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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade 7

Teacher: JESSA C. DE ASIS Subject: SCIENCE


Grade: SEVEN Date: November 22, 2023

I. Objectives
Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of the parts and functions of
the compound microscope.

Performance Standard: The learners should be able to employ appropriate techniques using the compound
microscope to gather data about very small objects.

Learning Competency: Describe the different levels of biological organization from cell to biosphere.

 Identify the functions of each body system
 Describe how each body system is similar or different between various species
 Identify organs in each body system based on their function

II. Content:

Subject Matter: Levels of Biological Organization (Organs and Organ System)

Integration: English: Learners will be using as their medium of communication in their reporting and
some queries and answers.

Values: Proper behavior, attentive listening, teamwork, cooperation, cleanliness and following correct

Strategies: 7 E’s Learning Model, Cooperative Learning, Learners will be using as their medium of
communication in their reporting and some queries and answers, Collaboration Learning, Problem

Google, Internet, Science Learner’s Material

Laptop, TV, PowerPoint presentation, activity materials.
Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Pre-liminary Activities
Good morning class! Good morning, Ma’am!
(The students will follow)
Everybody stand up, and let’s pray.
“Before you sit kindly pick up pieces of trash under your chair
and arrange your chairs properly.”
“You may now take your seats.”
“Who is absent today? As I call your name, say present.
Did you get it? Yes, ma’am!

III. Learning Tasks:

ELICIT (Access prior knowledge)

Review (Student’s will answer)

In our last lesson, we have studied about the different levels of
biological organizations.
The different levels of biological
organizations are cell, tissue, organs,
organ system, organisms, population,
So, based on our previous topic, what are the different levels of
community, ecosystem and biosphere.
biological organizations.

Okay very good.

To start with our topic for today, let me introduce to you the
objectives of our lesson.
 Identify the functions of each body system.
 Describe how each body system is similar or different
between various species. The students will read the objective of
 Identify organs in each body system based on their function. the lesson.

So those are the objectives for today’s lesson.

ENGAGE (Get the students’ minds focused on the topic)

 Circulatory System - the system that circulates blood
and lymph through the body, consisting of the heart,
blood vessels, blood, lymph, and the lymphatic vessels
and glands.
 Digestive System - The group of organs that break
down food and absorb the nutrients used by the body
for fuel.
 Endocrine System - the collection of glands of an
organism that secrete hormones directly into the
circulatory system to be carried towards distant target
 Excretory System - the system of an organism's body
that performs the function of excretion, the bodily
process of discharging wastes. The Excretory system is
responsible for the elimination of wastes produced by
 Integumentary System - the organ system that
protects the body from various kinds of damage, such
as loss of water or abrasion from outside

A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ___

C. Did the remedial lessons work? ___

D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ___

E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ___

F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work? ___

G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ___

H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with another
teacher? ___

Prepared by: Noted by:


Science Teacher School Head/OIC
Activity 1: Demonstrating Techniques of Separating
• Apply and perform appropriate techniques in separating the components
of mixtures like filtration, hand picking, magnetism, decantation and sieving.
 Identify the different ways or method you used in separating mixtures.

Materials Needed:
Sand, gravel, stone, nails, water, marbles, paper clips.

1. Mixed the samples given to your group.
2. Given samples like water, sand, gravel, stone, rice grains, oil, iron filings,
and charcoal.
3. After mixing the samples, separate it using or applying any separating
4. Answer the guide questions that follow.
5. Choose a presenter to present the outputs in front of the class.
6. Groups will be given 10 minutes to finish task and present output in front.
7. Group who finishes first answering the guide questions will earn higher

Guided Questions:
1. What are the techniques/methods applying in the mixture given to your
group? Write all that applies.

2. Write the meaning of the used separating techniques/method in your


3. How important is separating mixtures? Why?

The separating methods that we use in the samples given to our group is ________________ method.
_____________ methods or technique is __________________________________________.
It is very important to have separating methods of mixtures because it can be very essential in our
everyday activity.

The output of the students will be assessed based

on the following: a. Correctness of the responses-25
pts. b. Completeness of the materials-15 pts. c.
Teamwork and Neatness- 10 pts.

A magnet could be used to separate

? water and sand
? sand and iron filings
? sand and salt
? colours in a food dye
Worksheet in Science 7
Group No. : ____________________ Section: ________________ Score: ________
Title: Greenhouse Gases (Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming)
Objective: To be able to present how sources of greenhouse gases affects the atmosphere.
Materials: Worksheet

1. The students will be grouped into 7.
2. The members of each group will brainstorm about their assigned activity.
3. Output of each group will be written inside the box.


1. What are the seven greenhouse gases in the environment?

2. Where these greenhouse gases do came from?

3. What are the effects of these greenhouse gases to the atmosphere?

4. What is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the earth’s atmosphere?

Criteria 3 points 2 points 1 point Group Score

Group output Group output is Group output is presented

is presented presented not very not clear and not
clearly and clear but confidently
confidently confidently

Concept is Concept is partially Group is trying to show the

clearly shown shown concept

All members 3 out 5 members Only 1 member answers

helped in only help in doing the activity
Team work
doing the the activity

Done with the Done with the activity 2 or

activity 1 minute more minutes after the
Timeliness Activity is done
after the allotted allotted time
on time

Total Score

Greenhouse gases are responsible for carrying out phenomenon of greenhouse effect.Greenhouse effect
is crucial to carry out life supporting activities as well as to keep a planet warm.Greenhouse gases traps
radiations of sun.Example of greenhouse gases are:

Carbon dioxideWater vaporMethaneNitrous oxideOzoneChlorofluorocarbonsHydrofluorocarbons

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