Summer Work 2023 2
Summer Work 2023 2
Summer Work 2023 2
1. Retrieval practice
Retrieval practice is a learning strategy where we focus on getting information out. Through
the act of retrieval, or calling information to mind, our memory for that information is
strengthened and forgetting is less likely to occur. Retrieval practice is a powerful tool for
improving learning.
2. Spaced practice
Start planning early for exams and set aside a little bit of time every day. Five hours spread out
over two weeks is better than the same five hours all at once. This is spaced practice, and it is
regarded as one of the most effective revision strategies.
Interleaving has been shown to be more effective than blocked practice leading to better long-term
Check out the Leitner system (image above) for how to use flashcards effectively and consider
using the app Quizlet, which enables pupils to access digital flashcards for almost any subject to
help with their testing and memory.
• Look, cover, write, and check requires you to look at your notes, reading them out loud, covering
them up and then writing down as much as you can remember. You then check how what you’ve
written and how it compares with your original notes.
• Mind maps help you link together ideas and key words for a particular topic or question. Use the
main parts of the topic as the first branches. You can get these from your notes to make sure
that you include everything. A good mind map shows the “shape” of the subject, the relative
importance of individual points, and the ways in which facts relate to one another.
• Teach a friend involves you revising for 30 minutes and then teaching a friend what you have
just learned. If you can’t explain it clearly, review your notes and try again. This helps with
elaboration, with research suggesting that even expecting to teach appearing to have a positive
impact on pupils learning material.
• Verbal test employs the use of a friend or family member to test you. For example, give them a
copy of a glossary and ask them to check your understanding of key words.
• Revision notes are notes that are summarised. The process of making these notes is a key part of
your revision.
Avoid writing in block text where possible. Make notes look like notes! Use bullet points or
tables, graphs or even little sketches to show your work. The Cornell method (image above) is
particularly useful as it suggests the identification of key vocabulary, reflection questions and
summary statements for note-taking.
• Diagrams can be a useful way of remembering and summarising a large amount of
information. You can draw a diagram to summarise a topic (from memory first and then use
notes to check and correct). Tip - Keep pictures simple and use single words/symbols/letters and
not sentences
• Dual coding is a strategy that combines words and visuals to help learn the content effectively.
A few examples of how to do this include diagrams, infographics, flow charts, and timelines.
This is a creative learning method that helps engagement levels and makes it easier to recall
information instead of loading your brain with heavy course materials.
• Highlighters and coloured pens can help to emphasise areas or things you need to remember.
This way when you come to revise you can easily see what areas you may need to pay closer
attention to. However, refrain from highlighting big chunks of text as this will not help you focus
on particular points.
• Use the specification when revising go through the specification and ensure you understand all
the statements and are familiar with the topics that can come up in a particular exam paper.
• Practice questions is where you set yourself mini-tests to check what you’ve learnt.
The Pomodoro Technique® follows a basic pattern of 25 minutes studying followed by a five-minute
break. If you do four of these in a row you can then have a longer break. It works because you learn
better in short sessions, and you don’t have to punish yourself with unbroken hours of revision.
Pomodoro is Italian for “tomato,” and although the technique itself doesn’t require tomatoes, the
inventor used a tomato-shaped egg timer!
2. Remove distractions
This means that you preferably get your phone out of the room, you close all the other tabs if
you’re working on the computer, and you make sure you’re in a quiet space where you can focus.
Tell anyone else that you’re not to be disturbed!
You will need to experiment with how many Pomodoro’s you can do in a day and when you need
longer and shorter breaks. You almost certainly won’t hit on the perfect system immediately so
you’ll have to play with it and reflect on what works and what doesn’t work – but you will almost
certainly see an improvement in productivity straight away.
A study has found that having your phone out whilst doing homework or revision can make pupils
perform 20% worse. The authors of this study go on to state that “the mere presence of a cell phone
may be sufficiently distracting to damage attention”.
Researchers from the applied psychology department of Cardiff Metropolitan University led a study
to find out whether listening to music helps or hinders learning. What are the main findings?
• Pupils who revised in quiet environments performed more than 60% better in an exam than their
peers who revised while listening to music that had lyrics.
• Pupils who revised while listening to music without lyrics did better than those who had revised
to music with lyrics.
Fourth Form
Who should complete this work? All taking Art at GCSE
Who should complete this work? All
Develop any incomplete work in the Skin project. By September pupils must have completed the
Nikos Gyftakis and the Heidi Bucher sections. Ensure that you have:
• presented and annotated photo shoots
• presented both artist analyses
• presented and completed responses
Optional - If pupils have completed all of the above (well done!), we recommend they visit galleries
with exhibitions of artists’ work relevant to their particular theme in the Skin project. When viewing
live artwork, we suggest taking photos of the day and the works they particularly like in the
exhibition, as well as making sketches in situ. Record all the ideas that come from the visit and come
prepared to write these up in September.
Obvious London choices are Tate Modern, Tate Britain, The National Gallery, The V&A, The Saatchi
Gallery, The Hayward, The Barbican and The Serpentine. We also recommend smaller commercial
galleries like the Gagosian, The Mall Galleries and White Cube Bermondsey/Mason’s Yard.
We highly recommend pupils visit galleries with exhibitions of artists’ work that seem interesting or
thought-provoking to them. When viewing live artwork, we suggest taking photos of the day and the
works they particularly like in the exhibition, as well as making sketches in situ. Record all the ideas
that come from the visit and come prepared to discuss these in September.
Obvious London choices are Tate Modern, Tate Britain, The National Gallery, The V&A, The Saatchi
Gallery, The Hayward, The Barbican and The Serpentine. We also recommend smaller commercial
galleries like the Gagosian, The Mall Galleries and White Cube Bermondsey/Mason’s Yard.
Lower Sixth
Who should complete this work? All
Obvious London choices are Tate Modern, Tate Britain, The National Gallery, The V&A, The Saatchi
Gallery, The Hayward, The Barbican and The Serpentine. We also recommend smaller commercial
galleries like the Gagosian, The Mall Galleries and White Cube Bermondsey/Mason’s Yard.
Fifth Form
Who should complete this work?
All Pupils taking A Level Biology.
Lower Sixth
Who should complete this work?
Recommended for all pupils.
All of the links and resources are found on this page and you should have familiarised yourselves with
these resources before the end of term.
Fifth Form
Who should complete this work?
All pupils taking A-Level Business Next Year
In summary you will need to develop a presentation based around introducing a new theme park
ride at Alton Towers. To complete this, you will need to consider a broad spectrum of business issues
such as design, financing, branding, promotion, capacity, and revenue.
Full details about what ought to be included can be found in the briefing document.
World of Hero:
• Read Virgil’s Aeneid and create detailed summaries for book 4-12.
• Complete two 10 markers comparing an Odyssey passage and an Aeneid passage.
Greek Art:
• Learn flashcards on Greek vases for test on return.
• Read Susan Woodford’s sections on Vase Painting (pg 1-26, 57-74) and write your own notes.
Fourth Form
We hope that the following information and activities will be very helpful in getting ready for the start
of the course.
Recommended activities with this book are Reading, making notes and diagrams on Section one.
Core content. This should include making notes on new key vocabulary for each section. You could
start your own revision booklet or PowerPoint now to revise from later and throughout the course.
Research anything you find you are not sure about to add to your understanding.
• Introduction page iv
• Pages 4 to 8 – new and emerging technologies
• 1.3 Energy Generation p15 to p18
• 1.5 Mechanical Devices P25 to 32 – regular drawing Practise of examples with labelling really
• 1.10 Thermoforming and thermosetting polymers (this is the section we specialise in for the final
exam) p43 to P 46 – learn the different types by making a poster with photographic examples.
You will need to know all about these for the final exam. Include all the details from the book.
• Practise these key drawing skills P72 and P73 – Perspective and orthographic drawing styles. If
you find these challenging – use online video tutorials to help, start with easy ones and practise
regularly. YouTube
Extension task if you are hungry for more DT this Summer – choose your own design and make
project with lots of 3-D drawing and card models. Remember as designers we want to design
products to solve real problems and help others. Everything we make should be focussed on
being desirable so people will want to buy them but also ethical, so we do not harm people or the
environment with our solutions to problems.
Summer NEA work for remove pupils in preparation for Fifth Form
Part 1: Non-Examined assessment is worth 50% of entire grade so it is very important that this work is
up to date in September (Tasks A,B & C)
Theory work
Make sure all tasks set on Firefly already are complete and uploaded for your teacher to mark. If this
is late or improved work, please email your teacher to let them know it has now been handed in.
NEA work – make sure you have handed in by Friday 23rd June.
1. A mind map of your chosen Contextual challenge.
2. A full evaluation of four possible projects – in well explained detail with a clear conclusion that
explains how and why the chosen project will be the best one.
3. A detailed evaluation of one existing product with clear conclusions that explain how the
research has helped you make decisions for (8 to 10 Topic Headings)
Summer Work Task A ………… see also resources on Teams & Firefly
• Explain who your chosen client will be and write an introduction for them. Add a photo.
• A 10-question client interview – with their answers and your clear conclusions.
• Write your conclusions as bullet point decisions in a different colour (these will be
specification points later) EXAMPLE They said pink with green spots but I think for a medical
• Green and white will be the best choice for my medical device because it gives the
impression of a clean and natural product. It is also one of the colours my client likes…
• Evaluation of existing product 2 (you could choose to complete a third)– using at least 8 to 10 key
headings to explain and evaluate the products you have chosen to focus on.
Evaluate two more existing products – one per A3 page – 10 key headings at least - At GCSE this is
point example explain paragraphs written before you can add conclusions.
Again, write you conclusions giving bullet points that can be used later to add to you specification.
EXAMPLE Having looked at these materials I can see that weight, strength and cost will be
• Pine could be an option for me because of its strength and being sustainable
• Aluminium would be a good choice for metal parts because it is very recyclable yet light weight
and strong.
Extension task – Only if you have completed everything else to a high standard.
Ext 1. Get feedback from clients on your existing products research – add conclusions.
• Understanding command words
• Understanding the Command Words in GCSE Exam Questions (
Fifth Form
Part 1: Non-Examined assessment is worth 50% of entire grade so it is very important that this work is
up to date in September (Tasks A,B & C)
Before you start the Summer tasks make sure you have completed the following three things below.
Theory work
Make sure all tasks set on Firefly already are complete and uploaded for your teacher to mark. If this
is late or improved work, please email your teacher to let them know it has now been handed in.
NEA work – make sure you have handed in by Friday 23rd June.
1. A mind map of your chosen Contextual challenge.
2. A full evaluation of four possible projects – in well explained detail with a clear conclusion that
explains how and why the chosen project will be the best one.
3. A detailed evaluation of one existing product with clear conclusions that explain how the
research has helped you make decisions for (8 to 10 Topic Headings)
Summer Work Task A ………… see also resources on Teams & Firefly
• Explain who your chosen client will be and write an introduction for them. Add a photo.
• A 10-question client interview – with their answers and your clear conclusions.
• Write your conclusions as bullet point decisions in a different colour (these will be specification
points later) EXAMPLE They said pink with green spots but I think for a medical device
• Green and white will be the best choice for my medical device because it gives the impression of
a clean and natural product. It is also one of the colours my client likes…
• Evaluation of existing product 2 (you could choose to complete a third)– using at least 8 to 10 key
headings to explain and evaluate the products you have chosen to focus on.
Summer Work Task B ………see also resources on Teams & Firefly
• Primary research (real products you can photograph in use from lots of angles to show all
features being used. Primary research gains marks in higher bands of the mark scheme.
• Evaluate two more existing products – one per A3 page – 10 key headings at least - At GCSE this
is point example explain paragraphs written before you can add conclusions.
• Again, write you conclusions giving bullet points that can be used later to add to you
• EXAMPLE Having looked at these materials I can see that weight, strength and cost will be
• Pine could be an option for me because of its strength and being sustainable.
• Aluminium would be a good choice for metal parts because it is very recyclable yet light weight
and strong.
Task 2 - Before you start the Summer tasks make sure you have completed all Firefly tasks up to date.
Task 3 - Consolidation of NEA Part one Research. See also resources on Teams.
• Research plan - table of research to be done with justification of need - explain how each piece
of research will help you to design. List of research - reasons for doing the research - how it will
help. Why it will allow you to make better designs.
• Target market survey with clear specific conclusions - 10 + questions = 10+ conclusions
that are specification points. EG. Based on this research the main material I will use is …….
Because…………… . Not. I will need to pick a good material.
• Existing products evaluated (3 to 5) with clear specific conclusions / client comment. You must
make specification points. Must have a photograph. Conclusions must add to the specification,
multiple points please for each topic heading.
• Site visit – photos and detailed evaluation - measurements table - conclusions include specific
sizes to use for product in millimetres, styles, colours, use of space, available space…………
• 8 ideas - good quality - labelled functions - paragraphs that explain each idea. Must also consider
& justify materials, components, manufacturing processes. Conclusion needed - which o two
ideas are being chosen to develop further explaining why. Client feedback must also have 5 to 10
points and agree with the chosen ideas / conclusions made. A good summing up will also include
a paragraph on next steps to take for modelling.
Task 4
• 2 Development ideas - with evaluations of changes, peer feedback and your reflections, use of
an art style explored and justified & Client feedback – explaining in detail the developmental
iterative changes made in the improvement of each drawing (critical evaluation is needed so
explore the cons as well as the pros)
• Evaluating models 1,2 &3. evaluate materials processes components to be used. Explain what
you will do to make each product. Evaluate model against specification.
• Evaluate models against peer feedback. The focus of this section is making sure that you identify
how you will carry out the further developments and iterations to perfect the designs. Based on
their feedback.
Task 5 - Further development drawings as needed –
• Detailed materials research on only the materials you think you might use.
• Detailed Joints and fixings research on only the Joining methods, fixtures, fittings, additional
components you think you might use.
If you are using electronics and control – circuits and software need to be modelled over the
Summer. This is your responsibility; We can advise, but not direct this work.
Task 6 - Update your specification to include all developments and findings of additional research:
Revision - Course contents with links to Firefly pages: Course Summary Here
1. Watch a piece of live theatre. This should ideally be a play and not a musical.
2. Read at least one play from the reading list below and create a large academic poster. You will
present this in the first week of lessons in September. Your poster must be visually engaging and
should include the following information:
• A summary of what the play is about
• Key themes/message within the play
• Include production photos
• Ideally at least A3 size paper
Reading List
• Play That Goes Wrong by Henry Lewis -
• One Man Two Guvnors by Richard Bean -
• Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman -
• The Crucible by Arthur Miller -
• Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare -
• Frankenstein by Mary Shelley -
Remove (into Fifth Form)
1. Re-read your set text (either Find Me or Blood Brothers)
2. Make revision notes on key moments from the play and learn at least two key quotes for each key
3. Revise subject terminology (lighting, sound, set, staging conventions, acting)
4. SCP’s class are to complete some past paper questions, which can be found in the Find Me
Resource pack on Firefly. ALM’s class need to complete the Blood Brothers resources on Firefly.
5. Watch a piece of live theatre (ideally a play and not a musical)
1. Class Presentation - Watch a piece of live theatre (this must not be of a show you have previously
seen or studied). You will then create a 10-minute presentation which you will deliver to the rest
of the class in the first week of lessons. Your presentation needs to be visually engaging with
production photos. You must demonstrate a proficient range of subject terminology to meaningfully
evaluate the production.
2. Reading List – You must read at least two plays. One must be from the reading list provided below.
• Prima Facie by Suzie Miller -
• One Man Two Guvnors by Richard Bean -
• Attempts on Her Life by Martin Crimp -
• Bull by Mike Bartlett -
• The Crucible by Arthur Miller -
• A MidSummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare -
• Antigone by Sophocles -
3. Optional – Create a short, physical recorded performance inspired by Inconsist by Olafur Arnalds
Question 1
• Explore how actors could portray the nature of their family relationships at the start of a
• Justify your ideas with examples from the opening scenes of the performance text you have
chosen for this question. [15]
Question 2
• Select one aspect of stage design (e.g., lighting, sound, set, costume). Discuss how a designer
could use this as part of an overall design concept to develop mood and atmosphere.
• Justify your ideas with examples from at least two scenes from the performance text you have
chosen for this question. [15]
The answers have also been provided so you can mark your own work. If you have any errors please
try and correct. Come and see Ms Ferson or Mr Fletcher in September if you still do not understand
why your answer is incorrect. I would also encourage you to read a book in English over the holidays.
• Please complete the past paper in the ONENOTE section Summer Holiday work 23. This should
be done in timed conditions: 2 hours in total. The paper can be split into the 2 sections: Reading
and Writing. But each of those sections should be done in 1 time period.
• Listening paper. Click on the link provided to hear the dialogue and complete the paper.
Additional extra:
• Reading R.1, R.2 and R.3
• With Use of English exercises attached.
• Grammar review G.1 and G.2.
• The answers have also been provided so you can mark your own work. If you have any errors
please try and correct. Come and see Ms Ferson or Mr Fletcher in September if you still do not
understand why your answer is incorrect. I would also encourage you to read a book in English
over the holidays.
Please complete the reading paper – these are typical IELTS types of questions.
The answers are provided so you can mark your own work.
Once marked, review the text and learn/note new words and phrases.
Current Fourth Form
Who should complete this work?
All pupils
Current Remove
Who should complete this work?
All pupils
All of the links and resources are found on this page, and you should have familiarised yourselves
with these resources before the end of term.
In summary you will need to develop a presentation based around establishing your own economy
on a desert island!
Full details about what ought to be included can be found in the briefing document.
Please see below for recommended revision activities should you wish to make sure you maintain
your progress throughout Summer. Look through the list to see which activities most appeal to you.
• Use the Mill Hill Quizlet account to revise the vocabulary you have learned this year. All sets are
numbered. At the following address, any set where the first number is 1, 2, 3, or 4 is relevant to
you and what you have studied this year:
• Use any of the Quizlet French Writing sets to improve your vocabulary for writing tasks:
• Use the BBC Bitesize link here to revise past, present and future tense as well as other grammar
of your choice:
• Use the BBC Bitesize link here to revise each of the topics using interactive activities. The relevant
topics here are ‘Me, my family and friends’, ‘Technology in everyday life’, ‘Free-time activities’,
and ‘Customs and festivals’.
• Print the file linked here: ‘Speedy Writing Revision 1 & 2’. Make sure you print the pages double-
sided. Choose either ‘Speedy Writing Revision 1 – Tenses’ or ‘Speedy Writing Revision 2 – Other
key phrases’ to start with. Begin by trying to fill in as many of the boxes as you can without
turning the sheet over to look at the answers. When you have done as many as you can, turn the
sheet over to check your answers and find the ones you didn’t know. Print the exact same sheet
again and start from the beginning. Once you can do all the phrases without turning the sheet
over, you have mastered them.
• Translation and Writing Practice
• Download the app “Duolingo” and complete a weekly set of tasks:
• Use Languages Online for further grammar and tenses practice: https://www.languagesonline.
Wishing you all a fantastic Summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you back in School in
• Download the app “Duolingo” and complete a weekly set of tasks:
• Use Languages Online for further grammar and tenses practice: https://www.languagesonline.
Wishing you all a fantastic Summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you back in School in
Fifth Form
Who should complete this work: All Pupils wishing to take French A Level.
Lower Sixth
Who should complete this work: all Pupils taking French A Level
Fourth Form
Who should complete this work? All pupils who have chosen GCSE Geography
Task 1 (compulsory for all pupils): Complete the 2 page revision mat to consolidate your knowledge
of the GCSE course so far - 1A) The challenge of natural hazards.
Task 2 (compulsory for all pupils): Complete the fact files for three natural hazards of your choice
that you see in the news over the Summer holidays.
Task 3 (all pupils must complete at least one article): This reading will help improve your vocabulary
and develop your knowledge of GCSE case studies. Choose the article(s) according to their difficulty
level) (easy/medium/hard) and complete the associated activities.
Task 4 (optional): Watch some of the suggested films and TV shows to enhance your learning. Check
the age ratings before watching.
Who should complete this work?
All pupils who study GCSE Geography
Task 1 (compulsory for all pupils): Complete your Epping Forest fieldwork booklet. This work is
essential to prepare you for your fieldwork assessment in September which will include questions on
your own fieldwork, and unfamiliar fieldwork.
Task 2 (compulsory for all pupils): Complete the fact files for three natural hazards of your choice that
you see in the news over the Summer holidays.
Task 3 (compulsory for all pupils): Complete the revision mats to consolidate your knowledge of the
GCSE course so far. You may have done some of these already this year - fill in any gaps you may have.
Task 4 (all pupils must complete at least one article): This reading will help improve your vocabulary
and develop your knowledge of GCSE case studies. Choose the article(s) according to their difficulty
level) (easy/medium/hard) and complete the associated activities.
Task 5 (optional): Watch some of the suggested films and TV shows to enhance your learning. Check
the age ratings before watching.
Fifth Form
Who should complete this work?
All pupils who have chosen Geography A Level
Paper 1: Physical Geography – Download and read the four GeoFiles to help you prepare for the
Tectonics and Coasts topics. You will come across a wide range of new geographical vocabulary –
create a glossary of key terms as you go. Answer the ‘Learning check’ blue box questions for each
Paper 2: Human Geography – Complete all 11 tasks as per the instructions in the booklet on
Wider reading and watching – spend some time reading and watching some of the suggested books,
websites, podcasts, documentaries, TV series and films.
Lower Sixth
Who should complete this work? All pupils (unless otherwise stated)
NEA – write your Introduction and Methodology chapters and collect your data.
Revise for your assessments - Coasts EQ4 and Superpowers EQ1. These assessments will take place in
the first week back of school in September
Reading to prepare you for Upper Sixth content – download and read the four GeoFiles and answer
the ‘Learning check’ blue box questions.
Wider reading and watching – spend some time reading and watching some of the suggested books,
websites, podcasts, documentaries, TV series and films.
Preparation for Collection Exams (selected pupils only) – complete the practice questions to help you
For the remaining tasks, bring your completed work with you to your first physical and human lessons
to show your teacher and help you contribute to class discussions.
Fourth Form pupils continuing with German GCSE
Try and keep your German ticking over during the Summer so you can start the GCSE course full of
Look through the list below to see which activities most appeal to you and aim to complete a
minimum of five.
• Use the Quizlet link to revise the vocabulary you have learned this year.
• To practise your different tenses, go to . Click on
Deutsch and then grammar. Lots of good interactive activities here.
• Print the file ‘Speedy German Writing’. Make sure you print the pages double-sided. How many
of these phrases do you know? When you have done as many as you can, turn the sheet over to
check your answers and find the ones you didn’t know. Print the exact same sheet again and start
from the beginning. Once you can do all the phrases without turning the sheet over, you have
mastered them.
• Print off the ‘general revision’ sheet. This is good consolidation of the verbs ‘haben’ and ‘sein’ as
well as covering some key vocabulary. Answers provided.
• Revise the PRESENT TENSE. Work through the power point on this and then do the present tense
practice worksheet. Answers provided.
• Revise the PERFECT TENSE. Work through the perfect tense exercises attached. Answers
• Complete your Summer pack-it contains everything you need to know from this year.
• Download the app „Duolingo“ and complete a daily/weekly set of tasks: https://www.duolingo.
Revise key vocabulary
• Learn vocabulary from the attached sheet - identify and memorise unknown words: make up
cards - Play memory or use them in sentences etc. Stick difficult words around the house!
• Log onto KERBOODLE and listen to the vocabulary lists in German and English- do this when you
are about to fall asleep- your sub conscience will do the learning for you!
• This is a link to your class and lots of useful vocab. Make sure you know it all! Do a few minutes a
Grammar Revision
• Log onto Languagesonoline, click on DEUTSCH, Click on GRAMMAR, There are lots of interactive
exercises for you to improve your grammar, which will help you in the writing and translation
Speaking Practice
• Make sure your answers for the speaking exam are up to date. (All questions on Firefly) Practise
describing pictures. Pictures and suggested answers attached.
Content of exams:
• Paper 1 - Listening, Reading and Writing + Translation (G to E and E to G)
• based on all topics studied in Lower and Upper Sixth
• 2hrs 30 mins, 100 marks, worth 50% of A Level
• Paper 2 - Essay paper – written in German
• 2 x essays: 1 x book and 1 x film (approx. 300 words each)
• 2 hours, 80 marks, 20% of A-Level
• Film to be studied (start Autumn Upper Sixth) ‘Das Leben der Anderen’
• Play to be studied (start Autumn Lower Sixth) ‘Der Besuch der Alten Dame’
• Paper 3 – Speaking
• Detailed discussion of one topic card from all topics studied in Lower and Upper Sixth
• Presentation and discussion on Individual Research Project (IRP)
• Max 16-18 mins, 60 marks, 30% of A-Level
Textbook to be provided
AQA German A Level Year 1 and AS, Sauer, Schicker et al Oxford, 2016
ISBN 978 019 836689 8
You should review your GCSE notes and exercises but the following will also be helpful:
• BBC Bitesize German
• (lots of grammar revision activities to choose from here)
• Learn German grammar with Grimm Fairy Tales
• Nancy Thuleen German grammar
6. Social Media
• Start a collection of German language memes
• Follow a range of German language social media accounts.
• Find out who the current social media influencers are in German, Switzerland and Austria
• Follow a range of German social media accounts related to your own hobbies and interests
7. Other ideas
• Find a German recipe and try it out
• Research a topic of your interest related to German or a German-speaking country and prepare a
mini oral/online presentation about it
• Vlog your Summer, create memes, write a song, poem or story – get creative!
• Find your preferred online dictionary
• - monolingual German dictionary
• - Extensive online German dictionary
• - online dictionaries in a number of languages
• - online verb conjugator
• And if you really must use an online translation tool then try these:
• Linguee - advanced, sophisticated translation comparison tool
• Deepl - even more advanced than Linguee -
• Find a range of German language learning apps – Which would you recommend and why?
• Put your phone/tablet/gaming console into German
Lower Sixth
Work your way through all the practice questions. Mark them using the mark schemes provided.
When you mark your work, make a note of any vocabulary that you didn’t know. All questions are
taken from AQA past papers so if they’ve come up before, they are likely to come up again.
Research for your IRPs. This takes time so you should aim to do all your research over the holidays.
Remember that you have to be the expert in this topic!
Der Besuch der alten Dame. Work through the questions given and check your answers with the
content suggestions. Did you think of everything suggested? We will have very little time to revisit
this next year so make sure your notes are thorough and up-to-date. You should know this play inside
so aim to reread it over the holidays.
On a more general note, aim to listen to to German at least a few times a week. Read through the
‘General Tips for the Summer’ sheet. Watch some good films, listen to a podcast REGULARLY (I like
Easy German), read some German news articles online for leisure. There are plenty of ideas on the
sheet. To achieve the top grade, you need to be doing this!
Fourth Form (into Remove)
Please find the Summer work at the Firefly link here.
Pre-A Level
Please find the Summer work at the Firefly linked below:
• Tudors
• Civil Rights
Current Remove
Who should complete this work?
All pupils taking Latin in Fifth Form next year.
We have included the recommended sections of UpLearn you should complete but if you know of
another weakness, please spend time on these topics.
Also, at the start of each subsection, there is a subsection quiz. Complete this before doing anything
else as this will skip content that you do not need to review.
Practice! If you are instrumentalist or singer, remember for the GCSE Music you will have to record at
least one solo piece of about Grade 4 [or higher standard] in March 2025. It would be advantageous
if were about Grade 2 performing standard at the start of the GCSE course -that way you should be
able to reach Grade 4 performing standard by March 2025. Have you got yourself an instrumental /
singing teacher?
Brush up on /learn some Music Theory. Grade 3 theory is a good place to be as you start the GCSE
course. The resources below may help you achieve this - and beyond!
Another excellent resource is : Music Theory is Fun Books 1 to 5 Omnibus: Volume 7 by Maureen C
Cox Paperback £17.95
MUSIC THEORY IS FUN Puzzles, Quizzes & Tests Books 1 - 5 Answers by Maureen C Cox Paperback
Listening! Get ahead and watch these videos - this is what you will cover in the Autumn term.
More listening! Check that you know the instruments of the orchestra. See the link below to test
Composing! Have a go at making a new Tubular Bells composition on Soundtrap using layering/
multiple tracks.
Please find detailed instructions of the Remove Summer Work linked here
Fifth Form
Please watch the 3 “The Genius of Beethoven” documentaries ... these are excellent... and will give an
excellent background to your A Level studies.
An excellent feature film is Beethoven’s Eroica, also attached below, provides insight into the context
of the composition and performance of Beethoven’s great 3rd symphony...
An excellent book. - “Year of Wonder” that I have come across and bought [the cheaper Kindle /
Amazon Fire edition]... I thoroughly recommend this... loads of great music and suitable material for
the higher years of education ...and adults!
....basically a piece of classical music for each day of the year and a page of reading about the piece/
composer/ context/ style...great background reading/listening
Lower Sixth
Please find detailed instructions of the Lower Sixth Summer Work linked here
Pupils are requested to complete two section of ‘Energy’, and ‘Particle model of matter’.
Pupils are requested to complete three sections ‘Electricity’, ‘Particle model of matter’ and ‘Waves’.
How will this work be assessed?
Pupil can assess every question three times. After completing every question, the system will inform
automatically which answers are correct. The work will be counted as completed if at least 50% from
every section is answered correctly. Progress statement of the completion of the Summer work will be
shared with Physics teachers in September 2023.
Outline of work to be completed:
Please complete the booklet linked here.
Fifth Form
Outline of work to be completed:
Please complete the booklet linked here.
Lower Sixth
Outline of work to be completed:
Please complete the booklet linked here.
Pre-A Level:
Pre-Upper Sixth:
Fifth Form
Who should complete this work? All pupils planning to study Psychology A Level
For your Summer Work, we would like you to map the timeline of the development of Psychology as
a subject. Within this, you will need to research the different approaches that have developed, along
with the Psychologists who developed them and their key pieces of research.
To present your work we would like you to produce a creative piece that shows what you have
researched and the knowledge you have gained over the Summer holidays. This could be in the form
of a poster, a video piece, a leaflet/ booklet, a timeline or something equally creative and visual.
We do not want to see text simply copied from the internet and pasted onto a word document or
a power point, unless you are able to talk over the power point that you produce to explain your
This overview guides you through the different approaches we would like you to look at, along
with the Psychologists and their key research. We suggest that you spend the first couple of weeks
conducting your research on the different approaches, and the remainder of the time pulling all the
information together and creating your visual piece.
The following textbook can be found on Kerboodle and using
pages 124 – 137 will help you start your initial research on the
approaches. However, we do not want you to just use this and
encourage you to do your own research online (please avoid
Approaches to research:
For each approach we would like you to focus on the key assumptions i.e., what they believe drives
and influences behaviour and how one approach led to the development of the next. You do not
need to include any evaluations (strengths or weaknesses of the approaches) but do consider the
practical applications of the approaches and their theories where appropriate.
Lower Sixth
Who should complete this work?
All Psychology pupils
Biopsychology: Compulsory
Listen to the podcasts that Miss Kleimberg has created:
• (Ways of studying the brain)
• (Evaluating ways of studying the brain)
• (Localisation of function)
• (Evaluating Localisation of function)
• (Hemispheric Lateralisation)
• (Evaluating Hemispheric Lateralisation)
• (Plasticity and Functional recovery)
• (Biological rhythms - Circadian)
• (Biological rhythms - Evaluating Circadian)
• (Biological rhythms - Ultradian)
• (Biological rhythms – Evaluating Ultradian)
• (Biological rhythms – Infradian)
• (Biological rhythms - Evaluating Infradian)
• (Endogenous Pacemakers)
• (Evaluating Endogenous Pacemakers)
• (Exogenous Zeitgebers)
• (Evaluating Exogenous Zeitgebers)
Pick 1 of the 2 versions of the biopsychology revision guide given to you in lessons to complete. If
you have lost it, you can find an electronic copy on Firefly on the Summer work tab.
Your Task
• Choose at least two books and two documentaries from the list above.
• Read/ watch these over your Summer break.
• Whilst reading/watching think about what you have found interesting. Did you learn something
new? Maybe you have a newfound fascination with a philosopher or a religious concept.
• On paper or on a word document make notes on each of your chosen books /documentaries.
Your notes should include at least one thing from each that you have found interesting and why.
• After the Summer break your teacher will discuss your finding with you so be sure you are ready
to feedback.
Remove Summer Bridging Work
Strategy What to do?
Progress Exam Review your recent Remove Progress Exam and ensure you identify and cor-
rect any mistakes:
• Use the textbook to correct any misconceptions
• Respond to teacher feedback in green pen
• Re-write one or two questions that you did not achieve full marks for
• Look at grade descriptors on page 7-10 of the textbook and ensure you
understand the correct exam technique needed for the different question
Past Papers Past papers are great revision tools as they help a pupil in the following ways:
• Getting used to the structure of a paper and the language they use
• Helps with time management
• Understand the allocation of marks and marking scheme
• Good way to practice writing
• Helps to determine what areas of the subject you are confident in answer-
ing and where you might need to spend more time revising
• Self-mark using the mark scheme and grade descriptors
The following books are relatively easy to read and are written with A-Level pupils in mind:
• The Puzzle of Ethics – Peter Vardy
THE PUZZLE OF ETHICS: Vardy: 9780006281443: Books
• The Puzzle of God – Peter Vardy
The Puzzle of God : Vardy, Peter: Books
• The Puzzle of Christianity – Peter Vardy
The Puzzle of Christianity: Vardy, Peter: 9780008204242: Books
• Being Good – Simon Blackburn : being good
• Think – Simon Blackburn
Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy : Blackburn, Simon: Books
religious-studies-h573.pdf (Developments: pg. 37-40 for Year 1 topics and pg. 46
for Secularism)
Quizlet A great app that enables you to access digital flashcards for Religious Studies
Learning tools, to help with their testing and memory. Quizlet lets you find existing flashcards
flashcards, created by your peers and teachers, but also gives you the option to design your
and textbook own.
solutions |
Socratic This is a technique will help you critically analyse and interrogate wider reading.
Reading Socratic reading means that you are actively questioning the reading, to develop
your curiosity of a particular subject whilst also helping you build your own
Wider reading:
• Peter Vardy The Puzzle of God
• Peter Vardy The Puzzle of Ethics
• Peter Vardy The Puzzle of Christianity
• Richard Dawkins The God Delusion
• Plato Republic
Mindmap Mindmaps are diagrams which consist of one central starting point which you
then add several different branches to. Each branch relates to a different idea,
with the branches expanding until information has been added.
• Using the specification, create a mindmap on each topic, looking at both
content and key knowledge
• Using a different colour add AO2 analysis and evaluation
Fourth Form
Who should complete this work? All pupils continuing with Spanish at GCSE
Vocabulary learning/consolidating:
• Use the Mill Hill Spanish Quizlet account to revise the key vocabulary you have learnt this year. It
is extremely important that you are keep up with the vocabulary that you have learn this year so it
is suggested that you spend time regularly going over the following Quizlet sets:
Unit 3 – Mis pasatiempos (hobbies, sports, likes, and dislikes, weather, music and famous people)
• 3.1 Mi tiempo libre
• 3.2 Soy muy deportista
• 3.3 Mis gustos deportivos
• 3.4 Hace frío
• 3.5 Somos fanáticos de la música
Unit 4 – Mi casa (types of areas and houses, rooms in the house and your bedroom)
• 4.1 Donde vivo yo
• 4.2 Mi casa es tu casa
• 4.3 Pasa a mi casa
• 4.4 Mi habitación es mi reino
Unit 5 – En mi ciudad
• 5.1 De paseo por mi ciudad
• 5.4 Planes para el finde
• 5.5. ¿En la ciudad o en el campo?
• 5.6 Mi barrio con nostalgia
Unit 6 – Mi insti
• 6.1 Lo que estudio
• 6.2 ¡Uff! ¡Qué rollazo!
• 6.3 Mi horario escolar
• 6.4 Lo que hay en mi insti
• Claro 2 – 4.1 Esto es lo que llevo
2. Grammar consolidation:
• Complete the tasks set on Kerboodle (you will need your username and password)
• Complete tasks set on language gym to practise key verbs (go to game room/Spanish/verb
trainer). You should have an account already, if not, sign up using this code: ZUGFZ (Remember
that you need to be in the UK Server)
• Use the BBC Bitesize link here to revise vocabulary and verbs using the interactive activities. The
topics and grammar sections are really good and contain videos to help with understanding and
• Use Languages Online for further grammar and vocabulary practice:
• Use Seneca Learning (you can join for free and complete the course named Spanish KS3): https://
Who should complete this work? All pupils (particularly those who did not performed well in their End
of Year Exams).
Fifth Form
Who Should complete this work:
All pupils wishing to study Spanish A Level
Lower Sixth
Who should complete this work? All pupils
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