Syllabus for Class IV, Term-2, 2024-25

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Syllabus for the Second Term- October to March, ( Session 2024 - 2025)
Class IV
Periodic Assessment 2
(2 U.T* 20 +20marks; 2 N.S.* 10 +10marks ; 2 S.E.A.* 10 +10marks; 2 M.A.*
10 +10marks)
(EnglishExpert - 4 (Lit. Reader) – L- 7 – Eating Words(Poem), L- 8 - A round the World With Chill,
L- 9 – Trapped by a Tiger, L-10 Rainforest(Poem), L-11- Peter and the Wolf, L-12-Kalpana Chawla,
The Big Beyond(Poem), Earrings for Nina, I S What You Miss,
L-16-Lion n the Loose
Grammar(Collins English Grammar&Composition-4)
Tenses- Simple Future Tense, Articles, Verbs , Adverbs, Prepositions, Kinds of sentences,
Subject-Verb Agreement, Conjunctions, Punctuation.
Writing – Formal Letter, Paragraph Writing
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Supplementary Reader) –Chapters
Subject Enrichment Activity III - 10 Marks Interdisciplinary Activity – “Changing Seasons”
Write about the importance of seasons and make a small collage showing the seasons- Mention how
each one has different events to celebrate – mention the different fruits and flowers we enjoy in each
Subject Enrichment Activity IV - 10 Marks Art Integrated Activity (Linguistics & Art) Unit 9
(Poem) ‘Doctor Tree and the Leaf Thief’ –
 Draw a neem tree with its leaves, flowers, twigs, bark and roots.
 Write a paragraph about the benefits of a neem tree.
 Pick and make a list of all the adjectives (describing words) used to describe the neem tree and
the champa tree in the poem.
Multiple Assessments III - 10 Marks – Dictation
Multiple Assessments IV - 10 Marks – Reading and Recitation
Notebooks – Timely submission and neatness of the notebooks – marks will be deducted for untidiness
and late submission (Assessment 10 marks)
Note – Questions may be asked from anywhere in the lesson, not only the ones done in the notebook

Periodic Assessment II (2 U.T* 20 +20marks; 2 N.S.* 10 +10 marks ; 2 S.E.A.* 10 +10marks; 2
Multiple Assessments * 10 +10marks)
Number Magic-4 : Ch-4 Division, Ch-6 Fractions,
Ch-9 Measurement, Ch-10 Perimeter & Area, Ch-11 Time,
Ch-12 Money
* Subject Enrichment Activity III-10 marks : Art Integration Activity (Music)
1. CH-11 Time: Presentation on the topic „12 hrs. clock time‟ with the help of music.
2. CH- 6 Fraction: Represent the equivalent fraction of ⅓in a rectangular region.

* Subject Enrichment Activity IV -10 marks : Inter Disciplinary Project : Money

Find out the currencies of the following countries and make a chart by pasting the pictures of the
currencies and symbols (Refer. Pg. No.182)
Australia, China, Cuba , Egypt, Iran , Korea , Japan , Kuwait
* Multiple Assessments III- 10 marks: MCQ Test
* Multiple Assessments IV- 10 marks: Dodging Tables
Timely submission & neatness of the Notebook.
( Notebook Assessment-20 marks )Timely submission & neatness of the Notebook .
Marks will be deducted for untidiness & late submission
(Periodic Assessment II (2 U.T* 20+20marks; 2 N.S.* 10+10marks; 2 S.E.A.* 10+10marks; 2
Multiple Assessments * 10+10 marks)
The World Around Us-4 -Part-1 (Social Studies):
L-9 Agriculture, L-10 Minerals (activity based),
L-11 Water, L-12 Industries, L-13 Indian History- An Overview (activity based),
L-14 Transportation and Communication (Activity Based)
L-15 Know Your Government and How to Choose It. (Activity Based)
L-16 Organisation that Help Us (Activity Based)
P1 /Cl-4/23-24
E.V.S. Part-2 (Science):
L-23 Safety and First Aid (activity based), L-24 Solid, Liquid and Gas,
L-25 Force Work and Energy, L-26 Air and Weather (Activity Based)
L-27 The Sun and The Solar System, L-28 Taking Care of Our Earth (activity based).
Subject Enrichment Activity:III – 10 Marks Activity: Internet is the fastest and the cheapest means
of communication. What are the uses of Internet in Education?
Subject Enrichment Activity:IV – 10 Marks Inter-disciplinary Project :“Changing Seasons affect our
Collect the information along with relevant pictures and paste on an assignment sheet.
Multiple Assessments :III- 10 Marks -Dance Integrated Activity – 10 Marks – ‘The Sun And The
Solar System’.

Multiple Assessments:IV- 10 Marks: Model of a simple machine

(Notebook Assessment-20 marks) Timely submission and neatness of the notebooks.
Marks will be deducted for untidiness and late submission.
Note:Qs. may be asked from anywhere in the lesson,not only the ones done in the notebook.

Touch Pad 4 (version 1.1): L- 6 Know About Computer Viruses, L-7 Visual Processing, L-8
Drawing Shapes in Scratch, L-9 Evolution of AI.
Activity I: (L-8) Drawing Shapes in Scratch
Create a beautiful scene in Scratch on the topic ' Children- The Future of our Nation' using
various shapes learnt in the lesson.
Activity II: (L-9) Evolution of AI
Create a document in MS Word on the topic 'Latest AI Technology which we are using nowadays'.
Students will find the information using internet.

Periodic Assessment 2 (2 U.T* 20 +20marks; 2 N.S.* 10 +10marks ; 2 S.E.A.* 10 +10marks; 2 M.A.*
10 +10marks)

% ikB 9&ns'k gekjk] ikB 10&vkvks djsa izd`fr dh j{kk] ikB 11&czhQ+dsl]
ikB 13&ij[k] ikB 14&dherh gS ty] ikB 16&ve`r opu
% loZuke dh ifjHkk"kk o Hksn] fyax cnyks] opu cnyks] eqgkojs vkSj vuqǔNsn
Subject Enrichment Activity III vius euilan ekSle ds ckjs esa vius fopkj
vuqǔNsn@dfork@fp= ds :i esa n'kkZ,A
Subject Enrichment Activity IV dyk ,dhdj.k xfrfof/k
^i;kZoj.k laj{k.k* dk egRo n'kkZrs gq, ukVd dk eapuA
Multiple Assessments III IkkB iBu
Multiple Assessments IV dfork okpu
Periodic Assessment 2 (2 U.T* 20 +20marks; 2 N.S.* 10 +10marks ; 2 S.E.A.* 10 +10marks; 2 M.A.*
10 +10marks)
ezBk, f;jkoh, fpjkoh, N"AeV, d[b?AeV, bK, d[bktK, o'Vk, eB"Vk, fpzdh, fNZgh, NZXe dh wksok.
Subject Enrichment Activity III - 10 Marks - rshftXh^(i) N'et/A ;apd
Subject Enrichment Activity IV - 10 Marks - gq'i?
eN r[Dkswe w[bKeB ^ I 10 marks
r[Dkswe w[bKeB ^ II 10 marks

P2 /Cl-4/23-24
Periodic Assessment 2 (2 U.T* 20 +20marks; 2 N.S.* 10 +10marks ; 2 S.E.A.* 10 +10marks; 2
Multiple Assessments * 10 +10marks)
Buch: Lesson 4- Wer ist das?, Lesson 5 -Mein Haus
Lesson 6- Farben, Lesson 7- Hast du ein Hobby?
Activities: Listening and Speaking
 Students will be assessed on the pronunciation of words & sentences from the textbook.
Activity: Reading
● Students will be given passages to read to test their comprehension.
* Subject Enrichment Activity III -10 marks Activity: Paper ball game, Drawing, Colouring, Song
* Subject Enrichment Activity IV -10 marks Activity: Drawing, Colouring, Song
* Multiple Assessments III- 10 marks: Classroom Participation
* Multiple Assessments IV -10 marks:Classroom Behaviour
(Notebook Assessment – 20 marks) Timely submission & neatness of the Notebook.
Marks will be deducted for untidiness & late submission

Book- Knowledge Quest- GK, Reasoning and Life Skills
L-9 Music- Our Life, L-10 Languages We Speak, L-11 Admirable Sports, L-12 Save Water, L-13 Save
Energy, L-14 Cuisines and Dishes
Reasoning 5-9
*SEA- 10 marks Activity: G.K. Quiz
‘Human Values-3’: L-10 Friends, L-11 Plastic Bags, L-13 Androcles and the Lion, L-15 The Crafty
Activity: Students will enact stories with moral values in them.

TEXTBOOK:Tune In! (For class 4)
Chapter 7: Hobbies
Chapter 8: A bad day
Chapter 9: Special days
Chapter 10: All the fun we had
Chapter 11: When I grow up
Chapter 12: A book review
Listening and Learning, Speaking and practicing, Saying it right, Interacting and Communicating.
Activities:Group work such as discussing how animals would greet each other if they could talk.
Discussing the duties of a student in school. Describing one‟s favorite school book. Describing the
expressions on the picture of a face as seen from different angles. Naming the jobs of the people shown
in the pictures and asking /answering questions about them. Additional activities and texts, crossword
puzzles, dialogue puzzles, sentence making, songs, poems and reading comprehension.
Subject Enrichment Activity III-10 marks Activity- Listening and speaking
Activity: Listening to the digital content provided with the revised Tune In text book and will be
assessed on their ability to understand it. Activity: Story Telling and listening to audio tracks.
Note book assessment and framing sentences.
Subject Enrichment Activity IV-10 marks Activity: Reading and Additional Material
Students will be given passages to read to test their comprehension.
Group and pair group will be done independently and then discussed. This work will be assessed.
(Notebook Assessment-10 marks) Timely submission and neatness of book.
Marks will be deducted for untidiness and late submission.
Note- Questions may be asked from anywhere in the lesson, not only the ones done in the notebook.
Assessments will be done orally
P3 /Cl-4/23-24
Art: Colouring book ( pages 21- 40)

Commands (Stand-at-ease, Attention), Throwing & Catching, Stretching exercise, Free hand
Exercise, Speed and Agility Drill, Sports Award, Dodge Ball, Football, Cricket.
Fit India – BMI (Body Mass Index), Aim & Target, Skipping, Push-up for Boys, Modify
Push-up for Girls, Flexibility, Flamingo Balance.
Month Songs
October Sports Day practice
November Annual Cum Founder‟s Day
December Christmas Dance
January Patriotic Dance
February Dance on the theme „ Environment‟
March Revision of the steps taught earlier


October : Thank You Lord

November : We Are The world
December : Go Tell It On the Mountain
January : Lord I Come To You
February : You Raise Me Up

Monthly Themes for the Display Boards- Primary Wing (Classes III – V)
(Session 2023-24)

Month Theme
April I Love My Planet Earth.

May The Warmth of Summer.

July Back to School.

August Incredible India.

September „Big Heart Shape Little Minds‟- Thank You Teachers.

October „Mahatma Gandhi‟- The Beacon of Peace.

November Children of the World

December „Christmas‟ – A Time of Thanksgiving, Joy and Benevolence.

February, 2024 Internet Safety

March, 2024 Happy Ending, New Beginning

P4 /Cl-4/23-24
Periodic Assessment Schedule, Term-2

Session 2023-24



7-12-2023 Maths Maths Eng Eng Maths
11-12-2023 Eng Eng Dict. E.V.S
Maths Eng
14-12-2023 English Eng U.T E.V.S Hindi E.V.S
18-12-2023 Hindi Hindi Dict. Hindi Punjabi / Punjabi
Dictation German German
21-12-2023 Hindi Hindi UT Maths Hindi

26-2-2024 Maths Maths English Maths English

29-2-2024 English Eng Dictation Maths Eng Maths

English English E.V.S Hindi E.V.S
7-3--2024 Hindi Hindi Punjabi / Punjabi /
Dictation German German
Hindi Hindi Hindi E,V.S Hindi
1. Besides the Unit Test, the teachers may conduct Class Tests (oral or written) with prior intimation to
the parents.
2. Each Unit Test which is a part of Periodic Assessment will be of 20 marks and other Activities will
carry 10 marks.. There is no examination for the students up to class V. The results of these classes
will be based on the performance of students in Periodical Assessment which includes- Multiple
Assessment, Subject Enrichment Activities, Notebook Assessment & Unit Test during both the
terms of the academic session. Students will be awarded marks & grades in all the subjects
3. In case the scheduled date of any test happens to be a holiday, the test will be conducted on the next
working day.
4. No Re-test will be conducted for any student who misses the Unit Test, whatever the reason may be.
5. Only one Scrap Book should be used for all the subjects & submitted as per the teacher‟s instructions.
6. In case a student misses any class it is the parents‟ responsibility to get the work completed.
7. The portion for the Unit Test will be given by the respective teacher well in time before the test.
*U.T.- Unit Test
*N.S- Notebook Submission
* S.E.A.- Subject Enrichment Activity
*M.A.-Multiple Assessment

P5 /Cl-4/23-24

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