
c) EMD Retained shall remain with the department till the completion of contract on
account of the defect liability of the executed work.
18.Validity: Rate contract is fixed from date of issuance of this contract i.e. 1st July
2022 to 20/03/2023.
19.Warranty: The firm shall be liable for repairing of reclaimed equipment for any
damage that will occur during the warranty period of 06 months.
20.The Sub Divisional Officer shall strict the maintenance works within the advertised
cost and the Divisional Accounts Officer shall make sure of the same.
21.Delivery of Damaged Transformers: The successful bidder shall have to lift the
damaged equipment from site for reclamation purposes against a proper receipt
and should have a standby transformer at workshop to replace the damaged one
in case of transformers only.
22.Inspection of the damaged equipment to be reclaimed: The damaged
equipment to be reclaimed shall have to be inspected by the concerned Junior
23.The scope of inspection will be as:- i) Damage assessment. ii) Stage Inspection
during and after completion of jobs. iii) Random testing of equipment.
23.1 The damage assessment report submitted by concerned Sub-Division shall
clearly indicate the nature/quantum of jobs to be carried out on the damaged
equipment and will serve as reference for Bill of quantities.
24.Delivery of the reclaimed equipment: The Department / Division shall be
notified by the Firm for readiness of the equipment and shall be lifted by the firm
after satisfying of all routine tests at workshop and successful installing, testing
and commissioning at site.
24.1 The Department /Division reserves the right to get the damaged equipment
repaired through the successful bidder (lowest tenderer) or through other qualified
and participating bidders on the same lowest rates depending upon the quantum
of reclamation that can be handled by the Bidder(s).
25.All other terms and conditions as laid down in NIT and PWD form “25”
double and form FC-31
Executive Engineer,
JSD (PHE) Mech. Division South
Annexure "B" of Allotment order issued vide No.: JSD/MDSA/1317-20 Dated:
08/07/2022 for “Fixing of rate contract for repairs/replacement to
Mechanical equipment installed at different WSSs of PHE
Mechanical Sub-Division BIJBEHARA (District Anantnag and
Kulgam) for the financial year 2022-23”.
Alloted Rate
S No. Item Description Qty Unit Estt. Rate @ 05%
Mechanical transportation, loading, unloading and handling of
various items such as pump parts, motors, starters, voltage
stabilizers, coil assemblies, welding tools & plant, etc. using
appropriate means of transport as under:
1.01 Private car, auto-rickshaw or similar with 1.0 km lead 1.00 Trip 218.00 207.10
1.02 Extra per kilometer for lead >1.0 kms upto 5.0 kms 1.00 km 37.00 35.15
1.03 Extra per kilometer for lead >5.0 kms upto 10.0 kms 1.00 km 36.00 34.20
1.04 Extra per kilometer for lead >10.0 kms upto 20.0 kms 1.00 km 34.00 32.30
1.05 Extra per kilometer for lead >20.0 kms upto 30.0 kms 1.00 km 33.00 31.35
1.06 Extra per kilometer for lead >30.0 kms upto 50.0 kms 1.00 km 32.00 30.40
1.07 Extra per kilometer for lead >50.0 kms upto 70.0 kms 1.00 km 30.00 28.50
2.00 Load carrier auto, mini van or similar with 1.0 km lead 1.00 Trip 406.00 385.70
2.01 Extra per kilometer for lead >1.0 kms upto 5.0 kms 1.00 km 66.00 62.70
2.02 Extra per kilometer for lead >5.0 kms upto 10.0 kms 1.00 km 62.00 58.90
2.03 Extra per kilometer for lead >10.0 kms upto 20.0 kms 1.00 km 56.00 53.20
2.04 Extra per kilometer for lead >20.0 kms upto 30.0 kms 1.00 km 52.00 49.40
2.05 Extra per kilometer for lead >30.0 kms upto 50.0 kms 1.00 km 50.00 47.50
2.06 Extra per kilometer for lead >50.0 kms upto 70.0 kms 1.00 km 48.00 45.60
Mini truck like Tata mobile, Bolero Camper or similar with 1.0 km
3.00 1.00 Trip 742.00 704.90
3.01 Extra per kilometer for lead >1.0 kms upto 5.0 kms 1.00 km 94.00 89.30
3.02 Extra per kilometer for lead >5.0 kms upto 10.0 kms 1.00 km 87.00 82.65
3.03 Extra per kilometer for lead >10.0 kms upto 20.0 kms 1.00 km 79.00 75.05
3.04 Extra per kilometer for lead >20.0 kms upto 30.0 kms 1.00 km 74.00 70.30
3.05 Extra per kilometer for lead >30.0 kms upto 50.0 kms 1.00 km 70.00 66.50
3.06 Extra per kilometer for lead >50.0 kms upto 70.0 kms 1.00 km 65.00 61.75
Complete dismantling of VT pump by way of:
Disconnecting all leads from the motor and marking the terminals,
uncoupling of motor from the pump, dismounting of motor with
stool. Disassembling, dismantling and segregation of various pump
parts such as discharge and column pipes, shafts and couplings,
bowl, suction bell, impeller, stuffing box, fasteners, etc.
4.01 Single stage pumps with single column pipe upto 300mm ND 1.00 job 3370.00 3201.50
Extra per additional stage over corresponding column pipe size rates
4.02 1.00 job 655.00 622.25
Complete assembling of all VT pump parts after cleaning, coupling
5.00 and alignment with motor, connecting of motor leads and testing on
full load.
5.01 Single stage pumps with single column pipe upto 300mm ND 1.00 job 4990.00 4740.50
Extra per additional stage over corresponding column pipe size rates
5.02 1.00 job 925.00 878.75
Complete dismantling of single stage horizontal pump (all types) by
way of:
Disconnecting all leads from the motor and marking the terminals,
uncoupling of motor from the pump. Disassembling, dismantling and
segregation of various pump parts such as shaft and sleeves,
impeller, gland, fasteners, etc.
6.01 Suction size upto 200mm 1.00 job 1211.00 1150.45
6.02 Suction size > 200mm upto 400mm 1.00 job 2389.00 2269.55
6.03 Extra per additional stage over corresponding suction sizes above 1.00 job 385.00 365.75
Complete assembling of single stage horizontal pump (all types)
after cleaning of all parts thoroughly with petrol, coupling and
alignment with motor, connecting of motor leads and testing on full
7.01 Suction size upto 200mm 1.00 job 1751.00 1663.45
7.02 Suction size > 200mm upto 400mm 1.00 job 3469.00 3295.55
7.03 Extra per additional stage over corresponding suction sizes above 1.00 job 520.00 494.00
Partial dismantling of VT pump by way of:
Disconnecting all leads from the motor and marking the terminals,
uncoupling of motor from the pump, dismounting of motor with
stool. Disassembling, dismantling and segregation of various pump
parts including discharge and column pipe, head and line shafts and
couplings but excluding bowl assembly.
8.01 Pumps with single column pipe upto 300mm ND 1.00 Job 2388.00 2268.60
Extra per additional column pipe over corresponding column pipe
8.02 1.00 Job 925.00 878.75
size rates above
Assembling of dismantled VT pump parts (excluding bowl assembly)
9.00 after cleaning, coupling and alignment with motor, connecting of
motor leads and testing on full load.
9.01 Pumps with single column pipe upto 300mm ND 1.00 Job 3603.00 3422.85
Extra per additional column pipe over corresponding column pipe
9.02 1.00 Job 1464.00 1390.80
size rates above
9.03 Removal of only stuffing box from the pump. 1.00 Job 438.00 416.10
9.04 Fitting of only stuffing box to the pump. 1.00 Job 573.00 544.35
Replacement of Driving End (DE) bearing of horizontal/ vertical
pump by way of:
Uncoupling of motor from the pump, isolating of DE bearing.
10.00 Carefully extracting the old damaged bearing from the housing with
the help of bearing puller, etc and fitting of new bearing in its place.
Refitting back of pump parts, coupling and alignment with the
pump. The job includes load testing of pump.
10.01 Suction size upto 200mm 1.00 Job 1211.00 1150.45
10.02 Suction size > 200mm upto 400mm 1.00 Job 1816.00 1725.20
Replacement of Non-Driving End (NDE) bearing of horizontal pump
by way of:
Opening the end cover of NDE bearing housing. Carefully extracting
11.00 the old damaged bearing from the housing with the help of bearing
puller, etc and fitting of new bearing in its place. Refitting back of
pump parts, coupling and alignment with the pump. The job
includes load testing of pump.
11.01 Suction size upto 200mm 1.00 job 671.00 637.45
11.02 Suction size > 200mm upto 400mm 1.00 job 1007.00 956.65
Extraction of submersible pump/motor set along with column pipes
from the well by hoisting with tripod and chain pulley block and by
using tools and tackles required for extraction of pump set and
uncoupling the pump and motor
12.01 Column pipes upto 100mm NB and 50mtr depth 1.00 Mtr 64.00 60.80
12.02 For depths exceeding 50m 1.00 Mtr 59.00 56.05
12.03 Extra over corresponding depth level for pipes >100mm NB 1.00 Mtr 22.00 20.90
Assembling of submersible pump/ motor set and lowering along
13.00 with column pipes in the well by chain pulley block, tripod, tools and
tackles and testing on full load at site.
13.01 Column pipes upto 100mm NB and 50mtr depth 1.00 Mtr 86.00 81.70
13.02 For depths exceeding 50m 1.00 Mtr 81.00 76.95
13.03 Extra over corresponding depth level for pipes >100mm ND 1.00 Mtr 22.00 20.90
Removal from piping system and complete dismantling of various
type of valves such as foot valves/ butterfly valves/ NRVs/ check
valves/ sluice valves (without spur gear mechanism) by way of
disassembling of parts, etc.
14.01 < 100mm nominal size 1.00 job 303.00 287.85
14.02 >=100mm upto 200mm nominal size 1.00 job 605.00 574.75
14.03 > 200mm upto 350mm nominal size 1.00 job 908.00 862.60
Assembling of all parts of dismantled valve, fitting in the piping
system and testing.
15.01 < 100mm nominal size 1.00 job 438.00 416.10
15.02 >=100mm upto 200mm nominal size 1.00 job 740.00 703.00
15.03 > 200mm upto 350mm nominal size 1.00 job 1178.00 1119.10
Partial dismantling of various types of valves such as NRVs, sluice
valves, butterfly valves, flap valves, etc. for repairs or replacement of
parts such as hinge pin/ seat ring/ disc face/ hinge repairs, etc. and
reassembling of all parts of dismantled valve and testing.
16.01 <100mm nominal size 1.00 job 444.00 421.80
16.02 >=100mm upto 200mm nominal size 1.00 job 807.00 766.65
16.03 >200mm upto 350mm nominal size 1.00 job 1252.00 1189.40
Fabrication, providing and fitting of SS/ alloy steel hinge pin for all
17.00 types of valves, etc. as per old sample but excluding the cost of 1.00 Kg 2163.00 2054.85
extracting the old pin and dismantling/ reassembling the valve, etc.
Fabrication & providing of new bronze body seat ring/ bronze wedge
18.00 facing ring/ bronze stem nut/ float guide as per sample for various
valves but excluding cost of dismantling the valve parts
18.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 Kg 3593.00 3413.35
18.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 Kg 2281.00 2166.95
18.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 4.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 2166.00 2057.70
19.00 Providing and fitting of rubber gasket for various types of valves 1.00 Kg 211.00 200.45
20.00 Providing of jute/ hemp gland packing 1.00 Kg 695.00 660.25
Fabrication & providing of new SS stem nut/ stem-spindle/ pinion/
21.00 pinion shaft/ stub shaft (AISI-410 or IS 6603) for sluice/ butterfly or
other type of valve as per old sample
21.01 upto 20.0 kg 1.00 Kg 625.00 593.75
21.02 Extra per kg >20.0 kg upto 40 kgs 1.00 Kg 547.00 519.65
21.03 Extra per kg >40kgs upto 60 kgs 1.00 Kg 460.00 437.00
21.04 Extra per kg > 60 kgs 1.00 Kg 434.00 412.30
22.00 1.00 Kg 733.00 696.35
Fabrication, providing and fitting of CI disc plate as per old sample
22.01 Providing of leather disc face washer for foot valve 1.00
11.00 10.45
Labour for fitting of washer to foot valve including removal of foot
22.02 valve from suction line, extraction of old damaged washer, fitting of 1.00 job 569.00 540.55
new (available) washer and refitting of foot valve to suction line.
Providing and fitting of screwed type GM foot valve conforming to
IS-4038 of nominal size:
23.01 15mm 1.00 No. 861.00 817.95
23.02 20mm 1.00 No. 992.00 942.40
23.03 25mm 1.00 No. 1162.00 1103.90
23.04 32mm 1.00 No. 1615.00 1534.25
23.05 40mm 1.00 No. 2071.00 1967.45
24.00 Providing and fitting of ISI mark forged brass ball valve
(Preferred make: Zoloto or equivalent)
24.01 10mm 1.00 No. 471.00 447.45
24.02 15mm 1.00 No. 481.00 456.95
24.03 20mm 1.00 No. 660.00 627.00
24.04 25mm 1.00 No. 1015.00 964.25
24.05 32mm 1.00 No. 1723.00 1636.85
24.06 40mm 1.00 No. 2502.00 2376.90
25.00 Providing and welding of steel plate flanges of nominal pressure
rating 1.6MPa as per IS 6392 with nominal sizes as under:
25.01 32mm 1.00 No. 382.00 362.90
25.02 40mm 1.00 No. 450.00 427.50
25.03 50mm 1.00 No. 511.00 485.45
25.04 65mm 1.00 No. 691.00 656.45
25.05 80mm 1.00 No. 790.00 750.50
25.06 100mm 1.00 No. 897.00 852.15
25.07 125mm 1.00 No. 1105.00 1049.75
25.08 150mm 1.00 No. 2161.00 2052.95
25.09 200mm 1.00 No. 3084.00 2929.80
25.10 250mm 1.00 No. 4316.00 4100.20
25.11 300mm 1.00 No. 5431.00 5159.45
25.12 350mm 1.00 No. 8112.00 7706.40
Providing and welding of steel plate blind flanges as per IS 6392 of
nominal pressure rating 1.6MPa with nominal sizes as under:
26.01 50mm 1.00 No. 606.00 575.70
26.02 65mm 1.00 No. 772.00 733.40
26.03 80mm 1.00 No. 905.00 859.75
26.04 100mm 1.00 No. 1080.00 1026.00
26.05 125mm 1.00 No. 1538.00 1461.10
26.06 150mm 1.00 No. 2822.00 2680.90
26.07 200mm 1.00 No. 4182.00 3972.90
26.08 250mm 1.00 No. 7652.00 7269.40
26.09 300mm 1.00 No. 9176.00 8717.20
26.10 350mm 1.00 No. 11285.00 10720.75
27.00 Providing of natural rubber gasket for flanged joints with nominal
sizes as under:
27.01 32mm 1.00 No. 37.00 35.15
27.02 40mm 1.00 No. 40.00 38.00
27.03 50mm 1.00 No. 51.00 48.45
27.04 65mm 1.00 No. 81.00 76.95
27.05 80mm 1.00 No. 87.00 82.65
27.06 100mm 1.00 No. 115.00 109.25
27.07 125mm 1.00 No. 150.00 142.50
27.08 150mm 1.00 No. 171.00 162.45
27.09 200mm 1.00 No. 238.00 226.10
27.10 250mm 1.00 No. 346.00 328.70
27.11 300mm 1.00 No. 447.00 424.65
27.12 350mm 1.00 No. 550.00 522.50
27.13 400mm 1.00 No. 670.00 636.50
27.14 450mm 1.00 No. 765.00 726.75
27.15 500mm 1.00 No. 928.00 881.60
27.16 600mm 1.00 No. 1202.00 1141.90
27.17 900mm 1.00 No. 2105.00 1999.75
Providing and fitting of M.S pressure gauge as under:
28.01 50mm dial 1.00 No. 538.00 511.10
28.02 100mm dial 1.00 No. 758.00 720.10
28.03 150mm dial 1.00 No. 1158.00 1100.10
28.04 200mm dial 1.00 No. 3750.00 3562.50
Hiring of portable diesel engine operated pump set for dewatering
29.00 1.00 day 656.00 623.20
around workspace of pipes, etc. excluding fuel charges
30.00 Hiring of portable welding set etc. excluding fuel charges 1.00 day 300.00 285.00
Structural steel work in single section fixed without connecting plate
31.00 including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming 1.00 kg 92.00 87.40
coat of approved steel primer all complete.
Structural steel work welded in built up sections, trusses and framed
32.00 work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a 1.00 kg 102.00 96.90
priming coat of approved steel primer all complete.
Cutting charges of Mild steel pipes/ plates including cost of
33.00 consumables, etc. but excluding the cost of transportation charges
of equipment to site
33.01 Using grinder 1.00 cm 7.00 6.65
33.02 By gas cutting 1.00 cm 12.00 11.40
Welding charges of prepared Mild steel sections, etc including cost
34.00 of consumables, etc. but excluding carriage of equipment to site,
34.01 By electric welding 1.00 cm 7.00 6.65
34.02 By gas welding 1.00 cm 12.00 11.40
35.00 Hiring of mobile crane upto 5 Ton capacity 1.00 hour 738.00 701.10
36.00 Hiring of excavator for earthwork excavation. 1.00 hour 1148.00 1090.60
Fabrication, providing and fitting of bronze bush to bell mouth/
37.00 bowl unit/ stuffing box/ sleeve, or similar as per sample having
finished weight as under:
37.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 kg 4046.00 3843.70
37.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 kg 2358.00 2240.10
37.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 5.0 kgs 1.00 kg 1987.00 1887.65
37.04 Extra per kg > 5.0 kgs 1.00 kg 1930.00 1833.50
Fabrication, providing and fitting of GM bush with rubber insert to
38.00 bowl housing/ bearing retainer, etc as per sample having finished
weight as under:
38.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 kg 3667.00 3483.65
38.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 kg 2089.00 1984.55
38.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 5.0 kgs 1.00 kg 1755.00 1667.25
38.04 Extra per kg > 5.0 kgs 1.00 kg 1705.00 1619.75
Fabrication, providing and fitting of Bronze lantern (cooling) ring for
stuffing box as per sample having finished weight as under:
39.01 upto 0.5 kg 1.00 kg 4863.00 4619.85
39.02 Extra per kg >0.5 kg upto 1 kgs 1.00 kg 2986.00 2836.70
39.03 Extra per kg >1.0kgs upto 2.0 kgs 1.00 kg 2678.00 2544.10
39.04 Extra per kg > 2.0 kgs 1.00 kg 2371.00 2252.45
Providing and fitting of bronze/ GM split gland as per sample having
finished weight as under:
40.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 kg 4264.00 4050.80
40.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 kg 2410.00 2289.50
40.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 4.0 kgs 1.00 kg 2024.00 1922.80
40.04 Extra per kg > 4.0 kgs 1.00 kg 1922.00 1825.90
Fabrication, turning and finishing (on inside and outside) of Stainless
41.00 steel (AISI-410 or IS 1030) muff coupling, etc. as per old sample 1.00 kg 2139.00 2032.05
having finished weight as under:
Fabrication, turning and finishing of specified Stainless Steel (AISI-
410 or IS 1570) shaft of specified dimensions with end preparation
(threaded, etc.), keyway as per old sample having finished weight as
42.01 upto 20.0 kg 1.00 Kg 625.00 593.75
42.02 Extra per kg >20.0 kg upto 40 kgs 1.00 Kg 547.00 519.65
42.03 Extra per kg >40kgs upto 60 kgs 1.00 Kg 460.00 437.00
42.04 Extra per kg > 60 kgs 1.00 Kg 434.00 412.30
Fabrication, turning and finishing (on inside and outside) of Stainless
43.00 steel (IS 1030) shaft coupling, etc. as per old sample having finished 1.00 Kg 1906.00 1810.70
weight as under:
Fabrication, turning, finishing and fitting of Stainless steel (AISI-410
44.00 or IS 1570) shaft sleeve as per old sample, etc. having finished 1.00 Kg 1765.00 1676.75
weight as under:
Manufacturing, finishing, providing of SS (AISI 410 or IS 1570) key/
45.00 1.00 Kg 1535.00 1458.25
impeller lock collet as per available sample and slot size.
Fabrication, turning and threading of Stainless steel shaft stud as
46.00 1.00 Kg 1601.00 1520.95
per old sample etc.
Manufacturing, providing and fitting of SS (IS 1030) check nut/
47.00 impeller adjusting nut with proper locking arrangement as per 1.00 Kg 2159.00 2051.05
sample available.
48.00 Providing and fitting of Cast Iron split gland as per sample:
48.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 kg 2433.00 2311.35
48.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 kg 1089.00 1034.55
48.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 5.0 kgs 1.00 kg 606.00 575.70
48.04 Extra per kg > 5.0 kgs (calc. at 7.5 kgs) 1.00 kg 594.00 564.30
Fabrication, providing and fitting of bronze Casing ring/ impeller
seal ring/ sand collar
49.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 kg 3593.00 3413.35
49.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 kg 2281.00 2166.95
49.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 4.0 kgs 1.00 kg 2166.00 2057.70
Fabrication, providing and fitting of MS strainer for suction bell, etc.
The strainer shall be applied with one coat of approved metal
50.00 1.00 kg 142.00 134.90
primer and two coats of anticorrosive bituminous paint to give an
even shade.
50.01 Rethreading of bolt hole using appropriate tap drill
50.02 upto M12 size hole/ bore 1.00 No. 46.00 43.70
50.03 > M12 size hole/ bore 1.00 No. 85.00 80.75
Repairs to the existing damaged SS shaft by way of rebuilding of
shaft using high quality SS electrodes (Ador/ Advani/ ESAB makes)
51.00 and then turning the shaft on lathe machine to remove the excess
material deposited and restore the original dimensions and profile
of the shaft.
51.01 Shaft upto 50mm diameter at one damaged spot on shaft length 1.00 Job 1645.00 1562.75
Extra for each subsequent damaged spot over the corresponding
51.02 1.00 Job 1256.00 1193.20
diameter upto 50mm
Shaft of more than 50mm diameter at one damaged spot on shaft
51.03 1.00 Job 2740.00 2603.00
Extra for each subsequent damaged spot over the corresponding
51.04 1.00 Job 2097.00 1992.15
diameter above 50mm
Repairs to the existing damaged SS shaft end by way of rebuilding
using high quality SS electrodes (Ador/ Advani/ ESAB makes) and
then turning the shaft on lathe machine to remove the excess
material deposited. The job includes threading or collar rebuilding
and facing, etc. as per requirement and restore the original
dimensions and profile of the shaft.
52.01 Shaft upto 50mm diameter at one damaged spot on shaft end 1.00 Job 2197.00 2087.15
Extra for each subsequent damaged spot over the corresponding
52.02 1.00 Job 1532.00 1455.40
diameter upto 50mm
Shaft of more than 50mm diameter at one damaged spot on shaft
52.03 1.00 Job 3566.00 3387.70
Extra for each subsequent damaged spot over the corresponding
52.04 1.00 Job 2511.00 2385.45
diameter above 50mm
Providing and fitting bush type flexible coupling with finished bore
and keyway of following designations (Preferred make: Fenner/
Lovejoy/ or equivalent makes and designations)
53.01 FBC-1 (max. bore upto 28mm) 1.00 No. 1519.00 1443.05
53.02 FBC-2 (max. bore upto 30mm) 1.00 No. 2295.00 2180.25
53.03 FBC-2A (max. bore upto 42mm) 1.00 No. 2857.00 2714.15
53.04 FBC-3 (max. bore upto 48mm) 1.00 No. 3800.00 3610.00
53.05 FBC-4 (max. bore upto 65mm) 1.00 No. 5194.00 4934.30
53.06 FBC-4A (max. bore upto 65mm) 1.00 No. 6042.00 5739.90
53.07 FBC-5 (max. bore upto 75mm) 1.00 No. 7380.00 7011.00
Providing and fitting of rubber bush for bush type flexible couplings
as under:
54.01 FBC-1 upto FBC-2A 1.00 No. 50.00 47.50
54.02 FBC-3 upto FBC-8A 1.00 No. 88.00 83.60
54.03 FBC-8B upto FBC-11 1.00 No. 315.00 299.25
55.00 Providing and fitting of pin for bush type flexible couplings as under:
55.01 FBC-1 upto FBC-2A 1.00 No. 164.00 155.80
55.02 FBC-3 upto FBC-7 1.00 No. 373.00 354.35
55.03 FBC-7A upto FBC-8A 1.00 No. 467.00 443.65
55.04 FBC-8B upto FBC-10 1.00 No. 1223.00 1161.85
55.05 FBC-10A upto FBC-11 1.00 No. 1477.00 1403.15
Providing and fitting flexible tyre coupling with finished bore and
keyway of following designations as per IS 14285:
56.01 TC-104 1.00 No. 2140.00 2033.00
56.02 TC-133 1.00 No. 3070.00 2916.50
56.03 TC 165 1.00 No. 4236.00 4024.20
56.04 TC-197 1.00 No. 5017.00 4766.15
56.05 TC-211 1.00 No. 6551.00 6223.45
56.06 TC-235 1.00 No. 9065.00 8611.75
56.07 TC-254 1.00 No. 11179.00 10620.05
56.08 TC-279 1.00 No. 14255.00 13542.25
56.09 TC-314 1.00 No. 19083.00 18128.85
56.10 TC-359 1.00 No. 28978.00 27529.10
56.11 TC-402 1.00 No. 41138.00 39081.10
56.12 TC-470 1.00 No. 63161.00 60002.95
56.13 TC-508 1.00 No. 112540.00 106913.00
56.14 TC-562 1.00 No. 137286.00 130421.70
56.15 TC-628 1.00 No. 183208.00 174047.60
Providing and fitting spare tyre for tyre coupling of following
designations as per IS 14285:
57.01 TC-104 1.00 No. 348.00 330.60
57.02 TC-133 1.00 No. 560.00 532.00
57.03 TC 165 1.00 No. 782.00 742.90
57.04 TC-197 1.00 No. 976.00 927.20
57.05 TC-211 1.00 No. 1351.00 1283.45
57.06 TC-235 1.00 No. 2038.00 1936.10
57.07 TC-254 1.00 No. 2485.00 2360.75
57.08 TC-279 1.00 No. 2964.00 2815.80
57.09 TC-314 1.00 No. 3637.00 3455.15
57.10 TC-359 1.00 No. 4202.00 3991.90
57.11 TC-402 1.00 No. 5910.00 5614.50
57.12 TC-470 1.00 No. 9755.00 9267.25
57.13 TC-508 1.00 No. 12037.00 11435.15
57.14 TC-562 1.00 No. 14757.00 14019.15
57.15 TC-628 1.00 No. 19293.00 18328.35
Providing of high tensile steel hexagonal bolts
58.01 M6 x 50 1.00 No. 7.00 6.65
58.02 M8 x 80 1.00 No. 17.00 16.15
58.03 M10 x 80 1.00 No. 31.00 29.45
58.04 M12 x 80 1.00 No. 42.00 39.90
58.05 M14 x 90 1.00 No. 67.00 63.65
58.06 M16 x 100 1.00 No. 92.00 87.40
58.07 M18 x 50 1.00 No. 89.00 84.55
58.08 M18 x 125 1.00 No. 160.00 152.00
58.09 M18 x 150 1.00 No. 187.00 177.65
58.10 M20 x 100 1.00 No. 147.00 139.65
58.11 M22 x 90 1.00 No. 194.00 184.30
58.12 M22 x 125 1.00 No. 240.00 228.00
58.13 M22 x 150 1.00 No. 279.00 265.05
58.14 M24 x 90 1.00 No. 239.00 227.05
58.15 M24 x 100 1.00 No. 258.00 245.10
58.16 M24 x 150 1.00 No. 328.00 311.60
58.17 M27 x 120 1.00 No. 508.00 482.60
58.18 M30 x 110 1.00 No. 614.00 583.30
59.00 Providing of hexagonal nuts of suitable pitch with sizes as under:
59.01 M6 1.00 No. 2.20 2.09
59.02 M8 1.00 No. 2.80 2.66
59.03 M10 1.00 No. 5.50 5.23
59.04 M12 1.00 No. 8.50 8.08
59.05 M14 1.00 No. 14.40 13.68
59.06 M16 1.00 No. 18.80 17.86
59.07 M18 1.00 No. 28.30 26.89
59.08 M20 1.00 No. 36.20 34.39
59.09 M22 1.00 No. 49.20 46.74
59.10 M24 1.00 No. 62.20 59.09
59.11 M27 1.00 No. 100.40 95.38
59.12 M30 1.00 No. 144.60 137.37
60.00 Providing and fitting of carbon steel Fasteners of assorted sizes 1.00 Kg 140.00 133.00
Fabrication, providing and fitting of bronze bush to bell mouth/
bowl unit/ stuffing box/ sleeve, or similar as per sample having
finished weight as under:
61.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 Kg 4046.00 3843.70
61.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 Kg 2358.00 2240.10
61.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 5.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 1987.00 1887.65
61.04 Extra per kg > 5.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 1930.00 1833.50
Fabrication, providing and fitting of GM bush with rubber insert to
62.00 bowl housing/ bearing retainer, etc as per sample having finished
weight as under:
62.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 Kg 3667.00 3483.65
62.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 Kg 2089.00 1984.55
62.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 5.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 1755.00 1667.25
62.04 Extra per kg > 5.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 1705.00 1619.75
Fabrication, providing and fitting of Bronze lantern (cooling) ring for
stuffing box as per sample having finished weight as under:
63.01 upto 0.5 kg 1.00 Kg 4863.00 4619.85
63.02 Extra per kg >0.5 kg upto 1 kgs 1.00 Kg 2986.00 2836.70
63.03 Extra per kg >1.0kgs upto 2.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 2678.00 2544.10
63.04 Extra per kg > 2.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 2371.00 2252.45
Providing and fitting of bronze/ GM split gland as per sample having
finished weight as under:
64.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 Kg 4264.00 4050.80
64.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 Kg 2410.00 2289.50
64.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 4.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 2024.00 1922.80
64.04 Extra per kg > 4.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 1922.00 1825.90
Fabrication, turning and finishing (on inside and outside) of Stainless
65.00 steel (AISI-410 or IS 1030) muff coupling, etc. as per old sample 1.00 Kg 2139.00 2032.05
having finished weight as under:
Fabrication, turning and finishing of specified Stainless Steel (AISI-
410 or IS 1570) shaft of specified dimensions with end preparation
(threaded, etc.), keyway as per old sample having finished weight as
66.01 upto 20.0 kg 1.00 Kg 625.00 593.75
66.02 Extra per kg >20.0 kg upto 40 kgs 1.00 Kg 547.00 519.65
66.03 Extra per kg >40kgs upto 60 kgs 1.00 Kg 460.00 437.00
66.04 Extra per kg > 60 kgs 1.00 Kg 434.00 412.30
Fabrication, turning and finishing (on inside and outside) of Stainless
67.00 steel (IS 1030) shaft coupling, etc. as per old sample having finished 1.00 Kg 1906.00 1810.70
weight as under:
Fabrication, turning, finishing and fitting of Stainless steel (AISI-410
68.00 or IS 1570) shaft sleeve as per old sample, etc. having finished 1.00 Kg 1765.00 1676.75
weight as under:
Manufacturing, finishing, providing of SS (AISI 410 or IS 1570) key/
69.00 1.00 Kg 1535.00 1458.25
impeller lock collet as per available sample and slot size.
Fabrication, turning and threading of Stainless steel shaft stud as
70.00 1.00 Kg 1601.00 1520.95
per old sample etc.
Manufacturing, providing and fitting of SS (IS 1030) check nut/
71.00 impeller adjusting nut with proper locking arrangement as per 1.00 Kg 2159.00 2051.05
sample available.
72.00 Providing and fitting of Cast Iron split gland as per sample:
72.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 Kg 2433.00 2311.35
72.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 Kg 1089.00 1034.55
72.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 5.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 606.00 575.70
72.04 Extra per kg > 5.0 kgs (calc. at 7.5kgs) 1.00 Kg 594.00 564.30
Fabrication, providing and fitting of bronze Casing ring/ impeller
seal ring/ sand collar
73.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 Kg 3593.00 3413.35
73.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 Kg 2281.00 2166.95
73.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 4.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 2166.00 2057.70
Fabrication, providing and fitting of MS strainer for suction bell, etc.
The strainer shall be applied with one coat of approved metal
74.00 1.00 Kg 142.00 134.90
primer and two coats of anticorrosive bituminous paint to give an
even shade.
75.00 Rethreading of bolt hole using appropriate tap drill
75.01 upto M12 size hole/ bore 1.00 No. 46.00 43.70
75.02 > M12 size hole/ bore 1.00 No. 85.00 80.75
Repairs to the existing damaged SS shaft by way of rebuilding of
shaft using high quality SS electrodes (Ador/ Advani/ ESAB makes)
76.00 and then turning the shaft on lathe machine to remove the excess
material deposited and restore the original dimensions and profile
of the shaft.
76.01 Shaft upto 50mm diameter at one damaged spot on shaft length 1.00 Job 1645.00 1562.75
Extra for each subsequent damaged spot over the corresponding
76.02 1.00 Job 1256.00 1193.20
diameter upto 50mm
Shaft of more than 50mm diameter at one damaged spot on shaft
76.03 1.00 Job 2740.00 2603.00
Extra for each subsequent damaged spot over the corresponding
76.04 1.00 Job 2097.00 1992.15
diameter above 50mm
Repairs to the existing damaged SS shaft end by way of rebuilding
using high quality SS electrodes (Ador/ Advani/ ESAB makes) and
then turning the shaft on lathe machine to remove the excess
material deposited. The job includes threading or collar rebuilding
and facing, etc. as per requirement and restore the original
dimensions and profile of the shaft.
77.01 Shaft upto 50mm diameter at one damaged spot on shaft end 1.00 Job 2197.00 2087.15
Extra for each subsequent damaged spot over the corresponding
77.02 1.00 Job 1532.00 1455.40
diameter upto 50mm
Shaft of more than 50mm diameter at one damaged spot on shaft
77.03 1.00 Job 3566.00 3387.70
Extra for each subsequent damaged spot over the corresponding
77.04 1.00 Job 2511.00 2385.45
diameter above 50mm
77.05 Providing and fitting of carbon steel Fasteners of assorted sizes 1.00 Job 6500.00 6175.00
Hiring charges of Skilled Mechanic (for Disassembling and
77.06 1.00 day 1080.00 1026.00
Assembling of various items etc):
78.00 Hiring charges of Labourer for support of Mechanic 1.00 day 742.00 704.90
Earth work in bulk excavation by mechanical means (hydraulic
excavator) over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as
well as 10 m2 on plan) including disposal of excavated earth lead
79.00 1.00 cum 188.75 179.31
upto 50 meters and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in-
All kinds of soil :
Earth work in bulk excavation by mechanical means (hydraulic
excavator) over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as
well as 10 m2 on plan) including disposal of excavated earth lead
79.01 1.00 cum 378.35 359.43
upto 50 meters and lift upto 1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in-
Ordinary Rock
Earth work in excavation by manual means in trenches for
foundations, drains, pipes, cables etc. (not exceeding 1.5 m
in width) and for shafts, wells, cesspits and the like not exceeding 10
80.00 sqm on plan, including dressing of sides and 1.00 cum 436.00 414.20
ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out excavated
earth and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed: all kinds
of soil
Earth work in excavation by manual means in trenches for
foundations, drains, pipes, cables etc. (not exceeding 1.5 m
in width) and for shafts, wells, cesspits and the like not exceeding 10
80.01 sqm on plan, including dressing of sides and 1.00 cum 967.85 919.46
ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out excavated
earth and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed: Ordinary
81.00 Providing & applying of grease 1.00 Kg 500.00 475.00
82.00 Providing & fitting of palmative packing 1.00 Kg 1000.00 950.00
ORDER NO: 69 of 2022-23 Issued under No. JSD/MDSA/ 1317-20 DATED 08/07/2022
You are hereby authorized and directed to execute the work mentioned below strictly in accordance with conditions on reverse sanction estimate
Alloted Rate
S No. Item Description Qty Unit Estt. Rate
@ 05% below
1.01 Private car, auto-rickshaw or similar with 1.0 km lead 1.00 Trip 218.00 207.10
1.02 Extra per kilometer for lead >1.0 kms upto 5.0 kms 1.00 km 37.00 35.15
1.03 Extra per kilometer for lead >5.0 kms upto 10.0 kms 1.00 km 36.00 34.20
1.04 Extra per kilometer for lead >10.0 kms upto 20.0 kms 1.00 km 34.00 32.30
1.05 Extra per kilometer for lead >20.0 kms upto 30.0 kms 1.00 km 33.00 31.35
1.06 Extra per kilometer for lead >30.0 kms upto 50.0 kms 1.00 km 32.00 30.40
1.07 Extra per kilometer for lead >50.0 kms upto 70.0 kms 1.00 km 30.00 28.50
2.00 Load carrier auto, mini van or similar with 1.0 km lead 1.00 Trip 406.00 385.70
2.01 Extra per kilometer for lead >1.0 kms upto 5.0 kms 1.00 km 66.00 62.70
2.02 Extra per kilometer for lead >5.0 kms upto 10.0 kms 1.00 km 62.00 58.90
2.03 Extra per kilometer for lead >10.0 kms upto 20.0 kms 1.00 km 56.00 53.20
2.04 Extra per kilometer for lead >20.0 kms upto 30.0 kms 1.00 km 52.00 49.40
2.05 Extra per kilometer for lead >30.0 kms upto 50.0 kms 1.00 km 50.00 47.50
2.06 Extra per kilometer for lead >50.0 kms upto 70.0 kms 1.00 km 48.00 45.60
3.00 Mini truck like Tata mobile, Bolero Camper or similar with 1.0 km lead 1.00 Trip 742.00 704.90
3.01 Extra per kilometer for lead >1.0 kms upto 5.0 kms 1.00 km 94.00 89.30
3.02 Extra per kilometer for lead >5.0 kms upto 10.0 kms 1.00 km 87.00 82.65
3.03 Extra per kilometer for lead >10.0 kms upto 20.0 kms 1.00 km 79.00 75.05
3.04 Extra per kilometer for lead >20.0 kms upto 30.0 kms 1.00 km 74.00 70.30
3.05 Extra per kilometer for lead >30.0 kms upto 50.0 kms 1.00 km 70.00 66.50
3.06 Extra per kilometer for lead >50.0 kms upto 70.0 kms 1.00 km 65.00 61.75
4.01 Single stage pumps with single column pipe upto 300mm ND 1.00 job 3370.00 3201.50
4.02 Extra per additional stage over corresponding column pipe size rates above 1.00 job 655.00 622.25
5.01 Single stage pumps with single column pipe upto 300mm ND 1.00 job 4990.00 4740.50
5.02 Extra per additional stage over corresponding column pipe size rates above 1.00 job 925.00 878.75
Complete dismantling of single stage horizontal pump (all types) by way of:
Disconnecting all leads from the motor and marking the terminals,
6.00 uncoupling of motor from the pump. Disassembling, dismantling and
segregation of various pump parts such as shaft and sleeves, impeller, gland,
fasteners, etc.
8.01 Pumps with single column pipe upto 300mm ND 1.00 Job 2388.00 2268.60
Extra per additional column pipe over corresponding column pipe size rates
8.02 1.00 Job 925.00 878.75
Assembling of dismantled VT pump parts (excluding bowl assembly) after
9.00 cleaning, coupling and alignment with motor, connecting of motor leads and
testing on full load.
9.01 Pumps with single column pipe upto 300mm ND 1.00 Job 3603.00 3422.85
Extra per additional column pipe over corresponding column pipe size rates
9.02 1.00 Job 1464.00 1390.80
9.03 Removal of only stuffing box from the pump. 1.00 Job 438.00 416.10
9.04 Fitting of only stuffing box to the pump. 1.00 Job 573.00 544.35
52.01 Shaft upto 50mm diameter at one damaged spot on shaft end 1.00 Job 2197.00 2087.15
Extra for each subsequent damaged spot over the corresponding diameter
52.02 1.00 Job 1532.00 1455.40
upto 50mm
52.03 Shaft of more than 50mm diameter at one damaged spot on shaft end 1.00 Job 3566.00 3387.70
Extra for each subsequent damaged spot over the corresponding diameter
52.04 1.00 Job 2511.00 2385.45
above 50mm
Providing and fitting bush type flexible coupling with finished bore and
keyway of following designations (Preferred make: Fenner/ Lovejoy/ or
equivalent makes and designations)
53.01 FBC-1 (max. bore upto 28mm) 1.00 No. 1519.00 1443.05
53.02 FBC-2 (max. bore upto 30mm) 1.00 No. 2295.00 2180.25
53.03 FBC-2A (max. bore upto 42mm) 1.00 No. 2857.00 2714.15
53.04 FBC-3 (max. bore upto 48mm) 1.00 No. 3800.00 3610.00
53.05 FBC-4 (max. bore upto 65mm) 1.00 No. 5194.00 4934.30
53.06 FBC-4A (max. bore upto 65mm) 1.00 No. 6042.00 5739.90
53.07 FBC-5 (max. bore upto 75mm) 1.00 No. 7380.00 7011.00
Providing and fitting of rubber bush for bush type flexible couplings as
54.01 FBC-1 upto FBC-2A 1.00 No. 50.00 47.50
54.02 FBC-3 upto FBC-8A 1.00 No. 88.00 83.60
54.03 FBC-8B upto FBC-11 1.00 No. 315.00 299.25
55.00 Providing and fitting of pin for bush type flexible couplings as under:
55.01 FBC-1 upto FBC-2A 1.00 No. 164.00 155.80
55.02 FBC-3 upto FBC-7 1.00 No. 373.00 354.35
55.03 FBC-7A upto FBC-8A 1.00 No. 467.00 443.65
55.04 FBC-8B upto FBC-10 1.00 No. 1223.00 1161.85
55.05 FBC-10A upto FBC-11 1.00 No. 1477.00 1403.15
Providing and fitting flexible tyre coupling with finished bore and keyway of
following designations as per IS 14285:
56.01 TC-104 1.00 No. 2140.00 2033.00
56.02 TC-133 1.00 No. 3070.00 2916.50
56.03 TC 165 1.00 No. 4236.00 4024.20
56.04 TC-197 1.00 No. 5017.00 4766.15
56.05 TC-211 1.00 No. 6551.00 6223.45
56.06 TC-235 1.00 No. 9065.00 8611.75
56.07 TC-254 1.00 No. 11179.00 10620.05
56.08 TC-279 1.00 No. 14255.00 13542.25
56.09 TC-314 1.00 No. 19083.00 18128.85
56.10 TC-359 1.00 No. 28978.00 27529.10
56.11 TC-402 1.00 No. 41138.00 39081.10
56.12 TC-470 1.00 No. 63161.00 60002.95
56.13 TC-508 1.00 No. 112540.00 106913.00
56.14 TC-562 1.00 No. 137286.00 130421.70
56.15 TC-628 1.00 No. 183208.00 174047.60
Providing and fitting spare tyre for tyre coupling of following designations as
per IS 14285:
57.01 TC-104 1.00 No. 348.00 330.60
57.02 TC-133 1.00 No. 560.00 532.00
57.03 TC 165 1.00 No. 782.00 742.90
57.04 TC-197 1.00 No. 976.00 927.20
57.05 TC-211 1.00 No. 1351.00 1283.45
57.06 TC-235 1.00 No. 2038.00 1936.10
57.07 TC-254 1.00 No. 2485.00 2360.75
57.08 TC-279 1.00 No. 2964.00 2815.80
57.09 TC-314 1.00 No. 3637.00 3455.15
57.10 TC-359 1.00 No. 4202.00 3991.90
57.11 TC-402 1.00 No. 5910.00 5614.50
57.12 TC-470 1.00 No. 9755.00 9267.25
57.13 TC-508 1.00 No. 12037.00 11435.15
57.14 TC-562 1.00 No. 14757.00 14019.15
57.15 TC-628 1.00 No. 19293.00 18328.35
Providing of high tensile steel hexagonal bolts
58.01 M6 x 50 1.00 No. 7.00 6.65
58.02 M8 x 80 1.00 No. 17.00 16.15
58.03 M10 x 80 1.00 No. 31.00 29.45
58.04 M12 x 80 1.00 No. 42.00 39.90
58.05 M14 x 90 1.00 No. 67.00 63.65
58.06 M16 x 100 1.00 No. 92.00 87.40
58.07 M18 x 50 1.00 No. 89.00 84.55
58.08 M18 x 125 1.00 No. 160.00 152.00
58.09 M18 x 150 1.00 No. 187.00 177.65
58.10 M20 x 100 1.00 No. 147.00 139.65
58.11 M22 x 90 1.00 No. 194.00 184.30
58.12 M22 x 125 1.00 No. 240.00 228.00
58.13 M22 x 150 1.00 No. 279.00 265.05
58.14 M24 x 90 1.00 No. 239.00 227.05
58.15 M24 x 100 1.00 No. 258.00 245.10
58.16 M24 x 150 1.00 No. 328.00 311.60
58.17 M27 x 120 1.00 No. 508.00 482.60
58.18 M30 x 110 1.00 No. 614.00 583.30
59.00 Providing of hexagonal nuts of suitable pitch with sizes as under:
59.01 M6 1.00 No. 2.20 2.09
59.02 M8 1.00 No. 2.80 2.66
59.03 M10 1.00 No. 5.50 5.23
59.04 M12 1.00 No. 8.50 8.08
59.05 M14 1.00 No. 14.40 13.68
59.06 M16 1.00 No. 18.80 17.86
59.07 M18 1.00 No. 28.30 26.89
59.08 M20 1.00 No. 36.20 34.39
59.09 M22 1.00 No. 49.20 46.74
59.10 M24 1.00 No. 62.20 59.09
59.11 M27 1.00 No. 100.40 95.38
59.12 M30 1.00 No. 144.60 137.37
60.00 Providing and fitting of carbon steel Fasteners of assorted sizes 1.00 Kg 140.00 133.00
Fabrication, providing and fitting of bronze bush to bell mouth/ bowl unit/
stuffing box/ sleeve, or similar as per sample having finished weight as
61.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 Kg 4046.00 3843.70
61.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 Kg 2358.00 2240.10
61.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 5.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 1987.00 1887.65
61.04 Extra per kg > 5.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 1930.00 1833.50
Fabrication, providing and fitting of GM bush with rubber insert to bowl
62.00 housing/ bearing retainer, etc as per sample having finished weight as
62.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 Kg 3667.00 3483.65
62.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 Kg 2089.00 1984.55
62.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 5.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 1755.00 1667.25
62.04 Extra per kg > 5.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 1705.00 1619.75
Fabrication, providing and fitting of Bronze lantern (cooling) ring for stuffing
box as per sample having finished weight as under:
63.01 upto 0.5 kg 1.00 Kg 4863.00 4619.85
63.02 Extra per kg >0.5 kg upto 1 kgs 1.00 Kg 2986.00 2836.70
63.03 Extra per kg >1.0kgs upto 2.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 2678.00 2544.10
63.04 Extra per kg > 2.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 2371.00 2252.45
Providing and fitting of bronze/ GM split gland as per sample having
finished weight as under:
64.01 upto 1.0 kg 1.00 Kg 4264.00 4050.80
64.02 Extra per kg >1.0 kg upto 2.5 kgs 1.00 Kg 2410.00 2289.50
64.03 Extra per kg >2.5kgs upto 4.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 2024.00 1922.80
64.04 Extra per kg > 4.0 kgs 1.00 Kg 1922.00 1825.90
Fabrication, turning and finishing (on inside and outside) of Stainless steel
65.00 (AISI-410 or IS 1030) muff coupling, etc. as per old sample having finished 1.00 Kg 2139.00 2032.05
weight as under:
Repairs to the existing damaged SS shaft end by way of rebuilding using high
quality SS electrodes (Ador/ Advani/ ESAB makes) and then turning the shaft
77.00 on lathe machine to remove the excess material deposited. The job includes
threading or collar rebuilding and facing, etc. as per requirement and
restore the original dimensions and profile of the shaft.
77.01 Shaft upto 50mm diameter at one damaged spot on shaft end 1.00 Job 2197.00 2087.15
Extra for each subsequent damaged spot over the corresponding diameter
77.02 1.00 Job 1532.00 1455.40
upto 50mm
77.03 Shaft of more than 50mm diameter at one damaged spot on shaft end 1.00 Job 3566.00 3387.70
Extra for each subsequent damaged spot over the corresponding diameter
77.04 1.00 Job 2511.00 2385.45
above 50mm
77.05 Providing and fitting of carbon steel Fasteners of assorted sizes 1.00 Job 6500.00 6175.00
Hiring charges of Skilled Mechanic (for Disassembling and Assembling of
77.06 1.00 day 1080.00 1026.00
various items etc):
78.00 Hiring charges of Labourer for support of Mechanic 1.00 day 742.00 704.90
Earth work in bulk excavation by mechanical means (hydraulic excavator)
over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 m2 on
79.00 plan) including disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 meters and lift upto 1.00 cum 188.75 179.31
1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
All kinds of soil :
Earth work in bulk excavation by mechanical means (hydraulic excavator)
over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 m2 on
79.01 plan) including disposal of excavated earth lead upto 50 meters and lift upto 1.00 cum 378.35 359.43
1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Ordinary Rock
Divisional Officer
I have received copy of this order signed by the Divisional officer and undertake to execute the work and supplying the material describer there in accordance with the terms of this order.