83a77006a2cc4c91b53c5a6ae9923059 (1)
83a77006a2cc4c91b53c5a6ae9923059 (1)
83a77006a2cc4c91b53c5a6ae9923059 (1)
FB Aktivlik 10
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O’quv qurollarining
ChSB Revision Test BSB-1 - BSB-2 yuzasidan 40
Of Unit 1-5 takrorlash
Umumiy: 100
Summative Section assessment 1-3. Variant #1 for Grade 10 (Tanlov)
Student’s name____________________________Class____________________
1. Add the prefix un-, im- or in- to each adjective below and complete the
sentences with the adjectives formed. 0.5 point for each correct answer.
1. These plants grow well in this area, but the reason why they do is still _________.
4. I’m sorry I was angry and said some ________ things to you.
____ / 2
2. Write the correct adverb next to each adjective. Then complete each sentence
with an adjective and its adverb. There is one extra word, you don’t need to use
it. 0.5 point for each correct answer.
1. Dad was very _________ with us because we were late. He spoke to us _________.
3. She’s ___________ at drawing animals – they look real. She can draw
4. The maths test was really ___________. I finished it ________ and I got everything
___ / 4
3. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use three
words. 1 point for each correct answer.
Total: ____ / 20
4. These trousers didn’t cost much at all – they were very _____________.
____ / 2
2. Write the correct adverb next to each adjective. Then complete each sentence
with an adjective and its adverb. There is one extra word, you don’t need to use
it. 1 point for each correct answer.
2. My cousin is sometimes quite ________ and doesn’t always say ‘please’ or ‘thank
you’. His parents don’t like it when he behaves ___________.
4. I’m really _________ at cooking. I cook very ___________. Nobody eats my food.
___ / 4
3. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use three
words. 1 point for each correct answer.
Total: ____ / 20
Baholash mezoni
Topshiriq # To’g’ri javob ball # To’g’ri javob ball
turi Variant 1 Variant 2
1 unknown 0.5 1 impossible 0.5
2 incorrect 0.5 1 unlucky 0.5
3 impatient 0.5 1 invisible 0.5
4 unkind 0.5 1 inexpensive 0.5
1 angry-angrily 1 1 careful-carefully 1
2 fast-fast 1 2 rude-rudely 1
3 good-well 1 3 heavy-heavily 1
4 easy-easily 1 4 bad-badly 1
Total 6 Total 6
1 not as tall 1 1 is healthier than 1
2 are newer than 1 2 are larger/bigger than 1
3 the most expensive 1 3 more fashionable than 1
4 better at drawing 1 4 as large as 1
Total 10 Total 10
Students’ own 10 Students’ own 10
answers answers
Total 10 Total 10
Total 20 Total 20
Success Descriptors
The topic is covered accordingly.