SA-5 - Class Notes

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Fundamentals of influence lines

 In the previous chapters, we considered the analysis of structures subjected to loads whose positions were fixed
on the structures.
 An example of such stationary loading is the dead load due to the weight of the structure itself and of other material
and equipment permanently attached to the structure.
 It was shown that the shear and moment diagrams represent the most descriptive methods for
displaying the variation of these loads in a member.

 However, structures generally are also subjected to loads (such as live loads and environmental loads) whose
positions may vary on the structure.

 An influence line represents the variation of either the reaction, shear, or moment, at
a specific point in a member as a concentrated force moves along the member.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
 Once this line is constructed, one can tell at a glance where the moving load should be placed on the structure
so that it creates the greatest influence at the specified point.

 The magnitude of the associated reaction, shear, or moment at the point can then be calculated
from the ordinates of the influence-line diagram.

 Difference between constructing an influence line and constructing a shear or moment diagram.

 Influence lines represent the effect of a moving load only at a specified point on a member

 Shear and moment diagrams represent the effect of fixed loads at all points along the axis of the member.

 An influence line is a graph of a response function of a structure as a function of the position of a

downward unit load moving across the structure.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Construct the influence line at a specific point P in a member for any function (reaction, shear, or moment).

We will choose the moving force to have a dimensionless magnitude of unity.

Method 1) Tabulate Values

• Place a unit load at various locations, x, along the member, and at each location use statics to
determine the value of the function (reaction, shear, or moment) at the specified point.
• If the influence line for a vertical force reaction at the support of a beam is to be constructed,
consider the reaction to be positive when it acts upward on the beam.
• If a shear or moment influence line is to be drawn for a point, take the shear or moment at the point
as positive according to the same sign convention used for drawing shear and moment diagrams.
• All statically determinate beams will have influence lines that consist of straight-line segments.
• To avoid errors, first construct a table, listing the “unit load at x” versus the corresponding value of
the function calculated at the specific point; that is, “reaction R,” “shear V,” or “moment M.” Once the
load has been placed at various points along the span, the tabulated values can be plotted, and the
influence-line segments constructed.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Method 2) Influence-Line Equations

• The influence line can also be constructed by placing the unit load at a variable position x on the
member and then calculating the value of R, V, or M at the point as a function of x. In this manner, the
equations of the various line segments composing the influence line can be determined and plotted.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Ex.1) Construct the influence line for the vertical reaction at A of the beam.

Tabulate Values
A unit load is placed on the beam at each selected point x, and the
corresponding value of Ay is calculated by summing moments about B.

The result values for Ay A plot of these values yields the influence line for the reaction at A

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Influence-Line Equation
Rather than placing the unit load at specific points on the beam and plotting the values of Ay for each point,
we can place the unit load a variable distance x from A,

The reaction Ay as a function of x can be determined from

This is the equation of the influence line.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Ex.2) Construct the influence line for the vertical reaction at B of the beam.

Tabulate Values
Using statics, verify that the values for the reaction By listed in
the table below are correct for each position x of the unit load.
A plot of the values yields the influence line

Influence-Line Equation
We must determine the reaction By when the unit load is placed a distance x from A

Applying the moment equation about A

This equation is plotted

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Ex.3) Construct the influence line for the shear at point C of the beam.

Tabulate Values
At each selected position x of the unit load, the method of
sections is used to calculate the value of VC.

In particular,the unit load must be placed just to the left (x = 2.5- ) and just
to the right (x = 2.5+ ) of point C since the shear is discontinuous at C.

The result values for VC

A plot of the values yields the
influence line for the shear at C

Here the diagram gives the shear at C as the unit load moves
SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar from one position to the next along the beam.
Influence-Line Equation
First, we determine Ay

Here two equations have to be determined, since there are two segments for the influence line due to the
discontinuity of shear at C.
We then obtain the internal shear at C for each region
The equations are plotted

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Ex.4) Construct the influence line for the shear at point C of the beam.

Tabulate Values
Using statics and the method of sections, verify that the values
of the shear VC at point C correspond to each position x of the
unit load on the beam.

A plot of the values yields the

The result values for VC influence line for the shear at C

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Influence-Line Equation

These equations are plotted below:

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Construction of influence lines for beams
 Once the influence line for a function (reaction, shear, or moment) has been constructed, it will then be possible
to position the live loads on the beam so that they produce the maximum value of the function

Concentrated Force
 Since the numerical values of a function for an influence line are determined using a dimensionless unit load,
then for any concentrated force F acting on the beam at any position x, the value of the function can be found
by multiplying the ordinate of the influence line at the position x by the magnitude of F.

 Consider the influence line for the reaction at A.

 If the moving unit load is at x = L/2, the reaction at A is Ay = 1/2 ,
 If the moving force F (N) is at this same point, the reaction is Ay = 1/2 *F (N)

 Obviously, the maximum influence caused by F occurs when it is placed

on the beam at the same location as the peak of the influence line,
which in this case is at x = 0, where the reaction would be Ay = 1*F (N).

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Uniform Load
 Consider a portion of a beam subjected to a uniform load w0

 In general, the value of a function (reaction, shear, or moment) caused by a uniform distributed load is simply the
area under the influence line for the function multiplied by the intensity of the uniform load.

 In the case of the beam subjected to the moving distributed load w0, the reaction Ay can be determined from the
influence line as Ay = (area)(w0) = [(1/2)(L)] w0 =1/2 w0L.
 This value can, of course, also be determined from statics by considering the beam to be fully loaded with w0 and
then calculating Ay.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Ex.5) Determine the maximum positive shear that can be developed at point C in the beam due
to a concentrated moving load of 4 kN and a uniform moving load of 2 (kN/m).

 The influence line for the shear at C has been

established in Example 3 and is shown here:

Concentrated Force
The maximum positive shear at C will occur when the 4-kN force is located at x = 2.5+ m, since this is the positive peak
of the influence line. The ordinate of this peak is +0.75; so that VC = 0.75*4 (kN) = 3 kN

Uniform Load
The uniform moving load creates the maximum positive influence for VC when the load acts on the beam between
x = 2.5+ m and x = 10 m, since within this region the influence line has a positive area. Using this area, the
magnitude of VC is

Total Maximum Shear at C

(VC)max = 3 (kN) + 5.625 (kN) = 8.625 (kN)

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Qualitative Influence Lines
 The influence line for a loading (reaction, shear, or moment) is to the same scale as the deflected shape of the beam
when the beam is acted upon by the loading.

 In order to draw this deflected shape, the capacity of the beam to resist the applied loading must be removed
so the beam can deflect when the loading is applied.

 If the shape of the influence line for the vertical reaction at A is to be determined,

 the pin is first replaced by a roller guide. A roller guide is necessary since the
beam must still resist a horizontal force at A but no vertical force.

 When the positive (upward) force Ay (loading) is then applied at A, the beam deflects to
the dashed position, which represents the general shape of the influence line for Ay

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
 If the shape of the influence line for the shear (loading) at C is to be determined,

 the connection at C is symbolized by a roller guide. This device will resist a moment
and axial force but no shear.

 Applying a positive shear force VC to the beam at C and allowing the beam to deflect
to the dashed position, we find the influence-line shape for VC

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
 If the shape of the influence line for the moment (loading) at C, is to be determined,

 an internal hinge or pin is placed at C, since this connection resists axial and shear
forces but cannot resist a moment.

 Applying positive moments MC to the beam, the beam then deflects to the dashed
position, which is the shape of the influence line for MC

 Once the influence-line shape has been established, the ordinates at the peaks can be determined by using the basic
 Also, by simply knowing the general shape of the influence line, it is possible to locate the live load on the beam and
then determine the maximum value of the function by using statics.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Ex.6) For each beam, sketch the influence line for the vertical reaction at A.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Ex.7) For each beam, sketch the influence line for the shear at B.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Ex.8) For each beam, sketch the influence line for the moment at B.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Ex.9) Determine the maximum positive moment that can be developed at point D in the beam due to a concentrated
moving load of 16 kN, a uniform moving load of 3 (kN/m), and a beam weight of 2 (kN/m).

 A hinge is placed at D and positive moments MD are applied to the beam.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
 Here the concentrated moving load of 4 kN creates a maximum positive moment at D when it is placed at D,
i.e., the positive peak of the influence line.
 Also, the uniform moving load of 3 kN/m must extend from C to E in order to cover the region where the area
of the influence line is positive.
 Finally, the uniform dead weight of 2 kN/m acts over the entire length of the beam.

 Knowing the position of the loads, we can now determine the maximum moment at D using statics.

Sectioning the beam at D and using segment DE, we have

Right-part: ƩMC=0 → Ey =19, ƩFy=0 → Cy =33

Left-part: ƩFx=0 → Ax =0, ƩMA=0 → By =2, ƩFy=0 → Ay =2
Construction of influence lines for floor girders

Load Path
 Here the floor loads are transmitted from the slab to the floor beams,
then to the side girders, and finally to the supporting columns.

 Here the slab is assumed to be a one-way slab and is segmented

into simply supported spans resting on the floor beams.
 Also, the girder is simply supported on the columns.
 Since the girders are main load-carrying members in this system,
it is sometimes necessary to construct their shear and moment
An idealized model of this influence lines.
system is shown in front view

 The moving unit load on the floor slab is transferred to the girder only at
points where it is in contact with the floor beams, i.e., points A, B, C, and D.
 These points are called panel points, and the region between these points is
called a panel, such as BC
SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
 The influence line for the shear or moment at a specified point P in the girder can be
determined by placing the unit load at various points x on the floor slab and always calculate
the function (shear or moment) at the point P in the girder.
 Plotting these values versus x yields the influence line for the function at P.

 Note that the internal moment in a girder panel will depend upon where point P is chosen, since
the magnitude of MP depends upon this point’s location from the end of the girder.

 If the unit load acts on the floor slab, one first finds the reactions FB and FC on the
slab, then calculates the support reactions F1 and F2 on the girder.

 The internal moment at P is then determined by the method of sections.

 This gives MP = F1d - FB(d - s). Using a similar analysis, the internal shear VP can be
determined. In this case, however, VP will be constant throughout the panel BC
(VP = F1 - FB) and so it does not depend upon the exact location d of P within the panel.

 For this reason, influence lines for shear in floor girders are specified for panels in the girder and not specific points
along the girder. The shear is then referred to as panel shear.
SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Ex.10) Draw the influence line for the shear in panel CD of the floor girder.

Tabulate Values
The unit load is placed at each floor beam location and the shear in panel CD is calculated.

 In each of these cases the reactions of the floor beams on the girder are calculated first, followed by a determination
of the girder support reaction at F (Gy is not needed), and finally, a part of the girder is considered and the internal
panel shear VCD is calculated.
A table of the results is shown below

Influence Line
When the tabular values are plotted and the points connected with straight line
segments, the resulting influence line for VCD is as shown:

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Construction of influence lines for trusses
 Trusses are often used as primary load-carrying structures for bridges.

Load Path
 The loading on the bridge deck is transmitted to stringers, which in
turn transmit it to floor beams, and then to the joints along the
bottom cord of the truss.

 Since the truss members are affected only by the joint loading, we can therefore
obtain the ordinate values of the influence line for a truss member by loading
each joint along the deck with a unit load and then using the method of joints or
the method of sections to calculate the force in the member.

 As a convention, if the member force is tensile, it is considered a positive value; if it is compressive, it is negative.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Ex.11) Draw the influence line for the force in member GB of the bridge truss.

Tabulate Values
Here each successive joint at the bottom cord is loaded with a unit load
and the force in member GB is calculated using the method of sections.

 By placing the unit load at x = 6 m ( joint B), the support reaction at E is calculated first, then passing a section
through HG, GB, BC and isolating the right segment, the force in GB is determined.

Influence Line
Plotting the tabular data and connecting the points
yields the influence line for member GB.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Maximum influence lines due to a series of concentrated loads

 Once the influence line for a reaction, shear, or moment has been established for a point in a structure, the maximum
effect caused by a moving concentrated force is determined by multiplying the peak ordinate of the influence line by
the magnitude of the force.

 In the cases, several concentrated forces may move along the structure, to determine the maximum effect, either a
trial-and-error procedure can be used or a method that is based on the change in the reaction, shear, or moment that
takes place as the load is moved.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Consider the simply supported beam with the
associated influence line for the shear at point C.

The maximum positive shear at point C is to be determined when a series of concentrated (wheel)
loads moves from right to left over the beam.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
 The critical loading will occur when one of the loads is placed just to the right of point C, which is coincident with the
positive peak of the influence line (0.75).
 By trial and error each of three possible cases can therefore be investigated.

 Case 2, with the 4.5 kN force located 1.5+ m from

the left support, yields the largest value for VC and
therefore represents the critical loading.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
 When many moving concentrated loads act on the span, as in the case of the train, the trial-and-error calculations
can be tedious.

 Instead, the critical position of the loads can be determined in a more direct manner by finding the change in shear, V,
which occurs when the loads move from Case 1 to Case 2, then from Case 2 to Case 3, etc.

 If each computed V is positive, the new position will yield a larger shear in the beam at C than the previous position.

 Each movement is investigated until a negative change in shear is calculated. When this occurs, the previous position
of the loads will give the critical value.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
 To illustrate this method numerically consider again the beam, loading, and influence line for VC

The slope is
and the jump at C has a magnitude of

then when the loads of Case 1 move 1.5 m to Case 2, the 4.5-kN load jumps down (-1) and all the loads move up
the slope of the influence line. This causes a change of shear of

Since this result is positive, Case 2 will yield a larger value for VC than Case 1.

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Investigating ∆V2 - 3, which occurs when Case 2 moves to Case 3, we must account
for the downward (negative) jump of the 18-kN load and the 1.5-m horizontal
movement of all the loads up the slope of the influence line. We have

Since ∆V2 - 3 is negative, Case 2 is the position of the critical loading, as determined previously.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
We can also use the earlier methods to determine the critical position of a
series of moving concentrated forces so that they create the largest
internal moment at a specific point in a structure. Of course, it is first
necessary to draw the influence line for the moment at the point.

When the loads of Case 1 are moved 1.2 m to the left to Case 2,
it is observed that the 9-kN load decreases ∆M1 - 2, since the
slope (2.25/3) is downward.

Likewise, the 18-kN and 13.5-kN forces cause an increase of ∆M1 - 2,

since the slope [2.25/(12 - 3)] is upward. We have

Since ∆M1 - 2 is positive, we must further investigate moving the loads 1.8 m
from Case 2 to Case 3.

Here the change is negative, so the greatest moment at C will occur when the
beam is loaded as shown in Case 2. The maximum moment at C, is therefore
Ex.12) Determine the maximum positive moment created at point B in the beam
due to the wheel loads of a crane.

Why is the 4-kN load not included in the calculations?

Here the 4-kN load was initially 1 m off the beam, and therefore moves only 2 m on the beam.

Since there is a sign change in MB, the correct position of the loads for maximum positive moment at B occurs when
the 8-kN force is at B. Therefore,

(MB) max = 8(1.20) + 3(0.4) = 10.8 kN.m SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar

Absolute maximum shear and moment

 Previous we developed the methods for calculating the maximum shear and moment at a specified point in a beam
due to a series of concentrated moving loads.
 A more general problem involves the determination of both the location of the point in the beam and the position
of the loading on the beam so that one can obtain the absolute maximum shear and moment caused by the loads.

 If the beam is cantilevered or simply supported, this problem can be readily solved.

For a cantilevered beam the absolute maximum shear will occur at a point
located just next to the fixed support. The maximum shear is found by the
method of sections, with the loads positioned anywhere on the span.

For simply supported beams the absolute maximum shear will occur just
next to one of the supports. For example, if the loads are equivalent, they are
positioned so that the first one in sequence is placed close to the support.
SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
The absolute maximum moment for a cantilevered beam occurs at
the same point where absolute maximum shear occurs, although in
this case the concentrated loads should be positioned at the far end
of the beam.

 For a simply supported beam the critical position of the loads and the associated absolute maximum moment cannot,
in general, be determined by inspection. We can, however, determine the position analytically.

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Ex.13) Determine the absolute maximum moment in the simply supported bridge deck.

The magnitude and position of the resultant force of the system

are determined first. We have

Let us first assume the absolute maximum moment occurs under the 6-kN load. The load and the resultant force
are positioned equidistant from the beam’s centerline,

Using the resultant force to calculate Ay, we have

Now using the left section of the beam, to determine the

moment under the 6-kN load, we have

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
There is a possibility that the absolute maximum moment may occur under the 8-kN load, since 8 kN > 6 kN and FR is
between both 8 kN and 6 kN.

To investigate this case, the 8 kN load and FR are positioned equidistant from the beam’s centerline.

Show that Ay = 7 kN as indicated below and that under the 8 kN load,

MS = 24.5 kN.m

By comparison, the absolute maximum moment is

MS = 26.0 kN.m

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Exercise 1:
Influence lines for
a beam

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Exercise 2:
Influence lines for
floor girders

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Exercise 3:
influence lines due
to a series of point

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Problem 1:
lines for a

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Problem 2:
Influence lines
for floor girders

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Problem 3:
Influence lines
for a truss

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar
Problem 4:
influence lines
due to a series of
point loads

SA - Prof. A. Khoshraftar

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