preventing alcohal

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 Over time I required a lot more than

what I used to drink to give me

pleasure. 

If I stopped drinking by myself I
would get irritated, my hands would
shiver, my sleep decreased, etc. and
in order to stop this feeling I drink
again. 

 I spend a lot of time in thinking
about alcohol and how I would get
it. 

 I know drinking alcohol is harmful
but I find it difficult to stop.
Addiction is a brain disease!
People can get better with treatment!!
If you have agreed to 3 or more of the
above mentioned statements and PREVENTING
following this pattern for over a year, you
are most likely to be dependent on GET HELP
alcohol. Contact Us
What is the best way to avoid any
problems with alcohol? NIMHANS CENTRE FOR DRINKING

Clearly the best way to avoid ANY WELL BEING (NCWB)
PROBLEM with alcohol is to
1/B, 9th Main, 1st Phase, 1st Stage,
AVOID alcohol. 
 BTM layout, Bangalore - 560076
 Be SMART- weigh the pros and cons
and make your own decision. 
Ph: 080 26685948/ 9480829670 ALCOHOL
 Email –
 If friends pressurise you- learn to

say NO 
Services: Monday and Wednesday
Timings: 02:00pm to 04:00pm
 Remember, no one HAS to drink
alcohol to stay healthy and well and
to have friends CENTRE FOR ADDICTION
Need help?
 Can’t say NO when friends
 pressurise you?  Hosur Road, Bangalore-560029
 Feel the urge to drink?  Ph: 080 26995360 (CAM) /080 26995547(OPD)

 Can’t control the amount once you Email: /
start? 

 Drink too much or too frequently?  OPD Services: Monday/Thursday/Saturday
 Timings: 09:00pm to 01:00pm
 Drink regularly and have discomfort
when you stop?
Alcohol is the most widely used intoxicant in  Taken even when the person has already
the world. It affects the user as well as people experienced harm (physical or
around them. Alcohol like any other mind psychological)- called HARMFUL
altering chemical, affects the brain’s pleasure drinking 

circuit. Over time the brain actually changes in  Used in a DEPENDENT fashion (i.e. the
certain ways so that a powerful urge to use user is ADDICTED).
alcohol controls the persons’ behaviour.
Dependence is defined as repeated use of
Who is at risk? alcohol to the point where it causes problems
ANY alcohol consumption is likely to be in multiple life areas. This is often called
unsafe if the individual has: addiction, which refers to brain changes
occurring with repeated use of alcohol.
 A family history of addiction 

A past history of alcohol related How do I know if I have a problem with
problems  alcohol?

 Underlying physical illnesses or risk to Take some time to reflect on these questions
illness that can get worsened by drinking  below…

 Psychological problems like anxiety and
depression  1. I felt that I should cut down on my
 drinking?
 Been a temperamental child or adult with
high levels of anger, impulsivity, 2. I have been annoyed by the criticism I
moodiness and anxiety received by other people because of my
alcohol consumption?
When does alcohol drinking become a problem?
ANYONE who drinks alcohol may be at 3. I have had guilty feelings about drinking?
risk to develop problems from alcohol use. Alcohol can cause problems in ANY person 4. I have needed to drink alcohol in the
when it is: morning as an eye opener?
 One in two persons who drink alcohol
has a chance of developing an alcohol  Used in excess on one drinking occasion till a If you have answered yes to one of the above
related problem in their life.  person is drunk (INTOXICATION), leading to questions you may have a drinking problem,
 change in behaviour and risk taking 
 Alcohol is associated with more than 60  and if yes to two or more of the above
diseases, some of which are shown in the  Consumed in excess, i.e. more than 2-3 drinks questions, you are very likely to have a
accompanying picture.  (1 drink is 30 ml of hard spirits, 60 ml wine) on drinking problem and need help.

a drinking occasion, daily or near-daily
 It is also well-known that regular and
drinking (AT RISK drinking)  Am I dependent on alcohol?
heavy drinking is associated with early 
death, accidents and violence.  When it is used in situations where even the  I often have a strong desire to consume
slightest mistake in judgment can cause serious alcohol, for which I’m not able to control
For most people, regular or heavy alcohol problems (drunken driving, operating myself. 
machinery, etc)  
drinking brings with it health problems,   On many occasions I decided to stop /
financial problems and problems with the  Consumed in a BINGE pattern (more than 5 reduce the amount of alcohol I would
family, work and society. Alcohol must NOT drinks on one occasion) even if the person is drink but would end up drinking more than
be used as a medicine or self-treatment for not drinking between binges I thought.
curing anxiety, stress or sadness.

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