26 Identify main parts of a screw
26 Identify main parts of a screw
26 Identify main parts of a screw
II. Content
Simple Machine: Screw
1. References
Into the Future: Science and Health, 5 J.F Llarinas TM. Pp. 110-111
Science for Daily Use 5, C.Tan Pp. 191-193
The New Science, Health & Environment 5, F. Ecaldre, etal p.319
Science Links: Work text in Science & Technology, E. Casante Pp.360-361,
Science and Me 5, E. Abracia, p. 197
2. Additional Materials from Learning
3. Other Learning Resources
Real Objects: Different Screws Pictures of Simple Machines, video clip
III. Procedures
A. Reviewing previous lesson
What are the kinds of pulley?
Describe how a fixed pulley help us do work.
How does a movable pulley make work easier?
What is the advantage of using pulley
B. Establishing a purpose of a lesson
Look at the picture.
What is the man doing?
What does he use to lift the car so that he can change the flat tire?
A jack screw is a simple machine.
How does the jack screw help the man in doing his work?
Group I “How a Screw Helps Us Do Work”
You need:
2pcs. Of wood 1screw 1screw driver
Guide Questions:
1. How does a screw look like?
J. Evaluation
Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. What does screw do?
a. Multiplies speed c. changes direction
b. Multiplies effort d. decreases speed
2. The sharp spiral edge of a screw is called _____.
a. Thread c. Point
b. Pitch d. blade
3. Enhancement: How are the following screw are used in the demonstrated