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10 - tanlov sinflar uchun IELTS materiallari hamda Cambridge Prepare second edition

Grade 10 kitobining “Unit 1-5” bo’limi yuzasidan summativ baholash

(1-chorak BSB vazifalari)

Baholas Bo’lim nomi Topshiriq Topshiri Baholash kerak bo’lgan ball

h turi turi q shakli jihatlar
BSB - 1 IELTS IELTS Mixed Listening 20
task Reading

BSB - 2 Project work Project 10

BSB -3 Units 1-5 Unit test 2 Mixed Vocabulary 20

task Grammar

FB Aktivlik 10
Vazifalarni o’z vaqtida
O’quv qurollarining
ChSB Revision Test BSB-1 - BSB-2 yuzasidan 40
Of Unit 1-5 takrorlash
Umumiy: 100
Summative Section assessment 1-3. Variant #1 for Grade 10 (Tanlov)
Student’s name____________________________Class____________________

1. Add the prefix un-, im- or in- to each adjective below and complete the
sentences with the adjectives formed. 0.5 point for each correct answer.

known | correct | kind | patient

1. These plants grow well in this area, but the reason why they do is still _________.

2. That’s not the right answer – I’m afraid it’s _________.

3. Karen hates waiting for the bus – she’s very _______.

4. I’m sorry I was angry and said some ________ things to you.
____ / 2

2. Write the correct adverb next to each adjective. Then complete each sentence
with an adjective and its adverb. There is one extra word, you don’t need to use
it. 0.5 point for each correct answer.

good | fast | angry | careful | easy

1. Dad was very _________ with us because we were late. He spoke to us _________.

2. My best friend is a _________ runner. He runs ___________.

3. She’s ___________ at drawing animals – they look real. She can draw

4. The maths test was really ___________. I finished it ________ and I got everything

___ / 4
3. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use three
words. 1 point for each correct answer.

1. I’m the shortest student in my class.

I’m ________________ as my classmates.

2. These boots aren’t as new as my trainers.

My trainers ____________________ my boots.
3. This necklace was more expensive than all the other presents.
This necklace was __________________ present.

4. I’m really bad at drawing but my friends are quite good.

All my friends are _______________ than me.
___ / 4
5. Your friend left a mysterious package on your doorstep with a note that reads:
"Open only if you dare." Write a story that begins with these words:
"I stared at the package on my doorstep, unsure of what to do next.".
Write about 150-170 words.
• Make sure there is a beginning, middle and end.
• Give the story an interesting title.
• Use verbs in the past simple and past continuous.
• Use adjectives and adverbs to make your story interesting.
• Remember to check your spelling and grammar.
____ / 10

Total: ____ / 20

Summative Section assessment 1-3. Variant #2 for Grade 10 (Tanlov)

Student’s name____________________________Class____________________
1. Add the prefix un-, im- or in- to each adjective below and complete the
sentences with the adjectives formed. 0.5 point for each correct answer.

lucky | visible | expensive | possible

1. You can’t jump over the house! That’s __________!

2. Larry has a lot of accidents. He’s very _________.

3. It would be fun to be _________ for a day so nobody could see me!

4. These trousers didn’t cost much at all – they were very _____________.
____ / 2

2. Write the correct adverb next to each adjective. Then complete each sentence
with an adjective and its adverb. There is one extra word, you don’t need to use
it. 1 point for each correct answer.

bad | rude | heavy | angry | careful

1. Be _______ with those eggs! Hold them _________.

2. My cousin is sometimes quite ________ and doesn’t always say ‘please’ or ‘thank
you’. His parents don’t like it when he behaves ___________.

3. The rain was _________ all weekend. It rained ____________.

4. I’m really _________ at cooking. I cook very ___________. Nobody eats my food.

___ / 4
3. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use three
words. 1 point for each correct answer.

1. My dad says eating pizza isn’t as healthy as eating fruit.

My dad says eating fruit ________________ eating pizza.

2. My mum has got the smallest feet in my family.

My feet __________________ my mum’s feet.

3. I don’t think loose trousers are as fashionable as tight trousers.

I think tight trousers are _____________________ loose trousers.
4. Canada is larger than China.
China isn’t __________________ Canada.
____ / 4
5. Your friend left a mysterious package on your doorstep with a note that reads:
"Open only if you dare." Write a story that begins with these words:
"I stared at the package on my doorstep, unsure of what to do next.".
Write about 150-170 words.
• Make sure there is a beginning, middle and end.
• Give the story an interesting title.
• Use verbs in the past simple and past continuous.
• Use adjectives and adverbs to make your story interesting.
• Remember to check your spelling and grammar.
____ / 10

Total: ____ / 20
Baholash mezoni

Topshiriq # To’g’ri javob ball # To’g’ri javob ball
turi Variant 1 Variant 2
1 unknown 0.5 1 impossible 0.5
2 incorrect 0.5 1 unlucky 0.5
3 impatient 0.5 1 invisible 0.5
4 unkind 0.5 1 inexpensive 0.5
1 angry-angrily 1 1 careful-carefully 1
2 fast-fast 1 2 rude-rudely 1
3 good-well 1 3 heavy-heavily 1
4 easy-easily 1 4 bad-badly 1
Total 6 Total 6
1 not as tall 1 1 is healthier than 1
2 are newer than 1 2 are larger/bigger than 1
3 the most expensive 1 3 more fashionable than 1
4 better at drawing 1 4 as large as 1
Total 10 Total 10
Students’ own 10 Students’ own 10
answers answers
Total 10 Total 10
Total 20 Total 20

Assessment criteria for writing

Success Descriptors
The topic is covered accordingly.

When performing the task, an extensive lexical and

grammatical structure is used within the task.
Efficient organization of ideas through various connecting

The content and form correspond to the expected results.

7-8 The topic is covered appropriately with the exception of one or
two minor omissions.

When performing the task, a good lexical and grammatical

structure is used within the task.

Clear organization of ideas through various connecting


In general, the content and form correspond to the expected

The topic is not disclosed enough; and/or material mismatch.

When performing the task, the appropriate structure and

vocabulary are used.
Inadequate organization of ideas through simple connecting

The content and form do not meet the expected results.

The topic is not disclosed or does not correspond to the

When performing the task, a narrow lexical and grammatical

3-4 structure is used within the task.

Unsuccessful or inconsistent attempts to meet the expected

results, but the content and form do not meet the expected
The topic is not disclosed, there are significant omissions in the
content and a significant inconsistency.

When performing the task, a narrow lexical and grammatical

structure is used within the task.

Lack of organization and connecting elements;

Does not meet expected results.
Task not completed; or completely inappropriate or illegible

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