Session 7- Design Standards Compiled
Session 7- Design Standards Compiled
Session 7- Design Standards Compiled
k|:tfjgf M e'sDk, cfunfuL tyf cGo b} j L k| s f] kx?af6 ejgx?nfO{ oyf;Dej ;' /lIft /fVgsf] nflu
ejg lgdf{0 f sfo{ nfO{ lgoldt ug]{ ;DaGwdf cfjZos Joj:yf ug{ afG5gLo ePsf] n],
>L % dxf/fhflw/fh jL/] Gb| jL/ ljqmd zfxb]j sf] zf;gsfnsf] ;QfO;f}+ jif{ df ;+ ;bn] of] P]g
agfPsf]5 .
!= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/De M -!_ o; P] gsf] gfd æejg P] g , @)%%Æ /x] sf] 5 .
-@_ of] P] g g]kfn ;/sf/n] g] kfn /fhkqdf ;" rgf k|s fzg u/L tf]lslbPsf If]q df
tf]lslbPsf] ldltb]l v k| f/De x'g] 5 .
@= kl/efiff
kl/efif M ljifo jf k| ;+un] csf]{ cy{ gnfu] df o; P]g df,–
-s_ æejgÆ eGgfn] cfjf;Lo, cf} B f]lus, Jofkfl/s, sfof{ no, ;efu[x, c:ktfn,
zLt e08f/, uf]b fd 3/ jf cGo s'g} k|of] usf] nflu ag] sf] s'g} ef}lts ;+/rgf
;D´g' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] To:tf] ;+/ rgfsf] s'g} efunfO{ ;d]t hgfpF5 .
-v_ æejg ;+lxtfÆ eGgfn] bkmf ( sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]l hd g] kfn ;/sf/af6
:jLs[ t /fli6« o ejg ;+lxtf ;D´g' k5{ .
-u_ æejg lgdf{ 0 fÆ eGgfn] gofF ejg agfpg] , k'/ fgf] ejg eTsfO{ k' gM lgdf{ 0f ug]{ ,
tnf yk ug]{, df]x f] 8f km]g]{ jf ;fljssf] ejgdf ‰ofn, 9f] s f, afb{ nL, sf}z L,
bnfg cflb yk36 u/L agfpg] jf ;f] ;+ u ;DalGwt cGo sfo{ ;D´g' k5{ .
-3_ æ;ldltÆ eGgfn] bkmf # adf]l hd u7g ePsf] ejg lgdf{0 f Joj:yf ;' b[l 9s/0f
;ldlt ;D´g' k5{ .
of] P] g @)^@.!!.! ut] b]lv tf]lsPsf] If]q df k|f/De x'g] u/L tf]l sPsf] -g]kfn /fhkq ldlt @)^@.!!.!_ .
-ª_ ægS;fÆ eGgfn] ejg lgdf{ 0f ;DaGwL ;Dk" 0f{ /] vflrq, ljj/0f / cGo sfuhkq
;D´g' k5{ .
-r_ ægu/kflnsfÆ eGgfn] k| rlnt sfg"g adf]l hd u7g ePsf] gu/kflnsf ;D´g'
k5{ / ;f] zAbn] dxfgu/kflnsf / pk–dxfgu/kflnsf ;d] tnfO{ hgfpF5 .
-5_ æ;/sf/L lgsfoÆ eGgfn] g] kfn ;/sf/sf] dGqfno, ;lrjfno, ljefu tyf
sfof{ no ;D´g' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] k| rlnt sfg"g adf]l hd u7g ePsf] cfof] u,
kl/ifb\ / ;ldlt ;d] tnfO{ hgfpF 5 .
-h_ æzx/L ljsf; sfof{ noÆ eGgfn] zx/L ljsf; tyf ejg lgdf{ 0f l8lehg
sfof{ no ;Demg' k5{ .
#= ejg lgdf{0f Joj:yf ;'b[l9s/0f ;ldltsf] u7g M -!_ ejg lgdf{0f ;DaGwL Joj:yfnfO{
;' b[l 9s/0f ug{s f] nflu g] kfn ;/sf/n] ejg lgdf{0 f Joj:yf ;' b[l 9s/0f ;ldlt u7g
ug]{ 5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]l hdsf] ;ldltdf b]xfosf cWoIf tyf ;b:ox? /xg]5 g\ M–
-s_ ;lrj, ef}lts of] hgf tyf lgdf{ 0f dGqfno – cWoIf
-v_ k|l tlglw, /fli6«o of] hgf cfof] u – ;b:o
-u_ k|ltlglw, sfg" g, Gofo tyf ;+;bLo Joj:yf dGqfno – ;b:o
-3_ ;b:o–;lrj, g] kfn u' 0 f:t/ kl/ifb\ – ;b:o
-ª_ 8Lg, OlGhlgol/· cWoog ;+ :yfg – ;b:o
-r_ ;x;lrj, :yfgLo ljsf; dGqfno
-gu/kflnsf dxfzfvf x] g]{_ – ;b:o
-5_ k| d'v, Jofjxfl/s lj1fg tyf k|ljlw cg';Gwfg s]Gb| –;b:o
-h_ ejg lgdf{0 f ;DaGwdf ljz]i f 1fg ePsf JolQmx? dWo]
g]kfn ;/sf/n] dgf]gLt u/] sf] a9Ldf tLghgf JolQmx?–;b:o
-em_ dxflgb]{z s, zx/L ljsf; tyf ejg lgdf{0f ljefu – ;b:o ;lrj
-#_ ================
klxnf] ;+zf] w g4f/f ;+z f]lwt .
klxnf] ;+zf]w g4f/f vf/] hL .
-$_ ;ldltn] cfjZos b] v]df ;DalGwt :jb]zL jf ljb]z L ljz]if1 jf cGo s' g}
JolQmnfO{ ;ldltsf] a}7sdf ko{ j]I fssf] ?kdf efu lng cfdGq0f ug{ ;Sg] 5 .
-%_ ;ldltsf] ;lrjfnosf] ?kdf zx/L ljsf; tyf ejg lgdf{0 f ljefun] sfd
ug]{ 5 .
$= ;ldltsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ M o; P] gdf cGoq n]lvPb]l v afx] s ;ldltsf] sfd, st{Jo /
clwsf/ b] xfo adf]l hd x' g]5 M–
-s_ e"sDk, cfunfuL tyf cGo b} j L k| sf] kaf6 ejgx?df kg{ ;Sg] IfltnfO{ oyf;Dej
sd ug{ ejg lgdf{0 f sfo{ nfO{ lgoldt u/fpg] ,
-v_ ejg lgdf{0 f sfo{ nfO{ lgoldt u/fpg ejg ;+lxtf th{' df u/L :jLs[l tsf] nflu g] kfn
;/sf/ ;dIf k]z ug]{ ,
-u_ ejg ;+lxtfdf ;dofg's"n ;' wf/ ug{ tyf ejg lgdf{ 0f ;DaGwL k| s[o f jf k|l jlwsf]
ljsf; ug{ cfjZos cWoog tyf cg' ;Gwfg ug]{ u/fpg] ,
-3_ ejg ;+lxtfdf plNnlvt dfkb08 cg'? k gS;f :jLs[ t eP jf gePsf] ;DaGwdf
hfF ra' em u/fpg]
-ª_ ejg lgdf{ 0 f;+ u ;DalGwt :jb]zL jf ljb]zL ;fdu|Lx?sf] u' 0 f:t/ lgwf{/ 0f ug{ g] kfn
u'0f:t/ kl/ifb\ nfO{ l;kmfl/z ug]{ ,
-r_ ejg ;+lxtfsf] sfof{Gjogdf b] vfk/]s f ;d:ofx?nfO{ ;dofg' s"n ;' wf/ ug{ sf] nflu
;DalGwt lgsfosf k| fljlws ljz]i f1 tyf sd{ rf/Lx? ;d] t ;+ nUg u/fO{ ;ef jf
uf]i7L ug]{ , u/fpg],
-5_ ejg ;+l xtfsf] pkof]l utf ;DaGwdf ;j{ ;fwf/0fnfO{ ljleGg dfWodåf/f hfgsf/L
u/fpg] ,
-h_ o; P] gsf] p2] Zo sfof{G jog ug{ cfjZos cGo sfd ug]{ , u/fpg] .
%= ;ldltsf] a}7s / lg0f{o M -!_ ;ldltsf] a}7s ;ldltsf] cWoIfn] tf] s]sf] ldlt, ;do /
:yfgdf cfjZostf cg' ;f/ a:g] 5 .
-@_ ;ldltsf] a}7s a:g] sDtLdf tLg lbg cufl8 ;ldltsf] ;b:o–;lrjn] a} 7sdf
5nkmn x'g] ljifo ;lxtsf] ;" rgf ;a} ;b:ox?nfO{ lbg' kg]{5 .
klxnf] ;+zf] w g4f/f ;+z f]lwt .
-#_ ;ldltsf] s" n ;b:o ;+ Vofsf] krf; k|l tzt ;b:ox? pkl:yt ePdf ;ldltsf]
a}7ssf] nflu u0fk" /s ;+ Vof k' u]sf] dflgg] 5 .
-$_ ;ldltsf] a}7ssf] cWoIftf ;ldltsf] cWoIfn] / lghsf] cg' kl:yltdf ;ldltsf
;b:ox?n] cfkm"dWo] af6 5fg]sf] ;b:on] a}7 ssf] cWoIftf ug]{5 .
-%_ ;ldltsf] a}7sdf ax' d tsf] /fo dfGo x' g]5 / dt a/fa/ ePdf cWoIftf ug]{
JolQmn] lg0ff{ os dt lbg] 5 .
-^_ ;ldltsf] k|To]s a}7sdf pkl:yt ;b:ox?sf] gfd, 5nkmn ePsf] ljifoj:t' /
a}7sdf ePsf lg0f{ox? lg0f{o k'l:tsfdf n] vL pkl:yt ;b:ox?sf] ;xL5fk u/fO{ /fVg'
kg]{ 5 .
-&_ ;ldltsf] lg0f{o ;ldltsf] ;b:o–;lrjn] k| dfl0ft ug]{5 .
-*_ ;ldltsf] a}7 s ;DaGwL cGo sfo{l jlw ;ldlt cfkm} n] lgwf{/0f u/] adf]lhd x' g]5 .
^= pk;ldlt u7g ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ ;ldltn] cfkm" n] ug{' kg]{ s' g} sfd ug{ u/fpg cfjZostf
cg' ;f/ ;DalGwt ljz]if1 JolQmx? ;d] t /x] s f ljleGg pk;ldltx? u7g ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]l hd ul7t pk;ldltx?sf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ ;ldltn]
tf]lslbP adf]lhd x' g]5 .
&= a}7s eQf M ;ldlt tyf bkmf ^ adf]l hd ul7t pk;ldltsf ;b:ox? / cfdlGqt JolQmx?n]
a}7sdf efu lnP afkt g] kfn ;/sf/n] tf]l slbP adf]l hdsf] a} 7s eQf kfpg] 5g\ .
*= ejgsf] juL{s/0f M ejg ;+lxtfsf] th'{df tyf sfof{Gjog ug]{ k|of]hgsf] nflu ejgnfO{ b]xfo
adf]lhd rf/ ju{df juL{s/0f ul/g]5 M–
-s_ æsÆ ju{ M ljsl;t d' n's df ckgfOPsf ejg ;+lxtf ;d] tsf] cg';/0f u/L
O06/g] z gn :6]6 ckm cf6{ df cfwfl/t x' g] u/L agfOg] cTofw'lgs ejgx¿ .
-v_ ævÆ ju{ M KnLGy Pl/of Ps xhf/ ju{kmL6eGbf a9L, e'OFtnf ;lxt tLg tnfeGbf
a9L jf :6« Sr/n :kfg rf/ bzdnj kfFr -$=%_ dL6/eGbf a9L ePsf ejgx¿ .
-u_ æuÆ ju{ M KnLGy Pl/of Ps xhf/ ju{ kmL6;Dd, e'OFtnf ;lxt tLg tnf;Dd jf
:6«Sr/n :kfg rf/ bzdnj kfFr -$=%_ dL6/;Dd ePsf ejgx¿ .
-3_ æ3Æ ju{ M v08 -s_, -v_ / -u_ df n]l vPb]l v afx] ssf sfF rf] jf kfsf] O{+ 6f,
9' Ëf, df6f], afF;, v/ cflb k| of] u u/L b'O{ tnf;Dd agfOg] ;fgf 3/, 5fk| fx? .
klxnf] ;+zf] w g4f/f ;+z f]lwt .
(= ejg ;+lxtf :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]{ M -!_ ;ldltn] bkmf * df plNnlvt ejg juL{ s/0f ;d] tsf
cfwf/df ejg ;+lxtf tof/ u/L :jLs[l tsf] nflu g] kfn ;/sf/, ef}l ts of] hgf tyf lgdf{ 0f
dGqfno ;dIf k]z ug{' kg]{ 5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd k]z ePsf] ejg ;+lxtf g] kfn ;/sf/, ef}l ts of] hgf tyf
lgdf{0 f dGqfnoaf6 :jLs[ t ePkl5 nfu" x'g]5 .
!)= ejg ;+lxtf cg'?k ejg lgdf{0f ug{' kg]
kg{ M s' g} JolQm, ;+:yf jf ;/sf/L lgsfon] ejg
lgdf{0 f ubf{ ejg ;+lxtfdf tf]lsPsf] :t/ cg' ?k agfpg' kg]{5 . To;/L ejg lgdf{0 f ubf{
;f] ejgsf] gS;f / l8hfOg h'g :t/sf] l8hfOgstf{, Ol~hlgo/ jf cfls{ 6]S 6af6 k| dfl0ft
u/fOPsf] xf] sDtLdf ;f]xL :t/sf] l8hfOgstf{ jf lghsf] k|l tlglw, Ol~hlgo/ jf cfls{6]S6sf]
/] vb] vdf lgdf{ 0 f ug'{ kg]{5 .
!!= ejgsf] l8hfOg tyf gS;f :jLs[lt ;DaGwL Joj:yf M -!_ gu/kflnsf If]qleq bkmf * df
plNnlvt æsÆ, ævÆ jf æuÆ ju{sf] ejg lgdf{0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm, ;+:yf jf ;/sf/L lgsfon] ejg
lgdf{0f ug{ k|rlnt sfg"g adf]lhd :jLs[ltsf] nflu gu/kflnsf ;dIf b/vf:t lb+bf gS;f;fy
l8hfOg ;d]t k]z ug'{ kg]{5 .
-@_ of] P]g nfu" ePsf] ufpF ljsf; ;ldlt If] qleq bkmf * df plNnlvt æsÆ jf ævÆ
ju{s f] ejg lgdf{0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm, ;+:yf jf ;/sf/L lgsfon] ejgsf] gS;f / l8hfOg tof/
u/L zx/L ljsf; sfof{n oaf6 :jLs[t u/fpg' kg]{ 5 .
t/ æuÆ ju{ sf] ejgsf] xsdf k| rlnt sfg" g adf]lhd gS;f :jLs[ltsf] nflu b/vf:t
lb+bf ejg ;+lxtf cg'?ksf] gS;f k] z ug{' kg]{ 5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -!_ jf -@_ adf]lhd k]z ul/Psf ejgsf] gS;f / l8hfOg ejg ;+l xtf cg'? k
ePsf] Joxf] /f b] xfosf JolQmaf6 k| dfl0ft u/fPsf] x' g' kg]{ 5 M–
-s_ bkmf * df plNnlvt æsÆ ju{sf] ejgsf] xsdf ;DalGwt
-v_ bkmf * df plNnlvt ævÆ ju{ s f] ejgsf] xsdf g] kfn Ol~hlgol/Ë
kl/ifb\ df btf{ ePsf] l;len Ol~hlgo/ jf cfls{ 6]S6af6,
klxnf] ;+zf]w g4f/f yk .
klxnf] ;+zf] w g4f/f ;+z f]lwt .
-u_ bkmf * df plNnlvt æuÆ ju{ sf] ejgsf] xsdf dfGotfk|fKt lzIf0f
;+ :yfaf6 l;len Ol~hlgol/Ë jf cfls{ 6]S6 ljifodf sDtLdf
k| df0fkq tx pQL0f{ u/]sf] JolQmaf6 .
!@= dfkb08 ljk/Lt gS;f :jLs[
:jLs[t ug{ gx'g] M -!_ gu/kflnsfn] ejg ;+lxtfdf plNnlvt dfkb08
ljk/Lt x'g] u/L gS;f :jLs[t ug'{ x'Fb}g .
-@_ gu/kflnsfn] ejg ;+lxtf adf]lhd gS;f :jLs[ t u/] gu/] sf] ;DaGwdf zx/L ljsf;
sfof{ non] cfjZos hfFr a'e m ug{ ;Sg] 5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd hfF ra' em ubf{ s' g} gu/kflnsfn] ejg ;+lxtf ljk/Lt x' g] u/L
gS;f :jLs[t u/] sf] b]lvPdf zx/L ljsf; sfof{n on] ;f]s f] k|ltj]bg ;ldlt ;dIf k] z ug'{ kg]{ 5 .
-$_ pkbkmf -#_ adf]lhd k| fKt ePsf] k|ltj] bg 5fglag ubf{ dgfl;a b]lvPdf ;ldltn]
ejg ;+l xtf adf]lhd gS;f :jLs[t u/fpg ;DalGwt gu/kflnsfdf n]v L k7fpg'
kg]{ 5 .
-%_ pkbkmf -$_ adf]lhd n]vL cfPdf ;DalGwt gu/kflnsfn] klg ;f] adf]lhd gS;f
:jLs[ t u/fpg' kg]{ 5 .
!#= ejg lgdf{0fsf] ;'kl/j]If0f ug{ ;Sg] M -!_ s' g} JolQm, ;+:yf jf ;/sf/L lgsfon] ejg ;+l xtfdf
tf]lsPsf] :t/ cg'? k ejg lgdf{ 0f u/] gu/] sf] ;DaGwdf gu/kflnsf If]qleqsf] xsdf
gu/kflnsfn] / ufpF ljsf; If] qleqsf] xsdf zx/L ljsf; sfof{ non] ;'kl/j] If0f ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]l hd ;' kl/j] If0f ubf{ gu/kflnsf jf zx/L ljsf; sfof{ non]
s'g} ejgsf] lgdf{0 f ejg ;+lxtfdf tf]lsPsf] :t/ cg' ? k gePsf] kfPdf ejg lgdf{ 0 f ug]{
;DalGwt JolQm, ;+: yf jf ;/sf/L lgsfonfO{ cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg ;Sg] 5 / To:tf] lgb]{z g
kfng ug{' ;DalGwt JolQm, ;+ : yf jf ;/sf/L lgsfosf] st{Jo x' g]5 .
!$= ;hfo M ♣-!_ s;} n] o; P] g adf]lhd gS;f :jLs[t gu/fO{ jf To:tf] :jLs[t gS;f jf ejg
;+lxtfdf plNnlvt dfkb08 ljk/Lt x' g] u/L ejg lgdf{0 f u/] df gu/kflnsf If] qleqsf] xsdf
gu/kflnsfn] / ufpF ljsf; If]qleqsf] xsdf zx/L ljsf; sfof{ non] To:tf] lgdf{0f sfo{ t'?Gt
/f] Sg cfb]z lbg' kg]{ 5 .
klxnf] ;+zf] w g4f/f ;+z f]lwt .
klxnf] ;+zf]w g4f/f yk .
-@_ s;} n] o; P]g adf]l hd gS;f :jLs[ t gu/fO{ jf To:tf] :jLs[ t gS;f jf ejg
;+lxtfdf plNnlvt dfkb08 ljk/Lt x' g] u/L ejg lgdf{0 f u/] df gu/kflnsf jf zx/L ljsf;
sfof{ non] To:tf] ejg jf To;sf] s'g} efu eTsfpg cfb] z lbO{ To:tf] sfo{ ug]{ JolQm jf
;+ :yfnfO{ krf; xhf/ ?k}o fF ;Dd hl/afgf ug{ ;Sg] 5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]l hd ♣ gu/kflnsf jf zx/L ljsf; sfof{ non] ejg lgdf{ 0fsf] s' g}
efu eTsfpg] cfb]z lbPsf] df ;f] efu geTsfP;Dd To:tf] ;DklQ s;} nfO{ klg s' g} Joxf] /fn]
xs 5f8L lbg jf lwtf] aGwsL lbg gkfpg] u/L /f]S sf /fVg, To:tf] lgdf{ 0 f ePsf] ejgdf
wf/f, lah' nL, 6]l nkmf]g cflb ljt/0f ug{ gnufpg tyf ljt/0f ul/;s]s f] eP klg To:tf]
wf/f, lah' nL, 6]l nkmf]g cflbsf] nfOg sf6\ g ;d] t ♣ gu/kflnsf jf zx/L ljsf; sfof{ non]
;DalGwt sfof{ nox?df n] vL k7fpg' kg]{5 / ;DalGwt sfof{ non] klg n] vL cfP adf]l hd
u/L lbg' kg]{5 .
!%= k'g/fj]bg M bkmf !$ sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd ♣gu/kflnsf jf zx/L ljsf; sfof{n on] lbPsf]
cfb]z df lrQ ga'‰g] n] To:tf] cfb]z kfPsf] ldltn] k}+tL; lbgleq ;DalGwt k' g/fj] bg cbfntdf
k'g/fj] bg lbg ;Sg] 5 .
!^= ejg eTsfpg] / nfu]sf] vr{ c;'n ug]{ M -!_ bkmf !$ sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd s'g} ejg jf
To;sf] s' g} efu eTsfpg] cfb] z ePdf To:tf] cfb] z pk/ bkmf !% adf]lhd k' g/fj] bg k/] sf] df
k'g/fj] bg cbfntaf6 To:tf] ejg jf To;sf] s' g} efu eTsfpg] u/L lg0f{o ePsf] ldltn] k}+ tL;
lbgleq / k'g /fj] bg gk/] sf]df k'g/fj]bg ug]{ Dofb gf3]s f] ldltn] k}+tL; lbgleq ;DalGwt JolQm,
;+:yf jf ;/sf/L lgsfon] To:tf] ejg jf To;sf] s' g} efu eTsfpg' kg]{ 5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]l hdsf] Dofbleq ;DalGwt JolQm, ;+ : yf jf ;/sf/L lgsfon]
To:tf] ejg jf To;sf] s'g} efu geTsfPdf gu/kflnsf jf zx/L ljsf; sfof{ non] g}
To:tf] ejg jf To;sf] s'g} efu eTsfpg ;Sg] 5 / To;/L eTsfpF b f nfu]sf] vr{ ;DalGwt
JolQm jf ;+ : yfaf6 ;/sf/L afFs L ;/x c;' n pk/ ul/g] 5 .
-#_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]l hd gu/kflnsf jf zx/L ljsf; sfof{ non] ejg jf To;sf]
s'g} efu eTsfpFb f e/dUb'/ k|of; ubf{ ub}{ klg eTsfpg' kg]{ efueGbf a9L efu elTsg uPdf
klxnf] ;+zf] w g4f/f ;+z f]lwt .
klxnf] ;+zf]w g4f/f yk .
gu/kflnsf jf zx/L ljsf; sfof{ no hjfkmb]x L x'g] 5} g / To;/L eTsfpg' kg]{ eGbf a9L efu
elTsg uO{ Iflt k' Ug uP afkt ;DalGwt JolQmn] Ifltk"l t{ dfu ug{ kfpg] 5} g .
-$_ pkbkmf -@_ adf]lhd zx/L ljsf; sfof{ non] ejg jf To;sf] s' g} efu eTsfpF bf
;DalGwt ufpF ljsf; ;ldltsf] cWoIf, pkfWoIf jf ;DalGwt j8f cWoIfsf] /f] xj/df / lghx¿
gePdf jf pkl:yt gePdf ufpF ljsf; ;ldltsf] ;lrj / lgh klg pkl:yt gePdf
:yflgo:t/sf] sDtLdf rf/hgf jfl;Gbfsf] /f] xj/df eTsfpg' kg]{ 5 .
♣!&= ;xof]u ug'{ kg]
kg{ M bkmf !^ sf] pkbkmf -@_ adf]l hd gu/kflnsf jf zx/L ljsf; sfof{ non]
ejg jf To;sf] s'g} efu eTsfpF bf s;} n] afwf lj/f] w u/] df gu/kflnsfn] :yfgLo k|z f;gsf]
/ zx/L ljsf; sfof{ non] :yfgLo k|z f;g tyf ;DalGwt ufpF ljsf; ;ldltsf] ;xof] u dfu
ug{ ;Sg]5 / To;/L ;xof] u dfu ePdf gu/kflnsf jf zx/L ljsf; sfof{ nonfO{ cfjZos
;xof] u ug'{ kg]{5 .
♣!*= ;"rgf k|sfzg ug'{ kg]{ M -!_ g]k fn ;/sf/n] ejg ;+lxtf nfu" ul/Psf] ;"r gf ;j{ ;fwf/0fsf]
hfgsf/Lsf] nflu g]k fn /fhkqdf k|s fzg ug{] 5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd ;" rgf k| sfzg ePkl5 ejg ;+lxtfsf] k|ltlnlk lng rfxg]
JolQmn] tf]l sPsf] b:t' / a'e mfO{ zx/L ljsf; sfof{noaf6 ejg ;+l xtfsf] k|ltlnlk k|fKt ug{
;Sg]5 .
!(= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg M ;ldltn] o; P]g adf]lhd cfkm"n fO{ k| fKt clwsf/ dWo] cfjZostf cg'; f/
s]xL clwsf/ ;ldlt jf bkmf ^ adf]lhd ul7t pk;ldltsf ;b:ox?, ;/sf/L lgsfo,
gu/kflnsf, zx/L ljsf; sfof{ n o jf cGo s' g} clws[t sd{rf/LnfO{ k|T ofof]hg ug{ ;Sg]5 .
@)= lgb]{zg lbg ;Sg] M -!_ g]kfn ;/sf/n] ejg ;+l xtf th{'df tyf sfof{ G jog ug]{ ;DaGwdf
;ldltnfO{ cfjZos lgb]{ zg lbg ;Sg]5 .
-@_ pkbkmf -!_ adf]lhd g] kfn ;/sf/n] lbPsf] lgb]{zg kfng ug{' ;ldltsf] st{Jo
x'g]5 .
@!= o;} P]g adf]lhd x'g] M o; P] gdf n]lvP hlt s'/ fdf o;} P] g adf]l hd / c?df k| rlnt sfg"g
adf]l hd x'g] 5 .
klxnf] ;+zf]w g4f/f yk .
klxnf] ;+zf] w g4f/f ;+z f]lwt .
@@= lgod agfpg] clwsf/ M o; P] gsf] p2] Zo sfof{ G jo ug{ g] kfn ;/sf/n] cfjZos lgodx?
agfpg ;Sg] 5 .
!= s] x L g]k fn sfg" g ;+ zf] w g ug]{ P] g, @)^# adf]l hd ¿kfGt/ ePsf zAbx¿M–
æ>L % sf] ;/sf/Æ eGg] zAbsf] ;§f æg]kfn ;/sf/Æ .
@= ejg -klxnf] ;+ zf] wg_ P] g, @)^$adf]l hd ¿kfGt/ ePsf zAbx¿M–
æcfjf; tyf ef}lts of]h gf dGqfnoÆ eGg] zAbx¿sf] ;§f æef}lts of]h gf tyf lgdf{ 0f dGqfnoÆ .
ejg lgodfjnL,@)^^
g]kfn /fhkqdf k|sfzg ldlt
ejg P]g, @)%% sf] bkmf @@ n] lbPsf] clwsf/ k|of]u u/L g]kfn ;/sf/n] b]xfosf
lgodx? agfPsf]5 .
!= ;+lIfKt gfd / k|f/DeM -!_ oL lgodx?sf] gfd æejg lgodfjnL, @)^^Æ /x]sf] 5 .
-@_ of] lgodfjnL t'?Gt k|f/De x'g]5 .
@= kl/efiffM ljifo jf k|;Ën] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; lgodfjnLdf,–
-s_ æP]gÆ eGgfn] ejg P]g,@)%% ;Demg' k5{ .
-v_ æufpF ljsf; ;ldltÆ eGgfn] ejg P]g, @)%% nfu" ePsf] ufpF ljsf; ;ldlt
;Demg' k5{ .
#= ejg lgdf{0f ug'{ cl3 :jLs[lt lng' kg]{M -!_ P]gsf] bkmf !! sf] pkbkmf -!_ df
plNnlvt …sÚ …vÚ jf …uÚ ju{sf] ejg lgdf{0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm, ;+:yf jf ;/sf/L
lgsfon] gS;f :jLs[ltsf] nflu gu/kflnsf ;dIf cg';"rL—! adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf
b/vf:t lb+bf l8hfOg ;d]t k]z ug{' kg{]5 .
-@_ P]gsf] bkmf !! sf] pkbkmf -@_ df plNnlvt …sÚ jf …vÚ ju{sf] ejg
lgdf{0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm, ;+:yf jf ;/sf/L lgsfon] ejgsf] gS;f / l8hfOg / …uÚ
ju{sf] ejg lgdf{0f ug{ rfxg] JolQm, ;+:yf jf ;/sf/L lgsfon] ejgsf] gS;f tof/
u/L :jLs[ltsf] nflu cg';"rL—! adf]lhdsf] 9fFrfdf ;DalGwt lhNnfsf] zx/L ljsf;
sfof{nodf b/vf:t lbg' kg{]5 .
-#_ pklgod -@_ adf]lhd k|fKt ePsf] b/vf:t pk/ zx/L ljsf; sfof{non]
cfjZos hfFra'em ug{]5 / To;/L hfFra'em ubf{ s'g} yk sfuhft cfjZos b]lvPdf
b/vf:tjfnf;Fu To:tf] sfuhft dfu ug{ ;Sg]5 . 1 2
cg';"rL !
-lgod # sf] pklgod -!_ / -@_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_
b/vf:t kmf/fd
============================================= .
lgDg hUufdf ======== au{sf] ejg lgdf{0f ug{ tkl;n adf]lhdsf] gS;f tyf sfuhft
;+nUg u/L :jLs[t ÷clu|d l8hfOg ;xdltsf] nflu cg'/f]w 5 .
ejg lgdf{0f :ynM–
=============================lhNnf =======================g=kf=÷uf=lj=;=÷j8f g+===========gS;f
g+===========lsQf g+===================
lgj]bssf] gfdM–
kmf]g g+=M–
lgj]bssf] b:tvt M–
ejg P]g, @)%% sf] bkmf * adf]lhd l8hfO{g k|of]hgsf] lglDt k|of]u ul/Psf] ejgsf]
lsl;d s'g xf] ;f]df /]hf lrGx nufpg' xf];\ .
-s_ æsÆ au{
-v_ ævÆ au{
-u_ æuÆ au{
;+nUg sfuhftx?M–
!_ cfls{6]Sr/n gS;f yfgM– 3
1. Floor plans
2. Elevations
4. Site plan
6. Staircase Details.
7. Ramp Detail
3. Slab reinforcement
4. Staircase reinforcement 4
3. Slab reinforcement
2. Roof plan
3. Site plan 5
7. Drainage detail
1. Layout
2. Wiring
3. Schematic 6
-!_ :s]nsf] xsdf ;a} gS;fx? !M!)) jf !"= *' x'g' kg]{ / l86]nx? !M%) jf !"= $'
eGbf sdsf] x'g gx'g] . ;fO{6 Knfgsf] xsdf Ps /f]kgL;Dd !M!)) jf !" = *' / Ps
/f]kgL b]lv dfly !M@)) jf !" = !^' x'g' kg]{5 .
-@_ l8hfO{g ;xdlt k|bfg ug]{ qmddf lgdf{0f :yn lg/LIf0f ug'{ kg]{ ePdf lgdf{0f :yn
lg/LIf0f u/fpg' kg]{ 5 .
cfjZos u/fpg' kg]{5 .
-#_ æsÆ au{ / ævÆ au{sf] xsdf Technical Detail Form No. 1 sf] Form A, B, C, tyf
D eg'{ kg]{5 .
-$_ æuÆ au{sf] xsdf Technical Detail Form No. 1 sf] Form A, / Technical Detail
Form No. 2 sf] Structural Design Requirements eg'{ kg]{5.
-%_ cg';"rL ! sfof{Gjogsf] ;DjGwdf s'g} b'lawf pTkGg ePdf ;ldltsf] lg0f{o cg';f/
x'g]5 . 7
Type of Building………………………
1.0 Staircase
a) Hospital ….mm
b) Auditorium
c) Others ……mm 8
2.0 Exit
3.3 Min. size of ventilator for water closets and bathroom ……sq.m.
4.0 Lifts 9 10
1. Type of building
…(nos of ….Litres. 11
Office building
b) Urinal - …..Nos.
c) Basin - ……Nos.
Auditorium 12
b) Urinal - …..Nos.
c) Basin - ……Nos.
Hospital indoor patient ward (For Ladies and Gents Toilet):-- Nos. of users--…….. 13
1.1. Minimum size (sq. mm.) of copper cable for light circuit
1.2 Minimum size (sq. mm.) of copper cable for power circuit
1.6 Wall thickness of mild steel sheet switch or regulator boxes for
upto 20cm.x 30cm.
1.7 Wall thickness of mild steel sheet switch or regulator boxes for
above 20cm.x 30cm.
2.1 No. of 2.5 sq. mm. cross-sectional area cable in 20mm. dia conduit
2.2 No. of 4 sq. mm. cross-sectional area cable in 20mm. dia conduit
2.3 No. of 6 sq. mm. cross-sectional area cable in 20mm. dia conduit 14
2.4 No. of 2.5 sq. mm. cross-sectional area cable in 25mm. dia conduit
2.5 No. of 4 sq. mm. cross-sectional area cable in 25mm. dia conduit
2.6 No. of 6 sq. mm. cross-sectional area cable in 25mm. dia conduit
2.7 No. of 2.5 sq. mm. cross-sectional area cable in 32mm. dia conduit
2.8 No. of 4 sq. mm. cross-sectional area cable in 32mm. dia conduit
2.9 No. of 6 sq. mm. cross-sectional area cable in 32mm. dia conduit
3. Earthing
3.1 The value of any earth system resistance unless otherwise specified
3.10 Depth of the top edge of plate electrodes buried from ground 15
4. Testing
4.1 Insulation resistance (Mohm) between earth and the whole system
of conductor or any section thereof
4.2 Insulation resistance (Mohm) between the metallic case and all live
part of each rheostat, appliance and sign when they are
1. When substation and external electrical works are required, designer must comply
NBC 207: 2003 or/ an relevant international electrical codes. 16
(D) NBC 000: 1994 to NBC 114: 1994 Structural Design Requirements
1. General:
Number of Storey
Building Lime 17
Tiles Timber
Brick Masonry
Note:* If any materials other than specified in NBC 102-1994, the designer should take responsibility
that such materials are according to international standard.
Uniformly Concentrated
Distributed load Load (kN)
Balcony 18
Store rooms
Dining, restaurants
Office rooms
Assembly areas 19
Projection rooms
Mercantile Buildings
Retail shops
Wholesale shops
Industrial Buildings
Medium duty 20
Heavy duty
Staircase, Passage
Storage buildings
Storage rooms
Cold storage
Boiler rooms
Wind zone
Subsoil category
Importance factor 21
Design Depth
Design Density
Type of foundation
Depth of foundation
Note: Soil test is advisable for all professional engineered structures. In case, soil test is not carried
out, the designer should take responsibility for assumed data concerning site consideration.
Concrete Grade 22
First floor
Second floor
Opening details:
Of smaller opening 23
Concrete grade
Effective depth
Compression reinforcement
modification factor 24
Load Combinations:
Working Stress method 1:
Limit State method 1:
Yield Stress: 25
Purlin size
Modulus of Elasticity:
Designed deflection
Joint type: 26
safety goggles
Safety boots
Safety belt
First aid facility
I / We hereby certify that the proposed design of building and its various
components comply all the requirements of prevailing National Building Code of Nepal.
I/We also affirm that the submitted design is done by the concerned Engineers and
Architects duly registered in Nepal Engineering Council. The data made available in this
form are equally valid for all buildings apart from the main building.
Name of Consulting Firm:
Seal: 27
1. General:
Number of Storey
Note:* If any materials other than specified in NBC 102-1994, the designer should take responsibility
that such materials are according to international standard. 28
Type of foundation
Depth of foundation
Note: Soil test is advisable for all professional engineered structures. In case, soil test is not carried
out, the designer should take responsibility for assumed data concerning site consideration.
Concrete Grade
First floor
Second floor
Opening details: 29
Of smaller opening
Concrete grade 30
I / We hereby certify that the proposed design of building and its various components
comply all the requirements of prevailing National Building Code of Nepal.
Name of Consulting Firm:
Date: Seal: 31
cg';"rL @
-lgod % ;Fu ;DalGwt_ 32
;fj{hlgs ejgx?df k|of]u x'g] /·
;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf, @)^(
g]kfn ;/sf/
;x/L ljsf; dGqfno
;x/L ljsf; tyf ejg lgdf{0f ljefu
aa/dxn, sf7df08f}+
;fj{hlgs ejgx?df k|of]u x'g] /Ë
;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf, @)^(
g]kfn ;/sf/
;x/L ljsf; dGqfno
;x/L ljsf; tyf ejg lgdf{0f ljefu
aa/dxn, sf7df08f}+
b]zleq e}O/x]sf] ltj| ljsf; ;+u;u} ljleGg kl/j]zsf ;fy ;/sf/L ejgx?sf] lgdf{0f,
k'g:yf{kgf / dd{t ;+ef/sf s[ofsnfkx? ;d]t j[l4 eO/x]sf 5g\ . ;/sf/L ejgx?sf] sfo{
k|s[lt cg';f/ ljefhg u/L plrt /+ux?sf] 5gf}6 / k|of]uaf6 ejgx?sf] kl/ro :yflkt
ug{ ;fy} ejgx? aLr ;dfgtf / Ps?ktf Nofpg] of] k'l:tsfsf] p2]Zo /x]sf] 5 . cfkmgf]
p2]Zo cg'?k ;fj{hlgs ejgx?nfO{ sfo{ k|s[lt cg';f/ ljefhg u/L jt{dfg cj:yfdf
k|of]u ePsf /+ux?sf ;d]t cWoog u/L ljleGg b[li6sf]0faf6 ljZn]if0f u/L ejgsf ljleGg
efux?sf] nflu pko'Qm /+ux?sf] k|:tfjgf ;lxt p2]Zo k"lt{ ug{ of] lgb{]lzsf tof/ ul/Psf]
xf] .
g]kfnsf] ef}uf]lns If]q lxdfn, kxf8 / t/fO{df /x]sf ;fj{hlgs ejgx?sf] nflu ef}uf]lns,
;f+:s[lts, ;fdflhs tyf cfly{s cj:yfsf] klxrfg ;d]t k|ltlaDa emNsfpg] o; k'l:tsfsf]
lgDgfg';f/sf] p2]Zo /x]sf 5g\ .
• xfn ;/sf/L ejgx? cGo s'g} ejgx? eGbf km/s gb]lv+bf kl/ro ljlxg cj:yfdf
/x]sf]n] ;/sf/L ejgx?sf] 5'6} kl/ro :yflkt ug{ .
• o; lgb{]lzsf k|of]uaf6 ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ ;/sf/L ejgsf] klxrfg ug{ d2t k'Ug] .
• ;fj{hlgs ejg lgdf{0f, dd{t ;+ef/sf] s|ddf /Ësf] k|of]usf] cGof]ntf x6fpg] .
• ;fj{hlgs ejgx?sf] cjl:ytL, :yfg cg';f/sf] If]lqo tyf ef}uf]lns kl/ronfO{
ejgsf] :j?kdf ;dfj]z ug{ .
• lgoldt dd{t ;+ef/sf] s|d jf lglZrt cjlwsf] cGt/fndf k'gM /Ë /f]ug ubf{
pxL /Ë bf]xf]¥ofP/ nufOg] x'gfn] vr{ sdL eO{ cfly{s ?kdf ldtJooL x'g] .
o; k'l:tsf tof/ u/L k|sfzg ug{] sfo{df ;+nUg ejg ;le{;]h zfvfsf k|d'v l;=l8=O{=
>L k|sL0f{ t'nfw/nfO{ ljz]if wGojfb 1fkg ub{5' . o; k'l:tsfsf] n]vg ug{] s|ddf cd"No
;Nnfx P+j ;'emfj lbg] sf= p= lj= k|f= nlntk'/sf lhNnf cfo'Qm >L kb\d d}gfnL, o; ljefusf
l8lehg k|d'vx? tyf cfof]hgf k|d'vx? ;fy} o; k'l:tsfnfO{ clGtd ?k lbg ;xof]u ug{
x'g] o; ljefusf l;=l8=O{=x? >L ;l/tf df:s], >L pdfb]jL ;+uf5], >L drfsfhL dxh{g,
>L dL/f 1jfnL tyf OlGhlgo/åo >L 1fg]Gb| zfSo / >L k|jL0f zfx k|lt cfef/ k|s6 ug{
rfxG5' .
k|:tfjgf M
g]kfn /fHoe/L lgdf{0f x'g] ;fj{hlgs ejgx?sf] :j?k ef}uf]lns ljljwtf /
cfjZostf cg';f/ km/s km/s ePklg o;df k|of]u x'g] /Ë dfk{mt Ps?ktf
sfod u/fpg / ejgsf] k|of]hgsf] klxrfg b]vfpg cfjZos ePsf]n] of]
lgb]{lzsf agfOPsf] 5 .
kl/R5]b – !
-s_ æ;fj{hlgs ejgÆ eGgfn] ;fj{hlgs ;]jf k|jfxdf k|of]u x'g] ejg
;Demg' kb{5 . ef8fdf a;]sf lgsfosf] xsdf /Ë k|of]u ;DaGwL
s/f/ ;Demf}tf cg';f/ /Ë kl/jt{g ug{ ;lsg] cj:yfdf dfq of]
kl/efiffsf] k|of]u x'g]5 .
-v_ k|zf;lgs ejg M s]Gb|Lo, If]qLo tyf lhNnf :t/Lo k|zf;lgs ejgx?
-o; ;d"x cGtu{t lh=k|=sf, jg, dfnkf]t, :jf:Yo, z}lIfs tyf cGo
lgsfosf k|zf;lgs ejg ;d]t kg]{5 ._
-!_ ;+jw} flgs lgsfosf ejgsf aflx/L efux?sf nflu lgDg k|sf/n] /+ux?
-s_ Knfi6/ ul/Psf] ejgx?sf] d'Vo efudf u'nfjL (Pink) /+usf] k|of]u
x'g]5 . olb ejgsf] d'Vo efu Knfi6/ geP/ O{6f jf 9'+ufsf] uf/f]
b]lvg] vfnsf] 5 eg] To;dfly s'g} /+u k|of]u gu/L 3fdkfgLjf6
;'/lIft ug{ kf/bzL{ /;fog (Silicon Paint) k|of]u ul/g]5 .
-ª_ ?lkmË l;6 (Roofing Sheet) k|of]u x'g] eP /ftf] /+usf] k|of]u ul/g]
-s_ sl/8f]/ tyf e¥ofËsf] leQfsf tNnf] efu (Dado e'O{+af6 $ lkm6
prfO ;Dd_ df cfsf;] lgnf] / dflyNnf] efudf ;]tf] /+u k|of]u
ul/g] 5 .
-!_ k|zf;lgs ejgsf] aflx/L efux?sf nflu lgDg k|sf/n] /+ux? lgwf{/0f
ul/Psf] 5 .
-ª_ ?lkmË l;6 (Roofing Sheet) k|of]u x'g] eP /ftf] /+u k|of]u ul/g]
-!_ z}lIfs ejgsf aflx/L efux?sf nflu lgDg k|sf/n] /+ux? lgwf{/0f
ul/Psf] 5 .
-s_ Knfi6/ ul/Psf] ejgx?sf] d'Vo efudf kx]+nf] /+usf] k|of]u
ug{' kg]{5 . /+u ;+of]hg u/L /+u nufOg] xsdf ;]tf] / kx]Fnf]sf]
;+of]hg u/L nufpg ;lsg]5 . olb ejgsf] d'Vo efu Knfi6/
geP/ O{6f jf 9'+ufsf] uf/f] b]lvg] vfnsf] 5 eg] To;dfly s'g}
/+u k|of]u gu/L 3fdkfgLjf6 ;'/lIft ug{ kf/bzL{ /;fog
k|of]u ul/g] 5 .
-ª_ ?lkmË l;6 (Roofing Sheet) k|of]u x'g] eP /ftf] /+u k|of]u ul/g]
-v_ sIff sf]7fsf] leQfdf lqmd jf cfOef]/L (Ivory) /+u k|of]u ul/g]
-!_ :jf:Yo ejgsf jflx/L efux?sf nflu lgDg k|sf/n] /+ux? lgwf{/0f
ul/Psf] 5 .
-@_ :jf:Yo ejgsf cfGtl/s efux?sf nflu lgDg k|sf/n] /+ux? lgwf{/0f
ul/Psf] 5 .
-#_ o; cGt/utsf :jf:Yo ejgx?df k|of]u x'g] /+usf] lj:t[t ljj/0f cg';r
" L
^ df ;+nUg 5 .
-!_ ;fd'bflos tyf cGo ejgx?sf aflx/L efux?sf nflu lgDg k|sf/n]
/+ux? lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] 5 .
-3_ e\mofn / 9f]sfsf] xsdf ;]tf] jf v}/f] dWo] s'g} Ps /+usf] k|of]u
ul/g] 5 .
-@_ ;fd'bflos tyf cGo ejgx?sf cfGtl/s efux?sf nflu lgDg k|sf/n]
/+ux? lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] 5 .
-#_ o; cGt/utsf ;fd'bflos tyf cGo ejgx?df k|of]u x'g] /+usf] lj:t[t
ljj/0f cg';"rL & df ;+nUg 5 .
Green Orange
Blue Red
@ d'Vo efu -O{6+ fsf] kf/bzL{ /;fog ;fdfu| L sf] cfˆg} /+ u nfO{ g5f] k L
jf 9'u+ fsf] uf/f]_ (Sillicon Paint) 3fdkfgLaf6 arfpg
# 7f8f]÷t];f]{ Aof08 ;]tf] ;a};uF d]n vfg] /+u, ejgnfO{ k|efjsf/L
:j?k lbg÷ejgsf] :j?kdf pHofnf]kgf
$ 5Hhf uf9f v}/f] 3fdkfgLsf] k|ToIf ;Dks{df cfpg] efu
ePsf]n] d}nf] gb]lvg] /+u
k]ml;of (Facia)
% 5fgf Teracota Tile/ k/Dk/fut ;fdfu|L
Slate / /ftf]
-c? ;fdfu|L eP_
@ d'Vo efu -O{6+ fsf] kf/bzL{ /;fog ;fdfu|Lsf] cfˆg} /+unfO{ g5f]kL
jf 9'u+ fsf] uf/f]_ (Sillicon Paint) 3fdkfgLaf6 arfpgsf] nflu
# 7f8f]÷t];f]{ Aof08 ;]tf] ;]tf] ;a} /+u;Fu d]n vfg] /+u xf]] . of]
:jR5tfsf] klg k|tLs xf] .
!! sIff sf]7f -leQf_ lqmd (Cream) jf pHofnf]kg a9fpg, d}nf] rfF8} gx'g] /
cfO{ef]/L (Ivory) /+u sfo{df Psfu|tf Nofpg
@ d'Vo efu -O{6+ fsf] kf/bzL{ /;fog ;fdfu|Lsf] cfˆg} /+unfO{ g5f]kL 3fd
jf 9'u+ fsf] uf/f]_ (Sillicon Paint) kfgLaf6 arfpgsf] nflu
# 7f8f]÷t];f]{ AofG8 ;] t f] , v/fgL, lztntfsf] k|lts ePsf]n] .
v}/f] /+u
g]kfn ;/sf/
:jf:Yo dGqfno
:jf:Yo ;]jf ljefu
Joj:yfkg dxfzfvf
ljifo ;"rL
lrqx?sf] ;"rL 5
kl/R5]b – #M :jf:Yo ejgsf cËx?sf] kl/ro tyf tL cËx?sf] l8hfOg lgb]{lzsf ..........56
1.1. :jf:Yo ejg kl/ro ..................................................................56
1.1.1. lrlsT;f (Patient Care) ................................................................ 57
-s_ alx/Ë ljefu (Out Patient Department) ...................................... 57
-v_ cGt/Ë ljefu (Inpatient Department) .......................................... 58
-u_ ;3g pkrf/ PsfO (Intensive Care Unit) ..................................... 60
-3_ cfsl:ds ;]jf ljefu (Emergency Department) ............................. 62
1.1.2. lgbfgfTds ;]jf (Diagnostics) ....................................................... 64
-s_ Kofyf]nf]hL k|of]uzfnf ......................................................... 64
-v_ /]l8of]nfhL ljefu .............................................................. 65
1.1.3. pkrf/fTds ;]jf ..................................................................... 68
-s_ zNolqmof sIf -ck/]zg lyo6/_ ........................................... 68
-v_ k|;'lt ;]jf PsfO (Comprehensive Essential Obstetrics Neo-natal Care -
CEONC) .................................................................................. 72
1.1.4. ;xfos ;'ljwfx? ...................................................................... 73
-s_ s]Gb|Lo ljzf]wg tyf ljt/0f ljefu (Central Sterile Supply Department -
CSSD) .....................................................................................73
-v_ n08«L -sk8f w'g] zfvf_M ..................................................... 75
-u_ kf]i6df6{d PsfO -zj u[x_ .................................................. 76
-3_ ;fngfn lj;h{g vfN8f] -Knf;]G6f lk6_] .................................. 78
-ª_ cGo ;xfos sf]7fx?M dfly pNn]lvt :jf:Yo ejgx?df x'g] ljljw
sf]7fx? afx]s lgDgfg';f/ ;xfos sf]7fx? klg Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 . ..... 80
kl/R5]b $M 6fOk l8hfOg ;+u|xdf ;+nUg :jf:Yo ejgx? ...................................... 81
3.1. c:ktfn ............................................................................81
3.2. :jf:Yo rf}sL........................................................................... 83
kl/R5]b % – :jf:Yo ;+:yfx? lgdf{0fsf nflu lgdf{0f:yn 5gf}6 ;DaGw;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf .. 85
kl/R5]b ^ – :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] gofF ejg lgdf{0f tyf :t/f]Gglt k|lqmof ;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf
@)&) ....................................................................................... 90
kl/R5]b ^ – :jf:Yo ;+:yf lgdf{0fsfo{nfO{ Aojl:yt ug{ Joj:yf ul/Psf ;ldltx? ......... 93
cg';"rLx? ................................................................................................96
tflnsfx?sf] ;"rL
tflnsf 1 M :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] :t/ cg';f/ ejgsf ljleGg cËx? ............................ 18
tflnsf 2 : hUufsf] If]qkmn dfkb08 ............................................................ 21
tflnsf 3 : ;+s]tkf6Lsf juL{s/0f tyf :k]l;lkms]zg ......................................... 28
tflnsf 4 M k|of]hg cg';f/sf] e\mofn9f]sfsf] :k]l;lkms]zg ................................... 30
tflnsf 5 M 9f]sfsf] rf}8fO / :k]l;lkms]zg ..................................................... 32
tflnsf 6 : ‰ofnx?sf] l;n prfO ............................................................... 33
tflnsf 7 M jftfg's'ng cfjZos x'g] sf]7fx? ................................................. 40
tflnsf 8 : :yfg / k|of]hg cg';f/sf] :yfgx?sf] nflu pko'Qm kl/;Hhf -lkmlgl;Ë_ .... 42
tflnsf 9 : hn;xs/0fsf k|ljlwx? ............................................................. 50
tflnsf 10 : kmf]x/ k|;f]wg tyf lj;h{g ug]{ ljlw(WHO, 1999, p.112) ......................... 52
tflnsf 11 : :oflg6/L ;fdu|Lx?sf] cfjZos ;+Vof (NNBC 208, IS code) ..................... 60
tflnsf 12 : zNolqmof ljefusf nflu lkmlgl;Ësf] ;"rL ....................................... 71
tflnsf 13 : k|;'lt ljefusf] nflu :6\of088{ (IS : 10905 Part 2 - 1984) ........................ 72
tflnsf 14 M Go"gtd If]qkmn ....................................................................... 85
kl/R5]b – !M k[i7e"ld
1.1. kl/ro
g]kfndf lj=;+= @)!# ;fndf :jf:Yo dGqfnosf] :yfkgf x'g'k"j{ g} c:ktfn / :jf:Yo
s]Gb|x¿ lyP . tL :jf:Yo ;+:yfx¿ k|fozM tTsfnLg zf;s ju{x¿sf] :jf:Yof]krf/sf] nflu
agfOPsf] x'GYof] t;y{ tL ;+:yfx? pkTosfleq g} a9L s]lGb|t x'Gy] eg] oL afx]s tTsfnLg
zf;sx?sf] OR5f / cfb]zadf]lhd s]xL :jf:Yo ;+:yfx? sf7df8f}+ pkTosf aflx/ klg
:yfkgf ePsf lyP . tL :jf:Yo ;+:yfx? :yfkgf ug{ s'g} j}1flgs cfwf/x? cfjZos
7flgb}gYof] . :jf:Yo dGqfnosf] :yfkgf ePkZrft\ dfq krxQ/} lhNnfdf lhNnf c:ktfnx?,
lhNnfnfO{ Onfsfx?df ljefhg u/L k|To]s Onfsfdf qmdzM :jf:Yo rf}sLx? / k|]if0f
c:ktfn (Referral Hospital) sf] ¿kdf c~rn, If]qLo tyf s]Gb|Lo c:ktfnx? :yfkgf x'g
yfn]sf x'g\ . lj=;= @)$* df /fli6«o :jf:Yo gLlt cfPkZrft\ ;f] cg'?k k|To]s ufpF ljsf;
;ldltdf sDtLdf Pp6f :jf:Yo ;+:yf -:jf:Yo rf}sL jf pk–:jf:Yo rf}sL_, Onfsf txdf
:jf:Yo rf}sL tyf k|To]s r'gfj If]qdf Pp6f k|fylds :jf:Yo s]Gb| :yfkgf ul/Psf] xf] .
/fli6«o :jf:Yo gLlt, @)&! n] klxn]sf] gLltdf s]xL kl/jt{g u/]sf] 5 h; cg';f/ ef}uf]lns
/ hg;ª\Vofsf] cg'kftsf cfwf/df dfkb08 agfO{ a9Ldf #) ldg]6sf] b"/Ldf sDtLdf Ps
ufpF Ps :jf:Yo rf}sL, k|To]s @) xhf/ hg;ª\Vofdf Ps k|fylds :jf:Yo s]Gb|, k|To]s Ps
nfv hg;ª\Vofsf] nflu sDtLdf @% z}o\ofsf] Ps c:ktfn, k|To]s cf}Bf]lus If]qdf Ps
k|fylds :jf:Yo s]Gb|sf] :yfkgf ul/g] pNn]v 5 .
ljutdf -;g\ @))^ eGbf cufl8 ;Dd_ :jf:Yo k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0ffy{ gd'gf :6\of088{
l8hfOg tof/ ul/Psf] b]lvb}g . k|foM ejgx?sf] l8hfOg s'g} JolQmsf] lghL ljrf/ cg'?k
jf s'g} bftfsf] OR5f cg'?k aGg] ub{Yof] . o;f] x'Fbf pknAw ejg ;+/rgf / :jf:Yo
;]jfsfaLr ;fd~h:otf geO{ k|efjsf/L :jf:Yo ;]jf k|jfxdf sl7gfO ef]Ug' kl//x]sf] 5 .
t;y{ hg;ª\Vof, /f]usf] k|s[lt -?U0ftf_, ef}uf]lns cjl:ylt, :yfgLo dfu cflbnfO{ dWogh/
ub}{ k|To]s :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] bfo/f tyf Ifdtfsf] k'g/fjnf]sg ul/g' kg]{ / ;f]cg'?k k|To]s
:jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] k"jf{wf/sf nflu :6\of088{ l8hfOg lgwf{/0f ul/g' kg]{ b]lvG5 . o; k|sf/sf]
k'g/fjnf]sgsf] cfjZostf P3f/f}+ lqjifL{o cGtl/d of]hgfdf ;d]t pNn]v ePsf] 5 . cf=j=
)^*÷^( ;Dd ;j} pk:jf:Yo rf}sLnfO{ :jf:Yo rf}sLdf :t/f]GgtL ul/;lsPsf] 5 . /fli6«o
:jf:Yo gLlt, @)$* cg';f/ :yfgLo :t/df hUuf jf :yfgsf] Joj:yf ePkZrft\ dfq
;/sf/n] s'g} klg pk–:jf:Yo rf}sL :yfkgfsf] :jLs[lt lbg] k|fjwfg lyof] . o;sf] kmn:j?k
s]xL ;+:yfx? afx]s w]/}h;f] pk–:jf:Yo rf}sLx? ufpF ljsf; ;ldlt sfof{nosf] ejg leq
g} Ps jf b'O{ sf]7fdf ;Lldt eO{ ;~rfng eO/x]sf lyP . o;afx]s cfˆg} ejg ;+/rgfx?
ePsf ;+:yfx?df klg pknAw k"jf{wf/x? ;/sf/sf] :jf:Yo ;]jf;DaGwL k|lta4tfx? cg'?k
kof{Kt tyf pko'Qm 5}gg\ . xfn;Dd s}of}F :jf:Yo rf}sLx?df aly{¨ ;]G6/ -k|;'lt ;]jf_
;~rfng ug{ sf]7fx?sf] Joj:yf 5}g .
o;}u/L, gof“ lgdf{0f jf :t/f]Ggltsf nflu :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf] 5gf}6 ug]{ ljlwdf klg
Ps?ktf / j}1flgstfsf] cefj b]lvG5 . :jf:Yo ;+:yf :yfkgf jf :t/f]Ggltsf] :yfg 5gf}6
ubf{ a:tLsf] kfos kg]{ :yfg xf] ls xf]Og <, af6f]3f6f]sf] ;'lawf tyf cGo ;'lawf -kfgL,
laB't cflb_ 5 ls 5}g <, ;+:yfn] ;]jf lbO/x]sf] If]qsf] k}mnfj6, ;'/Iff kIf, ahf/ s]Gb| tyf
a:tL;u“sf] b'/L, ef}uf]lns agfj6 -le/fnf] kfvf xf] jf ;dy/ hldg <_ cflb kIfx?nfO{
Wofgdf /flvg'kb{5 . t/ sltko ;+:yfx?sf xsdf o;/L ;+:yfsf] :yfkgf / :yfg 5gf}6 ubf{
k|efjzfnL JolQmx?sf] lghL :jfy{ / ;'ljwfdf s]lGb|t /xL xr'jfsf] e/df 5fGg] k|rng /x]sf]
kfOG5 . o;sf] /f]syfdsf] nflu klg j}1flgs ljlwx?sf] ljsf; ug{sf nflu :jf:Yo
dGqfnoaf6 ljutdf ePsf kxn kof{Kt ePgg\ / kxn ug{sf nflu cfjZos ;"rgf tyf
tYofÍx?sf] klg cefj /Xof] . o;y{ :jf:Yo ;+:yf :yfkgf tyf gofF lgdf{0fsf nflu xfn;Dd
s'g} :ki6 cfwf/ tof/ ePsf] b]lvPg . o;sf] kmn:j?k :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf] ljBdfg ef}lts
;+/rgfx? ls t plrt ;b'kof]u x'g ;ls/x]sf] 5}g ls plrt tyf kof{Kt ;+/rgfsf] cefjdf
vrfvr eL8 x'g] l:ylt /lxcfPsf] 5 . o:tf] jftfj/0faLr ;]jf ;~rfng ug'{kg]{ afWotf
:jf:YosdL{x?n] ef]lu/x]sf 5g\ . o;af6 k|efjsf/L :jf:Yo ;]jf k|jfxdf k|ToIf k|lts"n c;/
kl//x]sf] 5 . ljutsf oL cg'ejx?nfO{ dgg ub}{ :jf:Yo ;]jf ljefu, Joj:yfkg dxfzfvfn]
ef}uf]lns ;"rgf k|0ffnL -GIS_ ;d]t ;lDdlnt j]a OG6/g]6df cfwfl/t :jf:Yo k"jf{wf/ ;"rgf
k|0ffnL -HIIS_ lgdf{0f u/L pNn]vgLo pknlAw xfl;n u/]sf] 5 . o; ;"rgf k|0ffnLsf]
;b'kof]uaf6 :jf:Yo of]hgfsf/ tyf lg0f{ostf{x?nfO{ tYo / oyfy{ a'em\g ;lhnf] x'g],
oyf]lrt cfwf/x? to ug{ ;xof]u k'Ug], oyfy{k/s eO{ lg0f{odf k'Ug ;3fp k'Ug], :jf:Yo
;+:yfx?sf] gofF lgdf{0f / :t/f]Ggltsf nflu k|fyldsLs/0fsf ljlwx? lgdf{0f ug{ ;xof]u k'Ug]
ck]Iff lnOPsf] 5 .
xfn g]kfnsf] :jf:Yo ;]jf k|0ffnLdf :jf:Yo dGqfnosf] g]t[Tjdf ljleGg txaf6 ;]jf
k|jfx x'Fb} cfO/x]sf] 5 -x]g'{;\ lrq g+= !_. s]Gb|Lo txsf lgsfox?df dGqfno, ljefu tyf
ljleGg s]Gb|x? /x]sf 5g\ . o; txdf ljz]ift gLlt lgdf{0f, sfof{Gjogsf] cg'udg tyf
d"NofÍg, cfly{s Joj:yfkg, tyf clt ljlzi6 pkrf/fTds tyf lgbfgfTds ;]jfsf sfo{x?
x'G5g\ . If]qLo txdf If]qLo :jf:Yo lgb]{zgfno, If]qLo c:ktfn, pk–If]qLo c:ktfn, If]qLo
tflnd s]Gb|, If]qLo k|of]uzfnf, If]qLo d]l8sn :6f]/, tyf If]qLo Ifo/f]u s]Gb| 5g\ . c~rn,
pk–If]qLo tyf If]qLo txsf c:ktfnx? k|]if0f c:ktfn -Referral Hospital_ sf ?kdf ;~rflnt
5g\ . o;}u/L lhNnf :t/df lhNnf hg:jf:Yo÷:jf:Yo sfof{nox? /x]sf 5g\ . xfnsf]
kl/l:yltdf :jf:Yo ;]jf ljefu cGtu{t lhNnf hg:jf:Yo÷:jf:Yo sfof{no, %) z}o\of eGbf
d'lgsf c:ktfn, k|fylds :jf:Yo s]Gb|, :jf:Yo rf}sLx? ;~rflnt 5g\ .
:jf:Yo tyf hg;+Vof dGqfno
dxfzfvf–^ s]Gb| – ^
tflnd s]Gb| – %
k|of]uzfnf – !
If]qLo d]l8sn
If]qLo Ifo/f]u
If]qLo :jf:Yo
:6f]/ – %
s]Gb| – !
If]qLo tx
c~rn c:ktfnx? – !) j6f
c~rn tx
lhNnf :jf:Yo sfof{no
lhNnf hg:jf:Yo – $(
sfof{no – @^
lhNnf c:ktfn *#
lhNnf tx
k|fylds :jf:Yo ;]jf s]Gb| @)@
;fd'bflos tx
Flrq g+= 1M :jf:Yo If]qsf] ;+:yfut ;+/rgf -;+3Lo ;+/rgfdf hfg' eGbf cl3_
NCASC - National Center for AIDS and STI Control
MD -Management Divisioin LMD - LogisticManagment Division NPHL - National Public Health Lab
FHD - Family Health Division PHCRD -PHC Revitalization Division FCHV - Female Community Health Volunteers
CHD - Child Health Division NHTC - National Health Training Center TBA - Trained Birthing Attendant
EDCD - Epidemiology and NHEICC - National Health Education EPI - Expanded Programme on Immunisation
Disease Control Information and Communication Center VBDRTC - Vector Borne Disease Research and
Division NTC - National Tuberculosis Center Training Center
o;afx]s :yfgLo txdf dlxnf :jf:Yo :jo\d;]js, k|fylds :jf:Yo ;]jf lSnlgs
(PHC - ORC - Primary Health Care Outreach Clinic), vf]k s]Gb| (Immunization Clinics) cflb h:tf ljleGg
sfo{qmdx? dfkm{t hgtfsf] 3/b}nf]df :jf:Yo ;]jf k'¥ofpg] k|of; eO/x]sf] 5 . o;afx]s
s]Gb|Lo, c~rn, lhNnf / :yfgLo txdf cfo'j]{b :jf:Yo ;]jf, ljleGg lzIf0f c:ktfnx? tyf
lghL c:ktfn, ld;g c:ktfnx?dfkm{t :jf:Yo ;]jf k|bfg x'Fb} cfPsf] 5 .
g]kfn ;+3Lo ;+/rgfdf ?kfGt/0f x'g] qmddf 5 . g]kfn ;/sf/n]] :jf:Yo ;+:yf /
ltgLaf6 k|bfg ul/g] ;]jfx?sf] ;+3Lo 9fFrfsf ?kdf …g]kfn :jf:Yo k"jf{wf/ ljsf; dfkb08–
@)&$Ú nfu"" ul/;s]sf] 5 . ;f] 9fFrf cg';f/ ljleGg tx / If]q cg'';f/ :jf:Yo rf}sL,
;fd''bflos :jf:Yo OsfO{, k|fylds c:ktfn, låtLo tx c:ktfn, t[tLo tx c:ktfn, :jf:Yo
lj1fg k|lti7fg, ljlzli6s[t c:ktfnx? dfk{mt ;]jf k|jfx ug{] Aoj:yf ul/Psf] 5 .
1.2. gd'gf l8hfOg tyf :6\of088{ lgb]{lzsfsf] pkfb]otf
o; lgb]{lzsf tyf o;;Fu ;DalGwt gd'gf l8hfOg gS;fx? xfnsf] pknAw ;|f]tx?
tyf :jf:Yo ;]jf k|jfxsf lglDt rflxg] Go"gtd cfjZostfnfO{ dWogh/ ub}{ tof/ ul/Psf]
xf] . ;dofg';f/ :jf:Yo sfo{qmdx?df cfpg] kl/jt{gsf ;fy o; lgb]{lzsfnfO{ qmdzM
kl/dfh{g / kl/is[t ub}{ nlug]5 . o; lgb]{lzsfsf] k|d'v p2]Zo oyf]lrt l8hfOgsf :jf:Yo
k"jf{wf/x? ljsf; ug'{ / o;sf] dfWodaf6 ;+:yfx?nfO{ k|efjsf/L :jf:Yo ;]jf k|bfg ug{
;Ifd agfpg' /x]sf] 5 .
1.3. ;d:of laZn]if0f
pRr u'0f:t/sf] :jf:Yo ;]jf k|bfg ug{ ;xh tyf pTk|]/s jftfj/0f cfjZos x'G5 .
Jojl:yt tyf of]hgfa4 k"jf{wf/ ;lxtsf] jftfj/0fn] bIf :jf:YosdL{ tyf lrlsT;sx?nfO{
tL :jf:Yo ;+:yfdf g} a;L pT;fxL efjn] sfd ul//xgsf nflu pTk|]/s tTjsf ?kdf sfd
ug{ ;S5 . ;xh tyf pTk|]/s jftfj/0fsf ;"rsx?dWo] ;]jf k|bfos tyf ;]jfu|fxLsf] ;'/Iff
klg kb{5 . xfn :jf:Yo If]qdf kof{Kt / oyf]lrt k"jf{wf/sf] cefj 5 . oL ;+:yfx?df ejg,
d]l8sn pks/0fx? tyf ;xfos ;]jf ;+/rgfx?sf] lbuf] tj/n] ;~rfng ug{sf nflu plrt
of]hgf agfOg' kb{5 / ef}lts ;DklQ Joj:yfkg (Physical Asset Management) nfO{ k|fylds
dxTj lbOg' kb{5 .
g]kfn :jf:Yo If]q ;xof]u sfo{qmd (NHSSP) n] :jf:Yo dGqfno dfk{mt] ljljw
sfo{x? ;Fu} ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf;sf nflu :jf:Yo ;]jf ljefu / ;x/L ljsf; tyf ejg
lgdf{0f ljefunfO{ lgDgfg';f/ sfo{df ;xof]u k'¥ofpFb} cfPsf] 5 .
k"jf{wf/ ;j]{If0f u/L :yfgLo dfu;DaGwL cWoog ug{]
v/Lb of]hgf tyf ;f];DaGwL cGo sfuhft tof/ ug{]
lgdf{0f sfo{sf] cg'udg ug]{
of]hgf sfof{Gjogsf] k|ult k|ltj]bg tof/ ug{] /
k"jf{wf/x?sf] dd{t ;Def/;DaGwL gLlt tyf /0fgLltx? tof/ ug{]
g]kfn :jf:Yo If]q ;xof]u sfo{qmdsf] ljleGg r/0fdf dfly pNn]lvt sfo{x? ug]{ qmddf
lgDgfg';f/sf s]xL k|d'v ;jfnx? ljBdfg /x]sf] dx;'; u/L ltgnfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ klg of]
lgb]{lzsf tyf :6\of088{ l8hfOg ckl/xfo{ 5 .
s_ k|efjsf/L :jf:Yo ;]jf k|jfx
ljutdf :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0fsf nflu :6\of088{ l8hfOg agfpg] k|rng gePsf]n]
tTsfnLg cj:yfdf lgdf{0f ePsf ejg ;+/rgfx? xfn :jf:Yo ;]jf k|bfgsf nflu
ckof{Kt Pj+ sltko ;+:yfx?sf] xsdf cg'ko'Qm b]lvP . o;sf sf/0f ;DalGwt
:jf:YosdL{x?n] k|efjsf/L ;]jf lbg sl7gfO ef]Ug' kl//x]sf] / cgfjZos tgfj v]Kg'
kl//x]sf] cj:yf 5 .
v_ :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf] :yfg
ljutdf :jf:Yo ;+:yf :yfkgf tyf :t/f]Ggltsf nflu hUuf 5gf}6sf s'g} cfwf/ -Criteria_
tof/ ePsf] lyPg. o; k|sf/sf] 5gf}6;DaGwL gLltsf] cefjsf sf/0f k|fozM ;+:yfx?
ckfos, hf]lvdo'Qm tyf b'u{d :yfgdf lgdf{0f x'g k'u]sf 5g\ . kmn:j?k oL
;+/rgfx?sf] plrt pkof]u x'g g;s]sf], :yn lgdf{0fdf g} cToflws nfut kg{ uPsf] /
bIf hgzlQmnfO{ To; :yfgdf a;L sfd ul//xg] jftfj/0f gldn]sf] b]lvof].
u_ :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf] bf]xf]/f] lgdf{0f
ljutdf s'g} s'g} ;+:yfx? k|]if0f c:ktfn -Referral Hospital_ tyf cGo :jf:Yo ;+:Yffsf]
glhs lgdf{0f ePsf] klg kfOPsf] 5 . o; k|sf/n] Ps ;+:yfsf] ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ If]qleq}
csf]{ ;+:yf lgdf{0f xF'bf ;|f]t ;fwgsf] ;b'kof]u x'g g;s]sf] ;fy} ;|f]tsf] bf]xf]/f] ljt/0f
x'g] u/]sf] b]lvG5 .
3_ :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] kl/;/leq hyfefjL lgdf{0f
:jf:Yo k"jf{wf/sf] :6\of088{ l8hfOgsf] cefjsf sf/0f ljutdf jg]sf ejgx?
sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yf jf bft[ lgsfosf clwsf/Lx?sf] lghL ljrf/sf cfwf/df hyfefjL
aGb} cfPsf] lyP . of]hgf 5gf}6 tyf k|fyldsLs/0f k|lqmofdf klg oyfy{ dfu tyf
cfjZostfsf cfwf/dfeGbf afXo k|efjsf cfwf/df x'g] u/]sf] lyof] . ljif]zu/L ;/sf/L
c:ktfnx?sf] kl/;/ lgofNbf ljleGg bft[ ;+:yfsf] ;xof]udf jf ;/sf/L ah]6df
ljleGg ;dodf lgdf{0f ul/Psf ejg Ansx? oqtq 5l/Psf] :ki6} b]lvG5 . oL Ansx?
cfkm}df pkof]uL eP gePsf] k|Zg Psflt/ 5 eg] csf]{lt/ tL ;+/rgfx? aLr Ps
cfk;df cGt/;DaGw / tfnd]n gePsf] b]lvG5 . o;af6 k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0f clgolGqt /
cJojl:yt x'g] u/]sf] :ki6 x'G5 . o; k|sf/sf] cEof;sf sf/0f lgdf{0f nfutdf a[l4
x'g'sf ;fy} dxFuf] hUufsf] klg ;b'kof]u x'g g;s]sf] b]lvG5 .
ª_ lgz'Ns bfgsf hUufx?
:yfgLo ;d'bfon] pknAw u/fPsf] hUufdf :jf:Yo k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0f ug]{ ;/sf/sf] gLlt
cg'?k ;d'bfon] k|fozM hUuf s'g} bftfaf6 bfgdf lnO{ jf vl/b u/L :jf:Yo ejg
lgdf{0fsf nflu lbg] u/]sf] kfOG5 . o;/L hUuf k|fKt ubf{ k|fozM ;:tf] 7fpFdf vf]lhg]
x'Fbf :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf ejgx? b'u{d, hf]lvdo'Qm hUufdf lgdf{0f x'g k'u]sf y'k|}
pbfx/0fx? 5g\ . o:tf] b'u{d, ckfos :yfgdf /x]sf ;+:yfaf6 x'g] ;]jf k|jfx
ck|efjsf/L dfq xf]Og :jf:YosdL{x?nfO{ To; 7fpFdf nfdf] ;do;Dd l6sfO/xg
g;s]sf] b]lvG5 .
r_ d"n ejgsf] lgdf{0fdf dfq a9L Wofg lbO{ ;xfos ;+/rgfx?sf] a]jf:tf ug{] kl/kf6L
:jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] k|efjsfl/tfsf nflu d"n ;+/rgfsf ;fy} ;xfos ;+/rgf tyf pTk|]/s
jftfj/0f klg dxTjk"0f{ x'G5 t/ d"n ;+/rgfsf ;fy ltgsf] l8hfOg jf lgdf{0f ul/b}g .
o;sf/0f sltko ;+:yfx?df tL ;xfos ;+/rgfx?sf] cefjdf lgdf{0f ;DkGg eO;s]sf
d"n ejgx? pkof]u g} ug{ g;sL vfnL 5f]8\g' k/]sf pbfx/0fx? 5g\ . kmf]x/ Joj:yfkg
;DaGwL ;+/rgf, vfg]kfgL tyf 9n lgsf; jf sd{rf/L cfjf; ;+/rgfx? cflb d"n
;+/rgfsf] l8hfOg of]hgfsf ;fydf g} ul/g' kb{5 .
5_ ejgsf] u'0ffTds kIfdf Wofg glbOg'
ejgsf] ef}lts ;+/rgfafx]s cGo u'0ffTds kIfnfO{ l8hfOgstf{ jf sfof{Gjogstf{n]
k|fozM Wofg glbg] u/]sf] kfOPsf] 5 . ;+qmd0f lgoGq0fÙ pkef]Qmf d}qLÙ :yfgLo
j:t'l:ylt;Fu ;fd~h:otfÙ aflx/L ;f}Gbo{Ù xl/ofnL lbuf] /fVg] pkfox? (Sustainable
Green Practices)Ù ;'/Iff cflb u'0ffTds kIfsf pbfx/0fx? x'g\ . zNolqmof O{sfO{ -OT
Suite_, ;3g pkrf/ O{sfO -ICU_ cflb :yfgx?df kmf]x/ / ;kmf lrhsf] cfjfudg
dfu{sf] 5'§} Joj:yf ldnfpg], pkef]Qmf÷la/fdL / sd{rf/L÷:jf:YosdL{ lx8\g] af6f]nfO{
5'6\ofpg], la/fdLsf] uf]Kotf, ;fF:s[lts d"No dfGotfsf] ljljwtfnfO{ Wofg lbg],
;"rgfkf6L tyf ;+s]t kf6Lx?sf] plrt pkof]u, ckfË tyf afnd}qL cjwf/0ffnfO{
cjnDag ug]{, ejgsf Ansx?sf] ;'Gb/ ;+of]hg, /+u/f]ugsf] ;+of]hg, :yfgLo ;fdu|Lsf]
clwstd k|of]u, gjLs/0fLo pmhf{sf] k|of]u cflbsf af/] Go"g dxTj lbg] ul/Psf] 5 .
h_ ;/f]sf/jfnfx?;Fu ;dGjo
:jf:Yo ;+:yf ejg lgdf{0f k|lqmofsf k|ToIf ;/f]sf/jfnfx? aLr ul/g' kg]{ ;dGjosf
nflu Joj:yf ul/Psf] ;+oGq k|efjsf/L gx'Fbf sltko cj:yfdf :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf]
lgdf{0f sfo{df wgL ;+:yfdf ckgTjefj x/fpFb} hfg], sfof{Gjogstf{df hjfkmb]lxtf
36\g] / oL kIfx?aLr cgfjZos ljjfb tyf cljZjf; l;h{gf eO{ lgdf{0f k|lqmofdf
;d]t afwf c8\rg cfpg] u5{ . :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f cfof]hgfx?sf nflu k|d'v
;/f]sf/jfnf kIfx?df ;DalGwt :jf:Yo ;+:yf, sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yf, ;]jf pkef]u ug]{
hgtf cflb kb{5g\ . ;fj{hlgs lgsfodf x'g] sd{rf/L ;?jf a9'jfsf sf/0f x'g]
kbflwsf/L kl/jt{gn] klg o; k|sf/sf] ;dGjodf s]xL sl7gfO cfpg] u/]sf] 5 .
1.4. lgb]{lzsfsf k|d'v p2]Zox?
o; lgb]{lzsfsf] k|d'v p2]Zo :jf:Yo ejg tyf k"jf{wf/ ljsf; sfo{qmdsf]
sfof{GjognfO{ 6]jf k'¥ofpg' /x]sf] 5 . o; lgb]{lzsfsf] ;kmn sfof{Gjogaf6 :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?
oyf]lrt :yfgdf lgdf{0f x'g], ;'lgof]lht l8hfOg cg';f/ lgdf{0f eO{ sfd ug{ pTk|]/s tyf
;xh jftfj/0f lgdf{0f x'g], h;sf sf/0f :jf:Yo ;]jf k|jfxdf k|efjsfl/tf ;'lglZrt x'g] /
nufgLsf] ;d]t ;b'kof]u eO{ ;xL k|ltkmn xfl;n ug{ ;xof]u k'Ug] ck]Iff lnOPsf] 5 . o;
d"n p2]Zoafx]s o; lgb]{lzsfsf lgDgfg';f/ yk p2]Zox? klg /x]sf 5g\ .
s= ;DalGwt ;/f]sf/jfnf, k|fljlwsnfO{ :6\of088{ l8hfOgsf ljleGg cGtlg{lxt
ljifoj:t'sf af/] hfgsf/L lbO{ of]hgf lgdf{0f, l8hfOg lgdf{0f, sfof{Gjog, ;'kl/j]If0f /
cg'udgsf nflu dfu{lgb]{z ug]{
v= :jf:Yo ;]jfsf ;+/rgf ljsf; lgdf{0fsf nflu hUuf 5gf}6sf cfwf/x? lgwf{/0f ug]{
u= df}h'bf ejg ;+/rgfx?sf] :t/f]Gglt ug{sf nflu cfwf/x? lgwf{/0f ug]{
3= gofF :jf:Yo ;+:yf :yfkgfsf nflu cfwf/x? lgwf{/0f ug]{
ª= lgdf{0f sfo{qmddf ;+nUg x'g] ;a} ;/f]sf/jfnfx? aLr ;dGjo :yflkt ug{ ;+oGq
lgwf{/0f ug]{ /
r= pQ/bfloTj, k|ltj]bg k]z ug]{, ;'kl/j]If0f / cg'udg ug]{ ;+oGq lgdf{0f ug]{ .
1.5. ;+zf]wg tyf AofVof
of] lgb]{lzsf @)^# ;fnb]lv gd'gf l8hfOgcg';f/ lgdf{0fsfo{ ug{ yfn]kl5sf] cg'ej,
sdL sdhf]/LnfO{ ;d]t dWogh/ u/L ;/sf/sf :jf:Yo ;DaGwL gLltx?nfO{ ;Daf]wg u/L
tof/ ul/Psf] xf] . eljiodf cfpg] gofF gLlt tyf /0fgLltx?, gofF 1fg / k|ljlwx?
;d]tnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL o; lgb]{lzsfnfO{ lg/Gt/ kl/dfh{g ul/g] 5 . o; lgb]{lzsfsf]
;+zf]wg tyf AofVof ug]{ clwsf/ :jf:Yo dGqfnosf ;lrjdf lglxt /xg] 5 .
kl/R5]b – @M :6\of088{ l8hfOg
2.1. lgb]{lzsfsf] sfo{If]q
o; lgb]{lzsfdf :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f;DaGwL ljljw ljifoj:t'df ;lj:tf/ k|sfz
kf/]sf] ePklg xfn eO/fv]]sf] cEof;df b]lvPsf sdL sdhf]/LnfO{ ;'wf/ ug]{ x]t'n] tL
laifoj:t'nfO{ ljif]z hf]8 lbOPsf] 5 . sltko :yflkt ;+lxtf / cEof;x? lj:t[t?kdf o;
lgb]{lzsfdf ;fl/Psf] 5}g t;y{ o; lgb]{lzsfdf pNn]v ePsf afx]s klg cfjZos cGo
lgodx?, k|rlnt ;+lxtf tyf :6\of088{x? l8hfOg tyf lgdf{0fsf] qmddf cjnDag ug'k{ g]{5
o; lgb]{lzsfdf d'VotM lgDgfg';f/ :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf ejgx? ;DaGwdf pNn]v
ul/Psf] 5 . oL :jf:Yo ;+:yfx? lgdf{0fsf nflu cfjZos dfu{lgb]{zgx?sf ;fy} oL
ejgx?sf ljleGg If]qsf nflu ljleGg cfsf/sf PsLs[t gd'gf l8hfOgx? -Integrated type
Desgin_ tyf 5'§} Ansdf gd'gf l8hfOgx? -Isolated Block Type Desgin_ k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 .
2.2. kl/efiff
ljifo jf kl/l:ylt cg';f/ cGo cy{ gnfu]df o; lgb]{lzsfdf k|of]u x'g] lgDgfg';f/
zAbfjnLsf] cy{ o;k|sf/ x'g]5 .
s= …sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfÚ – eGgfn] :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0fsf nflu l8hfOg tof/ ug]{,
af]nkq k|lqmof ;~rfng ug]{, 7]Ssf Joj:yfkg ug]{, ;'kl/j]If0f tyf k|df0fLs/0f ug{
clVtof/ k|fKt ;+:yf a'lemg]5 . lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ah]6 sfo{qmdsf] clVtof/L zx/L
ljsf; tyf ejg lgdf{0f ljefunfO{ lbPsf] cj:yfdf pQm ljefu g} sfof{Gjogstf{
;+:yfsf] ?kdf /xg] 5 . cGo cj:yfdf ;DalGwt clVtof/ k|fKt ;+:yf g}
sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yf egL a'e\mg' kb{5 .
v= …wgL ;+:yfÚ – eGgfn] :jf:Yo ejg ;+/rgfsf] k|d'v k|of]ustf{ cyjf :jf:Yo ;]jf
k|bfos ;+:yfnfO{ a'emfpg]5 h;n] To; ;+:yfsf] 3/hUuf ;DklQsf] :jfldTj jf
ef]uflwsf/ k|fKt u/]sf] x'G5 .
u= …k|rlnt ;+lxtf tyf :6\of088{Ú – o; jfSofz+n] clwsf/ k|fKt lgsfoaf6 lgodgsf
nflu hf/L ul/Psf] ;+lxtf, dfkb08 tyf :6\of088{nfO{ a'emfpg]5 . lgDgfg';f/
dfkb08x? :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f sfo{df clgjfo{ kfngf ug'{ kg]{5 .
ejg P]g, @)%% / o; cGtu{t hf/L ePsf]] g]kfn /fli6«o ejg ;+lxtf / ejg
lgodfjnL, @)^^
2.3.2. ;/f]sf/jfnf;Fusf] ;dGjo
-s_ lgoldt j}7s – k"jf{wf/ ljsf;sf ;a} r/0fx? -k"j{ cWoog, l8hfOg, lgdf{0f, lgdf{0f
;DkGg tyf x:tfGt/0f_ df ;DalGwt ;/f]sf/jfnfx?;Fu sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfn]
lg/Gt/ ;dGjo sfod /fVg' kb{5 . o; lgb]{lzsfsf] kl/R5]b % df Joj:yf u/] cg';f/
:jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f lhNnf :t/Lo sfof{Gjog ;ldltsf]] a}7s q}dfl;s ?kdf lgoldt
a:g' kg]{5 . o; ;ldltsf] a}7sdf cfjZos k/]sf] avtdf :yfgLo ;/f]sf/jfnf tyf
a'l4hLjLx? ;d]t cfdGq0f ug{ ;lsg]5 h;n] ubf{ :yfgLo ;d'bfosf] ;xof]u /
;b\efj k|fKt ug{ ;xh x'G5 . o; ;ldltsf] a}7sdf lgDgfg';f/ ljifoj:t'x?df
5nkmn u/L lg0f{o ug'{ kb{5 h'g lg0f{ox? :ki6?kdf lg0f{o k'l:tsfdf n]vL ;'/lIft
/fVg' kb{5 . oL lg0f{o k'l:tsfsf kfgfx?sf] k|ltlnlk x:tfGt/0f sfuhftdf ;+nUg ug'{
kb{5 .
lgdf{0fsf ;fdu|L tyf k|ljlw
lgdf{0f:ynaf6 :yfgLo lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lsf] ;|f]t;Ddsf] b"/L tyf :yfgsf] gfd
hUuf 5gf}6 ;DaGwdf
gd'gf l8hfOgx? dWo]af6 cjnDag ul/Psf] l8hfOg
gd'gf l8hfOgdf :yfgLo j:t'l:ylt cg';f/ ul/g' kg]{ s]xL yk36 eP ;f] sf]
l8hfOgnfO{ clGtd ?k lbO{ lg0f{o u/]sf] ;DaGwL
k|ult ;dLIff
lgdf{0f nfutdf 36a9 ePdf ;f];DaGwL cfb]zsf] pkfb]otf k'li6 ;DaGwL
sfo{ ;DkGg ;DaGwL
ejg x:tfGt/0f ;DaGwL
-v_ cfof]hgf ;DaGwL ;"rgfx?sf] hfgsf/L lbg] – ;Demf}tf cjlwdf jf ;Demf}tfcufl8
ul/g] ;a} k|sf/sf kqfrf/x? sfof{Gjostf{ ;+:yfn] ;DalGwt :jf:Yo
;+:yf÷lgsfox?df af]wfy{ k7fpg' kb{5 . o;cGtu{t ;Demf}tf sfuhft -;Demf}tf kq,
l8hfOg gS;f, :k]l;lkms]zg_, k|ult k|ltj]bgx? cflb ;d]t ;+nUg ul/g' kb{5 .
-u_ cfof]hgf ;DaGwL ;"rgf af]8{ – cfof]hgf;DaGwL d"ne"t ;"rgfx? -cfof]hgfsf] gfd,
wgL ;+:yfsf] gfd, l8hfOg sG;N6]06, lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] gfd, ;Demf}tf ldlt, nlIft
sfo{ ;DkGg ldlt / ;Demf}tf /sd_ nfO{ af]8{df n]vL :ki6 b]lvg] :yfgdf 6fFlug' kb{5.
-3_ ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] st{Jo tyf lhDd]jf/L
1. sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:Yff – lgdf{0f;DaGwL ;Dk"0f{ sfo{ -lj:t[t OlGhlgol/Ë
l8hfOg tof/, vl/b k|lqmof, ;'kl/j]If0f, 7]Ssf Joj:yfkg, k|df0fLs/0f /
x:tfGt/0f cflb_ sf] Joj:yfkg / sfof{Gjog ug{] lhDd]jf/L sfof{Gjogstf{
;+:yfsf] x'g]5 .
2. lgdf{0f Joj;foL – lgdf{0f sfo{, q'l6 ;Rofpg] cjlw -Defect Liability Period_ leq
s'g} klg q'l6x? ;Rofpg tyf dd{t ug{ bfloTj jxg ug'{ / 7]Ssf ;Demf}tfdf
pNn]v ul/Pcg';f/ sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfsf] lgb]{zg / ;'kl/j]If0fcg';f/
;Dk"0f{ sfo{ ug]{ lhDd]jf/L lgdf{0f Joj;foL kmd{sf] x'g]5 .
3. wgL ;+:yf – lgDgfg';f/ sfo{x? ug{] lhDd]jf/L wgL ;+:yfsf] x'g]5 .
– lgdf{0f :yn pknAw u/fpg] / lgdf{0f:yndf k|j]zsf nflu cfjZos
;xhLs/0f ug]{,
– hUuf;DaGwL s'g} klg k|sf/sf ljjfbx? ;dfwfg ug{{],
– lgdf{0f :ynsf] l;dfgf lgwf{/0f ug{ cfjZos ;xhLs/0f ug]{,
– :jf:Yo ;+:yf lgdf{0f sfof{Gjog ;ldltdf ;b:osf ?kdf ;lqmo e"ldsf
jxg ug]{ .
– lgdf{0f x'g] ejg ;+/rgfsf nflu cfjZos x'g] vfg]kfgLsf] nfOg, ljB't
nfOg, lgdf{0f :yn ;Dd k'Ug] af6f] lgdf{0fsf] Joj:yfsf nflu cfjZos
;Dk"0f{ k|lqmofx? rnfpg] .
– cfjZos k/]sf] v08df ljB't nfOgsf] :t/a[l4 ug]{ -PlDko/ Ifdtf
a9fpg], l;+un km]h -Single Phase_ nfO{ ly| km]h -3-phase_ agfpg]_, wf/fsf]
nfOgdf l8hfOgcg';f/ kfOk ;fOh a9fpg] jf nfOg yKg] cflb sfo{sf
nflu ;DalGwt ;+:yfdf k|lqmof cl3 a9fpg] .
– oL ;]jf ;'ljwfx? k|fKt ug{sf nflu ;DalGwt ;+:yfn] :yfgLo lgsfo,
:jf:Yo ;+:yf Joj:yfkg ;ldlt÷ljsf; ;ldlt;Fu cfjZos ;xof]usf]
clkn ug{ ;Sg]5 .
– :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f ;DkGg ePkZrft\ tf]lsPsf] ljlw cg'?k ejg
x:tfGt/0f lng] .
– k'/fgf] ejg eTsfpg'kg]{ ePdf ejg eTsfpg ug'{kg]{ cfjZos ;a}
k|lqmofx? cl3 a9fpg] .
2.3.3. :6\of088{ l8hfOg
:6of088{ l8hfOg eGgfn] :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?df cfjZos k|of]hgsf sf]7fx?sf] lgwf{l/t
cfsf/;lxt sf]7fx?sf] cGt/;DaGw ldnfO{ ;+of]hg ul/Psf] gd'gf l8hfOg gS;fnfO{
hgfpFb5 . :6\of088{ l8hfOg gd'gf gS;fsf] k|of]u ubf{ :yfgLo j:t'l:yltnfO{ jf:tf gu/L
gd'gf gS;fnfO{ x'ax' ptfg]{ sfo{ ul/g' x'Fb}g . o:t}, l;h{gzLntfsf] gfddf gS;f l8hfOgsf]
dd{eGbf w]/} 6f9f k'uL ;|f]t ;fwgsf] b'?kof]u x'g] u/L :6\of088{ l8hfOgeGbf ;f/e"t ?kdf
km/s x'g] u/L lgdf{0f ug'{x'Fb}g . oL gd'gf l8hfOgx? s]Gb|Lo:t/df ljleGg ;DalGwt
;/f]]sf/jfnfx?;Fu k/fdz{ tyf ;xeflutfd"ns ljlwaf6 tof/ ul/Psf x'g\ . oL gd'gf
l8hfOgx? cg'?k s]xL ejgx? lgdf{0f ;d]t eO;s]sf / sfof{Gjogsf] qmddf cfPsf u'gf;f
tyf l6Kk0fLx? ;d]tnfO{ ;Daf]wg u/L k6s k6s kl/dfh{g tyf kl/is[t ul/Psf x'g\ . t;y{
o;/L tof/ ePsf] gd'gf l8hfOgnfO{ ts{;+ut t/Lsfn], :yfgLo j:t'l:ylt;Fu ;fd~h:otf
ldnfO{ k|of]u ug{ ;s]df l8hfOg sfo{df nfUg] nfutn] pNn]vgLo art x'g] / ;+:yfsf]
:t/cg';f/ ejgsf] sf]7fx? tyf k|of]hgx?df Ps?ktf sfod x'G5 .
gd'gf gS;fsf] k|of]u ubf{ sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfn] ;f] cg';f/ agfOg] ;+/rgfsf]
sdhf]/Lx?sf af/]df klg ;r]t /xg' kb{5 . h:t}, sltko cj:yfdf sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfn]
:yfgLo j:t'l:yltnfO{ a]jf:tf u/L gd'gf gS;fdf dfq} lge{/ /xg] u/]sf] klg b]lvPsf] 5 .
sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfn] lgdf{0f:ynsf] :yfgLo j:t'l:yltsf] cWoog u/L To;;Fu pknAw
gS;f ;fd~h:o eP gePsf] hfFr u/L s]xL j:t'afwf cj/f]w eP ltgnfO{ ;Daf]wg u/L
gd'gf gS;fdf s]xL kl/jt{g ug'{kg]{ klg x'g;S5 . o;/L gd'gf gS;f kl/jt{g ubf{ gd'gf
gS;fsf] dd{ / ;]jf k|jfxsf nflu cfjZos kg]{ cfwf/e"t ;'ljwf / lgdf{0f ul/g] sf]7fx?sf]
cGt/;DaGw layf]lng' x'Fb}g .
gd'gf l8hfOgx?sf] sfof{Gjog ubf{ :6\of088{ l8hfOgx?sf] t6:y ;dLIff klg
ul/g' kb{5 h;af6 sfof{Gjogsf] cg'ej / :yfgLo dfu / u'gf;f] cg'?k gd'gf gS;fnfO{
kl/is[t ub}{ nfg ;lsG5 . o;sf nflu gd'gf l8hfOgdf sxLF sdL sdhf]/Lx?
sfof{Gjogstf{n] b]v]df To; ;DaGwL hfgsf/L :jf:Yo ;]jf ljefu, Joj:Yffkg dxfzfvfdf
t'?Gt ;"lrt ug'{ kb{5 . :6\of088{ l8hfOg k|of]u ubf{ lgDgfg';f/ a'Fbfx? kfngf ug'{ kg]{5 .
-s_ :6\of088{ l8hfOg cg';f/ lgdf{0f ug]{
:jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf] ejg tyf k"jf{wf/ lgdf{0f ubf{ :jf:Yo dGqfnon] :jLs[t u/L hf/L
u/]sf] :6\of088{ l8hfOg cg'z/0f ug'{kb{5 . oL :6f088{ l8hfOgx? zx/L ljsf; tyf
ejg lgdf{0f ljefunfO{ clVtof/L lbO{ sfof{Gjog eO/x]sf cfof]hgf, lhNnf, c~rn
tyf If]qLo:t/df ;f]em} ah]6 sfo{qmd k7fO{ sfof{Gjog ul/g] cfof]hgf tyf s'g} bft[
lgsfon] cfk\mg} Joj:yfkgdf lgdf{0f ug]{ cfof]hgf ;a}df nfu" x'g]5 .
-v_ :yfgLo j:t'l:yltcg';f/ gd'gf gS;f :yfgLos/0f ug]{
Dffly pNn]v ul/Pem}+ oL gd'gf l8hfOgx? :jf:Yo ;]jf k|of]hgsf nflu cfjZos kg]{
:yfg To;sf gfk / ljleGg sf]7f jf cGo :yfgaLrsf] cGt/;DaGw ;DaGwL
cjwf/0ffsf] b:tfj]h dfq xf] . t;y{ o;sf] k|of]u ubf{ sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfn] ;f]
gd'gf gS;f k|of]u k"j{ lgdf{0f:ynsf] lj:t[t ;e]{ tyf j:t'l:yltsf] cWoog ug'{ kg]{5
. ;f] cWoogsf] cfwf/df gd'gf gS;fnfO{ ;f] lgdf{0f:yndf cg':yfkg ug]{ / gS;fsf]
dd{ tyf cjwf/0ffdf ;f/e"t?kdf kl/jt{g gx'g] u/L gS;f ;+zf]wg ug{ ;lsG5 .
pbfx/0fsf nflu s'g} ;+:yfdf gjlgld{t BEOC ejg laBdfg 5 eg] k|fylds :jf:Yo
s]Gb|sf] gd'gf l8hfOgdf BEOC x6fO{ ;+zf]wg ug'{kg]{ x'g ;S5 . o:t} hUuf :nf]kdf
5 eg] Split level df l8hfOg ubf{ cw{–e"ldut tnfx? lgdf{0f ug]{ u/L l8hfOg
;+zf]wg ug'{kg]{ x'g;S5.
-u_ a[xt u'?of]hgf;Fu d]n
s'g} :jf:Yo ;+:yf kl/;/df ejg lgdf{0f ubf{ ;f] ejg ;du| ;+/rgfsf] cleGg c+usf]
?kdf /xg] s'/fnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL lgdf{0f ul/g' kb{5 . t;y{ lgdf{0f k"j{ ;+:yfsf] a[xt
u'?of]hgf tof/ u/L pQm u'?of]hgfsf] cjwf/0ff;Fu d]n vfg] u/L pQm ejgsf
Ansx?nfO{ ;+:yfsf] kl/;/df lgdf{0f ul/g' kb{5 .
-3_ :6\of088{ l8hfOgsf] ;+zf]wgsf] l:js[tL lng'kg]{
lgdf{0f:ynsf] k|s[lt, :yfgLo j:t'l:ylt, lgdf{0f:yndf b]lvg] afwf tyf
;Defjgfx?nfO{ ;Daf]wg ug{ tyf k|rlnt ;+lxtf tyf dfkb08 cg'?k sfof{Gjog
ug{ gd'gf l8hfOgdf s]xL kl/jt{gx? ug'{kg]{ x'g ;S5 . olb l8hfOg cjwf/0ffdf jf
cfjZostfx?df -Space Requirement_ df ;f/e"t ?kdf km/s kg]{u/L l8hfOgdf
kl/jt{g ug'{kg]{ cj:yf cfPdf sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfn] ;f] kl/jt{g ug{ :jf:Yo ;]jf
ljefu, Joj:yfkg dxfzfvfaf6 :jLs[lt lng'kg]{5 . ;fdfGo ;dfof]hgsf nflu ul/g]
kl/jt{gsf] nflu Joj:yfkg dxfzfvfnfO{ ;"lrt u/L sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfn] cfkm}+
:jLs[t ug{ ;Sg]5 .
-ª_ g]kfn /fli6«o ejg ;+lxtfsf] kfngf
;a} k|sf/sf :jf:Yo ejg k"jf{wf/sf] lgdf{0f tyf l8hfOgdf g]kfn /fli6«o ejg
;+lxtf, @)^) clgjfo{ kfngf ePsf] x'g' kg]{5 . /fli6«o ejg ;+lxtf, @)^) df
lgDgfg';f/ ljifoj:t' ;DaGwL cfjZos sf]8 :6\of088{x? tf]s]sf 5g\ .
lgdf{0f:yn ;DaGwdf
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L -lsl;d, :k]l;lkms]zg, k|lt PsfO tf}n_
ef/ ;DaGwL -e"sDkLo ef/, lxpsf] ef/, xfjfsf] ef/, cflb_
:6«Sr/ l8hfOgsf dfkb08x? -uf/f]jfnf lgdf{0f -ljlw_, km]d :6«Sr/ -ljlw_
s]xL clgjfo{ ;j{JofkL lgodx? (Mandatory Rule of Thumb)
u|fdL0f e]sdf lgdf{0f x'g] ;+/rgfsf nflu lgb]{lzsf
o; ;+lxtfcg';f/ l8hfOg ubf{ ;a} :jf:Yo ejgx?df uf/f]jfnf :6«Sr/sf] xsdf l;n
Aof08, ln06n Aof08, l:6r Aof08, 7f8f] 808Lx?sf] clgjfo{ k|of]u x'g' kb{5 / k|m]d
:6«Sr/sf] xsdf e"sDkLo ef/ ;d]tnfO{ hf]8L u/]sf l8hfOgsf ;fydf plrt
ljlwaf6 808L afFw]sf] x'g' kg]{5 . o;k|sf/ ejg ;+lxtf cg';f/ lgdf{0f ePsf] egL
k|dfl0ft ul/Psf] k|df0fkq, l8hfOgsf] l/kf]6{, l8hfOg u0fgf (Design Calculation) tyf
dfkb08 (Parameters) ;lxtsf] k|fljlws k|ltj]bg x:tfGt/0f sfuhftdf clgjfo{ ;+nUg
ul/g' kb{5 .
-r_ jls{Ë 8«OË -Working Drawing_
lgdf{0f sfo{df n=O{ tyf 6]08/ sfuhft tof/ ug'{ k"j{ ejgsf] cfls{6]Sr/, :6«Sr/,
:oflg6/L, On]lS6«sn ;DaGwL lj:t[t jls{Ë 8«OË clgjfo{ tof/ ul/g' kb{5 . o;/L
lj:t[t l8hfOg u/] kZrft\ 6fOk l8hfOgdf k|of]u ePsf] :6«Sr/ d]Da/x? -lad,
sf]nd, uf/f] cflb_ sf ;fOh ;+zf]wg ug'{kg]{ x'g ;S5 . olb ug'{ k/]df ;f]xLcg';f/
sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfn] ug{ ;Sg]5 . oL lj:t[t jls{Ë 8«OË k|rlnt ;+lxtf tyf
dfkb08 cg'?k x'g' kb{5 .
o;k|sf/ tof/ ul/Psf] jls{Ë 8«OËsf] k|ltlnlk Ps k|lt lgdf{0f cjlwe/
lgdf{0f:yndf clgjfo{ pknAw x'g'kb{5 .
lgdf{0fsf qmddf x'g] s]xL kl/jt{gx? ;d]tnfO{ cBfjlws u/L lgdf{0f kZrft\ lgld{t
;+/rgfsf] 8«OË tof/ u/fpg' kb{5 / ;f]sf] Ps k|lt ;DalGwt :jf:Yo ;+:yfnfO{
x:tfGt/0f sfuhftdf ;+nUg u/fO{ clgjfo{ lbg' kg]{5 .
lj:t[t jls{Ë 8«OË tof/ ug{sf] nflu r]slni6
;fO6 Knfg -!M@)) :s]n_
tnfx?sf] Knfg -sDtLdf !M!)) :s]ndf_
kmlg{r/ n]cfp6 Knfg -sDtLdf !M@)) :s]ndf_
lkmlgl;Ë Knfg -!M@)) :s]ndf_
rf/} df]x8fsf] gS;f -Elevation_
Pn cfsf/, ;L cfsf/, Pr cfsf/ jf rf]s lardf /fvL agfPsf] ejg
l8hfOgsf] xsdf ;a} df]x8fx? b]lvg] u/L Sectional Elevation
3/sf] nDafOdf / rf}8fOdf sfl6Psf] sDtLdf b'Oj6f ;]S;g gS;f
‰ofn 9f]sfsf] tflnsf -cfs[lt, ;fOh, ;+Vof, ;fdu|L pNn]v ;lxt_
Typical Wall Sections
7"nf] agfOPsf] Anf]–ck l86]n gS;f -e¥ofË, ;a} 6\jfon]6x?sf], l;n, lnG6n,
sf};L kvf{n, 5Hhf, 8S6, PS:kfG;g HjfOG6, ˆnf]l/Ë, sfp06/, 5fgf,
kfl6{zgx?, x]08/]n cflb_
o; k|sf/sf Anf] ck gS;fx? s'g :yfgsf] xf] ;f] s'/f ;+s]t ;"rsx?sf]
k|of]u u/L cGo ;fgf] :s]nsf] gS;fx?df b]vfpg' kb{5 .
ejg l8hfOgsf] lqoflds gS;f (3DModel)
l8hfOg k|ltj]bg
:6«Sr/ l8hfOg
:6«Sr/ df]8]lnËsf] ;ˆ6skL
:6«Sr/ l8hfOg k|ltj]bg -l8hfOgsf] l;4fGt, l8hfOg Kof/fld6/, ef/
u0fgfsf] lx;fa, df6f] kl/If0f k|ltj]bg, :6«Sr/sf c+ux?sf] -:nfa, lad,
sf]nd, hu, e¥ofË, l;o/ jfn, lnˆ6 cflb_ l8hfOg ljlw pNn]v ePsf]_
husf] l8hfOgsf] lj:t[t gS;f
sf]nd n]cfp6 Knfg, sf]ndsf] 808L afFWg] gS;f
lad / sf]ndsf] hf]gL{
lnˆ6sf] lj:t[t gS;f
kfgL 6\of+sL
6fO lad, hu lad, 6L jfn, l;n Aof08, ln06n Aof08, sf};L kvf{nsf]
Aof08sf] gS;f
lad n]cfp6 Knfg
ladsf] ;]S;g gS;fx?
:nfasf] 808L afFWg] gS;f
5fgfdf 6«; jf cGo ;fdu|L k|of]u ug]{ k|ljlwsf] lj:t[t gS;f
PS:kfG;g HjfOG6 gS;f
6]jf kvf{nsf] l8hfOg gS;f
cfjZostfg';f/ cGo lj:t[t gS;fx?
On]lS6«sn l8hfOg
aQL / k+vfsf] n]cfp6 Knfg
kfj/ KjfOG6 -;fwf/0f, AC pks/0f_ sf] n]cfp6
6]lnsDo'lgs]zg / g]6jls{Ësf] Knfg
Kffj/ Aofsck l;:6d Knfg
;fp08 l;:6d Knfg
AC pks/0f Knfg
r6\ofË lg/f]ws tyf cly{Ë ;DaGwL l8hfOg
d'Vo tyf ;xfos l8l:6«Ao';g af]8{sf] gS;f
:jLr, Knu, ;s]6, leQ] aQL cflb h8fg ug]{, em'08\ofOg] aQL cflbsf] prfO{,
:yfg ;DaGwL :6\of088{ gfk
l8hfOgdf k|of]u x'g] lkmS:r/x? tyf cGo ;fdu|Lx?sf] Sof6nu jf kmf]6f]
lj:t[t l8hfOg l/kf]6{
jfof]dl] 8sn pks/0fsf] n]cfp6 Knfg
:oflg6/L l8hfOg
:jfOn tyf j]:6 kfOk n]cfp6 Knfg
tftf] kfgL, lr;f] kfgLsf] kfOk n]cfp6
cfsf;]kfgL ;+sngsf] Knfg
kfOk h8fgsf ;]S;g gS;fx?
kfOk n]cfp6sf lqcfoflds gS;f
zf}rfno jf cGo :yfgsf] :oflg6/L lkmS:r/ n]cfp6 Knfg
lkmS:r/ h8fg ug{ cfjZos gfk gS;f
;]lK6s 6\of+s tyf ;f]slk6, Dofgxf]n
jif]{ kfgLsf] gfnLsf] l8hfOg Knfg
lgb]{zg tyf Wofg lbg'kg]{ s'/fx?sf] pNn]v ;lxtsf] l8hfOg k|ltj]bg
6f]kf]u|fkmL ;e]{
hUufsf] gS;f -!M%)) :s]ndf_ @ dL= sf] d]h/ sG6f]/ / )=% dL=sf] dfOg/
hUufsf] 7fpF 7fpFsf] prfO -Level_
hUufleq /x]sf ;Dk"0f{ j:t'x? -x]g{'; k[i7 22_
df}h'bf ejg ;+/rgfx?sf] lKnGy n]en
;'/Iff ;+oGq l8hfOg gS;f
alxu{dg dfu{x?, clUg lgoGqs k|0ffnLsf pks/0f tyf ;fwgx?sf] :yfg,
cfkt\sfnLg cj:yfdf efUg] ;'/lIft :yfg -ejgleq Pj+ aflx/_ cflb s'/fx?
c+lst ul/Psf] tnfx?sf] gS;f
-5_ PsLs[t l8hfOg k|of]u ug]{
o; lgb]{lzsfdf ;+nUg 6fOk l8hfOgx? PsLs[t l8hfOg / c:ktfnsf c+ux?
5'§f5'§} Ansx? /fvL b'a} lsl;dn] k|:t't ul/Psf 5g\ . oL dWo]af6 gd'gf l8hfOg
5fGbf oyfzSo PsLs[t l8hfOg g} 5fGg' kg]{5 . olb lgdf{0f:ynsf] k|s[ltcg';f/
gldNg], gc6\g] ePdf dfq Joj:yfkg dxfzfvf;Fu ;dGjo u/L 5'§f5'§} Ansjfnf
l8hfOg k|of]u ug{ ;lsg]5 . o;/L 5'§f5'§} Ansjfnf l8hfOg k|of]u ubf{ oL Ansx?
clgjfo{ ?kdf 5fgfn] 5flkPsf] cfjfudg dfu{ -Covered Pathway_ n] hf]l8Psf] x'g'
kb{5 . o; k|sf/sf] cfjfudg dfu{ ;fO6 Knfgdf, u'?of]hgfdf :ki6 b]vfpg' kg]{5 .
tflnsf 1 -k[i7 18_ df pNn]v ePcg';f/ ejgsf ;a} cËx? ;dfj]z u/L nfut
c'gdfg tof/ ul/g' kb{5 .
tflnsf 1M :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] :t/ cg';f/ ejgsf ljleGg cËx?
k|fylds k|fylds
:jf:Yo hg:jf:Yo d]l8sn
c:ktfn c:ktfn
rf}sL sfof{no :6f]/
…sÚju{ …vÚju{
1 cfjf; OsfOx?
Ps kl/jf/ cfjf; PsfO -
d]l8sn ;'k]l/6]G8]06sf]
nflu b'O{ zog sIfo'Qm
rf/ kl/jf/ cfjf; PsfO -
1.2 b'O{ zog sIfo'Qm cfjf;_
b'O{ kl/jf/ cfjf; PsfO -
1.3 b'O{ zog sIfo'Qm cfjf;_
cf7 kl/jf/ cfjf; PsfO -
1.4 Ps zog sIfo'Qm cfjf;_
rf/ kl/jf/ cfjf; PsfO -
1.5 d"n ejgdf g}
Ps zog sIfo'Qm cfjf;_ ;dfj]z ePsf]
b'O{ kl/jf/ cfjf; PsfO -
1.6 d"n ejgdf g}
Ps zog sIfo'Qm cfjf;_ ;dfj]z ePsf]
Ps kl/jf/ cfjf; PsfO -
1.7 d"n ejgdf g}
b'O{ zog sIfo'Qm cfjf;_ ;dfj]z ePsf]
2 ;xfos lrlsT;f ;'ljwfx?
k|;'lt ;]jf s]Gb| -Birthing
2.1 Center)
2.2 k|;'lt u[x (BEONC)
2.3 k|;'lt u[x (CEONC)
zj hfFr u[x (PostMortem
2.4 House)
3 ;xfos cGo ;'ljwfx?
3.1 c:ktfnsf] efG5f 3/
3.2 rd]gf u[x
3.3 kfn] 3/
3.4 Uof/]h
kmf]x/ afNg] ag{/ -
lrlsT;fhGo hf]lvd o'Qm
3.5 kmf]x/ / Knfli6s afx]s_
4 cfjfudg dfWod
4.1 ¥ofDk
4.2 lnˆ6
xl/ofnL lbuf] /fVg]
pkfox? Pj+ Aofsck
5 k|0ffnL
5.1 cfsfz] kfgL ;+sng
5.2 ;f]nf/ On]lS6«s Aofsck
h]g]/]6/ :jrflnt Aofsck
5.3 k|0ffnL tyf h]g]/]6/ 3/
5.4 kfgL ttfpg] ;f}o{ k|0ffnL
kmf]x/ lj;h{g tyf
6 Joj:yfJoj:yfkg
;fngfn lj;h{g vfN8f]
6.1 (Placenta pit)
6.2 ;]lK6s 6\of+s May join
into S.T.
6.3 ;f]s lk6 of PHO
6.4 e"ldut kfgL 6\of+sL
6.5 cf]e/x]8 kfgL 6\of+sL
c:ktfnhGo kmf]x/
6.6 Joj:yfkg PsfO
ejgdf cfjZos cGo
7 ;'ljwfx?
7.1 jftfg's'ng k|0ffnL (HVAC)
s]Gb|Lo clS;hg ljt/0f
7.2 k|0ffnL
7.3 >Job[io k|0ffnL (AV System)
7.4 sDKo'6/ g]6jls{Ë
8 cGo
8.1 sDkfp08jfn k]mlG;Ë
8.2 kfls{Ë
kl/;/sf] k|j]z åf/b]lv
ejg;Dd hf]8\g] dfu{
8.4 Nof08:s]lkË l8hfOg
58, l;d]G6 cflb lgdf{0f ;fdu|L ;lhn};Fu pknAw x'g] :yfgx?df dfq ejg lgdf{0f
ubf{ k|m]d :6«Sr/ 5gf}6 ul/g' kb{5 . cGoyf pknAw ;fdu|L cg';f/ nf]8 laol/Ë
:6«Sr/df lgdf{0f ug'{ pko'Qm x'G5 .
-v_ hUufsf] Go'gtd If]qkmn
:jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f ug{ cfjZos hUufsf] Go'gtd If]qkmn lgDgfg';f/ x'g'
kb{5 .
tflnsf : 2 hUufsf] If]qkmn dfkb08
डिजाइन शैय्या न्यन
ू तम जग्गा न्यन
ू तम जग्गा
भवनको सेवाग्राही जनसंख्या
टाइप क्षमता क्षे.फ. (व.मी.) क्षे.फ. (रोपनी)
५१-९९ १,००,००१ दे खि १८०००
टाइप-१ ३५
शैय्या ३,००,००० सम्ि
२६-५० ५०,००१ दे खि
अस्पताल - टाइप-२ ७७०० १५
शैय्या १,००,००० सम्ि
क वर्ग
१५-२५ २०,००१ दे खि
टाइप-३ ६१०० १२
शैय्या ५०,००० सम्ि
टाइप-१ १५ शैय्या २०,००० भन्दा बढी ४६०० ९
प्राथमिक १५,००१ दे खि
टाइप-२ १० शैय्या ४६०० ९
अस्पताल - २०,००० सम्ि
ि वर्ग १५,००० वा सो
टाइप-३ ५ शैय्या ३६०० ७
भन्दा कि
टाइप-ए १२,००० भन्दा बढी २१०० ४
७,००१ ददि १२,०००
टाइप-बी ११०० २
स्वास््य सम्ि
चौकी ३,००१ ददि ७,०००
टाइप-सी ८०० १.५
टाइप-डी ३,००० सम्ि ५०० १
sfuhft af]nkq cfJxfg x'g'eGbf cl3 clgjfo{ ?kdf k|fKt u/L cfof]hgfsf]
kmfOndf ;+nUg u/fpg' kb{5 . sy+ sbflrt\ :jf:Yo ;+:yfn] nfdf] ;dob]lv
pQm ;fj{hlgs hUufdf cfˆgf] ;]jf ;~rfng ul//x]sf] t/ :jfldTj ;DaGwL
s'g} klg sfuhft k|fKt ul/g;s]sf] eP o; k|sf/sf] lgdf{0f:ynsf] xsdf
:jf:Yo ;]jf ljefu, Joj:yfkg dxfzfvfaf6 ;xdlt lnO{ sfo{ cl3 a9fpg
;lsg]5 .
2.4.2. u'?of]hgf
s'g} klg :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] ejg lgdf{0f k"j{ ljBdfg j:t'l:yltsf] :ynut cWoog u/L
ef}lts k"jf{wf/ ljsf;sf] lj:t[t u'?of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 . u'?of]hgf pkef]Qmf tyf
;a} ;/f]sf/jfnfsf] ;lqmo ;xeflutfdf tof/ ul/g' kb{5 . o; k|sf/sf]
;xeflutfd"ns of]hgf lgdf{0f k|lqmofsf ;a}} 5nkmn tyf a}7ssf lg0f{ox?
clen]vLs/0f ul/g' kb{5 . u'?of]hgf tof/ ug{ lgDgfg';f/ sfo{ljlw cjnDag ug'{
kb{5 .
-s_ lgdf{0f :yn tyf kl/;/sf] ljBdfg cj:yfsf] cWoog tyf ljZn]if0f ug]{
:ynut ;e]{M
Dff}h'bf ef}lts cj:yf / j/k/sf] jftfj/0fnfO{ clen]vLs/0f ug{
6f]kf]u|fkmL ;e]{ gS;f tof/ ug'{ kb{5 . ;f] gS;fdf lgDgfg';f/ ;"rgfx?
pNn]v x'g' kb{5 .
- hUufsf] :ki6 ;Ldf /]vf
- hUufsf] gS;f !M%)) :s]ndf tof/ u/L @ dL= cGt/fnsf] d]h/ /
)=% dL= cGt/fnsf] dfOg/ sG6f]/ pNn]v ug]{
- af6f]3f6f]sf] n]cfp6
- ;8s;Ddsf] kx'Fr
- Dff}h'bf ejgx?sf] k|of]hg ;d]t pNn]v u/L gS;fdf b]vfpg]
- k|fs[lts j:t'x? h:t} kf]v/L, gfnf, ?v -(Æ Jof;eGbf a9Lsf]_
cflb s'/fx? gS;fdf pNn]v ug]{
- 9n lgsf;sf] nfOg
- sDkfp08 kvf{n jf 5]saf/ jf 6]jf kvf{nx?
- ljB't 6«fG;kmd{/ / d]g nfOg
- k|j]zåf/x?
- kl/;/leqsf] / hf]l8Psf] aflx/L If]qsf] e"–pkof]u
- pQ/ lbzfsf] ;+s]t
- u|flkmsn :s]n ;+s]t
ef}lts ;+/rgfsf] nut ljj/0f -Inventory of Physical Infrastructure_
lgDgfg';f/ ljj/0fx? ;+nUg u/L df}h'bf k"jf{wf/ ;+/rgfx?sf] nut
ljj/0f tof/ ug{' kb{5 .
- Anssf] gfd
- ejg Anssf] k|of]hg
- aflx/L gfk tyf e'OF tnfn] rr]{sf] If]qkmn
- lgdf{0f ldlt
- ef}lts cj:yf -/fd|f], ;Gtf]ifhgs -olb s]xL ;fwf/0f dd{t ubf{
klg x'g] efu_, v/fa -dd{t ug{ g;lsg]_, Obsolete -xfnsf]
k|of]hgsf] nflu cg'ko'Qm t/ ejgsf] ;+/rgf alnof] 5 eg]
Remodelling ug'{kg]{_
;]jf ;'lawf -Amenities & Sevices_
lgDgfg'';f/ ;]jf ;'ljwfx?sf] Ifdtf, k|s[lt, lsl;d cflb ljj/0f pNn]v
- kfgL
- ljB't
- OG6/g]6
- 6]lnkmf]g
- cGo
kl/k|]Io -Context_
- kl/;/sf] ahf/ jf 3gfa:tL, ufpFaf6 b"/L
- ahf/sf] k|s[lt -;+:yfx?sf] pkl:ylt, Jofkf/sf] cj:yf cflb_
- ;fF:s[lts kl/b[Zo
;+:yfut cj:yf
- Df}fh'bf kb ;+/rgf
- Dff}h'bf sfo{qmd tyf :jf:Yo ;+:yfn] lbb} cfPsf] ;]jfx?
k|f/lDes hf]lvdsf] d"NofËg -Rapid Vulnerability Assessment_
- ejg :6«Sr/nfO{ lgofn]/ ejg k'/fgf] eO{ jf k|fljlws l8hfOg
sdhf]/Lsf sf/0f e"sDk, af9L klx/f] cflb jf ;dfGo cj:yfdf
hf]lvdk"0f{ eP gePsf] d"NofÍg u/L gofF k"jf{wf/ ljsf;sf nflu
eTsfpg pko'Qm x'g] gx'g] olsg ug]{ .
- o:t} lgdf{0f:ynsf] cjl:yltnfO{ ljrf/ u/L pQm lgdf{0f:yndf
af9L, klx/f], t/nLs/0f cflb s'/fsf] hf]lvd 5 jf 5}g < cWoog
ug'{ kb{5 .
vfnL hUuf
- hUuf ;j]{If0f kZrft\ lgdf{0f eO;s]sf] hUuf / vfnL hUuf kQf
nfUb5 . oL vfnL hUufdf To;sf] k|s[lt x]/L k"jf{wf/ ljsf;sf
nflu pko'Qmtfsf] cWoog -o;sf nflu :nf]k, :nf]k lbzf, tyf
cGo afwf tyf cj;/x?_ ug{' kb{5 .
-v_ cfjZostf lgwf{/0f / ;f]r lgdf{0f
;f]r – ;xeflutfd"ns ljlw k|of]u u/L :yfgLo j:t'l:yltnfO{ Wofgdf
/fvL cNksfnLg, dWosfnLg / bL3{sfnLg ;f]rx? agfpg' kb{5 . o;/L
;f]r lgdf{0f ubf{ To; ;+:yfn] ;]jf lbg] ef}uf]lns If]q, pknAw hUufsf]
If]qkmn, ljBdfg k"jf{wf/ / To;df ePsf sdL sdhf/L, gofF
;Defjgfx?nfO{ ;d]t Wofg lbOg' kb{5 .
df}h'bf k"jf{wf/sf] ;b'kof]u – ;fdfGo dd{t ;Def/, /]6«f]lkml6Ë jf
Remodeling ubf{ ejg /fd|} rNg] eP ejgsf] lgdf{0f jif{ / :yfgnfO{
;d]t ljrf/ u/L tL df}h'bf k"jf{wf/ ;+/rgfx?sf] ;b'kof]u ug]{ tkm{
clwstd k|of; ul/g' kb{5 . olb s'g} ;f+:s[lts ;Dkbfx? :jf:Yo
;+:yfsf] kl/;/df cjl:yt ePsf] e]l6P To:tf] ;Dkbfsf] d"Nosf] cf+sng
u/L To;sf] ;+/If0f ug]{ ;f]r u'?of]hgfdf ;dfj]z ug'{ kb{5 .
sfo{qmd th{'df – ;xeflutfd"ns ljlwaf6 To; :jf:Yo ;+:yfdf gk'u
eO/x]sf] jf cfjZos k|of]hgx?sf] ;"rL tof/ u/L To; kl/;/df
yKg'kg]{ jf ;'wf/ ug'{ kg]{ ;]jf ;'ljwfx?sf] ljj/0f tof/ ug]{ .
:yfgsf] cfjZostf ljZn]if0f (Space Requirement Analysis) – yk ug]{ jf
;'wf/ ug]{ ;]jf ;'ljwf;DaGwL sfo{qmd th{'df ePkZrft\ pQm ;]jf
k|of]hgsf] nflu cfjZos ejgsf] lgld{t If]qkmn (Built-up Area) sf] ;"rL
tof/ ug]{ .
j[xt\ ;xeflutfd'ns 5nkmn – u'?of]hgfsf] cjwf/0ff, cfjZostf
lgwf{/0f tyf sfo{qmd th{'dfnfO{ j[xt ;efdf 5nkmn u/fOg' kb{5 .
c:ktfn k|zf;g, ljsf; ;ldlt, sd{rf/L ju{, :yfgLo a'l4hLjL tyf
k|a'4 ju{, /fhlglts bnsf k|ltlglwx?, pBf]u jfl0fHo ;dfh,
s]Gb|Lo:t/sf ;+:yf -dGqfno, ljefu_ k|ltlglwx?, Joj;foL tyf
ljz]if1x? tyf :yfgLo ;d'bfosf k|ltlglw ;d]tnfO{ cfdGq0f u/L
u'?of]hgfsf] k|:t'tLs/0f u/fpg' kb{5 . o:tf] ;efdf ;xefuLx?af6
cfpg ;Sg] cfnf]rgf, ;'emfj, l6sfl6Kk0fLx?nfO{ k|f]T;fxg ul/g' kb{5
h;nfO{ k|fljlws b[li6sf]0fdf ;+efJo, ts{;+ut eP tL ;'emfj,
l6Kk0fLx?nfO{ ;Daf]wg u/L u'?of]hgf kl/dfh{g / kl/is[t ul/g' kb{5 .
-u_ u'?of]hgfdf ;+nUg x'g'k]{ s'/fx?
6f]kf]u|fkmL gS;f
k|:tfljt u'?of]hgfsf gS;fx?
- k|:tfljt ejg, af6f]x?sf] n]cfp6
- v'Nnf If]q, kfs{ pBfg tyf eljiodf ejg k"jf{wf/ lj:tf/ ug{
;DefJo If]q
- eTsfpg] jf kl/dfh{g -Remodelling_ ug{ k|:tfljt Ansx? O+lut
ul/Psf] gS;f
- kmf]x/ Joj:yfkg of]hgf
- :yfgLo zx/L dfkb08 cg';f/ ;]6 Aofs nfOg tyf -R.O.W_ /fO6 ckm
j] nfOg
- olb u'?of]hgfn] laleGg r/0fdf k"jf{wf/ ljsf;sf] ;f]r /fv]sf] eP ;f]
r/0fx? :ki6 ?kdf Schematic ?kdf k|:t't u/L To; ;DaGwL j0f{g
ul/g' kb{5 . o; cg'?k eljiodf ul/g] lj:tf/sf nflu vfnL hUufx?
5f]8\g] / To;sf] k|of]hg u'?of]hgfdf :ki6 ls6fg ul/g' kb{5 .
- rf/lsNnfsf] ljj/0f tyf To;sf wgLx?sf] ljj/0f
- k|:tfljt ejg Ansx?n] rr]{sf] If]qkmn / lgld{t e'OF+ If]qkmn /
hUufsf] If]qkmn pNn]v ug]{ . o;/L pNn]v ubf{ r/0fa4 ?kdf ul/g]
k|:tfljt of]hgf cg';f/ 5'§f5'§} If]qkmnx? pNn]v ug]{ .
- :jf:Yo ;+:yf kl/;/;Dd cfOk'Ug] af6f] tyf kl/;/leq ejgx? aLr
hf]8\g] af6f], ;8s k]6Lsf] cjwf/0ff gS;f Pj+ lnlvt ljj/0fdf klg
pNn]v ug]{ .
- u'?of]hgfsf] k|ltj]bg – u'?of]hgfsf] gS;fafx]s To; gS;fdf sf]/]sf]
l8hfOgsf] cjwf/0ff :ki6?kdf j0f{g u/L Ps k|ltj]bg klg tof/ ug'{
kb{5 . pQm k|ltj]bgdf sDtLdf lgDgfg';f/ a'bfFx? ;dfj]z x'g' kb{5 .
- k[i7e"ld tyf kl/efiff
- df}h'bf cj:yfsf] ljZn]if0f
- nut ljj/0f
- ;d:of klxrfg
- cfjZostf tyf dfusf] cWoog
- pko'Qmtf cWoog
- cjwf/0ff
- j}slNks ;f]rx? tyf ;Defjgfx?
- k|f/lDes nfut cg'dfg
- u|flkmS;, gS;f, lrq, :s]rx?
- lg0f{o k'l:tsfsf k|ltlnlk nufot cGo ;fGble{s k|df0f
sfuhftx? -nfnk"hf{, gfkL gS;f cflb_
2.4.3. ;fO6 KnflgË
u'?of]hgfsf] clwgdf /xL agfOg] lj:t[t ;fO6Knfgdf lgDgfg';f/ s'/fx? ;dfj]z
ul/g' kb{5 .
ejg Ansx?sf] cjl:ylt (Location) tyf cg'l:ylt (Orientation)
ejg Ansx?sf] aLrsf] hf]8\g] dfWod (Connecting Pathways) sf] l8hfOg
If]qut ljefhg (Zoning)
- lrlsT;f ;]jf If]q
- cfjf;Lo If]q
- kfls{Ë tyf Uof/]h If]q
- dgf]/~hg tyf ;fdflhs lqmofsnfk If]q
- kmf]x/ Joj:yfkg If]q
- k|sf]k Joj:yfkg If]q
- bLw{sfnLg ;f]r cg';f/ lj:tf/ If]q
- ef8fdf nufpg ;Sg] If]q
- ejg ;]jfsf nflu If]q -kfgLsf] >f]t, e08f/0f / k|zf]wg, 6«fG;kmd{/ tyf
k|j]z tyf alxu{dg dfu{
;jf/L ;fwgsf] / k}bn dfu{sf] If]q lgwf{/0f
9n tyf gfnLsf] l8hfOg
kvf{n tyf km]lG;Ëx? -:jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] hUuf 3]g]{ jf kl/;/leq klg ljljw
cfjZos If]qx? 5'6\ofpg]_
v'Nnf If]qsf] plrt Joj:yfkg – dgf]/d pBfg tyf snfTds Nof08:s]k
l8hfOgaf6 k|fKt x'g] jftfj/0fn] klg /f]u lgsf] kfg{df ;xof]u ub{5 . Ansx?
aLrsf], cufl8 k5fl8sf v'nf If]qx?nfO{ dgf]/~hg / ;fdflhs cGtlqm{ofsf
nflu pTk|]l/t ug]{ tj/n] l8hfOgx? ul/g' kb{5 . lj:t[t Nof08:s]k l8hfOgdf
au}+rf, kf]v/L, gfnfx?, af]6lj?jfx?, ;8s k]6Lx?, Nof08:s]k kmlg{r/ -
snfTds d"lt{x? tyf a:g] :yfgx?_, k|ltIffnox? cflb ;dfj]z u/]df cy{k"0f{
jftfj/0f lgdf{0f x'g hfG5 . o; ;fO6Knfgdf lgdf{0f ;fdu|L / To;sf] lgdf{0f
ljlw ;d]t v'nfpg' kb{5 .
2.4.4. ;+s]t tyf :yfg cg'l:ylt (Signage and Space Orientation)
c:ktfn leqsf ljleGg k|of]hgsf sf]7f Pj+ :yfgx?, cfjfudg ;~hfnx? Jojl:yt
x'g'kb{5 h;sf] sf/0f cfuGt's tyf pkef]Qmfx?nfO{ c:ktfnleq hxfF k'Ubf klg cfkm" sxfF
5' < sxfF uO/x]sf] 5' < eGg] af/]df cndn x'g gk/f];\ . o; k|sf/sf] cGof]nsf sf/0f
c:ktfnleq cgfjZos x'nd'n x'g] dfq geO{ pkef]Qmfn] k'Ug rfx]sf] :yfgdf ;lhn} k'Ug
;Sb}g . o; ljifonfO{ l8hfOg cjwf/0ffdf g} ;f]lrg' kb{5 h;sf] sf/0f pkef]Qmfsf]
dfg;k6ndf To; :yfgsf] gS;f ;lhn} aGg ;sf];\ / To;}sf] cfwf/df c:ktfnleq cfkm"n]
rfx]sf] 7fpFdf ;xh?kdf cfjfudg ug{ ;sf];\ . c:ktfn leqsf] sf]7f, :yfg tyf dfu{x?sf]
:ki6 n]cfp6, 7fpF 7fpFdf /flvg] Nof08dfs{x? -:d/0fLo j:t'x?_ / :ki6 ;Ldf /]vfx?sf]
cfwf/df dfG5]n] lbdfudf :yfgsf] dfglrq agfpF5 . t;y{ s'g} klg c:ktfn cflb
;fj{hlgs ejgx?df :d/0fLo :yfg jf j:t'x?, dfu{ lgb]{zs tTjx?, gofF Pj+ rxlsnf]
/+ux? tyf ;+s]t kf6Lx?sf] oyf]lrt pkof]u ul/g' kb{5 . h;sf] sf/0f tL :yfgx?
pkef]Qmfsf] lbdfudf ;lhn} a:g ;S5g\ .
;+s]t kf6LM
;+s]t kf6L em'08\ofpFbf jf h8fg ubf{ tflnsf @ -k[i7 28_ cg';f/ ;fOh tyf cGo
:k]l;lkms]zg ;lxtsf] x'g' kg]{5 . s'g} klg cIf/sf] Go"gtd ;fOh ;fwf/0f b[li6zlQm
ePsf dflg;n] !* lkm6 b"/Laf6 b]Vg ;lsg] x'g' kb{5 . cfsl:ds ;]jf Anssf] ;+s]tkf6L
jf To; Ans;Dd bf]x/\ofpg] dfu{ lgb]{zs ;+s]t kf6L rf}lj;} 306f k9\g ;lsg], k|j]z
åf/af6} :ki6 b]lvg] x'g' kb{5 . tflnsf @ df lbOPsf] :6\of088{eGbf afx]s s'g}
cGt/f{li6«o ;+s]t kf6L Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLsf] k|of]u ug]{ eP ;f]sf] ;Gbe{;|f]t pNn]v u/L
k|of]u ug{ ;lsg]5 .
dfu{ lgb]{zs ;+s]tkf6Lx?sf] b"/L cGt/fnM
c:ktfnsf sl/8f]/sf] k|To]s rf}af6f]x?df dfu{ lgb]{zs ;+s]tkf6L /flvg'kb{5 . o;/L
rf}af6f]x? gePsf nfdf] sl/8f]/x?df sDtLdf #) dL6/sf] cGt/fndf oL ;+s]t kf6Lx?
/flvg' kb{5 . -ACEM, 1998_
ax'eflifs ;+s]t kf6LM
;+s]t kf6L sDtLdf b'O{ efiffdf n]lvg' kb{5 . g]kfnL / c+u|]hLsf cltl/Qm cfjZostf
cg';f/ To; e]ssf] ;j{k|rlnt :yfgLo efiff jf lnlkdf ;d]t n]lvg' kb{5 . lg/If/x?n]
;d]t k9\g ;Sg] u/L cIf/ ;uF;u} cGt/f{li6«o :6\of088{ lrGxx? klg ;+s]t kf6Lx?df
k|of]u ul/g' kb{5 .
-Illuminated_ k|sfzo'Qm ;+s]t kf6LM
c:ktfnsf] d"n ;+s]t kf6L, cfsl:ds ;]jf ljefu, alx/Ë ;]jf / cGt/Ë ;]jfsf] Ansdf
/flvg] d"n ;+s]t kf6L k|sfzo'Qm – leqaf6 aQLx? k|of]u u/L /fqL sfndf ;d]t rlDsg]
eO{ 6f9faf6 k9\g ;lsg] ul/ agfOPsf] x'g' kg]{5 . o:t} jlxu{dg dfu{ ;+s]t klg o;
k|sf/sf] k|sfzo'Qm ;+s]t kf6L x'g' kb{5 . o;afx]s zf}rfno, l/;]K;g, vt/f ;+s]tx?
klg k|sfzo'Qm ;+s]tdf /fVg ;lsg]5 .
cIf/n] 9flsPsf] efusf] If]qkmnM
;+s]t kf6Ldf cIf/n] 9flsPsf] efusf] If]qkmn / vfnL 7fpFsf] If]qkmnsf] cg'kft $M^
x'g'nfO{ ;jf]{lrt dflgg]5 .
/+usf] 5gf}6M
Uff9f xl/of] k[i7e"lddf ;]tf jf xNsf kx]nf] cIf/ jf uf9f gLnf] k[i7e"lddf ;f]lx /+usf]
cIf/df ;+s]t kf6L agfpg ;lsg]5 . t/ cfsl:ds ;]jfsf] / To; ;Dd dfu{lgb]{z ug]{
;a} ;+s]t kf6Lx? /ftf] /+usf] k[i7e"ldsf agfOg' kb{5 . cGo ljz]if ;+s]t kf6Lx? h:t}
xflgsf/s kmf]x/, ljls/0f o'Qm kmf]x/ cflb ;DaGwL ;+s]t cGt/f{li6«o sn/ sf]8df
cfwfl/t /x]/ agfOg' kb{5 .
ejgsf] tnfsf] KnfgM
k|To]s tnfdf sDtLdf Ps :yfgdf -c:ktfnsf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] ;fj{hlgs nAaLdf_ ætkfO{
oxfF x'g'x'G5 .Æ egL ;+s]t u/L To; tNnfsf] Knfg gS;f 6fFlug' kg]{5 . o; gS;fdf
cfkt\sfnLg alxu{dg åf/x? tyf dfu{x? / cfkt\sfnLg cj:yfdf ;'/lIft :yfgsf] ;+s]t
klg b]vfOg' kb{5 .
tflnsf 3 - ;+s]tkf6Lsf juL{s/0f tyf :k]l;lkms]zg
aflx/L ;+s]t (Outdoor Signage)
;+s]tsf] k|sf/ ljj/0f :k]l;lkms]zg
-gfksf] PsfO ldlnld6/df 5_
k|fylds c:ktfnsf] d'Vo ;+s]t kf6L sDtLdf ^))x!*)) ejgsf]
cfsf/ / ;fOhsf] cg'kftdf 7"nf]
klg x'g ;Sg]
dfWolds ljefux?sf] ;+s]t alx/Ë, @%) x ^))
cGt/Ë cflb #)) x !@))
#)) x !*))
cfsl:ds ;]jf ljefu sDtLdf ^))x@$)) k|sfzo'Qm
;jf/L ;fwgsf nflu æ;jf/L ;fwg lgif]wÆ @%)x^))
;jf/L ;fwgsf nflu Dffu{ lgb]{zs Arrow cflb @%)x^))
6«flkms lgoGq0f ;+s]t 6«flkms sn/ sf]8 tyf :6of088{ #))x^))
lgb]{zgfTds æw'd|kfg lgif]wÆ, æs[kof gy'Sg' sDtLdf #)) rf}8f, nDafO
xf]nfÆ cflb h:tf lgb]{zgfTds cfjZostfg';f/
;"rgf kf6L
;"rgfd"ns ;"rgf tyf lzIffd"ns, ljifo cfjZostfg';f/
j:t'df k|sfz kfg{ -:jf:Yo tyf
;/;kmfO ;DaGwL ljljw_
lbzfaf]ws ljefux?df hfg] af6f] Arrow @%)x$%)
af6 b]vfpg
:yfgsf] gfd æk|ltIff sIfÆ, æla/fdL hfFr @%)x$%)
sIfÆ cflb
sf]7fx?sf] gfd kbflwsf/L jf sf]7fsf] k|of]hg #))x&%
pNn]v ePsf] @#)x%)
lgodg tyf lgoGq0f æk|j]z lgif]wÆ, æsd{rf/L dfqÆ @%)x$%)
alxu{dg ;fj{hlgs :yfgx?df #))x#))
sl/8f]/sf] df]8x?df
vt/f ;+s]t æxfOef]N6]hÆ, æ/]l8PzgÆ $%)x$%)
2.4.5. ‰ofn9f]sf
:jf:Yo ejgx?sf] ‰ofn9f]sf sf]7f jf :yfgsf] k|of]hg cg';f/ h8fg ul/g' kb{5 .
‰ofn9f]sfsf] pko'Qm k|sf/ / :k]l;lkms]zg 5gf}6 ug{sf nflu cfwf/x? lgDgfg';f/ tflnsf
$ df lbOPsf] 5 .
/]l8d]8 ;ln8 sf]/ p8g 8f]/
xd]{l6s 8f]/
cUgL lgoGqs 9f]sf -Fire door_
:6]gn]; :6Ln 9f]sf (SS Door)
-v_ hfnL vfkf tyf 8f]/ Snf]h/ – nfdv'§] nufot cGo ls/fkm6\of+u|fx? sf]7fleq l5g{
glbg ejg kl/;/ tyf jl/kl/sf jftfj/0f ;kmf /fVg] ljlw afx]s ‰ofn 9f]sfx?df
hfnL vfkf nufO{ ls/fk|j]zdf /f]s nufpg] / 8f]/ l:k|Ë jf 8f]/ Snf]h/ k|of]u u/L
9f]sf cfkm} aGb x'g] Joj:yf ug'{ kb{5 . o; dWo] ejgaf6 aflx/ lg:sg] ;a} 9f]sfdf
clgjfo{?kdf hfnLvfkf h8fg ug{' kb{5 .
-u_ ‰ofn9f]sf jf jl/kl/ x'g] l5b|x? 6fNg] – cNd'lgod tyf o"=kL=eL=;L=sf] 9f]sfx?
Knfi6/ u/]kl5 dfq h8fg ul/g] ePsf]n] e\mofn9f]sfsf] k|]md jl/kl/ l5b|x? b]lvg]
u/]sf] 5 . o:tf] l5b| cfpg glbg Knfi6/ ubf{ cToGt ;hu eO{ nfOg n] jn r]s ug'{
kb{5 . olt ubf{ klg b]vf k/]sf s]xL dl;gf l5b|x?nfO{ l;lnsg nufO{ 6fNg' kb{5 .
o:t} k|sf/sf l5b|x? vfkfsf] k|m]d / l;;fsf] hf]gL{x?df klg x'g] ePsfn] u'0f:t/o'Qm
Uof:s]6sf] k|of]u u/L zLzf h8fg ug'{ kb{5 .
-3_ aDk/ Kn]6 tyf lss Kn]6 – :6«]r/sf] cfjfudg x'g] ;a} k|sf/sf 9f]sfsf vfkfx?df
e'OFe'OFaf6 @)) ld=ld= prfOdf lss Kn]6 / ()) ld=ld= sf] prfOdf aDk/ Kn]6
7f]Sg' kb{5. o:tf Kn]6x? s8f sf7sf] jf wft' -lvof gnfUg] l:6nsf] pko'Qm_ sf] /fVg
;lsg]5 . -lrq g+= #=u=_
-ª_ u|Ln – ;a} e'OFtnfsf ‰ofnx?df kmnfd] lu|n h8fg ul/g' kb{5 . o;/L h8fg ubf{
To; lu|nn] vfkfsf zLzfx? ;kmf ug{ cK7]/f] x'g' x'Fb}g .
-r_ 9f]sfsf lkml6Ëx? – 9f]sfdf k|of]u x'g] lkml6Ëx? /fd|f] u'0f:t/sf] lvof gnfUg] x'g'kb{5
. t;y{ :6]gn]; :6Lnsf] lkml6Ëx?sf] k|of]u pko'Qm x'G5 . lkml6Ëx?sf] 5gf}6df
lgDgfg';f/ s'/fx?nfO{ klg Wofg lbOg' kb{5 .
9f]sf nsM
ahf/df kfOg] laleGg k|sf/sf nsx? dWo] dfl6{; ns h:tf ;fFrf] vfkf d}
h8fg x'g] ns k|of]u ug'{ x'Fb}g . To; k|sf/sf] nsdf ;fFrf] x/fpFbf ns km]g{
dxFuf] / ;fwf/0f sd{rf/Ln] ns kmf]/]/ k]mg{ g;lsg] ePsf]n] :jf:Yo ejgx?df
PN8«k -Aldrop - h;nfO{ cGt/fk egL lrlgG5_ g} k|of]u ug{ pko'Qm x'G5 . PN8«k
:6]gn]; :6Ln jf lkQnsf] pko'Qm x'G5 .
‰ofn9f]sfsf 5]l:sgLx? ;a} pkef]Qmfn] xftn] 5'g Eofpg] prfOdf /flvg' kb{5 .
o;sf nflu #)) ld=ld= b]lv $%) ld=ld= ;Ddsf] nfdf] 5]l:sgLsf] k|of]u ug'{
kb{5 .
v= cNd'lgod e\mofn u= ˆn; 9f]sfdf lss
Kn]6 7f]s]sf]
-5_ 9f]sfsf] rf}8fO – 9f]sfsf] k|of]ustf{sf] ;+Vofsf] cfwf/df 9f]sfsf] rf}8fO lgwf{/0f
ul/Psf] x'G5 . :jf:Yo ejgx?df tflnsf % cg';f/sf] rf}8fO pko'Qm x'G5 .
tflnsf 5M 9f]sfsf] rf}8fO / :k]l;lkms]zg
:yfg Rff}8fO -ld=ld=_ :k]l;lkms]zg÷s}lkmot
;a} sl/8f]/x? !%)) Kofgn 9f]sf, Double swing b'a}lt/ vf]Ng
ldNg] vfkf ePsf] dflyNnf] cfwf efudf
zLzf h8fg ePsf]
d"n 9f]sf !%))
cGt/Ë jf8{ !@)) c;dfg 9f]sfsf kNnfx? dWo] 7"nf]sf]
;fOh *%) /fvL To;df !%)X@)) sf]
Kjfn agfO{ zLzf h8fg ug]{
:yfg Rff}8fO -ld=ld=_ :k]l;lkms]zg÷s}lkmot
;fwf/0f sf]7fx? !))) ˆn; vfkf
-clkm;, :6fkm ?d
cflb ljz]if tj/n]
pNn]v gePsf] ;a}
zf}rfnosf] leqL &%) ˆn; vfkf
:6f]/ !))) ˆn; vfkfdf n'e/ h8fg
PS; – /] !@)) ln8 k|of]u u/L agfOPsf] ljls/0f
lg/f]ws 9f]sf
-h_ ‰ofnsf] l;n prfO – ‰ofndf l;nsf] prfO{ uf]kgLotfsf] cfjZostf, k|sfz
cflbsf] cfwf/df tflnsf – 6 df pNn]v eP cg';f/ lgwf{/0f ug'{ kb{5 .
tflnsf – 6 ‰ofnx?sf] l;n prfO
:yfg l;n prfO e'OFaf6 -ld=ld=_
;fwf/0f cj:yfdf jf8{, cf]=lk=8L=, !@))
zNolqmof sIf, k|;'lt sIf Go"gtd !*))
PS; – /] k|sfz gl5g]{ u/L PUh:6 k\mofgsf nflu dfq
x'g] u/L /flvg] e\mofn @!)) eGbf dfly
Nofa If]qsf leqL kfl6{zgx? !@)) ld=ld= eGbf dflysf] efu k'/} zLzf
h8fg ug]{
k|zf;g, Sjf6{/x?ddf of] prfO cfls{6]Sr/ l8hfOgdf df]x8fsf]
l8hfOg cg';f/ km/s x'g ;S5 .
ul/g' kb{5 . oL k|ljlwx? k'¥ofpg g;lsg] :yfgx?df sDtLdf lkmN6/ h8fg
u/]sf] x'g' kb{5 .
jf8{df sDtLdf Psj6f jf; a]l;gsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . olb jf8{df j]8 ;+Vof
@) j6f eGbf a9L ePdf @ j6f j]l;gsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
xft w'g] :yfgx?df kof{Kt ;fa'g /flvPsf] x'g' kb{5 . pkef]Qmfx?nfO{ xft w'gnfO{
k|f]T;flxt ug{ jf;a]l;gx? pkef]Qmfx?sf] ;xh kx'Frsf] :yfgx?df /flvg' kb{5 .
sd{rf/L / la/fdLnfO{ 5'§f5'§} / o:t} dlxnf / k'?ifnfO{ 5'§f5'§} g'xfpg] sf]7fsf]
Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
-v_ tftf] kfgLsf] Joj:yf
;f}o{ phf{af6 kfgL ttfpg] k|0ffnL l8hfOg / nfut cg'dfgdf ;dfj]z ul/g' kb{5 .
;a} xft w'g] wf/fx?, g'xfpg] wf/f / ;fj{hlgs zf}rfnodf tftf] kfgL cfpg] Joj:yf
ul/g' kb{5 .
-u_ ljz]if l;+s tyf wf/fx?
1. :qma l;+sM ljz]iftM zNolqmof sIf, k|;'lt sIfdf sfd ug]{ lrlsT;s, g;{ tyf
cGo ;xof]uLx?n] s'lxgfb]lv xTs]nf;Dd /fd|/L xft w'g] / a]6f8Lg nufot
;'/IffTds cf}ifwLx? bNg] sfo{sf] nflu agfOg] ulx/f] k|sf/sf] l;+snfO{ :qma l;+s
elgG5 . of] l;+s sDtLdf !^ u]hsf] :6]gn]; :6Ln kftfn] ag]sf] x'g' kb{5 . :qma
l;+s agfpFbfv]l/ g} l;+ssf] 7Ls cuf8L ;fgf] 6«] klg /flvg' kb{5 hxfF a]6fl8g,
;fa'g, :oflg6fOh/ /;fog cflbsf zLzL /fVg ;xh x'G5 . :qma l;+ssf] ;fydf
lgDgfg';f/ ;fdu|Lx? klg /flvg' kb{5 .
s'lxgfn] vf]Ng] wf/f -Elbow Tap_
lrlsT;s tyf cGo ;xof]uL :jf:YosdL{ zNolqmof jf k|;'lt u/fP kZrft\
xftel/ kmf]x/ x'g x'Fbf xftn] 5f]O :qma l;+ssf] wf/f vf]Ng ;Sg] cj:yf x'Fb}g
. o;sf nflu ;]G;/ hl8t wf/f h8fg ug{ ;s] xft wf/f cl3 k'¥ofpg]
lalQs} :jrflnt ?kdf wf/faf6 kfgL cfpg] x'G5 . o:tf] k|ljlw gePsf]
:yfgdf c:ktfnsf] nflu ljz]if ?kn] l8hfOg ul/Psf] nfdf] 808L ePsf]
lne/ PS;g ;lh{sn PNaf] wf/f -Lever Action Surgical Elbow Tap_ csf]{ zAbdf
PNaf] wf/f cyf{t\ s'lxgfn] vf]Ng] wf/f h8fg ul/g' kb{5 .
Xof08 8«fo/
xft k'5\gnfO{ /flvg] ?dfnn] klg ;+qmd0f x'g ;Sg] ;DefjgfnfO{ dWogh/
ub}{ oL clt ;kmf /fVg' kg]{ :yfgx?df ljB'tLo xft ;'sfpg] d]lzg h8fg ug{
pko'Qm x'G5 . o:tf] d]lzg gx'g] jf grNg] cj:yfsf] ljsNkdf xft k'5\g]
sfuhL ?dfn -Napkin_ klg /flvg' kb{5 .
a. Stainless Steel Scrub Sink b. Lever action Faucets
-s_ zf}rfnosf] ;+VofM
:jf:Yo ejgdf zf}rfnosf] ;+Vof lgDgfg';f/ Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
o cGt/Ë ljefudf - ! zf}rfno k|lt @) pkef]Qmf
o alx/Ë ljefudf - sDtLdf $ j6f zf}rfno
sd{rf/L - !
dlxnf la/fdL - !
k'?if la/fdL - !
ckfË÷afnd}qL - !
c:ktfn:t/sf] 7"nf] ;+/rgfsf] nflu of] ;+Vof gk'u x'g;S5 . a]8 / pkef]Qmf cg';f/
NNBC 208 – 2003 df tf]lsP adf]lhd zf}rfno ;+Vof k'Ug' kb{5 .
sbflk /flvg' x'Fb}g . o;sf nflu dropped slab ug]{ xf] jf ¥ofDksf] Joj:yf ug]{ xf] jf
:Nofadf Kjfn kf/L ;Lw} kfOk tNnf] l;lnËaf6 kfOk lgsfNg] u/L l8hfOg ug'{ kb{5.
-UN, 2004_
-u_ afnd}qL zf}rfnoM
;fj{hlgs zf}rfno afns aflnsfx?nfO{ k|of]u ug{ ldNg] tj/n] agfOg' kb{5 .
o;sf nflu sDtLdf Ps j6f xf]rf] prfOsf] o'l/gn / Ps j6f jf; a]l;g @$Æ
prfOdf h8fg ul/g' kb{5 . sltko cj:yfdf ckfË d}qL zf}rfno g} afnd}qL
agfpg klg ;lsG5 .
-3_ ;+s]t kf6LM
zf}rfnosf] :yfg / k|of]ustf{sf] ju{nfO{ :ki6 hgfpg] tj/n] ;+s]t kf6Lx? nufpg'
kb{5 . cGt/f{li6«o dfGotf k|fKt lrGxx?sf nufot cIf/df klg n]vL leQfdf h8fg
ul/g' kb{5 . sl/8f]/sf] 7fpF7fpFdf zf}rfnosf] lbzfaf]ws ;+s]t kf6Lx? klg h8fg
ug'{ kb{5 .
-ª_ ;'/IffM
of}g lx+;f nufot cGo cfk/flws ultljlw x'g glbg zf}rfnosf] :yfg 5gf}6df
ljrf/ k'¥ofpg' kb{5 . leqaf6 r's'n xfNg] Joj:yf / lx8\g] af6f]x?df rf}la;} 306f
pHofnf] x'g] Joj:yfsf nflu kfj/ Aofs cksf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
-r_ k|sfz / e]lG6n]zg
zf}rfnosf] l8hfOg ubf{ of]hgfsf] r/0fdf g} kof{Kt k|sfz / e]lG6n]zgsf] ljrf/
k'¥ofpg' kb{5 . zf}rfno sDtLdf Pslt/sf] leQf aflx/L leQf x'g' kb{5 . ;fj{hlgs
zf}rfnosf leqL kfl6{;g leQfx? @!)) ld=ld= eGbf cUnf] x'g' x'Fb}g . :yfgLo
ahf/df pknAw eP df]8'n/ 6\jfOn]6 So'lasnsf] k|of]u klg plrt x'G5 .
sy+sbflrt\ zf}rfnosf] leQf aflx/L leQf;Fu hf]8\g] ;Defjgf gePdf To;
zf}rfnosf] Pslt/sf] leQf sDtLdf ^)) ld=ld= X ()) ld=ld= sf] 8S6lt/ v'n]sf]
x'g' kb{5 . of] 8S6df k:g] 9f]sfsf] Joj:yf x'g'kb{5 / kfOk dd{t tyf ;kmf ug{ Ps
hgf JolQm 8S6leq ;lhn} k:g ldNg] x'g' kb{5 .
-5_ ;fdflhs tyf ;f+:s[lts kl/j]znfO{ Wofg lbg'kg]{
;fdflhs tyf ;f+:s[lts ljljwtfnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL :oflg6/L l8hfOg ul/g' kb{5 /
tb\g';f/ ;fdu|Lx? 5gf}6 ug{' kb{5 .
cAn'zg wf/f (Ablution Tap)M g]kfnL ;dfhsf k|rng cg';f/ g]kfnsf
zf}rfnox?df dnåf/ ;kmf ug]{ kfOk wf/f h8fg ug{ cfjZos x'g ;S5 .
sdf]8 / Kofgdf 5gf}6 ug]{ Joj:yfM g]kfnL ;dfhsf sltko pkef]Qmfx?
cem} klg sdf]8 k|of]u ug{ cEo:t eOg;s]sf sf/0f ;a} ;fj{hlgs
zf}rfnox?df kfZrfTo z}nLsf sdf]8 / k"j]{nL z}nLsf Kofgsf] Joj:yf ul/g'
kb{5 . Kofg k|of]u ug]{ jf sdf]8 k|of]u ug]{ eGg] af/] :yfgLo ;dfhd} 5nkmn
u/L lg0f{o ul/g' kb{5 .
-h_ xft w'g] 7fpFM
zf}rfnosf] glhs} jf leq clgjfo{ ?kdf xft w'g] 7fpFsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
-em_ kx'FrM
s'g} klg zf}rfnodf k'Ug #) ld6/eGbf 6f9f lx8\g' gkg]{ u/L Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
o:t} zf}rfno;Dd k'Ug] af6f] !@ dlxgf g} k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] x'g' kb{5 . o;sf nflu
hldg ;txeGbf p7fPsf], 5fgfn] 5f]lkPsf] af6f]sf] Joj:yf -Covered & Raised
Pathway_ ul/g' kb{5 .
ax'tn] ejgx?df clgjfo{ ?kdf k|To]s tnfdf zf}rfno /flvg' kb{5 . zf}rfno;Dd
k'Ug] af6f]df s'g} klg v'8\lsnf] x'g' x'Fb}g h;n] ubf{ czQm la/fdL tyf ckfËx? To;
:yfgdf lXjn lro/df hfg ckfos x'G5 .
-h_ jftfj/0fLo k|b'if0f x'g glbg'M
g]kfndf zf}rfno cflbaf6 pTkfbg x'g] kmf]x/ kfgL s]Gb|Lo :t/df k|zf]wg ug]{ s]Gb|x?
pknAw 5}gg\ . 9n lgsf;nfO{ k|zf]wg g} gu/L l;w} gbLdf hf]8\g] kl/kf6Ln] gbLsf]
hn k|0ffnL 9n k|0ffnLdf kl/0ft x'g] k|lqmofdf /x]sf] 5 . h;sf] kl/0ffd :j?k o;n]
;du| kof{j/0fdf g} k|lts'n c;/ kf/L jftfj/0fLo :jf:Yo emg\ emg\ vl:sFb} uPsf]
cj:yf 5 . olb zx/df o; k|sf/sf] s]Gb|Lo k|zf]wg k|0ffnL pknAw 5}g eg] kl/;/
leq} k|zf]wg -On-site Retention System_ u/L tt\Zrft\ dfq 9n lgsf;df ld;fpg'
kb{5. clt kmf]x/ kfgL -Black water_ ;j{k|yd ;]lK6s 6\of+sdf hDdf kf/L To;af6
lgl:sg] kfgL -Effluent_ ;f]slk6df k7fO{ hldgn] ;f]:g lbOG5 . o; k|sf/sf] ;f]slk6
lgdf{0f ubf{ e"ldut hne08f/nfO{ k|b'lift x'g lbg' x'Fb}g . o;sf nflu pQm :jf:Yo
ejg kl/;/sf] e"ldut kfgLsf] prfO
;DaGwL hfgsf/L k|fKt ug'{ kb{5 .
;f]slk6sf] km]b / e"ldut kfgLsf] ;tx
aLr sDtLdf !%)) ld=ld= km/s x'g'
kb{5 . o:t} o; k|sf/sf] ;f]slk6 /
e"ldut kfgL ;|f]t -Ogf/, 6\o"aj]n, s'jf
cflb_ eGbf sDtLdf #) ld= b"/Ldf
/flvg' kb{5 . :jf:Yo ;+:Yff -c:ktfn,
k|f=:jf=s]= cflb_ sf] ;]lK6s 6\of+saf6
pTkfbg x'g] /5fg s[lifsf] nflu ;f]em}
k|of]u ul/g' x'Fb}g . o;nfO{ ;'/lIft
ljlwaf6 hldgdf uf8\g] Joj:yf ul/g'
kb{5 . lrq 5 ckfËd}qL zf}rfno
-em_ zf}rfnosf] e'OF
zf}rfno ;Fw} lelh/xg] sf]7f ePsf]n] pQm sf]7faf6 kfgL aflx/ lg:sg] cj:yf
l;h{gf ug'{ x'Fb}g . o;sf nflu cGo sf]7f÷sl/8f]/sf] ;txeGbf zf}rfnosf] e'OFe'OFsf]
;tx sDtLdf !) ld=ld= ;Dd tn x'g' kb{5 .
2.4.8. k|sfz
cWof/f] x'g'kg]{ sf]7fx? afx]s k|To]s sf]7fx?df k|fs[lts ;f}o{ k|sfz kof{Kt k'Ug] u/L of]hgf
ul/g' kb{5 . o;sf nflu lgDgfg';f/ /0fgLltx? cjnDag ug{ ;lsG5 .
plrt ;fOhsf] ‰ofn tyf e]lG6n]6/ aflx/L tyf leqL leQfx?df h8fg ug]{
xf]rf leQfx?sf] k|of]u
zLzfsf kfl6{;gsf] k|of]u
nfdf] sl/8f]/x? ;s];Dd of]hgf gug]{
k|sfz k/fjt{g ug]{ vfnsf] pHofnf] /+ux? leqL leQfx?df k|of]u ug]{
:sfOnfO6, nfO6 j]n, Pl6«od jf 8an xfO6 :k]; l8hfOg ug]{
Psflt/ dfq sf]7fx? /fvL sl/8f]/x? of]hgf ug]{
k|sfzsf] nflu ‰ofnx?sf] Joj:yf ubf{ k|of]hg / uf]kgLotfnfO{ klg Wofg lbOg'
kb{5 . o;y{ ‰ofnsf] l;nsf] prfO :yfgcg';f/ tflnsf $ df tf]lsP adf]lhd x'g' kb{5 .
k|sfzsf] l8hfOg ubf{ cfFvfdf 6lNsg' x'Fb}g . k|fs[lts ;|f]t xf];\ of s[lqd k|sfzsf] ls/0f
la/fdLsf] cfFvfdf l;wf kg{ lbg' x'Fb}g . sl/8f]/x?df la/fdLx? ;'tfP/ a]8 jf :6«]r/df
u'F8fpbf klg k|sfzsf] ls/0f l;wf cfFvf vfg] u/L cfFvfdf kg'{ x'Fb}g . o;nfO{ Wofgdf /fvL
Luminaire x?sf] 5gf}6 ul/g' kb{5 / la/fdLnfO{ pkrf/ ug]{ sf]7fx?df Dimmer sf] Joj:yf
x'g'kb{5 .
2.4.9. e]lG6n]zg
:yfgLo xfjfkfgL / xfjfsf] axfjnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL pTs[i6 leqL jftfj/0f x'g]u/L
ejgx?sf] n]cfp6 ul/g' kb{5 . ‰ofn9f]sfsf] l8hfOg, kbf{x?, af]6lj?jf cflb dfkm{t klg
c:ktfn ejgsf] jftfj/0fdf ;'wf/ ug{ ;lsG5 .
‰ofn9f]sfsf] l8hfOg ubf{ ;s];Dd jf/kf/ xfjf rNg] (Cross Ventilaton) tj/n] ul/g'
kb{5 . o;af6 ejgsf] leqL jftfj/0f zLtn / :jR5 dfq x'g] geO{ cf]; / 9';L nfUg]
;d:ofaf6 klg s]xL xb;Dd 5'6sf/f ldNb5 . c:ktfnsf ljz]if ;+j]bgzLn If]qx?df
jftfg's'ng k|0ffnL (HVAC) jf xfjf lkmN6/sf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . ck/]zg lyo6/, k|;'lt
sf]7f, gjhft lzz' :ofxf/ PsfO (Neonatal Unit), ;3g pkrf/ O{sfO (ICU) cflb sf]7fx?df
k+vf rnfpg' x'Fb}g . k+vfn] w'nf] kmfNg] ePsf]n] o:tf :yfgx? -clt ;kmf If]q – Sterilie zone
df / d]l8sn pks/0fdfly) k+vf rnfpg' xflgsf/s x'G5 .
2.4.10. ls6f0f'x?sf] lgd"{ngsf] nflu xfjf lgisf;g
ls6f0f' ;+qmd0fsf nflu cToGt ;+j]bgzLn la/fdLx? (Immuno-compromised patient)
/flvg] PsfOx? h:t} ;3g pkrf/ PsfO (ICU) / zNolqmof sIfleq xfjf rfk positive
pressure df /flvg' kb{5 . o;sf nflu pressure control ug]{ pk/0fx? h8fg ug'{kb{5 . o;
pks/0fn] aflx/L cGo sf]7fdf eGbf oL ;+j]bgzLn sf]7fdf a9L jfo'rfk sfod u/L lbG5
h;n] ubf{ aflx/af6 b'lift xfjf leq k:g] ;Defjgf /xFb}g .
:jf:Yo ejgx? leqsf] ;a} sf]7fx?df kof{Kt xfjf ;~rfng x'g] e]lG6n]zg ePsf] x'g'
kb{5 . /f]usf hLjf0f' ;+qmd0fsf] k|an ;Defjgf x'g] :yfgx? -h:t} DOTS, cGo xfjfaf6 ;g]{
/f]usf la/fdL ePsf 7fpF_ df cem a9L xfjfsf] ;~rfng x'g'kb{5 . o:tf :yfgx?df 6-12
xfjf kl/jt{g k|lt 306f (Air Change per hour) x'g] tj/n] oflGqs e]lG6n]zgsf] Joj:yf ul/g'
kb{5 . o:tf] oflGqs pks/0f h8fg x'g g;Sg] cj:yfdf k|fs[lts e]lG6n]zgsf] k|efjsf/L
l8hfOgn] klg kof{Kt sfd ug{ ;S5 .
2.4.11. On]lS6«sn l8hfOgdf ;dfj]z ug'{kg]{ ;fdu|Lx?
-s_ ljB'tM ;a} :jf:Yo ;+:yfx? y|L km]h ljB't nfOgsf nflu l8hfOg ul/g' kb{5 . y|L
km]h nfOg cfjZos x'g] d]l;g pks/0f / pko'Qm :yfg :ki6 ?kdf l8hfOgdf
b]vfOg' kb{5 .
-v_ xfjf lgisf;g k+vf (Exhaust Fan)Mc6f]Sn]e ?d, PS;–/] sf]7f h:tf ;a} cFWof/f] /fVg'
kg]{ sf]7fx?df xfjf lgisf;g k+vf (Exhaust Fan) / cfjZostfg';f/ lrDgL clgjfo{
;dfj]z ul/g' kb{5 .
-u_ OT Light : ck/]zg lyo6/sf] nflu cfjZos cf]=6L= nfO6 clgjfo{ ?kdf ;dfj]z
ul/g' kb{5 .
-3_ k|sfz lkm/lkm/ xlNng (Flickering effect) glbg]M olb l;lnË k+vf h8fg ul/Psf] 5 eg]
To;sf] 5fofsf] sf/0f x'g] Flickering effect x'g glbg k+vfeGbf d'lgsf] ;tx;Dd aQL
cfpg] u/L luminaire x? em'08\ofOg' kb{5 .
-ª_ ;f}o{ ljB't j}slNks ;|f]tsf ?kdf k|of]uM h]g]/]6/ Aofs–cksf] cnfjf lgDgfg';f/
sf]7fx?df ;f}o{ ljB'tsf] Aofsck clgjfo{ /flvg' kb{5 .
zNolqmof sIf
cfsl:ds ;]jf ljefu
k|;'lt ;]jf -CEOC, BEOC, Birthing Center_
-r_ cl8of] lel8of]M c:ktfn / k|fylds :jf:Yo s]Gb|x?df clgjfo{ ?kdf cl8of] lel8of]
k|0ffnL h8fg ul/g' kb{5 . l/;]Kzgdf dfOqmf]kmf]g / ljleGg ;fj{hlgs :yfgx?df
h:t} naL, d'Vo sl/8f]/x?, k|ltIff sIfx? cflbdf l:ks/ h8fg ul/g' kb{5 . o;afx]s
a}7s sIf (Conference Hall_ df klg -cl8of] leh'on_ >Ao b[io k|0ffnL h8fg ul/g'
kb{5 .
-5_ r6\ofËsf] hf]lvd Go"gLs/0fM On]lS6«sn l8hfOg ubf{ r6\ofËsf sf/0f dflg;, pks/0f
/ ejgnfO{ x'g] Ifltaf6 arfpg kof{Kt pkfox? cjnDag ul/g' kb{5 .
2.4.12. jftfg's'ng k|0ffnL (HVAC)
;kmf xfjf tyf plrt tfkqmdsf nflu lgolGqt jftfj/0f cfjZos x'g] c:ktfn
tyf k|fylds :jf:Yo s]Gb|sf ;+j]bgzLn sf]7fx?df jftfg's'ng k|0ffnL clgjfo{ h8fg ul/g'
kb{5 . o;/L h8fg ug'{kg]{ sf]7fx?sf] ;"rL lgDgfg';f/
tflnsf 7 df lbOPsf] 5 .
tflnsf 7M jftfg's'ng cfjZos x'g] sf]7fx?
c:ktfn k|fylds :jf:Yo s]Gb|
- zNolqmof ljefusf ;a} ;kmf If]qx?df
(Clean zone)
- CEONC PsfOsf k|;'lt sIf, zNolqmof BEONC PsfOsf k|;'lt sIf cflb ;a} ;kmf
sIf cflb ;a} ;kmf If]q (Clean zone) If]q (Clean zone)
- ;3g pkrf/ PsfO (ICU)
lkmlgl;Ë_df ljleGg :yfg / k|of]hg cg';f/ :jf:Yo ejgx?sf nflu pko'Qm
kl/;Hhf ;'emfOPsf] 5 . o; tflnsfdf lbOPsf ;'emfjx?nfO{ :yfgLo ahf/ cWoog
/ t'ngfTds cWoog u/L l8hfOg/n] lgSof}{n ug'{ kb{5 .
1. sfp06/ 6kM
c:ktfn jf cGo :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf] zNolqmof sIf, k|;'lt sIf, Nofa tyf cGo
l8hfOgdf b]vfOPsf :yfgx?df /flvg] sfp06/x?sf] 6k s8f, ;kmf ug{ ;lsg]
;fdu|Lsf] x'g'kb{5 . afy?ddf nufOg] ;]/flds 6fon o:tf sfp06/ 6kx?df
k|of]u ug{ x'Fb}g . oL 6fonx? l56f] k'm6\g] tyf 6fon larsf] h]f8fOdf hLjf0f'
x'ls{g ;Sg] ;Defjgf k|an x'G5 . t;y{ oL sfp06/sf 6kdf df]hfos cyjf
u|]gfO6 k|of]u ug{ pko'Qm x'G5 . o;afx]s Nofasf s]xL sfp06/x? hxfF Pl;8
tyf cGo s8f /;fogsf] k|of]u x'G5, To:tf] sfp06/df /;fog k|lt/f]ws
lkmlgl;Ë sf]6 -Chemical Resistant Finishing Coat_ k|of]u ul/g' k5{ . o;sf nflu
Epoxy Resin Paint sf] k|of]u ug{ pko'Qm x'G5 .
3. sf7sf] kmn]ssf] k|of]uM pi0f k|b]zx?df e'OF jf cGo ;tx lkmlgl;Ësf] nflu
sf7sf] kmn]sx?sf] k|of]u plrt x'Fb}g . hf8f] x'g] lxdfnL k|b]zx?df hLjf0f'
;+qmd0fsf] vt/f sd x'g] x'gfn] cGt/Ë ljefusf] sf]7fx?sf] e'OF tyf leQfx?df
kmn]s k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 . o; cj:yfdf oL sf7x? lrNnf] kf/L /fd|/L kflnz
ul/Psf] x'g' kb{5 / hf]gL{x? sd dfq b]lvPsf] x'g'kb{5 .
tflnsf 8 – :yfg / k|of]hg cg';f/sf] :yfgx?sf] nflu pko'Qm kl/;Hhf -lkmlgl;Ë_
qm=;+= kl/;Hhfsf] lsl;d :yfg tyf sIf
e'OF – Floors
1. dl;gf] l;d]G6 ;fdfGo :6f]/, dd{t zfvfsf] sIf, sfk]{6
nufOg] ;Dk"0f{ :yfgx?df
2. df]hfos qm=;+= ! df pNn]v ePsf] afx]s sl/8f]/x?
;lxt ;a} cGo :yfgx?df
3. e]l6«kmfo8 6fon -Vitrified Tiles) a9L Jo:t sl/8f]/x?df df]hfossf] ;§f k|of]u
ug{ ;lsg] . cf]=lk=8L=, cGt/Ë jf8{, zNo tyf
cGo pkrf/fTds sIfx?df / ;a} ;kmf tyf
clt ;kmf If]qx?df 6fonsf hf]gL{x? hLjf0f'
;+qmd0f /lxt Okf]S;L u|fp6 (anti-microbial
epoxy grout) ug{] .
4. legfon l;6 -Vinyl/PVC Sheeting) qm=;+= ! df pNn]v ePsf] afx]s sl/8f]/x?
;lxt ;a} cGo :yfgx?df nufpg ;lsg] .
5. u|]gfO6 tyf dfj{n sl/8f]/x?, k|ltIff sIf, e¥ofËsf
v'8\lsnfx?df k|of]u ug]{ t/ sf]7fx?df k|of]u
gug]{ .
6. ;]/flds ˆnf]/ 6fon ;a} afy?dx?df k|of]u ug{ ;lsg] t/ qm=;+= #
pNn]v ePsf :yfgx?df e]l6«kmfo8 6fonsf]
ljsNkdf o;sf] k|of]u ul/g' x'Fb}g .
7. Okf]S;L ˆnf]/ - Anti-electrostatic Self- zNolqmof sIf, zNolqmof]Q/ cf/f]Uo sIf -
leveling epoxy flooring) Post-operative/recovery room), k"j{ zNolqmof
sIf -Pre-operative rooms), c;+j]bgtf sIf
-Anesthesia room); ;3g pkrf/ PsfO -Intensive
Care Unit - ICU)
8. t]lnof 6fon -Terracotta clay tile on sf}zLx?sf] e'OFdf
the top of elastomeric waterproofing
9. a'§] s+lqm6 6fon (Checkered ¥ofDksf] e'OF, cGo aflx/L v'nf sl/8f]/ tyf
Concrete tiles or surface with rough j/08fx?df
texture for friction)
10. s'rf] a'§] s+lqm6 (Broom finish ¥ofDksf] e'OF
11. sfk]{6 clkm; sf]7f, a}7s sf]7f, 8\o'6L ?d tyf
k|ltIff sIfx?df
12. OG6/nlsË s+lqm6 6fon afXo 5kgL÷k'm6kfy (Outdoor pavements)
14. l;d]G6 Knfi6/ tf]lsPsf afx]s cGo ;a} leQfx?df
15. ;]/flds 6fon ;a} zf}rfnox?df sDtLdf !=% ld= prfO
;Dd leQfdf nufpg] . sl/8f]/ / k|ltIff
sIfdf !=@ ld= prfO;Dd nufpg ;lsg] .
16. jfn kl§ nufpg] zNolqmof sIf, k|;'lt sIfx?df
17. l;d]G6 Knfi6/ (1:3) tf]lsPsf afx]s cGo ;a} leQfx?df
18. jfn kl§ nufpg] zNolqmof sIf, k|;'lt sIfx?df
19. kmN; l;lnË -lhK;d jf ss{6 h:tfkftfsf] 5fgf nufPsf] ;a}
KnfOj'8sf]_ :yfgx?df
20. l8:6]Dk/ tf]lsPsf afx]s cGo ;a} leQf tyf
21. OdNzg tf]lsPsf afx]s cGo ;a} leQf tyf
22. j]b/sf]6 OdNzg tf]lsPsf afx]s cGo ;a} aflx/L leQf tyf
23. hLjf0f' ;+qmd0f k|lt/f]wL (Anti- zNolqmof sIf, k|;'lt sIf
microbial, anti-fungal polyurethane or
acrylic paint)
24. u|]gfO6 tyf dfa{n n]vfk9L ug]{ afx]s ;a} k|sf/sf] sfp06/
25. /;fog k|lt/f]wL Okf]S;L sf]6 Nofasf sfp06/x?
(Chemical resistant Epoxy coating)
-ª_ 5fgfM lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lsf] pknAwtf, nfut, xfjfkfgL tyf jftfj/0fnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL
pko'Qm 5fgf 5fpg] ;fdu|L 5gf}6 ul/g' kb{5 . 5fgfsf ljsNkx?df cf/=l;=;L= ˆnf6
5fgf, ss{6 kftf, :n]6, o'=lk=le=;L=, lj6'ldg kmfOj/ zL6sf] 5fgf cflb x'g ;S5g\ .
5fgf lgdf{0f ubf{ lgDgfg';f/ s'/fnfO{ Wofgdf /flvg' kb{5 .
ss{6 kftfsf] df]6fOM ss{6 kftfsf] xsdf ;Dej eP;Dd @$ u]h -x]eL_ sf]
/+uLg ss{6 kftf pko'Qm x'G5 . x]eL @^ u]heGbf sd df]6fOsf] ss{6 kftf
:jf:Yo ejgx?df k|of]u gug]{ .
kmN; l;lnËM o'=lk=le=;L=, ss{6 kftf, :n]6 5fgf cflbsf] xsdf 5fgfsf] d'lg
kmN; l;lnË clgjfo{ nufpg' kb{5 . kmN; l;lnËsf nflu kfgLsf] k|efj lg/f]ws
;fdu|L h:t} jf6/k|'km lhK;d af]8{, jf6/k|'km KnfOp8, kmfOj/ l;d]G6 af]8{ k|of]u
ug{ ;lsG5 . o:tf kmN; l;lnËdf recessed light fixture x?sf] k|of]u ug'{ pko'Qm
x'G5 .
kfgL aUg] Joj:yfM cf/=l;=;L= 5fgfsf] xsdf kfgL aUg] gfnLx? tyf pko'Qm
:nf]k sfod ug]{ / lgsf;x?sf] l8hfOg clgjfo{ ul/g' kb{5 .
ˆNof6 5fgfsf] cfjZos :nf]k
!= lrNnf] -l;d]G6, df]hfos_ )=% - )=&%Ü
@= ;fwf/0f -s+lqm6, 6fon cflb_ )=&% - !=) Ü
#= v;|f] -u|fe]n cflb_ !=% - @ Ü
-;|f]tM /fli6«o ejg ;+lxtf @)^), k]h ##_
3'dfpg] Jof;M 6«nL :6«]r/ 3'dfpg s'g} klg ¥ofDksf] sl/8f]/df 3'dfpg] Jof;
sDtLdf !=% ld= x'g' kb{5 .
:nf]kM :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] ¥ofDk sDtLdf !M!@ sf] :nf]k x'g'kb{5 . o;eGbf 7f8f] x'g'
x'Fb}g .
Nofl08ËM k|of]ustf{nfO{ cf/fd lbg, ult lgoGq0f ug{ ¥ofDkdf Nofl08Ë /flvg'
kb{5 . k|To]s !) dL= sf] b'/Ldf Ps j6f Nofl08Ë /flvg' kb{5 / k|To]s lbzf
kl/jt{g x'g] :yfgdf klg Ps j6f Nofl08Ë /flvg' kb{5 . ¥ofDk Nofl08Ësf]
nDafO sDtLdf !=@ ld= x'g' kb{5 eg] ¥ofDksf] rf}8f a/fa/ /flvg' kb{5 .
Xof08/]nM ¥ofDksf] b'a}lt/ k'/} nDafO el/ *$) ld=ld= prfOsf] Xof08/]n /fVg'
kb{5 .
¥ofDksf] ;txM ¥ofDksf] ;tx s8f tyf glrlKng] u/L agfpg' kb{5 . df]hfos,
;]/flds 6fon, l;d]G6 klgË h:tf lkmlgl;Ë lrKnf] x'g] ePsfn] o:tf] lkmlgl;Ë
lgif]w ul/Psf] 5 . s+ls|6 lkmlg;df s'rf]n] ;fxf]/]/ (Concrete finish with broom
finish), r]s a'§f ePsf] s+ls|6 6fon (Checkered Concrete tile) cflb k|of]u ug{
pko'Qm x'G5 .
gfnLsf] Joj:yfM ¥ofDknfO{ leQf gnufO{ v'Nnf /flvg] x'gfn] 7"nf] kfgL kbf{ s]xL
aflx/sf kfgL leq cfpg ;S5 . o;sf] plrt lgsf;sf] Joj:yf ul/Pg eg] ;a}
kfgL ejg leq sf]7fx?df k:g] ;Defjgf /xG5 . t;y{ o;sf] Joj:yfkgsf nflu
plrt gfnLsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
a}slNks Aoj:yfM ;x/L If]qdf olb k{ofKt a}slNks laB'lto Aofs–cksf]
k|Tofe"lt ;lxt lnˆ6sf] Aoj:yf ul/Psf] 5 eg] ¥ofDksf] ljsNkdf lnˆ6 dfq
k|of]u ug{ klg ;lsG5 .
-v_ lnˆ6M dflg; tyf ;fdfgnfO{ dflyNnf] tyf tNnf] tNnfx?df tn dfly u/fpg
lnˆ6sf] k|of]u ul/G5 . c:ktfndf sDtLdf Ps j6f a]8nfO{ tn dfly ug{ ldNg]
cfsf/sf] a]8 lnˆ6 clgjfo{ x'g' kb{5 . :6fkm tyf ;/;fdfg cf];fg{sf nflu ;fgf]
vfnsf] Kof;]Gh/ lnˆ6 k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 .
IfdtfM c:ktfnsf] a]8 lnˆ6sf] Ifdtf sDtLdf @) hgfsf] x'g' kb{5 . o;sf]
nflu lnˆ6 sf]/sf] ;fOh sDtLdf @@))x#))) ld=ld= x'g' kb{5 . o; lnˆ6sf]
9f]sf Go"gtd ()) ld=ld= sf] x'g' kb{5 .
cfsl:ds ljB't cfk"lt{M a]8 lnˆ6nfO{ d]g ljB't nfOgeGbf 5'§} nfOgdf hf]l8g'
kb{5 . ljB't cfk"lt{ cj?4 x'g] cj:yfdf o;sf] ;KnfO{ :jrflnt ?kdf j}slNks
;|f]t;Fu hf]l8g] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . ljB't k"0f{?kdf cj?4 x'g] cj:yfdf lnˆ6
;a}eGbf glhssf] tNnfdf uO{ /f]lsg] / To; tNnfdf v'Ng] u/L l8hfOg ul/Psf]
x'g' kb{5 .
-u_ cGo l8hfOgdf Wofg lbg'kg]{ s'/fx?M o;afx]s 2.4.7 -k[i7 35_ df pNn]v eP
cg';f/sf] ckfË, afnaflnsf tyf a[4a[4f d}qL zf}rfno, k'm6kfydf v'8\lsnf k|of]u
gu/Lsg ¥ofDk k|of]u ug]{ -lrq 6 k'm6kfy / af6f] aLrdf v'l8\snf] gnufO{ sa{ ¥ofDk
agfpg]_ k|of]u ug'{kb{5 .
-u_ leQf, uf/f]sf] ;'/Iff (Wall Protection) – c:ktfnsf sl/8f]/x?sf leQfx? :6«]r/ tyf
6«nLx? u'bfpFbf ltgLx/sf] 7f]SsfOsf sf/0f lalu|g], sf]l/g] / rls{g] hf]lvd /xG5 .
t;y{ o:tf sl/8f]/x?df bfofF afFof sf7 jf cGo pko'Qm ;fdu|Lsf] So|f; /]n (Crash
Rail) /flvg' kb{5 . o;sf] prfO *)) ld=ld= /flvG5 / sf7sf] eP %)x!%) sf]
;]S;g /fVg' kb{5 . o;afx]s /]l8d]8 UPVC / wft'sf] So|f; /]n klg ahf/df pknAw
5 . o; So|f; /]nn] leQfsf] ;'/Iffsf] cnfjf czQm la/fdLx? lx8\gsf nflu
e/f];fsf] ?kdf klg k|of]u x'G5 . o;afx]s o:tf sl/8f]/df olb lkn/sf] s'gfsfKrf
sl/8f]/sf] leQfsf] ;txeGbf aflx/ p7]sf] 5 eg] To:tf s'gfsfKrfx?nfO{ kmnfd of
/]l8d]8 lkL=le=;L= sf] sg{/ uf8{ nufO{ ;'/Iff lbg' kb{5 . -x]g{';\ lrq g+= 7 -v_ / -
-3_ uf]nfsf/ s'gfx? (Coved Corners)M
:jf:Yo ejgx?sf] sl/8f]/ tyf sf]7fx?df leQf / e'OF hf]l8g] s'gfx?nfO{ uf]nfsf/
agfOg' kb{5 . df]hfos jf legfOn jf lngf]lnodsf] kl/;Hhf (Finish) k|of]u ubf{
o:tf] uf]nfsf/ s'gf agfpg ;lhnf] x'G5 eg] 6fon / dfa{ndf uf]nfsf/ agfpg
g;lsg] ePsf]n] o; k|sf/sf] lkmlgl;Ësf] xsdf chamfered corner agfOg' kb{5 . o;f]
ubf{ kmf]x/ hDg lb+b}g / e'OF k'5\bf s'gfleq kmf]x/ c8\lsg] ;d:of sd x'G5 .
-s_ -v_
-u_ -3_
lrq g+= 7 -s_ 8Daj]6/, -v_ So|f; /]n -u_ uf]nfsf/ hf]gL{ -Coving_ -3_ sg{g uf8{
-ª_ :sl6{Ë tyf 8f8f] (Skirting and Dado)M
:jf:Yo ejgx?sf] leQfdf ())-!@)) ld=ld= ;Ddsf] prfOdf 8f8f]sf] k|of]u ul/g'
kb{5 . o;sf nflu e'OFsf] lkmlg; h'g k|of]u ul/Psf] xf] ;f]xL k|of]u ug{ pko'Qm x'G5
eg] gul/Psf] cj:yf 8f8f]sf] nflu k|of]u x'g] ;fdu|L s8f, l5b|x? gePsf] (non-
porous) / s8f ;fa'g l86/h]G6x?nfO{ v]Kg ;Sg] vfnsf] x'g' kb{5 . 6fon, df]hfos
tyf lk=le=;L= zL6 o;sf nflu pko'Qm ;fdu|Lx?dWo] x'g\ .
-r_ sfp06/
Nofa, k|;'lt, zNolqmof sIf, l;=P;=P;=8L= n08«L cflb :yfgx?df sfd ug{sf nflu
sfp06/x?sf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . oL sfp06/sf] prfO g]kfnL kl/k|I] odf e'OFsf]
;txaf6 *!) ld=ld= -#@Æ_ prfOdf x'g' pko'Qm x'G5 .
-r_ sf]lkË
;a} sf}zL kvf{nx?sf] dfly clgjfo{ ?kdf sf]lkË /flvg' kb{5 . sf]lkË l;d]G6
s+lqm6sf] jgfpg pko'Qm x'G5 . sf]lkËsf] dflyNnf] ;tx Psflt/ jf b'a}lt/ :nf]k
/fVg ;lsG5 . sf]lkËsf] 5]pdf d'lglt/ l8«k sf];{ /fVgfn] aiff{sf] kfgL leQfdf aUb}g
/ leQf kmf]x/ x'gaf6 arfpF5 .
-5_ PS:kfG;g HjfOG6 (Expansion Joint Treatment)
cf/=l;=;L= :6«Sr/af6 lgld{t ejgdf ejg lgdf{0f ;+lxtf cg';f/ lgDgfg';f/ sf/0fn]
PS:kfG;g HjfOG6 /flvG5 .
tfksf sf/0f x'g] s+lqm6sf] k|;f/af6 ;+/rgfdf x'g] k|lts'n k|efjnfO{ /f]Sg
e'sDksf] cj:yfdf ;+/rgfsf Ansx? Ps csf{df 7f]lsO{ x'g] Iflt x'g glbg
C, L, T cfsf/sf] ejgx?df ejg ;+lxtfdf pNn]v ePcg';f/sf] ;LdfeGbf a9L
Wing lg:s]sf] cj:yfdf tL cfsf/x?nfO{ ;/nLs/0f ug{
t;y{ PS:kfG;g HjfOG6nfO{ ;]lHds HjfOG6, yd{n HjfOG6, d'ed]G6 HjfOG6 cflb
gfdn] klg lrlgG5 . PS:kfG;g HjfOG6df Ansx? aLrsf] b"/L :6«Sr/ l8hfOgdf
tf]s] adf]lhd x'G5 . o:tf HjfOG6x?df nrs ePsf j:t'x? -ydf]{sf]n, /j/ cflb_
e/L kfgL r'lxg /f]Sg] /;fogx?n] k"0f{?kdf 6fnL To; dfly wft'sf -:6]gn]; l:6n,
PNd'lgod cflb_ kftfn] 9flsG5 . ahf/df o:tf ljleGg ljsNkx? e]l6G5g\ t;y{
sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfn] pknAw ljsNkx?sf] t'ngfTds cWoog u/L e/kbf{] /
lskmfotL k|ljlw rog ug{' kb{5 . o; cfO6dsf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf] kl/df0f ;"rL (BoQ)
df ;dfj]z ubf{ d"ntM lgDgfg';f/ tLg ;fdu|Lsf] ?kdf cfpF5 .
qm=;+= k|of]u x'g] :yfg ljj/0f
! v'nf sf}zL lrq g+ * -3_ df b]vfOP cg';f/ ug]{
@ leqL e'OF lrq g+ * -ª_ df b]vfOP cg';f/ ug]{
# l;lnË / leQfx? cNd'lgod jf l:6nsf] kftfdf 7f]sL HjfOG6sf]
Kjfn 9fSg]
-s_ sf]lkË ljsNk ! – b'a}lt/ :nf]k /flvPsf], -v_ ljsNk @ – Psflt/ leq kl§ :nf]k /flvPsf]
-3_ 5fgfdf PS;kfG;g HjfOG6sf] ;]S;g -ª_ cGo tnfx?df PS;kfG;g HjfOG6sf]
gS;f ;]S;g gS;f
lrq g+= 8 PS;kfG;g HjfOG6, sf]lkË / l;nsf] l8hfOg gS;f
2.4.18. hn;xs/0f (Waterproofing)
kfgLsf] ;Dks{df lg/Gt/ /xg], kfgL r'lxg] ;Defjgf /x]sf] :yfgx? h:t} ;dtn jf
:nf]k 5fgf, zf}rfnosf] 8«k :Nofa, e"ldut kfgL 6\of+sL, l;o/ jfn, 8«K8 u6/
cflbdf plrt hn;xs/0f k|ljlw k|of]u u/L ;Defljt kfgL r'lxg] /;fpg] ;d:ofnfO{
/f]Sg' kb{5 . tflnsf ( df lbOPsf ljlwx? dWo] qm=;+= ! df lbOPsf] ljsNk lgdf{0fsf]
qmddf g} k|of]u ug'{kg]{ k|ljlw xf] eg] qmd ;+Vof @, # / $ lgdf{0f eO;s]kZrft\
k|of]u ul/g] k|ljlwx? x'g\ . hn;xs/0fsf k|rlnt % k|ljlwx? o; lgb]{lzsfdf
;dflji6 ul/Psf] 5 . l8hfOg/n] kl/l:ylt d"NofÍg u/L hn;xs/0fsf] lskmfotL /
k|efjsf/L k|ljlwsf] 5gf}6 ug'{ kb{5 .
tflnsf 9 hn;xs/0fsf k|ljlwx?
qm=;+= k|ljlwsf] gfd ljj/0f
1. OlG6u|n k|0ffnL emf]n jf kfp8/df kfOg] h/;xs/0f /;fognfO{ s+lqm6
(Integral Treatment System) d;nfdf ld;fO{ pQm s+lqm6sf] 3gTj a9fpg], s+lqm6 leq
aGg ;Sg] l5b| tyf Kjfnx? aGg glbg] sfd u5{ . o;sf]
sf/0f s+lqm6 leq kfgL tyf cf];sf] k|j]z k"0f{?kn] aGb x'G5
. of] k|ljlw a];d]G6sf] /fˆ6sf] 9nfgdf, l;o/ jfndf,
e"ldut kfgL 6\of+sLdf k|of]u ubf{ k|efjsf/L x'G5 .
2. k|];/ u|fp6 k|0ffnL s+lqm6 9nfg ubf{ /fd|/L efOa|]6/ grnfpgfn] jf cGo
(Pressure Grout System) ljljw sf/0fn] s+lqm6sf] ulx/f] efu ;Dd k'u]sf ;fgf7"nf
l5b|x? (Honey Comb) b]lvg ;S5 . o:tf l5b|x?n]
;+/rgfnfO{ g} sdhf]/ kfg{ ;S5 / kfgL /;fpg] r'lxg]
;d:of Nofpg ;S5 . t;y{ o:tf l5b|x?nfO{ ;fdfGo
l;d]G6 d;nfn] dfq 6fNg] ugf{n] bL3{sfndf uDeL/ ;d:of
cfpg ;S5 . o:tf l5b|nfO{ 6fNg tyf s+lqm6nfO{
hn;xsf/s (Waterproof) agfpg /]lhg l;d]G6 cflbsf]
ld>0fdf jf6/k|'lkmË /;fog ld;fO{ l5|b|x?af6 pRr rfksf
;fy OGh]S;g u/L ulx/f] Kjfnx? k"0f{?kdf el/G5 .
3. n]k nufpg] k|0ffnL lgdf{0f eO;s]sf] ;+/rgfsf] ;tx dfly ljljw /;fogx?sf]
(Coating System) n]k nufO{ To; ;+/rgfnfO{ hn;xs/0f ug{ ;lsG5 . o;sf
nflu Polymer modified cementitious coat; Polyurathane Membrane
coat; water based elastomeric (single pack acrylic or SBR based
coat); epoxy based coat cflb ljsNkx? kfOG5 . n]k nufpg'
k"j{ l5b|x? eP k|];/ u|fp6 clgjfo{ ug'{ kb{5 .
4. hn k|ltsif{0f n]k k|0ffnL o; ljlwdf l;lnsg /]lhg jf nË r]g ˆof§L Pl;8sf] n]k
(Water Repellent surface k|of]u ul/G5 . of] ljlw v'nf O{§f, 9'+uf, Knfi6/, lhK;d af]8{
coating System)
cflbsf] ;tx dfly ;'/IffTds txsf] ?kdf nufOG5 . of]
kf/bzL{ x'g] ePsfn] of] n]k nufpFbf kl/;Hhfsf] /Fu
k|s[ltdf s]xL km/s b]lvFb}g . n]k nufOPsf] ;txsf]
;fdu|Ldf /x]sf l5b|x?df k"0f{ ?kdf 6flng] u/L l;lnsg
nfUb5 / of] /;fogdf kfgL ;Fu k|ltsif{0f x'g] u'0f ePsfn]
o;n] /fd|f] hn;xsf/ssf] sfd ub{5 .
5. lemNnL hn;xs/0f o; ljlwdf APP/SBS modified bitumen membranes,
k|0ffnL (Membrane Thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO), HDPE, PVC jf Ethylene
waterproofing System) Propylene Diene Monome (EPDM) membrane cflb h:tf
hn;xsf/s u'0f ePsf lemNnL nfO{ To;;Fu pko'Qm ud
nufO{ ;txx?df nufOG5 .
2.4.19. :jf:Yo ejgsf] l8hfOgdf c:ktfnhGo kmf]x/ Joj:yfkgsf nflu Wofg lbg'kg]{
c:ktfndf lgbfgfTds, pkrf/fTds, cg';GwfgfTds lqmofsnfkx?af6 c:ktfnhGo kmf]x/
lgl:sG5 . o; k|sf/n] lgl:sg] t/n tyf 7f]; kmf]x/x? dWo] !%Ü -!)Ü ;+qmd0f x'g] / %Ü
;+qmd0f gx'g]_ xflgsf/s x'G5 . oL xflgsf/s kmf]x/x?sf] plrt Joj:yfkg gu/] jftfj/0f
tyf ;]jf lbg] sd{rf/Ldf uDeL/ gsf/fTds k|efj kg]{ hf]lvd x'G5 . o:tf kmf]x/x?df
xflgsf/s ;"Id hLjf0f' Pj+ cf}iflw k|lt/f]wL hLjf0f'x? x'g ;S5g\ . o;afx]s c:ktfnhGo
kmf]x/n] 3fp nfUg ;Sg] hf]lvd, ljls/0fn] kf]Ng], cf}iflwhGo kmf]x/ -PlG6jfof]l6s jf
;fO6f]6lS;s cf}iflwx?_ kfgLdf ld;fpFbf kfgLnfO{ laiffn' agfOlbg], ljlw gk'¥ofO{
OlG;lg/]6/df kmf]x/ afNbf kf/f] tyf 8fOclS;g cflbsf] pT;h{gn] jfo' k|b'if0f x'g uO{
jl/kl/sf afl;Gbfdf ljleGg /f]ux? pTkGg x'g] ub{5 . t;y{ :jf:Yo ejgdf kmf]x/nfO{ plrt
tl/sfn] e08f/0f ug]{, k|zf]wg ug{] tyf kmfNg] cflb ug{ cTofjZos 5 . d'VotM kmf]x/
Joj:yfkgsf] ;jfnnfO{ tLg ljlwaf6 ;Daf]wg ug{ ;lsG5 .
1. pTkfbg 36fpg]
2. k'gk|{of]u jf k'gk{l/rfng ug]{
3. k|zf]wg ug]{
4. lj;h{g ug]{
:jf:Yo ejgsf] of]hgf tyf l8hfOg ubf{ kmf]x/ Joj:yfkgsf nflu ;DalGwtlgDgfg';f/ ug'{
kg]{5 .
-s_ c:ktfnhGo kmf]x/ Joj:yfkg of]hgfM c:ktfnsf] kmf]x/ Joj:yfkg of]hgf cg'?k
l8hfOg gS;fdf lgDgfg';f/ s'/fx? pNn]v ug'{ kb{5 .
• cfjfudg dfu{M kmf]x/ ;+sng tyf lj;h{gsf] nflu Joj:yf ul/Psf] cfjfudg
dfu{ tyf To;sf] ;~hfn
• kmf]x/bfgLM c:ktfnsf k|To]s ljefu tyf jf8{x?df /flvg] kmf]x/bfgLsf] :yfg
pNn]v ug{' kb{5 . oL kmf]x/bfgLx? sn/ sf]8 cg';f/ /flvG5 .
• s]Gb|Lo e08f/0f ;fO6M kmf]x/bfgLx?df ;+sng ePsf kmf]x/x?nfO{ c:ktfn
kl/;/leq Ps :yfgdf s]Gb|Lo e08f/0f ul/g' kb{5 . o; :yfgdf kmf]x/nfO{
;'/lIft tl/sfn] /fVg], ;/;kmfO ug]{ / 6«nLx? w'g] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . s]Gb|Lo
e08f/0f ;fO6df lgDgfg';f/ x'g' kb{5 .
• ;+s]t kf6LM ;fdfGo tyf xflgsf/s kmf]x/ /fVg] :yfgx? ;+s]tkf6Ldf b]vfpg'
kb{5 .
• :yfgM c:ktfn kl/;/leq kfos kg]{ 7fpFdf o; If]qnfO{ tf]lsg' kb{5,
OlG;lg/]6/sf] Joj:yf ePsf] :yfgdf ;f]sf] ;Fu} /flvg' kb{5 . of] If]q efG5f
tyf rd]gfsf] ;Fu} /flvg' x'Fb}g .
• /f;folgs kmf]x/sf] nflu 5'§} e08f/ sIf
• kx'FrM o; If]qdf kmf]x/ p7fpg] ;jf/L ;fwg ;xh?kdf k|j]z ug{;Sg] x'g'
kb{5 . cglws[t dfG5]x?, kz'rf}kfof cflbsf] k|j]znfO{ k"0f{ lgoGq0f ul/g'
kb{5 .
• e'OFM o; If]qsf] e'OF s8f, ;kmf ug{ ;xh x'g] / kfgLsf] lgsf; /fd|/L x'g] u/L
gfnfx?sf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
• kfgLsf] Joj:yfM o; If]qdf wf/fsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
• cGoM o;afx]s o; If]qsf] s]xL efudf 5fgf nufpg], k|sfz / e]lG6n]zgsf]
Joj:yf, k|zf]wg tyf lj;h{g pks/0fx?sf nflu cfjZos kfj/
KjfOG6x?sf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
• kmf]x/ k|zf]wg If]qM OlG;lg/]6/, /;fog k|zf]wg sIf, c6f]Sn]leË sIf,
dfOqmf]j]e sIf / cGo k|lqmofx? -OGSofK;'n]zg, Og6{fOh]zg cflb_ ug{
kof{Kt :yfg 5'6\ofOg' kb{5 .
2.4.20. ;'/Iff Joj:yf
c:ktfndff ;'/Iff Ps k|d'v ;jfn xf] . ;fj{hlgs c:ktfnx?df ck/fw;Fu ;DalGwt
sf/afxLx? klg ul/g] x'gfn] ;'/Iff hf]lvd clws x'G5 . hf]lvd Go'gLs/0f ;lqmo ljlw Pj+
lgl:qmo ljlw cg'?k ug{ ;lsG5 . ;lqmo ljlwdf ;'/IffsdL{ v6fpg], ljB'tLo k|0ffnL tyf
e\mofndf alnof] lu|n jf sf]NoflK;an 9f]sfx? h8fg ul/G5 . lgl:qmo ljlwdf ejgsf]
l8hfOgaf6 o:tf] ;'/Iff Joj:yfdf 6]jf k'Ug] x'G5 . o;sf] nflu lgDgfg';f/ s'/fx?nfO{ Wofg
lbg' kb{5 .
- sfp 6«fkM kl/;/ k|j]z ug]{ åf/x?af6 ufOj:t' k|j]z /f]s nufpg sfp 6«fk -kfOk jf
808L # of $ OGrLsf] km/sdf la5\ofpg]_ sf] Joj:yf ug{ pko'Qm x'G5 .
- ljB'tLo ;'/Iff k|0ffnLM sDtLdf #) lbg ;Ddsf] /]s8{ a:g] u/L l;=l;=l6=eL=
k|0ffnLsf] Joj:yf / …tkfO{ l;=l;=l6=eL=sf] lgu/fgLdf x'g'x'G5 .Ú eGg] jfSof+z
;lxtsf] ;+s]tkf6Lsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . oL s'/fx? k|j]z tyf lgsf; åf/x?df,
hf]lvdo'Qm :yfgx?df x]nLKof8 If]qdf, k|ltIff sIfdf, PDa'n]G; cfpg] af6f]df /
hg/n jf8{x? cflb :yfgdf h8fg ul/g' kb{5 .
2.4.21. ljkb\ hf]lvd ;'/Iff, Joj:yfkg tyf k"j{tof/L
:jf:Yo ejg k"jf{wf/sf] l8hfOg ubf{ ljkb\ hf]lvd ;'/Iff, Joj:yfkg tyf k"j{tof/Lsf
cfwf/e"t l;4fGtdf cfwfl/t eO{ l8hfOg ul/g' kb{5 . e"sDk, cfunfuL, af9L klx/f], r6\ofË
cflb h:tf 3l6t eO/xg] ljkb\x?sf] hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f pkfox? cjnDag ul/g' kb{5 .
• g]kfn /fli6«o ejg ;+lxtf, @)^) -;+zf]lwt ;d]t_ sf] k"0f{ kl/kfngfM e"sDkaf6 ;'/lIft
ejg tyf :6«Sr/ l8hfOg, cfunfuLaf6 ;'/Iff cflb ljkb\ cj:yfsf] hf]lvd Go"gLs/0f
ug{] ;DaGwdf /fli6«o ejg ;+lxtfdf k|z:t ;Daf]wg ePsf] 5 . sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfn]
ejg lgdf{0fsf] sfd z'? ug'{k"j{ ejg P]g @)%% / ejg lgodfjnL @)^^ sf k|fjwfg
cg'?k clwsf/ k|fKt lgsfoaf6 cfjZos gS;f kf; / lgdf{0f cg'dlt kq k|fKt ug'{
kg]{5 . tL cg'dlt kq tyf ejg lgodfjnLsf] cg';"rL cg';f/sf] ejg ;+lxtf;Fu
;fd~h:otf ;DaGw;DaGwL kmf/fd x:tfGt/ sfuhft ;Fu} ;+nUg ul/g' kb{5 .
a. Checklist of requirements for conformity to Fire Safety standards (NNBC, 107; 206 & 208).
Primary Primary Hospitals Buildings smaller
Fire protectionMeasures
Hospitals 'A' 'B' than Hospitals
Fire Fighting System
A stored-pressure fire extinguisher
Wet riser system
Dry riser system
Water storage tank exclusively for fire
fighting system
Fire alarm
Exit System
Fire escape route (standards for corridors,
doors, stairs)
External Fire escape staircase
Fire rated doors in designated locations
Fire resistant staircase and lift
Sign board with Escape route Plan
Emergency exit signs
To;af6 gk'u ePsf] cj:yfnfO{ dfq d]l;g/L pks/0f -lx6/ tyf P=;L=_ k|of]u u/L
jftfg's'ng ug{ lt/ nfUg' kb{5 . o;sf nflu :yfg cg';f/ lgDgfg';f/ x'g' kb{5 .
s_ e'OFaf6 l;lnËsf] prfO -kmN; l;lnË nufPsf] xsdf kmN; l;lnË ;Ddsf] prfO_
t/fOdf Ö !)Ú–^Æ
kxf8df Ö (Ú–)Æ
v_ lxdfnL tyf pRr kxf8L e"efusf nflu Joj:yf – ;d'lb| ;txaf6 @%)) dL= eGbf
dflysf lxdfnL tyf pRr kxf8L e"efudf /x]sf :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf nflu sf]7f ttfpg /
lr;f] l5g{ glbg lgDgfg';f/ Joj:yfx? ul/g' kb{5 .
1. e\mofn 9f]sfnfO{ jfo'/f]ws agfpg] – lr;f] xfjfkfgL ePsf] :yfgdf
e\mofn9f]sfx?sf] vfkf jfo'/f]ws geOlbgfn] sf]7fleqsf] xfjf l5g]{ / tfk aflxl/g]
ub{5 . o;n] sf]7f lr;f] /xG5 / ttfpg klg uf¥xf] x'G5 . o;sf nflu ;a} e\mofn
9f]sfx?df /a/ jf;/x? k|of]u ug]{, ;a} 9f]sfx?df ;+3f/ (Threshold) /fVg] ug'{
kb{5 .
2. e\mofnsf] l;;f vfkfx? tfk/f]wL agfpg] – lr;f] xfjfkfgL ePsf :yfgx?df b'O{
tx ePsf] l;;f k|of]u ug'{ kb{5 . olb /]l8d]8 8an Un]H8 l;;f pknAw u/fpg
c;Dej ePdf b'Oj6f l;;f h8fg u/L klg k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 .
3. leQfnfO{ tfk/f]ws agfpg] – sf]7f leqsf] tfknfO{ aflxl/g glbg leQfdf sf7sf]
jf cGo tfk/f]ws ;fdu|L k|of]u u/L KofglnË ug'{ kb{5 . k|;'lt sIf / ck/]zg
lyo6/ afx]s cGo sf]7fx?df sf7sf] KofglnË ug{ ;lsg]5 . k|;'lt sIf / ck/]zg
lyo6/df eg] hf]gL{ jf l5b|x? x'g' gx'g] ePsfn] l;d]G6 af]8{ / tfk/f]ws ;fdu|L -
Unf;pn, /spn cflb_ k|of]u u/L lrNnf] lkmlgl;Ë ug'{ kb{5 .
4. j/08fx? 9fSg] – dfly @=$=!&=s df pNn]v ul/P h:t} lxdfnL e]sdf tLa|
ultsf] lr;f] xfjf rNg] x'gfn] v'Nnf j/08fx?nfO{ zLzfn] 9fSg' pko'Qm x'G5 .
o;f] ubf{ oL j/08fx? Gofgf] 3fd tfKg] 7fpF jf ;f]nfl/odsf] ?kdf k|of]u ug{
;lsG5 .
kl/R5]b – #M :jf:Yo ejgsf cËx?sf] kl/ro tyf tL cËx?sf] l8hfOg
1.1. :jf:Yo ejg kl/ro
:jf:Yo ejg eGgfn] :jf:Yof]krf/ ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ c:ktfn, k|fylds :jf:Yo s]Gb|, :jf:Yo
rf}sL, kf]lnlSnlgs, lSnlgs cflb h:tf ;a} k"jf{wf/ ;+/rgfnfO{ a'e\mg' kb{5 . o;afx]s
o;n] :jf:Yof]kof]uL 1fgsf] k|rf/ k|;f/ u/L :j:y gd'gf jftfj/0f lgdf{0f dfk{mt
;j{;fwf/0fdf hgr]tgf k|;f/ ug]{ ;d]t e"ldsf x'G5 . t;y{ :jf:Yo ejgx?df :yfgLo
jftfj/0f cg's"ntf, k|of]hgsf] nflu k|efjsf/Ltf, ;'Gb/tf, lbuf] cEof;o'Qm, pkef]Qmfd}qLtf,
;'/Iff h:tf dxTjk"0f{ u'0fx? o'Qm x'g] u/L lgdf{0f ul/g' kb{5 . oL ;a} u'0fx? eGbf klg
;jf]{k/L u'0fsf ?kdf :jf:Yo ejgx?sf] jftfj/0f hLjf0f' ;+qmd0faf6 ;'/lIft x'g] tj/n]
lgdf{0f ul/Psf] x'g' kb{5 . o;f] gu/]sf] s'g} klg :jf:Yo ejgn] /f]u lgjf/0fdf of]ubfg
k'¥ofpg' eGbf j9L /f]u k|;f/0fdf a9fjf lbG5 . ljZj :jf:Yo ;+u7gn] (WHO,2008) ;+qmd0f
lgoGq0fsf b[li6sf]0fn] :jf:Yo k"jf{wf/ tyf jftfj/0fnfO{ lgDgfg';f/ juL{s/0f ul/Psf] 5 .
-s_ pRr:t/sf] :jf:Yo k"jf{wf/ (Large health-care settings)M ljljw ljifo tyf k|sf/sf
alx/Fu tyf cGt/Fu ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ ;+:yfx? h:t} k|fylds :jf:Yo ;]jf s]Gb|, lhNnf
c:ktfn, k]|if0f c:ktfnx? cflb o; ju{df kb{5 . o; jftfj/0fdf /f]u ;g]{, ;+qmd0f
x'g] hf]lvd clws:t/df x'G5 . 7"nf] ;+Vofdf /f]uaf6 ;+qmldt la/fdLx?sf] cGo AolQm,
la/fdL, :jf:YosdL{ tyf sd{rf/L ;Fu nfdf] ;do ;Dd lg/Gt/ ;Dks{ eO/xg]] o:tf
jftfj/0fdf ;fwf/0f nufot ;3g k|sf/sf pkrf/fTds ;]jfx? ;d]t lbOG5 . t;y{
o:tf] hf]lvdsf] Go"gLs/0fsf nflu o; k|sf/sf] k"jf{wf/ jftfj/0fdf x/;Dej Joj:yf
clgjfo{ x'G5 . o;sf] nflu ejgsf] l8hfOgdf ljz]if Wofg k'¥ofOg' kb{5 . o; nufot
ejg ;le{;]hdf kfgL, ;/;kmfO{ tyf cGo ;]jf Joj:yfx? clgjfo{ pknAw x'g' kb{5 .
-v_ lgDg:t/sf] :jf:Yo k"jf{wf/ (Small health-care settings)M alx/Fu ;]jf tyf cGo
;fdfGo pkrf/ ;]jfx? dfq lbgsf nflu lgld{t dfly pNn]lvt k"jf{wf/ jftfj/0fsf]
t'ngfdf sd la/fdLsf] rfk / ;3g pkrf/sf] Joj:yf gePsf :jf:Yo rf}sL, ufFp3/
lSnlgs, zx/L :jf:Yo lSnlgs cflb h:tf :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf k"jf{wf/ jftfj/0f o;
ju{df kb{5 . oxfF /f]u ;+qmd0fsf] hf]lvd t'ngfTds ?kdf sd x'G5 .
-u_ cfsl:ds tyf k[ySsl/t k"jf{3f/ (Emergency or isolation settings)M dxfdf/L /f]u
tyf cGo cfsl:ds cj:yfsf] Joj:yfJoj:yfkgsf nflu nflu Joj:yf ul/g] ljz]if
jftfj/0f nflu hgfpFb5 . k|sf]k dxfdf/Lsf] cj:yfdf t'?Gt} v8f ul/g] v'nf jftfj/0f
cyjf z/0ffyL{ tyf k|sf]k kLl8t ;d'bfonfO{ cfsl:ds ;]jf lbg v8f ul/g] 6]G6 cflb
h:tf jGb jftfj/0f o; ju{df kb{5 . o; jftfj/0fdf klg ;+qmd0fsf] hf]lvd clws
x'G5 . o; lgb]{lzsfdf o; ju{sf :jf:Yo k"jf{wf/ jftfj/0fsf] s'g} dfu{ lgb]{zgx?
k|:t't ul/Psf] 5}g .
o; v08df :jf:Yo ejg k"jf{wf/sf ljljw cËx?sf] gfdfjnL, kl/efiff tyf To;sf] nflu
cfjZos :6\of088{ ;DaGw;DaGwL k|sfz kfg]{ hdsf]{ ul/Psf] 5 . o;af6 o; lgb]{lzsf
k|of]ustf{x?nfO{ c:ktfn ;Fu ;DalGwt ljljw sf]7fx?sf] jf/]df hfgsf/L k|fKt x'g] / tL
sf]7fx? aLr Ps cfk;df x'g] cGt/;DaGwsf jf/]df :ki6 x'g] ck]Iff lnOPsf] 5 .
Flrq 9 c:ktfnsf cË
u/]sf] 5 eg] :yfgLo dfunfO{ ;d]t Wofgdf /fvL To; dfkb08df pNn]lvt
;"rLeGbf yk ljefux? klg ;~rfng ug'{kg]{ x'g ;S5 .
;fdfGotof lSnlgs sIf leq lrlsT;ssf nflu 6]an, s'rL{, kl/If0f z}øof,
la/fdL a:g] s'rL{, ;xof]uLsf nflu s'rL{, xft w'g] a]l;g, cfjZos kl/If0f
pks/0fx? cflb pknAw x'g' kb{5 .
laz]if lSnlgsx? h:t} ;+qmd0ffTds /f]u ;DaGwL -DOTS cflb_ nfO{ 5'§} k|j]z4f/,
5'§} k||ltIff sIfsf] Joj:yf u/L dfG5]x?sf] cfjthfjt sd x'g] :yfgdf /flvg'
kb{5 . o;afx]s dfly pNn]lvt kl/If0f / pkrf/ sIf afx]s lSnlgssf] laifosf]
k|s[lt cg';f/ cGo ;xfosx? sIfx?sf] klg cfjZostf x'g hfG5 . pbfx/0fsf
nflu gfs – sfg – 3fF6Ldf cl8of]d]6«L, xf8hf]gL{ ;DaGwL lSnlgsdf Knfi6/
sf]7f cflb .
2. k|ltIff sIfM k|To]s k/fdz{ tyf hfrF sIfsf] nflu kof{Kt k|ltIff sIfsf] Joj:yf
x'g' kb{5 . cfFvfsf] hfFr sIfsf] k|ltIff sIfdf 3fd ;Lwf cfFvfdf kg'{ x'Fb}g . o:t}
afn/f]u hfrF sIfsf] glhs jf jflx/ kl§ aRrfx?sf] nflu v]Ng] :yfg -afnlqm8f
:yn_ sf] Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 .
-v_ cGt/Ë ljefu (Inpatient Department)
egf{ ePsf la/fdLsf] :jf:Yo l:yltdf kof{Kt ;'wf/ cfO{ l8:rfh{ geP;Ddsf nflu
pkrf/ ug{ /flvg] ljefu cGt/Ë ljefu xf] . (Inpatient Department – IPD jf Intermidiate
Care Department) o; ljefudf k|d'vtM gl;{Ë jf8{x? x'G5g\ eg] o;sf nflu cfjZos
cGo ;]jfx? h:t} g;{ :6]zg, :6f]/, 8\o'6L ?d, jf8{ Kof06«L cflb klg Joj:yf ul/Psf]
x'G5 . cGt/Ë ljefusf] l8hfOg ubf{ Pp6f g;{ :6]zgn] clwstd la/fdL z}øofx?df
;]jf lbg ;Sg] tj/n] l8hfOg ul/g' kb{5 . c:ktfnsf] cfsf/nfO{ ;fdfGotof cGt/Fu
ljefusf] z}o\ofsf] u0fgf u/L z}o\of Ifdtf pRrf/0f ul/G5 . o;}sf] cfwf/df
c:ktfnsf] ;|f]t, ;fwg tyf cfjZos ;]jf ;'ljwfsf] dfkb08 tf]lsPsf] x'G5 . o;/L
c:ktfnsf] z}o\of Ifdtfsf] pRrf/0f ubf{ lgDgfg';f/ z}o\ofx? u0fgf ul/+b}g .
• lg/LIf0f tyf pkrf/ z}o\ofM lgbfgTds ;]jf, cfsl:ds ;]jf ljefusf, alx/Fu ;]jf
ljefu, zNof]Q/ cf/f]Uo sIf (Post-Operation Recovery Room) sf z}o\ofx?
• cfjf;sf z}o\ofx?M g;{ tyf 8fS6/ 8\o'6L ?d, sd{rf/L cfjf;sf z}o\ofx?
4. k[ySs/0f jf8{ (Isolation Ward) : c:ktfnsf s]xL z}øofx? cToGt ;+qmd0fhGo
;?jfx?sf nflu 5'§} Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . o; jf8{leq s]xL sf]7fx? Psn
z}øofsf] Soflagx? klg Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
5. OCMC wards : ljz]if u/L 3/]n' tyf of}g lx+;faf6 kLl8t la/fdLx?sf nflu cGo
;fwf/0f jf8{eGbf 5'§} :yfgdf /flvg] jf8{ OCMC - One Stop CrisisManagement
Ward x'g\ . k'ln; ;f]wk'5, k/fdz{ -Councelling_ tyf cGo pkrf/ ;]jfsf nflu
c:ktfnsf] ;DalGwt sIfx?df rfxfg'{ gkg]{ u/L oL la/fdLx?sf] nflu o;}
jf8{leq} cfO{ oL ;]jf lbg] Joj:yf ul/Psf] x'G5 .
6. j[4j[4f jf8{ -Geriatric Ward_
7. afn jf8{ -Child Ward_M afnaflnsfx?sf nflu ljz]if 5'6\ofOg] o; jf8{df
z}øofsf] :yfgdf baby cot klg /flvPsf] x'G5 . oL jf8{x?sf] l8hfOg ubf{
afnd}qL jftfj/0fsf l;4fGtx?nfO{ cjnDag ul/g' kb{5 . rlDsnf] /+ux?sf]
k|of]u sf6'{g tyf cGo u|flkmS;sf] k|of]uaf6 :jf:Yo 1fg ;DaGwL ;"rgfx? .
8. ljlzi6 jf8{M ljlzi6 cf]xbfsf AolQmTjx?sf nflu laz]if ;'/Iff Joj:yf ;d]t
ug{ ;lsg] u/L ;]jf ;'lawf ;lxtsf] Joj:yf u/L sd;]sd Ps lalzi6 jf8{ sIf
agfOg' pko'Qm x'G5 . o:tf] jf8{sf] aflx/ kl§ Ps -vestibule/lobby_ nAaLsf]
Joj:yf ubf{ ;'/IffsdL{ tyf la/fdL e]6\g cfpg] cfuGt'ssf] k|ltIff sIfsf] ?kdf
k|of]u x'G5 . o;afx]s zf}rfno, ;fgf] lsrg sfp06/, dgf]/~hgsf d]l8of
pks/0f, ;'rgf pks/0f cflbsf] plrt Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
cGt/Ë ljefusf] l8hfOg ubf{ lgDgfg';f/ s'/fx?sf] Wofg lbg'kb{5 .
1. :yfgM cGt/Ë jf8{x? zfGt :yfgdf dflg;x?sf] cfjthfjt sd x'g] tj/n] /flvg'
kb{5 . t;y{ cGt/Ë jf8{x? dflyNnf] tnfx?df /fVg pko'Qm x'G5 . o;afx]s
zNolqmof]Q/ jf8{ (POW - Postoperative ward), / k|;'ltlqmof]Q/ jf8{ (Post delivery wards)
;DalGwt ;]jf sIfx? qmdzM zNolqmof ljefu / k|;'lt ljefusf] glhsdf /flvg'
kb{5 .
2. cGt/Fu ljefusf] l8hfOg ug{ cfjZos :6\of088{ gfkx?
• If]qkmn = & j=dL= k|lt z}o\of
• z}o\ofx? aLrsf] dWoljGb'af6 Go"gtd b"/L= @=@% dL=
• leQf / z}o\of aLrsf] b"/L = @)) ld=ld=
• 9f]sfsf] Go"gtd rf}8fO{ = !@)) ld=ld=
3. jf8{sf nflu ;xfos ;'lawfx?M k|To]s jf8{df lgDgfg';f/ ;xfos ;'lawfx?
/flvg'kb{5 .
g;{ :6]zgM k|To]s @$-@* la/fdL;Ddsf nflu Ps g;{ :6]zg /flvg' kb{5 . o;
cg'?k Ps hgf g;{n] $ b]lv ^ hgf la/fdLnfO{ x]/ljrf/ ug]{ Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5
. g;{ :6]zgsf] :yfg 5gf}6 ubf{ la/fdLnfO{ lg/Gt/ lgu/fgL ug{ ;lsg] tj/n]
jf8{ If]qsf] dWo efudf :6]zgsf] :yfg 5gf}6 ul/g' kb{5 . :6]zg df b/fh,
cf}ifwLsf] b/fh, l;+s, 6]an s'rL{, /]s8{, sn l;:6d, g;{ 8\o'6L ?d, g;{x?sf]
nflu 5'§} zf}rfnosf] Joj:yf ug'{ kb{5 .
jf8{ efG5fM o; sf]7fdf jf8{df egf{ x'g] la/fdLsf nflu s'?jfx?n] vfhfvfgf
ttfpg], tftf] kfgL lng] cflbsf] nflu r'Nxf]/lx6/, lk|mh, dfOqmf]j]e cflb h8fg
ul/Psf] x'G5 .
jf8{ :6f]/M o; sf]7fdf jf8{sf] nflu cfjZos sk8fx? tyf cGo cfjZos
;fdu|Lx? e08f/0f ul/G5 .
pkrf/ sIfM h6Ln k|sf/sf] pkrf/, 8«]l;Ë cflb ubf{ ;+qmd0f x'g] ;Defjgf x'g]
ePsfn] cGt/Ë ljefu leq} Ps pkrf/ sIf /flvg' kb{5 .
:n'O; ÷ kmf]x/ ;+sng sIf -Sluice/dirty utility)Mkmf]x/ kbfy{ -8«]l;Ë ubf{ lgl:sg]
kmf]x/_, n'ufkmf6f tyf sk8fx? ;+sng ul/ c:yfO{ ?kdf e08f/0f ug{ o;
sf]7fsf] Joj:yf ul/g'kb{5 . o; sf]7fdf wf/f ;lxtsf] :n'O; l;+s h8fg ul/Psf]
x'g' kb{5 .
6xNg] :yfg -Day Space_M cGt/Ë ljefu leq la/fdLx? nfdf] ;do;Dd egf{ eO{
a:g' kg]{ cj:yf dfgl;s ?kdf ;d]t lxtsf/L gx'g] x'gfn] ;'wf/f]Gd'v la/fdLx?
a]8af6 p7]/ lx8\g], cf/fd;fy a:g] cflb ug{sf nflu 5'§} :yfgsf] Joj:yf
x'g'kb{5 . o; :yfg jf8{ sIfaf6 glhs / g;{x?n] klg b]Vg ;lsg] :yfgdf /fVg
pko'Qm x'G5 . o; :yfgsf] s]xL efu sf]7f leq, s]xL efu semi covered area /
s]xL efu out door ;d]t x'g' pko'Qm x'G5 . Day space sIfdf cf/fdbfoL s'rL{x?,
s]xL v]n, kqklqsf tyf lstfa ;lxtsf] lstfa ¥ofssf] Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 .
af]nfpg] 306L -Call bell_M k|To]s cGt/Ë z}o\ofx?sf] 5]pdf clgjfo{ af]nfpg]
306Lsf] :jLr x'g' kb{5 . la/fdLn] g;{ af]nfpg cfjZos k/]df ;f] :jLr lyr]kl5
g;{ :6]zgdf ;+s]t aQL tyf WjgL aHg] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . (MoHP,2014)
ul/g] laz]if :yfg ;3g pkrf/ PsfO xf] . o; ljz]if sIfdf la/fdLsf] cj:yfnfO{
lg/Gt/ cjnf]sg ug{ ;Sg], hLjgbfos pkrf/ k4lt tyf pks/0fsf]
cfjZostfg';f/ clanDa k|of]u ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtf /fv]sf] x'G5 . t;y{ c:ktfnsf] cGo
jf8{x?df eGbf oxfF g;{sf] ;+Vof a9L /flvPsf] x'G5 . ;+qmd0fsf] vt/f klg cfTolws
x'g] ePsf]n] ;/;kmfOdf laz]if Wofg lbOPsf] x'g' kb{5 / dfG5]sf] cfjfudgnfO{
k"0f{tof lgolGqt /flvg' kb{5 . o; sIfdf laz]iftM zNolqmof u/]sf, uDeL/ 3fprf]6
nfu]sf, /ut w]/} au]sf, acute corollary occlusion, d[uf}nf tyf Zjf;k|Zjf;df uDeL/
;d:of ePsf, ljifsf] k|efjdf k/]sf cflb la/fdLx? NofOg] ub{5 . ;3g pkrf/
PsfO lgdf{0f ubf{ lgDgfg';f/ s'/fx? Wofg lbg' kb{5 .
z}øof ;+Vof tyf If]qkmnM o; PsfOsf] cfsf/ z}øof ;+Vof c:ktfnsf] hDdf
pknAw d]l8sn tyf ;lh{sn z}øof Ifdtfsf] @ b]lv % k|ltzt x'g'kb{5 . o;
PsfOsf] If]qkmn !)=% a=dL= k|lt cfO=;L=o" z}øofsf] b/df 5'6\ofOg' kb{5 . b'O
z}øof aLr sDtLdf @ dL6/ / leQf lt/sf] z}o\of leQfaf6 sDtLdf ! dL6/sf]
b"/Ldf x'g kb{5 . o;/L ;fdfGo z}øofeGbf a9L b"/Ldf /fVgfn] z}o\of jl/kl/
pkrf/sf nflu :jf:YosdL{x? lx88'n ug{, d]l8sn pks/0fx? u'8fpg / k|of]u
ug{ / ;+qmd0fsf] ;Defjgfdf klg sdL Nofpg d2t k'¥ofp“5 .
:yfgM ;3g pkrf/ sIf oyf;Dej zNolqmof ljefu -Operation Theater_ sf]
glhs ePsf] pko'Qm dflgG5 . OT df h:t} afXo dflg;sf] cfjthfjt sd x'g]
:yfg ICU sf nflu klg pko'Qm x'G5 / pks/0fx? klg cfjZostfg';f/ OT tyf
ICU df k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 .
;le{;]hM ;3g pkrf/ sIfdf clgjfo{ ?kdf d]l8sn Uof; ;KnfO{ cfp6n]6,
Suction, UPS, jftfg's'ng Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 . o;afx]s lnˆ6sf] Joj:yf glhs x'g'
kb{5 .
aGb So'ljsnM ICU z}øofx?dWo] s]xL z}øof zLzfsf] kf/bzL{ kfl6{zgn] afl/Psf]
aGb sf]7f -enclosed cubicle_ leq /flvg' kb{5 . % z}o\ofsf] nflu sDtLdf ! j6f
z}o\of aGb sf]7f leq /flvg' kb{5 .
5'§} g;{ :6]zgM ;3g pkrf/ sIf leq 5'§} sDtLdf ( a=dL= sf] g;{ :6]zgsf]
Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
;kmf e08f/ sIf -Clean Utility Area_M ;kmf d]l8sn ;fdu|Lx? tyf sk8fx?
e08f/0f ug{ o; sf]7fsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
kmf]x/ e08f/ sIf -Dirty Utility Area_M k|of]u eO;s]sf ;fdu|Lx? tyf cGo kmf]x/x?
cfjZostfg';f/ l;=P;=P;=8L= jf n08«L jf lgisf;g If]qdf k7fpg' cuf8L
c:yfoL ?kdf e08f/0f ug{ o; sf]7fsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] x'g' kb{5 .
n'uf km]g]{ sf]7f -Change Room_M ;a} :jf:YosdL{x? o; PsfOdf k|j]z ug{ n'uf
k]m/]/ hfg' kg]{ x'Fbf zf}rfno ;lxtsf] n'uf km]g]{ sf]7fsf] Joj:yff x'g' kb{5 .
cfuGt'snfO{ k|j]z u/fpg' k/]df ufpg / h'Qf k]m/]/ hfg PsfOsf] k|j]z åf/ k"j{
Ps ;fgf] sf]7fdf /flvg' k5{ .
ljz]if1 ICUs : c:ktfnsf] cfsf/ / :t/ cg';f/ ljif]z1 cfO=;L=o"=x? h:t}
NICU,MICU, Paediatric ICU, Nuerology ICU, Neurosurgery ICU, Burn Care ICU cflbsf]
Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
-3_ cfsl:ds ;]jf ljefu (Emergency Department)
b'3{6gf, dxfdf/L tyf k|fs[lts k|sf]kx?sf] cj:yfdf cljnDa cfsl:ds ;]jf k|bfg
ug{ c:ktfndf o; ljefu @$;}+ 306f #^% lbg v'Nnf /xG5 . oxfF k|f/lDes kl/If0f
tyf lgbfgfTds ;]jf -initial diagnosis_, ;fdfGoLs/0f -Stabilization_, pkrf/ -Treatment_,
cjnf]sg -Observation_ cflb ;]jfx? t'/Gt} lbOG5 . o;afx]s oxfF cfjZostfg';f/
dfOg/ ck/]zg, 8«]l;Ë, 6fFsf l;nfpg] -Suture_ tyf k|f]:o'h/ ;d]t ul/G5 .
z}øofM cfsl:ds ;]jf ljefudf c:ktfnsf] s"n z}øof Ifdtfsf] !)Ü z}øof /flvg'
kb{5 . oL z}øofx?nfO{ lgDgfg';f/ auL{s/0f ul/g' kb{5 / ;f]xL cg';f/ sn/
sf]8sf] ;+s]6 /flvg' kb{5 .
- /ftf] (R) - !Ü - l;ls:t la/fdLx?
- kx]nf] (Y) - @Ü - l;ls:t ePklg s]xL xb;Dd stabilize x'Fb} cfPsf] la/fdL
- xl/of] (G) - #Ü - ;fdfGo la/fdL
- sfnf] (B) - !Ü – d[To' eO;s]sf] -cnUu sf]7f_
- cjnf]sg (Observation) - #Ü
- k[ySs/0f z}o\of (Isolation) @-# j6f
:yfgM cfsl:ds ;]jf ljefu c:ktfnsf d"nåf/af6 cGo ;a} ljefux? eGbf glhs
k|j]zåf/af6 :ki6 b]lvg] :yfgdf /flvg' kb{5 . o; ljefu OPD tyf Diagnostic
;]jfsf] glhs agfOg' kb{5 .
k|j]z åf/M cfsl:ds ;]jf ljefusf nflu 5'§} k|j]z åf/ x'g' kb{5 . alx/Ë ;]jf /
lgbfgfTds ;]jf If]qdf 5f]6f] ;dodf k'Ug] a}slNks åf/ klg /flvg' kb{5 . pkrf/df
s]xL If0fsf] l9nfO{n] klg la/fdLsf] Hofg hfg ;Sg] ePsf]n] o; ljefusf] l8hfOg
ubf{ cfjfudgdf ;dosf] lskmfotLdf k|d'v Wofg lbOg' kb{5 .
lgolGqt k|j]z åf/M o; ljefudf a]nf avtdf eL8 x'g], b'3{6gf tyf cfk/flws
36gfaf6 3fOt] la/fdLx? NofOg] ePsfn] k|j]z åf/df lgoGq0fsf] Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 .
5'§} ;]jfx?M cfsl:ds ;]jf ljefusf nflu 5'§} Knfi6/ sIf, dfOg/ cf]=6L sf] Joj:yf
x'g' kb{5 . 5f]6f] b'/Ldf x-ray sIfsf] Joj:yf /flvg' kb{5 . !)) z}øof jf ;f] eGbf
dflysf] c:ktfndf 5'§} Emergency lab / x-ray sf] Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 .
6«nL kfs{M k|j]zåf/sf] 5]p5fpdf sDtLdf b'O j6f :6«]r/ ÷6«nL kfs{ ug{ ldNg]
:yfgsf] Joj:yf u/L ;+s]t kf6Ln] ;d]t O+lst u/fOg' kb{5 .
PSa'n]G; ;]jfM cfsl:ds ;]jf ljefusf] of]hgf ubf{ PDa'n]G; ;]jfnfO{ Wofg /fvL
ul/g' kb{5 . PDa'n]G; ;xh?kdf k|j]zåf/ ;Dd k'Ug] ;'lawfo'Qm dfu{, ;+s]t kf6Lx?,
la/fdL cgnf]8 ug{ se8{ Od/h]G;L a] / PDa'n]G; ;jf/L ;fwg kfls{Ë ug]{ :yfgsf]
of]hgf ul/g' kb{5 .
;]jfsf nflu cGo sIfx?
- pkrf/ sIf
- 8\o'6L ?dx?
- k'ln; sf]7f
- k|ltIff sIf - )=& a=dL=k|lt AolQm
- ;f]wk'5
- dfOg/ cf]=6L
- Resuscitation room
- zf}rfno -dlxnf÷k'?if÷sd{rf/L_
- 6«foh
- ;kmf ;fdfg e08f/0f sIf (Clean Utility – 4sqm.)
- kmf]x/ ;fdfg e08f/0f sIf (Dirty Utility – 2.5sqm.)
- d]l8sn pks/0f e08f/0f sIf (Medical Equipment Store – 4sqm)
- n'uf k]mg]{ sIf (Change Room – 9 sqm)
- MCI –Mass Casualty Incidents > glhs 7"nf] v'nf :yfg tyf v'nf nAaL x'gkg]{
- :jfut sIf (Reception Area) – )=^ a=dL=
1.1.2. lgbfgfTds ;]jf (Diagnostics)
j}1flgs lalwaf6 la/fdLsf] /f]u lgSof}{n ug{ cfjZos ;a} ;]jfx? h:t} k|of]uzfnf,
/]l8of]nf]hL ;]jf -X-ray, Ultrasound, CT scan cflb_, ECG, ECHO cflb nfO{ Aojl:yt
?kdf o; lgbfgfTds ;]jf cGtu{t /flvG5 . s'g} klg pkrf/sf] lalw k|of]u ug{
clgjfo{ ?kdf /f]u lgbfg ug'{ kb{5 . o; ljefudf ;+slnt x'g] ;"rgfx? d]l8sn
cg';Gwfgsf nflu dxTjk"0f{ ;DklQsf ?kdf ;+u|lxt x'G5g\ . o; v08df Kofyf]/f]hL
Nofj, cN6«f;fp08 sIf / /]l8of]u|fkmL -PS; /]_ sIf ;DaGwL :6\of088{x? pNn]v
ul/Psf] 5 .
;]jf ;'lawfM
- Eofs'd ;S;g
- Uof; cfp6n]6
- On]lS6«sn kfj/ KjfOG6
- Tfftf] / lr;f] kfgLsf] ;KnfO{
- xft w'g] ;'ljwf – jf; j]l;g, ;fa'g /fVg] ;f]k 6«]
e'OFsf] lkmlgl;ËM kfgLn] leh] klg glrlKng], Pl;8 tyf Iff/ cflb s8f
/;fog;uF k|lt/f]wL x'g'kg]{ . e'OFsf] ˆnf]l/Ëdf Vinyl sheet flooring, welded joint
coved skirting pko'Qm x'g] .
2. k|sfz cfpg glbg]M PS;–/] sf]7f tyf
cFWof/f] sf]7f (Dark room) df k|sfz
k|j]z ug]{ e\mofn jf l5b|x? /flvg'
x'Fb}g . oL sf]7fx?df k|j]z ug{' cuf8L
Ps yk k|j]z sIf jgfOg' kb{5 . o;/L
b'O{ j6f 9f]sf kf/ u/L hfg] Joj:yf
ugf{n] 9f]sf vf]Nbf k|sfz l5g]{
;Defjgf /xFb}g .
3. cf]l;nf] x'g' gx'g]M o; sf]7fdf pRr
ef]N6]hsf pks/0f h8fg ul/Psf] x'g]
x'gfn] sf]7f cf]l;nf] x'g' jf leHg'
hf]lvdo'Qm x'G5 . lrq 10 – ljls/0fsf] hf]lvdo'Qm :yfgdf
/flvg] ;+s]t lrGx
4. /]l8Pzgaf6 ;'/IffM PS;–/]sf
ljls/0fx?sf] clwst/ ;Dks{ :jf:Yosf] nflu xflgsf/s x'G5 . o; ;DaGwdf
/]l8of]u|fkm/ tyf cGo sd{rf/Lx? a9L hf]lvddf x'g] ub{5 . o;afx]s ue{jtL
dlxnf tyf gfjfnsx?nfO{ klg oL ljls/0fsf] kx'Fraf6 arfpg' kb{5 . kof{Kt
dfqfdf ljls/0fsf] ;Dks{ ePdf z/L/sf sf]ifx?df :jfefljstf kl/jt{g x'G5 /
cj{'b /f]u (Cancer) sf] ljsf; x'g ;S5 . t;y{ ljls/0fsf] gsf/fTds k|efjaf6
;'/lIft x'g PS;–/] sIfdf lgDgfg';f/ ;'/Iff pkfox? cjnDjg ul/g' kb{5 .
-s_ leQf – PS;–/] sf]7fsf] la/fdL pleg] ljls/0f k|To]If k|;f/0f x'g] leQfsf]
k5fl8 olb k|of]udf /x]sf] sf]7fx? ePdf jf dflg;x? j:g] :yfg ePdf
To; leQf sDtLdf #%) ld=ld= df]6f] O{§f jf 9'+ufsf] x'g' kg]{5 . olb @#)
ld=ld= df]6f] leQf ePdf ! ld=ld= df]6f] ln8, / olb !!% ld=ld=sf] uf/f]
jf lk|ˆofj leQf k|of]u ePsf] ePdf sDtLdf @ ld=ld= df]6f] ln8sf] txn]
tL leQfx? 9flsPsf] x'g' kb{5 . (MoHP, 2014; DRS, 2010 & AERB, 2001)
-v_ e\mofn9f]sfsf] rf}sf]; – ;a} 9f]sfx? / l;nsf] prfO{ @ dL= ePsf]
e\mofnx?sf] ;a} rf}sf]; sDtLdf !=& ld=ld=sf] ln8n] df]l8Psf] x'g' kb{5.
-u_ e\mofnsf zLzfx?M sG6«f]n sIfaf6 la/fdLnfO{ x]g{ /flvg] zLzf clgjfo{
?kdf ln8sf] n]k (Lead Coated) nufOPsf] x'g' kb{5 . o;sf] Ifdtf
100kVp ;Ddsf] ljls/0fnfO{ 2mm Pb Ifdtfsf] / o; eGbf a9L eP k|lt
kVp sf] nflu 0.01mm Pb Ifdtf ylkg' kb{5 . (DRS, 2010)
7. Sof;]6 kf; aS;M PS; /] sf]7f / 8fs{ ?d aLrdf Ps kf; aS; jgfOg' kb{5 .
o; kf; aS;df b'O{ lt/af6 9f]sf x'G5 . Pp6f 9f]sf v'nf x'Fbf csf]{ aGb x'G5
t;y{ PS;–/]sf lkmNdx? cf];fbf{ 8fs{ ?ddf k|sfz l5g{ glbg of] cToGt
dxTjk"0f{ x'G5 . o; kf; aS;df @ ld=ld= df]6f] ln8n] ljls/0fnfO{ 5]lsPsf] x'g'
kb{5 .
8. cGo ;xfos sf]7fx?M PS;–/] sf]7f afx]s o;sf nflu lgDgfg';f/ ;xfos
sf]7fx? cfjZos x'G5 .
a. :jfut tyf k|ltIff sIf -zf}rfno ;lxt_
b. n'uf km]g]{ 7fpF
c. /]l8of]nf]lhi6sf] sfo{sIf
d. l/kf]6{ ljt/0f
ª= e08f/ sIf
r= 8fs{ ?d jf lkmNd lk|lG6Ë sf]7f
cN6«f;fp08 sIf (USG)
o; sIfdf WjgLsf] t/Ëx?sf] k|of]u u/L z/L/sf] leqL tGt'x?nfO{ x]g]{ tyf z/L/
leqsf efux?sf] xngrngsf] cjnf]sg cWoog ug]{ ljlwaf6 lgbfgfTds ;]jf lbOG5
. o;sf nflu cfjZos dfkb08 lgDgfg';f/ 5g\ .
If]qkmnM sDtLdf !@ a=dL
k|sfzM cfjZos k/]sf] cj:yfdf cFWof/f] agfpg ldNg] u/L ‰ofnx?df
afSnf] ckf/bzL{ kbf{sf] Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 . aQLsf :jLrx?df l8d/
-Dimmer_ h8fg u/L &)% k|ltzt ;Dd aQLnfO{ dw'/f] agfpg ;lsg]
Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 .
zf}rfnoM o; sf]7faf6 zf}rfno ;lhn} k'Ug ;Sg] Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 . olb
;fj{hlgs zf}rfno 6f9f k/]df o; sIfsf] 5]p5fp Ps 5'§} zf}rfno
lgdf{0f ul/g' kb{5 . ljz]if u/L ue{jtL dlxnfsf] e|'0f kl/If0f ubf{ :ki6
b[iosf nflu k]6 el/ kfgL lkpg nufpg] / lk;fa /f]s]/ a:g nufpg] x'bfF
cN6«f;fp08 nuQ} l56f]eGbf l56f] lk;fa km]g'{kg]{ x'bfF of] zf}rfno clgjfo{
la/fdLsf kl/jf/hgsf nflu 7fpFM o; lalwdf s'g} lals/0f glgl:sg] x'bfF
la/fdL ;Fu} cfpg] kl/jf/hgnfO{ klg sf]7fleq k|j]z lbOG5 / cN6«f;fp08
b[io x]g{ ;d]t lbOG5 .
cltl/Qm lel8of] dlg6/M sf]7fleq} Ps cltl/Qm lel8of] dlg6/ h8fg ug{
pko'Qm x'G5 . o;n] kl/jf/hgnfO{ b[io x]g{ ;xh x'G5 / :jf:YosdL{nfO{
cgfjZos afwf klg x'Fb}g .
1.1.3. pkrf/fTds ;]jf
c:ktfnsf] o; v08df ljz]if pkrf/ lqmofx? ;~rfng ul/g] x'gfn] o; If]q cToGt
;+j]bgzLn x'G5 . zNolqmof sIf, k|;'lt sIf, lkmlhof]y]/fkL sIf cflb o; auL{s/0f cGtu{t
kb{5 . o; dWo] zNolqmof sIf / k|;'lt sIfdf cToflws ;+qmd0fsf] hf]lvd /xg] x'Fbf oL
sf]7fx?sf] ;/;kmfO{df ljz]if Wofg lbOg' kb{5 . o;sf] k|Tofe"ltsf nflu o;sf If]qx?df
;fdfGo, ;kmf / kmf]x/ If]qdf u/L oL If]qx? larsf] cfjfudgnfO{ k"0f{tM lgolGqt /flvg'
kb{5 . lkmlhof]y]/fkL sIf alx/Ë ;]jf ljefusf] cf;kf;df x'g] / o;nfO{ ;f]xL ljefusf]
:6\of088{ cg';f/ lgdf{0f ubf{ kof{Kt x'G5 . t;y{ o; v08df zNolqmof sIf / k|;'lt sIfsf]
:6\of088{ ;DaGwL lj:t[t pNn]v ul/Psf] 5 .
- kmf]x/ lgisf;g If]qM k|of]u eO;s]sf cf}hf/x?, kmf]x/ sk8f tyf cGo
zNolqmofhGo kmf]x/nfO{ lgisf;g ug{ 5'§} 9f]sfsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . o;
9f]sfaf6 :n'O; sIfdf nUg] / 5'§} kmf]x/ lgisf;g dfu{ dfkm{t tL
kmf]x/x?nfO{ pko'Qm :yfgx?df nUg] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
cfjfudgM zNolqmof ljefudf ;fwf/0ftof tLg k|sf/sf] cfjfudg dfu{sf] Joj:yf
ul/g' kb{5 .
- la/fdLsf] dfu{ - jf8{ b]lv zNolqmof sIf;Dd la/fdLnfO{ k'¥ofpg k|of]u x'g]
- sd{rf/L dfu{ - lrlsT;s, g;{ / cGo :jf:Yo sd{rf/Lx? zNolqmof ljefu
k|j]z ug{ 5'§} 9f]sfsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . o; 9f]sfaf6 k|j]z eP kZrft\
r]Gh ?dx? xF'b} air lock dfkm{t zNolqmof ljefusf] leqL ;kmf If]q (Sterile
zone) df k|j]z ug]{ Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . zf}rfno, :gfg sf]7f ;lxtsf] dlxnf
k'?ifsf] nflu 5'§f5'§} r]Gh ?dsf] Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 . r]Gh ?dsf] l7s aflx/
h'Qf km]g]{ / ufpg km]g]{ Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 .
- ;fdu|L pks/0fsf] dfu{ - ;kmf cf}hf/ tyf ;fdu|Lx? zNolqmof ljefudf
leqfpg] dfu{ / kmf]x/ cf}hf/ tyf ;fdu|L lgisf;g dfu{ 5'§} x'g' kb{5 .
zNolqmof ljefusf] cfjfudg dfu{, k|j]z tyf lgsf; cflbsf af/] ;a} k|of]ustf{
sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ hfgsf/L x'g cToGt h?/L ePsf]n] pko'Qm :yfgx?df ;"rgfkf6L jf
;+s]tkf6L nufO{ k|j]z lgif]w jf cf+lzs k|j]z lgif]wsf] ;"rgf /flvg' kb{5 . ;kmf
;fdu|L / kmf]x/ ;fdu|Lsf] cfjfudg dfu{ sbflk Ps} 7fpFdf e]6\g' x'Fb}g .
zNolqmof ljefusf c+ux?M
-s_ zNolqmof sIfM lr/kmf/ u/L pkrf/fTds lqmofx? nufot zNolqmofsf d"Vo
sfo{x? ug{ o; sIfdf cf]=6L= 6]an, d]l8sn pks/0fx?, zNolqmofdf ;+nUg x'g]
lrlsT;s tyf :jf:YosdL{x?sf] 6f]nL a:gsf] nflu kof{Kt sf]7f k'Ug' kb{5 .
- If]qkmnM zNolqmof sIfsf] If]qkmn sDtLdf #% a=dL= x'g'kb{5 / rf}8fdf
sDtLdf ^ dL= x'g' kb{5 . dfOg/ cf]=6L==sf] xsdf If]qkmn @* a=dL= / rf}8f $
dL= eP klg kof{Kt x'G5 .
- lgolGqt jftfj/0fM zNolqmof sIfsf] leqL jftfj/0f k"0f{?kdf jftfg's'lnt x'g'
kb{5 . o;df w'jfF, w"nf], cfb|tf, tfkqmd, xfjfsf] rfk / axfj cflb kIfnfO{
lgolGqt cj:yfdf /flvg' kb{5 . o;sf nflu zNolqmof sIf leq jftfg's'ng
d]l;g pks/0f h8fg ul/Psf] x'g' kb{5 .
-v_ la/fdL tof/L sIf (Preparation Room)M o; sIfnfO{ k"j{zNolqmof sIf (Pre-
operative Room) klg elgG5 . la/fdLnfO{ jf8{af6 zNolqmof sIf nfg' cuf8L ug'{kg]{
k"j{ tof/Lsf lqmofx? oxfF ul/G5 .
-u_ cf/f]Uo sIf (Recovery Room)M zNolqmof nuQ} la/fdLsf] cj:yfdf kof{Kt ;'wf/
gb]lvP ;Dd jf8{df gnlusg s]xL ;do o; cf/f]Uo sIfdf /flvG5 . ;fwf/0ftof
a]xf];Laf6 glapFlemp~h]n / tt\kZrft\ klg s]xL :jf:Yo cj:yf ;fdfGoLs/0f
k|lqmofnfO{ cjnf]sg u/]/ kof{Kt ;fdfGo cj:yf k'u]kl5 ;DalGwt jf8{df ;fl/G5 .
-3_ :qmj–ckM zNolqmof sIf k|j]z ug'{ cl3 lrlsT;s nufot ;a} cGo
:jf:YosdL{n] ;kmf ufpg, k~hf / h'Qf nufO{;s]kl5 ljz]if vfnsf] :qma l;+sdf
xft w'g] / j]6fl8g cflb ;+qmd0f k|lt/f]ws /;fog xftdf 8Ng] ul/G5 . s'lxgfeGbf
dfly ;Dd xft w'g'kg]{ x'gfn] :qmj l;+s ulx/f] agfOPsf] x'G5 . o;df laz]if
k|sf/sf] ;lh{sn PNjf] wf/f h8fg ul/Psf] x'G5 . xftsf] k~hf kmf]x/ x'g ;Sg]
x'gfn] wf/fdf kmf]x/ nfUgaf6 arfpg o;df xftsf] k~hfn] rnfpg] gu/L s'lxgfn]
7]nL wf/f] vf]Ng aGb ug{ ;Sg] u/L l8hfOg ul/Psf] x'G5 . -x]g{';\ lrq g $_
-ª_ cf}hf/ ljzf]wg sIf (Sterilization Room)M o;nfO{ Sub – sterilization unit klg
elgG5 . zNolqmof sIfsf] ;a}h;f] ;fdu|L cf}hf/x? CSSD df g} ;f]wg ul/G5 t/
s]xL cf}hf/ ;fdu|Lx? k|of]u kl5 t'/Gt k'gM k|of]u ug'{kg]{ cj:yfdf o; sf]7fdf
h8fg ul/Psf] ;fgf] vfnsf] c6f]Sn]e d]l;gdf ljzf]wg sfo{ ul/G5 .
-r_ ;kmf ;fdu|L e08f/0f sIf (Clean Utility Room)M zNolqmof sIfdf NofOg] ;a}
;fdu|Lx? ;kmf (Sterile) x'g cToGt h?/L 5 . t;y{ CSSD af6 ljzf]wg ul/ NofPsf
;fdu|Lx? e08f/0f ug{ Sterile Zone leq Ps 5'§} e08f/0f sf]7fsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf]
x'G5 . o; sIfdf ;fdu|L e08f/0f nufot zNolqmofsf nflu tof/L ;d]t ul/G5 .
o;nfO{ "Clean Preparation" / "Theater Pack" klg elgG5. t;y{ o; sIfdf b/fh,
tvtf afx]s sfp06/ / l;+ssf] klg Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 .
-5_ w'g]kvfNg] sIf -:n'O;_M zNolqmof sIf k|of]u eO;s]sf kmf]x/ sk8fx?,
cf}hf/x? tyf cGo zNolqmof hGo kmf]x/x? lgisf;g ug{ 5'§} 9f]sf k|of]u u/L
:n'O; sf]7fdf /flvG5 . o:tf ;fdu|Lx? zNolqmof sIfsf] d'n 9f]sfaf6 ;kmf If]q
(Sterile/Clean Zone) eP/ aflx/ lgsfNg' x'Fb}g . o; sf]7fdf kmf]x/ e08f/0f
nufot kmf]x/ juL{s/0f, k|f/lDes lgd{nLs/0f u/L juL{s/0f cg'?k CSSD jf
Sterilization jf n08«Llt/ nluG5 . t;y{ o; sf]7fdf kof{Kt sfp06/ tyf :n'O;
l;+ssf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
-h_ cf}ifwL tyf pks/0f e08f/ (Drug & Equipment Store)M 7"nf c:ktfnx?df
cf}ifwL / pks/0fsf nflu 5'§f 5'§} e08f/ sIf /flvG5 . t/ %) z}ofb]lv !))
z}of;Ddsf c:ktfnsf] nflu Ps} sf]7fdf klg Joj:yfJoj:yfkg ug{ ;lsG5 .
zNolqmofsf nflu cfjZos cf}ifwL tyf pks/0fx? ;xh kx'Frsf] b'/Ldf x'g' kb{5 .
cf}ifwLsf] k|s[lt cg';f/sf] lgolGqt jftfj/0fdf e08f/0f ug{ Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
-em_ cGo sIfx?M dfly pNn]lvt sIfx? afx]s cGo ;xfos sIfx? h:t} r]Gh ?d,
g;{ :6]zg, 6«nL tyf :6«]r/ kfs{, k|ltIff sIf cflbsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
zNolqmof ljefusf] lgdf{0fsf nflu Wofg lbg'kg]{
!= uf]nfsf/ s'gf (coved corner)M ;/;kmfOnfO{ ;xh agfpg / w'nf] hDg] cj:yf
Go"gLs/0f ug{ leQf, e'OFe'OF / l;lnËsf hf]l8g] ;a} s'gfx? uf]nfsf/ agfOg' kb{5
@= 9f]sfM zNolqmof sIfsf] 9f]sfaf6 xfjfsf] k|jfx lgoGq0f ug{ ;lsg] u/L ;s];Dd
Hermetic door h8fg ug{ pko'Qm x'G5 . cGoyf xfjf gl5g]{ cNd'lgod jf :6Lnsf]
9f]sf h8fg ul/g' kb{5 .
#= On]lS6«sn jfOl/ËM w'nf] ghDg] tyf hLjf0f' ;+qmd0f x'g glbg sgl;N8 jfOl/Ë
u/L ;a} :jLr kmS:r/x? ˆn; (Flush) k|sf/sf] h8fg ul/g' kb{5 .
%= /+u/f]ug (Painting)M zNolqmof sIfdf nufOg] /+u lrNnf] k|sf/sf] (Gloss or Semi-
Gloss), lg/Gt/ kfgL / /;fog nfufO{ w'g] ubf{ klg gv'Olng] x'g' kb{5 . o;sf
nflu lgDg k|sf/sf /Fu/f]ug pko'Qm x'G5 .
- Okf]S;L sf]6 (Epoxy Coat)
- kf]lno'/]y]g sf]6 (Polyurethane Coat)
- tLg sf]6 kf]lno'/]y]g sf]6df yk Okf]S;L sf]6
- cNsfO8 Ogfd]n (Alkyd enamel) – dfly pNn]lvt eGbf ;:tf] ljsNk eP
klg tLgLx? h:tf] l6sfp gx'g] .
lgDg k|sf/sf /Fu/f]ug zNolqmof sIfsf] nflu pko'Qm 5}g .
- r'gf, l;d]G6 k]G6 tyf l8:6]Dk/
- cqmfolns OdN;g
-v_ k|;'lt ;]jf PsfO (Comprehensive Essential Obstetrics Neo-natal Care - CEONC)
k|;'lt tyf gjhft lzz' ;DaGwL ;Dk"0f{ ;]jfx? o; PsfOaf6 k|bfg ul/G5 . ;fdfGo
k|;j, Eofs'd PS:6«fS;g cflb ;xfos pks/0fsf] ;xof]udf k|;j u/fpg], zNolqmof
u/L k|;j u/fpg] -l;h]l/og ;]S;g_, h6Ln cj:yfdf k/]sf gjhft lzz'sf] hLjg
/Iff lalw (Resuscitation) sf] ;]jf lbg], k|fs[lts ?kdf ;fngfn glg:s]sf] cj:yfdf
To;sf] Joj:yfJoj:yfkg ug]{, s[lqd k|;j Aoyf nufpg], /Qm ;+rf/ ug]{ cflb ljljw
lqmofx? o; PsfOdf ul/G5 . ;/;kmfO{, cfls{6]Sr/n l86]n tyf cGo lgb]{zgx?
zNolqmof ljefu cg';f/ g} ul/g' kb{5 .
tflnsf 13 k|;'lt ljefusf] nflu :6\of088{ (IS : 10905 Part 2 - 1984)
k"j{ k|;'lt j]8 ;+Vof (Active labor Beds) ! z}o\of k|lt % k|;'lt jf8{ z}o\of
k|;'lt 6]ljn ;+Vof (Delivery Table) ! z}o\of k|lt @) k|;'lt jf8{ z}o\of
k|;'lt sIfsf] If]qkmn @! j=dL=
k|;'lt zNolqmof sIfsf] If]qkmn #% j=dL=
1.1.4. ;xfos ;'ljwfx?
o; ju{df /flvPsf ;xfos ;'ljwfx? k|ToIf ?kdf lrlsT;f ljlw xf]Ogg\ t/ c:ktfndf x'g]
lbOg] lrlsT;f ;]jf k|efjsf/L, ;'/lIft / l56f]5l/6f] jgfpg oL ;xfos ;'ljwfx?sf]
dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf /x]sf] x'G5 . o; cGtu{t ;L=P;=P;=8L=, n08«L, zj u[x, kmfd]{;L, cfjf;,
efG5f 3/, rd]gf u[x cflb kb{5g\ . o; lgb]{lzsfdf oL dWo] ;L=P;=P;=8L=, n08«L /
zju[xsf] lgdf{0f ;DaGw;DaGwL lj:t[t ljj/0f k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 .
-s_ s]Gb|Lo ljzf]wg tyf ljt/0f ljefu (Central Sterile Supply Department - CSSD)
c:ktfndf rflxg]÷k|of]u x'g] d]l8sn cf}hf/ tyf ;fdu|Lx? o; ljefudf NofO{
ljzf]wg ul/G5 . o;/L s]Gb|Lo ?kdf ljzf]wg ubf{ l56f] 5l/tf], lskmfotL x'g] /
u'0f:t/ lgoGq0fdf ;xh x'g] dflgG5 . k|d'vtM o; ljefudf ck/]zg lyo6/af6
;fdu|Lx? NofOG5 . o;afx]s k|;'lt sIfaf6, 8«]l;Ë sIf cflb ;]jfx?af6 klg
;fdu|Lx? cfpF5 . t;y{ o; ljefusf] zNolqmof sIf ;Fusf] ;flgWo pko'Qm dflgG5 .
o; ljefudfFlrq g+= 11 df b]vfOP h:tf] lqmofx? qmd};Fu ;~rfng ul/G5 . ;j{k|yd
c:ktfnsf ljleGg efux?af6 cfpg] k|of]u eO;s]sf cf}hf/ ;fdu|Lx? o; ljefudf
btf{ u/L a'lemlng] ub{5 . tt\kZrft\ tL ;fdu|Lx?nfO{ kmf]x/sf] k|s[lt cg';f/
juL{s/0f ul/G5 . juL{s[t kmf]x/ ;fdu|Lx?nfO{ cfjZos eP k|f/lDes w'nfO{ u/L
cGoyf l;w} P;]K6/ Aofuleq /fvL c6f]Sn]e d]lzgdf xflnG5 . dfkb08 cg';f/sf]
ljzf]wg eO;s]sf] k|Tofe"lt kZrft\ tL ;fdu|Lx?nfO{ ;DalGwt ljefux?df k7fpg
ljzf]lwt sk8fx?df a]l/G5 . o;/L tof/ ePsf] ljzf]lwt ;fdu|L dfu cg';f/
lrlsT;f ljefux?df k7fOG5 .
o; ljefusf] l8hfOg ubf{ Wofg k'¥ofpg' kg]{ s'/fx? lgDgfg';f/ 5g\ .
• If]q ljefhgM o; ljefusf] lqmofqmddf ;kmf eO;s]sf ;fdu|Lx? k'gM b"lift
x'g glbg kmf]x/ / ;kmf ;fdu|Lx? /xg] sf]7fx? :ki6 ?kdf 5'l§g] u/L l8hfOg
ul/g' kb{5 . o;sf nflu o; ljefusf sf]7fx?nfO{ kmf]x/, ;kmf / ljz'4 If]qdf
ljeflht ul/G5 . ;kmf / kmf]x/ If]qdf k|j]z ug]{ cnu cnu 9f]sfsf] Joj:yf
x'g' kb{5 / cfjfudg PstkmL{ x'g' kb{5 .
• k|fs[lts ;f}o{ k|sfz
• Po/ ns Xofr (Air lock Hatch)M sf]7fx? aLrdf b"lifts/0f x'g glbgsf nflu
;kmf ;fdfgx? Po/ ns Xofr dfk{mt KoflsË sIfdf k7fpg' kb{5 . w'g]
sf]7faf6 :6nf{OlhË sIfdf klg o:tf] k|sf/sf] Xofr /fVg pko'Qm x'G5 .
c6f]Sn]e d]l;g klg (pass-though type) kf; y'| l8hfOgdf eP pko'Qm x'G5 .
• xfjfsf] rfkM ;kmf If]q lt/ xfjfsf] pRr rfk x'g' kb{5 h;sf] sf/0f ;kmf
If]qaf6 dfq cGo sf]7fx?df xfjfsf] axfj x'G5 . o;sf] nflu xfjfsf] rfk
lgoGqs oflGqs pks/0f h8fg ul/g' kb{5 .
-v_ n08«L -sk8f w'g] zfvf_M
c:ktfn a;]sf] cjlwleq la/fdL laleGg cj:yfdf c:ktfnsf n§fsk8fsf] ;Dks{df
cfpFb5 . la/fdLnfO{ nufOg] j:q, tGgf, cf]9\g], tf}lnof, ufpg, kbf{x? Pj+ :jf:YosdL{n]
nufpg] n'uf sk8f cflb h:tf sk8fx? /f]usf/s hLjf0f'nfO{ ;+u|x ug]{, ;Da4{g ug]{,
:yfgfGt/0f ug]{ / ;+qmd0f ug]{ dfWod x'g\ . t;y{ oL sk8fx? w'nfO{ ug{ / ;+qmd0f /lxt
agfpg c:ktfndf s]Gb|Lo txdf Ps n08«Lsf] Joj:yf ul/Psf] x'G5 . ;a} cGo ljefux?df
k|of]u ePsf] sk8fx? ;+sng u/L oxfF NofOG5 / wf]P kZrft\ k'gM ljt/0f ul/G5 . o;
zfvfdf lrq g+= 12 df b]vfP cg';f/sf] qmddf lqmofx? x'G5 .
n08«L zfvfsf] l8hfOg ubf{ lgDgfg';f/ s'/fx?nfO{ Wofgdf /flvg' kb{5 . (HLAG, 2010)
If]q laefhgM n08«L leq kmf]x/ If]q (soiled) / ;kmf If]q (Clean) :ki6 ?kdf laeflht
ul/g' kb{5 . oL b'O{ If]qsf] lardf v'Nnf cfjfudg lgif]w ul/of] eg] ;+qmd0f (cross -
contamination) nfO{ s]xL xb;Dd /f]Sg ;lsG5 . l;4fGttM wf]O;s]sf ;kmf sk8fx?
To;kl5sf lqmofx?sf qmddf k'gM contaminate x'g glbg g} o;sf] k|d'v p4]Zo xf] .
(Air flow) xfjfsf] axfjM xfjfsf] axfj / o;sf] lbzfsf] lgoGq0faf6 klg hLjf0f' ;+qmd0f
tyf contamination nfO{ /f]Sg ;lsG5 . o;sf nflu sf]7fx? leqsf] xfjfsf] rfk
lgoGq0fdf /fvL ;kmf If]qaf6 dfq kmf]x/ If]qdf xfjf axg lbg] o;sf] pN6f] lbzfaf6
xfjf axg glbg] u/L oflGqs pks/0fx? exhaust fan tyf e]lG6n]6/x?sf] l8hfOg ul/g'
kb{5 . n08«L zfvfleq sDtLdf !) k6s÷k|lt 306fsf] b/df xfjf kl/jt{g x'g] u/L
ventilation system sf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
(Floor trap) 6«fkM n08«L zfvfsf] sf]7fx?df cToflws w'g] sfo{x? x'g] x'gfn] oxfFsf] leQf,
e"OFx? lg/Gt/ ?kdf kvfNg' kg]{ x'G5 . t;y{ o;/L w'Fbf kg]{ kfgLnfO{ ;lhn} lgsf; lbg
cfjZos dfqfdf ˆnf]/ 6«fkx? /flvg' kb{5 .
;txsf] lkmlg;M n08«L sIf leqsf leQfsf] ;tx, sfp06/÷6]ansf] 6k, e'OFsf] ;tx
lg/Gt/ s8f ;fa'gx?n] w'bfF klg glalu|g] vfnsf] x'g' kb{5 . oL ;txx?df vfN6fv'N6L
geO{ lrNnf] k|sf/sf] lkmlgl;Ë ug'{ kb{5 h;n] ubf{ hLjf0f'x? hDdf x'g] / ;+a4{g x'g]
cj:yf l;h{gf x'Fb}g . 6]/fhf]÷df]hfos÷legfon ˆnf]l/Ë o;sf nflu pko'Qm x'G5 .
6fonx? 6«nL u'bfFpbf km'6\g] plKsg] ;Defjgf /x]sf]n] 6fonx?sf] k|of]u Tolt pko'Qm
dflgb}g . sfp06/ 6kdf u|]gfO6 jf df]hfos lkmlg; pko'Qm x'G5 . e'OFdf nufPsf]
lkmlgl;ËnfO{ sDtLdf !=%) dL prfO;Dd leQfdf 8f8f]sf] ?kdf r9fpg' kb{5 . leQf /
e'OFsf] hf]gL{sf] s'gfx? uf]nfsf/ agfOg' kb{5 .
n08«L l;+sM n08«L l;s+ / tftf lr;f] kfgLsf] Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 .
sfp06/ tyf b/fhx?M sfd ug{sf nflu sfp06/ tyf sfd ug{ cfjZos ;fdu|Lx?
e08f/0f ug{ sfp06/ d'lg Sofljg]6x? agfpg pko'Qm x'G5 .
If]qkmnsf] gD;{M c:ktfn n08«Lsf] If]qkmn )=^ a=dL=÷k|To]s lbgsf] sk8fsf] tf}n -
s]=hL=_ . o; If]qkmnnfO{ lgDgfg';f/ ljefhg ug{ ;lsG5 . (NAILAM, Woodson, 2007 df
d]l;g/L pks/0f — %)Ü
kmf]x/ sk8f — @)Ü
;kmf sk8f — !)Ü
cGo ;xfos k|of]hg — @)Ü
k|sfzM n08«L sIfdf k|z:t k|sfz x'g' kb{5 tfls sk8fdf nfu]sf bfu, d}nf] tyf
p3|]sf]nfO{ /fd|/L b]Vg ;lsof];\ . oxfF clwstd k|fs[lts ;f}o{ k|sfz cfpg] u/L
‰ofnx?sf] l8hfOg ul/g' kb{5 . s[lqd k|sfzsf] nflu sDtLdf %)) nS; x'g] u/L
aQLsf] l8hfOg ug'{ kb{5 .
sfdbf/x?sf] ;'/IffM n08«Lsf] l8hfOg ubf{ sfdbf/sf] ;'/IffnfO{ ljz]if Wofg lbg' kb{5 .
xft w'g] afgLnfO{ a9fjf lbg ;kmf If]q jf kmf]x/ If]q ;j}lt/ ;fa'g / wf/f j]l;gsf]
Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . sfdbf/nfO{ oxfFsf] ;Defljt ;+qmd0fsf] hf]lvdnfO{ dWogh/ ub}{
xfjfsf] jxfjnfO{ lgolGqt ul/g' kb{5 .
-u_ kf]i6df6{d PsfO -zj u[x_
kf]i6df6{d PsfO jf zju[x c:ktfnsf] Ps dxTjk"0f{ PsfO xf] . oxfF lgDgfg';f/ k|of]hgsf
nflu sf]7fsf] Joj:yf ug'{ kb{5 . (Sirohiwal etal, 2011 & AHIA, 2013)
zj hfrF tyf k|bz{g sIfM lzIf0f c:ktfnx?df o; sIfsf] a9L dxTj x'G5 hxfF
k|lzIfsn] zj hfrF ug]{ / z/L/ ;DaGwL k9fpg] sfo{ ul/G5 . of] sIf lhNnf
c:ktfnx?df clgjfo{ 5}g .
zj e08f/0fM ljleGg sf/0fn] zj e08f/0f ug'{ k/]df o; sIfdf –$) b]lv –^=%)
;]lG6u]|8sf] tfkqmddf zj e08f/0f ul/G5 . 7"nf c:ktfnx?df e08f/0f sIfnfO{ walk-in
cooler sf] ?kdf klg lgdf{0f ug{ ;lsG5 . cGoyf /]lk|mh]/]6/x?sf] k|of]u u/L pQm
tfkqmd sfod /fVg ;lsG5 . oxfFsf /]lk|mh]/]6/x? rfn' cj:yfdf /fVg kfj/ Aofs ck
l;i6d h8fg ul/Psf] x'g' kb{5 .
d[To'sf] sf/0f ;DaGwL cg';GwfgM o; PsfOsf] c6f]K;L sIfdf zjnfO{ /fvL lr/kmf/
ug]{, le;]/f -df;'sf] kl/If0f_ ug{ gd'gf tof/ ug]{ / kl/If0f ug]{ cflb ul/G5 . oL
lqmofsnfkx? ck/fw cg';Gwfg, lzIf0f tyf ;f]wsfo{sf] nflu ul/G5 .
k|zf;lgs sfo{M cfPsf uPsf zjx?sf] btf{ rnfgL ug]{, k|ltj]bg tof/ ug]{ cflb
sfdsf nflu clkm; sf]7fsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 .
k|ltIff sIfM oxfF NofOg] jf /flvPsf d[tssf cfkmGt tyf cGo AolQmx?nfO{ o;
PsfOleq k|j]z lgif]w ul/g' kb{5 . t;y{ pgLx?sf nflu kof{Kt 5fgf ;lxtsf] k|ltIff
sIfsf] Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 .
:yfgM zj u[x c:ktfnaf6 glhs t/ ;fj{hlgs cfjfudg If]q eGbf clns 6f9f, dfG5]
hDdf x'g], a9L cfjfudg x'g] :yfgaf6 gb]lvg] :yfg /flvg' kb{5 . o; zj u[x
c:ktfnsf] AnseGbf 5'§} Ansdf /fVg pko'Qm x'G5 .
kx'FrM c:ktfnaf6 zju[x ;Dd zjnfO{ nUg Ps 5'§} af6f] x'g' kb{5 h;df
;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ kx'Fr gePsf] x'g' kb{5 . ;j{;fwf/0fnfO{ cs}{ lbzfaf6 k|ltIff sIf;Dd
dfq k|j]z lbg] u/L l8hfOg ul/g' kb{5 . c:ktfn / zju[x hf]l8g] dfu{ dfly jiff{sf]
avt klg cK7]/f] gkg]{ tj/n] 5fgf nufOPsf] x'g' kb{5 .
;jf/L ;fwgsf] kx'FrM zjjfxg, k'ln;sf] uf8Lx? kfls{Ë ug{ kof{Kt :yfgsf] Joj:yf x'g'
kb{5 . zju[x Ans;Dd uf8L k'Ug] af6f] lgdf{0f ug'{ kb{5 .
;'/Iff tyf uf]kgLotfM zju[xsf lqmofsnfkx? ;'/lIft tyf uf]kgLo tj/n] ug'{ kg]{ x'G5
. sltko s]; ck/fw;Fu ;DalGwt x'g] x'gfn] k|df0f gi6 ug]{ jf cGo p2]Zon] zj rf]/L
x'g] jf cfqmd0f x'g] ;Defjgf ;d]t /x]sf]n] lgDgfg';f/ ;'/Iff Joj:yfnfO{ Wofg lbOg'
kb{5 .
- /fd|/L ns ug{ ldNg]
- Od/h]G;L nfOl6Ë
- c6f]K;L sf]7fdf ‰ofnsf] l;nsf] prfO{ sDtLdf ^ kmL6 /fVg]
eL8 lgoGq0fM zj u[xsf] cuf8L jf 5]pdf kof{Kt v'nf If]q /flvg' kb{5 . s];sf] k|s[lt
cg';f/ s'g} a]nf zju[xsf] k|fËu0fdf eL8 nfUg ;S5 . t;y{ To:tf] cj:yfdf eL8
lgoGq0f ug{ k|x/L jf ;'/IffsdL{sf] ;xh kx'Frsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 / eL8nfO{ lgb]{lzt
ug{ …k|j]z lgif]wÚ tyf …lgif]lwt If]qÚÚ sf] ;+s]t kf6Lx? /flvg' kb{5 .
;+qmd0fsf] lgoGq0f
- n'uf km]g]{ sf]7fM c6f]K;L sIf k|j]z ug{ k"j{ n'uf km]g]{ sf]7f eP/ hfg] Joj:yf ul/g'
kb{5 . o; r]Gh ?ddf xft w'g] j]l;g / ;fj/ -g'xfpg] wf/f_ sf] Joj:yf x'g' kb{5.
- w'g ldNg] lkmlg;M cGo leHg] If]qx?df h:t} oxfF klg s8f, k'5\g w'g ldNg] vfnsf]
e'OFe'OF, leQfsf] lkmlg; k|of]u ul/g' kb{5 . o:t} sf]7fdf ˆnf]/ 6«fk /flvg' kb{5 /
leQf / e'OFsf] hf]8fOdf uf]nfsf/ s'gf agfOg' kb{5 .
‰ofn 9f]sfM zju[xsf d"n 9f]sf :6«]r/x? k|j]z ug{ ;Sg] u/L !@)) ld=ld= rf}8f x'g'
kb{5 . ls/f, lemu+f cflb /f]syfd ug{ zj e08f/0f / c6f]K;L sIfdf 9f]sfx?df hfnL
nufPsf] x'g' kb{5 . k|fs[lts ;f}o{ k|sfz k|z:t x'g' kb{5 . t;y{ zLzfsf] ‰ofn k|of]u
ug{ pko'Qm x'G5 . ‰ofnsf] l;nsf] prfO{ !%)) ld=ld= /fVg' kb{5 .
aQL tyf :jLrx?M zju[xleq hg/n nfOl6Ësf] cnfjf lr/kmf/ ug]{ disection table dfly
5fFof gkg]{ / kof{Kt pHofnf] x'g] u/L yk aQLsf] Joj:yf ul/g' kb{5 . kf]i6df6{d
sf]7fsf leQfx? kfgLn] 5\ofk]/ ;kmf ug'{ kg]{ ePsf]n] oxfF k|of]u x'g] :jLrx? jf6/
k|'km÷xf]h k|'km (Hose proof) x'g ;s] pko'Qm x'G5 .
tftf] kfgLsf] Joj:yfM j]l;g, l;s+, ;fj/df tftf] kfgLsf] Joj:yf x'g'kb{5 . k|To]s
kf]i6df6{d 6]ansf] nflu Ps j6f jf6/ xf]h h8fg ul/g' kb{5 .
-3_ ;fngfn lj;h{g vfN8f] -Knf;]G6f lk6_]
uef{wfg nuQ} ljsf; eP/ ue{ leqsf] e|'0fnfO{ lg/Gt/ cfxf/ lbg ag]sf] dfgj c+u ;fngfn
xf], h'g k|;j kZrft\ gjhft lzz'sf ;fydf g} aflx/ lgl:sG5 . aRrfsf] hGd ePkl5
o;sf] k|of]hg ;dfKt x'G5 / o;nfO{ aRrfsf] gfeLaf6 sf6]/ ;'/lIft ?kdf lj;h{g ug'{kg]{
x'G5 . ;fngfn yfn h:tf] cfsf/df x'G5 (discoid shape) h'g !% b]lv @% ;]=dL= ;Ddsf]
Aof;sf] x'G5 / sl/j # ;]=dL= df]6f] x'G5 . o;sf] tf}n %)) - ^)) u|fd x'G5 . o;sf] plrt
lalwaf6 lj;h{g ul/Pg eg] of] xfgLsf/s x'g;S5 . o;sf lj;h{gsf cg]s lalwx?dWo]
OlG;lg/]6/df hnfpg' Ps xf] h;n] kmf]x/sf] cfotg () k|ltzt 36fOlbG5 . t/ of] ljlw
dx+uf] / ;fgf c:ktfnx?df ljlwsf] u'0f:t/ sfod /fvL hnfpg ufx|f] x'g] x'gfn] ljZj
:jf:Yo ;+u7g ;d]tn] OlG;lg/]6/df ghnfpg] gLlt lnO{ o;sf nflu k|fs[lts lj;h{g
ljlwx? k|j4{g u/]sf] 5 . h;dWo] Knf;]G6f lk6sf] ljlwnfO{ xfn g]kfnsf c:ktfnx?df
;fngfn lj;h{g Joj:yfJoj:yfkgsf nflu ;a}eGbf pko'Qm ljlwsf ?kdf lnOPsf] 5 .
o; ljlwdf aRrf hlGdbf lgl:sg] ;fngfnnfO{ Ogf/ h:tf] vfN8f]df v;flnG5 / k|fs[lts
k|s[ofåf/f h}ljs lj36g (organic decomposition) eO{ df6f]df ldNg lbG5 . o; vfN8f]df
Knf;]G6f afx]s cGo h}ljs lj36g x'g] j:t'x? h:t} d[t e|'0f, dfgj cËx?, t/nx? cflb
klg lj;h{g ug{ ;lsG5 . o:tf] vfN8f] vGbf hn k|b'if0f x'g glbg kfgLsf] ;|f]t eGbf
sDtLdf %) lkm6 6f9f /fVg' kb{5 .
Knf;]G6f lk6 lgdf{0fdf Wofg lbg'kg]{ s'/fx? lgDgfg';f/ 5g\ .
gfkM vfN8f]sf] Aof; !=%dL= / ulx/fO{ # b]lv $ dL= ;Dd agfpg pko'Qm x'G5 .
vfN8f]sf] leQfM vfN8f]sf] leQf elTsg glbg To; leQf OF6fsf] jf 9'+ufsf] uf/f]n]
agfpg pko'Qm x'G5 . ;fdu|L pknAw x'g] :yfgx?df l;d]G6 l/Ë nufO klg o;sf]
lgdf{0f ug{ ;lsG5 . o;/L l;d]G6 l/Ëaf6 agfPsf] cj:yfdf l/Ëx?sf] hf]gL{nfO{ !M#
l;d]Gt afn'jfsf] d;nf nufP/ /fd|/L 6fNg' kb{5 . e"ldut kfgLsf] ;tx w]/} dfly
/x]sf] :yfgx?df o; e"ldut kfgL k|b"if0f x'g] ;+efjgf /xg] ePsfn] vfN8f]sf] leQf /
e'OFnfO{ /fd|/L jf6/k|'lkmË ul/g' kb{5 .
9sgLM o; lk6df kmnfdsf] #)) x $%) ;fOhsf 9sgL] /fVg k5{ . of] 9sgL
;fngfn kmfNgnfO{ dfq vf]lnG5 . r/f, d';f, lem+uf cflb / aiff{df kfgL k:g glbg
cGo cj:yfdf 9sgL jGb g} /flvg' kb{5 .
e]G6 kfOkM lk6 leq h}ljs lj36gsf] k|lqmofaf6 pTkfbg x'g] Uof;nfO{ lgsf; lbg
lk6sf] aLrdf !)) dL dL df]6f] sl/j !%)) dL dL nfdf] kfOk 7f8f] h8fg ul/g'
kb{5 . o; kfOksf] dfly xfjf g5]lsg] t/ aiff{sf] kfgL gk:g] u/L 9sgL nufpg'
kb{5 .
lk6sf] d'v e'OF ;tx eGbf prfOdf /fVg]M aiff{sf] kfgL k/L jf cGo cj:yfdf e'OFdf
kfgL hDg] cj:yf cfPdf lk6sf] d'vaf6 kfgL k:g glbg lk6nfO{ hldgaf6 sl/j
!@)) dL dL hlt p7fpg' kb{5 .
lk6sf] k]mbdf df6f] /fVg]M h}ljs lj36gsf] k|lqmofnfO{ k|efjsf/L jgfpg lk6sf]
km]bdf sl/j !%) dL dL df]6f] df6f] xfNg' kb{5 .
j}slNks lk6M la/fdLsf] rfk w]/} ePsf c:ktfnx?df ;Fu;Fu} b'O{ j6f o:tf lk6x?
agfpg pko'Qm x'G5 . Pp6f eg{ nfUbf csf]{ lk6 k|of]u ul/of] eg] !@÷!% dlxgf
kZrft\ clwNnf] lk6sf] kmf]x/sf] dfqf cfwf eGbf sd eO;S5 / k'gM clwNnf] lk6
k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 .
-ª_ cGo ;xfos sf]7fx?M dfly pNn]lvt :jf:Yo ejgx?df x'g] ljljw sf]7fx? afx]s
lgDgfg';f/ ;xfos sf]7fx? klg Joj:yf x'g' kb{5 .
cfjf; ;'ljwf
c:ktfn efG5f
rd]gf u[x
cTofjZos ;]jf k;n
;f]wk'5 tyf u'gf;f] ;'Gg] sIf
xfp; lslkË
dd{t ;Def/ zfvf
kl/R5]b $M 6fOk l8hfOg ;+u|xdf ;+nUg :jf:Yo ejgx?
3.1. c:ktfn
g]kfnsf] :jf:Yo ;]jf k|0ffnLdf ljleGg txsf c:ktfnx? tyf :jf:Yo rf}sL dfk{mt :jf:Yo
;]jf k|bfg ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . /fli6«o :jf:Yo gLlt @)$* cg';f/ k|To]s lhNnfdf sDtLdf Ps
j6f c:ktfn x'g' kg{] pNn]v 5 . /fli6«o :jf:Yo gLlt @)&! df k|lt Ps nfv hg;ª\VofnfO{
Ps j6f @% z}o\of c:ktfn x'g' kg]{ pNn]v 5 . c:ktfnx?sf] ljBdfg If]qut lx;fjsf]
juL{s/0fn] :jf:Yo ;]jfsf] dfunfO{ oyf]lrt ;Djf]wg ug{ g;lsPsf] b]lvPsf]n] :jf:Yo
;]jfnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfpg, oyf]lrt ljt/0f / aLdf sfo{qmd ;d]tnfO{ k|efjsf/L jgfpg
ljutsf juL{s/0f l;4fGtnfO{ kl/jt{g u/L ;]jfdf cfwfl/t juL{s/0f ug]{ / ;f]xL cg';f/
c:ktfnx?nfO{ ljsf; ub}{ nfg] cjwf/0ffnfO{ cfwf/ dfgL …g]kfn :jf:Yo k"jf{wf/ ljsf;
dfkb08, @)&$Ú g]kfn ;/sf/n] kfl/t u/]sf] 5 . pQm dfkb08sf] clwgdf /xL o;
lgb]{lzsfdf t[tLo tx b]lv hgtf :jf:Yo s]Gb| ;Ddsf c:ktfnsf l8hfOgx? k|:t't ul/Psf]
5 . hgtfsf] kx'Fr ;xh ePsf pko'St :yfgx?nfO{ 5gf]6 u/L c:ktfnsf] ju{ tf]Sg] / ;f]
ju{sf nflu tf]lsPsf ;]jfx?sf nflu pko'St ejg ;+/rgf lgdf{0f ug]{ u/L oL l8hfOgx?
tof/ ul/Psf] 5 . o;/L ;]jfsf cfwf/df juL{s/0f ubf{ lgDgfg';f/ ju{x? x'g]5 .
तह तथा वर्ग शैय्या क्षमता िेवाग्राही जनिंख्या उपलब्ध हुने न्यूनतम िेवा िुववधा
बिशिष्टीकृत Need हाल सञ्चालनमा रहेका सुपर स्पेशसयशलडि अस्पतालहरु संघीय सरकार
अस्पताल Super
( Assessment अन्तगगतमा रहनेछन्। प्राथबमक द्वितीय तथा तृतीय तहका अस्पतालिाि
बििेष सेिा सुबिधाहरू भएका
Speciality को आधारमा ररफर भई आएका बनशित रोग तथा अंग बििेषको सम्पूर्ग बििेषज्ञ उपचार
Hospital) डिजाइन तयार सेिा प्रदान गनेछन्। सुपर स्पेशसयशलडि अस्पतालहरुलाई सेन्टर अफ
(संघीय) गने एक्सलेन्सको रुपमा बिकास गररनेछ ।
संघमा एकमात्र केन्द्रीय स्वास्थ्य बिज्ञान प्रबतष्ठान सञ्चालन हु न सक्नेछन्।
स्वास्थ्य बिज्ञान प्रबतष्ठानले आफ्नै तृतीय तहको अस्पताल सञ्चालन गनुग
संघीय स्वास्थ्य Assessment
स्वास्थ्य बिज्ञान सम्वन्धी अध्ययन अध्यापन पनेछ। केन्द्रीय स्वास्थ्य बिज्ञान प्रबतष्ठानले संघीय सरकार अन्तगगत
बिज्ञान प्रबतष्ठान को आधारमा
सद्वहत अस्पताल सेिा भएका सञ्चालनमा रहेका सम्पूर्ग तृतीय तहका अस्पतालहरु र सम्पूर्ग सुपर
(संघीय) डिजाइन तयार
स्पेशसयशलिी अस्पतालहरुमा समेत अध्ययन अध्यापनको डियाकलाप
सञ्चालन गनुपग नेछ।
प्राथबमक तथा द्वितीय तहका अस्पतालिाि हु ने ररफरल तथा सेिाको
बिशिष्टताको आधारमा रहने तृतीय तहका अस्पतालहरुिाि देहाय
िमोजमका सेिाहरु प्रिाह हु नछ
े न् ।
- जनस्वास्थ्य िेवा - खोप, पररिार बनयोजन, गभगिती एिं शििुजाँच,
साधारर् प्रसुबत, निजात शििुसेिा, जडिल प्रसुबत सेिा, क्षयरोग, दम
Need जस्ता रोगहरुको उपचार तथा अन्य स्वास्थ्य प्रिधगन तथा न्यूबनकरर्,
Assessment रोकथाम सम्बन्धी आधारभूत सेिाहरु र सामाशजक सेिा ईकाई
को आधारमा - चिडकत्सकीय िेवा तथा वािग/ववभार् - जनरल डफशजशसयन सेिा,
तृतीय तह संलग्न साधारर् िल्यकृया सेिा, गभगिती एिं शििुजाँच, िालरोग सेिा, दाँत
(संघीय) डिजाइनलाइग रोग, हािजोनी सेिा, आँखारोग सेिा, मुत्ररोग, छालारोग, मानशसक रोग,
स्थानीयकरर् नाक-कान-घाँिी, मुिुरोग, निारोग तथा अन्य बिशिष्ट सेिाहरु ।
गदै डिजाइन - आकस्मिक िेवाहरु - २४ घण्टा िल्यडिया सद्वहतको आकस्मिक सेिा
तयार गने - जनिेतना तथा वनरोधात्मक िेवाहरु
- शल्यडिया िेवा - साधारर् िल्यडिया, स्त्री रोग तथा प्रसूबत सम्बन्धी
िल्यडिया, नाक-कान- घाँिी, आँखाको िल्यडिया, हािजोनी
िल्यडिया ।
- अन्य - हेमोिायलाईशसस, सघन उपचार कक्ष, निजात सघन उपचार
- थप हु निक्ने अन्य िेवाहरु - निा तथा मुिुरोग िल्यडिया, प्लाडष्टक
सजगरी आदी ।
प्राथबमक तहका अस्पताल तथा अन्य स्थानिाि हु ने ररफरल र सो भन्दा
माथथल्लोस्तरको सेिाहरु प्रिाह गने गरी द्वितीय तहका अस्पतालहरुिाि
देहाय िमोशजमका सेिाहरु प्रिाह हु नछ
े न्।
- चिडकत्सकीय िेवा - जनरल डफशजशसयन सेिा, साधारर् िल्यकृया
सेिा, गभगिती एिं शििुजाँच, िालरोग सेिा, दाँत रोग, हािजोनी सेिा
द्वितीय तह तथा आँखारोग सेिा ।
को अधारमा १०० - २००
(प्रदेि तह)
डिजाइन तयार - ववभार्/वािगहरु - मुत्ररोग, छालारोग, स्तत्रीरोग, हाि जोनी, िालरोग,
गने मानशसक रोग, नाक-कान-घाँिी, बिभागहरु ।
- िद्वहरं ग सेिा
स्वास्थ्य चौकी
िाइप-B - ७,००१ देखख १२,००० सम्म - खोप, पररिार बनयोजन, गभगिती एिं शििुजाँच, साधारर् प्रसुबत,
िाइप-C - ३,००१ देखख ७,००० सम्म निजात शििुसेिा, िट्स प्रर्ाली, पोषर्, मानशसक स्वास्थ्य, नसने
(गाउँ पाशलका/नगर
रोगहरुको परामिग तथा स्क्रिबनङ्ग, स्थानीय स्तरमा समान्यरुपमा
देखखने सरुिा रोगको प्रकोप, औषथध बितरर्, प्रयोगिाला सेिा
िािगस्तर) िाइप-D - ३,००० िा सो भन्दा कम
तथा अन्य स्वास्थ्य प्रिर्द्गन तथा न्यूनीकरर्, रोकथाम सम्बन्धी
आधारभूत सेिाहरु
उपलब्ध र्राइने िेवाहरू-
• u'?of]hgf tof/ ug'{ kg]{M olb k|;'lt sf]7f dfq lgdf{0f ug]{ of]hgf eP eljiodf :jf:Yo
rf}sL -alx/Ë Ans, c=g=dL=cfjf; jf b'a}_ gofF agfpg'kg]{ cfjZostf x'g;Sg] x'Fbf ;f]
sf] ;d]t u'¿of]hgf agfO gSzfdf O+lst u/fpg' kb{5 .
• zf}rfno AnsM :jf:Yo rfsL ejgsf] 6fOk l8hfOgdf zf}rfno Ans 5'§} lgdf{0f ug]{ u/L
l8hfOg ul/Psf] 5 . lgdf{0f:ynsf] k|s[lt / cj:yf cg';f/ zf}rfno Ans 5flgg' kb{5 .
zf}rfno ;Dd k'Ug 5fgf nufOPsf] dfu{ (Covered Pathway) n] d"n :jf:Yo rf}sL ejg
hf]8\g\ kb{5 . o; dfu{ ckfËd}qL x'g' kb{5 .
• bf]xf]/f] lgdf{0f gug]{M sltko :yfgdf :6\of088{ l8hfOg cg';f/sf] g} k|;'lt sIf (Birthing
Center) ljutdf g} lgdf{0f eO;s]sf] x'g ;S5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf :6\of088{ l8hfOgdf
k|;'lt sIf x6fO{ ;+;f]wg ul/Psf] l8hfOg cg';f/ lgdf{0f ul/g' kb{5 .
• :qmj l;+sM ;a} k|;'lt sIf (Birthing Center) df :6\of088{ cg';f/sf] :6Lnsf] :qmj l;+s
h8fg ul/g' kb{5 . o; l;+sdf clgjfo{ PNaf] 6\ofk h8fg ul/g' kb{5 . clt b'u{d
lxdfnL tyf kxf8L lhNnfx?df olb :qmj l;+s nfg ;Dej geP sf/0f v'nfO{ ;dfGo
l;+s k|of]u ug{ ;lsg]5 .
• df}h'bf ;+/rgfx?sf] ;b'kof]uM olb lgdf{0f:yndf df}h'bf ;+/rgfx? ljBdfg eP To;sf]
pkof]lutf / hf]lvd d"NofÍg ul/g' kb{5 . olb tL ;+/rgfx?nfO{ k'gk{|of]u ug{ ;lsg]
b]lvPdf pQm ejg ;+/rgfx? ;d]t ;Fu ;fd~h:o x'g] u/L :jf:Yo rf}sL ejg l8hfOg
ul/g' kb{5 . pbfx/0fsf] nflu, olb aly{Ë ;]G6/sf] ejgsf] 5fgf alnof] (Structurally Safe)
5 eg] To; dfly ax'p2]ZoLo xn lgdf{0f ug{ ;lsG5 . cGoyf To; xn 5'§} Anssf]
?kdf lgdf{0f ug'{ kg]{ x'g ;S5 . h'g;'s} cj:yfdf klg 5'§f5'§} Ansdf ul/Psf] lgdf{0fsf]
xsdf tL Ansx?sf] k|of]hg / cGt/;DaGw cg';f/sf] pko'Qm n]cfp6 / 5fgf nufOPsf]
dfu{ (Covered Pathway) lgdf{0f ul/g kb{5 .
• tftf] lr;f] kfgLsf] Joj:yfM :jf:Yo rf}sL lgdf{0fdf ;f}o{ phf{af6 kfgL ttfpg] ;f]nf/
lx6/sf] ;fdu|L nfut cg'dfgdf clgjfo{ ;dfj]z ug]{ /:jf:Yo rf}sLsf] ;Dk"0f{ wf/fx¿df
rL;f] / tftf] kfgL cfpg] Joj:yf ug{' kg]{5 . w]/} lxpF kg]{ / 3fd gnfUg] 7fpFdf cGo
ljsNksf] Joj:yf ul/g'kb{{5 . ljsNk ;s]; d sd vr{df tyf Go"gtd dd{t ;Def/df
;~rfng x'g;Sg] x'g'kb{5 .
• j}slNks ljB't k|0ffnLM To;}u/L k|;'lt / k|f]:o'h/ ?dsf] nflu clgjfo{¿kdf j}slNks
ljB't k|0ffnL (Power Backup System) x'g'kb{5 . oL pks/0fx?sf jf/]G6L sfuhftx?
x:tfGt/0f sfuhft ;Fu ;+nUg /fVg' kg]{5 .
kl/R5]b % – :jf:Yo ;+:yfx? lgdf{0fsf nflu lgdf{0f:yn 5gf}6 ;DaGwL
1. k[i7e"ld
lgdf{0f:yn 5gf}6 ejg lgdf{0f sfo{sf] Ps dxTjk"0f{ r/0f xf] . ljut tyf xfn
ljBdfg lgdf{0f cEof;x?df lgdf{0f sfo{sf] l9nfO{, cltl/Qm vlr{nf] kg]{ cflb ;d:ofx?
lgdf{0f:yn 5gf}6 k|lqmofdf /x]sf] ckl/kSjtfsf sf/0f pTkGg ePsf] b]lvG5 . pko'Qm hUuf
5gf}6 ;DaGw;DaGwL s'g} gLlt tyf cfwf/x? xfn;Dd lgdf{0f gx'g'sf] kl/0ffd :j?k oL
cj:yfx? l;h{gf ePsf] b]lvG5 . o; lgb]{lzsfdf :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0fsf nflu AolQm jf
;+:yfsf] bfgaf6 jf ;fj{hlgs hUufsf] ef]uflwsf/ x:tfGt/0faf6 k|fKt x'g] hUufsf]
pko'Qmtf lgSof}{n ug{] cfwf/x? lgb]{lzt ul/Psf] 5 . cfOGbf lgdf{0f x'g] ejg lgdf{0f
sfo{x?df o; lgb]{lzsf cg'?k lgdf{0f:ynsf] pko'Qmtf cWoog clgjfo{ ul/g' kg{]5 .
५१ – ९९ १८०००
िाइप१- १,००,००१ देखख ३,००,००० सम्म ३५
२६ – ५०
अस्पताल – िाइप-२ ५०००१ देखख १००००० सम्म ७७०० १५
‘क’ िगग
१५ – २५
िाइप-३ ५०००० सम्म ६१०० १२
प्राथबमक िाइप-१ १५ िैय्या २०,००१ भन्दा िढी ४६०० ९
अस्पताल ‘ख’ िाइप-२ १० िैय्या १५,००१ देखख २०,००० सम्म ४६०० ९
िगग िाइप-३ ५ िैय्या १५,००० िा सो भन्दा कम ३६०० ७
िाइप-A १२,००० भन्दा िढी २१०० ४
िाइप-B ७,००१ देखख १२,००० सम्म ११०० २
स्वास्थ्य चौकी
िाइप-C ३,००१ देखख ७,००० सम्म ८०० १.५
िाइप-D ३,००० िा सो भन्दा कम ५०० १
;~rfng tyf :t/f]Gglt dfkb08 ;DaGwL lgb{]lzsf, @)&)Æ sf] cg';"rL @
cg';f/sf] dfkb08 ;Fu d]n x'g] u/L lx;fa ug{' kg]{5 . olb ;DalGwt :jf:Yo
;+:yfn] pknAw u/fPsf] lgdf{0f:yn pk/f]Qmfg';f/ gk'u ePdf oyf;L3|
j}slNks hUuf pknAw u/fpg pQm ;+:yfnfO{ sfof{Gjogstf{ ;+:yfn] kq n]Vg'
kg]{5 .
2.1. olb lgdf{0f:yn j:tLsf] dWo efudf jf jhf/ s]Gb| -;fj{hlgs ;'ljwfx? h:t}
ljBfno, k|zf;lgs ;]jf, k|x/L ;]jf, ahf/ tyf oftfoftsf] ;xh ;'ljwf ePsf]
:yfg_ df cjl:yt /xL af6f] ;Fu ;d]t hf]l8Psf] 5 eg] / :6\of088{ l8hfOgsf]
;fOhdf k|lts"n k|efj gx'g] ePdf tflnsf ! df tf]lsPsf] Go"gtd If]qkmndf
;f]sf] @)Ü k|ltzt ;Dd sd eP klg pQm hUufnfO{ g} 5gf}6sf nflu
k|fyldstf lbg ;lsg] 5 .
3.3. hUufsf] :nf]ksf] cg'l:ylt (Orientation)M k|fs[lts 3fd kof{Kt gk'Ug] cf];]k
tyf pQ/ kms]{sf] le/fnf] hldgnfO{ :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f ug{ 5gf}6 ug'{ x'Fb}g .
k|fs[lts ?kdf sf]7f ttfpg tyf hLjf0f' ;+qmd0f (Bacterial Disinfection) df
/f]s nufpg k|fs[lts ;f}o{ k|sfzsf] dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf /xg] ePsfn] lgdf{0f:yn
5gf}6 ubf{ o; ljifonfO{ clgjfo{ kfngf ug'{ kg]{5 .
3.4. lgdf{0f:ynsf] cjl:ylt (Site Location)M 8fF8fsf] 6'Kkfdf jf h+unsf] aLrdf
/xL dfgj j:tLaf6 cToflws 6f9f /x]sf] lgdf{0f:yn 5gf}6 ul/g' x'Fb}g . 8fF8fsf]
6'Kkfdf j;]sf j:tLx?sf] xsdf olb tL j:tL leq} To; hUuf cjl:yt ePdf /
;f/e"t?kdf ;dtn ePdf pQm hUuf 5gf}6 ug{ ;lsg]5 .
3.5. kf]v/L jf cGo kfgL hDg] :yfgM kf]v/L jf cGo kfgL hDg] :yfg ejg lgdf{0fsf]
nflu 5gf}6 ul/g' x'Fb}g . d"n ejg ;+/rgf (Superstructure) afx]s cGo
;xfos ;+/rgf h:t} kfgL 6\of+sL, ;]lK6s 6\of+s cflb olb k|fljlws?kdf
;+efAo eP lgdf{0f ug{ ;lsg]5 . df6f] kl/If0f kZrft\ olb df6f]sf] ef/ jxg
Ifdtf a9fpg ul/g] vr{ nfut a'Fbf g+ #=@ df plNnlvt Go"gtd lgdf{0f:yn
lgdf{0fsf] nfut ;Ldf leq /x]df ;f] sfd nfut cg'dfgdf ;dfj]z ug{
3.6. Go"g hf]lvdo'Qm hUufM hUuf 5gf}6 ubf{ af9L klx/f]af6 x'g] Ifltsf] hf]lvd
gePsf] :yfg x'g' kg]{5 .
3.7. af6f]sf] ;'ljwfM lgdf{0f:yn uf8L hfg] af6f] ;Fu hf]l8Psf] kg]{5 . To; af6f]sf]
rf}8f Go"gtd PDa'n]G; tyf af?0foGq u'8fpg kof{Kt x'g' kg]{5 . :jf:Yo rf}sL
lgdf0f{sf] xsdf olb pQm ejg clt b'u{d kxf8L tyf lxdfnL If]q -df]6/ af6f]
gk'u]sf] Onfsf_ df cjl:yt 5 eg] ;s];Dd eljiodf df]6/ af6f] lgdf{0fsf]
nflu of]hgf ul/Psf] lgdf{0f:yn 5gf}6 ug'{ kg]5{ .
3.8. af6f] lgdf{0fdf vr{ ug{ gx'g]M :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f ug{ ljlgof]lht jh]6 /sd
lgdf{0f:yn ;Dd k'Ug] af6f] lgdf{0fdf vr{ ug{' x'Fb}g . lgdf{0f:yn ;Dd k'Ug] af6f]
lgdf{0fsf] lhDd]jf/L ;DalGwt :yflgo lgsfo tyf ljifout ;+:yf÷dGqfnosf]
x'g]5 .
lgdf0f{:yn leq sDkfp08 u]6 b]lv ejgx? ;Ddsf] af6f] lgdf{0f ug'{ k/]df /
pQm lgdf{0fsf] nfut a'Fbf g+ #=@ df plNnlvt Go"gtd lgdf{0f:yn lgdf{0fsf]
nfut ;Ldf leq /x]df ;f] sfd nfut cg'dfgdf ;dfj]z ug{ ;lsg]5 .
3.9. kfgLsf] ;'ljwfM :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0fsf] nflu pknAw u/fOg] lgdf{0f:yndf
clgjfo{ kfgLsf] ;|f]t jf kfgL ljt/0f nfOg h8fg ePsf] x'g' kb{5 . k|:tfljt
ejgsf] ;]jf ;'ljwf ;xh ?kdf ;~rfng ug{ k'Ug] kl/df0f j/fj/sf] kfgLsf]
;|f]t jf nfOg h8fg ePsf] x'g' kg]{5 . lgdf{0f:yndf kfgL ljt/0f nfOg h8fg
gePsf] cj:yfdf nfOg h8fg ug]{ jf s'g} ;|f]taf6 kfgL lgdf{0f:yn ;Dd
Nofpg] lhDd]jf/L :yfgLo :jf:Yo Joj:yfkg ;ldltsf] x'g]5 . olb ;fgf]ltgf] vr{
u/]/ lgdf{0f:yndf kfgLsf] Joj:yf ug{ ;lsG5 eg] a'Fbf g+ #=@ df plNnlvt
Go"gtd lgdf{0f:yn lgdf{0fsf] nfut (Land Development Cost) ;Ldf leq
/x]df ;f] sfd lgdf{0f:yn lgdf{0fsf] nfut cg'dfgdf ;dfj]z ug{ ;lsg]5 .
3.10. ejg lgdf{0f / lgdf{0f:yn lgdf{0fsf] nfutM nfut cg'dfg tof/ ubf{ ejg
lgdf{0fsf] nfut / lgdf{0f:yn lgdf{0fsf] nfut 5'§f5'§} :ki6 b]lvg] u/L tof/ ug'{
kg{]5 / pQm nfutsf] ;f/f+z klg tof/ ug'{ kg]{5 .
3.11. sDkfp08 kvf{nM ejg lgdf{0fsf] nfut cg'dfgdf sDkfp08 kvf{nsf] sfd
;dfj]z ug'{ x'Fb}g . olb s'g} ;fO6df sDkfp08 kvf{n cTofjZos ePsf]
7xl/Pdf pQm kvf{nsf] l8hfOg tyf nfut cg'dfg tof/ u/L k|fljlws k'i6\ofO{
;lxt :jf:Yo ;]jf ljefu, Joj:yfkg dxfzfvfdf k7fpg' kg]{5 . Joj:yfkg
dxfzfvfn] pQm lgdf{0fsf] k|fyldstf / cf}lrTotfnfO{ ljrf/ u/L cfufdL
sfo{qmddf jh]6 Joj:yf ug{ ;Sg]5 . olb sDkfp08 kvf{n lgdf{0fsf] sfdsf]
nfut a'Fbf g+ #=@ df plNnlvt Go"gtd lgdf{0f:yn lgdf{0fsf] nfut (Land
Development Cost) ;Ldf leq /x]df ;f] sfd lgdf{0f:yn lgdf{0fsf] nfut
cg'dfgdf ;dfj]z ug{ ;lsg]5 .
4. :j]lR5s hUuf bfg
hgtfnfO{ ;xh ?kdf :jf:Yo ;]jf k|fKt u/fpg] x]t'n] ul/g] g]kfndf rlncfPsf] hUuf
bfgsf] k/Dk/fnfO{ oL cfof]hgfx?df klg lg/Gt/tf lbOg]5 . o; k|sf/n] k|fKt x'g]
hUufsf] pko'Qmtf dfly plNnlvt ;j} 5gf}6sf cfwf/x? ;Fu d]n eP gePsf] cWoog
ul/g' kb{5 . olb To; bfg lbPsf] hUuf dfly plNnlvt Go"gtd cfjZostf ;Fu k'/f
d]n x'g g;s]df pQm hUuf c:jLsf/ ul/g' k5{ .
4.1. :j]lR5s hUuf bfgsf cfwf/x?
s'g} klg hUUff bfg :j]lR5s ePsf] tyf u/La hgtfaf6 hUuf bfg glnPsf] efj
:yflkt ug{ olb cfof]hgf sfof{Gjogaf6 s'g} ju{ lkl8t x'g] ePdf pQm ju{sf]
nflu k'gjf{; of]hgf clgjfo{ tof/ ul/g' kb{5 . :j]lR5s hUuf bfg x'gsf] nflu
lgDgfg';f/ cfwf/x? k'/f x'g' kb{5 .
cfof]hgf sfof{Gjogaf6 lkl8t ju{ (Project Affected Persons - PAPs)
;Fu kof{Kt 5nkmn x'g' kg]{ .
:j]lR5s hUuf bfgsf sf/0f lkl8t ju{ (PAPs) df clt k|lts"n k|efj
kg'{ x'Fb}g -pQm ju{ u/LaLsf] /]vfd'lgsf hgtf gx'g' kg]{ / s'g} klg
lkl8tn] cfu6]sf] hUufsf] @)Ü eGbf a9L hUuf u'dfPsf] gx'g' kg]{_. o;
k|sf/sf] k|lts"n k|efj kg]{ u/L k|fKt ePsf] hUuf 5gf}6 ul/g' x'Fb}g .
hUuf s'g} bfjL ph'/L gk/]sf], ;'s'Djf;L a:tL] gePsf], cltqmldt gePsf]
x'g' kg]{5 .
hUuf bfg :j]lR5s eP gePsf] olsg ug{ Ps cf}krfl/s ;fj{hlgs
;'g'jfO{ ul/g' kg]{5 .
hUuf bfg :j]lR5s ePsf] olsg u/L lnlvt clen]v /flvg' kg]{5 / o;df
s'g} anhk\mtL ul/Psf] 5}g egL lgikIf ?kdf t];|f] kIf u}/;/sf/L ;+:yf
dfkm{t k|dfl0ft u/fOg' kb{5 .
/lhi6«]zg kf; u/] kZrft\ dfq hUuf x:tfGt/0f k"0f{ ePsf] dflgg]5 .
hUuf bfg lbFbf jf x:tfGt/0f ubf{ hUufsf] ef]uflwsf/ :ki6 ;Fu
v'nfOPsf] x'g' kg]{5 .
hUuf ;DaGw;DaGwL u'gf;f] Joj:yfJoj:yfkgsf] ;+oGq v8f ePsf] x'g'
kb{5 .
5. ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO{
olb gofF hUufdf ejg lgdf{0f ug{ nfluPsf] 5 eg] zx/L ljsf; tyf ejg lgdf{0f
ljefun] Ps ;fj{hlgs ;'g'jfO{sf] sfo{qmd cfof]hgf ul/g' kb{5 . pQm ;'g'jfO{df
lgdf{0f:ynsf] cWoog u/]sf] 8f6fl;6df pNn]v ePsf ljj/0fx? cg'df]bg u/fOg' kb{5 .
oL sfo{qmdx? lgdf{0f sfo{ of]hgfdf ;d]t :ki6 pNn]v ug'{ kg]{5 .
o; lgb]{lzsfdf plNnlvt ;j} cfwf/x? k'/f ePsf hUuf k|fKt geP ;Dd af]nkq ;"rgf
k|sflzt ul/g' x'Fb}g . o; lgb]{lzsf ljkl/t sfd sf/jfxL u/L s'g} ;d:of pTkGg ePdf
pQm ;d:ofsf] lhDd]jf/L af]nkq cfAXjfg ug]{ ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] x'g]5 .
kl/R5]b ^ – :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] gofF ejg lgdf{0f tyf :t/f]Gglt k|lqmof
;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf @)&) -;+zf]wg @)&#_
g]kfn ;/sf/ k|To]s gful/ssf] :jf:Yo cj:yfdf ;'wf/ ug{ k|ltj4 /x]sf] 5 . ljutsf]
nfdf] åGb Pj+ ljljw sl7gfO{sf afjh'b klg g]kfnn] :jf:Yosf] If]qdf k|efjsf/L pknAwLx?
xfl;n u/]sf] 5 . klxnf] g]kfn :jf:Yo If]q sfo{qmd (NHSP-I) b]lv @)!) ;Dd nfu" ePsf]
lyof]] . o;n] :jf:Yo If]qdf dxTjk"0f{ pknAwLx? xfl;n u/]sf] lyof] . :jf:Yo dGqfno /
afXo ljsf; ;fem]bf/x?sf] cys k|of; :j?k k'gM g]kfn :jf:Yo If]q sfo{qmd bf]>f] (NHSP-
II) @)!) b]lv @)!% ;+rfng 5 . o;n] ljz]if u/L dlxnf, ul/a, pk]lIft ju{df ;]jfsf] kxF+'r
k'/\ofpg] ;f]r /fv]sf] 5 . To;}u/L :jf:Yo dGqfnon] @)!% b]lv @)@) ;Ddsf] nflu g]kfn
:jf:Yo If]q /0fgLlt (NHSS) ;+rfngdf 5 .
g]kfndf :jf:Yo ;]jfsf] nflu :jf:Yo dGqfnosf] :yfkgf sfn b]lv g} xr'jf lsl;dn] /
zlQmzfnL AolQmx?åf/f lgb]{lzt e} s'g} a}1flgs cfwf/ Pj+ k|0ffnL ljgf g} :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?
:yfkgf ePsf] b]lvG5 . o;n] ubf{ xfn ;Dd klg :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?af6 k|efjsf/L 9+un]
hgdfg;nfO{ ;]jf lbg g;lsPsf] l:ylt 5 . ax';+Vos hgtfsf] nfe eGbf cfkm\gf] k|efj
If]qdf cem a9L k|efj hdfpg] p2]Zoaf6 k|]l/t e} sfo{qmdx? lgb]{lzt ePsf] b]lvG5 . ljut
s]xL aif{ cl3 b]lv o;df ;'wf/ Nofpg :jf:Yo dGqfno sl6j4 eO{ k'/ftg tyf AolQmjfbL
;f]raf6 x6L a}1flgs Pj+ ;do ;fk]If / a9L eGbf a9L hg;ª\VofnfO{ ;]jfsf] pkef]u Pj+
kxF+r k'/\ofpg] k|ljlwsf] ljsf;sf] nflu k/]sf] 5 .
o;} ;f]r cg'?k g]kfn :jf:Yo If]q sfo{qmd bf]>f] (NHSP-II) n] :jf:Yosf ljleGg If]qsf]
k}/jL u/]em} :jf:Yo ;]jfsf] kx'F+r xfn %) k|ltzt /x]sf]df ;g\ @)!% ;Dddf pQm ;]jfsf]
kx'F+r sDtLdf klg *) k|ltztdf k'/\ofpg]] nIo /fv]sf] lyof] .
tf]lsPsf ;j} nIok"lt{sf nflu xr'jfdf, eg;'g Pj+ bjfjdf jf /fhg}lts AolQm Pj+
g]tf sfo{stf{sf] r'gfjL If]qnfO{ nlIft u/L ;+:yf :yfkgf ug'{ eGbf hg;ª\Vof Pj+ la/fdLsf]
rfksf] cj:yfnfO{ Wofgdf /flv a}1flgs ;fwg -6'N;_ k|of]u u/L ef}uf]lns Pj+ w/ftlno
:j?k cg'';f/ gof+ :yfkgf÷:t/a[l4 Pj+ gof+ lgdf{0f ug'{ h?/L e} ;s]sf] b]lvG5 . o;f] ePdf
dfq g]kfn :jf:Yo If]q sfo{qmd bf]>f]n] tf]s]sf] nIf adf]lhd hg;d'bfosf] :jf:Yo ;]jfsf]
:t/ dfly p7g] b]lvG5 / :jf:Yo ;]jfsf] ;lx pkof]u ;d]t x'g] b]lvG5 .
4.2. kl/roM
xfn b]zdf /x]sf :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf] ;du| ljZn]if0f ug]{ xf] eg] u'0f:t/Lo :jf:Yo ;]jf
k|bfg ug{ :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] ejgx?sf] lgtfGt cefj /x]sf] kfO{G5 . ePsf ejgx? klg
sltko cg'ko'Qm :yfgdf /x]sf] ;fy} s'g :t/sf] ejg cfjZostf xf] < ;f] gx]/L ljgf ;f]r
ljrf/ ag]sf] x'Fbf hgtfx?nfO{ nIf adf]lhd ;]jf k|bfg ug{ g;lsg], clwsd hgtfnfO{
kfPs gkg]{, ;f] ;+:yfaf6 lbO{g] ;]jf ;b'kof]u x'g g;lsPsf] l:ylt b]lvPsf] 5 . o;/L
aflif{s ?kdf hgtfsf] s/af6 p7]sf] /fh:jsf] ;lx pkof]u geO{ s'g} ;f]r Pj+ cWoog ljgf
g} xr'jfsf] e/df ejg lgdf{0fdf nufgL xF'bf To;af6 ck]lIft pknAwL k"0f{ ?kdf xfl;n
gePsf] l:ylt 5 . :jf:Yo ;]jfsf] kx'F+r Pj+ ;]jfnfO{ k|efjsf/L 9+uaf6 ;~rfng ug{ ;fy}
;]jfsf] u'0f:t/df ;'wf/ ug{ xfn e} /x]sf] / gofF agfO{g] :jf:Yo ;+:yfx? j}1flgs 9+un]
Joj:yfkg, lj:tf/ tyf lgdf{0f ug'{ cTofjZos b]lvG5 . o;} cfjZostfnfO{ Wofgdf /fvL
:t/a[4L ul/g] tyf gofF agfOg] :jf:Yo ;+:yfsf ejgx? k|efjsf/L 9+un] pkof]u tyf
;~rfng xf]pg\ eGg] p2]Zosf ;fy} ljleGg txsf :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?df ax';+Vos
hg;d'bfosf] ;dfg'kflts kx'F+rsf] cfjZostf dx;'; u/L o; cf=a= b]lv :jf:Yo
;+:yfx?sf] gof+ lgdf{0f tyf :t/f]Ggltsf] nflu a}1flgs 9+un] 5gf}6 ug]{ k|lqmof ljsf;
ul/Psf] / o;nfO{ ;+:yfut ?kdf ljsf; u/L ljutdf /x]sf sdL sdhf]/LnfO{ xtf]T;flxt
ub}{ o; k|ljlwnfO{ k"0f{ ?kn] :yfkg ug]{ p2]Zosf ;fy of] lgb]{lzsf tof/ ul/Psf] xf] .
:jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf] gofF lgdf{0f tyf :t/f]Gglt ug{sf nflu j}1flgs dfu{ k|of]u u/L
:t/f]Gglt x'g] ;+:yfx? 5gf]6 tyf xfn ljBdfg :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf] gofF ejgsf] lgdf{0fsf]
5gf]6 k|lqmofnfO{ ;+:yfut u/L ;f] sf] k|of]uaf6 xfn :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?df e} /x]sf nufgLaf6
a9L eGbf a9L k|ltkmn k|fKt ug]{ 5 . ;+If]kdf of] lgb]{lzsfsf] d"n b'O{ p2]Zox? /x]sf 5g\ .
tNnf] txsf :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?nfO{ j}1flgs / j:t'ut cfwf/df pkNnf txsf :jf:Yo
;+:yfdf :t/f]Gglt ug]{ .
ljleGg txsf :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf gofF ejg lgdf{0fsf nflu a}1flgs / j:t'ut
cfwf/df ;+:yf 5gf}6 ug]{ .
4.4. :t/f]Ggltsf nflu :jf:Yo ;+:yf 5gf]6 ljlw M
bf];|f] tx (Secondary Level) / t];|f] tx -Tertiary Level) c:ktfnsf ;]jfx? ;~rfng
ul//x]sf ljBdfg c:ktfnx? -If]qLo, pk–If]qLo, c~rn c:ktfn_ nfO{ qmdzM bf];|f]
tx / t];|f] tx c:ktfndf juL{s/0f ul/g]5 . oL c:ktfnx?df cfjZostf cg';f/
ljz]if1 ;]jfx? yKg] / ;fy;fy} qmdzM Ifdtf ljsf; ub}{ nUg] gLlt /x]sf] 5.
ljBdfg cGo txsf :jf:Yo ;+:yfx? olb /0fg}lts lx;fjn] dxTjk"0f{ :Yffgdf
cjl:yt eP jf w]/} hg;+VofnfO{ ;]jf k'¥ofpg] b]lvPdf tL ;+:yfx?nfO{ klg
:t/f]GgtLsf nflu 5gf]6 ul/g]5 .
;a} lhNnf:t/sf c:ktfnx?nfO{ k|fylds c:ktfnsf] …sÚ ju{df /flvg]5 . o:t} ;a}
!% z}o\of c:ktfnx? / k|fylds :jf:Yo s]Gb|x?nfO{ /0fg}lts ?kdf dxTjk"0f{
:yfgdf cjl:yt eP jf w]/} hg;+VofnfO{ ;]jf k'¥ofpg] eP jf w]/} j:tLx? ;Fu
hf]l8Osf] eP oL :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?nfO{ klg …sÚ ju{df :t/f]GgtL ug{ 5gf]6 ul/g]5 .
afFls ;a} k|fylds :jf:Yo s]Gb| / !% z}o\of c:ktfnx?nfO{ …vÚ ju{df /flvg]5 .
tf]lsPsf] cw{Aof; -kxf8÷lxdfndf & dL / t/fO{df !) dL_ leq s'g} k|fylds, bf];|f]
jf t];|f] txsf c:ktfn gk/]sf cGo :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?nfO{ ;d"x -cluster_df /flvG5 .
o; ;d"xdf k/]sf :jf:Yo ;+:yfx? dWo] ;a}eGbf pko'Qm -/0fg}lts lx;fjn] dxTjk"0f{
:yfgdf k/]sf jf w]/} hg;+VofnfO{ ;]jf k'¥ofpg]_ :jf:Yo ;+:yfnfO{ k|fylds jf To;
eGbf dflysf] txsf] c:ktfndf :t/f]GgtLsf] nflu 5gf]6 ul/g]5 .
o;sf nflu GIS Tools k|of]u u/L :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf] cj:yfnfO{ lgDgfg';f/ $
r/0fdf ljZn]if0f ul/g]5 .
klxnf] r/0f
- tf]lsPsf] ls=dL=j/fj/sf] cw{Aof; leq s'g} klg c:ktfn ge]l6Psf] jf To; ;]jf
If]q leq @) xhf/ eGbf a9L hg;+Vof ePsf] ;fy} ;8s dfu{x? jf ;f] ;8s
dfu{ eGbf &%) ld6/ bfFof / afFof cjl:yt ePsf ;+:yfx?nfO{ klxnf] r/0fdf
5gf]6 ul/g]5 .
bf]>f] r/0f
- klxnf] r/0faf6 5gf]6 ePsf :jf:Yo ;+:yfx? k'gM GIS Tools dfkm{t ;a}sf]
cw{Aof; (Aerial Radius), hg;+Vof Pj+ ;8s ;~hfnnfO{ gS;f+sg u/L
k'g/fjnf]sg ul/g]5 . o;f] ubf{ olb To; If]q leq Ps eGbf a9L ;+:yf ;"rLs[t
ePsf] kfOPdf h'g ;+:yfsf] ;]jfu|fxL hg;+Vof ;a}eGbf a9L 5 ;f]xL ;+:yfnfO{
5gf]6 ul/g]5 .
t]>f] r/0fM
- o;/L 5flgP/ cfPsf ;+:yfx?nfO{ To; ;+:yfsf] :yfg -/0fg}lts lx;fjn]
dxTjk"0f{_ / ;]jf If]q -Catchment Area) leq /x]sf] hg;+Vofsf cfwf/df
k|fylds tx, låtLo tx / t[tLo tx u/L juL{s/0f u/L :t/f]GgtLsf nflu
l;kmfl/; ul/g]5 .
rf}yf} r/0fM
- t]>f] r/0fsf] 5gf]6 k|lqmof;Dd klg g5flgPsf afFls ;a} :jf:Yo ;+:yfx? -
:jf:Yo rf}sL_ nfO{ ;f] ;+:yfsf] ;]jfu|fxL hg;+Vofsf] cfwf/df A, B, C / D df
juL{s/0f ul/g]5 . Pj+ k|sf/n] ;]jfsf] kx'Fr / /0fg}lts cjl:yltsf cfwf/df
ljleGg tx / ju{df juL{s[t c:ktfnx?sf] klg oyf]lrt z}o\of ;+Vof tf]lsg]5 .
tf]lsPsf] tx, ju{ / z}o\of Ifdtf cg';f/sf] gofF c:ktfn ejg lgdf{0f ubf{
gd"gf l8hfOgx?sf] cfwf/ lnO{ lgdf{0f:ynsf] jf:tljs :ynut cj:yf (Site
Condition) nfO{ dWogh/ u/L cfjZostf d"Nof+sg (Need Assessment) sf
cfwf/df c:ktfn kl/;/df ljBdfg ;+/rgfx?sf] ;d]t ;b'kof]u x'g] u/L l8hfOg
ug'{ kg]5
{ .
kl/R5]b ^ – :jf:Yo ;+:yf lgdf{0fsfo{nfO{ Aojl:yt ug{ Joj:yf ul/Psf
ldlt @)^!÷(÷!@ df ul7t :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f s]Gb|Lo ;dGjo ;ldlt / :jf:Yo ejg
lgdf{0f s]Gb|Lo cg'udg ;ldltsf] ;§f s]Gb|Lo :t/df lgDgfg';f/ :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f s]Gb|Lo
;dGjo tyf cg'udg ;ldlt / :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f s]Gb|Lo k|fljlws ;ldlt u7g ug]{Ù
If]qLo tyf lhNNff:t/df ;ldltx? u7g ug]{ / tL ;ldltx?sf] 9fFrf, sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/
lgDgfg';f/ x'g]5 .
s]Gb|Lo ;dGjo tyf cg'udg ;ldltn] hf/L u/]sf] lgb]{zs gLlt tyf lgb]{lzsfx?sf]
clwgdf /xL cfk\mgf] sfo{ ug]{ :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f s]Gb|Lo k|fljlws ;ldltsf] sfd,
st{Ao / clwsf/x? lgDgfg';f/ /xg] 5 .
s_ :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0fsf] u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f / lgoGq0f ;'lglZrt ug{ cfjZos ;+oGq
lgdf{0f ug]{ / ;f] ;DaGwdf lgoldt cg'udg ug]{ .
v_ :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f If]qLo cg'udg ;ldlt÷lhNnf :t/Lo sfof{Gjo ;ldltnfO{
cfjZos lgb]{zg lbg] / sfof{Gjogdf cfpg] afwf c8\rg km'sfpg] .
u_ :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0fdf cfjZos aflif{s sfo{ of]hgf tyf bLw{sfngL ;'wf/ of]hgf
th'{df ug{sf nflu lgb]{zs gLlt tyf l;4fGtx? d:of}bf u/L :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f
s]Gb|Lo ;dGjo tyf cg'udg ;ldltdf l:js[ltsf] nflu k]z ug]{ .
3_ :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ef}lts tyf ljQLo k|ultsf] lgoldt ;ldIff ug]{ /
;d:of ;dfwfgsf nflu cljnDj lgb]{zgx? lbg] .
:jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f If]qLo cg'udg ;ldltsf] sfd, st{Ao / clwsf/x? lgDgfg';f/ /xg]
s_ o; ;ldltn] cfkm\gf] sfo{If]q leqsf :jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0fsf] lgoldt cg'udg u/L
lgdf{0f sfo{qmdx?sf] cj:yf -k||ult, cfof]hgf ljz]ifsf ljleGg ;jfnx?_ jf/]
;DalGwt lgsfox?df hfgsf/L÷;r]t u/fO{ oyf]lrt ;'wf/sf] nflu kxn ug]{ .
v_ cfk\mgf] sfo{If]qsf :jf:Yo ;+:yfx?sf] cj:yf / cfjZostfx? klxrfg u/L
cfufdL jif{sf] of]hgfdf ;dfj]z ug{sf nflu :jf:Yo ;]jf ljefu, Joj:yfkg
dxfzfvfdf l;kmfl/; u/L k7fpg].
u_ :jf:Yo dGqfnoaf6 :jLs[t sfo{qmd tyf ah]6 cg';f/sf] sfo{x? k|rlnt
sfg"gsf] clwgdf /xL k|efjsf/L ?kdf ;~rfng / ;DkGg ug{÷u/fpgdf
;dGjofsf/L e"ldsf lgjf{x u/L lgdf{{0fsf] k|lqmofdf ;3fp k'/\ofpg] .
a}7s lgoldt ?kdf a:g' kg]{5 . cfjZos k/]sf] avtdf o; ;ldltsf] a}7sdf
;DalGwt lgdf{0f Joj;foL, :yfgLo ;/f]sf/jfnf tyf a'l4hLjLx? ;d]t cfdGq0f
ug{ ;lsg]5 . o; ;ldltsf] a}7sdf lgDgfg';f/ ljifoj:t'x?df 5nkmn u/L lg0f{o
ul/g' kb{5 h'g lg0f{ox? :ki6 ?kdf lg0f{o k'l:tsfdf n]vL ;'/lIft /flvg' kb{5 .
oL lg0f{o k'l:tsfsf kfgfx?sf] k|ltlnlk x:tfGt/0f sfuhftdf ;+nUg ul/g' kb{5 .
lgdf{0fsf] nflu cjnDjg ul/Psf] lgdf{0f ;fdu|L tyf k|lalwsf] jf/]
:yfgLo lgdf{0f ;fdu|Lsf] ;|f]tsf] :yfg -lgdf{0f:ynaf6 b"/L_ ;DaGw;DaGwL
hUuf 5gf}6 ;DaGw;DaGwLM ejg lgdf{0fsf nflu k|fKt hUuf æ:jf:Yo ;+:yf
lgdf{0fsf nflu lgdf{0f :yn 5gf}6 ;DaGwL lgb]{lzsf @)&)Æ cg'?k 5 5}g
olsg u/L ;ldltn] lgdf{0fsf] nflu l;kmfl/; ug]{ / ;f] sf] hfgsf/L :jf:Yo
;]jf ljefudf k7fpg] .
To; ;+:yfsf nflu k|of]u ug{ 5gf}6 ul/Psf gd'gf l8hfOgx? af/]
gd'gf l8hfOgdf :yfgLo j:t'l:ylt cg';f/ ul/g' kg]{ s]xL yk36 eP ;f] sf]
pNn]v .
l8hfOgnfO{ clGtd ?k lbO{ lg0f{o u/]sf] ;DaGw;DaGwL
lgoldt k|ult ;dLIff -sDtLdf @ dlxgfdf_
e]l/Pzg cfb]zsf] ;jfn p7]df To;sf] pkfb]otf k'li6 ;DaGw;DaGwL
sfo{ ;DkGg ;DaGw;DaGwL
ejg x:tfGt/0f ;DaGw;DaGwL
v_ o; ;ldltsf kbflwsf/Lx?n] ejg lgdf{0fsf qmd lgoldt ?kdf ;+o'Qm :ynut
cg'udg ug'{ kg]{5 . cg'udgsf qmddf cf}NofOPsf sdL sdhf]/Lx? ;'wf/ ug{ /
;d:ofx?nfO{ ;dfwfg ug{ cljnDj kxn sbd rfNg' kg]{5 .
u_ lgdf{0fsf nflu k|fKt hUuf ;DaGw;DaGwL s'g} klg k|sf/sf] ljjfb l;h{gf eO{
lgdf{0f sfo{sf] k|ultdf afwf cfpg] cj:yf cfPdf o; ;ldlt lqmofzLn eO{
;+lwof/x?;Fu cfjZos ;dGjo u/L ;d:of ;dfwfg ug{ ;lqmo kxn ug'{ kg]{5 .
3_ o; ;ldltsf] lgoldt a}7sdf lgdf{0fsfo{sf] ef}lts tyf ljQLo k|ult jf/] k|:t'lt
tyf 5nkmn ul/g' kb{5 . lgdf{0fsfo{df olb s'g} k|sf/sf] clgoldttf, l9nf;':tL,
x]nrq\mofO{+ jf uDeL/ q'6L ePsf] kfOPdf ;f] ;DaGwdf ;DalGwt lgsfox?nfO{
cljnDa hfgsf/L u/fpg] / cfjZos sf/afxLsf] k|lqmof cl3 a9fpg cfu|x ug'{
kg{] 5 .
ª_ lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg eP kZrft\ lgdf{0fsfo{sf] ;+o'Qm :ynut cg'udg u/L b]lvPsf
s}lkmot clen]v /fVg] -7]s]bf/sf] pkl:yltdf_ / ;'wf/sf] nflu lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ lgb]{zg
lbg nufpg] . olb ;fdfGo s}lkmotx? dfq /x]sf] 7x/ ePdf ;f]sf] ;'wf/ x:tfGt/0f kZrft\
klg lg/Gt/tf lbg] sa'n lgdf{0f Joj;foLaf6 u/fO{ ejg x:tfGt/0f lng] Joj:yf ug]{ . olb
lgdf{0f sfo{ u'0f:t/xLg /x]sf], uDeL/ q'6Lx? ePsf] 7xl/Pdf o:tf ejgx?df cfjZos
;'wf/ u/] kZrft\ dfq x:tfGt/0f lng] u/L lgdf{0f Joj;foLnfO{ q'6L ;Rofpg lglZrt ;do
lbg] .
lgdf{0f:ynx¿sf] cfjZostf d"NofÍg
$= 6f]nL ;b:ox¿
6f]nLdf :jf:Yo k"jf{wf/x¿af/] 1fg ePsf k|fljlwsx¿ -cGo lj1x¿ / :6sr/n Ol~hlgo/,
ljB't Ol~hlgo/ / cfjZostfg';f/ cGo_ /xg} kb{5 . 6f]nL ;b:ox¿ :jf:Yo k"jf{wf/x¿sf]
ljsf;df lhDd]jf/ Joj:yfkgf dxfzfvfn] k|:tfj u/]sf ljleGg ;+3;+:yfx¿, ljefux¿ /
dxfzfvfx¿sf JolQmx¿ x'g;Qm5 . zx/L ljsf; tyf ejg lgdf{0f ljefusf ;DalGwt
l8lehg Ol~hlgo/ / lhNnfsf k|fljlws klg 6f]nLsf c+u x'g]5 .
4. cfjZostf d"NofÍgsf nflu k|of]u ug'{kg]{ k|ZgfjnLsf] 9fFrf
:jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] gfd:
c:ktfn [ ] k|f=:jf=s]= [ ] :jf:Yo s]Gb| [ ] cGo [ ] ===================================================
lhNnf: uf=lj=;=÷g=kf= / j8f g=: ufpF÷6f]nsf] gfdM
! kx'FrM df]6/ af6f] ;Fu hf]l8Psf] < 5 [ ] 5}g [ ]
olb hf]l8Psf] eP af6f]sf] ljj/0fM /fhdfu{ [ ]; a:tLsf] k|d'v dfu{ [ ]; ;xfos dfu{ [ ]
af6f]sf] gfd : ............................................................................................. af6f]sf] rf}8fO -dL6/_: ...................
olb ;xfos dfu{df hf]l8Psf] eP k|d'v dfu{ jf /fhdfu{af6 slt 6f9f < ……... ls=ld jf ==========lx8fOsf] 306f
olb :jf:Yo ;+:yf df]6/af6f] ;Fu hf]l8Psf] 5}g eg], lxF8]/ slt 6f9f 5 < ……... ls=ld jf =========lx8fOsf] 306f
dflysf] b"/L sxfFaf6 < /fhdfu{ [ ]; a:tLsf] k|d'v dfu{ [ ]; ;xfos dfu{ [ ]
laB't h8fgsf] k|sf/M [ ] l;Ën k]mh [ ] y|L k]mh; Ifdtf ......................... PlDko/
k|fylds j}slNks phf{ ;|f]t:
[ ] ;f]nf/ [ ] h]g]/]6/ [ ] OGe6{/÷o"=kL=P; [ ] pknAw 5}g .
h]g]/]6/ eP To;sf] Ifdtf .................... (VA)
;f]nf/ eP Kofgnsf] Ifdtf: ...................... (watt); Aof6/Lsf] Ifdtf: ..................... (amphr)
bf];|f] j}slNks phf{ ;|f]t:
[ ] ;f]nf/ [ ] h]g]/]6/ [ ] OGe6{/÷o'=lk=P; [ ] pknAw 5}g .
h]g]/]6/ eP To;sf] Ifdtf .................... (VA)
;f]nf/ eP Kofgnsf] Ifdtf: ...................... (watt); Aof6/Lsf] Ifdtf: ..................... (amphr)
$ vfg]kfgLM s] o; ;+:yfdf kfgLsf] Joj:yf 5 < 5[ ] 5}g [ ]
k|fylds ;|f]t:
zx/L vfg]kfgL nfOg [ ] :yfgLo d'xfg [ ] 6\o'jj]n [ ] af]l/Ë [ ] Ogf/[ ] vf]nf [ ] cfsfz]kfgL [ ]
cGo [ ] -pNn]v ug'{xf];\_ …………
j}slNks ;|f]tM
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cGo [ ] -pNn]v ug'{xf];\_ …………
s] pknAw kfgL kof{Kt 5 < 5 [ ] 5}g [ ]
s] pknAw kfgL lkpgof]Uo 5 < 5 [ ] 5}g [ ]
% OG6/g]6 ;'ljwf
;|f]t: 8fonck [ ] P=l8=P;=Pn= [ ] s]jn [ ] jfo/n]; - CDMA [ ] 3G [ ]; pknAw 5}g [ ]
Aof08ljb\y: ......................
^ lgdf{0f:ynsf] k|s[lt
s] of] lgdf{0f:yn af9L cfpg] vf]nf÷gbLsf] lsgf/fdf 5 < 5 [ ] 5}g [ ]
s] of] lgdf{0f:yn P]ltxfl;s÷;fF:s[lts dxTjsf] :yfgdf cjl:yt 5 < 5 [ ] 5}g [ ]
olb eP, gfd pNn]v ug'{xf];\ ===============================================================
df6f]sf] k|s[lt < [ ] g/d [ ] r§fgL [ ] u|fe]n [ ] cGo ……………………..
af6f]sf] cfwf/df hUufsf] cg'l:ylt (Orientation): ……………………………………… (k"j{÷klZrd÷pQ/÷blIf0f)
hUufsf] :nf]k [ ] ;dtn [ ] xNsf le/fnf] [ ] le/fnf] (cGbfhL :nf]ksf] l8u|Ldf======……….)
& hUufsf] :jfldTj
s] hUuf wgL k"hf{
:jfldTjsf] cj:yf hUufsf] If]qkmn -j=dL=_
qm= cfk\mg} ef8f klt{ ef]uflw lghL lgld{t hUufsf] 5 5}g
Kn6 g+=
;+= :jfldTj sf/ ejgsf] If]=km=
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;a} df}h'bf Ansx?sf] nfOg Knfg gS;f sf]/L sf]7fsf] k|of]hg / ejgsf] gfk pNn]v
ug]M{ ===================================================================== ========== ===============================
============================= ====================================== ===========================
9. cf]e/x]8 kfgL6\of+sL
[ 5fgf dfly
] [ ] 6fj/dfly [ ] pknAw gePsf]
[ ] e"ldut [ ] e'OFdfly [ ] pknAw gePsf]
12. ;f]slk6
cj:yf: [ ] k|of]udf /x]sf] [ ] k|of]udf g/x]sf] [ ] pknAw gePsf]
lgdf{0f ldlt: ..................... Ifdtf: ............... (So"=ld=)
14. ;]jfIf]qleq k|of]ustf{ / pkof]ustf{x¿sf] cfjfudg 9fFrf < (gS;fdf k|:t't ug'{xf];\)
15. cfjZos cfjf; ;'ljwf / ljBdfg ;'ljwfsf cj:yf <
16. s'g s'g lgdf{0f ;fdu|L :yfgLo >f]taf6 pknAw x'G5 <
lgdf{0f sfo{ l9nfO{ x'g'sf sf/0fx?
:jf:Yo ejgx?sf] lgdf{0fdf sfd l9nf x'gfsf d'Vo sf/0fx? lgDgfg';f/ /x]sf] b]lvPsf 5g\ .
s= hUufsf] :jfldTj :ki6 geOsg lgdf{0f sfo{sf] af]nkq u/L ;Demf}tf ul/Psf]
v= hUufsf] :jfldTj jf cGo ;DaGw;DaGwL ljjfb
u= lgdf{0f Joj;foLsf] nfk/jfxL / l9nf ;':tL .
3= z'?df g} ejgsf] cfls{6]Sr/, :6«Sr/ / ;le{;]hsf] l8hfOg k"0f{ ?kdf geOlbgfn] lgdf{0f
z'? eP kZrft\ lj:t[t gS;f pknAw gePsf] egL sfd cj?4 ePsf] .
ª ck|Tofl;t tyf cfsl:ds cj:yf h:t} aGb÷x8tfn, k|fs[lts k|sf]k -af9L, klx/f],
e"sDk cflb_, lgdf{0f ;fdu|L ahf/df pknAw gx'g' jf cgk]lIft d"Noa[l4 cflb
;dfwfgsf pkfox?
pko'Qm lgdf{0f:yn olsg gu/L af]nkq k|lqmof z'? gug]{ .
cfls{6]Sr/, :6«Sr/, On]lS6«sn / :oflg6/Lsf lj:t[t l8hfOg gS;f tof/ gu/L af]nkq
k|lqmof z'? gug]{ .
sfo{qmd k|fKt x'gf;fy lgdf{0f:yn pKfnAw u/fOlbg ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{ kq n]Vg]
ljjflbt lgdf{0f:yndf lgdf{0f ug{ af]nkq k|lqmof z'? gug]{ . ljjfb /x]sf] s'/f
hfgsf/Ldf cfpg] lalQs} ljjfb ;dfwfgsf nflu ;DalGwt :jf:Yo ;+:yf / :jf:Yo ;]jf
ljefudf kq n]Vg] .
lgdf{0f:yndf b}lgs ?kdf a}7s a;L sfo{of]hgf cg';f/ lgdf{0fsf] k|ult ;dLIff ug]{,
olb l9nfO eO/x]sf] b]lvPdf t'?Gt sfdsf] ult a9fpg sfo{ of]hgf agfpg] / lgdf{0f
sfo{ of]hgf tb\g';f/ ;+zf]wg ug]{ .
7]s]bf/n] nfk/jfxL jf l9nf ;':tL u/]sf] b]lvPdf
- df}lvs÷lnlvt tfs]tf÷/fli6«o :t/sf] klqsfdf ;"rgf k|sflzt ug]{ .
- sfo{;Dkfbg hdfgt÷ clu|d e'QmfgLsf] hdfgt a}+sjf6 lkmtf{ dfUg] .
- 7]Ssf tf]8L sfnf] ;"rLdf /fVg] .
- xhf{gf lnO{ Dofb yk ug]{ .
- yf]/} sfd dfq x'g afFsL eP ;hu u/fO{ Dofb yk ug]{ / sfo{ k|ultsf] s8fOsf ;fy
cg'udg ug]{ .
sfof{Gjog ug]{ lgsfo / lgdf{0f Joj;foL aLr ljjfb l;h{gf eP ljefu tyf
dGqfnojf6 ;+oQm 6f]nL uO{ ljjfb ;dfwfgsf] k|of; ug]{ .
sfo{ ;DkGg eO{ x:tfGt/0f gePsf of]hgfx¿sf] ;"rL tof/ ug]{ / ;DalGwt sfof{Gjog
lgsfonfO{ kq n]Vg] . x:tfGt/0f x'g g;s]sf] sf/0f s]nfO{ tb\g';f/ ;d:of ;dfwfgsf]
kxn u/L oyfzL3| x:tfGt/0f ug]{ .
lhNnf :jf:Yo ejg sfof{Gjog ;ldltnfO{ ;ls|o agfO{ k|To]s dlxgf a}7s a;L
cfOk/]sf] ;d:ofaf/] 5nkmn ug]{ . ;dfwfgdf pkfox¿jf/] lgsfNg] .
cg';"rL – #
:jf:Yo ejg lgdf{0f sfo{sf] cg'udg r]slni6 kmf/fd
:jf:Yo ;+:yfsf] gfd:
lhNnf: uf=lj=;=÷g=kf= / j8f g=: ufpF÷6f]nsf] gfdM
! lgdf{0f k|ult
sfo{of]hgf cg';f/ x'g' kg]{ sfdM
lgdf{0f:yndf b]lvPsf sfdsf] ljj/0fM
@ lgdf{0f u'0f:t/
lkmlgl;Ësf] cj:yfM /fd|f] [ ] ;Gtf]ifhgs [ ] g/fd|f] [ ]
s] leQf, 5fgf, zf}rfno cflb af6 kfgL r'lxPsf] 5 < 5 [ ] 5}g [ ] ……………………………………
s] lgdf{0f ;fdu|L u'0f:t/ k/LIf0fsf k|ltj]bgx?n] tL ;fdu|Lx? kf; ePsf 5g\ < 5 [ ] 5}g [ ]
s] lgdf{0f:yndf l8hfOg gS;f, d"No c+lst kl/df0f ;'rL (BoQ) tyf :k]l;lkms]zg /flvPsf] 5 <
5 [ ] 5}g [ ] k"/f 5}g [ ]
s] e\mofn 9f]sfsf] k]|md, zf}rfnosf] Kofg, a]l;g cflbdf kf]lvPsf /Fusf bfux? ;kmf ul/Psf] 5 <
5 [ ] 5}g [ ] k"/f 5}g [ ]
laB't h8fgsf] k|sf/M [ ] l;Ën k]mh [ ] y|L k]mh; Ifdtf ......................... PlDko/
;Gbe{ u|Gy ;"rL
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In the exercise of the powers conferred by the Sub-section (29) (1) of the Section (29) of
the Kathmandu Valley Development Authority Act, 2045, the Government of Nepal has
framed the following rules.
Chapter -1
1. Short-title and Commencement: (1) These Rules may be called "Kathmandu
Valley Development Authority Rule, 2068."
(2) These Rules shall come into force from the date of commencement of
the Act.
2. Definition: Unless the subject or the context otherwise require in the Rules,
(a) "Project" means, the project related to the Land Development Program.
(c) "User Committee" means user group constituted from among the land
owners or the tenants to assist and manage of a land development project.
Chapter - 2
Operation of Physical Development Plan
3. Formulation and Approval of Physical Development Plan: (1) While
formulating physical development plan pursuant to the Section (5) of the Act, the
Authority shall prepare, for sustainable development and management of
Kathmandu valley considering the Kathmandu valley as a single entity, on the
basis of the sustainable development concept, policy, and standard and by laws,
sectoral plan or map.
(2) After the approval of the physical development plan by the Government
of Nepal pursuant to Sub-section (5) (2) of the Section (5) of the Act, the plan
shall be published in the Nepal Gazette with detail for the information of the
general public.
(3) The physical development plan shall come into force after publishing
the detail of the plan in the Nepal Gazette as per Sub-rule (2).
(2) Concern person, body or institution shall have a duty to follow the
standard promulgated pursuant to Sub-section (1) by the Authority.
such property or not to accept the said property as security or mortgage until the
concern person demolishes or removes the part of that construction.
(2) The concern body shall follow the order of the Authority accordingly if
orders receive as per Sub-rule (1).
(3) The Authority may demand necessary security and help from the
Government of Nepal or any agency to perform the task under the Act or Rules.
(4) The concern body shall extend necessary help upon the request of the
Authority pursuant to Sub-rule (3) to the Authority.
Chapter - 3
Operation of the Programs Related to Land Development Project
8. Provision Relating to the Operatation of Guided Land Development
Program: (1) The Authority may constitute a User Committee pursuant to Part
(10.1.1) of the Sub-section (10.1) of the Section (10) of the Act for the
participation of local land owner or tenant in the process of operating guided land
development program and, it shall be the duty of such User Committee to assist
the operation of the programs launched by the Authority.
(2) If the land owners or tenants submit an application seeking for the
operation of guided land development program in the area, mentioning the four
sides of land, where the guided land development programs is not operated, the
Authority may operate guided land development program in such area where at
least fifty families can reside in the area.
may operate a land pooling program in the area where at least fifty family can
(2) The authority in going to operate land pooling program pursuant to Sub-
clause 1, it shall constitute a User Committee from among the users of respective
area for the participation of local landowner or tenant and the land pooling
program shall operate with the co-operation of User Committee.
(3) While operating land pooling program, the authority shall publish a
public notice as per Section (7) of the Act, and shall impose restriction on the
fragmentation or physical change to be made by any person of the immovable
property situated in the said part for a period not exceeding two years.
10. To Separate the Land: In the course of operating land pooling program, the
Authority shall, on consultation of user committee, fix the area of land that the
land owners or tenants have to provide for a land pooling program on the basis of
the current monetary value of that land and existing road and other provided
facilities in the said part in order to provide services such as road, drainage, open
space, drinking water and electricity.
11. To Fix Land into a Single Plot: After separating land pursuant to Rules 10, the
Authority shall, for the purpose of returning back the developed sites to the
previous landowner or tenants and for transforming the entire plots of land into a
single plot, as per the Section (7) of the Act, forwards a letter to prevent transfer of
ownership of immovable property situated in the concerned area to the office
authorized for registration for a period of one year in maximum and after receiving
such information the concerned office shall not register any immovable property,
written in such part, by transferring ownership.
12. To Distribute Land: (1) After finalizing the task of land pooling pursuant to
Rule 11, the Authority shall return the developed sites to the previous landowner
or tenant along with the provisional certificate within the period as mentioned in
the said Sub-rules.
(2) After returning developed site to the concerned land owner or tenants
pursuant to Sub-rules 1, along with provisional certificate, the Authority shall
write a letter to the concerned office of the land survey and land revenue for
making compatible the survey map with the certificate, maintaining the record of
landowner and for issuing land owner registration certificate, the land survey and
land revenue offices shall also make compatible the survey map as per the
certificate, prepare the survey map of the land, maintain the record of the
landowner and issue a land owner registration certificate to the concerned
landowner or tenant.
(3) After preparing a new survey map, record of the landowner and the
landowner registration certificate having compatible with the survey map,
pursuant to Sub-rule 2, within the area of the programs of land pooling, the entire
previous inventory of the land owner and tenants of the concerned area shall be
13. The Authority itself may Acquire Land: In case a landowner having less
land than the area of minimum unit pursuant to Part 10.1.4 of Subsection 10.1 of
Section 10 of the Act, is unable to purchase site at a cost determined by the
Authority, the Authority shall itself purchase the land of such landowner or tenant
and shall give compensation as per the current value of the said land.
14. Project to be Handed Over: (1) After completing all activities of the
project relating to the land development programs operated by the Authority, the
Authority may hand over it to a local body or User Committee registered as per
the prevailing law.
(2) If User Committee intends to take over the land development program
as per Sub rule 1, the Committee shall have at least sixty percent landowners or
tenants as a direct beneficiary membership.
(3) The Authority shall make an agreement with the concerned Local Body
or User Committee pursuant to sub-clause 1, while handing over the land
development program.
(4) The Local Body or User Committee that takes over the project through
the handover process as per this Rule, shall supervise or manage the project
according to the condition of the agreement.
(5) If the Local Body or User Committee is not taking proper supervision or
management of the project as per condition of the agreement, the Authority may at
any time take back the project in own responsibility.
15. Local Body may Operate the Land Development Program: (1) If the
Local Body intends to operate the land development program in any part of its
area, it may do so by taking approval of the Authority.
(2) While operating the land development program pursuant to the Act, or
Rule, the Local Body shall have the power as good as the Authority and the Local
Body shall comply with the procedure and other provisions of the Act, or Rule, to
be followed by the Authority while operating the land development program.
(3) The Authority may provide technical and financial facility to Local
Body operating the land development program as per this Rule.
Chapter - 4
Meeting of the Committee and Provision Relating to Subcommittee:
16. Procedure to Regarding Committee Meeting: (1) The meeting of the
Committee shall be held as necessary.
(2) The meeting of the Committee shall be held on the date, time and place
prescribed by the Chairman.
(3) The Member Secretary shall distribute a notice of the meeting to the
members at least twenty four hours before the meeting.
(4) The meeting shall be deemed to have completed the quorum if more
than fifty percent members of total number of the Committee are present in the
(5) The Chairman of the Committee shall preside over the meeting of the
Committee and in case of absence of the Chairman at the meeting, the member
chosen by the members of the Committee from amongst themselves shall chair the
meeting of the Committee.
(6) The majority opinion shall prevail over the meeting of the Committee
and in case of a tie in voting, the person who chairs shall cast the vote as a
deciding vote in the meeting.
(7) The Committee may invite any official or the expert in the meeting of
the Committee.
(9) The other procedures relating to the meeting of the Committee shall be
as determined by the Committee itself.
Chapter -5
Provision on Appeal Committee
18. Appointment of the Member of the Appellate Committee: (1) The
following qualified person shall be appointed as a member of the Appellate
(a) Having at least bachelor degree in law with at least ten years experience
in such area.
(b) Having at least five years working experience in the post on Gazetted
First Class in the engineering service, civil group, building and architect
(2) The tenure of the member of the committee of the Appeal shall be three
(3) Not withstanding anything contained in the Sub-rule (2), if any member
does not fulfill their official responsibility or incompetent in working, the
authority may remove any time from the position of the member.
But, before the removing from the position, he/she shall not be deprived of
the opportunity to submit their clarification.
19. Procedures of the Appellate Committee: (1) All members of the Appellate
Committee collectively, by establishing a bench, shall proceed and make a
decision on the appeal filed in the Appellate Committee.
(3) On the bench where the three members are present, if all the members
vote for unanimously or the majority is established by the votes of two members,
the decision shall be taken as the decision of the Appellate Committee.
(4) If unanimous decision could not reach in the bench of two members,
with regard to proceedings, it shall be done as per the advice of the Chairperson if
the bench comprises a Chairperson and if the bench is without a Chairperson, it
shall be done as per the advice of the legal member. With regard to the decision of
the Appellate Committee or the final orders, the verdict approved by the member
who was absent earlier shall be the decision of the Appellate Committee.
(5) While presenting before the prior absent member pursuant to Sub-rule
4, if the decision could not reach on majority, it shall be presented to the Supreme
Court for decision and for that matter the decision of the Supreme Court shall be
the final.
(6) The Committee of appeal shall make a decision on the appeal generally
within three months.
(2) The officer who is in charge of the work relating to the legal function of
the Authority shall be the Secretary of the Appellate Committee.
(5) The Secretary of the Appellate Committee shall have the power equal to
the power, granted by the prevailing law, that have to the Registrar of the
Appellate Court.
Chapter - 6
Provision on Development Commissioner and Employees
22. Provision of Development Commissioner: (1) There shall be a
Development Commissioner to work as an Executive Chief of the Authority.
(4) The Government of Nepal shall appoint the person in the post of
Development Commissioner on the recommendation of the Committee pursuant to
Sub-clause 3.
(5) The Committee pursuant to Sub-rule 2, shall itself prepare the procedure
to be followed regarding the recommendation.
24. To Remove from the Post: (1) If the Development Commissioner appointed
pursuant to Subsection 17.1 of Section 17, of the Act, has not fulfill his/her official
responsibility or lack of competency, the Authority may constitute an investigation
committee for its investigation.
25. Provisions of Employees: (1) The Authority shall have necessary employees.
(3) Until the regulation is not made for appointing employees, pursuant to
sub-clause 2, the Government of Nepal shall depute the civil personnel to work at
the Authority.
Chapter - 7
26. The Account Operation of the Authority: The operation of the account of
the Authority shall be by the chief account of the Authority and an officer
prescribed by the Development Commissioner.
27. Naming of the Office: (1) The Authority has been named by Kathmandu
Valley Development Authority.
(2) The office of the Authority shall be in the place as prescribed by the
28. The organizational format and Post of Employees of the Authority: The
organizational format and post of the employees of the Authority shall be as
approved by the Government of Nepal on the recommendation of the Authority.
29. May Establish Branch Office: (1) The Authority may establish necessary
branch offices for the smooth operation of its function within the planning area.
(2) The function, duty and power of the officials in the branch office to be
established pursuant to Sub-rule 1, shall be as prescribed by the Development
31. Meeting Allowance: (1) The Chairman and Member of the Committee,
operation committee or constituted sub-committee pursuant to Section 16 of the
Act, shall get a meeting allowance, for the participation in the meeting, on
approval of Ministry of Finance as prescribed by the Ministry.
(2) Until the authority has made a regulation pursuant to sub-clause 1, the
provision of financial administration of the Authority shall be according to the
Public Procurement Act, 2063, Public Procurement Rules 2064, Finance
Procedure Act, 2055 or Financial Procedure Rules, 2064.
+ æ;f“:s[lts / k|fs[lts ;Dkbfo'St z}lIfs Pj+ ko{6sLo zx/
:jR5, x/fe/f, ;dfj]zL tyf ;d'Ggt xfd|f] sLlt{k'/ gu/Æ
sLlt{k'/ gu/kflnsf
2. jf6f]sf] clwsf/ If]q - Right of Way _ / ;]6Jofs - Set back _ leq s'g} klg lgdf{0f sfo{ ug{ kfO{g] 5}g .
h:t} l;+9L, k]6L, sDkfp08jfn, afb{nL, SofG6n]e/
3. gs;f kf; gu/L lgdf{0f sfo{ ug{ x'Fb}g . gS;f kf; ePkl5 jf gx'Fb} lgdf{0f sfo{ u/]÷gu/]sf] s'g} klg
avt ;fO6 hfFr ug{ ;lsg]5 .
4. gS;f lgj]bgdf pNn]v ePsf rf/ lsNnfsf ;Flwof/sf] gfd, gfd];L km/s k/]df To;sf] lhDd]jf/L
lgj]bs :jo+ g} x'g' kg]{5 .
5. lgodk"j{s gS;f btf{ eO{ ;s]kl5 ;Flwof/x?sf] nflu hf/L ul/Psf] !% lbg] ;"rgf kq 3/ lgdf{0fsf]
gS;f ;lxt ;DalGwt j8f sfof{nodf k7fOg]5 / ;+lwof/sf] !% lbg] Dofb ;dfKt eO{ s;}sf] ph'/L
gk/]df dfq gS;f kf;sf] sfo{jfxL cufl8 a9fOg]5 .
6. gS;f zfvfjf6 ul/g] ;h{ldgsf] ;dodf cfk\mgf] l;dfgf k|i6 x'g] u/L @ lkm6 @ O{Grsf] k]u -lrGx_
hldgeGbf ! lkm6;Dd b]lvg] u/L ufl8Psf] x'g'kg]{5 . cGoyf ;h{ldg ug{ sfof{no afWo x'g] 5}g .
7. o; gu/kflnsf sfof{noaf6 :jLs[t k|fKt l8hfOg/ jf sG;N6]G;L tyf dfGotf k|fKt k|fljlwsx?af6
tof/ ePsf gS;fx? pk/ dfq sfo{jfxL ul/g]5 .
8. gS;f kf; k|lqmof ;dfKt eO{ ;s]kl5 lgj]bs jf clwsf/ k|fKt jf/];nfO{ Ps k|lt gS;f / Ps k|lt
kf; k"hL{ lbOg]5 .
9. gS;f kf; Dofb b'O{ jif{;Dd x'g]5 / clGtd Ps k6ssf] nflu dfq lgodfg';f/ b:t'/ a'emfO{ k'gM b'O{
jif{ Dofb yk ul/g]5 . Dofb yksf] nflu lgj]bg gS;f kf; ePsf] @ jif{ leq ul/;Sg' kg]{5 . @ jif{
kl5 cfj]bg k|fKt ePdf tf]lsP jdf]lhdsf] b:t'/df hl/jfgf ;d]t nfUg]5 .
10. kf; ePsf] gS;f eGbf k]m/abn u/L lgdf{0f sfo{ ug'{ kg]{ ePdf k]m/abn ug{ vf]h] cg';f/sf] ;+zf]lwt
gS;f tof/ u/L :jLs[ltsf] nflu k]z ug'{ kg]{5 / :jLs[t eP cg';f/ dfq lgdf{0f sfo{ ug'{ kg]{5 . k"j{
cg'dlt j]u/ l:js[t gS;fdf x]/km]/ u/L u/]sf] lgdf{0f sfo{sf cfwf/df gS;f ;+zf]wg ug{, lgdf{0f
;DkGg k|df0f kq hf/L ug{ gu/kflnsf jfWo x'g] 5}g .
11. lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ePkl5 ef}lts ;'ljwfx? -wf/f, lah'nL, 6]lnkmf]g_ h8fg ug{sf] nflu lgdf{0f ;DkGg
k|df0f kq lng' clgjfo{ ePsf]n] ;f] sfo{ ;DkGg k|df0f kq lng gu/kflnsfdf cfj]bg lbg' kg]{5 .
12. lgdf{0f ;DkGg k|df0f kq k"/f jf cf+lzs ?kdf gS;f kf; ePsf] @ jif{ leq dfq lng ;lsg]5 . To;sf
nflu rf/ lsNnf b]lvg] k"/} 3/ cfpg] kmf]6f], ;'kl/j]Ifssf] l;kmfl/; ;lxt cfj]bg lbg' kg]{5.
13. kf; ePsf] gS;f ljkl/t lgdf{0f u/]df kfpg] ef}lts ;'ljwfaf6 al~rt x'g]5 / s'g} klg ;do eTsfpg]
sf/jfxL x'g]5 .
14. k]z u/]sf] b/vf:t kmf/fd tyf k|To]s gS;fdf 3/ hUuf wgL tyf l8hfO{g/n] gfk gS;f 7Ls 5 egL
;xL -x:tfIf/_ ug'{ clgjfo{ 5 .
cg';"lr – %
+ æ;f“:s[lts / k|fs[lts ;Dkbfo'St z}lIfs Pj+ ko{6sLo zx/
:jR5, x/fe/f, ;dfj]zL tyf ;d'Ggt xfd|f] sLlt{k'/ gu/Æ
sLlt{k'/ gu/kflnsf
ljifo k]h
kl/R5]b – ! !
kl/R5]b – @ ^
kl/R5]b – # (
kl/R5]b – $ !)
kl/R5]b – % !*
cg';"rL — ! @)
cg';"rL — @ @%
cg';"rL – # @&
cg';"lr – $ @*
cg';"lr – % @(
kl/R5]b – !
!= kfl/eflifs zJbx?M
!=@ ægu/kflnsfÆ eGgfn] sLlt{k'/ gu/kflnsf ;+emg' k5{ .
!=# æsLlt{k'/ gu/kflnsf If]qÆ M g]kfn ;/sf/n] rf/ lsNnf vf]nL tf]s]sf] sLlt{k'/
gu/kflnsfsf] ;Dk"0f{ If]q .
!=^ æ;xfos–pkof]uÆ (Accesory Use) eGgfn] ;fdfGotof d'Vo k|of]hgdf gcfpg] t/ vf;
k|of]hgsf] lgldQ ;3fp k'Ug] lsl;dsf] 3/ hUufsf] s'g} klg k|sf/sf] pkof]unfO{
;+emg' k5{ .
!=* æ:jLs[ltÆ eGgfn] cfˆgf] If]qflwsf/ leq /xL ;DalGwt lgsfon] lbPsf] :jLs[lt ;+emg'
k5{ .
!=( ælgdf{0fÆ eGgfn] s'g} klg lgdf{0f (Structure) sf] s'g} klg efu h'g;'s} p2]Zon] /
h'g;'s} ;fdfu|Ln] agfOPsf] eP tfklg dflg;sf] cfjf;sf] lgldQ xf]; jf gxf]; /
h; cGtu{t hu lKnGy (Plinth), ufx|f]x?, e'O{, 5fgf, lrlDg, KnlDa+u / ejg ;DaGwL
cGo ;'ljwfx?sf ;fy} lglZrt Kn]6 kmd{, j/08f, jfb{nL, sfg]{; (Cornice) jf jflx/
lgsflnPsf] efu (Projection) / s'g} lrGx jf aflx/ lgsflnPsf] s'g} lgdf{0f jf
efunfO{ 5f]Kg jf 5f]Kg] p2]Zon] ul/Psf] lgdf{0f jf ufx|f]sf] s'g} efu ;+emg' k5{ .
!=!! æEfjg jf lgdf{0fsf] prfO{Æ eGgfn] ;dyn 5fgf (Flat Roof) sf] xsdf k|a]z
;8ssf] s]Gb| ;txaf6 ejgsf] dflyNnf] ;tx;Ddsf] prfO{ / kfvf] 5fgf (Sloped
Roof) sf] xsdf k|a]z ;8ssf] s]Gb| ;txaf6 @%–#) l8u|L eGbf a9L le/fnf]
(Slope) ePdf le/fnf]sf] lar efusf] prfO{;Dd / ;f] eGbf sd le/fnf] u/L 5fgf
lgdf{0f ePsf]df d'7n (Eaves) ;tx ;Ddsf] prfO{ ;Demg' k5{ .
!=!@ ælgdf{0f /]vfÆ (Building Line) eGgfn] s'g} klg lgdf{0fsf] lgldQ eljiodf lj:tf/
ug{ ;lsg] af6f] 3f6f] jf eO{/x]sf] af6f]nfO{ lj:tf/ ug]{ qmddf clwsf/ k|fKt
clwsf/Ln] tf]lslbPsf] lglZrt /]vf ;Demg' k5{ .
!=!# æ3/ jf ejgÆ eGgfn] a:g], vfgf ksfpg] / ;/;kmfO{ ;DaGwL cfjZos ;'ljwfx?
ePsf] cfjf;sf] lgldQ lgdf{0f ePsf] ejg ;+emg' k5{ / ;f] zAbn] sfof{no ejg,
xf]6]n, sf/vfgf jf o:t} k|sf/n] dflg;x? a:g] jf s]xL ;dosf] lgldQ hDdf x'g]
dgf]/~hgsf :yfgx?nfO{ ;d]t hgfpg]5 .
!=!$ æsfk]{6 Pl/ofÆ (Carpet Area) eGgfn] (Covered Area) ufx|f]sf] If]qkmn afx]s s'g}
klg tnfsf] pkof]u x'g] sf]7fx?sf] If]qkmn ;+emg' k5{ .
!=!% æ;+/If0fÆ M s'g} If]q, ejg, ;+/rgf jf v'Nnf If]qsf] ljBdfg cjl:yltsf] ;+/If0f .
!=!^ æ;DkbfÆ M sLlt{k'/sf hgtfsf] cfjZostf tyf /f]hfO{ ;+u ;DjGwLt ejghGo lgdf{0f
jf To;sf] jl/kl/ /x]sf] a:t'ut cleJolStnfO{ ;Dkbfsf] ?kdf lnO{G5 . o;
cGtu{t snfTds tyf jf:t'zfiqsf b[li6n] dxTjk"0f{ JolStut 3/x?, P]ltxfl;s
vfg]kfgL 6\ofFsL, 9'Ë] wf/f, kf6L kf}jf, dlGb/, k"hf/L 3/, b]jtf 3/ -Bf] 5]+_ cflb
kb{5g\ . sLlt{k'/ gu/ If]q leq s'g} klg wfld{s, j:t'zfiq, k'/ftflTjs, ;'Gb/
snfs[lt, ;fF:s[lts, j}1flgs, ;fdflhs dxTjsf lx;fjn] ;+/If0f ug'{ kg]{ cToGt
dxTjk"0f{ dfgj lgld{t j:t'x? g} ;Dkbf x'g\ .
!=!& æ;Dkbf If]qÆM ;Dkbf tyf ;Dkbf j/Lk/L tf]lsPsf] ef}uf]lns If]q leq b]lvg]
tyf o:tf] lsl;djf6 ;+/lIft ;+kbf h;sf] j/k/sf] :j?k kl/jt{gn] ;f]xL ;Dkbf
tyf ;Dkbf If]qs} :j?kdf c;/ u5{ .
!=!* æejg tyf jf6f] ;DjGwL dfkb08Æ M gu/ ljsf; P]g @)$%, ejg P]g @)%% /
ejg ;+lxtf @)^) cg'?ksf Joj:yfx?nfO{ sfof{Gjogdf Nofpg tof/ ul/Psf] o;
ejg tyf jf6f] ;DjGwL dfkb08, @)&@ nfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=!( ;fj{hlgs ef}lts of]hgf (Public Physical Plan)M eGgfn] s]xL :jfldTjstf{x?n]
cfˆgf] nufgLdf ljsf; u/]sf] t/ ltgsf ;8s, v'Nnf If]q cflb ;fj{hlgs k|of]usf]
nflu ;d]t v'Nnf ul/Psf] ef}lts of]hgfnfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=@) æhUuf pkof]u k|ltztÆ -Ground Coverage_M eGgfn] ejgsf] e"FO{ tnfsf] If]qkmn /
ejg aGg] hUuf jf 38]/Lsf] If]qkmnsf] cg'kftnfO{ !)) n] u'0ff ubf{ x'gcfpg]
k|ltztnfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=@! æe"FO{ If]qsf] cg'kftÆ -FAR: Floor Area Ratio_M eGgfn] ejgsf] ;Dk"0f{ tnfx?df
lgld{t If]qkmnsf] of]ukmnnfO{ ejg aGg] hUuf jf 38]/L sf] If]qkmnn] efu u/]/
cfPsf] efukmnnfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=@@ æ;8ssf] clwsf/ If]qÆ -Right of Way_M eGgfn] P]g, lgod tyf :jLs[t dfkb08n]
tf]s]sf] ;8ssf] rf}8fOnfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=@# æ;]6JofsÆ -Set Back_M eGgfn] cfk'mn] cfˆgf] hUufdf ejg jgfpFbf ;fFwl;dfgf,
;fj{hlgs ;DklQ / ;8s clwsf/ If]qjf6 5f8g\' kg]{ Go"gtd b'/LnfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=@$ æls/0f ;txÆ -Light Plane_M eGgfn] ;]6Jofs /]vf dfyL ;8ssf] clwsf/ If]q / b'j}
tk{msf]] ;]6Jofs hf]8bf x'gcfpg] of]ukmnsf] b'O{ u'0ff prfO{jf6 ;8ssf] csf]{
tk{msf] ;]6Jofs /]vf hf]8g] sfNklgs ;txnfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=@% æv'Nnf If]qÆ -Open Space_M eGgfn] a:tL ljsf; If]qdf hldg leq cTofjZos
;fj{hlgs k"jf{wf/ ;]jf lj:tf/ ug{ jfx]s s'g} ef}lts ;+/rgf lgdf{0f ug{ lgMz]w
ul/Psf] If]qnfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=@^ æd"n If]qÆ eGgfn] Aofkl/s If]qx? a'lemg] 5 .
!=@& æAofkfl/s If]q Æ eGgfn] a'Fbf g+= #=!! cg';f/sf If]qx? a'lemg] 5 .
!=@* æe'O{ If]qsf] cg'kftÆ (Floor Area Ratio, (FAR) eGgfn] ejgsf ;Dk"0f{ tNnfx?sf]
If]qkmn (Built up area) nfO{ Kn6 (Plot) sf] ;Dk"0f{ If]qkmnn] efu u/]/ cfPsf] efu
kmn ;+emg' k5{ .
Pkm=P=cf/= (FAR) Ö ejgsf] ;Dk'0f{ tnfsf] s"n If]qkmn
ejg aGg] hUufsf] ;Dk'0f{ If]qkmn
!=#@ æcf+lzs lgdf{0f ;DkGgÆM eGgfn] pkof]u ug{ ldNg] u/L Go"gtd ! tnf lgdf{{0f
ePsf] ejgnfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=#$ æs ju{sf ejgÆM eGgfn] ejg P]g @)%% sf] bkmf * -s_ cg';f/sf] cTofw'lgs
k|ljlw ckgfO{ lgdf{0f x'g] jf ePsf ejgx?nfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=#% æv ju{sf ejgÆM eGgfn] ejg P]g @)%% sf] bkmf * -v_ cg';f/sf] e"FO tnfsf]
If]qkmn !))) ju{ lkm6 eGbf a9L, # tnf eGbf cUnf jf Structural Span $=%
ld6/ eGbf a9L ePsf ejgx?nfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=#^ æu ju{sf ejgÆM eGgfn] ejg P]g @)%% sf] bkmf * -u_ cg';f/sf] e"FO tnfsf]
If]qkmn !))) ju{ lkm6 ;Dd / prfO{ # tnf ;Dd jf Structural Span $=% ld6/
eGbf sd ePsf ejgx?nfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=#& æ3 ju{sf ejgÆM eGgfn] ejg P]g @)%% sf] bkmf * -3_ cg';f/sf] s, v, / u
ju{df gk/]sf O+{6f, 9"+uf, df6f], afF;, v/, cflb k|of]u u/L lgdf{0f ePsf] clwstd
b'O{ tn] ejgnfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=#* ædf6f] k/LIf0fÆM eGgfn] ;x/L ljsf; dGqfnon] hf/L u/]sf] 'df6f] k/LIf0f lgb]{lzsf'n]
tf]s]sf] kl/If0f k|s[of/ljlwnfO{ hgfpFb5 .
!=#( æk'/ftflTjs If]qÆ eGgfn] sLlt{k'/ gu/kflnsf If]q leq kg]{ k'/ftflTjs If]q hgfpg] 5
/ o;nfO{ ;Dkbf If]q ;d]t elgg]5 .
!=$) æP]ltxfl;s If]qÆ eGgfn] sLlt{k'/ gu/kflnsf If]q leqsf ;+kbf / k'/fgf] gu/
If]qx?nfO{ hgfpg] 5 .
!=$! æcfjfl;o ejgÆ eGgfn] sLlt{k'/ gu/kflnsf If]q leq a;f]af; k|of]hgsf nflu
agfOg] ejgx?nfO{ hgfpg] 5 .
!=$@ æJofkfl/s ejgÆ eGgfn] sLlt{k'/ gu/kflnsf If]q leq k;n, pBf]u cflb nufotsf
Joj;flos k|of]hgsf nflu agfOg] ejgx?nfO{ hgfpg] 5 .
!=$# æ3gf j:tL -Core Area_Æ eGgfn] sLlt{k'/ gu/kflnsf leqsf tklzn jdf]lhdsf
If]qx? hgfpg]5 .
s_ sLlt{k'/ gu/kflnsf j8f g+= !, @, #, $, %, ^, !& sf] sLlt{k'/ l/Ë /f]8 leq kg]{,
sLlt{k'/ l/Ë /f]8, d+un df=lj=psfnf]b]lv lry' 9f]sf ;Ddsf] jf6f]n] 5'g] jfx]ssf
If]q .
@= lgdf{0f :yn;DaGwL cfwf/e"t Joj:yf
@=#= af6f] M
@=#=!= s'g} klg ejg lgdf{0f ul/g] Kn6x? ;fj{hlgs af6f]x? jf To:tf
af6f]x?df k'Ug] cGo ;xfos dfu{;Fu hf]l8Psf] x'g' kg]{5 . af6f] gfkL
gS;fdf hlgPsf]] x'g' kg]{ 5 . lghL tyf dGh'/L af6f] ;DaGwdf gfkL
gS;fdf g} af6f] k|of]hgsf] nflu lsQfsf6 u/L k|df0f k]z ePsf]
cfwf/df dfq ejg lgdf{0fsf] nflu :jLs[t lbg]5 .
@=#=@= s;}sf] kx'Fr dfu{df jfwf kg]{ u/L ejg lgdf{0f ug{ kfOg] 5}g .
cfjfudgdf k|lts"n c;/ kg]{ u/L lgdf{0f ;fdfu|L ;d]t y'kfg{ kfOg]
5}g .
@=$=!= ejg lgdf{0f :yn ljh'nL, 6]lnkmf]g, vfg]kfgL, cfsl:ds ;jf/L ;fwg,
9n lgsf; h:tf k"jf{wf/ ljsf;sf nflu pko'Qm x'g' kg]{5 .
@=$=@= xfO6]G;g ljB't nfOgb]lv bfofF afofF 5f8\g' kg]{ b"/L M– ejg lgdf{0f ubf{
xfO6]G;g ljB't nfOgb]lv bfofF afofF 5f8\g' kg]{ b"/L ljB't k|flws/0fn]]
tf]s]sf] k|fjwfg adf]lhd x'g]5 . -cg';'rL – @_
@=%=!= ;fj{hlgs rf]s, klt{ hUuf, kf6L, kf}jf, ;Qn, dlGb/, kL7, 9'+u]wf/f,
ljxf/, kf]v/L, gbL gfnf, 3f6 cflb ;fj{hlgs lgdf{0fx?df tf]lsPsf]
dfkb08 5f]8]/ dfq cGo lgdf{0f sfo{ ug'{ kg]{5 .
@=%=@= ejg lgdf{0f ubf{ kfgLsf kfOkx?, 9nsf kfOkx?, 6]lnkmf]g / ljh'nLsf
e"ldut nfOgx? / e"ldut kfgLsf] ;|f]tnfO{ ;d]t k|lts"n k|efj gkg]{
u/L plrt k|aGw ldnfPsf] x'g'kg]{5 .
@=^=@= ;+o'Qm cfjf; ejg (Apartment Building) lgdf{0f tyf ;+rfng ug{
g]kfn ;/sf/ ef}lts of]hgf tyf lgdf{0f dGqfno cGtu{t zx/L
ljsf; tyf ejg lgdf{0f ljefusf] :jLs[lt lnO{ k]z ug'{ kg]{ 5 .
7fpFdf ævÆ ju{sf ;fj{hlgs ejgx? tyf cf}Bf]lus ejgx?sf] nflu
:jLs[lt lbOg] 5}g .
@=^=^= Pp6f lglZrt k|of]hgsf] nflu lgdf{0f ug]{ u/L k]z x'g cfPsf]
gSzfdf pQm k|of]hg;Fu aflemg] jf gldNg] kof{Kt cfwf/ ePsf]
kfOPdf To:tf] lgdf{0fsf] nflu :jLs[lt lbg gu/kflnsf jfWo x'g] 5}g .
kl/R5]b – #
#=! ;+/lIft If]q M 6f}bx kf]v/L (Conservation Zone Taudaha lake)
;+/lIft If]qsf ?kdf l;kmfl/; (Recommendations for buffer zone)
6f}bx kf]v/Lsf] ;+/lIft If]qsf ?kdf kf]v/Lsf] k"jL{, klZrdL, tyf blIf0fL efudf kf]v/Lsf]
lsgf/jf6 #) ld6/ / pQ/L efudf ^) ld6/ -cg';"lr % jdf]lhd_ x'g] 5 .
kf]v/LnfO{ wfld{s, ;fF:s[lts tyf k|fs[lts ;Dkbf :ynsf ?kdf ;+/lIft ub}{ o;sf] h}ljs
ljljwtfsf] /Iff ug{, kf]v/Lsf] jftfj/0fnfO{ c;/ kfg{ ;Sg] j/k/sf 3/x?jf6 pTkGg x'g]
k|b'if0f, kmf]xf]/d}nf, v]tLkftL, xf]6n tyf /]i6'/fFx? cflbjf6 x'g] k|b'if0fjf6 jrfpgsf nflu
;+/lIft If]q (buffer zone) tf]lsPsf] xf] .
O{Zj/L dfu{ 5]psf] hUuf eg] c:yfoL /]i6'/]06, 6x/f tyf k;n h:tf Jofkfl/s k|of]hgdf
Nofpg ;lsg] 5 .
s[lifhGo sfo{sf nflu /f;folgs dn nufot s'g} klg k|sf/sf] /;fog k|of]u ug{ .
6f}bx kf]v/Lsf] ;+/If0f ug{ hg:t/df ul7t pkef]Stf ;ldlt, Snj, o'jf, dlxnf -
cfdf_ ;d"x, ;fd'bflos ;+:yf, jftfj/0fLo ;+:yfx?n] Wofg lbg' k5{ / o; dfkb08sf]
pn+3g ePdf gu/kflnsfsf] jftfj/0f jf sfg"g zfvfdf hfgsf/L lbg' kg]{ 5 .
kl/R5]b $
$=! gS;f l8hfOg ug{ gkfpg]M o; sLlt{k'/ g= kf= sf] cfˆgf] sfo{qmd afx]ssf lgdf{0f
x'g] ;+/rgfx?sf] of]hgf, 9fFrf / gS;f agfpg] sfo{df o; sLlt{k'/ g= kf= df sfo{/t
k|fljlws k|ToIf jf ck|ToIf ?kdf ;+nUg x'g kfpg] 5}gg\ .
$=@ ejgsf] 9fFrf/gS;f tof/ ug]{ tyf lgdf{0f ;'k/Lj]If0f cg'dltM cfly{s jif{ @)&@.&#
b]lv ejg P]g @)%% sf] bkmf * cg';f/ s / v ju{sf ejgx?sf] 9fFrf, gS;f,
:6«Sr/ tyf ljz]if ;'ljwfx?sf] l8hfOg / lgdf{0f ;'k/Lj]If0f cfls{6]S6 jf
OlGhlgo/af6 u/fOg] 5 . g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë kl/ifbn] OlGhlgo/x?sf] ;"rL tof/ u/L
Jofj;flos cg'dlt (Professional Engineering License) k|bfg gu?Gh]n s / v
ju{sf] ejgsf] nflu l;len OlGhlgol/Ë ljifodf :gfts pQL0f{ u/L % jif{ ;DjlGwt
If]qdf cg'ej xfl;n u/]sf] OlGhlgo/jf6 :6«Sr/ tyf ljz]if ;'ljwfx?sf] l8hfOg
u/fOg] 5 . u / 3 ju{sf ejgsf] nflu ejg ;DjGwL ljwfdf sd;]sd k|df0fkq tx
pQL0f{ u/]sf] k|fljlwsjf6 ejgsf] 9fFrf/gS;f tof/ / lgdf{0f ;'k/Lj]If0f u/fOg] 5 .
$=# lgdf{0f ;DkGg k|df0fkq lbg]M ejg lgdf{0f dfkb08 cg';/0f u/L gS;f tof/,
:6«Sr/n l8hfOg / ;'k/Lj]If0f ul/Psf] egL k|fljlwsn] l;kmfl/z u/]sf] ejgnfO{
dfq gu/kflnsfn] cfˆgf k|fljlwsaf6 ;d]t hfFrkf; u/fO{ lgdf{0f ;DkGg k|df0fkq
lbg]5 . dfkb08 ljkl/t gS;f tyf l8hfOg k|dfl0ft ug]{ k|fljlwsnfO{ sf/afxLsf
nflu gu/kflnsfn] g]kfn O{lGhlgol/ª kl/ifbdf n]lv k7fpg] 5 .
$=$ cfwf/e"t ;fj{hlgs k"jf{wf/ ;]jfx?sf] pkef]uM k"0f{ jf cf+lzs ?kdf lgdf{0f ;DkGg
k|df0fkq lnPsf ejgx?df dfq gu/kflnsfn] cfwf/e"t ;fj{hlgs k"jf{wf/ ;]jfx?
h8fgsf] l;kmfl/; ug]{5 .
$=% t]>f] kIf hfFr -Third Party Verification_ ul/g]5 M s / v ju{sf] ejgnfO{
lgdf{0f cg'dlt tyf lgdf{0f ;DkGg k|ltj]bg lbFbf gu/kflnsfn]] t]>f] kIf hfFrsf]
Joj:yf ldnfO{g]5 . /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o dxTjsf tyf hl6n k|s[ltsf] ejg
;+/rgfsf] l8hfOgdf gu/kflnsfn] cfdlGqt ljz]if1x? ;d]tjf6 ;dsIfL
k'g/fjnf]sg (Peer Review) sf] Joj:yf ;d]t ug{ ;Sg]5 .
$=^ ejg lgdf{0fsf] cg'dlt lbg]M ejg lgdf{0fsf] cg'dlt lbFbf ;Dk"0f{ lgdf{0fsf] cg'dlt
glbO{ klxnf] k6s l8lkl; ;Ddsf] dfq lgdf{0f cg'dlt lbOg]5 . ejg lgdf{0f dfkb08
cg';f/ ;f] l8lk;L agfOPsf] eP dfq dflyNnf] tNnfsf] lgdf{0f cg'dlt lbOg]5 .
$=& ejg lgdf{0f:yndf lgdf{0f cg'dltkq /fVg'kg]{M ejgsf] :jfldTjstf{n] ejg lgdf{0f
cjlw ;Dd cfjZos ljj/0fx? v'Ng] u/L gu/kflnsfn] lbPsf] lgdf{0f cg'dltkq /
:jLs[t gS;fsf] ;fO6 Knfg -Site Plan_ lgdf{0f:yndf ;j{;fwf/0fn] k|i6 b]Vg] u/L
flex print u/L /fVg' kg]{5 .
$=*=@= ejg lgdf{0f dfkb08 k|lts"n x'g] u/L s'g} klg sj'lnot u/fO{ jf zt{ tf]sL
ejg lgdf{0f cg'dlt lbOg]] 5}g .
$=*=#= lgdf{0f ;DkGg k|df0fkq glnO ;fj{hlgs ejgnfO{ pkof]udf Nofpg lbOg]5}g .
t/, Jofkfl/s / cfjf;Lo ejgx? cf+lzs lgdf{0f ;DkGg k|df0fkq k|fKt u/L
pkof]udf Nofpg lbOg]5 .
$=*=$= ejgsf] k|of]hg kl/jt{g ug{' k/]df ejg lgdf{0f dfkb08 / ejg ;+lxtf ljkl/t
gx'g] u/L gu/kflnsfaf6 :jLs[lt lnP/ dfq ug{ lbOg]5 . :jLs[lt ljgf pkof]u
kl/jt{g u/]df gu/kflnsfn] pQm ejgnfO{ cfˆgf] ;]jfjf6 alGrt ug'{sf] ;fy}
cfwf/e"t ;fj{hlgs ;]jfx?af6 alGrt ug{ ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{ n]lvk7fpg]5 .
$=*=%= hlt;'s} tnfsf ;fj{hlgs / s ju{sf ejg tyf v ju{sf # tnf eGbf cUnf
;a} ejg lgdf{0f ug{ clgjfo{ ?kdf ;x/L ljsf; dGqfnon] hf/L u/]sf] 'df6f]
k/LIf0f lgb]{lzsf' cg';f/ df6f] kl/If0f u/fpg' kg]{5 .
s= !) dL6/ ;Dd cUnf ejgx?sf] ;Flwof/ tk{msf] Go"gtd ;]6Aofs !=% dL6/ x'g'
kg]{5; e\mofn-9f]sf tyf e]lG6n]6/ g/fVg] eP ;Flwof/ tk{m tyf Pp6} lsQfsf]
hUufdf :jLs[lt k|fKt u/L alg;s]sf] 3/ eP ;f] tk{m ejg ;+lxtf @)^) sf]
k|lts"n gx'g] u/L 6fFl;Psf] ejg agfpg lbOg]5 .
v= !) ld6/ eGbf a9L t/ !& ld6/ ;Dd cUnf ejgx?sf] xsdf ;fj{hlgs
ejgx?sf] ;Flwof/ tk{msf] ;]6Aofs Go"gtd # dL6/ / cGo ejgx?sf] ;Flwof/
tk{msf] ;]6Jofs Go"gtd @ ld6/ x'g] u/L :jLs[lt lbOg]5 .
u= k|flalws ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/;df d"n ahf/ If]qdf aGg] Jofkfl/s ejgsf] xsdf
;8s;+u nDj eP/ /x]sf] ;Ffw tk{m ejg ;+lxtf @)^) sf] k|lts"n gx'g] u/L
6fF;]/ jf Pp6} lsQfsf] hUufdf :jLs[lt k|fKt u/L alg;s]sf] 3/ eP ;f]nfO{
cfjZos kg]{ ;]6Jofs 5f8L gofF ejgdf ‰ofn-9f]sf g/fVg] ePdf hUuf g5f]8L
!& ld6/ ;Dd cUnf] ejg lgdf{0f ug{ :jLs[lt lbg ;lsg]5 . gofF ejgdf ‰ofn-
9f]sf /fVg] ePdf dfyL a"Fbf $=*=^ -v_ cg';f/ hUuf 5f8\g] u/L dfq ejg
lgdf{0f :jLs[lt lbOg]5 .
3= !& ld6/ eGbf cUnf h'g;'s} ejgx?sf] prfO / ;Flwof/ tk{msf] ;]6Aofssf]
cg'kft $M! x'g] u/L t/ Go"gtd ;]6Jofs % dL6/ eGbf sd gx'g] u/L :jLs[lt
lbOg]5 .
ª= Pp6} lsQf jf w]/} lsQf ldn]/ ag]sf] 38]/Ldf Ps eGbf a9L ejgx? lgdf{0f ug{
:jLs[lt lb+bf jf 3/-af6f] l;kmfl/; lb+bf b'O{ ejgx? aLrsf] b"/L o;} pk-a"Fbf #=^
-s,v,u,3_ cg';f/ x'g] u/L :jLs[lt lbOg]5 .
r= d"n-;8s lsgf/df ejg lgdf{0f ug{ :jLs[lt lb+bf af6f]sf] rf}8fO{df ;8ssf] b'a}
tk{msf] ;]6Jofshf]8\bf hlt of]ukmn x'G5, ;f]sf] @ u'0ff eGbf cUnf] x'g] u/L -
nfO6-Kn]gnfO{ 5]Sg] u/L_ :jLs[lt lbOg]5}g .
$=*=&= gu/kflnsfsf] If]q leq kg]{ nf]sdfu{x?sf] 5]pdf ejg lgdf{0f ug{ k|rlnt P]g
lgodx?sf] clwgdf / gu/kflnsf If]qdf :jLs[t Municipal Transportation
Master Plan ;d]tsf] clwgdf ejg lgdf{0f :jLs[lt lbOg]5 .
$=*=*= cfjf;Lo k|of]hgsf] :jLs[lt k|fKt u/]sf] ejg jf ;f]sf] s]xL c+z Jofkfl/s
k|of]hgdf /x]df ;f] ejg ;Dk"0f{nfO{ :jtM Jofkfl/s ejg dflgg]5 .
$=*=(= dfkb08 nfu" ePsf] If]qdf ;f]sf] kfng gu/L ag]sf] s'g} klg ejgnfO{
gu/kflnsfn] k"0f{ jf cf+lzs ?kdf eTsfpg nufpg] jf eTsfpg]5 . ejgsf]
:jfldTjstf{n] cfgfsfgL u/]sf] sf/0fn] dfkb08 ljkl/t lgdf{0f ePsf] s'g} ejg
gu/kflnsfn] eTsfpg' k/]df jf eTsfpg nufpg' k/]df, eTsfpg nfUg] vr{ lgh
:jfldTjstf{jf6 ;/sf/L afFsL ;/x c;'n pk/ ul/g]5 .
&)% / ;f] eGbf a9Lsf]nfO{ ^)% eGbf a9L gx'g] u/L hUuf pkof]u k|ltzt -
Ground Coverage_ :jLs[lt lbOg]5 .
s_ e'O{+ If]qsf] cg'kfgt cfjfzLo If]qdf @, Aofkfl/s If]qdf agfO{g] Aofkfl/s ejgdf
# sfod x'g]5 .
Aofkfl/s If]qx? M
gofFahf/, lq=la=la= dfu{sf] k"jL{ efu, gufpF b]lv eTs]kf6L ;Ddsf], k'iknfn dfu{,
kfFuf bf]af6f], b]lv kfFuf 9f]sf;L – lai0f'b]jL x'Fb} rf]ef/ ;Dd, sLlt{k'/ l/Ë/f]8 b]lv
6\ofËnfkmfF6 ;Dd / sLlt{k'/ l/Ë/f]8af6 9Nkf x'Fb} 5'ufpF ;Dd
v_ 3gf a:tL (core area) sf k/Dk/fut a:tLx?df d"n af6f] sDtLdf $ dL6/ x'g]
u/L !) dL6/ prfO{ ;Ddsf] 3/ lgdf{0f ug{ lbO{g]5 . o:tf 3/df l;d]G6 Knfi6/
ug{ kfO{g] 5}g .
s_ gofF lgdf{0f x'g] ;8ssf] If]qflwsf/ ;f] ;8ssf] s]G› /]vfjf6 Go"gtd # ld6/
sfod ul/g]5 .
v_ s'g} klg af6f]sf] 3'DtL jf df]8sf] Go"gtd cw{Jof; #=% ld6/ sfod ul/g]5 .
u_ 3gf ;x/L If]qdf ejg PsLs[t -House Pooling_ u/L k'gMlgdf{0f ug{ :jLs[lt
lb+bf k|:tfljt af6f]sf] rf}8fO{ / s"n If]qkmn ;fljs af6f]sf] rf}8fO{ / s"n
If]qkmn eGbf sd gx'g] u/L lbOg]5 .
$=*=!#= ;fj{hlgs ejg/;+/rgfx? lgdf{0f ug{ ;DalGwt lgsfo -h:t}M gful/s p•og
k|flws/0f, rnlrq ljsf; af]8{ cflb_ af6 k"j{ :jLs[lt lng' kg]{ eP To:tf
lgsfox?af6 :jLs[lt lnO;s]sf cfj]bsx?sf] ejg lgdf{0f lgj]bg pk/ dfq
gu/kflnsfn] :jLs[ltsf] sfo{jfxL cufl8 a9fpg]5 . k|frLg :df/s ;+/If0f P]g,
@)!# nfu' x'g] If]qdf k'/ftTj ljefusf] :jLs[lt k|fKt u/]sf] ejg lgdf{0f
k|:tfjnfO{ dfq gu/kflnsfn] lgdf{0f :jLs[lt lbg]5 .
$=*=!$= ;Ldf kvf{n lgdf{0f ug{ :jLs[lt lbFbf ;fwf/0ftof !=@ ld6/ cUnf] uf/f] / ;f]
dfyL )=^ ld6/ cUnf] hfnL /fVg] u/L lbOg]5 . )=^ ld6/ eGbf cUnf] hfnL /fvL
lgdf{0f :jLs[lt lng rfx]df ;Dk"0f{ kvf{nsf] :6«Sr/n l8hfOg ;d]t lgj]bg ;fy
k]z ug'{ kg]{5 . ;/sf/L jf s'6gLlts lgsfon] ;'/Iffsf] sf/0f cUnf] kvf{n
nufpg' kg]{ ePdf u[x dGqfnosf] l;kmfl/; ;lxt ;f]sf] :6«Sr/n l8hfOg ;lxt
lgj]bg k]z u/]df gu/kflnsfn] o:tf] kvf{n nufpg :jLs[lt lbOg]5 .
$=*=!%= Go"gtd Ps tnfsf] lgdf{0f ;DkGg k|df0fkq cf+lzs jf k"0f{ lnPsf] ejgnfO{ dfq
gu/kflnsfn] kfgL, ljh'nL cflb ;fj{hlgs cfwf/e"t ;]jfx? h8fg ug{ l;kmfl/z
lbg]5 .
$=*=!^= ejg ;+lxtf @)^) cg';f/sf] u ju{sf] ejg lgdf{0f ubf{ hUufsf] ;fFw;Ldfgfjf6
Go"gtd ! dL6/ 5f]8]/ dfq ejgsf] lkn/ -Column_ jf ef/jxg uf/f] lgdf{0f ug{
lbOg]5 . dfyL a"Fbf #=^=-v_ cg';f/ 6fFl;Psf] ejg lgdf{0f ug{ o; a"Fbfn] aGb]h
ug]{ 5}g .
$=*=!*= ejgsf] lKnGysf] prfO{ jf6f]sf] clwsf/ If]qnfO{ xfgL gk'¥ofpg] u/L /fVg' kg]{5 .
;8ssf] clwsf/ If]q clts|d0f u/L v'8lsnf, ¥ofDk cflb /flvPdf ejg lgdf{0f
;DkGg k|df0fkq lbOg] 5}g .
$=*=!(= Ps dL6/ eGbf nfdf] 5Hhf jf jfb{nLsf] :6«Sr/n l8hfOg k]z gePsf] u ju{sf]
ejgnfO{ lgdf{0f :jLs[lt lbOg]5}g .
$=*=@)= gofF lgdf{0f x'g] ejgn] 5fgfsf] kfgL hldg d'lg k7fpg] / hldgn] ;f]:g g;Sg]
kfgL dfq 9ndf k7fpg] Joj:yf ug'{ kg]{5 . o:tf] Joj:yf gu/]sf ejgnfO{ ejg
lgdf{0f ;DkGg k|df0fkq lbOg]5}g .
$=*=@!= zx/sf] :j?kdf gsf/fTds c;/ kfg]{ egL k|fljlws ;ldltn] l;kmfl/; u/]df s'g}
klg ejgdf xf]l8{+u af]8{, 6fj/ cflb /fVg lbO{g]5}g . ;fy}, ejgsf] :6«Sr/n
l8hfOgdf g} o:tf ;+/rgfx?sf] ef/nfO{ ;dfj]z u/]sf] eP dfq ejgdf o:tf
;+/rgfx? h8fg ug{ lbOg]5 .
$=*=@@= tf]lsPsf d"n ;8s lsgf/fsf ejgx?n] lgdf{0f eO;s]sf] efunfO{ /+u/f]ug
(finishing) gu/]sf ejgnfO{ lgdf{0f ;DkGg k|df0fkq tyf tNnf yksf] :jLs[lt
lbOg]5}g .
$=*=@#= Emergency Response Plan ;+nUg gePsf ;+o'Qm cfjf; tyf ;fj{hlgs
ejgx?nfO{ ejg lgdf{0f cg'dlt lbOg]5}g .
$=*=@$= :jLs[lt k|bfg ul/Psf] cjlw leq lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg x'g g;s]df ejgsf] hlt
tnfsf]] lgdf{0f sfo{ ;DkGg ePsf] 5, ;f]sf] lgdf{0f ;DkGg k|df0fkq lbOg]5 .
o;/L cfFlzs lgdf{0f ;DkGg k|df0fkq lnO;s]sf ejgn] yk lgdf{0f sfo{ ug{ k'gM
cg'dlt lng' kg]{5 .
$=*=@%= ;fj{hlgs kfgLsf] d'xfg / lgsf;nfO{ c;/ kg]{ u/L s'g} ;+/rgf lgdf{0f ug{
lbO{g]5}g .
$=*=@^= gbL psf;af6 cfPsf] hldgdf ;fj{hlgs ;8s, 9n / pBfg afx]s s'g} ;+/rgf
lgdf{0f ug{ lbO{g]5}g .
$=*=@* hUuf Plss/0f ;DaGwL Joj:yfM
$=*=@*=! hUuf Plss/0f k4ltåf/f jf 7"nf lsQfnfO{ -Ps jf w]/}_ lsQfsf6 u/L hUufsf]
sf/f]af/, ;fd'lxs cfjf; jf ;fj{hlgs ejg lgdf{0f h:tf ef}lts of]hgf
sfof{Gjog ug{'kbf{ k|fljlws ;ldltsf] l;kmfl/;df gu/kflnsfn] of]hgf
sfof{Gjogsf] :jLs[lt -Planning Permit_ lbg]5 .
s_ ;fj{hlgs ef}lts of]hgfsf] xsdfM ljBdfg ;fj{hlgs ;8s;+u hf]l8g]
k|:tfljt of]hgfsf] d"n ;8ssf] rf}8fO slDtdf * ld6/ x'g' kg]{5 .
v_ ljBdfg ;fj{hlgs d"n ;8s;+u hf]l8g] k|:tfljt of]hgfsf] k|To]s ;8sdf
pQm ;fj{hlgs ;8s b]lv @) ld6/ leq ;Dd rf/kfFu|] uf8L l5g]{ / lg:sg]
a]Unfa]Un} 9f]sf tyf jf6f] (gate and lane) x'g' kg]{5 . ^ ld6/ ;Dd rf}8f
;fj{hlgs af6f]n] 5f]Psf] hUufdf !) ld6/ ;Dd cUnf] cfjf;Lo k|of]hgsf]
nflu k|:tfljt of]hgfnfO{ dfq :jLs[tL lbOg]5 . * ld6/ jf ;f] eGbf a9L
rf}8f ;fj{hlgs ;8sn] 5f]Psf] hUufdf dfq !) ld6/ eGbf cUnf
cfjf;Lo/;fj{hlgs ejg lgdf{0f ug{ k|:tfljt of]hgfnfO{ :jLs[lt lbOg]5 .
u_ s'g} klg af6f]sf] 3'DtL jf df]8sf] Go"gtd cw{Jof; #=% ld6/ eGbf a9L x'g'
kg]{5 .
3_ 9n tyf af6f] lgdf{0f ;DkGg ug]{ bfloTj of]hgf k|:tfj ug]{ ;+:yfsf] g} x'g]5 .
ª_ af6f] tyf v'Nnf If]qsf] :jfldTj To; ef}lts of]hgfjf6 nfeflGjt x'g]
ejg/hUuf vl/bstf{x?df ;+o'Qm ?kdf /xg] sfg"gL Joj:yf vl/bstf{x?n]
gu/L of]hgf k|:tfj ug]{ ;+:yfn] g} ug]{5 .
$=*=@*=@ ;fj{hlgs k|of]hgsf] nflu ul/g] hUuf ljsf; jf ejg Plss/0f of]hgf k|:tfj
ubf{ ejgx?sf] u'? of]hgf ;lxt k]z x'g' kg]{5 .
$=*=@*=# cfjf;Lo k|of]hgsf] nflu k|:tfljt ef}lts of]hgf If]qsf] xsdf -s_ k|:tfljt
38]/Lsf] If]qkmn e"ld ;DjGwL lgodx? @)@! n] tf]s]sf] eGbf sd lsQf sf6
gx'g] u/L of]hgf k|:tfj ug'{ kb{5 . -v_ Pp6} prfOsf clwstd # tn]
ejgx? ePsf] v08df dfq hf]l8Psf ejgx? -Row Housing_ lgdf{0f ug{
lbOg]5 . hf]l8Psf ejgx? lgdf{0f ubf{ kl5 ejgsf] dd{t ug'{ kbf{sf] cj:yfdf
ejg :jfldTjstf{x?df kg{ cfpg] bfloTj ;d]t ejg lgdf{0f :jLs[ltsf] nflu
k]z ul/g] lgj]bg;fy ;+nUg x'g' kg]{5 .
$=*=@*=$ ef}lts of]hgf sfof{Gjog cg'dlt -Planning Permit_ k|:tfj ul/Psf] s"n
s_ slDtdf !% k|ltzt af6f]sf] nflu
v_ slDtdf % k|ltzt v'Nnf If]qsf] nflu 5'6\ofOPsf] x'g' kg]{5 . ;fy}, o:tf] v'Nnf
If]qsf] If]qkmn () ju{ ld6/ eGbf sd / ;f] sf] rf}8fO{ * ld6/ eGbf sd x'g'
x'Fb}g / o:tf] v'Nnf If]qn] k|:tfljt ef}lts of]hgf If]qsf] aflx/L ;fFw jf l;dfgf
5f]Psf] x'g' x'Fb}g .
$=*=@(= ljljwM
s_ gfkLgS;f tyf >]itfdf af6f] sfod gePsf] ;fj{hlgs hUufnfO{ af6f] sfod u/L
ejg lgdf{0f :jLs[lt lbOg] 5}g .
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lbOg]5 .
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Road Categorization.
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sfod u/L ejg lgdf{0f sfo{ ug{ glbg] .
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Detailed Road Categorization
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s]Gb|af6 !!=)) ld ;Dd :yfO{ vfnsf lgdf0f{ sfo{ ug{ glbg] .
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The first revision of National Building Code, NBC 206:2003 Architectural Design Requirements
was completed in 2015AD. This code was revised on the basis of new experiences in construction
practices and increased knowledge and improved understanding in engineering design , construction
technology and research sector.
Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC) under Ministry of Urban
Development (MoUD) has carried out study for update of Nepal National Building Codes which
revealed the areas of corrections and improvements in the prevailing existing codes. It was decided
to carry out revision of some codes. DUDBC then hired consultant for the preparing revision of
codes. After submission of the update from the consultant, the same was reviewed from expert
committee through series of meetings. After incorporating suggestions from the expert committee,
the proposed revision was further reviewed by DUDBC and then forwarded to MoUD for approval.
The revised code, NBC 206:2015 Architectural Design Requirements was approved from MoUD by
Government of Nepal dated 21st December,2015 and the notice was published in Nepal Gazette in
The revision of this code was undertaken under the aegis of Building Construction Management
Upgrading (Consolidation) Committee, Expert Committee and In-house Review Committee which
then comprised of the following :
1. Building Construction Management Upgrading (Consolidation) Committee
Mr. Kishor Thapa Secretary, MoUD
Mr. Santosh Raj Dahal Representative, NPC
Mr. Narendra Man Shrestha Representative, MoLJPA
Mr. Ganesh Prasad Pathak Representative, NCS
Mr. Gaurinath Rimal Expert
Mr. Manohar Rajbhandari Expert
Mr. Bharat Sharma Expert
Member –Secretary
Mr. Shambhu K.C. Director General, DUDBC
We would like to express our sincere thanks to all those who contributed directly and indirectly for
the revision of this code. We hope the revised code will be able to address the issues on the
architectural design of buildings as it incorporates the recent knowledge and technology in the sector.
1. TERMINOLOGY ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General Terms ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Classification of Building.................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 Based on Occupancy.................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Based on Storey & Height ........................................................................................................................... 7
2. MEANS OF EXIT ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Occupant Load .................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 General Exit requirement .................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Exit Doors .................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Corridors and Passageways ............................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Staircase & Ramps ............................................................................................................................................ 10
2.4.1 General Staircase Requirements ................................................................................................................ 12
3. COMPONENTS OF THE BUILDINGS ................................................................................................................. 13
3.1 Plinth ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
3.2 Minimum Room Dimensions ............................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.1 Height ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.2 Size ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
3.3 Light &Ventilations .......................................................................................................................................... 15
3.4 Lifts ................................................................................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Basements ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.6 Parking .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
4. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR MULTI STOREY BUILDINGS ................................................................... 19
4.1 Medium Rise: .................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 High Rise ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
5. ACCESSIBILITY FOR DISABLED ...................................................................................................................... 21
5.0.1 Requirements for Wheelchair bound people .............................................................................................. 21
5.1 Category 1: Minimally Accessible .................................................................................................................... 21
5.2 Category 2: Partially Accessible ....................................................................................................................... 22
5.3 Category 3: Fully Accessible ............................................................................................................................ 24
6. SUMMARY OF REQUIREMENTS BASED ON OCCUPANCY ........................................................................ 25
6.1 Residences ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
6.2 Assembly ........................................................................................................................................................... 26
6.3 Educational ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
6.4 Hospitals and Clinic .......................................................................................................................................... 29
6.5 Commercials & Office ...................................................................................................................................... 30
6.6 Industries & Storage .......................................................................................................................................... 31
A. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................................................... 32
B. GENERAL CHECKLIST FOR NBC-206 .............................................................................................................. 33
The Height of the building shall mean the vertical distance from the average level of the ground around
to the terrace of the upper most floor in case of a flat roofed building, to the center of the highest sloped
part in case of buildings with the slope greater than 30oand to the eaves level of the highest sloped part
in case of building with slope less than 30o. Building height may exclude any structure to hold the water
tank, lift cover, parapet or any decorative elements.
Plinth means part of the building above the normal ground level and below the ground floor level.
Plinth Area refers to area occupied by the ground floor of the building. Plinth area also includes the area
occupied by any structural elements of the building even if they are present outside the main building.
The Plinth Area may not include the atrium area or any voids greater than 1.5m x 1.5m. It however
includes external areas which are covered by cantilevers and are part of the circulation of building.
1.1.6Built-Up area
Built-up area shall be the sum of all the floor areas in the building used for one or more occupancy type.
The Built-Up area shall include all the area of the building that comes under FAR as per local byelaws.
1.1.9 Basement
The lower story or story of a building that are either completely below the average ground level or
extending up to 1.2m above the ground level.
Group A: Residential
This shall include any building in which sleeping accommodation is provided for normal residential
purpose with or without cooking or dining or both facilities. Indigenous and vernacular residential
buildings and NBC type C buildings may be allowed to exempt from these rules.
Residential Buildings are further divided into
Sub Group A1: General residence
This shall include any private residential building which has sleeping accommodation for not more than
40 persons. Based on occupancy load [Table 1], this relates to residential buildings having builtup area
less than500sq.m, beyond which any residential buildings shall be classified under A4
Sub Group A2: Residential with limited commercial use
This may include Residential buildings; with plinth area less than 150 sq.m and where part of the
building has been used for commercial or office purpose.
Sub Group A3: Residential Apartments
This shall include any building or structure which provides residential units in a single building for three
or more families, living independently of each other.
Sub Group A4: Dormitories and Hotels
These shall include any buildings under single management in which sleeping accommodation is
provided with or without dining facilities for more than 10 persons. Any residential building with
occupancy load greater than 40 persons is required to fulfill the requirement of this group. All the hotels
shall fulfill the minimum requirements for this group.
Group B: Assembly
Assembly building shall include any building or part of building, which is designed for gathering of 50
or more people. These shall include, theatres, cinema halls, auditorium, party palaces, exhibition halls,
museums, gymnasiums, covered hall, conference and meeting halls (above 50 capacity) and other
buildings or spaces within buildings where more than 50 persons are expected to assemble. Assembly
buildings shall be sub-divided into 2 groups
Sub Group B1: Assembly buildings and spaces with capacity upto 500 people
Sub Group B2: Assembly buildings and spaces with capacity above 500 people
Group C: Educational
Educational building shall include any buildings used as school, college, training institutes intended for
more than 25 students at a time. Educational buildings shall be divided into two categories
Sub Group C1: Primary Schools (upto standard 5)
Sub Group C2: Secondary Schools (beyond standard 5)
Any class room with more than 50 students should be treated as an assembly unit and shall be provided
means of exit as such
Group D shall include all medical and health institutions which are intended to house persons suffering
from physical or mental illness disease or infirmity, or to provide care for infants or aged persons.
Smaller clinics with area less than 100sq.m where the patients are not expected to stay may be excluded
from this. However all public health post should fulfill the Category 2 of disabled accessibility
requirements as specified in Part 5
Hospitals and Clinics shall be divided into two categories
Sub Group D1: Medical Institutions with less than 25 beds
Sub Group D2: Medical Institutions with more than 25 beds
Group E: Commercial
Group E shall include all the buildings or the part of the buildings designated for commercial use which
includes uses such as shops, markets, sale of merchandise either wholesale or retail, malls, Departmental
Residential normal rise buildings with plinth area less than 150sq.m where part of the building has been
used for commercial use may be categorized under subgroup-A2 as Residential with limited
commercial use
Group F: Offices
These shall include any building or part of building which is used for official or business use.
Residential normal rise buildings with plinth area less than 150sq.m where part of the building has been
used as offices may be may be categorized under subgroup-A2 as Residential with limited commercial
Group G: Industries
Group G shall include any building or part of the building or structure in which products or material of
all kinds and properties are fabricated, assembled, manufactured or processed. Certain type of industries
may be more hazardous than other hence require a different fire safety measures. The categorization of
the Industries based on fire load [which is the measure of the maximum heat that would be released if all
combustibles in a given fire area burn] shall be dictated by Fire safety code 107.
Group H: Storage
These shall include any buildings used primarily for the storage of goods, ware or merchandise, cars or
animals and which are non- hazardous. Storage buildings in general have lower occupancy in proportion
to area for most of the time.
Some store may house more hazardous than other hence require a different fire safety measures. The
categorization of the storage buildings and areas based on fire load [which is the measure of the
maximum heat that would be released if all combustibles in a given fire area, burn] shall be dictated by
Fire safety code 107.
This part of the code defines the requirement for various components which forms the part of the exit
system of the building. Exits shall be defined as a continuous and unobstructed means of egress to a
public way. The means of exit includes the following
A. Doors and openings – Exit Medium
B. Passageways and
corridors Exit Route
C. Stairways and ramps
The requirements are guided primarily by ease of evacuation but shall also address minimum level of
function and accessibility.
In case an area is used for dual purpose, the value which gives max occupant load shall be
considered. In case of multiple occupancy use within the single building, the individual occupant
load shall be calculated and added up.
The words ‘gross’ and ‘net’ areas are specific to certain occupancy type. Gross floor areas include
all the area including the rest rooms, internal corridors and any subsidiary rooms while net areas
include just the areas where the occupants reside.
For calculation of the width of main doorways and corridors at exit level and the width of the
stairways, the effective occupant load shall be sum of occupant load of consecutive 4 floors which
has the highest no of occupant.
The width of the exit route shall be calculated from the table below
For reduced use staircases which are not part of the normal exit system such as accesses to lofts,
attics and terraces, the minimum width shall be 600mm
Fig. 1 Width of the exit route or the staircase at any point is calculated based on the occupant load of the upper four floor
3.2.1 Height
For Residential building
The height of all rooms for human habitation shall not be less than 2.4m measured from the surface
of the floor to the lowest point of the ceiling [bottom of slab]
In the case of pitched roof, the average height of rooms shall not be less than 2.4m.
The minimum clear head room under a beamor any such structure including after installation of false
ceiling shall be 2.1m.
The height of the bathroom or water closet shall not be less than 2m
For Office and Commercial building the minimum floor height shall be 2.9m
Floor heights for Assembly, Hospitals, Educational and Industrial buildings shall not be less than
3.2m for Hill &Mountain region and 3.6m for Terai region.
3.2.2 Size
The minimum size of the room shall not be less than the following
A. Minimum habitable room Size Min Dimension 2.0m
Minimum Area 6sq.m
3.4 Lifts
Lifts indicates appliance designed to transport persons or material in a vertical direction
A. Lift Provision requirement
Provision of Lift(s) shall be made for all the buildings above 5 stories or 16m in height.
Provision of at least two lifts shall be made for high rise building [above 8 stories or 25m in
height]. At least one of the lift shall be fire lift that can be used by fire fighter for rescue and
access in case of emergency.
If lifts are provided, at least one of the lifts within the buildings under category 2 and 3 of
‘Disabled Accessibility’ shall be accessible to the people on the wheel chairs. It may be noted
however that provision of lifts for buildings under category 2 is not mandatory while in case of
category 3, ramps may substitute for lifts.
3.5 Basements
Basements are the lower story or storey of a building that are either completely below the average
ground level or extending up to 1.2m above the average ground level. Any floor above 1.2m level
shall be considered as Semi-basement floor.
A. Basic Requirements
Basement floor shall not be used for residential purpose
The minimum height of the basement floor shall be 2.4m
Adequate arrangement shall be made such that surface drainage doesn’t enter the basement. The
walls and floors of the basement shall be water tight.
B. Ventilation Requirements
Each basement shall be separately ventilated. Vents with cross sectional areas not less 2.5% of
the floor area spread preferably around the perimeter of the basement shall be provided through
stall boards, pavement light or through shafts [in case of double basements]
Each basement above 200sq.m shall have minimum of one each system of air inlets and smoke
outlet served through mechanical system. Additional vent system shall be provided for every
200sq.m of plinth area there on.
C. Safety Requirements
The staircase of the basement shall have fire resistance value of not less than 2hours.
As specified under section 2.2 maximum travel distances to the stairway or exit shall not be more
than 30m beyond which another means of exit shall be provided. Ramps can be considered as
one of the means of access.
3.6 Parking
These basic parking requirements shall be applicable to areas where vehicular transport is available
and is associated with off street parking
The minimum height clearance for indoor parking space shall not be less than 2.2m.
For common parking, area allocated for each car shall not be less than 2.5m X 4.5m.
lift or fire staircase and shall have at least one wall as external face of the
building. The refuge area shall be as specified under ‘Fire Safety Code-106’
E. Parapet Minimum parapet height of shall be of 1.2m excluding finishing
Required At least one entrance of category 1 public building shall be accessible to the
Provisions wheelchair bound people and he should be able to access the reception area
and any public service or facilities provided by the building. The person shall
also be able to access at least one of the toilets. As such, any public service
units, the reception area and at least one of the toilets shall be located on the
Ground floor or the floor that accessible from approach.
A. Ramps Minimum gradient of1:8 [7 degrees]for the difference in height not more
than 450mm
Minimum gradient of 1:12 [5 degrees]for the difference in height more than
Shall have level platforms for every1.5m of vertical rise. The level platform
shall not be less than 1.2m in length and the same width as the ramp.
Minimum width of ramp shall be 1m
Required At least one primary entrance to a building shall be usable by the physically
Provisions disabled and the disabled person should be able to access the reception area,
ground floor and the toilet. Although provision of lift is not compulsory for
category 2 buildings, if provided, it should be accessible to person on wheel chair.
As such, in absence of lift all the public oriented services, reception area and at
least one disabled accessible toilet shall be provided on the ground floor or the
floor that is accessible from approach.
Assembly area above 500 person capacity [either as an individual building or as a
part of other building] shall be accessible to the wheel chair bound people.
A. Ramps Minimum gradient of 1:8 [7 degrees]for the difference in height not more than
Minimum gradient of 1:12 [5 degrees]for the difference in height more than
Should have level platforms for 1.5m of vertical rise. The level platform shall not
be less than 1.2m in length and the same width as the ramp.
Level platforms should be provided at tops and changes of directions
Minimum width of ramp shall be 1m
Handrails shall be provided if total rise exceeds 1m and should be positioned
between 850mm and 1m above the surface of such ramp.
Should have non-slippery surface
B. Openings Shall have flush threshold or at maximum threshold limit shall not exceed 12mm
Minimum clear width in openings: 800mm
Minimum clear width in main openings 900mm
The control or handle to the door at major doors should be placed between 900-
1200mm from the floor
C. Sanitary Should have at least 1 water closet for the wheel chaired bound person that is at
Facilities minimum
900mm wide
1600mm deep
Shall have Commode
Shall have door with minimum clear opening of 800mm
The water closet can be unisex
D.Cinema Hall/ Every halls above capacity of 500 should be able to accommodate min of 3 wheel
Auditoriums chaired person for every 500 people
E. Lifts The minimum required size of disabled accessible lift are provided under part
All lifts shall have audible sound to enable easy movement for the visually
Height of the controls from the floor level of the lift car shall be at most 1066mm
6.1 Residences
S. Elements General
Particular e with Apartme Dormitor Referen
N of Residenc
dimensional aspects limited nts ies ce
o. building e
com. use
1. Occupancy Maximum area per 11.5sq.m 9sq.m 18sq.m 6sq.m 2.1
load Occupant
2. Exit Maximum distance to 30m 2.2
exits or stairways 40m for external corridor
within single floor
Minimum size of the 0.9m X 2m or as per Table 2 2.2.1
Width of the corridors As per Table 3 2.3
Staircase width As per Table 3 2.4
Staircase Designs Shall confirm with 2.4.1
6.2 Assembly
3. Components Minimum Floor Height 3.2m at any point for Hills & 3.6
of Building Mountains
3.6m for Terai region
Parking Requirements Min. 1 car park for every 25 Refer local
persons byelaws
Min. 1 bike park for every 10
5. Accessibility Provisions for disabled Provision for 3 wheel chaired 5.
for Disabled Mandatory for capacity person for every 500 people
above 500 Shall fulfill the requirement of
category 2
6.3 Educational
5. Accessibility For schools with students none Shall fulfill the 5.2
for Disabled requirement of
category 2
4. Boarding
Dormitories 2.8 sq.m per bed in double bunk
Dining Hall 1 sq.m per student 70
Kitchen & .36 sq.m per student 80
Urinals / Toilets 1 per 15 students
Wash Basin 1 per 20 students
Showers 1 per 20 students
Referenced from “Guideline or Architecture Design & Approval of School/College”
National Building Code of India - 2005
International Building Code - 2009
Building Codes Illustrated, Francis D.K Ching/Steven R Winkel
Bye laws for municipalities & urbanizing VDCs within Ktm Valley-2064
Neuferd Architect’s Data, Third Edition
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Urban Development and Building Construction
Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, NEPAL
Reprinted : 2064
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Urban Development and Building Construction
Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, NEPAL
Reprinted : 2064
This code has been prepared having considered the provisions of Electricity Act 2049
and Electricity Rule 2050 up to date. This includes general guidances for Electrical
wiring installation. Prevention of short-circuiting has been emphasized. Utmost
importance should be given in the installation of electrical wiring while preplanning
and exchanging information among all concerned agencies from the earlier stages of
the building works. Due to the limited technical manpower the country's construction
industry, the code has been simplified for the ease of use and implementation. It is
hoped that with the development of the manpower and modernization of construction
processes, it will be possible to release more sophisticated set of electrical wiring
installation guidelines in future.
1 1. General Requirement 1
6 6. Wiring 6
7 7. Earthing 9
1. General Requirements
1.1 The installation shall generally be carried out in conformity with the
Electricity Act 2049 as amended up to date and the Electricity rules 2050
framed thereunder and also the relevant regulations of Electricity supply
authority concerned as amended from time to time.
1.2 For practices of electrical wiring, definitions, design & construction and
inspection & testing of installation, IS 732, 732 (part 1) 1982, 732 (part 2) and
1982, 732 (part 3) 1982 shall be referred to respectively.
2.2 Execution of work: Unless otherwise exempted under the appropriate rule of
electricity rules the work of and electrical installation shall be carried out by
an electrical contractor licensed and under the direct supervision of a person
holding a certificate of competency and by persons holding valid permit
issued and recognized by the government.
2.3 For graphical symbols, power factor improvement, safety procedures and
practices IS 8270 (Part 1) 1976 & IS 2032; IS 7752 (Part 1) 1975 & IS 5216-
1969 shall be referred to respectively.
Load Requirement
Per Plinth Area
After calculating the electrical load on the above basis, a load factor of
70 percent is to be applied to arrive at the minimum capacity of
substation. The area required for substation and transformer room for
different capacities is given in standard Table.
d) High & Low Voltage Switch Room: Incase of substation having one
transformer and one source of supply, the owner is required to provide
one high voltage switch. In case of single point supply with two or
more transformers the number of switch required will be one for
incoming supply and one for each transformer. In case of duplicate
supply two switches shall be provided with mechanical/electrical
interlocking arrangement where necessary in cables with switches. In
case the number of incoming and outgoing switches exceed five, bus
coupler of suitable capacity should invariably be provided. The floor
area required in case of a single switch is roughly 4mX4m and for
every additional switch the length would be increased by 1m. The floor
area required in respect of low voltage switchgear room may be
determined keeping in view the number and type of incoming/outgoing
bus coupler switches including likely expansion in future.
e) Room For Stand By Generator: The capacity of standby generating set
shall be chosen on the basis of essential light load, essential air-
conditioning load, essential equipment load and essential services load,
such as one lift out of the bank of lifts, one or all water pumps, etc.
Having chosen the capacity and number of generating sets, a space
may be provided for their installation from the Standard Table. The
generating set should invariably be housed in the substation building to
enable transfer of electrical load quickly as well as to avoid transfer of
vibration and noise to the main building. The generator house should
have proper ventilation, firefighting equipment, etc.
4.1 In case of connected load of 100KVA and above, the relative advantage of
high voltage three-phase supply should be considered.
4.2 Switchgear and fuse gear shall have adequate breaking capacity in relation to
the capacity of the transformers ultimately to be connected. Isolation and
protection of outgoing circuits forming main distribution system may be
effected by means of circuit-breakers, or fuses or switch and fuse units
mounted on the main switchboard.
the meter reading; it should preferably not be installed below one meter from
the ground. The energy meters should either be provided with a protective
covering, enclosing it completely except the glass window through which the
readings are noted or should be mounted inside a completely enclosed panel
provided with hinged or sliding doors with arrangement for locking. Energy
Meter along with Switch disconnector such as MCCB, MCB & Fuse is
4.5 Marking of Apparatus: Where a board is connected to voltage higher than 250
V in a three Phase system, all the apparatus mounted on it shall be marked on
the following colours to indicate the different poles or phases to which the
apparatus or its different terminals may have been connected:
Where four-wire three-phase wiring is done, the neutral cable shall be in black
colour and the other three wires in red, yellow and blue.
Where a board has more than one switch, each such switch shall be marked to
indicate which section of the installation it controls. The main switch shall be
marked as such and where there is more than one main switch, each such
switch shall be marked to indicate which section of the installation it controls.
All markings shall be clear and permanent.
4.6 Protection against the short circuits :
breakers, or where HRC fuses are used for protection of main circuits, and
circuit-breakers for the protection of sub-circuits derived thereform,in the
event of short-circuits protection exceeding the short-circuits capacity of
the circuit-breakers, the HRC fuses shall operate earlier than the circuit-
breakers; but for smaller overloads within the short-circuit capacity of the
circuit-breakers, the circuit-breakers shall operate earlier than the HRC
fuse blows.
5.2 The current ratings of switches for domestic and similar purposes are 5 A and
5.3 The current ratings of isolators and normal duty switches and composite units
of switches and fuses shall be selected from one of the following values: 6, 10,
16, 25, 32, 63, 100, 160, 200, 320, 400, 500, 630, 800, 1000 and 1250 A. IS
13947-3 shall be referd.
5.4 The ratings of rewirable and HRC fuses shall be in accordance with good
practice. IS 2086-1963 and IS 13703 shall be referred to.
5.5 The current ratings of miniature circuit breakers shall be chosen from the
values given below: 6, 10, 16, 25, 32, 40, 63, 80 , 100, 125 A. IS 8828-1996
5.6 Lighting and levels of illumination: Lighting installation shall take into
consideration the many factors on which the quality and quantity of artificial
lighting depends. The modern concept is to provide illumination with the help
of a large number of light sources not of higher illumination level. Also much
higher levels of illumination are called for than in the past, often necessitating
the use of fluorescent lighting suitably supplemented with incandescent
fittings, where required.
5.7 For specific requirements for lighting of special occupancies, reference shall
be made to good practice. IS 2672-1966; 4347-1967; 8030-1967 shall be
referred to. Electric wiring installations in hospitals shall be done in
accordance with good practice. IS 7733-1975 shall be referred to. For
guidelines for electrical installation in residential buildings, reference may be
made to good practice. IS 4648-1968 shall be referred to.
5.8 Cables: The smallest size of the cable that shall be used, will depend upon the
method of laying cable, permissible maximum temperature it shall withstand,
the prospective short-circuit current to which the cable may be subjected, the
characteristics of the overload protection gear installed, load cycle and thermal
resistivity of the soil. IS 1255-1965 shall be referred to. Short-circuit rating
curves will serve as an approximate guide for selection of the size of cables.
5.9 Residual current breaker should be used as to avoid electrocution and fire of
from electricity hazards in case of Hospital building.
5.10 Minimum standard size of wiring cable for light and power shall be specified
as follows:
o Light circuit --- 2.5 PVC insulated copper stranded cable
o Power circuit - 4.0 PVC insulated copper stranded cable.
6. Wiring
6.1 General:
6.2.5 Conduit Joints: All joints shall be sealed cemented with approved
cement. Damaged conduit pipes fittings shall not be used on the work.
Cut ends of conduit pipes shall have no sharp edges nor any burrs left
to avoid damage to the insulation of conductors while pulling them
through such pipes.
6.2.8 Outlets: The switch box shall be made of either rigid PVC moulding or
mild steel or cast iron on all sides except at the front. PVC boxes shall
conform to accepted standards IS 3419-1976; 9537, 9537(part 1) –
1980 & 5133(part 2) 1969. These boxes shall be free from burrs, fins
and internal roughness. The thickness of the walls and base of PVC
boxes shall be not less than 2 mm. The clear depth of PVC boxes shall
not be less than 50 mm. For METALLIC boxes: The switch or
regulator box shall be made of metal on all sides, except on the front.
In the case of cast boxes, wall thickness shall be at least 3 mm and in
case of welded mild steel sheet boxes, the wall thickness shall not be
less than 1.18 mm for boxes up to a size of 20 cm X 30 cm and above
this 1.6 mm MS boxes shall be used. Clear depth of the box shall not
be less than 60 mm and this shall be increased suitably to
accommodate mounting of fan regulators in flush pattern. All fittings
shall be filled in flush pattern.
7. Earthing
7.2 Earthing associated with current-carrying conductor is normally essential for the
security of the system and is generally known as system earthing, while earthing
of non-current carrying metal work and conductor is essential for the safety of
human life, of animals and of property and it is generally known as equipment
7.3 Earth Electrodes: Earth electrode either in the form of pipe electrode or plate
electrode should be provided at all premises for providing an earth system. Details
of typical pipe and plate earth electrodes are given in relevent standard figures.
7.4 As far as possible, all earth connections shall be visible for inspection and shall be
carefully made; if they are poorly made or inadequate for the purpose for which
they are intended, loss of life and property or serious personal injury may result.
7.5 The earthing of electrical installations for non-industrial buildings shall be done in
accordance with good practice IS 3043-1966.
8.2 Completion Drawings-On completion of the electric work, initial wiring diagram
shall be verified at actual basis of works and submitted to the engineer-in-charge
or the owner's representative. All wiring diagrams shall indicate clearly, the main
switchboard, the runs of various mains and sub mains and the position of all
points and their controls. All circuits shall be clearly indicated and numbered in
the wiring diagram and all points shall be given the same number as the circuit in
which they are electrically connected. Also the location and number of earth
points and the run of each load should be clearly shown in the completion
8.4 Testing of Installation – After inspection, the following tests shall be carried out,
before an installation or an addition to the existing instillation is put into service.
Any testing of the electrical installation in an already existing installation shall
commence after obtaining permit to work from the enginner-incharge and after
ensuring the safety provisions.
8.4.1 Switchboards
All earth connections shall be checked for continuity. The operation of the
breakers, switches and fueses shall be tested from all control stations.
Indication signaling lamps shall be checked for proper working. Contact
resistance of main and isolator contacts, cable's contact etc. shall be
measured. All high and low voltage switchboards shall be tested for
dielectric test as per IS 8623 (part 1) 1977.
8.4.2 Cables
It shall be ensured that the cables conform to the relevant. Standards. Tests
shall also be done in accordance with good practice IS 1255-1967. The
insulation resistance before and after the tests shall be checked. The
insulation resistance between each conductor and against earth shall be
measured. The insulation resistance varies with the type of insulation used
and with the length of cable.
I/ We certify that the installation detailed below has been installed by me/us and tested and
that to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, it complies with Electricity Rules 2050.
Particulars of Works:
i) Light point.
ii) Fan point.
iii) Plug point.
3-pin 5 A.
3-pin 15 A.
1) Motors:
2) Other plants:
c) If the work invloves installations of over head line and/or underground cable.
End joint:
Tee joint:
Straight through joint:
Test Results:
a) Insulation Resistance
iii) Insulation resistance between the phase conductors in case of polyphase supply.
b) Polarity test:
Polarity of non-linked single pole branch switches
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Urban Development and Building Construction
Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, NEPAL
Reprinted : 2064
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Planning and Works
Department of Urban Development and Building Construction
Babar Mahal, Kathmandu, NEPAL
Reprinted : 2064
This code has been prepared having considered the provisions of Water Resources Act
2049. It contains general guidelines for water supply installations, sewage/ waste water
disposal installations and rainwater disposal installations in buildings. The objectives are
to make adequate water supply available (without any interruption ) for the purpose of
drinking, bathing, flushing toilets and any domestic use including fire fighting; to
provide a system of self cleansing conditions for conveyance of foul waste water and for
the removal of such waste water/sewage to a sewer or outer outlet without risk of
nuisance and hazard to health and to dispose rainwater in buildings. Due to the limited
technical manpower in the country's construction industry, the code has been simplified
for the ease of use and implementation. It is hoped that with the development of the
manpower and modernization of construction processess, it will be possible to release
more sophisticated set of sanitary installation guidelines in future.
S.NO. Particulars Page No.
1 A) Water Supply 1
3 2. Water Storage 2
10 1. Collection System 14
A) Water Supply
B) Waste Water Disposal
C) Rain Water Disposal
A) Water Supply:
Scope: This section gives guidelines for water supply provisions in different types of
buildings. The main objectives of such guidelines are to make adequate water supply
available (without any interruption) for the purpose of drinking, bathing, washing,
flushing toilets and any other domestic use including fire fighting).
Table- A 1
S.N Type of Buildings Minimum requirement per head per day
2 Water Storage :
In case water is available in the city mains at sufficient pressure and quantity
throughout the day to rise upto the highest floor, no storage will be necessary at all and
all fixtures could be supplied directly But it is usually not so. Storage of water within a
premises is thus necessary,
a) to tide over period of intermittent supply
b) to provide for interruption of the supply from the main itself, caused by various
reasons like repairs in the system, failure of power etc.
c) to meet the peak flow requirements within a building if the city mains do not meet
d) to maintain a storage for fire fighting requirement of the building.
The storage capacity required for a building depends on hours of public supply,
pressure in the mains, demand pattern in the building and the fire fighting need. Water
storage is usually done in underground tank or tanks at the ground level or overhead
2.1.1 Water tanks should be strong enough to take the vertical load and the natural
pressure of water when full, and also the negative pressure within the tanks
when the water in drawn out.
2.1.2 Water tank should be water tight and constructed with non-corrosive, non-
toxic materials and should have smooth surface inside.
2.1.3 Water tanks must have at least one number of manhole of size
450mmx450mm for access and repairs, together with a locking arrangement
and corrosion resistant steps, catch-rings or ladders to reach the bottom for
cleaning purpose and maintenance.
2.1.4 Water tanks should have a vent pipe for ventilation as well as for prevention of
negative pressure when water is drawn out from the tanks.
2.1.5 Water tanks should have an over flow pipe which also acts as a 'warning pipe'
to indicate over flow of water from the already full tank.
2.1.6 Water tanks should have a scour pipe/washout pipe with a plug at the lowest
point so that they can be emptied easily at the time of need.
2.1.8 The overflow pipes or vent shafts if provided shall have a wire gauge cover of
1.5 mm mesh properly screwed tight to the opening to prevent the entry of
mosquitoes, vermin, insects etc.
2.1.9 The top of the tank shall be so leveled as to prevent any stagnation of water on
Underground storage tanks or tanks at ground level are necessary to collect water from
the city water mains during hours of supply if it does not reach the point of supply or
the overhead tanks. It is then pumped to overhead tank for use within the building.
2.2.1 The capacity of an underground storage tank or tank on the surface should be
the net difference between the peak demand and the flow during the hours of
supply. Provision should be made for supply interruption due to various
reasons like main repair work or power failure etc.
2.2.2 For normal buildings with a reliable public supply, underground storage
capacity is taken at 12-24 hours of the average daily water demand.
2.2.3 Underground tanks should be built watertight and should not leak when empty
or full. There should be no possibility of any ingress of subsoil water.
2.2.4 Underground tanks should not be located in low-lying areas which may
permit entry of surface water from the top. The manhole cover shall be raised
30 cm above the highest flood level in the locality or ground level whichever
is higher.
2.2.5 The underground tanks should not be located near sewers, septic tanks, soak
pits, oil tanks or under car-parking areas to avoid all kind of contamination
due to seepage or leakage.The minimum clearance distance as 5.0 meter.
2.2.6 The overflow water level in the underground tanks should be above the
surrounding ground level to prevent the surface water from entering the tanks
through overflows.
2.2.7 The top slab, the walls and the base should all be designed to take the possible
load of traffic, natural pressure of soil from sides and bulging pressure from
the base when empty, and the water pressure when full.
Table-A 2
Type of Building Unit Unit storage
1. Apartments (Domestic use) Residence 360 lit
2. Auditoriums WC 500lit
3. Hospitals Urinal 150 lit
WC 300 lit
4. Cold Storage Urinal 75 lit
WC/Urinal 300
5. Buildings more than 4 Stories (Commercial & Residental 360 lit
NBC108V2.RV9 7 December 1993
i) Dwelling Units Resident 360 lit
ii) Hostels ,, 360 lit
iii) Hotels ,, 135 lit
iv) Commercial Building without canteen Head 50 lit
v) Commercial Building with canteens Head 70lit
vi) Restaurants Meal 12lit
vii) Day Schools Head 12 lit
viii) Boarding Schools Resident 90 lit
ix) Nurse’s Hostels and Medical quarter Resident 135 lit
Flushing Purpose
i) For tenants having common convenience WC 500 lit
ii) For residential premises other than (i) WC 270 lit
Additional WC in the 180 lit
same flat
iii) For factories and workshops WC 500 lit
Urinal seat 180 lit
iv) For cinema halls, public WC 500 lit
Assembly halls etc. urinal seat 350lit
2.3.2 If placed on terraces the tank bottom should be clear off the terrace level to
avoid overloading the structural slab, leakages and to make easy for future
maintenance work. In tall buildings, security rail or wall on the top slab must
be provided for safety of maintenance staff.
2.3.3 Lightning arresters must be provided as per the recommended practice on top
of tanks in high rise buildings.
2.3.4 Tanks fabricated from galvanized or mild steel sheets should be protected
against corrosion from water by painting both on the inside and outside with
suitable paints.
Several empirical formulae are used to determine the size of pipe. The Hazen Williams
formula and charts based on the same may be used without any risk of inaccuracy in
view of the fact that the pipes normally to be used for water supply are of smaller sizes.
3.6 The cover for the water main shall be at least 1.20 M. under National
Highways,other roads 1.0m and 0.90M in the case of footpaths. This cover
shall be measured from the top of the pipe to the surface of the ground.
3.7 The service pipe shall pass into or beneath the buildings at a depth of not less
that 75 cm below the outside ground level.
3.8 The underground water service pipes and building sewer or drain shall be
kept at a sufficient distances apart so as to prevent contamination of water.
Water service pipes shall not be run or laid in the same trench as the drainage
pipe. Where this is unavoidable, the following conditions shall be fulfilled;
a) the bottom of water service pipe at all points, shall be at least 30cm
above the top of the sewer line at the highest point.
b) the number of joints in the water pipe shall be kept to a minimum.
3.9 Distribution pipes shall be made of any of the following materials like
galvanized iron (GI Pipe) of medium class only.
4.1 Shortage of water and intermittent public water supply has led to the need to
have captive water storage tanks exclusively for fire fighting operation.
4.2 For water supply for wet riser system a storage tank should be available with
arrangement for replenishment of water supply through public supply mains or
by an alternate source of supply at the rate of about 1000 ltr/minute. Where
this is not possible the capacity of the static tank will have to be increased. The
storage should last for 90-120 minutes at a nominal pumping rate of 2400
ltr/minute. Storage available from swimming pools, ornamental pools are
considered as supplementary and are not acceptable as replacement for fire
storage tank.
4.4.1 Dry Risers, so called because they contain no water in the pipes, are
installed within a building with a landing valve in the staircase lobby.
They terminate at the street level in the form of a fire brigade
connection. The connection enables the five brigades to connect the
fire brigade connection either to street fire hydrant directly or to a fire
brigade pumper and charge the dry riser with water.
4.4.2 Wet risers are fixed pipe installations within a building and
permanently charged with water under pressure from available water
4.4.3 Hydrant station is provided to serve an area of 926- 1000 sq.m. It is
advisable of place it in fire-protected areas near each fire escape
staircase or lobby so that it can be located easily.
Each hydrant station comprises,
4.4.4 Fire pumps : To enable the water to reach the topmost floor, it is
necessary to provide pumping sets connected to the fire tank or city
public supply mains when permitted. The pump delivery is connected
to the piping system of the hydrant or sprinkler system. Pumps are
electrically driven and each system provided with a stand by pump.
Pumps for fire hydrant systems and sprinkler system are separated and
independent of each other, though common pumps having appropriate
discharging capacity are used in many parts of the world.
Table- A 3
Sn Requirement
Water supply Pump capacity
Type of building occupancy Type of Undergro Terrace Near At the terrace
installation und static tank underground level
tank tank
1 Residential building
a) lodging or room
houses dormitories
& hotels. (No
provision is needed
for dormitories
housing less than 25
person .
*upto 15 mtr. In height. Nil 50000 ltr. Nil Nil Nil
* above 15 m. height but One wet riser 100000 Nil 2400 lit/min at Nil
not exceeding 24 m. cum down comer ltr. pressure not less
per 1000 m.sq. than 0.3
floor area. The N/mm.sq.
riser shall be fully (3kg./cm.sq) at
automatic in the topmost
operation. hydrant
NBC108V2.RV9 7 December 1993
ii) Above 15 m. in height but One wet riser 100000 ltr NIL 2400 ltr/minute Nil
not exceeding 24 m. com down comer at pressure not
per 100 m. sq. less than 0.3
floor area. The N/mm.sq.
riser shall be fully (3kg./cm.sq.) at
automatic in the toppest
operation. hydrant.
1 Collection Systems : The system to be adopted will depend on the type and planning
of the building in which it is to be installed and will be one of the following :
1.1 Two Pipe System – A discharge pipe system comprising two independent
discharge pipes one of which conveys soil excreta directly to the drain, the other
conveying waste water to the drain through a trapped gully. The system may also
require ventilating pipes.
1.2 One Pipe System – The plumbing system in which the waste connection from
sinks, baths and wash basins and soil pipe branches are all collected into one main
pipe connected directly to the drainage system. Gully traps and waste pipe are
completely dispensed with but all the traps of water closets, basins etc. are
completely ventilated to preserve the water seal.
1.2.1 Single Stack System – Single stack system eliminates the anti-siphonage
pipe in the one pipe system. To be effective single stack system must be
used in buildings having normal domestic flow. It is not suitable in
building where short term high flows are generated in buildings. eg:
schools, workshops, sports building. Where used, the toilets fixtures
must be grouped together around a shaft to provide short and easy
connections. As far as possible the fixture layout should be repetetive
vertically. A long radius bend should be provided at the foot of each
stack and the ground floor connection made directly to the manhole.
1.3 All fixtures should be provided with a water seal trap to prevent foul gases, insects
and vermin of the main sewer from entering the building. The depth of water seal
traps for different fixtures shall be as follows :
1.4 All pipes are to be adequately sized and sloped for effective disposal of waste.
Branches and stacks which receive discharge from WC pan should not be less than
100mm except where the outlet from siphonic WC is 80mm in which case a branch
pipe of 80mm may be used; for outlet of the floor trap 75mm dia may be used.
1.5 All piping system is to be fully ventilated to allow for the removal of foul gases.
Access to the atmosphere also maintains an equilibrium in the system, thereby
avoiding negative pressure and retardation of flow in the pipes.
1.6 No connections and cross connections are to be made between the water supplies
and the drainage system in order to avoid all possibilities of back flow and
1.7 Vertical stacks must continue to roof level as vent pipes without diminishing in
1.8 Bends and junctions should be smooth and rounded with access doors or clean out
plugs wherever necessary.
1.9 Pipes used must be strong enough to withstand the internal pressure of the liquid
carried and the external pressures to which it may be subjected particularly if
1.10 Toilet layouts must be planned so that they are grouped together in an orderly
manner, then allowing easy and direct connection from fixture to vertical stacks or
1.11 There should be at least one water tap and arrangement for drainage in the vicinity
of each water closet or group of water closets in all buildings.
1.12 Each family dwelling unit on premises or any other structure for human occupancy
abutting on a sewer or with a private sewage disposal system shall have at least one
water closet and one kitchen type sink. It is desirable that a bath or shower should
be installed to meet the basic requirement of sanitation and personal hygiene.
1.13 Where only one water closet is provided in a dwelling, the bath and water closet
shall be separately accommodated.
1.14 Dwellings without individual conviniences shall have the following fitments.
1.15 The requirements for fitments for drainage and sanitation in the case of buildings
other than residences shall be in accordance with Table 1 to 13
1.16 A soil pipe conveying to a drain any solid or liquid, shall be circular and shall have
a minimum diameter of 100mm.
This may include adequate number of water-closets of European style, where desired.
Table B2 - Factories
ii) Ablution taps 1 in each water-closet 1 in each water-closet 2 in each water-closet 3 in each water-closet
1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provlded for every 50 persons or part thereof in
the vicinity of water-closets and urinals.
v) Drinking water
fountain 1 per 100 persons or part thereof
ii) Ablution taps 1 in each water-closet 1 in each water-closet 1 in each water-closet 1 in each water-closet
1 water tap withdraining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof
in the vicinity of water-losets and urinals
iii) Urinals 1 per 50 persons Nil, up to 6 persons
1 for 7-20 persons
2 for 21-45 persons
iv) Wash basins 1 for every 200 persons 2 for every 200 1 for 1-15 persons 1 for 1-12 persons
or part thereof. For over persons or part thereof.2 for 16-35 persons 2 for 13-25 persons
200 persons, add at the For over 200 persons,
rate of 1 per 250 persons add at the rate of 1 per
or part thereof. 150 persons or part
iii) Wash basins 2 up to 30 beds; add 1 for every additional 30 beds or part thereof
iv) Baths 1 bath with shower for every 8 beds or part thereof
v) Bedpan washing sinks 1 for each ward
vi) Cleaner's sinks 1 for each ward
vii) Kitchen sinks and dish 1 for each ward
washers (where kitchen
is provided)
Note : 1 Some of the water-closets may be of European style, if desired.
Note : Additional and special fitments for specific needs of hospitals may be provided.
1 2 3 4
i) Water-closets 1 for every 100 persons or part 2 for every 100 persons or part thereof
ii) Ablution taps 1 in each water-closet 2 in each water-closet
1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or
part thereof in the vicinity of water-closets and urinals
St No Fitments For Administrative Buildings For Medical Staff Quarters For Nurses' Homes
(hostel type) (hostel type)
From 200
persons,add at the
rate of 2-5 percent
iv) Wash basins 1 for every 25 1for every 25 1 for every 1for every 1 for every
persons or part persons or part 8persons or 8persons or part 8persons or part
thereof thereof part thereof thereof thereof
Cleaner's sinks 1 per floor, Min
(Including Buildings more than 4-storey)
For Residental
St No Fitments For Public Rooms For Non-Residential Staff
Public and Staff
ii) Ablution taps 1 in each water- 1in each 1in each 1 in each water- 1 in each
closet water-closet water-closet closet water-closet
iii) Urinals 1 per 50 Nil, up to 6
persons or persons 1 for 7-
part thereof 20 persons 2
- - for 2-45 persons
3 for 46-70
persons 4 for
71-100 persons
iv) Wash basin 1 per 10 persons 1 per water- 1 per water- 1 for 1-15 1 for 1-12
omitting the wash closet and closet persons 2 for persons
basins installed urinal provided provided 16-35 persons 2 for 13-25
in the room suite 3 for 36-65 persons
persons 4 for 3 for 26-40
66-100 persons persons
4 for 41-57
5 for 58-77
6 for 78-100
(Including Buildings more than 4 storey)
ii) Ablution taps 1 in each water-closet 1in each water- 1in each 1 in each water-closet
closet water-closet
ii) Ablution taps 1 in each water-closet 1in each 1in each 1 in each 1 in each
water-closet water-closet water-closet water-closet
1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part
thereof in the vicinityof water-closets and urinals
vi) Drinking water 1 for every 50 pupils or part 1 for every 1for every 50 1 for every 1 for every 50
fountains thereof 50 pupils or pupils or part 50 pupils or pupils or part
part thereof thereof part thereof thereof
For teaching staff, the schedule of fitments to be provided shall be the same as in the case of office buildings
Note : Some of the water-closets may be of European style, if desired.
1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part
thereof in the vicinity of water-closets and urinals
S. No FiTMENTS Reqiore,emts
1 2 3
I) Urinals Not less than 2 for every 50 persons
ii) Water-closets 2, Min, and an additional 1 for every 50 persons
iii) Ablution taps 2, Min, and an additional tap for every 50 persons
iv) Bathing places suitable numbers with bathing platforms
Note : 1 For layout for regulated market yards for fruit and vegetables, reference may be made for females.
Note : 2 Separate and adequate provision of water-closets shall be made for females.
Note : 3 Adequate washing places for fruit and vegetables shall be provided.
2.2 Where public sanitary sewerage is not available, then the sewage of the building or
premises, shall be done through septic tanks or stabilization ponds or any method
approved by the concerned authority.
2.3 The pipes used for disposal /conveyance of sewage /waste water can be either Salt
Glazed Stoneware Pipe, Cement Concrete Pipe (Plain or reinforced) Cast Iron pipe,
Galvanized Iron Pipe , Asbestos Cement Pipe , Lead Pipe , PVC or HDPE Pipe .
The jointing of those pipes will be either spigot and socket type or collar type .
2.4 Gradients : The discharge of water through a domestic - drain is intermittent and
limited in quantity and therefore, small accumulations of solid matter are liable to
form in the drain between the building and the public sewer. Gradients shall be
sufficient to prevent such temporary accumulations building up and blocking the
2.4.1 The sewer pipes are normally designed to take the peak simultaneous flow
flowing half full.Thus the gradient should be maintainced such that the flow
velocity at the minimum flow situation also remains at a minimum self
cleansing velocity of 0.75m/sec, and the maximum velocity at time of peak
flow does not exceed 2.4m/sec. (Whereby there is adverse effects on the
pipe material.)
Table - B14
Different Diameter Pipes Giving A Velocity of 0.75m/sec. and corresponding discharge .
Table – B15
Different Diameter Pipes Giving AVelocity of 2.4m/sec and corresponding discharge.
2.5 All sanitary appliances and fitments shall be carefully examined for defects before
they are installed and also on the completion of the work .
Scope: This section covers general guidelines for provisions for disposal of rainwater
in different buildings.
1 Rainwater falling on roofs, paved areas and other open area must be collected and
disposed off efficiently and quickly. Provision should be made for a separate and
independent storm water disposal system leading to the public storm-water drain or
natural watercourse for individual buildings.
2 Provision should be made for the drainage of wastes/rain water from balconies and
terrace in an efficient manner.
3 Sloping Roof: Apart from architectural considerations, the roof system of a building
should take into account the annual frequency and intensity of rainfall also.
3.1 Roofs of single-storey buildings in isolated areas can be sloped in any direction and
the rainwater allowed to fall on the ground to be drained naturally.
3.2 For large and tall buildings free fall of rainwater from the roofs is not advisable. It
is necessary to catch the rainwater in roof gutters provided with downtake pipes at
suitable locations.
4 For designing rain water/storm water disposal systems, the maximum intensity of rainfall
should be used.
5 Catchment area: The plan area that contributes to the down takes/gutter should be taken
as catchment area.
5.1 Catchment from vertical wall surface enclosing a terrace should also be taken into
account. An area equal to 50% of the wall surface projecting above the terrace
should be added to the roof area contributing to a rain water pipe.
5.2 If rain water of any other terrace at upper level is discharging the rain water to rain
water pipe of the lower terrace, the area must be added to the terrace under design.
5.3 For sloping roofs, allowance is to be made for wind borne rain. It is advisable to
take the actual roof area rather than the plan area for such situations.
5.4 Slopes in flat roofs are desirable to direct the flow to the outlet and drain off the
water quickly in less than one or two minutes. Flow speed is generated by the
hydraulic gradient between the far end and the free fall outlet.
5.4.1 Slopes to be provided depend on the quality and reliability of the water
proofing, surface finishes and spacing of downtakes. Rough and absorbing
surfaces require more slopes.
5.5 Design of rainwater/storm water disposal very much depend on the co-efficient of
run-off. Co-efficient of run-off is the quantity of rainwater which finds it's way into
the drainage system. Some water is lost in evaporation and absorption in soil or the
floor surface by various means. Typical coefficient of run-off figures are as in
Table below;
Surface Type Coefficient of Run-off
6 If proper streets drain is not available within 30m. of the boundary of the premises,
a rain-water pipe may discharge directly into the kerb drain and shall be taken
through a pipe outlet across the footpath, if any, with out obstructing the path.
7 A rain-water pipe shall not discharge into or connect with any soil pipe or its
ventilating pipe or any waste pipe or its ventilating pipe nor shall it discharge into a
sewer unless specifically permitted to do so by the Authority, in which case such
discharge into a sewer shall be intercepted by means of a gully trap.
8 Rainwater pipes shall be constructed of cast iron, PVC pipe asbestos cement,
galvanized sheet or other equally suitable material and shall be securely fixed.
9 Rainwater pipes shall be normally sized on the basis of roof areas according to
Table C3, a bell mouth inlet at the roof surface is found to give better drainage
effect provided proper slopes are given to the roof surface. The spacing of pipes
depends on the position of the windows and arch openings, but 6 m apart is a
convenient distance. The strainer area shall be 11/2 to 2 times the area of pipe to
which it connects.
Sloping Roof
Illustration C1